Persistent cough in an adult. Persistent persistent dry cough

Frequent cough is a common symptom of various diseases. A constant, dry cough causes a lot of inconvenience to a person both during the day and at night, significantly complicating his life.

Treatment for this manifestation directly depends on the cause of its occurrence. Therapy may be symptomatic or include specific drugs(antibiotics, hormonal agents, etc.).

Reasons for the appearance

A dry cough is a reflexive protective reaction of the body, the main task of which is to eliminate cough from the respiratory system. irritating factor(mechanical, atrophic, inflammatory, chemical).

Today, medicine identifies about 53 reasons that can cause a dry cough.

Its unproductivity is often determined by the stage of the disease, for example:

  1. Chronical bronchitis;
  2. initial stage of pneumonia;
  3. chronic laryngeal stenosis;
  4. tuberculosis;
  5. increasing obstruction in asthma.

A painful and severe cough of an allergic and inflammatory nature appears due to reasons such as:

  • mycoplasmosis (atypical pneumonia), chlamydia;
  • ARVI, influenza, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis (cough, barking with a metallic echo);
  • Whooping cough, parawhooping cough (rarely diagnosed due to the lack of severity of symptoms);
  • Bronchial asthma (with the release of thick and viscous sputum).

The causes of dry cough and fever can be chemical or mechanical. So, this could be a change occurring in lung tissues with fibrosis and atelectasis.

The respiratory system may be compressed by the tumor. Another dry and dull cough occurs with an aneurysmal dilated aorta and enlarged lymph nodes.

Fever and cough occur due to exposure to a chemical irritant and inhalation of a foreign body ( chemical substances in production, dust particles and pieces of food).

Duration of acute and chronic forms

The cough can be acute (3 weeks), long-lasting or chronic (more than 8 weeks). An acute and strong cough reflex appears with influenza, rhino-, adeno-, metapneuma-, coronovirus, parainfluenza, ARVI provoked by the RS virus.

A long, painful cough may be a consequence of an infectious disease (acute bronchitis). Chronic persistent cough occurs due to a number of different factors. This may be excess weight, bronchial asthma (cough type), smoking, postnasal drip syndrome and chronic diseases respiratory system (tonsillitis, sinusitis, tracheitis).

In addition, a barking cough in adults may appear if there is exposure to pollutants or irritants (living near busy highways, low air humidity). This symptom can also develop as a result of chronic bronchitis, COPD (in smokers) or with obstructive pulmonary pathologies and GERD.

A persistent and dry cough at night or during the day may occur due to diabetes when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract dries out and microcirculation is disrupted. Other factors in the appearance of fever and cough may lie in the presence of hypothyroidism (the disease is accompanied by changes in the vocal cords), taking psychotropic drugs, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and diuretics.

Daytime or night cough often occurs due to pathologies circulatory system(pericarditis, thromboembolism pulmonary artery, heart failure, heart disease, aortic aneurysm), due to the course of neurological diseases.

In addition, dry and frequent cough may appear if enlarged thyroid or there are diffuse connective tissue pathologies.


Dry cough can be:

  1. sharp (acute tracheobronchitis, pleurisy);
  2. frequent and small, manifested by coughing when irritation of the pleura occurs;
  3. reflex (occurs only when reflexogenic areas outside the respiratory tract are irritated);
  4. loud, barking (damage to the trachea, larynx);
  5. “cardiac”, which occurs at night with heart failure;
  6. convulsive, convulsive, accompanied by loud and frequent exhalations and tremors.

In addition, a dry persistent cough can occur against a background of fever if processes occur in the patient’s body in which connective tissue grows (fibrosis). Such diseases are sarcoidosis, pneumoconiosis, tuberculosis, etc.

A non-productive, hacking cough develops in the presence of pathologies in the peribronchial zone (tumor, compression by lymph nodes, aortic aneurysm). In addition, it can appear at night when bronchial asthma, whooping cough, heart failure or sinusitis.

It also develops in asthma and COPD, if breathing is wheezing. In addition, there is an unreasonable cough,

Persistent cough, appearing after or during a meal, may be confirmation of the presence of a tracheoesophageal fistula, neurogenic disorders, hernia, or esophageal diverticulum.

In addition, a cough can occur even if a person changes body position (GERD, postnasal drip syndrome). In smokers, it reminds itself only in the morning and afternoon. This symptom also develops with bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis and gastrointestinal reflux.

To determine the cause of cough, it is necessary to establish the accompanying symptoms. Thus, with tuberculosis, fever and weight loss, malaise cannot be avoided, and with viral tracheobronchitis, chest pain cannot be avoided. In addition, it is necessary to carry out such diagnostic measures How:

  • lab tests;
  • consultation with some doctors;
  • radiography;
  • endoscopy.

Treatment is always based on establishing accurate diagnosis and eliminating the causes of the disease. However, there are general recommendations to improve the patient’s condition if there is also a fever.

So, the air in the room should be regularly humidified. At the same time, do not forget about warm and plentiful drinks.

To stimulate the activity of the glands and normalize the process of swallowing saliva (this will ease the cough reflex), you can suck on lozenges. Severe, paroxysmal, prolonged, non-productive cough is usually treated only with combined drugs(Stoptussin), mono-drugs (Sinekod) and narcotic drugs(Codeine).

To thin the mucus, if a person suffers from bronchitis, then his treatment involves the use of mucolytic (ACC, Carbocisteine, Ambroxol) and expectorant drugs (Solutan, Mucaltin). But these medications cannot be used to treat small children.

To prevent the lungs and bronchi from becoming clogged with mucus, it is prohibited to take expectorants, antitussives, and bronchodilators at the same time. So, their reception is possible only separately.

If the disease is bacterial in nature, then treatment is carried out with antibiotics. So, with mycoplasma or chlamydial infection macrolides are prescribed, such as Clarithromycin and Azithromycin, streptococcal or staphylococcal - cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone) or penicillin-based Amoxicillin.

To get rid of cough and fever when bronchial obstruction it is necessary to treat with bronchodilators (Berotec, Berodual). Asthma can only be treated with special hormonal agents(Pulmicort). For tuberculosis, anti-tuberculosis and bronchodilator drugs are prescribed.

It is worth noting that many patients felt relief after taking medications, clinical effectiveness which has not been proven. These include:

  1. Gerbion (plant syrup based on plantain);
  2. Erespal;
  3. combination drug Bronholitin, which has an antitussive, bronchodilator, antiseptic effect;
  4. homeopathic medicine Stodal.

Treatment of cough using traditional medicine

Treatment of diseases is carried out only when they have been excluded possible reactions. So, if there is no temperature, you can do steam inhalation based medicinal herbs.

Moreover, it is useful to apply to the chest warm compresses. Drinking marshmallow infusion and black radish juice will quickly relieve unpleasant cold symptoms. In general, folk remedies for coughs are best used as additional treatment in complex.

Moreover, treatment with folk remedies involves the use of decoctions of linden, coltsfoot, sage and chamomile.

Possible complications and preventive measures

In some cases rare cough is not only a useful reflex that helps clear the respiratory passages, but sometimes it leads to various complications. Thus, the quality of life may deteriorate, resulting in a decrease in the level of physical and mental activity.

Another consequence is the occurrence of myocardial infarction. The pathology develops with a non-productive long-term cough that occurs due to the flow in the body chronic inflammation or the presence of a lung infection.

In addition, this manifestation contributes to the emergence of psychosocial, psychological problems, hypertension, the formation of cor pulmonale, emphysema and spontaneous pneumothorax. Various hernias (for example, inguinal hernias) may also form and hemorrhage may occur in the bronchial veins or conjunctiva.

Moreover, epileptic seizures and fainting were recorded. Sweating, weakness, fecal and urinary incontinence may also occur. increased fatigue, hoarseness of voice, pain in muscle and bone tissue.

Prevention involves preventing the onset of the underlying disease, which is accompanied by a cough reflex. So, in order to prevent the occurrence of this symptom, it is important:

  • during an epidemic of colds, avoid places with large crowds of people;
  • give up alcohol and cigarettes;
  • observe hygiene rules;
  • maintain a stable and positive psycho-emotional state;
  • exercise;
  • observe correct mode rest and work.

In winter, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of not only frostbite, but also overheating, which results in an increase in body temperature. Therefore, it is important to wear clothes that are appropriate for the season and weather conditions. In summer, air conditioners should be used extremely carefully to prevent temperature drops of more than 6 degrees.

The video in this article will tell you why prolonged cough, and most importantly, how to treat it

How to treat a persistent cough?

A persistent cough may be a symptom of allergies or acute bronchitis. It is this persistent cough that can cause stopping or difficulty breathing. In this case, you need to urgently make an appointment with a doctor, because self-medication of symptoms will not cure the disease itself. You need to go through comprehensive diagnostics your body. This will help the specialist understand the root cause. this symptom.

Coughing is the process of forced exhalation of air through the mouth, which is caused by involuntary contraction of a number of muscles of the respiratory system. This mainly occurs due to irritation of delicate receptors. He plays a big role for human body. Due to it, the body is cleansed of foreign substances, and a cough also warns a person about a violation of the respiratory tract.

If you have a persistent dry cough with sputum production, it will be considered unproductive. For many people, before a cough appears, it first begins with just a sore throat.

If you cannot determine the underlying cause, then it may be a symptom of some other disease that is related to the respiratory tract. This disease can occur in both closed and open forms.
An incessant cough occurs in a person as a response to external irritants. For example, when dust particles enter the lungs, the human body begins to react to the irritant.

Causes and treatment of persistent cough

Why is it so important to undergo treatment for a constant, incessant cough? If left untreated, over time the bronchi become filled with microbes and their waste products. As a result, a person may develop pneumonia. In medicine, there are 3 types of cough:

  • dry;
  • with sputum;
  • night and morning.

The latter type is divided, in turn, into strong and weak depending on its intensity.

The sources of dryness can be different. This disease is mainly associated with the human respiratory system. An inflammatory process occurs in the upper respiratory tract, viruses and pathogenic bacteria multiply. If a person has a strong immune system, then the body is able to cope with the disease on its own. And if, on the contrary, it is weakened, then antibiotics and antiviral drugs help patients.

At severe cold You should definitely contact a specialist, because Lately in patients suffering from influenza or a cold accompanied by a dry cough, doctors observe various complications after illness.

If you become ill with ARVI, influenza or other infectious disease that for a long time accompanied by a dry cough, this may be due to the following reasons:

  1. The immune system is weakened.
  2. Smoking, alcohol, too dry air in the house, insufficient fluid content in the body, etc.
  3. Complications of other viral diseases.

Here is a list of some diseases that cause a dry, prolonged cough:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • measles;
  • false croup

The latter diseases can cause severe coughing in children. Then you should take the appropriate medications, for example, Sinekod, Libexin, Bronholitin, etc.

An adult may have a dry, persistent cough if he is sick with tuberculosis. A severe cough may be one of the first symptoms of cancer.

Allergic reactions, bronchial asthma and cardiovascular diseases can also be accompanied by a persistent cough.

The main sources of persistent cough:

  1. Smoker's bronchitis.
  2. Benign tumor.
  3. Malfunctions of cardio-vascular system.
  4. Lung problems.

In order to prevent the appearance of a dry cough, it is necessary to increase the air humidity in the room, drink at least 2 liters of water per day, quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day, do not often spray air freshener in the apartment and do wet cleaning in the rooms every day .

To treat a long-term symptom, there are many medications available to help get rid of it. They affect the nervous system, thereby reducing the cough reflex.

Medicines such as Oxeladin and Codeine will help get rid of cough, but, acting on medulla, drugs can cause drowsiness in a person, and in some cases even dependence.

There is only one medicine that does not have side effects - Dextromethorphan. Remember that before buying medicines at the pharmacy, you need to consult a specialist, and do not self-medicate.

Causes and treatment of wet cough

Unlike a dry cough, a wet cough is accompanied by sputum production. That is why, when treating wet, you first need to get rid of its main cause - phlegm. In order for mucus to easily begin to move away from the walls of the respiratory tract, you need to turn it from a viscous state into a liquid one.

To most effectively thin sputum, you need to buy mucolytic drugs. They help reduce the viscosity of sputum or begin to increase the secretion of liquid sputum. As a result, such drugs, with their combined effect, will help get rid of a wet cough.

Depending on the person's age and the duration of the cough, doctors may prescribe the following medications:

  • Gedelix;
  • Dr. MOM;
  • Bromhexine, which comes in several forms;
  • Pectusin, as well as other expectorants.

Causes of wet cough

In order to prevent the appearance of a wet cough, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Frequent drinking.
  2. Airing the room.
  3. Frequent wet cleaning.
  4. Quitting cigarettes.
  5. Refusal spicy food and strong odors.

Remember, before treating your cough, be sure to consult your doctor.

Causes of prolonged cough

Cough itself is not a disease. Cough is a symptom that occurs when air encounters any obstruction in the respiratory tract. Of course, there is no point in running to the doctor if there is slight discomfort and a sore throat, but if the cough does not go away, you should consult a doctor. A cough that does not go away for four to eight weeks is considered long-lasting.

If a prolonged cough occurs, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis as soon as possible. Diagnostics includes: mandatory X-ray studies, study external respiration, blood tests, and, if necessary, more complex diagnostic procedures.

There can be many reasons for a cough. Depending on them, the cough itself changes.

Cough may be a symptom of, for example, gastroesophageal reflux disease. With her jerky movements the torso provokes the contents of the stomach to enter the esophagus, which gives rise to heartburn and cough.

With bronchitis and pneumonia, cough appears from the presence of phlegm in the lungs.

Cough may occur with lung cancer. Then it is dry or with rare discharge light sputum.

Cough with bronchial asthma is very difficult to stop. Often, it occurs against the background of excessive smoking and is determined by the accompanying whistling sounds. This is especially evident in the morning hours.

Cough with whooping cough begins in attacks. It is exhausting because... attacks can be very frequent - repeated up to 12 times.

With heart disease, a dry cough also occurs. In this case, the cause is stagnation of blood in the lungs. It causes a feeling of lack of air.

And of course, do not forget about the cough caused by acute respiratory infections. It usually causes a sore throat and sore throat.

Prolonged cough in a child

The mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are covered with ciliated epithelium, in the body it performs protective function, helps the respiratory tract get rid of foreign bodies. During this process, a cough appears.

If a child's cough does not go away within a month, despite being treated, it is considered long-term. In this case, your pediatrician should refer you to other specialists for a more detailed examination, conduct a reaction to Mantoux and schedule the necessary tests.

The cause of a prolonged cough in a child may be: fungal infections, they usually appear after the treatment of an infectious disease with antibiotics; damage to the respiratory tract by roundworm larvae; viral diseases, which make it difficult for children to cough; purulent diseases lungs; chronic respiratory diseases; various allergic reactions.

Prolonged cough in adults

The causes of prolonged cough in adults are the same as in children. Depending on the causes of a prolonged cough, it is observed with such symptoms as: blood in the sputum, wheezing when breathing, wheezing, nasal congestion and heartburn. In addition, a prolonged debilitating cough provokes headaches, dizziness, impaired sleep quality, and urinary incontinence.

In order to identify the cause of a prolonged cough as quickly as possible, it is necessary to describe to the doctor with the greatest accuracy what exactly worries you and what symptoms accompany the cough. Often a chronic cough is the only symptom of a disease such as asthma.

Prolonged dry cough

In order to get rid of a long dry cough, it is not enough to carry out only symptomatic treatment. Even if you manage to relieve an attack of dry cough without getting rid of the cause, the attacks will appear again and again and have an increasing tendency. In addition, when improper treatment bronchial asthma may develop. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause. A prolonged dry cough can be provoked by: fungal infections; burns of the respiratory tract with hot air; smoking, including passive; entry of small foreign bodies into the bronchi; allergy; chemical damage.

The pathogenesis of the development of dry cough includes many factors; a visit to the doctor will help to understand them and identify the cause.

Prolonged cough with phlegm

There can be many reasons for the occurrence of cough with sputum, and among them there are very serious diseases. In order to diagnose them, it is necessary to clearly formulate what kind of sputum is bothering you.
Sputum is mucus that contains white blood cells, leukocytes, particles of dead tissue of the respiratory tract and waste products of microorganisms and bacteria that cause diseases.
The sputum may be white, yellow, green, gray or even black, sometimes with blood present.
The nature of sputum and the timing of coughing attacks help determine the disease.
Green sputum indicates the presence of pus in the respiratory tract. Its abundance means that a large abscess has ruptured in the lungs. But such sputum can also be a consequence of sinusitis. A cough with thick, curd-like sputum can indicate both fungal diseases and tuberculosis. A cough with thick, hard-to-clear sputum may indicate gastrointestinal illness. intestinal tract. Sputum is black and gray with an unpleasant putrid smell indicates the presence of cancer.
Usually doctors can determine the cause of a prolonged cough with the formation of sputum, but sometimes there are cases when this cannot be done. Then you have to carry out treatment by trial and error.

Prolonged cough without fever

Almost every person has encountered such a problem as a cough without fever. Few people attach serious importance to it, but in vain, such a cough can be a symptom of a latent viral infection. For some reason, when an infection occurred, the body did not want to fight it by raising the temperature. Heart diseases, venereal diseases, allergies, respiratory diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia, all these diseases can cause a prolonged cough without fever.
Pulmonary tuberculosis is a very dangerous disease that causes a prolonged cough without fever, even with timely diagnosis and treatment, it can lead to complications.
It is especially worth paying attention to cough during pregnancy. It is difficult to treat, since most of them are contraindicated for the expectant mother. medical preparations. And severe coughing attacks can lead to serious complications, including termination of pregnancy.

Depending on the type of cough, treatment is prescribed. There are methods that will help alleviate the manifestation of the cough reflex, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. Firstly, you need to quit smoking. Don't forget to humidify the air, this will help remove mucus. Drink more fluids, at least two liters of water, it thins and removes mucus. Do inhalations using essential oils, they will soften the mucous membranes and help you breathe easier.
In order to cure a dry cough, you need to soften the mucous membrane. It is also necessary to get rid of the irritant that causes the cough. Quick effect give lollipops, as well as gargling with herbs, furatsilin solution, salted water. These procedures will help relieve a coughing attack, but not for long.
Drugs that have an antiseptic, enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect have a longer lasting effect. There are drugs that can suppress the cough reflex in the brain, but they should not be used under any circumstances without a doctor’s prescription.

In the treatment of wet cough, drugs that thin the mucus by increasing sputum will help, they have antibacterial property, and improve sputum discharge. There are traditional methods to combat cough. A compress of mustard plasters applied to the chest and back (contraindicated at fever). Inhalations using essential oils. Hot foot baths with mustard powder. Black radish juice with honey.
In any case, if prolonged chronic cough do not delay your visit to the doctor. After all, in order to get rid of an annoying cough, you need to get rid of the cause of its occurrence. Go to specialists, do x-rays and other necessary tests.

Persistent cough in an adult

Cough is natural reaction on various stimuli respiratory organs. In most cases, it occurs against the background of an infectious or viral disease. If the cough does not last long, then there is no need to worry. If the symptoms do not subside even after a month, then it is necessary serious treatment. In this case, the susceptibility of the lungs becomes higher, and coughing occurs as a reflex.

Causes of persistent cough in adults

Sometimes patients stop taking medications prescribed by the doctor at the first improvement, especially antibiotics, then the cough can become protracted.

Another cause is smoker's bronchitis.

The danger of a prolonged cough is that it acquires chronic form. This can happen as a result of bronchitis, oncological disease, pathology of the heart or lungs. A prolonged cough is accompanied by wheezing, heartburn, chest congestion, and hemoptysis. Sleep is disturbed, dizziness occurs, excessive sweating and urinary incontinence.

Adults often take things lightly similar symptom, and this can lead to serious consequences. Only a doctor can find out the cause and prescribe treatment.

The first step when visiting a doctor is to conduct examinations to rule out pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma, and lung cancer. If the cause is established, cough suppressants based on menthol, honey, and codeine are prescribed.

A persistent cough can be treated at home. This is only permissible if it is not a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Boil ten onions and a head of garlic in a liter of milk until softened. Then add two tablespoons of honey and strain. Drink twenty milliliters every hour.

Take twenty-five grams of rose hips, wormwood, pine buds, yarrow and add one and a half liters of water. Boil for ten minutes and leave for a day. Strain and add one hundred grams of aloe and befungin juice, two hundred and fifty grams of honey and one hundred and twenty-five grams of cognac. Take a teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals.

One hundred grams warm milk drop three drops of birch tar and drink on an empty stomach in the morning and before bed. Continue the course until complete recovery.

Treat yourself with a compress. To do this, heat a tablespoon of honey, flour, dry mustard, vodka, aloe juice, and interior fat in a water bath. Place gauze on your back. Lubricate the bronchial area with the mixture, put another layer of gauze, polyethylene and cover the top with a scarf. Fix and leave overnight.

For dry cough, eat a large onion three times a day with meals. Soon the mucus will begin to come off well.

Drink linseed oil a tablespoon three times a day before meals. After five days the cough will be much less.

Do inhalations with essential oils of lavender and marjoram.

Gargle throughout the day every three hours with a soda solution. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt or soda in a glass of warm water and add three drops of iodine.

To treat cough, massage sessions are additionally prescribed.

The room needs to be humidified. Hot and dry air dries out the mucous membrane of the nose and respiratory tract, which leads to mucus stagnation. Try not to get too cold and avoid visiting during periods of widespread illness. crowded places. Stop smoking during the treatment period.

Protracted dry cough in an adult

A dry or unproductive cough is often a sign of colds: tracheitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, acute viral respiratory disease. It is of two types:

1. When barking cough There is a sore and sore throat, and the voice disappears. This is typical for viral diseases or as a reaction to mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane;

2. Paroxysmal cough occurs more often with bronchitis and tracheitis. You may feel chest pain and difficulty breathing.

With this cough there is no sputum. An inflammatory process forms in the throat, excess mucus occurs, and a sick person wants to clear his throat.

The doctor prescribes antitussive drugs. Their action is aimed at relaxing the pharyngeal mucosa and reducing bronchial spasms. To get rid of severe cough They use sedatives to control it.

Prolonged, wet cough in adults

A wet cough occurs due to the accumulation of sputum in the lungs of the trachea. It often occurs after a dry cough and brings additional discomfort. He needs to be treated immediately. The lungs will begin to be cleared of sputum, which contains a large number of pathogenic bacteria.

When wet cough does not go away for a long time, it becomes chronic. To thin the sputum, medications are prescribed that make it less viscous and remove it from the body. They are resorptive and reflexive. The first ones are made on the basis of iodides and sodium. The second are based on plant substances. During treatment, you need to drink as much liquid as possible - water, juices, herbal infusions.

An adult has a dry cough: how to treat it?

Often, a dry cough in an adult occurs due to air pollution in large cities. This is a reaction of the bronchi to irritation by toxic reagents, in which physiologically the respiratory system turns on protective mechanisms, which manifests itself in the form of a cough. Penetrating into the bronchi, dust or any allergen irritates the receptors, and coughing in this case plays the role of removing harmful particles from the bronchial tree.

But most often, a prolonged dry cough can be a consequence of many somatic diseases. What diseases most often cause dry cough, what is the reason for its occurrence?

Causes of the symptom

  1. Smoking may be the cause. Nicotine tars irritate the bronchioles and cause a dry cough.
  2. The presence of a critical amount of dust in the air. If you are in a closed, dry room for a long time, then after a while you may feel a slight soreness in the larynx. It causes a dry cough.
  3. The cause may be the entry of a foreign body into Airways. It's about about small particles, for example, it could be a fish bone. Foreign objects irritate the bronchial mucosa. As a result, a dry cough occurs.
  4. The cause may be chronic respiratory diseases, such as bronchial asthma. The disease can be recognized by studying a complete medical history. Symptoms of bronchial asthma include pain in the peritoneum and chest area.
  5. In pathological diseases of the upper respiratory tract (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis), a symptom such as a dry cough may be present. Nasal mucus can enter the throat cavity from the nose and then pass through the trachea and enter the bronchi.
  6. With severe emotional shock or stress, a dry cough can also occur. Doctors define the causes of this cough as psychogenic.
  7. Allergic reactions to animal pollen and inhalation of chemically polluted air fumes can also cause a painful cough.
  8. The viral etiology of diseases and the bacterial environment provoke a debilitating cough. Such diseases can be influenza, ARVI. The infectious disease whooping cough is characterized by an obsessive, severe dry cough.
  9. Often, the use of medications can cause a cough. This fact is often observed in patients with hypertension, since enalapril is a common drug for the treatment of this disease. side effects dry cough.
  10. Oncological diseases also provoke this symptom. If you have accompanying symptoms (fever, sore throat), you should immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms indicate possible malignant neoplasms of the throat, trachea, bronchi or lungs.
  11. Somatic disorders at work endocrine glands may cause severe coughing. Most often, the symptom is characteristic of diffuse or nodular enlargement thyroid gland, resulting in pressure on the trachea.
  12. A persistent cough can occur with diseases of the cardiovascular system. It can be observed due to diseases of the heart muscle during physical activity. It is accompanied by shortness of breath, tachycardia (increased heartbeat), pain in the heart area. Sometimes it may be accompanied by mucous discharge interspersed with blood.
  13. Pathological diseases of the intestines and stomach can provoke coughing. For example, with fistulas of the trachea and esophagus, it may appear after eating.
  14. Dry cough dominates the symptoms of tuberculosis. Stress factors and vitamin deficiency often cause the development of tuberculosis. The body's defense mechanisms are reduced, and this leads to the activity of Koch's bacillus. Medical statistics record up to 70% of cases of the disease before the age of thirty.

Symptoms accompanying chronic dry cough

The clinical picture of a pathological dry cough consists of the following symptoms:

  • hoarseness and hoarseness;
  • nausea, even vomiting;
  • constant shortness of breath;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

The clinical picture of dry chronic cough may be accompanied by fever, headache or painful sensations in the muscles. Less often when dry pathological cough There is a change in stool, loss of appetite, bleeding gums and inflammation of the oral mucosa, and loss of body weight.

Treatment of the disease

Before prescribing treatment, a diagnosis is made and the causes of such a symptom are found out. Symptomatic therapeutic treatment is prescribed, which stops the reflex formation of cough. Antitussive drugs are used for this. This treatment is also used for debilitating, prolonged, painful and severe cough due to ARVI, influenza or pneumonia. As a rule, with these diseases, a dry cough provokes muscle spasms and pain in the peritoneum and chest, vomiting, involuntary urination, hemoptysis. Often, with a strong cough, hernias are diagnosed.

Therefore, relief with anti-inflammatory and antitussive drugs dominates approaches to therapeutic treatment. With this symptom it is indicated plentiful drink. It is better to use non-carbonated hydrocarbonate mineral water. The composition of such water helps to smooth the walls of the bronchial mucosa and thins phlegm.

After such treatment, relief should come, and the dry, debilitating cough becomes less severe and becomes wet. Next, you need to use expectorants; you can use traditional medicine recipes in treatment.

Solutions based on honey and butter are considered good expectorants in herbal medicine. To prepare the product, take a glass of boiled milk and add one tablespoon of honey and the same amount of butter. The product can be used throughout the day without restrictions. It is only important to add honey to warm, not hot milk, since at high temperatures the properties of honey lose their effect.

Another old recipe for the treatment of dry cough is called eggnog. The yolk of one egg is ground with one tablespoon of sugar until white. Take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day. Steam inhalations based on chamomile, wild rosemary and sage flowers are excellent for dry coughs. It is better to do this procedure using a special inhalation device. But you can use in a simple way and breathe over a solution of medicinal herbs, covered with a blanket. For one liter of inhalation product, take 2 tbsp. all components. Inhalations based on soda solution and eucalyptus essential oil. For one liter of inhalation solution, take 30-40 g of salt and 10 drops of eucalyptus oil. After inhalation it is advisable to do a massage chest and backs.

For chronic forms of allergic dry cough, it is prescribed antihistamines. The room must be constantly wet cleaned and the temperature maintained at 21 degrees.

If a patient smokes with a pathological cough, then he should get rid of this bad habit. Nicotine tars cause an increase in symptomatic dry cough. After getting rid of this bad habit, doctors prescribe medications that widen the airways. In other cases of chronic dry cough, symptomatic treatment is used, since it can be a symptom of other diseases.

It should be noted that before starting treatment, the cause of a dry cough must be diagnosed in a medical institution.

Self-medication in this situation is unacceptable.

Causes of persistent, chronic cough

Today, one of the most common types of diseases is respiratory viral infections. And one of their most unpleasant symptoms is coughing. It comes in different forms and types, but the most annoying of them is chronic.

A persistent cough in itself is not independent disease, but only its annoying symptom. But often he hides behind himself serious problem. Under no circumstances should this disease be neglected; it entails dangerous consequences.

Types of chronic cough

Depending on the duration and form of reflex attacks, this symptom can be divided into several types:

  • Persistent dry cough, in which there is a slight cough for a long time.
  • Constantly wet, characterized by expectoration of sputum in small quantities.
  • Paroxysmal, characterized by short but very unpleasant attacks.

Each of these types of disorders will help determine the type of disease that has become chronic.

No matter how we treat this symptom, in fact there are many reasons for its occurrence. Variety of diseases associated respiratory attacks, complicates diagnosis and delays the treatment process.

So, let's look at the main causes of persistent cough:

In order to begin treating this symptom, you must first accurately identify its cause. Only after this can you safely take medications prescribed by your doctor and use folk remedies that alleviate the patient’s condition. Here are some treatments:

Remember that in treatment you should use only those drugs prescribed by your doctor. Do not try to self-medicate, it is fraught with serious consequences.

Despite the fact that many diseases entail the appearance of this symptom, it can be avoided. To do this, you just need to adhere to some rules, including:

During prevention, do not forget about folk remedies. Among the huge number of recipes, choose a few that suit your taste. Take care of your health, and a constant cough will not bother you.

Severe dry cough in adults: types, causes

A severe dry cough in an adult can be caused by different reasons. Colds, as well as ailments caused by viral and bacterial infections, come first. However, the paroxysmal reflex action may not be associated with diseases of this nature. That is, a dry, debilitating and lingering cough can be caused by other reasons. This refers to illnesses caused by age-related changes in the body (cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary pathology, etc.). At the same time, one cannot discount a cough that occurs due to allergies or foreign bodies entering the larynx. Since the reasons for development reflex action there may be many, it is quite difficult to establish the true cause of forced exhalation.

At the same time, a painful and suffocating dry cough in adults is often accompanied by additional symptoms. Analysis full picture development of the disease allows the doctor to make the correct diagnosis.

Causes of dry cough in adults

Despite the fact that a jerky forced exhalation can cause a huge number of ailments, depending on its nature and accompanying symptoms, it can be assumed what caused the dry, severe cough.

A paroxysmal unproductive reflex act is characteristic of the following ailments:

Why do you need to treat dry cough in adults?

Dry cough in adults is very important symptom, which may be the first sign of the development of a serious illness. By seeking help from a doctor in a timely manner, a person is guaranteed to be protected from the development of complications. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, especially if the reflex act is prolonged and has not gone away for several weeks or months.

A continuous cough may be one of the symptoms of allergies or acute bronchitis. It is this persistent cough that can cause stopping or difficulty breathing. In this case, you need to urgently make an appointment with a doctor, because self-medication of symptoms will not cure the disease itself. You need to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of your body. This will help the specialist understand the root cause of this symptom.

Coughing is the process of forced exhalation of air through the mouth, which is caused by involuntary contraction of a number of muscles of the respiratory system. This mainly occurs due to irritation of delicate receptors. It plays a big role for the human body. Due to it, the body is cleansed of foreign substances, and a cough also warns a person about a violation of the respiratory tract.

If you have a persistent dry cough with sputum production, it will be considered unproductive. For many people, before a cough appears, it first begins with just a sore throat.

If you cannot determine the underlying cause, then it could be a symptom of any other disease that is associated with the respiratory tract. This disease can occur in both closed and open forms.
A continuous cough occurs in a person as a reaction in response to external irritants. For example, when dust particles enter the lungs, the human body begins to react to the irritant.

Causes and treatment of persistent cough

Why is it so important to undergo treatment for a constant, continuous cough? If left untreated, over time the bronchi become filled with microbes and their waste products. As a result, a person may develop pneumonia. In medicine, there are 3 types of cough:

  • dry;
  • with sputum;
  • night and morning.

The latter type is divided, in turn, into strong and weak depending on its intensity.

The sources of dryness can be different. This disease is mainly associated with the human respiratory system. An inflammatory process occurs in the upper respiratory tract, viruses and pathogenic bacteria multiply. If a person has a strong immune system, then the body is able to cope with the disease on its own. And if, on the contrary, it is weakened, then antibiotics and antiviral drugs help patients.

If you have a severe cold, you should definitely consult a specialist, because recently doctors have observed various complications after the illness in patients who suffer from the flu or colds that are accompanied by a dry cough.

If you are sick with ARVI, influenza or another infectious disease that is accompanied by a dry cough for a long time, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • The immune system is weakened.
  • Smoking, alcohol, too dry air in the house, insufficient fluid content in the body, etc.
  • Complications of other viral diseases.
  • Here is a list of some diseases that cause a dry, long-lasting cough:

    • pneumonia;
    • bronchitis;
    • whooping cough;
    • measles;
    • false croup

    The latter diseases can cause severe coughing in children. Then you should take appropriate medications, for example, Sinekod, Libexin, Broncholitin, etc.

    An adult may have a dry, persistent cough if he is sick with tuberculosis. A severe cough may be one of the first symptoms of cancer.

    Allergic reactions, bronchial asthma and cardiovascular diseases can also be accompanied by a continuous cough.

    The main sources of persistent cough:

  • Smoker's bronchitis.
  • Benign tumor.
  • Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.
  • Lung problems.
  • In order to prevent the appearance of a dry cough, it is necessary to increase the air humidity in the room, drink at least 2 liters of water per day, quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day, do not frequently spray air freshener in the apartment and need to wet clean the rooms daily .

    To treat a long-term symptom, there are many medications available to help get rid of it. They affect the nervous system, thereby reducing the cough reflex.

    Medicines such as oxeladine and Codeine will help get rid of a cough, but by acting on the medulla oblongata, the drugs can cause drowsiness in a person, and in some cases even addiction.

    There is only one medicine that does not have side effects - Dextromethorphan. Remember that before purchasing medications at the pharmacy, you need to consult a specialist and do not self-medicate.

    Causes and treatment of wet cough

    Unlike a dry cough, a wet cough is accompanied by sputum production. That is why, when treating wet, you first need to get rid of its main cause - phlegm. In order for mucus to easily begin to move away from the walls of the respiratory tract, you need to turn it from a viscous state into a liquid one.

    To most effectively thin sputum, you need to buy mucolytic drugs. They help reduce the viscosity of sputum or begin to increase the secretion of liquid sputum. As a result, such drugs, with their combined effect, will help get rid of a wet cough.

    Depending on the person's age and the duration of the cough, doctors may prescribe the following medications:

    • Gedelix;
    • Dr. MOM;
    • Bromhexine, which comes in several forms;
    • Pectusin, as well as other expectorants.

    Causes of wet cough

  • ARI and ARVI. In addition to a persistent cough, such diseases may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, runny nose and headache.
  • Upper respiratory tract diseases. For example, rhinitis or sinusitis. In young children, such diseases can provoke a wet cough that begins in the morning.
  • Whooping cough. This disease is characterized by a paroxysmal cough with a small amount sputum.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Sputum production in asthma is profuse and accompanied by difficulty breathing.
  • In chronic bronchitis, sputum discharge will be purulent clots. This type of bronchitis worsens only once a year.
  • Tuberculosis. If you have tuberculosis, the sputum may come out with small blood clots.
  • If the patient lung tumor or two at once, then sputum will be released along with mucus or blood.
  • In order to prevent the appearance of a wet cough, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Frequent drinking.
  • Airing the room.
  • Frequent wet cleaning.
  • Cigarette withdrawal.
  • Refusal of spicy foods and strong odors.
  • Remember, before treating your cough, be sure to consult your doctor.

    - this is an unpleasant irritant not only for the coughing person himself, but also for the people around him, and there is always a well-wisher ready to give advice on how to get rid of this obsession. Constant coughing deprives a person of normal rest even at night, does not allow him to work fully, fulfill his duties, and the person is constantly in a pre-stressful state. In addition, a persistent cough can serve as a signal that not everything is fine in a person’s body, and it is necessary to go to the clinic as soon as possible for a comprehensive examination.

    Persistent cough in a child- this is a reason to immediately visit a doctor, because it dangerous case, it can lead to respiratory arrest and self-medication is inappropriate here. Only a doctor through diagnostics can determine the cause of a severe cough and prescribe appropriate treatment.

    Coughing, in general, is the body’s defensive reaction to some disturbance in the activity of the internal respiratory organs: certain muscles intuitively contract, and by sharply expelling small portions of air, irritants are removed from the surface of the larynx and bronchi. If the removal of irritants does not occur, muscle contraction continues - this is an incessant cough. That’s why it’s important to find out its reasons. It also happens that the cause may be dust, caught in the upper part of the lungs.

    The first symptom in some people is a sore throat, and if it is not possible to determine the cause of this, then discomfort can be considered as a symptom of some kind of respiratory disease. There are coughs that are dry and with phlegm, at night and in the morning, strong and not very strong. To determine the cause of a persistent cough in a child, or any other person, you should pay close attention to the following characteristics:

    • how long does the attack last, is it superficial or deep, with anguish;
    • Is the cough dry or with sputum, if the latter, then is there blood or mucus clots in it, is there wheezing and whistling;
    • are they accompanying him? heat, vomiting, lacrimation, runny nose, headache;
    • pay attention to atmospheric conditions: irritants can be dusty air, smoke, dandelion or poplar fluff, other airborne particles and toxic substances.

    Linked with respiratory organs– inflammatory processes can occur in them or viruses and bacteria and fungal formations can settle. This result occurs if:

    • a person has a weakened body and reduced immunity;
    • celebrated smoking abuse and alcoholic beverages, inhalation of dry air, ;
    • the course of viral diseases of a different nature is complicated - inflammation of the lungs and bronchi, in children this is whooping cough and measles - of an infectious nature, laryngeal stenosis or false croup;
    • there is tuberculosis or allergies, asthma, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    A hacking cough may be the first warning sign that cancer is approaching. Basic actions will help reduce risks occurrence of dry cough- this is to maintain normal air humidity and water balance in the body, limit or stop smoking, wipe the floor and furniture every day with a damp cloth, and minimize the use of air freshener in the room.

    If a dry cough is not treated, it goes into the wet stage, with mucus secretion. In general, everything that has been said about dry cough fully applies to cough with sputum, but the range of causes is somewhat expanded and is represented by the following reasons:

    The color of mucus may indicate a certain disease: yellowish-green- at purulent diseases, as a rule, these are colds. Coughing removes accumulated mucus along with harmful bacteria and viruses. Blood in the sputum notifies about possible destructive processes in the tissues of the lungs during pneumonia and tuberculosis. The discharge is black - a cancerous tumor may have arisen.

    Prevention of wet cough includes all measures, listed for the prevention of dry cough, and complements them by recommending avoiding spicy foods.

    Cough in children

    In addition to the general reasons listed above, children may also have their own reasons for prolonged coughing, which are rarely found in adults. Anyway this is alarm signal and it is necessary to correctly diagnose the signs of diseases indicated by cough:

    Under no circumstances should you self-medicate a child; this can cause harm to him. irreparable harm. Before medical appointment You should carefully remember the smallest details and features of the child’s behavioral mood in order to notify the doctor about them.

    Relieve coughing fit

    To alleviate the child’s suffering from a debilitating cough, it is necessary to take measures to weaken and stop coughing before the doctor arrives. Medications that reduce the sensitivity of sensors help reduce the activity of an attack, but they are made in the form of tablets. It is not always possible to give them to small children, but they are possible side effects. Usually syrups are used. The following remedies are recommended:

    • warm lime tea, baked milk with honey, berry juice - you can drink all this;
    • suck herbal lozenges with the effect of pain relief and cessation of soreness;
    • gargle with warm aqueous solutionsdrinking soda or furatsilina, herbal decoctions;
    • let the cut breathe onions, it resists bacteria very well, although it does make your eyes water.

    The main task is to remove the irritant and stop the inflammatory process in the throat. Removing mucus from the nasopharynx is no less important than fighting a cough.

    Treating a persistent cough

    There are many drugs for treatment by acting on nerve endings, reducing their sensitivity and, consequently, the cough reflex. Codeine is an excellent drug and will quickly help eliminate a cough, but it can be addictive. Dextromethorphan has no side effects, but of course only a doctor should prescribe it.

    When curing a wet cough, the first step is to overcome phlegm; to do this, you need to liquefy its deposits on the walls of the respiratory tract. Mucaltin will help reduce viscosity by adding a liquid phase to the sputum, as a result it will be expectorated along with the bacteria it contains. There are other medications that are prescribed by a doctor and are divided into separate classes:

    • sputum-thinning mucolytic drugs - Lazolvan and ACC, Bromhexine;
    • expectorant medications aimed at removing phlegm - Gedelix, Doctor IOM;
    • influencing the nervous system through the brain and reducing the cough reflex - Libexin and the above-mentioned Codeine (as prescribed by a doctor);
    • medicinal products combined action– and Bronchosan;
    • Antibiotics are prescribed with caution because they often do more harm than good.

    Please note: in initial stage Treatment with mucolytic drugs may temporarily intensify the cough, but as the mucus thins and is removed from the body, the cough will go away. Of course, before giving the drug to a child, you should study the instructions and make sure that this medicine will not harm the child, and only then treat it.

    Folk remedies

    In addition to carrying out the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, it is not forbidden to use some cough remedies developed by traditional medicine. These are warming with mustard plasters and compresses, rubbing and inhaling the vapors of infusions of various medicinal herbs. This is only feasible if the child does not have any rejection of the components of the treatment used and is in normal condition. Procedures that can be used:

    • prepare the mixture - dissolve one tablespoon of honey and cranberries in a glass of warm water, give the child a teaspoon of the resulting syrup;
    • to warm up, take a cabbage leaf and cover it with a layer of honey, apply it to the chest and secure it with a bandage, you can remove it in the morning;
    • breathe in the steam from fresh boiled potatoes;
    • Brew a tablespoon of herbs (linden or chamomile flowers) into a glass of water, sweeten with honey or sugar, and give to drink.

    The duration of the procedures, as a rule, does not exceed half a month. In this case, you should constantly go to the doctor.

    Every mother encounters a child’s cough. More often it appears when and does not cause much panic, since it passes quite quickly and is cured along with other symptoms characteristic of ARVI or influenza.

    But sometimes the cough becomes persistent and does not go away after several weeks. In this situation, the mother should sound the alarm and immediately consult a doctor for help. A persistent cough may indicate not only the flu or ARVI, but also other dangerous diseases.

    It is customary to distinguish and subdivide into categories. Depending on its type, a possible disease is diagnosed. At colds For example, there is a tendency for one type of cough to transform into another and then completely disappear.

    First it appears, then it becomes wet and at the final stage of treatment disappears completely. But sometimes a cough appears suddenly, without visible signs or . Therefore, it is important for mom to learn to distinguish between types of cough and, if there are alarming symptoms, immediately consult a doctor.

    Dry cough

    A dry cough is considered one of the most dangerous, as it may indicate serious illnesses not related to a cold. With the flu, the child begins to cough hysterically, his throat is sore and sore. But then the body produces mucus and the dry cough turns into a wet cough. This typical course influenza or ARVI illnesses. At the same time, the child’s temperature rises and appears. This picture is familiar to everyone and everything is clear about it.

    In some cases, the cause of a dry cough can be dry air in the apartment, tobacco smoke and strong chemical odors. Periodically, the child begins to cough hysterically. There is no fever or runny nose.

    A dry cough can be caused by diseases such as:

    • Measles
    • Pleurisy
    • Allergy
    • False croup

    All these ailments are accompanied by a dry cough. Therefore, it is very important to show the child good specialist. Only a doctor can correctly determine the nature of the cough and prescribe treatment.

    Distinguish cold cough from symptom serious illnesses quite simple. A dry cough with ARVI or influenza quickly turns into a wet one. In this case, all the symptoms of a viral disease are observed - runny nose, fever, malaise, lack of appetite. Other pathologies are accompanied by slightly different symptoms - the child feels pain in

    chest, which is not typical for common cold. A dry cough is barking, spasmodic in nature, and a whistling sound is heard when exhaling. It is also observed or even - total loss sonority. If a dry cough continues for three weeks or more, see a doctor immediately.

    A dry cough can also be caused by less obvious factors - psychological problems (nervous situation in the family), the presence of helminths, heart disease, gastrointestinal tract, teething or foreign object entering the respiratory tract.

    Moist cough

    Indicates cleansing during the treatment of influenza or ARVI. A wet cough may indicate other diseases, such as:

    • Allergy – coughing up red-brown mucus.
    • Pneumonia, bronchitis or tracheitis - cloudy mucus.
    • and tuberculosis - greenish mucus is coughed up.

    It is very important to avoid stagnation of mucus in the bronchi during a wet cough. In this case, microbes begin to actively multiply. There is a risk of complications. Therefore, mucus is diluted with the help of medications and syrups to quickly remove it from the bronchi.

    allergic cough

    As a rule, it appears suddenly as a result of exposure to allergens. The child does not have a fever or other symptoms indicating a cold or flu. Allergic cough is dry, hysterical. In this case, mild pain may occur. Allergies also provoke a wet cough, in which mucus of a rusty or transparent color is coughed up.

    If the cough is accompanied by other alarming symptoms- you need to see a doctor

    It is very easy to distinguish an allergic cough. It occurs suddenly and also goes away; the child does not experience an increase in body temperature. Often an allergic cough accompanies sneezing. Allergies require complex therapy and elimination of allergens.

    Night cough

    Particular attention should be paid to cough, which is especially intense at night. If a child is sick with the flu or ARVI, then a cough that gets worse at night is easily explained.

    IN horizontal position mucus is difficult to cough up, it accumulates and forms congestion. Therefore, the child begins to cough heavily at night, since during the day in vertical position the mucus dissolves normally and comes away.

    However, a night cough may also indicate an allergy, for example to a mite that lives in pillows. Also, an exacerbation of cough at night indicates a possible or, as well as other viral infections.

    A hysterical night cough with vomiting can be a symptom of a dangerous disease - whooping cough.

    With such a cough, the child’s face turns red, tears flow, it hurts to inhale and exhale, and vomiting appears. Night cough may indicate bronchitis or problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Only a complete examination of the child can find out the cause of the night cough, which cannot be ignored. If the cough appears only at night, then this indicates serious pathologies respiratory system.

    A persistent cough indicates many diseases, the most dangerous of which is whooping cough. But more often it indicates “undertreated” flu or ARVI, as well as allergies.

    An advanced allergic cough can lead to bronchial asthma or asthmatic bronchitis. This is why it is so important not to let a cough last for more than two to three weeks. Mom needs to monitor the course of the flu or ARVI and, at the slightest suspicion of a prolonged cough, immediately consult a doctor.

    Particular attention should be paid sudden attacks coughing for no apparent reason.You should not ignore a nocturnal, hysterical cough with a whistling sound. If your child complains of pain when breathing in and out, seek help immediately. This may indicate serious pathologies.

    Drug treatment of pathology

    Treatment of cough should be comprehensive and include not only taking medicines, but also , . Cough as such is not treated in isolation.

    Treatment is prescribed for the underlying disease that provokes the cough. You can relieve attacks of dry or productive (wet) cough using traditional and folk methods.

    Treatment for cough should only be prescribed by a pediatrician based on the diagnosis. Depending on the type of cough, therapy is selected, which will include either drugs that thin the sputum or suppress the cough reflex (wet cough).

    Treatment features:

    • Sputum thinning drugs - Bromhexine, Ambroxol.
    • If the cough is dry, drugs such as Broncholitin are more often prescribed.
    • For acute respiratory viral infections, combination drugs are prescribed, for example.
    • If the baby experiences bronchospasm, the doctor prescribes therapy, which includes bronchodilators.

    In addition to medications, young patients are prescribed plenty of fluids, aerosols, and inhalations with. Prescribed medications are added to the inhalation solution.

    Do not forget that such procedures are prohibited for children under one year of age. Drinking is often recommended to be combined with traditional methods. It is recommended to drink warm herbal preparations, milk with honey. The pediatrician will prescribe exactly the remedy that will most help cope with a certain type of cough.

    Traditional methods

    It often happens that there is a day or two left before the doctor's appointment, and the cough is so strong that you need to take action here and now. There are folk recipes that quickly relieve coughing attacks and inflammation. You can use them before going to the pediatrician. They can also be prescribed by doctors in combination with traditional therapy.

    The best folk remedies for coughs for children:

    • They are good for coughs. Potato compress has worked well. To do this, you need to boil three or four potatoes, then mash them thoroughly. Form the puree into a flat cake and place it in a cloth. Apply the compress to your back and chest, avoiding the heart area. Wrap your baby in a warm blanket.
    • Along with the compress, inhale over boiled potatoes.
    • Give your baby black radish juice and honey; this remedy quickly relieves attacks and inflammation.
    • One of the most effective ways Honey and onions are considered to eliminate coughs. The raw onion is passed through a meat grinder. The gruel is mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio and given no more than three times a day after meals. The cough goes away quickly. This treatment method is not recommended for children under one year of age.
    • Inhalations based on common chamomile and coltsfoot have proven themselves to be effective. Tea is brewed from the same herbs, honey is added and given to the child.
    • Another proven treatment method was steel. You can purchase ready-made bags with mustard powder inside. They are placed on the back and chest, avoiding the heart area. At the initial stage of cough, you can use hot foot baths with addition mustard powder. All warming procedures are indicated only in the absence elevated temperature bodies. To avoid burning the baby's delicate skin, gauze or thin cloth is first applied to the back, and then mustard is applied.

    Useful video - Protracted cough in a child:

    Any folk remedy used with caution, especially if the child is prone to allergic reactions. Cough therapy should only be prescribed by a doctor.

    Self-treatment can easily worsen the course of the disease. Children under one year old cannot be treated independently; this can lead to fatal outcome. If you have a persistent cough, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid serious complications.

    A dry or wet continuous cough is a dangerous symptom of a disease developing in the body. Neglecting diagnostic examinations , many patients begin to take antitussive drugs, trying to influence the effect rather than the cause.

    As a result, a non-stop cough continues to torment a person, and without making an accurate diagnosis, it is almost impossible to get rid of it.

    Experts classify a cough that lasts for more than 3 months as chronic reflex, which is a sign of the development of pathologies in the body.

    Causes long-term preservation this symptom is largely similar in patients different ages , but there are some differences.

    In children

    The main causes of persistent cough in a child are: untreated SARS and allergic reactions. Untreated colds in the respiratory system lead to the disease becoming chronic.

    The main symptom of chronic inflammation of the respiratory system- not amenable to symptomatic treatment.

    A child’s cough also indicates constant exposure to allergens on the mucous membrane of the air ducts: house dust, animal hair, plant pollen.

    If the child has seizures at night, it means the symptom is caused by a low-grade substance. bed linen, pillow or blanket filling, dust in interior items or mattress. The child will cough until the allergen no longer affects the body..

    A common cause of incessant coughing in a child is blockage of the airway by a substance that has entered it. foreign body. If the object entered into the respiratory tract is large enough, a continuous attack in a child lasts from 3 minutes, the skin begins to turn blue. It can only be stopped by removing the foreign body.

    Blockage with a small object manifests itself permanently. The attacks gradually become more intense due to swelling of the mucous membrane.

    One of the most dangerous reasons children's cough hereditary disease respiratory system cystic fibrosis. The disease is associated with a disruption in the production of a special protein in the child’s body, which causes damage to the endocrine glands.

    As a result of this disorder, the air ducts become clogged with abundantly formed, viscous mucus, which becomes a source of infection for the entire body. Mucus disrupts the functioning of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi. The lumen of the air ducts gradually narrows, and the child’s cough intensifies due to lack of air.

    CAREFULLY! A persistent allergic cough in a child without adequate therapy can lead to bronchial asthma and the formation of persistent respiratory failure.

    In adults

    Persistent cough stalks heavy smokers because most of them are suffering.

    The reason lies in the systematic negative impact of tobacco smoke on the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs. It literally corrodes the airways, bronchi and lungs.

    When a persistent cough occurs in an adult non-smoker, determine the cause only by the doctor after the examination. The symptom indicates the following ailments:

    1. Asthma. Persistent cough is the main symptom of the disease in adults and children. The disease is also accompanied by shortness of breath, unpleasant sensations in the chest.
    2. Tuberculosis. IN recent decades there is a real epidemic of this dangerous disease. Experts believe that the reason for this phenomenon is the modern person’s exposure to stress, eating disorders, and lack of sleep. There is an opinion that Koch's wand is in a dormant state in almost all people over the age of 30. When the body weakens, the bacteria become more active and the disease begins to develop. The first symptom of tuberculosis is a persistent cough.
    3. COPD. obstructive disease is chronic process gradually narrowing the airways. The disease develops around the age of 40 and progresses further.
    4. Allergy. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract with systematic exposure to allergens can lead to the development or anaphylactic shock. The most common type of allergy is seasonal hay fever, accompanied by a dry cough and asthma attacks. Allergies can also be caused by exposure to toxic substances from household chemicals, traffic fumes. Often incessant allergic cough workers in hazardous industries suffer.
    5. Cardiovascular pathologies. In heart disease, cough appears at night when the patient is lying down.

    IMPORTANT! Persistent cough in people living in megacities is associated with harmful effects on organs polluted by exhaust gases or industrial emissions. For many patients, the cough does not stop several weeks after moving to an ecologically clean area. The inflamed mucous membrane needs at least 7-10 days to begin regeneration processes.

    Moist cough

    Cough with sputum production - a sign of developing inflammation of the upper or lower respiratory tract:

    1. ARVI, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. The cause of the symptom is the flow of mucus that forms in the nose into the throat.
    2. Chronical bronchitis. Most often, a cough caused by bronchitis produces sputum with yellow or greenish pus.
    3. Tuberculosis. With this disease, blood clots are often observed in the sputum.
    4. Pneumonia. Wet cough with acute inflammation lungs is accompanied by general malaise, fever, and chest pain.
    5. Pathology of the pulmonary circulation. Severe stages of the disease cause the formation of sputum mixed with blood.
    6. Bronchial asthma. In case of illness severe form When coughing, clear mucus is released.

    Dry cough

    Dry cough - most unpleasant symptom respiratory system diseases.

    Its attacks are painful for the patient: they are accompanied by pain and burning in the chest, tension of the respiratory muscles.

    Main cause of dry cough– sluggish inflammation in the upper respiratory tract after the penetration of viruses and bacteria.

    If the immune system is weakened, inflammation becomes chronic. The remaining symptoms disappear.

    Severe dry cough - probable sign the following diseases:

    1. Whooping cough and measles. Additional symptoms are rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.
    2. False croup. The disease is typical for children under 3 years of age. Additional symptoms – inflammation vocal cords, trachea and bronchi. The cough associated with illness is loud and barking.
    3. Infection with chlamydia or mycoplasma. After the initial entry into the body, the infection gradually penetrates into respiratory system, which contributes to the development of bronchitis and atypical pneumonia. Pathologies occur in waves, with exacerbations and remissions.
    4. Helminth infestations. Worm larvae migrate inside the body, moving through the pulmonary circulation, settling in the lungs, trachea and bronchi, provoking a cough reflex.
    5. Gastrointestinal pathologies. A dry cough is a symptom of reflux esophagitis. Thrown into the esophagus gastric juice causes irritation of the mucous membrane, causing a dry cough. The symptom is also caused by esophageal diverticula or tracheoesophageal fistula.
    6. Taking medications. Dry cough can be caused by ACE inhibitors and drugs to treat heart failure. According to statistics, approximately 20% of patients taking these medications note the development of a cough, which disappears on its own after stopping the medication.
    7. Cancers of the respiratory or mediastinal organs. Malignant neoplasms in the lungs, bronchi, trachea, heart or aorta, growing, they compress the air ducts. The patient develops respiratory failure, and a reflex cough begins as an attempt to compensate for the lack of air.

    Associated symptoms

    A persistent cough may be accompanied by additional symptoms:

    • rise in temperature;
    • pain in the chest area;
    • shortness of breath;
    • blue skin;
    • weakness, apathy;
    • sore throat;
    • sinus congestion;
    • headaches;
    • hoarseness of voice;
    • increased sweating;
    • wheezing or whistling when breathing;
    • decreased body weight in adults and additionally slowed growth in children.

    The accompanying symptoms gradually intensify and cause the patient more and more inconvenience. Along with additional symptoms, the main one may change: The cough may gradually change from dry to wet.


    Before deciding what to do for a specialist it is important to find out the cause of the symptom. For staging correct diagnosis It is important to take into account the basic characteristics of cough:

    • frequency and time of occurrence of attacks (morning, evening, night, after meals);
    • sound timbre and intensity of cough;
    • sounds accompanying cough when inhaling and exhaling;
    • productivity of cough: dry or wet.

    Based on an assessment of these indicators and an analysis of accompanying symptoms, the doctor makes an initial diagnosis. To confirm it, prescribe additional research:

    • X-ray and CT scans of the respiratory organs;
    • microscopy and bacteriological culture of sputum;
    • blood, urine, and feces tests (if helminthic infestations are suspected);
    • ECG if there is a suspicion of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
    • bronchoscopy to exclude or confirm the presence of tumors in the bronchi and assess the condition of the mucosa;
    • spirometry to determine the volume of inspiration and expiration.


    Continuous cough - serious stress for the body. Treatment of a symptom begins with eliminating its root cause using appropriate means. Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes:

    • antibiotics;
    • antihistamines;
    • antiviral;
    • immunostimulants.


    The main drugs for direct impact on the cough reflex are selected by the doctor, focusing on the cause and characteristics of the symptom, taking into account age and general condition patient's body:

    1. Mucolytics. Drugs that help thin and remove mucus from the respiratory tract. They prevent blockage of the airways by acting on the goblet cells and stimulating the release of mucus. The following drugs are most effective:

    • "Ambrobene"
    • "Ambroxol"
    • "Acestine"
    • "Carbocisteine"
    • "Bromhexine."

    2. When dry For painful coughs, medications are prescribed that prevent and eliminate this reflex. They act on certain parts of the brain and eliminate the cough reflex. Additionally, the medications have an analgesic and sedative effect. Most often, doctors prescribe:

    • "Sinecode"
    • "Stoptussin"
    • "Codeine",
    • "Omnitus"
    • "Libexin"
    • "Terpincode."

    IMPORTANT! It is contraindicated to take expectorants and antitussives at the same time, as this can cause blockage of the airways.


    Physiotherapeutic procedures complement the intake of medications and significantly bring closer complete relief from cough:

    1. Inhalations. Procedures are divided into hot and cold. Steam inhalation is carried out using a cone placed on the spout of a kettle. Cold inhalations are procedures for spraying a drug into the respiratory tract with a nebulizer. Herbs are used for steam inhalation, baking soda, essential oils. When carrying out procedures with a nebulizer, special medications are used: Fluimucil, Trypsin, Ambroxol, Berotek, Berodual. At severe forms diseases are prescribed hormonal drug"Pulmicort".
    2. Massage: percussion, point, drainage, cupping. The procedure is prescribed to stimulate the removal of mucus from the bronchi.
    3. Warming up and compresses. The procedures improve blood circulation in the chest area, dilate the bronchi, promote tissue regeneration, which leads to recovery. Warming up is actually rubbing the chest with ointments “Doctor Mom”, “Badger”, “Zvezdochka”. Rubbing with natural ingredients is also effective. badger fat. made from several layers of gauze soaked in vodka or alcohol solution. Gauze is placed on the chest, covered with film, and then with woolen cloth. Warming procedures and compresses are carried out before bedtime.
    4. Breathing exercises. Special exercises help relax the smooth muscles of the respiratory organs, stimulate the removal of sputum, and restore oxygen access to the organs.
    5. Gargling. A cough is often associated with dry mucous membranes and a sore throat. Rinsing is carried out with solutions of furatsilin, medicinal herbs, and salt.

    Traditional methods

    Traditional medicine has a lot of recipes
    , allowing to relieve the patient from this unpleasant phenomenon:

    1. Cranberry elixir. The product promotes the discharge and removal of sputum. To prepare, mix 500 grams of dry cranberries and honey, add 3 liters of warm boiled water to the mixture, leave for 24 hours. Elixir take 2 tablespoons during each cough.
    2. herbal decoction. Chamomile, sage, calendula, pine buds are mixed in equal proportions, poured with boiling water, left for a day and filtered. Take the product 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day.
    3. Chest collection. Marshmallow root and coltsfoot (2 tbsp each) are mixed with 1 tbsp. l. oregano, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. Take 50-100 ml 3 times a day.
    4. Lemon with honey. Mix 100 grams of honey with mashed lemon (1 piece). Take a teaspoon before each meal.
    5. Cabbage leaf compress with honey. Blank sheet lubricate liquid honey and applied to the chest under film and woolen fabric.
    6. Herbal bath: eucalyptus, sage, coltsfoot, oregano. A mixture of herbs (400 g) is poured with boiling water and left for 1 hour. Then the broth is filtered and added to water at a temperature of 37-38 degrees. Take a bath for 15 minutes in a preheated room.

    ATTENTION! Baths, heating, rubbing and steam inhalations are contraindicated in acute forms of the disease accompanied by elevated temperature.

    Complications and prevention

    Any disease poses a certain danger and risk of complications.

    A persistent cough without eliminating its cause can lead to a sharp decrease in immunity, complete weakening of the body, development of persistent respiratory failure.

    The cause of complications is untimely treatment, so patients should not ignore the presence of a cough reflex; they need to be examined as soon as possible.

    To reduce the risk of developing respiratory pathologies, it is worth adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
    2. Use individual means protection when working in hazardous industries.
    3. Avoid contact with potential allergens.
    4. Avoid hypothermia or overheating, sudden changes in temperature, dress according to the weather. It is especially recommended to keep your feet warm and dry.
    5. Promptly undergo treatment for acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Follow the doctor’s recommendations and do not reduce the prescribed course of medications.
    6. Maintain hygiene requirements in your home. Maintain an optimal level of air humidity. In rooms where small children live, it is imperative to use air humidifiers during the heating season.
    7. Support immunity through hardening, proper nutrition, and physical exercise. actively life.
    8. Avoid emotional overload and fatigue.
    9. Organize good nutrition with sufficient protein and minimal fat.

    Continuous cough - far from a harmless phenomenon. This is a signal of trouble in the body, significantly reducing the patient’s quality of life.

    Accepting a cough as normal physiological process, which means running the disease until serious complications develop. With a prolonged cough, it is important to find out as quickly as possible why it does not go away and begin comprehensive treatment.

    Video about the correct selection of medications

    Dr. Komarovsky will talk about the treatment of dry cough and the correct selection of medications