Tincture of Rhodiola rosea and Eleutherococcus. Facts from military medicine on the effectiveness of adaptogens

Eleutherococcus for immunity is a herbal remedy: it has a tonic effect on the body and has the ability to resist pathogenic environmental factors. The drug is available in various forms and is biologically active additive, which is recommended to be consumed with food.

Numerous reviews confirm that the immunomodulatory agent stimulates the work of the central nervous system, eliminates irritability, fatigue, restores physical and mental performance. In the article we will analyze in detail the mechanism of action of Eleutherococcus, method of application, dosage, difference medicinal plant from echinacea and lemongrass.

Eleutherococcus plant for immunity

Eleutherococcus is widespread in all regions of Russia and is available in pharmacies without a prescription. The medicinal plant belongs to the Araliaceae family (but the most prickly one), and is a “relative” of ginseng and echinacea. Other names for thorn:

  • Siberian ginseng;
  • ginseng brother;
  • netronnik;
  • prickly pepper;
  • damn bush;
  • freeberry.

The medicine came to our country from the Far East, the area where thorny bushes are distributed is the south of Sakhalin, northeast China, Korea, Japan, and the Philippine Islands. The Japanese, Chinese and residents of the Philippines have long used herbal medicine for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

On the tall bush there are 25-30 bushes with thorny shoots. The plant is found in deciduous forests, among cedar and spruce forests, on the slopes of rivers, mountains, and hills. Unlike ginseng, which prefers shade, Eleutherococcus is a light-loving plant.

If you want to grow Eleutherococcus in your own garden, remember: the plant does not tolerate drought easily, but will be able to overwinter in the middle zone. The plant takes root on sandy, clay, loamy soil. The main condition is a spacious garden, because the root system of the thorn extends up to 60 meters in diameter.

Medicinal properties of the plant

A drug natural origin affects the entire body. To create any form of medicine, use the root system, which is rich in the following substances:

  • essential oils;
  • pectin;
  • anthocyanins;
  • alkaloids;
  • resins;
  • vitamins, especially groups B, C;
  • minerals, trace elements;
  • carbohydrate-containing substances (glycosides) and other biologically active complexes.

Taking Eleutherococcus favors the strengthening of the body's protective functions, the stability of the immune system in bacterial, viral, infectious microflora, promotes rapid regeneration after injuries and past diseases.

Taking drugs based on Eleutherococcus, the following results are noticeable:

  • improvement of coronary and cerebral circulation;
  • blood thinning;
  • lack of sleepiness in daytime days;
  • improved appetite;
  • restoration of metabolism;
  • increasing physical and mental endurance;
  • decreased blood sugar levels;
  • improvement of visual acuity and hearing;
  • normalization of the bronchi and lungs;
  • help with chronic pyelonephritis, herpes;
  • promotion blood pressure;
  • regulation of lipid metabolism;
  • increase in hemoglobin;
  • stabilization of the psycho-emotional state - helps to overcome apathy, depression, chronic fatigue;
  • reducing the risk of developing malignant tumors;
  • minimizing the harmful effects and absorption of toxic substances.

Indications for use of Eleutherococcus

Doctors recommend taking drugs based on Eleutherococcus in such medical fields like neurology, immunology, cardiology, because the disciplines are closely related to each other. Depressive disorders reduce the protective functions of the body, and cardiac pathologies arise due to neuroses.

Summarizing the data on the prescription of drugs based on Eleutherococcus:

  1. Emotional disorders - apathy, depression;
  2. Psychosomatic disorders - VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), fatigue, meteopathy (reaction to weather factors);
  3. Physical - arterial hypotension, hypotension, slow metabolism, rapid mental and physical fatigue.

Eleutherococcus helps improve immunity during colds and viral diseases, and influenza epidemics. Also speeds up recovery after somatic illnesses, severe infectious pathologies, surgical interventions. Well restores nonspecific resistance of the immune system.

Preparations based on ginseng brother fight symptoms chronic intoxication, vibration diseases, radiation damage. The drug is indicated in the complex treatment of oncological diseases. It is also aimed at reducing blood glucose levels and is taken for diabetes mellitus of the first and second degree. It is used in the form of teas and decoctions strictly as prescribed by the attending physician.

Eleutherococcus is prescribed for male and female dysfunctions of the reproductive system and thyroid gland:

  • decreased libido and erectile function in males;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • infertility treatment;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • hyperlipoproteinemia is an abnormal increase in cholesterol levels in the blood.

Eleutherococcus is used as an external medicine - for early baldness and treatment of oily seborrhea.


Before using drugs based on Eleutherococcus, instructions are required. Self-medication can worsen the condition, so it is recommended to use the product only after a doctor’s prescription. There are contraindications and restrictions on use, so the medicine is harmful to the following patients:

  • under twelve years of age;
  • with increased nervous excitability;
  • those suffering from insomnia;
  • with somatic and infectious diseases at the acute stage;
  • with hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • epileptics;
  • those suffering from gastrointestinal dysfunctions;
  • with increased body weight.

Taking Eleutherococcus for a long time promotes appetite, so patients often complain of weight gain.

The drug is well tolerated. Rarely side effects occur:

  • diarrhea;
  • attacks of nausea, vomiting;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • anxiety;
  • development of hypoglycemia;
  • allergic reactions.

Dosage forms and route of administration

A common form of eleutherococcus for immunity is an alcohol tincture for external and internal use, made from the roots of the plant. The extract is sold over the counter in pharmacies, taken 25-40 drops half an hour before meals, first diluted with water. The course of treatment ranges from 14 to 30 days. When prolonging therapy, side effects are possible, so you should first take a two-week break, then start taking the medication again.

The tincture has antibacterial and regenerating properties, therefore it has proven itself in cosmetology in the manufacture of masks and compresses.

Other forms of the drug based on the “devil’s bush”:

  • tablets based on eleutherococcus and vitamin C - recommended for oral administration only in the first half of the day 30 minutes before meals. The daily dosage should not exceed 2 tablets. The duration of treatment is 14 - 30 days;
  • dry extract - the therapeutic course of administration reaches 30 days. You need to take 2 - 4 capsules throughout the day;
  • liquid extractremedy Prescribed 15 - 50 drops two - three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts 25 - 30 days;
  • syrup;
  • tea with extract.

Compatibility with other drugs

It is not recommended to take alcohol tincture as prophylaxis and treatment with the following pharmacological groups:

  • drugs with stimulant effects;
  • psychotropic medications;
  • sedatives;
  • psychostimulants;
  • nootropics;
  • adaptogens and other medications that can tone the body.

To avoid side effects, it is not recommended to drink alcohol while taking the drug. strong tea, coffee.

Eleutherococcus or Schisandra: which is better?

The name Schisandra chinensis indicates the localization of the plant's growth. However, the medicinal tree is found not only in China, but also in the Far East of Russia - in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories. Residents of the Far Eastern District have long known the tonic properties of Chinese schizandra - the colloquial name for the plant. Medicinal tinctures are prepared from a potent substance - schisandrin, the highest concentration of which is found in the seeds of the fruit.

Schisandra belongs to the Schisandra family, but its tonic and adaptogenic effects are similar to the Araliaceae - Eleutherococcus. Chinese schizandra has an immediate effect - the stimulating effect appears 20-30 minutes after taking the drug and lasts for 6 hours.

If necessary long-term treatment Schisandra should be taken together with Eleutherococcus, an adaptogen that, unlike Schisandra, has a prolonged effect.

The end of the effect of the drug is not accompanied by a loss of strength - after taking Schisandra there is no loss of strength, mental and mental health do not decrease. physical abilities, performance increases, physiological indicators are being optimized.

Preparations based on Schisandra and Eleutherococcus have the same indications and contraindications. Side effects due to the intake of Chinese vine, they manifest themselves in the form of tachycardia. To people suffering increased acidity stomach, it is not recommended to eat the berries of the medicinal plant. Since heartburn and loss of appetite are possible, although the fruits prevent the formation of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract intestinal tract.

Schisandra, like Eleutherococcus, is incompatible with such drugs as:

  • neuroleptics - enhance the effect of etaminal sodium;
  • amphetamine, caffeine - the effect of central nervous system stimulants is weakened;
  • alkaloids - narrowing is noticed blood vessels, the risk of hypertensive crisis increases.

A preparation based on schisandra is sold in pharmacies in the form alcohol tincture in a bottle of 25 ml. It is advisable to take the medicine in the morning, mixing the tincture with a small amount water. To enhance the inhibitory processes of the central nervous system, start with 5 - 10 drops. To obtain a tonic and stimulating effect, take 10-15 drops. Doses are calculated strictly by the doctor depending on the individual parameters of the patient’s body.

Differences from Echinacea

Along with Eleutherococcus and Schisandra, Echinacea has a stimulating property. The plant contains echinacea, echinacosides, essential oils, resins, organic acids.

The majority of people take Echinacea without harm to their health. The drug has useful action and is prescribed for the following indications:

  • increases resistance to colds;
  • enhances the therapeutic effect of anti-cold medications;
  • relieves inflammation in the respiratory and genitourinary systems.

People suffering from the following pathologies are prohibited from taking the drug:

  • hypertension;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the medication;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • acute tonsillitis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus.

Between two remedies based on medicinal plants, pay attention to how the drugs differ:


There is no definite answer - which is better - Eleutherococcus, Schisandra or Echinacea - it all depends on the individual indicators of the patient’s body, the purposes of administration and action. When using tonics, be careful and careful. In people with increased sensitization, medications can cause severe overexcitation. This will lead to insomnia, apathy, depression and other negative consequences.

The choice of herbal remedies should not be made independently. Medicinal plants - preparations plant origin, capable of causing incredible harm to the body, aggravating chronic diseases, worsen the condition. Therefore, you should trust your doctor, because he will select the dosage of medications, and the medication will be beneficial.

An adaptogen is a drug, predominantly of plant origin, that exhibits general tonic properties that affect the activity of major organs and systems. They contribute to the overall strengthening of the body unfavorable conditions and in stressful situations, contribute to a speedy recovery after fatigue and heavy physical exertion. Let's look at the main adaptogen plants, materials of animal origin, as well as medicines produced on their basis.

The most common plants from which adaptogen drugs are obtained

The most typical representative of plants of this group is Schisandra - an adaptogen, from which tinctures and liquid extracts are prepared, as well as ginseng and Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus, Leuzea. In addition to these plants, Echinacea deserves special attention, which has been used for a long time as a medicine in this group.

Most of the above-mentioned plants grow in Europe, however, a plant such as an extract from the antlers of sika deer or deer are also excellent raw materials for making an adaptogen. List of the most popular drugs:

  • "Apilak".
  • "Mummy".
  • "Ginseng tincture."
  • "Eleutherococcus extract."
  • "Pantocrine".
  • "Tincture of Rhodiola rosea."

Mechanism of action of adaptogens

It is difficult to identify any specific mechanism of action for an adaptogen due to the multicomponent nature of tinctures and extracts. However, the main mechanisms of their action are:

  • activation of the processes of synthesis of ribonucleic acids and proteins, which contributes to the development of reparative processes (this promotes speedy healing wounds and body weight restoration);
  • antioxidant effect aimed at reducing the amount free radicals and a reduction in peroxidation processes (which contributes to increased resistance when exposed to toxic substances or ionizing radiation);
  • reduction of biochemical disorders when exposed to stress;
  • normalization of the function of the hypothalamic-adrenal and immune systems.

The indicated mechanisms of action are general in nature, since it is difficult to study and describe the effect of each of the components of adaptogens on the entire organism.

Pharmacodynamic characteristics of adaptogens

After taking adaptogens, they help increase physical and mental performance, exercise tolerance, reduce fatigue and help reduce the feeling of fatigue, eliminate appetite disturbances and promote recovery of the body. They help increase the body's resistance to unfavorable factors environment (high and low temperatures, exposure to various poisons and toxic or

While taking such drugs, there is an increase in specific and nonspecific immunity, blood circulation, breathing and perception of information through auditory and visual analyzers. Adaptogen drugs help improve hematopoiesis and have a protective effect on the liver and heart.

Adaptogen release forms

Due to the fact that such products are most often made from materials of plant origin, their main dosage form is tincture. Also often drugs of this drug group found in the form of liquid extracts. It is quite rare to find adaptogens in tablets.

General indications for use

Taking adaptogens is indicated in case of physical fatigue, to increase the overall resistance of the body, for treatment asthenic syndrome, during the recovery period after infectious diseases. Due to their anti-inflammatory effect, they are widely used in dental practice for the treatment of inflammatory diseases oral cavity. However, each individual drug has its own range of indications for use.

Side effects

When taking adaptogens, there may be an increase in blood pressure, neuropsychic agitation, and an increase in the level of potassium in the blood. These drugs should not be prescribed in evening time and before bed.


This drug is a biogenic stimulant. Dry matter of native royal jelly is the main active ingredient of the drug "Apilak". The price of this medicine ranges from 200 to 350 rubles and depends on the pharmacy chain.

"Apilak" is widely used in pediatric practice for the treatment of nutritional disorders, neurotic disorders. The drug is also effective in restoring normal lactation during breastfeeding, as well as in the postpartum period for the formation of lactation. In dermatological practice, Apilak is also used to treat seborrhea. The price of the drug is affordable, which makes it widely used.


Adaptogen is a medicine not only of plant origin, but also an adaptogen of animal origin. Essentially, this is bat excrement that has absorbed the minerals of rocks. In appearance, the mummy is a viscous resinous mass of dark brown or black color, hardening over time.

It is a biogenic stimulant with a broad spectrum of action. Shilajit in tablets, solution or applications has a strong biostimulating effect with inhibition of mutation processes. The drug is indicated for damage to the musculoskeletal system, ulcers of the intestinal tract, purulent and inflammatory diseases, for inflammatory and allergic processes, periodontal disease and other diseases. "Mumiyo" is recommended as prophylactic to increase the overall resistance of the body during influenza epidemics.

Except high efficiency, the uniqueness of the drug is due to the absence of side effects (except for cases of individual intolerance) and the possibility of use in pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

When prescribing and taking the drug Mumiyo, it is necessary to take into account that it interacts with almost all medications. Poisoning and overdose are rare and are accompanied by intestinal disorders.

The drug is available in the form of ointment, application or solution; in addition, mumiyo is available in tablets. Use Mumiyo twice a day: half an hour before meals in the morning and two hours before bedtime.


Among the stimulants of the central nervous system and adaptogens, Eleutherococcus occupies a special place. Indications for the use of this drug include situations where it is necessary to increase mental and physical performance, and it is also taken as a general strengthening and tonic.

Eleutherococcus is produced in the form of an alcohol extract. Take 20-30 drops 30 minutes before meals for 25-30 days. In addition, indications for the drug "Eleutherococcus" include asthenic syndrome, fatigue, and chronic fatigue syndrome. The drug is successfully used to treat diabetes mellitus, prevention oncological diseases and improved vision.

Rhodiola rosea tincture

Another representative plant adaptogens- The price for this medicine ranges from 150 to 200 rubles. Alcohol tincture due to the content of a large amount active substances has a pronounced tonic and adaptogenic effect. Rhodiola rosea increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors, temperature changes, and stress factors. The drug increases physical performance, reduces mental stress, improves the condition of patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia. In addition, an antiarrhythmic effect was noted when taking Rhodiola tincture.

The tincture is administered orally, after first dissolving the required amount of the drug in a small volume of water. For maximum therapeutic effect You should drink the tincture 10-15 minutes before meals, and the drug should be taken in the first half of the day. If you take the medicine in the afternoon, due to stimulation of the nervous system, side effects may occur - insomnia, increased blood pressure, headaches.

The drug is contraindicated for use in patients with hypersensitivity to it, as well as in persons with high blood pressure. For the treatment of asthenic syndrome in children, the drug should be prescribed only after the age of twelve.


An adaptogen is an indispensable tool to improve daily performance. “Pantocrine” is made by extracting biologically active substances from the antlers (antlers) of sika deer, deer or red deer. The active substances of the drug have a pronounced stimulating effect on the activity of the nervous and of cardio-vascular system. "Pantocrine" contains a large number of microelements in the proportions that a person needs, and amino acids and phospholipids take an active part in restoring cell membranes and normalizing metabolism.

"Pantocrine" is widely used for the treatment of neurasthenia and neuroses, fatigue, asthenic conditions after inflammatory or infectious diseases, arterial hypertension, metabolic disorders and digestive disorders. In addition, the drug is successfully used to restore impaired sexual function in men.

Apply “Pantocrine” orally, 20-40 drops, after dissolving in a small amount of water. The frequency of administration depends on the patient’s condition and averages 2-3 times a day. Like most other adaptogens, in order to prevent side effects, Pantocrine should be taken in the first half of the day (maximum 4 hours before bedtime).

Ginseng tincture

The tincture belongs to the group of adaptogens and the active ingredients of the tincture are essential oils and glycosides, pectins and saponins extracted from the root of the plant. The drug is effective for the treatment of asthenic conditions, fatigue during intense mental and physical activity, in the recovery period after serious illnesses, and also as a means for complex treatment psychogenic disorder of sexual function.

Like other adaptogens, ginseng tincture should be taken in the first half of the day, 30-40 drops, diluted with a small amount of water.


An adaptogen is a drug whose main effect is aimed at increasing a person’s mental and physical performance. If the feeling of fatigue and weakness has been a constant companion lately, it’s time to start taking these medications. Over-the-counter availability, widespread availability in pharmacies and the low cost of this group of stimulants make them indispensable in the treatment of asthenic syndrome. It is important to remember one thing - the reception must be long-term and systematic.

Adaptogens - pharmacological group drugs of natural or artificial origin that can increase the body’s nonspecific resistance to a wide range of harmful effects of physical, chemical and biological nature.

I - Classification
- plant origin: rhodiola rosea, ginseng, eleutherococcus, aralia, astragalus, centaury, lemongrass, sea buckthorn, ginger, etc.;
- mineral origin: mumiyo;
- animal origin (including preparations of animal waste products): reindeer antlers (tsygapan, pantokrin), bee waste products (apilak, etc.);
- synthetic (trekrezan).

II - Application
- Indications: increased fatigue, stress, anorexia, prevention of acclimatization and colds, as well as to speed up the recovery process after the acute phase of the disease, hypofunction of the gonads.
- Side effects: allergies, insomnia, increased myometrial tone. It should be noted that alcohol extracts must be used in the first half of the day, since adaptogens can cause insomnia.
- Contraindications: hypertension, insomnia, pregnancy.

III - Effects of adaptogens
- Under the influence of adaptogens, the body begins to oxidize lactic and pyruvic acids, which are the main “fatigue toxins,” to a greater extent. Under the influence of adaptogens, the body quickly copes with post-workout acidosis - a shift in blood pH to the acidic side.
- Under the influence of all adaptogens without exception, the permeability of cell membranes to carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids increases.
- adaptogens increase sensitivity muscle cells to endogenous (own) insulin. Insulin begins to “drag” protein and carbohydrate molecules through cell membranes into the cell with greater activity.
- Adaptogens promote the accumulation of glycogen in the muscles, liver and heart. Glycogen is the main fuel for muscles. Only after glycogen reserves are depleted do cells begin to absorb amino acids and fatty acid.
- Glucose can be absorbed by the cells of the body only if it is pre-phosphorized - phosphorus residues are added. When tired, in conditions of a lack of ATP and a decrease in the activity of enzyme systems responsible for carbohydrate-phosphorus metabolism, the body begins to have difficulty using glucose. Both mental and physical performance decreases. The use of adaptogens makes it possible to activate the phosphorylation of glucose - the conversion into glucose-1 - phosphate. This dramatically improves all bioenergy at once, because proteins and fats generally cannot be oxidized without glucose. It is the oxidation of glucose that provides energy for the oxidation of amino acids and fats.

IV – Review of drugs

Schisandra chinensis
- The main active ingredients of schisandra: schisandrin, deoxyschisandrin, gamma-schizandrin, schisandrol. The main, most potent substance is schisandrin. There is especially a lot of it in the seeds of lemongrass fruits. Medicines are prepared from the seeds.
- Distinctive feature Schisandra is that it to the greatest extent (in comparison with other adaptogens) enhances excitation processes in the central nervous system. Moreover, the stimulating effect of lemongrass is so strong that it is not inferior in strength to some doping drugs.
- In medicine, lemongrass is used to treat nervous depression and general apathy.
- Another feature of lemongrass is its ability to increase visual acuity in myopia, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Improvement in visual acuity occurs due to increased sensitivity of the retina to light stimuli.
- significantly increases acidity gastric juice, improves food absorption. Both mental and physical performance under the influence of lemongrass are noticeably increased.
- Alcohol tincture of lemongrass is usually used. The tincture is taken once a day in the morning in a small amount of water.
- In order to enhance inhibitory processes in the central nervous system, the selection of the optimal dosage begins with 5-10 drops. To obtain a tonic and stimulating effect, the selection begins with 10-15 drops. Doses are given strictly as a guide. Exact dosage selected individually, experimentally.
- In order to enhance inhibitory processes in the central nervous system, the selection of the optimal dosage begins with 5 - 10 drops. To obtain a tonic and stimulating effect, the selection begins with 10 - 15 drops.

Leuzea safflower (maral root)
- The main active ingredients of Leuzea are phytoecdysones. Phytoecdysones are polyhydroxylated steroid compounds. They have pronounced anabolic activity. Anabolic activity distinguishes Leuzea from other adaptogens. Leuzea promotes growth muscle mass. Leuzea's ability to enhance protein synthesis has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver.
- With long-term use of Leuzea, the composition of the blood improves: the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes increases, the hemoglobin content increases. Leuzea also has a mild, physiological vasodilator effect. With its regular consumption, the lumen of the vascular bed increases and the power of the heart muscle increases (the heart rate decreases).
- Some species of animals that eat leuzea are capable of sexual intercourse up to 100 times per day.
- Release form of the drug: alcohol extract in 30 ml bottles. Inhibitory doses of Leuzea extract: 5-10 drops in the morning on an empty stomach once in a small amount of water. Activating doses: 10-30 drops.

Eleutherococcus senticosus
- The plant contains a sum of glycosides - eleutherosides. Eleutherosides have the ability to increase the permeability of cell membranes to glucose. This is due to some of the hypoglycemic effect of Eleutherococcus. The oxidation of fatty acids also increases noticeably. The ability of Eleutherococcus to improve color vision is noteworthy. Visual acuity also improves slightly.
- Eleutherococcus is considered a drug that improves thermoregulation due to more intense oxidation of glucose and fatty acids. This allows the use of eleutherococcus for the prevention of colds. Studies have shown the high preventive activity of Eleutherococcus.
- The number of colds in the experimental group taking Eleutherococcus decreased by 2 times compared to the control group.
- For medical use An alcoholic extract of Eleutherococcus senticosus is produced in 50 ml bottles. Inhibitory doses of eleutherococcus: 6-12 drops in the morning on an empty stomach in a small amount of water. Activating doses: from 15 drops to 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach.

- The effects of using ginseng root are due to the content of a special kind of glycosides in it - panaxosides. A distinctive feature of ginseng is its ability to increase appetite and, as a result, total body weight.
- Ginseng somewhat improves digestion and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver. There is also a slight decrease in blood sugar, color vision improves
- Contrary to popular belief, the tonic effect of ginseng and its ability to prevent the development various diseases not only not higher, but even slightly lower than some other adaptogens.
- Release form: alcohol tincture of ginseng root in bottles of 10-30 ml. Take 1 time per day in the morning before meals in a small amount of water. Inhibitory doses: 10-20 drops. Activating doses: 30-40 drops.

Rhodiola rosea (Golden root)
- Rhodiola rosea is called the golden root not only because its roots have a golden-yellow color when cut. Her positive impact on the body is extremely strong.
- The restorative effects of Rhodiola are due to the presence of two main active ingredients - rhodosin and rhodioliside.
- A distinctive feature of Rhodiola from other adaptogens is that it has a strong effect on striated muscle tissue, as well as on the heart muscle. Even after a single dose of Rhodiola, muscle strength and endurance increase. The contractility of the heart muscle also increases.
- Rhodiola rosea causes a distinct activation of cell bioenergetics. The size of mitochondria increases, their ability to utilize carbohydrates, fatty acids, and lactic acid increases. The glycogen content in the muscles and liver increases.
- In terms of the strength of its general strengthening and tonic effect, Rhodiola is perhaps the most powerful adaptogen.
- Release form: alcoholic root extract in 30 ml bottles. Take Rhodiola extract once a day in the morning on an empty stomach in a small amount of water. Inhibitory doses: 2-5 drops. Activating doses: from 5 to 10 drops.

Aralia Manchurian
- The main active ingredients are araloside glycosides. To date, the following have been described: araloside A, araloside B, araloside C. It is possible that plants also contain other, not yet described aralosides.
- Aralosides have a wide range of effects on human body: have a general strengthening and tonic effect, activate protein synthesis, reduce blood sugar due to a significant increase in the permeability of cell membranes to glucose. The intensity of glucose oxidation inside the cell also increases.
- Aralia differs from other adaptogen plants in that it has the strongest hypoglycemic effect.
- The strong hypoglycemic effect of Manchurian aralia sometimes causes increased appetite. But an increase in appetite does not always lead to weight gain. The increase in general activity and increase in performance reach such an extent that with an increase in the amount of food consumed, the amount of energy consumed also increases. Aralia's ability to increase appetite can be successfully used to treat low appetite in children. Aralia doses are selected individually, adjusted for the child’s lower body weight.
- The power of the tonic effect of aralia is higher than that of most adaptogens and is second only to the power of Rhodiola.
- Aralia release form: alcohol tincture of aralia root in 50 ml bottles. Take Aralia once a day in the morning on an empty stomach in a small amount of water. Inhibitory doses: 2-6 drops. Activating doses: 6-15 drops.

Sterculia platanofolia
- Sterculia has a tonic and restorative effect, similar to the effect of Eleutherococcus senticosus.
- For medicinal purposes, sterculia leaves are used, collected at the beginning of flowering, before the leaves turn yellow.
- Sterculia leaves contain: essential oil (up to 0.1%), resins (about 5%), organic acids (2.5%), traces of alkaloids.
- Caffeine, theobromine, organic acids (about 6%) were found in sterculia seeds. fatty oil(up to 26%) and traces of alkaloids.
- Sterculia tincture is used as an aphrodisiac for physical and mental fatigue, overwork, asthenic conditions, after suffering debilitating diseases. It is not recommended to take it at night.

Zamanikha high
- Zamanika flowers resemble ginseng flowers. This is where the legend was born that they seem to lure ginseng hunters into the thicket of the forest. Some authors believe that the plant was named zamanika because of the bright red color of the fruits, which attract birds.
- Pharmacological properties lures are caused by the presence of saponins, alkaloids, glycosides, essential oils. In terms of the spectrum of its effect on the body and the strength of its tonic effect, lure is close to ginseng.
- Release form: alcohol tincture of zamanika roots in 50 ml bottles. Take the tincture in the morning once a day in a small amount of water on an empty stomach. Tonic doses: 10-20 drops. Activating doses: 30-40 drops.

- Saparal is a mixture of ammonium base salts of triterpene glycosides (aralosides) obtained from the roots of Manchurian Aralia.
- Saparal has the main tonic and restorative effects of aralia, however, due to the smaller spectrum of active ingredients, it does not cause a decrease in blood sugar. Saparal can be used instead of alcohol tincture of aralia in cases where an increase in appetite is not desirable, or when alcohol consumption is contraindicated even in very small quantities.
- Release form: 50 mg tablets.
- Take saparal once a day, in the morning on an empty stomach, with a small amount of water. Sometimes, when taken in a large dose on an empty stomach, it can cause slight nausea. In such cases, saparal should be taken after meals. Inhibitory doses: 0.5 - 1 tablet. Activating doses: 1.5 - 2 g.

V - Use of adaptogens
- you cannot take adaptogens 2 or 3 times a day. Only a single morning dose fits harmoniously into the human biorhythm.
- Attempts to take adaptogens 3 times a day in order to increase performance may not only not increase it, but even decrease it.
- Drug stress can develop in the body when using any medicine. But special care should be taken when using tonic and stimulant drugs that can enhance excitation or inhibition in the central nervous system.

VI - Dose selection
- You can start choosing a dose with 6 drops, taking them in the morning on an empty stomach in 1/4 glass of water. After administration it is necessary to analyze own feelings during the day. If you experience a surge of energy, an acceleration of the thought process and a desire to work, then you are in the range of activating doses.
- If you feel general relaxation, lethargy, then this dose is inhibitory for you, and the next day it needs to be increased. The dose should be increased gradually, 1 drop per day. And so on until you get into the activation range.
- Activation will increase every day, however, sooner or later hyperactivation will occur - a condition when, due to too much energy, it becomes difficult to fall asleep at night.

VII - combination
- Adaptogens combine well with any other plants, vitamins, vitamin-like substances and medications.
 a group of drugs whose effects adaptogens can weaken are sedatives and sleeping pills. Adaptogens taken in activating doses weaken the effect of such drugs.
- The effect of nervous system stimulants, such as caffeine and ephedrine, on the contrary, is enhanced by adaptogens.

Mumiyo - " mountain resin", mined in mountain caves Central Asia. Mumiyo is a natural mixture of organic and inorganic substance, highly soluble in water, which collects in rock cracks, voids, niches in the form of films, crusts, growths of black, dark brown and brown resin-like masses with an admixture of sand and crushed stone.
Varieties of mumiyo
1. Corpse - a solid or waxy black mass formed during mummification or slow decomposition of the corpses of animals and insects, mumiyo was usually obtained from mummified people and animals.
2. Lichen - a thick or hard different mass - a product of the vital activity of plants, mainly lichens.
3. Juniper - a resinous brown-black mass with a resinous odor, released from the trunk of the roots of juniper, pine, spruce, carried by water in the soil, mixed with soil elements and forms deposits in rock crevices.
4. Bituminous - liquid or waxy mass dark color, which accumulates as a result of anaerobic decomposition of dead plants. It differs from oil in that it does not contain volatile hydrocarbons, since it is formed close to the soil surface and quickly loses volatile components.
5. Excrement - fossilized excrement of small animals, mainly rodents and bats (the most common). Mumiyo is not a natural resin, but reacted with rocks (rock surface, dust) and hardened excrement of bats of the smooth-nosed bat family.
6. Honey-wax - yellow, brown or black mass - a waste product of wild bees, polymerized as a result of long-term lying.
7. The mineral was discovered high in the mountains, in the voids of rocks, where neither animals nor plants could get into, which indicates the possibility of the formation of mumiyo from minerals, but with the participation of microorganisms or protozoa. Perhaps it has something in common with ozokerite

- As a result of comprehensive research at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after. Vernadsky derived a single formula for different samples of mumiyo:
- Ca Si[(K,Na)C4 H10 CH2O], According to this chemical formula Mountain balsam is a unique natural mineral with a stable organic part of the molecule.
- they write that they bought mumiyo in tablets at the pharmacy and refer to negative experience application that did not produce any results.
- Among the reasons why the use of mummy in tablets may not give the desired results, the following should be noted:
- A low-quality substance was used to produce a batch of medicine. This is due to the fact that mumiyo is extracted in small quantities and is accepted in this form by drug manufacturers. It is usually impossible to check the quality of batches of raw materials weighing several kilograms, and in many cases, the manufacturer is forced to rely on the integrity of raw material suppliers.
- The production of medicines based on mumiyo, especially tablets, involves the introduction of certain additives. These supplements may cause individual reactions in patients, which may reduce the effectiveness of the drug.
- Mumiyo in pure form can be stored for a long time. However, as part of tablets and other dosage forms, it has a limited shelf life. If mumiyo is stored in the form of large masses, it is able to preserve itself, and its qualities even improve over time. However, the microscopic dosage that is in the tablets, when exposed to light and other factors, leads to the fact that when long-term storage, mumiyo loses its medicinal properties.
- When using mumiyo, you must remember that only the substance itself has healing properties - but not the ingredients that are used to prepare ointments, suppositories, solutions, etc. from it. All these substances, when stored, react with the components of the drug, and the natural balance its composition is violated. Expired medicines based on mumiyo do not have any medicinal qualities. It is optimal to purchase pure substances in fairly large quantities – up to several hundred grams. In this form, mumiyo can be stored for several years, fully retaining its medicinal properties.

Reindeer Antlers
- Antlers (young deer antlers) are a bone sponge filled with blood. Antlers are a complex organ consisting of diverse, mostly young, growing and differentiating tissues. The outer cover is skin, the central layer is cerebral, rich in thin-walled vessels surrounded by a ring of loose connective tissue.
- Currently, two drugs, pantocrine and velcornine, have been developed from antlers. Moreover, during extraction, only 3% of the dry matter is transferred from the antlers into preparations. The main share of biologically active substances remains in the cake and is not used.
- Raw materials are a valuable source essential amino acids, which must enter the human body with food. In addition, the raw material contains protein with collagen as the main protein-containing compound and includes: glycine, alanine, proline and hydroxyproline. Other amino acids contained in the “Concentrate of biologically active substances from reindeer antlers” include: lysine, threonine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, histidine, arginine, serine, glutamic and aspartic acids, cystine, tyrosine. Amino acids are essential components of proteins, enzymes, hormones and other biological substances. In addition, they also have independent preventive value. Glutamic acid takes part in the biological processes of the brain, participates in protein carbohydrate metabolism, improves nutrition nerve cells brain, is widely used for mental illness. Aspartic acid is used for cardiovascular diseases, promotes the penetration of potassium and magnesium ions into the intracellular space. A mixture of methionine, cysteine, glutathione and ATP improves the biosynthesis of protein and nucleic acids by providing energy to these processes.
- The lipid fraction contains over 25 substances of various chemical natures: phospholipids, sterols, triglycerides. It is known that phospholipids are part of the cytoplasmic membranes of the cell and are the basis on which the formation of protein enzymatic substances takes place, ensuring the biosynthesis of many life-support substances of the cell. They are able to bind toxins in the body and increase the effectiveness of many biologically active substances. Biogenic bases act on the cardiovascular system and lower blood pressure. Phospholipids contained in antlers play an important role in the conduction of nerve impulses, blood clotting, immunological reactions, processes of cell proliferation and tissue regeneration, and in the transfer of electrons in the chain of “respiratory” enzymes. A detailed study made it possible to establish that the most important of the phospholipids are biogenic bases - choline and ethanolamine. Choline is primarily the main part of biologically active acetylcholine, a nerve impulse mediator. Sterols stimulate the sexual function of the body and have a rejuvenating effect on it. Triglycerides of fatty acids are part of anti-sclerotic drugs and affect reparative processes. Unsaturated fatty acids with isolated double bonds in the radical exhibit antitumor activity.
- increase the adaptogenic resources of the body - resistance to the effects of various stress factors;
 increase and restore physical and mental performance in case of asthenia, overwork;
- promote rapid recovery after illnesses, injuries and surgical interventions, accelerate wound healing and bone fusion;
 have a gonadotropic stimulating effect, stimulate reproductive system;
 enrich the body with iodine and calcium;
 strengthen musculoskeletal tissue.
Directions for use and dosage:
Inside, before or during meals.
Tablets, capsules:
Adults and children over 12 years of age: 400 - 800 mg per day in 2 - 3 doses. Children 3-7 years old: 200 mg per day, 8-12 years old: 400 mg per day. Course 1-2 months. Repeated courses are possible every 2 months.
Solution (drops) for oral administration:
15-50 drops 2-3 times a day with a little water. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 5-10 days.
 individual intolerance (including a history of hypersensitivity);
 conditions for which iodine preparations are contraindicated;
 severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
 severe kidney disease;
 increased nervous excitability, epilepsy, hyperkinesis;
malignant neoplasms;
 sharp infectious diseases;
 pregnancy.

Trecrezan - Hydroxyethylammonium methylphenoxyacetate
Pharmacological action: Broad-spectrum adaptogen. Increases the body's resistance to intense physical and mental stress, hypoxia, overheating, hypothermia, immobilization and pain stress. Has a pronounced antitoxic effect in case of poisoning with ethanol, organic solvents and salts heavy metals. Has immunostimulating properties.
Indications: The need to increase physical and mental performance, prevent fatigue. Warning pathological changes accompanying various stress effects (hypoxia, overheating, hypothermia). Asthenia, immunodeficiency (after previous illnesses). As an antidote for poisoning with salts of heavy metals and organic solvents; to reduce withdrawal symptoms.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity.
Side effects: Allergic reactions.
Method of administration and dosage: Orally, adults - 0.1 g or 0.2 g 2-3 times a day (maximum daily dose - 0.6 g). The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. If necessary, treatment is repeated at intervals between courses of 1-2 months.

- view alternative medicine, which involves the use of highly diluted drugs that are believed to cause symptoms in healthy people, similar to symptoms patient's illness. The concept of treatment according to the pseudoscientific principle of “like with like” is opposed by homeopaths to the principles of allopathy, on which rational pharmacotherapy is based.
- Modern science, including medicine, is skeptical about homeopathy, pointing out the lack scientific foundations this method of treating diseases. The theoretical justification of the homeopathic principle does not correspond to scientific ideas about the functioning of a healthy and sick body, the safety and effectiveness of the majority homeopathic methods treatments have been insufficiently tested, and those implemented clinical trials homeopathic medicines showed no differences between homeopathic medicine and placebo

WHO opinion
- The World Health Organization (WHO) warns against homeopathic treatment of infectious and any other serious diseases.
- According to the organization’s experts, “the use of homeopathy has no evidence base, and in cases where it is used as an alternative to the main treatment, it poses a real threat to people’s health and lives.”
Homeopathic dilutions and concentrations
- Dilutions of 1 to 10 are called decimal, denoted by the Roman numeral X or the letter D (1X=1D=1/10, 3X=3D=1/1000, 6X=6D=1/1000000). Likewise, dilutions of 1 in 100 (“hundredths”) are denoted by the Roman numerals C (1C=1/100, 3C=1/1000000, and so on).
- Thus, the probability that 1 mole of a dilution of 13C contains at least one molecule of the original substance is 1%, for 14C 0.01%, etc. Dilutions with an index of 40C approximately correspond to 1 molecule for the entire observable Universe, and with index 200C (Anaferon, Oscillococcinum) 1 molecule per, respectively, 10320 Universes.
- Essentially, homeopaths prefer not to discuss the question of the nature of fields or “biological information”.
- Another problem is that with large dilutions the amount of impurities in a homeopathic medicine will inevitably be greater than the active substance. This is due to the fact that: the substance on which dilutions are prepared (water, sugar) always contains impurities; aqueous solutions leach the glass of the test tube, and when grinding sugar, it captures particles of the mortar and itself undergoes chemical transformations; During any dilution, dust particles, the composition of which is almost unpredictable, may enter the solution.

Attitudes in the EU and the US
- A British Parliamentary committee has ruled that national health insurance will not cover homeopathic treatments because they “work no better than placebo.”
- The Committee also advised the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency that homeopathic medicines should not be licensed as this would give the public the illusion that they are being offered genuine medicines.
- The US Food and Drug Administration has not approved the use of homeopathic medicines in veterinary practice.
- The authors of a meta-analysis published on August 27, 2005 in The Lancet concluded that the clinical benefits of taking homeopathic medicines are due to the placebo effect.

  • Conclusion

Manufacturer's influence on the activity of adaptogens

In general, there is no problem of shortage of adaptogens and sports drugs on the market, but there is a problem of choosing a quality drug. Since adaptogens differ in the quality of their raw materials, differences in technology and the loss of important components during the manufacturing process. And the secrets of production "know-how", affecting both toxicity and complex activity. For example, liquid extract of Leuzea is often rejected from the pharmacy chain by control services due to the formation of a brown flocculent sediment (which should not exist according to FS quality standards). Ginseng - as a result of many experiments, scientists have concluded that complete healing power has ginseng grown on radioactive soil on mountain slopes (Kyosev, 2003).

Research from the Department of Pharmacology of the Yaroslavl State Medical Academy found that only adaptogens produced in places where plants grow were the most active (Fedorov et al., 2003). For example, only 1 out of 6 Eleutherococcus preparations had a stable effect. The drugs manufactured in Moscow and Perm were 3-6 times less active; and from Yaroslavl and Tver there is zero activity (107 times less). In the stress protection test, the difference in activity is from 3-4 to 8 times; for muscle loads by 1.4-2 times. In the hypoxia test, the difference is from 2-9 to 40 times.

The influence of the type of adaptogen on the survival of the organism

The results of experiments on the effect of various adaptogens on survival in critical conditions, corresponding to rising and staying at an altitude of 11,000 m above sea level for 20 minutes (Pivovarova and Lesiovskaya, 2003). Leuzea had the highest effect on the increase in life expectancy - its strength is 15 times higher than the control (1536%), average in Rhodiola rosea (1300%); and the smallest is for Eleutherococcus, Aralia, ginseng and Schisandra (1046-1195%). When the dose was reduced by 5 times (from 1/10 to 1/50 LD50), the highest activity remained for Leuzea - ​​10 times, the average for Rhodiola and Schisandra - 5.5 and 3.5 times, and the lowest for Aralia and ginseng - 2 times.

Facts from military medicine on the effectiveness of adaptogens

There are facts from military medicine, when the effectiveness of three adaptogens (Leuzea, Eleutherococcus, synthetic Dibazol) was tested under conditions of 80 days of scuba diving in 126 sailors aged 19-32 years (Yakovlev et al., 1992). Leuzea extract had a number of advantages over Eleutherococcus and the drug Dibazol: 1) the performance of submariners increased by 15-20%; 2) the consumption of glycogen energy reserves after 5 hours of work was 30% less than control; 3) the absorption and digestive capacity of leukocytes after 15 days was 43-54% higher; 4) antimicrobial resistance of the skin and the function of macrophages in the blood are higher than the control by 57-69% even 45 days after discontinuation of the drug; 5) there were no side effects.

Comparative toxicity of adaptogens

The widely known ginseng has long-term use and overdose, negative side effects can be observed: insomnia, headaches, dizziness, pain in the heart, cases of severe attacks of hysteria (Fruentov, 1954). In case of severe overdose in persons who have taken ginseng tincture as a surrogate alcoholic drinks may come fatal poisoning(Brechman, 1957).

A study of the acute toxicity of adaptogen preparations showed that the extract of Rhodiola rosea had the greatest toxicity - 3.2 ml/kg, and the least toxicity was the extract of Leuzea safflower - 87.1 ml/kg. The difference was 27.2 times, that is, Leuzea was 27 times safer than Rhodiola (golden root). Schisandra tincture was 4 times more toxic than Leuzea, and Eleuerococcus 2 times (Pivovarova and Lesiovskaya, 2003).


Among adaptogenic agents, the largest supply on the market is of toxic and ineffective species - ginseng and eleutherococcus (30 and 21%). Rhodiola is supplied at 3 times the demand (17 versus 5%), although it is toxic. Leuzea is one of the most effective adaptogens without any drawbacks - however, its market share is poorly represented, although demand is 6 times higher than supply (12 versus 2%). Complete information on the properties of Leuzea at the following addresses:

Adaptogens are natural remedies, stimulating human protective capabilities. They can prevent the effects of weather changes and atmospheric pressure fluctuations; in addition, a person becomes resistant to stress and increases physical and mental performance. At the same time, their effect on the central nervous system is quite mild and beneficial, including activation metabolic processes, the function of the endocrine and immune systems is normalized. Their help is invaluable when overworked, as well as when recovering from transferred operations and illnesses and depression.

In most cases, the result of using adaptogens is quite quick, it happens in a few days, and the maximum is achievable in half a month, maximum - a month.

Adaptogens are consumed up to two times a day, mainly in the first half of the day. If a person is hyperexcitable, sedatives should be used at night, for example, motherwort, valerian, mint and the like.

Adaptogenic products are easily prepared at home from adaptogens of plant origin, but you can also purchase them at the pharmacy. It is believed that industrial products are more effective, this is due to special preparation technologies.

Doses of use of adaptogenic agents

It is important to know that the dose of adaptogens is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of a particular person; therefore, they start with a minimum dose. Having felt an influx of energy, increased efficiency and intellectual activity, consider that the dose has been selected successfully and you can try increasing it by a few drops. However, with an increase in excitability, irritability, and insomnia at night, the dose should definitely be reduced

In general, adaptogens are contraindicated in patients with noticeable nervous excitability, hypertension, and acute infectious diseases. The use of adaptogens by pregnant women and children under sixteen years of age is prohibited, as is the viewing of certain films of an adaptogenic nature.

However, for older people, adaptogens can significantly improve quality of life. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that by this age you can acquire many diseases that are contraindications to the use of these substances.

Of the adaptogens, ginseng has the ability to increase all vital signs. Its main active ingredient is a glycoside, a regulator of most organs and systems of the body.

Tinctures of ginseng and eleutherococcus

The most optimal shape ginseng preparation is an alcoholic tincture and is sold in pharmacies. It is taken fifteen to twenty-five drops twice a day, half an hour before lunch. The duration of therapy is from a month to a month and a half and this course can be repeated after a few weeks.

Eleutherococcus is also a remedy for unnecessary cholesterol. Glucoside determines its rare stimulating properties. In principle, it has the same properties as ginseng.

Like ginseng, the drug Eleutherococcus is distributed in pharmacies in the form of an alcoholic tincture.

How to take tinctures of ginseng and eleutherococcus correctly?Take the drug twenty to thirty drops half an hour before meals for a month.

Another remedy, Rhodiola rosea (golden root), has a mild and immediate effect. Many doctors believe that in some cases it's more effective remedy than even ginseng. The main active ingredients of Rhodiola rosea are rhodosin and rhodioloside, and they have an effect on muscle tissue, for example, heart muscle, in addition to the fact that these components stimulate energetic activation cells. The use of Rhodiola, even once, provides quick and tangible benefits to the body. Doctors prescribe it for depletion of physical strength and the nervous system, impotence, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other critical conditions, and in addition, if it is necessary to increase the body's endurance and resistance to factors that can be extreme. These are changes in the climate zone, hard work, difficult expeditions.

Rhodiola rosea is sold in the form of an alcoholic infusion in pharmacies. Take five to ten drops up to three times a day, half an hour before meals.