Heater with a heating element in quartz sand. Economical quartz heater for the home. Device with quartz tube

Today, manufacturers offer us a wide selection of equipment, the main purpose of which is to heat an apartment or house. Energy-saving heaters have long appeared on the market, which, thanks to their special operating principle and design, can save the family budget. One of such devices is quartz, which will be discussed below.

There are two types of quartz heating devices:

In fact, both types of heaters have more differences than similarities (they also exist). And they received the name “quartz” due to the use of the above-mentioned natural material in completely different parts of the device.

What is a monolithic quartz heater?

The operating principle of the device is more reminiscent of the one we are used to Russian stove. The flame inside the firebox heats the walls of the furnace, which, having heated up, give off their heat to the surrounding space for a long time. In the old days, household members, having heated the stove in the evening, used its heat all night.

Of course, a monolithic quartz heater has nothing to do with the combustion process. Instead of a firebox, there is a heating element inside the device - nichrome spiral, completely covered with a monolithic slab. The structure of the device is simple, it has the following details:

  1. A spiral consisting of nichrome. This alloy (nickel and chromium, with additions of silicon, manganese, iron and aluminum) has high resistivity and high heat resistance, ductility, reliability and durability.
  2. The monolithic panel is a simple structure weighing about 12 kg, consisting of quartz sand.

A heater made of purified quartz sand can be installed in an apartment, in a country house, in a garage, in general, in any room where there is an electrical network.

The device is considered stationary, since it is intended to be mounted on the wall for its entire service life.


The equipment production process at the plant is as follows. The spiral with the corresponding connecting elements and fasteners in a zigzag shape is placed in a special mold and filled with a solution previously made from quartz sand. After which the resulting workpiece is pressed, dried and subjected to high temperatures in an oven. The output is a slab of considerable size - 60 by 35 centimeters, width 2.5-3.0 cm.

Thanks to the special production mechanism of the equipment, the heating filament is completely isolated from contact with the external environment. The place where it is attached to the power cable is also closed. Due to this design, the device is almost completely protected from the occurrence of a short circuit or breakage of the spiral. An alloy of nickel and chromium, which has different proportions depending on the brand of heater, can easily heat up up to 800 degrees. Of course, quartz heaters for the home do not have such potential; the surface of most models heats up to a temperature of no more than 100 degrees. The likelihood of the spiral burning out is minimized.

Most models do not have a power button. All they are equipped with is a power cable ending in a socket.

Although some manufacturers display an on/off toggle switch on the panel, and also offer their customers a thermostat included. Of course, with heaters equipped with a thermostat, you can save on electricity.


By installing a wall-mounted quartz heater in your home, you can get a good source of additional heat. Thanks to its design - a monolithic panel made of quartz sand and a nichrome spiral - the working surface of the heating device in a short time (no more than 20 minutes) heats up to a temperature 70-80 degrees.

The device has many advantages:

  1. 100% fireproof. This becomes possible thanks to the special design of the device: the heating filament in them is completely isolated from contact with the external environment, so it is unlikely to ignite.
  2. Environmental friendliness. Taking into account the fact that the filling solution for the manufacture of a monolithic panel is made of high-quality materials, the heater is not capable of harming either human health or the environment.
  3. High reliability and durability. A monolithic panel, a heating element, a power cable - this is, perhaps, the entire structure of a quartz monolithic heater. Due to the simplicity of its design (no bells and whistles), the device will last a long time.
  4. No unpleasant odors while the device is operating. The heating coil is “hidden” behind the thickness of quartz, so it has no contact with the air at all, and, as a result, the situation of dust settling on it, which often produces an odor when burned, is completely excluded.
  5. Does not burn oxygen and does not dry out the air. Due to its design, the spiral does not come into contact with the atmosphere, so the possibility of deterioration of the indoor climate is completely eliminated.
  6. Bnoise level.
  7. High heat capacity. Quartz sand has the ability to accumulate the received heat and then release it into space for a long time in the form of infrared radiation. Thus, even after switching off, the device will emit heat for about an hour.
  8. Aesthetic appearance. The small thickness of the heater, about three centimeters, allows you to install it almost anywhere. A large selection of panels for plaster will help preserve any interior appearance.
  9. Easy installation. Even an inexperienced beginner who knows only a few types of tools can cope with the installation of equipment without unnecessary problems. The equipment usually comes with special brackets that can be used to mount the heater on the wall you need.
  10. Moisture protection. Most models have a high splash resistance class. Therefore, the heater can be installed not only in the common areas of an apartment or house, but also in bathrooms.
  11. Low price. The average cost of such a model is up to 4 thousand rubles.


Of course, using them in constant operation to heat a country house or apartment in the absence of heating is not entirely reasonable. Operating the device around the clock can cause significant harm to your budget, as energy costs will increase significantly.

Not all manufacturers are willing to point out the shortcomings of monolithic quartz heaters, saying that they simply do not exist. However, a device with so many advantages is not without its disadvantages:

  1. Significant weight of the device: some models weigh 13 kg. Please note that this is an important characteristic that affects the installation location of the device. You are unlikely to be able to install it on the interior partition.
  2. High surface temperature monolithic panel at the time of operation of the device - 80-120 degrees. By carelessly touching the device, you can harm your health by getting burned. It is especially dangerous to install such a device for families with small children. The problem can be solved by purchasing and installing a special screen, which will not at all affect the efficiency of the heater.
  3. Lack of control– no remote display, no remote control, some models do not have a power button. But on the other hand, this suggests that there is practically nothing to break in the equipment.

Many users complain online about low-quality products that crumble and crack over time. But, apparently, all these people ran into unscrupulous manufacturers selling counterfeits. They use materials such as gypsum, cement, and whitewash in production instead of purified quartz sand, passing off their products as high-tech equipment from other companies.

Design and principle of operation of infrared quartz heaters

The design of infrared quartz heaters includes:

  1. Handset, one or two, made of quartz sand;.
  2. A heating element, located inside the tube is a nichrome or carbon spiral with high resistance.
  3. Reflector-reflector located behind the heating element. It is a mirror plate - made of glass or metal polished to a shine. Definitely, the second version is more durable.
  4. Protective grille. The temperatures to which the heating element can reach are incredibly high. Therefore, without protection, the device can become very dangerous and cause harm to health in the form of a burn.


All IR quartz devices have certain pros and cons that you should pay attention to when choosing.

Positive qualities of infrared heaters:

  1. Fast heating. When you turn on the device, you will almost immediately feel the effect of its operation.
  2. Ability to create a pleasant microclimate in a limited area. Thus, an infrared heater will perfectly heat the sitting area near the TV, work space, and legs under the table.
  3. Compactness. This is an excellent heater option for a summer house; you can bring it with you every time in the trunk of your car.
  4. Can be used outdoors, for example in gazebos and cafes. Thanks to its ability to heat nearby objects and furniture, the device will successfully cope with the task of creating a pleasant atmosphere on a cool evening.
  5. BQuiet operation.
  6. Efficiency over 90%. However, almost all modern heating equipment has this advantage.
  7. Some models are equipped remote control. For devices installed on ceilings, such equipment is very useful.


Disadvantages inherent in quartz infrared heaters:

  1. Low security level– despite the fact that the heating elements are covered by a protective grill, the equipment does not become completely protected from this. It is especially risky to keep such a heater in rooms where small children play. The problem can only be solved if the device is installed at an inaccessible height.
  2. Fragility– if the heater is tipped over, the heating element, made of quartz, may crack; such damage cannot be repaired.
  3. Characteristic red glow– quartz infrared heaters have a peculiar feature: heated coils begin to glow red, which can sometimes be annoying.
  4. Fire hazard– dust and threads settling on the heating element during operation of the device begin to burn, which is not safe. Under no circumstances should the device be left unattended for a long time.

Infrared quartz heaters allow you to divide a heated room into comfort zones. So, with their help you can heat part of a large room. For example, a work area for two employees, located in a huge room, warehouse or shed.


What is better to use - a quartz heater, or - everyone will decide for themselves. However, quartz devices are certainly safer due to their simple design. With their help, you can create a favorable temperature in one part of the room, be it the area near the TV or at the desktop. Monolithic quartz heaters do not burn oxygen and do not dehydrate the air. Therefore, there is no need to purchase a humidifier when using them. Many models are equipped with a thermostat that allows you to control the operation of the device. The harm from quartz devices is minimal, especially if they are placed at a level out of the reach of small children.

If you have decided to install a quartz heater in your home, then we hasten to congratulate you - you have made a good choice by purchasing this economical heating equipment. But some people may ask - what kind of device is this and how does it work? In fact, there are two types of such heating devices in the world. The first type works on the infrared principle, and the second on the convection principle. Let's look at this equipment in more detail.

Principle of operation

Since we will be talking about two heaters at once, let's talk about them in turn. First, let's talk about infrared models. They work on the principle of generating infrared radiation that spreads throughout the premises. When it reaches any objects, it causes them to heat up.. The resulting heat gradually warms the air, creating a warm and pleasant atmosphere.

Infrared radiation created by an IR heater heats objects around, and they heat the room.

Our natural luminary, the sun, works on a similar principle. It is unable to warm the air directly, so at high altitudes it is cold. But near the surface we feel the heat that comes from the earth, trees, objects and buildings around us. A person perceives infrared radiation itself as heat coming from the emitter (in this case, the sun).

By installing such a heater in our home, we will have a good source of heat at our disposal. But most often this technique is used as a temporary one - it is not suitable for permanent work. But warming your feet or compensating for the lack of heat due to the heating being turned off is always welcome. In addition, such heaters have other disadvantages, which will be discussed in the next section of our review.

An infrared heater consists of a tubular heating element from which air has been evacuated. Inside it there is a spiral that heats up to a high temperature. The tube itself is located at the focal point of a small metal reflector.

The principle of convection is simple - heated air tends to rise, and cold air comes in its place.

A monolithic quartz heater for a home is somewhat similar to an ordinary, but very thin steel panel battery. Inside it we will find a hidden heating element that warms up the quartz base of the device - heating of rooms is carried out by air convection. Thanks to this, the device begins to generate heat. Its distinctive features:

  • Small dimensions - this equipment is extremely small, but is distinguished by decent efficiency;
  • Versatility in use - this device can be installed in any premises, both residential and non-residential;
  • Uniform heating – at any point of the device the surface temperature will be the same;
  • Fully automatic operation - unlike a heating battery, it works in independent mode.

Tepleko heaters are in greatest demand on the market. They have high efficiency, retain accumulated heat for a long time and are safe for people. You can’t ignore the devices from Teploplit. They work on a similar principle and have all the same features as models from Tepleko.

By choosing quartz heaters from the above-mentioned brands, you get at your disposal high-quality heating equipment that has received positive reviews from customers. By the way, Teploplit devices were tested by specialists from some television construction shows - another plus in the treasury of advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

Now we will look at the positive and negative traits. Since we are considering two types of this heating equipment at once, we will divide the article into two parts. First, let's look at the pros and cons of infrared models.

Infrared quartz heaters are characterized by the following positive features:

The glass tube in quartz IR heaters is both a plus and a minus. It is fragile, but protects the oxygen in the room from combustion.

  • Compactness - they easily fit even under the table;
  • Rapid heating of rooms – heat begins to be generated almost immediately;
  • High efficiency – Almost all electricity is transformed into heat;
  • These devices do not burn oxygen - as we remember, the hot spiral is sealed in a sealed glass tube.

There were some downsides:

  • Not a very presentable appearance - whatever you say, such devices still spoil the interiors of rooms and non-residential premises;
  • Low safety - if children play in the room, you need to somehow protect the equipment from access (the child can get burned);
  • Fragility - if the heating element accidentally breaks (and there is every chance of this), then it will be easier to throw away such a device than to repair it.

The shortcomings turned out to be serious, some of them cannot be ignored. You also need to protect your equipment from bumps and falls, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid its failure.

The most striking disadvantage is the high temperature of individual parts. Not only children, but also adults can get burned by it. And the outstanding advantage is mobility - these devices can easily be moved from place to place.

Energy-saving wall-mounted quartz heaters for home and garden can be called stationary heating equipment. They are attached to the walls and remain there throughout their entire service life. Let's look at the positive features:

Wall-mounted monolithic models have a quite decent appearance, which distinguishes them from their infrared counterparts.

  • Low case temperature – it does not exceed +95 degrees;
  • Equipment safety - you will get burned only with the most intense heating. If small children are playing indoors, simply reduce the temperature;
  • High heat capacity - the same devices from Tepleko and Teploplit can retain the accumulated thermal energy for an hour and a half;
  • Impressive efficiency – one block warms 15-16 sq. m, consuming 0.4-0.5 kW of electricity. For electric heating equipment these are amazing results;
  • There is no effect on air parameters - the amount of oxygen and humidity do not change during operation of the equipment;
  • The ability to work in the “anti-freeze” mode is an excellent opportunity to prevent your dacha or country house from freezing.

There are almost no disadvantages:

  • Decent weight of the equipment - due to the use of quartz, one module weighs about 12 kg;
  • Intense heating may cause burns - Be careful that your children don't try to touch the interesting warm thing hanging on the wall.

Otherwise there are no shortcomings. Quartz monolithic heaters can work in absolutely any room, from rooms to a damp and always wet bathroom. They are easy to install and do not lead to huge energy costs. The limited power of the equipment causes some inconvenience, so to warm up a large area you should use several heaters - you won’t be able to find a more powerful model.


The price of this floor heater is about $10.

As we have already said, there are two types - infrared and quartz. The first are the simplest heating devices with a luminous glass tube that emits heat (sometimes there are two or even three tubes). They are divided into wall and floor, horizontal and vertical. The devices are intended for indoor use and cannot be used outdoors. Prices for quartz heaters of this type start from 600 rubles for a model with a power of 800 W.

Quartz monolithic heaters heat by convection - they heat the air that circulates throughout the room, slowly warming up the entire volume. These devices are manufactured in the form of modules ready for installation and operation, so their installation and further use do not cause any special problems. The equipment can be called extremely unpretentious and extremely economical.

You can buy an infrared quartz heater in many specialized stores and supermarkets. As for monolithic models, they are sold only at some dealers - they are rarely found on general sale, but their popularity is slowly growing.

How to choose

Heaters with a monolithic quartz slab are perfect for heating an apartment, country house or cottage.

Now we come to the most important question - how to choose and what to look for when buying heating equipment? There are no difficulties in this matter, you just need to decide under what conditions the equipment will be operated and how often it should work. The selection process is simple:

  • If you need to solve the problem of periodic shutdowns of central heating or lack of heat, you should choose from infrared models;
  • If you need to create an autonomous heating system, you need to purchase a monolithic quartz heater.

Infrared models are presented with samples with the widest power range ranging from 800 W to 2-3 kW. If there is a lack of heat, it is enough to purchase the lowest-power model. In all other cases, it is best to purchase monolithic heaters - for 15-16 square meters. m. area will require one module with a power of 0.4-0.5 kW. When choosing an infrared device, focus on the standard formula - 1 kW of power per 10 sq. m. area.

Infrared heaters will be the optimal choice for heating country houses, but only if the residents appear there occasionally and do not live there on a permanent basis.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!

Home is our fortress, protection, support. Creating comfort is an important detail, without which it is impossible to imagine a real family nest. In damp, rainy weather, a quartz heater will keep the mood and warmth in the room. The price of the model, characteristics, positive and negative aspects during operation - all this is important when choosing heaters.

Quartz infrared heaters

One type of heating device is a quartz infrared heater. A tube is made of quartz into which tungsten heating filaments are placed. Such a battery does not burn oxygen, because The air has been pumped out of the tubes. Its efficiency is 5 indicators higher than that of a device with a plate emitting heat. Disadvantages: fear of humidity, which is why the equipment rarely lasts long.

The heater is popular among buyers; it can be controlled using a remote control. Lamps locally heat the space. Such heaters are popular, their advantages:

  • Convenient shape, small dimensions.
  • Installation is simple, anyone can do it.
  • There is a temperature control system.
  • The device is safe.


The device is energy-saving, has a beautiful design, and fits harmoniously into the interior. Wall heaters differ in appearance, power, and weight. A quartz wall heater is a convenient, practical device, popular among users of various age categories. The models differ in their characteristics:

  • heating method - by convection; The device heats up due to radiation.
  • appearance, shape and design - the ark is made in the form of a film; wall panel; lamps with heating elements in the form of tubes.


The heater is hidden in the middle of a monolithic slab, heats up to 95 degrees, and does not dry out the air. The monolithic heater begins to work when current passes through the spirals. Monolithic quartz heaters are essentially a heating plate made from a solution whose main component is quartz sand. Positive traits:

  • Reliable in operation due to heating elements hidden in the frame.
  • Economical.
  • One block will heat at least 15 square meters. m.
  • Work is safe thanks to the presence of a thermostat.

Quartz lamp heater

The model is simple, does not take up much space, and can be placed under a window. The quartz lamp heater is a popular new product. Installation options: floor, wall and ceiling. Heat source - halogen lamps. The functionality of the device is to simultaneously heat and emit light. The quartz electric heater is protected from fire and can be left on.


A heater with sand inside works like this: when the sand is heated, the air in the room warms up over time. It only takes 20 minutes to warm up. The Tepleko quartz heater is convenient in everyday life; the quartz heating element is securely closed in the frame. The housing protects the coils from moisture. Tepleko will retain heat for about an hour after turning off the power.

Performed in only one model:

  • Name: Tepleko.
  • Price: from 2400 rubles.
  • Characteristics: maximum heating temperature 95 degrees, power supply 220 V, infrared type, heating power regulator.
  • Pros: does not dry out the air, affordable, economical, does not burn oxygen, durable and reliable in operation.
  • Cons: possible cracking of the case.

The heater is available in two types: without a plug (the device is connected to a thermostat or to an electric heating system); with plug (can be used as an independent, portable heating device). The device is mounted on the ceiling, wall, or placed on the floor. When you turn on the heater, heat spreads throughout the room. Designed for continuous operation.

Portable and wall mounted:

  • Name: TeploPlit-M.
  • Price: from 2700 rub.
  • Characteristics: environmentally friendly, safe, economical. TeploPlit quartz heaters contain sand, clay, and marble.
  • Pros: aesthetic appearance, efficient in operation, can be purchased at any specialized store, silent, compact.
  • Cons: monolithic body quickly collapses, small heating area.

With aluminum frame:

  • Name: TeploPlit.
  • Price: from 2500 rub.
  • Characteristics: sand heaters for home are available in white, but can be repainted in any color. The principle of operation is brick.
  • Pros: the manufacturing company claims that the device will not overheat, so you can keep it on for a long time.
  • Cons: low power and small heating area.


It is used as the main or local means for heating apartments, industrial premises, and workshops. Can be used on verandas and in the barbecue area. Heats up faster than an oil cooler or fan heater. It will take 15 minutes to reach the required temperature. The steel case is practical, damage is not terrible.

Infrared heater:

  • Name: NeoClima SHAFT-2.0.
  • Price: from 20,000 rub.
  • Characteristics: infrared type, regulators available, heating power 3000 W.
  • Pros: heats up quickly, long service life, practical, dust does not burn, no burning smell. Heating area – 20 sq. m. The device can be installed in any room and surface.
  • Cons: high price.

Heater NeoClima:

  • Name: NeoClima Comforte T1.5.
  • Price: 2090 rub.
  • Characteristics - economical (using such quartz batteries, you can save up to 50% of electricity).
  • Pros: can be installed in a convenient position on special legs or hung on the wall, which is included in the package. The protective functions are high.
  • Cons: none observed.


The heater is a convector type, all models have a thermostat and three power modes; in case of possible overheating, the device automatically turns off. Low power consumption. Heating power – 1500-2200 W. The optimal area for heating is 20 square meters. m. The heating device is capable of heating the room in 30-35 minutes (up to 25 degrees).

Heating device type – convector:

  • Name: Engy CE-2000M.
  • Price: 2000 rub.
  • Characteristics: power 2000 W, optimal heating area – 25 sq. m.
  • Pros: the presence of a protective function; if it overheats, the device turns off. You can easily buy it in an online store or in a household appliance retail chain. The device is inexpensive.
  • Cons: none found.

Heater Engy:

  • Name: Engy EN-1500.
  • Price: 2099 rub.
  • Characteristics: has many convenient functions, protected from overheating, convenient control and temperature regulation, heats an area of ​​25 square meters. m. There is a thermostat, no timer, very light.
  • Pros: a sand heater for the home is an excellent option for creating comfort.
  • Cons: none found.


Models are equipped with an infrared emitter. 2 quartz heaters located inside the device make it possible to adjust the power; each element has a separate button. A room of 20 sq. m. can heat up in 15-20 minutes (with the door closed). The device is equipped with comfortable legs with wheels for moving. Almost silent.

Oil radiator:

  • Name: SUPRA ORS-07-SN.
  • Price: from 1850 rub.
  • Features: There is a switch for power regulation. Installation type – floor-standing, mechanical control.
  • Pros: small size, convenient heating control switch, protected from overheating and tipping over (if installed incorrectly).
  • Cons: none found.

Compact heater SUPRA:

  • Name: SUPRA ECS-410.
  • Price: 1450 rub.
  • Characteristics: small, heats well, rotates like a fan. Power – 1000 W.
  • Pros: the device is used in dormitories and small rooms, it is economical and practical, and does not have unnecessary functions.
  • Cons: a heater with quartz sand is a fragile, expensive thing.


The Delta quartz heater is small in size and weight (only 2-2.5 kg), but, most importantly, has good room heating power. The device has three modes, two of them are for heating, the third can be used as a fan, which is great for hot weather. The device does not burn oxygen; it heats the air using quartz plates.

Gas heater DELTA:

  • Name: DELTA D-87GE.
  • Price: 2200 rub.
  • Characteristics: more economical than electric analogues. Heating 30 sq. m. with a power of 4200 W, has a switch that turns off when dropped.
  • Pros: heating is fast, economical, no need for firewood or a stove for heat, there are wheels for movement.
  • Cons: there is a smell during operation, gas is required.

Oil radiator:

  • Name: DELTA D-25F-11.
  • Price: from 3700 rub.
  • Characteristics: heating power - 2500 W, there is overheating protection, mechanical control. The air does not dry out, the price is affordable for everyone.
  • Pros: easy to move thanks to wheels. It has an average price and excellent quality.
  • Cons: It is forbidden to dry things on it.


The device warms up the room quickly and is reliable. The power level can be adjusted, it doesn’t take up a lot of energy, it’s compact. There is a sensor that turns off when the position changes, which is good when tipping over. Reflectors (reflective) have a wide angle of dispersion of thermal rays. The case does not heat up, all elements (heating) are covered with a grill.

Heater Comfort:

  • Name: COMFORT OK-900 W.
  • Price: from 1500 rub.
  • Characteristics: heater type – quartz infrared, power – 900 W.
  • Pros: three temperature settings, protection against burns, small, has an overheating protection function. Convenient for office, work, residential premises (cottage or apartment).
  • Cons: none identified.

Infrared device:

  • Name: Comfort K-19H.
  • Price: from 1450 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 2000 W, mechanical control.
  • Pros: heats up quickly, immediately after switching on. After looking at the photo, you will see a ceramic coating that protects against burns. There are three power levels. Feedback from customers is positive.
  • Cons: none found.


The quartz electric heater has a power of 600-1200 W, heating area - 20-30 sq.m. There is protection against overturning and overheating of the device. Convenient operating principle - you just need to turn on the power and adjust the temperature. Heating starts immediately after switching on. The spirals, made of quartz, are in a glass tube, do not dry, and do not burn air.

Heater Zenet:

  • Name: Zenet NS-1200D.
  • Price: from 2300 rub.
  • Characteristics: infrared, regulator, heats a room up to 30 square meters. m.
  • Pros: economical, consumes little electricity, two levels of regulation. Interesting design. Cheap, but high quality, easy to use, especially for a summer house or storage area.
  • Cons: At 1200 W it gets very hot, so be careful.

Infrared heating device type:

  • Name:ZENET HQ-1200B.
  • Price: from 3800 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1200 W, there is protection against overheating and tipping over.
  • Pros: has two main modes, one of which is energy saving. The device does not dry out the air and does not produce additional noise.
  • Cons: high price.


An infrared heater is capable of heating the floor, walls, and interior items, which heat the air in the room itself. Used to heat small open spaces (balconies, terraces, winter gardens). The main heating element is a quartz tube, heating time is 30 seconds, there is a power switch.

Heater AEG:

  • Name: AEG IWQ 120.
  • Price: 2500 rub.
  • Characteristics: type - quartz infrared, no thermostat, level - 600 and 1200 W.
  • Pros: heats up quickly, two-level adjustment, modern design, easy to order and buy online, heats a room up to 12 square meters. m. There is an adjustment of the angle of inclination for uniform heating.
  • Cons: small heating area.

Inexpensive device:

  • Name: AEG WKL 753 S.
  • Price: from 6600 rub.
  • Characteristics: protection from high humidity, power – 750 W, control using a remote control.
  • Pros: affordable, there are two levels of temperature control. There is protection against overheating and water ingress.
  • Cons: high cost of the heating device.

How to choose a quartz heater

There is a wide range of products for keeping your home warm, the purchase of which should be approached responsibly. The best device is one with a closed plate or heating element. Before making a purchase, review the technical specifications, the official website of the manufacturer of household appliances, read the catalog, make sure of the quality of the product, and then make a purchase.

Key details to consider before choosing a quartz heater:

  • Plate. Choose a uniform color; it should be thick to last for many years.
  • Ten. The heating element must be protected by a housing. The best alloy is only stainless steel.
  • Frame. A battery with a high-quality coating should not rust.
  • Foil. The reflective surface is an important aspect; it is a system that allows you to heat not the ceiling, but reflect the heat rays onto other objects.
  • Insulator. The most important part of the device. This is protection against overheating, and it must be of high quality.


The article will examine in detail the characteristics of such a device as a quartz heater: consumer reviews of popular manufacturers and their products, the main criteria for choosing a quality device, comparative characteristics of infrared and monolithic structures according to the main parameters that are important to buyers.

The current market is oversaturated with a variety of heating devices. Quartz designs stand out from the total mass of heaters due to their practicality. They have a lot of advantages, although, like many other products, they are not without drawbacks.

Quartz heating devices are considered to be electric heating equipment that partially contains quartz. Some structural elements are made from this mineral. Depending on the type of device and its modification, quartz can contain completely different elements.

Operating principle of a quartz sand heater

Each type of quartz device used to heat a home has its own operating principle. But this principle is based on the same scheme of action: the temperature of the heating element increases due to particles of electricity that pass through it, causing high resistance.

There are two types of quartz structures on the market: infrared and monolithic. According to the principle of operation, quartz devices are also divided into two types: inductive and resistive. A distinctive feature of the latter is the absence of magnetic fields that have a negative effect on the human body. In addition, such heaters do not contribute to the heating of metal fittings on clothing (buttons, zippers). This usually becomes a problem if you inadvertently get too close to a working device.

Note! The electric type of heating is one of the most productive options for heating a home: the efficiency of the equipment in some cases reaches almost 95%. This means that the device recovers the money spent on electricity without loss.

Thanks to modern technologies, electrical energy costs can be reduced. There are many ways to use electricity economically for heating while maximizing the benefits of this energy.

For a quartz device, it is recommended to purchase a temperature sensor with an automatic control system. The sensor reacts to temperature changes in the room and is triggered, turning the equipment on or off depending on the settings that you can set yourself. This scheme allows you to reduce costs by 1/3.

Construction of a monolithic quartz heater

The monolithic design option (MKTEN) has another name - tiled. In production, its production is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Preparation of a solution, which contains marble chips (crushed dolomite), white kaolin clay and quartz sand in different proportions.
  2. Pouring the mixture into flat molds on top of a nichrome spiral. This material is a metal alloy of chromium and nickel.
  3. Compound compaction.
  4. Drying procedure.
  5. Sintering of the product.

In its finished form, the device is a kind of equivalent to the design of an oil heater, only dry. When the device is connected to the mains, the nichrome spiral heats up. Following this, the entire stove heats up.

Note! The properties of quartz sand are similar to those of oil. The material in the operating device not only helps to heat the air in the room, but also acts as a heat accumulator. Therefore, even after turning off, the heater will give off heat to the room for 1.5 hours.

Infrared quartz heater device for home

Infrared designs of quartz devices are equipped with a heat-emitting element in the form of a tungsten spiral. It is in a glass tube. A glass flask is a preventive measure to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The spiral, made of tungsten, becomes red-hot. If it were not for the glass tube, dust particles falling on the coil would constantly burn, filling the room with an unpleasant odor.

It is most advisable to use infrared type of equipment for fixed heating. It is best to install such a device in the living room, where there is a TV, or near the workplace. Of course, the room will not warm up completely, but you can achieve significant electricity savings by purchasing a unit with a low power level.

The most significant advantage of such a device is comfortable operation. The design is compact, mobile, and in the process of releasing heat, the air in the room does not burn, as is usually the case with convection products that require the purchase of air humidifiers. In this case, the natural humidity of the room is maintained, so that even after the room has been warmed up for a long time, people can still breathe easily.

Which heaters are better: infrared or quartz monolithic designs

Infrared heaters can have four types of heating element: quartz, halogen, ceramic or micathermic. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the principle of operation is the same. Therefore, we will further consider the features of infrared devices with a quartz heating element and quartz monolithic structures.

Despite the many advantages that unite these devices, each of them heats the room in its own way. For this reason, heaters must be selected taking into account your own needs and room conditions:

  • its size;
  • air temperature;
  • the presence or absence of good insulation.

The monolithic unit heats the room using the convection effect. During this, a gradual increase in air temperature occurs in all points of the room. When air is heated, it expands and its density decreases, so it rises. The monolithic heater first heats the air layer opposite itself, after which each subsequent layer is heated by raising hot flows upward.

Note! Heating occurs slowly, but the device is able to maintain normal temperature in a room measuring 16-18 m³.

The operation of an infrared heater does not involve the use of convection. In the process of heating a room, thermal radiation is intensively transmitted, which has a directional distribution. Heat is not dissipated throughout the room due to the fact that the device is equipped with a focusing reflector that reflects it in the desired direction.

Thermal radiation is generated by a quartz flask, inside of which a spiral is sealed. In this case, the objects in front of the structure are heated, not the air. In other words, the lamp will heat people and things located directly in front of it in the radiation zone.

The best device is determined based on whether the buyer requires uniform heating of the room or locally directed heat.

Monolithic or infrared quartz heater: which is better to choose?

Infrared devices will be useful in rooms where there is no proper thermal insulation. For insulated rooms with minimal heat losses, it is better to take monolithic heaters. When the operating conditions of the room have been determined, you can proceed to comparing the characteristics of these units.

In terms of weight, monolithic structures are significantly inferior to infrared devices. Their weight is 10-12 kg. But tiled heaters are very compact. Standard dimensional parameters are 60x35 cm, while the thickness of the structure does not exceed 25 mm. Dimensions of products, depending on the manufacturer, may differ from those indicated, but not significantly.

Note! If you plan to use devices in combination with, professionals will recommend buying a monolithic quartz heater without a plug.

If a tile unit is purchased to order, many manufacturers give buyers the right to choose the material from which the protective frame will be made. The most budget option is aluminum. The highest quality frames are made of steel coated with a protective coating.

Infrared models are more functional. They allow you to adjust the power level in the range of 1-3 kW. The reflector contains 500 W lamps. The ability to accurately regulate heating depends on their quantity. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the emitter does not harm other people.

Operating a quartz heater: is it harmful?

If we talk about infrared emitters and their harm, it is worth taking a closer look at the temperature capabilities of these units and the degree of effect on humans.

Modern heater designs fall into three categories:

  • 300 °C – long-wave emitters that are not capable of causing harm to human health (provided that the rays are not directed at a person at a right angle);
  • 600 °C – the wave range practically coincides with the human body;
  • 800 °C – units with short-wave action (this type of radiation can be extremely dangerous, since it has the ability to penetrate the skin of the human body).

The degree of harm a quartz heater can cause to health can be compared to the effect of sunlight on a person. In both cases, the thermal component is based on the principle of propagation of waves in the infrared spectrum. In other words, if you are briefly exposed to radiation within 10-20 microns, your health will not be harmed. Rather, on the contrary, the body is toned.

It is better to avoid staying under an infrared heater for a long time, as this can lead to burns on the skin.

Helpful advice! To reduce the negative impact of infrared radiation, it is recommended to point the device at furniture or other surfaces in the room. A person may remain directly in front of the heater, but not more than 20 minutes. Particularly vulnerable areas of the body are the eyes and head.

Price of quartz heaters TeploEko, TeploPlit and Texture

Monolithic structures are characterized by long service lives (up to 25 years). Moreover, this period of operation is accompanied by a minimum number of breakdowns. As a rule, the main part of the breakdowns occurs in the power cord, which is very easy to replace if necessary.

Now you can calculate the amount of electrical energy required for one unit for the heating season: 1800 h x 0.4 kW = 720 kW/h.

Taking into account the fact that you will need 6 appliances to heat the house, and the cost of 1 kW is 2 rubles. You can easily calculate what the total costs will be:
720 kW/h x 6 (heaters) x 2 rub. = 8640 rub. in year.

Average price of monolithic quartz heaters for home:

Brandpower, kWtDimensions, cmAction area, mprice, rub.
TepplEco0,4 2.5x35x608-10 2300-2600
TeploPlit0,45-0,5 12 2400-3000
Texture0,4 10 2300-4950

Prices depend on the characteristics of a particular model, its design, components and power.

Price of quartz heaters for home with infrared radiation

Most infrared emitters have a floor-mounted design. For convenience, some models are equipped with a stand that adjusts the position of the device in height.

Note! On sale you can find units with imitation of interior decor or furniture items. Particularly popular are devices made in the form of bedside tables made of natural wood or chipboard. Heaters in such housings are no less efficient than conventional ones, but their appearance is significantly improved.

Additional advantages of emitters:

  1. The thermostat ensures high efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
  2. In case of overheating or overturning of the structure, the device automatically turns off.
  3. The unit is equipped with a timer that allows you to control the operating time of the device.

Average prices for infrared quartz emitters:

Action area, mprice, rub.
SinboSFH-33101 14x23x4315 1300-1400
NoirotRoyat-2 18001,8 11x12x5515 8100-8300
StiebelEltron IW 1201,2 8.5x14.5x53.515 4200-4500
ProrabQH 8000,8 18x35x478 1000-1500
AEGIR Premium 60006 110x27x11036 145000-147000
ComfortK-19N2 18x35x4710 1500-2000

Comparative characteristics of infrared and monolithic devices

Monolithic models have a standard size, which, depending on the manufacturer, can vary within 1-2 cm.

Main characteristics of heaters with monolithic construction:

  1. The weight of the product is in the range of 10-12 kg (depending on the material from which the structure is made).
  2. Surface temperature in operating mode is 95 °C.
  3. The power consumption level is 400-500 W.
  4. The operating temperature of the heater is 120 °C.
  5. The speed at which the device cools is about 1 °C/min.

Infrared emitters have a wider range of sizes. Buyers also have significant choice regarding the weight of the structure. These devices have a lightweight body from 1 to 3 kg.

The wavelength depends on the operating temperature of the emitter:

  • from 300 to 600 °C – length is 2.5-50 microns;
  • from 600 to 800 °C – length is 0.7-2.5 microns.

Household models consume from 1 to 3 kW. Several heating elements can be installed in one unit. The power of each of them is 400-500 W.

Note! To provide users with the ability to regulate temperature, manufacturers have equipped each of these heating elements with an individual switch.

Operation of quartz heaters: negative and positive reviews

Consumer opinions differ regarding infrared and monolithic structures. Some reviews are positive, while others, on the contrary, talk about the shortcomings of certain products.

Here are some of them:

“Last year I purchased several monolithic heaters for my home. I decided to do this only because I heard on every corner about the merits of these products. But I became disillusioned with them very quickly. This is not to say that they are impractical. And the savings from them are significant. But I didn’t feel any warmth as such in the house. Therefore, I installed some of the monolithic models in the living room, and purchased an infrared heater for the bedroom. Although it acts locally, you don’t have to wait until the whole room warms up.”

Vitaly Andrienko, Ekaterinburg

“When my husband and I were looking for where to buy a quartz heater for our dacha, we spent a lot of time until we decided on a suitable option. We decided on a tile heater. The devices performed excellently. Of course, I had to spend money on a thermostat, but now energy consumption is minimal and completely under control. With such equipment, it’s not scary to leave the dacha for a week. In winter, at an operating temperature of the heater of 10 °C, the house is protected from freezing. I'm very pleased with my purchase."

Tatyana Smirnova, Moscow

“Personally, I prefer infrared heaters. Despite their price, they are completely worth it. Energy consumption is very small. When the central heating system in the apartment does not cope with its task, I simply bring the temperature to the desired level using the heater.”

Igor Skorodko, St. Petersburg

TeplEko quartz heaters: reviews, negative and positive aspects, properties

There are a large number of different devices on the modern heating appliance market. The total number of models exceeds a hundred. In addition to standard and common units, you can buy a TeplEco quartz heater, which is one of the newest and most original modifications.

Note! The TeplEko brand appeared on the market in 2010. By 2012, the products of this manufacturer were widely known and distributed.

General design of the heater and the principle of its operation

This type of device is a monolithic rectangular slab. The solution for making the TeplEko heater is based on quartz sand. In this case, there is no reinforcing mesh inside the slab. The product has a textured surface that can absorb moisture. Moreover, the body of the heater can be safely painted in any color you like, because it is absolutely safe. Thus, the design can be decorated in the same color scheme as the room where the device will be installed.

The heater is connected to the electrical network via a regular outlet. At the back of the structure there is a short cable cord about 1 m long. Manufacturers do not supply the cable with a plug, so you will have to buy this part and secure it yourself. The power button is located near the cable exit point.

The slab is fixed to the wall using brackets. There are special floor stands on sale that can be purchased as an add-on. The solid block has a heating element inside in the form of a nichrome spiral, which heats up under the influence of current and transfers heat to the structure. Thanks to a special wear-resistant wire, the heater can be turned on throughout the day. In other words, it can be used as the main source of heat in the house.

Note! The material used to make the plate has a high level of inertness. This means that the structure heats up for a long time and at the same time cools down for a long time. The temperature reaches its maximum within 30 minutes.

Comparative characteristics and price of TeploEko and TeploPlit heaters

In order to fully evaluate the capabilities of TeplEco products, it is worth studying in detail the main technical characteristics of the devices, comparing them with the performance of heaters from another popular brand.

Comparative characteristics of TeploPlit and TepplEko devices:

Energy consumption (day), kW2,55 2,5
Complete cooling time, h2,2 5
Power level, W450 400
Structure weight, kg11 12
price, rub.2500 2300

This product belongs to two competing brands in the panel heater category. Judging by the table, TeploEko heaters have a lower power level compared to TeploPlit devices. But in the process of their manufacture, the manufacturer uses a large amount of quartz sand, which improves the storage capabilities of the slabs.

With similar design indicators, TeploPlit retains heat from heating much worse, despite its cost.

Advantages and disadvantages of TeplEko quartz heaters

Regarding TeplEko quartz heaters, consumer reviews are not entirely clear. Buyers leave both negative and positive comments.

Based on the general opinion, the following positive aspects of the product were highlighted:

  • a long cooling period, as a result, the stove produces heat for a long time even after being turned off;
  • possibility of surface painting;
  • the device does not dry out the air;
  • reduced level of electricity consumption.

Note! Despite the fact that the manufacturer positions its devices as energy-saving, in comparison with convectors the savings are not so great (based on reviews).

There are significantly more disadvantages:

  • heavy weight of the structure;
  • there are no handles on the body of the device, which makes the process of moving and installing a flat plate more complicated;
  • if drying is insufficient, the TeplEco quartz heater receives an electric shock;
  • The brackets included with the device do not allow the device to be securely fixed to the wall. Particular difficulties arise when installing on a thin partition;

  • It takes an hour to warm up the device;
  • if there is an increased level of humidity in the room, cracks form on the surface of the slab;
  • the manufacturer did not provide fencing elements to prevent human contact with the structure. Considering that when the device is turned on, it gets very hot, operating the heater without a protective screen in a child’s room can be dangerous;
  • limited equipment. For comfortable use, you need to purchase many additional parts.

Additional components for the heater

In addition to the protective screen, you will need to purchase a number of additional parts for full operation of the TeplEko heater. You can buy them from the manufacturer.

Average prices for components:

Part typeprice, rub.
Power level regulator (thyristor)2000
Metal screen1000
Smart plug5500
Reflective film (foil)150
Temperature regulator1200
Wall-mounted dryer700
Stand (floor)600

In practice, only a stand, a protective screen and a temperature controller will be useful. The remaining components are optional; they only increase the level of operating comfort.

Helpful advice! If you intend to install the device on walls, a film with a reflective effect will not be superfluous. It will direct the heat in the right direction.

A smart socket increases the functionality of the heater. With its help, the user can turn off or turn on the device through a voice call or text message (SMS).

Installation of the quartz heater design is carried out as follows:

  1. The optimal location where the heater will be placed is selected. The most suitable area for this is under the window or opposite the door (opposite side). It is recommended to indent from the floor to a height of at least 10 cm.
  2. A film with a reflective effect is glued on top of the wall. It can be purchased either from the heater manufacturer or from any other company. It doesn't really matter. The film is glued so that the monolithic device is completely covered with small protrusions on each side (literally a few centimeters). Thanks to this, the heat will be completely reflected into the room, and not spent on warming the wall.
  3. After the area for placing the structure has been outlined, installation of fastening elements is carried out: 1 pc. in the upper part of the body, 2 pcs. at the bottom.
  4. The slab is being installed.
  5. The temperature controller is being connected. It is very important that it is located in a convenient location.

All that remains is to connect the device to the electrical network. To avoid cracks on the stove, it is very important to “dry” the device. To do this, just leave the heater running for 2-3 hours. Since the construction material has a high ability to absorb moisture, this procedure should not be neglected.

Helpful advice! To completely eliminate the possibility of cracks, before use, it is recommended to leave the device in a room with a dry microclimate for several days, or better yet, 1-2 weeks.

Features of TeploPlit quartz heaters

Quartz devices from the TeploPlit company are made on the basis of dolomite (ground marble stone), quartz sand and kaolin (white clay). These components are mixed in production in the required proportions, compacted and subjected to a sintering procedure under high temperature.

The heating element, which is installed inside, is completely isolated from contact with oxygen and the environment. Thanks to this, the part is not subject to destruction under the influence of oxidation processes that occur upon contact with the air.

The manufacturer chose a material called nichrome for the manufacture of the heating element. The operating temperature of this metal, which is an alloy of nickel and chromium, reaches 980 °C, which indicates the high resistance of the spiral to heat. The actual temperature inside the device does not exceed 120 °C, so the material retains its strength characteristics over a very long service life.

Features of the TeploPlit product range

The company provides consumers with the opportunity to buy TeploPlit quartz heaters of two varieties:

  1. The TeploPlit model is a quartz device equipped with an aluminum frame.
  2. Model “TeploPlit-M” is a quartz heater equipped with a white powder-coated frame. The surface of the frame is designed to match the color of the monolithic slab.

The manufacturer made sure that the devices are not only economical, but also attractive in appearance. The front part of the case is covered with textured patterns in the form of ornaments.

All units go on sale in one color – white. Buyers will be able to paint the structure themselves in the shade they like. To do this, you will need to purchase special paint with heat-resistant properties.

Note! All corners and edges of the heater are rounded, so there are no restrictions on installing the device in any room. The design is completely safe for use.

Consumers can buy TeploPlit quartz heaters in the following modifications:

  1. Designs without a plug - they are supplied with a power cable. Its length is 0.5 m. This cable is designed to connect the device to the system or to a temperature controller.
  2. The device with a plug is equipped with a power cable 1 m long. This design can be portable. The device is completely independent of a single electric heating system.

Technical characteristics and capabilities of heaters

The design of the heater is capable of withstanding a long period of operation without interruption. This ability allows you to leave the device turned on without fear that the heating element will fail. If the network has a voltage of 220-230 V, the heating temperature of the spring surface will be about 95-98 ° C. This indicator is the average value obtained as a result of taking measurements from 9 different points.

The temperature of the monolithic heater can be raised above the specified level. To do this, it will be necessary to significantly increase the voltage in the electrical network, and for a fairly long period.

Technical characteristics of heaters:

  1. The size of the structure is 2.5x35x60 cm.
  2. Total weight – 11 kg.
  3. Power level – 450 W.
  4. The operating voltage is 220 V.
  5. Full heating time is 20 minutes. (warming up from 10 to 95 °C).
  6. The maximum possible heating temperature is 95-98 °C.
  7. The cooling rate of the structure is 1 °C every 1.8 minutes.
  8. The recommended room size is 16-18 m³.
  9. The level of daily electrical energy consumption in combination with a thermostat is 2.54 kW.

The standard package includes the heater itself, a set of brackets for its installation (3 pcs.) and a package of documents.

Note! The power cable, which is provided in the design, is capable of withstanding a 380V load and exposure to a temperature of 190 °C. At the same time, the cord sheath is not prone to ignition.

Quartz heaters TeploPlit: consumer reviews

According to consumers, the products of the TeploPlit company, although they deserve the right to exist, have several significant shortcomings.

How to heat your home efficiently and economically? This question is asked by apartment residents and owners of private housing constructions. Standard heating is often not enough, and you have to look for additional heat sources. A wall-mounted quartz heater is a rational way to ensure a comfortable temperature in residential and administrative premises. The main advantages of the device are efficiency, high heat transfer, and compactness. At the same time, there are operational features that should be discussed in more detail.

At all times, humanity has used the properties of natural materials to heat their homes. The history of heating devices began many thousands of years ago with a fire in a cave, lined with stone.

As civilization developed, heating means improved. In the everyday life of the ancient Romans, it was not uncommon to have fireplaces or heated floors. For many centuries, residents of various countries and continents were warmed by stoves. The efficiency of heaters depended on the perfection of the technology used, types of fuel and thermal insulation of the home.

In the 21st century, special requirements are placed on heating. First of all, the consumer needs economical heat sources. Energy resources are constantly becoming more expensive, so the issue of optimizing utility costs is by no means idle. The power of centralized heating networks is often not enough to ensure the proper temperature conditions.

Therefore, owners of apartments, offices, and homeowners are forced to acquire additional heating means. Heat sources include:

  • Oil radiators. Heat transfer is carried out by heating the oil poured inside the radiator. They operate on mains power and have high energy consumption.
  • Fan heaters. The simplest convection type heater. Depending on the power, different masses of air pass through the heating element. Disadvantages include rapid cooling of the room and absorption of oxygen.
  • Convectors. A modern way to heat apartments and houses. The devices are placed on the walls, mounted on the floor, or portable models are used.
  • Infrared heaters. They are economical and can be placed on the wall. Portable models with changes in the direction of heat radiation are popular.
  • Heaters with quartz sand. They are a flat panel that is convenient to place on the wall. Do not reduce the oxygen content in the air. They are characterized by high efficiency, ease of installation and efficiency in daily use.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: When choosing an electric heater, pay attention to the fire safety of the device.

A quartz heater will easily fit into any interior

Design and principle of operation of a quartz heater

The design is based on a monolithic slab of pressed quartz sand. Inside the panel are chrome-plated heating elements. The device operates from a regular household power supply with a voltage of 220 V.

Quartz sand has a high level of thermal conductivity, which makes it effective when used in heaters. The panel heats up quickly, retains heat well and, most importantly, cools down for a long time. Consequently, even after disconnecting from the network, the room will remain warm for some time.

In this case, the principle of operation is somewhat similar to the tiles used for lining stoves. After the firebox has completely died out, the heated stone and ceramic surface release the accumulated heat over several hours.

Energy-saving quartz heaters are characterized by small dimensions: 640x340x25 mm. Such a panel can be easily placed on the wall even in a small room. In this case, the heated volume reaches 16 cubic meters. m. However, if it is necessary to fill a large room with heat, additional panels are installed in the room.

Note that the heating time of the quartz panel is only 10-15 minutes, but it will take time for the heat to spread throughout the room. If the room has not been heated for a long time, you need to wait an hour and a half before the air warms up noticeably. Frozen walls will actively absorb heat. Therefore, for example, in a country house, care should be taken to ensure good thermal insulation of the walls.

It is better to get advice on the optimal number of heaters from a qualified heating equipment expert and not to use the services of managers in hardware stores. They are directly interested in selling two instead of one unit of goods.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: The electricity consumption of a quartz heater is only 0.5 kW/h, which is 3-4 times less than the energy consumption of a conventional fan heater.

The heater is attached to the wall with only three brackets. Accommodation is possible in any convenient place

How to optimize the performance of a heater with quartz sand

A room for any purpose – a living room, an office – is experiencing its “operational peaks”. If we are talking about an apartment, this is the morning when the family gets ready for work and school, and returns home in the evening. In the case of an office, there are always people in the room throughout the working day.

This means that maximum heating of the room should occur during periods when there are people in the apartment or office. The rest of the time, in order to save money, they switch to the so-called maintenance mode.

If a monolithic quartz heater is the main source of heat, it is advisable to equip the device with a thermostat and an air sensor. Simple equipment will allow you to configure the operation of the device in automatic mode and select the optimal schedule for the maximum load of the heater.

In this way, energy savings and rational use of equipment resources are achieved. By the way, quartz heaters are durable. The chrome heating element is highly reliable, and sand is a highly durable natural mineral.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: The maximum temperature of the radiating surface of a quartz heater is 95°C.

An example of installing a quartz heater. For convenience, the thermostat is located on the outside of the decorative box

In search of rational solutions for heating buildings for various purposes, experts conducted more than one study and determined the optimal objects for installing quartz heaters. This heat source works most effectively in the following rooms:

  • administrative buildings;
  • schools;
  • hotels;
  • individual residential sector - country houses, cottages;
  • the shops;
  • garages;
  • office space in warehouses;
  • gatehouses, cabins at construction sites, parking lots, etc.;
  • premises for personnel at gas stations, car washes, small service stations;
  • changing rooms of baths, saunas, swimming pools, sports complexes.

The continuous operation time of the heater ranges from 3 to 12 hours. When using a thermostat, you can calculate the time for maximum heating of the room.

Infrared quartz heater can be portable and wall-mounted

Features of operation of infrared quartz heaters

The operating principle of this type of equipment has some differences from panel analogues - heat is emitted by quartz tubes mounted in the reflector. A resistive spiral runs inside the tube.

A distinctive feature of the infrared emitter is not only for household purposes. This type of heaters is used for cyclical work processes with frequent breaks.

Another advantage is the ability to regulate the heating rate of quartz elements, which is also important for a number of technological processes. The time required to reach the desired temperature is 20-30 seconds.

In order to increase the efficiency of the IR heater, quartz tubes are placed in a stainless steel housing. Infrared rays are reflected more intensely from a surface polished to a mirror finish. This increases the efficiency of the equipment.

However, qualified specialists will best tell you about all the intricacies of operating quartz heaters. Contacting specialists who thoroughly understand heating equipment greatly simplifies the process of selecting, delivering and installing the device.

Specialists are responsible for the quality of the services provided; you can always consult them if you have any additional questions or need help setting up sensors and thermostats. Providing heat to your home or office is a task for professionals.

Video: energy-saving heaters "TeploPlit"