Stargazer fish or celestial eye. Stargazer fish Description of predatory fish

Skyeye is a breed of goldfish with large eyes that point upward at a 90-degree angle. The body is round, ovoid, 14 centimeters long. The back is low, the profile of the head smoothly blends into the profile of the back. The dorsal fin is missing. The tail is spade-shaped, not exceeding the length of the body. The remaining fins are short and rounded. The fish becomes sexually mature after a year. The eye-catching appearance of the Heavenly Eye attracts attention, but the fish is not popular among the Japanese. Demand is small, and supply is correspondingly low.

The disadvantages of the breed are considered to be: eyes of different sizes, pupils in different directions. A hint of a dorsal fin: even a small scar on the back devalues ​​. Experts value fish with orange, white or orange-white coloration.

It is extremely difficult to obtain an impeccable Celestial Eye during breeding: a couple of individuals are selected from hundreds of fish. The elongated body and veiled tail are a deviation from the canon, although some aquarists see this as a new variation.

The position of the eyes limits panoramic vision and visibility of the bottom, which causes difficulty in feeding. We recommend keeping the celestial eye in heated greenhouse pools. A 100-liter “trough” is enough for a couple of fish. A 200-liter aquarium can comfortably accommodate 6 specimens.

The right choice for the soil: river sand, rounded pebbles. When decorating an aquarium, avoid sharp stones or snags with knots. Along the rear window, organize thickets of fir-tree pinnate, Vallisneria spiralis, and Elodea canada.

Comfortable parameters: water temperature 18-22°C, pH 7-7.5, hardness is not significant. In winter, turn on additional lighting with 0.5 W/liter fluorescent lamps. Artificial aeration - around the clock. Mechanical filtration is mandatory. A biological filter is desirable. Weekly change 30% of the aquarium water volume with fresh water.

In community aquariums it loses food competition to any species. We recommend keeping this variation of goldfish separately.

Feeding the Heavenly Eye

The celestial eye is not picky when it comes to food. They offer specialized granules and flakes that enhance the colors of the fish. Dry food is given in small portions 2-3 times a day. To avoid overfeeding, the amount of food consumed by the fish is calculated as 3% of its weight. The celestial eye will eat this amount of food in 10-20 minutes. Remains of food are removed from the aquarium.

Celestial Eye Breeding

To breed the celestial eye, you will need a 30-liter aquarium with sandy soil, a water temperature of 20-22 ° C, planted with small-leaved plants. Before spawning, the spawners are kept separately for 2-3 weeks. A female and 2-3 males are placed in the spawning tank. Spawning is stimulated by a gradual increase in water temperature to 26°C. The males begin to chase the females, who lay 10 thousand eggs. At the end of spawning, adult fish are removed.

The hatched fry are fed with “live dust” and special food for goldfish fry.
Trade name Celestial Goldfish, Choutengan.

Stargazer or celestial eye goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus)

Stargazer or celestial eye goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus) is one of the most unusual varieties of goldfish, and you don’t often see them for sale. The astrologer's eyes are located on top of the head and always look up. Unlike an ordinary goldfish or shubunkin, the body of the stargazer is more rounded, ovoid in shape. Like lionheads and bubble eyes, skyfish do not have a dorsal fin.


The sky-eyed goldfish is believed to have appeared in the late 19th century, around 1870. At that time, this variety’s eyes were still quite mobile. Later, the Japanese began improving the variety, around the beginning of the 20th century, and through selection they ensured that the stargazer’s eyes were fixed in a vertical position, and now they look exclusively upward. In Japan, this variety is called Dem Rancho. This species is considered the most unusual among goldfish, with telescopes and bubble eyes taking second and third places.

Astronomer, sky-eyed knight, sky-eye, celestial eye - this is just a list of the names under which these aquarium fish are found, and they all talk about their amazing eyes looking into the sky.


The body of the sky-eyed goldfish is short and thick, resembling the shape of an egg. The caudal fin is long and forked, the anal fin is also forked. The dorsal fin is missing. Outwardly, they are very similar to lionheads, but without the characteristic fleshy growth on the head. Stargazers usually grow up to 13 cm in length, although there are cases when they reached 15 cm. This is one of the smallest varieties of goldfish.

The most important distinguishing feature of the species is the fixed, upward-looking eyes on the sides of the head. Stargazers are born with normal eyes, but over time their eyes begin to protrude, and then they develop inverted vision and the eyes are fixed in this position.

Stargazers are found in orange, white and black, as well as combinations of these and a variegated version. Skyeyes live 10-15 years or more with good care.

Celestial Eye is one of the most delicate, delicate varieties of aquarium goldfish; beginners should not keep them. Unlike their flathead relatives, stargazers are very sensitive to water pollution and are prone to disease. Therefore, although they grow quite small, they need a lot of space. Also, due to their unusual eyes, these fish see rather poorly, or rather, their vision is limited, and due to the ovoid shape of their body, they swim very slowly. Therefore, aquarium neighbors need to be selected very carefully.

Since stargazers' eyes are susceptible to infections, make sure that the water in the aquarium is always crystal clear. Therefore, you cannot do without a good, powerful filter.

The volume of water is calculated to be a MINIMUM of 40 liters of water for one small sky-eyed fish. One adult fish needs a water volume of 80-120 liters. For each additional adult fish, add another 40 liters of water.

Choose a long and wide aquarium, rectangular in shape - this way you are guaranteed to provide your pets with enough oxygen.

To make the fish feel comfortable and not stressed, be sure to cover the bottom of the aquarium with soil. It is better to use shallow soil so that food particles do not fall down and spoil the water over time. Skyeyes, like all golden ones, are active diggers and scavengers, but due to poor eyesight they can miss food remains.

Decorations should be used very carefully, only with smooth edges. Snags and sharp stones should be excluded - blind stargazers can damage their amazing eyes.

Aquarium maintenance should be done weekly, in the form of water changes. If the volume of water corresponds to the recommended one, it is enough to replace 1/4 or 1/3 of the water once a week, while thoroughly siphoning the soil. If the volume of water is small, or there are still other fish in your aquarium, then perhaps changes will be needed more often and in a larger volume.

Please note that if your stargazers begin to have health problems, they are lethargic, any rashes or other signs of infection appear, you should not run for medicine and hastily poison the fish. In 90% of cases, aquarium fish diseases occur due to dirty water in the aquarium, so the main cure for them is clean water. Do daily water changes in the aquarium, and your fish will probably feel better soon.


Stargazers are very social, peaceful, sociable fish, but they are in some way disabled, limited in their capabilities, so they should choose the same disabled people as neighbors. Telescopes, black moors, lionheads and bubble eyes are all good choices - they are all slow-moving and won't compete for food. But remember to take into account the volume of water to avoid overcrowding.

Feed and feeding

Skyeyes are omnivores, as are all goldfish. They will take whatever dry, live or frozen food is offered. Preference is given only to high-quality, proven food. You must be sure that you do not introduce infection with food.

Due to poor eyesight and slowness, stargazers will take a little longer to eat, so take this into account when feeding.

Goldfish – Stargazer is one of the artificially cultivated decorative breeds of aquarium “goldfish” (lat. Carassius gibelio

forma auratus (Bloch, 1782)), characterized by eyes directed upward to the sky; stable type of telescopes.

Origin story:

Goldfish without a top fin appeared in the early 18th century. Among the drawings sent from China to Paris in 1772 are several fish with a rounded body and without an upper fin; with eyes turned upward. There is a legend about the origin of this breed: they were kept in Buddhist monasteries in Korea and the eyes turned upward allowed the fish to look at God.

A peculiar movement of the eyes with their increased size was difficult to achieve through selection; the secret of such a change was kept in the strictest confidence. Probably, several specimens were stolen, and it turned out that the peculiarities of the shape of the fish's eyes were achieved by keeping the “stargazers - the heavenly eye” in opaque porcelain vessels, into which very weak light penetrated only from above.

This breed of fish has always been very popular among Buddhist monks, who breed it in the park ponds of old and new monasteries.


Characterized by bulging eyes, the pupils of which are directed upward at an angle of 90 degrees. The fish also lacks a dorsal fin, all others are long, the tail is forked, two-lobed, the edge of the upper blade should not fall below the line of the back. The body is round, ovoid, the back is low, the profile of the head smoothly blends into the profile of the back. It is extremely difficult to obtain an impeccable stargazer when breeding: at best, out of hundreds of fish, you can select a few individuals.

Fish with a shiny golden iris are especially beautiful. All the beauty of stargazers is manifested in low and flat bodies of water, allowing you to view them from above. The elongated body shape and veiled tail are a deviation from the canon, but some see this as a new variation.

They contain stargazer fish of 6-8 individuals in a species aquarium (50 l), with a water layer thickness of 30 cm and constant air blowing. If the aquarium capacity is about 10 liters, you can only keep one or two adult stargazer fish in it. Fish of this species love to dig in the ground, so it is better to place coarse sand or pebbles at the bottom of the aquarium so that the fish do not have the opportunity to scatter it.
Plants with a developed root system and hard leaves are planted in the aquarium, since these fish spoil delicate vegetation, and the leaves become dirty due to small particles of waste settling on them. Plants such as sagittaria, vallisneria or elodea, which are considered the most hardy, are especially suitable.

Stargazer fish get along well with peace-loving species of aquarium fish. These fish prefer natural light and high-quality filtration with aeration. Water parameters do not particularly affect them. For example, an acceptable temperature difference is from 18 to 30 °C. But at the same time, the more optimal temperature in spring and summer is considered to be 18 - 23 °C, and in the winter season - 15 - 18 °C. The acidity of the water should be 6-8, with a hardness of 8 - 25°. When stargazer fish feel unwell, add 5-7 g of salt/l to the water, as they tolerate 12-15% salt water very well. It is recommended to change some of the aquarium water weekly.


Stargazers are able to spawn in a container (spawning tank) with a volume of 20 - 30 liters, with a sandy bottom and small-leaved plants planted in it. One female and two or three two-year-old males are selected for spawning. Before spawning begins, the fish are seated for 2-3 weeks.
The optimal water temperature for a spawning aquarium is 24 - 26 °C. Stimulation of crossing is caused by gradual heating of the water until its temperature becomes 5-10 °C higher. When it rises, the males become unusually active, rushing around the aquarium and persistently pursuing the females. They, in turn, scatter eggs throughout the aquarium, and the eggs settle, mainly on plants. The female stargazer fish produces up to 10,000 eggs.
When the spawning process ends, the spawners are removed from the spawning tank. “Live dust” will be an ideal initial complementary food for newly hatched fry. Special food, available in abundance on sale, which is designed specifically for feeding goldfish fry, is also excellent. One such food is Sera Mikron.

Water parameters:

Hardness from 8 - 25°dGH, pH 6.0-8.0, water temperature 18-30°C.


Adult fish should be fed twice a day - the first time early in the morning, and the second time in the evening. The amount of food is calculated for 10-20 minutes of feeding, then the remains of uneaten food are removed from the aquarium.
Adult fish that receive proper nutrition can endure a long week-long fast without harm to their health.

Life is a lesson that never ends

So the training is over? - I asked even with some disappointment.

Almost,” Chen smiled. - But - not really. Now you have in your hands a powerful tool for what is called rebirth. But there is no main thing - the key with which this tool is activated.

And I thought that I had already succeeded in mastering the complex, had already achieved everything that could be achieved! How arrogant I was.

Don’t think that you will ever be able to put an end to it, deciding that you have reached all possible heights, and you have nowhere to go further,” Chen said again, as if he understood what I was thinking about. - Life is an eternal movement, and there is no end to it. Whatever perfection you achieve, even greater perfection will beckon ahead of you.

But can I at least get a little closer to your art, Chen? - I asked. - Will I learn to be as young at any age, as strong?

You’ll learn,” Chen nodded. - But when you learn this, you will see that new tasks have arisen before you, new peaks, new paths, and you still have to go along them.

Are there really still some unattainable peaks for you? Is there something you don’t know how to do, something you still need to learn? - at that moment the master really seemed like perfection to me, and it was strange for me to think that he, too, was still a student in some way.

Undoubtedly, I still have a lot to learn,” Chen looked at me with a smile, as if saying: “Why should I be surprised, because this is quite natural!”

Do you want to learn immortality? - suddenly it dawned on me.

But Chen just smiled mysteriously and didn’t have time to answer me, because Yu came up and they started talking to each other. Chen made a sign for me to understand that I was free - I could go and master the entire set of six exercises in a row.

Six exercises - tuning into the harmony of the Universe

This came quite easily to me, almost from the first training session. And immediately I felt how much the effect of the exercises increases when you do them in a row! So that’s it, until now I was only mastering the technique, but had not yet worked on the complex as such! Only now I realized how exercises complement each other, literally flowing into one another, and as a result, all systems, all levels of the body are included in the rejuvenation process, because there is not a single cell left where mechanisms for bringing the body to harmony in all senses are not included - harmony within the body, between all its components, harmony between the body and soul and consciousness, harmony of the human being with the whole world, the Universe, the universe.

Chen didn’t tell me anything about harmony with the universe, but with some deep instinct I suddenly felt that by performing the complex, I was somehow included in the laws common to the entire Universe, becoming an integral part of it. But only by complying with the laws of the Universe in everything - in the state of the body, in the movement of energy in it, as well as in thoughts, feelings, intentions, actions - can one become truly healthy and remain young indefinitely. Because then the Universe itself begins to support your youth and your health- and the forces and energies of the Universe are a thousand times greater than human capabilities.

All these thoughts instantly appeared in my head from nowhere - but before, in my past life, I had never thought about anything like that, I had never thought about the energies of the Universe. And now it suddenly became clear to me as day: The universe is also a living organism, and it grows and develops, is improving, moving towards more and more light, moving away from darkness, from all negativity, and accumulating the energies of love, acceptance, positive perception of everything that happens. Here we are, when we move in the same direction - towards light, towards acceptance, when we develop, improve and grow in spirit - then we follow the same path with the Universe, then it helps and supports us.

The key to eternal youth, it seems, was in my hands - this is exactly how I assessed these revelations that suddenly came to me. But I remembered that Chen talked about the existence of some other key that I had yet to find out about. Yes indeed the learning process is endless- I suddenly rejoiced at this: if there is no end to our paths in this world, then immortality does not seem so unreal.

Looking back, I decided to evaluate the intermediate results, to comprehend what I had achieved in the process of performing a set of six exercises, and how exactly they all taken together carried out an essentially complete transformation of my body and its energies.

A set of six exercises: results

  • First exercise- “Rotation of energy.” It turned on the normal processes of energy movement in my body, which was previously depleted, sluggish, stagnant.
  • Second exercise- "Return of power." It taught me to save and accumulate energy without wasting it on all sorts of nonsense, as I did before, and as most people do.
  • Third exercise- “The connection between body and mind.” It helped me gain real opportunities for conscious control of my body, including saturating it with the energies of youth. This exercise also gave me the key to managing the events of my life with the help of intention, will, and consciousness.
  • Fourth exercise- “Cleansing energy.” It taught me to return the energy that was spent on negative experiences and to block the further leakage of this energy.
  • Fifth exercise- “Energy balancing.” It brought all the energy vortices (chakras) of my body to harmony, set them up to work in unison, and gave them uniform energetic and dynamic characteristics.
  • Sixth exercise- “Strength and protection.” It gave me a feeling of a powerful inner core, endowed me with personal strength, strengthened and polished my energy shell, giving a new quality to all energy characteristics - the quality of solidity and invulnerability.


After completing all six exercises in a row, I felt exactly like that - strong, with a powerful inner core, monolithic and invulnerable. Energy literally vibrated in every cell of my body.

But the next day this feeling was no longer so vivid. After another day, maintaining the feeling of the diamond rod turned out to be more difficult. It was then that I felt that my training was not completed, that I was missing something important, that the feeling of strength in me was still very unsteady, not consolidated.

Obviously, there must be something that will consolidate this state, make it stable, so that I will never part with it. All that remained was to hope for the very key to the entire complex that Chen had spoken about. Apparently this key must activate and consolidate all those processes in my body that have already happened in me.

Now I was burning with impatience. I wanted to find out as soon as possible what this key was and how I could get it!

And finally a significant moment came: in the evening Chen told me that tomorrow I would have to get up before dawn and approach his house while it was still dark. We have to hit the road.

He didn’t give any details, and I could only guess where and why we would go in the predawn darkness. Maybe there is some kind of ritual ahead in one of the monastery churches, or in some other sacred place?

At night I hardly slept because of the excitement that gripped me - I had a presentiment that something special was waiting for me, I turned over various guesses in my mind, but without coming to anything, I fell into an unsteady sleep quite late in the morning.

I probably slept for no more than half an hour - and then some force lifted me up. Without even looking at the clock, I realized that I had to go. Having quickly dressed and washed, I left the house.

Chen was already waiting for me. Yu was not there. We had to go somewhere together.

I was surprised when we reached the gates of the monastery. It had not even begun to dawn; there was impenetrable darkness all around. Will we really go somewhere into the mountains in such darkness?

This thought gave me chills, but my guess was confirmed: I followed the teacher out the gate.

Follow me and don’t lag behind,” he said, just in case, duplicating this order with the help of gestures (barely discernible even at the distance of an outstretched hand), but I understood it anyway.

We walked in silence, I tried my best to keep up, but I wasn’t doing a good job. Every step was difficult for me, I was always afraid that in the dark I would stumble, trip over a stone or fall into some hole. There were mountains all around, it was difficult to move here even in daylight, let alone in the dark!

Chen, waiting for me when I once again fell behind him, told me not to think about my legs, but to concentrate completely only on the intention to walk quickly and confident.

I did just that - and lo and behold! There were no more bumps and stones under my feet, it was as if my foot itself felt where it needed to step in order to move easily and calmly, without obstacles. I stopped falling behind.

We walked for quite a long time, and the sky finally began to brighten. The outlines of the mountains around were becoming more and more clearly visible, and the road now did not present such difficulties.

When it was almost completely dawn, the path went steeply uphill - I would hardly have been able to cope with this climb in the dark! Having managed the steep climb, we found ourselves on a fairly large plateau, from which the entrance to the cave opened.

Chen led me to him and told me to go inside.

It was a small cave, and at first it seemed to me that it was completely dark inside. But when my eyes got used to it a little, I noticed that light was falling from somewhere.

We walked another ten steps inside the cave, and I saw this source of light: at the top there was a small hole through which a piece of the already morning blue sky was visible.

I looked around, examining the cave, its uneven rocky walls, and noticed a thin stream running right under one of the walls. And suddenly I felt that there was no one nearby.

Chen has disappeared! I was alone.

Chen! Where are you? - I screamed even louder.

For a moment I was seized with panic. I don’t even know how to get back from here to the monastery - in the darkness there was no way for me to remember the way! Why did he bring me here? And what should I do now?

But the very next moment, out of nowhere, complete calm descended on me. I suddenly felt that some deep part of me knew: everything is correct, everything is as it should be, and if Chen left me here alone, that means I should be here alone.

But I couldn’t even imagine what I should do here alone.

I walked around the cave a little more, and then chose a brighter and more comfortable place, and sat down. For some time I just sat, looking at one point. He began to breathe deeply until all thoughts left his head. And then I felt my eyes drooping, and it’s not surprising, because I hardly slept at night.

Without noticing how, I fell asleep.

I had a dream that I'm talking to someone invisible, the voice was coming from somewhere above. It seemed to me that it was Chen, then suddenly he was replaced by Yu, and then I realized that it was not Chen or Yu, but someone else, even stronger and more powerful. During the conversation, I felt very good, I was calm, I was protected, and it seemed to me that I was in some very dear place, and was communicating with someone very dear, loving and caring.

- Discover the light within you and you will connect with the eternal source, - said the voice, and I felt a warm, soft and immensely loving gaze on me.

The vision dissipated and I woke up.

It became noticeably lighter in the cave - apparently, the sun had finally come out from behind the mountains, and a new day was dawning.

I was still alone. Chen disappeared forever.

I decided that I would not think about anything, but would simply follow my instinct, do what I wanted.

My instinct told me that it would be good to warm up. It’s strange, I only slept here in the cave for a short time, but I felt completely sleepy and rested. Remembering the unusual dream, I involuntarily smiled and noticed how warm my soul felt, as if the loving gaze I had seen in the dream touched me again.

Without thinking twice, I chose a lighter place, just under a small hole in the arch of the rock, through which the bright blue sky was now visible, and began to perform the entire set of six exercises, starting with the first.

My body was filled with strength and vigor, my soul was filled with joy, and at some point it seemed to me that I was literally floating in the space of the cave, overcoming the force of gravity - as if wings had really appeared behind my back.


As soon as I finished doing the last, sixth exercise, suddenly a bright light hit my eyes, so much so that I had to close my eyes. I didn’t immediately understand what actually happened. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw that the entire cave was brightly lit, and what seemed to me like a gigantic column of light was falling into it from above! Looking up, I was simply amazed by what I saw: the first impression was that a huge eye was looking at me! And only after I came to my senses a little, I realized what it was: the sun just peered into the hole in the roof of the cave. Everything was explained simply, but the feeling turned out to be amazing, as if it were true, an eye that was closed for the time being suddenly opened.

I stood right in the center of the column of light that descended into the cave, raised my hands up, and unexpectedly for myself said out loud:

So that's what you are, Heavenly Eye!

I heard about it more than once from both Yu and the monks, but they talked about it in such a way that I considered it a metaphor, and nothing more, a beautiful allegory denoting the ritual of second birth. But now I realized absolutely clearly: here it is, the same Heavenly Eye that I have heard so much about! I didn’t even have a doubt that this is the same source of light, strength, youth, longevity, that it really exists, it is completely material - here, in the mountains of Tibet, even a simple hole in a rock arch, of course, has extraordinary properties , it’s no coincidence that Chen brought me here!

Suddenly I remembered the words spoken to me in a dream by some invisible but immensely loving being: “Discover the light within yourself, and you will unite with the eternal source.” The column of light in which I stood really seemed to me the light of not just the sun, but an eternal, supermundane source of light, love and strength. And I, obeying a spontaneous, unthinking impulse, turned my hands palms up and said:

- Thank you, light that brings rebirth! Thank you for giving me eternal youth. Eternal source of light, you are now in me too! I am one with you! Thank you! Thank you life! I thank the Heavenly Eye, which gives the power of the second birth!

I was almost unaware of what I was saying and did not know where such words came from. It was some kind of inspired impulse.

This same impulse dictated everything that I did next.

Still standing in the stream of light, I folded my hands in front of my chest in a prayerful gesture and bowed slightly. Then he stretched his hands up again with folded palms and looked at them. Then he bowed deeply, so that his palms touched his ankles. Then he straightened up, again raising his hands to the sun, palms up, and then again folded his hands in front of him in a prayer gesture. It was some kind of, as I imagined, a spontaneously born ritual of greeting the source that has opened up to me- at least, performing all these movements, I felt that I was performing a greeting ritual. All this time I was filled with joy and gratitude to the source that had opened up to me.

Then my eyes closed of their own accord, and I felt the sunlight entering me, filling my body. I really merged with that stream of light, in which I was, I myself became this stream. I felt that I was permeated through and through with a golden radiance, and my body was glowing and radiating this radiance. I felt like the source of this radiance!

I again raised my palms up towards the sun. The flow of energy continued to flow into me, filling my body to the brim, saturating me with a golden glow and strength. I thanked the Eye once again for this wonderful gift. The energy of my gratitude immediately returned to me with a new flow of strength, warmth and love - as if a loving being answered me again, as it was in my dream.

Suddenly something changed in the cave. Opening my eyes, I saw that through the hole in the roof of the cave a piece of blue sky was visible, and the stream of sunlight was no longer pouring from there. The sun, continuing its daily path, shifted in the sky, and the Eye closed again.

But the light was still in me! I really felt like I was his source.!

Suddenly I felt that someone was looking at me. I turned around and saw Chen standing nearby. I wanted to say something, but he put his finger to his lips, telling me to be silent. Then he motioned for him to follow him.

At the gates of the monastery we were met by Yu, who also did not want to talk to me about anything. He said that first I need to eat and rest. After a light breakfast, I really felt so drawn to sleep again that I literally fell into it and slept for almost a couple of hours.

And only after that Chen and Yu deigned to talk to me.

First Chen asked me what happened to me in the cave.

I told everything in detail: what I felt and how I performed what seemed to me a necessary ritual.

Chen, after listening to me, nodded with satisfaction and said that I did everything absolutely right.

I asked what “correct” meant.

What hundreds of monks before you did in this cave and hundreds will do after you.

But I didn’t know this! How did I manage to do exactly what I needed?

The vaults of this cave contain information about what needs to be done in it. You understand that this is a special place, right? From the repeated repetition of this ritual there, information about it has gained such strength that every prepared person, entering the cave, without words feels what needs to be done. You turned out to be quite prepared. Therefore, I did everything as it should without difficulty. Congratulations. You have received initiation,” Chen said.

Dedication? - I was surprised.

Yes. The Heavenly Eye has accepted you, and gave you your light. Now its source is also in you. And for the one who carries the Heavenly Eye within himself, nothing is impossible. And even immortality becomes real. But I will tell you one more secret: if you, having completed six exercises of the complex, each time, as the seventh exercise, perform a ritual similar to what you did in the cave, then this source will not only never fade away in your chest, but will shine brighter and brighter.

The Heavenly Eye shines for everyone

But llamas don’t go to a cave every time to perform a complex! - I said. - Will this ritual be valid if performed in another place? - I asked.

“It has power regardless of the place where you perform it,” Chen answered. - Yes, the cave is a special place, and it is no coincidence that it has become sacred to us, a place where the Heavenly Eye looks at us. There's a special energy there. But this does not mean that you cannot meet the Heavenly Eye in any other place! Because the heavenly source is everywhere. Wherever you go or go, he is always there. For someone who knows how to see, and most importantly, feel it with his heart.

So, if I pass on this knowledge to other people - I looked at Yu, who once told me that I would have to teach the second birth complex to other people, he nodded in confirmation, and I continued: - they don’t have to come here themselves. and go to the cave?

Not necessarily,” Chen confirmed. “That’s why you yourself came here, to be their representative.” That person who becomes a source of light and knowledge for others. It is enough for you to simply tell other people about what you yourself experienced in the cave, under the radiance of the Heavenly Eye. Then they too can experience this with you.

Will this be enough to receive initiation even if you are far away from here?

If they are sufficiently prepared, and master a set of six exercises well“That’s enough,” Chen nodded. “You are the one who must go back to your world to bring the Heavenly Eye to other people.” You will bring it to them wherever they are.

I felt that my time in the monastery was coming to an end. In fact, almost a month has passed since the day I first came here. But it seemed to me that a whole life had passed. During this time, I managed to become a completely different person, and the past no longer had power over me. What has happened is what is called the second birth. And a new, completely different life awaited me ahead.

Chen now asked me not only to tell, but also to show everything that I did in the cave. I remembered my every word and movement very well, and reproduced everything exactly down to the smallest detail.

Afterwards, Chen showed me what this ritual looks like when he performs it. The differences were minor.

Then we discussed details of the ritual - the seventh, final exercise of the complex, in the form in which it can be carried further and passed on to other people.

Exercise 7. Sequence of the seventh exercise

Meditation. Filling the body with the power of the Heavenly Eye

  1. Stand up straight, breathe calmly and measuredly.
  2. Imagine that you are standing inside a stream of sunlight.
  3. Raise your arms above your head palms up and say out loud the words of greeting and gratitude - those that come to your tongue. It is important that the words come from the heart and are spoken sincerely, with feeling. Below is one possible sample (which does not need to be repeated word for word - look for your own variations).


One of the options for setting up the perception of the power of the Heavenly Eye

Say the following words:

Thank you, Heavenly Eye!

Thank you, world, thank you, life!

Thank you, Light, who brings me rebirth and eternal youth!

Thank you, Light, for now you and I are one!

I thank the Light for giving me the power to create my life, my happiness, my eternal youth, health, longevity!

I fill my life with Light, love, happiness, health, youth every day, every hour, every moment!

I am a particle of the Universe, a particle of Light, a particle of Love, a particle of the eternal Divine world! I am Light, I am Love, I am eternal Life!


Continued Meditation:

  • 4. Take a breath, and as you exhale, fold your hands in front of your chest in a prayer gesture, palms together.
  • 5. Continuing to exhale, slightly tilt your upper body forward. The back remains straight.
  • 6. As you inhale, extend your arms with clasped palms up and look at them. Stay in this position for a few seconds, holding your breath.
  • 7. On the exhale slowly lean forward, opening your palms and touching your ankles. Hold your breath and remain in this position for a few seconds.
  • 8. As you inhale, straighten up, raise your arms above your head and spread them slightly to the sides, palms up. Hold the breath.
  • 9. As you exhale, lower your arms and fold them in front of the chest in a prayerful gesture. Hold the breath.
  • 10. Keep breathing in your usual way. Raise your hands again, palms up, and close your eyes. Feel how light fills your body, you become one with the flow of light, and begin to emit light from every cell of your body.
  • 11. Give thanks Heavenly Eye for this Gift.

Explanation of the exercise

This ritual should be started no earlier than you have mastered nine repetitions of each of the six previous exercises.

If you are already within three to four days perform the previous exercises nine times each, without breaks, then you can start mastering the seventh exercise.

  • At first the seventh exercise needs to be learned separately from the previous exercises. When you learn to enter the desired state, imagining the flow of light from the Heavenly Eye, and remember the sequence of actions, only then can you supplement the complex with the seventh exercise. It is performed immediately after the sixth exercise, without interruption. The previous exercises are repeated nine times, the seventh - in any case, only once.
  • For those who easily perform the first six exercises of the complex nine times, you can increase the number of repetitions, but this must be done gradually, slowly. It's best to add one rep each week. Very it is important that all six first exercises are done the same number of times. That is, if you, for example, cannot perform the first exercise more than nine times, then you should also perform the rest nine times, even if you feel strong enough to repeat them more times. It should not be the case that you do one exercise nine times, another eleven, and a third five. Choose the same number of repetitions for each exercise! Moreover, it is important that this number of repetitions is comfortable for you and does not require excessive effort. You can’t do anything through force; it can cause harm.
  • The seventh, final exercise, as already mentioned, does not require repetitions. No matter how many times you perform the previous exercises, the seventh, final, is done only once.
  • Another important rule: the complex should be performed daily, at any time convenient for you, but better in the morning or evening. The maximum period for which you can take a break is three days. If for some reason you stopped performing the complex for a longer period, after that you need to start mastering it again: with three repetitions of each exercise, gradually adding two repetitions until you reach nine again.
  • Maximum number of repetitions, up to which you can complete the first six exercises - twenty-one. This is a very high level of skill. It is not advisable to further increase the number of repetitions on your own; this can only be done with individual training under the guidance of an experienced teacher. Most people who want to live an ordinary life and not break away from society do not need this at all.


There were still two days left before the end of my vacation, and I thought that I would spend them in the monastery. But the next morning Yu woke me up at dawn and told me to pack my things. It turns out we have to leave right now. I didn’t understand why there was such a rush, and asked:

But what about Chen - we didn’t even say goodbye to him or talk?

“You talked to him about everything that was necessary,” said Yu. “He gave you all the necessary knowledge.” And saying goodbye doesn’t always require words.

And suddenly I realized that yesterday, when Chen told me about the seventh exercise - or rather, the ritual of initiation, merging into one with the eternal source, the Heavenly Eye, I really had the feeling that we would see each other for the last time. This, it turns out, was goodbye.

I felt sad for a moment, but Yu told me not to give in to this feeling. He said that, Firstly, for people who have been initiated in a monastery, there are no distances, they are always connected by invisible threads, and can hear each other, no matter how far they are from each other. A Secondly, the road to the monastery is now open to me, and I can visit it again and again whenever I want.

This somehow calmed me down, and with a light heart I followed Yu on the way back.

This time the “Road of the Dead” was overcome surprisingly easily. She didn't even seem dangerous to me! I had a suspicion that Yu was leading me back in a completely different way. Which is what I told him.

For those who are born again, any road becomes different,” Yu answered evasively, and I didn’t ask any more questions.

And now Tibet is behind us, we are again in China. After warmly saying goodbye to Yu, I returned to my hotel. And there, pleasant news was already waiting for me: I was invited to return to my homeland, to take part in the creation of a large enterprise in the energy complex. Moreover, it was promised that I would not have problems with the Chinese, because there is interest in my return even at the level of high power structures, and therefore it would not be difficult to terminate the contract, it would be decided even without my participation.

The offer seemed very tempting to me, I agreed. And after a couple of months, having said goodbye to China, he returned home.

No one except me knew that one person was leaving for China, and a completely, completely different person was returning to Russia. This is how a new life began for me.


Stargazer or also called the celestial eye, one of the fish included in the so-called “Goldfish” family. The stargazer has a round, ovoid body. A special feature of the fish is its telescopic eyes directed slightly forward and upward. Although this is considered a deviation from the ideal, these fish are very beautiful. The color of stargazers is orange-golden. The fish reaches a length of up to 15 cm.

Stargazers must be kept in an aquarium with a volume of at least 100 liters per pair. A 200 liter aquarium can contain 5-6 individuals.

Comfortable water parameters for keeping are: 18 - 23 ° C, hardness 8 - 25 °, with acidity 6-8. Aeration and filtration are MANDATORY.

Stargazers are compatible with all peaceful fish. You should not keep them with fish capable of aggression towards them (barbs, especially cichlis), because this will lead to the fact that only tattered feathers will remain from the beautiful fins.

The peculiarity of the fish is that it loves to rummage in the ground. It is better to use coarse sand or pebbles as soil, which are not so easily scattered by fish. The aquarium itself should be spacious and species-rich, with large-leaved plants. Therefore, it is better to plant plants with hard leaves and a good root system in an aquarium with goldfish.

Fish are unpretentious when it comes to food . They eat quite a lot and willingly, so remember that it is better to underfeed the fish than to overfeed them. The amount of food given daily should not exceed 3% of the fish’s weight. Adult fish are fed twice a day - early in the morning and in the evening. Feed is given as much as they can eat in ten to twenty minutes, and any uneaten food should be removed. Their diet must include both live and plant foods.

Adult fish that receive proper nutrition can endure a week-long fast without harm. It must be remembered that when feeding dry food, they should be given in small portions several times a day, since when it enters a humid environment, in the fish’s esophagus, it swells and increases significantly in size and can cause constipation and disruption of the normal functioning of the fish’s digestive organs, which could result in the death of the fish. To do this, you can first hold dry food for some time (10 seconds - flakes, 20-30 seconds - granules) in water and only then give it to the fish.


Reproduction of the Heavenly Eye is not difficult. However, it is very difficult to obtain specimens of this fish that meet all breed standards. Such fish grow only two per hundred. Others have many flaws that devalue them to varying degrees. Therefore, the Heavenly Eye, which fully meets all the requirements of the breed, is rare in our time and is very expensive. Another difficulty in breeding is that it is possible to determine whether the fish meets all the requirements only after the Heavenly Eye reaches one year of age.

Conditions of keeping and behavioral characteristics of the “heavenly eye” goldfish in the aquarium

It is worth noting that the “celestial eye” is a fish of the carp family, and its content is not much different from other goldfish. A 50 liter aquarium with constant aeration can contain 1-2 individuals. It is better to put coarse soil or sand at the bottom of the aquarium, since fish really like to dig in it. Plants must be planted with a well-developed root system and hard leaves, since they spoil delicate plants, and the leaves become dirty due to waste settling on them. The following plants are suitable: vallisneria, sagittaria, egg capsule, or elodea (the hardiest).

How to feed skyeye goldfish in an aquarium

These fish are not picky when it comes to food and eat any food. The diet should include both animal and plant foods. Since they need more carbohydrates and less protein than other fish, many companies produce specialized food for these fish. These foods are balanced additions to the basic diet and have a beneficial effect on the overall health and color of the fish.

It is advisable to pre-moisten dry food in water and then only give it to the fish, otherwise it will swell in their stomach, you should not overfeed them, adults eat once a day, morning and evening. After 20 minutes of feeding, the remains must be removed from the aquarium. They can live up to 15 years.

Keeping goldfish of the “celestial eye” or “stargazer” breeding form together with other fish in an aquarium

Stargazers (celestial eye) can be kept with exclusively peace-loving fish breeds. And it’s better only with goldfish; it’s advisable to choose fish by size. Catfish and sucker catfish will keep them in good company. The aquarium must be provided with natural light and good filtration. These fish are not particularly sensitive to direct water parameters.

The permissible temperature is the range of 15-30 °C, the average - 18-23 °C, water hardness 8-25. Some of the water must be periodically replaced with fresh water; if you are sick, throw them 5-10 grams of salt, they very well tolerate water saturation with salt up to 10-12%.

How to feed baby goldfish "celestial eye" or "stargazer"

The female can produce about 10,000 eggs. Fry should first be fed with “live dust”, and then with specialized food, which is available in abundance on the shelves of pet stores. Later you can feed it with tubifex; boiled fish meat is also suitable.