Infrared light device scope of application. Infrared rays: benefits and harm. Impact on plants

At all times, infrared radiation has surrounded man. Before the advent of technological progress, the rays of the sun had an impact on the human body, and with the advent of household appliances, infrared radiation also has an effect at home. Therapeutic heating of body tissues is successfully used in medicine for the physiotherapeutic treatment of various pathologies.

The properties of infrared radiation have long been studied by physicists and are aimed at obtaining maximum benefits and benefits for humans. All parameters of harmful effects were taken into account and methods of protection were recommended to preserve human health.

Infrared rays: what are they?

Invisible electromagnetic radiation that provides a strong thermal effect is called infrared. The rays range in length from 0.74 to 2000 µm, which is between microwave radio emission and visible red rays, which are the longest in the sun's spectrum.

Back in 1800, British astronomer William Herschel discovered electromagnetic radiation. This happened while studying the rays of the sun: the scientist noticed a significant heating of the instruments and was able to differentiate invisible radiation.

Infrared radiation has a second name - “thermal”. Heat emanates from objects that can maintain temperature. Short infrared waves heat more strongly, and if the heat is felt weak, it means that long-range waves are emanating from the surface. There are three types of wavelengths of infrared radiation:

  • short or short up to 2.5 microns;
  • average no more than 50 microns;
  • long or distant 50–2000 µm.

Any body that has been previously heated emits infrared rays, releasing thermal energy. The most famous natural source of heat is the sun, and artificial ones include electric lamps, household appliances, and radiators, the operation of which generates heat.

Where is infrared radiation used?

Each new discovery finds its application, with the greatest benefit for humanity. The discovery of infrared rays helped solve many problems in various fields from medicine to industrial scale.

The most famous areas where the properties of invisible rays are used:

  1. With the help of special devices, thermal imagers, you can detect an object at a remote distance using the properties of infrared radiation. Any object capable of maintaining temperature on its surface, thereby emitting infrared rays. A thermographic camera detects heat rays and creates an accurate image of the object being detected. This property can be used in industry and military practice.
  2. To carry out the tracking procedure in military practice, devices with sensors that can detect a target that emits heat are used. In addition, what exactly is in the immediate environment is transmitted in order to correctly calculate not only the trajectory, but also the force of the impact, most often a missile.
  3. Active heat transfer together with rays is used in domestic conditions, using beneficial properties for heating a room in the cold season. Radiators are made of metal, which is capable of transmitting the greatest amount of thermal energy. The same effect applies to heaters. Some household appliances: televisions, vacuum cleaners, stoves, irons have the same properties.
  4. In industry, the process of welding plastic products and annealing is carried out using infrared radiation.
  5. Infrared irradiation is used in medical practice to treat certain pathologies with heat, as well as to disinfect indoor air using quartz lamps.
  6. Compiling weather maps is impossible without special instruments with thermal detection sensors that easily determine the movement of warm and cold air.
  7. For astronomical research, special telescopes are made that are sensitive to infrared rays, which are capable of detecting space objects with different temperatures on the surface.
  8. In the food industry for heat treatment of cereals.
  9. To check banknotes, devices with infrared radiation are used, by the light of which counterfeit banknotes can be recognized.

The effect of infrared radiation on the human body is ambiguous. Different wavelengths can trigger unpredictable reactions. You need to be especially careful about the heat of the sun, which can cause harm and become a provoking factor for the launch of negative pathological processes in cells.

Long-wavelength rays hit the skin and activate heat receptors, imparting pleasant warmth to them. It is this frequency range that is actively used for therapeutic effects in medicine. Most of the heat is absorbed by the skin, falling on its surface. Low impact guarantees pleasant heating of the skin surface without affecting the internal organs.

Waves with a wavelength of 9.6 microns promote renewal of the epidermis, strengthen the immune system, and heal the body. Physiotherapy is based on the use of long infrared waves, triggering the following processes:

  • blood circulation improves when smooth muscles relax after transmitting information to the hypothalamus when affecting the surface layer of the skin;
  • blood pressure normalizes after vasodilation;
  • the body's cells are more supplied with nutrients and oxygen, which improves the general condition;
  • biochemical reactions proceed faster, which affects the metabolic process;
  • immunity improves and the body's resistance to pathogenic microorganisms increases;
  • accelerating metabolism helps remove toxic substances and reduce slagging.

Pathological influence

Waves with a short wavelength have the opposite effect. The harm of infrared radiation is due to the intense thermal effect caused by short rays. A strong thermal effect spreads deep into the body, causing heating of the internal organs. Overheating of tissues leads to dehydration and a significant increase in body temperature.

The skin at the site of contact with short-length infrared rays turns red and receives a thermal burn, sometimes of the second degree of severity with the appearance of blisters with cloudy contents. The capillaries at the site of the lesion expand and burst, leading to small hemorrhages.

Cells lose moisture, the body becomes weakened and susceptible to infections of various types. If infrared radiation enters the eyes, this fact has a destructive effect on vision. The mucous membrane of the eye becomes dry, the retina is negatively affected. The lens loses its elasticity and transparency, which is one of the symptoms of cataracts.

Excessive heat exposure causes an increase in inflammatory processes, if any, and also serves as a fertile ground for the occurrence of inflammation. Doctors say that exceeding the temperature by a couple of degrees can provoke infection with meningitis.

A general increase in body temperature leads to heat stroke, which, if help is not provided, can lead to irreversible consequences. Main signs of heat stroke:

  • general weakness;
  • Strong headache;
  • blurred vision;
  • nausea;
  • increased heart rate;
  • the appearance of cold sweat on the back;
  • short-term loss of consciousness.

A serious complication associated with impaired thermoregulation occurs if the frequency of exposure to infrared radiation continues for a long time. If a person is not provided with timely assistance, brain cells are modified, and the activity of the circulatory system is inhibited.

List of activities in the first minutes after the onset of alarming symptoms:

  1. Remove the source of infrared radiation from the victim: move the person to the shade or to a place away from the source of harmful heat.
  2. Unbutton or remove any clothing that may interfere with deep, free breathing.
  3. Open the window to allow fresh air to flow freely.
  4. Wipe with cool water or wrap in a wet sheet.
  5. Apply cold to the places where large arteries are located (temporal, groin, forehead, armpits).
  6. If the person is conscious, he should be given cool, clean water to drink; this measure will lower the body temperature.
  7. In case of loss of consciousness, a resuscitation complex should be performed, consisting of artificial respiration and chest compressions.
  8. Call an ambulance to receive qualified medical care.


For therapeutic purposes, the use of long thermal waves is widely used in medical practice. The list of diseases is quite long:

  • high blood pressure;
  • pain syndrome;
  • will help you lose extra pounds;
  • diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • depressive states;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • skin pathologies;
  • rhinitis, uncomplicated otitis.

Contraindications to the use of infrared radiation

The benefits of infrared radiation are valuable for humans in the absence of pathologies or individual symptoms in which exposure to infrared rays is unacceptable:

  • systemic blood diseases, tendency to frequent bleeding;
  • acute and chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • the presence of purulent infection in the body;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • heart failure in the stage of decompensation;
  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy and other severe neurological disorders;
  • children up to three years of age.

Protective measures against harmful rays

Those at risk of receiving short-wave infrared radiation include those who like to spend long periods of time under the scorching sun and workers in workshops where the properties of heat rays are used. To protect yourself, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Those who like a beautiful tan should reduce their time in the sun and lubricate exposed skin with a protective cream before going outside.
  2. If there is a source of intense heat nearby, reduce the heat intensity.
  3. When working in workshops with high temperatures, workers must be equipped with personal protective equipment: special clothing, hats.
  4. The time spent in rooms with high temperatures must be strictly regulated.
  5. When carrying out procedures, wear protective glasses to maintain eye health.
  6. Install only high-quality household appliances in the rooms.

Various types of radiation surround a person outdoors and indoors. Being aware of possible negative consequences will help you stay healthy in the future. The value of infrared radiation is undeniable for improving human life, but there is also a pathological effect that needs to be eliminated by following simple recommendations.


The imperfection of one's own nature, compensated by the flexibility of the intellect, constantly pushed a person to search. The desire to fly like a bird, swim like a fish, or, say, see at night like a cat, came true as the required knowledge and technology were achieved. Scientific research was often spurred by the needs of military activity, and the results were determined by the existing technological level.

Expanding the range of vision to visualize information inaccessible to the eye is one of the most difficult tasks, as it requires serious scientific training and a significant technical and economic base. The first successful results in this direction were obtained in the 30s of the 20th century. The problem of observation in low light conditions became particularly urgent during the Second World War.

Naturally, the efforts expended in this direction have led to progress in scientific research, medicine, communications technology and other fields.


Infrared radiation- electromagnetic radiation occupying the spectral region between the red end of visible light (with wavelength (=
m) and shortwave radio emission ( =
m).Infrared radiation was discovered in 1800 by the English scientist W. Herschel. 123 years after the discovery of infrared radiation, Soviet physicist A.A. Glagoleva-Arkadyeva received radio waves with a wavelength of approximately 80 microns, i.e. located in the infrared wavelength range. This proved that light, infrared rays and radio waves are of the same nature, all just variations of ordinary electromagnetic waves.

Infrared radiation is also called “thermal” radiation, since all bodies, solid and liquid, heated to a certain temperature emit energy in the infrared spectrum.



Infrared radiation from ballistic missiles and space objects

Infrared radiation from aircraft

Infrared radiation from surface ships

Marching torch

engine, which is a stream of burning gases carrying suspended solid particles of ash and soot that are formed during the combustion of rocket fuel.

Rocket body.

The earth, which reflects part of the sun's rays that fall on it.

The Earth itself.

Radiation reflected from the airframe of an aircraft from the Sun, Earth, Moon and other sources.

Internal thermal radiation of the extension pipe and nozzle of a turbojet engine or exhaust pipes of piston engines.

Own thermal radiation of the exhaust gas jet.

Internal thermal radiation from the aircraft skin, resulting from aerodynamic heating during flight at high speeds.

Chimney casing.


chimney hole


1. Passes through some opaque bodies, also through rain,

haze, snow.

2. Produces a chemical effect on photographic plates.

3. Absorbed by a substance, it heats it.

4. Causes an internal photoelectric effect in germanium.

5. Invisible.

6. Capable of interference and diffraction phenomena.

7. Registered by thermal methods, photoelectric and



Own Reflected Weakening Physical

thermal objects IR IR radiation features IR

radiation radiation in the atmosphere radiation backgrounds


Basic concepts

Own thermal radiation of heated bodies

The fundamental concept is a completely black body. An absolute black body is a body that absorbs all radiation incident on it at any wavelength. Black body radiation intensity distribution (Planck's s/n):
,Where -spectral brightness of radiation at temperature T, -wavelength in microns, C1 and C2 - constant coefficients: C1=1.19*
W*µm *cm *cf ,

µm*deg. Maximum wavelength (Wien's law):
, where T is the absolute body temperature.

Integral radiation density - Stefan - Boltzmann law:

IR radiation reflected by objects

The maximum solar radiation, which determines the reflected component, corresponds to wavelengths shorter than 0.75 microns, and 98% of the total solar radiation energy falls in the spectral region up to 3 microns. This wavelength is often considered to be the boundary wavelength that separates the reflected (solar) and intrinsic components of IR radiation from objects. Therefore, it can be accepted that in the near part of the IR spectrum (up to 3 μm), the reflected component is decisive and the distribution of radiance over objects depends on the distribution of reflectance and irradiance. For the far part of the IR spectrum, the determining factor is the objects’ own radiation, and the distribution of emissivity over their area depends on the distribution of emissivity coefficients and temperature.

In the mid-wave part of the IR spectrum, all four parameters must be taken into account.

Attenuation of IR radiation in the atmosphere

In the IR wavelength range there are several windows of transparency and the dependence of atmospheric transmission on wavelength has a very complex form. The attenuation of IR radiation is determined by the absorption bands of water vapor and gas components, mainly carbon dioxide and ozone, as well as radiation scattering phenomena. See figure “Absorption of IR radiation”.

Physical features of IR background radiation

IR radiation has two components: its own thermal radiation and reflected (scattered) radiation from the Sun and other external sources. In the wavelength range shorter than 3 microns, reflected and scattered solar radiation dominates. In this wavelength range, as a rule, the intrinsic thermal radiation of the backgrounds can be neglected. On the contrary, in the wavelength range greater than 4 μm, the intrinsic thermal radiation of the backgrounds predominates and reflected (scattered) solar radiation can be neglected. The wavelength range of 3-4 microns is, as it were, transitional. In this range there is a pronounced minimum in the brightness of background formations.


Transmission spectrum of the atmosphere in the near and mid-infrared region (1.2-40 μm) at sea level (lower curve in the graphs) and at an altitude of 4000 m (upper curve); in the submillimeter range (300-500 microns) radiation does not reach the Earth's surface.


Since ancient times, people have been well aware of the beneficial power of heat or, in scientific terms, infrared radiation.

In the infrared spectrum there is a region with wavelengths from approximately 7 to 14 microns (the so-called long-wave part of the infrared range), which has a truly unique beneficial effect on the human body. This part of the infrared radiation corresponds to the radiation of the human body itself, with a maximum at a wavelength of about 10 microns. Therefore, our body perceives any external radiation with such wavelengths as “our own”. The most famous natural source of infrared rays on our Earth is the Sun, and the most famous artificial source of long-wave infrared rays in Rus' is the Russian stove, and every person has definitely experienced their beneficial effects. Cooking with infrared waves makes food especially tasty, preserves vitamins and minerals, and has nothing to do with microwave ovens.

By influencing the human body in the long-wave part of the infrared range, it is possible to obtain a phenomenon called “resonance absorption”, in which external energy will be actively absorbed by the body. As a result of this effect, the potential energy of the body cell increases, and unbound water leaves it, the activity of specific cellular structures increases, the level of immunoglobulins increases, the activity of enzymes and estrogens increases, and other biochemical reactions occur. This applies to all types of body cells and blood.


Infrared images have a distribution of contrasts between known objects that is unusual for the observer due to a different distribution of the optical characteristics of object surfaces in the IR range compared to the visible part of the spectrum. IR radiation makes it possible to detect objects in IR images that are not noticeable in ordinary photographs. It is possible to identify areas of damaged trees and shrubs, as well as reveal evidence of the use of freshly cut vegetation to camouflage objects. The different transmission of tones in images led to the creation of the so-called multi-spectral shooting, in which the same section of the plane of objects is simultaneously photographed in different zones of the spectrum by a multi-spectral camera.

Another feature of IR images, characteristic of heat maps, is that in addition to reflected radiation, their own radiation also participates in their formation, and in some cases only this alone. Intrinsic radiation is determined by the emissivity of the surfaces of objects and their temperature. This makes it possible to identify heated surfaces or areas thereof on heat maps that are completely undetectable in photographs, and to use thermal images as a source of information about the temperature state of an object.

IR images make it possible to obtain information about objects that are no longer present at the time of shooting. For example, on the surface of the site where an aircraft is parked, its thermal portrait is preserved for some time, which can be recorded on an IR image.

The fourth feature of heat maps is the ability to register objects both in the absence of incident radiation and in the absence of temperature changes; only due to differences in the emissivity of their surfaces. This property makes it possible to observe objects in complete darkness and in conditions where temperature differences are leveled out to the point of imperceptibility. Under such conditions, unpainted metal surfaces with low emissivity are especially clearly visible against the background of non-metallic objects that look lighter (“dark”), although their temperatures are the same.

Another feature of heat maps is associated with the dynamism of thermal processes occurring during the day. Due to the natural daily variation of temperatures, all objects on the earth's surface participate in a constantly occurring heat exchange process. Moreover, the temperature of each body depends on the conditions of heat exchange, the physical properties of the environment, the intrinsic properties of a given object (heat capacity, thermal conductivity), etc. Depending on these factors, the temperature ratio of adjacent objects changes during the day, so heat maps obtained at different times even from the same objects, differ from each other.


In the twenty-first century, the introduction of infrared radiation into our lives began. Now it is used in industry and medicine, in everyday life and agriculture. It is universal and can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Used in forensics, physiotherapy, and in industry for drying painted products, building walls, wood, and fruit. Obtain images of objects in the dark, night vision devices (night binoculars), and fog.

Night vision devices - a history of generations

Zero generation

"Glass of Canvas"

Three- and two-electrode systems



  1. Focusing electrode

mid 30s

Philips Technical Center, Holland

Abroad - Zworykin, Farnsword, Morton and von Ardenne; in the USSR - G.A. Grinberg, A.A. Artsimovich

This image intensifier tube consisted of two glasses nested inside each other, on the flat bottoms of which a photocathode and a phosphor were applied. The high voltage voltage applied to these layers created

an electrostatic field that provides direct transfer of an electronic image from the photocathode to a screen with a phosphor. A silver-oxygen-cesium photocathode, which had a rather low sensitivity, although operational in the range of up to 1.1 microns, was used as a photosensitive layer in the “Holst glass”. In addition, this photocathode had a high noise level, which required cooling to minus 40 °C to eliminate it.

Advances in electron optics have made it possible to replace direct image transfer by focusing with an electrostatic field. The greatest disadvantage of an image intensifier tube with electrostatic image transfer is the sharp decrease in resolution from the center of the field of view to the edges due to the mismatch of the curvilinear electronic image with the flat photocathode and the screen. To solve this problem, they began to be made spherical, which significantly complicated the design of lenses usually designed for flat surfaces.

First generation

Multistage image intensifier tubes

USSR, M.M. Bootslov

by RCA, ITT (USA), Philips (Netherlands)

Based on fiber-optic plates (FOP), which are a package of many LEDs, plano-concave lenses were developed, which were installed instead of the entrance and exit windows. The optical image projected onto the flat surface of the VOP is transmitted without distortion to the concave side, which ensures the pairing of the flat surfaces of the photocathode and screen with a curved electronic field. As a result of the use of the VOP, the resolution became the same throughout the entire field of view as in the center.

Second generation

Secondary emission amplifier


1- photocathode

3-microchannel plate

4– screen

In the 70s

US companies

company "Praxitronic" (Germany)

This element is a sieve with regularly spaced channels with a diameter of about 10 microns and a thickness of no more than 1 mm. The number of channels is equal to the number of image elements and is of the order of 10 6 . Both surfaces of the microchannel plate (MCP) are polished and metallized, and a voltage of several hundred volts is applied between them.

Getting into the channel, the electron experiences collisions with the wall and knocks out secondary electrons. In a pulling electric field, this process is repeated many times, allowing the gain of NxlO to be obtained 4 times. To obtain MCP channels, optical fiber of different chemical composition is used.

Image intensifier tubes with MCPs of biplanar design were developed, that is, without an electrostatic lens, a kind of technological return to direct image transfer, as in the “Holst glass”. The resulting miniature image intensifier tubes made it possible to develop night vision goggles (NVGs) of a pseudo-binocular system, where the image from one image intensifier tube is split into two eyepieces using a beam splitting prism. The image rotation here is carried out in additional mini-lenses.

Third generation

Image intensifier tube P + and SUPER II +

started in the 70s to the present day

mostly American companies

Long-term scientific development and complex manufacturing technology, which determine the high cost of the third generation image intensifier tube, are compensated by the extremely high sensitivity of the photocathode. The integral sensitivity of some samples reaches 2000 mA/W, the quantum yield (the ratio of the number of emitted electrons to the number of quanta with a wavelength in the region of maximum sensitivity incident on the photocathode) exceeds 30%! The service life of such image intensifier tubes is about 3,000 hours, the cost is from $600 to $900, depending on the design.


Generations of image intensifiers

Photo cathode type



Sensitivity on

wavelengths 830-850





human figures in

conditions of natural night light, m

"Glass of Canvas"

about 1, IR illumination

only under moonlight or IR illuminator

Super II+ or II++

Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range from
m to
m. Any body (gaseous, liquid, solid) with a temperature above absolute zero (-273°C) can be considered as a source of infrared (IR) radiation. The human visual analyzer does not perceive rays in the infrared range. Therefore, species-specific unmasking features in this range are obtained using special devices (night vision, thermal imagers) that have worse resolution than the human eye. In general, the unmasking features of an object in the IR range include the following: 1) geometric characteristics of the object’s appearance (shape, dimensions, surface details); 2) surface temperature. Infrared rays are absolutely safe for the human body, unlike X-rays, ultraviolet or microwave rays. There is no area where the natural method of heat transfer would not be useful. After all, everyone knows that man cannot become smarter than nature; we can only imitate it.


1. Kurbatov L.N. A brief outline of the history of the development of night vision devices based on electronic optical converters and image intensifiers // Issue. Defense Technicians. Ser. 11. - 1994

2. Koshchavtsev N.F., Volkov V.G. Night vision devices // Issue. Defense Technicians. Ser. P. - 1993 - Issue. 3 (138).

3. Lecomte J., Infrared radiation. M.: 2002. 410 p.

4. Menshakov Yu.K., M51 Protection of objects and information from technical reconnaissance means. M.: Russian. State Humanitarian. U-t, 2002. 399 p.

Infrared radiation is invisible to the human eye, however, it is emitted by all liquid and solid substances. It ensures the occurrence of many processes on Earth. It is used in various areas of our activities.

All properties of infrared radiation on the body have been studied by phototherapists. The effect depends on the wavelength and duration of exposure. They are indispensable for a normal life.

The IR range ranges from the red end of the visible spectrum to the violet (ultraviolet) spectrum. This interval is divided into areas: long, medium and short. In low beam the beams are more dangerous. But long-wavelengths have a beneficial effect on the body.

Benefits of infrared radiation:

  • use in medicine to treat various diseases;
  • scientific research - assistance in discoveries;
  • has a beneficial effect on plant growth;
  • application in the food industry to accelerate biochemical transformations;
  • food sterilization;
  • ensures the operation of equipment - radios, telephones, and others;
  • production of various devices and devices based on infrared;
  • use for military purposes for the safety of the population.

The negative aspects of shortwave IR are due to the heating temperature. The higher it is, the stronger the radiation intensity.

Harmful properties of short IR:

  • when exposed to the eyes - cataracts;
  • in case of contact with skin - burns, blisters;
  • if it affects the brain – nausea, dizziness, increased heart rate;
  • When using heaters with IR, you should not be in close proximity.

Radiation sources

Sun– the main natural generator of IR. Approximately 50% of its radiation is in the infrared spectrum. Thanks to them, life began. Solar energy is directed to objects with a lower temperature and heats them.

The earth absorbs it and returns most of it to the atmosphere. All objects have different radiating properties, which may have a dependence on several bodies.

Artificial derivatives include many items equipped with LEDs. These are incandescent lamps, tungsten filaments, heaters, and some lasers. Almost everything that surrounds us is both a source and an absorber of IR. Any heated body emits invisible light.


Infrared rays are used in medicine, everyday life, industry, and astronomy. They cover many areas in human life. Wherever he goes, wherever he is, he experiences infrared influence.

Use in medicine

Since ancient times, people have noticed the healing power of heat to treat diseases. Many disorders are caused by unfavorable environmental conditions. Throughout life, the body accumulates harmful substances.

Infrared radiation has long been used in medicine. Long-wave IR has the most useful properties. Research has proven that such therapy stimulates the body to eliminate toxins, alcohol, nicotine, lead, and mercury.

It normalizes the metabolic process, strengthens the immune system, many infections disappear, and not only the symptoms disappear, but also the disease itself. Health clearly becomes stronger: blood pressure decreases, good sleep appears, muscles relax, blood vessels dilate, blood flow accelerates, mood improves, mental stress goes away.

Treatment methods can focus directly on the diseased area or affect the entire body.

A feature of local physiotherapy is the targeted effect of IR on diseased parts of the body. General procedures are designed for the entire body. Improvement occurs after just a few sessions.

An example of the main diseases for which IR therapy is indicated:

  • musculoskeletal system – fractures, arthritis, joint inflammation;
  • respiratory system – asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • nervous system – neuralgia, restless sleep, depression;
  • urinary apparatus – renal failure, cystitis, prostatitis;
  • skin – burns, ulcers, scars, inflammatory processes, psoriasis;
  • cosmetology – anti-cellulite effect;
  • dentistry – removal of nerves, installation of fillings;
  • diabetes;
  • elimination of radioactive exposure.

This list does not reflect all aspects in medicine where infrared rays are used.

Physiotherapy has contraindications: pregnancy, blood diseases, individual intolerance, pathologies during exacerbation, tuberculosis, neoplasms, purulent processes, tendency to bleeding.

Infrared heater

IR heaters are becoming more and more popular. This is explained by significant advantages from an economic and social approach.

It has long been established in industry and agriculture that electromagnetic devices do not dissipate heat, but heat the desired object by focusing infrared radiation in the form of a wave directly onto the object. So, in a large workshop, the workplace is heated, but in a warehouse, the person’s route is heated, and not the entire room.

Central heating is provided using hot water in radiators. The temperature distribution is uneven, heated air rises to the ceiling, and in the parquet area it is clearly colder. In the case of an infrared heater, the problem of wasted heat can be avoided.

Installations in combination with natural ventilation reduce air humidity to normal; for example, on pig farms and barns, sensors record 70-75% or less. When using such an emitter, the number of animals increases.

Infrared spectroscopy

The branch of physics responsible for the influence of infrared on bodies is called infrared spectroscopy. With its help, problems of quantitative and qualitative analysis of mixtures of substances, the study of intermolecular interactions, and the study of the kinetics and characteristics of chemical reaction intermediates are solved.

This method measures the vibrations of molecules using a spectrometer. It has a large tabular database that allows you to identify thousands of substances based on their atomic fingerprint.

Remote control

Used to control devices from a distance. Infrared diodes are used mainly in home appliances. For example, a TV remote control, some smartphones have an IR port.

These rays do not interfere, because invisible to human eyes.


Thermal imaging in infrared rays is used for diagnostic purposes, also in printing, veterinary medicine and other fields.

With various diseases, body temperature changes. The circulatory system increases intensity in the area of ​​disturbances, which is reflected on the instrument monitor.

Cool shades are dark blue, the increase in warmth is noticeable by the color changing first to green, then yellow, red and white.

Properties of IR rays

IR rays have the same nature as visible light, but are in a different range. In this regard, they obey the laws of optics and are endowed with emissivity, reflection, and transmission coefficients.

Distinctive characteristics:

  • a specific feature is the absence of the need for an intermediate link during heat transfer;
  • the ability to pass through some opaque bodies;
  • heats the substance by being absorbed by it;
  • invisible;
  • has a chemical effect on photographic plates;
  • causes an internal photoelectric effect in germanium;
  • capable of wave optics (interference and diffraction);
  • recorded using photographic methods.

Infrared radiation in life

A person emits and absorbs infrared rays. They have local and general effects. And what the consequences will be - benefit or harm, depends on their frequency.

Long infrared waves are emitted from people, and it is desirable to receive them back. Physiotherapeutic treatment is based on them. After all, they trigger the mechanism of regeneration and healing of organs.

Short waves have a different operating principle. They can cause internal organs to heat up.

Also, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays leads to consequences such as burns or even oncology. Medical experts do not recommend spending time in the sun during the day, especially if you have a child with you.


Infrared radiation is called “thermal” radiation because infrared radiation from heated objects is perceived by the human skin as a sensation of heat. In this case, the wavelengths emitted by the body depend on the heating temperature: the higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelength and the higher the radiation intensity. The radiation spectrum of an absolutely black body at relatively low (up to several thousand Kelvin) temperatures lies mainly in this range. Infrared radiation is emitted by excited atoms or ions. Infrared radiation is practically the same as ordinary light.

The only difference is that when it hits objects, the visible part of the spectrum becomes illumination, and infrared radiation is absorbed by the body, turning into heat energy. Without it, life on our planet is unthinkable. When infrared radiation propagates in space, there is virtually no energy loss. In fact, it is natural and the most advanced heating method. Therefore, for thermal power engineering, the issue of using infrared radiation is very interesting.

The purpose of this work is to conduct a study of the characteristics of infrared radiation and protection against infrared radiation. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Consider the characteristics of infrared radiation.

2. Analyze the damaging factors of infrared radiation.

3. Study ways to protect against the harmful effects of infrared radiation.

Characteristics of infrared radiation and sources

Infrared radiation is generated by any heated body, the temperature of which determines the intensity and spectrum of the emitted electromagnetic energy. Heated bodies with a temperature above 100 o C are a source of short-wave infrared radiation. One of the quantitative characteristics of radiation is the intensity of thermal radiation, which can be defined as the energy emitted per unit area per unit time (kcal/(m2 h) or W/m2). Measuring the intensity of thermal radiation is otherwise called actinometry (from the Greek words astinos - ray and metrio - I measure), and the device used to determine the intensity of radiation is called an actinometer. Depending on the wavelength, the penetrating ability of infrared radiation changes. Short-wave infrared radiation (0.76-1.4 microns) has the greatest penetrating ability, which penetrates human tissue to a depth of several centimeters. Long-wave infrared rays (9-420 microns) are retained in the superficial layers of the skin.

Sources of infrared radiation. In industrial conditions, heat generation is possible from:

* melting, heating furnaces and other thermal devices;

*cooling of heated or molten metals;

*transition into heat of mechanical energy spent on driving the main technological equipment;

*transition of electrical energy into thermal energy, etc.

About 60% of thermal energy is distributed in the environment by infrared radiation. Radiant energy, passing through space almost without loss, again turns into heat. Thermal radiation does not directly affect the surrounding air, freely penetrating it. Industrial sources of radiant heat can be divided into four groups according to the nature of the radiation:

* with a radiating surface temperature of up to 500oC (outer surface of furnaces, etc.); their spectrum contains infrared rays with a wavelength of 1.9-3.7 microns;

* with surface temperatures from 500 to 1300oC (open flame, molten cast iron, etc.); their spectrum contains predominantly infrared rays with a wavelength of 1.9-3.7 microns;

* with temperatures from 1300 to 1800oC (molten steel, etc.); their spectrum contains both infrared rays, up to short ones with a wavelength of 1.2-1.9 microns, and visible ones of high brightness;

* with temperatures above 1800oC (flames of electric arc furnaces, welding machines, etc.); their emission spectrum contains, along with infrared and visible, ultraviolet rays.

Every day a person is exposed to infrared radiation and its natural source is the sun. Incandescent elements and various electric heating devices are classified as unnatural derivatives. This radiation is used in heating systems, infrared lamps, heating devices, TV remote controls, and medical equipment. Therefore, it is always necessary to know the benefits and harms of infrared radiation for humans.

Infrared radiation: what is it?

In 1800, an English physicist discovered infrared heat by splitting sunlight into a spectrum using a prism.. William Herschel applied a thermometer to each color until he noticed an increase in temperature as the color changed from violet to red. Thus, the area of ​​​​sensing heat was opened, but it is not visible to the human eye. Radiation is distinguished by two main parameters: frequency (intensity) and beam length. At the same time, the wavelength is divided into three types: near (from 0.75 to 1.5 microns), medium (from 1.5 to 5.6 microns), far (from 5.6 to 100 microns).

It is long-wave energy that has positive properties, corresponding to the natural radiation of the human body with the longest wavelength of 9.6 microns. Therefore, the body perceives every external influence as “native”. The best example of infrared radiation is the heat of the Sun. Such a beam has the difference that it heats the object, and not the space around it. Infrared radiation is a heat distribution option.

Benefits of infrared radiation

Devices that use long-wave thermal radiation affect the human body in two different ways. The first method has a strengthening property, increasing protective functions and preventing early aging. This type allows you to cope with various diseases, increasing the body’s natural defenses against illnesses. It is a form of treatment that is health-based and is suitable for use at home and in medical settings.

The second type of influence of infrared rays is the direct treatment of diseases and general ailments. Every day a person faces health-related disorders. Therefore, long emitters have therapeutic properties. Many medical institutions in America, Canada, Japan, CIS countries and Europe use such radiation. The waves are able to penetrate deeply into the body, warming up the internal organs and skeletal system. These effects help improve blood circulation and accelerate the flow of fluids in the body.

Increased blood circulation has a beneficial effect on human metabolism, tissues are saturated with oxygen, and the muscular system receives nutrition
. Many diseases can be eliminated by regular exposure to radiation that penetrates deep into the human body. This wavelength will relieve such ailments as:

  • high or low blood pressure;
  • pain in the back;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • depression, stress;
  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia;
  • arthrosis, joint inflammation, seizures;
  • malaise, weakness, exhaustion;
  • bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia;
  • sleep disorder, insomnia;
  • muscle and lumbar pain;
  • problems with blood supply, blood circulation;
  • otorhinolaryngological diseases without purulent deposits;
  • skin diseases, burns, cellulite;
  • renal failure;
  • colds and viral illnesses;
  • decreased protective function of the body;
  • intoxication;
  • acute cystitis and prostatitis;
  • cholecystitis without stone formation, gastroduodenitis.

The positive effect of radiation is based on the fact that when the wave hits the skin, it acts on the endings of the nerves and a feeling of warmth occurs. Over 90% of radiation is destroyed by moisture located in the upper layer of the skin; it does not cause anything more than an increase in body temperature. The exposure spectrum, the length of which is 9.6 microns, is absolutely safe for humans.

Radiation stimulates blood circulation, normalizing blood pressure and metabolic processes. By supplying the brain tissue with oxygen, the risk of dizziness is reduced and memory is improved. An infrared ray can remove heavy metal salts, cholesterol and toxins. During therapy, the patient's immunity increases, hormonal levels are normalized and the water-salt balance is restored. Waves reduce the effect of various toxic chemicals, have anti-inflammatory properties, and suppress the formation of fungi, including mold.

Applications of infrared radiation

Infrared energy is used in various fields, positively affecting humans:

  1. Thermography. Using infrared radiation, the temperature of objects located at a distance is determined. Heat waves are mainly used in military and industrial applications. Heated objects with such a device can be seen without lighting.
  2. Heating. Infrared rays contribute to an increase in temperature, having a beneficial effect on human health. In addition to being useful infrared saunas, they are used for welding, annealing plastic objects, and curing surfaces in the industrial and medical fields.
  3. Tracking. This method of using thermal energy is to passively guide missiles. These flying elements have a mechanism inside them called a “heat seeker.” Cars, planes and other vehicles, as well as people, emit heat to help rockets find the right direction to fly.
  4. Meteorology. Radiation helps satellites determine the distance at which clouds are located, determines their temperature and type. Warm clouds are shown in gray, and cold clouds are shown in white. Data is studied without interference both day and night. The Earth's hot plane will be indicated in gray or black.
  5. Astronomy. Astronomers are equipped with unique instruments - infrared telescopes, which allow them to observe various objects in the sky. Thanks to them, scientists are able to find protostars before they begin to emit light visible to the human eye. Such a telescope will easily identify cold objects, but planets cannot be seen in the infrared spectrum being viewed due to the muting light from the stars. The device is also used to observe galactic nuclei that are obscured by gas and dust.
  6. Art. Reflectograms, which work on the basis of infrared radiation, help specialists in this field examine in more detail the lower layers of an object or an artist’s sketches. This method allows you to compare the drawings of the drawing and its visible part to determine the authenticity of the painting and whether it was restored. Previously, the device was adapted for studying old written documents and making ink.

These are only the basic methods of using thermal energy in science, but new equipment operating on its basis appears every year.

Harm from infrared radiation

Infrared light not only brings a positive effect on the human body, it is worth remembering the harm that it can cause if used incorrectly and be dangerous to others. It is the IR ranges with a short wavelength that negatively affect. The bad effect of infrared radiation on the human body manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the lower layers of the skin, dilated capillaries and blistering.

The use of infrared rays should be immediately abandoned in case of the following diseases and symptoms:

  • diseases of the circulatory system, bleeding;
  • chronic or acute form of purulent processes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • malignant tumors;
  • pulmonary and heart failure;
  • acute inflammation;
  • epilepsy;
  • With prolonged exposure to infrared radiation, the risk of developing photophobia, cataracts and other eye diseases increases.

Strong exposure to infrared radiation leads to redness of the skin and burns. Workers in the metallurgical industry sometimes develop heat stroke and dermatitis. The shorter the user's distance from the heating element, the less time he should spend near the device. Overheating of brain tissue by one degree and heat stroke is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, tachycardia, and darkening of the eyes. When the temperature rises by two degrees or more, there is a risk of developing meningitis.

If heat stroke occurs under the influence of infrared radiation, you should immediately place the victim in a cool room and remove all clothing that is constricting or restricts movement. Bandages soaked in cold water or ice bags are applied to the chest, neck, groin, forehead, spine and armpits.

If you don't have an ice bag, you can use any fabric or item of clothing for this purpose. Compresses are made only with very cold water, periodically moistening the bandages in it.

If possible, the person is completely wrapped in a cold sheet. Additionally, you can blow a stream of cold air onto the patient using a fan. Drinking plenty of cold water will help alleviate the condition of the victim. In severe cases of exposure, it is necessary to call an ambulance and perform artificial respiration.

How to avoid the harmful effects of IR waves

To protect yourself from the negative effects of heat waves, you must follow some rules:

  1. If the work is directly related to high temperature heaters, then The use of protective clothing is required to protect the body and eyes.
  2. Domestic heaters with exposed heating elements are used with extreme caution. You should not be close to them and it is better to reduce the time of their influence to a minimum.
  3. The premises should contain devices that have the least impact on people and their health.
  4. Don't stay in the sun for long periods of time. If this cannot be changed, then you need to constantly wear a hat and clothing that covers open areas of the body. This especially applies to children, who cannot always detect an increase in body temperature.

By following these rules, a person will be able to protect himself from the unpleasant consequences of excessive thermal influence. Infrared rays can cause both harm and benefit when used in certain ways.

Treatment methods

Infrared therapy is divided into two types: local and general. In the first type, there is a local effect on a particular area, and in general treatment, the waves treat the entire human body. The procedure is carried out twice a day for 15-30 minutes. The course of treatment ranges from 5 to 20 sessions. It is imperative to wear protective equipment when irradiating. Cardboard covers or special glasses are used for the eyes. After the procedure, redness with blurred boundaries appears on the skin, which disappears after an hour after exposure to the rays. Infrared radiation is highly valued in medicine.

High radiation intensity can cause harm to health, so you must follow all contraindications.

Thermal energy accompanies a person every day in everyday life. Infrared radiation brings not only benefits, but also harm. Therefore, it is necessary to treat infrared light with caution. Devices that emit these waves must be used safely. Many people do not know whether thermal exposure is harmful, but with the correct use of devices, it is possible to improve a person’s health and get rid of certain diseases.