Rotavirus intestinal infection: symptoms and treatment in children. The first signs and treatment of rotavirus infection in adults and children. A qualified approach to treatment.

) is a form of disease of the digestive system, caused by rotavirus. Children are more often exposed to infection, and their symptoms of the disease are more acute.

Manifestations begin within 2-3 days, the next day signs appear on the face that occur with an intestinal infection. The disease occurs in two stages. Symptoms of respiratory system diseases appear: sore throat, rhinitis, cough. At the next stage, the primary signs are recorded.


Acute diarrhea in children occurs immediately. The composition of the stool changes; it is watery, liquid and foamy, with pieces of undigested food. The color of diarrhea due to rotavirus infection becomes unusual. Discharge with a sour odor.

Herbal medicine and folk recipes

You will not surprise anyone with the variety of medications for the treatment of rotavirus diarrhea in children and adults, but do not forget about the benefits of herbs. They help alleviate the patient's condition without directly affecting the rotavirus.

The astringent and fixing properties of plants are used:

  1. St. John's wort. Brew a spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiling water. Take 100-150 ml before meals.
  2. Oak. For two glasses of cold water, 1 spoon of oak bark is required. Leave for 5-6 hours, drink half a glass before meals.
  3. Blackberries, blueberries. Brew with boiling water and take in small portions throughout the day.
  4. Bloodroot. Grind the root of the plant and pour boiling water, leave in a water bath for half an hour, strain and drink a tablespoon 3 times a day.
  5. Chamomile, mint. Tea made from these herbs helps.

To treat intestinal flu, they resort to traditional medicine recipes. Rice water is considered a children's folk drink. There is no allergy to it. To obtain a glass of rice, boil in 2 glasses of water, drain the thick liquid and take 100 ml up to 8 times a day.

An effective folk method for rotavirus diarrhea is walnuts. A pinch of internal partitions is poured with 500 ml of boiling water, then they are boiled for 10-15 minutes. Use the decoction once a day, 150 ml.


A necessary remedy in the treatment of intestinal infection is proper dietary nutrition. If the patient does not have diarrhea and vomiting, strengthening foods (rice, vegetables and fruits) are prescribed. If a child develops diarrhea, exclude dairy and fermented milk products, which help the growth of bacteria in the intestines.

Infants with rotavirus infection should not be removed from the breast. Mothers think that frequent lactation causes the baby to vomit. The urge to vomit will be easier after eating than on an empty stomach.

Intestinal flu in infants causes intolerance to breast milk. It is recommended to use formulas without milk sugar, and reduce breastfeeding to 2 times a day.

Older children are prohibited from sweets, carbonated drinks, legumes, and rye bread. These products provoke diarrhea due to rotavirus.

Adult patients are not allowed sausages, cheese, pasta, fresh vegetables and fruits, or canned food. We recommend liquid rice porridge without milk, with mucus, slimy soups, white crackers, blueberry and black currant jelly. Sweet tea is allowed. It is served with croutons and crackers. Use vitamins in combination.

During diarrhea, meals are frequent and in small quantities. If diarrhea does not go away after an intestinal infection, this is a signal about an early transition from the diet to regular food. Digestion and intestines are restored within 21 days.

Stool with blood during rotavirus disease is a signal of the onset of complications. You need to urgently call a doctor to determine the method of treatment.

What not to do

Gastric lavage - during this procedure, normal microflora is washed out, which helps fight the virus that causes diarrhea during an intestinal infection. Flushing the stomach is indicated only in case of prolonged vomiting.

Use medications to stop diarrhea

On average, diarrhea lasts 7 days – it clears the virus. If you stop diarrhea and vomiting at the onset of the disease, the infection will remain inside the patient and continue its toxic effect.

Trying to feed a child against his will

During a period of weakening of the body, food puts stress on the intestines. If children develop an appetite, offer easily digestible foods.

Precautionary measures

It is not difficult to prevent infection with rotavirus infection - follow the rules of hygiene and teach your child to do so. Wash your hands with soap after visiting public places.

Vegetables and fruits should be consumed after scalding with boiling water. Dairy products should be subjected to heat treatment. Drink purified, filtered water.

The condition for recovery is compliance with the therapeutic diet and doctor’s prescriptions.

Which can cause diarrhea in children and adults. Typical causative agents of viral diarrhea are astroviruses, adenoviruses, caliciviruses, Norfolk virus, Breda virus and others.

Features of the development of rotavirus infection in children and adults

Rotavirus, entering the lumen of the small intestine, leads to the development of rotavirus enteritis. This disease, characterized by a pronounced winter-autumn seasonality, usually occurs in 2 stages: first, symptoms similar to ARVI appear, and then diarrhea joins them. The disease is accompanied by severe vomiting and sometimes an increase in body temperature to +38...+39 ° C, the frequency of diarrhea reaches 4–15 times a day. With massive infection and severe disease, complications may develop, leading to disruption of the water-salt balance and dehydration of the body. More often, rotavirus causes symptoms of dehydration in young children.

On average, the duration of the disease is 4–5 days; in rare cases, complete recovery occurs after 10–12 days. In some adults, rotavirus causes unusually severe pain symptoms, due to which patients are admitted to the inpatient department with a general diagnosis of “acute abdominal syndrome.” At the same time, in 30% of cases of infection, intestinal infection can be asymptomatic.

Just like any diarrhea, diarrhea caused by a virus requires specialized treatment, the key element of which is rehydration therapy. Adults and children over 6 years of age can quickly eliminate negative intestinal symptoms using the modern anti-diarrhea drug IMODIUM ® Express. This drug, having a selective effect on the receptors of the muscular lining of the intestine, helps to normalize peristaltic contractions, slow down the movement of feces, improve the absorption of fluid and electrolytes, and increase the tone of the anal sphincter. As a result, due to this, signs of intestinal distress may subside or completely disappear within an hour.

The infection has several other names:

  • intestinal flu,
  • stomach flu,
  • rotavirus enteritis.

The virus that causes this disease is called "rotavirus" due to its appearance (translated from Latin rota means "wheel").

Incubation period

The duration of the incubation period (the time interval from infection to the appearance of the first signs of rotavirus) depends on the state of the immune system and the number of viral particles that have penetrated the intestines. On average it is 3–5 days.

The illness lasts a week, and in some adults, rotavirus symptoms do not stop for 10–12 days. After recovery, the human body develops specific lifelong immunity, making it almost impossible to become infected with this type of virus again. The exception is people with an initially weakened immune system.

The contagious period begins from the appearance of the first signs of the disease and lasts until recovery. All this time, the sick person continues to release viral particles.

How the virus is transmitted

The main route of transmission of the pathogen is fecal-oral. Most often, it enters the body along with contaminated food or raw water. The virus tolerates low temperatures well and can remain viable in the refrigerator for a long period of time.

Infection through airborne droplets is also possible. Like classic, intestinal flu is accompanied by inflammation of the respiratory tract. When you sneeze and cough, viral particles along with tiny droplets of mucus spread through the air and infect people around you who are susceptible to the disease.

Where can you get infected with rotavirus?

As a rule, infection occurs in crowded places: in kindergartens, schools, offices, public transport, etc. The disease can manifest itself in isolated cases or epidemic outbreaks, most often occurring in the cold season.

The source of the spread of infection is a patient with a manifest form of intestinal influenza (clinically expressed disease) or a virus carrier. The disease is transmitted only from person to person.


Symptoms of rotavirus infection are nonspecific. Patients develop weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, and possibly increased body temperature. Respiratory signs of the disease include runny nose, cough, inflammation and redness of the throat. Penetrating the digestive tract, the virus begins to multiply rapidly, affecting mainly the mucous membrane of the small intestine and having a negative effect on digestive function.

By disrupting the physiological processes of food digestion and leading to the development of enteritis (inflammation of the intestinal wall), the intestinal influenza virus causes acute intoxication of the body, causing nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. At the same time, viral particles do not penetrate into the blood.

How to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning

Poisoning, unlike rotavirus infection, develops suddenly and very quickly. In this case, similar symptoms usually appear simultaneously in all people who ate the same foods. Rotavirus, which is a seasonal disease, in addition to digestive upset, is accompanied by fever and respiratory symptoms. The characteristic differences of this disease are grayish-yellow feces with a characteristic clayey consistency and very dark urine, sometimes mixed with blood.

Symptoms in children

In children, immediately after the end of the incubation (latent) period, an acute clinical picture of the disease is observed. From the first day, body temperature rises, nausea, vomiting, and loose stools appear. Diarrhea due to rotavirus has its own specificity: as inflammation develops, the stool acquires a characteristic yellowish-gray color and clay-like consistency. Catarrhal symptoms appear: runny nose, sore throat and sore throat. Possible cough. The child becomes lethargic and capricious and refuses to eat.

Often, in children with rotavirus infection, the development of nausea and vomiting can occur not only after eating, but also on an empty stomach. In the first case, undigested pieces of food are found in the vomit, in the second - streaks of mucus. Body temperature, rising to high levels, usually remains at the same level until the end of the disease. If a small child cannot explain what and where it hurts, parents should pay attention to signs such as restlessness, crying, painful bloating, severe rumbling in the stomach, and drowsiness. Possible weight loss.

After the illness ends, children's stool may still have a runny consistency for some time. Due to the fact that the symptoms of rotavirus infection are very similar to food poisoning, as well as manifestations of salmonellosis and cholera, it is almost impossible to determine the cause of the disorder. When the first signs of illness occur, you must call a doctor or an ambulance. Before doctors arrive, in order to avoid blurring the clinical picture and making diagnosis difficult, it is not recommended to give antispasmodics and painkillers.


During the period of this viral infection, a balanced diet and split meals become of particular importance. It is recommended to consult your doctor about its composition in more detail, as there may be individual adjustments. Usually food and drinks are given to the child in small portions, maintaining intervals between meals. Often with this condition, children have no appetite. If, when symptoms of viral diarrhea develop, a child refuses to eat, he should not be forced under any circumstances. However, to replenish the water-salt balance, it is advisable to persuade the baby to drink low-fat chicken broth, weak unsweetened tea, rosehip infusion or jelly.

After the child shows interest in food, he must be transferred to a therapeutic diet. It usually includes:

  • porridge made from semolina or rice flakes, cooked in water or vegetable broth;
  • boiled/steamed carrot puree;
  • steam omelettes;
  • grated fresh cottage cheese;
  • baked apples;
  • steamed cutlets from lean fish or meat fillets.

The diet for rotavirus in children involves strict limitation of fats, fried foods and carbohydrates.

Rotavirus infection in adults

Due to the fact that the symptoms of rotavirus in adults are less severe than in children, most patients experience the disease on their legs. The absence of nausea, vomiting and catarrhal symptoms leads to the fact that intestinal disorder is attributed to the consumption of stale foods. However, the asymptomatic course of the disease does not negate the fact that people are carriers and spreaders of the virus. Therefore, the presence of a sick person in a family or group often leads to mass infection, from which one can only protect oneself if one has specific lifelong immunity.


When diagnosing a disease, not only the clinical symptoms of the disease are taken into account, but also epidemic prerequisites (its seasonality and tendency to mass distribution). Informative methods used to confirm the diagnosis include analysis for rotavirus (detection of the pathogen in feces using electron microscopy), latex agglutination reaction and radioimmune tests.

Due to the similarity of the symptoms of rotavirus infection with salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera, escherichiosis and yersiniosis, differential diagnosis is required.

To diagnose the disease at home, there is a special test for rotavirus, which allows you to detect the pathogen in stool in 10 minutes.

A one-step immunochromatic rapid test, presented in the form of a traditional strip, contains specific antibodies that react to the presence of the rotavirus antigen. Before testing, stool is placed in the supplied bottle of solvent. After the sample is completely dissolved, exactly 5 drops of the resulting liquid are applied to the test window. After 10 minutes, the results are recorded. If rotavirus is present in the stool, a pink stripe appears in the test zone. However, it is important to understand that conducting a test does not replace a consultation with a doctor, so to confirm the diagnosis you must contact a specialist.


When answering the question of how to treat rotavirus, it should be emphasized that currently there are no specific methods for treating intestinal flu. In this situation, symptomatic therapy is usually used, aimed at correcting water and electrolyte disturbances, stopping vomiting and diarrhea, and preventing the development of dehydration. It is recommended to consult a doctor to prescribe treatment.

To avoid dehydration when treating rotavirus in adults and children, taking rehydrants (medicines containing sodium chloride) may be recommended to restore the water-salt balance. In particularly severe cases, intravenous rehydration is performed.

Patients over 6 years of age may be prescribed IMODIUM ® Express to normalize intestinal peristalsis and secretory function and eliminate symptoms of diarrhea. Antibiotics are not taken, since this group of drugs is intended to treat diseases of bacterial origin. In addition, uncontrolled use of antimicrobial agents can cause the development of intestinal dysbiosis.

Should the fever be reduced?

Rotavirus does not tolerate exposure to high temperatures and loses its activity already at +38 °C. Therefore, during treatment it is not recommended to take antipyretics if the body temperature is below +38.5 °C. If the thermometer crosses +38.5 °C, the doctor may prescribe various antipyretic drugs to eliminate negative symptoms.

Complications of rotavirus infection

Most often, intestinal flu occurs without complications. However, when treating the disease, it is very important to prevent dehydration of the body, and also to ensure that in young children the body temperature does not rise above +39 ° C - such a condition can lead to damage to the body’s cells.

However, it is worth paying attention: if you do not consult a doctor and do not treat a viral infection with diarrhea, there is a risk of severe dehydration. In this case, drinking plenty of fluids will not help; it is necessary to administer fluid intravenously under the supervision of specialists. Severe dehydration can even be fatal.


One of the means of prevention is vaccination. The rotavirus vaccine (specific vaccine) is presented in the form of a colorless liquid for oral use, containing a weakened strain of the intestinal influenza virus. Vaccination helps the body develop resistance to rotavirus infection.

Nonspecific prevention includes strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, including frequent hand washing, drinking only boiled clean water, and others. It is also important to have a complete, balanced diet that can provide the body with all the necessary nutrients and biologically active substances that support and strengthen the immune system.

A viral infection can cause diarrhea!

The digestive tract is the most vulnerable system of our body. Every day, large amounts of food and water of varying quality pass through the digestive tract. Any product can be contaminated with harmful bacteria, toxins or microscopic fungi. When such a product enters the intestines or stomach, it begins to destroy the cells of these organs and also disrupt the digestion process.

There are a huge number of different microorganisms that lead to acute intestinal infection. But most often these diseases develop due to so-called rotaviruses.

Every year, more than one billion cases of this infection are registered in medicine. Statistics show that every second family in the world has at least once encountered rotavirus. It is worth paying attention to the fact that most often children under 10 years of age are affected by this disease.

It is worth understanding in more detail what rotavirus is, what symptoms it carries, how rotavirus infection is transmitted, and what is the treatment for rotavirus infection.

What is rotavirus?

If we talk about rotavirus infection in adults, then they most often become infected with it while caring for their child, but it is also possible that microorganisms can enter the adult’s body through another source. Because the virus is so widespread, you need to be wary of any sign of an intestinal infection. And if there is any suspicion of its existence, you should immediately consult a doctor.

So what is rotavirus? This infection involves a whole family of viruses that can infect the small intestine of the human body. They are also capable of persisting for a long time on any object in the environment. Most often this can be:

  • Food;
  • Water;
  • Clothes of a sick person;
  • Door handles and much more.

When a rotavirus infection enters the body, the viruses begin to transit through the acidic environment of the stomach and then settle in the initial part of the intestine. In the intestine, viruses attach to its cells, penetrate inside and begin to multiply rapidly.

When the concentration of viruses becomes large enough, the cell begins to collapse, and all copies of viruses are released from it. Some viruses come out along with feces. The rest affect other areas. That is why this infection can steadily progress in the absence of adequate treatment.

How does infection occur?

Microorganisms of rotavirus infection are highly contagious. Microorganisms can enter the environment, as well as various household items, in only one way - from a sick person. As mentioned earlier, viruses can be released in large quantities along with feces, and can also easily spread to a person’s hands, clothes, and household items. This viral infection, in order to be transmitted to another person, must enter his oral cavity. It is worth noting that a small number of microorganisms is sufficient for the development of the virus.

If one person in a family becomes ill with rotavirus infection, then the likelihood that the infection can be transmitted to other family members increases. Even if you properly care for the patient and isolate him from the rest of the family, it is difficult to avoid a group outbreak of infection.

It is also worth remembering that rotavirus infection can be spread among people decreed professions. It can be:

  • Catering workers;
  • Teachers in schools;
  • Water utility employees;
  • Store sellers and many others.

That is why there is almost always the possibility of contracting rotavirus if you do not follow the basic principles of preventive measures.

Symptoms of intestinal rotavirus infection

The first symptoms of rotavirus infection, as a rule, appear in humans 1-2 days after it enters the body. Statistics show that in almost half of patients this disease is disguised as a common cold. In this case, rotavirus infection manifests itself in the form of a runny nose, nasal congestion, a slight wet cough, and a sore throat. But a few days after infection or in parallel with the signs of a cold, other symptoms of an intestinal infection begin to emerge. That is why rotavirus infection is often called intestinal or stomach flu.

Rotovirus intestinal infection in children

This disease in children under 5 years of age is usually quite severe. Rotavirus infection in children is accompanied by severe toxic poisoning of the whole body, as well as severe intestinal disorder, which manifests itself almost simultaneously. The most typical symptoms of rotavirus infection in children:

  • General intoxication of the body. Rotavirus infection in newborns begins with this symptom. At the same time, the baby becomes lethargic and cries constantly. He often experiences increased sweating of the body.
  • Increased body temperature or hyperthermia. Most often, with rotavirus infection, the temperature rises quite strongly, more than 39°. But this temperature does not last more than 3 days. During the rest of the disease, other intestinal symptoms persist, but without elevated body temperature. Only in severe cases of rotavirus infection can hyperthermia last longer than 7 days.
  • Diarrhea. As a rule, this symptom is most often observed in children under 2 years of age. At the same time, a child can have loose stools from 10 to 14 times a day. The stool is foamy and consists almost entirely of liquid. It may also contain mucus particles. Loose stools may persist for two weeks. This symptom can lead to dehydration and also increase intoxication.
  • Nausea and vomiting. In children under 1 year of age, vomiting lasts for 1 to 2 days. In this case, vomiting can occur repeatedly throughout the day. This symptom, like the previous one, can contribute to dehydration of the entire body. If we talk about older children, they are quite less likely to suffer from this symptom for more than a day.
  • Stomach ache. This symptom is expressed moderately. The pain may be slightly intensified when palpating the abdomen. This is especially true for the middle and lower half of the abdomen.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in a child can be expressed in varying degrees of severity. Statistics show that the older the child is, the easier he will tolerate this disease. Despite this, it is worth remembering that when the first symptoms of rotavirus infection appear, a parent should take their child to the doctor as quickly as possible.

Rotavirus infection in adults

Almost all the symptoms of this disease in an adult they are much easier than in small children. In this case, intoxication of the body of an adult may be completely absent or expressed in slight weakness or a simple decrease in appetite. The temperature in adults with rotavirus infection rarely rises above 38°C, and most often returns to normal within one day. As for diarrhea, it is usually observed no more than 5 times a day. Diarrhea can last for one week. Vomiting during rotavirus infection in an adult can be one-time or not expressed at all.

Rotavirus infection in adolescents will present with similar symptoms. Symptoms in adolescents will be mild and respond well to treatment.

Dangerous symptoms of rotavirus infection

It is also necessary to identify the so-called warning group of symptoms for children and adults related to rotavirus infection. If these symptoms appear, parents should immediately seek emergency medical help. These symptoms of infection indicate a severe course of the disease and also require hospital treatment. The appearance of these symptoms in a sick young child also requires special monitoring, since he will not be able to get rid of them on his own.

  • Red blood in the stool or black stool. This symptom is an extremely unfavorable sign, which indicates intestinal bleeding. In such a situation, you must immediately call an ambulance or go to an infectious diseases hospital.
  • Frequent diarrhea up to 10 times a day or repeated vomiting. This symptom indicates the active release of fluid during rotavirus infection, which significantly increases the poisoning of the body with toxins. In such a situation, the patient must be hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital, where specialists must replenish the lost volume of fluid in the body, as well as electrolytes using droppers.
  • Severe abdominal pain. This symptom occurs during the typical course of the disease. It is worth noting that pain in the abdominal cavity is practically not expressed. If the pain intensifies, this may indicate damage to the intestinal walls.
  • Formation of a rash on the body. Such formations are small red spots that appear during a rotavirus infection. This rash on the body is characteristic of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever.

Treatment of rotavirus infection

What and how to treat rotavirus infection? Treatment of this disease will depend on the activity of the pathogen. Most often, rotavirus infection can be successfully treated at home on your own. The patient should be hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital only if the infection is severe, or if he develops dangerous symptoms that were described above.

Medical nutrition

It is necessary to begin treating the infection with proper nutrition. Children who are fed breast milk should eat in the same way, that is, on demand, at least 4 to 6 times a day. If the child eats artificial formulas, then it is recommended to use lactose-free or low-lactose formulas, which can have a positive effect on the general condition of the intestines, as well as reduce the duration of diarrhea. It is worth noting that during a rotavirus infection, introducing new complementary foods into the diet is strictly prohibited. This action can only aggravate indigestion.

The following foods should be excluded from the diet of older children and adults:

  • All plant foods, including dried fruits;
  • Bakery and flour products;
  • Various broths;
  • Everything fatty, salted, boiled and fried;
  • Whole milk.

If you believe the latest research by specialists, then all of the above foods can enhance intestinal function, due to which diarrhea persists much longer. During illness, patients are advised to eat boiled, lightly salted porridge. In this case, portions should be small, but it is recommended to eat often.

Elimination of rotavirus

But how to properly treat rotavirus infection? For treatment, first of all, it is necessary to remove from the intestine all microorganisms that are on its walls and destroy cells. For this It is recommended to use the following drugs:

  • Activated carbon - from 4 to 6 tablets per dose, several times a day.
  • Smecta or Neosmectin - 3-4 sachets per day.
  • Enterodes or Polysorb - 1-2 sachets per day.

If an infant is sick with rotavirus infection, then the amount of the above medications must be selected individually, depending on the general condition of the baby. Some forms of medication are very difficult to get a baby to drink. That is why, to make the treatment process easier, it is necessary to give preference to syrups, as well as medicinal solutions. Tablets for treating a child can be dissolved in water or finely crushed and given on a teaspoon.

Also very effective are drugs such as Anaferon, Arbidol. Recent research by doctors shows that the use of these drugs can speed up the treatment of infection by several days.

Elimination of dehydration and intoxication

One of the main methods of treating rotavirus infection, which can improve the general condition of a patient of any age, is the elimination of dehydration and intoxication. In this case The following medications may help:

  • Regidron;
  • Glucosolan;
  • Gastrolit.

If the above-mentioned drugs are not in your home medicine cabinet, then at first you can get by with a solution that is close in composition to these medications. For this The following components are added to 1 liter of boiled water:

  • 4 tablespoons or 20 grams of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon or 3 g salt;
  • 1 teaspoon or 3 g of baking soda.

It is very important to remember that this solution is recommended to be used only for a short time, that is, before purchasing the necessary medications, since this solution lacks a number of important microelements.

Restoring bowel function

Rotavirus infection tends to destroy some of the beneficial bacteria in the body that are essential for efficient digestion. It is for this reason that it is necessary to include in treatment various probiotics, which include the following:

Prevention of rotavirus

Is there any way to protect yourself and your child from this intestinal infection? To protect against rotavirus infection, there are, as a rule, 2 main methods. The first method is to observe basic hygiene standards. These standards imply the following actions:

In many cases, compliance with the above rules allows you to avoid the development of rotavirus disease, but despite this, it is very difficult to ensure that the child complies with these preventive standards. Vaccination can be used as an additional preventive measure.

To date 2 vaccines are known in Russia, which can protect you and yours from this disease. These vaccines are Rotatec and Rotarix. However, these vaccinations can only be effective against children under two years of age. Vaccination preparations are produced in Europe, where they also undergo repeated clinical trials. These medicines have long proven their effectiveness. Vaccines are not included in the vaccination schedule, which is why, in order to protect your child, you must buy them yourself. The average cost of a vaccine is 5,000 rubles.

Rotavirus infection, or rotavirus gastroenteritis, is a disease caused by rotaviruses.

In temperate regions, rotavirus occurs in mid-to-late winter; in tropical regions it is not seasonal.

Rotavirus often occurs in the summer in places where there are large concentrations of children on vacation.

The infection is transmitted through dirty hands, objects, food or water that contain infected fecal fragments.

Most often, rotavirus infection can be contracted in crowded places where sanitary and hygienic rules are not followed.

How is rotavirus infection transmitted? It can enter the body of a healthy person through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and genitals. Infection occurs after contact with a sick person through airborne droplets, coughing and sneezing.

After the viral agent enters the small intestine, it actively destroys the epithelial cells in it, then they die. As a result, the defects are replaced by immature and functionally weak epithelial cells, which leads to the development of enzyme deficiency. There is a disruption in the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract (especially lactose contained in milk). Undigested substances enter the colon, causing fluid accumulation there (it is released from the tissues in excess) and subsequent diarrhea. These processes lead to dehydration and loss of chemicals in the body.

Rotavirus can attach only to mature epithelial cells, the villi of the small intestine, and this happens until all the cells are replaced by new ones. In this case, the disease will be in a progressive stage. After the acute phase, the body needs time to restore the intestines and digestive function.

Quite often, rotavirus gastroenteritis is aggravated by the proliferation of bacterial flora, which requires special treatment methods.

Doctors explain inflammation in the upper respiratory tract as a consequence of a secondary viral infection. This is confirmed by the presence of rotavirus in the saliva of patients with gastroenteritis, although this phenomenon has not been fully studied.

Signs of rotavirus infection

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in adults always appear suddenly and signs of infection can only be noticed 3-7 days after infection.

The incubation period of rotavirus infection is 1-3 days.

  1. The main symptom of infection is high fever, frequent vomiting and diarrhea like water.
  2. Stool in patients with rotavirus infection is initially soft, later it becomes watery, gray-yellow in color, with a pungent and unpleasant odor.
  3. Impurities of mucus and blood may be observed in the feces (this occurs when bacterial flora multiplies).
  4. In acute cases of infection, profuse vomiting and frequent diarrhea are observed. Dehydration can be fatal.

You should definitely consult a doctor if you suspect a severe form of the disease and the following signs of rotavirus infection in adults are observed:

  1. Thirst and decreased urination, lethargy, dry mouth, fainting, dizziness (signs of dehydration).
  2. Fever.
  3. Severe abdominal pain.
  4. Bloody diarrhea for 2 days or more.
  5. Blood in vomit or during bowel movements.
  6. Body temperature is above 39.4 o C.

Attention! Signs of life-threatening fluid loss:

  • Dry lips and dry mouth;
  • Dry skin, decreased elasticity;
  • Lack of tears;
  • There is no urge to urinate for 6-8 hours;
  • Sunken eyes;
  • Weight loss.

Sometimes rotavirus in adults occurs without primary symptoms: there is no fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Increased stomach acidity and strong immunity also negatively affect rotaviruses, destroying them.

But at the same time, complex treatment for this disease is also required.

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection in adults

The infection is diagnosed by detecting rotavirus in a fecal sample using a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test in a laboratory setting.

The incubation period of rotavirus infection is 24-72 hours (1 to 3 days).

The infectious period (the time during which a sick person can infect others) is 2-8 days.

Rotavirus is not detected in stool analysis after the 8th day of illness.

Rotavirus infection - treatment in adults

Rotavirus often affects children under 3 years of age, but adults are also at risk. Children and adults with weakened immune systems are at risk for complications.

There is no specific treatment for rotavirus disease; antiviral drugs are not used during this disease, and the main efforts are aimed at replenishing the loss of fluid in the body and preventing intoxication.

Drug treatment

Treatment of rotavirus infection in adults is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to rehydrate and detoxify the body.
  2. To eliminate symptoms of intoxication, patients are prescribed sorbents. These can be Enterofuril, Enterosgel, Smecta, Atoxil, Polysorb.
  3. Rehydration is accomplished by replenishing lost fluids and important mineral salts. Regidron can be used at home (take according to the instructions).

Diet for rotavirus infection

Diet for rotavirus infection in adults and after illness is very important. It is needed to reduce the symptoms of gastroenteritis and prevent further dehydration.

  1. The patient will not be able to tolerate foods containing lactose, so his diet should not contain any dairy products.
  2. An important point in the diet for rotavirus infection is avoidance of dairy products. The patient is also prescribed enzyme preparations (for example, Mezim, Festal, Pancreatin), probiotics (preparations containing bifidobacteria, Escherichia coli bacteria, lactobacilli, etc.).
  3. The diet should be light and not fatty (preferably with boiled and steamed food), fluid intake should be a priority. You can drink drinks in the form of decoctions of dried fruits, rice, carrots.
  4. A patient with rotavirus infection can eat jelly (without dyes and flavors), rice porridge with water, boiled carrots and potatoes, light broths, lean meat and fish, and baked apples. You cannot drink alcoholic beverages, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, confectionery, baked goods, or beans.

It will take some time to normalize enzymatic reactions and restore the gastrointestinal mucosa. A lactose-free diet will have to be followed from 2-3 weeks to 6 months.

If you take timely and correct treatment measures, the disease will pass faster without causing serious complications. Do not self-medicate and be sure to consult a doctor. Re-infection with rotavirus is possible, but this is rare in adults.

Complications and consequences of rotavirus infection

The duration of the disease depends on the condition of the patient’s body and his age.

Some forms of infection are dangerous for people with chronic intestinal diseases, kidney disease and heart disease.

In the best case, the acute phase lasts 5-7 days, the recovery course is 5 days (with a simple form of rotavirus gastroenteritis).

Consequences and complications after the disease may occur in rare cases:

  • develop chronic digestive disorders,
  • dysbacteriosis,
  • chronic enterocolitis.

Rotavirus infection in pregnant women

Is rotavirus infection in a pregnant woman dangerous for a child?

  1. During pregnancy, the occurrence of acute rotavirus gastroenteritis is extremely dangerous for the child, as dehydration can negatively affect the fetus.
  2. Intestinal cramps and bloating can cause strong reflex contractions of the uterus and the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.
  3. High temperature and weakness also negatively affect the fetus.
  4. The disease can lead to such severe dehydration that treatment in a day hospital is required.

Video - Rotavirus infection in adults

Prevention of rotavirus infection

  1. People who have gastroenteritis should limit contact with healthy people.
  2. You cannot look after children or attend schools or preschools.
  3. It is recommended to take sick leave and not work. Patients with rotavirus are not allowed to work in public catering establishments. This applies to those who first developed symptoms 24-48 hours after infection.
  4. Children and adults should not use the swimming pools.
  5. The rotavirus vaccine will provide optimal protection against the most common types of the virus. Recommended for infants, children and adults, however, there are upper age limits for vaccine doses. Consult your doctor if you decide to get immunized.
  6. Wash your hands well after visiting public places and the toilet. Wipe down gadgets and objects that you frequently touch.

Thus, when treating rotavirus infection in adults, it is necessary to replenish the water-salt balance of the body with the help of Regidron, drink Enterofuril - it is one of the most powerful in the fight against infection, and follow a strict diet.

Rotavirus infection is an acute infectious form of gastroenteritis. This disease is otherwise called intestinal flu. The reason for the development is the penetration of RNA rotavirus into the human body. This disease is reported annually throughout the world. About 25 million people suffer from intestinal flu. Approximately 600-900 cases of infection are fatal. Rotavirus infection occurs much more often in adults than in adults, but despite this, in 90% of cases, antiviral antibodies are found in the blood of children.

Signs of rotavirus infection are characteristic. They consist in the appearance, dehydration, damage to the intestines and stomach. The appearance of rotavirus in adults is accompanied by respiratory symptoms, which appear at the primary stage of the disease and in some cases persist.

What is rotavirus infection and how is it transmitted? The virus is usually transmitted through food. In other words, we can say that a person gets sick when he eats unwashed food. Unwashed hands can also cause illness. This most often occurs when consuming dairy products. The virus can live even in the refrigerator for a very long time if disinfection is not carried out using chlorine-containing detergents.

Please note that rotavirus infection is transmitted by airborne droplets. What changes occur in the human body after infection? Rotavirus in adults provokes the development of an inflammatory process. The disease spreads similarly to the influenza virus. First, the infection penetrates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The small intestine is predominantly affected. This is accompanied by the development of enteritis, which is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. This is fraught with the development of symptoms characteristic of intestinal flu. Rotavirus infection is accompanied by dysfunction of the stomach and intestines, which can lead to disruption of food digestion functions. At the same time, the human body loses a large amount of fluid, which is fraught with the development of dehydration.

How long does the acute stage of the disease last? No more than 5-7 days. The recovery process takes 5 days, subject to the doctor’s recommendations. If rotavirus infection is treated promptly and correctly, the development of complications is minimized.

How to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning? During an infectious process, as a rule, there are no symptoms of intoxication. What is poisoning? It is characterized by a short-term process, and rotavirus torments its “victim” for about 2 weeks. The infectious disease has more severe symptoms. In case of poisoning, there is no picture of ARVI.

Ways of transmission of the disease

How is rotavirus transmitted? The source of infection can be not only spoiled dairy products, but also an infected person. The causative agent of the disease is excreted along with feces during defecation. The infectious period lasts throughout the entire period of the disease and 10 days after the symptoms of intestinal flu disappear. Please note that the source of intestinal flu can be a person who has been in contact with infected people, but due to the high protective barrier, did not get sick.

The incubation period after contact with the pathogen lasts 2 weeks. First of all, it depends on the state of the human body’s defenses. How long a rotavirus infection will last will depend on a person’s health. The incubation period only in rare cases lasts up to 3 weeks.

Progress of rotavirus development

Rotavirus infections develop in a special way. The causative agent of the disease, having penetrated inside the human body, attacks the intestinal mucosa, namely epithelial cells, which leads to their death. The defects that appear are filled with defective and immature epithelial cells. This process is fraught with the development of enzymatic deficiency. Such changes are accompanied by impaired breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates, mainly lactose. Next, substances that have not been digested enter the area of ​​the large intestine, which is fraught with the accumulation of a large amount of fluid, which is released from the tissues due to excess. This factor provokes the development of diarrhea, which is accompanied by loss of nutrients in the body and dehydration.

Rotavirus can attach only to mature epithelial villi in the small intestine. The disease progresses until all intestinal cells are replaced by new ones. After the acute process of an infectious disease subsides, the body needs to restore digestive functions.

If treatment for rotavirus infection is not started in a timely manner, bacterial flora can be added. In this case, medications for rotavirus must be combined with antibacterial drugs. When bronchial symptoms appear, we are also talking about complications that are associated with the addition of a secondary infection.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in adults usually appear 1-14 days after infection. After the manifestation of the disease, the following changes are observed in the body of a sick person:

  • Body temperature rises to 37.5-39 degrees.
  • Vomiting appears, which is not isolated and can occur up to 10 times a day.
  • Loose stools can be present up to 6-8 times a day.
  • There is strong rumbling and pain in the abdomen caused by spasms of smooth muscles.
  • The patient suffers from flatulence and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

Rotavirus infection has catarrhal type symptoms. We are talking about a runny nose, hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the throat, conjunctivitis and a slight cough.

Diarrhea with intestinal flu is peculiar. At first, the stool has a mushy consistency, and after several days from the onset of the disease it becomes watery. The feces may contain streaks of blood and mucus. This is due to the addition of bacterial flora.

Gastroenteritis can occur without diarrhea. This disease manifests itself differently in everyone, so you should not diagnose yourself. Only a doctor can figure out what kind of disease a patient has by checking a number of diagnostic tests.

You can learn more about rotavirus infection by watching the video:

Complications of rotavirus infection

The most common complication of an infectious disease is dehydration, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Dry lips and dry mouth.
  • Decreased skin elasticity and dry skin.
  • Frequent urination (no more than 6-8 times a day), during which a small amount of fluid is released.
  • Sunken eyes and weight loss.

The duration of the disease and how many days a person remains contagious is influenced by the patient’s health status. An infected person will be sick longer if he has concomitant diseases. Serious complications can arise from intestinal diseases, heart disease and kidney failure.

Establishing diagnosis

Treatment of rotavirus infection in adults begins only after a series of diagnostic tests. Often the diagnosis is made based on the medical history.

Before treating rotavirus infection in adults, the patient is recommended to undergo a stool test - immunochromatography.

To determine rotavirus, it is recommended to take a special test. This test is an examination of vomit, urine and blood. Any biological fluid can give a reliable result. The test shows an excess of certain indicators: leukocyturia, hematuria and proteinuria.

In the presence of rotavirus, the test shows the presence of a marker such as VP6, which can be classified as group A. The test for rotavirus infection, to obtain a more reliable result, is combined with a laboratory blood test such as ELISA - enzyme-linked immunosorbent test. A PCR blood test gives an accurate result. Upon receipt of the analysis result, it is recommended to repeat the study. Otherwise, you may get a false positive or false negative result.

Qualified approach to treatment

How to treat rotavirus infection? It's better to ask your doctor about this. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. This approach to fighting infection can cause serious complications. The consequences of rotavirus infection in this case are difficult to correct.

Symptoms and treatment in adults have a close relationship with each other. Please note that no specific therapy has been developed for this case. Antiviral drugs are not used for rotavirus infection. The main efforts are aimed at combating dehydration. For this, the patient is prescribed rehydration drug therapy.

Diet in the fight against gastroenteritis

Another important point in the fight against the disease is diet for rotavirus infection. The patient is recommended during treatment stop eating dairy products.

What can you eat if you have gastroenteritis? Steamed vegetables and meat, cereals and baked goods in small quantities. It is not recommended to eat green fruits and raw vegetables. This can cause complications in the gastrointestinal tract.

The diet after and during rotavirus infection in adults should be combined with a course of treatment of the digestive organs, using enzyme preparations such as Mezim, Pancreatin, Festal. Prebiotics are prescribed without fail - drugs that include bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and beneficial E. coli.

The diet for rotavirus infection is combined with the fight against dehydration. Otherwise, it will not be possible to eliminate the infectious disease without causing negative consequences. It is also recommended to adhere to a diet after rotavirus infection in adults. Only comprehensive rehabilitation therapy and proper nutrition will help you recover faster after an illness.

Meals for rotavirus infection should be fractional. During an exacerbation, it is recommended to take pureed and gentle food to reduce the likelihood of injury to the intestinal mucosa.

Fighting dehydration

It is recommended to discuss the use of any medications for rotavirus infection with your doctor in advance. Regardless of how long a rotavirus infection lasts, the following measures to eliminate dehydration are required:

  • treatment is carried out in a hospital setting;
  • A solution of sodium chloride and glucose is administered intravenously;
  • drink enough fluid;
  • If the temperature rises, use antipyretic tablets.

Often medications are not needed for rotavirus infection. Treatment can be carried out with diet and medications that eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Most often using antidiarrheal and antiemetic drugs.

Rehydration process

To reduce the symptoms of an infectious disease, the patient is prescribed sorbents. Most often, “ ” and “ ” are assigned for this. Glucose and colloidal solutions are administered intravenously only in severe cases.

Diet after rotavirus infection in adults plays a huge role in the process of rehydration. Proper nutrition during the development of rotavirus infection allows you to quickly remove pathogenic microorganisms from the body and restore the acid-base environment.

In order to eliminate dehydration, a rehydration procedure is carried out, which involves the use of drugs such as “” and “Glucosil”. If dehydration is severe, the patient is hospitalized for the purpose of infusion therapy with Ringer, Quartasol and Trisol.

When is antibacterial therapy necessary?

Antibacterial medication is not used for gastroenteritis. Antibiotics are needed only when a bacterial infection occurs. For prolonged diarrhea, medications such as "Furazolidone" and "" are used. The use of these medications for rotavirus infection allows you to quickly eliminate the cause of the disease and reduce the severity of symptoms, alleviating the patient’s condition.

Prevention measures

Prevention of rotavirus infection plays an important role in preventing the development of the disease. How to avoid getting infected with rotavirus? First of all, it is necessary to strictly follow certain recommendations:

  • wash your hands after visiting public places and the toilet;
  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • drink only purified or boiled water;
  • eat only washed fruits and vegetables;
  • carry out daily wet cleaning.

In order to avoid contracting rotavirus infection, it is necessary to isolate infected patients from other people. You can avoid the transmission of rotavirus infection using basic rules, the main thing is not to lose sight of them.

In order not to become infected with gastroenteritis, it is necessary to get vaccinated, which is carried out before 6 months of age. Currently, such preventive measures are used only in the United States. In Russia there are still no reliable facts about how effective this measure is.

If symptoms of rotavirus occur, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The disease may not manifest itself acutely enough, but despite this, cause complications. Therefore, consulting a doctor is the only right step on the path to recovery. Prevention of rotavirus is mandatory for both adults and children.

Infectious disease doctor, private clinic “Medcenterservice”, Moscow. Senior editor of the website "Poisoning Stop".