Why did you dream about bed linen? Dream about Lingerie. Unpleasant dreams are a symbol of difficulties

Any linen seen in a dream means something secret, hidden by the dreamer from prying eyes. To understand why such a dream is dreamed, dream books recommend remembering before interpretation whether it was fresh or not very fresh, ironed or wrinkled, what kind of linen it was and other small details.

Briefly about the main thing

Can't remember the entire dream? Don’t be upset: one fragment, one small detail or a vague picture can give you, if not a complete, but quite comprehensive answer.

  • Neat underwear brings joy and good mood.
  • Dirty and torn - to trouble.
  • Washing your underwear means changes for the better.
  • Ironing means hard work.
  • Drying means money.
  • Wringing out laundry means financial losses.
  • Buying something new means getting sick.
  • Underwear - to the attention of the opposite sex.

This is how Miller's dream book interprets it

If in a dream you washed your underwear, then in reality you have some secrets that you are ashamed to tell people about. And if the underwear you are wearing is not the freshest, beware of gossip. A dream in which a young girl sees herself ironing has a good interpretation - she will marry successfully.

Washing as a symbol of happy changes

Dreaming of clean washed laundry means positive emotions, the Lunar Dream Book suggests.

Do you want to know why you dream that you “transform” dirty underwear into clean underwear by washing it in a basin? What you've been dreaming about lately will soon come true!

Soaking already clean sheets means you won’t be denied anything.

But if you dreamed of underwear soaked in water but not washed, you need to act to achieve your goals.

Drying clothes - to financial joys

Did you dream that you are going to dry your laundry and to do this you wring it out with your hands and hang it on the balcony? Your efforts will be noticed and “appreciated” with a large sum.

Hanging wet, unwrung laundry, fastened with many clothespins - money will flow to you in a stormy stream. It’s especially good if you had to hang up a wet bedding set.

Hanging panties, socks, and a bra to dry under bright clothespins is a sign of small but frequent cash receipts, Pastor Loff’s dream book pleases.

Wringing out poorly washed underwear with your hands is a warning about the possibility of losing money if you agree to invest it in an adventurous venture.

Twisting something in a centrifuge means getting rich quick, most likely you will win the lottery.

Seeing someone else’s laundry drying in a dream means waiting for the debt to be repaid, the Modern Dream Book prophesies.

In a lingerie boutique, or Take care of your health

Did you dream that you came to a lingerie store to choose something new? Pay attention to the genitourinary system, advises Vanga’s dream book.

A woman’s dream of buying men’s underwear as a gift is a reminder of the need to use contraceptives during sexual intercourse. The dream of a man about buying women's underwear has the same meaning.

Digging through a pile of old underwear or sorting it out in a basket and trying it on yourself in the Second Hand store leads to general malaise and a feeling of exhaustion.

Seeing beautiful negligees hanging on hangers means you will feel ill, but in a mild form.

If you dreamed that you were forcing your husband to try on his underpants, it meant that your husband was ill.

Sewing to order means surprises

I dream that you sew custom-made underwear. Unexpected surprises related to your professional activities await you, the Eastern Dream Book predicts.

Choosing a style of thermal underwear with a client in a dream means that an old friend will please you with a gift.

Collecting bedding sets made for sale throughout the apartment and putting them in piles - an unexpected craving for scrupulousness will “fall” on you.

Did you see in your dream a lot of embroidered children's underwear that you were going to donate to an orphanage? Many small but pleasant surprises await you.

You will be pleased with the interpretation of a dream in which you had to cut and iron fabric for sewing duvet covers and pillowcases! The members of your household will really surprise you, Medea’s dream book predicts.

“Lace Dream”, or Ah, Love...

Do you dream that you are wearing a lace set? Love will bring happiness.

Being in a crumpled openwork peignoir means a quarrel with a partner, the Women's Dream Book upsets.

For a guy to look at a girl without underwear in a dream is a sign of unspent sexual energy.

Receiving a red lace set as a gift means pleasant confessions in reality. White - you will be drawn to revelations. The black set symbolizes resentment towards your lover.

Taking off everything and going to bed naked - you are about to experience the sweetness of the hugs of a loved one.

Unpleasant dreams are a symbol of difficulties

Did you dream that you were forced to undress because you were bitten by linen lice? You will hear gossip about yourself.

The only thing worse than linen lice are linen bugs. Envious people will cause you a lot of trouble with their tales, warns the Spring Dream Book.

If you dream that your bed is bloody because your period suddenly started, one of your relatives will greatly spoil your mood.

The elastic band has “ran away” and you can’t return it to its place? This is a sign of your dissatisfaction.

Similar: Bra, underwear, underwear, combination, underwear, Long johns, underwear, underwear, dessu, Chinese

Linen in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Torn - suffer a demotion
  • Get up in your underwear - find out interesting news
  • Seeing something clean in the closet is a sign of well-being
  • Seeing dirty - domestic squabbles
  • Doing laundry is a passion for order
  • Buying means setting up a home.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Sleep Lingerie:

    Underwear - underwear, torn - to endure humiliation - to stand in underwear - to find out interesting news - to see clean things in the closet - well-being - to see dirty - domestic squabbles - to wash - passion for order - to buy - to arrange a home - to hang - profit, - to lay - stinginess - wash - resentment, trouble, illness

    Why do you dream about Lingerie? Ukrainian dream book?

  • Wash clothes: clean - they don’t say good things about you; dirty and in dirty water - someone judges. Washing clothes means death. Buying underwear is a disease; to do - miserliness; hanging out to dry is profit. Underwear is torn - humiliation, troubles at work. Standing up in your underwear means learning about interesting news. Clean linen in the closet means prosperity, dirty linen means family feuds. Dirty laundry is a lie, clean laundry is profit.
  • IN Modern dream book if you dream about Lingerie:

  • Washing your underwear means that you have something to be ashamed of and something to hide from others. Dirty underwear warns that various gossip is circulating around you, for which you yourself gave rise. If in a dream you see beautiful women's underwear, then in real life you can be called a connoisseur of beauty. You understand art and have an innate taste. For the young women a dream in which she irons bed linen means that she will have a successful marriage.
  • If you dream about Lingerie? IN Azar's Dream Book:

  • Buying underwear in a dream means setting up a home
  • Interpretation of sleep Lingerie The newest dream book:

  • Rinse B. - the appearance of an ill-wisher in your life.
  • Seeing underwear in a dream Eastern dream book:

  • A dream in which you wash your underwear means that you have something to be ashamed of and something to hide from others. Dirty underwear warns that there is various gossip going around you, for which you yourself gave rise. For the young women a dream in which she irons bed linen means that a successful marriage awaits her.
  • What does it mean to see Linen in a dream? Tsvetkov's Dream Book?

  • (lower) to get out of bed in your underwear - find out very interesting news;
  • see Clothes.
  • twisting the wet - expose betrayal;
  • What does Linen mean in a dream? Schiller's Dream Book?

  • hang winnings, receiving inheritance; lay stinginess; buy disease; washing dirty linen is illness, resentment and trouble.
  • Underwear in a dream Women's dream book:

  • Believe me, this dream promises you the most promising prospects. If you dream that you are ironing bed linen, expect a quick marriage proposal.
  • See underwear in a dream. IN Italian dream book:

  • It always points, in addition to the general meaning of the image of clothing, to the part of the body that it covers, or to fetishism that hides natural eroticism behind schizophrenic aggression. Fetishism (from the French fetiche - idol, talisman) - admiration for inanimate objects
  • I dreamed about underwear, what is it for? The details of a dream are sometimes so intimate that we are sometimes ashamed to remember it, much less tell it. But our curiosity and desire to know the future always turns us to various dream interpreters and dream books.

    According to various dream interpreters, underwear in a dream is primarily the personification of the feminine principle. All kinds of variations on the theme of color, cleanliness and newness of linen in the dream books of many authors mean relationships between a man and a woman, family scenes, infidelity or, conversely, love, new romantic dates and happiness.

    To wash is a sign of gossip and envy; to hang on a line means to put your personal life, intimate relationships and love affairs on display. And here it is important to remember what the water was like when washing: if it’s dirty, you’ll be in trouble, and if it’s clean, the gossip will end and be forgotten.

    Seeing new beautiful underwear is a good sign for many interpreters. In modern dream books, great attention is paid to the color of linen:

    White underwear is a symbol of openness in life, sometimes to the point of gullibility. Black is a sign of your uncertainty, passivity, lethargy, which may disappoint your partner. Red means expect to be dizzy.

    Meaning according to author's dream books

    Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

    Lingerie indicates a real desire to find a partner younger than one’s age. Washing, ironing, sewing underwear - your craving for intimate experiments in reality. If you dreamed of buying new underwear, expect a break in relations with your previous partner.

    If you see laundry hanging on a line, it indicates your tendency not to hide your love achievements. If you give a present to your beloved in a dream, it means that in real life you are concerned about what your other half will think of you.

    Dream Book of Gustov Miller

    If you dreamed of washing underwear, enjoy the result, this means a quick victory or a happy outcome. If you see yourself in underwear in a public crowded place, it means you are afraid of making a mistake in a serious matter. But walking down the street without clothes means that you can soon get into trouble.

    Coming to visit in your underwear means the following: your friends cause distrust and uncertainty.

    If the groom dreamed of seeing the bride’s underwear through the wedding dress, then in real life the bride has something to hide.

    Seeing yourself in underwear at an important meeting means troubles in real life cannot be avoided. But seeing yourself in a crowd of passers-by and not being scared, but showing off and being proud of it is a sign of success and great self-confidence.

    Dream Book of David Loff

    A dream about dirty underwear is a sign of gossip and slander, for which you yourself gave rise. To wash thoroughly means you have something to hide from others and be ashamed of.

    Beautiful lingerie speaks of your refined taste, sophistication, good manners and craving for beauty.

    Seeing yourself folding underwear in a dream means a successful marriage.

    Thematic dream books

    • Dream book of the twenty-first century. To see a dream with black underwear is a sign of short-term sadness with a pleasant outcome of events. If your beloved is wearing someone else's clothes, it means infidelity and disappointment. To undress in front of strangers means to experience your own shame due to your frivolous behavior;
    • Classic dream book. I dreamed about how you got into an elevator in your underwear and went up; big profits and success await you in life, but expect gossip and scandals. Tearing your underwear in a dream means undeserved humiliation and insults. If you buy it, it means you want to improve your relationship with a loved one. But dreaming of underwear with blood stains means stress, illness or surgery. If you put on beautiful things in front of a mirror, the dream promises only grief and resentment, separation from your other half.
    • Psychological dream book. If you saw new underwear, value your relationship with your loved one in life and don’t look for anything else. Trying on underwear of a smaller size or a child's style means that you are immature. You need to grow up and learn to control your destiny. But a woman who is about to change her underwear, in real life, cannot decide on the choice of the only one from the crowd of admirers.
    • Family dream book. If you dreamed of a stranger in underwear, this is a sign that you need to refrain from spontaneous ideas that will cause trouble. If a man dreams of an ugly woman, this means a threat to his authority. A woman dreamed of her husband in underwear - a tempting offer. Don't miss the chance. Seeing silk and openwork underwear means a successful marriage soon.
    • Ukrainian dream book. Folding clean laundry neatly is a sign of a future prosperous life. If you saw a dream about dirty laundry, it means quarrels and scandals. If you dreamed about your underwear being torn, beware of humiliation and troubles at work. Clean linen in the closet means well-being; dirty linen means family feuds. Hanging laundry on a line is a dream about winning or receiving an inheritance.
    • Modern dream book. If you dreamed of torn and dirty underwear, be prepared for demotion, removal from work, and ruin. Seeing very worn underwear in a dream means divorce, disappointment, obstacles and a series of adversities. Wearing neat underwear signifies a mutual desire to get married, sincerity of feelings and actions. Strangers see you in underwear - to scandal and squabbles.

    There are a huge number of interpretations of what underwear means in dreams. If you saw a half-naked person in a dream, beware of trouble. Perhaps this vision hints at your secret desires. On the other hand, any element of the wardrobe is interpreted by dream books as a positive symbol. Therefore, in order to figure out what such a plot promises for you personally, try to remember what you dreamed about as accurately as possible.

    Happiness and prosperity

    If you dream that you are the owner of a huge amount of lingerie, the interpreter Madame Hasse promises prosperity and material well-being.

    Did you dream that you were choosing underwear, and the seller was trying to help you with your choice? According to the advice of the dream book, rely first of all on your instincts, and only then listen to public opinion.

    If you had to choose underwear for a very long time while you were sleeping, but you were completely satisfied with the result, the object of your sympathy will reciprocate your feelings.

    But if you are trying to choose underwear, but nothing on offer suits you, according to interpreter Longo, you are very concerned about your own reputation.


    During sleep, buying T-shirts and panties happens to those whose past relationships will be revived with new passion. This is what the Eastern Dream Book says.

    But there are also explanations for why you dream of buying underwear. For a man, such a dream promises a cherished “yes” from his chosen one, and for a woman - to receive the most important proposal in her life.

    Do you dream that you are buying shapewear? According to the English Dream Book, in the near future you can only rely on your own strength.

    And if you buy thin lace panties, in reality you doubt the fidelity of your other half. But you shouldn’t worry, these doubts are in vain.

    Variety of colors

    Explaining why an item of personal clothing is dreamed of, the interpreter advises taking a closer look at its shade.

    White color speaks of openness, which often borders on gullibility. If you dreamed of underwear of this shade, be careful with everyone you meet. But this shade also has one more meaning - it promises pleasant changes in your personal life.

    Did you dream of black underwear? You should be more decisive, your uncertainty causes pity and disappoints people.

    But bright red panties promise a whirlwind romance.

    Brand new

    A dream in which you see new panties or other intimate items encourages you to value the relationships you have and not try to replace them. This is the advice of the Ancient Dream Book.

    A slightly different interpretation of why a girl dreams of new underwear is given by the General Dream Book. He says that it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to achieve your own ambitious intentions.

    Did you dream about silk lace underwear? Get ready for the wedding, your cherished proposal is about to be made to you.


    Medea's dream book says that trying on erotic underwear indicates the appearance of a rival on the horizon. But if the sleeping woman sees herself as slim and beautiful, dealing with the homewrecker will be quite simple.

    Did you try on someone else's underwear while you were sleeping? You will soon find out someone else's secret. But remember, the Wanderer’s dream book advises, you don’t want to know about all the things.

    In a dream, you found yourself trying on your own panties, but bad luck - are they too small for you? Perhaps you are too infantile, says the Psychoanalytic Dream Book.

    If a woman dreams that she wants to change her bra, in reality it will not be so easy for her to choose from a large number of suitors.

    You will be fabulously lucky if in a dream you put on truly exquisite underwear, the dream book promises. But whether you can manage the chance you get wisely depends only on you.

    An explanation of why you dream of taking off your bra is in the interpreter of the Twenty-first Century. The sleeping woman will cause her family and friends a lot of grief.


    Why do you dream about wrinkled and dirty underwear? Such a dream can promise various kinds of troubles and troubles.

    Do you see blood stains on your underwear? The dream book believes that you can be envied. The chosen one loves you sincerely and with all his soul.

    As a gift

    A dream in which a woman is given an item of intimate male clothing is interpreted quite funny. According to the French Dream Book, the sleeping woman risks finding herself in a very awkward and morally difficult situation.

    Did you receive stocking garters as a gift while you were sleeping? They are a symbol of forbidden fruit and secret admirers.

    According to Freud's dream book, if in a dream a woman gives underwear to a man, she is extremely concerned about the opinion of a particular person about herself. For a representative of the stronger sex, such a dream is explained in exactly the same way.

    From head to toe

    Dreamed of a complete set of underwear? The dream suggests that you are a solid person and strive for stability in everything.

    Why dream of buying such a kit? In reality, you are hatching grandiose plans.

    Miller's interpretation

    If you wash your underwear while you sleep and are satisfied with the result, a battle awaits you in which you will be lucky to win. But if you dream that you are stealing someone’s things, the victory will be the merit of another person.

    Unpleasant moments

    Do you dream that you are standing in front of a crowd wearing only your underwear? In reality, you are afraid of making the wrong decision on an issue that is very important to you.

    Have you gone on a visit dressed like this? The owners of the house where you have been invited make you feel unsure.

    What can you dream about if you are walking down the street in panties and a bra? Soon you will make a big mistake somewhere.

    Does the future husband see his fiancée's underwear showing through her wedding dress? The chosen one is hiding something, the interpreter warns.

    A very good dream is one in which you find yourself half naked at some important event. This vision promises easy resolution of problems at work.

    During sleep, do you enjoy the fact that you are wearing only underwear, and you are in the middle of a crowd? According to the dream book, you are a brave and very resourceful person.

    Remember to be careful

    On the advice of the Family Interpreter, beware of various kinds of provocations for some time if you saw a stranger in a negligee in a dream.

    During sleep, does a representative of the stronger sex see a not very beautiful woman in just one combination? His authority may decline greatly.

    What does it mean to dream in which you see a half-naked soulmate? This is a reminder that the forbidden is always more desirable.

    The husband in his family underpants promises the sleeping woman an interesting and lucrative offer.

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    Why do you dream about Lingerie?

    Linen in a modern dream book

    To see clean laundry hanging on a clothesline in a dream means that in reality you will quarrel with relatives or friends. Hanging out the washed laundry yourself means you can count on receiving an inheritance or a big win. If you wring out the laundry with your hands and water flows from it, then you will have to face the infidelity of your friends. If you dream about how you fold clean laundry into a pile, then in reality your frugality reaches the point of stinginess. A dream in which you saw neatly folded clean laundry predicts prosperity. Dreaming of buying bed linen or changing it signifies illness. Dirty laundry in a dream is a sign of trouble. If you erase it, it means you have to answer for your past sins. Making your bed with a dirty sheet means you will experience resentment towards a loved one. If something made you get out of bed in your underwear, then very soon you will learn important and interesting information. A dream in which you dream that you are putting on underwear is a sign of ambiguity. It is not yet known how exactly things will turn out - perhaps you will be lucky, or perhaps complete failure. For a prosperous life, you have a dream in which you are not fully dressed. The girl has a dream in which she is wearing expensive lingerie - the suitor will not disappoint her expectations. If a woman or girl accepts underwear as a gift in a dream, she should be more attentive to her surroundings. Such a dream serves as a warning that an insidious seducer is nearby.

    Linen in Miller's dream book

    A dream in which you are washing your own laundry occurs if you are ashamed of those around you and try to hide some aspects of your life from them. Dirty laundry is a sign of gossip, for which there is a reason. True art connoisseurs with exquisite taste dream of beautiful lingerie. If a girl irons bed linen in a dream, then in reality she will soon get married and be very happy.

    Lingerie in Freud's dream book

    Lingerie, regardless of whether it is underwear or bed linen, is a symbol of a woman or the feminine principle. A dream in which bed linen appears is a sign that there is a permanent sexual partner in your life who completely satisfies you. If you dream about underwear, it means that you like to have sex with those who are younger than you. All the actions that you perform in a dream with underwear indicate that you love variety in sex and are not averse to experimenting sometimes. If you dreamed that you were purchasing new underwear, it means that your relationship with your sexual partner has come to an end. If you saw your underwear hanging on a clothesline, in real life you are a fan of showing off all your achievements in the field of winning hearts.

    Reality is the cause of nightmares.