How to use brewer's yeast. Brewer's yeast, treatment. What diseases does Live Brewer's Yeast help with?

Great value yeast have in brewing. Large beer factories usually have laboratories for growing brewer's yeast. The quality of beer directly depends on the quality of the yeast. Brewer's yeast is divided into two groups: top-fermenting and bottom-fermenting yeast. The first ones work at more high temperature and during the fermentation process they float up, the bottom fermentation yeast settles down. During the fermentation process, the volume of yeast increases several times. Typically, brewer's yeast is used 8-10 times, then replaced with fresh ones. Spent yeast is usually disposed of or used in pharmacology or agriculture(livestock farming).

Many large breweries (Moscow - Ochakovo, St. Petersburg - Stepan Razin, Tula - Baltika, etc.) sell brewer's yeast for free sale. With the development of small businesses and private entrepreneurship, mini beer factories and breweries were created and opened in many cities, the principle of operation of which is similar to that described above. Therefore, the answer to the question of where to get live brewer’s yeast suggests itself - at your nearest brewery. Moreover, in some cases you can get them completely free for medicinal purposes. At home, bottom-fermenting brewer's yeast is usually used.

What is live brewer's yeast: it is a liquid substrate with a consistency reminiscent of thick sour cream or yogurt with a characteristic odor and slightly bitter taste. The color can vary from light gray (cafe au lait) to almost brown. The color of the yeast is determined by the type of beer in which it was fermented and does not affect its quality in any way. Yeast is usually dispensed in a clean glass container with a wide neck and a tight-fitting lid (1-2 liter jar). During transportation under the influence of temperature and other external factors Yeast can produce gas and increase in volume, so do not fill the container completely and close the lid as tightly as possible. At home, the yeast should be poured into a clean glass container of twice the volume (3 liter jar), pour cold raw water(not boiled) and stir. Brewer's yeast is an unstable product, and its decomposition at room temperature begins after a few hours, so it must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of +4 - +10 ° C, but under no circumstances in the freezer. After the yeast has settled, the water can be drained and the yeast used. Every other day, the yeast should be allowed to breathe - leaving it for 15-20 minutes without filling it with water, after which the whole procedure should be repeated.

Take brewer's yeast once or twice a day, 30 minutes before meals (adults - 1 tablespoon, children - 1 teaspoon) with water or diluted in 1/2 cup of warm milk. Although side effects Brewer's yeast was not detected when taking brewer's yeast, but due to great content their nucleic acids Not recommended for use by elderly people and those with kidney disease. Therefore, before starting use, consult your doctor.

The popular dietary supplement “Brewer's Yeast” will help improve your health and well-being. But only if it is used correctly.

Types of brewer's yeast

Liquid brewer's yeast, also called live yeast, has the greatest strength and effectiveness, but its wide distribution is hampered by its too short shelf life (from 6 to 8 hours).

Dry brewer's yeast in the form of powder, granules or tablets is stored much longer - from 2 to 3 years. Brewer's yeast is grown by fermenting high-quality beer wort made from hops and malt.

Due to the fact that the most common form of release of brewer's yeast is tablets, they will be discussed further.

Useful properties of the drug

These dietary supplements contain 17 types of amino acids and 14 vitamins. Vitamins of groups B, C, D, E, F and PP are easily soluble in water and therefore do not accumulate in the body.

Brewer's yeast contains oleic, linoleic and arachidonic acids, trace elements calcium, chromium, selenium, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, copper, sulfur, sodium and many others.

Brewer's yeast activates digestion, improves secretion and motility gastrointestinal tract, normalize appetite, .

Yeast reduces the amount sebum, therefore indispensable for people with problematic oily skin. They help with eczema, psoriasis and dermatosis, strengthen nails and hair.

This food supplement normalizes the acid-base balance of fluids in the body, strengthens the immune system and cardiovascular system, and when physical exhaustion and anemia quickly restores the body's strength.

Indications for use and rules of administration

Brewer's yeast is prescribed for dysbacteriosis, group B hypovitaminosis, angular stomatitis, alcoholism, prolonged exposure to radiation and harmful chemical substances, arterial hypertension.

They are also irreplaceable in the case of extreme physical, mental and neuropsychic stress, in case of disturbances in protein-carbohydrate and mineral metabolism substances.

The preventive course of treatment with brewer's yeast is usually 1 month.

Brewer's yeast is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age. At the age of 3 to 7 years, the drug is taken 2 times a day, 0.25 g. For a child over 7 years old, the daily dose of the drug can be doubled - 0.5 g 2 times a day.

Children over 12 years of age and adults are prescribed 1 g of brewer's yeast 3 times a day. In case of treatment, the dosage of the drug is doubled.

When should you take the drug: before or after meals? As a rule, brewer's yeast is taken 10 minutes before meals. If the instructions do not say anything, take the dietary supplement after meals.


There are few of them, but they exist. It is not recommended to take brewer's yeast for older people and people suffering from gout or kidney disease.

In case of atrophy optic nerve(Leber's disease) and candidal dysbiosis, the drug must be taken with extreme caution.

This food supplement is not prohibited for pregnant women, however, consultation with a doctor before starting use is mandatory.

During treatment with brewer's yeast, avoid consuming vitamin B1-lowering drugs. oral contraceptives, diuretics and alcoholic beverages.

Take care of yourself! Be always healthy!

Erudite beer lovers are happy to talk about the fact that two or three hundred years ago this drink was considered a cure for many diseases. Doctors recommended beer to fragile city young ladies to improve appetite and complexion, to hysterical ladies to calm their nerves, to those wounded in hospitals to restore strength.

Quality beer really contains a lot useful substances. But in our time, such treatment recipes are not applicable: firstly, it is difficult to find live, unfiltered beer without synthetic additives, and secondly, with such a medicine it will not take long to acquire beer alcoholism. However, scientists have found that brewer's yeast is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements that are easily digestible. human body. The use of brewer's yeast for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, as well as for strengthening the immune system, brings very good results.

Types of brewer's yeast

There are three forms of brewer's yeast commercially available:

  • Live (liquid) brewer's yeast. Sold at breweries. The additive in this form is most powerful, but there is a significant drawback: liquid yeast can be stored at room temperature for no more than 6–8 hours, and in the refrigerator (at a temperature of +7 to +10 ° C). Live brewer's yeast should not be taken in case of fungal diseases (in particular, thrush) or intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Dry brewer's yeast in the form of powder or granules is sold in pharmacies. Dry yeast lasts much longer than liquid yeast.
  • Brewer's yeast in tablets. In this form, both conventional dietary supplements (dietary supplements) are produced, without impurities, and enriched with various minerals or vitamins.

Beneficial properties of brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is one of the most effective dietary supplements, containing:

  • 14 vitamins: group B (ensure the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system, prevent the occurrence of Parkinson’s disease, accelerate cell regeneration, improve vision, slow down the aging process), as well as C, D, E, F, PP;
  • 17 amino acids, most of which are essential;
  • unsaturated fatty acid(arachidonic, oleic and linoleic);
  • potassium, chromium, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, sodium, sulfur, copper and other trace elements.
  • All vitamins contained in brewer's yeast are water-soluble and therefore do not accumulate in the body. This supplement significantly improves well-being in case of vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis. Dietary supplements based on brewer's yeast are useful for vegetarians to take periodically: in the composition of such preparations - folic acid, the source of which for the body is mainly meat food. Folic acid is involved in the process of DNA synthesis during cell division and has a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

The benefits of brewer's yeast are as follows:

  • improve appetite, normalize digestion and metabolism;
  • contribute to achieving optimal weight. If body weight is excessive, then due to acceleration metabolic processes you can lose a few extra pounds. People who are underweight take yeast, on the contrary, they gain weight. This effect is often used by athletes who want to pump up muscle mass;
  • due to the high chromium content, they alleviate the condition of patients with type II diabetes;
  • The antioxidants contained in yeast slow down the aging process;
  • hinder the emergence and development oncological diseases liver;
  • calms stress, emotional exhaustion, sudden shifts mood;
  • restore strength in case of physical exhaustion, anemia, strengthen the immune system;
  • help withstand significant physical and mental stress;
  • normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • maintain optimal level acid-base balance in organism;
  • help get rid of acne, rashes, improve skin condition with furunculosis, dermatosis, eczema, psoriasis;
  • strengthen hair and stop hair loss;
  • strengthen nails and make them less brittle.

Contraindications to taking brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast can only be harmful if you do not follow the instructions and recommendations of your doctor. Taking medications with brewer's yeast is contraindicated:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • for elderly people (dietary supplement contains a large number of nucleic acid);
  • people with kidney diseases;
  • for those who are allergic to brewer's yeast.
  • This supplement is not prohibited for pregnant women, but before you start taking it, you should consult your doctor.

Features of taking brewer's yeast for various diseases

Brewer's yeast, unlike beer, does not contain alcohol. Therefore, they are allowed to be taken by children starting from the age of three.

Before use, live yeast is diluted with milk, fruit or vegetable juice, water in the proportion: one tablespoon of the drug per half a glass of liquid.

The medicine is taken 30–40 minutes before meals. For prevention, the following dosage is recommended:

  • for children from 3 to 6 years old, the dosage of the drug should be prescribed by a doctor;
  • for children from 6 to 12 years old – 3 times a day, a teaspoon;
  • for children aged 12–16 years – 3 times a day, a tablespoon;
  • for adults (over 16 years old) – 3 times a day, 2-3 tablespoons.
  • The duration of the course is 30 days, after which you need to take a break for 1–3 months.

In other cases, the dosage regimen depends on the disease:

  • for skin problems (acne, rashes), as well as vitamin deficiency, you should drink a tablespoon of live yeast diluted in milk at least 2 times a day half an hour before meals;
  • at low acidity stomach - 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, drink 2 tablespoons of yeast diluted in water;
  • for burning and cramping in the intestines - 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, take a tablespoon of yeast (mix with water). Add half a teaspoon of grated ginger to the solution;
  • for colitis and enterocolitis - drink a tablespoon of yeast (diluted with a glass of carrot juice) 2-3 times a day between meals.
  • for insomnia, drink a tablespoon of live yeast mixed with a glass of warm milk at night for 20 days. A pinch of ground cardamom is added to the medicine.

The easiest way to dose brewer's yeast is in tablets: the dosage regimen is indicated in the instructions. However exact dosage It’s best to discuss it with your doctor.

How to choose the right brewer's yeast enriched with microelements

To make the benefits of brewer's yeast even more significant, various beneficial substances are added to it. Knowing why the body needs a specific microelement, you can easily choose the right dietary supplement for yourself:

  • iron prevents a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood. It is recommended to drink yeast with iron for anemia;
  • zinc lowers cholesterol levels, has antiviral and antibacterial properties, and also has a beneficial effect on reproductive function. Dietary supplements with zinc are primarily advisable for those who are planning to conceive a child;
  • magnesium is involved in the process of protein synthesis in the body; this trace element is necessary for the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • succinic acid makes muscles more elastic, helping to withstand significant physical activity;
  • selenium is an immunomodulator that slows down aging and is necessary for normal operation liver;
  • sulfur strengthens nails and hair, cleanses the skin;
  • calcium prevents the development of osteoporosis and ensures bone strength;
  • iodine – supports immune system, work thyroid gland, has a calming effect. First of all, yeast with iodine is needed by those who suffer from constant stress;
  • potassium – improves oxygen supply to the brain, reduces arterial pressure, ensures the functioning of muscles (including the heart).

Brewer's yeast in cosmetology

In order to strengthen your hair and clear your skin of pimples and blackheads, you should not only take brewer’s yeast, but also make face and hair masks with it.

Facial masks with brewer's yeast

For rashes, acne, peeling skin, age spots It is recommended to dilute 2 teaspoons of dry brewer's yeast or 2 tablespoons of live yeast with kefir. The mixture should infuse for an hour and a half. Apply the thickened mass to the face and neck, and after 15 minutes wash off with warm water. boiled water. The mask is designed to clean normal and oily skin, whitens it and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

For mature and dry skin, kefir should be replaced warm milk, leave the mixture for an hour and keep on your face for 20 minutes. The mask perfectly rejuvenates. It is recommended to apply 5-7 days in a row, then take a break for 2-3 weeks.

Brewer's yeast hair masks

Hair masks are done no more than once a week (three weeks in a row, then a break for 7–14 days):

  • for dry hair, mix half a glass of kefir with 10 g of dry yeast and a teaspoon of honey. The mass is infused for half an hour, after which it is applied to the hair, the head is warmly wrapped and the mixture is washed off after an hour;
  • For oily hair make a mask from 10 g of dry brewer's yeast, a tablespoon of water and raw chicken egg. The mixture ferments and swells for an hour in a warm place, after which it is applied to the head and wrapped in a towel, kept for an hour and washed off with warm water.

Brewer's yeast– is a source of natural proteins and vitamins, an effective therapeutic and prophylactic agent. For medicinal purposes, brewer's yeast is grown during the fermentation of beer wort, which is obtained from high-quality hops and barley malt.

Composition of brewer's yeast

Yeasts are widespread in nature. The protein they contain is highly digestible. They give it great value essential amino acids, which are almost in full force found in yeast protein.

Other valuable nutrients found in brewer's yeast include:

  • carbohydrates;
  • fourteen vitamins: all B vitamins (choline, thiamine, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid and folic acid) and vitamins E, PP, H, provitamin D and others;
  • essential fatty acids;
  • enzymes β-fructofuranosidase, glucosidase, peptidase, proteinase;
  • a large number of minerals: calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, phosphorus, selenium and others.

Benefits of brewer's yeast

It is thanks to the large amount of valuable nutrients that brewer’s yeast is widely used in medical practice How effective remedy, promoting the body's resistance to infection and increasing its tone and general well-being, increasing efficiency, strengthening immunity and resistance to fatigue and stress.

Brewer's yeast improves the absorption of food, improves motor skills, pancreatic secretion, increases appetite, and helps eliminate toxic substances from the body.

It is very useful to take brewer's yeast to improve the condition of your hair - your hair begins to grow faster and becomes stronger.

The skin functions well under the influence of the components of brewer's yeast; in case of wounds and cuts, rapid tissue regeneration occurs. For the skin, brewer's yeast is a real storehouse of useful substances that helps eliminate many skin problems.

Brewer's yeast is considered biologically active additive replenishing the deficit.

Daily dose 5-7 grams of brewer's yeast completely provides the body with riboflavin and thiamine.

Fortified brewer's yeast is now widely used.

Enriched brewer's yeast. Properties:

  • Succinic acid, in interaction with protein-rich brewer's yeast, increases muscle elasticity, resulting in the prevention of overworked muscles. painful sensations, the body's adaptability to growth increases physical activity, exhaustion does not occur.
  • Magnesium is necessary for protein synthesis and energy reserves in the body. Magnesium deficiency causes unpleasant symptoms, which magnesium-enriched brewer's yeast helps prevent.
  • Zinc has antitoxic and antivirus properties, increasing resistance to colds and stress. A lack of zinc in the body leads to increased cholesterol levels, prostate diseases, inhibition of spermatogenesis, loss of sexual activity, infertility, decreased taste and olfactory sensitivity, and the development of various skin diseases and destruction of the structure of nails and hair.
  • Brewer's yeast with iron prevents a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood and anemia.
  • Brewer's yeast with selenium is one of the best sources of selenium, since it contains selenium in an easily digestible, bioavailable form. Selenium increases the body's resistance, has an immunomodulatory effect, activates antiviral defense, and also has beneficial effect on the liver suffering from acute or chronic disease. In addition, an introduction to daily diet brewer's yeast enriched with selenium helps prevent premature aging, development infectious diseases and even malignant tumors.

Indications for use of brewer's yeast:

How to take brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast should be taken orally after meals. The dosage must be indicated on the package if you are taking yeast purchased at a pharmacy. If you were brought yeast from a brewery, then the dosage is as follows: adults - 2 teaspoons diluted in half a glass of water per day, and children - 1 teaspoon.

Brewer's yeast from the brewery is by-product beer industry. They absorb vitamins and nutrients from other ingredients used in the brewing process. As brewer's yeast grows, it absorbs nutrients and absorbs aromas, which is why yeast from the brewery is often quite bitter.

The duration of taking brewer's yeast is 1-2 months, after which you need to take a break for 2-3 months.

WITH for preventive purposes, you need to take one month: adults 2-3 times a day, 1 gram, children from three to seven years old - once a day, 0.25 grams; and for children from 7 to 12 years old - 2 times a day, 0.5 grams. After a month of taking it, take a break for 3 months and start prevention again.

When taking brewer's yeast, it is possible allergic reactions– skin tooth or urticaria.

Brewer's yeast should not be taken if you have hypersensitive kidney disease, and it is also not recommended for older people, as it contains a large amount of nucleic acids.

Because of high content phosphorus in yeast, their use is not recommended for people suffering from osteoporosis. If you take large amounts of brewer's yeast, make sure you also have enough calcium in your diet.

Brewer's yeast for those who don't want to gain weight

Many people refuse to drink brewer's yeast, fearing that it might make them gain weight. However, this is not entirely true, although brewer's yeast increases appetite, which occurs due to improved metabolism. But this does not mean that you will pounce on food if you are used to regulating the number of meals you eat.

The most important amino acids contained in brewer's yeast are involved in the construction of various body tissues, but only in the presence of power load does an increase in muscle mass occur. Otherwise, if the quality and quantity of food leaves much to be desired, an increase in fat mass will occur.

In turn, an increase in muscle mass also leads to an increase in body weight, but more proportional and prominent.

Improper metabolism is the main cause of excess weight, as well as excessive thinness.

But brewer's yeast is precisely capable of normalizing metabolism, and integrated approach to resolve the issue and lead to the desired result.

Liquid brewer's yeast from hops

Pour a glass of dry ground hops into two glasses hot water and boil until reduced by half. Strain and cool. Add a tablespoon of sugar, half a glass of flour to the warm broth, stir, cover with gauze and put in a warm place for two days. Liquid yeast is ready. Strain the mixture and pour into a bottle. Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Liquid brewer's yeast from barley

We wash half a glass of barley and fill it with water for two days. We change the water twice a day. We drain the water and leave the wet grain to germinate for 2-4 days at a temperature no higher than 18 degrees C. When the length of the root is compared with the length of the grain, we stop germination. Pour the sprouts into a frying pan and fry for 15 minutes without oil like seeds until dry and golden brown.

Next, for good measure, we need to break off the roots from the roasted grain. Since they have already fulfilled their function and will only add bitterness. But this is not easy to do (when producing high-quality malt, this is done by repeated stirring and shaking). So the grain will come with roots.

Grind the grains in a meat grinder, add flour in a ratio of 2:1, 3 tablespoons of sugar and a glass of water. Cook this porridge for half an hour, stirring. Cool, add a glass of warm boiled water and leave in a warm place for a day or two. When the mixture rises, strain and pour the liquid yeast into a bottle. Store covered in the refrigerator.

If barley is not available, wheat grains can be used.

High-quality brewer's yeast can be prepared from

Based on materials women's magazine

Dry brewer's yeast traditional medicine practically does not use, but in folk methods treatment, this component is used very often. Most often they drink brewer's yeast to gain weight. They are a dietary supplement with high content B vitamins and amino acids. They are taken by people who are actively involved in sports and seek to increase muscle mass. But, having created certain conditions, you can use yeast for weight loss. This supplement has also shown its effectiveness in the treatment of skin diseases, especially acne and teenage acne. However, in in moderation this product will be useful to everyone, and for those who adhere to a diet, it will become good source vitamins and minerals.

Why do you drink brewer's yeast?

This product contains a large amount of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, which help improve metabolism. They help you recover after training muscle tissue and spend energy more efficiently at rest. B vitamins are indicated for everyone who is involved in fitness and follows a diet for weight loss. The supplement also contains microelements such as zinc and magnesium. They help keep you in balance nervous system, react less to stimuli, monitor emotions.

Brewer's yeast will be useful for losing weight on a restrictive diet. The amino acids they contain have a complete composition and are quickly absorbed. They will help you regain strength faster, even if your diet does not contain enough protein. However, with a normal and high-calorie diet, they can present an unpleasant surprise, few people know that yeast has an anabolic effect. In other words, they can increase not only muscle, but also fat mass. Therefore, when taking this supplement, it is necessary to carefully develop your diet and monitor portion sizes.

How to take brewer's yeast

The dosage of the supplement depends on the purpose of administration and the form of release. To lose weight, you need to drink 1 tablespoon of yeast with a drink. big amount water. They should be taken in the morning, 30 minutes before breakfast. In order for the product to be better absorbed, do not consume it within two hours. strong tea and coffee. The result will be better if the morning meal is protein, for example, an omelet or cottage cheese. This way vitamins and amino acids will give the best results.

Brewer's yeast in tablets will be useful for those who actively train to strengthen muscles and burn fat. In this case, the supplement should be taken again after the end of the strength training - after 30 minutes. Accept protein cocktail and in this case amino acids are no longer needed.

Depending on what the brewer's yeast tablets will be used for, they are prescribed in a certain dosage. As a rule, weight loss is limited to four capsules. But in any case, you need to read the instructions, since one tablet may contain different amounts active substance. To correctly calculate the amount of yeast, you can use the formula: “desired weight” * 30 kcal. You can increase calorie content by 300 kcal on days when you are training, and reduce it by 100 kcal on rest days. In this case, the diet should consist of green vegetables, low-fat varieties meat and fish, whole grains and fruits. You should not eat processed foods, sweet drinks, or white bread.

It is necessary to take brewer's yeast for weight in parallel with your normal diet. In this case, you can supplement it with high-calorie foods: flour products, fatty meat, sweets. But you should not overeat, as you can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.