Selenium use in medicine. Contraindications and side effects. Atomic and molecular mass of selenium

Taking vitamins with selenium is the best way to replenish the microelement deficiency. When choosing a product, you need to consider the quantity and form of selenium in the preparation. In order not to harm your health, it is advisable to choose medications or nutritional supplements from well-known manufacturers.

In the body, selenium (Se) is found in organic form - in the form of selenocysteine. In selenium-containing tablets, chewing candies, lollipops, and capsules, this important element can be present in both organic and inorganic forms.

Organic selenium compounds

Organic forms of the microelement are best absorbed (90%) in the form of selenomethionine, methyl selenium L-selenocysteine, and selenium glycinate. Organic natural selenium, which is found in plants in the form of selenomethionine, is quickly integrated into metabolism.

The herb astragalus is distinguished by its ability to selectively accumulate Se. Astragalus syrup is approved for the treatment and prevention of selenium deficiency for all groups of the population, including children and pregnant women.

Se can be included in multivitamin-mineral products in the form of the organic substance selexen (selenoxanthene). This compound is used not only for the production of vitamins and dietary supplements, but also in the food industry as an antioxidant.

In the production of dietary supplements, predominantly a yeast complex containing Se is used, which is obtained by adding yeast to inorganic selenium.

As a result of chemical transformations, up to 30% of organic selenium is formed from the total volume, but most of it remains in inorganic form.

The use of yeast selenium should be monitored by a doctor due to the risk of candidiasis and dysbacteriosis under the influence of yeast fungi.

Inorganic forms

Inorganic compounds with selenium (selenite, sodium selenate) are absorbed by 50%. Long-term consumption of the inorganic form of the trace element in the form of sodium selenite can cause poisoning, especially if there is a sufficient intake of Se from food.

In addition, inorganic Se in the yeast complex can negatively affect the condition of the intestines and cause skin rashes. Inorganic selenium is contained in the form:

  • sodium selenate - in, Perfectil, Vitrum;
  • sodium selenite - in products, .

It is advisable to use these vitamin supplements under the supervision of a doctor due to the danger of accumulation in the body of a toxic metabolic product of inorganic Se hydroselenidion.

Selenium dosage

The daily requirement for Se depends on body weight, lifestyle, and environmental conditions. The daily intake of selenium is 50-60 mcg for women, 70 mcg for men. For children, the daily intake is calculated based on 1 mcg per 1 kg of body weight.

In pregnant women, the Se intake rate increases to 75 mcg. With increased physical activity, microelement intake up to 200 mcg per day is allowed.

In the short term, up to 400 mcg per day can be used to treat nutrient deficiency. The toxic dose is 900 mcg/day. With such consumption, symptoms of excess develop in the body:

  • smell of garlic from the mouth;
  • hair loss;
  • irritability, fatigue.

Selenium in vitamin complexes

If the packaging of the drug indicates that Se is contained in a dosage ranging from 50% to 100% of the daily dose, then such products replenish the selenium deficiency within 2 months.

Vitamin-mineral complexes containing 30-50% Se of the daily requirement are classified as preventive agents.

They are used to prevent selenium deficiency due to insufficient dietary intake or increased consumption during pregnancy, physical activity.

Selenium absorption - features

The absorption of Se requires the presence of vitamins B6, E, and C in the body. Along with Se deficiency, there is often a lack of zinc, a vital trace element that, along with selenium, is involved in the synthesis of hormones thyroid gland, iodine absorption.

You can learn more about the properties of zinc and zinc-containing products by reading articles about this element in the body.

The Complivit line of complexes includes vitamins with selenium for women over 45 years old, to improve vision in adults and children, during pregnancy, diabetes, stressful situations. Complivit contains vitamins A, E, C, which improve the absorption of selenium.

The drug contains 70 mcg of sodium selenite, which is 100% of daily requirement adult man. Vitamins Complivit with selenium are approved for pregnant women, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.


Selecor and Selecor Maxi are considered more physiological selenium-containing products. In them, Se is in the least toxic divalent form in the form of the organic substance dimethyldipyrosalyl selenide.

One tablet of Selecor Maxi contains 70 mcg of pure Se. It is recommended to take the drug temporarily when increased loads, for the treatment of severe selenium deficiency conditions on the recommendation of a doctor.

For prevention purposes, it is more suitable to take the drug Selecor, which contains 25 mcg of Se, which is less than 50% of the daily dose of the microelement. Skelecor preparations do not contain vitamins C and E, which requires additional intake of these vitamins to improve the absorption of selenium.

List of preparations with selenium

The list of medications and dietary supplements containing selenium includes several dozen items, including:

  • medications - Multimax (USA), Selenobel (Belarus), Antioxycaps with selenium (Belarus), Selenase (Austria), Cephasel (Germany);
  • food additives - Dynamizan (Italy), Focus-Forte (Russia), Vitamineral (Russia), Vita-Selenium (USA), Selmevit (Russia), Solgar Selenium (USA), Selzinc Plus (Czech Republic), Vitrum (USA), Centrum (USA), Doppelhertz (Germany), Perfectil (Great Britain), Duovit (Slovenia).

It is not recommended to independently decide on the choice of drugs with selenium. The American Heart Association guidelines for healthy eating and lifestyle, it is noted that it is undesirable to use antioxidants and selenium as a preventative measure without a doctor’s prescription.

Scientists became aware of a substance such as selenium more than two centuries ago, but interest in it not only does not fade, but, on the contrary, continues to grow. The reason is that scientists noticed beneficial influence of this element both on individual biological processes in the human body and on metabolism in general.

They concluded: to prevent health problems, you should provide the body with the necessary daily norm Selena. For this purpose, a drug was created that is able to completely compensate for its deficiency - the Selenium Active dietary supplement. Reviews about it are only positive, since it has no side effects and really helps improve health.

Effect of selenium and preparations containing it on the body

Scientists have proven experimentally that selenium in microdoses is useful, as it is the most powerful antioxidant, along with and E. It is necessary for the production of an important enzyme (glutathione peroxidase), which neutralizes the action of free radicals, which under certain circumstances can cause cancer.

Selenium helps eliminate cadmium, mercury, lead and others from the body heavy metals. In combination with vitamin E, it has anti-inflammatory properties, and simultaneous administration microelement with iodine can prevent the development of certain thyroid diseases.

What effect does the drug “Selenium Active” have on the human body? Reviews can be found in printed health publications and on various Internet sites. The drug is recommended for the full functioning of the thyroid gland, as it promotes the production of the hormone thyroxine. Taking dietary supplements containing selenium normalizes mental and physical activity human, increases performance reproductive system men and women.

What's the benefit? What can you learn from reviews?

Should I take Selenium Active? Reviews from authoritative healthcare representatives and ordinary people far from pharmaceuticals who have already experienced its effect say that this wonderful remedy to strengthen immunity and improve general condition body.

For example, many of those who took dietary supplements according to the instructions noted an improvement in the condition of their nails: brittle nails became elastic, they acquired a natural healthy color. Those who have completed several courses of taking the drug "Selenium Active" notice that their hair has acquired a healthier appearance, become soft and silky. Most of those who regularly used the supplement for the recommended time reported improved performance.

Why is selenium deficiency dangerous?

A lack of selenium is dangerous to health, since it weakens the immune system, cardiovascular and oncological diseases can begin to develop, and the body’s resistance to unfavorable factors environment. Some of the indicators of its deficiency are fast fatiguability, weakness and painful sensations in muscles and joints, blurred vision, brittle nails, etc.

What if you observe in yourself similar symptoms such as, for example profuse hair loss hair? It is highly likely that you need selenium supplements.

How is Selenium Active beneficial for hair? The reviews mentioned above show that it helps improve the condition of the hair and the whole body. Therefore, it may be worth trying to take 1-2 courses of taking this drug, if necessary, consulting with your doctor.

How to use? Dosage

How long do you need to take dietary supplements to feel positive result? How often and in what doses should I use Selenium Active? Reviews about the duration of use before any tangible results appear indicate different terms. Some people feel an improvement in their body’s condition already a week after starting to take it (for example, they may feel a surge of strength), others after more a long period time. But to really feel major changes, need to go full course reception provided for by the instructions. It is valid for one month. Tablets can be taken by adults and children, starting from 14 years old, 1 piece with meals. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before taking it.

"Selenium active". Reviews from doctors

Doctors strongly recommend this drug for people living in contaminated areas or working in unfavorable conditions. Doctors prescribe Selenium Active to their patients who suffer from the syndrome chronic fatigue, or long-term smokers, to reduce the harmful effects of nicotine.

You can buy dietary supplements at almost any pharmacy. The drug is sold in cardboard packages, inside of which there is a blister with Selenium Active tablets and instructions. Reviews from doctors indicate that the drug can be used to prevent many diseases, such as colitis, pancreatitis, male infertility, gastritis, cholecystitis and many others. Therefore, when you see a box with this miraculous remedy, think: maybe you should test it for yourself?

When it comes to minerals necessary for the body in general and the female body in particular, we usually first of all remember calcium, which is necessary “for the bones.” If the list were to be continued, many may recall magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and zinc, although not everyone can list the functions of these substances. We know even less about why a woman needs selenium. Meanwhile, the wrong dosage of this little-known (relative to others) substance can cause serious health problems in the fair sex.


(lat. Selenium) is a chemical element included, along with oxygen, sulfur, polonium and tellurium, in the 16th group of the fourth period of D. I. Mendeleev’s periodic table. IN pure form is a black glassy substance with a fragile structure; non-metal, soluble in water.

The discovery of selenium belongs to the Swedish chemist Jöns Jakob Berzelius. In 1817, while synthesizing sulfuric acid, he discovered a strange red-brown precipitate in it that smelled like radish. This substance was initially mistaken by scientists for tellurium, discovered back in 1782, but upon detailed study it turned out that we are talking about a completely new, hitherto unknown chemical element.

Did you know? Interestingly, it was due to its similarity to tellurium that selenium received its name. The fact is that the word “tellurium” is derived from the Latin “tellus”, which means “Earth”. By this analogy, tellurium's satellite was named after the Moon (selenus, Greek σελήνη).

Selenium is a very toxic substance, but, as often happens in nature, it is present in microscopic doses in some proteins. It is also found in the human body: mainly in the liver, heart, kidneys, and spleen. In men, this microelement is also present in the testicles, spermatic cords and sperm itself.

Importance in a woman’s body and its benefits

Perhaps the most important thing to know about selenium is its role in protecting our body from free radicals, aggressive molecules that arise as a result of an incomplete cycle of redox reactions and destroy cellular structures, causing not only premature aging , but also a whole “bouquet” of very dangerous diseases. Suffice it to say that, according to the World Health Organization, at least 60% of deaths on Earth occur from diseases that are caused precisely by the negative effects of free radicals.
The mechanism of “internal” defense against the attacks of these dangerous killers is known as “antioxidant defense”. It is in its construction great value has selenium, or rather, glutathione peroxidases containing it - unique enzymes that bind the most destructive types of free radicals. In total, there are more than two hundred enzymes in the human body that contain selenium. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that this microelement affects the functioning of almost all organs and systems.

In particular, the “lunar” element is necessary for:
  • energy metabolism (it is directly involved in the formation of adenosine triphosphate, which is a universal source of energy for all biological systems);
  • increasing stem cell activity (preventing premature aging);
  • improving metabolism;
  • increasing activity, improving sleep, raising muscle tone, overcoming the consequences of emotional overload and stress;
  • strengthening the heart and blood vessels;
  • normalization of the thyroid gland;
  • improving the condition of nails, hair, skin, joints and spine;
  • regeneration of liver and pancreas cells;
  • prevention of the formation of atypical cells;
  • preventing the occurrence diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, allergies, arthritis and colitis;
  • protecting the body from exposure negative factors environment - emissions of industrial waste, exhaust gases, tobacco smoke, cadmium, mercury, lead vapors;
  • blocking various inflammatory processes, protection against bacteria, viruses and fungal infections (in particular, the trace element prevents the proliferation of mold fungi);
  • increasing immunity.
For reference: the Finnish government’s policy aimed at introducing an additional dose of selenium into the diet of citizens has led to an amazing result: the number of thyroid pathologies and cancer diseases among the population has decreased by approximately 1.8 times, and problems with the heart and blood vessels have decreased by 2. 5 times, and they began to appear in people 7-10 years later! Scientists from Denmark also recorded a 70% reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease by adding selenium to the diet.
All the properties of the “lunar” element mentioned above are equally relevant for both men and women. But selenium has features that make it especially important and valuable specifically for representatives of the fair half of humanity. And the point here is not only about maintaining youth, beautiful skin and strong hair (which, of course, is also important). The effect of the substance in question on the woman’s body is additionally manifested in the normalization of the functioning of specific sex hormones, which, in particular, ensures:
  • proper metabolism (obesity prevention);
  • unhindered conception (prevention of infertility);
  • prevention serious pathologies female genital organs, including uterine fibroids, as well as various inflammatory processes in it;
  • later withering of a woman (menopause).

Is it useful?

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the “lunar” element in a woman’s diet takes on a special role, which is worth dwelling on in a little more detail.

During pregnancy

The expectant mother needs to take care of receiving the necessary dose of the “lunar” element, since it contributes to:

  • easy pregnancy (in particular, it prevents the occurrence of toxicosis, prevents the woman from becoming exhausted and weakened during this period, and reduces the risk of miscarriage);
  • protecting the mother’s body from external and internal threats;
  • rapid recovery after childbirth.
This microelement is also necessary for proper development fetus

During lactation

During breastfeeding, selenium deficiency occurs especially often. At the same time, given that a woman’s body after childbirth is most at risk of all kinds of infections, and even worsening diseases internal organs at this time it occurs all the time, and many medications are incompatible with lactation, it is very important to mobilize and use your own protective functions. As we have already mentioned, not the least role in the formation of immunity and the construction antioxidant protection belongs precisely to the mineral in question.

Daily intake: how to take selenium

The opinion of scientists regarding the daily intake of selenium is not clear. Some call numbers from 70 to 100 mcg, others talk about 80-200 mcg. For example, in the United States of America, the norm for selenium consumption is considered to be 55 mg of the substance per day per adult, regardless of gender, but in the UK it is recommended that men receive 75 mcg of this element per day, and women - 60 mcg. In the Russian Federation, the daily norm of the “lunar” element also depends on gender: for women it is 55 mcg, for men - 75 mcg. For children under 18 years of age, it is enough to receive 10-50 mcg of this substance per day, depending on age. Some sources indicate the recommended dose at the rate of 1 mcg of an element per 1 kg of weight, others provide more detailed tables, for example:

  • up to six months - 10 mcg;
  • from six months to a year - 15 mcg;
  • from one to six years - 20 mcg;
  • from six to ten years - 30 mcg;
  • from ten to fourteen years - 45 mcg;
  • from fourteen years to adulthood - 50 mcg.
However, there are situations when required amount"lunar" element can increase significantly. It's about First of all, about situations when the body, for one reason or another, experiences serious stress, for example, trying to fight dangerous disease. During pregnancy, the blood volume in a woman’s body increases significantly, which also causes an increased need for selenium.
We should not forget that a large number of useful microelements accumulate in the placenta to ensure the full development of the fetus. Thus, when consuming a mineral, a woman should do it, as the famous song says, “for herself and for that guy.” During this period, as well as during breastfeeding, it is recommended to receive 200 mcg of selenium per day (by the way, athletes and smokers should focus on the same amounts).

Important! Until recently, extremely permissible dose Selenium per day was considered a threshold of 500 mcg (in especially severe cases it was even increased to 1 mg), but now they prefer to focus on small doses, making up for the deficiency by increasing the duration of the course of administration. The maximum dose per day should not exceed 400 mcg.

Speaking about the benefits of selenium, we should never forget about its high toxicity. Despite all of the above, as self-medication (in the form of food supplements and vitamin complexes), it is allowed to take no more than 50 mcg of the substance per day, because we get a certain amount of this element in food. A pregnant woman and a nursing mother should generally refrain from doing anything on their own and carry out “selenotherapy” exclusively on the recommendation of the attending physician and under his direct supervision.

Where is selenium found?

There are a few various types Selena:

  1. Natural (organic): present in plant and animal products, the most common forms are selenomethionine and selencysteine.
  2. Mineral (inorganic): found in some medications, such as Neoselen.
  3. Artificial (organic): obtained by combining an element with an artificial protein, it forms the basis of another category of drugs (for example, “Selenium-active”).
  4. Yeast: special additives are added to the mineral selenium dissolved in water yeast forms, which partially (20-30%) convert the “dangerous” inorganic element into a “safe” organic one. Used in the production of all kinds of dietary supplements.

Source Products

The most desirable form of replenishing the reserves of the “lunar” element in the body is the consumption of foods containing this mineral. We have already mentioned that selenium is found in both plant and animal foods.

Important! Selenium contained in plants is absorbed by our body almost completely (up to 98%). From animal products, we are able to take only a third of the mineral they contain, but even this figure looks quite decent, considering that inorganic selenium is absorbed by no more than 10%!

Among plant products that are natural sources of selenium, it is worth highlighting:
  • cereals (especially);
  • legumes;
  • cabbage;
  • oregano herb;
  • , including yeast (to plant products This category is classified conditionally; according to the generally accepted classification, mushrooms do not belong to either plants or animals).

Selenium can be found in animal products:
  • in and seafood (,);
  • offal (especially in the liver);
  • (especially veal) and lard;
  • and, including butter;
For example, in order to get the daily requirement of selenium, it is enough to eat:
  • 200 g;
  • 200 g (boiled);
  • 50 g;
  • 3 large cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g;
  • a glass of fresh homemade .

The most valuable natural source of selenium is also mineral water obtained in the Caucasus.

Important! Any processing of the product, even not related to heating (for example, drying or freezing) greatly reduces the selenium content in it, so to replenish reserves of this microelement It is best to consume foods containing it raw (if possible, of course).

It must be said that the amount of selenium in certain natural sources can vary greatly depending on the geography of growth (residence) of a particular plant or animal. The more of this mineral is contained in the soil, the more it enters the surrounding organic matter (in Russia, unfortunately, there is very little selenium in the soil, which explains the frequent deficiency of the “lunar” mineral in the body of people living here).

Various chemical fertilizers and heavy metals wash away valuable elements from the soil. As a result of death under the influence of these harmful substances microorganisms contained in the soil that process selenium into its organic forms, the digestibility of this element, even if it is present in the soil, is sharply reduced.


The pharmaceutical industry has developed more than a hundred different drugs containing selenium. We have already mentioned two of them above - “Neoselen” and “Selenium-active”. This microelement is also very often included in multivitamin preparations (including complexes for nursing mothers), as well as dietary supplements (BAS).

Did you know? There is a known case that is completely unique in its curiosity and at the same time tragic, related to the production of selenium-containing drugs, which is often cited as an example by ardent opponents of dietary supplements. One American company mistakenly “fortified” its products with 100 mg of selenium instead of the permissible 100 mcg. Exceeding the daily dose by a thousand times, of course, caused a series of serious poisonings.

Indeed, to replenish selenium reserves due to medical supplies should be taken seriously. On the one hand, the so-called “mild deficiency” of this element is observed in most people who live far from the sea and receive selenium exclusively from food. For this reason in for preventive purposes it is recommended to take containing this additive medications at least once a year for a course of two to three months.
On the other hand, an overdose of selenium can cause serious poisoning, so it is best to consult a doctor and do the appropriate tests before taking any drug. Children should not take these medications without direct use strictly contraindicated!

Features of the use of pharmaceutical products for pregnant and lactating women

In addition to the fact that it is categorically unacceptable for a pregnant woman to independently prescribe certain medications (vitamins and microelements are no exception, since their overdose is sometimes no less dangerous than a deficiency), you also need to pay attention to the exact form in which the drug is presented. selenium in one or another preparation.

For example, artificial organic selenium (for example, the drug “Selenium-Active”) is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is interesting that in the instructions for the mentioned drug, pregnancy and lactation are indicated only as a reason to consult a doctor, which once again indicates that the desire to sell your product is often stronger than moral principles.
Yeast selenium is less dangerous, but this form contains live fungi, which is fraught with the development of dysbacteriosis. During pregnancy and lactation, such a side effect is extremely undesirable, since against the background of such an imbalance, a favorable environment can be created for active development certain pathogens that are present in a woman’s body and for the time being do not cause her any harm (for example, the same candida that causes thrush).

The mineral form of selenium is often used to compensate for its deficiency in pregnant women and nursing mothers. However, if the above-mentioned Neoselen can be used for this purpose, then its analogue, Selenase, is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Is there a shortage or surplus?

Of course, both are possible. But if selenium deficiency usually occurs due to the fact that it is difficult to obtain a sufficient amount of this trace element from food, then an excess is always associated with illiterate and irresponsible use of various medications and dietary supplements.

About the shortage

The good news is that critical selenium deficiency is not that common. But there is also a bad thing: every day we do not receive approximately 20-30% of the required dose of this microelement. Wrong diet bad habits(smoking), stress and bad ecology- all these are the reasons causing “soft deficiency”.

Important! The Russian Academy of Medical Sciences conducted studies showing that only 20% of Russian citizens do not have a selenium deficiency. In this regard, since 1994, a program has been launched at the government level to compensate for the deficiency of this microelement among the country's population.

Selenium deficiency can lead to a variety of disorders, including:
  • to development;
  • increased risk of cancer;
  • deterioration of the pancreas and thyroid glands;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • weakening;
  • deterioration;
  • increased blood levels;
  • premature aging.

Such serious consequences occur if, instead of the prescribed 50-70 mcg, a person receives no more than 5 mcg of a microelement per day. With a less pronounced deficiency, fatigue, drowsiness, weakness, and muscle pain may simply appear. At the right approach Selenium deficiency in the body can be replenished within a month, and the achieved effect will last another 2-3 months.

About overdose

An overdose of selenium can cause serious poisoning. Its first symptoms are:

  • severe weakness;
  • yellow skin color;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • a burning sensation in the eyes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • coughing;
  • garlic smell from the mouth (sweat, urine, and skin have a similar aroma).
In more severe cases, seizures, enlarged liver and spleen, hair loss, and brittle nails may occur.

Important! Serious selenium poisoning primarily affects the nervous system. In addition, the liver, heart and blood vessels can be damaged. It is also important to know that this poison is able to penetrate the placenta, which can lead to dangerous pathologies and even fetal death.

Despite the fact that such severe consequences occur mainly when chemical poisoning, and not with a usual overdose, taking dosage forms of selenium should still be treated with extreme caution.

Compatibility in the female body

As is known, for normal operation our body needs great amount various vitamins and minerals. We receive some of them from the outside, others are synthesized directly in our organs and tissues. However, not everyone knows that the interaction of certain substances with each other can in some cases strengthen, and in others, on the contrary, weaken the effect of each of them. A classic example of “compatibility” is calcium, and: two chemical elements work in pairs, ensuring water-salt metabolism, and vitamin D acts as a regulator of this process.

Selenium also has its “partners” and “opponents”. So, for optimal absorption of this microelement, it is important that the body has enough vitamin E, but the beneficial properties of the latter are greatly enhanced when interacting with selenium. Therefore in food additives And vitamin complexes these substances are usually present simultaneously.
Selenium also combines well with vitamins A and C. But easily digestible carbohydrates in foods, on the contrary, interfere with the absorption of selenium. It follows from this that to compensate for the deficiency of this microelement, you should not eat broccoli or nuts with buns. In addition, it is recommended to take selenium separately from zinc, since these minerals are “competitors”.

No less useful elements for women

Completing ode of praise Selenium, to restore justice, I would like to say a few words about other vitamins and minerals that play an important role in the lives of the fair sex.


For a woman this is a guarantee healthy teeth, strong bones, beautiful nails, strong muscles and good blood. During pregnancy, the need for this element increases three to four times, since it ensures the formation of the baby’s skeleton. Nature has arranged it in such a way that if there is insufficient calcium intake from food to meet the needs of the fetus, the body begins to take this element from the mother’s bones. Calcium deficiency threatens not only frequent fractures, peeling nails and tooth decay, but also problems with the heart, stomach and genitourinary system.

Vitamin C

We won’t talk about its role in the body: the antioxidant, bactericidal and immunomodulatory properties of ascorbic acid are known to everyone. We only note that during pregnancy, vitamin C is necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent uterine bleeding, as well as to prevent anemia (returning to the issue of compatibility of vitamins and minerals, let’s say that ascorbic acid increases the absorption of iron - another critical element for the female body).


An important role in the formation of bone and connective tissue has a mineral such as . If a pregnant woman is deficient in this element, fetal development may even stop. In addition, silicon is involved in metabolic processes, strengthens blood vessels, improves immunity and, along with selenium, has strong antioxidant properties.

Everyone knows that it has a calming effect on the nervous system. But this element performs female body and many other functions. It is involved in the process of thermoregulation, normalizes blood pressure and heart rhythms, promotes the elimination of toxins and “bad” cholesterol, and prevents the development allergic reactions, stimulates the immune system and protects against radiation. Magnesium deficiency provokes nervous stress, development cardiovascular diseases, leads to seizures.

Important! It turns out that in those regions where drinking water contains a high percentage of magnesium (so-called “hard water”), people are much less likely to die from heart-related diseases.

Magnesium deficiency is often experienced by women taking oral contraceptives. And during menopause, a deficiency of this element leads to serious damage. bone tissue and the development of osteoporosis. To summarize, let us once again note the most important role that an element such as selenium plays in a woman’s body. Being inherently a strong poison, this substance is nevertheless absolutely necessary for us to ensure proper operation almost all organs and tissues.
It is not always possible to “get” the required amount of selenium from food, but ideally this is still worth striving for. In any case, start taking selenium-containing drugs (even if these are ordinary complex vitamins or “harmless” dietary supplements) without a direct prescription from a doctor or at least prior consultation with him is strictly not recommended.

Selenium (lat. Selenium)– an element of non-metallic origin. In its pure form, it is a solid gray-black substance with a metallic sheen (see photo), which is quite fragile. In another modification (unstable), its color becomes reddish. Under normal conditions it is quite stable, interacts with halogens (chlorine and fluorine), and under elevated temperature- with oxygen.

The name has Greek roots and comes from the word “Moon”. The reason for this was that in natural conditions this element is a satellite of tellurium, and it is named after the planet Earth. Accordingly, by analogy, he was given the name of the planet’s satellite.

The element was discovered in 1817 by Berzelius from sulfuric acid precipitation.

Selenium is actively used in industry due to its electrical conductivity properties. Although it is found quite rarely in nature, almost never in the form of minerals.

The action of selenium and its biological role

The effect of the macronutrient on the human body has been recognized and studied since 1973. Since that time, the whole world has been gripped by real “selenomania.” Then it seemed that the use of this element would become a panacea for all diseases, and they began to prescribe it in large doses to everyone. But as it turns out, selenium can be both a miracle cure and poison, if not used in moderation.

Selenium has a very powerful effect on almost all activities of our body and plays the following biological role:

In general, there is not a single area in the body that is not affected by selenium. It is part of most enzymes and proteins, and they, in turn, carry out redox reactions and neutralize free radicals, which cause harm at all levels of the body. Selenium binds and removes heavy metal salts (mercury, manganese, cadmium, lead) from the body.

The most important action of the element is, of course, the fight against cancer and immune defense the body from a wide variety of viruses: hepatitis, Ebola fever, HIV/AIDS. The latter disease is not yet curable, but the element is quite capable of keeping it in a latent state. Selenium traps the virus within the cell; when the supply of the element is depleted, the virus spreads to healthy cells. Its effect on the production of thyroxine, the thyroid hormone, is also important, the deficiency of which causes the growth of this organ. Taking selenium in combination with iodine, with an already developed disease, can cause at least a suspension, or even regression of the disease. The latter is more likely in children.

Selenium also affects the growth of pancreatic cells and insulin-producing cells. In this case, glucose consumption accelerates, which is a good prevention or treatment for the development of diabetes mellitus. IN gastrointestinal tract with the participation of the macroelement, the microflora is normalized, damaged tissues and mucous are regenerated. Bile formation in the liver is stabilized, which improves its functioning.

Don't forget about selenium during pregnancy. After all, it will help fight toxicosis and give good mood, relieving all symptoms of anxiety. During feeding, it is also necessary, and in double quantities, because the baby receives all the elements with mother’s milk.

The element itself is not a guaranteed medicine, but a complex one qualified approach will be able to help in most cases. Prophylactic use will significantly reduce all risks of acquiring the above diseases. But, in any case, self-medication is not recommended.

Daily norm - what is the body's need for a chemical element?

The daily macronutrient requirement has been determined World Organization healthcare within the following limits:

  • adults (woman/man) – 55-70 mcg;
  • infants under 1 year - 10-15 mcg;
  • children preschool age– 20 mcg;
  • children of primary school age and adolescents – 30-50 mcg;
  • pregnant and lactating women – 65-200 mcg;
  • athletes, on the other hand, need up to 200 mcg of the substance.

The maximum dose is considered to be 400 mcg per day. Loading doses prescribed only when a significant deficiency is diagnosed under the close supervision of doctors.

Selenium deficiency - symptoms of deficiency and characteristics of its harm to health

A deficiency of a macronutrient can cause so-called “diseases of civilization,” despite the fact that for a long time it was considered a real poison. The consequences of deficiency can be extremely disappointing and harmful to health, in particular, they manifest themselves in the following symptoms:

The tendency to develop a deficiency increases with age, and accordingly, the tendency to disease also increases. Lately It has been noticed that there is a sharp increase in the number of the above-mentioned diseases, and they are becoming more chronic and aggressive. These processes are associated with the deterioration of lifestyle and the environment. Our food today is too poor in useful elements and vitamins, because... grown on depleted lands. Fertilizers, poisoning of soils and soils with industrial waste affect chemical composition products.

Excess selenium in the body

As already mentioned, selenium can also be poisonous. Although its effect on the body is invaluable, too little of it is required - about a hundred thousandth of one gram.

Exceeding doses will quickly affect your health and appearance, causing the following symptoms: weak nails and hair, muscle pain, redness or flaking of the skin, dental problems, dysfunction nervous system, kidneys, liver, decreased immunity.

Most often, an excess of the element occurs in people who earn money by extracting this element during the development of natural strata, as well as in residents of settlements bordering the mining sites. Also, uncontrolled use of drugs in pursuit of a magical cure for cancer causes excess. Although it has been proven that a large amount of selenium can have the opposite effect, that is, it can accelerate the growth of tumors and interfere with the effect of chemotherapy.

Sources containing this item

Almost the entire population of the planet suffers from selenium deficiency soft form– they get about 70-80%. And only residents of coastal areas receive the required amount of the element by consuming seafood rich in it.

It is quite possible to maintain the required level of the element in the body with food. The main thing is to know what to eat! It will be enough to add dairy products, lard, veal, legumes and coconuts to the diet. A certain amount of it can be found in stone or sea ​​salt, eggs, bran, tomato, corn, wholemeal products. But all these foods should be eaten in fresh, without processing (preservation, concentration), because it completely destroys selenium, and heat treatment reduces the quantity by half useful element.

There are several products that can be called leaders in selenium content. This is broccoli, oregano, garlic and yeast. True, everything that follows concerns products grown on environmentally friendly lands.

Brewer's and baker's yeast are a wonderful source of selenium, because here it is found biologically active form and is easily digestible. In the middle of the 20th century, it was found that the use of yeast prevented or even stopped the development of liver necrosis. It turned out that our macronutrient was the mysterious component. The only thing is that the yeast must be processed before use, otherwise there will be little benefit from it.

Why? As you know, this substance is a living organism and even in the body it continues to feed, mainly with B vitamins, and specifically biotin. The same, in turn, affects the immune system. Therefore, it is necessary to quench the activity of the yeast, and for this you need to process it hot water(not less than 60 degrees Celsius). There is no need to get carried away - two grams a day is more than enough healthy person. For everyone else, the doctor will determine the norm and the course of treatment most often lasts no more than 2 weeks.

You can correct selenium deficiency with garlic. It is the garlic smell that appears when there is an overdose of the element. In addition to selenium, you will get a lot more useful substances: proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins B and C. And the smell is nothing more than allicin (a sulfur compound with an unpleasant odor characteristic of garlic), which kills bacteria. Please note that preparations with supposedly garlic extracts do not have the properties of a natural product.

Italian and Spanish cuisines are rich in the presence of garlic, and it has long been noted that people living in these countries are much less likely to suffer from heart disease, atherosclerosis and senility. And eating them with meat slightly neutralizes the effect of fats and cholesterol.

Brazil nuts can be added to the list of selenium-containing foods. They grow on tropical soils rich in selenium, and one nut can replace the entire daily requirement of the element for an adult. But this amount (up to 100 mcg) is found only in unshelled nuts. Kernels without shells contain 4-5 times less of the element.

Selenium deficiency in infants, namely boys, may be most often explained artificial nutrition. After all, mother's milk contains twice as much selenium and 5 times more vitamin E than cow's milk. The male sex needs more of the element, and the deficiency is more pronounced. Many doctors associate the mysterious “sudden death” of newborns with a lack of these two substances.

Interaction with other substances

The presence of certain elements and vitamins helps selenium cope with diseases. For example, vitamins E and C, combined with selenium, fight viruses, infections and cancer. Together with cobalt and magnesium, it affects the protection of chromosomes and genetic material in cells.

The enemy, with full confidence, can be called carbohydrates, which are capable of completely destroying all accumulations of selenium in the body. So all the cakes and pastries have once again proven their incompetence.

There is one more substance that can be called an enemy of the beneficial element. This is a mold that has a carcinogenic effect on cells. It can enter the body through food containing rotting grain or potatoes stored in damp rooms.

Indications for use

Indications for prescribing a macroelement are determined by its biological effect on the human body. He serves prophylactic for many diseases that are caused by its deficiency. Main purposes:

  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • abnormalities of fetal development and pregnancy;
  • treatment of pancreatitis;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, lichen, dermatitis) - used for internal and external use.

When choosing medications, pay close attention to some points. For example, the content of the element in additives. There was a known case when one of the manufacturers placed 100 mg of an element in the drug instead of 100 mcg. It turned out that consumers for some time exceeded the norm by 1000 times, which naturally led to multiple poisonings. Don't forget that you will also get some from food.

There are also medications that contain inorganic selenium compounds, which can cause side effects such as nausea and stomach discomfort. It would be better to use medications with easily digestible organic compounds.

What do we know about selenium? In school chemistry lessons we were told that selenium is a chemical element, we could solve various chemical equations and observe reactions with its participation. But there are so many elements in the periodic table that it is impossible to cover the entire amount of information. Therefore, everything is presented quite briefly.

In this article you can learn more about the element called selenium. What is it, what are its properties, where in nature can this element be found and how is it used in industry. In addition, it is important to know what effect it has on our body.

What is selenium

Selenium's color appears through an eye-pleasing reaction. If you pass through a flask with selenous acid sulphur dioxide, which is a good reducing agent, the resulting solution will turn yellow, then orange and finally blood red.

A weak solution will make it possible to obtain amorphous colloidal selenium. If the concentration is high, a red to dark burgundy powder will settle during the reaction. This will be amorphous powdered selenium in elemental form.

In order to bring a substance into a glassy state, it is necessary to heat it and cool it sharply. The color will change to black, but the red tint can only be noticed if you look at the light.

Crystalline monoclinic selenium will be a little more difficult to obtain. To do this you need to take a small amount of red powder and mix with carbon disulfide. It is necessary to connect a reflux refrigerator to the vessel with the mixture and boil for 2 hours. Soon a light orange liquid with a slight green tint will begin to form, which will need to be slowly evaporated in a container under

Uses of selenium

Selenium was first used in the ceramic and glass industries. The 1965 edition of the “Handbook of Rare Metals” tells us this.

Selenium is added to the glass mass to decolorize the glass and eliminate the greenish tint caused by the admixture of iron compounds. For production in the glass industry, a compound of selenium and cadmium (cadmoselite CdSe) is used. In the production of ceramics, cadmoselite gives it a red color and also colors enamels.

Some selenium is used as a filler in the rubber industry and also in the steel industry to ensure that the resulting alloys have a fine-grained structure.

Most semiconductor technology is made using selenium. This was the main reason for the increase in the cost of a substance such as selenium. The price increased from 3.3 to 33 dollars per 1 kilogram in 1930 and 1956, respectively.

The cost of selenium on the world market in 2015 was $68 per 1 kg. Whereas in 2012, a kilogram of this metal cost about $130 per kilogram. The demand for selenium (the price confirms this) is falling due to high supply.

The substance is also widely used in the production of photographic equipment.

Presence of selenium in the human body

Our body contains approximately 10-14 milligrams of this substance, which is concentrated largely in organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart, spleen, testicles and spermatic cords in men, as well as in cell nuclei.

Need human body in such a microelement as selenium is low. Just 55-70 micrograms for adults. The maximum daily dose is considered to be 400 micrograms. However, there is a disease called Keshan disease, which occurs when there is a deficiency of this element. Until about the 60s, selenium was considered a toxic substance that has negative impact on the human body. But after a detailed study, the opposite conclusions were drawn.

Often, when pathological selenium levels are detected, doctors may prescribe special drugs, containing a combination of zinc-selenium-magnesium, substances that together will compensate for its deficiency in the body. Of course, not excluding products that contain selenium.

Impact on the body

Selenium plays a very important role in the life processes of the body:

  • it activates the immune system - “stimulates” leukocytes for more active influence against harmful microorganisms (viruses);
  • slows down the aging process in the body;
  • reduces the risk of arrhythmia, sudden coronary death or oxygen starvation due to slowing down the oxidation of cholesterol;
  • accelerates blood flow to the brain, activating mental activity, relieves symptoms of blues and depression (fatigue, lethargy, depression and restlessness);
  • inhibits the development of cancer cells, having antioxidant properties;
  • selenium actively fights free radicals;
  • When interacting with vitamin E, it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Of course, we cannot ignore this important property microelement as an aid in the fight against dangerous viruses: HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, Ebola fever.

Due to the presence of selenium, the virus is retained inside the cell; the substance prevents the spread of the virus throughout the body. But if there is not enough selenium, then its function does not work properly.

Taking selenium in combination with iodine will help stop progressive thyroid disease (lack of thyroxine), and in some cases stimulate regression of the disease (more often in children).

Selenium is also used in medicine to prevent diabetes, as it accelerates the body's consumption of glucose.

The drug with vitamins can be prescribed to pregnant women. It helps cope with the symptoms of toxicosis, relieves fatigue and lifts your spirits.

Selenium deficiency

Why might there be a lack of a substance such as selenium in the body? What is “selenium deficiency” and how to deal with it? Actually it's unpleasant disease, despite the fact that it occurs quite rarely.

It is important to know that the worst enemy of this substance is, of course, carbohydrates - flour, sweets. In combination with them, selenium is very poorly absorbed by the body and this can lead to its deficiency.

What are the signs of deficiency? First of all, it is worth noting that with a selenium deficiency, performance and general mood will decrease.

A lack of selenium weakens the immune system, as a result of which the body becomes more susceptible to various diseases, both mental and physical.

Also, with a deficiency of this substance in the body, the process of absorption of vitamin E is disrupted.

The main signs of selenium deficiency are: pain in muscles and joints, premature fatigue, anemia, and worsening kidney and pancreatic diseases.

But if you feel any of the symptoms, you should under no circumstances self-medicate with medications. It is imperative to visit a doctor and consult about the need to take certain medications. Otherwise, you can independently cause an excess of selenium, which is worse in some cases. For example, if a person with cancer will take selenium uncontrollably, chemistry (chemotherapy) may not work.

Excess selenium

Selenium oversaturation also produces negative effect on the body. The main signs of excess are: damage to hair and nails, damage to teeth, fatigue and constant nervous disorders, loss of appetite, the appearance of dermatitis, arthritis, as well as jaundice and flaking of the skin.

But if you do not work at selenium extraction facilities, or do not live near places where this substance is mined, then you do not have to worry about excess selenium in the body.

Selenium-rich foods

Most selenium is found in meat and liver - pork, beef, chicken, duck or turkey liver. For example, 100 grams of turkey liver contains 71, and pork liver - 53 micrograms of selenium.

100 grams of octopus meat contains 44.8 mcg of selenium. Also in the diet it is worth including foods such as shrimp, red fish, eggs, corn, rice, beans, barley groats and lentils, wheat, peas, broccoli, inactive baker's yeast (treated with water heated to 60 degrees). Don't forget about nuts - pistachios, almonds, Walnut and peanuts also contain selenium, albeit in small quantities.

It is also worth remembering that the substance is lost during food processing; canned food and concentrates contain half as much selenium as fresh foods. Therefore, whenever possible, it is necessary to consume as many fresh foods containing selenium as possible.