Anna Banshchikova: Two weeks after giving birth, I forgot that I was giving birth. Grasping reflexes in a child. Interesting research

The duration of this period is 6 weeks. In most cases it proceeds normally, but sometimes there are dangerous complications requiring urgent treatment.

Changes in a woman's body after childbirth

Immediately after the birth of the placenta, the uterus begins to contract strongly and within a few minutes takes on a rounded shape. The wall of the uterus becomes dense and the gaping vessels of the placental site are compressed. After just 2 weeks, its size corresponds to a non-pregnant uterus. Within a few days after birth surface layer The inner lining of the uterus sloughs off and is released in the form of bloody discharge. Epithelization of the uterus ends by 2-3 weeks after birth.

The cervix returns to its normal state by the end of the first week. But the vaginal walls remain swollen for 3-4 weeks after childbirth.

Changes in hormonal status that occur after childbirth stimulate the onset of lactation. In the first three days, the mammary glands secrete colostrum, which differs from milk more high content squirrel and . It's not much, but it's 10 times more nutritious than milk. Therefore, even a small amount of colostrum is enough to feed the child. In order to have a sufficient amount of milk in the future, the most important thing is to regularly put the baby to the breast and not supplement him with anything. Usually milk comes in at the end of 3 or the beginning of 4 days after birth. Within a few hours, the mammary glands harden, increase in volume, become painful, and the temperature rises. These manifestations gradually disappear with the correct feeding regimen.

Postpartum care

IN maternity ward Immediately after childbirth, all postpartum women undergo an examination of the cervix and soft tissues of the birth canal using mirrors. If trauma to the tissues of the birth canal is detected, they must be sutured.

In the first 24 hours after birth, the postpartum woman should be in the maternity ward under the constant supervision of a doctor and midwife. This is due to the fact that most often complications associated with the pathology of contractile activity of the uterus after childbirth, as well as with anomalies of placental attachment, manifest themselves precisely in the first hours after childbirth. One of the main tasks of adequate management postpartum period is the prevention of purulent-inflammatory diseases in the mother and newborn. In the postpartum ward, the postpartum woman must be monitored daily by a doctor and midwife. At the same time they evaluate general state patients measure pulse, blood pressure, body temperature (twice a day), monitor the condition of the external genitalia, uterus, mammary glands, the nature of discharge and physiological functions.

At normal course postpartum period, the patient can be discharged from the maternity hospital after vaccinating the child with BCG for 3-4 days under the supervision of a doctor antenatal clinic.

Hygiene rules after childbirth

You should take a shower daily and wash your face 2-3 times a day. It is better to choose underwear and bed linen made of cotton fabric. Underwear must be changed every day, and pads at least every 4 hours. Remember that in the postpartum period taking a bath and swimming in natural bodies of water is contraindicated. Be sure to check with your doctor what methods of hygiene and treatment of the perineum are necessary in your particular case.

Possible problems

You may be bothered by bloody discharge from the vagina. As we already said, this normal phenomenon. The first 2 - 3 days the discharge is quite heavy, like in the first days of menstruation. Then they become smaller and acquire a brownish-brown color. A common occurrence during the postpartum period is cramping or nagging pain lower abdomen. Contractions of the uterus are always accompanied by some pain. The pain may worsen during breastfeeding. Usually the pain goes away by 4-7 days after birth.

Perform postpartum exercises - they help reduce pain. If you find this pain difficult to bear, painkillers may be used. Pain in the perineum is especially troubling for women who have suffered perineal ruptures during childbirth. Healing usually takes 7-10 days. If pain is severe, ask your doctor to prescribe pain relief.

In the first days after childbirth, especially long-term ones or those accompanied by surgical intervention, postpartum women often experience urinary retention. In this case, urine is released using a catheter.

A woman in labor usually has her first stool 2-3 days after birth. Performance physical exercise helps normalize intestinal function. If there is no stool on the 4th day, then you can use a candle.

After the first feedings, women may develop cracked nipples. To prevent this from happening, you need to put the baby to the breast for no longer than 5-7 minutes in the first 2-3 days after birth. You can use a special cream to prevent cracked nipples. Before each feeding you should wash your hands with soap. It is also necessary to wash the mammary glands with warm water and baby soap before and after each feeding, starting from the nipple and ending armpit, and dry with a sterile diaper. After feeding, the remaining milk must be expressed until the mammary gland is completely emptied to avoid stagnation. This helps improve lactation and prevents infection of the mammary glands.

Contact your doctor immediately if:

You have heavy bloody discharge from the vagina with clots, bright red in color, you have to change several pads within an hour (symptoms of uterine bleeding);
- sharply painful lumps appeared in the chest in combination with high temperature(such symptoms may be a sign of mastitis);
- vaginal discharge in combination with fever, chills (such signs may indicate the onset of inflammation in the uterine cavity);
- opening of a suture after a caesarean section with unpleasant-smelling discharge or blood;
- increased pain in the area of ​​the perineal incision, the appearance of discharge with unpleasant smell(signs of infection or suture dehiscence); - redness, painful areas on the legs, swollen, hot to the touch (onset symptoms).

By this time they had faded away, but they were still quite a rich dark red color, although they stopped already at 5 weeks - I didn’t expect it from myself. In general, I had periods of 8-9 days earlier and other disgraces, so I am a somewhat special case. But I don’t seem to remember any enhancements. In general, you understand that this is not a professional answer, but simply in response to yours, remember, if possible.

Yes, Elochka, you better go to the doctor. I still had discharge, but it was no longer abundant and not rich in color. Although it’s hard to remember exactly when they stopped. But after 5 weeks, nothing seemed to happen. 4 weeks after giving birth, I went to the gynecologist for an examination - everything was fine, there was practically no discharge.

I had discharge for 6-7 weeks. And they didn’t brighten either. And then they suddenly disappeared. By the way, my period started 2 months after giving birth, I even went to the doctor, I was afraid that I was bleeding. Only now they have disappeared again

I am now in my third week after giving birth and the discharge is generally of different colors, from red to brown (sometimes a lot, sometimes a little), and I only had light ones when I was discharged from the hospital. And about sports and exercises, I asked the doctor, he said two months refrain.

I had them for 5.5 weeks after giving birth... And how did they end - a month later my period started:???: The doctor said that this is normal. My friend had discharge for 7 weeks...

Bitch, for some reason they’ve also disappeared for me now... I ran to the doctor - she said - you’re healthy. And what appeared and disappeared is that the body is being rebuilt hormonally after childbirth...

As for sports and exercise, I asked the doctor, he said to abstain for two months. Lipochka, yes, I don’t do sports, but very little by little. After all, there are exercises that are recommended to be done even a few days after giving birth, but here I am - after more than three weeks... So it’s unlikely because of them... And today, by the way, they’re not the same again bright discharge and it doesn’t pull anything down - apparently, the body is really just being rebuilt... I’ll wait a while with the doctor... It’s just a little difficult now because of Masenka with moving to the doctor for now... Thank you, girls, for your responsiveness)))

I, too, couldn’t stand it and yesterday I had a dance party, turned on the music - it was barely audible (my son was sleeping) and twitched as best I could. I felt like a person and my mood noticeably lifted, otherwise I was suffering with these colics. I think dancing is not really a sport, it’s still not such a big load, although I had a good workout.

Everything stopped for me at 4-5 weeks. Ideally, of course, the color should lighten day by day. In my instructions from the maternity hospital it is written - if the discharge from light to dark and abundant has turned - see a doctor. If there is lochia larger size golf ball - also see a doctor. That's... that's what I remember.

For me, after 3-4 weeks it was all over, and in general there was only a lot of it for a week at most, but I’m not an indicator, because... I used to have either no periods at all for months, or very scanty ones. In this regard, the doctor said that everything was fine. As for the exercises, there are special ones that, for example, I was told to do 4 weeks after the cesarean section. As for moving to the doctor, the three of us went to the gynecologist, my husband and I. as a child 4 and 6 weeks after birth, or rather we drove a car, the child was in a car seat. No problem. We have already gone bowling with the child.

It’s strange, but the next day, by evening, it (the discharge) sharply became lighter, and now there is no redness in it at all, just that same ichorous character...)) So it’s probably the hormones that got so crazy and quieted down... ))

I have a bloody character and it doesn’t smell, but there are very few of them, they’re kind of brownish, maybe I’m starting to worry? Or maybe it's just about the end?

Linden, towards the end, towards the end. :) Don't worry.

It would be good, otherwise I’m already tired of some kind of hospital condition.

Bitch - same story. Once and for all

Please tell me, I’m just very worried about this topic. I gave birth almost 2 months ago. The doctor at the birth said that I had erosion, so that I would definitely cure it afterwards. Before discharge, they did a follow-up ultrasound and found nothing. There was bloody discharge for about 5 weeks, then it gradually disappeared, it became brownish, less and less... Then there was a 1-day break, then the bloody discharge and with clots started again - for 4 days. I established that it was menstruation, despite the fact that breastfeeding only. Then they passed, but here's a daub it's already underway about 10 days, mostly brownish, but sometimes dark red, just a little, not even enough for 1 disposable pad. But it bothers me. The problem is that I live far from the clinic where I am being seen and will only be able to get out in November. Please give me some advice, is everything okay? Otherwise, I’m very worried... I dug around on many forums, somewhere I found that this is all normal and there can be discharge for up to 10 weeks, on another forum the doctor told me that this is not normal. But they did a control ultrasound for me.... Tell me, has anyone had this? I will be very grateful

In this article:

After a successful birth, every mother feels happy. An extraordinary feeling of lightness and freedom seems to pass through your entire body. Everything is fine and you have already seen your handsome and healthy baby. However, soon the euphoria gives way to fatigue, you need good vacation along with sound and deep sleep.

On the first day after birth, the uterus begins to contract several times stronger, bleeding practically stops, as the vessels are closed with blood clots. At this time, the postpartum woman must be monitored by a doctor. In the following hours, the uterus begins to become smaller in size, its walls become thicker, and the lumen narrows.

Immediately after birth, a hand can pass through the pharynx into the uterus; after a day, only two fingers can be inserted; after another day, only one finger can be inserted. After three weeks, the pharynx closes completely.

Features of the postpartum period

Features of the postpartum period can be considered the fact that inner side The uterus is similar to a wound, since in the first days after birth there is blood in it. It turns out that all protective barriers are completely destroyed. Lochia (discharge) has an alkaline reaction, so if no safety measures are taken, it may appear serious consequences childbirth This could be an inflammatory process occurring in the genitals, or other equally unpleasant problems.

The consequences after childbirth are different for every woman. However, in everyone, the subsequent reverse development of the uterus occurs gradually, at a slow pace. It reaches its usual weight (80g) only after six weeks. The lochia also changes slowly. The first few days they are bloody, the next day they are brown, after the tenth day they become as they were before the birth or stop completely.

Another feature of the postpartum period can be considered a change in the functioning of the endocrine system. Quickly out female body are displayed steroid hormones, after which the pituitary gland begins to produce lactogenic hormone. Due to this effect, on the fourth day after the completion of labor, blood flow to the mammary glands increases. These processes are considered preparation for lactation.

The first days after childbirth, the intestines do not function so well. Its tone is significantly weakened, digestion becomes slower, complete absence chair. You will have to empty your bowels using an enema or laxatives. Also, for the first days you need to follow a special simple diet.

What changes after childbirth?

The female body undergoes many changes after childbirth. Most of them are associated not only with internal state, but also with the outside. During pregnancy there is a discharge large number growth hormones, causing hair and nails to grow faster. However, after childbirth, a completely different situation will be observed. Hair will begin to fall out in small amounts and will lose its shine. Nails will become more brittle and dry. Of course, after a few months, all processes in the body will return to normal, and hair and nails will gradually become the same as they were before pregnancy.

Another change after childbirth is stretch marks on the skin. This is an important problem that can only be solved by using additional funds or exercise. Stretch marks appear on the thighs and buttocks. It also happens that in some women in labor they disappear a short time after birth or become less obvious. You shouldn’t be upset about this, because life goes on, all the stretch marks that you have now will gradually disappear after childbirth, and you just need to deal with these problems.

Menstruation after childbirth

Most women are concerned about how and when it will be restored. menstrual cycle. For most mothers, it occurs 40 days after birth. Breastfeeding women do not have them for a long time(a few months). Here we cannot talk about the norm or the exact recovery time, since they will be individual for each woman.

This is due to lactation. The whole point is that after childbirth a woman’s body begins to produce prolactin. It suppresses the formation and functioning of hormones in the ovaries, so the egg does not mature in due date. If the baby is fully breastfed, the mother’s menstrual cycle will be restored only after the introduction of small complementary foods. In the case when the child is on mixed feeding, that is, there is an alternation of feeding with complementary foods and breast milk, then menstruation will be completely restored in two or three months. During only artificial feeding, menstruation returns within a few weeks after childbirth.

In general, recovery will be influenced by factors such as:

  • The course of pregnancy and how the birth went;
  • Age and condition of the mother;
  • Compliance correct mode days ( good sleep and nutrition);
  • Presence of chronic diseases;
  • Mental condition.

The process of restoring the genital organs

Immediately after childbirth, the vagina will be swollen. This is a normal situation that goes away after a few days. This natural process may be accompanied by small bloody discharge. You may feel pain and slight retraction. Many postpartum women note that the sensitivity of the vagina changes.

This manifests itself in the fact that the woman does not feel anything during intimacy. However, there is no need to panic about this. This is only a temporary phenomenon, which is caused by sagging walls. intimate organs. Recovery will take a small amount of time, with use and execution special exercises, it will be even faster.

Condition of the cardiovascular system

A woman’s health after childbirth is considered unstable, but it recovers over time. Changes are observed in absolutely everything, the same applies to the cardiovascular system. Go straight to feeling unwell and fatigue are added to by an increased volume of blood circulating throughout the body. It is not uncommon for heart rates to increase. Restoration of this system will occur within 3-4 weeks.

It is known that initially goes strong bleeding. For this reason, the coagulation system works intensively. Because of it, the number of platelets in the blood increases significantly in the first two weeks. Other changes in cardiovascular system not visible.

Bladder and its activities

The postpartum condition of a woman cannot be called satisfactory; this even affects the urinary system. During pregnancy, it works as expected. After this, small changes occur that affect poor urination. This is usually very painful. This is explained by the fact that urine gets on abrasions and wounds formed during childbirth. Because of this, a strong burning sensation begins.

It often happens that a woman in labor cannot control her urination. She doesn't feel pressure or urge. The sensitivity of the bladder decreases. After a short period of time, as soon as all the cracks have healed, the functioning of the urinary system will return to normal.


In the first month after childbirth, constipation cannot be ruled out. As a rule, according to the method of occurrence, there are two types:

  1. The first type is atonic. During this, intestinal tone drops significantly. He becomes lethargic and unproductive. This type of constipation most often occurs due to muscle weakness appearing after caesarean section. This reaction is considered a normal reaction to intervention. During atonic constipation, aching pain appears in the abdominal area. There is a feeling that the intestines are full, nausea begins;
  2. Second type - spastic constipation. It occurs when intestinal tone is increased, and peristalsis becomes unproductive because of this. This form caused by paroxysmal pain. Nausea, sheep feces and irritability are the main symptoms.

A woman’s condition immediately after childbirth can also be complicated by hemorrhoids. This disease is varicose veins veins located in the rectum, more precisely in its lower section. Its exacerbation after childbirth depends on the failure of the entire intestinal system, as well as on intestinal tone. It manifests itself in several forms: acute and chronic.

The first type develops quickly, and its symptoms include constant itching, burning sensation. Because of this, stool retention begins. All symptoms develop almost imperceptibly for the postpartum woman, but they need to be dealt with at the very beginning. If this disease occurs, you must immediately consult a doctor for consultation and examination.

Breasts and their condition

During pregnancy, the body is completely rebuilt and changes. Is no exception female breast. After childbirth, it changes greatly in size: it begins to swell, becomes larger, and the nipples darken. Sometimes painful and unpleasant sensations appear. This is due to the beginning of the functioning of the mammary glands.

Women after childbirth are upset because the shape of their breasts changes. It sags, stretch marks and cracks appear on it. However, there is no need to worry, because most of these problems will disappear on their own after some time, and the remaining ones can be solved on your own.

Women's breasts become more sensitive and tender. For this reason, it is worth choosing special underwear for it, it is better to observe hygiene measures, and massage it often. This will help avoid its coarsening and hardening. All movements should be soft and smooth.

Postpartum discharge

After childbirth, the puerperal woman begins to experience discharge from her genitals. copious discharge, having the name - suckers. At first they have a reddish color, as they are secreted along with blood. After some time, their color changes, becomes white, and after eight weeks the discharge practically stops. During discharge you will need to use disposable pads and panties.

You can purchase them at a pharmacy or other specialty store. It is better to purchase pads and panties from famous companies for confidence in product quality. These hygiene products They should be soft, comfortable, and also absorb well.

The postpartum period is considered the time from the end of childbirth until the complete completion of reverse restorative changes. At this time, you should adhere to general recommendations. With their help, you can quickly recover and continue normal life and lead complete care for the baby.

Most women wonder what to do after childbirth? After childbirth, you need to try to return your body to normal functioning as quickly as possible. This will help not only you, but also your child, as he needs constant care and attention.

For quick cleansing body:

  • Do not eat anything fatty or smoked after childbirth;
  • Starting from the second day you can use simple food homemade, exclude too fatty salads, fried or heavy foods;
  • Drink juices daily;
  • Monitor your stool daily.

If after childbirth there are cracks in the vagina, then you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not sit on a hard surface until they heal! If you need to sit down, you need to place a folded pillow under you;
  • After using the toilet, you must wash yourself using baby soap;
  • Using hydrogen peroxide, treat the perineum several times a day;
  • Three times a day, place a tampon pre-soaked in chamomile infusion into the vagina.

Life after childbirth and the postpartum period are considered the most difficult in the life of every woman. For Get well soon and return to normal, you will need to follow the recommendations described above. Taking them into account, you can speed up the reverse process of changes in the body and quickly recover. In case of even slight suspicions of bad condition You should consult a doctor immediately!

Useful video about what a woman looks like after childbirth

The first month after childbirth is often called the tenth month of pregnancy, thereby emphasizing its importance for the woman’s body. Strictly speaking, the first month after childbirth is only part of the postpartum period, the duration of which is the first 6-8 weeks after childbirth. Postpartum period begins from the moment of birth of the placenta and continues until the end of involution (i.e., reverse development) of all organs and tissues of the woman’s body that have undergone changes during pregnancy. During the same period, the formation of the function of the mammary glands occurs, as well as the formation of a sense of motherhood and associated fundamental changes in the psychology of a woman.

What happens in the body

In the postpartum period, the normal tone of the cerebral cortex and subcortical centers is restored. Pregnancy hormones are removed from the body, and gradually the function of the endocrine system returns to normal. The heart takes its normal position, its work becomes easier, as the blood volume decreases. The kidneys are working actively, the amount of urine in the first days after childbirth is usually increased.

The changes are most significant in the reproductive system. The uterus contracts and decreases in size every day; during the postpartum period, its weight decreases from 1000 g to 50 g. Such a significant and rapid contraction is due to several mechanisms. Firstly, contraction of the uterine muscle, both constant tonic and in the form of postpartum contractions. At the same time, the walls of the uterus thicken, it acquires spherical shape. Secondly, the contracting muscles compress the walls of the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, many of them collapse, which leads to a decrease in nutrition of muscle elements and connective tissue, and as a result hypertrophy disappears muscle tissue that occurred during pregnancy.

These processes are called involution of the uterus and are most accurately expressed by the height of its fundus. By the end of the first day, the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the navel, then daily it drops by approximately 1 cm. On the 5th day it is already in the middle of the distance between the womb and the navel, by the end of the 10th day it is behind the womb. By the end of the 6-8th week after birth, the size of the uterus corresponds to the size of the non-pregnant uterus.

Along with the reduction in the size of the uterus, the formation of its cervix occurs. The formation of the pharynx occurs due to contraction of the circular muscles surrounding the internal opening of the cervical canal. Immediately after birth, the diameter of the internal pharynx is 10-12 cm; it will completely close by the end of the 10th day, and by the end of the 3rd week, the external pharynx of the uterus will also close, acquiring a slit-like shape.

The inner wall of the uterus after separation of the placenta is an extensive wound surface, there are remnants of glands on it, from which the epithelial cover of the uterus - the endometrium - is subsequently restored. During the healing process of the inner surface of the uterus, postpartum discharge appears - lochia, representing wound secretion. Their character changes during the postpartum period: in the first days, lochia is bloody; from the 4th day their color changes to reddish-brown; by the 10th day they become light, liquid, without any admixture of blood. Total lochia in the first 8 days of the postpartum period reaches 500-1400 g, from the 3rd week their number decreases significantly, and by 5-6 weeks they stop altogether. Lochia has a peculiar musty odor, which gradually decreases. With slow involution of the uterus, the release of lochia is delayed, and the admixture of blood lasts longer. Sometimes there is a partial retention of discharge in the uterine cavity.

In the first days after birth, the mobility of the uterus is increased, which is explained by stretching and insufficient tone of its ligamentous apparatus. The uterus easily moves to the sides, especially when the bladder and rectum are full. The ligamentous apparatus of the uterus acquires normal tone by the 4th week after birth. As the uterus involutions, the fallopian tubes also return to their normal position, their swelling disappears. The ovaries also undergo significant changes. Regression ends corpus luteum, formed at the very beginning of pregnancy, and the maturation of the follicles begins. For most non-breastfeeding women, menstruation begins in the 6th to 8th week after childbirth; more often it comes without the release of an egg from the ovary. However, ovulation and pregnancy may occur during the first months after birth. For breastfeeding women, the onset of the first menstruation after childbirth may be delayed for many months.

Muscle tone is gradually restored pelvic floor. The tone of the vaginal walls is restored, its volume is reduced, and swelling disappears. Abrasions, cracks, and tears that occurred during childbirth heal. The abdominal wall gradually strengthens, mainly due to muscle contraction. The stretch marks on the skin are still purple, they will lighten by the end of the first year after giving birth.
Unlike most organs, which undergo reverse development after childbirth, the mammary glands, on the contrary, reach their peak. Already during pregnancy, they begin to secrete a thick yellowish liquid containing protein, fat, epithelial cells from glandular vesicles and milk ducts. This colostrum, which the baby will eat for the first couple of days after birth. It is rich in proteins, vitamins, enzymes and protective antibodies, but has fewer carbohydrates than milk. On the 2-3rd day after birth, the mammary glands become engorged and painful, and under the influence of the lactogenic hormone of the pituitary gland, the secretion of transitional milk begins. The process of milk formation largely depends on the reflex effects associated with the act of sucking. From the second to third week after birth, transitional milk turns into “mature” milk, which is an emulsion of tiny droplets of fat found in the whey. Its composition is as follows: water 87%, protein 1.5%, fat 4%, carbohydrates (milk sugar) about 7%, salts, vitamins, enzymes, antibodies. This composition may vary depending on the nature of the mother’s diet and regimen.


Immediately after childbirth, almost all new mothers report severe fatigue and drowsiness. And already from the second day, with the normal course of the postpartum period, the woman feels well. Body temperature is usually normal. In the first days, pain in the area of ​​the external genitalia and perineum is possible, even in the absence of ruptures. This is due to the strong stretching of tissues during childbirth. Usually the pain is not very intense and goes away after a couple of days, in case there were tears or cuts in the perineum, up to 7-10 days. If surgery has been done C-section, then there is pain in the area of ​​postoperative sutures.
Uterine contractions occur periodically, feeling like weak contractions. After repeated births, the uterus contracts more painfully than after the first. Contractions intensify during breastfeeding, this is due to the fact that when the nipple is stimulated, the level of a substance that promotes uterine contractions, oxytocin, increases in the blood.
On the first day after childbirth, a woman does not feel the urge to urinate. This is due to decreased tone abdominal wall, swelling of the bladder neck as a result of its compression by the fetal head. A psychological block plays a certain role in horizontal position women, as well as an unpleasant burning sensation when urine gets into the area of ​​\u200b\u200btears and cracks. To stimulate the bladder, you need to move more, sometimes the sound of water flowing from a tap helps. If no urination occurs within 8 hours, you need to void bladder using a catheter.
In the first days after childbirth, a woman may experience constipation. Their cause is most often relaxation of the abdominal wall, restriction motor activity, poor nutrition and fear of the sutures in the perineum coming apart. There's no reason to worry about seams. You just need to move more and adjust your diet.
From the second or third day after birth, there is a sharp increase in the amount of milk in the breast. At the same time, the mammary glands enlarge, harden, become painful, and sometimes the body temperature rises. Sometimes the pain radiates to axillary area, where nodules are palpated - swollen rudimentary lobules of the mammary glands. To avoid severe engorgement, it is recommended to limit fluid intake to 800 ml per day from the third day after birth and try to feed the baby more often. Within 1-2 days, with proper attachment and feeding regimen, engorgement gradually disappears.

Psychology of the postpartum period

Could anyone be happier women giving birth, feeding and kissing her baby? Why do we so often see tears of despair on the faces of young mothers who have been waiting for their baby for so long? Why are they depressed, irritable and exhausted? Let's try to figure it out. During pregnancy, the level of female sex hormones reaches its maximum values ​​in a woman's entire life. Immediately after the birth of the placenta, the level of these substances decreases significantly. A drop in hormones in a woman’s blood is observed every time before the onset of menstruation, “thanks to” this, many women monthly experience mini-depression in the form of the so familiar premenstrual syndrome(PMS). Now let’s multiply PMS ten times (in comparison, this is how much hormone levels drop after childbirth) and we get “postpartum blues” - the psychological state of a new mother. It is not surprising that 70% of women after childbirth report irritability, a feeling of unreality of what is happening, devastation, unrelenting anxiety about any reason, and sleep disorders. These phenomena occur on the third or fourth day after birth and reach their apogee on the fourth or fifth day and pass without any medical intervention in just two weeks. In 10% of women, these phenomena drag on and become painful.
It is impossible to prevent the occurrence of postpartum depression. The most important thing is to remember that this will soon pass. The worst advice that can be given in this situation is the advice to “pull yourself together.” There is no need to fight with yourself, much less blame yourself for being a bad mother. Your body has done a lot of work, you are physically and mentally exhausted and have every right to rest. No need for parental feats! Let the baby sleep on the balcony, and the sink is overflowing with dishes, use any extra minute to sleep. Accept any help from your loved ones, do not pay attention to the fact that they will do something not exactly the way you read in a respected magazine or book. Everything will gradually get better. Be sure to find minutes to clean yourself up and chat with your husband on topics not related to the child.
If symptoms of depression persist for more than two days, this may be a sign of a disease for which it is better to seek professional help. Signs that depression is getting out of control include:
- acute feeling of fear, fear next day;
– apathy, refusal to eat, desire for complete loneliness;
– constant hostile attitude towards the newborn;
– insomnia, recurring nightmares;
constant feeling own inferiority, feelings of guilt towards the child.
For such severe depression it may be necessary drug therapy. And in mild cases, best medicine- this is Love. Love for your baby, in whose eyes the whole world is reflected for the mother

Possible deviations from the norm

Unfortunately, the first month after childbirth does not always go smoothly. Situations may arise when medical assistance is necessary. Monitor your health and regularly measure your body temperature, as an increase in temperature is most often the first sign of complications in the postpartum period. All complications of the postpartum period can be divided into several groups:

1. Complications from the uterus.

The most dangerous complication of the first day after birth is postpartum hemorrhage . They begin immediately after childbirth, are not accompanied by any pain and are very abundant, so they can pose a danger to a woman’s life. The causes of bleeding are various injuries during childbirth, disturbances in the separation of the placenta and membranes, as well as disturbances in uterine contraction. Various surgical interventions, medications and drugs are used to treat bleeding. donated blood. In order to monitor the woman, she is left in the maternity ward during the very dangerous first couple of hours after giving birth. In the following days, the risk of bleeding decreases, but other problems arise.
Subinvolution of the uterus– decreased rate of uterine contraction due to retention in the uterus postpartum discharge. The disease most often occurs 5-7 days after birth, due to the closure of the cervical canal by a blood clot or a piece of membranes, as well as kinking of the uterus due to relaxation of the ligamentous apparatus.
Infection of the contents of the uterus can lead to inflammation of the uterine mucosa - endometritis. Predisposing factors for the occurrence of endometritis are difficult childbirth, disturbances in the separation of the placenta during childbirth, genital tract infections during pregnancy, immunity disorders, and abortions. Symptoms of the disease are: increased body temperature, unpleasant odor in lochia, It's a dull pain lower abdomen. To clarify the diagnosis, it is carried out ultrasonography and, if necessary, surgical intervention, during which contents are removed from the uterine cavity (washing or curettage of the uterus). After surgical intervention Antibiotics must be prescribed.

2. Complications from the mammary gland.

Lactostasis– stagnation of milk in the mammary gland. In this case, the breast swells and becomes painful, pockets of compaction appear, and a short-term rise in body temperature is possible. Lactostasis itself is not a disease, requiring only careful pumping of the breast, limiting fluid intake and frequent feeding painful breasts. However, when an infection attaches, it turns into lactation mastitis, requiring immediate medical attention, antibiotic therapy, and sometimes surgery. The question of the possibility of breastfeeding during mastitis is decided individually, depending on the stage of the disease.
Another complication of the breast is the appearance cracked nipples. The main reason for their appearance is incorrect application baby to the breast, when the baby grasps only the nipple, and not the entire areola. Such a grip is very painful for the mother - and this is the main danger signal. Feeding your baby shouldn't be painful. Good advisory and practical assistance with lactostasis and cracked nipples is provided by consultants breastfeeding. Treatment of cracks involves treating the nipple with wound-healing preparations.
Hypogalactia– insufficient milk production. In order to increase the amount of milk, a mother needs to increase the frequency of feedings, not skip night feedings, offer the baby both breasts at one feeding, drink more, eat well and sleep a lot.

3. Complications from the tissues of the cervix, vagina and skin.

Inflamed wounds of these tissues are called postpartum ulcers. When infection occurs, these wounds swell, become covered with purulent plaque, and their edges are painful. For the purpose of treatment, they are treated with various antiseptics, sometimes requiring surgical treatment.

4. Side complications venous system.

Hemorrhoids (varicose veins rectum) also cause pain. When pinched, they enlarge, become swollen, tense and painful. Careful hygiene (showering after each visit to the toilet) and applying ice to the perineum helps reduce pain. Some medications can be used as prescribed by your doctor.
Thrombophlebitis– a venous disease characterized by inflammation of the venous wall and thrombosis of the vein. After childbirth, thrombophlebitis of the pelvic veins most often occurs. This disease usually occurs in the third week after childbirth. Its symptoms are very similar to endometritis, but require different treatment. Surgeons treat complications from the venous system.
Complications after childbirth require immediate treatment, as they can lead to generalization of the process - postpartum peritonitis or sepsis. Therefore, if anything bothers you about your condition, be sure to consult a doctor.

Behavior rules

During the first week after birth, while the woman is in the hospital, she is monitored daily by a doctor and midwife. They assess the general condition of the postpartum woman, measure pulse, blood pressure, body temperature, determine the condition of the mammary glands, uterine involution, and the nature of lochia. In most cases after normal birth You can do without medications; only with very painful contractions can you use painkillers. In case of complications of the postpartum period, the doctor will prescribe necessary treatment. The postpartum woman is discharged on the 5-6th day after an uncomplicated birth.
One of the most important rules which a new mother must observe is sufficient sleep. Its total duration should be at least 8-10 hours a day. This amount of sleep will allow you to recover after childbirth and give you strength to care for your baby. Naturally, it is impossible to provide long sleep at night, because you will have to feed the baby repeatedly, so try to devote any free minute to sleep during the day.
People are asked to get out of bed after a normal birth within six hours of delivery. At first, get out of bed carefully, avoiding sudden movements, otherwise you may feel dizzy. Already on the first day after birth, you can do breathing exercises and help contract the uterus using self-massage. To do this, you need to lie on your back, relax your stomach as much as possible, carefully feel the bottom of the uterus (just below the navel) and gently stroke from the sides to the center and up. It is better to sleep and lie down for the first 2-3 days after birth (before the milk arrives) on your stomach. Periodic application of a heating pad with ice to the lower abdomen also helps with contraction. To avoid hypothermia, the heating pad should be wrapped in a diaper and kept for no more than 20 minutes at a time.
On the second day after birth, you can proceed to therapeutic exercises. Perform gentle exercises to squeeze and relax your pelvic floor muscles daily and often. This will help get rid of involuntary urination, will promote the healing of sutures in the perineum. For training abdominal muscles alternately lift and abduct your feet, as if pressing the pedals of a bicycle. Exhale and draw in your stomach, holding your breath; then relax. You need to perform these simple exercises several times every hour when you are awake. They are also recommended for women who have had a caesarean section. From the second week, expand the set of exercises, adding turns, bending the torso, and by the end of the month, abdominal exercises.
It is very important to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene. You are still too weak to resist the microbes around you well, so get rid of them constantly. It is necessary to wash yourself with soap, especially if there are stitches on the perineum, after each visit to the toilet. Twice a day, the seams are additionally treated with special antiseptics. It is necessary to ensure the cleanliness of the gaskets. Best suited for this period special postpartum pads , V as a last resort, ordinary, but with a cotton surface. In the maternity hospital, you cannot use pads with top layer made of synthetic material. Regardless of how full it is, it is necessary to change the pad every 2-3 hours. Be sure to take a shower 2 times a day, and then wash the mammary gland with soap. There is no need to wash your breasts after each feeding; just leave a drop of milk on the nipple and let it dry in the open air. You should not take a bath in the first month after giving birth. Underwear and bed linen should be cotton. We change underwear daily, bed sheets at least once every three days.
Stool should be present within the first three days after birth. If there are stitches on the perineum, the first voiding causes fear that the stitches may “come apart”. This fear is completely unfounded, but during defecation you can hold the suture area with a napkin, which will reduce tissue stretching and defecation will be less painful. To facilitate this process, include dried apricots, prunes in your diet, and drink a glass of mineral water without gas or kefir. If there is no stool on the 4th day, then you need to use a laxative or give a cleansing enema.
The diet of a nursing mother should be high in calories (2500-3000 kcal). In the first 2 days after birth, food should be easily digestible. From the 3rd day, a regular diet with a predominance of lactic acid, cereals, fruits and vegetables is prescribed. Spicy, fatty, smoked foods, canned food, alcohol and potential allergens for the child should be excluded from the diet. The amount of protein should be about 100 g, mainly from animal proteins, fats 85-90 g, of which a third are vegetable, carbohydrates - 300-400 g. Try to drink milk or kefir (at least 0.5 l) every day. there is cottage cheese (50g) or cheese (20g), meat (200g), vegetables, fruits (500-700g each), bread and vegetable oil. With established lactation, you should drink an additional 1.5-2 liters per day of pure water.
Sexual activity after childbirth can be resumed after 6 weeks. By this point, the woman’s body has already completely returned to normal. During the same period, you must undergo a medical examination at the antenatal clinic or with your doctor. You will be weighed and measured blood pressure, they will take a urine test and examine the mammary glands. A vaginal examination will be performed to determine the size and position of the uterus, check how the stitches have healed, and take a smear from the cervix. The doctor will advise you on contraception.
To fully recover after childbirth before next pregnancy at least two years must pass.

Immediately after delivery, the woman’s body enters a recovery period. Within 6-8 weeks endocrine system, uterus, bone apparatus, muscles and internal organs young mothers should return to normal condition and start working in “pre-pregnancy” mode. As a rule, a woman experiences various ailments. Emotional background Yesterday’s mother in labor is also far from ideal: she feels tired, worries about the baby’s health and sometimes fears that she will not be able to cope with her new responsibilities.

The physical condition of a woman in the first weeks after childbirth

For several hours after delivery, the young mother is under close medical supervision. It is at this moment that complications such as bleeding, increased blood pressure and temperature. If everything goes well and the woman feels fine, she is sent to the postpartum ward, where she spends 4-7 days.

The following health problems may occur in the first weeks after childbirth:

  • Unpleasant sensations in the perineal area, which manifest themselves when walking, sneezing, or attempting to defecate. Almost every woman experiences a feeling of numbness and slight pain, and this is understandable. Baby passing through birth canal mother injures the tissues of the perineum. In cases where childbirth was accompanied by ruptures or incisions, the pain at the suture sites can be quite severe;
  • Cramping painful sensations in the lower abdomen, associated with contraction of the uterus. As a rule, they are more disturbing to those women who have become mothers not for the first time, or have endured multiple pregnancy. The pain intensifies during breastfeeding, since at these moments the hormone oxytocin is released, which activates the process of uterine involution, and can continue for several weeks after birth;
  • Problems with urination. A full bladder prevents the uterus from contracting, and this can become big problem. Many postpartum women require health care, since they cannot urinate on their own, despite the urge. Much less frequently (mainly after the second or third birth) cases of urinary incontinence occur;
  • Problems with operation gastrointestinal tract. The absence of stool for 2-3 days after childbirth is not a pathology, given the fact that many expectant mothers undergo a cleansing enema before they enter the hospital. maternity ward. A longer delay in defecation indicates problems. Women are advised to adjust their menu so that by the beginning of 2 weeks after birth, bowel movements occur regularly;
  • Increased sweating. This unpleasant phenomenon due to the fact that the body needs to accelerate the elimination of excess fluid accumulated during the gestation period;
  • Chest pain. On days 2-3, the mammary glands begin to work in the mode necessary to feed the baby. Sometimes this happens too quickly, and the newborn is still too small to completely suck out the incoming milk. In this case, the woman experiences unpleasant sensations, about which she must complain to the doctor. To avoid stagnation and development inflammatory process in the breast, pumping, massage and other measures may be required to facilitate the release of milk. In addition, a young mother is recommended to reduce fluid intake;
  • Cracked nipples that occurred at the beginning of breastfeeding;
  • A feeling of aching muscles caused by heavy physical activity during delivery. A woman may have pain not only in her abdominal muscles, but also in her back muscles, chest and even legs. If discomfort does not go away by the beginning of 3 weeks after birth, you should consult a doctor;
  • Cosmetic troubles (spots on the skin similar to hematomas, redness of the sclera). The tension during contractions causes small ruptures. blood vessels faces and eyes. As a rule, cool compresses help to cope with the problem, and it disappears within one and a half to two weeks after birth.

A young mother may experience dizziness associated with stress and a drop in blood pressure. In addition, she continues to have bloody discharge (lochia), which also does not improve her health. Most of the unpleasant physiological phenomena that are observed in the first two weeks after childbirth go away on their own and do not require medical intervention.

Features of the psychological and emotional state of a young mother

By the beginning of 2 weeks after birth, the woman and her baby usually leave the medical facility. Unfortunately, at this point many young mothers are not in a good mood. It would seem that at the end of the gestation period, a woman should feel relief and be happy, but this is not so. Postpartum depression may begin during your stay in the maternity hospital. In most cases, the main reason psychological discomfort is a hormonal change in the body. Usually a woman is worried about:

  • Anxiety about the newborn, lack of confidence that he is healthy and prosperous;
  • There are doubts that she will be able to properly care for the baby. Young mothers are often nervous because (as it seems to them) the dowry for the child has not been collected completely or incorrectly, or the home is not sufficiently prepared for the arrival of the baby. There are also frequent thoughts that the woman herself does not have the necessary knowledge and experience to provide the newborn with proper care;
  • Dissatisfaction with one's own appearance. Many women who gave birth yesterday think that they have become unattractive and will not be able to regain their former physical shape for a long time.

Against this background, there are often increased anxiety, overexcitation or apathy, various fears, feelings of helplessness, sleep and appetite disturbances. In the process of bringing a young mother’s emotions back to normal, loved ones play a special role, their help in caring for the baby, creating a comfortable psychological climate in the family, understanding and emotional participation. If all this is provided, already 3 weeks after giving birth, the woman gets used to her new state, the associated responsibilities and natural anxieties, and begins to fully experience the happiness of motherhood.