Homeopathy: we treat colds with safe methods. Homeopathic remedies for colds

A runny nose is a common problem that, if left untreated, can lead to serious adverse effects in the shape of chronic diseases, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Among the many modern medical means of combating the disease, a special place is given to homeopathic medicines. Common homeopathy for a runny nose is aimed at activating metabolic processes in the nasopharynx, regenerating damaged tissues, and promoting recovery.

The complex effect of homeopathic remedies on the body is manifested by:

  • antiviral;
  • immunostimulating;
  • decongestant;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

Homeopathic remedies do not cause irritation or a feeling of dryness, help get rid of nasal discharge, restore breathing and smell function, relieve cough, and treat the disease. The preparations contain only natural ingredients that do not give allergic reactions and don't call side effects. Therefore, they are often used for colds in children and pregnant women. In the initial stages of the disease, homeopaths prescribe treatment according to the following scheme: for 2 hours every 15 minutes, according to an individually selected dosage depending on the causes, symptoms and characteristics of the body.

Classification of funds

Experts distinguish between types of medications:

  1. Facilities local application. The action occurs directly at the injection site - these are sprays and nasal drops.
  2. Preparations for systemic use. They exert their effect after penetrating through the digestive system into the bloodstream - these are tablets.
  3. Dosage forms designed to get rid of allergic rhinitis.
  4. Remedies used for colds and runny nose complex therapy.

Homeopathy against runny nose

The group of drugs includes drugs that include essential oils. They have a healing and antiseptic effect. For greater effectiveness in treatment, tablets and drops are used simultaneously.

Tablet forms of such drugs:

  1. “Corisalia” is an effective remedy for colds in adults and children; the duration of treatment should not exceed five days.
  2. “Sinupret” - the drug relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, eliminates nasal congestion, brings it back to normal in case of viscous secretions, eliminates cough, and has an immunomodulatory effect in colds. Not recommended for children under 6 years of age and breastfeeding mothers. The duration of treatment is from 7 to 14 days.
  3. "Cinnabsin" - a remedy for sinusitis in acute and chronic form, frontal sinusitis, to prevent relapses and exacerbation of the disease, in order to strengthen the immune system. Admission is limited to children under three years of age and pregnant women. The treatment period is 10 – 14 days.
  4. "Oscillococcinum" - the product is produced in the form of white dragees, used on different stages illnesses (acute respiratory infections, cough, flu), for prevention.

Local acting drugs

  1. “EDAS-131” is well tolerated by children and adults, helps reduce inflammation of the nasal cavity during colds, prevents repeated relapses, normalizes the state of the immune system, and actively combats any type of runny nose.
  2. “Delufen” is a non-addictive spray used in adults and children for sinusitis and rhinitis of bacterial, viral and vasomotor origin.
  3. "Larinol" - bee powder royal jelly, drone larvae, calamus rhizomes. Indicated as part of the treatment of laryngitis, rhinitis, and sinusitis.
  4. "Euphorbium Compositum" is a nasal spray with a dosing device, a complex homeopathic remedy based on minerals and herbal remedies, used for the treatment of rhinitis, otitis, eustachitis and sinusitis. It has a moisturizing effect on the mucous membrane, an anti-inflammatory effect, and restores the mucous membrane in case of drug-induced rhinitis.

Homeopathic remedy for runny nose of allergic origin: Rhinital tablets; "Luffel" comes in spray and sublingual tablet form.

Common, widely used drugs

“Sabodilla” is used to treat rhinitis of various etiologies and pain in the forehead.

"Euphrasia" - medicinal product, which treats nasal discharge.

"Allium sulfur" - effective drug in the acute period of a runny nose, which is accompanied by copious nasal discharge and sneezing.

"Stikta" - used for diseases with difficult to separate mucus, fights the feeling of gagging and nasal congestion, eliminates cough.

"Aconite" - the drug is prescribed for colds with fever. If treatment is started in a timely manner, the effect of the medication is observed within a few days.

"Allium cepa" - a homeopathic remedy is prescribed for a runny nose with copious mucous discharge.

"Arsenicum album" - indications for use this tool serve rhinitis, cough, acute respiratory infections.

"Arum triphyllum" - healing effect renders with chronic runny nose, sinusitis, in the composition complex treatment and only after examination by a doctor.

To the group of homeopathic remedies used in the treatment of runny nose complex therapy, as well as with for preventive purposes in adults and children include:

  1. "Aflubin"
  2. "Anaferon"
  3. "Influcid".

Drugs for quick recovery

Many who recognize homeopathy always have a set of three in their medicine cabinet. irreplaceable means: “Traumel S”, “Lymphomyosot” and “Engystol”.

  • "Traumeel S" - remedy broad action on the inflammatory process of different localization. Usage this drug in treatment helps to increase the recovery rate without the use of antibiotics. The medication contains two different types of echinacea (angustifolia and purple), which contributes to a strong immunomodulatory effect. It is used for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, flu and treatment of: otitis media, tonsillitis, rhinovirus pathology, cough, sinusitis. The solution (ampoules), tablets and ointments are produced.
  • "Lymphomyosot" is a complex, sought-after drug that has effective immunomodulatory, lymphatic drainage and detoxification effects. The remedy is used in case of acute and chronic diseases respiratory system: tonsil hypertrophy, cough, rhinitis, catarrhal sore throat, tonsillitis. It is produced in ampoules for injections and in drops that are prescribed under the tongue.
  • "Engistol" is a drug that has a direct immunomodulatory, antiviral and detoxifying effect. All components of this drug can increase the body’s defenses against acute respiratory viral infections, diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract(pneumonia, bronchitis, cough), otitis media, tonsillitis, laryngitis, stimulate the body to self-cleanse. Available in tablet form and solution.

You can recover quickly using this recipe: medicine is taken into a syringe from three different ampoules (Lymphomyosot, Traumeel S, Engistol), shaken well and injected intramuscularly. One or two such injections are enough to cure cough and acute rhinovirus pathology. If it is not possible to give an injection, it is permissible to use such a composition as a drink or in the form of tablets, according to the age-specific dosage.

Complexes of drugs can be taken to prevent colds once a day. All homeopathic medicines for a runny nose are prescribed in ultra-small doses. Their appointment is carried out an experienced doctor homeopath individually for each patient. Treatment lasts longer than traditional medications, but there are no side effects.

So, we offer homeopathy as a weapon against colds and flu. For two reasons.

The first reason is security. Whatever you say, everyone knows that using “chemical” tablets and drops during pregnancy is extremely undesirable. Therefore everyone reliable way treatment that avoids them should be welcomed. Homeopathic medicines are harmless. In the worst case, they won’t help, that is, nothing will happen.

The second reason is that these medications can be easily learned to use at home, long before visiting a doctor. Then, if you use the medicine correctly, the need for such a visit may disappear. But it won’t fall away - and in this case you cannot do any harm. After all, rare lucky people can see a doctor in the very first hours of illness (for example, children and the husband/wife of a homeopath).

How is homeopathy prescribed?

Prescribing a homeopathic medicine is simple - because the prescription is very logical.

For example, it is very difficult to prescribe rinsing with chamomile infusion or mustard plasters so as to know for sure that they will help you. How to predict this, using what tool? After all, all people are different...

In homeopathy there is such a precise tool, it is - law of similarity (the only law in such an inexact science as medicine). The essence of this law is that if the picture of your disease is very similar to the picture corresponding to the medicine, then it will cure you. These pictures were obtained from real life and rechecked thousands of times. Below they are summarized so that you can use them at home.

For example, if when you have a cold you feel as if you have inhaled the “vapors” of chopped onions, then the drug Allium flail, which is prepared from these same onions, will help you.

Cold “portraits”

You don’t have to be extremely observant to notice that all people get sick differently. Even if the disease is caused by the same virus. The symptoms of the disease directly indicate: to the patient what he should do, and to the doctor what medicine to prescribe.

“Cold portraits” is a description of the picture of the disease corresponding to each of the drugs. Look at them like in a mirror and determine which of the portraits is most similar to your case. This will be the application of the law of similars on which homeopathy stands. Of course, to successfully prescribe medication, you must first understand your symptoms. Analyze: what made you sick, when and why you feel worse and better, do you want to move, what are the characteristics of a runny nose and cough, what kind of unexpected strange thoughts come into your head.


  • First of all, pay attention to strange and paradoxical symptoms - they are often the ones that point to the right medicine.
  • The whole picture described here is rarely observed: it is enough if three or four key symptoms coincide.
  • Diagnosis of illness (ARVI, influenza, chickenpox, rotavirus infection etc.) is important, but not decisive. Look at what drug the picture of the disease resembles!

Key symptoms are highlighted in bold.

At the end, for convenience, there is a brief summary of the most important symptoms.

Camphor 30

The most early stage colds (when there really was hypothermia). Chills, unable to warm up. Even to the touch, the patient’s skin is cold as ice. Nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose, frontal headache. Very often it “relieves” cold symptoms at their first appearance.

Key symptoms : hypothermia, can’t get warm (!), icy to the touch, sneezing, the very beginning of a cold.

Oscillococcinum 200

A famous and very popular homeopathic medicine that helps prevent and cure influenza in the early stages. It is given twice a week when there is a threat of an epidemic and daily if there is a person with the flu in the family. In case of illness, it is given often, every hour for the first two days. Symptoms of the disease corresponding to this medicine: runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion; headache with aches, chills and severe weakness. There may be various digestive disorders. You don't need to take the whole bottle - 3-5 granules are enough!

Key points : early stage of influenza disease, as well as prevention of influenza.

Allium Cepa 30 (sometimes simply called Cepa)

Profuse runny nose and lacrimation, as if cutting an onion. Discharge from the nose irritates the skin, but discharge from the eyes does not. Photophobia. Sneezing, especially when entering a warm room. The cough can be very painful (the larynx feels like it’s torn, and when you cough you involuntarily grab your throat). The cold “descends” into the chest and bronchitis begins. There may be increased urine output. Everything is improving on fresh air(outdoors) and worsens in warm weather and in the evening.

Key symptoms : eyes and nose - as if she was cutting an onion; It is very painful to cough; it is relieved in the fresh air and worsened in warmth.

Euphrasia 30

Irritating discharge from the eyes and non-irritating discharge from the nose. The sclera and conjunctiva, the edges of the eyelids - everything is irritated, red, photophobia. Better in the fresh air. Worse in the evening. Cheeks are red and hot. Headache with a feeling of fullness, the pain blinds the eyes. Runny nose worsens at night when lying down. Cough only during the day, but not at night, lying down. Measles. Adenoviral infection.

Arsenicum album 30

A burning sensation is very characteristic: a burning, runny nose that irritates the nostrils, burning tears, a burning sensation in the chest. There may be diarrhea and vomiting. Thirst. General worsening at night and from cold. Relief from warmth, which relieves even burning pains. Weakness and exhaustion, completely inconsistent with the severity of the disease, however, cannot lie still. Fear for her health, the patient is afraid of dying (for example, she suspects she has a dangerous infection or cancer), and cannot be alone. The need to control everything that happens, especially maintaining cleanliness and order. Worries about unnecessary spending, high prices, or: “I’m sick, but what about my earnings? What will I live on?

Key symptoms : burning with relief from heat, thirst, worsening at night, fear, weakness inappropriate to the disease and severity of the condition.

Antimonium tartaricum 30

Weakness, sweating, extremely drowsy. Pale, bluish tint. Desire to lie down. Boring nausea, maybe vomiting. There is no thirst. The tongue is coated. Profuse wheezing in the lungs. He doesn't like it when people look at him. Acetone crisis in a child. " Stomach flu" Bronchitis. Chickenpox. Acute pain in the lumbosacral region: the slightest movement leads to gagging and the appearance of cold sweat.

Natrium muriaticum 200

Runny nose with sneezing. Alternating heavy fluid discharge and dryness. Worse from being in the open air. Herpes on the wings of the nose, around the lips. Cough with bursting headache, lacrimation, leakage of urine. Loves salty things. Cries alone, hates when people sympathize with him. Judges strictly, has strict moral principles. He is touchy and vindictive, and has been “stuck” in his grief for years.

Key symptoms : liquid discharge, sneezing, herpes; cough with watery eyes and loss of urine, love of salty foods, resentment, hates sympathy, “gets stuck in grief.”

Hina 30

Chills, fever, and then profuse, debilitating sweating. Sneezing with or without runny nose. Throbbing headache. The entire surface of the body (especially the scalp) is very sensitive to the slightest touch, and strong pressure is well tolerated. The slightest breath of draft is unbearable. We can't stand the slightest noise. All senses are heightened, resulting in nervousness. Wolf hunger, even at night. Three facts are important for Hina: if the patient has (or has) significant loss of fluid in her life (bleeding, prolonged breastfeeding, sweating, diarrhea, etc.), if she has liver problems and if she once had persistent anemia.

Key symptoms : extremely heightened sensitivity to drafts, touch, noise; sweats; fluid loss, anemia and liver problems in the past.

Arnica 30

This is a famous homeopathic medicine for injuries, especially bruises. Muscle pain similar to bruises also occurs with ARVI: a feeling as if beaten. The patient constantly tosses and turns because the bed seems hard. Stagnant red face hothead, and the body and limbs are cold. Monosyllabic answers, refusal to communicate. Refusal of help: the patient claims that everything is fine and there is no need to call a doctor (because she does not want to be touched, and also because of a strange inadequacy in self-perception, which resembles shock). Tends to lie on a low headboard. There may be nosebleeds and streaks of blood in the sputum. "Intestinal flu." Bruises easily.

Key symptoms : feeling of bruises, “as if beaten”, the bed seems hard, hot head - cold body and limbs, claims that everything is fine and refuses help.

Baptisia 30

Severe intoxication: loaded, looks dark, stagnant red, bad breath. Dirty language. They answer in monosyllables and fall into a stupor again. It seems to be scattered, divided into parts - trying to put them together. Patients cannot swallow - they choke. "Intestinal flu" with vomiting and diarrhoea. Feeling of fullness in the abdomen, with rumbling and diarrhea; the stool is offensive, irritating to the skin.

Key symptoms : intoxication, congestion, stench, the patient feels as if he is divided into parts.

Evpatorium perfoliatum 30

The popular name for this plant is chiropractor, because the leading symptom for its use is severe pain in all the bones, “as if they were broken.” The condition is worse in the morning, about 7-9 am, including high temperature in the morning. Excruciating pain in the lower back, back. Sometimes the chill starts in the back. Chills are preceded by an unquenchable thirst, or a paradoxical desire for cold drinks during chills. Nausea, vomiting (sometimes bile). Throbbing headache. Pain in the right hypochondrium. Pain and aching in the eyes. Coryza with pain in all bones of the face. Very painful dry cough. Desire to be warm, warm to hide. Extreme sensitivity to cold air. Trying not to move.

Key symptoms : severe bone pain, nausea and vomiting, worse in the morning and from cold, tries not to move.

Rus toxicodendron 30

Illness in damp, cold weather, after getting wet or being in the cold, sweating. Pain in bones, joints, weakness, aches, stiffness - all this makes you move, and movement makes it easier! Even when weak, he tries to move, stretch with all his strength, and may demand to be moved! Agitation at night, about 3 o'clock (there may also be palpitations with anxiety). Symptom of a “rusty gate”: the first movements after a long period of rest are very difficult, but then it “paces up.” Herpes (small blisters, “fever”) on various parts of the body. Red tip of tongue. Chill, with sensation as if being splashed with cold water. Heat with sensation as if being doused with hot water. Dry, raw cough that occurs at the slightest opening, even when sticking your arms out from under the blanket. Sore throat, better by warm drinks. Hoarseness that goes away after talking a little. Strange symptom: fear of poisoning.

Key symptoms : cold dampness causes illness and is the cause of aggravation, with chills there is also a feeling of dampness (as if splashed with cold water), red tip of the tongue, herpes, relief from movement and aggravation at rest (“rusty gates”).

Fitolyakka 30

Illness from cold and dampness. This remedy has a special relationship with the tonsils, lymph nodes and glands. Severe sore throat: the tonsils, pharynx, and root of the tongue are affected. This pain radiates to the ears when swallowing, can feel like a “hot ball”, is relieved by cold drinks and worsened by warm drinks. The throat is dark red. Enlarged and painful cervical lymph nodes. Headache, including one felt at the root of the tongue. Feeling of inner trembling. Pain in bones, joints, soreness in muscles, feels the need to move, but tries not to move, since movement does not relieve or intensifies the pain. Arachnoiditis, encephalitis after influenza.

Key symptoms : illness from cold and dampness, sore throat radiating to the ears and aggravated by hot drinks, pain in bones and muscles that is not relieved by movement.

Dulcamara 30

The disease comes from cold and dampness, from drafts, from changes in weather from heat to cold and from dryness to humidity, when the days are warm and the nights are cold, when suddenly cold, sweating. This medicine is characterized general deterioration by cold!!! It is for autumn, as well as for Moscow winter. Hypothermia may cause: headache, sinusitis, runny nose, eye inflammation, otitis media, herpes (“fever” on the lips, but also on the genitals), cough, diarrhea, cystitis, neuralgia, pain in the back and joints, and even tics and paralysis. Such a person often has a tendency to skin and allergic diseases: urticaria (worse from cold!!!), eczema, pityriasis versicolor, warts on the face and hands, reaction to pollen.

Key symptoms: the disease arises or is aggravated by cold (when frozen), as well as dampness, a tendency to colds, allergies and skin diseases, various pains in the back and joints.

Nux vomica 30

Gets cold in cold, dry weather. With the acute onset of influenza and ARVI, there is a very strong chill, the patient literally chatters his teeth, and cannot warm up in any way. Not only opening, but also the slightest movement under the blanket increases the chill. During fever, one also lies covered, because when uncovered, chills immediately begin. Runny nose: the nose is stuffy at night, running during the day. Sneezing and nasal discharge in the morning on rising. There is more discharge in the fresh air. Everything improves in the warmth except the runny nose! Spasmodic phenomena: trembling, belching, yawning, sneezing. Worse: in the morning, from the cold, from all irritants (light, sound, conversations, care of loved ones), from mental stress. Often a cold is accompanied by digestive disorders involving the liver and stomach. These are, as a rule, business (or simply working hard) people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle, eat poorly and irregularly, but regularly spur themselves on with stimulants (coffee, for example), and relax with the help of alcohol and sedatives. They are prone to short temper and anger. Constipation and hemorrhoids are common among them. The urge to stool under the motto “I want to, but I can’t”, regularly drinks laxatives.

Key symptoms : ARVI in a person who works a lot and leads an unhealthy lifestyle, who abuses stimulants and medications. Very strong chills. Various spasms. Increased sensitivity, irritability and anger.

Hepar sulfur 30

Colds in dry, cold weather. Absolutely cannot stand the cold! “Ready to hit anyone who creates a draft.” Sensitivity to pain is such that it does not allow one to touch oneself. Irritable and angry! Sneezing, barely comes out in the cold; feeling of coldness in the nose. Hoarseness whenever exposed to dry cold wind, worse when inhaling cold air, sticking out arms or legs from under the blanket. When the disease occurs, the throat most often suffers - pain “like a splinter”, radiating to the ears; tonsillitis, tonsillitis. One of the remedies for croup (barking cough, cannot breathe, suffocates)! Sweats profusely all night, and this does not bring relief; sweat with pungent odor. Better in mild, damp weather (warm, slushy winter). Tendency to purulent processes. Doesn't get sick with a high fever. The cold leaves a long tail ( bad feeling, low-grade fever, sweating). Doesn't miss a single epidemic. Loves sour things, vinegar. Attraction to fire.

Key symptoms : very severe chilliness and colds, intolerance to pain - does not allow you to touch the sore spot, suppuration, the cold leaves a long “tail”, complications, worse in dry cold weather, better in mild damp weather.

Gelzemin 30

He catches a cold in mild, damp weather (warm, slushy winter), the disease develops slowly, over several days. A cold begins with a chill that moves up and down the back and feels like a nervous chill. Very strong trembling, muscle pain. The eyelids are heavy, it is difficult to keep the eyes open, the look is “numb.” Looks sleepy, although in reality he may be anxious and excited inside. Sometimes dizziness, double vision, difficulty focusing vision. Muscle weakness, lies in a daze, it is difficult to move, “legs do not obey.” There is no thirst. Headache, nasal congestion. The condition is relieved by passing urine and sweating. The cause of the disease is experiences in anxious anticipation of some event (responsible or unpleasant). Weakness does not go away after the flu.

Key symptoms : chills with trembling, heavy eyelids, difficulty moving, no thirst, worries, anxiously awaiting some event. Such people “shake” before a performance or exam.

Mercurius solubilis 6

“Frost on the skin” with the onset of a cold, chills with a crawling sensation. Small range of tolerable temperatures: does not tolerate cold, but does not tolerate well in a warm room or in the warmth of a bed. Violent sneezing, copious corrosive nasal discharge, red, swollen nose. The main symptoms of the drug are “in the mouth.” The tongue is loose, moist, with imprints of teeth. Loose gums, stomatitis. Bad breath. There is a lot of saliva and at the same time thirst. She sweats, but the sweat has a foul odor and sweating makes her feel worse. Worse from the warmth of the bed, must open up even if sweating. There may be a rawness in the throat, as if from sticking apple peel, and a hoarse, tickling cough. Unclean skin: pustules, ulcerations.

Key symptoms : goose bumps, bad from both heat and cold, thirst with a wet tongue and an abundance of saliva, foul mouth, sweat either does not relieve or worsens the state of health.

Aconite 30

Gets cold in dry cold wind. Sudden and violent onset of the disease, closer to midnight. For those around him, everything looks dramatic: the patient is rushing about, talking about a bad outcome, death. Can panic with fear, but also really choke ( allergic edema, false croup), shouting that he is dying; the blood of those watching “freezes in their veins.” With such a picture, be sure to remember about Aconite - it helps almost instantly. The skin is dry and hot, no sweat! Extreme thirst cold water. Fever - throws off the blanket.

Key symptoms : sudden onset, closer to night, the patient is restless, panicked, screams, says that he is dying. Heat with great thirst and no sweat.

Belladonna 30

Cold from exposure to cold on the head (sweated and got windy, washed my hair and went out onto the balcony, got my hair cut at the hairdresser and went outside). Dryness and thirst, but when the temperature rises, the thirst goes away. Sudden and violent onset, high fever, heat seems to blaze from a distance, cold hands, feet and nose. Symptoms are concentrated in the head area: red hot face, bright sparkling eyes, dilated or easily changing pupil size. Feeling of pulsation. Increased sensitivity to light, sound, touch, shock, pain. Excitement, sometimes to the point of delirium, then drowsiness with twitching. Various spasms: in the throat (because of them he cannot drink), trembling. Worse from cold, draft, exposure, about 9 p.m. Better from wrapping. The pulse is intense, full, like lead shot.

Key symptoms : cold from hypothermia of the head, sudden and violent onset, bright eyes and dilated pupils, pulsation, redness, heightened sensitivity, spasms; worse from cold.

Ferrum phosphoricum 30

Gradual onset, fever is low, or, even if high, proceeds easily (without thrashing and delirium). Opens up during heat. Short intermittent attacks of fever and chills. Such a person is prone to flushing, in particular to the face: sometimes rosy (pink cheeks), sometimes pale. He is also prone to bleeding, otitis media and respiratory diseases. Dry painful cough. Sometimes vomiting. Any discharge (nasal mucus, sputum, stool) may contain blood. The pulse is fast, soft, pliable. Worse at night.

Key symptoms : low fever, reddish-pink cheeks, redness (including blush), dry cough, tendency to bleed, anemia.

Apis 30

Acute edema - inflammatory, allergic, or others. For example, pharyngitis or sore throat with predominant swelling in the throat. Worse from heat - no hot compresses! “Does not drink and does not pee” - that is, despite the fever, there is no thirst, the patient does not drink and produces little urine. The pain is burning or stabbing. A feeling of tension in the painful area, as if something would burst or rupture; sensitivity to the slightest touch. High temperature, alternating dryness and heat with sweating. Better from coolness and movement. More often right-sided symptoms. Jealousy and suspicion. There may be a feeling: “I think I’m going to die.”

Key symptoms: swelling, intolerance to heat and touch, drinks little and urinates little, better from coolness and movement.

Lachesis 30

The slightest touch, let alone compression in the neck, head, or abdomen is unbearable. The throat (any organ in the neck area) and ears are especially often affected. Feeling of fullness and swelling in the throat, with minor swelling. Empty swallowing is more painful than swallowing liquids and solid foods. It is worse to swallow hot (spasm) than cold (relieves). Purple color - looks dark, stagnant red. Worsening during sleep and after it - as soon as the patient falls asleep, she wakes up with the feeling that her throat is clogged and she is suffocating. It’s better while the child is awake if he is unswaddled. Extraordinary talkativeness. Jealousy, suspicion. Most often left-sided symptoms.

Key symptoms : cannot tolerate touching in the neck, sore throat, painful to swallow in vain, cannot tolerate hot drinks and compresses, purple color, worse during sleep, talkativeness, jealousy, left side.

Phosphorus 30

Anxiety: fear of loneliness, darkness, thunder; suspicion. A cold starts in the chest or larynx or “rises up.” Alternating watery runny nose and complete cessation of discharge. Discharge from one nostril and congestion in the other. Heavy, dry, nagging cough. Burning. Thirst for ice-cold drinks, ice cream. The slightest pressure on the painful area is unpleasant; he prefers to lie on his healthy side. Worse in open air (for example, cough worse when breathing cool air). Tendency to bleed. Tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Key symptoms : anxiety and fears, seeks complicity, burning, thirst for ice-cold drinks, tendency to bleeding and respiratory diseases, worse in the open air.

Bryonia 30

A cold starts from the nose and goes down. “Queen of Peace”: any movement, touch, deep breathing worsens the condition and increases the pain. Better from strong pressure - to pin down, immobilize. When coughing, there is a feeling that something will burst in the affected area, that the head will “scatter into pieces”; worse at night, after eating and drinking, deep breathing, entering a warm room. Appears dark, stagnant red. Congestion, intoxication. “Bear in a den” - does not like to be disturbed, easily gets angry. White coated tongue, intense thirst with desire large quantity cold water. It seems to him that he is far from home: he wants to be taken home.

Key symptoms : worse from movement and better at rest, does not like to be disturbed, great thirst, drinks a lot of cold water, worse in warmth; it seems to him that he is not at home.

Sulfur 30

High temperature that does not decrease with antipyretics. Tendency to runny nose; constant sneezing, nasal congestion. The throat is burning and dry. Chills and fever rising from bottom to top. The heat prevails. Heat and burning in certain areas of the body. Crimson color of mucous membranes. Painless diarrhea at 5 a.m. Redness of the anus, acrid stools. Feeling hungry around 11 o'clock, loves fatty foods. Can't stand heat. Doesn't like drafts. Worse from washing or taking a bath. He sticks his feet out from under the blanket and throws it off. Tendency to various skin rashes. Looks unkempt. Likes to philosophize and reason. Relapses: before he has time to recover, he falls ill again.

Key symptoms : fever - antipyretics do not work, local hot flashes, burning, does not tolerate washing, unclean skin, various rashes.

Pulsatilla 30

Medicine for more late stages colds. The discharge is thick, yellow-green, not acrid. Nose stuffy at night thick discharge in the morning. Moist cough lying down in the evening, which prevents you from falling asleep. Trembling, chills with pain. Tearful (cries a lot!) mood, complaints, moans. The desire to be pitied, to be consoled. Submissive, endures illness, completely surrenders to the hands of the doctor. The condition worsens in a warm room and in the evening, chills from the heat. Better in the open air, with an open window.

Key symptoms: thick yellow non-irritating discharge, tearfulness, “do you love me?” (asks this question or asks without words, by behavior), worse from heat and stuffiness.

These are not all the medications that can be used for ARVI. If you don’t find your picture here, consult a homeopath (now you can do this quickly via the Internet) or look at homeopathic literature.

Most often, you will feel the right medicine immediately. Then be sure to remember or write down for the future what medicine helped you and in what situation.

Where to get medications and how to take them

Homeopathic medicines are sold without a prescription in regular and special (homeopathic) pharmacies.

Buy all the medications: firstly, you won’t have to suddenly fall ill, think at night about where to get the medicine, and send someone for it in the morning; secondly, homeopathic medicines do not spoil (there is nothing there to spoil), with proper storage they have been used for decades. (The pharmacy indicates a shelf life of 2 years, however, this is because it is supposed to be so.) Improper storage is, say, with perfumes and aromatic oils, odorous medicines, or if you have poured something on them.

You can take them one grain at a time. Some doctors prescribe three, five, seven or eight. Quantity is of secondary importance. The main thing is to choose the right drug.

The medicine is taken 15-30 minutes before meals, dissolved in the mouth, without washing down. The frequency of administration is determined by the patient’s condition: while there is an improvement, the administration is not repeated; if the improvement has “stopped” - they are given again; if it was better and became worse again - they are given again (repeated as many times as the deterioration returns). If symptoms change, another medicine is selected. If the improvement persists, no medications are given at all. These are general principles, but if you give the medicine one more time, nothing dangerous will happen.

Homeopathy helps!

If you were unable to find a homeopathic medicine for yourself or your loved ones, do not draw far-reaching conclusions about the value of homeopathy in medicine in general and regarding yourself in particular. Homeopathy has nothing to do with it. It’s just that we and our knowledge are imperfect...

If you have tried many methods, but the disease does not go away or a complication has arisen, it makes sense to contact a doctor who has spent many years of his life studying this wonderful science. He knows at least fifteen times more drugs than you, and perhaps he will be able to find the key to you.

It is very possible that once you have felt the power of the “correct” homeopathic medicine, you will go to special courses where you study “home” homeopathy, acquire a medical book and a first aid kit. Then, feeling fully armed, you will look more boldly at the problem of ARVI. And this will be another reason to rejoice!

But alas! The benefit of this vaccine is questionable at best, and it is potentially dangerous, especially for the most susceptible groups of the population - children and the elderly. The vaccines are made from strains that circulated in the past year. Accordingly, they cannot protect against the new strain that appeared this year. The best evidence of this is the admission by health authorities this year that the flu vaccine "didn't arrive." Can you guess what they recommended? Re-vaccination! Or maybe there is something better?

After many years of homeopathic practice, I believe that there is nothing easier than curing the colds and flus that plague us every year. There is no need for vaccination, as a well-chosen homeopathic medicine will cure the flu within a few days if taken at the onset of the disease. Readers wary of remaining unvaccinated against influenza may be reminded of the success of homeopathy in treating the virulent Spanish flu pandemic in 1918. Studies conducted in British hospitals showed that those treated homeopathically had only 5 deaths. %, compared with 45% mortality among those treated with other drugs.

Let's say that this was before the discovery of antibiotics, but do medical authorities recommend antibiotics for the treatment of viral diseases like influenza? No. In patients with influenza stuffed with antibiotics, to all the troubles there are also problems of overgrowth of candidal fungi and increased resistance of microorganisms.

So how does a homeopathic doctor go about preventing and treating the annual flu? By examining 10 to 20 patients, we can identify the leading drug in the current epidemic. We record all the symptoms of these patients, and among them are immediately visible those that we call the main symptoms indicating a cure for this epidemic. The Asian flu, which began its invasion in December 1996, typically began with a sore throat, quickly progressing to extreme fatigue and muscle weakness (“like a truck had driven over me”), putting the patient to bed in a state of extreme weakness with a temperature of 39° C. The patient was in a state of stupor, he had neither thirst nor appetite, but had a severe headache. All these symptoms indicate influenza type Gelsemium. Patient taking GELSEMIUM every two hours, usually recovers from such flu on the same day, in as a last resort in two days. Put one grain Gelsemium 200C in 100 ml of water, dissolve and take one tablespoon every two hours. People who are hypersensitive to medications, vitamins, etc., and those who are not familiar with homeopathy, are better off starting with a milder dose, 30C.

Patients who did not receive Gelsemium, will move on to the second stage of this flu: an accumulation of viscous, viscous yellow mucus going to paranasal sinuses and ears, and flowing down the back wall of the throat. The remedy for this stage is KALI-BICH, as well as Gelsemium. Use the same dose, but dissolve the two medications separately in cups and give at least ten minutes apart.

“Wandering pneumonia,” as it is called in Western medicine, is the third stage of this particular flu. At this stage, a severe dry cough develops, aggravated at night and when lying down, so severe that I have had patients whose ribs were broken from such a cough. In this case, immediate relief will come BRYONIA, and you won’t need to take antibiotics. For Bryonia And Kali-bich use 30C or 200C dilutions as for Gelsemium: Dissolve one grain in 100 ml of water and take one tablespoon every two hours.

The cost of this procedure is one cent per day! Think about the schools that were forced to close because of this flu. What if during this epidemic every student received one teaspoon a day? Gelsemium How prophylactic, most students would never have caught the flu back then! And this without any side effects. The world is not yet ready for such simple measures, but you, parents, can protect your children at home with a teaspoon Gelsemium 200C per day.

So, Gelsemium was most definitely the remedy for this epidemic. But this does not mean that the same drug will be effective for the next flu. What can you do to protect yourself from further flu illnesses now and in the future? Even from a well-chosen medicine prolonged coughs and colds will disappear the first time. This is the magic of a minimal dose (a highly diluted homeopathic remedy).

I will present below common and frequently used remedies. All should be used in a potency of 30C (for sensitive patients) or 200C, one grain dissolved in 100 ml of water and given by teaspoon or tablespoon (for details see "Well Kept Homeopathic Secrets" in my previous newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 1) .

The most popular cold remedy ARSENICUM. Any cold that begins with a runny nose with clear discharge can be stopped with several doses. It stops at an early stage colds in the form of sneezing due to changes in weather, and colds that begin in the nose and then tend to spread to the throat. The patient is restless, anxious, asks for cold drinks, usually in small sips. There is also often a burning sensation in the throat, which can be relieved by drinking warm drinks.

ACONITUM has no equal for the sudden onset of a cold with high fever, usually starting at midnight. This often happens when a child frolics in the dry cold wind during the day. He then goes to bed without any symptoms, but suddenly wakes up around midnight screaming, restless, has a high fever that makes his whole body hot, and asks to drink cold water. It’s just a miracle how a couple of teaspoons of aconite lowers the temperature, and meanwhile the child falls asleep peacefully. The next morning the child wakes up as if nothing had happened. The storm of illness is calmed by the magic of aconite.

It happens that a child suddenly develops a high temperature (40°C) at about 15:00, the face becomes bright red, the limbs and body are icy. It felt like blood from all over my body had collected on my face. Huge pupils and a very strong headache. The child may have a wild expression on his face. If there is a cough, it will be a dry, tearing “machine gun” cough, sharp, intense, and repeated. BELLADONNA relieves fever, headache and cough.

Let's talk about a completely different type of cold. Sometimes a patient will tell you that the constant flow of mucus down the back of the throat is causing a cough from the throat. He has difficulty removing sputum due to its stringiness and viscosity. When you do manage to spit it out, it is yellowish-green. "When you reach out, take it KALI-BICH!" is our motto. This sticky mucus may also be the cause of sinus headaches or ear pain that mimics acute infection ear in children, and in these conditions Kali-bich also works well.

I recall the case of a woman whose illness always began with sudden chills and cough. One time she was unable to recover. This severe incessant cold got the better of her until I found out that her condition always worsened around 11 p.m., she had a strong tickling in the throat, tenderness of the trachea from the inside and pain on any pressure from outside, and with a debilitating cough There was barely a little sputum coming out. Taken together, these symptoms indicated RUMEX, and this medicine magically brought life back to this woman. After a week's use Rumex this suffocating cough and cold, which lasted two months, completely disappeared. Coincidence? This has happened too many times to be considered just a fluke. A well-chosen homeopathic remedy will cure any common cold, chills or coughing over and over again.

Everyone knows how watery your eyes are when you cut an onion. Thus, you are dealing with natural homeopathy! ALLIUM CEPA, red onion, indicated for colds with lacrimation; tears don't sting. Copious discharge from the nose - flows like a tap; the skin under the nose is torn, red, with burning pains. The throat feels raw, and this sensitivity quickly spreads into the chest; the cough is worsened by inhaling cold air. Colds usually appear after exposure to cold, damp wind and are worse in the evening and in a warm room. If you have these symptoms, you will love red onions in homeopathic doses!

For a hard, hollow cough in addition to the already mentioned Belladonna every mother should have SPONGIA TOSTA. This miracle of nature, obtained from a sea sponge, is the number one remedy for croup and that painful, barking, dull cough that torments the patient day and night. The cough sounds like sawing wood, and the fear of suffocation due to a feeling of a plug in the throat is strong.

We have a lot more drugs, used for coughs, colds and flu, their choice depends on the features mentioned above. Observing your symptoms will help your homeopath find the right remedy, or you can find one for yourself in one of the many wonderful homeopathic books available in stores healthy foods. When you have symptoms of illness, get better in one day, while others will be sick for weeks, and you will experience the power of homeopathy!

Homeopathy – separate species medicine that offers treatment with highly diluted drugs. Moreover, dilution in some preparations reaches such a level that in finished product molecules of the main drug are completely absent.

    Modern medicine speaks of homeopathy as an imaginary treatment, there are several explanations for this:
  • presence in homeopathic preparations of strong dilution medicines- therefore, there is nothing to be treated;
  • during the manufacturing process, the percentage of the main drug is minimized, but dust particles and test tube molecules get into the solution, the effects of which are unpredictable;
  • homeopaths claim that water remembers the medicines that were present in it, but “forgetting” water is a proven fact.

Medical organizations (World Health Organization, Scientific Community) equate the effect of homeopathy to the placebo effect.

Note! In the last century, placebo studies were conducted - patients were treated with tablets with simple lactose - as a result, the patients recovered.

Interestingly, a certain percentage of subjects noticed improvements even after revealing the truth to people. Then scientists explained this fact by the faith of patients in the method of treatment itself.

Principles of homeopathy

Diluted drugs are used as a treatment method, but there are principles for selecting a specific drug for a patient with a specific disease.

    Homeopathy treatment adheres to the principles:
  • Similar treatment – ​​a substance is used as a medicine, which in the body of a healthy person causes symptoms as in the patient.

Such a drug seems to shake up the body, causing an immune response that cures both the administered vaccine and the original disease.

  • Treatment of a specific person - selection of funds is made after a detailed study of the patient’s chart. What helps one will do nothing for another.
  • Testing of homeopathic remedies is carried out only on healthy people, negligible doses are used. One of the most famous studies is the treatment of a tumor from a bee sting with a drug based on bee venom.

Nowadays, there are homeopathic pharmacies that sell drugs mainly own production. The selection of drugs is carried out according to the principle of similarity - the patient’s complaints and the basis of the drug are compared.

Effective homeopathic remedies for colds

Homeopaths cure colds and associated symptoms– runny nose, cough, general weak condition. With the help of anti-cold homeopathic remedies, high fever and inflammation are relieved.

Note! Aconite has side effects - at the beginning of use, exacerbation of existing ailments and allergies may occur.

  • Phytolacca– restores sore tonsils, has a beneficial effect on enlarged lymph nodes and other glands. Helps with colds, sore throat, and sore throat.
  • Tonsilotren – also against inflammation of the tonsils, excellent for acute tonsillitis, colds. The drug is distinguished by its trouble-free tolerability and high efficiency.
  • Influcid– homeopathic remedy against colds, acute respiratory infections and fever during colds from the largest German manufacturer homeopathic medicines.

In addition to these, homeopathic solutions such as bryonia, camphor, baptisia, dulcamara and gelsemium are common in the treatment of colds.

Note! When selecting homeopathic remedies, an important influence is exerted psychological type patient - for example, a certain remedy helps only a choleric person, but not other types of character.

Medicines are produced in the form of granules, tablets, dragees and drops. For children, drops are generally recommended; when prescribing dragees or tablets, they need to be mashed in a spoon and dissolved in boiled water.

Many companies view herbal medicine as a branch of homeopathy. They produce both herbal products and mixtures of homeopathic remedies with herbal dilutions.

This approach allows you to combine treatment of the disease and encourages the body to fight independently.

For example, infusions of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect are added to homeopathic medicines - good for sore throat, inflammation of the tonsils.

Rosehip is often added - it is rich in vitamin C and has the ability to form antibodies that protect the body from infections.

Medicinal fees

Herbal medicine uses the power of nature to defeat diseases. Decoctions and infusions are mainly used, but herbal ointments and rubbing directly with the plant also help.

How to prepare homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies can be made by hand; the technology is labor-intensive and time-consuming, but technically simple to perform.

The main material of the medicine is ground with sugar in a mortar until smooth. Depending on the desired degree of dilution, the grinding process with sugar is repeated the required number of times.

    Liquid substances are diluted with water, dilution can be:
  • decimal– 1 part of the substance is diluted with 10 parts of water. The procedure is repeated until the required degree of dilution. The next step is to take 1 part from the first step and dilute it with 9 parts of water, and so on.
  • Hundreds- the same procedure, but the substance is diluted with 99 parts of water.

The frequency and quantity of administration depends on the degree of dilution. Basically, with a simple course of the disease, decimal dilutions are used with a course of 3-5 days, centenary dilutions are used large courses in the treatment of chronic diseases.

Note! Dilutions of type C12 (12 hundredth stages) and more no longer contain molecules of the main substance - the memory of water works, which “remembers” the necessary molecules.

Homeopathic remedies rarely cause side effects, but rare cases known. Therefore, it is better not to try to create a drug with your own hands - pharmacists are well versed in the actions, indications, dilutions and dosages of drugs.


Official medicine is trying to prove that homeopathy has more of an influence on a person’s psychology, on his ability to recover, believing in himself.

But there is no denying the powerful healing properties of homeopathy – and who cares how it works. Nobody asks how they work medications, if they really defeat the disease.

For your reference, photo and video materials have been added to the article for a better understanding of the topic of homeopathy and the fight against colds.

Homeopathy: treating colds safe methods

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Cough with sputum: quick and effective treatment

Influenza is usually caused by viruses of types A, B, C. Respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza, herpes viruses, and rotaviruses cause ARVI.

Every year, viruses mutate, so that patients who were ill last year are defenseless next year against a new strain of the influenza virus.

The clinical symptoms are well known to us: fever, rise in temperature, chills, severe headache, redness and pain in the eyeballs, body aches. These are manifestations of intoxication syndrome. It may be supplemented by symptoms from the upper respiratory tract and eyes: sore and sore throat, congestion or profuse discharge from the nose, sneezing, watery eyes. Any symptoms and appearances can be cured by homeopathy according to the law of similars. The main thing is to see these features, nuances that determine the prescription of drugs.

Aconite - a sudden, sharp onset of the disease with high fever, after hypothermia in a cold (eastern) wind, redness of the face, agitation, thirst, dry heat. Hectic fever, up to 40 -41 degrees. with hot dry red skin, excitement with fear, small pupils. Aconite works while the fever is dry, as soon as sweat appears, the effect of the drug ends.

Belladonna - all conditions with high fever up to 39, redness of the face and sclera, febrile convulsions, especially in childhood against high temperature, dilated pupils, sweat on the head, face, body. There may be delirium, as with all drugs from plants of the Solanaceae family. Heat with sweat. The limbs are cold. Strong headache. The key symptom for prescribing Belladonna: everything is red! Redness of the face, redness of the throat, shiny red eyes.

Baptisia – fever with abdominal pain, possibly delirium, dry tongue. The Baptisia variant is a severe flu with gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal flu), which can be complicated by hematuria.

Gelsemin - a numb state, the face is red, even dark purple. When he gets up, his face turns pale. Weakness, pain in bones, muscles, eyeballs, ptosis of the eyelids, body aches. Flu and its consequences (neuroinfection, arachnoiditis). Severe trembling in the body (even visible)!

Arsenicum iodatum - dry fever with wheezing in the lungs, shortness of breath, rhinitis with copious discharge of an irritating nature. Better in open air. The symptoms are similar to those of Allium flail.

Veratrum album – chills with delirium, cold body coverings, cold sweat with drops on the forehead, hypotension up to collapse, stool up to 8 times a day.

Apis - fever, pale pink face, main feature- swelling of the mucous membranes, but no thirst! History of allergies. Apis is a severe swelling of the throat, which can be caused by taking antibiotics, as a manifestation of allergies or intoxication; the throat is reddish-pink, the tongue in the throat is like a bag of water.

Bryonia – the main thing is dry mucous membranes and strong thirst! Chills, burning heat with redness of the face, nausea. Yellow-white tongue, dry cracked lips with night fever. Profuse hot sweat with sour smell. Extreme thirst, flu-like fever with runny nose, headache, dry mouth. Nosebleeds. Characteristic swelling of the tip of the nose! At the same time, the modalities characteristic of Bryonia remain: worsening with movement: chest pain when coughing or the slightest movement. Dry cough. Gets sick when the weather changes from cold to warm, when moving from north to south!

Rus toxicodendron is a fever of the typhoid type, with agitation, delirium and trembling. Chills with a feeling of being doused with cold water, then heat and thirst appear. Sweat on the body except the head and face. With fever, the consciousness is unclear, muttering delirium and a dry tongue. There may be throwing and turning over in bed. The delirium is not as severe as that of Belladonna, Hyoscyamus and Stramonius. Flu accompanied by herpes infection!

Mercurius solubilis - "goosebumps" in the body before the onset of symptoms of ARVI or at the site of suppuration (barley, panaritium). Yellow skin! High fever with muscle tremors in the body, invisible to the eye, like “goosebumps”. Pustular eruptions on the skin. Thirst, sweat, especially at night, cannot stand the warmth of the bed. Bad breath, teeth marks on the tongue, drooling. Hands and feet are always cold! If you get “goosebumps”, it means the person is sick; you need to give Mercurius at the onset of a cold or when there is a threat of suppuration, which stops the disease or contributes to its progression in an abortive form. Sanikula - during fever profuse sweat with the smell of garlic. This nuance allows you to prescribe the drug and quickly eliminate the symptoms of ARVI.

Lycopodium - chills only in the left half of the body, tends to open up. With fever, flatulence occurs, sour belching, then sour sweat. Sweat after chills, after sweat - thirst. Worsening from 16-20 pm.

Hepar sulfur – temperature 37.3 with loss of strength. Prolonged subfebrile condition. ChDB, they get sick from the cold, from hypothermia in damp cold weather, from getting their feet wet, if they drank cold milk from the refrigerator, or washed their hands in cold water. There is a runny nose, a very strong sore throat, a barking cough, and low-grade fever. Taking Gepar sulfur CH 200 can stop the onset of colds or reduce the severity painful symptoms. People who are sensitive to hypothermia sweat easily, which is why they often get sick. They often get sick at 4–5 o’clock in the morning, as soon as they undress or stick their arms out from under the blanket. Features: They love milk very much. As a child, they ate chalk. Women ate chalk during pregnancy. Chronic purulent infections history: tonsillitis, sinusitis, boils.

Silicea - “catches” any draft. They often get sick after vaccination. All acute respiratory viral infections and influenza occur with broncho-pulmonary complications.

Echinacea – helps with gravis septic conditions. Chills and cold flashes all over the back.

Nux vomica - dry heat in the body, increased temperature during the day, chills in the evening, does not get “tooth to tooth”, cannot warm up, even under a huge amount blankets, worse from any movement if away from a source of heat.

Pulsatilla - often children get sick with ARVI during the transition from heat to cold - diarrhea occurs from cooling and even vomiting! The cold is accompanied by acute otitis media. Chilliness, trembling after hypothermia. But, despite the chilliness, better in the open air, worse in a stuffy room. A cold can occur after eating ice cream in hot weather. Rhinitis, otitis, bronchitis, cystitis.

Hamomilla - severe headache, vicious excitement, chills with sweat, one cheek red, the other pale! Onset of chills at 9 a.m. with restlessness, hot sweat on the head, fever with slight trembling. Helps well with initial symptoms influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in children, during teething, and acute otitis media.

Ferrum phosphoricum - all cases of feverish conditions, flushing of the face, red cheeks, a bright blush, like "consumptives". Otitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Shortness of breath at the slightest exertion. Bleeding of mucous membranes and gums.

Dulcamara - any fevers and acute respiratory infections with the defeat of the upper respiratory tract, appear in damp cold weather. Illnesses in the first autumn rainy days are often a Dulcamara situation.

Drosera – convulsive dry cough, hoarseness, labored breathing. Thick, difficult to separate sputum. Dryness and tickling in the throat. According to Nash: the main remedy for dry cough, whooping cough, alternately with Bryonia.

Spongia - dry barking cough, wheezing, sensation severe dryness in the throat, helps warm drink or you constantly have to suck on something, otherwise it will agonizing cough no phlegm.

Bromium - false croup with tickling in the throat, coughing with suffocation, relieved by drinking cold water. Hoarseness of voice. Throat sensitive to touch.

Lachesis is one of the first remedies in which the pathology tends to be localized in the throat! Left-sided tonsillitis, often lacunar. Then move to the right. septic conditions. This is a homeopathic “antibiotic”! Throat sensitive to touch - fear of feeding. Empty swallowing is more painful than swallowing food. Accumulation of mucus in the throat, worse from hot drinks and after sleep. IN severe cases bluish appearance of mucous membranes. Peritonsillar abscesses. Severe pain in the throat. Perspiration in the neck.

Fitolyakka - fever, dark red throat, worse from hot drinks. Enlarged peripheral lymph nodes, swelling, pain! The parotid and salivary glands are most often affected. Pain in the throat and at the base of the tongue radiates to the ears, worse from swallowing and drinking hot drinks, although he is afraid of the cold. Sore throat from damp cold air (also Rus toxic). Aphonia, burning in the throat from talking (also Arum triphyllum) Phosphorus - painless aphonia. The throat is inflamed, the mucous membrane is hyperemic, with a feeling of rawness; bleeding. Worse from cold air. The larynx and trachea are inflamed, which is manifested by a jerky dry cough, suffocation, and congestion in the upper chest. The voice is hoarse, speaks in a whisper, there is phlegm streaked with blood. Nosebleeds.

In order to treat influenza and ARVI with homeopathic mono-medicines, it is necessary that the patient be under constant supervision, since it is necessary to change medications when the symptoms of the disease change.

Homeopathic complex preparations have been created that make the task easier, since they contain a large list of drugs that have the necessary effect.

Antigrippin from Agri - No. 1 contains Aconite, Arsenicum album, Rus toxicodendron, No. 2 - Bryonia, Fitolyakka, Hepar Sulfur, all in 200 CH dilution. It is used both for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

"Aflubin" - contains Aconite, Belladonna, Ferrum phosphoricum, Bryonia.

The Boiron company offers a good drug for the treatment of ARVI and influenza - Oscilococcinum. Anaferon for children and adults. They have proven antiviral activity; immunologists recommend using it in treatment regimens as an antiviral drug (herpetic infections, cytomegalovirus, etc.)

Preparations from Edas: Edas 103, Edas 903, and Edas131 - for rhinitis. “Edas 103”: which includes Gelsemium, Phosphorus, Aconite, Bryonia, Drosera, Rus tox.

Preparations from Heel: Girel (formerly Gripphel) - has a proven anti-inflammatory and stimulating effect on immune system.Composition: Aconite, Eupatorium, Phosphorus, Lachesis and Bryonia. Engystol – contains Vincetoxicum in various dilutions and Sulfur. It has antiviral activity and increases the synthesis of interferon gamma. The combined use of these 2 drugs enhances the phagocytic activity of granulocytes and the level of interferon in the body.

According to studies by scientists from this company, each of these drugs has this effect, but with combined use, there is an increase in phagocytosis by 41%. "Viburkol" - in the form of candles, good for use in children's practice. Euphorbium compositum - in the form of a nasal spray. Works well for a combination of influenza and herpes infection. "Tartefedrel" in tablets - is used for concomitant bronchopulmonary symptoms. Traumeel S in tablets, in ampoules has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, immunostimulating effect.

Ampoule preparations that have a modeling effect on the immune system: Traumeel C, Echinacea compositum. Tonsilla compositum when there are tonsil symptoms. Lymphomyosot - used in the combination of acute respiratory viral infections with lymphadenitis of nonspecific etiology. As detoxification agents, ampoules "Ubiquinone compositum", "Coenzyme compositum", "Solidago compositum" can be used.

Standard detox - a set in the form of drops consists of preparations: "Nux vomica gommakkord", "Berberis compositum", "Lymphomyosot". This is not a complete list of drugs used to treat acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

Manufacturers of homeopathic medicines are constantly creating new complex means with proven effectiveness, which practitioners can successfully use in their practice as an alternative to antibiotic therapy and other aggressive methods of treatment.


1. Allen H.K. "The main indications for the appointment and characteristics of the leading homeopathic remedies and nosodes with a comparison of their pathogenesis." Moscow, “Homeopathic Medicine”, 2000

2. Vanier L. “homeopathic remedies for acute conditions" Moscow, 2003, firm "Atlas"

3. Adolf von Lipe “Key symptoms Materia Medica" Moscow, “Homeopathic Medicine”, 2003

4. Deltomb Micheline, Guy Egerschmidt “Brief Materia Medica in Pediatrics”, St. Petersburg: Center for Homeopathy, 2008.

5. Nash E.B. “Leading symptoms in homeopathy”, Kharkov, 1993, Progress, LTD.

6. Nash E.B. “Leading local symptoms in homeopathy”, Moscow, “Homeopathic Medicine”, 2003.

7. Chernykh A.A. “Antihomotoxic drugs in the treatment of internal diseases”, St. Petersburg, Center for Homeopathy, 2004.

8. General therapy 2010-2011, catalog of drugs from Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH.

9. “Biological Medicine”, international journal of biomedical research and therapy, Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, 2010-20011.