Conversational style briefly. Literary examples of texts in conversational style of speech. Conversational style of speech: short text examples

Conversational style 1, as one of the varieties of the literary language, serves the sphere of casual communication between people in everyday life, in the family, as well as the sphere of informal relations in production, in institutions, etc.

The main form of implementation of the conversational style is oral speech, although it can also manifest itself in written form (informal friendly letters, notes on everyday topics, diary entries, remarks from characters in plays, in certain genres of fiction and journalistic literature). In such cases, the features of the oral form of speech are recorded 2.

The main extralinguistic features that determine the formation of a conversational style are: ease (which is possible only in informal relations between speakers and in the absence of an attitude towards a message of an official nature), spontaneity and unpreparedness of communication. Both the sender of the speech and its recipient directly participate in the conversation, often changing roles; the relationships between them are established in the very act of speech. Such speech cannot be pre-thought out; the direct participation of the addresser and addressee determines its predominantly dialogical nature, although a monologue is also possible.

A monologue in a conversational style is a form of casual story about some events, something seen, read or heard and is addressed to a specific listener (listeners) with whom the speaker must establish contact. The listener naturally reacts to the story by expressing agreement, disagreement, surprise, indignation, etc., or by asking the speaker about something. Therefore, a monologue in spoken speech is not as clearly opposed to dialogue as in written speech.

A characteristic feature of colloquial speech is emotionality, expressiveness, and evaluative reaction. So, they wrote to the question! instead of No, they didn’t write, usually followed by emotionally expressive answers like Where did they write there! or Directly - they wrote it!; Where did they write!; That's what they wrote!; It's easy to say - they wrote it! and so on.

A major role in spoken language is played by the environment of verbal communication, the situation, as well as non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, the nature of the relationship between the interlocutors, etc.).

The extralinguistic features of the conversational style are associated with its most general linguistic features, such as standardity, stereotypical use of linguistic means, their incomplete structure at the syntactic, phonetic and morphological levels, intermittency and inconsistency of speech from a logical point of view, weakened syntactic connections between parts of the utterance or their lack of formality , sentence breaks with various kinds of insertions, repetitions of words and sentences, widespread use of linguistic means with a pronounced emotional-expressive coloring, activity of linguistic units with a specific meaning and passivity of units with an abstract-generalized meaning.

Colloquial speech has its own norms, which in many cases do not coincide with the norms of book speech recorded in dictionaries, reference books, and grammars (codified). The norms of colloquial speech, unlike books, are established by usage (custom) and are not consciously supported by anyone. However, native speakers sense them and perceive any unmotivated deviation from them as a mistake. This allowed researchers (O. B. Sirotinina, A. N. Vasilyeva, N. Yu. Shvedova, O. A. Lapteva, etc.) to claim that modern Russian colloquial speech is standardized, although the norms in it are quite peculiar. In colloquial speech, to express similar content in typical and recurring situations, ready-made constructions, stable phrases, and various kinds of speech cliches are created (formulas of greeting, farewell, appeal, apology, gratitude, etc.). These ready-made, standardized speech means are automatically reproduced and help strengthen the normative nature of colloquial speech, which is the distinctive feature of its norm. However, the spontaneity of verbal communication, the lack of preliminary thinking, the use of non-verbal means of communication and the specificity of the speech situation lead to a weakening of norms.

Thus, in a conversational style, stable speech standards coexist, reproduced in typical and repeated situations, and general literary speech phenomena that can be subject to various shifts. These two circumstances determine the specificity of the norms of conversational style: due to the use of standard speech means and techniques, the norms of conversational style, on the one hand, are characterized by a higher degree of binding compared to the norms of other styles, where synonymy and free maneuvering with a set of acceptable speech means are not excluded . On the other hand, general literary speech phenomena characteristic of the conversational style may, to a greater extent than in other styles, be subject to various shifts.

In the conversational style, compared to the scientific and official business style, the proportion of neutral vocabulary is significantly higher. A number of stylistically neutral words are used in figurative meanings specific to a given style. For example, the stylistically neutral verb cut off ('to separate something, a part of something') in a conversational style is used in the meaning of 'to answer sharply, wanting to stop the conversation' (Said - cut off and did not repeat it again), fly ('move, move around air with the help of wings') - meaning 'to break, deteriorate' (the internal combustion engine flew). See also: blame (‘shift the blame, responsibility onto someone’), throw (‘give, deliver’), put (‘appoint to a position’), remove (‘dismiss from a position’), etc.

Everyday vocabulary is widely used: greedy, bother, instantly, tiny, unaware, rightly so, slowly, train, potato, cup, salt shaker, broom, brush, plate, etc.

In the style under consideration, the use of words with a concrete meaning is widespread and limited with an abstract one; It is uncharacteristic to use terms and foreign words that have not yet become commonly used. Author's neologisms (occasionalisms) are active, polysemy and synonymy are developed, and situational synonymy is widespread. A characteristic feature of the lexical system of the colloquial style is the wealth of emotionally expressive vocabulary and phraseology (hard worker, parasite, old man, silly; fool, frizzy, cast a shadow on the fence, take by the throat, climb into the bottle, starve to death).

Phraseologisms in colloquial speech are often rethought, change form, the processes of contamination and comic renewal of the phraseme are active. A word with a phraseologically determined meaning can be used as an independent word, while retaining the meaning of the whole phraseological unit: don’t meddle - meddle - stick your nose into someone else’s business, slipped off - slip off the tongue. This expresses the law of economy of speech means and the principle of incomplete structure. A special type of colloquial phraseology consists of standard expressions, familiar formulas of speech etiquette such as How are you?; Good morning!; Be kind!; Thank you for attention; I apologize, etc.

The use of non-literary vocabulary (jargon, vulgarisms, rude and abusive words, etc.) is not a normative phenomenon of conversational style, but rather a violation of norms, just like the abuse of book vocabulary, which gives colloquial speech an artificial character.

Expressiveness and evaluativeness are also manifested in the field of word formation. Formations with suffixes of subjective assessment with the meaning of endearment, diminutive, disdain, (dis)approval, irony, etc. are very productive (daughter, daughter, daughter, hands, furious, enormous). The formation of words with the help of affixes is active, giving a colloquial or vernacular tone. This includes nouns with the suffixes ‑ak (‑yak): weakling, good-natured; -k-a: stove, wall; -sh-a: cashier, secretary; -an(-yan); old man, troublemaker; -un: braggart, talker; ‑ish: strong, baby; -l-a: imagined, bigwig; relative: running, hustle; adjectives with suffixes ush(-yush): enormous, thin; with the prefix pre-: very kind, most unpleasant; verbs of prefix-suffix formation: walk, walk, sentence, whisper; verbs ending in fashion: to fashion, to grimace, to wander, to carpenter; na (‑a)‑nut: push, scold, scare, mutter, gasp. Colloquial speech, to a greater extent than book speech, is characterized by the use of multi-prefix verb formations (re-elect, hold back, reflect, throw away). Prefix-reflexive verbs with vivid emotional-evaluative and figurative expression are used (to run up, to work out, to agree, to come up with ideas), and complicated prefix-reflexive formations (to dress up, to invent, to talk).

To enhance expression, doubling of words is used, sometimes with prefixation (big-big, white-white, quickly-fast, small-very-small, high-high). There is a tendency to shorten names, replacing non-word names with single-word ones (grade book - record book, ten-year school - ten-year school, naval school - sailor, surgical department - surgery, specialist in eye diseases - ophthalmologist, patient with schizophrenia - schizophrenic). Metonymic names are widely used (Today there will be a meeting of the trade union bureau - Today the trade union bureau; Dictionary of the Russian language compiled by S.I. Ozhegov - Ozhegov).


1. For this variety in linguistics there is no single terminological designation: colloquial, colloquial-everyday, colloquial-everyday style. The term “colloquial speech” is also used synonymously with it.

2. Conversational style should not be identified with the oral form of speech. Oral speech, as O. B. Sirotinina rightly notes, “is divided into spoken and non-spoken. Non-spoken oral speech, in turn, can be divided according to the principle of stylistic affiliation into scientific (scientific discussion, to some extent the teacher’s speech when explaining new material and the student’s speech during a detailed answer on any topic can be attributed to it), journalistic (public lecture, speech at a meeting), business (speech in a trial, business negotiations between a dispatcher and a pilot, driver, etc.), artistic (oral stories, anecdotes)” (Russian colloquial speech. M, 1983. P. 16 ). Non-spoken oral speech is characterized by the features of book styles with individual deviations from the norms of the latter due to the oral form.

T.P. Pleschenko, N.V. Fedotova, R.G. Taps. Stylistics and culture of speech - Mn., 2001.

The conversational style is appropriate in the sphere of everyday, everyday and professional informal relationships. The predominant form of speech is oral (conversation, conversation), but it is possible to use a conversational style in some genres of written speech - personal diaries, notes, private letters.

In texts of the colloquial style, to a greater extent than in texts of other styles, the function of communication, or communicative, is realized.

The main properties of conversational style texts include informality, ease, unpreparedness of communication, lack of preliminary selection of linguistic means, participation of gestures, facial expressions, dependence on the situation, characteristics and relationships of speakers, a lower degree of regulation compared to book styles.

Since spoken texts are predominantly oral, a special role is played by means of the phonetic level - intonation, pauses, rhythm, tempo of speech, logical stress. Unlike other genres that exist in oral form - a scientific report, a political speech, a lecture - conversational texts are characterized by incomplete, sometimes unclear pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words, and a fast pace of speech. The orthoepic, or pronunciation, norm of colloquial speech allows for options: Hello, Leksey Mikhalych (Hello, Alexey Mikhailovich), “agreement” with stress on the first syllable (in a scientific report, lecture, speech, such stress is undesirable).

The vocabulary of conversational style texts is characterized by the predominance of concrete words over abstract ones (table, chair, sleep, eat), the widespread use of words with emotional-evaluative (eagle, dog - about a person) and colloquial-colloquial (sleep, get into trouble) coloring, as well as metaphors (vinaigrette, porridge, okroshka - about confusion; jelly, noodles, slob - about a sluggish, spineless person) against the background of neutral vocabulary. Book, foreign language and terminological vocabulary is rarely used. A feature of conversational style texts are the so-called empty words, which can replace any other words (deed, thing, thing): “I drink without sugar, but with this thing (pie).” In everyday communication, it is possible to name objects in a special way: “Give me something to cover myself with (blanket, plaid, sheet). Speech occasionalisms are often used - words created in the process of speaking, and their meaning is clear without additional explanations (opener - can opener, squealers - high-heeled shoes). Synonyms are often used, including occasional ones, and it is permissible to expand the compatibility of words.

At the word-formation level, the emotionality and evaluativeness of colloquial style texts is realized with the help of subjective evaluation suffixes with the meaning of endearment, disapproval, magnification (cold, hot, belly, thin), repetitions of words (barely, big, very big). The tendency to save linguistic resources in colloquial style texts is manifested in the fact that a phrase can be replaced by one word (condensed milk - condensed milk, stew - stewed meat, minibus - minibus) and in the formation of new words by truncation (magician - tape recorder, teacher - teacher , video - video recorder, cash - cash, strain - tension).

At the level of morphology, the conversational style is characterized by the predominance of verbs over nouns, the frequent use of personal pronouns (I, we, you, etc.), particles (well, well, after all), the use of interjections as predicates (He jumped into the water), the use present tense in the meaning of the past (this is what happened: I was walking, I looked, and he was standing and hiding), the presence of special vocative forms (Sash! Zhen!), as well as unchangeable forms (the mood is so-so), the absence of participles, gerunds and short forms of adjectives . Only in colloquial texts is it permissible to simplify the declension of phrases (I don’t have one hundred and twenty-five rubles, ask Yegor Petrovich), use case endings with –у (to leave the house, to be on vacation; cf.: to leave the house, to be on vacation) , on – and in them. p.m. h. (agreements, sectors; cf.: agreements, sectors) and in gender. p.m. the number of zero endings in some words (orange, tomato, kilogram; cf.: oranges, tomatoes, kilograms), the use of comparative forms in – and with the prefix po- (stronger, faster, better, simpler; cf.: stronger, faster , better, simpler).

In the syntax of spoken texts, as well as at the phonetic, word-formation, lexical and morphological levels, general properties are realized - expressiveness, evaluativeness, the desire to save language resources, and lack of preparedness. This is manifested in the private use of incomplete sentences (I’m going to the store; Do you want coffee or tea?), impersonal 9It’s hot today), interrogative sentences (When will you be back?), incentive sentences (Come on quickly!), free word order (How to get to the Central Market?), in special predicates (And she’s dancing again; he’s sitting reading; he doesn’t know), omission in the main part of a complex sentence of a correlative word (Put it where you got it; cf.: Put it where you got it from), in the use of introductory, inserted constructions (I , I probably won’t come; Zoya will come (she’s my cousin)), interjections (Wow!). According to scientists, non-conjunctive and complex sentences predominate in colloquial texts over complex sentences (complex sentences in colloquial texts account for 10%, in texts of other styles - 30%). But the most common are simple sentences, the length of which on average ranges from 5 to 9 words.

Example of conversational style text:

My dear darling Anechka, I received your sweet letter, and I was very sad to read how the kids cried when I left. Dear little darlings! Tell them right now that dad remembers them, kisses them and calls them to St. Petersburg. I hug and kiss continuously and bless you. I, Anya, am still unwell, my nerves are very irritated, and my head is like a fog, everything seems to be spinning. Never before, even after the most severe seizures, has such a state happened to me. Very hard. It’s like sleep and drowsiness, and they still can’t wake me up. I should take at least a couple of weeks' rest from work and incessant worries - that's what. (Dostoevsky F.M. Complete collected works: In 30 volumes. T.29. Book 1.M., 1986, P.2-9).

The conversational style text is presented in this case in written form, although the most common is the oral form. The general properties of the text include informality, ease (the author and addressee of the letter are close people), and the lack of careful selection of linguistic means.

The text of the letter mainly uses neutral vocabulary, although there are also colloquial words (dad, at least, it’s necessary). The emotional character of the text is given by words with evaluative suffixes (darling, darlings, Anechka, week); verbs conveying the author’s state (remembers, kisses, blesses); figurative means of language, for example comparisons (in the head it’s like fog, like a dream and drowsiness); expressive addresses (my dear darling Anechka, dear darlings); personal pronouns (I, them, with me, me), particles (same, even, at least, would). The syntax of the text is characterized by various types of sentences, free word order (you should rest for at least two weeks), and frequent use of homogeneous members. There are extremely short sentences (Very hard); There are even unfinished ones (... that's what). The composition of the text is free, factual information, description and narration, thematic means of communication, and emotional means of influencing the addressee predominate. The type of reaction of the addressee to the text is an emotion, an action (for example, a response letter).

Informal communication in an informal setting is the most common description of this functional style. Examples of conversational style texts contain colloquial vocabulary, and the information in them is presented mainly on everyday issues.

The oral version of the style is used in everyday speech. That is why writing is often implemented in dialogues.

This article gives the corresponding definition, talks about the features, and also examines examples of texts in a colloquial style of speech.


The style in which each of us expresses our thoughts, emotions and feelings is conversational. It is characterized by the absence of language selection. This is due to the fact that most people “speak first and think later.”

At the same time, the conversational style always contains shades of the speaker’s personality - it allows for slang, jargon, and other things that are not inherent in such strict styles as business or scientific.

Example speech, small text:

Have you tried it? - I glanced at the cheese. - Dad said it was delicious.
- Of course, it’s delicious, since he devoured it yesterday on both cheeks!
“But now you don’t act like you’re having lunch for the last time,” I laughed.

It clearly highlights slang expressions that are not applicable anywhere else than in everyday dialogue.

It should be taken into account that the conversational style is largely influenced by extra-linguistic factors: facial expressions and gestures, as well as the surrounding environment, etc. are of significant importance.

Signs of conversational style:

  • simplicity;
  • specifics;
  • saturation with emotions, sometimes excessively, expression;
  • imagery.

Examples of conversational style texts can be obtained by simply recording an everyday conversation, for example, between neighbors or a buyer and seller in a bakery.

The influence of a relaxed communication environment

The more relaxed the atmosphere, the greater the freedom of speech. She becomes more emotional, and colloquial expressions are widely used.

Simplification of word forms, loss of vowels, doubling of words, and the use of suffixes of subjective evaluation are not uncommon for this style - the first two signs are especially intensified when the rate of speech accelerates.

A. P. Chekhov, "Revenge"

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov illustrates well the features of the style under consideration in his work “Revenge” - this is a clear example of a conversational style of speech. A small text of a monologue can already say a lot on this topic.

The character in the story begins to speak expressively: “Open it, damn it!” Please note that no other style allows swearing. His next sentence is no less revealing: “How long will I have to freeze in this through wind?” Its construction is abrupt, the manner of conveying information is simple and unpretentious. This is a conversational style of speech. It was not for nothing that examples of texts from literature began with Chekhov’s “Revenge”.

Features of conversational style

“Revenge” also shows the characteristic features of a conversational style:

  • preference for interrogative and exclamatory sentences over declarative ones;
  • use of interjections;
  • personal pronouns and verbs are reduced to the first or second person form.

Letter from A. S. Pushkin to his wife

The letter that Alexander Sergeevich wrote on August 3, 1834 to his wife, Natalya, is also a short text of a colloquial style of speech (examples are divided into sentences for consideration in greater detail).

The famous poet begins it with these words: “Shame on you, wife.” This appeal is obvious and is used in everyday life. Sentences: “What kind of desire is there to drag yourself to a nasty provincial town to see bad actors playing a bad old opera badly?” and: “I asked you not to drive around Kaluga, yes, apparently, you have such a nature,” - contain all the elements of a conversational style of speech, such as:

  • evaluative derivational suffixes (gorodishko);
  • inversion of word order in sentences;
  • the use of a plural form for a word that, in fact, according to the rules of the Russian language, does not contain it (Kaluga - according to Kaluga);
  • most verbs are used in the present tense.

Lexical means

The conversational style of speech (short text examples will be discussed later in the article) uses the following lexical means:

  • phraseological units;
  • diminutive suffixes;
  • expressive-emotional coloring of vocabulary;
  • words-contractions and truncations;
  • suffixes of subjective evaluation.

Standard designs and typed forms

In everyday life, spontaneous, unprepared speech prevails - people are used to expressing themselves without caring about word forms and without thinking about them. Therefore, it is not uncommon, and even frequent, to hear standard constructions, certain stereotypes for each specific daily situation. If we consider a short text of a colloquial style of speech, examples from the store will be as follows: “Three hundred grams of cookies... Weigh it by ten. Please give me a package of butter.” From public transport: “Are you getting off at the next one? I need to go to the Airships stop, where should I get off? Will you take me to Tractors?”

Forms of etiquette are also required. After all, if the speech is unprepared and less formal, this does not mean that it is rude and extremely impolite.

“Hello, good afternoon, how are you, what’s new,” these are still well-established constructions that do not lose relevance in conversations. An example of a conversational style of speech - a small text-dialogue between comrades who have just met - will contain these expressions in 99% of cases.


For the same reason of spontaneity described in the previous paragraph, speech acquires individuality and originality. Thus, even there are countless stereotypical forms and designs, and at different times one or another comes into fashion in certain circles or, on the contrary, goes out of it, becomes obsolete, and then, however, sometimes returns. But the informal communication setting does not set formal boundaries - people can use or not use familiar and established expressions as they choose. Untyped means are what convey the nature of the speaker’s speech.

"Dragon Chronicles"

Julia Galanina in her “Chronicles of Dragons” boasts a unique atmosphere, because she used a conversational style not only in the dialogues, but throughout the book. Here are short examples of texts:

“And as always, I need more than everyone else. Besides me, not a single fool climbed the fence.”
“And dragons are dangerous things. And harmful, and nasty, and frankly selfish, and also a dragon!”


The linguistic means that are used at the phonetic level of the language in a conversational style include two main features:

  • Simplification, truncation, compression, that is, an incomplete type of pronunciation. This is not a necessary property that a conversational style of speech can have. Examples of texts (5th grade, by the way, in some regions study this book as part of the school curriculum) - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" and other parts of this series. The vernacular trait is clearly expressed in the character Hagrid. Quote from "...Prisoner of Azkaban": "First of all, this morning... he resigned from his position. I can’t, I say, risk it if... well, this happens again." Unfortunately, Russian translators did not fully convey all the simplified word forms; this is more evident in the original text, but even in this quote one can already distinguish “grit,” which means “says.”
  • Intonation is a purely individual feature that emotionally colors any, even stereotypical, construction. An example of a conversational style of speech is a short text from the story “A Hypothetical Case” by the author O’Henry: “Will you be Mr. Phineas K. Gooch?” said the visitor, and the tone of his voice and intonation contained at once a question, a statement and a condemnation.

Vocabulary and phraseology

Linguistic means related to the lexical and phraseological level:

  • The percentage of speech is clearly dominated by neutral, specific, commonly used vocabulary, also called interstyle. It is the basis of the language. Neutral vocabulary and therefore has no emotional and/or expressive overtones. This makes it a universal option for use in any style: both colloquial speech and business, scientific, journalistic. Examples of texts of a colloquial style of speech in which there is neutral vocabulary (essentially, the author’s language of literary texts, except, perhaps, fairy tales and similar genres, for the most part only contains interstyle words) are “Chameleon” by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and “Teddy "Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov.
  • Neutral colloquial vocabulary. It includes words like “doctor’s wife”, “understand” and others.
  • Terminology: socio-political and general scientific, nomenclature.
  • Emotional-evaluative colloquial vocabulary. It can carry a negative or positive assessment. All words from it are divided into three groups, of which: 1) the assessment is included in the very meaning of the word; 2) in a figurative sense; 3) the word contains subjective evaluative suffixes. The epithet “expressive” is also applicable to this vocabulary.
  • Standardized figurative means. These include metaphors, phraseological units, hyperboles and litotes. “We drink from the cup of existence with our eyes closed” (M. Yu. Lermontov). This is an artistic metaphor, while colloquial ones have a shade of the same vernacular. An example of a colloquial style of speech, text-dialogue: “- What is he? - And he, as usual, says, let’s break through! - Who else would I worry about, but this one will really break through. - Otherwise! He’s as cunning as a fox! He’ll fool anyone !"
  • Professionalisms and jargons. It is worth considering that each example of a piece of spoken language in fact often contains most of the devices given here: it cannot illustrate only one property. Thus, the above dialogue, in addition to the metaphor “cunning as a fox,” also has the jargon “will deceive.”


  • The nominative case is most common.
  • Personal and demonstrative pronouns predominate, as well as adverbs and particles.
  • The participle is rarely used, the gerund is almost never used.
  • The boundaries of temporary forms are blurred. This means that they are freely changed and used for purposes other than their intended meaning.
  • There are verbal interjections.

An example of a conversational style is a small dialogue text that illustratively illustrates the morphological linguistic level of the topic under consideration:

“He went there,” Petya waved his hand.
- Where is this - there? - I asked him.
- Well, there’s a store there. Products. Mom asked me to be stingy, so I decided to run away quickly.
“That’s how the skunk ran away?” “That’s exactly what happened.”


  • In conversational style, simple sentences are more often used than compound or complex sentences. Their construction is characterized by a certain “stringing” on top of each other, the specificity of the transmitted information.
  • Often found, in particular, they lack the main members.
  • The structure is nonlinear, sometimes fragmentary. Interruptions in intonation and phrases rearranged on the fly are the consequences of spontaneity of speech. The conversational style fully allows for the active use of connecting structures, expressed in introductory words and all kinds of particles.
  • Interjective phrases as one of the ways to express thoughts in a conversational style.
  • Free word order - in this case, the important is usually expressed first (however, this is not a prerequisite).

Literary and colloquial speech

Conversational speech in its primordial manifestation is oral. In works of art, it requires special means of imitation. The author himself may write in a speech close to conversational, but more often he uses it in conversations between characters. Thus, each hero acquires individuality.

A short text of a colloquial style of speech (examples from Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog”): “It’s an obscene apartment. But how good it is. Why the hell does he need me? Will he really let me live? What an eccentric. But he’d only blink an eye, he’d be like that.” Got a dog, what a gasp."

We have fully considered the colloquial style of speech and examples of texts. The 5th grade of the school curriculum involves the study of functional styles of speech, but conversational is the style that is encountered constantly, every day, both in works of art and in the environment (primarily in it).

In order to display the colloquial style of speech, examples of texts from literature have already been given above. Simply demonstrative sentences were placed equally with them.

Newspaper style

Where else can we use a conversational style of speech? Examples of texts from newspapers are a much more controversial issue. In journalism there are indeed features characteristic of him. Newspapers from the “closer to the people” series are completely dotted with stereotypical phrases from everyday life. But still, the newspaper style can only be called conversational to the fullest extent. If the conversational style of speech is considered, short examples of texts are often taken from works of fiction.


Can you imagine... I was walking home in the evening and suddenly I was met by a huge dog.

Yeah. Dark. There's not a soul on the street, and she's flying straight at me.

Well, you probably ran away as fast as you could out of fear.

Vice versa. I stood up and stood like a pillar. I'm afraid to move.

Got it?

Not really. The cat jumped into the entrance, and the owner called the dog away.

The conversational style is widely used in fiction to figuratively depict certain events, as well as to characterize the characters’ speech:

... Fyodor pulled out a canvas on a stretcher, a box...

Savva Ilyich raised his head:

Fedyushka, what are you doing?

Sleep, sleep, Ilyich.

Where there. I sleep like a bird of God. What are you doing?

I want to prime the canvas.

It seems like it’s not working time – it’s night?

Needed by morning.

You're a careless guy, I see. Needed by morning, not ready.

Savva Ilyich began to rise.

Go to sleep!

I’ll help... You’re careless, you’re upsetting me. You don't take things seriously.

(V. Tendryakov)

Scientific style is a type of book style of literary language. It is used in oral and written speech.

The main function of the scientific style is the evidential presentation of scientific information. The scientific style is distinguished by preliminary consideration of the statement and strict selection of linguistic means. Scientific speech is a monologue speech.

1. Lexical level:

Highly specialized terminology (special terms of this science): processor, deviant behavior, vocabulary, integral, etc.

General scientific vocabulary (terms used in different fields of science: factor, goal, experiment, etc.

Abstract nouns (not terms): opportunity, circumstances, interest, etc.

2. Morphological level:

Imperfective verbs in the present tense (answer the questions: what are we doing? What are you doing? What is it doing? What are they doing?): play, solve, use, explain, etc.

Verbs in the passive form (with the postfix -sya): used, complicated, considered, etc.

Verbal nouns (words answer the questions: who? What? and are formed from verbs): expansion, complication, description, etc.

Participles (words answer the question what? and name the attribute of an object according to the action being performed): located, solved, considered, speaking, etc.

Participles (words answer the questions: what by doing? What by having done? and denote an additional action): studying, reducing, characterizing, doing, etc.

3. Syntactic level:

Author's “we” (personal construction: we + verb in personal form, author (about himself) + verb in personal form; impersonal construction, passive construction): Next we will present the classification of costs; The author has been dealing with this problem for a long time.(personal forms); Based on the above, we can draw the following conclusion(impersonal form); The following assumptions are made during the analysis:(passive form).

Complex sentences with the conjunction word which (in such a construction there are at least two stems (subject + predicate): Cost items that we cannot account for separately will be reflected in the item “other costs”(there are two bases in this sentence: articles will be reflected, we cannot take into account);

Participle and participle phrases (participles and participles with dependent words): costs associated with the operation of the unit; the level can be determined by assessing possible costs.

Homogeneous members of a sentence (words answer the same question and are one member of a sentence): The intonation of enumeration, explanation and contrast forms speech into textual unity.

Chains of words in the form of the genitive case (nouns are connected by questions of the genitive case: whom? what?): This paper examines the problems of proof(r.p.) guilt(r.p.) suspected pollutant(r.p.) establishing(r.p.) causation(r.p.) between environmental impact factor and damage.

Introductory words and phrases (words that are not grammatically related to other parts of the sentence): firstly, thus, of course, fortunately, unfortunately, etc.

Signs of a conversational style of speech: the presence of address, common colloquial words and jargon, the use of incomplete sentences, phraseological units, dialectisms, particles, repetitions, inconsistent phrases:

Kostya! How can?! Again the backpack is on the floor in the middle of the corridor!

Yesterday I bought myself a new mouse, a new keyboard, but I didn’t like the “webs” in the shopping center. There's something strange there... I'll look at it in another store this week. In the meantime, I’ll “get by” without a camera.

Apparently, the neighbor drank away his salary again. Look, the neighbor has been nagging him since yesterday.

And where did our Maxim go?

Ira! Ira! Wait for us on the corner, we'll be there in a minute! Yes, soon, soon, wait!

He said that we would all go to the cinema together on Saturday, but now he has backed down. Laziness, they say, has overcome. If only I could scrape together some money, let's go eat some ice cream. It's the weekend after all...

But I don’t love him, I don’t love him, that’s all! And I will never love you. And what is my fault?

Apparently, a series about fairies on TV has begun. This one is yours, Winx. I look: at least one girl is playing on the playground in the yard. They were just there, but now they’re not. It was as if a cow had licked them all with its tongue.