Calcium for a 7 month old baby. Instead of cottage cheese and kefir: alternative sources of calcium for a child

It is important to combine calcium with vitamin D to improve absorption. Item receipt rates:

Calcium supplements for children

Doctors may prescribe tablets or liquid calcium for children in combination with vitamins. Popular means:

  1. Monopreparations are inexpensive and contain calcium citrate, lactate or calcium gluconate. Representatives: Vitacalcin, Calcium-Sandoz.
  2. Combined products - calcium salts with vitamins. They are better absorbed and easier to tolerate. Examples: Calcium-D3 Nycomed, Kalcemin.
  3. Multivitamin - in addition to the main element, they contain a basic set of minerals. Vitamins with calcium for children: Vitamishki, Multitabs.

When children take calcium supplements, there are some peculiarities:

  1. At one time, the baby cannot absorb more than 600 mg of the element, so physiological doses are prescribed and divided into several doses (between meals). Excess mineral will be excreted in stool or urine.
  2. It is better to give calcium to children under one year old at night, because then its absorption increases.
  3. It is useful to take medications with citrus juices, which contain citrates for better absorption useful substances. If the mineral is represented by gluconate, then it is washed down with milk or clean water without gas.
  4. Taking medications should not coincide with the use of iron-containing products.
  5. According to the instructions, babies can only take oral medications.
  6. Side effects from vitamins: constipation, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, allergies.
  7. Contraindications: hypercalcemia, hyperparathyroidism, kidney pathologies, neoplasms, phenylketonuria. Drugs are prescribed with caution for oxalate nephropathy and a tendency to urolithiasis.
  8. For children, gluconate (well tolerated), lactate (does not irritate the intestines), citrate ( lemon acid, reduces the likelihood of kidney stones), calcium chelate (100% absorbed).
  9. Calcium chloride (irritates the intestines), calcium carbonate (leads to belching) are not suitable for children.

Tablets based on calcium carbonate and vitamin D3 are poorly absorbed, because the element is presented in complex form. The drug is prescribed from three years of age:

Complivit Calcium D3

Complivit Calcium-D3 powder and tablets are available for children. The first is diluted with water to obtain a suspension, the second is taken from the age of three:


Drug based eggshells Calcide is supplemented with a complex of vitamins B, PP. Used in children from three years of age:


The composition of the drug Kaltsinova includes calcium in combination with ascorbic acid, vitamins A, D, pyridoxine. The product is used from the age of three:


The composition of the drug Kalcemin includes a combination of microelements with vitamin D3, copper, boron, manganese, zinc. The product is intended for children over 5 years of age:

Vitamins Calcium+

Chewing marmalade Vitamishki is additionally enriched with vitamin D3, phosphorus for active growth and child development.

It is used from the age of three:

Multi-tabs Baby Calcium+

It is useful for children 2-7 years old to take Multitabs vitamins, which ensure the formation bone tissue, strengthening tooth enamel, serve as the prevention of caries.


One of essential microelements necessary for bone growth and normal operation heart muscle is calcium. Special value the substance is for children. The main source of this microelement is dairy products. To treat calcium deficiency, doctors prescribe special medications. It is recommended to give children at the most various diseases. The drug is available in several forms.

What is the medicine?

Calcium gluconate is a very popular and time-tested remedy that doctors can prescribe for various pathologies that have nothing in common with each other. The active ingredient - calcium salt of gluconic acid - has the form of a powder white. Component regulates calcium-phosphorus metabolism in organism. Calcium, in turn, is necessary for the formation of bones, tooth tissue, nails and hair. Besides, chemical compound participates in the transfer nerve impulses and the work of the heart muscle, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, necessary for blood clotting.

The drug is produced by many pharmaceutical companies in various forms: chewable tablets, powder and solution for injection. Is it possible to give gluconate to a child? Many pediatricians recommend this drug for children even in the first year of life (in a certain dosage). After all, babies need constant replenishment of the reserves of this microelement in the body. This is necessary for correct formation skeletal and development muscle tissue. A lack of calcium often leads to decreased protective functions body.

Composition and release forms

The most popular form of release of the drug is tablets, which may contain 250 or 500 mg active substance. Talc, potato starch and calcium stearate are used as auxiliary components. Chewable tablets also contain fruit flavors.

The solution for injection (10%) is contained in ampoules containing 10 ml of medicinal liquid. One ampoule contains 1 g of active ingredient.

Indications for use

Calcium is involved in the most important processes occurring in the body. Each person needs to consume 800-2000 mg of this substance per day. With a deficiency, a variety of pathological conditions can develop (both in children and adults).

  • (vitamin D deficiency);
  • hypoparateriosis (deficiency of parathyroid hormone);
  • toxic liver damage, hepatitis;
  • calcium metabolism disorder;
  • increased excretion of calcium from the body associated with long-term treatment some drugs;
  • increased need for calcium (pregnancy, lactation, adolescence);
  • bone fractures;
  • bleeding;
  • lack of microelement in food;
  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • poisoning with oxalic acid, fluoric acid, magnesium salts;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

Use in pediatrics

Calcium gluconate is prescribed to children quite often. A direct indication for the use of the drug is, first of all, a lack of microelement in the body. If your baby is intolerant milk protein, you can’t do without calcium-based drugs. Parents should remember that it is extremely undesirable to prescribe the drug to a child on their own. The dosage is calculated depending on the age of the baby.

What are the benefits for children?

Calcium is vitally necessary for the baby even during the period intrauterine development. If there is a deficiency, such babies are often born underweight, and in the first six months of life they may develop rickets. To avoid this pathological condition, future mom should watch your diet and take vitamin complexes. At birth, the baby may also be prescribed medications containing calcium.

Can calcium gluconate be given to children and in what form is it best to give it? Quite often this question is asked by parents to local pediatricians. Simple and inexpensive remedy has proven itself exclusively with positive side. For the treatment of calcium deficiency in children of various types age categories and other ailments, calcium gluconate tablets are mainly prescribed.

Simple white pills do not contain sugar, flavorings or dyes, which is a significant advantage. In this form, the drug can be given even to children prone to allergic reactions, and with increased rate blood sugar.

Calcium gluconate: instructions for use

For children, the dosage of the medicine should be selected by a doctor. Typically, experts recommend giving 500 mg of the active substance three times a day to babies in their first year of life. The tablet is first ground into powder and mixed in a small amount of formula or breast milk.

For children from one to four years old, calcium gluconate is prescribed in a dosage of 1 g at a time. You should take 3 g of active ingredient (6 tablets) per day. From 5 years of age, the drug can be given to a child in the amount of 6-10 tablets per day. More exact dosage a specialist should choose, taking into account the baby’s condition and his need for microelements.

For children who study in primary school, calcium gluconate is recommended to be given 4 tablets at least twice a day.

Gluconate up to one year

Komarovsky Oleg Evgenievich - famous pediatrician, whose advice many parents listen to. The doctor claims that the main reason for calcium deficiency in a child’s body lies in the lack of supply of the microelement with food and impaired absorption in the intestines.

At allergic diseases, rickets, blood clotting disorders, skin pathologies, a well-known pediatrician recommends giving babies calcium gluconate in tablets. Komarovsky also advises prescribing the drug if you are prone to dermatitis, muscle weakness, increased vascular permeability. The medicine will bring significant benefits in the treatment of colds.

Calcium gluconate for allergies

One of the effects that the drug has is to reduce the production of histamine, a substance responsible for the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Scientists have discovered what causes the body to react incorrectly immune system. For children nowadays this problem is especially relevant.

Calcium gluconate will help smooth out the symptoms of an allergic reaction. The instructions (the drug is absolutely safe for children) say that the medicine will help quickly remove toxins from the body and strengthen blood vessels. Most often, the product is used in tablet form. However, in some cases it is shown intravenous administration solution.

The drug is effective for such manifestations of an allergic reaction as urticaria, angioedema, dermatitis, itching skin. In some cases, it is prescribed in combination with other medications.

For generations, doctors have been practicing the use of calcium gluconate to combat the symptoms of allergic reactions. Calcium salt, which is used as active component, is well absorbed from the intestines and absorbed into the blood. Maximum concentration active ingredient is fixed 1.5-2 hours after taking the medicine.

Contraindications for use

Calcium gluconate can be given to children and adult patients who do not have a history of certain contraindications. In pediatric practice, the drug is generally used only after consultation with the attending physician. It is prohibited to use calcium gluconate for treatment if the following pathologies are present:

  • intolerance to substances contained in the medication;
  • hypercoagulability;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • renal failure (severe);
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • calcium nephrourolithiasis.

Is it possible to give calcium gluconate to children if the instructions include age limit? Pediatricians say that if the dosage and treatment regimen are followed, the medication will bring exceptional benefits to the child.

Features of application

For better absorption of the active ingredient, it is recommended to take calcium gluconate before meals or 2 hours after meals. The tablets must be chewed or ground into powder and washed down with water. It is recommended to give the drug to children along with a small amount milk.

It is prohibited to take calcium supplements and iron-containing medications at the same time. The minimum time interval between taking these medications is 2 hours. In combination with tetracycline antibiotics, insoluble complexes will form.

Side effects

Although safe and effective, the drug is still a pharmaceutical product and may cause some side effects. You should familiarize yourself with these phenomena described in the instructions, before it is advisable for children to be given a minimum dose of the drug at the beginning of therapy and evaluate the body’s reaction after a while.

Long-term treatment with the drug or constant excess of the dosage can provoke the development of the following undesirable effects:

  • constipation;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • polyuria;
  • mental disorders;
  • muscle weakness;
  • increased fatigue, irritability;
  • bradycardia;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • hypercalcemia.

Parents are increasingly paying attention to vitamins containing calcium so that their children get all the minerals in full and avoid illnesses. Calcium is one of the essential minerals in the human body. With the help of calcium, bones, nails, hair and teeth are “built”. Moreover, it is calcium that is responsible for many biochemical processes in the body. Doctors count more than 100 diseases that arise precisely from the fact that the patient’s body does not have enough calcium.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the human body:

  • Dry skin and the appearance of peeling on the face and hands. The cheeks and nose are mainly affected.
  • Decreased appetite. The baby will eat even his favorite dishes without much pleasure.
  • Brittle nails, peeling nails, hair loss and brittleness.
  • Fatigue, loss of interest in previously favorite hobbies.
  • Irritability. The baby begins to cry more often for no particular reason, scream, swear at you for no particular reason.
  • Weakness. If you notice that your child is sleeping more and is no longer as active as before, you should take a closer look at his behavior.

If you identify several of these signs in your child, we recommend that you immediately consult a doctor and get tested. necessary tests. Perhaps the baby does not have enough calcium in the body. Start treatment as soon as possible before such symptoms develop dangerous diseases, like rickets, anemia.

When do you need vitamins?

Any pharmacy in your city will present a wide range of Vitamins for children that are sold over the counter and, in some cases, are inexpensive. But before feeding your child vitamins, you should contact your pediatrician and ask him to prescribe a supplement for your child. comprehensive analysis blood to find out what exactly the child is missing.

Because we're talking about about calcium, an excess of this mineral in the body can be just as dangerous as its deficiency. Vitamins with calcium for children should not be bought just because you decide to take care of your child’s health. Perhaps his body already has enough calcium for normal development.

Remember that you should choose vitamins based not only on the gender and age of the child, but also general condition body. If your baby's immunity is weakened, you need to increase daily dose vitamins The human body receives less than 30% of calcium from food.

The most popular product in the pharmacy is calcium with vitamin D, since vitamin D helps the absorption of the mineral. Phosphorus and magnesium also help calcium to be better absorbed in the body, which is why they are often combined in a multivitamin complex.

Do not allow your child to take vitamins on his own, as he may violate the dosage, which will lead to allergic reactions, itching, and dysbacteriosis. In today's market Medicines and dietary supplements you can find many children's vitamins, made in animal or candy forms that are enticing to children.

Vitamins for children have long ceased to taste nasty, due to flavorings and various additives, so the child himself may want to eat another portion of “tasty bears”. Keep the “cherished jar” away from children’s eyes, sunlight and moisture.

There are a great variety of calcium vitamins for children on the market, but only some companies can really be trusted. Here is an overview of some of the most famous and good quality drugs that can be given to children without fear that the child will be poisoned by vitamins.

A multivitamin complex consisting of powder for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration. The drug is intended to compensate for the deficiency of calcium and vitamin D in the child’s body.

Shake the powder well in the bottle so that all particles are separated from the walls and bottom of the bottle. Fill 2/3 of the bottle with boiled water cool water, shake thoroughly so that there are no lumps in the suspension. Then add more water up to the neck of the bottle and shake thoroughly until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

  • Interesting read:

Remember to shake the resulting mixture before each use.

Manufacturer's recommended dosage; children under one year of age 5 ml once a day, children over a year old 5-10 ml once a day. Before use, consult your pediatrician, who will prescribe the exact dosage in accordance with the child’s health condition.

The main advantage of vitamins is that they can be given to children up to one year old; they do not contain flavorings, dyes or other additives that are harmful to infants. Available without a prescription.

The price ranges from 150 to 750 rubles depending on the place of purchase.

These are exactly the vitamins that a child will definitely chew with pleasure, because they are sold in the form of small chewable jelly bears. In addition, you can turn the reception into a game with your child. For example, set your child some task that he must complete in a day and then he will receive his portion of tasty and sweet vitamins. It is strictly recommended to store it out of reach of a child, because even though the bear cubs look like candy, they are still vitamins containing calcium.

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Calcium+ vitamins also contain vitamin D and phosphorus, which promote the absorption of calcium in the child’s body. For complete enjoyment of the child, vitamins consist of different tastes and will please even the most picky kid. It is recommended to consume gummy bears 1 piece twice a day for children from 3 to 7 years old, and for children over 7 years old 2 bears 2 times a day.

Remember that an overdose of vitamins can lead to allergies, dysbiosis and diarrhea. Therefore, you should not give your child more than the prescribed amount per day.

The duration of the preventive course is from 1 to 2 months.

You can buy Vitamins at any pharmacy without a prescription. But we still recommend that you consult with your doctor before use to prescribe the ideal dosage and duration of treatment. The price in different pharmacies ranges from 350 rubles to 650 rubles per jar.

Solgar, Kangavites

A multivitamin complex that contains not only calcium, but also many vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, thiamine, folic acid and many, many others. The Solgar company specializes in dietary supplements for adults and has a good reputation in the market, which is one of the most important factors when choosing a vitamin complex.

Kangavites, like Vitamishki, are produced in the form of chewing candies with different fruit flavors, so that taking the supplement does not become a burden for the child. The manufacturer recommends giving this complex to children aged two years and older.

The price for these vitamins is from 750 rubles to 1200 rubles. They are also quite rare in pharmacies; it is easier to order them online in an online store or on the pharmacy website.

This series of vitamins for children has developed entire vitamin complexes, different for each age, in accordance with the needs of children and teenagers at their age.

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Each of the complexes in this series is divided into three tablets, each of which contains a specific substance. The tablets are divided so that the substances are better absorbed, because some will “work” better during the day, and some will work better in the evening after dinner. Each tablet has its own color and taste, so that the parent or child does not confuse when to take which.

The manufacturer recommends an interval of 4-6 hours between tablet doses. The manufacturer also says that you can take two tablets a day, but the best absorption of drugs by the body will be achieved if you take 3 tablets a day.

Calcium is an extremely important element, without which many processes occurring in the human body are impossible. This substance promotes cellular regeneration, protein synthesis, formation of tissue structures, etc. For this reason, in order for the child to be strong and healthy, and for his development to proceed according to the norm, the process of calcium entering his body should be strictly controlled. A deficiency of this substance leads to negative consequences, malfunctions of the body, etc. Within the framework of this article, the features of taking medications containing calcium for children will be considered.

Daily calcium intake for a child

The amount of daily intake of calcium into the body depends on the gender, age of the child, as well as the general condition of his body. Age norms look like this:

  • up to 6 months – 400 mg;
  • up to one year – 600 mg;
  • and until the age of ten, the norm remains unchanged - 800 mg.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in children

Hypocalcemia is a condition that can be seen by certain symptoms. For parents who closely monitor their baby, it will be very easy to note the problem. The main signs of calcium deficiency are:

  • hair loses its shine, its fragility increases and active hair loss may even begin;
  • nails begin to break, white spots appear on the plates;
  • the skin loses its elasticity, so even the slightest mechanical impact upon impact can lead to
  • the appearance of a serious wound;
  • the baby shows interest in eating chalk or even earth;
  • activation carious processes at proper care for teeth;
  • irritability, increased fatigue, nervousness;
  • bone deformations, postural disorders.

In children early age similar problem provokes a slowdown in growth and weight gain, and also creates favorable conditions for the development of rickets. Hypocalcemia causes inhibition normal processes development internal organs and mental functions.

Calcium deficiency affects muscles and contributes to active development spasms. So, to determine whether a child has a component deficiency, you can slightly squeeze the child’s hand between the joint of the shoulder and elbow with your hand - as a result, the fingers will cramp.

Products containing calcium for children

Calcium is found in foods of both plant and animal origin, but there are differences in its properties. Thus, in animal sources the element is found in large volumes, but it is more difficult to absorb by the body. In general, from a quarter to 40% of consumed calcium is absorbed; this process is influenced by a deficiency or excess of other components. The child can get useful element from:

  • And fermented milk products(cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk) - just from such products
  • Almost 80% of the child’s needs are met;
  • legumes (peas, beans) – one of best sources absorption, since they contain other components,
  • improving this process;
  • vegetables (carrots, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, White cabbage, parsley, basil and lettuce);
  • fruits and dried fruits (kiwi, citrus fruits, apricots, pineapples, bananas, apples, melon, dried apricots, raisins and dates);
  • berries (raspberries, grapes, currants);
  • nuts (peanuts, pistachios, almonds, walnuts);
  • meat (chicken, veal);
  • fish (red fish, mackerel).

Which calcium is best to give to children: a review of drugs

Calcium supplements for children are offered by many pharmaceutical companies. The main feature that is common to everyone good goods This category is the presence of additional components that improve absorption processes and a pleasant taste that children like.

Complivit "Calcium D3" for babies up to 1 year

For children, the drug is produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension. Before use, you need to shake the bottle of powder, then add two-thirds of the volume to it cold water and shake again. Last step– bringing the volume to 100 ml with water to obtain a homogeneous suspension. The contents are given to babies 5-10 ml per day with meals for a month. Only a doctor can prescribe and increase the duration of treatment. The big advantage of the drug is that it has a pleasant fruity taste, and therefore the kids do not refuse it. The set includes a special measuring spoon for dosing the product.


The drug is available in powder form for the preparation of a solution. The mixture consists of ground veal bones, egg powder, whole milk powder, vitamin and mineral supplements.

The manufacturer recommends mixing the composition dissolved in water with water and then adding it to food, preferably to cottage cheese. The drug also includes vitamin D3, which facilitates the absorption of calcium. Children's composition from Tiensha is considered biologically active additive, so its use is not prescribed by a doctor.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte from 5 years

Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte is available in the form of round chewable tablets in three flavors - orange, lemon and mint. In addition to the main components - calcium and vitamin D3, the composition contains only auxiliary ingredients. The product is intended both for the prevention of deficiency of the described components and for the treatment of their deficiency. This drug cannot be used for children under 5 years of age. The tablets are suitable for both resorption and chewing; they are taken with meals; children under 12 years old take 1-2 tablets per day; the exact dose is recommended to be set in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.

Children's vitamins Multi-Tabs

Multi-tabs with calcium is a vitamin and mineral complex intended for children aged 2 to 7 years. It helps fill the gap useful components, and is simply irreplaceable for those children who do not like dairy products.

Does not contain flavorings, dyes or sugar. You should give your child only 1 tablet per day with meals. The Multi-Tabs line also includes complexes for children up to one year old, up to 4 years old, from 4 to 11 years old, and separately for teenagers.

Features of the use of calcium preparations

Calcium supplements are usually recommended to be given to children during meals. Also great value has the supply of additional components that increase the percentage of element absorption. The main carrier is vitamin D, which increases the absorption of calcium in proportion to its intake. Calcium absorption is also affected by taking medications, fat, phosphorus and oxalic acid. When combined with the latter, the element forms insoluble compounds, which are the main ones for the formation of kidney stones.

It is better if the concentration of calcium in the blood remains constant all the time, since when it is deficient, special hormones are released that release it from the bones, replenishing the deficiency in the blood. This causes increased bone fragility.

Komarovsky's video about calcium gluconate

This video is dedicated to the process of assimilation in the body of such chemical substance like calcium. The author of the video clearly explains how the component is absorbed and what conditions are necessary for this. Attention is also paid to such a drug as calcium gluconate and its description, including effectiveness and relevance relative to analogues.

Calcium deficiency in children is a fairly common occurrence in everyday life. Meanwhile, this element is simply necessary for a child, especially in the first years of life, when musculoskeletal system. To restore the deficiency, in addition to foods containing Ca, you must take special drugs calcium for children.

The benefits of calcium for babies

The role of calcium in the human body is difficult to overestimate. It is involved in approximately three hundred different biological processes. Here are just a few of them:

  • Muscle contraction;
  • Nerve and muscle conduction;
  • Blood clotting;
  • Regulation of acid balance;
  • Activation of enzymes and hormones of the endocrine system.

In addition, calcium has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-stress effects on the body.

The daily requirement of calcium for babies up to six months is 400 mg, for children 6-12 months it increases to 600 mg, and at the age of one to 10 years this figure varies between 800 mg. If more calcium enters the body than normal, it is excreted in the urine, but a deficiency of this macroelement is more common than an excess.

Causes of calcium deficiency in babies

At each stage of a child's development, sources of calcium are different. It has been scientifically proven that if during intrauterine development the fetus does not receive enough of this macronutrient, then its height and weight at birth are lower than those of other infants who did not experience a similar deficiency. Such children may show signs of rickets in the first six months of life.

The next stage when calcium is especially important for babies is the child’s bone growth, which is preceded by the accumulation of the macronutrient in the bones. This process is most pronounced in the periods from birth to one year, from 5 to 7 years and in adolescence. This is why it is so important to prevent factors that contribute to calcium deficiency in children:

  • Chronic diseases (especially rheumatic diseases and liver and kidney diseases);
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Genetic characteristics (for example, a history of osteoporosis in the family):
  • Poor nutrition of children (lack of dairy products in the diet, addiction to flour and sweets).

If a pediatrician or orthopedist discovers that a child has a calcium deficiency, it is necessary to start taking special medications.

Calcium supplements for children

Currently, there are a lot of medications containing calcium. The following brands have proven themselves well:

  • Complivit calcium d3 (Russia);
  • Dolomite (Czech Republic);
  • Piimaks (Finland);
  • Berocca Ca+Mg (Hoffman-la-Roche).

An inexpensive and time-tested drug is calcium gluconate. It is prescribed not only for deficiency of this macronutrient in children, but also for the treatment of other diseases.

The drug Calcinova (Slovenia) has high bioavailability and bioavailability. It is often recommended by experts, and children love it for the original look and taste of the tablets. The only drawback is the presence of sugar and dyes in the shell, so this calcium preparation is contraindicated for children with allergies and diabetes.

Children under seven years of age better tolerate medications that do not have active vitamin D metabolites. B school age These medications can also be taken with vitamin D.

Except medical supplies Today there are many different dietary supplements containing calcium and natural products(lingonberries, blueberries, apples, carrots).

It is advisable to take all calcium supplements for children in evening time along with food, but the food should not be fatty and, if possible, without phytin compounds (oatmeal), as they interfere with the absorption of the macronutrient into the body.

Calcium supplements should be taken not only to treat its deficiency, but also as a preventive measure, especially during a seasonal decrease in calcium in the body.

Complivit calcium d3 for babies

For young children, especially babies under one year old, choose suitable drug It's hard enough. An excellent tool To prevent deficiency of both Ca and vitamin D, Complivit calcium d3 for babies is used.

The dosage form of the drug is designed specifically for the youngest patients, and the vitamin D included in its composition helps more efficiently absorb calcium.

This is the only product containing Ca and vitamin D that is approved for use in children from birth. Calcium D3 for babies is a suspension with pleasant taste, so taking it does not cause negative reaction even the smallest ones. Another plus is the absence of dyes and preservatives.

All these features make the drug very attractive and often prescribed by pediatricians as a means for the treatment and prevention of calcium deficiency in children under one year of age.

How and in what dosage to take calcium for children

It is the doctor’s task to prescribe the dosage, as well as the drug itself. Typically, children under one year old are recommended to take one tablet, children 1-4 years old - two tablets at a time, 4-7 years old - up to three tablets. Pupils primary classes, usually take up to four tablets at a time.

Before giving the tablet to your child, it is better to crush it. In this form, the medicine is absorbed into the blood faster, and the effect of its action increases. Calcium gluconate should be given to the baby 1-1.5 hours before meals. Take the medicine with water or milk.

If a calcium supplement for babies does not contain vitamin D, it must be taken additionally, since otherwise the macronutrient will not be absorbed. You should never combine medication with heart medications or iron tablets, as they neutralize each other's effects.

If the drug causes problems in the child gastrointestinal tract or any other undesirable symptoms appear, you should stop taking it immediately.

Duration of administration and dosage medicine prescribed by the pediatrician, taking into account individual characteristics child. It should be remembered that calcium also enters the body through food, and its excess is just as dangerous as its deficiency.

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