Microclysters for the rectum. Types and purpose. Microclysters with decoctions of herbs

The use of microclysters at home for constipation is regarded by many patients as something absolutely safe, harmless and harmless. However, not even all health workers understand the difference between the concept of microclyster and mini enema. And these are different things! And accordingly, the use of microclysters and mini enemas at home without a doctor's prescription is not the best solution.

Microclysters and mini enemas, despite their small volume, contain not only clean water, but different medicinal substances, due to which one or another effect of microclysters is carried out, respectively, the constituent components can have an unplanned effect on the body.

The difference between microclysters and mini in the amount of fluid injected. Microclysters have a very small volume of up to 10 ml, and they are akin to rectal suppositories. A mini-enema is a regular enema, but the volume of injected fluid is from 50 to 200 ml in an adult. This difference must be well understood, since a mini enema with frequent use with constipation is addictive, and has contraindications for long-term use at home.

Microclysters have practically no contraindications and complications. But still, it’s not bad to read its composition before using microclysters.

A micro enema is a very small enema that involves the administration of a small amount (2.5 - 5 to 15 ml) various solutions through the anus with therapeutic purpose. Microclyster is an analogue of a rectal suppository.

We will talk about microclysters, which you can most often buy in our pharmacies

  • Microlax is a microclyster that contains only a few milliliters of active liquid - medicinal salts, sorbitol, glycerin, water. This is the only microenema that has been studied for use in neonates. Side effects are not described. How to put a Microlax microclyster for children, read in the children's section of our website.
  • Microclyster Peidolax for adults is nothing more than a solution of glycerin for rectal use - 7.5 ml, in the form of an applicator. About application glycerin suppositories adults at home have nothing special to tell. Patients put them willingly and on side effect don't complain.
  • Peydolax glycerin microclysters are also available in children's form. In children, they are used in the treatment of occasional constipation at home, and are approved for use in children over 2 years of age.
  • Microclyster Norgalax in its composition contains the substance DOCUZATE sodium and glycerin, water

With sodium docusate, which is part of Norgalax, not everything is as simple as with glycerin.

Important information on the safety of microenemas with docusate (Norgalax)

There is a certain risk of loss of normal intestinal motility, and it can be greater if microclysters for constipation are given too often or more than one. Do NOT use more than recommended or use for longer than prescribed without your doctor's advice.

If your constipation symptoms do not improve within 1 week, or if they get worse, check with your doctor.

Check with your doctor if you do not have peristaltic bowel movements or if you experience rectal bleeding after using Docusate microenemas.

Do not take docusat with other laxatives or stool softeners unless directed to do so by your doctor.

Do not use Docusate micro enema alone if you have abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or rectal bleeding.

If you notice a sudden change in your bowel behavior that lasts for 2 weeks or more, check with your doctor.

Docusat is used in children's practice with some reservations, so before giving an enema with docusate to your child, ask the pediatrician for an opinion.

The use of docusate during pregnancy and lactation has not been adequately studied.

Possible side effects when using microclysters with Docusat:

Docusate microenemas can cause a bitter taste in the mouth; bloating; convulsions; diarrhea ; irritation around the rectum;

And also not excluded: heavy allergic reactions(rash; itching; shortness of breath; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); fainting nausea; vomit.

Is not full list all side effects that may occur. If you have any further questions about side effects, please contact your doctor.

All of the microclysters described above are prescribed for constipation for quick bowel movements, recommended for use at home

Mini enemas and their types

Chamomile, emulsion and emollient enemas that are used to treat colitis are NOT MICROCLISMS. (Their volume of 50-100-200 liters is not microclysters, these are ordinary enemas, it is more correct to call them "mini-enemas".)

Mini enemas - not always used to combat constipation, more often these are therapeutic enemas - medicinal or nutritional. They are placed not at all in order to quickly empty the intestines, but so that the medicine, which is impossible to take through the mouth or into a vein, is quickly absorbed. Medicines from the rectum are absorbed even faster than from the stomach. Often, mini enemas are prescribed after a good cleansing enema. And often they are used in a hospital setting. An exception is oil and hypertonic mini enemas.

For example, a mini enema with anticonvulsant medicine is used for convulsions when the patient cannot swallow and access to the vein is limited.

A mini enema with antipyretic drugs is very often used in pediatrics.

Sometimes mini enemas are prescribed in complex therapy inflammatory diseases rectum and prostate. In this case, the doctor may recommend giving herbal enemas or a small amount of anti-inflammatory drugs through the enema.

Enemas, small volume with oil or hypertonic saline used for constipation. The goal is to soften the feces, lubricate the ampoules of the rectum with oil.

Microenemas are the remedy of choice for constipation in the elderly! Oil mini enema acts enveloping the contents of the intestine and allows you to empty it without problems. The solution is prepared based on 100 ml of water 2-3 tablespoons or olive oil, and heated to 37-38°C. An enema does not always work immediately: emptying can occur even after 12 hours, so it is often put at night. Oil enemas can be done independently at home, but we must remember that the oil should not be hot. Most common complication- burn of the rectum.

Hypertonic saline is a strong solution (1-2 tablespoons of salt per 100 ml boiled water) table salt. Can be used sea ​​salt, magnesium sulfate salt, Epsom salt. Its effect on the intestines is based on the fact that negative osmotic pressure is created in the lumen, salt collects liquid and thereby softens the stool. In addition, salt directly irritates the colonic mucosa and increases its motility. But this microclyster is not the best option because it happens severe irritation, which can damage the mucous membrane and lead to colitis. Attention! Such a saline mini enema should not be given often!

Read about deadly action introduced in miniclysm.

Usually, mini enemas are placed in surgical, intensive care units. At the same time, their composition may include additional components - glycerin, hydrogen peroxide. When using hypertensive mini enemas, many complications have been described, from a sharp edema of the intestinal mucosa and perforation of the intestine, to systemic action salts (particularly magnesium salts with lethal outcome against the backdrop of violation electrolyte balance organism).

Klima Dufalakovna, family doctor

    Dear friends! The medical information on our website is for informational purposes only! Please note that self-medication is dangerous for your health! Sincerely, Site Editor

Microlax for hemorrhoids - effective combined medicine characterized by a local laxative effect. Produced in small tubes with a volume of 5 ml (4 tubes in a package) as a solution for setting microclysters.

Microclysters for hemorrhoids is one of the effective ways therapy carried out at home. The advantages are that the procedure provides cleansing of the mucous membrane, eliminates negative symptoms, reduces puffiness.

At the same time, it is observed preventive effect in relation to any proctological diseases. Solutions for procedures can be purchased at a pharmacy (there are synthetic and natural), as well as recreated on their own through a prescription for alternative medicine.

The prefix "micro" in the name of the manipulation is present for a reason. If the cleansing enema includes a liquid volume of up to two liters, then in the first case the amount of solution varies from 60 to 250 ml.

Microlax for bowel cleansing

The composition of the medicinal product includes salt (sodium citrate), which promotes the breakdown of solid feces by displacing excess liquid from them, converting them into a powdery structure, while simultaneously preventing their introduction into the intestines.

Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate belongs to the category of salts of sodium derivatives. This component dilutes the fecal mass after the therapeutic effect of sodium citrate, while simultaneously stimulating the work gastrointestinal tract. It is characterized by a weak irritant effect.

Sorbitol is a component of osmotic nature. In other words, a substance that provides additional water to the intestines. As a result of this action, the filling of the intestine is revealed, the act of defecation is facilitated. The composition also includes Excipients like glycerin, ordinary water and others.

How to use for constipation:

  • Wash thoroughly anal area and hands.
  • Break off the tip of the tube, press it lightly so that a small amount of gel-like substance comes out at the end.
  • Moisten the tip, insert into anus to the mark (risks at the tip).
  • Squeeze out the contents, extract.

As for contraindications, the medicine has only one thing - individual intolerance active substances or auxiliary components. Clinical researches showed the absence adverse reactions organism, overdose is excluded.


  1. The therapeutic result is observed in the interval of 5-15 minutes.
  2. Safety and security.
  3. There are no contraindications during pregnancy, lactation.
  4. Does not lead to lazy bowel syndrome.
  5. Ease of use.

It is noted that Microlax is recommended for the treatment of constipation against the background of hemorrhoids, with weak intestinal motility. It is permissible to use before proctological studies. The price of one package varies from 250 to 350 rubles. The cost is affordable if the problem is one-time.

However, with prolonged constipation, a decent amount can run up, so you can use cheaper analogues - Dufalac, Mukofalk.

Microclysters: therapeutic effect and types

This manipulation is very popular among patients who suffer from prolonged constipation. The fact is that one procedure can bring many benefits to the patient.

Klima provides cleansing of the mucous membrane of the rectum, reduces negative sensations such as burning and itching, helps stop small blood loss, relieves irritation skin facilitates the act of defecation.

The advantage is that such procedures can be used not only as a therapy, but also as preventive measure, allowing to prevent the progression of inflammatory processes and exacerbation of proctological disease.

Depending on the constituent components, microclysters are divided into the following types:

  • hypertonic type. Salts are used in the mixture. You can use the usual cookbook or purchase pharmaceutical medicines. As for the latter option, magnesium sulfate is usually recommended, found under the following names: Magnesia, bitter or Epsom salt.
  • The oil type is a laxative option, based on oil, which helps soften the stool and remove it from the intestines. Usually, castor oil, sea buckthorn, coconut, almond and others are used.
  • The medicinal type is used to combat the disease and its consequences. The composition contains medicinal herbs and natural ingredients. The most popular are microclysters with chamomile for hemorrhoids.

Pharmacy chamomile is characterized by antibacterial and soothing properties, helps to strengthen blood vessels and veins.

In addition to chamomile, you can use oak bark, wormwood, calendula, yarrow, burdock leaves and other medicinal herbs.

Features of carrying out and contraindications

The manipulation does not require special medical skills. If the patient uses the drug Microlax, then everything must be done in accordance with the instructions for use.

When are intestinal fluids used? home cooking, then there are certain features. The solution must be room temperature regime, it is strictly forbidden to use cold water.

Manipulation of bowel cleansing is carried out by means of a small syringe or Janet syringe (the tip is pre-lubricated with a specialized cream or petroleum jelly).

Contraindications for carrying out:

  1. Ulcerative formations on the mucous membrane of the rectum.
  2. Dropping out .
  3. Heavy bleeding.
  4. Inflammatory processes of the mucosa.
  5. In the recent past, a surgical intervention was performed.
  6. Associated proctological pathologies.

listed above clinical pictures prohibit the use of microclysters, since there is a high probability of injury to the skin with a tip that is inserted into the anus.

When bleeding, the microclyster solution is able to give an expanding effect, as a result of which it will intensify and lead to complications.

Effective Recipes

Chamomile solution helps reduce pain syndrome, levels the inflammatory processes of the mucosa, removes itching and burning. Is different quick result and high therapeutic effect.

For cooking, you need two tablespoons of raw materials (you can buy at a pharmacy or pharmacy kiosk), pour one glass of boiling liquid. Insist for 30 minutes, filter through gauze. Then simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Before the procedure, cool to room temperature.

Oak bark helps to normalize the stool, effectively fights, anesthetizes and soothes.

To prepare a homemade potion, you will need 20 grams of bark, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. After add 5 drops of yarrow juice. Manipulation is carried out in the morning, it is recommended to do it once a day, not more often.

Effective folk recipes:

  • Prepared on the basis of bitter wormwood next remedy: per liter of liquid 5 tablespoons of raw materials, bring to a boil over a fire. Infuse for six hours naturally cool down. Before use, heat up to 36-37 degrees.
  • Sea buckthorn oil is a productive remedy that helps to strengthen blood vessels and veins, accelerate the healing process of the skin and mucous membranes. For 250 ml of water, a teaspoon of chamomile, brew for an hour. Then add 50 ml sea ​​buckthorn oil to carry out the manipulation.
  • To improve the elasticity and tone of blood vessels, it is recommended to mix in equal proportions plain water And beetroot juice. Bring to a boil, cool naturally. Do an enema once a day.

When prescribing a drug, the doctor always takes into account the indications and contraindications for its use, considers the likelihood of side effects.

Using folk remedies based medicinal plants, it is not possible to take into account all the nuances. In order not to aggravate the situation, it is recommended to carefully study the properties of a particular recipe to exclude adverse reactions, prevent bleeding due to the vasodilating properties of many home solutions.

In order for the intestines to function normally, it is recommended to clean it regularly. This procedure will remove slags and particles. undigested food. Therefore, experts recommend paying attention to how to do microclysters at home.

Microclyster - what is it

A micro enema is a small enema that has a volume of 50-100 ml. It introduces drugs that are independently absorbed into the bloodstream without entering the liver. Therefore, it is important that the liquid has a temperature of 38-40 degrees, otherwise it will not be completely absorbed by the vessels. There are three main types of microclysters:

  1. Laxatives that increase intestinal motility. With their help, salt or oil solutions are introduced. Salt enema must be held for about half an hour, after which the desired result will be obtained. But oil devices are much more effective for severe constipation. How to do microclysters? In this case, sunflower, olive, Vaseline oil. It must be heated to 40 degrees so that the liquid is well absorbed into the intestinal cells. After that, you need to lie on your stomach and lie in this position for 15 minutes so that the oil spreads through the intestines. This will allow you to empty quickly and completely.
  2. Purifying, which are aimed at removing toxins. Often they are filled with honey, coffee or starch solutions. For 200 ml of water, a tablespoon of the substance is taken. The resulting mixture is simmered for 20 minutes, filtered and cooled to room temperature. It must be introduced into the intestines, and after 10 minutes you should go to the toilet.
  3. Emollient. They are useful for people suffering from increased gas formation, constipation, "sheep" feces. In 100 ml of milk you need to add 20 g butter and heat until completely dissolved. The liquid cooled to room temperature is injected into the intestine. Then lie down for a few minutes so that the mixture is better absorbed. As a rule, how often you need to do a microclyster depends on individual features. Although usually 2-3 procedures are enough to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

One of the most popular ways to treat inflammation and diseases of the rectum is to perform an enema, for example, with hemorrhoids. This tool treatment performs several functions at once:

  • Improves disinfection of mucous membranes;
  • Eliminates itching and irritation;
  • Removes swelling;
  • It has a preventive effect on any diseases of the rectum.

The use of microenemas is the most effective method treatment for hemorrhoids. In some cases, this avoids the treatment of this disease with medications. In general, the use of such cleansing procedures is usually attributed to folk ways treatment.

Quite often, patients decide that they can do microclysters on their own, without consulting a proctologist. It is undesirable to do so, since an effective cure this disease requires a mandatory visit to the appropriate specialist. The use of microclysters for a disease such as hemorrhoids is unacceptable in the following cases:

  • The presence of unreasonable pain in the abdomen;
  • Inflammation in the anus of unknown origin.

Varieties of enemas

With hemorrhoids, making enemas from medicinal plants is very effective. Thanks to such an enema, you can relieve inflammation in the rectum, get rid of itching and unpleasant sensations. It should be borne in mind that an enema cannot be done with the following symptoms so as not to enhance the inflammatory process:

  • bleeding;
  • erosion;
  • ulcers;
  • Cracks in the mucous membrane of the rectum;
  • Prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Three types of enemas can be used to treat hemorrhoids:

  1. Cleansing;
  2. Medicinal (herbal);
  3. Oil.

Cleansing enemas provide good removal gases and stools hardened by constipation. They are made from ordinary boiled water, the temperature of which is about 37-38 ° C. To improve the cleansing effect, it is recommended to add one of the following components of your choice to the water:

  • One or two tablespoons of sea or table salt;
  • One or two tablespoons of glycerin;
  • Cup chamomile decoction on Esmarch's mug.

Medicinal enema is prepared using infusions from medicinal plants. It should be done only after a cleansing enema has been given. A medicinal enema also differs from a cleansing enema in a small volume, no more than 50-100 ml.

Oil enemas should be done at bedtime in order to relieve stools with cracks and constipation. This relief is due to the fact that vegetable oil(sunflower, olive, linseed, vaseline) is able to gently envelop the intestinal mucosa, facilitating the slippage of feces down. To the oil, heated to 37-40 ° C in a volume of 50-100 ml, you can also add a decoction of chamomile or other herbs discussed below.

Means for the preparation of enemas

In order to prepare an enema, the following means are used:

  • Boiled water, the temperature of which should be 30 ° C;
  • Doctor's prescription medications, quickly and harmlessly absorbed into the blood, without penetrating into the liver;
  • Oil solutions based on olive, sunflower, vaseline or other types of oils;
  • Nutrients based on glucose or other vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • Starch mixtures whose starch source is rice, potatoes, wheat flour or corn.

In some cases, it is advisable to replace the usual enema with the so-called microclyster. Its main difference lies in the amount of liquid used. Microclysteric treatment of hemorrhoids is recommended to be done using decoctions or infusions of medicinal plants, as well as vegetable oils.

Setting microclysters and contraindications

To set up a microclyster, you need:

  • Infusion, decoction or oil extract from certain medicinal plants;
  • A syringe with a tip or Janet syringe, the volume is from 50 to 200 ml;
  • Vaseline used to lubricate the tip.

To perform an enema, the patient should lie on his left side and pull his legs up to his stomach. With the left hand, you need to push his buttocks apart, introducing right hand vaseline-lubricated syringe tip into the anus. It should be inserted 5-10 centimeters, providing rotation to facilitate insertion. Next, the rubber bulb of the syringe is slowly squeezed with the right hand so that its contents penetrate into the rectum. Upon completion of the procedure, the patient should lie down for 10-15 minutes, while trying to keep the injected drug in the rectum.

Before carrying out these procedures, it is necessary to consult with a proctologist. He must establish the stage of the disease and determine whether it is possible to this moment put microclyster. The procedure is not recommended for the following symptoms:

It should also be borne in mind that the tip of the syringe can easily damage the inflamed mucous membrane of the rectum, formations that are very protruding in its lumen and various postoperative scars. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe microclysters for hemorrhoids, after a thorough examination of the patient.

It is not recommended to give enemas for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, especially to do it yourself. If the disease seriously disrupts the normal life of a pregnant woman, then to get rid of hemorrhoids, it is advisable to use special suppositories that are allowed during pregnancy.

Used plants and methods of preparation of medicinal microclysters

Medicinal microclysters are prepared using plants with the following types of action:

  • Wound healing;
  • bactericidal;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Vascular strengthening.

It can be used as herbal decoctions, and the juices of certain plants. Most often, the following herbal preparations are used to prepare microclysters:

  • Sea buckthorn oil provides wound healing and vascular strengthening effects. 50 ml of oil at room temperature is injected into the rectum according to the method described above.
  • Wormwood provides suppression inflammatory process and reduction of pain.
  • Pharmacy chamomile is natural antiseptic and an anti-inflammatory agent. Thanks to microclysters with its decoction, pain is reduced and swelling, itching and redness in the anal area are eliminated.
  • Beetroot juice added to small quantities into the rectum with a syringe, tones the vessels and stops bleeding.

Consider ways to prepare several infusions for medicinal enema for hemorrhoids:

  • Two tablespoons of chamomile flowers are brewed with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is infused for an hour in a closed container, after which it is filtered;
  • One tablespoon of flax seeds is poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for two to three hours;
  • Four tablespoons of wormwood herb is poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled for 6-7 minutes over very low heat. Next, the container is wrapped with a towel and insisted for six hours;
  • A tablespoon of strawberry leaves is poured with a liter of boiling water, covered with a tight lid and infused for 20 minutes.

The prepared solutions are injected into the rectum using slightly heated microclysters in doses of 50 ml. When severe inflammation intestines, you can enter microclysters more often, halving their volume.

In order to put an enema for hemorrhoids, you can also prepare a decoction from the collection medicinal herbs. To do this, mix 30 grams of chamomile, sage leaves and seeds horse chestnut, 50 grams oak bark and eight tablespoons of nightshade leaves. The resulting mixture is poured with two liters of boiling water, after which it is infused in heat for four hours. Enemas with this decoction are recommended to relieve pain in the anal canal.

The duration of treatment with the use of microclysters must be chosen depending on the severity of the symptoms and on the stage of the disease. It is not recommended to put microclysters more often than twice a day. Once again, it is also worth recalling that before starting self-treatment hemorrhoids with the help of microclysters, it is necessary to consult a specialized doctor for advice.

Constipation occurs in 50% of patients, causing difficulty in the act of emptying. At the same time, the person may feel pain, bloating, increased gas formation. With this negative manifestation, experts advise using microclysters.

Microclysters are considered one of the most effective and fast-acting methods of eliminating delicate issue . These drugs can affect sigmoid intestines. Main Components medicines can increase the volume of feces, providing a softening effect.

A feature of microclysters for constipation, compared with a conventional enema, is a small volume and temperature.

One micro enema can hold fifty to three hundred milliliters of liquid. t liquid must be at least 37°C. Subject to original recipe medicines at a strong concentration, they have a mild effect on the human body. The drugs are directly absorbed into the blood vessels. Due to the small volume and special temperature, the hit medicinal components in the liver, kidneys and other organs is excluded.

A prerequisite for using the drug is consultation with a professional specialist. The attending physician can approve or refute the use of the drug. Patients may use microenemas for the following: unpleasant manifestations and diseases. Drugs can eliminate:

  • Increased gas formation and flatulence;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Dry stool syndrome;
  • Pain when emptying and passing feces through the intestines;
  • Intermittent constipation;
  • Pain in the region hip joints, abdomen, lumbar and sacral;
  • Weakness;
  • The constitution of Vata, under which there is a constant low temperature body;
  • Sudden loss of body weight for no apparent reason;
  • Peeling of the skin and dry dehydrated skin;


To date, short-term and persistent contraindications are known. They are inherently dependent on the state of human health. Microclysters not recommended for pregnant women girls. With extreme caution, procedures are performed on elderly patients over 60 years of age and small children under 5 years of age. In order to avoid serious complications, before using the procedure, you should consult with your doctor. Otherwise, the procedure will result not in benefits, but in harm to human health.

known negative manifestations, in which the use of microclysters should be refrained from:

  • The presence of erosions, ulcers and cracks in the colon;
  • An increase in body temperature from 37 ° C;
  • The presence of bleeding;
  • Growth of cancer and tumors of the intestine;
  • The occurrence of acute unbearable pain in the abdomen;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Recent surgical interventions performed in the abdominal region;

The drugs act very quickly, and after half an hour the patient feels an increase in pressure. Hypertensive patients may feel dizzy, fainting is possible.

Therefore, in such patients, the procedure should be performed by the attending physician.

When to see a doctor?

Patients should contact a professional specialist in the following cases:

  • If the patient's age is more than 60 or less than 5 years;
  • If the effect of microclysters is not observed within three to five hours;
  • In the presence of pain in the abdomen;
  • When highlighting blood clots or mucus from the intestines;
  • When negative consequences caused by recent surgery;
  • If allergic reactions occur;
  • If the patient after the procedure felt unwell, weak, dizzy;
  • If a significant increase in blood pressure has been noticed;
  • IN without fail a doctor is called to the disabled and people with restrictions in movement;

Criterias of choice

Reviews professional specialists about such treatment indicate that every intervention on the human body is for him severe stress . Therefore, when choosing drugs, it is necessary to take into account not only price category, compound, active substances, but also the opinions of doctors about this preparation. The age of the patient, the presence of diseases and the number of surgical interventions that have undergone surgery must be taken into account.

To date, several types of microclysters have been developed. Some eliminate problems with defecation, others restore the intestinal microflora, help restore peristalsis. It is worth noting that drugs can be administered to the human body in different ways. Anti-inflammatory, eliminating various diseases, should be used with previously cleansed intestines.

If the patient has a delay in defecation, then the use is allowed for blockage of the colon and the presence of dry feces.

Basic medical facilities

Name Description Contraindications Application Cost, rub
Microlax It contains sorbitol, lauryl sulfoacetate, salts in its composition. Easily softens stale stool. Sold as a solution. The drug is contraindicated in hypersensitive people and patients suffering from allergic reactions. At the tip of the tube, you need to cut off the seal. To facilitate the introduction process, you should press on the drug so that the tip of the anal enema is smeared with a solution. For children, the tip is inserted halfway, for adults - to the full length. The contents of the tube are squeezed out completely. Remove the enema, continuing to press on the drug. Otherwise, during extraction, painful discomfort may occur. From 314
Normacol The active ingredient of the drug is sodium dihydrate. The remedy is used to eliminate symptomatic constipation. The drug does not irritate the mucous membrane. Sold in the form of a special solution. The drug is contraindicated in people with heart failure and obstruction. The drug is prohibited for patients with electrolyte imbalance. The drug is prescribed to patients for rectal application. Before use, the patient must unscrew the cap and insert the tip of the tube into the anus. The contents of the vial are squeezed out completely. The procedure must be carried out in horizontal position on the side. From 300
Norgalax Contains sodium docusate. The drug is intended for administration into the large intestine. Available in the form of a viscous gel in a tube. The drug is contraindicated in patients with anal fissures, bleeding and obstruction. Hypersensitive people should take the medicine with extreme caution. Remove the protective cap before use. The pointed part of the tube is inserted into the anus and the contents of the medicine are squeezed out completely. Without releasing the pressure, the enema is removed. The patient should be in a horizontal position until the urge to commit an act of defecation. From 416
Peidolax This type of enemas is used only for children aged 3-12 years. For adults and elderly patients, the use of this drug is not advisable. In its composition, the drug contains glycerol. The drug is contraindicated in patients with symptoms of inflammation of the appendix, abdominal pain. The medicine should not be taken by allergy sufferers, elderly and adult patients. You need to remove the cover. Holding the drug vertically, you should press the tube, moistening the tip of the enema. The applicator is then inserted into the rectum. The contents of the drug are squeezed out completely. The content of the enema is designed for one injection only. From 282


Name Description Contraindications Application Cost, rub
Softovak Sold in powder form. It is an effective herbal remedy. Eliminates constipation, regulates stool. The drug is not recommended for patients with strangulated hernia, peritonitis. The powder is diluted in distilled water and taken orally. From 200
Picolax It is an analogue of Peidolax. Inherently affects intestinal motility. The drug is prohibited for patients suffering from intolerance to sucrose. The drug is sold in tablets and drops. Tablets are drunk at night before going to bed. Drops are prescribed for children from 4 to 10 years. From 60 rubles in tablets, from 100-120 rubles in drops.
Glycelax Sold as anal candles. It is used for constipation, dry skin. Contraindicated in patients with fissures anus, various inflammations. Candles are injected into the anus until completely dissolved. From 106
Defenorm The drug is sold in the form of capsules. Used as a laxative. The drug is prohibited for patients suffering from allergic reactions to psyllium. Capsules are taken orally as a whole before or after meals. The drug must be taken big amount boiled water. From 130
Vaseline oil Contains paraffin. It has an effective lubricating effect. Designed for both children and adults. Contraindicated in hypersensitive patients. Patients do cotton swabs, smeared with petroleum jelly, which are placed in the anus. From 25
Sea buckthorn microclysters In its composition, the drug contains a squeeze of medicinal plant- sea buckthorn. The drug improves blood circulation, eliminates swelling and relieves constipation. The tool is prohibited for hypersensitive people. The drug is sold in the form of oily solutions and suppositories, which are injected into the anus until completely dissolved. From 150

Microclysters have a wide range actions.

They normalize the intestinal microflora improve peristalsis. With the help of individual recipes, certain problems can be identified and developing diseases can be eliminated.

Microclysters with folk remedies

Solutions that are commonly used in mini-enemas very easy to prepare at home. In cooking, decoctions or pomace from medicinal herbs, wild flowers and other fortified plants.

Boiled or distilled water is poured into the decoctions, bringing the solution to the required consistency.


Such enemas are used for dry skin, cystitis, painful sensations in the joints, violation of the cycle of critical days.

Micro enema data used as preparation for childbirth and examination of the abdomen.

They are prohibited for patients with inflammation of the abdominal cavity, intestinal tumors. There are three types of enemas.

  1. Coffee, which are made from ground coffee and distilled water. One glass of liquid will require three tablespoons of coffee. Then the broth is simmered over low heat for three to five minutes. After - boil for ten to fifteen minutes. Before use, the broth must be filtered and cooled. Such microclysters have a positive effect on the functioning of the gallbladder and liver. They remove toxins and toxins from the body.
  2. Honey are made from natural honey, lemon juice and distilled water. All ingredients are mixed and injected into the intestines with a syringe.
  3. Starch microenemas are made from potato, wheat, corn, or rice starch. 5 g of the component is dissolved in half a glass of distilled water. The broth is simmered over low heat, gradually pouring another half a glass of liquid. It is then cooled to 40°C and injected with an anal enema.

Chamomile enema

Such enemas have an anti-inflammatory effect. They are used for bacterial lesions of the colon.

Dissolve two tablespoons of dried chamomile in one glass of distilled water. The broth is simmered over low heat for ten minutes. Before use, it is filtered and cooled. In order to restore the microflora and eliminate the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, one capsule of Doxycycline is added to the decoction.

The capsule should have a powdery structure.


They cause loosening of the stool. For this type of enemas, salt or oil solution. For the manufacture of brine you will need 30% magnesium sulfate or 10% sodium chloride. Such microclysters have a fast-acting effect, achieved in a short period of time. They are allowed to be used by patients who do not have intestinal ulcers or various inflammatory processes.

For constipation that lasts long time, experienced professionals recommend applying oil microclysters. To do this, use sunflower oil or olive oil. It is allowed to use a solution made from Vaseline. The resulting mixture is heated to 40°C. After administration, the patient should be in a horizontal position for at least 15 minutes.

During this time, the oil or vaseline solution should spread over the entire inner surface of the colon.


They are used to eliminate constipation and flatulence. Recommended for patients who are prone to dehydration.

Decoctions are made on the basis of cow's milk and butter. The mixture is simmered over low heat until completely dissolved. The cooled liquid is injected into the anus. If patients need to restore the work of the biliary tract, then one tablespoon of wormwood pomace is added to the solution.

It will be useful to see next video about enemas

Preventive use

Microclysters from constipation are allowed to be used not only as a treatment and elimination of a delicate problem, but also as a preventive measure. Such patients need a small course, which helps to get rid of and prevent constipation for a long time. The duration of the course depends on the age of the patient, his lifestyle and the presence of diseases.

Microclysters are administered both at the attending physicians and at home. The syringe must be sterilized before use. It is boiled for 5-6 minutes. Before insertion, the tip must be lubricated with Vaseline. This will prevent scratches, cracks and discomfort.

The introduction is carried out by gradual rotational movements. In this case, the patient should lie on the left side.

Breathing should be even and deep. The prophylactic dosage of the drug should be prescribed by the attending physician. But in most cases, the introduction of the solution during prophylaxis is limited to 50-70 ml. The drugs help to avoid intoxication, delayed emptying, the occurrence of dry feces.

Microclysters are drugs that eliminate both digestive problems and improve peristalsis. Medicines restore the intestinal microflora, normalize the mucous membrane. Patients use both purchased medicines and decoctions prepared at home.