The cat occasionally experiences shortness of breath. What caused the cat to develop shortness of breath? Shortness of breath in cats: why it occurs and in what cases it is dangerous

Normal frequency A cat's breathing rate is considered to be from twenty to forty exhalations per minute. However, there are situations when a pet’s breathing is impaired. When a cat breathes with its stomach, the lungs and chest cannot cope with their functions, since in a normal case a vacuum forms around the lungs in the chest cavity and allows the organs to have space.

Due to certain problems with the body, both air and blood along with harmful substances can enter the cavity. This may also be due to increased physical activity, various pathologies and harsh climatic conditions. This can also be caused by the onset of labor in a cat and stressful situations. Any of these options will be a reason to visit a doctor.

Everyone is familiar with the situation when a cat sticks out its tongue to wash itself or lap up milk. However, there are situations when you should worry about the condition of the animal.

First, let's look at situations where you don't need to worry:

But if the cat breathes frequently, while opening its mouth, then you need to sound the alarm. The mechanism for the occurrence of problems in terms of breathing is quite simple: to improve gas exchange in the lungs and better supply of air there, the animal needs to breathe more often and deeper, which is why it has to open its mouth, stick out its tongue and lower it beyond the boundaries of the oral cavity. The reasons may be the most various diseases by type of rhinitis, sinusitis, pulmonary inflammation and many other diseases.

And it is also important to note that the cause of this phenomenon is cardiovascular failure, poisoning and brain disorders. When poisoning occurs, vomiting occurs, the animal begins to cough, and as a result, all harmful substances leave the body. When disturbances occur in the brain, the cat is unable to control the movements of its body, including its tongue. Additionally, the cat may be accompanied by strabismus and other diseases.

The kitten is breathing heavily - the reasons are within the norm

any medical interventions And healing procedures, from injections to taking pills.

· visiting unfamiliar places, for example, a veterinary hospital.

· traveling in a car, bus or other vehicle.

· contact with other animals, children, strangers.

2. The kitten begins to heat. Adults also experience changes in the body such as pregnancy and childbirth.

3. Food absorption.

4. Overheating.

5. Increased physical activity during games and running.

All these situations do not pose any threat to the life and health of the pet. After eliminating the causes that caused the increase in frequency, breathing returns to normal. It is important to remember that stressful situations can cause other health problems for the kitten and should be avoided if possible.

If it is not possible to associate increased breathing with the reasons listed above, or the frequency of inhalations and exhalations does not normalize after a relatively short period, you should pay close attention to the animal’s health. After all, the reasons that a kitten is breathing heavily may include: serious violations work of internal organs and systems of the body.

1. Problems with the nose. The inflammatory process is usually accompanied by mucus discharge from the nasal passages.

2. Edema, tumors and other diseases of the throat and trachea.

3. Asthma, bronchitis and others bronchial diseases. In this case, the kitten will most likely develop a fever and a cough.

4. Inflammation, edema and tumors of the lungs.

5. Helminthic infestation.

6. Dehydration.

7. Poisoning.

8. Hormonal imbalances.

9. Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

10. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

11. Anemia.

12. Fever.

13. Presence of excess air or liquid in chest cavity.

Rapid breathing occurs in cats immediately after the birth of kittens. The animal’s body returns to normal after the stress of childbirth. Gradually, breathing stabilizes. Usually the cat does not need help.

Increased breathing in an animal can occur as a result of normal overheating. Since cats, unlike humans, do not have such an abundance sweat glands, breathing quickly and briefly, sticking out its tongue, the animal is trying to cool down. The animal can breathe frequently after active physical activity.

After surgery, including sterilization, the animal’s body recovers gradually after the medications administered. The depth and frequency of breathing may be affected. If breathing gradually levels out, the cat does not need help. If the situation worsens, the animal’s gums, nose and lips become bluish; this may indicate a complication affecting the cardiovascular or respiratory system. You should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Emotional experiences of the animal associated with severe fear or stress can lead to increased breathing. At the same time, the cat presses its ears and looks frightened. Can hide or attack. Cause of tachypnea there may be severe pain.

Pathologies of the heart, lungs, endocrine disorders, blood diseases, diseases of internal organs associated with an increase in these organs in size, ascites, and increased abdominal pressure.

Diseases of the respiratory system can be obstructive. That is, increased breathing can be caused by a foreign object entering the trachea or bronchi, or narrowing of the airways due to spasm or compression by a tumor.

Diseases can also be restrictive in nature, that is, they are associated with impaired expansion of the lungs.

Respiratory failure may be associated with helminths entering the myocardium, lungs and bronchi. Fluid accumulation in the lungs, swelling, inflammatory processes may cause increased breathing. Wherein general state the animal is disturbed, the cat becomes inactive, body temperature may rise, and appetite may decrease. There is no talk about the possibility of active games.

The inability of the blood to carry the required amount of oxygen due to anemia can cause the animal to hyperventilate. In this case, the cat experiences weakness, apathy, and loss of appetite. Vomiting may occur.

Increased breathing can occur due to injury, disruption of the pectoral and diaphragmatic muscles. Cluster in pleural cavity blood or air (gases) leads to frequent shallow breathing, the appearance of foam mixed with blood on the animal’s lips. In this case, tachypnea disorders are not limited. The animal takes a forced position, severe shortness of breath develops, and if help is not provided, the cat may die.

hiatus hernia, diaphragmatic hernia lead to breathing problems in your four-legged companion. Infectious diseases, accompanied by fever, can cause disruption of the heart and increased breathing.

Heart pathologies (cardiomyopathies) often cause breathing problems. In this case, apart from rapid breathing and heart rhythm disturbances, the animal may not have any other symptoms. The cat may be eating and playing normally while the illness gets worse.

Thromboembolism of the artery supplying blood to the lungs, neoplasms in brain structures, state of shock may cause rapid and shallow breathing of the animal.

In cats with a flattened muzzle, rapid breathing may occur due to deformation of the nasal bones. This condition cannot be corrected.

Also, the causes may be the consequences of heart disease, which lead to heart failure, metabolic disorders, filling the space in the chest with harmful substances, as well as the presence of foreign objects, for example, a piece of food that has fallen into the wrong throat, or plants, especially with sharp stems and leaves.

A cat's normal breathing rate is 20-40 breaths per minute. Sometimes it is possible to observe situations where this process may be disrupted. When a cat breathes heavily from its belly, the chest cannot cope with its functional responsibilities. During normal breathing, a vacuum is formed in the chest cavity, which provides free space for the organs.

If there are some problems with internal organs animal, not only vital oxygen, but also blood can penetrate into the cavity. The reasons why a cat wheezes when breathing can be excessive physical activity, unfavorable climatic conditions, stressful situations and various pathologies.

Hard breath With open mouth indicates the presence possible diseases. Scientists often distinguish physiological (normal) and pathological features what causes cats to breathe improperly. Main function The respiratory tract is to supply the required amount of oxygen during inhalation. Violation of the process leads to the stoppage of the entire system, so the body has no choice but to change the type of breathing.

Types of shortness of breath

As mentioned above, shortness of breath in a cat can be physiological or pathological.

In turn, pathological shortness of breath, based on the type of breathing disorder, can be divided into the following types:

  • bradypnea - slow breathing when the functions of the respiratory center are suppressed;
  • tachypnea - rapid shallow breathing. This characteristic symptom fever, as well as anemia and other blood diseases.

In addition, there are several forms of shortness of breath, depending on which phase of breathing is disturbed:

  • inspiratory dyspnea - the inspiratory phase is disrupted;
  • expiratory shortness of breath - the expiratory phase is disturbed;
  • mixed shortness of breath - both inhalation and exhalation are complicated.

How does pathology develop?

Rapid breathing in a cat develops as a result of gas exchange disturbances. In the blood of an animal, for one reason or another, the content of carbon dioxide and oxygen levels decrease. As a result of such a violation, the threshold for irritation of the neuro-reflex apparatus in the alveoli of the lungs is reduced.

The alveoli do not fully straighten, inhalation is inhibited, the amplitude decreases breathing movements. The frequency of inhalations increases as a compensatory reaction; the animal’s body tries to eliminate the oxygen deficiency associated with a decrease in the depth of breathing. But this mechanism is not capable of completely replenishing the lack of oxygen.

Alarming symptoms

It’s another matter when a cat breathes heavily and frequently, a day, two or even more passes, and breathing does not normalize. In this case, the animal looks sick, tired, there are additional symptoms. Rapid breathing in a cat may be a sign serious problems with health. For example:

  • infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • neoplasms or hernias in the respiratory system (they interfere with breathing);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • poisoning;
  • anemia;
  • allergic reaction;
  • rib injuries;
  • damage to the head or spinal cord;
  • foreign body in the respiratory tract.

This is far from full list reasons why a cat may be breathing frequently. Associated symptoms there are:

  • cough;
  • wheezing;
  • nasal discharge;
  • elevated temperature;
  • loss of appetite.

Rapid breathing can occur, as noted above, due to heart problems. In such a situation, additional symptoms include tachycardia, cyanosis of the oral mucosa, general weakness. Under no circumstances should they be ignored. This could cost the cat his life.

Breathing problems in most cases are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • a posture that causes suspicion and concern;
  • the cat does not eat and drinks little;
  • the pet makes suspicious sounds that were not previously characteristic of it;
  • blue lip color;
  • rapid and heavy breathing with an open mouth.

The reasons may be the consequences of heart disease, impaired metabolism, the presence in the chest cavity harmful substances and bacteria or foreign objects (food debris, plants). A similar condition is observed after castration of a cat.

For correct diagnosis For respiratory diseases in cats, it is necessary to organize the prevention of diseases and their treatment. First you need to study the cat's medical history and the results of a physical health examination. Upper Airways They are examined using an x-ray, and it is performed in the presence of diseases of the lower respiratory tract, for example, cough, difficulty breathing or rapid breathing.

Doctors often use devices to examine the nose, throat, and respiratory system. If there is a suspicion of lung disease, it is necessary to analyze what is contained in the lungs and respiratory system, by washing the trachea or sacs with a sterile-looking liquid with further study of the resulting liquid. This procedure is called transtracheal flushing.

Cats that have a lot of fluid in the pleural area need to have it pumped out using a special needle, and then this fluid is examined under a special microscope. If there is a lot of fluid, then this is the cause of possible heart disease; for a more complete result, an electrocardiogram procedure is necessary.

Prevention is that cats develop diseases as a result of stress, certain health problems, climate conditions, as well as dust, dampness, and drafts. Some types of diseases can be cured through vaccination. However, in any case, it is necessary to comply with sanitary standards for keeping cats.

Before making a diagnosis, it is necessary to study the cat’s medical history and conduct an appropriate examination. The condition of the respiratory tract is checked by x-ray. It is important to note that this method is used only for diseases of the lower respiratory tract. Doctors quite often use special devices to examine the nose and throat. If even the slightest suspicion is detected, a thorough analysis of what is in the lungs should be carried out by washing the trachea.

If a cat has a a large number of liquid, it requires immediate pumping with a needle. IN further liquid sent to the laboratory for study. If there is an abundance of it, we can talk about possible heart disease. Cats and cats often have health problems as a result stressful situations, unfavorable climatic conditions, dampness of premises and constant drafts. Prevention consists of timely vaccination. Should be strictly observed sanitary standards on keeping and caring for cats.


1. Surgery(for oncology, trauma, etc.).

Orally (via oral cavity). Drugs can be in the form of tablets, solutions, capsules, powders, etc.

Rectally (via anal hole). Suppositories administered in this way allow the animal to receive the drug without a high load on the liver.

Subcutaneously (the needle is inserted into the fold resulting from pulling back the skin). Most medications are administered in this way under the withers. At emergency This method is not very effective, as it takes time for the medication to be absorbed.

Intramuscularly (in cats, most often into the thigh muscle). This injection can be quite painful. The volume of the drug that can be administered in this way is limited to not too large doses.

Intravenously (using a syringe or intravenous catheter). In emergency situations this is the most effective method therapy, because the drug immediately enters the bloodstream.

Having the information presented, the pet owner has the opportunity to determine with relative accuracy whether the kitten’s intense breathing is normal or more like a pathological condition. Based on this, it is much easier to decide what to do if the kitten is breathing heavily: should you wait or should you urgently go to a veterinary hospital.

The animal's rapid breathing is usually easily noticed by the owner. In this case, they say that the cat “breathes like a dog.” You shouldn’t be afraid of this; the animal needs to be laid on a bedding. If the cat is overheated, it should be taken to a cool place; if the animal is nervous, try to calm it down. If the animal’s condition is satisfactory, breathing is restored, nothing serious has happened to the cat.

If additional symptoms appear: the cat refuses food or water, its mucous membranes turn blue, it tries to occupy forced situation, sleeps a lot, urinates often, refuses to play, the animal needs to be taken to the vet. The progression of tachypnea to dyspnea is a sign of serious pathology.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of increased breathing. If necessary, the animal is allowed to breathe humidified oxygen. Surgery may be necessary.

Providing first aid to a cat

It is necessary to secure the cat so that its neck is straight and in line with the spine; The pet’s mouth should be closed, the mouth should be free of saliva, foam, and mucus; we produce deep breath, exhale air into the nose through the palm, which is folded into a tube. You can cover the cat’s mouth with a thin scarf and clasp the nose with your lips without using your palm; frequency approximately twenty times per minute, depth will depend on the size of the pet.

Kittens to do artificial kind breathing must be done extremely carefully, since if you exhale too intensely, you can harm your small lungs (they simply will not be able to accommodate the volume of air exhaled by a person). To calculate the volume, place your palm on the cat’s chest: a slight expansion is enough, do not overdo it; We check the pulse every 15–20 seconds.

If your heart has stopped, don’t panic! Usually, if the cat can still be saved, heartbeat recovers within ten to fifteen minutes indirect massage; We wrap our palm around the cat’s sternum from below so that it becomes sandwiched in the area between thumb on one side and the remaining fingers on the other.

Every two minutes we check to see if the heart is beating. It’s great if there is an assistant nearby: one person produces artificial respiration, and the second massages the heart without interruption.

During assistance for a pet it is necessary to fix his body so that the neck is in a straight position. The mouth should be closed and cleared of saliva and other mucus. Then you should take a deep breath and exhale through your cupped palm into your nose. Front part The cat can be covered with a rag or handkerchief.

If cardiac arrest occurs during the process, then there is no need to worry. In situations where the animal cannot be brought back to life, the heart rhythm is restored after 10-15 minutes massage treatments. To do this, you need to clasp your palm chest area cat in such a way that it is pinched on one side with the thumb and on the other with the rest. You need to squeeze and release your fingers 5 times in a row, then blow air into the nasal openings.

An immediate reaction to the first signs of the disease will help you make the right decision in time and save the animal.

Diagnosis and prevention of diseases

Since there can be many causes of breathing problems in cats, preventive measures comes down to maintaining good physical condition animal. If the body has high resistance, the cat gets sick much less often and becomes more resilient. In addition, the cat is less likely to develop any hereditary diseases.

It is necessary to ensure that the animal does not overheat in the summer, do not overload it beyond measure, and do not overfeed it. It is very good if, from childhood, the kitten is surrounded by a calm, friendly environment.

Dogs are able to breathe through their mouths - this is how they cool their bodies, but for cats this condition is very rare. Typically, if a cat's mouth is open, it means that it is either overheated or suffering from shortness of breath. As in humans, shortness of breath in a cat is an indicator of a disease or extreme condition body, therefore it must be diagnosed and treated, with the exception of physiological manifestations.

Characteristics of the problem

Shortness of breath is rapid, difficult breathing with an open mouth associated with insufficient oxygen supply to the body. This condition leads to oxygen starvation of the brain, which is fraught with serious consequences.

Shortness of breath in a cat can be physiological or pathological. Caused physiological reasons the condition is reversible and in most cases does not require treatment at all, only changes in the living conditions of the animal. Pathological form is a sign of the presence of a disease, therefore it will not go away on its own and requires good treatment the root causes of its appearance.

Treating this manifestation of physiology without due attention can be very risky, since sometimes such a seemingly insignificant symptom can hide a life-threatening disease. Shortness of breath never appears just like that, without a reason.

Reasons for appearance

All existing reasons shortness of breath in a cat can be divided into two large groups:

  • extraneous, that is, physiological;
  • those that are provoked by the disease. With them, shortness of breath becomes one of the symptoms of the disease.

Natural reasons:

  1. Overheating. Because of the heat, the animal opens its mouth and breathes frequently, sometimes sticking out its tongue. Since cats do not have sweat glands, they can only cool themselves in this way.
  2. Severe fatigue after a long run, playing, etc. physical effort. Heavy breathing is a sign of “turning on” the compensatory functions of the body.
  3. A stressful condition of any origin can cause shortness of breath.
  4. The pain syndrome can also cause rapid difficulty breathing.
  5. Shortness of breath in an older cat is a sign of wear and tear on the entire body, a natural aging process.
  6. When an animal is exhausted, it suffers from weakness, accompanied by shortness of breath at the slightest effort.
  7. The same phenomenon is observed when overweight, obesity in a domestic cat.

In this article I will talk about heavy breathing in cats and its causes. I will explain the signs indicating a problem in the respiratory system of a pet. I will explain how to provide first aid and transport a cat to a veterinary clinic if he is breathing heavily from his stomach. I will list the moments when rapid inhalation is a variant of the norm or pathology.

It is difficult to notice the healthy normal breathing of a cat.

If it becomes clear that your pet is having difficulty breathing, he has to make an effort to inhale or exhale, the sound when inhaling has changed, this means that the functioning of the respiratory system is impaired.

In most cases, deterioration in breathing is associated with congestion of the nasal passages, for example during a runny nose or foreign objects. Colds not uncommon and easy to treat.

Sometimes, during difficulty breathing, the pet may experience pain. Externally, this manifests itself as the following signs:

  • cat looks worried and scared;
  • the muzzle is stretched out in an unusual grimace;
  • pupils dilated;
  • tail pressed to body;
  • mustache pressed;
  • animal aggressively.

Heavy belly breathing is a sign that your cat is not feeling well. It looks as if the pet is trying to inhale air with its stomach and push it out when exhaling. This type of breathing is called abdominal.

Normally, the abdominal muscles should not be used. When healthy, there is a vacuum in the sternum around the lungs. It allows the lungs to expand when inhaling.

In case of injury or serious illness, air (pneumothorax) or liquid (hydrothorax) may enter the chest cavity, which is why the lungs cannot expand normally and take in air when inhaling.

The compensatory functions of the body are involved: the diaphragm is included in the inhalation process, so it is carried out by the “stomach”.

This condition extremely dangerous for the pet's life and requires urgent hospitalization veterinary clinic.

Shortness of breath in cats always indicates the animal’s ill health and requires increased attention from the owner's side.

The cause can be both chronic and acute conditions:

  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • progressive anemia;
  • recently previous operations under anesthesia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Heavy breathing with an open mouth occurs due to oxygen starvation body. In this state, you can notice a pose that is not typical for the cat’s normal behavior. It looks like this: the pet spreads its front legs wide, stretches its head and neck (trying to straighten the trachea), opens its mouth and breathes with shortness of breath.

This condition indicates that oxygen from the inhaled air is not delivered to the organs and tissues of the body. As a result, hypoxia occurs - a serious, life-threatening condition.

Another cause of open-mouth breathing is a cat in shock. This is a severe circulatory disorder, also leading to hypoxia. This condition can occur due to injury, allergic reaction and intoxication of the body.

Heavy breathing with your tongue hanging out also indicates oxygen starvation. Sometimes such a reaction occurs in a cat after active physical activity. In this case, a blue tongue may appear. After resting a little, the cat returns to normal and all symptoms disappear.

This condition indicates heart failure and requires consultation with a specialist.

First aid

Signs that your cat needs emergency help:

  • frequent difficulty breathing with an open mouth or protruding tongue, like a dog, abdominal inhalation;
  • sounds uncharacteristic for a pet (wheezing);
  • unusual unnatural pose;
  • the pet is lying down and cannot get up;
  • anxiety, fear, aggressiveness, lethargic pet;
  • pallor and blueness of the mucous membranes(gums, lips, tongue).

If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to urgently take the cat to a veterinary clinic.

It is strictly forbidden to give human medications or do any procedures. This group This product is completely unsuitable for use in animals and may cause irreparable harm health.

The only thing a person can do to help their pet before coming to the veterinarian is to create maximum access to fresh cool air and try to calm the animal.

Transportation to the veterinary clinic and treatment

When transporting to a veterinary clinic, it is necessary to ensure maximum influx fresh air. You need to transport your pet in a carrier (if it does not cause stress). There is no need to hug or cuddle your pet.

If breathing is difficult, the process of inhalation and exhalation is difficult for the animal, and constrained movements will only aggravate the situation.

At the veterinary clinic, the pet will be placed in an oxygen chamber or allowed to breathe oxygen using a special mask. Sometimes there is an urgent need surgical intervention And artificial ventilation lungs.

If the violation was caused by foreign body into the respiratory tract, the veterinarian will be able to carefully remove it.

In other cases, after providing the first medical care, the veterinarian will collect an anamnesis from the cat’s owner and prescribe the necessary examination.

After full examination the veterinarian will determine the real reason diseases and prescribe treatment.

Respiratory failure is a serious pathological condition requiring comprehensive examination and prescribing appropriate treatment. You won’t be able to solve the problem yourself at home without harming your pet.

When fast breathing is normal

Frequency is total breaths in 1 minute.

The normal breathing rate for a cat is 20-30 breaths per minute. In this case, slight deviations in both directions are possible. For example, a cat that inhales up to 35 times per minute, in the absence of other symptoms indicating illness, is completely healthy.

It is normal to inhale more frequently after physical activity and during hot weather. This is how the body tries to cool down.

During times of fear or stress, a cat's breathing may also become faster.

If breathing problems are not associated with these reasons and have the symptoms described above, you cannot postpone a visit to the veterinarian.

In the article I talked about respiratory dysfunction in cats. Listed its signs and possible reasons. Describes cases in which changes in inhalation are normal and those in which urgent veterinary care, including signs that are similar in young kittens.

When I first saw my cat Basya, running after a toy, sitting with her paws wide apart and breathing “like a dog” with her mouth open, I was seriously alarmed. Of course, eight months old clinically healthy cat suddenly demonstrates such obvious respiratory failure!

But I didn’t worry for long. Because I remembered that I am a doctor after all. I looked at the color of the mucous membranes, saw that every minute the cat’s breathing was becoming calmer and less deep, and realized that this shortness of breath– just physiological, i.e. naturally determined, adaptive.

Now, when my two Bengal beauties are jumping along the walls of the apartment at crazy speed, I am already quite calmly watching as one of the cats, then the other, briefly “leaves the game” to catch their breath. However, I can imagine the feelings of an attentive owner who suddenly notices that his pet or pet is experiencing a clear lack of air.

I think it’s time to figure out what shortness of breath is, and in what cases it is a sign of terrible danger for your pet.

Shortness of breath (dyspnea)– violation of the frequency and depth of breathing, accompanied by a feeling of lack of air. This is one of the most common types of breathing problems. When shortness of breath, the animal tries to reduce its activity.

When cats are short of breath, they first breathe heavily, flaring the wings of their nose, and then begin to breathe like a dog, with their mouth open. As shortness of breath intensifies, deep movements of the ribs begin, and in the most severe cases muscles also connect abdominals, forcing air through the lungs.

A cat breathing “like a dog” is a sign of shortness of breath

Dogs can breathe frequently with their mouths open without developing shortness of breath. This happens because the dog’s body cools through the tongue, or more precisely as a result of the evaporation of saliva from the tongue. This mechanism does not work in cats, so any breathing with an open mouth in a cat is already a sign of shortness of breath.

To tell if your dog is developing shortness of breath, pay attention to his movements. chest. In the “cooling mode,” the dog’s breathing is rather shallow, and chest movements are unnoticeable. In the case of shortness of breath, the dog breathes deeply and frequently, the movements of the chest are strongly expressed, and, in addition, “abdominal” breathing is observed with contractions of the abdominal muscles.

Types of shortness of breath

Shortness of breath can be physiological and pathological.

Physiological dyspnea- breathing, designed to restore oxygen levels during high physical exertion or during stress, when the level increases metabolic processes requires higher level oxygen supply.

Physiological shortness of breath helps to quickly restore the required level of oxygen in the blood.

Physiological dyspnea is common in dogs and cats. brachycephalic breeds and in very active animals in hot weather. If the animal’s activity remains at the usual level, and shortness of breath stops quickly, then there is no cause for concern.

Pathological shortness of breath- this is a condition when the animal does not have enough oxygen in calm state or during light physical activity. At this moment, at the reflex level, the dog or cat feels a “lack of air” and tries to breathe more and more actively. This occurs because some parts of the respiratory system are not working to their full potential ( respiratory shortness of breath ). The reasons may be different: spasms airways, narrowness of the nasal passages, pulmonary edema. But not only problems in the respiratory system can cause shortness of breath.

Heart failure can also cause pathological shortness of breath ( cardiac dyspnea). If the heart is unable to pump through the lungs required amount blood, then the brain senses a lack of oxygen and gives a signal to the respiratory system - “breathe more actively!” But this does not lead to the desired result, the signal to increase breathing comes again, the load on the chest muscles and heart muscle increases, oxygen consumption by the muscles increases, and the pathological circle closes.

Other causes of shortness of breath include anemia, endocrine disorders (obesity, diabetes, thyrotoxicosis) toxic disorders (renal and liver failure) - This hematogenous dyspnea, neoplasms of the brain and spinal cord ( central dyspnea) and a number of other diseases that reduce the level of oxygen in the blood, increase its consumption, or cause pathological signals about a lack of oxygen in the brain. The main thing is that for shortness of breath to develop, the patient must reflexively feel a “lack of air.”

When shortness of breath develops, the patient physically feels a “lack of air.”

You can also distinguish between inspiratory, expiratory and mixed shortness of breath.

Inspiratory dyspnea or shortness of breath when inhaling, develops when there are problems in the flow of air into the lungs. Such problems may include narrowness of the nasal canals, spasms of the airways, too long or swollen nose. velum, laryngeal edema, tracheal collapse.

Expiratory dyspnea or shortness of breath when exhaling, is much less common. Its causes may be emphysema, asthmatic conditions, and accumulation of sputum due to bronchitis. In the case of this shortness of breath, there is a problem with removing air from the lungs and replacing it with a new one rich in oxygen.

Mixed dyspnea occurs when the patient has difficulty both inhaling and exhaling. This happens when serious illnesses lungs, pleura and heart failure.

It is necessary for the doctor to determine the type of shortness of breath in order to most accurately build an algorithm for diagnosing the causes. oxygen deficiency your pet and its treatment.

You can significantly help the veterinarian if you carefully observe your pet and note in what cases shortness of breath occurs, what causes it, how quickly it goes away and how exactly your pet’s breathing is disrupted.

How to distinguish physiological shortness of breath from pathological?

First of all, by the color of the mucous membranes.

With physiological shortness of breath, the color of the mucous membranes, as a rule, either does not change or becomes more intensely pink and even red. Even if the mucous membranes are a short time become bluish, their color is restored within a few minutes.

With physiological shortness of breath, the pet’s condition is quickly restored in a very short time and does not affect general background physical activity.

With pathological shortness of breath, the mucous membranes turn blue in the case of the respiratory nature of the shortness of breath or turn pale in the case of the cardiac or hematogenous nature of this pathological condition. Sometimes the origin of oxygen deficiency in the blood and, accordingly, shortness of breath can be mixed. Then, as oxygen deficiency develops, the mucous membranes become pale bluish or even gray.

If your pet has physiological shortness of breath caused by physical activity, active play, transportation or a visit to the veterinary clinic, then nothing bad happens. Just let him catch his breath. Within a few tens of minutes, you will notice how the rhythm and depth of your four-legged breathing is restored.

If you notice that your pet’s mucous membranes have turned blue or pale, and time is working to intensify this condition, you need to urgently consult a doctor!

First aid for pathological shortness of breath

Pathological shortness of breath is a very dangerous condition.

Pathological shortness of breath can be compensated and decompensated.

If the cause of shortness of breath is clear and related to stress, and the shortness of breath itself is compensated, the pet should be given the opportunity to calm down, relax and rest. If possible, it is advisable to provide a flow of fresh air into the room where the pet is.

As a rule, when there is a lack of oxygen, the pet experiences panic, so your calm and attention will help the pet get into the right frame of mind and also calm down. If it is not contraindicated, you can use sedatives that I recommended for your pet veterinarian, for example, “Valocordin” (“Corvalol”, “Valoserdin”) or “Stop-stress”.

The pet's panic increases oxygen starvation of its brain and heart.

If everything is in order, then after a couple of tens of minutes the mucous membranes of your cat or dog will again acquire pink color and the shortness of breath will stop. If there is no improvement in the condition, or, on the contrary, the condition worsens, urgently take the pet to a veterinary clinic. He may need oxygen and other resuscitation measures.

If your pet has compensated shortness of breath, you have time to routinely carry out necessary examinations and identify the cause of shortness of breath. Try to do this as soon as possible!

If the shortness of breath is decompensated - the mucous membranes are pale bluish or almost black, the condition is worsening every minute, the cause clearly does not correspond to the severity of the condition, the pet is experiencing increasing panic or has fallen into a state of prostration, then do not wait for anything, but urgently rush to take the pet to the veterinary clinic, – his brain and heart experience severe oxygen starvation.

In dogs, decompensated dyspnea occurs with severe dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), with laryngeal edema and severe forms tracheal collapse.

Decompensated dyspnea in cats often occurs with pulmonary edema in animals with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM). Such a cat, from a little stress or just on a hot day, first begins to breathe like a dog, then stops responding to external stimuli, and after a while he may lose consciousness and die from suffocation. Help for such an animal can only be comprehensive. In the treatment of pulmonary edema, furosemide, oxygen inhalation, medicines regulating impaired heart function.

If the cat is without apparent reason and suddenly began to breathe like a dog, with obvious stress, if her mucous membranes are pale bluish in color and she is getting worse, see a doctor immediately! She may have pulmonary edema.

What to do if your pet regularly experiences shortness of breath?

The most important thing is to accurately determine its type and cause. Only a veterinarian can do this.

To make a diagnosis, your pet may need to undergo a series of examinations: blood tests, x-rays of the trachea and lungs, echocardiography...

The main thing is that after making a diagnosis, you will know exactly what and how you can help your pet if shortness of breath occurs, how to relieve this terrible attack, this feeling of lack of air, which is terrible for any living creature.

It happens that the cause of shortness of breath can be corrected surgically, but it happens that therapeutic treatment will be able to support the pet’s body as it develops severe violations activities of individual vital important organs, for example, hearts.


The owners of my supervised patients often call me with a question about what their pet’s “like this” breathing means. A few questions can help you understand exactly what anxiety is unnecessary or necessary. urgently deliver the animal to a veterinary clinic - to relieve pulmonary edema, pump out fluid from the pleural cavity, or treat another, no less serious disease.

It is easy for a qualified doctor, with the help of the owner, to determine the degree of danger of the condition to the patient’s life, even from a distance. True, “just advice on the phone or Skype” is often not enough for help. But it happens that you couldn’t get through to the doctor, or such a doctor is simply not on the list of your closest contacts. This is where they will help you tips from the project"website".

Knowledge of the physiology and pathology of shortness of breath can save us, pet owners, from unnecessary worry and veterinary costs. diagnostic procedures. And, at the same time, this knowledge can save a pet when trouble quietly and unnoticed creeps into the life of our furry pet.

In any case, forewarned is forearmed. Therefore, the most important thing that a loving owner should do for his pet suffering from shortness of breath is to show it to a qualified veterinarian in a timely manner and carry out the necessary examinations.

If your pet suffers from shortness of breath, do not wait for the summer heat to arrive, have your pet examined and determine the cause of the shortness of breath. Your doctor's recommendations will help you successfully overcome the summer heat without loss.

Natalya Troshina, veterinarian (DVM)

In most cases, we do not even notice our breathing at all, and you can feel the breath of your beloved cat if only he decided to come and sleep in the morning... right under your ear, on a clean pillow. But what to do if a cat’s rapid breathing is noticeable, so to speak, “with the naked eye”? In this case, it is necessary to show your animal to a veterinarian, since this pathology may well be due to some serious reasons.

In general, rapid breathing (as in humans) is called tachypnea. In severe cases, the animal often assumes a position as if it were stretching: the front legs are extended, the back is arched. There are two types: pathological and physiological. Physiological - rapid breathing in a cat after birth. In this case, the body simply returns to normal. What if a cat has rapid breathing after sterilization?

In this case, it is difficult to say anything for sure. Most likely, your pet is recovering from the drugs that were administered to her for anesthesia. But there is also a possibility that she has developed side effects, which may include cardiac damage and pulmonary edema. If the cat otherwise feels normal, and the frequency of inhalations and exhalations gradually decreases, then there is no reason to panic. But when the symptoms become worse, and the nose and all visible mucous membranes gradually turn blue, you should urgently call the veterinarian.

Read also: Enterocolitis in cats - signs and treatment of intestinal inflammation

Shortness of breath can occur as a result of injuries, it can be caused by tumors, hernia hiatus diaphragm, diaphragmatic hernia, hemothorax (accumulation of blood in the chest cavity), many infectious diseases.

Symptoms, behavior changes

  • Changes in breathing (shallow breathing, rapid and/or noisy breathing).
  • The desire to lie down, or a reclining position, the mouth is half open, the animal is breathing frequently and with “strain.”
  • The cat doesn't eat.
  • Lethargy or apathetic state.
  • The desire to hide in the farthest corner.
  • Cough (in some cases).
  • Bluish or burgundy-red gums.

In mild cases such Clinical signs practically never occur. For example, if the pathology appears after anesthesia, then, as a rule, there is nothing wrong with it. Labored, hoarse and rapid breathing which is accompanied by the discharge of reddish foam and/or mucus from the nasal passages is the first sign serious pathologies pulmonary circulation. Simply put, there is definitely something wrong with your pet's heart or lungs.

For example, hydrothorax, when a kind of pond appears in the chest. May appear due to cat infectious peritonitis(FIP), as well as for congestive heart failure. In principle, rapid breathing in an elderly cat is almost certainly associated with chronic heart failure, which in itself can easily cause shortness of breath.

Read also: Dislocation of the elbow joint in a cat: symptoms, therapy

Please note that in cats of brachycephalic breeds (Persians) with a flattened muzzle, shortness of breath is a constant phenomenon. Of course, it is difficult to call it “physiological”, since it develops due to the abnormal structure of the cranial cavities. But still nothing can be done about it. But if your cat has rapid breathing and heart rate, something is clearly wrong with her.

What to do and how to determine the root cause?

Important! Do not try to pretend to be an experienced heart surgeon if the cat rapidly turns blue all visible mucous membranes, he cannot stand up, and/or bloody foam begins to come out of his nose!

Your only task in this case is to urgently call a veterinarian. What if he has no way to get to you? Then you should “pack” the cat appropriately for transport to the clinic:

  • Don't run around the cat and don't whine. This will only scare him.
  • Place the animal on a bedding in a transport cage or box, since it is definitely not worth transporting it by hand in this state.

In the clinic, it may be necessary to resort to tracheal intubation. In simpler cases, they are limited to an oxygen mask. When the animal’s condition is more or less stabilized, a chest x-ray or ultrasound will be performed. Also useful: a complete biochemical blood test and an ECG. Perhaps, an electrocardiogram is even more necessary, as it will allow you to accurately identify disturbances in the functioning of the heart.