Which foods are high in fat? What foods contain animal fats?

“Fats are to blame for everything!” - say women losing weight, and go to the nearest supermarket to buy low-fat yogurt, low-fat cheese and even ice cream with 0% fat content. However, as a result of such a diet, excess weight is in no hurry to lose its position, and instead of the desired slimness, health problems come. The thing is that fats are mistakenly considered an absolute evil, and their presence in our diet is vital. In addition, there are even healthy fats for weight loss, which absolutely do not accumulate in the body in the form of excess deposits, but help to lose weight more intensively.

Can fats be healthy?

Fats are the most calorie-dense nutrient. This is probably why, when trying to lose weight, we first of all rush to limit their number. But fats perform many tasks at the same time:

  • they promote the growth of the body;

  • protect internal organs from overload;

  • participate in metabolic processes;

  • preserve youthful skin and hair;

  • and also help digestive tract absorb and digest food.

When we deprive our body of fats, it has to cope with all these tasks on its own, as a result of which it “thanks” us with overwork, heaviness in the stomach, problems in the intestines, the formation of harmful substances, etc.

According to nutritionists, daily norm Fats for weight loss in women make up 30% of the total diet, which is approximately 80 grams.

However, after hearing such good news, do not rush to exchange your low-fat yogurt for a plate of French fries. The fact is that not all fats contribute to weight loss. Some varieties of this nutrient not only do not provide any health benefits, but also provoke the accumulation of cholesterol, which is the root cause of obesity. excess weight and the development of many serious diseases.

Which fat is harmful and which is healthy?

Fats are classified into two large groups:

  1. Saturated

  2. Unsaturated

Saturated fats contain in their chemical structure a large number of hydrogen, due to which they are able to maintain a solid state even at high temperatures. As a result, when we eat them, the body is not able to digest them completely, and part of this nutrient remains on the walls of the stomach and also enters the blood, turning into cholesterol.

However saturated fats cannot be called a poison for the body, because besides harmful substances they contain valuable vitamins.

People who want to lose weight, as well as those who are seriously thinking about health, should consume saturated fats in doses. Besides, great value have products containing this element. For example, sources of saturated fats include meat products, as well as butter and palm oil. Accordingly, a piece boiled meat will go where more benefit than products containing palm oils.

Unsaturated fats are considered the most beneficial fats for the body. In turn, they are divided into two separate subgroups: polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. Unlike saturated fats, nutrients from this group are completely absorbed by the body, while still managing to provide us with “good” cholesterol.

In addition, the “right” fats stabilize blood sugar levels, reduce hunger, help the body burn calories and, which is especially important for women, have a beneficial effect on hormonal functioning.

Where are healthy fats found: list of foods

1. Meat

As is known, the most fatty meat is pork, and the least fatty is rabbit and chicken. However, this does not mean that you should forget about pork. Just replace unhealthy steaks and chops with boiled or stewed tenderloin of a young pig, 100 grams of which contains about 2 grams healthy fats.

2. Nuts

There are several dozen types, caloric and the nutritional value which are quite different from each other. However, nuts have one thing in common: they are all a source of valuable fats that dull the feeling of hunger, accelerate metabolic processes and strengthening the immune system. That is why many diets allow you to consume about 10-15 grams of almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts or walnuts per day.

Since this source of fats and valuable vitamins is quite high in calories, eat no more than a handful of nuts per day.

3. Vegetable oils

10 ml of natural olive oil contains up to 9 grams of healthy fats. In addition to the huge content of unsaturated fats, olive oil is also notable for the fact that all elements in it retain their original qualities, which helps the body process food faster, fight stress and fatigue, and also maintain functioning internal organs fine.

In addition to olive oil, a source of healthy fats and valuable vitamins are: sesame oil, known as natural anticarcinogens.

4. Avocado

Avocado is the only fruit in the world that contains more than 75% unsaturated fat. Since they are completely absorbed by the body, improving metabolism, avocados fall into the category of dietary foods.

5. Chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content

Despite the fact that chocolate belongs to the category of desserts, it is by no means prohibited by nutritionists. In a hundred gram chocolate bar with high content Cocoa contains approximately 32 grams of healthy fats, therefore, even during a strict diet, you can treat yourself to a piece of treat from time to time.

6. Hard cheese

Cheese is another storehouse of healthy fats. However, in addition to fats, this product is also notable for the fact that it contains proteins, calcium and essential vitamins. If you want to lose weight, choose cheese that contains no more than 40% fat, such as mozzarella.

7. Salo

Surprisingly, lard, which is essentially all fat, can also help you lose weight. It turns out that the unsaturated fats found in this product help burn excess calories. However, you should not overuse lard. To feel its benefits, it is enough to eat one small piece a day.

Also, keep in mind that healthy fats for weight loss only provide true benefits when balanced diet. To lose weight and, moreover, improve your health, you should not abuse absolutely any nutritional element, be it fats, proteins or carbohydrates.

Many people, especially those who struggle with overweight, believe that eating fat is harmful to health and figure. In fact, this statement can only be called half true. The fact is that moderate consumption of fatty foods is not only not harmful, but also necessary for our body. In addition, there are different types of fats - saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. All of them are absorbed differently and participate in metabolic processes.

Fat in food

To talk about a balanced diet, you should identify a list of foods that contain fats and indicate their quantity. This will help you control your diet and help you maintain your figure.

Types of fats

All fats in food are divided into two large groups: saturated and unsaturated fats. The latter, in turn, have two more subtypes - monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. First things first.

Saturated fats

Saturated fats are the least digestible and can create problems not only with digestion, but also in other body systems. For example, eating too much food high in saturated fat can cause weight gain and blood clots. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and require quite a bit to dissolve. heat, That's why digestive system it takes a lot of time and energy to assimilate. On the one hand, this is good, since a person does not experience hunger for a long time, but, on the other hand, the body is exposed to increased loads. However, you should not exclude foods containing saturated fats from your menu, as they are rich in vitamins and substances that, when absorbed, are converted into healthy monounsaturated fats. oleic acid. And in the cold season, such food can even warm you up. Saturated fats are found mainly in foods such as lard, lamb, beef, pork, butter, coconut and palm oil, heavy cream, lobster and shrimp.

meat, heavy cream, lobster, shrimp, lard, coconut and palm oil

Unsaturated fats

Unsaturated fats in foods are found in liquid form. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are absorbed by the body quite easily. They contain vitamins and other useful material, and also cleanse blood vessels. Any fat contributes to an increase in blood cholesterol levels, which are divided into “bad” and “good”. The first can lead to the formation of blood clots, and the second, on the contrary, cleanses of harmful substances circulatory system. Unsaturated fats are different in that they reduce the content of “bad” cholesterol. They are all divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid, the first of which, in addition to everything, produce “good” cholesterol. Thanks to this, the blood vessels are cleansed and general improvement condition. Polyunsaturated fats are distinguished by their ability to enrich the body with a beneficial substance called Omega-3, which is not produced independently, but can only be supplied with food. These two types of fatty acids are most often present in foods together in varying proportions. The richest in them are liquid vegetable oils (unrefined), nuts, sea ​​fish and seeds.

nuts, sea fish, seeds

Trans fats

In addition to the two groups described above, one more type can be distinguished - trans fats. Such fats are found in foods that have undergone special processing, mainly sausages, cookies, French fries and others. Trans fats not only have no benefits, but are even dangerous to health. They are obtained by processing liquid vegetable oil, as a result of which it acquires a solid state. So modified product the manufacturer can replace more expensive animal fats, especially since it is cheaper, can be stored longer and with it easier process production.

hamburgers, fries, nuggets

Quantitative fat content in products

Fat is found in varying percentages in many foods. It is only absent in vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, honey and some other foods. The rest of the diet can be divided into 5 groups. IN in this case the type of fatty acids is not taken into account, but only the quantitative indicator is taken into account.

  1. A high fat content (more than 80%) is observed in vegetable and animal oils (butter, sunflower, etc.), margarine, confectionery creams, and pork lard.
  2. High fat content (20-40%). This category includes cream and fat sour cream, halva, chocolate, boiled and semi-smoked sausage, sprats, duck and goose meat, pork, cheese and most pastries.
  3. A moderate amount of fat (10-19%) is found in many types of fish - sturgeon, herring, saury, salmon, tea sausage and beef sausages, lamb, beef, chicken of the first category, eggs, ice cream, processed cheese.
  4. Low fat content (3-9%). Products in this group also include fish - horse mackerel, low-fat herring, mackerel and pink salmon. In addition, chickens of the second category, milk and milk ice cream, full-fat kefir, and fudge candies have a low level of fat content.
  5. Reduced fat content (less than 3%) is found in products such as hake fish, pike, pike perch and cod, bread, cereals, beans, skim milk and cottage cheese.

Place of fats in the daily diet

For healthy eating You need to include fat-containing foods in your diet. The main thing is to use them in moderation. So, the average person only needs no more than 50 g of fat every day. In addition, you should pay attention to their quality. It is better if it is unsaturated fats.

Needless to say, consuming trans fats should be avoided altogether. This is not easy to do, but you can at least reduce the risks by giving up fast food and replacing sausages with natural meat. Overall, in hedgehog daily diet must be present in sufficient quantities fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts, complemented by seafood, meat dishes and fish.

The presence of fats in the diet is necessary; a daily minimum of these nutrients ensures the normal functioning of the body. Not all types of fats are equally healthy. What foods contain saturated and unsaturated fats? The answer to this question lies at the heart of healthy eating.

Everyone knows that our health and physical form most of all depend on . To eat a balanced diet, foods must be selected so that the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in them is 1: 1.2: 4.6. Constant excess consumption of fat can lead not only to weight gain, but also to pathologies of internal organs.

It is impossible to completely abandon the consumption of fats, since this is the main source of energy and some groups of vitamins. However, you need to remember which foods contain healthy fats and which do not. So, edible fats are divided into 2 groups:

  • saturated;

What foods contain saturated fats?

Saturated fats remain solid at room temperature. They contain large quantities:

  • margarine;
  • fatty meat, especially fried;
  • salo;
  • fast food;
  • dairy products;
  • chocolate;
  • coconut and palm oils;
  • egg (yolk).

Excessive consumption of foods that contain saturated fats can in some cases cause considerable harm, although not large quantities they are necessary. Saturated fatty acids, entering the blood, settle on the walls of blood vessels in the form cholesterol plaques and lead to the development of atherosclerosis - dangerous disease of cardio-vascular system. In addition, their excess slows down metabolism and even contributes to obesity.

Which foods contain healthy fats (mono- and polyunsaturated)

Unsaturated fats remain liquid at room temperature and are usually called oils. Foods high in monounsaturated fats can freeze in the cold, but foods high in polyunsaturated fats never freeze.
The richest fats in this group are:

  • poultry (except leather);
  • fatty fish;
  • nuts: cashews, peanuts (monounsaturated), walnuts, almonds (polyunsaturated);
  • vegetable oils (sunflower, flaxseed, rapeseed, corn (monounsaturated), olive, peanut (polyunsaturated)), as well as the products from which they are obtained (peanuts, olives, sunflower seeds And so on).

Fats in this group contain the main fat soluble vitamins: A, D, E, F, B12, K. However, you shouldn’t abuse them either - fat consumption in any case should not exceed the body’s needs for nutrients and energy, otherwise excess weight gain and the formation of gallstones are possible.

Knowing which foods contain fats, you can intelligently plan your diet. 70-75% of fat consumed should be unsaturated, 30% saturated. The share of vegetable fats in the daily diet should be about 40%, animal fats - about 60%. For the elderly and fat people the ratio should be changed in favor of vegetable ones.

With the exception of vegetable oils, any product contains different types fats, for example in pork lard the most beneficial arachidonic (polyunsaturated) fatty acid. Therefore, you should not completely give up foods rich in saturated fats; it is enough to consume them little by little, and then you will not face health problems and weight gain.

Fats are an integral part of a healthy diet, as are proteins and carbohydrates. The assumption that fatty foods do not bring anything good to the body, but only exceptional harm, is devoid of common sense, since the role of fats for the coordinated functioning of organs and systems human body very big. You just need to differentiate between the concepts of lipids and know which of them are useful, and which ones should be completely avoided.

In the human body, lipids are concentrated mostly in subcutaneous fat. They are found in small concentrations in the brain, liver and muscle tissue. These substances are vital for the body, in the correct concentration, of course. A lack of compounds, as well as an excess, can lead to unpleasant consequences. Today we'll talk about the benefits and possible harm lipids, as well as their role and functions.

List of foods containing high amounts of fat:

  1. Butter, spread, vegetable oil, margarine, lard, lard - 80%.
  2. Nuts (walnuts, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts) - 40%-80%.
  3. Sunflower seeds - 40%.
  4. Cheese, fat sour cream (more than 20%), pork, duck, goose, eel, smoked sausage, rolls with condensed milk or cream, chocolate, halva - 20%.
  5. Fat cottage cheese (from 10%), cream, ice cream - from 10% to 19%.
  6. Lamb, beef, chicken (drumstick, ham), eggs, low-fat sausage - from 10% to 19%.
  7. Salmon, herring, mackerel, caviar - from 10% to 19%.
  8. Avocado (fruit) - from 10%.

Table 1. Food groups by total fat content

fat content
fat content
fat content
Fruits Absolutely all fruits (except avocados and olives),
fresh juices (fruit)
Olives Avocado
Vegetables Juices (vegetables),
soups (vegetarian),
vegetables without fat additives (no oil, mayonnaise, sauce)
Vegetables (fried), as well as with the addition of fatty dressings
Bread, bakery products,
Bread (white and black),
pasta and cereals without added milk and butter, cereals (rice and corn)
Porridge (milk), Buns (unsweetened) Cakes, toasts fried in oil, pastries, puff pastries, shortbread
Milk and dairy products Skim milk,
low-fat cottage cheese,
low-fat kefir
cheeses (pickled),
cottage cheese (bold),
2% milk,
kefir 1-2.5%
Cottage cheese (fat),
sour cream,
milk (whole),
ice cream (creamy)
Animal meat, poultry Beef (skinny),
skinless bird
Poultry with skin, lamb,
beef with visible fat
Beef (fried),
Fish Lean fish (hake, cod, pike) Salmon,
Canned food in oil
Eggs Squirrels Egg (whole) Fried eggs
Legumes Lentils,
Oils and sauces Vinegar,
Sauces (sour cream), mayonnaise 15% Mayonnaise 50-67%
Confectionery Marshmallow,
Beverages Coffee,
cold drinks
Alcoholic drinks

It is necessary to understand that when organizing proper nutrition It is important to consider that lipids are different from lipids. And the concept of fat content does not mean “exceptional harm” or “exceptional benefit.”

Saturated fats are harmful; they are found in animal products - butter, dairy products, meat, lard, as well as palm, coconut and cocoa bean oils.

Products that should be absent from the diet

Saturated fats are simple in structure and the most harmful to health. They linger in the body for a long time, clog arteries and provoke an increased risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.

Experts, in order to maintain health and normal functioning of organs and systems, advise minimizing or completely eliminating the consumption of foods rich in saturated fats:

  • margarine;
  • animal fats ( butter, visceral fat, lard);
  • tropical vegetable oils: palm, coconut;
  • fat meat products(pork, lamb);
  • fast food;
  • confectionery products;
  • chocolate;
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat.

A separate “harmful group of fats” includes trans fats. They get them artificially(when processing unsaturated lipids into saturated ones using thermal action and hydrogenation. Food industry uses trans fats to extend the shelf life of products. Since trans fats do not exist naturally, they are much more difficult for your body to process.

To avoid causing enormous damage to your health, avoid eating chips, crackers, cookies, pies, donuts, pastries, confectionery and bakery products. See the table for more details:

Table 2. Trans fat content of some popular foods

Cholesterol is an enemy and a friend

Another type of fat is cholesterol. In its structure it is a waxy light dense mass. Its formation occurs in the liver. The most interesting thing is that cholesterol is needed for normal operation organism, but only in small concentrations. This substance takes part in the production essential hormones- testosterone and estrogens, as well as bile acids.

If cholesterol is contained in the body in increased concentration(more than 250 mg), it automatically becomes an enemy, as it provokes the development of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes, and angina.

In order to normalize cholesterol levels, experts advise adhering to the following rules.

  1. Enrich your diet with foods rich in plant sterols (they are responsible for controlling cholesterol levels): olive oil, pine nuts, almonds, flaxseed, sesame, wheat germ.
  2. Consume freshly squeezed juices (celery, beets, cucumbers, apples, cabbage).
  3. Enrich your diet with polyunsaturated lipids.
  4. Drink green tea.
  5. Give preference low-fat varieties meat.
  6. Avoid eating fried foods.
  7. Enrich your diet with foods high in ascorbic acid, calcium and vitamin E.

Find out more about folk remedies, lowering cholesterol levels, read.

About the daily requirement and the correct ratio

According to biologists, approximately a fifth of the kilocalories needed for energy production should be obtained from fats. Daily requirement in lipids depends on health status, lifestyle and age.

People who lead active life, go in for sports and work physically hard, need a diet with increased calorie content. For older people, those who tend to be overweight and lead sedentary lifestyle In life, “leaning” on calories is contraindicated.

In order for organs and systems to work harmoniously, the body must receive all types of healthy fats, but in correct ratio. Ideally, the daily “fat” diet should be as follows: 40% - fats plant origin and 60% - animal.

  • The adult body should consume 50% monounsaturated lipids, 25% polyunsaturated and 25% saturated. The daily share of “fat” calories should not exceed 25%.
  • A child under one year of age should receive no more than 2.9 g of fat (per kilogram of weight), over a year old– 45-90 grams, women – 70-120 g, men – 80-155.

Excess lipids

It is probably not worth pointing out the fact that abuse fatty foods(trans fats and saturated fats) sooner or later becomes a cause of obesity. Overweight- not only an aesthetic problem, but also a medical one. Obesity causes damage to the liver and heart. Accompanied by an excess of harmful lipids in the body:

  • deterioration in the functioning of the pancreas and liver;
  • the occurrence of cancer;
  • change chemical composition blood;
  • increased risk of ischemia, stroke and heart attack;
  • the appearance of tachycardia and hypertension.

It is possible to prevent the development of diseases caused by obesity and excessive accumulation of fats in tissues and organs, and optimal solution is to minimize the consumption of lipid products, especially those loaded with trans fats. Diet in combination with in an active way life - The best way maintaining health and keeping the body in good shape.


Not only excess lipids are harmful. Insufficient intake of compounds (meaning poly- and monounsaturated) is also fraught with serious problems. From shortage necessary substances People who are constantly on strict diets often suffer. It may be due to deficiency and metabolic disorders. It is not difficult to understand that organs and tissues lack fatty compounds; the disease is accompanied by:

  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • irritability and depressive disorders;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • constant feeling of hunger;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • blurred vision;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • joint pain.

A person whose body suffers from lipid deficiency is constantly freezing (even in summer), he fails to lose weight (the weight stays the same), and crowded places tire him.

In order to eliminate similar manifestations the diet should be reviewed and adjusted - enrich it with poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids.

In order for organs and systems to function correctly, the body must constantly receive useful substances, including lipids. If you know the daily intake and how to use them correctly, you can prevent a lot of illnesses and even improve your health.

  1. Avoid eating trans fats.
  2. Reduce saturated lipids.
  3. Use unrefined and raw oils only for seasoning prepared foods.
  4. Use animal lipids only for frying.
  5. Store oils in tightly sealed containers in a dark place.
  6. Eat foods with omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids every day.
  7. Lipids should not exceed a third of the total daily calorie intake.
  8. Use wire racks to remove excess fat while roasting meat.
  9. If you are in doubt what to choose - sausage or chicken breast, give preference to the second one.
  10. Eat no more than one egg yolk per day.
  11. Do not give up dairy products, they are important for the body. Just choose foods with low fat content.
  12. Read food labels and beware of foods that contain palm or hydrogenated oils.

Now you know everything about fats - the benefits and harms, what foods they contain and what the consequences of their excess or deficiency are. Do not under any circumstances give up lipids, just monitor their intake in the body, and also plan your diet wisely.

It's time to put an end to the myth of low-fat foods, which were considered a surefire way to lose weight, prevent heart disease and other diseases. chronic diseases. The catch is often hidden under the term "low-fat product", in which flavor and texture are compensated by increasing the amount of salt, sugar or refined grains. The result “exceeded” all expectations - the worldwide consumption of low-fat foods only led to an increase in the average person’s weight.

Low-calorie food - good or bad?

Why should you avoid foods that are very low in body fat? Many people do not tolerate this type of diet for long because they consider low-fat meals to be tasteless and full of restrictions. The fact is that fat significantly slows down digestion; many diets based on eating low-fat foods force a person to fight hunger all day long.

Dietary fat plays a crucial role in metabolism - each gram contains 9 kilocalories. This calorie content is life-saving in cases where there is not enough food; it is very important for people who are not able to absorb large amounts of food.

What are fats?

Fats are our energy reserve. The body can only store a small amount of glucose in the form of glycogen for energy, so it is important to have adipose tissue capable of producing an unlimited amount of it. The origins of this process go back to the distant past, when food was scarce, so a lot of energy was spent on its production. Today this problem does not exist, but we continue to consume foods rich in fat indiscriminately and in large quantities. The energy accumulated thanks to them is now consumed only during sleep and during physical activity.

Below are the most popular foods rich in fat: (list assumes fat content per 100g):

  1. Palm oil - 93.7 g.
  2. Dried coconut - 57.2 g.
  3. Butter - 51.4 g.
  4. Beef - 52.3 g.
  5. Chocolate - 32.4 g.
  6. Sardine in oil - 29.9 g.
  7. Hard cheese - 24.6 g.

Types of fatty acids and why they are needed

There are two types of fatty acids: linoleic and alpha-linoleic. Fatty acids are important components of cell membranes; they are converted into chemical regulators that affect blood clotting, expansion blood vessels etc. Their deficiency in children is characterized by slow growth, decreased immune function, and the appearance of a rash. Sometimes this leads to vision problems and nerve disorders.

For proper development Proteins are also needed. Without them the immune system cannot properly protect the body from bacteria and viruses. That's why it's so important to eat foods rich in fats and proteins.

Does it cause heart disease?

Excessive consumption of most saturated fatty acids can increase LDL level(low-density lipoprotein), which increases cholesterol levels and reduces insulin sensitivity. Foods rich in protein, fats, and carbohydrates reduce the risk of developing coronary disease heart, stroke, hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Rich in fiber protects against colorectal cancer, they are necessary for the prevention of hemorrhoids. In addition, fiber provides food for normal (healthy) bacteria that are found in the intestines and provide satiety. nutrients. Fiber is found in beans, whole beans and grains.

Foods rich in protein, fats, and carbohydrates are necessary for normal functioning in fairly large quantities. Nutritionists recommend limiting saturated fatty acid intake to 10% of total calories (18 grams for those who consume 1,600 calories per day). The acceptable macrodistribution range for carbohydrates is 45-65%. If, for example, you ate 1,600 calories a day, an acceptable carbohydrate intake would be between 180 grams and 260.

Avoid "bad fats"

Have you noticed how pizza with tomato sauce, cheese and meat solidifies after cooling? The hardness of the ingredients is a hint of the high saturated fat content, which hardens even at room temperature. Milk fat and tropical oils (coconut, palm), which are included in almost any ice cream, also largely contain saturated fat. The most popular foods among young people that contain a predominance of saturated fats are pizza and desserts, while boiled meat is a source of protein.

Lard and cream;


Cheese and other dairy products made from whole milk.

It is impossible to improve your health with unhealthy fats.

Manufacturers of products, in addition to saturated ones, use trans fats, which undergo a hydrogenation process and are used, as a rule, to increase the shelf life of processed foods. food products such as crackers, chips or cookies.

The recommended intake is no more than 1% of total calories (less than 2 grams if you consume 1600 calories per day). If you pay attention to which foods are high in fat, you can identify traces of trans fats by reading ingredient lists on food labels: these substances are disguised under the names "hardened oil" or "hydrogenated."

Tasty and satisfying foods high in essential macronutrients

Eat foods rich in fats and carbohydrates, such as milk, fruits and vegetables. Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy, providing fuel for cells, including brain cells. Simple and contain 4 calories per gram. 45-65% of total calories should come from carbohydrates, while 20-35% should come from fat. Almost all foods, with the exception of eggs, meat and some seafood, are rich in carbohydrates. Vegetables, especially potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes and peas, contain large amounts of good starchy carbohydrates as well as fiber. All herbal products, including fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and nuts, are high in fiber, which improves bowel function.

As mentioned, unsaturated fatty acids improve blood cholesterol levels and insulin sensitivity when they replace saturated and trans fats. There are two classes and polyunsaturated. Monounsaturated fats are found in avocados, nuts, seeds, olives, peanuts, and olive oil.

Recently, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have been the focus of attention due to their role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. They can be found in walnuts, flaxseeds, tofu, soybeans, rapeseed In addition, two other types of fatty acids and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are important not only for the heart, but also for visual acuity, for the proper development of the brain in the fetus during pregnancy; they do important function to slow down cognitive decline in older people; reduce symptoms of arthritis, ulcerative colitis and etc. inflammatory diseases. These acids contain such types of fish as tuna, herring, trout, mackerel, salmon, sardine, tuna.

Omega-6 is the second type of polyunsaturated fat. Foods rich in omega-6 fats: sunflower seeds, brazil nuts, pecan and Pine nuts. Some are also sources of omega-6: corn oil, sunflower oil, and sesame oil.

Foods rich in fats: table

There is a formula according to which you can calculate the recommended fat intake:

Total fat (g) = total calories x 30% = number of “fat” calories per day / 9.

2000 calories x 0.3 = 600 / 9 = 67 g fat.

Remember that the daily value contains 20-35% of the total daily calories.

Foods rich in fats (table)

Product (100 g)

Total fat content (g)Polyunsaturated fats (%)Monounsaturated fat (%)Saturated fat (%)
Salo100 10 44 41
Corn oil100 51 30 14
Olive oil100 10 73 14
Margarine84 44 32 21
Pine nut68 60 20 7
Walnut68 69 18 8
Hazelnut64 10 79 7,5
Almond56 25 62 8
Pistachios56 32 50 13
Sausages (papperoni)51 10 45 38
Popcorn44 46 34 10
Bacon (back, fried in vegetable oil)41 11 45 39
Whole milk sour cream40 3 24 66
Sausage (salami)40 11 45 37
Coconut (fresh)36 2 6 86
Cheese (Cheddar)34 4 27 63
Potato chips (salted)33 15 40 41
Cheese (Parmesan)33 2 29 63
Chocolate milk31 4 32 60
Shortbread28 18 41 36
Dark chocolate28 4 33 60
Puff pastry24 16 42 49
Mozzarella cheese)22 3 29 63
Potato chips (salted, with reduced content fat)21 12 41 43
Croissant20 24 40 32
Feta20 3 20 67
Soya beans19 49 19 12
Pasta (white flour)18 44 11 11
Mackerel fillet (fresh)16 21 49 21
Minced beef (raw)16 3 44 44
Sardine (canned in oil)14 36 34 21
Herring fillet13 21 42 25
Pizzas with cheese and tomatoes12 18 31 45
Salmon fillet (fresh)11 28 40 9

Don't be afraid to eat foods rich in fat, but choose them wisely, making sure they don't exceed your calorie needs. Give preference to foods with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats while limiting saturated and trans fats.