Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos. Perch soup: recipes from sea and river fish How to cook perch soup at home

This light sea bass soup will please everyone. Perch is an excellent fish: moderately fatty, non-bony, with delicate fibers. Red sea bass soup has excellent taste and aroma.

You can cook this soup from whole perches or use only carcasses. The result won't be too different. This time I have a headless sea bass fish soup.

This simple and tasty soup is always a hit in my family, try it too.

So, how to cook sea bass soup.

Ingredients for sea bass chowder recipe
Headless sea bass 1 piece (≈400 grams)
Potato 4 pieces (400 grams)
Onion 1 head (100 grams)
Carrot 1 piece (100 grams)
Water 2 liters
White roots (optional) 1 tablespoon
Mixed peppercorns 5-7 peas
Bay leaf 1 piece
Salt taste
Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon
Dill greens taste

How to cook sea bass soup

Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and put on fire. I also add a dry mixture of white roots (parsnips, parsley, celery), but this is optional. You can chop fresh parsley and celery roots.

While the water is boiling, we clean the perch, remove the black film from the belly and cut it into pieces. If you want, immediately cut the fish into portions, but I don’t like bones in soup, and my two-year-old son eats fish soup with us, so I first cut the fish into two parts. Next, I will take it apart into pieces and remove the seeds.

Place pieces of fish into boiling water and cook after boiling for 10 minutes over medium heat.

In the meantime, peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into arbitrary pieces.

Cut the onion into small cubes and the carrots into half rings or quarter rings.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and sauté the onions and carrots until the onions are translucent.

Remove the fish pieces from the broth and strain the broth. Bring to a boil again, add potatoes to the boiling broth, and a few minutes after the potatoes boil, add carrots and onions. Cook for 15 minutes until the potatoes are almost completely cooked.

Homemade river perch soup is a very tasty dish. In this article we will teach you how to properly prepare river perch soup. River meat is very tender, which is why perch soup is distinguished by its delicate taste. In addition, even a non-fish lover, especially river fish, will not be able to resist the aroma of this fish soup. In addition, this meat is not at all fatty, which means the broth will not be greasy either. And the cooking process is completely simple. This is why kitchen owners love perch soup.

In order to prepare homemade river perch soup, we will need

  1. Perch – 300 grams
  2. Potatoes – 2 pieces
  3. Carrots – 1 piece
  4. Greenery
  5. Pepper
  6. Onion head
  7. A pinch of salt
  8. Two bay leaves
  9. Spices

So, let's start preparing the fish soup

The first step is to clean the insides of the perch and rinse it thoroughly with water. Cut out the gills, otherwise they will spoil the whole dish and will be very bitter. You should not remove scales from fish.

We will not cut the perch into pieces. Place the whole fish in a small saucepan, fill it with cold water and place on the fire. Immediately add the uncut onion to the fish. The fish should be cooked for at least fifteen minutes. As cooking progresses, do not forget to skim off the foam.

While the fish is cooking, let's start peeling and cutting the potatoes and carrots. It is best to cut potatoes into medium-sized cubes and carrots into slices.

After the boiling time has passed, remove the fish from the broth. Send vegetables to boil in it. Add a bay leaf to the broth, as well as a few peppercorns.

While the vegetables are cooking, let's start with the fish. It must be disassembled into fillets and all the bones removed. When everything is ready, place the fish in the broth with vegetables and simmer everything together for at least ten minutes.

Before serving, season the fish soup with finely chopped parsley and dill. You can also put a teaspoon of butter in your ear.

It is caught very well, and usually in large quantities.

The question arises - “what to cook from the caught fish?” The simplest solution, of course, is to salt it for drying and prepare fish soup. This way there are no problems with cleaning the perch before cooking.

Distributing among friends and is the simplest solution, of course, but preparing fish soup from perch is not particularly tricky, especially since it is not necessary to clean the perch, but just get rid of the giblets. How to do this quickly is below, and now a simple recipe for perch fish soup.

Perch soup

The smallest perch from the catch is first dipped into boiling salted water. Cook until done and remove from the pan. Chopped potatoes, carrots and onions are dropped into the resulting broth. There should not be enough onions, because... it removes the excessive fishy smell from the future fish soup, and some of the onions can be dipped into the broth whole at the same time as the potatoes, and chopped a little later.

About five minutes before the potatoes are ready, select large perch is placed in the pan, but without fanaticism. A couple of pieces per person is quite enough, because we already have a rich broth from previously boiled small perches.

Large perch should be cut into portioned pieces, after being filleted. At the same time, spices are also added to the pan - 1-2 bay leaves, 3-4 peas of allspice, dill.

The fish is cooked for 4-6 minutes. The rest is 15-20 minutes. The total cooking time for perch soup according to this recipe is 20-25 minutes.

Ritual part: a minute before it’s ready, pour 30-50 grams of vodka into the fish soup. To make the soup with a “smoke”, in the finale, we extinguish a set fire to a birch stick in the ear :) now we don’t have fish soup, but real perch fish soup!

Perch cutting

There are a great variety of methods for cutting and cleaning perch from scales. This often requires mastery of a very sharp knife. You can quickly get rid of scales by simply lowering the perch into boiling water for a few seconds. We have already written several times about quickly cutting perch, and here is an additional visual video on how to quickly cut perch before cooking:

Small, ubiquitous freshwater bass are an excellent fish for soups and fish soup. Freshly caught, it will give the fish soup a rich taste and aroma, which will not at all have the aroma of mud, characteristic of other inhabitants of fresh water bodies. And you can make fish soup from perch even if your catch is just a small thing. Quite the contrary, there are practically no other ways to cook small perches!

Double, “wild” perch fish soup

Perch has not only advantages, but also disadvantages: cleaning this fish, covered with hard, small scales, is not at all easy. It is not for nothing that experienced fishermen often prepare the so-called “wild” fish soup from river perch: this means that the fish is not cleaned, and in the case of very small perches, not even gutted. How to cook perch soup this way? Let's take:

  • small perches - 0.5 kilograms,
  • large perch - 1 piece,
  • potatoes - 4 pieces,
  • parsley - ½ bunch,
  • butter - ¼ pack,
  • onion - 2 onions,
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces,
  • peppercorns, allspice - 2 pieces each,
  • capsicum - 1 piece,
  • salt and spices for fish.

“Wild” fish soup from perch is cooked in two stages: first we make a broth from very small fish: wash the small fish, gut it, but do not remove the scales: it will give a thick broth along with bones and fins. We wrap the perches in gauze, put a couple of parsley branches, a bay leaf, a pod of hot pepper, and peppercorns there and tie it with a bag. Place the bag in a pan of water and cook for an hour and a half. While the first broth is being cooked, we peel the onions, potatoes, peel and gut the large perch, and remove the fillet from it. Cut the fish into large pieces and potatoes into quarters. After all the preparations, you can take a break: for example, read articles on

We throw onions into our river perch soup and let it cook for another 15 minutes. Then comes the turn of pieces of fish and potatoes. Half an hour is enough for them to cook. Add salt and spices at the same time as the fish.

When the soup is ready, season it with butter and add chopped parsley to the pan. Our double ear is ready!

Perch soup recipe in 15 minutes

You can prepare perch soup much faster. This is what the “perch fish soup recipe in 15 minutes” will teach us. It requires:

  • medium perches - 3 pieces,
  • chopped dill - 1.5 tablespoons,
  • black peppercorns - 5 pieces,
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces,
  • potatoes - 1 piece,
  • onion - 1 piece,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • salt, pepper, dried herbs - to taste.

In order to prepare perch soup, we gut the fish and remove the gills - they can be bitter. We leave everything else. Place the perches in a saucepan, add peppercorns, bay leaves, and chopped dried dill. Fill with water so that it covers the perches by about a finger. Place on medium heat and bring to a boil. Remove the foam, cook for 5 minutes over low heat.

At this time, we clean the vegetables: leave the onion whole, cut the potatoes into small cubes, and carrots into pucks of approximately the same size. Place all the vegetables in a clean pan and place a colander on top of them. We put the broth from the perch into a colander: this way the clean broth will end up in the pan with the vegetables, and all the fish, spices and dill will remain in the colander. We put the fish soup back on the fire: while the vegetables are boiling, put on thick rubber gloves and start cleaning the fish: select pieces closer to the back, there is more meat and fewer bones. After 7 minutes, put the fish in the broth and cook for another three minutes. But in this recipe for perch fish soup we add salt at the very end. Serve the fish soup to the table, chop fresh dill and sprinkle it on top. And for the company of such a wonderful ear, prepare:

Study everything to become a real fisherman and learn how to make the right choice.

Perch fish soup is a great option for the dinner table. It won't be difficult to prepare it at home. The most difficult and painstaking thing is to clean the perches, and I believe that it is better to leave this work in strong male hands.

Perch is a fish that has a delicate taste, and its fish soup is rich, aromatic and low in calories.

Prepare the necessary ingredients to prepare river perch soup at home.

Gut the fish, remove scales, remove the gills (cut off the heads) and wash thoroughly.

Peel and wash the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, the onion finely, and the carrots into strips.

Place prepared vegetables into boiling water.

After 5 minutes, add chopped sweet peppers and, if desired, hot ones. Cook at low boil for 15-20 minutes. Add salt and spices to taste. Then add the perches and continue cooking for another 15 minutes.

Dietary and easily digestible fish soup is poured into plates and served immediately. At home, river perch soup turns out no worse than on the river bank...