Menu for strong bones. Where do you get calcium and other vitamins? How to take calcium correctly so that it is absorbed in the body

Ecology of consumption. Health: Dear readers, do you think it’s worth drinking calcium? A strange question, you say, of course it’s worth it. After all, doctors recommend taking it to strengthen bones. I also took drugs

Dear readers, do you think it’s worth drinking calcium? A strange question, you say, of course it’s worth it. After all, doctors recommend taking it to strengthen bones. I also took courses of drugs with it every year with vitamin D. Therefore, I was very surprised when I came across information in popular publications that such drugs are harmful.

What is this? – I thought, “a marketing ploy for the sake of some new drugs and discrediting the previous ones? Who to trust and what to do: should you take calcium or not? I decided to look into this issue and study it as deeply as possible. And here's what I found out.

Just the facts

About a decade and a half ago, devices appeared - densitometers, with which you can determine how strong our bones are and whether the process of osteoporosis has begun in them.

It was then that it became clear that with age (especially in women), bone strength decreases, and this is fraught with fractures. Naturally, doctors sounded the alarm about this.

Pharmacists have developed various drugs calcium. And we started drinking them - with or without a doctor’s prescription, because you can still buy them without a prescription.

It has been firmly implanted in our heads that after 40 years we must take courses of calcium supplements, that by doing this we protect ourselves from the risk of developing osteoporosis. It was recommended to take it during pregnancy, for fractures, etc.

Then it turned out that our body does not absorb this mineral well, especially with age. To better calcium was absorbed, new drugs with it in combination with vitamin D appeared in pharmacies.

What rules must be followed?

How to take calcium supplements? Firstly, undergo an examination with a densitometer (a device that determines bone density), and secondly, do monthly laboratory analysis on the content of this mineral in the blood.

Unfortunately, densitometer testing is only available to residents of large cities. Meanwhile, the study of the effect of calcium supplements on the condition of bones and the entire body continues.

Over the years, more than a dozen studies have been conducted on this topic, involving more than 11 thousand people. Recently, a group of English, American and New Zealand scientists studied and summarized the results of all the studies conducted.

The results were shocking: if you take calcium supplements, your risk of having a heart attack increases by 31%! Another conclusion regarding bones: preparations with this mineral do increase bone strength slightly, but this is not enough to reduce the risk of fractures.

So, to drink or not to drink?

How did it happen that calcium is both beneficial and harmful to the heart and blood vessels? According to scientists, the whole point is in what form and dosage you take it.

For example, if you took a calcium tablet, your blood suddenly contains more calcium than normal, since it is quickly absorbed by the body from the drugs.

It is at this time that the mineral poses a danger, as blood clotting increases. And if you also have a heart condition, this is doubly dangerous for you - a blood clot may form and blockage of the vessel.

Excess of this macroelement can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, making them more rigid and narrowing their lumen. And if you already have it in your vessels inflammatory process or atherosclerosis, the prognosis for such lesions is even worse than for ordinary cholesterol plaques. This is a probable possibility of heart attack and stroke.

Calcium that enters the body from foods behaves completely differently. In this case, it is absorbed gradually, its concentration in the blood does not increase sharply.

Calcium should not be underestimated: bone density depends on it, and, indeed, there may be big problems with its deficiency. But one more feature must be taken into account: our body stores it in the bones in adolescence and at a young age- up to 30 years old.

And later its consumption occurs more intensively than absorption. Therefore, bone density decreases with age. And the more “baggage” accumulated by this age, the lower the risk of joint disease in old age.

But this does not mean that calcium-rich foods are useless for older people. It is necessary to include them in the diet at any age and remember that it is better absorbed in the presence of vitamin D and magnesium. The sun's rays actively help the formation of vitamin D in our body, and magnesium often accompanies calcium in foods.

Content in products (in mg per 100 g)

  • Hard cheeses – from 750 to 1100
  • Cheese cheese – from 200 to 650
  • Cottage cheese – from 150 to 180
  • Milk – 121
  • Kefir – from 120 to 170
  • Yogurt – up to 200
  • Milk chocolate – 127
  • Ice cream – 150
  • Sardines in oil – 380
  • Salmon – 215
  • Cabbage – from 40 to 55
  • Spinach – 200
  • Poppy – 1500
  • Seaweed (kelp) – 1100
  • Sesame – 975
  • Nuts – up to 500, depending on the type
  • Whole grain bread – 320.

The list of foods containing calcium also includes raisins, oranges, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, legumes, and olives.

It should be taken into account that the mineral is less absorbed from low-fat dairy products. Therefore, in skim cheese add a little sour cream or flaxseed oil.

Proven safe way bone strengthening - permanent physical exercise. They should be dosed and varied - if possible, on all bones, joints and muscles.

In addition to strengthening bones, physical exercise increase body flexibility, reaction speed and coordination of movements, which also prevents fractures.

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There is probably not a person who does not know about the benefits of calcium. Our body needs it to maintain healthy teeth and strong bones. But is everything so simple and is this the only end of calcium’s mission? Can calcium be harmful, and if so, in what cases?

The benefits of calcium for our body are unconditional. But few people know that it brings this benefit in tandem with other elements. Thus, without phosphorus, maintaining healthy bones and teeth would be impossible, and without magnesium, calcium would not be able to ensure performance. of cardio-vascular system. To calcium fully absorbed by the body, it needs , which helps calcium penetrate tissue cells. But you don't have to run to the pharmacy for vitamin D, although it won't hurt either. Daily 15-20 minute exposure to the sun guarantees our body the full independent production of the vitamin D we need.

However, the beneficial properties of calcium are not limited to its effect on teeth and bones. Why do we need calcium?

  1. It is directly involved in the processes of muscle contractility and the excitability of nerve tissue. If you have seizures and muscle spasms if you feel tingling in your wrists and feet, you are lacking calcium;
  2. Calcium affects blood clotting– is one of the elements that participate in the formation of blood clots that clog tissue ruptures;
  3. It is one of the elements that make up the cell nucleus and membrane, and also affects the permeability of membranes;
  4. Part of tissue and cellular fluids;
  5. Calcium able to fight cholesterol by blocking the absorption of saturated fats in the gastrointestinal tract;
  6. Calcium plays one of the key roles in the activity of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, gonads, pancreas and thyroid gland, his deficiency or excess leads to dysfunction these systems.

As you can see, calcium is beneficial for the body as a whole, and not just for its individual organs. However, large amounts of calcium are washed out of the body every day, and the consumption of caffeine, proteins and salt contribute to this process. Eliminate from your daily diet these products, or at least reduce their consumption, and you will bring invaluable benefits to your health!

In the summer, it is easiest and simplest to obtain calcium, because by consuming foods such as dill, blackberries, grapes, apricots, celery, strawberries, parsley and spinach, we get it in sufficiently! In winter, you need to eat honey, dried fruits and almonds, because they also contain the calcium we need. Universal products that contain phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin D are fish and beef liver, raw egg yolk and butter.

Products Calcium content, mg/100 g of product
Cottage cheese95
Sour cream90
Hard Swiss cheese 600
Processed cheese 300
Eggs (1 piece)27
Fish (medium)20
Herring (fresh)50
Cod (fresh)15
Sardines in oil 420
Salmon (fresh)20
Shrimp (boiled)110
Ham and medium fat meat10
Chocolate black60
Black bread100
White bread20
Cabbage 210
Fruits with pits (plums, apricots, etc.)12
Pears, apples10
Dried fruits80

In nature in general and in our body in particular, everything is logical and natural - both deficiency and oversaturation lead to imbalances in systems. There is only one way out - the golden mean and moderation.

So, you set out to be healthy and replenish the lack of calcium in your body. After all, a sufficient amount of this mineral in the body is the key to healthy bones and teeth (and many other good things), and therefore for long years life. What is important is that this pledge is not just, but quality life. When you can not only walk creakingly to a nearby store for groceries, but also travel and be truly active.

What does the average person do to compensate for calcium deficiency?

Option two:

  1. Goes to the pharmacy for mineral complex , the price of which may vary significantly. Therefore, the cost of a future happy old age threatens to hit the family budget. And it’s not a fact that they will help, since not all forms of calcium from tablets are equally well absorbed. And in addition, many more conditions are required for the absorption of calcium. More on this below.
  2. Particularly active on dairy products. After all, from childhood we were taught that milk and its derivatives are best source calcium. This is stuck in the head so firmly that new parents, by hook or by crook, stuff the cottage cheese into their children... And the rest are not far behind! People often contact me who hate cottage cheese, but FORCE themselves to eat it, “because you need calcium.” Besides, latest research milk is being squeezed off store shelves, and not only the usefulness of dairy products has long been questioned - we are already talking about real negative consequences for health such as cancer and osteoporosis. Yes, you heard right - osteoporosis (decreased bone density). Countries with the highest milk consumption per capita have the highest incidence of osteoporosis. For example, in Denmark. Therefore, a mug three times a day is not an option.

So what to do?

How to replenish and increase calcium in the body

I offer you absolutely new approach to the issue of replenishing calcium reserves in the body. It consists of three parts.

Getting calcium from plant sources

Yes Yes! Do not be surprised. Nature took care of us, and many vegetables and grains. And not only them. Many also contain magnesium and vitamin D, without which calcium is not absorbed properly. That is, we get a “3 in 1” product. Here is a list of the best plant sources calcium:

  • tofu cheese;
  • white, red and other beans;
  • spinach;
  • rhubarb;
  • curly cabbage (grunkol);
  • Chinese cabbage (bok choy);
  • broccoli;
  • cilantro;
  • sesame seeds;
  • seaweed or seaweed;
  • canned fish (as they contain fish bones suitable for eating);
  • almond;
  • dates;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • oat groats;
  • dandelion leaves;
  • hazelnut;
  • pistachios;
  • lemon juice (!).

As you can see, the list is impressive. And it can go on for a very long time. This is a selection of the most common and available products. Of course, you can’t get hold of dandelions in the winter, but in the summer...

Note. Data in all tables are based on calcium per 100 grams of product. And it’s great that calcium is found in the parsley we know and love. But eating 100 grams of parsley is not easy. But 100 grams of beans are available to everyone. Even small children.

We do everything possible to ensure that calcium not only enters the body, but is also absorbed

For this you need the following substances: magnesium and vitamin D. We get vitamin D from the sun and from oily fish(salmon, salmon, herring, mackerel, etc.). Magnesium - from nuts and seeds, oatmeal and legumes.

We try to avoid factors that contribute to the leaching of calcium from the body.

  • We don't use a lot of salt. Sodium, contained even in the most useful sea or Himalayan salt, promotes the leaching of calcium from the body. This does not mean that you should now stop adding salt to your food. No. Just try to do it wisely. And remember that even the most salty homemade food contains less salt than store-bought semi-finished products. Why aren't they salted? Because it's still full there. So, if you want to be active for a long time, cook your own food. Or, at worst, go for a visit.
  • We limit coffee as much as possible. As soon as we can. It also helps flush calcium from the body. And this drink, on which billions of people depend, has a lot negative properties. For example, it destabilizes hormonal background. Therefore, we move on to other tasty drinks.
  • We do not rely on animal proteins(meat, fish, dairy products). It has been proven that their use in large quantities threatens acidification of the body. And this also promotes the excretion of calcium. Therefore, before you jump on the trendy protein diet, think carefully. Maybe she should prefer something else?

These are the simple rules.

Good health to you!

The effectiveness of treatment with medications can be significantly enhanced quite simple methods. One of the most accessible is to understand what time is best to take the medicine and try to adhere to this particular regimen. For example, to restore bones great importance has when to take calcium in the morning or evening. And about this - right now.

This element plays a vital role not only for the health of bones.

Along with this main task, it performs the following functions:

  1. Provides the process of muscle contraction and thus participates in the heartbeat (myocardium - main muscle heart, pumping blood through the vessels).
  2. Provides blood clotting processes, as it enhances the effect of vitamin K, which is involved in these reactions.
  3. Provides a mechanism for the selective permeability of substances through cell membranes (barriers): some substances pass through it, others do not.
  4. This element takes part in the process of formation and transmission of impulses through cells nervous system(neurons).
  5. Participates in metabolic and hormonal processes by activating some vital chemical reactions in organism.

First of all, medications containing this element should be used by those people who are at risk:

  • suffering from osteochondrosis, arthritis or having prerequisites for their development (for example, hereditary);
  • suffered different fractures and other bone injuries;
  • predisposed to colon cancer;
  • by gender - women are more susceptible to a lack of this element due to hormonal characteristics body;
  • presenters wrong image life in terms of unbalanced nutrition: excess carbonated drinks, sweets, flour products, coffee, alcohol and fatty foods, as well as products with excess salt (chips, pickles for the winter, etc.);
  • By age– persons over 60 need special care for their bones due to gradual weakening bone tissue and salt deposits.

On the other hand, even if a person does not fall into any of these categories, he may, on the advice of a doctor, decide to take appropriate medications, especially if he exhibits some of the following symptoms:

  1. Unexplained anxiety, irritability, insomnia.
  2. Frequent numbness in the arms and legs, frequent cramps, involuntary muscle contractions.
  3. Pain in joints, bones, painful sensation in the gums.
  4. Brittle nails.
  5. Women have unusually heavy menstrual flow.
  6. Children experience severe growth retardation and often have a desire to eat chalk.


None of the listed signs is an absolutely accurate signal to start taking medication. Before deciding on therapy, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice.

The list of foods rich in calcium (in descending order) is as follows:

  1. Group of dairy products - cheeses (the record holder for content is Parmesan), cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, yogurt.

PLEASE NOTE – Contrary to popular belief, milk is not the best source of calcium. The fact is that, along with this element, it contains lactose, which belongs to simple carbohydrates, in excess is harmful to bones. Much more suitable product is a cheese that contains no lactose at all.

  1. Greens and some vegetables: all types of cabbage, parsley, spinach, dill.
  2. Almost all nuts, especially almonds and Brazil nuts.
  3. Sesame and poppy seeds.
  4. Whole grain flour (premium flour contains no calcium).
  5. Soy and products based on it.
  6. Molasses – great option for those with a sweet tooth. If you replace sugar with molasses, the benefit for the body is double: it will be saturated with calcium, and on the other hand, it will avoid harmful effects excess sugar.


You should not focus on just one product - your diet should be varied. Besides constant use monotonous food has a bad effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Oddly enough, in the medical community there is no unambiguous and clear answer to the question of when it is better to take calcium-containing drugs (for example, calcium d3 nycomed). Therefore, you should not expect clear recommendations on this matter.

However, there are several simple rules, compliance with which is guaranteed to increase the effect of therapy due to more complete absorption of the components:

  1. Since there are equally opinions that you can take calcium during the day and you can drink it in the evening, then the most correct option– split the dose into at least 2 parts and take it like most other drugs: morning and evening. Or break it into three parts and take it morning, lunch and evening. At the same time, it has been proven that frequent use in small portions is much more effective than a single large portion - it will not be absorbed in full.
  2. Fundamentally important point, where many make a mistake, as a result of which taking calcium-containing drugs turns out to be virtually pointless: these drugs are used only in conjunction with those substances that promote its absorption by bone tissue. This is vitamin D, food and preparations containing phosphorus and magnesium - these elements themselves are beneficial and enhance the effect of calcium.

PLEASE NOTE – Vitamin D is found in beef liver, sour cream, egg yolk, fish oil, herring, and there is especially a lot of it in the liver of any kind sea ​​fish. All nuts, sunflower seeds, beans, green apples, green bell pepper. Phosphorus is found in dairy products, meat and poultry, eggs, fish, walnuts, oatmeal.

  1. Along with the fact that it is important to know when it is best to drink calcium, its combination with food plays an equally significant role. It is important to take medications only after a light, low-fat meal. And do not take them in combination with certain organic acids (oxalic and phytic) - accordingly, do not eat sorrel, spinach, or beets at the same time.
  2. It is important dosage form drug. If you can purchase the medicine in liquid or powder form, this is better than tablets.
  3. However, among tablets there are also different variants– from traditional to chewy and fizzy. The last type is the best, it is absorbed most fully and quickly.
  4. In the instructions for the drug, it is necessary to specify in what form calcium is contained, i.e. which active substance is the basis of this medicine. Calcium carbonate is well absorbed during or immediately after meals. And gluconate, lactate and calcium citrate (organic forms) are absorbed regardless of food and time of day.
  5. Finally, like most other medications, medications with calcium are always taken with an excess amount of liquid - 1-2 glasses.

Thus, the effectiveness of taking calcium-containing medications, first of all, depends not on what time of day is best to take them, but on the following factors:

  • combination with certain foods;
  • combination with drugs that promote the perception of calcium and its most complete absorption by bone tissue;
  • chemical (medicinal form of the drug).

Therefore, the question at what time of day calcium is best absorbed can be largely replaced by the question: in combination with what drugs and food this element brings more benefits.


Before taking calcium, you should definitely consult your doctor to avoid possible side effects associated with the characteristics of a particular organism. In any case, long-term calcium intake over 6-12 months (or several years) can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Thus, calcium is one of the vital elements that the body cannot do without. And it is important to take medications containing it only on the basis of the above rules. Otherwise, the effect of therapy will be virtually zero.

Calcium is a vital element that helps maintain healthy teeth and bones. This element is especially important for pregnant women. However, consuming foods containing a macronutrient does not guarantee its complete absorption by the body. This is why it is important to know how to take calcium correctly so that it is absorbed. “Popular about health” will help you figure out in what form this substance is best consumed, in what products it is contained, and will also tell you what food promotes better absorption of calcium in the body.

Excess and lack of calcium in the body

Our body always signals to us what it is missing. Certain symptoms may indicate a calcium deficiency or excess of a macroelement in the body. Let's look at what happens if there is not enough calcium:

1. Damage to tooth enamel.
2. Brittle nails.
3. Dull hair.
4. Pain in muscles and joints.
5. Irritability.
6. Constipation.
7. Nausea, vomiting.
8. Disorientation in space.
9. Insomnia.
10. Arrhythmia.
11. Headaches.

An excess of macronutrients also does not bode well. If calcium accumulates in the body, the following symptoms occur:

1. Muscle tone decreases.
2. Bone deformation occurs.
3. Coordination is impaired.
4. Urination becomes more frequent.
5. Nausea and sometimes vomiting are common concerns.

A lack of calcium is harmful to the body. This is why it is important to regularly eat foods enriched with this substance. What foods contain this beneficial element?

Products with high content calcium

The most calcium is found in cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products. Fish (especially sardines), nuts, sesame, White cabbage– all these products are sources valuable substance. However, it is important to understand that simply consuming these foods does not guarantee that calcium will be absorbed by the body. There are many factors that influence this process.

What is needed for calcium to be absorbed??

To skeletal system was healthy, undoubtedly, you need to include foods containing this macronutrient in your menu. But this is not enough for it to be absorbed. Let's look at what influences this process.

1. Others also contribute to the absorption of calcium. chemical elements– magnesium and phosphorus. Scientists have found that a lack of magnesium causes calcium to accumulate on vascular walls, and not in bone tissue. To prevent this, you need to replenish magnesium reserves in the body. Include whole grain bread, cocoa and cereals in your diet. Phosphorus is also necessary for healthy bones. Its sources are foods - nuts, meat, dried fruits.

2. Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption. Eat regularly egg yolks, salmon, liver. Don't neglect sun exposure.

3. Some foods contribute to the deposition of salts in joints and intervertebral discs or wash away a valuable macronutrient from the body. Reduce your consumption of foods - sorrel, rhubarb, coffee, soda, spinach.

4. Stress and overexertion also play an important role. When a person is in this state, the adrenal glands produce the hormone cortisol, which promotes the excretion of the macronutrient from the body in the urine. Sports activities - running, gymnastics will help relieve stress.

5. Calcium deficiency is often observed in people with pathologies duodenum and liver, as well as low acidity gastric secretion. Bile acids help process and absorb the element. If you have problems with these organs, you should pay attention to keeping them healthy.

6. Taking some medications leads to calcium deficiency. These include diuretics, laxatives, hormonal drugs, steroids, and anticonvulsants.

7. A deficiency of a substance often occurs when helminthic infestations, dysbacteriosis.

Consumption rate and form of the substance

In what form is it better to take calcium and how? The macronutrient is best consumed in citrate form. It is best absorbed in the body. In this form, the drug is sold in any pharmacy. In the form of carbonate, the substance is less absorbed, and it is better to drink it with meals. What is the daily calcium intake for people of different ages?

1. Children under 9 years old – 1000 mg.
2. From 9 to 19 years – 1300 mg.
3. 19-60 years old – 1000 mg.

As can be seen from the above data, increased need children and adolescents experience macronutrient deficiencies as their bodies grow. To compensate for the deficiency of the substance, doctors usually prescribe a course of calcium citrate. By the way, in pharmacies you can also buy drugs that immediately include vitamin D, which promotes faster absorption of the macronutrient. However, you should not abuse dietary supplements and vitamins unnecessarily, because an excess of any substance in the body is also fraught with serious problems with health.

Now you know in what form calcium is correctly absorbed, what factors and conditions interfere with this process. To be healthy, you need to monitor your diet, diversify it, include meat, fish, liver, nuts, dairy products, vegetable oil, vegetables and herbs. Walking in the sun and playing sports can also help relieve stress.