When the dog stops shedding. The dog is shedding - what to do? Prevention of excessive hair loss in dogs

In different breeds and dogs living in different conditions, the shedding process occurs differently. Dogs that live in nature shed their fur “on a schedule”: before winter, in order to prepare for frost and build up a warm undercoat and long hair, and before summer, to replace the warm coat with thinner hair.

For dogs that live at home, where they are not afraid of any frost or heat, shedding can drag on for the entire season. This is why a dog can shed even in winter.

There are several types of shedding:

  • seasonal - the process of shedding hair occurs twice a year: in the spring shorter hair grows, and in the fall the hair becomes thicker and longer;
  • age-related - usually goes away at one month or six months of age, often with a change in coat, the color also changes;
  • permanent - usually occurs in dogs kept at home. Due to the stable temperature of the room, the biological rhythms of the animal are disrupted, and the dog sheds constantly.

What to do if your dog sheds a lot?

To make life easier for a dog that sheds, you need to brush it every day with a special brush. This will remove lost hair and new hair will begin to grow faster. In addition, brushing will have a beneficial effect on the blood circulation of the skin, which will strengthen the fresh coat. The more often you groom your dog, the less hair will remain on the carpets and sofa.

If your dog's hair is not falling out for natural reasons, you should definitely reconsider its diet. Perhaps she lacks some vitamins and minerals, which is why the hair follicles have weakened and the hair has begun to fall out.

A bad sign is when a dog’s fur sheds in places, and ulcers or sores form in these places. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian, because these may be symptoms of various diseases.

How long does it take for dogs to shed?

Seasonal shedding with proper care for the dog lasts 1-2 weeks. Shedding can be permanent all year round, but you can reduce its intensity. Brush your pet more often and make sure that its diet always contains all the necessary vitamins and substances that affect the quality of its coat.

Are there dogs that don't shed?

There are no dogs that do not shed at all, but some breeds shed much less than others, for example:

Causes of shedding in dogs and ways to combat it.

A good dog breeder can safely tell by the condition of the coat how the dog is feeling at the moment and whether everything is good with its health. Indeed, a dog’s fur coat is the main symptom of a pet’s illness. With a lack of vitamins and microelements, the dog’s coat is the first to suffer.

In general, it is considered normal that the first molt occurs at 6 months. In addition, the gender and breed of the dog matters. Some females shed even at 3 months. Pets may have a vague molting period.

Normally, a dog that lives on the street should shed twice a year. This is in spring and autumn. It is at this time that the dog’s coat changes. Spring to summer. At this time, a lot of undercoat falls out, which retains heat. In autumn, on the contrary, some of the thick hair falls out and the undercoat grows. In terms of time, molting lasts 1-2 weeks. In dogs that live in an apartment or in warm rooms all the time, shedding occurs little by little and all the time.

In winter, the dog should not shed. This indicates that not everything is okay with the pet. There are many reasons why hair loss occurs in winter.

Measures against winter molting:

Causes of shedding:

Of course, the modern variety of vitamin preparations for pets makes it possible not only to maintain the health of the dog for the purpose of prevention at the level necessary for an active life, but also to prevent the occurrence of various ailments. Every dog ​​breeder should clearly know that an overdose of vitamins in order to “accelerate the effect” can sometimes cause irreparable harm - hypervitaminosis is no less dangerous than hypovitaminosis. This will lead to the emergence of new ailments.

What to do when shedding:

  • Bitches often shed before going into heat. This is due to changes in hormonal levels. In this case, after estrus, the condition of the coat will be restored.
  • Better feed the dog. Buy special food high in microelements and vitamins.
  • Introduce vitamins into your diet. These can be either tablets or special products.
  • Walk your dog regularly. It is necessary for the dog to be constantly in motion. She must run. To do this, choose outdoor games.

Medicines and food for dogs that shed:

  • Feed. It is necessary to provide food that is of good quality. The best ones are Royal Canin with Hills, Bosch with Eukanuba, ProPlan with Akana and Orijen with Belcando. They contain many minerals and trace elements. Such food is suitable for both young puppies and females in heat. Suitable for dogs nursing puppies.
  • Introduce natural meat into your diet. This pleasure is not cheap. Therefore, meat is often replaced with offal. There is no need to boil them. Can be given raw.
  • Vitamin complexes. Here is the list: Dog Vitamins 8in1, Adult Multi Vitamin, GelaBon plus, Beaphar Vitamins, Top 10. Please note that not all vitamin complexes work well. The fact is that there are corrective drugs that are used to eliminate the deficiency of a specific vitamin. In case of hair loss, purchase complex and universal preparations.

  • Aversect
  • Stronghold
  • Rolf-3D
  • Bars Forte
  • Fiprist
  • Advantix
  • Bolfo spray

Of course, the list of drugs is far from complete. But, when choosing a drug for a pet and relying on the recommendations of friends and ratings, every owner must remember that vitamins suitable for a dog are not the “best” and not the “most expensive” in the line available on the market. The vitamin and mineral complex is selected strictly individually.

VIDEO: Causes of dog shedding

Regular seasonal shedding usually occurs in your pet in autumn or spring days and lasts 1-2 weeks - this is an absolutely normal phenomenon, no need to worry. One thing that you will have to spend time on is brushing your dog with a special brush to collect all the extra hairs that will soon fall out. This simple procedure will help your pet get through the molting period as quickly as possible, and will also keep upholstered furniture and carpets from getting dirty.

It is necessary to clean the apartment more often, since a comb will not completely remove hair. When does the first shedding in dogs begin? This depends on the time of year, and usually occurs no earlier than 6 months of age.

Wool, unfortunately, does not immediately respond to diseases. It grows slowly, and the change is detected only a month after the hidden danger arises.

What to do if your dog sheds a lot...

...in the middle of winter or in summer, when nature does not foresee a change of coat for animals?

...longer than 2-3 weeks?

...and redness, irritation, inflammation, crusts, spots appear on the skin?

...and this process is accompanied by a smell that has never been observed in your dog before?

...and it seems to you that this process is too intense?

Any of these factors requires that you urgently contact a veterinarian, because with normal shedding there should be nothing like this. Your pet's fur, in addition to its main function, reflects the state of the entire body and acts as an indicator of health. If your dog doesn't look the same as always, it means he's sick.

If you find that your dog is shedding a lot. First of all, you need to identify the reason why the fur is falling off. The most common, in addition to natural ones, include:

· allergies;

· unbalanced diet;

· skin diseases;

· high temperature in the room where the dog lives;

· liver diseases;

· acute lack of vitamins (usually A, B, omega-3);

· worms;

· suffered severe stress;

· dry wool;

pancreatic disease.

First you need to try to fix what you can:

1. Make sure that the temperature in the apartment does not exceed 26 degrees. If the room is warmer, this could be the reason your dog is shedding.

2. Ventilate the room every day, do not close all windows tightly in the summer.

3. Take your pet outside for a walk in any weather.

4. Create a rational menu and allocate a certain amount for the purchase of quality food.

5. Remove the stressful situation for your pet, and then, after consulting with a veterinarian, buy a suitable sedative (for example, cat bayun) from the pharmacy.

6. Buy an anthelmintic and give it to the dog (don’t forget to read the instructions first).

7. Buy good vitamins. When choosing, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of the doctor who examined the dog.

If all else fails, you need to contact a specialist to:

· take the necessary blood tests to exclude or identify problems with the liver or pancreas;

Conduct a general examination of the patient;

· do an allergy test and scraping to diagnose skin diseases.

An experienced dog breeder can tell a lot about an animal based on how a dog sheds. When you meet domestic dogs on the street, you can easily determine whether the pet is healthy and happy. But how? By the condition of his coat!

If the fur coat shines in the sun, like expensive fur and looks well-groomed, everything is fine with your pet. If the hairs are sparse and shaggy, the dog often itches, getting rid of constantly shedding hairs, then something is wrong with him.

The dog sheds heavily: why does it happen and what to do

In general, it is not only diseases that cause sudden or severe shedding. The animal's fur coat reacts sharply to any fluctuations in the environment. For example, some apartment pets living in artificial light or in stuffy conditions change their fur constantly, unlike their counterparts who live in the fresh air of sunny summer cottages.

Sometimes stress in dogs, such as pregnancy, moving, surgery, can cause: temporary weakening of hair follicles and intense hair loss. There are cases where frequent bathing disrupts the chemical balance of the skin and promotes shedding.

Caring for the coat

Whether the time for seasonal hair loss has come, or the veterinarian could not find the reasons for the “unscheduled” shedding, or could not understand why the dog sheds a lot, it does not matter - you need to help your pet comfortably survive this difficult period.

· Be sure to include vitamins in your dog’s diet.

· Don't forget to stock up on the equipment necessary to brush your pet. The main thing is that the combs must be made of hardened steel. Preferably with nickel plating. With their help you can comb out tangles from the undercoat.

· Get ​​a furminator for combing.

· Sometimes you can give your dog a fun shower with protein-containing pet shampoo, but frequent bathing is not recommended when shedding heavily.

· Buy separate dry-use conditioners that improve the structure of the coat and nourish it.

· Puffers are no less important. With their help, they remove hair in delicate places that cannot be touched with a rough metal tool.

· Combing with a furminator will speed up if you do it after bathing. When processing the tummy, paws and tail, you need to be extremely careful; move the tool in the direction of hair growth. No need to use force! To avoid hurting the animal, move it lightly and gently over the fur.

The Furminator is suitable for most breeds except:

· poodle;

· lap dogs;

· terrier;

· Chinese crested;

· American water spaniel;

· curly-haired retriever;


While your pet is shedding, it is better to switch it to natural food. For a healthy and beautiful coat, the main thing is protein. It gives strength and shine to the coat. During shedding, your pet also needs fish oil. You need to make sure that your pet receives the required substances for hair growth: zinc, copper and vitamin B.

During this period, the animal should be given more meat (with the exception of pork, because it is too fatty). Sometimes pamper your pets with chicken hearts and livers. Once a week, the shedding animal needs to eat sea fish. Just give him the boneless fillet.

In addition, it is very important that your pets eat cereals and vegetables. It is unlikely that you will be able to get your four-legged ones to try these products separately, so mix them with your tailed friend’s favorite canned food.

Lack of zinc and solar dermatitis leads to hair loss, dryness and roughening of bald skin, and ulcers. Dogs whose immunity is weakened due to a serious illness or those who have worms often go bald. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the dog’s health. Give immunostimulating drugs, carry out deworming, and properly care for the coat.

The dog needs to be bathed once a month, not more often. The water temperature should be warm, not hot.

Shedding in dogs is a phenomenon that the owner of the animal periodically encounters. A process that can occur 2 times a year or more. With proper care, shedding can occur quickly and unnoticed, but for proper coat care you need special products, various combs and devices for quickly removing hair.

Shedding periods

Wool is the main indicator of a pet's good health. If a dog has a shiny, beautiful coat, he is probably healthy and happy.
Typically, shedding begins at 6-7 months in males and 8-9 in females. During this period, you need to take your dog for walks more often, feed him tasty treats, and be prepared for frequent house cleaning. It is necessary to create good conditions for the animal, because during the first molt the animal can be excited and overly active.

Important! A puppy's skin is not yet so thick, so combs and products need to be selected with soft bristles.

Shedding in dogs is a natural process.

In this case, you should contact a veterinarian, who will tell you which vitamins to give during shedding, and which ones to use as an additive to the main diet.
Periodically, the coat is renewed, thus getting rid of old hair. After molting, a warm undercoat grows, which helps in the winter cold. In spring, shedding, on the contrary, allows the skin to breathe, the wool does not float and is well ventilated.

For each breed there are certain standards for weight, nutrition, and the molting process. In small breeds, shedding can occur quickly and unnoticed. In large dogs, especially long-haired ones, shedding continues for some time, and the pet must be thoroughly combed daily. This forces owners to think about how to make the process quick and inexpensive.

How long does it take for a pet to shed?

Typically, there are two stages in renewing an animal's coat:

  • spring period
  • shedding in autumn.

Every dog ​​owner should be prepared for the fact that 2 or more times a year his friend will shed a lot of hair, which is extremely difficult to deal with without special tools. Although shedding lasts from 1.5 to 3 weeks, a lot of wool will accumulate in an apartment or house. With proper care of the animal, this time will pass unnoticed. During the shedding period, you need to brush your dog regularly and thoroughly.

If we talk about constant molting, then this condition should be alarming. You should contact a veterinarian or a more experienced dog breeder. Very often, when shedding, the fur can roll down, and such tangles can cause discomfort. Unscheduled shedding of fur is evidenced by:

  • about the dog’s poor health;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin diseases.

It is also important to consider the climate in which the dog grows. In hot countries, she can shed only once a year, without gaining a thick undercoat.

Caring for wool

Very often, when shedding in dogs, especially large and long-haired ones, exhausts the owner due to constant cleaning of the apartment, the question arises of how to stop the process without harm to health. To help your dog survive a difficult period, you need to stock up on various tools that will help remove hair faster and soften it.

Among the tools we can highlight:

Furminators. A device for long-haired dogs with thick hair and dense undercoat. The Furminator must be used carefully so as not to damage the animal's skin. This is one of the best tools in the fight against hair.

Brushes. Large and small brushes with thick bristles can be used for short-haired and long-haired breeds. Brush well and remove unnecessary hair.

Pukhoders. For breeds with a thick undercoat that is difficult to remove with a regular brush. The slicker removes fluff carefully and carefully without damaging the animal's skin.

Also, do not forget about bathing your dog with special products that soften the coat, make it smoother and remove tangles. If you don't want to bathe your dog, you can use dry shampoos and conditioners, which also clean the coat well, and your pet will really like the massage movements for rubbing.
In addition to frequent brushing, you should remember about proper nutrition and additional vitamin intake, since during the molting period immunity may drop and appetite may disappear.

Dog menu during shedding period

The animal constantly needs good nutrition and sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. During the molting period, when appetite and mood may deteriorate, you need to plan your diet more carefully.

Make sure your four-legged friend has natural food. It can be meat (chicken, beef); also for dogs with allergic reactions and hypersensitivity, turkey or rabbit meat is suitable. Once a week, the dog should also be given sea fish. After separating the fillet from the bones, you can feed the fish raw or lightly pour boiling water over it. Fish contains many useful substances, especially vitamin B, which has a good effect on the condition of the coat.

In addition to meat, the diet may include nutritious porridge (millet or finely ground wheat); porridge has a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Also during the molting period you need to give chicken liver or heart. Such products have a beneficial effect on the body, the dog eats well, and chicken liver improves blood circulation.

Important! Remember that the animal needs to be given vegetables, such as carrots and cabbage. Some individuals like and can eat them raw, but they can also be boiled along with meat.

Planned and unplanned molting

Scheduled shedding occurs only 2-3 times a year and is required for all dogs, regardless of whether the pet lives in an apartment or in an outdoor enclosure. In addition, planned molting in bitches occurs after estrus, as well as after childbirth. All this is referred to as natural processes. In males, during puberty, shedding can last longer than 3 weeks.

Unscheduled shedding in dogs most often occurs in animals that constantly live in an apartment and do not get enough walks on the street. Many pet dogs also forget about annual scheduled veterinary examinations, vaccinations and deworming. And worms can cause problems with the coat, and with severe helminthization, shedding can continue for a whole year.
Affects unscheduled molting and climate. Very often, even in hot winter, a dog can begin to shed its fur.

Important! It should be remembered that during the molting period the dog is very sensitive and requires constant care and attention.

Molting necessarily occurs in spring and autumn. There are a lot of means to cope with such a problem. You just need to spend time brushing and grooming your dog. Also, do not forget about proper nutrition and trips to the veterinarian.
With proper care, shedding in dogs will not cause you much trouble, and your four-legged friend will feel good.

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In purebred dogs and most breeds, shedding occurs in spring and autumn. The owner just needs to buy a thick brush and a comb with sparser teeth and comb the pet thoroughly at this time. This is necessary so that as little wool as possible remains on furniture, carpets, and clothes.

If you are not ready to devote time to combing dead hairs, but you want a dog, then buy a breed that does not shed. These include the popular one, and others. Schnauzers are trimmed, you can buy a Chinese Crested or a Mexican Hairless. This way you will avoid problems with regular brushing of the coat.

Why does shedding occur?

Outbred and purebred smooth-haired and long-haired dogs necessarily shed 2 times a year (autumn and spring) and for other reasons. Wire-haired cats require trimming, when dead hairs are carefully plucked by the owners themselves or by a specialist.

In the fall for winter, the dog should shed shorter hair without a thick undercoat and acquire longer hair, often on the neck, hind and front legs, with thick hair. In the spring, the pet will shed this “fur coat” and again grow shorter and with a sparse undercoat. This type of molting is natural, “seasonal.”

Dogs descended from wolves, and that predator feels that with the onset of cold weather it’s time to get a warm “fur coat,” and when it gets warmer, you can get by with shorter hair. This type of shedding is the most abundant in dogs of both sexes. But in bitches it can be hormonal. It most often occurs after 2 months. after giving birth, when the bitch is actively feeding puppies or during estrus.

Puppies mature and exchange their soft puppy fur for adult fur. At the same time, it is tougher and the color becomes richer and more intense; if the dog is purebred, then the color will be like that of one of the parents. The puppy will be six months old and these changes will begin to occur.

How long does shedding last?

If you intensively brush your pet during seasonal shedding, it will go away in 1 or 2 weeks. Dogs that live in apartments are too hot and lose their hair throughout the year.

More in autumn and spring and less at other times. Their hormonal levels are somewhat disrupted.

To help the new coat grow better, feed super-premium or natural dry food, with lots of fresh meat, eggs and fresh vegetables, which most dogs love. Steam them. These are cabbage, zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin and others.

What to do if your dog sheds a lot?

What to do first during seasonal molting depends on the breed of your pet. Experts recommend that everyone brush their pets and remove dead fur every day. At the pet store, purchase special combs suitable for your dog's coat type. If you notice that your dog sheds heavily even after 2 weeks, then you need to buy and introduce vitamins into the diet. Group B fatty acids, especially Omega-3, have a particularly beneficial effect. The wool will be strengthened in the roots and will fall out less.

There is a peculiarity that those dogs that eat only dry food and do not drink much water experience some dry skin and hair loss. Introduce wet industrial food into the diet at this time. Better yet, raw beef, turkey, chicken and other fresh or frozen and defrosted meat in the microwave or naturally. Don't give us bones. Don't forget to add boiled vegetables with egg and vitamins.

The pet will shed less, the amount of dandruff will decrease, and the skin will not be so dry and will acquire normal moisture. Let's consider other procedures that improve the condition of your pet's coat and skin.

We take care of wool

Everything has been written about your pets' fur.

We have already mentioned that when shedding, you need to thoroughly comb out the dead fur with a fine-toothed brush. And so on every day. Then the new one will grow faster in those places. Blood circulation in the skin will improve and the new coat will be strong, elastic and as long as possible. If you do this hygiene procedure 1 or 2 times a day, then there will be a minimum of wool on your sofas and carpets and you will not have to vacuum more than 2 times a week.

If it is not spring or autumn, your bitch is not feeding puppies or she is not in heat, and her hair is falling out, then you need to introduce vitamins with useful minerals into her diet. You can purchase such a complex of useful substances at a veterinary pharmacy or through an online store, at the market in a zoo, etc. When the body receives little useful substances from food, the hair follicles can weaken, and the pet loses more hair.

It’s a bad sign if the fur falls out in places and sores form there. It could be some kind of skin disease, from food allergies to fungus, ringworm. In addition, hair loss may indicate diseases of the internal organs. Take your pet to see a veterinarian immediately.

Cleaning wool

The best natural bristle brushes. Most often they are made from pork or horse hair. Some dogs may experience an allergic reaction due to the synthetic brush. A good brush is moderately thick and of medium hardness.

Dogs with long hair need to be brushed especially often. A comb is convenient for unraveling tangles and removing dead hair more thoroughly. A particularly thick comb is convenient for carrying out these procedures. When a long-haired dog sheds, it is best to use soft-bristled brushes and run them gently through the fur so as not to pull out a tuft right along with the skin.

A haircut

Do you think that dogs are cut with ordinary scissors? Only beginners and inexperienced dog breeders. If the dog has long hair and constantly needs to have its hair done as the hair grows back, then it makes sense to immediately purchase a special clipper. It’s so convenient to care for poodles, lapdogs, Shih Tzus and Yorkshire terriers when you give them a hygienic short haircut for the summer. Usually, dogs of those breeds with which similar procedures are customarily cut are cut. Shepherd dogs, golden retrievers and even collies are not cut.

It is not enough to just clean your pet’s fur from dust and dirt in bad weather or bathe them; you need to feed your pet well so that the coat is bright, rich in color, and the hair is as healthy as possible. The best super-premium or premium food. If you constantly give them to your pet, he will be cheerful and active. An experienced veterinarian will say that long-lived dogs are more often found among those who eat not only dry food, but also raw meat, eggs, and boiled vegetables.

Dogs that live in enclosures or in private sectors with free range in the courtyard of the house are rarely bathed. Most summers, when the weather is hot, the owners buy them in a basin from a hose with cool well water. Or they take you to a local pond and wash and rinse thoroughly.

Pet dogs need to be washed more often. If your pet has not gotten dirty in something foul-smelling or in fuel oil, then you can wipe it with a damp sponge and shampoo. And if it gets seriously dirty, then it’s best to put it in the bathroom, wet the fur, soap it and rinse it off. You can repeat the procedure. Try to accustom your puppy to water procedures from childhood. Then even adults will be able to tolerate them calmly, and maybe he will enjoy swimming.

It is often not recommended to bathe indoor pets due to the fact that the skin can dry out and the hair will begin to fall out more. If your pet itches frequently and you have treated it for fleas a long time ago, repeat the procedure. After all, when it itches, the hair in those places falls out. Clean your pet's ears. If he gets ear mites, he may develop bald patches behind the ears due to intense scratching with his back paw.

Food for pets that shed

If you have been feeding your pet premium food and notice that hair has begun to fall out profusely, consider changing the food. Super premium food has proven itself well: Royal Canin with Hills, Bosch with Eukanuba, ProPlan with Acana and Orijen with Belcando, etc. They are the most expensive, but manufacturers used high-quality raw materials for their preparation.

They are perfectly balanced and maximally beneficial for your pet. There are enough proteins with fats and minerals with the necessary vitamins and fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6 and other useful microelements. In cheap food, unfortunately, this balance is not maintained and your pet’s body will not receive an insufficient amount of necessary substances.

You will be surprised, but by changing your diet to a more balanced one, you can solve the issue of shedding. It will be significantly reduced. Or the dog will stop shedding noticeably altogether. They will contain high-quality meat and fish, cereals, enough microelements with vitamins and fatty acids.

Good premium foods that can be fed to a puppy and an adult dog, nursing a bitch, are: ProNature with Purina and Red Oak and other good foods. Even though they are not expensive and in some ways inferior to super-premium food, they can form a regular diet for your pet. And they are cheaper than those higher quality, but also expensive feeds.

The owner who feeds the dog natural food does even better. This means that every day the dog eats fresh or frozen meat, cereals (boiled buckwheat, rice) boiled along with meat and vegetables, etc.

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