What to do to stop dizziness. Psychogenic dizziness - what to do if you feel dizzy after excitement and stress? Treatment with traditional methods

Vertigo, better known as dizziness, is a common symptom that every person has encountered at least once in their life. It can signal problems in the body, ranging from lack of sleep or hunger to a malignant brain tumor. What to do if you feel dizzy? Medication methods treatment and important rules that will help get rid of vertigo.

Everyone has experienced dizziness.

Why do you feel dizzy?

- one of the signs of illness, in modern medicine There are about 80 pathological conditions that cause dizziness.

Common causes of vertigo include:

  1. Fatigue, lack of sleep, wrong mode day.
  2. Stress, anxiety, emotional shock.
  3. Skull injuries, bleeding of various origins.
  4. Diseases that cause dizziness.

Possible diseases

Dizziness may signal illness different systems body: brain, spinal column, of cardio-vascular system And gastrointestinal tract, as well as for psychosomatic disorders.

Vestibular nerve damage Various pathologies of the nerve that sends signals from the balance organ lead to the occurrence of vertigo. The cause may be neuronitis, trauma, or tumor of the nerve.
Inner ear diseases The vestibular apparatus is located in inner ear, therefore, due to its pathologies, your head may feel dizzy. The cause may be injuries and blood flow disorders, labyrinthitis or Meniere's disease.
Cranial injuries Skull injuries cause swelling of the brain and small hemorrhages into it, which causes unpleasant symptoms. With cranial injuries, you feel dizzy and have a headache, feel nauseous, and constantly want to sleep.
Migraine Migraine is severe, one-sided headache, which makes you feel dizzy and nauseous. Dizziness may worsen when moving your eyes sideways, down and up. Most often the disease occurs in women.
Epilepsy Vertigo in epilepsy occurs as a harbinger seizure, along with headaches and irritability. At temporal lobe epilepsy There are no seizures, and dizziness is the main manifestation of the disease.
GM tumors Benign and malignant tumors GM are accompanied by vertigo. Because of foreign body headache and dizziness, nausea and photophobia occur, coordination and motor skills are impaired. Vertigo occurs suddenly and sharply, and can appear during sleep.
GM infections Encephalitis, meningitis and meningoencephalitis are accompanied by general cerebral symptoms: sound and photophobia, nausea, vomiting, headaches and vertigo, which does not go away over time. Breast infections are more common in middle-aged men and children under 5 years of age.
VSD Short-term dizziness with VSD occurs due to impaired blood flow and manifests itself during sudden movements: when turning the head, when standing up or other change of position. Typically, this syndrome can be found in a child or teenager; it goes away with age.
Cervical osteochondrosis At cervical osteochondrosis squeezed vertebral artery, which impairs blood supply to the brain and causes unpleasant symptoms. Dizziness with this disease can occur when lying down, when walking and when turning.
Blood pressure problems Dizziness when normal pressure occurs rarely: this symptom most often occurs with hypertension and hypotension. Sharp jumps BP causes brain hypoxia, causing dizziness - usually in the morning and evening.
Anemia If you feel dizzy and weak, the cause may be anemia. Lack of hemoglobin leads to a lack of oxygen in the brain, which causes dizziness.
Diabetes Dizziness in diabetes is a symptom of hypoglycemia: a lack of glucose that can occur with an overdose of insulin or due to fasting.
Intestinal infections During intestinal infections, the human body loses a lot of fluid, which causes a drop in blood pressure. Dizziness occurs as a result of hypotension.
Bleeding of various origins At severe blood loss When the amount of blood in the body becomes significantly less, organs and tissues lack oxygen. May occur after surgery and blood transfusion, as well as due to other internal and external bleeding.

Other factors

Your head may feel dizzy not only because of illness. There are other external and internal causes of this symptom, most of which are lifestyle related.

Vertigo can occur:

  1. Due to lack of sleep. Lack of sleep leads to severe nervous exhaustion, which is accompanied by an abundance side effects. Dizziness is one of them.
  2. Because of hunger. Diets or irregular eating patterns provoke a lack of glucose in the body, which can result in nausea and dizziness.
  3. During pregnancy. Dizziness when changing body position or bending over occurs due to improper distribution of oxygen during this period. Also, the reason may be a lack of glucose, iron or osteochondrosis.
  4. For stress and anxiety. Strong experiences provoke the production of adrenaline, which disrupts cerebral blood flow. As a result, your head begins to feel dizzy, your heart rate and breathing increase.
  5. When working at a computer. Constant pressure the eye calls, and awkward position and increased tone of the shoulder and back muscles worsen cerebral circulation. As a result, they appear and float in the eyes.
  6. When taking medications. Some sleeping pills, tranquilizers, sedatives And oral contraceptives may cause mild dizziness as a side effect.
  7. During physical activity. When you strain multiple muscle groups or lift heavy weights, there is a lack of oxygen in the brain. The symptom occurs in untrained people and disappears after getting used to the load.
  8. When motion sickness occurs. Trips by sea and ground transport may cause dizziness and nausea due to increased load on vestibular apparatus. For the same reason, you may feel dizzy on carousels.
  9. When there is a temperature difference. If you have been in the cold for a long time and then enter a very warm room, your head may feel dizzy. This is caused by a sharp dilation of blood vessels due to temperature changes. The same thing happens when you go out into the cold from the heat.
  10. In older people. After 50 years they begin age-related changes vestibular apparatus and cardiovascular system, which can lead to loss of coordination, dizziness and deterioration of motor skills.

Sitting at a computer for too long can make you feel dizzy.

Most of these factors are easy to change: if you are tired of the computer, you need to work less on it. If dizziness occurs due to diet, consume more carbohydrates; if taking medications with side effects, replace this drug with another.

Which doctor should I contact?

The first thing you should do if you feel dizzy is... He will conduct an examination and interview, do preliminary tests and determine which specialist to refer you to.

Depending on the accompanying symptoms and test results, you will need:

  • – osteochondrosis, VSD, migraine;
  • – pathologies of the inner ear;
  • – dysbacteriosis, IBS, intestinal infections;
  • – anemia;
  • stressful conditions of various origins;
  • – hypotension and hypertension, strokes;
  • diabetes, thyrotoxicosis;
  • – brain tumors;

You won’t be able to figure out which doctor you need to see on your own. Most diseases that cause vertigo have similar symptoms.


To determine what causes dizziness, the therapist carries out the following diagnostic measures:

  1. Questioning and examining the patient, studying the anamnesis.
  2. Testing: UAC, OAM, BH blood test.
  3. Hardware methods: CT, MRI, EEG, ultrasound, x-ray.

To identify the causes of dizziness, take a blood test

To establish the cause of vertigo, only some of these methods are used: the therapist excludes some diagnoses after questioning and examination. After diagnosis, the patient is referred to a specialist.

What to do for dizziness at home

Will help overcome unpleasant symptoms that cause discomfort and pain medications or list normal rules which are recommended for everyone to follow.

Treatment with drugs

If the cause of dizziness lies in illness, you can use medications.

Group name Effect on dizziness Famous representatives
Specific vertigolytics Relieves dizziness by normalizing blood flow in the inner ear. Used for all types of dizziness. Betagistine
Nootropics Normalize cerebral circulation, affecting vascular system brain. Piracetam, Nootropil, Phenotropil
PSA and calcium antagonists They are used for hypertension, improving blood circulation and preventing vasospasm. Cinnarizine, Reserpine, Felodipine
Herbal sedatives They calm and relax the patient, relieve stress, and reduce the production of adrenaline. Novo-passit, Persen, Gerbion
Anxiolytics Suppress anxiety, stress and mental disorders that cause dizziness. Diazepam, Seduxen, Afobazol
NSAIDs and analgesics Used to relieve vascular compression resulting from osteochondrosis. Improve blood circulation. Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Analgin
Muscle relaxants They are used for osteochondrosis, reduce muscle tone and return blood circulation to normal. Ridelat, Listenon, Nimbex
Antibiotics Relieves dizziness resulting from bacterial infections. Amoxicillin, Tetracycline, Ampicillin

If you don’t have pills at hand and you are not sure of the diagnosis, you should use less drastic methods to eliminate dizziness.

  1. Lie down on the bed, having previously removed the pillows. When you lie down, blood circulation and oxygen supply normalize faster. If it is not possible to lie down, sit down, lean against a wall or furniture.
  2. Do deep breaths to saturate the blood and brain with oxygen. Breathe slowly and measuredly; if the room is stuffy, ventilate it or go out into the fresh air.
  3. Focus your gaze on something. You should not cover your eyes: when you close your eyes when you feel dizzy, it may worsen.
  4. Drink water, eat candy or something sweet. Dizziness can occur due to dehydration and lack of glucose, these conditions can be quickly corrected.
  5. After the attack passes, drink tea with lemon balm, mint or linden. They help to calm down and relieve tension, which is often the cause of vertigo.

Peppermint tea relieves nervous tension

Possible complications

If dizziness is ignored for a long time, it can worsen the condition and cause serious complications.

These include:

  • hearing loss due to ear diseases;
  • injuries and fractures due to sudden loss of balance;
  • chronic heart failure due to anemia;
  • chronic hypoxia of the brain due to osteochondrosis;
  • acute renal failure due to intestinal infections;
  • stroke due to problems with blood vessels in the brain;
  • life-threatening due to brain hemorrhages, tumors and infections of the brain.

To avoid complications, you should not neglect the symptom of vertigo.

If you ignore frequent dizziness, there is a chance of developing a stroke


You can prevent dizziness by following simple preventive measures:

  1. Eat in small portions 5 times a day.
  2. Include fiber and complex carbohydrates in your diet.
  3. Walk in the fresh air for half an hour every day.
  4. Take breaks when working at the computer.
  5. Play sports, do gymnastics.
  6. Accept cold and hot shower.
  7. Do not start treatment infectious diseases so as not to cause complications and inflammation of the inner ear.

The diet should contain complex carbohydrates

If you are constantly feeling dizzy, you should not ignore it. Dizziness often warns of serious illnesses, and a careless attitude towards this symptom can harm the body.

There are quite a few causes of dizziness. For example, if it occurs when trying to turn or stand up, and then gradually subsides, this may be one of the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

One of the common causes that cause this disorder is hydrops - dropsy of the inner ear. If there is hearing loss, ringing and noise, or a cold, this may indicate - inflammatory disease ear.

Dizziness, ringing in the ears, deafness - which accompany migraines. In people who suffer, significantly more often than others (outside of headache attacks). This ailment is also called “migraine without headache.”

With brain tumors, dizziness is accompanied by increasing headaches. In addition to dizziness, there are a number of other symptoms: weakness, speech impairment, impaired movements in or out, loss of consciousness.

The head may experience sudden, sharp movements after sitting for a long time. This occurs due to overstrain of the neck muscles. Similar sensations can be observed by people who have suffered trauma cervical spine spine.

Dizziness can occur when taking certain medications (for example, blood pressure medications or antibiotics) or overdosing them.

This sensation may also be a symptom of motion sickness when traveling by sea, air, road or other transport. Today there is big choice drugs to eliminate symptoms of motion sickness.

Mention should also be made of a disorder such as agoraphobia. Fear of open space syndrome can manifest itself with a variety of fears, incl. fear of falling as a result of dizziness.

If dizziness occurs periodically, you should consult a neurologist and then an otolaryngologist. If an attack occurs unexpectedly, try to calm down. Sit down, focus your gaze on some stationary object and do not close your eyes. When experiencing motion sickness in transport, it is best to sit with eyes closed. You should not put pillows under your head, because... this will only make the situation worse.

After the condition improves, you can drink a few sips cold water. Never “treat” dizziness with alcohol, as it affects nervous system depressing and may worsen your condition.

Frequent dizziness are far from harmless: they may indicate a serious illness. In case of acute dizziness, especially in the presence of weakness or numbness in the limbs, difficulty speaking, severe pain in the chest or abdomen, you should immediately call a doctor.

Video on the topic


  • what to do if you feel dizzy

Tip 2: Getting up makes you feel dizzy. Causes and treatment of dizziness

When dizzy, a person feels as if the body is spinning against its will or the whole the world moves around him. This is, of course, a pathology, the causes of which can be very different. The method of treatment also depends on them.

Symptoms will help determine the cause and treatment. If you have a headache while traveling in transport, there is no need to worry - you are simply seasick, and as soon as you arrive at the place, all symptoms will soon disappear. You may also feel dizzy due to external factors: extreme heat, outdoor games. All this also quickly passes as soon as you get rid of the phenomena that cause dizziness (go away from the heat into the cool shade, sit quietly after running around).

Sometimes the feeling of dizziness occurs due to low pressure and lack of blood circulation in the brain. Low hemoglobin is also a cause of periodic dizziness. In this case, the doctor will prescribe you necessary medications and recommend foods whose consumption increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Deterioration of hearing and discharge from the ears indicate inflammation of the inner ear. If hearing loss is accompanied by tinnitus, nausea and vomiting, there is likely an increase in the amount of fluid in the inner ear cavity.

If everything is fine with hearing, but vomiting is present, the cause of dizziness may be vestibular neuritis. As a rule, the head begins to feel dizzy when you try to turn it, as well as when you rise sharply. But if when you turn your head it occurs strong pain- this indicates a disease of the cervical spine.

With one-sided deafness, dizziness may be accompanied by noise and ringing in the ears. Pre-fainting (nausea, pallor, darkening of the eyes, rapid heartbeat, impending feeling of loss of consciousness, “lightness” in the head) signal heart disease. Constant dizziness together with headache is considered a sign of basilar migraine.

Even depression accompanies this symptom. True, in case mental disorders dizziness takes on a different, difficult to describe character (“fog”, heaviness in the head).

Medicines that are not suitable for you can also cause dizziness. If this is the reason, it is better to stop taking medications and replace them with others. Here, as in all previous cases, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

In general, treatment for dizziness should begin with general diagnostics, because the list possible reasons too big. You will have to see a therapist, a neurologist, an otolaryngologist, and most likely you will need to do an X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging.

Only a doctor can prescribe medications and treatment; you should not experiment on your own. If dizziness is not a symptom of a disease, but a consequence of age or general weakness body, the doctor will advise how to restore tone.

During acute attack dizziness, before the ambulance arrives, the victim should be placed on his back, and a compress should be applied to his forehead - a cold towel soaked in vinegar. The room should be well ventilated.

A constant feeling of discomfort in a person often causes severe dizziness, it is with such complaints that people seek advice from a doctor general practice. Moreover, the symptoms of the pathology depend on its origin and the patient’s resistance to it. With dizziness, pale skin, a feeling of nausea, anxiety, vomiting, and intense sweating are often observed.

Main causes of discomfort

Several anatomical integral systems of the human body are immediately responsible for the stable state of the body:

  • The vestibular apparatus is located inside the skull and is responsible for the sensory organs that respond to the movement of the body in the space surrounding it.
  • Visual system: the eyes provide the ability to obtain basic information about position human body regarding various subjects.
  • Sensory peripheral gentle receptors located in joints, muscles, and bone tissue, supply the brain with the necessary data when moving.

Stimulation of several or one of the parts anatomical systems May be main reason dizziness. If discomfort occurs in the absence irritating factors, then the origin of the pathology takes on a different character and indicates the presence of the disease.

Systemic vertigo is often caused by abnormalities of the vestibular apparatus. Only the attending physician can tell you what to do in this case.

Diseases that provoke pathology

Quite often, the causes of severe dizziness lie in the presence of the following disorders.

Name of the disease Types of ailments and their characteristics
Pathological process occurring in the hearing organs.
  1. Paroxysmal positional systemic vertigo. This type of disease does not pose a particular threat; attacks appear suddenly when tilting or turning the head. The cause of the pathology is displacement of formations in the inner ear. May cause weakness and nausea.
  2. Labyrinth is an inflammatory pathological process of the internal organ of hearing.
  3. Meniere's disease is a buildup of fluid in the inner ear that causes severe dizziness. vomiting reflex, nausea, extraneous noise, hearing loss.
  4. Tumor of the auditory sensory nerve.
  5. Barotrauma - damage eardrum with a sudden change in pressure.
  6. Other pathologies of the hearing organ are accumulation of sulfur, otitis media.
Brain dysfunction.
  1. Migraine – pathological disorder brain structures that control painful sensations. Dizziness in in this case- a harbinger of an attack.
  2. Brain tumors and head injuries.
  3. Head injuries.
  4. Diseases of the cervical spine (osteochondrosis).
Psychogenic pathology.
  • Does not apply to true dizziness: fog in the head, feeling of instability, fear of losing consciousness, falling. Acts as a reaction to stress.

Severe dizziness, caused by other diseases, appears unexpectedly and can cause loss of balance. But this process is reversible if we identify in time why such attacks occur.

Symptoms of true dizziness

Vertigo is a vestibular or true pathological process that occurs without visible provoking factors and accompanies most ailments. Symptoms of dizziness:

  • the illusion of movement intensifies when turning or raising the head;
  • sensation of rotation, tilting, swaying of objects, things;
  • sweating, vomiting, constant feeling nausea;
  • pathologies of the hearing organs, noise;
  • loss of orientation with the possibility of falling;
  • a sudden feeling of weakness, as if facing a quitrent condition;
  • rapid pulse, pale skin;
  • pressure changes.

You should urgently consult a doctor if the symptoms of vertigo:

  • combined with migraine, weakness;
  • attacks do not go away for a long time;
  • occurs in a patient with diabetes or hypertension;
  • caused loss of consciousness, fall of a person;
  • accompanied by fever and vomiting.

Only a doctor, after proper diagnosis and examination, will be able to determine why dizziness occurs. additional symptoms and what to do to prevent loss of consciousness.

Signs of vertigo are often confused with false attacks, which often occur in women in the first trimester of pregnancy. The main reason for this phenomenon is a decrease in glucose levels in the blood serum. There is no therapy as such in this case, unless, of course, the origin of vertigo lies in something else.

Clinical diagnosis

In order to find out why attacks occur and decide on accurate diagnosis you need to consult a therapist and undergo full examination. As well as research using various methods:

  1. MRI and CT;
  2. X-ray of the skull and cervical spine;
  3. blood glucose test and general testing;
  4. Dopplerography of the brain using ultrasound;
  5. audiographic examination.

Based on the data received, the doctor will diagnose correct diagnosis, will determine the reason why your head may feel dizzy and prescribe adequate complex treatment.

First aid

If a person is very dizzy, he should be placed in a horizontal position and provide access fresh air. You can give him 8 drops of atropine 0.1% solution. For elimination nervous tension accompanying similar condition, tranquilizers are indicated: 5 mg of Seduxen and 0.5 grams of Grandaxin.

Vertigo and severe weakness

Dizziness and lethargy may occur in different situations. This condition does not always indicate the presence of a disease. Thus, in adolescents, vertigo, as well as weakness, is caused by a violation hormonal levels. The growth of organs accelerates, the nervous autonomic system is rebuilt. Such changes are often accompanied by fainting, dizziness and weakness. In addition, such symptoms may indicate the presence of a disease. Vertigo and weakness are often observed in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • Anemia, oncology.
  • Abnormalities of blood circulation in the brain: ringing in the ears, decreased concentration, black spots before the eyes may be present.
  • A sharp rise in pressure. In this case, headaches are observed with dizziness and lethargy.
  • Neurocircular systematic dystonia.

If attacks become more frequent, you should immediately seek help from a therapist - this can help to promptly determine the cause of vertigo.

Nausea and attacks of dizziness

A similar condition with similar violations is observed in several cases:

  • pathology of the vestibular central nerve;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • malignant neoplasms in the brain;
  • Very severe attacks headaches;
  • as well as for other types of ailments.

If the patient is bothered by systematically recurring attacks (or a complex of various symptoms - nausea, migraine, vertigo - or dizziness and lethargy - or a feeling of nausea and vertigo), you should immediately consult a therapist or neurologist. In certain situations, a comprehensive examination may be required to accurately determine the cause. pathological process, and also exclude the presence of dangerous ailments.


“According to my experience and observation, I can conclude: the majority of both men and women suffer from headaches. And with age, this problem only intensifies.

Some turn to doctors for help, others use self-medication, and others do not react to pain in any way.

But no matter which option you choose, I would highly recommend effective drug Hendrix. It successfully helps against headaches and migraines.

Complex therapy

Symptomatic adequate treatment of attacks is carried out with medications prescribed by a therapist from the following groups: antihistamines("Meclizine"), anticholinergics (for example, "Scopolamine"), antipsychotics ("Meterazine"), antiemetics - the drug "Metoclopramide", "Nicotinka". The main purpose of therapy is to reduce the symptoms of vertigo.

When a pathological process is identified, the doctor prescribes etiotropic complex treatment, which not only neutralizes the main cause of the disease, but also helps to cope with attacks. In the treatment of nonspecific vertigo they use alternative ways: physiotherapy, manual therapy.

If the examination did not reveal serious violations, then you can cope with attacks on your own without medications.

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • active lifestyle;
  • walks in the open air;
  • sports: skiing, gymnastics, running, visiting the pool.

All this can have a fairly beneficial effect on the nervous and vestibular system. The body must get enough a large number of liquid, because it is this that helps improve well-being, a surge of strength, and excellent tone, and not caffeine, which is part of many drinks.

Treatment with traditional methods

Followers non-drug therapy can use in simple ways therapy: drink Ginko Biloba tincture, ginger tea. The ancient sages treated severe dizziness with juice from fresh beets and carrots. Also no less effective is pomegranate, which helps raise hemoglobin.

Here are some simple recipes:

  • You can make tea from crushed coriander seeds (a teaspoon per glass of water). It is infused for 6 hours, filtered, and consumed in small portions throughout the day.
  • Tea from medicinal lemon balm, linden color and mint or clover inflorescences (a tablespoon per glass) helps eliminate very severe symptoms of attacks. It is taken after dinner and lunch.
  • Powder pure seaweed contains phosphorus, iodine, helps restore the functions of the vestibular apparatus.

Dizziness does not pose a threat to human health or life, but it may indicate the presence of a serious pathological process occurring in the body. Therefore, if attacks occur abruptly and systematically, accompanied by headache, disturbance colloquial speech, numbness of all or certain limbs and weakness, urgent medical attention may be required. Only timely diagnosis will allow you to prescribe the only correct treatment and avoid serious consequences.

Vertigo can occur due to various reasons– lack of air, pressure fluctuations, disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular system, excessive physical and mental stress. Drugs for dizziness, the choice of which depends on the origin of the syndrome, help to quickly eliminate the pathological condition or reduce its symptoms.

Dizziness is a loss of balance in which the ground disappears from under a person’s feet, objects rotate in front of the eyes, and a feeling of loss of orientation in space and spinning appears.

The main causes of vertigo:

  1. Diseases of the hearing aid.
  2. Disorders of the vestibular system.
  3. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  4. Neurological diseases.
  5. High pressure.
  6. Injuries, brain pathologies.
  7. Intoxication of the body with harmful substances.
  8. Diseases of the cervical spine.
  9. Vascular pathologies, atherosclerosis.

Stress, depression, emotional and nervous tension, systematic physical and mental stress can also cause unpleasant discomfort. You should tell your doctor about the characteristics of the pathological condition, who, after making a diagnosis, will prescribe home treatment.

Modern diagnostic methods

Dizziness, in most cases, does not pose any threat to the health and life of the patient, since its primary causes are motion sickness, stress, excessive loads, fatigue. IN similar situations no treatment is required, and the person will only need simple rest.

Sometimes it's enough to choose lenses

People with disabilities may feel dizzy visual functions. Recovery normal condition they just need to choose contact lenses or glasses. Other causes of the syndrome are heart and vascular diseases.

The doctor can determine the origin of dizziness and recommend adequate therapy only after comprehensive examination, including:

  • tomography;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • cerebrospinal fluid puncture;
  • X-ray of the spinal column, including the neck, to diagnose osteochondrosis.

After studying the results of studies and tests, the doctor will be able to determine the nature of the pathological condition, prescribe how to treat the syndrome, and recommend a remedy that can be taken in emergency situations.

Indications for use of drugs

Many medications for dizziness relieve not only unpleasant discomfort, but also help with nausea, which most often accompanies vertigo. Indications for the use of tablets are extensive:

  1. Sudden changes in pressure.
  2. Dysfunctions of the vestibular system.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Menstrual bleeding.
  5. Meniere's disease.
  6. Dropsy internal organs hearing
  7. Migraine attacks.
  8. Extraneous sounds in the ears (changes in blood pressure).

Medicines for dizziness can be taken as medications for nausea not associated with pregnancy or pancreatic diseases. For example, discomfort while flying on an airplane or traveling by car.

Anti-vertigo tablets have virtually no side effects or contraindications. Therefore, many of them can be used by patients aged 18-65 years without a doctor’s recommendation or prescription. But if you have Meniere's disease, you will have to consult a doctor before using this or that drug.

Choice of drugs against vertigo

Anti-dizziness medications are designed to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

  • tranquilizers;
  • diuretics;
  • calcium antagonists;
  • vestibulometric medications;
  • antihistamines;
  • cerebral vasodilators;
  • adrenergic blockers;
  • ACE inhibitors;
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs;
  • and other drugs prescribed to restore blood circulation and stabilize metabolic processes in neurons.

Depending on what causes the dizziness, the doctor will recommend medications that have special characteristics that can neutralize the pathological condition, as well as the factors that provoked it.

For vertigo arising from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and nervous system central system, cerebral circulatory disorders, the following medications are prescribed:

  1. Medicine "Tanakan" or "Flunarizine".
  2. The drug "Veroshpiron" or "Betaserc".
  3. Medicine "Vinpocetine" or "Dramina".
  4. Medicine "Torekan" or "Cinnarizine".
  5. The drug "Meclozin", "Diazepam" or "Relanium".

All of these medications must be taken for dizziness. full courses, constantly monitoring blood pressure readings in order to promptly prevent a hypertensive crisis.

What to drink for nausea and dizziness caused by gastrointestinal diseases or eating disorders:

  • "Motilium", "Festal".
  • "Omez", "Mezim".
  • “Pancreatin”, “No-shpa”.
  • "Creon", "Pangrol".

If dizziness is accompanied by bloating, heartburn should be taken with Gaviscon Forte or Maalox.” For vertigo that appears due to problems with the spine, the doctor may recommend Betaserc.

If you feel dizzy, before taking the pills, it is necessary to establish the nature of the pathological condition in order to eliminate the very cause of the syndrome, and not just its symptoms.

Vertigo medications for older people

To restore full blood supply to the vestibular system and the vessels of the “gray matter,” it is better to drink the medicine “Betagistin”; it reduces the excitability of the balance organ, having a calming effect on histamine receptors.

Certain medications are suitable for older people

What is best to take for nausea and dizziness in elderly patients:

  1. “Sermion” is a drug that has a dilating effect on vessels affected by atherosclerosis, due to which the lumen gradually narrows (I drink “Flunarizine” or “Cinnarizine”).
  2. “Plavix” and “Aspirin” are antiplatelet agents taken for transient ischemic attacks.

Drugs from the group have a beneficial effect on the vessels of the “gray matter” angioprotectors- “Eskuzan”, “Bilobil”. Before being treated with any medications, it is better to undergo a preliminary examination.

Tablets for vertigo for pregnant women

For the treatment of a pathological condition in women expecting a child caused by increased tone vagus nerve point, it is permissible to take homeopathic remedies, vitamins.


“According to my experience and observation, I can conclude: the majority of both men and women suffer from headaches. And with age, this problem only intensifies.

Some turn to doctors for help, others use self-medication, and others do not react to pain in any way.

But no matter which option you choose, I would recommend one very effective drug, Hendrix. It successfully helps against headaches and migraines.

List of approved drugs:

Before taking a pill for dizziness, you must carefully study the instructions and consult a doctor, since many drugs have Negative influence on the fetus, preventing its full development and growth.

With a disease of the cervical spine, vertigo occurs due to lack of blood circulation in the brain, so it is necessary to take medications to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Medicines are prescribed to restore full blood flow to the “gray matter”, reducing the permeability of arterial walls and at the same time increasing the brain’s resistance to oxygen starvation:

  1. Preparations "Bataserk", "Vasobral".
  2. Medicine "Cinnarizine".
  3. Tablets "Vestibo", "Tagista".

One of these medications for vertigo will help you quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. If none of the remedies have any effect, you should consult a doctor.

At high blood pressure The following medications can be used:

  • "Nitserium";
  • "Cavinton";
  • "Sermion";
  • "Vinpocetine";
  • "Oxybral".

For vertigo accompanied by hypotension, drink Memoplant or Ginkofar, another remedy on the recommendation of the attending physician. If dizziness was caused by stress or overexertion, it is recommended to take Phenibut, which normalizes sleep and also improves blood circulation. It can be taken by elderly patients, as it does not have a depressing effect on the nervous system.

If sharp fluctuations pressure were caused by a cerebral stroke, after treatment medical care and long-term complex therapy after an attack, use any medicine, should only be carried out in consultation with the therapist.

Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor

Preventive measures for dizziness

Several recommendations will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, restore blood circulation to the brain and prevent attacks of vertigo. Namely:

  1. Exercises to train the vestibular system.
  2. Proper diet: minimizing fried, spicy, salty foods.
  3. Quitting smoking and alcoholic beverages.
  4. Active lifestyle.
  5. Get adequate sleep of at least 8-10 hours/day.

Timely diagnosis will help detect the presence of the disease and eliminate its symptoms - vertigo. For lungs pathological conditions caused by overwork or excessive stress, medications that can be purchased without a doctor's prescription will help.

Medicine for dizziness should be selected taking into account the nature of the syndrome and the cause that provoked its occurrence. If the drug is not effective, it is necessary to change it to another modern remedy, more suitable for the patient.

When a person periodically experiences dizziness, which is accompanied by nausea, we can conclude that there are problems with the vestibular system. But this is not always the cause of this condition; quite often such symptoms can be provoked by quite serious illnesses, which will require more than one month of treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a correct diagnosis, based on tests and research results. There is no point in delaying going to the hospital, but if for some reason a person cannot get to a medical facility, you need to know what to do if you feel dizzy and nauseous.

Causes of dizziness with nausea

There are quite a few known diseases that are accompanied by similar unpleasant symptoms. It could be:

  • Osteochondrosis – with this disease there is a circulatory disorder. Brain cells lack oxygen, which manifests itself in such unpleasant symptoms.
  • Oncological diseases - brain tumors lead to gradual compression of the center of balance, which is accompanied by dizziness and nausea.
  • Patients with epilepsy also often suffer from such conditions.
  • If your head hurts periodically and is accompanied by nausea, you can talk about a migraine.
  • When vomiting is accompanied by fever, headache, diarrhea and weakness, this indicates acute intoxication body. This may be the result of eating poor quality food or contact with poisonous plants.
  • Nausea and dizziness in women childbearing age, which are accompanied by atypical drowsiness, may be the first signs of pregnancy, while the morning body temperature is always above 37 degrees, due to a gradual increase in hormone levels.
  • Diarrhea with nausea and headache can be side effects from treatment with certain medications.
  • Diabetes mellitus - this condition can occur when the level of glucose in the blood is very low.

Other pathologies that provoke the development of vertigo include ear injuries, neuritis and encephalitis. These diseases can cause high fever.

Dizziness, nausea and darkening of the eyes often occur in people who suffer from hypotension with a sudden change in body position.

How to normalize the condition at home

Sometimes it is difficult to find out the reason why such a condition arose. But if a person knows about chronic disease that occurs with such symptoms, you can slightly normalize your state of health at home before going to the hospital.

If nausea and vomiting are accompanied by dizziness and diarrhea, then this is a sure sign of intoxication of the body.
In this case, you can rinse the stomach and intestines, and then take any sorbent preparations. If you rise heat, it is permissible to take one dose of paracetamol, after which you still need to consult a doctor.

The number one task in any poisoning is to prevent dehydration. To do this, the patient is often given water, compote or rice water in small portions.

Help with hypotension

When a person suffering from low blood pressure becomes dizzy and nauseous, it is necessary not to do sudden movements. When getting out of bed, first lower your legs to the floor, then make several movements with your arms, and only then carefully stand up. Such actions are usually enough to prevent unpleasant attacks.

Help with diabetes

If there is an attack of glycemia, due to sharp decline blood glucose level, then the first priority is to increase this indicator. To do this, you can eat a small piece of candy, drink a glass of juice, or eat a piece of regular bread. When this condition occurs too often, you need to see an endocrinologist to find out the cause.

Help with osteochondrosis

With this disease, cerebral circulation is impaired, as a result of which the delivery of oxygen to brain cells is impaired. As first aid, we can recommend ventilating the room and taking a short walk in the fresh air. If your health allows, you can do some light physical exercise.

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61 years old

Help with migraines

If nausea and dizziness are accompanied by a local headache, then it is most likely a migraine. A neurologist should treat this disease, but not all people immediately run to the hospital with such a problem. To reduce discomfort, you can take a hot shower, drink hot tea and lie down with your eyes closed. dark room. Sometimes this is enough to relieve an attack. If the pain is completely unbearable, you can take painkillers.

Very often, a migraine attack is significantly weakened or goes away after an attack of vomiting.

Help during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women often experience nausea and dizziness, especially during early stages. This is due to the restructuring of the entire body and a gradual increase in the level of hormones in the blood. You can stabilize your condition by eating small portions and very often. It is advisable to eat your first light breakfast in bed.

A pregnant woman must be protected from harsh and unpleasant odors, both natural and artificial origin. The atmosphere in the house should be calm and friendly.

You can relieve attacks of toxicosis with the help of a lemon slice, which is dissolved along with the peel, or a cup mint tea. At the pharmacy you can find mint tablets that will relieve nausea.

Help for other diseases

If a person has epilepsy or has had a head injury, then you should not self-medicate at home, just as you should not waste time by delaying going to the hospital. This approach can significantly worsen your health and prolong recovery for many months.

You should not delay the examination if you have severe headaches that are accompanied by nausea. This may be a sign of a tumor process and only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis based on a series of examinations, which necessarily include tomography.

If dizziness and nausea are side effects from treatment with certain medications, then first of all the medications are canceled, and then they consult a doctor for treatment adjustments. Most often, it is enough to simply change the medicine and the patient’s condition quickly returns to normal.

What to do if you suddenly feel dizzy

There are situations when a person suddenly stood up or turned around, and everything swam before his eyes. This may result in loss of coordination or fainting. To protect yourself from injury, you need to know what to do in this case. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. You need to sit or lie down comfortably and concentrate on a large, stationary object.
  2. Under top part Place pillows on your torso so that it rises relative to your legs by about 30 degrees. In this case, the head and shoulders should be in the same plane.
  3. Open the window or doors so that the room is well ventilated, the flow of fresh air improves blood circulation and the unpleasant attack is stopped.
  4. A cotton napkin soaked in cold water is placed on the forehead.
  5. Measure arterial pressure, at high rates If you take medicine to lower your blood pressure, you can take papazole. If your blood pressure is low, you can drink hot tea, eat a piece of chocolate, or take a hot shower.

In case of attacks of hypotension, tincture of Eleutherococcus helps well. It is enough to drink 10-20 drops and the condition will return to normal after a few minutes.

Dizziness and nausea from the sun

IN summer period Nausea and dizziness may result from prolonged exposure to the sun or a hot room. To prevent deterioration in health, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Go outside in sunny weather only in a cotton hat.
  • Provide good drinking regime both adults and children.
  • In the summer, do not wear constrictive ties, belts and other attributes that can put pressure on blood vessels.

At any time of the year, you should often take a contrast shower; this procedure improves blood supply to organs and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Help with motion sickness

At long journeys Any type of transport often causes motion sickness not only for children, but also for adults. This indicates a weak vestibular apparatus. This phenomenon does not require specific treatment and goes away on its own as soon as external irritants are removed.

People who suffer seasickness, already know how to improve their condition and tolerate long trip. The following methods are used:

  • A person in transport lies down and rides in a lying or semi-lying state.
  • Always sucks on citrus or mint caramels.
  • There is a slice of lemon behind the cheek.
  • Medications are used; it is better to choose these medications together with your doctor; some have a number of contraindications.
  • Validol tablets help well, but you need to remember that you cannot dissolve more than 6 tablets per day.

If the vestibular apparatus is weak, it must be gradually trained. For this purpose, cycling, rollerblading, swinging or jumping on a trampoline are suitable. All these actions will not only provide great entertainment and lift your spirits, but will also help you cope with nausea in transport.