Clear, odorless discharge in men. Gonorrheal infection is the most common cause of acute epididymitis orchiitis. Treatment for discharge from the penis

Many women and men are concerned about the question - how to react to clear, odorless discharge that looks like snot? Is this considered normal or does it indicate the presence of some pathologies? To begin with, it should be noted that the concept of “snot-shaped leucorrhoea” is too generalized and neutral even for a superficial description. To understand the causes of their occurrence, diagnose and develop the correct therapy (in the presence of health deviations), a number of associated factors should be taken into account: color, density, smell, consistency, etc.

Mucous discharge in girls/women is a physiological secretion produced by the Bartholin glands, which are located in the vestibule of the vagina. One of the main functions of leucorrhoea is to ensure natural hydration of the vagina, as well as maintaining a balanced level of microflora acidity, which serves as a protective barrier to the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the uterus.

Discharge accompanies a woman from the moment of puberty (10-15 years) until the onset of menopause, when the ovaries cease to perform their direct functions. In addition to cervical mucus, some of the fluid comes from the lymph nodes and blood vessels, penetrating through the walls of the mucosa. The structure of leucorrhoea resembles snot, and its thickness depends on the amount of proteins it contains.

Normal vaginal discharge should look like this:

  • Be transparent with a slightly milky beige or matte white tint.
  • Do not have a strong foul odor. A slight sourish “smell” may be felt due to the presence of a number of beneficial lactobacilli in the microflora, which prevent various infections from entering.
  • Do not contain hard lumps, clots, or obvious blood spots.
  • Do not foam, accompanied by a sensation of itching and burning in the perineal area.
  • Be in moderate quantities, leaving small marks on underwear or pads.

Causes and nature of normal mucous discharge in women

There are a number of situations in which protein-like discharge is a natural process and should not cause any concern for girls/women both in childbearing age and during the climatic period. For example:

Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle

The density and color of mucus changes in proportion to the phase of the menstrual cycle (MC). This is due to changes in the level of female sex hormones in the body - progesterone and estrogens. From 2 to 4 ml of such secretion can be released per day, and the variability of its structure and shade does not yet mean the development of any pathology.

Immediately after menstruation, the discharge acquires the most dense consistency, and a clot of mucus forms in the cervix. This is necessary in order to give the mucous membrane time to recover and prevent sperm from entering the internal cavity. Then, in the first and second phases of the cycle, the mucus progressively thins out, and on days 13-14 it becomes watery, sticky with a pronounced snot-like effect. This creates ideal conditions for sperm to quickly move and meet their egg to complete the fertilization process.

Sometimes at the time of ovulation, the discharge may contain minor impurities of blood due to rupture of the follicle or due to the “immersion” of an already fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. In medical language, this phenomenon is called implantation bleeding and is considered an indicator of normality. Then the leucorrhoea thickens again, there are much fewer of them, and the color approaches a yellowish tint.

Sexual arousal

Before sexual intercourse, a woman experiences arousal, which gives a signal to the endocrine glands to actively produce additional fluid. Mucus moisturizes the vagina and helps the penis penetrate easier and more painlessly. Also, the discharge reduces the risk of injury to the genitals and mucous membranes during too hard sex. The smell, color and density of such leucorrhoea does not have any special differences compared to the usual state of sexual “calmness” - only the amount secreted changes.


With the onset of pregnancy, a serious restructuring begins in a woman’s body - the hormonal background changes, which entails a change in the nature of vaginal discharge. As soon as the fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity, the mucous membrane begins to intensively produce secretions, which facilitates the attachment of the zygote to the endometrium. The structure of the mucus resembles egg white, has no specific odor and is almost colorless.

In addition, a mucous clot forms at the mouth of the fallopian tube - the so-called protective plug. Its main goal is to prevent infections and pathogenic bacteria from entering the uterus, ensuring the healthy development of the fetus. From about 13 weeks, the snot-like discharge gradually thins out and its volume increases. In later stages, the color of the leucorrhoea changes shade, becoming more yellow, remaining that way until the onset of labor.

Important! If there is too much discharge, a pregnant woman can use pads (tampons are contraindicated). It is also necessary to carefully observe the rules of intimate hygiene and wear only natural underwear.

After childbirth, bloody mucus will be released from the vagina for some time, which looks similar to menstruation. Gradually, the uterus returns to normal tone, and the character of the leucorrhoea takes on its usual appearance: transparency, stretchy protein-like structure, absence of odor.

Other reasons

The cause of normal mucous discharge in women may be the following:

  • The first few months after installing the IUD or starting to take contraceptives.
  • Gynecological examination using a large mirror and other instruments, resulting in damage to the mucous membrane or erosive areas of the uterus.
  • Nervous stress, emotional instability, depression, anxiety.
  • A sharp change in climatic living conditions (humidity, air temperature, cold, heat, etc.).
  • Drug treatment using hormonal agents.
  • Menopause and menopause.
  • Improper intimate hygiene (using aggressive gels for washing, wearing synthetic underwear, poor-quality hygiene cosmetics, etc.).
  • Allergic manifestations of a local or systemic nature.

Signs of pathological discharge in women

The following anomalies are a signal to immediately visit a gynecologist:

  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor in transparent leucorrhoea (spoiled fish, sour milk, the aroma of rotting).
  • The presence of blood mesh or blood clots in the smear.
  • Change in mucus color (dirty white, brownish, greenish, pale or deep yellow).
  • A curdled or foamy consistency accompanied by a continuous feeling of itching and burning in the vagina.
  • Too much mucus secreted, which becomes watery and snot-like in nature.

Variants of diseases with nonspecific discharge in women

Among the diseases that cause disruption of the natural microflora of the vagina or infection, the most common are the following:

  • Bacterial vaginosis. It is characterized by the appearance of white-gray mucus, as well as the pungent odor of missing fish.
  • . Leucorrhoea has a thick foamy consistency, smells unpleasant and becomes yellow or dirty milky in color.
  • . Greenish or yellowish discharge of a purulent nature, characterized by a foamy structure with small bubbles and a foul odor.
  • . Thick, curdled leucorrhoea of ​​a milky-white opaque hue, accompanied by a pungent odor of sour milk.
  • Erosion, uterine dysplasia, endometriosis. One of the symptoms of the problem is bloody mucus discharged from the vagina, which is not associated with menstruation. The smear may contain blood clots, red streaks, and endometrial particles. Sometimes the shade changes from pink-scarlet to brown.
  • Ureaplasmosis. The volume of discharge is small, viscous, snot-like with an unpleasant odor.
  • Polyps, malignant formations. The leucorrhoea becomes liquid and acquires a pronounced dirty yellow or beige tint.

What kind of discharge is considered normal in men?

With normal functioning of the genitourinary system, men experience discharge from the penis, the nature of which is the secretion of the preputial glands located on the head of the penis and under the foreskin, as well as discharge from the urethra. In turn, the urethral canal is moistened by fluid produced by the bulbourethral gland and prostate gland.

Variants of physiological secretions:

  • Urethrorrhea. Colorless mucous discharge, which is a product of the urethral and bulbourethral glands. Directly related to male libido, they appear with strong sexual arousal. Their main task is to provide lubrication of the urethra for better sperm movement. The amount of secretion depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the level of sexual activity. With prolonged abstinence, as a rule, the volume of discharge is much greater.
  • Wet dream. Spontaneous ejaculation without prior sexual intercourse. Usually observed in the morning due to an increase in testosterone levels. The discharge has a mucous consistency and is grayish-whitish in color. The first wet dreams begin to appear in boys during puberty and then depend on the man’s temperament, his age, the intensity of his sexual life and other factors.
  • Smegma(preputial lubrication). It has a fatty composition interspersed with bacteria that form the microflora of the genital organs. Mucous fluid accumulates in the coronary groove of the penis, as well as under the foreskin, reducing its friction with the head. The maximum amount of discharge is observed in young men during puberty, gradually decreasing with age.

The color of the lubricant can vary from transparent to yellowish and greenish. This depends on how much smegma accumulates in the folds of the penis, and how long it remains there in case of fusion of the foreskin and difficulty in accessing hygiene procedures.

  • Prostatorrhea. It is a transparent mucous discharge from the urethra, consisting of prostate secretion and seminal fluid. The cause is increased tension in the abdominal muscles during bowel movements (constipation). Rarely, this effect is also observed at the end of urination or with increased coughing.

How to notice discharge in men

Since copious discharge from the urethra, which falls under the definition of normal, is rare, it can only be noticed with a close examination of the genitals. Typically, the appearance of clear secretion is observed in the morning or directly during urination. Crusts that form a dry film in the area of ​​the urethral opening, as well as marks on underwear, may indicate the presence of discharge.

It should be noted that secretion may be regular or may increase with certain lifestyle changes - for example, excessive consumption of alcohol, spicy, smoked and fatty foods, and salty foods. If the discharge is scanty, then in order to examine it, you need to specifically press on the urethra (preferably in the morning) or proceed according to the following scheme - release the first stream of urine into a glass container and analyze the liquid for the presence of whitish flakes or floating threads.

Signs of pathological discharge in men

There are a number of signs by which normal discharge can be distinguished from specific discharge. Among them:

  • volume (too scanty/abundant);
  • the presence of impurities (pus, blood, flakes, clots);
  • smell (sour, rotten, fishy);
  • color (dirty green, yellow, brown);
  • transparency (cloudy, with purulent/blood spots);
  • consistency (viscous, sticky, liquid, dense);
  • frequency of occurrence (morning, episodic, regular);
  • associated factors (overeating, alcohol intoxication, overexcitement).

The causes of abnormal discharge can be various inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, STDs, oncology, surgical interventions, injuries, consequences of drug therapy, etc. The nature of the secreted mucus also largely depends on the state of the immune system, the causative agent of the infection and the general clinical picture of the patient.

Variants of diseases with nonspecific discharge in men

Discharge with deviations from the norm may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • , . Purulent mucus accumulates on the head of the penis, has a viscous structure, and is translucent in color. Without smell.
  • Gonorrhea. Sticky, viscous leucorrhoea with the presence of pus, accompanied by a characteristic rotten odor. The color is opaque, varying from dull yellow to greenish.
  • Urethritis. Small volume discharge, clearly visible in the urine in the form of mucous stretch marks or purulent lumps.
  • Candidiasis. A cheesy paste that appears from the urethra during urination, ejaculation, or spontaneously during the day. Has a sour smell.
  • Gardnerellosis. Scanty discharge, the distinctive feature of which is a strong fishy smell, greenish or white-yellow coloring.
  • (inflammation of the foreskin). It is characterized by copious discharge mixed with viscous mucus and pus.
  • Prostatitis. After urination, a cloudy liquid appears from the penis in large quantities - during exacerbation of the disease, in a small volume - during its chronic course.

It is important to understand that it is impossible to independently determine the diagnosis based on the nature of the discharge (color, smell, consistency, transparency). Only a doctor of the appropriate specialization - a urologist, venereologist, andrologist, gynecologist - will help to correctly recognize the cause of the pathology.

A urologist talks about male discharge in this video.

A natural physiological process is the secretion of the urinary channel in men in a small volume. This is a kind of lubricant that is obtained as a result of the work of glands concentrated on the head of the genital organ. Abundance, heterogeneous consistency and cloudy color are signs of pathological disorders in the urogenital system.

Changes in the color, consistency or amount of discharge from the urethra in men indicate the presence of a disease of the genitourinary system

Normal discharge in men

A whitish or colorless liquid is constantly present on the foreskin of the penis. It can gradually come out of the urethra when pressed, sometimes spontaneously.

Table “Criteria for normal discharge in men”

Type of discharge Characteristic
Smegma The lubricant is produced by the prepuce glands, has the consistency of sour cream, and is white in color, sometimes with a yellow or green tint. The secretion of residual fat and bacteria prevents friction of the foreskin with the glans. The abundance depends on age - the largest amount of fluid is in adolescence, and the smallest in old age (virtually absent)
Colorless discharge similar to clear mucus (libidinal urethrorrhea) Mucus is produced by the urethral and bulbourethral glands during erection (during arousal). Their purpose is to lubricate the urethra so that seminal fluid moves through it unhindered. The amount of secretion is usually meager, but can increase depending on sexual abstinence (the less often a man has sex, the more abundant the pre-eculcative secretion is - sometimes dripping from the penis). Is it possible to get pregnant from such discharge? Practically not, since they contain too few sperm. But after the eruption of seminal fluid, repeated sexual intercourse without protection can lead to conception
Release of sperm not associated with sexual intercourse (emission) Spontaneous release of semen occurs in the morning (the highest level of testosterone in the blood). A similar phenomenon occurs during sleep. Wet dreams are most often observed in adolescents, but can also occur in adult men who do not have regular sexual intercourse.
Clear discharge from the urethra (prostatorrhea) The composition of the discharge is sperm and prostate secretion. Liquid comes out of the urinary canal with strong strain during bowel movements or coughing. Glassy discharge from the penis occurs even after urination - this is normal.

Cloudiness of the discharge or its acquisition of an uncharacteristic shade is the first symptom of urogenital pathologies. Violations may be accompanied by changes in the color of urine, pain in the lower abdomen, and discomfort in the genitals.

Causes of urethral discharge

Atypical discharge from the penis can be caused by sexually transmitted pathogens, nonspecific infections, malignant tumors, and mechanical damage (injuries, previous surgeries). The nature of discharge from the penis depends on the specific pathology in the genitourinary system.

Inflammatory processes

Foci of inflammation can be caused by a violation of the microflora of the genital organs, caused by opportunistic organisms - staphylococcus, Candida fungus, E. coli. Such bacteria are always present in small quantities on the mucous membrane of the foreskin, and with a decrease in immunity (taking antibiotics for a long time, moral exhaustion or hypothermia) they begin to actively develop, provoking serious diseases.

  1. Thrush. This pathology is characterized by a curd-like white discharge with white pellets, reminiscent of cottage cheese. The secretion is abundant with an unpleasant sour odor. During ejaculation or urination, a man feels a burning sensation in the penis, cutting and pain in the groin.
  2. Inflammatory lesions of the foreskin It is characterized by purulent jelly-like discharge with the smell of rot. In this case, severe redness and soreness appear on the head.
  3. Urethral gardnerellosis. The nature of the secreted liquid is scanty, there is a smell of rotten fish, the color is green or yellow.
  4. Prostatitis. The secreted liquid is cloudy and appears at the end of urination. During the acute course of the disease, the pathological secretion from the penis is abundant, and during the chronic period it is scanty. In addition to atypical discharge, the man suffers from difficulty urinating and pain in the groin.

Curd white discharge is characteristic of thrush

Nonspecific inflammations are not transmitted sexually. The source of their occurrence is an imbalance of the urogenital flora.

Non-inflammatory pathologies

Pathological discharge can be provoked by chronic diseases or injuries not only of the genital organs, but also of the spine, nervous system, and constant stress.

  1. Hematorrhea– the condition is characterized by bloody discharge without clots. Usually the cause may be mechanical damage (injury, catheter installation, taking a smear on the flora). In this case, the released blood does not clot and quickly stops. If small stones come out, mucus with bloody threads is present from the urinary canal after or during emptying the bladder.
  2. Spermatorrhoea– involuntary leakage of sperm outside of sexual intercourse or masturbation. The cause of whitish discharge is a weakening of the tone of the seminiferous tubules, a violation of the innervation in them.
  3. Oncological neoplasms in the genitourinary system. Brown discharge contains blood clots, the consistency is mucous, there are purulent inclusions and a corresponding odor.

Oncological neoplasms in the organs of the genitourinary system are the cause of uncharacteristic discharge from the urethra

If there are problems in the contractile function of the smooth muscles of the bladder, or a benign prostate tumor, the discharge is white or transparent, liquid and abundant, but odorless.

Sexually transmitted infections

The first symptom of sexually transmitted diseases is abnormal discharge from the penis. Their character depends on the specific pathogen:

  1. Foamy mucus, colorless or whitish, containing pus, appears as a result of exacerbation of mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis or chlamydia. There is especially a lot of plaque on the head of the penis when affected by chlamydia.
  2. Clear and sticky liquid in small quantities– a symptom of chronic chlamydial infection, mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis.
  3. Green or yellow mucus with a strong stench- a sign of gonorrhea. The discharge in this case is sticky and abundant, with a thick consistency. The disease causes great discomfort - the genitals hurt, itch and burn, especially when urinating.

The amount of secretion from the penis, its color and smell may change as the disease progresses. Often infections are combined (gonorrhea and trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis), which aggravates the patient’s condition. If there is unnatural fluid from the penis, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Which doctor should I contact?

Uncharacteristic secretion from the urethra, difficulty emptying the bladder, pain in the groin - these are symptoms that should promptly go to the hospital. Deals with diseases of the genitourinary system. After examining the patient and assessing his complaints, the doctor may prescribe a consultation with other specialized specialists:

  • venereologist (if sexually transmitted infections are suspected);
  • (if there are characteristic signs of a tumor process).

If you experience unusual discharge from the urethra, be sure to consult a urologist

To make a final diagnosis, a complete laboratory and instrumental examination is required.


The initial stage of a comprehensive examination is a thorough examination by a urologist:

  1. Visual assessment of the condition of the genitals– penis, glans and foreskin, perineum. The purpose of the examination is to identify injuries, deformities, compactions, inflammation and the presence of skin rashes.
  2. Palpation in the groin area. The condition of the lymph nodes, their size, density, and skin color are assessed.
  3. Prostate examination. The procedure is carried out by inserting a finger into the anus. The goal is to identify lumps in the prostate gland and take biological material for analysis.
  4. Collection of secretions from the urinary canal for culture and microscopy– allows you to identify the source of the disease and understand the degree of the inflammatory process.

Taking secretions from the urinary canal for culture and microscopy gives a clear idea of ​​the source and type of disease

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, prostate and bladder;
  • CT scan;
  • urography.

If malignant formations in the urogenital system are suspected, a man is prescribed a biopsy and a full histological examination of the biological material is carried out.

Treatment of pathological discharge

Heterogeneous discharge from the urethra of an unnatural color is only a symptom of the disease. It is necessary to treat the pathology that caused changes in the secretion from the penis. Based on the type of negative processes in the urogenital system, doctors Several groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antifungal drugs– Nystatin, Pimafucin, Fluconazole, Levorin. They are used for candidiasis.
  2. Antibiotics from the cephalosporin group– used for gonorrhea, bacterial urethritis – Ceftriaxone, Ciprofloxacin, Cefotaxime.
  3. Long-acting drugs
  4. Anti-inflammatory antibacterial drugs– Sumamed, Azicide, Hemomycin.

Bicillin is prescribed for the treatment of pathological discharge

In addition to medications, the patient is given vitamin complexes and immunostimulating drugs.


To avoid negative consequences from urogenital pathologies, It is important to follow preventive measures.

  1. Maintain hygiene. It is important to rinse the head of the penis well, retracting the foreskin to prevent the growth of bacteria.
  2. Monitor your intimate life. Avoid indiscriminate connections and always take precautions.
  3. Empty your bladder in a timely manner to prevent it from overstretching.
  4. Avoid stress, emotional fatigue.
  5. Optimize physical activity– do not exhaust the body through hard work or excessive training.

Monitor your men's health and lead a healthy lifestyle to avoid problems with urogenital pathologies

It is necessary to eat right, eliminate bad habits and avoid hypothermia.

Discharge in men that is clear or white in moderate quantities is considered normal. The appearance of an unpleasant odor, impurities of pus or blood, a change in the glassy consistency to a curd, sticky or watery consistency are symptoms of pathological abnormalities in the organs of the genitourinary system. To identify the causes of this condition, you need to consult a urologist. After a thorough examination, doctors prescribe suitable treatment.

Discharge from the natural orifices of the human body can tell a lot about a person's health. The nature of discharge from the ear indicates the health or disease of the ear, discharge from the nose provides comprehensive information about the pathology of this organ, discharge from the penis indicates the condition of the organs of the male reproductive system. Very often, unusual discharge from the penis becomes the first, and sometimes the only, symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, a man, paying attention to his genital organ, must pay attention not only to its size, but also to the nature of the discharge.

Discharge from the penis is a collective concept that combines discharge from the urethra (urethra), discharge from the sebaceous glands (many located on the head of the penis) and discharge from pathological skin formations. There are three types of normal (physiological) discharge and a great variety of pathological discharge.

Physiological discharge from the penis

The first type of normal discharge is libidinal (physiological) urethrorrhea, which is a transparent secretion flowing from the urethra against the background of sexual arousal. The source of discharge in this case is the urethral glands. The volume of discharge can vary from small to significant depending on the physiological characteristics of the man and the duration of the period of sexual abstinence. Sometimes physiological urethrorrhea accompanies the act of defecation. It must be said that the secretion released during urethrorrhea includes a certain amount of sperm, which, if they enter the woman’s genitals, can lead to conception and the development of pregnancy.

In some cases, discharge that resembles physiological discharge, but in larger quantities, may be a manifestation of a disease of the reproductive system, therefore, if the nature or amount of discharge begins to differ from your usual norm, it is worth discussing this issue with your doctor.

The second type of normal discharge from the penis is smegma. Smegma is the secretion of glands located in the skin of the foreskin and glans penis. The amount of smegma is usually small, and if daily hygiene procedures are followed, it is easily washed off and does not cause any problems. If the rules of personal hygiene are violated, smegma accumulates on the scalp and between the layers of the foreskin and creates the preconditions for the development of the inflammatory process.

To avoid the accumulation of smegma and subsequent inflammation, it is necessary to wash the penis regularly (1-2 times a day, with plenty of warm water using unscented soaps). In the process of washing, it is necessary to retract the foreskin and wash the head of the penis, carefully removing all discharge.

Normal discharge from the penis also includes sperm(semen) - a mixture of secretions of the gonads and sperm, which is released during the process of ejaculation (ejaculation) during sexual intercourse or masturbation (self-satisfaction). Typically, the release of sperm is accompanied by sexual release (orgasm). This group of normal discharge from the penis includes pollutions– involuntary ejaculation (usually at night), which occurs in boys during puberty (after 14-15 years) and in men after prolonged sexual abstinence. The average frequency of wet dreams varies widely - from 1-3 per week to 1-2 within 2-3 months.

Pathological discharge from the penis

The causes of pathological discharge from the penis can be a wide variety of diseases, including inflammatory processes caused by one’s own opportunistic flora or sexually transmitted infections, cancer, and the consequences of injuries and operations. Pathological discharge from the penis differs in volume (scanty, moderate, abundant), color (transparent, cloudy white, milky white, white, yellow, yellow-green, mixed with blood), consistency (liquid, thick), frequency of appearance ( constant, periodic, morning, associated with urination or alcohol intake). The nature of the discharge is influenced by the nature of the causative agent of the disease, the severity of inflammation, the state of the patient’s immune system, the duration of the disease and the presence of concomitant diseases. Note that the same disease can be accompanied by discharge of a different nature, and, at the same time, different diseases can lead to the appearance of completely similar-looking discharge from the penis. That is why it is sometimes simply impossible to diagnose a disease by the appearance of discharge alone.

Penile discharge associated with sexually transmitted diseases

Mucous discharge from the penis– transparent and viscous with a small number of leukocytes - characteristic of ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and chlamydia.

Mucopurulent discharge- translucent milky-white liquid, consisting of urethral mucus, inflammatory exudate and leukocytes - characteristic of trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis and chlamydia during an exacerbation. Chlamydia is also characterized by “sticking” of accumulated secretions to the head of the penis.

Purulent discharge- a sticky liquid of thick consistency, yellow or yellow-green in color, consisting of urethral mucus, exfoliated urethral epithelium and a significant number of leukocytes - the most common sign of gonorrhea. A characteristic feature of gonorrheal urethritis is the severity of subjective symptoms, such as pain, pain, itching (especially when urinating), a significant amount and constant nature of discharge from the urethra.

Currently, patients with sexually transmitted diseases very often have a combined infection - that is, an infection caused by several infectious agents (trichomoniasis and chlamydia, gonorrhea and chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis, etc.), which significantly changes the symptoms and manifestations of the infection. Therefore, based only on information about the nature of the discharge and the patient’s complaints, it is not possible to make a final diagnosis and prescribe treatment. It is important that the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases (including discharge from the penis) are quite easily relieved by self-medication with antibiotics. However, in this case, the disappearance of symptoms does not mean the disappearance of the disease. The disease simply goes into the shadows, only to return with renewed vigor after the end of antibiotic therapy. In addition, illiterate treatment leads to the formation of resistance of microorganisms to the antibacterial drugs used.

Discharge from the penis associated with non-venereal inflammatory processes

In this case, the causative agent of the infection becomes a representative of its own opportunistic flora (streptococcus, staphylococcus, Candida fungus, Escherichia coli), which is activated as a result of a decrease in the level of human immune defense.

Non-gonorrheal urethritis– inflammation of the urethra (urethra) is accompanied by the appearance of mucopurulent discharge. A characteristic feature is the absence or mild severity of symptoms (stinging, pain, itching) and a small amount of discharge, which appears mainly during a long break between urinations.

Discharge when balanoposthitis(inflammation of the foreskin of the penis) is usually very significant, mucopurulent or purulent, accompanied by pain in the glans penis, swelling and redness of the foreskin.

Prostatitis(inflammation of the prostate gland) - accompanied by the appearance of mucous and mucopurulent discharge (depending on the severity of the inflammatory process), nagging pain in the perineum, impaired urination and potency.

A very common disease of the male genital organs is thrush (candidiasis)– an inflammatory process associated with the activation of opportunistic fungi Candida. Typical manifestations of thrush in men are pronounced redness of the skin of the penis, the appearance of itching, burning, and quite copious curd-like discharge.

Discharge from the penis not associated with an inflammatory process

This is a rather rare type of discharge associated with trauma and tumor processes in the organs of the reproductive system, as well as diseases of the nervous system.

Spermatorrhoea- discharge of sperm from the urethra without orgasm, outside of sexual intercourse or masturbation. The main cause of spermatorrhea is a violation of the tone of the muscular membrane of the vas deferens, associated with diseases of the central nervous system, less often with chronic inflammatory processes. In some cases, the cause of spermatorrhea cannot be determined.

Hematorrhea- discharge of blood from the urethra. The most common cause of hematorrhea is mechanical trauma to the urethra due to the introduction of foreign bodies, during smear collection, after or during instrumental examination of the urethra and bladder. Hematorrhea also occurs with trauma to the penis, urethra, malignant tumors of the urethra, penis, prostate gland, polyps, passage of stones, sand in urolithiasis.

Prostatorrhea– leakage of prostate secretion from the urethra occurs - observed when the tone of the smooth muscle fibers of the excretory duct of the prostate gland decreases during its chronic inflammation or other diseases (for example, with a neurogenic bladder, prostate adenoma).

Finding the cause of penile discharge

Since there are a great many reasons for the appearance of unusual (non-physiological) discharge from the penis, a qualified urologist must look for the cause of each specific case. When examining a patient with complaints of discharge from the penis, the doctor must carefully examine the skin for rashes, feel the lymph nodes (for their enlargement, pain), and examine the underwear.

The nature of discharge from the penis is assessed at the beginning of the examination and after a light massage of the urethra, which is carried out after 2-3 hours of abstaining from urination. Among the mandatory tests that a man with unusual discharge from the penis will have to undergo are general blood tests (detailed) and urine, blood sugar test, urethral smear analysis, culture of urethral discharge, digital examination of the prostate gland, and, if indicated, ultrasound of the bladder. and prostate gland, urography, computed tomography.

In inflammatory processes, the most valuable information is provided by a urethral smear. The results of this study depend on the severity and duration of the disease. Inflammation is indicated by the presence of 4 or more leukocytes; the appearance of columnar and parabasilar epithelium indicates the severity and depth of the inflammatory process.

Preparing to take a smear. In order for the smear results to be informative and help the doctor make a diagnosis, it is necessary to properly prepare for the smear collection procedure. For this purpose, local use of antibiotics, antiseptics, and antifungal drugs is excluded for 3 days before the study. For 3 hours before the examination, you must refrain from urination and external toilet of the genitals. Smears are taken no earlier than 3 weeks after the end of systemic antibacterial therapy (administration of antibiotics orally or by injection).

What do the results of a urethral smear indicate?

Increased white blood cells– acute urethritis, exacerbation of chronic urethritis.

Increased eosinophils– allergic urethritis.

Increased red blood cells– trauma, tumors, discharge of stones or sand due to urolithiasis, severe inflammation.

Epithelial cells in large numbers– chronic urethritis, urethral leukoplakia.

Sperm– spermatorrhea.

Lipoid grains- prostatorrhea.

Mucus without blood cells- urethrorrhea.

Key cells(small rods on epithelial cells) with a small number of neutrophils - urethritis.

In a normal smear, up to 4 leukocytes are detected in the field of view, the bacterial flora is represented by single cocci and rods.


The appearance of discharge from the penis is best considered as a symptom of a disease, the nature of which can only be determined by a doctor and only during an in-person appointment. It is impossible to independently diagnose the pathology that led to the appearance of discharge, and therefore it is inappropriate to treat it on your own. Attempts at self-medication in this case do not lead to recovery, but only distort the symptoms of the disease and lead to loss of time - precious in some serious diseases. Take care of your health!

A sign of many sexually transmitted diseases is white, yellow, greenish or brown discharge from the urethra in men; the reasons for this phenomenon lie in an increase in the number of leukocytes, epithelial cells or fungi. Although it is worth distinguishing between normal and pathological discharge.

What is normal male discharge?

Normal physiological discharge from the penis in men is observed in the following situations:

  1. During sexual arousal (erection). Clear mucus comes out of the urethra, which is secreted by the Cooper or bulbourethral gland. The secretion of the glands is intended to lubricate the urethra before the release of sperm and accelerate the movement of sperm.
  2. When ejaculating during sexual intercourse or masturbation. This category also includes emission - the involuntary release of sperm at night. Such transparent discharge begins during puberty in young men, when they experience dreams of a sexual nature. In adult men, wet dreams occur when abstaining from sexual relations for a long time.
  3. When straining during bowel movements. Increased intra-abdominal pressure can lead to the discharge of viscous mucus with grayish streaks from the urethra. This is the so-called defecatory prostatorrhea. A similar phenomenon is discharge during urination, it is called micturition prostatorrhea. Rarely, after a coughing attack, slight discharge of secretions and prostate gland may remain on the underwear.

All types of discharge described are insignificant in volume and should not be of a daily nature. Normally, the opening of the urethra is always dry and clean.

When should you start worrying?

Every healthy adult man knows what discharge from his penis looks like. If he notices a change in smell, color, consistency or amount of fluid, he needs to go to the urologist. Checking your body's condition won't hurt, even if you're completely healthy. Constant thoughts about possible problems and diseases of the genital area not only distract from work, but also interfere with concentration during sex. Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system are not always accompanied by additional symptoms: pain and burning when urinating, pain in the groin, weakness and discomfort. Often, at the beginning of the disease, only discharge appears.

How to check?

  1. First, pay attention to whether there are light spots on your underwear.
  2. Most often, discharge accumulates at night, when a man sleeps and does not go to the toilet. If the urethra is crusty or stuck together, it means there is discharge.
  3. To make sure, you can press on the urethra, then the accumulated secretion will come closer to the opening.
  4. If you notice cloudy droplets in the urethra and experience pain when urinating, then you need to go to the doctor and get tested.
  5. Sometimes discharge can be observed only after drinking alcohol, spicy and very salty foods. These factors reduce immunity, so low-grade inflammation intensifies and manifests itself as discharge.
  6. It is not easy to detect scanty discharge, because not all men put pressure on the urethra in the morning and see whether something comes out or not. Doubts appear after casual sexual relations or when itching, pain, or cutting occurs when urinating. To make sure, try releasing your first morning urine stream into a clear glass. See if there are any floating threads or flakes that have been washed away by the stream.

Common causes of the problem

The most common cause of discharge is inflammation of the urethra (urethritis). The inflamed mucous membrane secretes more leukocytes and mucus in order to neutralize the effect of microbes as much as possible and quickly remove them from the body.

The causes of urethritis are divided into:

  1. Specific infectious diseases - sexually transmitted diseases (trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia).
  2. Nonspecific, when pathological growth of opportunistic microorganisms begins, which in normal times peacefully coexist with normal flora (candidiasis, gardnerellosis and others).

Inflammation can begin after damage to the urethra during the collection of a sample for analysis or when exposed to corrosive chemicals and salt crystals from the urine. Irritation of the urethra with food (mustard, sauerkraut, vinegar and beer) can also provoke discharge.

A more serious cause of fluid dripping from the urethra may be cancer of the penis or urethra. Due to erosions, ulcers and areas of necrosis of urethral tissue, inflammation and pathological production of mucus begins, sometimes mixed with blood.

What color is the discharge?

To make a preliminary diagnosis, the doctor may inquire about the color, transparency, quantity and consistency of the discharge. These characteristics express the cause, intensity and stage of the inflammatory process.

The discharge consists of fluid, mucus and various cells. The abundance of dead epithelial cells gives the discharge a cloudy gray tint and a thick consistency. Greenish and yellow discharge acquires color due to a large number of dead white blood cells, designed to fight infection. Thick or dense white discharge occurs with thrush. With the same disease, as the condition worsens and the inflammatory process intensifies, the color and consistency of the discharge may change.

With STDs, men most often experience unusual discharge. For example, the chronic form of chlamydial, mycoplasma or ureaplasma infection is characterized by light, viscous transparent discharge. Moreover, the number of leukocytes does not exceed the norm. In the acute course of these diseases or during exacerbation, translucent mucopurulent discharge of a yellowish or white color is observed, accumulating on the head of the penis.

With gonorrhea, thick and sticky purulent yellow discharge has an unpleasant putrid odor. In some cases, the liquid takes on a greenish tint. Analyzes reveal a large number of leukocytes and epithelial cells. Gonorrheal urethritis is also accompanied by itching, pain and burning, which intensifies with urination.

White discharge in men occurs with candidiasis. They occur against the background of decreased immunity in everyday life, as well as after suffering a serious illness, antibiotic therapy or cancer treatment. With gardnerellosis, a small amount of white liquid is released from the urethra or light yellow discharge occurs.

Please note that it is not possible to identify the disease only by the color, quantity, consistency and smell of the discharge. Frequent use of antibiotics and other drugs leads to modifications of bacteria, so the diseases they cause do not always have the described features and manifestations. The doctor can use the patient’s complaints for preliminary diagnosis, but the development of a treatment regimen should be based on the test results.

Diagnosis and treatment

At the first symptoms, you need to go to a urologist or andrologist. He will conduct an external examination of the genitals and take a smear of discharge for microscopic analysis. In the laboratory, at high magnification under a microscope, epithelial cells, mucus, yeast, gonococci, gardnerella, trichomonas and other microorganisms can be detected. To identify coccal flora (streptococci, staphylococci and others), they resort to inoculating the secretions on an artificial nutrient medium, and after a few days they determine which bacteria have grown.

There may be no bacteria in the smears, but an increased number of white blood cells indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. In this case, it is necessary to do a blood test to detect sexually transmitted infections (herpes, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, syphilis, gonorrhea and others).

Any discharge from the penis, as a rule, causes concern among the stronger half of humanity. Usually such phenomena are caused by the penetration of various infections. However, discharge from the penis can indicate not only pathologies of the genitourinary organs, since in certain situations it is considered normal.

Almost every representative of the stronger half of humanity has encountered similar phenomena. There was concern: the appearance of clear, odorless mucus-like discharge - what could this mean in men?

The urethra consists of ducts, and the foreskin contains tysonium glands that secrete smegma. The latter is a special segment of mucous consistency. The volume of smegma decreases with age. Normally, smegma is white or yellow in color and contains bacterial elements.

All male representatives secrete the following physiological fluids from the urethra:

  • urine. Normally, urin is a transparent liquid of a yellowish color and almost odorless;
  • secretion of the prostate. This viscous liquid is characterized by a whitish color and has a specific odor;
  • ejaculate. Normal sperm is mucous and grayish-white in color.

In addition, the following are considered natural:

  1. Sperm. It is usually released during sexual contact. However, at a young age it can occur without sexual intercourse. The guy most often experiences wet dreams in the morning.
  2. Urethrorrhea. Colorless discharge in small quantities is characterized by a mucous consistency. They are secreted to protect the inner surface of the urethra and improve the passage of sperm. Urethrorrhea occurs with strong arousal.
  3. Prostatorrhea or defecation. With the first, there is a slight release of prostate secretion after the process of urination. And the second occurs as a result of tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall during defecation.

However, not in all situations the above discharge is considered the norm. It is important to monitor their color, volume, and frequency of appearance.

When should you worry?

If a man monitors his health very carefully, he will immediately notice the slightest changes in urethral discharge:

  • volume: abundant or insignificant;
  • smell: putrid, sour, fishy stench;
  • color and transparency;
  • the appearance of impurities: mucous, purulent or bloody;
  • consistency: thick or liquid.

If the above changes occur, a man needs to urgently consult a doctor for examination in order to avoid serious complications.

After all, urethral discharge can appear as a result of sexually transmitted diseases, neoplasms, injuries, inflammatory processes or after surgical operations.

The reasons for concern are:

  • change in color of discharge to gray, green, brown or yellow;
  • the appearance of a foul odor from the penis. This sign usually indicates the presence of bacteria;
  • the appearance of blood impurities in the discharge.

In these situations, a man should urgently consult a doctor for advice.
In certain situations, for example, with sexually transmitted diseases, discharge from the penis is similar to normal and therefore a man does not notice the development of pathology for a long period. At the same time, the likelihood of the disease becoming chronic increases.

Urethral discharge can occur as a result of various factors and can often indicate the formation of dangerous pathologies. They usually accompany inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs.

The main reasons for the appearance of discharge should be highlighted:

  1. Sexually transmitted infections: ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis. Such diseases often occur with urethral discharge. Purulent discharge from the penis is possible. And also these pathologies occur with pain during sexual intercourse and the process of urination. A man's temperature rises and rashes appear on the penis.
  2. Inflammatory diseases. Transparent urethral discharge may indicate chronic diseases of the genital organs. The pathological process usually affects the urethra or prostate gland. For example, urethritis is considered a common disease. To protect the organ, the glands of the mucous membrane of the urethra synthesize mucus in small quantities. Urethritis is classified as non-infectious as well as infectious in nature.
  3. Allergic reaction. As a result of increased activity of the glands, urethral discharge may occur. Typically, allergens are sanitary napkins and contraceptives.
  4. Neoplasms. For example, prostate adenoma provokes increased synthesis of prostate secretions. As a rule, this disease is diagnosed among elderly patients. If urethral discharge occurs as a result of the development of a malignant neoplasm, it contains blood impurities.
  5. Disorders of the central nervous system. They negatively affect muscle tone, lowering it.
  6. Injury to the urinary and ejaculatory tracts.

To determine the root cause of discharge from the penis, you need to consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe effective treatment, taking into account the disease that caused this unpleasant symptom.

The color, as well as the consistency of urethral discharge, depends on the type of disease that provoked its appearance. Their turbidity is affected by the number of cells that make up them.

The latter also give color to the discharge from the penis:

  • a significant number of epithelial cells gives the discharge a gray color and high viscosity;
  • white discharge from the penis of a dense consistency, reminiscent of cottage cheese, may indicate male candidiasis;
  • An increased number of leukocytes gives the discharge a green or yellow color.

We should not forget that the same disease at different stages of development can manifest itself differently and with different symptoms. At an early stage of development, clear or slightly cloudy discharge may occur.

Types of urethral discharge

Quite often, during sexual arousal, taking certain medications or alcoholic drinks, some contents are released from the penis in the male half.

Urethral discharge, which differs in consistency, color and smell from the norm, often indicates the development of dangerous pathologies.

Sexually transmitted infections

In the case of chronic chlamydia, mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis in men, slight transparent sections of mucous consistency appear.
With exacerbation of the above ailments, mucous whitish discharge is observed. With chlamydia, sputum is usually localized on the head.

Purulent contents that are yellow or greenish in color may indicate the development of gonorrhea. The discharge is characterized by a thick sticky consistency and has an unpleasant putrid odor.

Gonorrhea discharge is accompanied by pain, itching and burning, which intensifies when the bladder is emptied.

Often a man’s body is affected by several infections. For example, gonorrhea or trichomoniasis is often accompanied by chlamydia, and ureaplasmosis can occur with mycoplasmosis. In these situations, pathologies manifest themselves uncharacteristically, thereby complicating diagnosis.

Inflammatory pathologies

Inflammations of the genitourinary organs are usually formed as a result of changes in the microflora caused by impaired functioning of the immune system.

Streptococci, candida fungi, E. coli, and staphylococci are found on the mucous membranes and skin. Prolonged stress, frequent hypothermia, chemotherapy, uncontrolled use of antibiotics or radiotherapy provoke the active proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

Common diseases accompanied by urethral discharge are listed in the table.

Name of the disease Short description
Nonspecific urethritis The disease first affects the bladder and progresses with the appearance of minor mucous, purulent, cheesy discharge. The process of urination is accompanied by a slight burning sensation and itching. A man suffers from frequent urination. If the disease is not treated, the inflammation spreads to the kidneys and ureters. In these situations, bloody impurities are observed in the discharge
Gardnerellosis The disease is accompanied by sparse greenish or yellowish discharge. I often consider this disease to be a venereal disease, however, infection with gardnerella usually occurs due to dysbacteriosis
Candidiasis The disease affects the urethra and usually develops as a result of impaired immune function after antibiotic therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The disease occurs with cheesy discharge that has a sour odor. In addition, urination and ejaculation are accompanied by itching. In some situations, there is a dull pain in the groin or pubic area, or lower back. Soreness can radiate to the navel
Prostatitis The disease is accompanied by cloudy discharge during urination. When the disease worsens, strong discharge occurs, and when it is chronic, the volume of discharge decreases. Difficulty urinating and weak erection are noted. If left untreated, anuria or impotence may occur.
Balanoposthitis The disease is accompanied by copious discharge of purulent contents. In some situations, the discharge contains mucus impurities. Signs of the disease include swelling and redness of the foreskin, as well as pain in the head of the penis. Men with diabetes are often affected by the disease

To make an accurate diagnosis, as well as prescribe effective treatment, the doctor prescribes a microscopic examination of the discharge.

Discharge from the penis is accompanied not only by sexually transmitted pathologies or inflammatory pathologies. They are also typical for the following conditions:

  1. Spermatorea. This situation is observed when the tone of the ejaculatory ducts is reduced and involuntary leakage of ejaculate occurs from the penis. Spermatorrhea is observed when a man does not feel orgasm. Often the causes of spermatorrhea are disorders of the nervous system, constant stress, spinal injuries, or long-term inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. Hematorrhea. Bloody discharge is observed after injury to the urinary canal. The urethral canal is injured as a result of installing a catheter, bougienage, or taking biomaterial for a smear. The blood contains clots. If hematorrhea is caused by the passage of stones or sand from the kidney, the patient suffers excruciating pain. With the development of glomerulonephritis, bloody discharge occurs with increased pressure, edema, and the presence of protein.
  3. Prostatorrhea. The release of prostate secretion is characteristic of prostate adenoma, impaired intervention, as well as chronic prostatitis.

Brown-colored urethral compartments containing various impurities, as a rule, indicate malignant neoplasms. Brown mucus can also occur with polyposis.

Preventive measures for the appearance of urethral compartments

It must be remembered that discharge from the penis can lead to irreversible consequences, for example, male infertility or impotence. And prostate tumors can cause kidney failure.

Many diseases accompanied by urethral discharge require long-term complex treatment. Patients who have undergone timely treatment leave positive reviews and photos on the forums.

To reduce the risk of infection, a man is advised to avoid promiscuity and use condoms during all sexual contacts. And in order to prevent the formation of an inflammatory process, you should strengthen and maintain your immune system and adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

You need to avoid masturbation and also observe personal hygiene rules to protect your body from pathogenic bacteria.

In some situations, discharge from the penis is considered normal. But sometimes they are able to warn a man about the development of dangerous pathologies. To find out the main reasons for the appearance of urethral discharge, a man needs to see a doctor and undergo an examination. Based on the test results, the doctor will determine effective treatment. There is no need to self-medicate so as not to aggravate the situation and avoid permanent consequences.