Ligation of the spermatic cords of men - consequences. Vasectomy is the ligation of the spermatic cords in men. Performing ligation of the spermatic cords in men

  • Hematogenous - pathological agents (microbes) enter the organ through the bloodstream, with significant traumatic lesions.
  • Intracanalicular - from the urethra, in the presence of acute and chronic inflammatory phenomena in the genitourinary organs.
  • Jastrogenic – surgical route of infection during surgical interventions in the nearby area.

Also, funiculitis can be a consequence of injury, the spread of streptococcal and tuberculosis infections, diseases transmitted through sexual contact.

Features of the flow

Inflammation of the seminal canal in men can occur in two directions: acute and chronic. Due to the degree of intensity of the process, each of these two forms of the disease is accompanied by characteristic clinical manifestations.

The following symptoms speak in favor of an acute course:

  • Intense cutting pain in the scrotum and throughout the groin area, radiating to the coccyx and lumbar region.
  • The change in the spermatic cord is noticeable even with independent palpation. It thickens and becomes more dense.
  • The acute process occurs against the background of signs of general intoxication: fever, general weakness, chills, sleep disorders, myalgia.
  • The skin over the site of inflammation is swollen and hyperemic.
  • Difficulty urinating, presence of mucous discharge from the urethra.

Attention: the acute phase of funiculitis is similar in manifestations to an inguinal hernia, but the symptoms increase faster.

An untreated acute process can result in phlegmon, and in the most severe cases even peritonitis, which poses a threat to the man’s life.

The chronic course of the disease is periodic, recurrent in nature, when the symptom complex of the disease has erased manifestations.

An exacerbation can be triggered by:

  • Hypothermia,
  • Infectious and inflammatory phenomena in the male genitourinary area.

The spermatic cord in this form of funiculitis is not so pronounced, and the patient cannot determine this on his own. Only periodic moderate pain in the groin may be a reason to consult a doctor.

What is the danger of the disease

  • The most common complications of funiculitis are the involvement of the testicle and its epididymis in the inflammatory process.
  • Inflammatory exudate may accumulate between the inner and outer stripes of the spermatic fascia, leading to hydrocele. Reaching large sizes, it compresses the blood vessels that feed the male gland, which leads to its atrophy and dysfunction of spermatogenesis. Subsequently, this can cause male secretory infertility.
  • Sluggish inflammation of the spermatic cord underlies another disease - funiculocele. In essence, it is a cyst consisting of a connective tissue capsule and fluid with a small content of germ cells. When such rounded elements are identified, there is always a risk of malignant pathology, therefore formations of this kind are subject to mandatory surgical removal with mandatory histological examination. Large cysts put pressure on the vas deferens, which can cause excretory infertility. They are critical when they are located on both sides.
  • If inflammation is present in the spermatic cord for a long time, then this also affects the condition of the vas deferens, leading to obliteration of its walls. This situation ends with the fact that, with normal production and maturation of sperm, reproductive function is lost. Since the germ cells are in a “closed space”, unable to leave the vas deferens.

Conclusion: as we see, this delicate problem can have the most severe and irreparable consequences for men’s health. But by contacting a specialist in time and taking treatment responsibly, you can avoid complications.

How to identify the disease

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical picture, medical history, and physical examination of the patient. To confirm (refute) the first conclusions, you will need to perform the following studies:

  • UAC, OAM
  • Cytological examination of smears and discharge from the urethra
  • Diaphanoscopy
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of the groin organs, study of the quality of blood circulation in them
  • To assess the patency of the vas deferens, an x-ray method with the introduction of a contrast agent is used.

Why is a vasectomy performed?

There are two reasons for carrying out the operation:

  1. reluctance to have children;
  2. medical indications.

A man must firmly decide that he will no longer become a father. This operation is usually offered to those who already have children.

Medical indications:

  • in case of a threat to the wife’s health if she becomes pregnant;
  • genetic diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, with a severe clinical picture.

Consequences of a vasectomy

Vasectomy is one of those operations where the risk of complications and side effects is negligible. But, as with any surgical intervention, everything may not go entirely smoothly and cause some deviations.

In the near future after the operation, a man may experience some side effects:

  • bloody color of ejaculate;
  • uncontrolled bleeding and hematoma formation in the scrotum;
  • inflammatory process at the site of the intervention;
  • swelling of the scrotum;
  • moderate pain after the anesthesia wears off.

These side effects disappear literally a few days after the operation, but in the long term, late complications may occur:

  • hydrocele - dropsy of the testicle and its layers;
  • chronic pain syndrome at the site of intervention;
  • granuloma - if the sutures fail, the cut vas deferens continues to pour out sperm at the intersection into the scrotum, which leads to an inflammatory process (the body’s own antibodies are “not familiar” with sperm due to the presence of a barrier under normal conditions. Therefore, their appearance in the body cavity causes such same reaction as the presence of infection);
  • pregnancy - improper surgical intervention, partial fusion of cut ducts and restoration of reproductive function occurs in rare cases, but still quite possible.

Unfounded fears and myths

Many people are afraid to have a vasectomy because they believe that they will cease to be men due to the loss of not only reproductive function, but also sexual activity.

This is only possible with castration, since the tissues responsible for the production of male hormones are removed. In this case, there is simply a mechanical obstacle to the exit of sperm. Hormones are produced with the same activity, blood flows with the same force. Therefore, a vasectomy has no effect on:

  • libido;
  • potency;
  • male power.

Concerns about:

  • trauma to the genital organs - the risk is very small, it all depends on the experience of the surgeon;
  • increasing the risk of prostate cancer;
  • tumor-like neoplasm of the testicles;
  • development of pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Performing a vasectomy procedure

Preoperative preparation

It all starts with a consultation with a urologist. He must give a full description of the possibilities of the operation and accurately verify that in the future the man no longer wants to be a father.

Maximum attention is paid to a man’s intention not to have children in the future, since the processes in the field of surgery are irreversible.

The urologist should talk about all possible methods of contraception, and only after a thorough and productive conversation come to a vasectomy.

The following points will be discussed at the reception:

  • whether there are children in the family and a final reluctance to have an addition;
  • patient awareness of all aspects of the operation;
  • awareness of the sexual partner in this choice;
  • instructions about possible complications.

After full consent and completion of certain documentation, it is necessary to prepare for the operation.

To do this, stop taking anticoagulants to reduce the risk of bleeding. Epilation of the surgical area is performed. You need to have underwear with you that will tightly support the scrotum and protect it from unnecessary shocks.

Carrying out the operation

Rice. 2 — Carrying out a vasectomy (vasoresection).

The surgery is performed under local anesthesia and takes an average of 20 minutes.

  1. The surgical field is treated with special disinfectant solutions to prevent wound infection.
  2. Local infiltration anesthesia is performed - a layer-by-layer injection of local anesthetic into layers of skin, subcutaneous fat, fascia, muscle tissue and directly the spermatic cords.
  3. After anesthesia, the urologist makes a small incision with a scalpel at the anatomical location of the spermatic cord.
  4. The spermatic cords are accessed, isolated and brought out on holders.
  5. The sections of the cords are intersected and stitched on both sides with a seam.
  6. The stumps of the crossed cords are immersed back.
  7. Layer-by-layer suturing of the wound is performed with the application of a cosmetic suture to the skin.

Postoperative period

This type of intervention does not require hospital treatment. Therefore, after a few hours you can already go home.

In the first days, swelling and a small hematoma may be observed at the site of the operation. A few hours after the operation, the incision site and the scrotum itself will begin to hurt. This is normal in the first days.

  • in case of increased pain, swelling and bleeding with a rise in temperature above subfebrile levels, immediately inform the doctor;
  • wear thick underwear or a special bandage for the scrotum in the first 3 days after surgery;
  • observe bed rest for the first day;
  • limit sexual activity for at least 7 days;
  • use other methods of contraception until a confirmatory analysis of the sterility of the ejaculate from spermatozoa. This test is performed 3 months after surgery. And before this moment, at least 20 ejaculations must occur.

How to Prepare for a Vasectomy

To carry out the operation, several conditions must be met:

  • Voluntary consent of the patient.
  • A man must reach the age of thirty-five.
  • You must already have two or more children.

For a successful outcome of the operation, the patient must undergo some tests:

  1. General blood and urine analysis.
  2. Blood test for AIDS.
  3. Electrocardiogram.
  4. Biochemical blood test.
  5. Blood test for syphilis.
  6. Blood test for hepatitis B and C.
  7. Examination by a urologist.
  8. Blood test for clotting.

In some cases, additional tests are possible. Sterilization is a simple operation, but in order for this event to be completed successfully and without unpleasant consequences, it is still necessary to take preparations seriously.

The next step is a consultation with an anesthesiologist, with whom the patient can decide on the type of anesthesia. There are often men who insist on using general anesthesia. A vasectomy is performed on a man by a urologist, using simple standard equipment and tools.

Possible side effects

  • Bleeding in the operated area.
  • Swelling for four to seven days.
  • Infection and development of an inflammatory process with suppuration.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Painful sensations in the scrotum.

Pros and cons of sterilization

Among the positive aspects, men who have undergone a vasectomy note the simplicity of the operation, as well as the absence of side effects in the form of problems with potency. Also among the advantages is the ability to choose anesthesia. And the most important thing is the reason for which surgical intervention is mainly performed: the opportunity to forget about contraceptives.

Among the disadvantages:

  1. There is a possibility of restoring the patency of the vas deferens.
  2. Various phenomena caused by both sterilization and the use of anesthesia. Difficulties arise mainly when using general anesthesia.
  3. If all details of a vasectomy are followed, its effect is irreversible.

There is information that the operation can be done for a certain period, after which the ability to conceive can be restored. In some cases, this is indeed possible, but such turns are exceptional cases, so before undergoing surgery, it is advisable to think very carefully and weigh the pros and cons.


Recently, urologists have been performing operations that help restore the seminal ducts. Such restorative measures are called epididymovasostomy, as well as azovasostomy. In the first option, the vas deferens are attached to the epididymis. In the second case, the edges of the ducts are sutured, thus restoring patency.

Such restorative methods are far from cheap, they are quite complex and only in fifty out of a hundred cases are they successful. The time interval between vasectomy and reconstructive procedures is of great importance. The longer a man remains sterilized, the less likely he is to achieve restoration of reproductive function.

In cases where sterilization is related to health issues, but a man does not want to part with the opportunity to have offspring, you can use the service of a sperm bank, in which frozen seminal fluid can be stored for quite a long time. The shelf life of sperm is seven years, but there have been cases when conception occurred using sperm that had been frozen for ten years.

Is there a reversible vasectomy?

Of course, it is believed that sterilization using the surgical method does not have a reverse process. That is why, during preparation, the patient is referred for consultation to a surgeon, psychologist, andrologist and other doctors who provide the necessary information to make a final decision.

With a so-called temporary vasectomy, a man has the opportunity to restore his reproductive function. The first five years after a vasectomy, the chances of regaining the ability to conceive are much higher than in the future. In sixty situations out of a hundred, the restoration operation is completed successfully. The quality of the vasectomy, the instruments and equipment used by the specialist, as well as his professional level are of great importance.

Ten years after sterilization, the chances of a man regaining his ability to fertilize are reduced by three to four times. In patients over forty years of age, vasectomy becomes a consequence of testicular atrophy, which reduces the likelihood of successful restoration to almost zero.

Features of the operation: indications

Before undertaking this process, a male representative needs to carefully consider all the strengths and weaknesses of a vasectomy. Ask your doctor about the advantages/disadvantages of this treatment option, and find out from him about the consequences of this method.

Vasectomy in Russia is becoming increasingly popular among the male population. Ligation of the spermatic cord is often chosen by men due to the high effectiveness of this contraceptive option. But is a vasectomy reversible?

Sterilization of men is possible if the following points are met:

  • The operation can be performed on men over 35 years of age who have 2 (or more) children;
  • The patient's voluntary consent is required;
  • This surgical option is usually performed to prevent the conception of a child;
  • Ligation of the spermatic cords of men is used in a situation where pregnancy is undesirable for the wife and poses a danger to her health;
  • Vasectomy in the strong half of humanity is also done due to the presence of severe genetic disorders that can be inherited by a child.

The surgical intervention has no serious contraindications and does not provoke the development of allergic conditions in the body structure.

Before the operation, the man must undergo all the tests prescribed by the doctor, he needs an examination by a medical specialist, blood tests for syphilis, hepatitis B, C, and HIV.

Performing ligation of the spermatic cords in men

This surgical method is not considered difficult and takes up to half an hour. Vasectomy in representatives of the stronger half of humanity essentially allows sperm to penetrate into the sperm released during sex. Surgery blocks a man's vas deferens.

Today there are 2 options for its implementation:

  • The traditional method is for the doctor to inject an anesthetic into one area of ​​the scrotum. Then he makes 2 small incisions, the vas deferens are cut (sometimes they are partially removed). Next, you need to tie them up and stitch up the incisions. The same processes are needed in another zone of the organ;
  • An operative method without incisions in the scrotum area - the doctor performs a puncture, the skin is stretched, the vas deferens are cut, and then they are tied. In this case, stitches are no longer required.

The use of local anesthesia during the process numbs the pain. There may be discomfort, for example, when the doctor pulls out the duct through the incisions. Upon completion of the procedure, bed rest is required (up to 1 day); there is a possibility of feeling unwell in the first days after the vasectomy. You should also refrain from any physical activity; a cold compress, painkillers, and the use of a bandage to support the scrotum will ease the condition. The unfavorable outcome of this operation is usually 0.2%.

You need to protect yourself for about 10 weeks after surgery - use contraceptives.

Then an examination of the seminal fluid (spermogram) is carried out - the result of this analysis should confirm the presence of complete sterility of the patient (absence of sperm).

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of this operational option:

  • The permanent nature of this method of contraception;
  • Positive result;
  • Almost complete absence of side effects;
  • The operation is not considered complex and is easily performed by medical specialists;
  • Does not affect hormonal production;
  • Does not affect sexual contacts.

Weaknesses of the operation:

  • Attacks of short-term pain are possible immediately after surgery;
  • This method does not protect against HIV or STDs;
  • There is a risk of adverse reactions and complications;
  • The irreversible, permanent nature of the process - some males, after sterilization, regret performing it;
  • After the operation, it takes some more time (usually about 3 months) to remember to use contraceptive protection measures;
  • It is possible to restore the patency of the vas deferens.


After performing this surgical procedure, certain complications may occur. There are usually no serious side effects, but the development of illnesses is possible in those patients who were infected as a result of an incision or puncture.

Symptoms of infection:

  • Pain;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Bloody discharge;
  • Inflammation;
  • Pus in the incision area.

In addition, they can form:

  • Ulcers;
  • Hematomas;
  • Granulomas (tumors);
  • Recanalization is the fusion of the endings of the spermatic ducts, so some time after the operation, conception is possible during sex.

If adverse reactions develop, you should immediately consult a doctor, he will prescribe a treatment regimen and antibiotics to eliminate negative processes.

Vasectomy does not affect the quality of orgasm or erection. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity who have undergone this surgical intervention claim that, on the contrary, they no longer worry about the possible conception of a child, sexual arousal increases.

In rare situations, a decrease in arousal and loss of erection are observed - as a rule, this is associated with the emotional overload of a man before the operation.

Vasectomy does not lead to impotence, it is sterility, it does not affect the hormonal sphere. Sperm volume indicators remain the same.

Our clinic specializes in performing vasectomies. Numbers:

  • 844 bilateral vasectomies performed
  • 717for the purpose of surgical contraception
  • 76for medical reasons
  • 99% positive effect achieved

About vasectomy

A vasectomy is a voluntary surgical procedure that permanently stops male reproductive function. The operation consists of blocking the ductus deferens (intersection), which prevents sperm from entering the sperm.

Don't confuse castration and vasectomy. In the first case, the testicles are removed, and the vasectomy does not affect the testosterone produced by the testicles. Testosterone is a male hormone that is responsible for men's sexual desires, typical masculine traits and potency.

Computer animation of a vasectomy
(cutting the vas deferens) 42 sec (1.2 Mb)

Benefits of a vasectomy

The effectiveness of vasectomy is close to 100%; conception after a vasectomy is almost impossible. At the DeVita clinic, vasectomy operations are performed by trained urologists and surgeons. Our clinic has an operating room and all relevant equipment.

The benefits of a vasectomy are:

  1. Very high efficiency (1% of pregnancies per 100 women per year);
  2. Method of contraception on a permanent basis;
  3. A simple operation that is performed under local anesthesia;
  4. No side effects;
  5. Does not affect the production of hormones by the testicles;
  6. A vasectomy does not impair sexual function.

Disadvantages of a vasectomy

  • The operation is permanent, that is, irreversible and the man may later regret the decision;
  • Short-term discomfort (pain) after surgery;
  • Additional contraceptive measures should be used for 3 months after surgery;
  • Side effects and additional risks associated with surgical interventions, in particular with general anesthesia;
  • A vasectomy does not protect against HIV infections and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs);
  • Spontaneous restoration of patency (very rarely) of the vas deferens.

Just as with female surgical sterilizations, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons before deciding to have a vasectomy.

Who can have a vasectomy:

  • Men over 35 years of age who have two or more children;
  • Men who give voluntary and informed consent to surgery, who want to use a high and effective method of contraception;
  • Men for whom pregnancy is a serious risk for their wives due to age or health problems;
  • Men who have inherited severe genetic diseases.

Before a vasectomy, you should undergo a comprehensive examination, which includes a blood test for syphilis, AIDS, hepatitis C and B, and an examination by a urologist.

Symptoms that should promptly contact your doctor after a vasectomy include:

  • Increased body temperature to 38C or higher, chills;
  • Blotting the bandage with blood;
  • Swelling and pain in the scrotum.

You should also consult a specialist doctor if your partner does not have another menstrual period.

Performing a vasectomy operation

A vasectomy is performed by surgeons under local anesthesia. Technically, performing a vasectomy on men is much easier than sterilizing a woman. The abdominal cavity is not opened; only incisions are made in the groin area above the vas deferens, which are isolated and intersected. After the incisions, both ends of the duct are ligated. The incision site is closed with absorbable sutures, meaning there is no need to remove sutures. The vasectomy operation takes approximately 20-30 minutes.

for maximum comfort after surgery
patients are accommodated in cozy double rooms

The patient is discharged from the clinic on the same day of surgery. After vasectomy surgery, complications such as hemorrhage (hematoma) or swelling of the scrotum are possible, which usually disappear after 3-5 days. The patient may also experience pain and discomfort during the first few days. Full recovery occurs after 7 days.

After a week has passed, you should undergo an examination by a specialist doctor. A man can begin sexual activity immediately after the side effects disappear. To confirm the absence of sperm in the semen, you should undergo ejaculate testing three times (take a spermogram).

The vasectomy procedure is a controversial issue. Discussions about it have been going on for quite a long time and so far the two opposite sides firmly adhere to their point of view regarding this phenomenon. Some believe that the operation helps regulate fertility, while others find vasectomy too risky.

Representatives of some religious movements have a sharply negative attitude towards the procedure. Men who are thinking about having a vasectomy are, of course, primarily concerned with the question of whether the surgical intervention will affect potency.

A vasectomy is an operation using primarily local anesthesia to sterilize a man. The operation has two execution options. In one of them, the scrotum is pierced and the necessary tissue dissection is made; in the second method of sterilization, the surgeon makes an incision in the groin area.

In both the first and second options, the doctor ties the vas deferens on each side. Next, sutures are applied, which tend to dissolve. The effect of sterilization is to block sperm. After a vasectomy, they cannot enter the vas deferens of the penis.

The operation will only take twenty to thirty minutes. On the same day, after the sterilization procedure is completed and all postoperative measures have been taken, the patient can go home. However, regardless of where a man will be after a vasectomy, bed rest is strongly recommended for the first 24 hours.

After ligation of the seminal canals in the man’s body, everything remains the same as before the operation. Testosterone is produced in the same amount. Sexual attraction does not change at all. The operation also does not leave any marks on the erection. The mammary glands do not become larger, and the vegetation remains in place. The volume of sperm also does not change much, only there are only five percent sperm in it.

Ligation of the spermatic cords of men does not immediately give the desired effect; after a vasectomy, it will take about two and a half months to use protection. It will take about twenty ejaculations for the seminal ducts to be cleared of sperm. To know for sure whether it is possible to give up contraception, a man needs to undergo a special sperm analysis.

Masturbation is used to obtain seminal fluid for research purposes. The ejaculate is collected in a condom. Once the number of sperm in the seminal fluid becomes insignificant, it will be possible to refuse contraceptives. After surgery, the chance of conception is only five tenths of a percent.

To carry out the operation, several conditions must be met:

  • Voluntary consent of the patient.
  • A man must reach the age of thirty-five.
  • You must already have two or more children.

For a successful outcome of the operation, the patient must undergo some tests:

  1. General blood and urine analysis.
  2. Blood test for AIDS.
  3. Electrocardiogram.
  4. Biochemical blood test.
  5. Blood test for syphilis.
  6. Blood test for hepatitis B and C.
  7. Examination by a urologist.
  8. Blood test for clotting.

In some cases, additional tests are possible. Sterilization is a simple operation, but in order for this event to be completed successfully and without unpleasant consequences, it is still necessary to take preparations seriously.

The next step is a consultation with an anesthesiologist, with whom the patient can decide on the type of anesthesia. There are often men who insist on using general anesthesia. A vasectomy is performed on a man by a urologist, using simple standard equipment and tools.

Possible side effects

  • Bleeding in the operated area.
  • Swelling for four to seven days.
  • Infection and development of an inflammatory process with suppuration.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Painful sensations in the scrotum.

Pros and cons of sterilization

Among the positive aspects, men who have undergone a vasectomy note the simplicity of the operation, as well as the absence of side effects in the form of problems with potency. Also among the advantages is the ability to choose anesthesia. And the most important thing is the reason for which surgical intervention is mainly performed: the opportunity to forget about contraceptives.

Among the disadvantages:

  1. There is a possibility of restoring the patency of the vas deferens.
  2. Various phenomena caused by both sterilization and the use of anesthesia. Difficulties arise mainly when using general anesthesia.
  3. If all details of a vasectomy are followed, its effect is irreversible.

There is information that the operation can be done for a certain period, after which the ability to conceive can be restored. In some cases, this is indeed possible, but such turns are exceptional cases, so before undergoing surgery, it is advisable to think very carefully and weigh the pros and cons.


Recently, urologists have been performing operations that help restore the seminal ducts. Such restorative measures are called epididymovasostomy, as well as azovasostomy. In the first option, the vas deferens are attached to the epididymis. In the second case, the edges of the ducts are sutured, thus restoring patency.

Such restorative methods are far from cheap, they are quite complex and only in fifty out of a hundred cases are they successful. The time interval between vasectomy and reconstructive procedures is of great importance. The longer a man remains sterilized, the less likely he is to achieve restoration of reproductive function.

In cases where sterilization is related to health issues, but a man does not want to part with the opportunity to have offspring, you can use the service of a sperm bank, in which frozen seminal fluid can be stored for quite a long time. The shelf life of sperm is seven years, but there have been cases when conception occurred using sperm that had been frozen for ten years.

Is there a reversible vasectomy?

Of course, it is believed that sterilization using the surgical method does not have a reverse process. That is why, during preparation, the patient is referred for consultation to a surgeon, psychologist, andrologist and other doctors who provide the necessary information to make a final decision.

With a so-called temporary vasectomy, a man has the opportunity to restore his reproductive function. The first five years after a vasectomy, the chances of regaining the ability to conceive are much higher than in the future. In sixty situations out of a hundred, the restoration operation is completed successfully. The quality of the vasectomy, the instruments and equipment used by the specialist, as well as his professional level are of great importance.

Ten years after sterilization, the chances of a man regaining his ability to fertilize are reduced by three to four times. In patients over forty years of age, vasectomy becomes a consequence of testicular atrophy, which reduces the likelihood of successful restoration to almost zero.


Vasoresection is a procedure in which the vas deferens is excised. The first vasoresection operation was prescribed in the eighties of the last century, as a replacement for castration for prostate adenoma (for this disease, resection can also be prescribed). Nowadays, this method is rarely used during adenomectomy or before it. The purpose of sterilization is the prevention of postoperative orchiepididymitis by blocking the path through which infection of the epididymis from the prostate gland is possible. Bilateral vasoresection is the cause of infertility and azoospermia.

In the eastern region, vasoresection is one of the methods of contraception in men. After the procedure, the number of sperm in the testicle decreases, and the number of Leydig cells becomes significantly greater. The operation is performed mainly using local anesthesia.

Contraception is an important medical problem. It is important for family planning, which is influenced by financial status, the number of children available, age, and health of the parents. Interrupted pregnancies have a harmful effect on women's health: inflammatory diseases, bleeding, hormonal disorders, and the development of malignant neoplasms are likely. You can use modern contraceptive methods to help protect against unwanted pregnancies. They are most often used by women. Not all of them are characterized by convenience and harmlessness. They can negatively affect intimate life, lead to injury, inflammation in the genitals, and cause side effects. Also, female contraception does not have a high guarantee.

The most reliable surgical procedure used for men is spermatic cord ligation (SCL). This procedure is called a vasectomy. Representatives of the male half resort to this when they do not want to have children or because they care about their spouse. A vasectomy will not affect your intimate life, you will not need to use protection, there will be no inconvenience or fear of unwanted pregnancies. In addition, potency will not decrease.

The procedure is based on the UCS. Through these vessels, sperm move from the testicles to the sperm. The prostate will continue to produce fluids, but there will be no sperm there. The technique is very reliable.

The operation is not complicated. Rare complications are possible, which include bleeding and inflammatory processes.

PSC procedure

Vasectomies are often performed on an outpatient basis. Local anesthesia is used. The procedure consists of making a small incision in the skin of the scrotum, isolating the spermatic cords, dissecting them, and then ligating the ends. The ends, which are located next to the testicles, are fixed with sutures. The wound on the scrotum is stitched up. The operation is carried out within a twenty-minute period. Then the patient is given recommendations related to hygiene procedures and restrictions. The stitches will be removed after a week.

The PSK procedure can be performed without cutting the cords. In this case, the skin is pierced, bandaged, and cauterized. The technique is gentle and has the least possible complications.

PSC can be performed in such a way that patency can be restored in the future if the patient so desires. This is available for two to three years after surgery, then the appendages will undergo atrophy and sperm production will stop. A patient who decides to restore the cords must undergo a cytological examination procedure, which consists of puncture of the appendages.

Vasectomy surgery has moral and psychological problems. The patient and the couple undergo a preliminary interview.

Efficiency of PSK

PSK is the most effective method of contraception. But the result is detected three months after the operation. This is due to the presence of sperm in other parts of the cords. During this period, you will need to use other contraception. Testing can be done, which involves analyzing the semen to make sure there is no sperm present.

PSC will not in any way affect the likelihood of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Does not affect hormonal levels, genitals, erectile function, sexual desires, sexual satisfaction. The production of hormones and sperm will also occur.

In what cases is a PSC required?

In order to exclude pregnancy in the partner.

If you don't want to have children.

When other contraception is not acceptable.

If you do not want to pass on a hereditary pathology to a generation.

If there are side effects in partners from other contraception.

With the realization that female sterilization is more dangerous and will cost more. When PSC is undesirable

If there is a possibility that a man may change his mind and have a desire to have a child.

When there is psychological pressure exerted by friends, spouse, family.

If a man wants to provide a solution to temporary problems (sexual, physical, mental, financial, etc.) in this way.

Possible risks after PSK

Absolutely all surgical interventions have potential risks. The presence of serious complications after performing PSK is observed in extremely rare cases. Their main reason is infection. Vasectomy performed using the second technique, which eliminates cutting, has the lowest percentage of side effects.

Male sterilization, which is medically termed vasectomy, is essentially a new method of contraception. It involves cutting or tying the vas deferens in the testicles, as a result of which the male sperm no longer contains sperm, which means conceiving a child becomes impossible. This method of contraception is becoming very popular in the world, because according to WHO, more than 10 million men undergo this operation every year. However, in our country, vasectomy is extremely rare. How does such an operation occur and what are the consequences of sterilizing a man? It should be sorted out.

How is a vasectomy performed?

Today, medicine has come a long way, and therefore the process of sterilizing a man is not at all similar to the medieval castration procedure. Removal of the genital organs is not required at all. The surgeon only makes an incision on each testicle, after which he cuts or ties the vas deferens. In this case, the operation takes place under local anesthesia, which means the patient does not experience pain. Having recovered, a man can continue to be sexually active without fear for his own health and the likelihood of conceiving a child.

Experts only warn that sterilization does not occur immediately after surgery. To do this, 70 days or 20 erections must pass. This is due to the fact that even with the ducts cut, a certain amount of sperm may remain in the penis, sufficient for conception. They must be completely used up in order to have no doubt about sterility.

Consequences of male sterilization

The doctor must inform the patient about all the possible consequences of a vasectomy, and after making sure that he understands the importance of this step, take a receipt from him.

Every man who decides to undergo sterilization should be aware that one should not count on the fact that vasectomy is reversible. In 90% of cases, doctors, even through surgery, are unable to restore men’s ability to procreate. Moreover, the cost of surgery to restore the vas deferens will be tens of times higher than a vasectomy. But we will only talk about trying to restore the opportunity to have children, since no specialist will give a guarantee. That is why it is worth thinking carefully about the consequences when deciding on such an operation.

In addition, the period of temporary sterilization itself is not too long. For example, if the vas deferens were cut off during a vasectomy, the period in which you can try to reverse the operation will be no more than 5 years. When the surgeon did not cut off the seminal ducts, but only tied them with a cord, you can try to restore their integrity within 15 years.

Due to the fact that the reversibility of this operation is extremely doubtful, many men in Western countries insure themselves by donating sperm for freezing. If there is a desire to have a child, this sperm can be thawed and fertilization can be carried out. However, in our country this option is quite problematic due to the small number of clinics that deal with freezing and storing seminal fluid.

Other consequences of a vasectomy include: hemorrhage in the testicles, swelling or tenderness of the scrotum, the formation of adhesions at the incision sites, spontaneous fusion of the canals, the release of seminal fluid into the surrounding tissue, and infection of the incision site. However, if a specialist works with sterile instruments and does not make a mistake, there is no reason to worry about any infection or other consequences of this operation, except infertility. Take care of yourself!

A spermatic cord block in men is a puncture in the area of ​​the scrotal root or external inguinal root. A drug is injected under its shell, which provides pain relief for inflammation of the reproductive system.

Features of the blockade

The procedure is performed not only for pain relief, but also, in some cases, to determine the source of discomfort. The drug, which is injected into the spermatic cord, has a blocking effect on the nerve impulse, and the pain ceases to bother you. For men, this is a good way to feel relief from pelvic inflammation, which causes a lot of discomfort.

Many people know this procedure under the name Lorin-Epstein. The following is used as an anesthetic:

  1. Novocaine 2% This blockade lasts about one hour.
  2. Ultracaine. This anesthesia will last no longer than six hours. The anesthetic can be combined with an antibacterial drug. This allows you to stop the inflammatory process.

Block of the spermatic cord does not require special preparation. It is only necessary to clean the groin area from hair. After this, the man lies on his back and the doctor performs several actions:

Indications and contraindications

Blockage of the spermatic cord is necessary for men with:

  • acute orchitis caused by inflammation of the prostate and other diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • acute epididymitis;
  • for renal colic;
  • with injuries to the genital organs.

In addition to these diseases, the procedure is used as part of anesthesia if there is a need for surgery on the testicles, epididymis or spermatic cord.

Blockade of the spermatic cord is prohibited for:

Blockage of the spermatic cord is prohibited for children

  • children;
  • if the body does not tolerate anesthetics;
  • if there is a large inguinal hernia and it can be damaged during injection;
  • in case of disruption of the coagulation system;
  • if there are scars or scars in the puncture area.

If during the procedure all asepsis rules were followed, and the block of the spermatic cord was carried out by a highly qualified specialist, then the consequences will be favorable.

Otherwise, a purulent-inflammatory process or bleeding at the puncture site may occur. Also in some men:

  1. Severe dizziness occurs.
  2. Sweating increases.
  3. Heart rate increases.
  4. Blood pressure decreases.

These adverse reactions of the body are usually provoked by Novocain.

You need to know that such minor operations as blockade of the spermatic cord are not medical procedures that will help eliminate the inflammatory process. It is used only to relieve painful symptoms, which will give the doctor more time to conduct diagnostic tests, and the patient will not experience pain.

How and why the spermatic cords are ligated

Ligation consists of blocking the patency of the spermatic cords. This makes it impossible for sperm to be transported into the woman’s body during sexual intercourse.

When the spermatic cords are tied, there will be no mixing of sperm with seminal fluid. It is absorbed by the body and excreted in the ejaculate.

The effectiveness of such an operation is almost one hundred percent. This is the most effective method of contraception for men. But it must be remembered that the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease does not decrease. Bandaging has nothing to do with this.

After the operation, there are no changes in hormonal levels in men, the functioning of the genital organs does not deteriorate, libido does not decrease, and sexual satisfaction does not decrease. The production of hormones and sperm continues at the same pace, even the appearance of the ejaculate does not change.

But, like all operations, ligation of the cords can lead to complications. Severe consequences are rare. Most often this occurs due to infection entering the body. Fewer complications occur if a blockade, ligation or cauterization of the cords is performed.

This procedure is called a vasectomy. This is done in two ways:

  • cutting cords;
  • puncture above the cords, ligation of the spermatic cords, cauterization or blockade.

This option has less chance of developing complications.

After the operation has been performed, it is necessary to check that:

  • the temperature did not rise to 37.7°C;
  • blood and pus are released from the wound;
  • pain and tissue swelling appeared.

One week after the procedure, you can continue your previous sex life

If such symptoms occur, you should inform your doctor. In such cases, treatment with antibacterial drugs is usually prescribed.

In most cases, a week after the procedure, you can continue your previous sex life. Sometimes a longer break may be needed. It is important to know that if a ligation has been performed, the spermatic cords will be cleared of sperm only three months after the operation, so during this period it is necessary to protect against conception.