Rules for transporting animals by land. Rules for transporting animals on different types of transport Rules for transporting animals on a city bus

If there is a need to transport a pet on public transport, the rules for transporting dogs indicate that animals can be transported in a special container, only on a leash and muzzle, and only on the back platform. Travel for large breed dogs is paid according to the established tariff. Rules for transporting dogs on trains and trains are carried out in accordance with all regulated rules for transporting animals. Before you plan your pet's travel on trains, planes, especially when traveling abroad, be sure to find out what documents and certificates you need to collect. Information can be obtained from a kennel club or veterinary clinic.

It is worth noting that rules for transporting dogs and other animals may vary depending on the country you plan to visit. Therefore, when booking an air ticket, be sure to find out this point so that before departure you do not have additional problems and avoid misunderstandings. Transportation conditions can be obtained from the company that handles moving documents.

The veterinary passport must contain all vaccination marks and the form “No. 1-vet.” (veterinary certificate), which must be received no earlier than three days before the trip. A stamp is placed at the airport before departure. On trains, dogs can be transported in any carriage, however, to transport large breeds, you need to buy all compartments or SVs. Dogs are transported muzzled and on a leash. Payment for travel for a dog is carried out as per one piece or per 20 kg of luggage weight. Small dogs are transported in containers, special bags or carriers for transporting animals. If you are planning a short train trip, no more than two dogs, accompanied by a passenger, are allowed in the non-working vestibule of the first car behind the locomotive. Only guide dogs have the right to free travel on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Your dog must be transported on public transport on a leash and muzzled in the back area. To transport small dogs, you need to purchase a box carrier or hold the dog in your arms during the trip. Owners of large breed dogs will be required to pay the full fare and purchase a ticket from the driver. For group trips on the bus, each dog owner is entitled to two seats. For dogs of large breeds, it is necessary to have space, and the animal must be limited in space, always under the control of an accompanying person, and be on a leash. In addition, you should not leave your pet uncontrolled at bus stops.

If you and your pet have to travel on public transport, prepare for it in advance.

Find out the rules of transportation

As a rule, large dogs wearing muzzles and collars with a short leash can be transported in the subway, as well as on the back deck of buses, trolleybuses and trams. Small children are transported in carriers. However, rules may vary from city to city, so look for information that is specific to your locality. Here's what you need to figure out and maybe print out:

  • Are all dogs allowed or only guide dogs?
  • Is there a fee for transporting a dog? If so, which one?
  • Do I need a certificate from a veterinary institution?
  • Are there size restrictions?

Follow the rules

If the rules allow you to travel on public transport with your dog, take care not to inconvenience your fellow travelers.

  • If your pet travels in a carrier, place it under the seat or on your lap. Do not place the carrier in the aisle or against the door.
  • If the dog is not traveling in a carrier, transport it on a short leash. If the rules require a muzzle, wear one, even if you are 100% sure that your animal is not aggressive.
  • Do not allow your dog to jump on the seats.
  • Raise a dog. Teach her to stop barking and growling on your command.

Take care of your pet

  • Make sure the collar and muzzle are the right size and do not cause discomfort to your dog. If you use a carrier, it should also be the right size.
  • Start with short trips. It takes time for the dog to get used to transport.
  • Take it with you to reward your dog for good behavior.
  • Bring a silent toy or other favorite item that will calm your dog.
  • Try to sit or stand in an area where there are as few people walking as possible.
  • After the trip, allow the animal to rest in a quiet place.

Don’t be nervous and don’t get into conflicts with other passengers, then your trip will be easy and enjoyable not only for you, but also for your four-legged friend.

The bus is a budget and convenient means of transportation, both short and long distances. Do you want to go on a trip with your beloved pet and admire the beautiful views from the window? Why not! To make traveling on a bus in the company of your faithful companion as carefree as possible, you need to provide him with comfortable conditions.

Rules for transporting animals by bus

A mandatory requirement when transporting animals by bus is the availability of permitting veterinary documents, namely:

  • , which is filled out by a veterinarian at an animal clinic;
  • issued by the Pet Disease Control Service.

These papers are an unconditional pass for your pet into the vehicle interior. They contain complete information about the availability of necessary vaccinations and give a general assessment of the health of the animal at the time of travel.

Large dogs are allowed to be transported in the back seats of buses so that the pets do not disturb others or frighten children. In this case, the dog must be wearing a muzzle and collar with a leash attached. The cost of transporting a pet must be clarified either with the bus company, or with cashiers or vehicle drivers.

Additionally, it is worth asking about innovations in the general rules for transporting large animals from carrier companies. In some cases, their representatives must give permission to transport our little brothers upon prior application.

Small breeds of dogs, cats and birds are carried free of charge. Such pets are located in containers installed under the front seat, or are transported in the arms of their owners.

How to accustom your pet to long stays in noisy vehicles?

Many pet owners are interested in the question of at what period it is better to accustom an animal to transportation, so that the pet does not get scared and gradually gets used to traveling.

Experienced dog and cat breeders recommend starting such training when the animal is four to five months old. In order for the animal to lose its fear of public transport, it is worth walking with it more often near busy roads and highways. The pet must get used to the noise made by cars and buses.

Once your furry pet gets used to the noise and large crowds of people at public stops, you can take him on a “test” ride. To do this, equip your tailed dog with a collar, leash and muzzle.

It is worth remembering that the main task for the owner of an animal is to preserve the social peace of those around him. When making a transfer, a frightened pet should not cause concern to other passengers.

The small animal can be placed in a special carrier with a ventilation grill for regular air flow inside the bag. Let the fluffy stick his muzzle out of the container, explore the area, get used to the view from the window and those around him. Cowardly kids can put on a diaper before going on an exciting trip. It is better for cats to cut their claws in advance or wear special protective caps.

The pet must be accustomed to all conditions during the transfer, sometimes not particularly comfortable. After all, the future tailed traveler needs to learn self-control, be patient and calm. Therefore, make similar trips every day, gradually increasing the number of stops you pass.

Additionally, you can use game elements in training, for example, systematically encouraging your furry friend or giving him a tasty reward at the end of the trip.

After some time of such “training”, your four-legged friend will be able to completely get used to being on public transport.

To protect your pet from possible injuries and damage during sudden braking, during your stay on the bus, keep it so that it is located slightly behind you.

We make a list of necessary things for the trip

Initially, you should think about the well-being of your furry friend, so before making a trip, you need to undergo a veterinary examination. This measure is especially necessary during cold periods, since the animal may have a weakened immune system and prolonged hypothermia will harm its health.

On the road, it is worth packing a veterinary kit that will contain.

  • Nutrition

For the upcoming trip, you need to stock up on dry food and fresh drinking water. For ease of use, purchase an automatic drinker or a bottle with a dispenser. Additionally, pack wet wipes and disposable tissues in your hand luggage. Before departure, try not to overfeed your pet, otherwise it may become seasick on a stuffy bus.

To distract your pet during the transfer period, take his favorite toy with you. You can also install special applications on your tablet that will allow your furry to chase virtual prey, while away a total of two to three hours through the activity.

  • Hygiene products

If you have a long trip ahead, it is better to buy the seat next to you and lay a homemade bedding on it so that you can rest peacefully along the way. Also, during long journeys, special veterinary diapers will be useful, which will allow the owner of the long-eared traveler to relax and not think about the upcoming organization of the toilet.

Pre-prepared permitting documents and compliance with the rules for transporting animals by bus are the key to a successful and comfortable trip for both the pet and its owner!

Happy travels to you and your tailed companion!

Different modes of transport have their own rules for transporting animals. Animal passage is governed by certain rules that the owner must follow. We have collected for you rules for all types of transport: ground, metro, personal car and airplane. Do not neglect them, so that later you will not have problems with the passage of animals in transport!

I. Rules for transporting dogs on city public transport

In ground transportation, you can transport your dog in the rear area. A large dog must be muzzled, collared and on a leash. A small dog can be transported in a special container. Travel for a large dog must be paid as baggage. If you are transporting a small animal in a transportation container that does not exceed the required dimensions of hand luggage (the sum of three dimensions (height, length, width) is no more than 120 cm), then you can transport it for free.

Excerpt from the resolution:

to the resolution of the Moscow Government
Rules for using public ground transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) in the city of Moscow

6.3. The passenger has the right:
6.3.1. Carry with you free of charge: Animals and birds - in a cage not exceeding the size of hand luggage.
6.3.4. Carry pets under conditions that prevent disturbance to passengers (dogs must be muzzled and on a short leash).

Advice: do not place the box with the animal on the floor, as it may be unpleasant for him there due to noise and vibration, which are stronger on the floor. There may also be drafts on the floor.

How it really is:
Of course, not everyone follows the rules for transporting animals in land transport. In most cases, it all depends on the driver and passengers. Often, owners do not put muzzles on their dogs because their pets are not accustomed to them, since there is no particular need for this (the dog is a peace-loving dog, for example). Or it’s too hot outside and it’s hard for the dog to breathe in a muzzle. And some drivers may simply not be allowed into the salon without explaining the reason.

On commuter trains, things are as follows: separate tickets for dogs are sold at the ticket office, with a fixed price, regardless of which station you are going to.
Of course, just like many people travel as a “hare,” they also try to transport dogs for free. It's up to you to decide.

II. Subway rules

But in the metro, the transportation of animals is allowed only in a transportation container. Transporting a dog on the subway in any other way (just on a leash and muzzle, for example) is prohibited by the rules for using the subway.

Excerpt from the resolution:

Appendix to the resolution of the Moscow Government
Rules for using the Moscow metro

2.10. It is prohibited to carry in the metro (to be with it in the lobby of stations):
2.10.5. Animals and birds outside of cages or special containers (bags).

How it really is:
And here it all depends on the case - they may miss it, or they may not. For example, at metro stations where dog shows are held, dogs are most often allowed in. At other stations they have every right not to let you and your pet in.

Recommendations: if you still plan to take your dog on the subway, put it in a box if it is small. If the dog is large, be sure to lead it on a leash with a collar. Beware of escalators! If possible, use the stairs. If not, be sure to take the animal in your arms on the escalator! Unfortunately, there are scary cases where a dog gets its paws stuck on an escalator and other similar situations.

III. Long distance trains

To travel on long-distance trains, you will have to collect certificates for your pet.

Small dogs or puppies are allowed to be carried with you, but only in special containers. Payment for transportation of dogs is carried out for one piece or 20 kg of luggage. Carriage of dogs whose weight exceeds 20 kg. paid according to their actual weight. Dogs are transported either in a container with an accompanying person traveling in the same carriage, or in a non-working vestibule of the first carriage behind the locomotive (no more than two dogs). It is also possible to transport dogs in a separate compartment (although no more than two dogs), but only except in luxury carriages. When transporting dogs in a compartment, the owner pays for the entire compartment. Care and feeding are carried out by the owner or accompanying person.
Only guide dogs are allowed to be carried free of charge in carriages of any category in Russia.

From the “Rules of Passenger Transportation”:
“Transportation of small pets, dogs and birds on trains of all categories is allowed in excess of the established carry-on baggage allowance in all carriages, except for carriages with double compartments (SV) and luxury carriages. In this case, it is necessary to have a veterinary certificate and payment for transportation. Animals are transported in boxes, baskets, cages, containers, which must be placed in hand luggage areas. During transportation, owners or accompanying persons must observe sanitary and hygienic conditions.”

1) Conditions for transporting animals in traffic with Western European countries (except Finland).
It is allowed to transport small pets (cats, birds) as hand luggage if they are transported in special vehicles (boxes).
Dogs are allowed in any class, i.e. in class I and II (but no more than 2 dogs per compartment). The passenger must pay the cost of a ticket and reserved seat according to the number of seats in the compartment, and also, in addition, for transporting a dog, half the cost of a ticket for travel in a second class carriage.
2) It is prohibited to transport dogs when traveling to Norway, Sweden, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia or in transit through these countries.
3) Dogs of aggressive breeds are prohibited from being transported to Germany or in transit through Germany.
Dogs are allowed to be transported only in direct carriages.
4) Conditions for transporting animals in traffic with China, Mongolia, Korea and Vietnam.
The passenger has the right to transport small pets with him, unless prohibited by veterinary regulations. Animals (cats, birds, etc.) are transported as hand luggage at the rate of 20 kg. a piece.
Dogs are transported for a fee. Transportation of dogs is possible only in class II carriages and no more than 2 dogs per compartment. In this case, you need to pay the cost of a ticket and reserved seat according to the number of seats in the compartment, as well as additionally for transporting a dog, half the cost of a ticket for travel in a second class carriage.
If the railway does not have the ability to provide a separate compartment for the transportation of animals, such transportation is not allowed.

IV. Traveling abroad in a personal car

What documents will you need:
1) veterinary passport
- information about all vaccinations (required with rabies)). Validity of the vaccination: no more than 12 months, but it must be done at least a month before the trip
- about deworming
- your full name
2) certificate of export of the animal
3) veterinary certificate form No. 1
4) certificate of microchipping.

V. Traveling abroad by plane

1. Documents that are presented to the veterinary service at the border, as well as to customs officers:

Veterinary officials in the European Union only recognize microchips of ISO 11784 standards for dogs and cats and ISO 11785 for ferrets. In other countries, it can be replaced by the brand that is given to purebred animals in clubs;
An incorrectly issued veterinary passport or vaccination with uncertified vaccines is grounds for refusal at the airport to issue permission for the temporary export of your pet abroad.

2) Veterinary certificate (form No. 1)
This form is required to pass vet. control at the border. It is exchanged for an international certificate. On the way back, you must submit this certificate when passing veterinary control and receive your certificate back.
You can obtain this form at the regional state veterinary station on the basis of a correctly executed veterinary passport.
You need to come there with an animal (in some it is possible without an animal, you need to clarify) and its veterinary passport 2-3 days before the trip. This veterinary certificate is valid for 3 days.

It is very important that the international certificate is correctly issued. Therefore, ask the veterinarians at the border veterinary control point to fill it out in English (for Germany in German).
In case of refusal, contact the Department of Veterinary Control at the State Border and Transport of the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture and Nature of Russia.
The procedure for exchanging Form No. 1 for an international veterinary certificate is usually lengthy, so you need to arrive at the airport in advance.

3) Permission for the temporary export of a dog abroad (Certificate of the absence of breeding value of the animal).
To do this, you need to visit one of the divisions of RKF or SCOR:
- for service dogs - TsKSS;
- for hunting breeds - the club of the All-Russian Council for Hunting Dog Breeding;
- for decorative and outbred dogs - the club of the Federation of Amateur Dog Breeding.
There you will receive a certificate on a special form stating that the animal does not have breeding value. The certificate indicates the breed, color and age of the dog, pedigree number, the estimated value of the dog, as well as the purpose of the trip.

2. Requirements for transporting dogs on an airplane.

1) Availability of a box for transportation.
According to the rules of air transportation, dogs must be transported in special containers in a specially equipped insulated luggage compartment, separated from the rest of the luggage by a partition.
Aviation box requirements:
- only one dog can be carried in one box;
- the height of the box should be 10 cm higher than the dog’s height above his head;
- the dog must be able to turn around freely, as well as lie down with its front legs extended;
- the box must be equipped with special openings for sufficient air access;
- there should be a drinking bowl with water inside the box;
- the dog placed in the box must be wearing a comfortable collar (DO NOT wear a noose or muzzle!). There should be a leash on the floor NOT attached to the dog's collar;
- all information about the dog must be attached to the box: nickname, name, address, owner’s phone number in English; as well as copies of veterinary certificate and insurance, if any.
2) Small dogs can be transported in the aircraft cabin in special boxes. But no more than 2 dogs per salon. The weight of the animal should not exceed 8 kg.
3) Carriage of a dog is paid as excess baggage weight, but is not deducted from the total weight of the group’s baggage. Those. you weigh your dog along with the container and pay the total weight at the airline ticket office immediately before boarding and one way.

Requirements may vary between airlines. Therefore, first of all, make a request to the airline you are flying with and act in accordance with the instructions you receive.
If you incorrectly filled out the documents for your pet, then the following sanctions apply: complete or temporary isolation of the animal, quarantine, fines, ban on the entry or exit of the animal.

It is recommended to arrive at the airport with your pet in advance, no later than 4-5 hours before departure.
On an airplane, it is not recommended to let the animal out of the box during the flight, because... his behavior can be unpredictable.

3. Preparing the dog for the flight.

There is no need to feed the dog before the flight, just give it a good drink and walk it.
It is recommended to place moisture-absorbing bedding or disposable diapers at the bottom of the box.
It makes sense to give your dog a sedative (consult your veterinarian).

When transporting an animal across the border, other additional documents may be required in different countries. You need to find out what rules for importing animals apply in the country you are going to. You can obtain information about this from the consulate of the relevant country.
Not all animals can be exported outside our homeland. “Not allowed to travel abroad” include: parrots, turtles, monkeys, pythons and others. To transport these animals, permission from the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection is required. It's difficult to get. You must prove that your animal was purchased legally or document the fact that your pet was born in Russia.
You will not be able to bring kittens and puppies under 4 months of age into the European Union. The fact is that vaccination is done no earlier than 2 months, and rabies vaccination is done 2-3 weeks after the first vaccination. And formally, you can export an animal only 30 days after all vaccinations. So that turns out to be 4 months.
If you cannot, or do not want, or are afraid of filling out all the necessary documents incorrectly, there is already an opportunity to contact a special agent who will do all this work for you, and you will be calm in the correct execution of all these papers.

4. What you may encounter when traveling by air.

Some airlines may refuse to transport a dog that weighs more than 40 kg. and will offer to use the CARGO system (transportation of an animal without the participation of an accompanying person);
- it makes sense to insure the animal in order to receive compensation in the event of its death;
- pay attention to the requirements for the air box; for example, some airlines allow only their own boxes for flights. Find out about this in advance;
- the air box should be of a comfortable size (the dog should be able to sit, lie down and turn around freely);
- the airbox must have a metal door and a spring lock. External handles on the box are desirable so that loaders do not put their fingers inside the box during transportation;
- reserve a seat in the luggage compartment for your pet and ask for a document confirming this reservation (not all airlines transport animals due to the lack of insulated luggage compartments);
- not all breeds are allowed to be transported by plane. Therefore, please indicate the breed in your booking confirmation. The air carrier may refuse to transport dogs of breeds with a short muzzle (bulmastiffs, bulldogs, etc.)
- do not forget to indicate the weight of the animal, otherwise there may not be appropriate equipment for loading it on board.

In conclusion, I would like to say that transporting your pet will be much smoother if you have previously accustomed it to public transport and to the container. They can help you with this

In May, citizens traditionally open the season of vacations and trips to their dachas. Muscovites often leave their apartments with their pets. How to properly transport pets on trains, trains and planes - read the material.

Transportation by train

Many people prefer to get to their dachas by commuter trains. Animals must be transported there in special bags, cages or boxes (depending on the type of pet), which are left in the carry-on luggage areas. Containers for transportation should not be more than 180 centimeters in length, height and width.

However, miniature animals can be transported on trains without boxes or muzzles; a leash and constant supervision are sufficient. Dogs of large breeds can thus only ride in the vestibule, where the owner must be with them. Only two large dogs are allowed in one carriage.

It is important to remember that it is prohibited to transport animals on the train that may threaten the life and health of passengers.

In ground transport, animals are allowed to be carried free of charge if their cage, in the sum of three dimensions, does not exceed the size of hand luggage - 120 centimeters.

Ticket for a parrot

If you are traveling out of town with a pet, you need to remember that he will also need a travel card. This does not depend on the type and size of the animal; even a parrot needs its own ticket, the price of which is equal to 25 percent of the cost of a full passenger ticket. Exceptions are made only for guide dogs. They travel for free, at the feet of their owner.

A reserved seat or a coupe?

Since 2015, pets have been allowed to be transported in second-class and seated carriages of long-distance trains within the country. Previously, only passengers in individual compartments could do this. It is prohibited to take pets into SV and luxury carriages.

It is allowed to transport dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, birds, turtles and fish in special containers. You cannot take large predators, reptiles or dangerous insects with you. Restrictions do not apply to guide dogs.

If you are traveling abroad by train, you must have your pet’s veterinary passport with vaccination stamps.

Tolls depend on the length of the route. The minimum tariff is 258.5 rubles. For transporting animals over a distance of up to 1,000 kilometers, you will have to pay 477 rubles, and up to 5,000 kilometers - 1,359.5 rubles. You can bring your pet in the compartment for free.

Yes to ferrets, no to pugs

There are more nuances when transporting animals by plane, and usually it all depends on the chosen airline. The vast majority of carriers only allow dogs, cats and birds on board. Aeroflot, however, allows you to travel with ferrets, but will not allow you to travel with a pug, Pekingese and other brachycephalic breeds of dogs (they are believed to be especially sensitive to temperature changes and stress).

You can transport pets on an airplane either in the cabin or in the luggage compartment. According to the rules, the weight of the container together with the animal should not exceed eight kilograms, while the sum of its three dimensions cannot exceed 115 centimeters (so it can be placed under the seat without any problems). The bottom of the carrier must be rigid and waterproof. Large pets usually travel in the luggage compartment.

Only guide dogs are carried free on airplanes. They always remain with the owner (provided that the animal is muzzled and tied at the passenger’s feet). Travel for other pets is paid as non-standard baggage. Specific prices depend on the route and airline policies.

To travel abroad with your pet, you need to prepare certain documents. You can find out about them at the embassy or consulate of the country you are traveling to.

By the way, since January 9, 2017, the transportation of dogs and cats across Russia by air and rail is allowed without accompanying veterinary documents. True, this only applies to traveling around the country for personal purposes. If an animal is transported due to a change of owner or for participation in an exhibition, a veterinary certificate must be issued.

Rules for transporting animals may vary from company to company. Please check directly with the carrier for current information.

Beware of ticks

There is one more detail that is worth remembering when going on vacation with your pet. In addition to the mandatory annual vaccination, you need to take care of protection against ticks. These insects are especially active from April to the end of July. Some of them are carriers of tick-borne borreliosis and piroplasmosis, which can lead to the death of the animal.

There are several ways to protect your four-legged friend from ticks. For example, give a special tablet or apply drops to the withers.