Is it possible to get pregnant the next day? Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation?

One of the features of the female body is the possibility of the so-called "calendar contraception", which is based on a period of physiological infertility, when fertilization of an egg is impossible. A sufficient number of young girls use this method, but they have many questions, for example, how many days after menstruation can you not get pregnant?

In order to figure out which days the probability of getting pregnant after menstruation is minimal, it is necessary to recall some facts of female physiology. For most mature women, menstruation recurs regularly, on average every 28 days. In this case, the menstrual cycle proceeds in 3 successively replacing each other phases: follicular, ovulatory and luteal.

Each phase is characterized by changes in the structure and functionality of the ovaries and endometrium of the uterus. In the first phase, the dominant follicle is identified and grows, from which a mature egg is formed. Next, the ovulatory stage begins, lasting, on average, 1-2 days: it is during this stage that the probability of becoming pregnant is highest (the so-called “fertile window”). After its completion, in the event of fertilization of the released egg, the body creates the most favorable conditions for implantation and development of the embryo.

If fertilization does not occur, then the morphological and functional changes undergo a reverse course, and this is accompanied by regular uterine bleeding - menstruation.

All of the above processes are regulated by neurohumoral mechanisms. The main control is carried out with the help of gonadotropic hormones secreted by the adenohypophysis. These are the so-called FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). These hormones have both a direct effect on the gonads and indirectly through the production of sex hormones - female (estrogens: estradiol, progesterone) and male (androgens: testosterone).

Thus, at the first stage of the menstrual cycle, follicle-stimulating hormone is produced into the bloodstream by the adenohypophysis, causing the maturation of the follicle in the ovary, and then luteinizing hormone in the ovulatory phase, under the influence of which the corpus luteum is formed from the ruptured follicle and secretes progesterone, an important pregnancy hormone.

The ovary contains follicles at different stages of development. These are thin-walled cavities within which the egg develops. After she reaches maturity, the follicle breaks through and the egg enters the uterine cavity through the villi of the fallopian tube. This is ovulation. At the same time, the inner lining of the uterus - the endometrium - gradually thickens, thereby preparing for the attachment of a fertilized egg to it - this is the luteal phase of the cycle.

In the absence of the fertilization phase, implantation does not occur, the level of sex hormones in the blood drops, and the upper layer of the endometrium is torn off and comes out with the blood, that is, menstruation begins.

So is it possible to get pregnant after menstruation? It can be stated that after the completion of the monthly cycle, pregnancy will not occur, but this conclusion is not 100% accurate, since there are enough cases of pregnancy in women using this particular method of contraception. This can also occur due to the “survivability” of sperm in the woman’s genital tract, which makes fertilization still possible.

The possibility of getting pregnant after menstruation is increased in the following cases:

  • the menstrual cycle is too short, namely less than 21 days. In this case, ovulation may occur shortly after the last day of menstruation;
  • the duration of menstruation is too long, more than 7 days, since this creates the possibility that already in the last days of menstruation a new egg will mature and be ready for fertilization;
  • lack of strict regularity of the menstrual cycle, since with this option ovulation occurs on different days, which becomes almost impossible to predict;
  • parallel contact bleeding that is not associated with menstruation, but which a woman may mistake for it and miss the date of ovulation. May occur during sexual intercourse due to the presence of various diseases of the cervix;
  • the phenomenon of spontaneous ovulation, that is, the simultaneous ovulation of several eggs. The etiology and mechanism of development of this phenomenon have not yet been fully elucidated, but the influence of a hereditary factor is possible.

Despite the possibility of errors in calculating a personal menstrual calendar with “dangerous” and “safe” days, this method of contraception has a number of advantages. More precisely, there is a certain category of women who simply cannot refuse it due to the lack of an alternative. This category includes nursing mothers and women for whom other methods of contraception are prohibited for health reasons.

Still, condoms, vaginal caps, IUDs and other mechanical means of protection are a factor of genital irritation and can fail. Oral contraceptives or spermicides created on the basis of hormonal drugs can also have a detrimental effect on the health of the expectant mother, especially for emergency contraception drugs.

It should also be mentioned that most of these medications are strictly prohibited for use in nursing women. Therefore, what remains is the method of calendar contraception in combination with various technologies for determining the days of ovulation, which does not require outside interference in the normal functioning of the human reproductive system.

Is it possible to get pregnant after menstruation on days 2-3-4-9?

The technology for calculating your cycle implies a strictly regular cycle, otherwise it seems impossible to predict its development next time. This is where the main problems lie, since the main goal of the calendar method is the predictability of the days of ovulation, and this process is influenced by many factors such as the well-being and health status of the woman, her hormonal levels and even the daily diet. No one can say with a high probability whether it is possible to get pregnant after menstruation on the 5th day or any other day.

In addition, this requires maximum patience, pedantry and discipline from a woman, because she will have to strictly keep records every day about the menstrual cycle, observations of her body and periodic, strictly at the same time, measurement of the basement membrane. Agree, in an era of busy people, this can become quite problematic.

You can get pregnant not only after menstruation due to the strictly individual onset of ovulation, but even during the menstrual process. It also cannot be said that sex during menstruation is far from safe. This happens because these days the cervix is ​​more dilated and, therefore, it can become an entry point for infection with further spread of inflammation to the uterus and appendages.

Another issue is the decreased likelihood of getting pregnant. This is typical under the following circumstances:

  • unprotected sexual intercourse coincided with the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • emergency contraception was taken immediately after intercourse;
  • Over the next 3-4 weeks after unsafe sex, you see negative pregnancy test results.

On the contrary, an increase in the likelihood of becoming pregnant occurs during the “fertile window”, which occurs between the 10th and 17th days of the menstrual cycle with a regular cycle length of 28 days. Between the 6th and 21st days the chance of getting pregnant drops to 10%, and before the 6th or after the 21st day the chance of getting pregnant is 1-6%. Is it possible to get pregnant after childbirth if you don't have periods?

Also, many women are concerned about the likelihood of becoming pregnant after childbirth, when the menstrual cycle has not yet resumed, or with other types of amenorrhea.

Lactational amenorrhea is a protective mechanism of the mother's body to protect against premature new pregnancy. However, in this case, the absence of menstruation and the fact of breastfeeding does not at all guarantee the impossibility of conceiving a child, since the first ovulation in the postpartum period can begin before the appearance of menstruation. Thus, we can say that even in the absence of menstruation, the likelihood of becoming pregnant after childbirth returns in the first two to three months and continues to persist. And with the resumption of the cycle, this probability is completely equalized with that of non-lactating women.

Primary amenorrhea. It means the complete absence of menstruation, that is, menarche (first menstruation) has not yet occurred. Theoretically, without identifying the etiology of this phenomenon, it is impossible to specialize it, however, if the fact of a woman’s sterility has not been proven, the likelihood of pregnancy still remains. Effective methods of treating primary amenorrhea are successfully used all over the world, allowing women to return their reproductive function. With a properly prescribed treatment method, the chances of getting pregnant increase significantly.

Diagnosis of secondary amenorrhea placed when there has been no menstruation for more than three months since the last cycle. The likelihood of getting pregnant with this disease, of course, is significantly reduced, but still does not disappear completely. To restore a woman’s health, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of the pathology and select the appropriate treatment.

If a woman who has given birth has menstruation, a new question arises - about contraceptive methods when breastfeeding. Here are some that can be used in such circumstances:

  1. Oral contraceptives(hormonal contraceptives). To minimize the effect of these contraceptives on lactation, it is necessary to take so-called mini-pills, which do not contain estrogens, unlike combination drugs. When taking them, you should, firstly, not forget that it is recommended to take them regularly, almost at the same time, since large delays significantly reduce the effectiveness of these drugs. And, secondly, if intermenstrual bleeding occurs, this method of contraception should be replaced with another. Combined medications can be taken 6-7 months after birth, since by that time the baby will have already begun to receive solid foods, and a decrease in milk production will no longer be such an important factor.
  2. Intrauterine devices, which are allowed to be installed from 6-8 weeks after birth, of course, in the absence of contraindications to them. To do this, you will need to undergo a preliminary examination and purchase the spiral itself. And if you want to get pregnant again, the doctor will remove it without much difficulty.
  3. Condoms. This method of contraception has no contraindications. The only important thing is its correct use, as well as the selection of a suitable lubricant that will not destroy the structure of the condom.

When is it better to get pregnant before or after your period?

The calendar method, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article, is used not only as a method of contraception, but also, on the contrary, to calculate the time of the fertile window so that partners know how to get pregnant after menstruation. The only accurate method for determining the days of ovulation is ultrasound, but there are also indirect methods that a woman can carry out at home.

If a couple has a mutual desire to give birth and raise a child, doctors recommend that both partners first undergo an examination. This will eliminate the possibility of spreading STDs or infecting the unborn fetus with an existing infection in the mother. If any diseases are discovered that may affect the health of the unborn baby, you must first undergo a full course of treatment with rehabilitation, and then plan a pregnancy.

It doesn’t really matter whether the girl became pregnant before or after her period. It would be more reasonable to conceive a baby during the period of ovulation, since this will increase the chances of a mild pregnancy.

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    Many women are convinced that pregnancy can only occur on certain days of the cycle, and this certainly cannot happen during menstruation. Is it so? In fact, no - getting pregnant in the last days of menstruation or immediately after it is possible and often happens. It is no coincidence that the calendar method of contraception is considered one of the most unreliable.

    Why does this happen? The cause of a sudden pregnancy may be the maturation of two eggs instead of one with an interval of half a cycle, various menstrual irregularities, or increased sperm vitality.

    The likelihood of pregnancy in the first day or two of menstruation is very low, since at this time the internal environment of the vagina and uterus is extremely unfavorable for sperm. As the intensity of the discharge decreases, the likelihood of unexpected conception also appears. It is highest at the time of ovulation, in the middle of the cycle, but persists on other days.

    It is possible to accurately calculate the days when the probability of conception is high, when it is low and almost zero if the menstrual cycle is relatively stable. What you need to do to know your dangerous and safe days:

    • Using a menstrual calendar, calculate the length of your menstrual cycle. If the difference between the longest and shortest cycle is more than 6 days, the calculations will be ineffective.
    • Take the shortest and longest cycle. Subtract 18 from the number of days in the shortest, and 11 in the longest. These will be the days of the beginning and end of the “dangerous” period.
    • After this period, the probability of conception decreases every day, the “safest” days are two days before and the first two days of menstruation. Then the probability of conception begins to gradually increase.
    • The influence of the duration of menstruation and the cycle itself should be taken into account. The shorter the cycle, the fewer “safe” days there are; the longer the periods, the greater the likelihood of getting pregnant during them.

    Calculation table:

    Here is a simple example for clarity. Just in case, it would be useful to remind you that the first day of the cycle is considered the first day of menstruation. If a woman’s shortest cycle lasts 23 days, and the longest one lasts 27, then the period most favorable for conception occurs on the fifth day of the cycle, which, with long periods, can coincide with their last days, and lasts until the 16th day.

    With a cycle duration of 21-25 days, these numbers will already be from the third to the fourteenth, that is, the beginning of the dangerous period occurs already in the middle of menstruation, making conception during them more than likely.

    It is impossible to create a universal calculation table, by looking at which a woman could accurately say when she can afford not to use protection - every woman has her own menstrual cycle, and its duration varies within small, but sometimes very important limits.

    Is it possible to get pregnant before and after menstruation?

    As mentioned above, it is possible, and even very likely. The first two days before menstruation are considered almost absolutely safe, but only under the condition that the woman’s menstrual cycle is relatively stable and she has calculated the required days accurately.

    The days after menstruation for almost all women are favorable for conception. Women with a long cycle and short periods are slightly less likely to become pregnant; their dangerous period begins later.

    But this is not a guarantee of safe sex, just as sexual intercourse on “dangerous” days is not a guarantee of conception.

    Pregnancy during menstruation

    Many women avoid intimacy during their periods. Others, on the contrary, believe that this is a time when sex does not involve the risk of becoming pregnant. So why are the latter wrong? What happens in the female body?

    Multiplicity of eggs

    Firstly, a woman does not always mature one egg in one cycle - there can be two, and sometimes three, at the same time. If such multiple ovulation occurs simultaneously, then all the eggs have a chance to be fertilized, and the woman will become a happy mother of fraternal twins.

    But if paired ovulation does not occur synchronously, but with a time interval, then the second egg may be ready for fertilization just during menstruation. This scenario can be assumed if twins were born in the woman’s family or there have already been cases of pregnancy during menstruation.

    You will learn important information about ectopic pregnancy and its danger to the life and health of a woman.

    Sperm viability

    Secondly, male sperm can remain alive and retain the ability to fertilize for several days, sometimes up to a week, so they have every chance of waiting for the egg to appear, especially if a woman has a short menstrual cycle.

    How hormones and external factors influence

    Changes in hormonal levels are the main driving force of a woman’s menstrual cycle, and therefore deserve a separate discussion. The menstrual cycle is regulated by the same cyclic change of the most active of female sex hormones.

    The first phase of the cycle is determined by estrogens, in the middle of the cycle the main “actor” changes, and progesterone comes to the fore, the onset of menstruation is due to low concentrations of both hormones - hormonal hunger, then the estrogen phase begins again.


    These complex regulatory mechanisms are subject to fluctuations and failures. The reason may be, for example, improper use of oral contraceptives.

    These drugs duplicate a woman’s menstrual cycle, so they must be taken within a strict time frame. If this is not done, then the drugs will not only be useless, but may also contribute to an unwanted pregnancy.

    Hormonal changes

    Another reason for disruptions is hormonal surges. For example, severe stress can disrupt the cycle, and the time favorable for conception may shift, including during menstruation.

    This also includes irregular sex life, frequent changes of sexual partners and also rare achievement of orgasm. If a woman leads such a lifestyle, the most reliable means of contraception in her case are condoms.


    Infectious diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases, not to mention endocrine disorders, can affect the menstrual cycle.

    In this case, the cycle may be unstable, which means that it is not possible to talk with confidence about dangerous and safe days - they change from cycle to cycle.

    External factors

    External factors include constant stress, unhealthy diet, lack of a regular sexual partner, sexually transmitted diseases, and improper sexual hygiene skills. These factors can contribute to cycle instability.

    There are quite a few different factors that influence the possibility of conception outside of school hours, and it is impossible to accurately predict their effect, so the conviction that it is impossible to conceive during menstruation is an extremely unreliable means of contraception.

    How to increase the likelihood of conception?

    If pregnancy is desired, and a woman seeks to speed up its onset, then she can do this in several ways.

    • Timing.

    Firstly, the days that are considered dangerous, that is, the most suitable for conception, including the last days of menstruation, are the most successful for sex if the couple wants a child.

    To more accurately calculate that very day, there are tests for ovulation, and you can also listen to changes in your own sensations - at the right moment, sexual desire increases, transparent mucous discharge from the vagina appears, and a nagging, but not severe, pain in the lower abdomen may occur.

    • Lots of sex.

    Secondly, and this is the main thing, it is not always possible to conceive a child on the first try, so you need to have a lot of sex and often. The likelihood of conception is greater if a woman has a regular sexual partner. According to statistics, many couples are able to conceive children only a year after they start planning a pregnancy, so don’t worry if the future baby is in no hurry to announce itself.

    And it is imperative that when planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist, to be examined for many diseases that can interfere with conceiving, carrying and giving birth to a child, and not only the woman, but also the future father needs to be examined.

    And most importantly, the child should be desired and loved even when the couple decides to become parents.


    Summarizing the above, we can come to the following conclusions:

    1. Pregnancy during menstruation, especially its last days, is possible;
    2. Before menstruation are the “safest” days, after are the most “dangerous”;
    3. A woman’s hormonal background is subject to fluctuations, so favorable and unfavorable days for conception may change;
    4. If the duration of the menstrual cycle is unstable, the calendar method of contraception is completely unreliable;
    5. You can increase the likelihood of conception by knowing your body well and creating favorable conditions for pregnancy.

    Additional information on the topic can be found in the following video.

    Among the huge number of modern methods of contraception, many women for some reason stubbornly adhere to the rather old “calendar method” of protection against unwanted pregnancy, being sure that it is impossible to get pregnant 2-3 days after menstruation. Is it so? Let's listen to the doctor's answer.

    The essence of the “calendar method” of birth control

    The calendar method of contraception is based on chronological, regularly repeating changes in a woman’s body.

    The normal menstrual or monthly cycle of every healthy woman or girl of reproductive age is conventionally divided into three main phases:

    1. Folliculin phase;
    2. Ovulation;
    3. Luteal phase.

    The first or follicular phase begins simultaneously with the beginning of the next menstruation and lasts for each woman a fairly individual period of time: from 12 to 20 days. On average, with a classic 28-day cycle, it is 14-15 days.

    Ovulation is a kind of medium or midpoint of the monthly cycle. The moment of release of a mature egg from the ovary determines the separation of the two halves of the cycle. It is important to remember that after ovulation, a healthy egg can remain viable for 1-3 days.

    The third phase or is the period of time from the moment of ovulation to the beginning of menstruation. During this period, all the body’s forces are aimed at maturing and preparing the uterine mucosa for the potential introduction of a fertilized egg. If fertilization has occurred, the embryo is implanted in the uterus and pregnancy occurs. If not, another menstruation occurs and the cycle begins from the beginning.

    The calendar method involves calculating the so-called “favorable” and “unfavorable” days for conception. If pregnancy is not planned, it is more correct to call favorable days “dangerous” and unfavorable days “safe” for sexual activity.

    Based on the viability of a man’s egg and sperm, which remain motile for up to 7 days, 7 days before ovulation and 7 days after it will be considered “dangerous”.

    Is it possible to get pregnant 2-3 days after menstruation?

    Any gynecologist will answer this question like this: in obstetrics and gynecology, everything is possible. Of course, with a “classical”, regular cycle of a healthy woman, where ovulation occurs stably on days 14-15, menstruation comes exactly on time, and the woman clearly keeps her menstrual calendar, this is unlikely.

    However, let’s imagine a situation where a woman has some hormonal disorders, during which ovulation shifts by a certain number of days or the woman suffers from acyclic uterine bleeding.

    Many women, especially those with irregular cycles, mistake any bleeding from the genital tract for menstruation. In reality, not every spotting is a period. Often in women, after sexual intercourse, the eroded cervix may bleed, and for some, minor bleeding immediately accompanies the moment of ovulation itself.

    It is important to understand that this division into dangerous and safe days is quite arbitrary, since it is important to know the exact date of ovulation, and not just conventionally accept some average day as it!

    Conditions for the effectiveness of the method of “dangerous” and “safe” days

    To apply the calendar method, the following conditions are necessary:

    1. Clear, regular and stable cycle. This method is absolutely not suitable for women with delayed menstruation, irregular periods, or any hormonal problems.
    2. Accurate maintenance of the menstrual calendar.
    3. A precisely known day of ovulation, confirmed at least once by other tests: ultrasound, pharmacy test strips, basal temperature method.
    4. Use reliable methods of contraception on days identified as “dangerous”.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that in the modern world, women and girls have a huge selection of different ones with proven effectiveness. Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to engage in monthly counting of days and worry about the calendar every time.

    Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for the site

    Useful video

    There is a widespread stereotype among women that the first days after menstruation are considered “conditionally safe” in terms of pregnancy.

    For this reason, most women who use the calendar method of contraception these days are freely sexually active, without using any additional methods of contraception.

    Let's try to figure it out: is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation, and are there any exceptions to this rule?

    In order to get a little closer to understanding the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to understand that the regulation of this process occurs not only at the level of the uterus and ovaries, it is much more complex and fundamental.

    In essence, it is a complex, multi-level system with a clearly visible hierarchy. For a simpler understanding, the regulation of the menstrual cycle can be compared to a 5-story building, where the main boss (cerebral cortex) sits on the top floor, and each of the lower floors is subordinate to the previous one.

    So, the uterus is the last link in this chain, essentially the executive organ. Therefore, a regular menstrual cycle indicates the coordinated, synchronous work of the whole organism, while cycle disturbances can be a manifestation of diseases at any level.

    It is known that the first day of the menstrual cycle coincides with the beginning of menstruation.

    During menstruation, the surface layer of the uterine epithelium, called the endometrium, is rejected (desquamation), which causes menstrual bleeding.

    This process is a monthly “renewal” of the endometrium. After each menstruation, the process of regeneration (restoration) of the uterine mucosa begins. This process is necessary so that the fertilized egg can attach to the inner surface of the uterus.

    On what day can you get pregnant after your period?

    A big misconception among many women is that with a normal, regular cycle, ovulation should occur. This is a fundamentally incorrect judgment.

    Even absolutely healthy women have anovulatory (without ovulation) menstrual cycles several times a year. Moreover, after 25 years, only every second cycle is accompanied by ovulation (and in some cases even less often).

    1. Meeting of sperm and egg.

    It is natural for the wave that without the very fact of fertilization, no pregnancy will occur.

    1. The endometrium of the uterus is prepared for implantation (introduction) of a fertilized egg.

    Ideal conditions for pregnancy are created precisely in the middle of the cycle.

    But on what days does this golden mean occur?

    • With a 28-day cycle, the ovulation process occurs on days 12-14-16.
    • With a 21-day cycle - on days 9-10-11.
    • With an extremely short menstrual cycle (20 days), early ovulation is possible as early as day 8.
    • If the cycle, on the contrary, is long, 35 days, then ovulation is possible on days 18-19.

    What is the probability of pregnancy immediately after the end of menstruation?

    Now let's talk about menstruation. Does it always last the same number of days? Certainly not. Some women have periods for only 2-3 days, others – 6-7.

    This is influenced by many factors: contractility of the uterus, hormonal levels, the presence of any gynecological diseases, blood clotting ability, etc.

    After menstruation, regeneration of the epithelium begins, and by the time of ovulation, as a rule, the epithelium has time to recover. In the middle of the cycle, the thickness of the endometrium allows it to “receive” the fertilized egg in order for the pregnancy to develop.

    To conceive in the days after menstruation, the following factors must be present:

    1. A short menstrual cycle in which ovulation occurs earlier.
    2. Normal menstrual cycle with the phenomenon of early ovulation on days 8-9.
    3. Long menstruation, about 7 days (provided that the last 3 days the discharge is not heavy, but scanty, spotting).
    4. Increased viability of male sperm.

    It has been proven that sperm can be fertilized for about 48 hours. However, with a favorable vaginal pH environment and increased individual sperm viability, this time may be longer. Cases have been reported where sperm could fertilize an egg even 72 hours after intercourse.

    With a detailed study of each of these factors, it becomes obvious that they are not so rare, and therefore the probability of pregnancy in the first days after menstruation is not zero.

    Thus, girls with a short cycle, early ovulation, and long menstruation are most likely to become pregnant in such a situation.

    In rare cases, a combination of all these factors is possible. If such physiological characteristics occur in one girl, then pregnancy in the first days after menstruation will most likely occur for her.

    Thanks to a detailed study of the physiology of the female body, it becomes clear that the myth about the “impossibility of pregnancy” immediately after menstruation has been successfully dispelled.

    In this regard, the question arises about the advisability of using the calendar method of contraception, which has long been discredited. After all, there are actually many more “potentially dangerous” days, if you take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

    This question interests many women and girls who regularly enter into intimate relationships with the opposite sex. The increased interest in him is caused by a simple circumstance. The fact is that a woman’s body is designed in such a way that over a certain period of time the probability becomes quite low, that is, it is not reduced to a minimum, but rather decreases. But, Doctors say that if you often have sex, immediately after your period and before it is very high.

    Moreover, men are designed in such a way that pregnancy can occur even if you have sex with a condom. In medical practice, such cases are not uncommon. Of course, if you use a condom, the chance of getting pregnant is very low. But if you adhere to protection, then the chance of getting pregnant is very high.

    There is always a risk

    In general, in order to know for sure whether there is a chance of getting pregnant immediately after your period or not, you need to imagine which days there is an increased risk. Such days are called dangerous. They can simply be excluded, and then we will immediately get answers to questions about what is the likelihood of getting pregnant immediately after menstruation and when sex can be considered safe. In general, sexologists and doctors assure that there are days with a low probability of getting pregnant. There are few of them and, moreover, they are not safe for everyone. Moreover, these days may also not be acceptable to everyone. In order not to confuse you, we will now try to explain everything.

    A woman's menstrual cycle usually takes 28 days on average. We will not delve into the hormones that control it now, so we will just look at the phases. The first (menstrual) usually ends with the fact that somewhere on the 14th day the girl or woman experiences ovulation, an egg appears that is ready for fertilization. If fertilization does not occur within 24 hours, the egg is destroyed. And, of course, in the time remaining until menstruation, pregnancy does not occur. A completely logical question arises here: if the period of time in which a girl can become pregnant is so small (about a day), then it means that you can have sex without fear that there will be a chance of getting pregnant immediately after your period? In theory, everything is correct, but in practice it is somewhat more complicated.

    Ah, this complex organism!

    We did not take into account the factor of sperm survivability. Once in the uterus or fallopian tubes, they can live for up to 7 days. It turns out that you cannot enter into intimate relationships at least 5 days before the ovulation process. Now the second point. Ovulation may well begin somewhat earlier than two weeks and be noticeably delayed. Moreover, you will never be able to find out about this in advance. Consequently, the risk of getting pregnant immediately after your period increases. Finally, the third point. It seems that after 22 days there is no chance of getting pregnant. However, it is quite easy to get pregnant in just a few days before your period. The fact is that a woman’s body sometimes produces two eggs, not one. And in this case, fraternal twins are born. In other words, it may turn out that when the 23rd day of the safe cycle comes, you have sex. But at this time the second egg begins to ovulate and, of course, pregnancy immediately occurs.

    Thus, it turns out that the probability of getting pregnant immediately after your period is as high as before it. To summarize all of the above, we can say that only the first 5 days are considered relatively safe during the menstrual cycle. The probability of getting pregnant immediately after your period is one of the greatest. And another unpleasant fact is that, naturally, for aesthetic reasons, not all girls and boys like it. In addition, the period of menstruation is characterized by weakening of the female body, which makes it susceptible to infectious infections. Therefore, it is very important to be extremely scrupulous about the rules of personal hygiene. Girls and women should definitely wash themselves before and after sexual intercourse, and boys and men should wash their genitals with soap. In case of unprotected sex during menstruation, especially if the partner is new, it is very important to treat the genitals with an antiseptic to avoid infection. There are enough such products in any pharmacy. Just keep in mind that they will only be effective in the first 2 hours after intimacy. We also strongly recommend that you do not practice unprotected sex, unless, of course, you are planning to conceive a child. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of HIV infections, which leads to extremely unpleasant consequences. Therefore, try to use a condom, especially if your sexual partners change constantly. Protected sex will give you pleasure and protect you from many troubles.