Correct head direction while sleeping. Why you can't sleep with your feet facing the window

Many people have come across the information that you should not put your head towards the window or door. It arose in ancient times, turning into superstition. Another well-known movement that deals with the rules of body position during sleep is Feng Shui. There is evidence that a person who chooses the right sleeping position feels more comfortable.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards the window?

Modern yogis believe that a person’s task is to help his body. That is why they claim that you can sleep with your head towards the window only if they are located on the north or northeast side. Thanks to this, you will be able to provide yourself with complete rest, as well as attract material wealth.

Speaking about why you can’t sleep with your head towards the window, it’s worth considering the folk sign that came to us from ancient times. Our ancestors believed that different creatures walked the streets at night. devilry, which can look into the house through the window. Not only can this be frightening, but it can also lead to a loss of vital energy.

The popular Japanese philosophy of Feng Shui also prohibits sleeping with your head towards the window. It is believed that such a vacation will cause problems in different areas life. A person may get sick and also face troubles in his personal life and at work. In addition, healthy sleep is associated with security, and the window does not allow you to feel this. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to sleep near a wall away from any noise sources. It is also worth taking into account the direction of the light, so if the head turns to the east, a person can count on good luck in all endeavors, and also after sleep he will feel cheerful. If a person is emotional and creative, then the West is a suitable direction for him. To advance your career, it is recommended to sleep with your head facing south.

How to sleep correctly is very controversial issue. Many people say that it matters how you go to bed, some say that you should never lie down with your head towards the door. Some of them say the head should be turned strictly to the east, and it does not matter how the legs lie. Feng Shui experts say that you should not lie with your feet towards the door or window. In their understanding, such a pose is a pose dead person Yes, this is exactly how they take a dead person out of the house.

How should a bed look like according to Feng Shui?

According to Eastern practice, the sleeping place itself should be a solid foundation standing level on the surface, and a sleeping place on wheels is generally a symbol of instability. On this moment furniture manufacturers make beds with various forms headboards But according to Feng Shui, it is best to use a usually rectangular back without slits or monograms. The practice does not allow sleeping in a bed where another person previously slept, because the bed can carry the energy of another person, his illness. This is very important for those who move into an apartment where the previous owner died.

Hair dryer rules: How to sleep properly

According to Eastern practice, people should not think about how a door or window is located, but think about how the person himself will be correctly located in space. Correct position sleep depends on where head turned. You can sleep with your head facing east. Eastern energy promotes success in all endeavors, tones the body, and gives it vigor.

Sleeping facing the west is best for emotional people, people who love creativity, and who are actively searching. As a rule, these are artists, inventors, people with creative abilities. If you want to advance at work, then lie with your head in the south direction.

According to Eastern practice, the main room of the house is the bedroom because here you can sleep after have a hard day, line up right relationship with the other half, and the quality of dreams itself depends on the correct structure sleeping place. It is best to make a bedroom where the furthest room in the home is located.

The front door of the bedroom must not open onto the bathroom, toilet, intersect, or be opposite. This arrangement negatively affects the relationship with your spouse. According to Feng Shui, it is necessary to place the bed correctly where the walls are painted in soft, soft colors; it is recommended to paint the walls in soft pink, milky shades, or champagne color.

They improve the circulation of vital energy. If you want to paint the ceiling or walls of the bedroom dark and cold, then it is better not to do this. They take energy and have a bad effect on people who sleep in this room. Think very carefully about how to introduce bright red color into your bedroom interior.

This color irritates the psyche and can cause nightmares. It may be in the bedroom, but only in some details. Such highlights of the bedroom can be bright pillows, a chandelier, and vases on the bedside tables. A bright shade of red helps to conceive a baby faster.

How to place the bed correctly?

The bed is placed in such a way that its owners do not lay their feet towards the door. This pose is called “dead”. It can bring bad luck to a person various diseases. No need to put it in place behind the front door - it will bring nightmares. Remember that the bed should always be leaning against the wall, this is the only way the person sleeping on it will feel supported and protected.

There is no need to sleep with your feet facing the window for two reasons. First, for reasons of banal safety, if a window breaks, the fragments will not hurt your head. Another reason why you can’t sleep like this is a violation of trust and understanding with family and friends, severe illnesses, And bad dream, according to treatises on Feng Shui.

After all, we spend a whole third of our day and life in general in it.

A properly positioned bed gives us safety, the opportunity to rest and recuperate for subsequent activities.

If you sleep enough, but wake up tired, if your health has deteriorated, or your career is not going well, pay attention to the rules on how not to place a bed in the bedroom. Examples of placement and Feng Shui recommendations in the article.

Feng Shui is a very deep and systematic science, formed over thousands of years. Its goal is to make our existence harmonious.

How a bed shouldn't be

1 Foot to front door (position of the deceased), i.e. in a straight line to the doorway.

According to Feng Shui, this factor can create diseases along midline bodies.

If rearrangement is impossible, a tightly closed door, a screen, a chest of drawers, a cabinet in front of it, will reduce the negative impact. tall plant with rounded leaves.

2. Opposite the mirror when it reflects sleeping people. In detail, how to hang a mirror in the bedroom so that it does not cause harm.

3. Adjacent to a wall with a door. This is especially important if you share a bedroom with family members or disrespectful roommates who have a different sleep schedule than you.

Every time the door opens, you will have to wake up in a state high alert, due to the unexpected sound and movement of the door opening. Ailments in the center of the body may also develop.

4. Adjacent to a wall with a door when the door blocks the view. You'll have to get out of bed to see someone coming in, instead of just raising your head if your bed is on the opposite side of the door.

It may seem to you that not seeing the door is normal for you, but subconsciously you will also experience anxiety, which creates an imbalance in your life. nervous system. Results may include nerve problems, arrhythmia, and rapid heartbeat.

In addition, repeatedly twisting the body to see who is entering, long term are fraught with problems with the neck and spine.

5. Headboard to the window itself, especially to the large, panoramic one. The window is the gateway between your bedroom and the outside world.

When you sleep with your head directly under the window, your sleep is easily disturbed by sounds from the wind or noise coming from outside, smells, light, and the movements of insects and birds.

When sounds, movements or smells are unfamiliar, your survival instincts kick in and can wake you up completely, making it difficult to fall back to sleep.

Feng Shui advises avoiding placing your bed under a window; this position provides little protection and creates anxiety and trouble.

Thick curtains can be a solution.

6. Share one wall with the toilet (bathtub). It's a bit like having a bedroom right under the toilet. If your bed shares a wall with the toilet, you may hear fluid moving through the pipes.

The adjustment is to use a thick (preferably soft or very substantial) headboard for the bed, which can minimize unwanted noises that disturb your sleep.

According to Feng Shui: can lead to a leakage of energy, vitality and wealth.

7. Share one wall with the kitchen. Heat from the kitchen, sounds of moving water, running refrigerators, other household electronics, and other noises reduce the quality of sleep.

In addition, the kitchen is an area of ​​intense human activity that can disturb your sleep with the clanking of dishes, pots and sounds of other activities taking place in the kitchen.

According to Feng Shui, such a proximity, just as in the case of a toilet, leads to a loss of vitality, energy, and luck.

8. Under a slanted or low ceiling. They put an invisible pressure on people's energy, which turns into some kind of vague anxiety or feeling of contraction whenever you go to bed. This is especially noticeable if you sleep on the side with a lower arch.

A simple solution is to use a four-poster bed. The four pillars that surround you while you sleep tend to make you feel more protected from the downward pressure of the ceiling.

9. Under the ceiling beam, especially with sharp corners. Beam similar to sharp object, creates . Air currents, pushing off sharp edges, attack the sleeper.

So the beam makes your space feel like it's been chopped up, which can be distracting. good sleep. A canopy over the bed will also help, or repairs during which the protrusions are smoothed or rounded.

10. Under massive objects, hanging directly above the head or at the head of the sleeping people: chandeliers or bookshelves (more than 180 cm in height), for example.

Large objects make you feel depressed, experience involuntary fear, which provokes insomnia, stress, and musculoskeletal disorders.

Solution: hang a chandelier above the dining table, and replace massive shelves with small ones. Or move the bed.

11. On the same line between the window and the door. This is the case when the bedroom is like a long “pencil case”; the bed seems to be standing on the roadway. It is not comfortable to sleep on such a bed because sudden movement air flows.

How to fix:

hang a small multifaceted crystal ball in the center of the window at a distance of one and a half meters from the floor. A ball from a crystal chandelier or a purchased Swarovski ball will do. Its edges will refract rays of light and disperse sharp currents of air and energy.

Place a lush one on the windowsill ornamental plant, it will stop the rapid energy of qi.

Place a screen immediately behind the bed in front of the door: the air and energy flows, going around the screen, will become smoother, and the atmosphere in the bedroom will be harmonious.

12. Near electrical outlets. They generate additional harmful energy background.

13. The footboard is adjacent to the wall. Feng Shui warns: a reduced range of visibility, when the gaze rests on a wall, reduces a person’s energy, his life vision, and intuition.

A wall at the foot of the bed could be blocking your career, causing foot problems and ankle joint. The more space in front of your bed, the more your life expands, breathes and improves.


If sleep does not bring rest, or there are problems in your personal and social life, take into account the rules for placing your bed. Our health, well-being and well-being depend on how correctly it stands.

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata.

In the following publications: how to properly place a bed in the bedroom.

There are several explanations for why you should not sleep with your head towards the window. Since ancient times, people have been sensitive to sleep. Based on centuries of observations, unspoken laws have been derived regarding how to sleep properly. Based on these same observations, they formed folk signs and superstitions known to this day.

Followers of Feng Shui and yoga pay considerable attention to this topic. So is it possible to sleep with your head towards the window, and what points of view exist on this matter?

The teaching of Feng Shui considers the organization of space from the point of view of movement various kinds energies. And one of key points is exactly correct location beds.

Experts in this teaching highlight the following main points when choosing a place to sleep:

  1. Positioning your head towards the window while sleeping is unacceptable. In this position, the sleeper is provided with an energy leak, which will lead to anxiety, discomfort, health problems and conflicts with others.
  2. Best position beds - headboard against the wall. This way the sleeping person will be protected from loss of energy.
  3. It is worth avoiding the position of the vacationer when his legs are directed towards the doors. This also leads to energy losses and will have Negative consequences for a person.
  4. When choosing a place for a bed, you should take into account not only its location relative to windows and doors, but also in relation to the cardinal directions. To attract good luck, it is recommended to lay your head to the east, for creative inspiration - to the west, and for career growth, your head should be directed to the south.
  5. The space around the bed should “breathe”. It is unacceptable to clutter the sleeping area, place bulky cabinets and racks around the bed, and place unnecessary things under the bed. It is advisable to exclude furniture with sharp corners, especially if these corners are directed towards the sleeper. An acceptable option is a small bedside table with smooth lines.
  6. You should also be careful with mirror surfaces. In the bedroom, mirrored ceilings would be out of place, as would mirrors opposite the bed. In such a room there is no need to wait good rest, the culprit will be the same loss of energy.

Main secret healthy sleep According to Feng Shui philosophy, it is to give energy flows unhindered movement around the sleeper and prevent their loss.

Sleeping with your head towards the window and feet towards the door is unacceptable. Sharp lines and sharp corners of furniture and interior items, as well as mirrors in the bedroom, will not give a feeling of comfort and calm.

Yoga experts are not so categorical about the location of the bed with the head of the bed facing the window. And even vice versa: if the window opening is located on the northern or northeastern wall of the house, then in this case sleeping with your head towards the window is considered favorable and will lead to inner harmony, will replenish the body’s strength and have a positive impact on the financial situation of the vacationer.
But folk beliefs associated with windows and doors and their influence on a sleeping person warn against such an arrangement during sleep.

Frightening legends say:

Of course, all this is just superstition, but the sad custom of carrying the deceased out of the room feet first has survived to this day. And this fact at the subconscious level can cause anxiety in a person who has settled down for the night with his head to the window and feet to the door.

The opinions of different teachings and cultures regarding the design of a sleeping place differ, sometimes dramatically. When choosing a sleeping position, do not blindly believe in various kinds theory, it is better to focus on yourself and your feelings.

If a person is not at all superstitious and is skeptical about yoga and Feng Shui, then choosing your sleeping place needs to be approached from a practical point of view.

And here, too, there may be completely mundane, objective reasons not to lie with your head to the window, namely:

So, there are many views and opinions regarding how to sleep properly, and they often contradict each other.

One thing is for sure: you need to approach the arrangement of your bedroom responsibly. A room for sleeping should evoke calmness and tranquility, setting a person up for a relaxing holiday.

No matter how the bed is located in the room, you just need to listen to yourself and your feelings: is it comfortable to be in this particular place, is anything disturbing you during sleep, does sleeping in the chosen position give you a surge of strength and good spirits upon awakening.

If something causes concern, you can experiment with the choice of sleeping place by rearranging the furniture. In the end, best place For have a great holiday will definitely be found.

Every person on Earth is a microcosm, living according to the laws of the Universe. By listening to these laws, as many ancient practices claim, you can improve many areas of your life, make the space around you harmonious and joyful, deprive yourself of troubles and illnesses, and also protect yourself from the influence of various forces.

Simple magic

You just need to follow some rules in life. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and follow the regime, know how to respond to manifestations natural environment, and remember that the recommendations of ancient teachings are not determined by someone’s whim or desire to subordinate human physiology to some laws, but by the fact that this is a physiological law.

Ancient Western Traditions

For example, do you know which way to sleep with your head? Many of the ancient Eastern teachings say that, coming into the world, the human soul makes a journey from East to West. This is how the movement of living energies occurs. After death it’s the other way around, because the movement of inanimate energies occurs in the opposite direction - from West to East. This explains the advice on which direction to sleep with your head: if you choose the direction to the east, it will come worldly wisdom, if you lie down with your head to the south, you will be healthy, if you sleep with your head to the west, material well-being will accompany you, but if you sleep with your head to the north, you can reduce your activity if you feel overtired.

Some argue that if you sleep with your head to the north, then the body is in an optimal position for a person from the point of view of the Earth’s magnetic field and the person himself, who harmoniously merges with the bioenergy of the Earth during sleep. The state of vitality will be constantly good, the body will regularly rest and restore resources after an active day, and the brain will receive a completely natural and in a natural way. This way of thinking is characteristic of those living in the West.

Proponents of this theory explain it this way: a magnetic field is concentrated on the top of a person’s head, and the energy of the cosmos, passing along the magnetic lines of the Earth, also passes through the body of a person lying along the magnetic lines, the most naturally renewing his strength, bringing peace and prosperity into his life, promoting healing and strengthening his health.

The East and its ancient knowledge

As for Eastern beliefs, which direction to sleep with your head is determined by a set of rules, the doctrine of the life energy Qi. According to Feng Shui, the movement of celestial bodies sets the direction of Qi energy. Therefore, orientalists advise sleeping with your head to the east. Old Believers and pagans believed that for those who sleep with their heads to the east, life begins every day with the activation of all important centers, which this method gives good health and bright mind and strength.

Eastern teachings say that by falling asleep with your head to the west, you make it possible to liberate the sensory sphere and creativity. Generally speaking, the designation for each of the cardinal directions (of which Feng Shui distinguishes eight, not four) has its own. For example, all western directions (strictly west, southwest or northwest) are responsible for the emotional and spiritual sphere, and they also contribute to the fertility of the couple. Northern directions chosen for sleep enhance perseverance and endurance, balance a person, but make him more pragmatic and decisive, giving him masculinity and wisdom. The south, southwest and southeast refresh all emotions and make the character more flexible, and sincerity and understanding are the main qualities in a person. And directly eastern directions are responsible for harmony and stability in a person’s life, for success in all his endeavors, for activities directed in any direction with energy and practicality.

The secret to success is not only in the sleeping position

Feng Shui emphasizes not only the sleeping position of a person for harmony and activity. An important point It is also important that there are no objects under the bed that obstruct the free flow of Qi energy. If Qi circulates unhindered, its flow will have a beneficial effect on the quality of your life.
Your room should be free of objects clogging the space and clutter. Qi loves precision and consistency, so organizing the space so that the room where you sleep is pleasant to be in is probably an even more important task than which way to sleep with your head.

It is also worth considering that the bed does not stand in front of doors and windows, does not act as an obstacle to movement around the room, so that nothing obstructs the passage to the bed, that is, so that they do not stand in the way extra items. It is also important that mirrors should not reflect the bed either from above (mirrors on the ceiling) or from the sides (closets, decorative mirror surfaces of walls, etc.). A mirror is a conductor of other energies, and it should not confuse or interrupt the flow of vital energies for you.

Russian folk traditions and beliefs VS Feng Shui

Feng Shui does not allow you to sleep with your head towards the door. The East teaches us to have a reliable wall behind the crown of the head while sleeping, protecting not only from drafts, but also ensuring maximum peace. Therefore, if your bed does not have a backrest, it is better to sleep with your head against the wall.

However, you can’t sleep with your feet towards the door. The same Feng Shui warns that this is the pose of a dead man. By the way, turning to Russian beliefs, let us remember that wise and elderly people warn here too - you should not sleep with your feet facing the door. Why? Only dead people are carried forward feet first, therefore, in order not to attract attention to your person as guides to another world, do not position your feet towards the door while sleeping.

Of course, if you have a choice of how to sleep towards the door: with your head or with your feet, you should prefer to sleep with your head towards the door. But you need to make sure that there is at least a headboard behind your head or that this direction is the one you need to interact with magnetic fields planets.

It is also not good to sleep with your head towards the window, because symbolically air enters the room from the window, which should exit through the doors and take with it everything that has accumulated in this room - ventilate, blow out, take out. Similar Vital energy and success are blown away from the person sleeping with his head towards the window; in order to avoid losses and illnesses (which, by the way, is not at all difficult to explain if you sleep with your head towards the window), it is better to place the bed along the window, but not with the head of the bed facing the windowsill.

Deciding which way to sleep with your head

The layout of an apartment or house does not always make it possible to ensure that all energies interact perfectly and are in harmony with each other, and all areas of life fit the norms. It's all relative, as old Einstein used to say.
Pay attention to the main things in your bedroom - cleanliness and comfort, the comfort of the bed and pillow (or perhaps lack thereof) and experiment with the sleeping position in the bed. Don't forget about the regime and healthy way life. And all will be well!