How to behave if a dog jumps on people. How to stop a dog from jumping on people: effective methods Methods for correcting behavior in puppies

Dogs are excellent pets that will not offend the owner and will cheer him up on a winter day, but not every novice owner can answer the question of how to wean a dog from jumping on different objects in the apartment or even on people. Of course, at such moments the animal may not think about anything bad, but simply try to entertain, but the consequences of a dog jumping on people are not very good.

Why do dogs jump on people?

Before discussing the problem, it is advisable to understand the reasons for this behavior, because not all dog breeders experience this. Most often, the reason for such deviant behavior is the animal’s love for the person on whom the jump is made.

The animal is subject to sincere emotions; it cannot understand that it will most likely ruin your clothes or bring a lot of other problems with its actions. You are most likely to encounter such jumps after a long absence; this often happens when a person comes home from work, and the dog, which has not seen him all day, is happy.

It is worth mentioning that the presence of such behavior depends on what kind of temperament your dog has. Animals are also divided into sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic. As for animals that exhibit similar behavior, they are most likely choleric. Sometimes dogs that jump on their owners are also classified as sanguine. But such division is not part of the fight against these habits, or rather, training.

The majority of dogs are like this, because there are practically no melancholic or even phlegmatic puppies. For this reason, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid the difficulties associated with constant jumping on the owner. You should not punish or scold the animal, because they do this not out of evil intentions, they are sincerely happy.

As for jumping on strangers, for example, while walking, such behavior can mean either a strong joy of life or some kind of hidden anger that definitely needs to be fought. But there are very few such situations, if, in your opinion, the dog attacks all people in a row out of anger, then you need to see a veterinarian, because perhaps the animal has some kind of disease that is an irritant.

Most novice dog breeders face a similar problem, because, as mentioned earlier, there are few dogs with a different temperament. You just need to devote more time to training. Let us also note that such behavior is the norm throughout the dog world. If you look at the behavior of wild dogs, you can see similar jumping movements used for greeting.

At what age should a puppy be weaned from jumping?

People who have a question about how to teach a dog not to jump on the owner or people who come to visit him should do everything at the right time, despite the fact that this can be quite difficult, especially for novice dog breeders. Dog breeders believe that jumping is amenable to effective behavior correction if you start doing it in the first month of buying a puppy.

We're talking about a puppy, not an adult. To do this, it will be enough just to use the methods given below. For dogs in adolescence, it will take much more effort to correct these behavior problems.

As for adult dogs, things are not so simple with them. The fact is that the soft methods that will now be discussed do not work in all situations. Some dog breeders prefer to use more serious methods of training, while others consult a veterinarian, because there are medications for dogs that affect many aspects of their behavior.

You should immediately understand the dog’s motives, because he is not going to do anything dirty or harm you. The only thing that motivates an animal is sincere emotions, which manifest themselves vigorously regardless of age. You should always begin to wean your dog gently, so you should not punish the animal for such offenses.

Methods for correcting behavior in puppies

When you bought a puppy whose age does not exceed 3-4 months, you will have a lot of worries. People will most likely begin to treat him like any other cat or other tame pet, or rather, to pick the dog up and cuddle him. This approach is wrong; it may become the initial reason for searching for an answer to the question of how to wean a dog from jumping.

You ask: “So what needs to be done in such situations so that the puppy, when he grows up, does not jump on his owner?” There is only one option - do not teach excessive affection, because the dog will definitely not change as it grows up, as happens with small children, it will continue to demand it at any age. Here is the basic training technique that should be taken into account by novice dog breeders:

  1. Sit not squatting or on the floor (it is important to make sure that you are at approximately the same level with the puppy);
  2. When the dog begins to reach for you with his front paws (if this does not happen, which is unlikely, then most likely there will be no problems with jumping in the future), simply do not let him put them on himself. Do not hurt the dog, because you can cause him to hate himself or, for example, harm him;
  3. Lean towards the dog, making a kind of greeting gesture, then simply start petting the puppy in a way that pleases him;
  4. Stand up after you finish doing this. It is necessary to repeat a similar pattern of actions whenever you come home and the dog is happy to see you, but due to its young age it cannot jump on you.

Addition to the methodology

Please note that when the puppy learns basic commands, they will also need to be used in the training process, do not neglect the agreed upon rules. We are talking about the softness of all actions. It is important that the dog understands that your intentions are good and continues to rejoice at your arrival, but without violent outbursts, expressed, for example, in jumping.

Important. According to veterinarians, such habits are formed at approximately 5-8 months. For this reason, at this time, attention should be paid to the dog, or rather, to its training, in which the rules should not be neglected. We also note that this age is one of the most difficult for behavior correction; it is important not to give up, allowing the puppy to show emotions violently. This will definitely lead to negative consequences later.

It is worth discussing another violation of animal behavior, because many people ask questions about how to stop a dog from jumping on the sofa. Training in such situations is practically no different from training aimed at suppressing jumping on people. You just need to let the puppy off not from you, but from pieces of furniture, especially the sofa, which is often soiled by adult dogs.

Serious methods

The correction methods presented do not always work, and are only suitable for puppies. Let's look at more serious and cruel methods, which not everyone will decide to resort to. Here is their list:

  • Creating an obstacle. Trainers do not recommend using force. If the tips did not help, then you can try to stick your leg out when trying to jump;
  • Punishment. You shouldn't punish your dog for being happy, but if other methods don't work, you can try this.

There are many other aggressive methods, but if the dog does not respond to the softer training described earlier, then the best option would be to contact a veterinarian.

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A well-bred dog should be “comfortable” and not create a lot of problems for the owner. However, quite often in the houses of friends and relatives we meet good-natured pets, joyfully jumping on the owner and his guests, vigorously expressing their emotions. And it’s one thing if some cute toy poodle or Yorkshire terrier behaves this way; from the outside it looks funny and even touching.

But what to do if a large dog expresses his joy in this way - a Labrador, a German shepherd, a diver? The jump of such a giant threatens not only with damage to the suit, but also with your unsuccessful fall, because in such cases it is quite easy to maintain balance. problematic.

It's all about education

As practice shows, as a dog grows up, it retains all its puppy habits. What touched you so much in a defenseless fluffy ball often begins to irritate you in the character of an adult pet. It becomes especially unbearable habit When dogs meet, they vigorously express their joy by jumping on the owner’s chest. At the same time, the cute dog is not at all interested in the fact that you have a new suit, and his paws are dirty. And it is precisely the person who is to blame for this behavior of the pet who encouraged and thereby reinforced puppy behavior, who tried to reach the owner's hands. This habit will remain with your pet forever.

Puppies always try to stand with their front paws on their littermate in two cases:

  • wanting to involve in the game;
  • demonstrate your dominance.

In this way, kids show their communication skills. Having matured, animals in the same way express superiority when meeting with fellow animals or invite them to play. In an apartment where there are no other four-legged animals, the puppy uses similar skills in relation to the owner and family members.

The dog touchingly rises on its hind legs, forcing the owner to treat him with a treat or take him in his arms. For animals this means that humans fully supports this manner of showing joy or desire to play. Moreover, if every attempt of a small pet to jump on a person is rewarded with a treat, such a habit is reinforced in the puppy as a conditioned instinct.

An adult dog can jump on people showing aggression. In this way, the dog expresses its superiority over the person by tightly grasping him with his forelimbs and looking into his eyes with a heavy gaze, while his mouth is closed. If a person shows fear, the next step may be an open attack. And this is fraught, especially if your pet is quite large, for example, a shepherd or Labrador.

How to stop a dog from jumping on people

Ideally, of course, in the first months of a puppy’s life in your family, you should teach him not to jump on people. However, if the moment was missed, or you have already acquired a teenager or an adult dog, do not panic, this behavior can be adjusted any age. The main thing you need to understand is that the dog is not doing this out of malice, he is simply expressing his emotions in this way, and only positive ones. Therefore, punishing an animal for loving you and being good towards you is, at the very least, stupid. Set aside your irritation and get ready for patient work, and you and your pet will succeed.

Any correctional classes are carried out step by step and in a gentle form, while the age of the animal is absolutely not important, as are the actions it has already committed. If you really want to teach your pet good manners, and not just force him to obey, you will have to start from scratch, but you must be mentally prepared.

Raising a puppy

Let's start from the very beginning and figure out how to stop a small puppy from jumping on its owner. Is your furry pet baby trying to put his paws on you? He so touchingly asks to be held in your arms, and you are ready to pick him up to caress him... Stop, don’t do that! Even with puppies, this behavior is unacceptable! By encouraging the wild delight of your little pet, you are setting the stage for future problems for both yourself and the dog.

As soon as you have crossed the threshold of your apartment, immediately free your hands from bags, packages and other things, without waiting for the puppy to start jumping. Next you need to do the following actions:

  1. Kneel down, squat down or sit on the floor - in general, take a position corresponding to the height of the pet.
  2. With gentle movements we prevent the quadruped from trying to stand on its hind legs. All manipulations are done carefully, without focusing his attention.
  3. We lean towards the pet in such a way that he can sniff you and even, possibly, lick your face (this is quite natural for tailed babies).
  4. Without interruption, we stroke the dog.
  5. We carefully, unobtrusively seat the baby, clearly pronounce the word “good” and only after the emotions have subsided, we pick up the bags, begin to sort out the purchases, etc.

Behavior correction for large dogs

If a small breed dog is jumping, then this, as noted above, is not such a big problem. But if you are raising a Rottweiler or Great Dane, then the issue of training large breed dogs to jump on people is clearly relevant for you.

Upon reaching the age of 6 months, ideally the puppy is already familiar with basic commands, therefore they should also be included in correctional classes. The actions are the same, only you no longer throw yourself on the floor, but, having greeted the dog, take him/send him to his place. If it returns to you, you must send it back to its original position.

Having taken off our outerwear, shoes, and put down our bags, we approach the pet, who has been sitting in place all this time.

Behavior correction classes are carried out at home; if the dog stops jumping on you, then strangers will not be interested in him at all! If your dog still expresses his emotions violently towards other people (for example, your friends) when away from home, ask a friend to use the same behavior correction technique.

Tough measures for adult animals

Sometimes it turns out that an adult animal ends up in the house. In this case, you should use more harsh method.

This method involves the use of weak physical pressure methods, so it is completely unsuitable for puppies. It also cannot be used to correct the behavior of old and sick pets. At the same time, it is very important to calculate your strengths, commensurate them with the strengths and physical capabilities of the animal, so as not to accidentally injure your pet or cause him pain.

So, the situation is the same. You cross the threshold of the apartment, and your pet joyfully rushes towards you, rushing at you. It is at the moment of his jump that you need to put your knee forward so that the dog bumps into an obstacle with his chest, or gently hit him with your foot just below the knee. At the same time, you should not pretend that you are performing any actions. Pretend to be happy when meeting your pet; the dog should not have an association pain with you, otherwise she will begin to be afraid of you, and the relationship between you may be ruined.

This method has one significant drawback: if the pet guesses your behavior, it may well deserve to be offended by you. Naturally, you deceived his sincere feelings, and this is very difficult to forgive. In addition, the four-legged animal may get injured during a jump, and you will be the culprit for this.

In addition to the above correction method, there are the following methods:

  • Ignoring. Incredibly, this method really works, and the age of the ward does not matter. Cross the threshold of the apartment, holding back your pet’s attempts to jump on you, pet him and clearly say the command “sit”. As soon as the dog tries to jump, turn away from him in the opposite direction. The dog will start running around you, trying to find a comfortable position to jump. You, in turn, must constantly turn your back to her, and this must be done very quickly. You need to turn around until the dog fulfills the command, and he will definitely do it. Now turn to face your pet and greet him.
  • Vise. As soon as the dog has placed its front paws on you, you need to grab it with both hands in the joint area and squeeze it so that the dog’s limbs are pressed against each other. In this case, you should put a little effort so that the pet feels discomfort, and then lower your paws. Repeat the manipulations, applying more force, until the dog whines. In general, inflicting physical pain is not the best method of influence, therefore it is used only as a last resort when previous methods have not brought results.
  • Available means. Place a charged water pistol or spray bottle on the nightstand in the hallway. As soon as you enter the apartment, immediately arm yourself and wait for the jump, at the moment of which you spray a stream of water at your pet (you can also spray it in the face). After the startled dog stands with all four limbs on the floor, pet him while saying a greeting. To enhance the effect, vanillin, essential oil or lemon juice are added to the water, but splashing such a mixture is prohibited.

It is, of course, up to you to decide which method of correcting your pet’s behavior you choose. However, you must understand: in order to retrain your pet, model a new line of behavior for him and consolidate this knowledge in the dog’s head, you will need some time, perhaps even several months. At the same time, you need to be patient and persevere. It’s better to start properly raising the dog as soon as he appears in your home, and then you will be able to avoid many problems in the future.

Attention, TODAY only!

As a rule, most dogs quite vigorously express their joy when meeting their owner. Some of them bark loudly (find out), some throw themselves at their feet, and some... jump on the owner’s chest. And, everything would be fine when a cute Yorkshire terrier puppy or decorative poodle tries to jump up to your chin - it looks quite cute from the outside. But, imagine the picture that in this way a large dog expresses its delight - a diver, a St. Bernard, a Mastino... There is nothing pleasant in this, moreover, such a jump not only threatens your suit with being sent to the dry cleaner, but also an unfortunate fall for you, so how difficult it is to keep your balance when such a large dog is lunging at you.

How to wean a dog from the habit of jumping on the owner's chest– we invite you to learn about this from our publication...

Causes of Dog Jumping

Mistakes in raising a puppy

As practice shows, very often the weaknesses of their owners are behind the habits of dogs. If you allowed your dog to jump on your chest as a child or teenager because it was so cute and funny, then you should not be surprised that, as an adult, the dog continues to do this. After all, she is used to doing this. Moreover, the animal sincerely does not understand why something that was possible some 6-8 months ago is now prohibited and causes irritation and protest in the owner. So, Very often, the cause of your dog's jumping is the permissiveness that you welcomed at an early age. Therefore, from the very first days of the puppy’s stay in your home (more about), decide what you are ready to turn a blind eye to and what habits you will indulge in, and what will irritate you in the future, therefore, you will not allow the puppy behave like this now.

Choose a course of action for yourself, create a set of rules and strictly adhere to them. Your consistency will help you avoid such unpleasant moments.

Features of dog character and behavior

By their nature, dogs, unlike cats (find out), are very loyal and sincere creatures who are not used to hiding their emotions, but express their feelings as they see it. Therefore, the dog wants to show how glad it is to see you, and to do this, it stands on its hind legs, jumps up and tries to reach your face. Often dogs behave this way not only towards their owner, but towards those people with whom they have developed warm and friendly relationships. By the way, in dog language such behavior as jumping on the chest, attempts to reach your face, sniff it, lick it - indicate greeting and joy (more about their behavior). And, this is exactly how dogs behave when they communicate with each other. Moreover, a natural instinct prompts a dog to touch you, to reach your face - after all, this is how they contact their mother, who takes care of them. When you try to harshly punish a dog that shows its feelings towards you in this way, it does not understand why you are punishing it. After all, by dog ​​standards, she does nothing wrong. Dogs are unaware that people have other ways of expressing their affection...

If, despite the last argument, such a habit as jumping on your chest does not suit you too much and you would like to eliminate it, we offer you a number of ways to correct the dog’s behavior that will allow you not to spoil the relationship with your pet, but nevertheless, wean it from a habit that you don't like.

Method No. 1

We would call this method the softest and most loyal to your pet’s expression of feelings. You can wean even a puppy this way. So, when you return home, when you cross the threshold of your apartment, be prepared for that moment when the dog jumps on your chest. This behavior from your pet should not come as a surprise to you. When the dog runs up to you and tries to reach you with its front paws, standing on its hind legs, gently press it with your knees, thereby blocking its body and preventing it from jumping high. At the same time, talk to the dog, call it by name, stroke its head.

If you are dealing with a puppy, sit next to him in such a way that the puppy can sniff your face and reach you, then he will calm down and stop trying to jump over his head. After this, try to switch your pet’s attention to something else so that you have the opportunity to undress and walk through. If your dog knows the commands, after the greeting ritual, you still shouldn’t ignore it; calmly send the dog “to its place” using the command.

Thus, by repeating such actions over and over again, you will be able to develop a stereotype of behavior in your dog when meeting you, and soon he will stop jumping on your chest, since he will have a different way of expressing his affection for you.

Method No. 2

This method involves the use of weak physical pressure - it is not suitable for use against puppies, old animals and sick dogs. Also, it is very important to measure your strengths with the strength of the dog, so as not to inadvertently cause acute pain to the pet or cripple it.

So, when you have crossed the threshold of the apartment, and your dog joyfully rushes at you, at the moment of his jump, gently kick him just below the knee or put your knee forward so that during the jump the dog can bump into an obstacle with his chest. At the same time, it is very important not to outwardly show that you are taking any action. You should act happy when meeting your pet, and the dog should not associate its pain with you, otherwise it will begin to fear you and your relationship may be damaged.

The disadvantage of this method is that if the dog guesses you, then it may deservedly take offense at you. Of course, you deceived the sincere feelings of your pet - this is difficult to forgive. Also, the dog may be injured during an unsuccessful jump, and you will be partly to blame for its injury.

Method No. 3

Another way to re-educate a dog using “weapons”. As a last resort, you can use a water gun or a spray bottle pre-filled with water. Place them in the hallway so that you have the opportunity to reach them as soon as you cross the threshold of the house. When the dog rushes towards you, try to accurately hit it with a water jet in the nose or eyes (the stream should not be strong, otherwise you will injure the pet). If the dog retreats under the pressure of the water jet, praise it; if it tries to repeat its jump, repeat your maneuver.

If your dog is not afraid of water, you can use a weak solution of lemon juice - 1 teaspoon of juice per glass of water.

The disadvantage of this method is that you will have to wipe up wet puddles in the hallway, and with a water jet you can injure the dog and frighten it, and this will further negatively affect the health of your pet and its psychological state. Yes, and what kind of trust in you, after such wet wars, can we talk about? It is not surprising that many owners, after trying this method of re-education, note that their dog began to be afraid of them, stopped listening and avoided them, preferring to bypass them. Such a relationship between a pet and its owner can no longer be called healthy...

Raising a dog requires endurance and certain knowledge from the owner. Don't forget that sometimes your dog can behave unpredictably. That is why you need to teach him to keep his distance. From the article you will learn how to stop a dog from jumping on its owner.

Before looking for ways to solve the problem, you need to find out why the dog rushes at people and what it is connected with. As a rule, the following factors cause this behavior in a dog:

  • very often dogs show respect for their owner in this way;
  • if you come home from work and the dog lunges at you, this means that it is expressing its joy at meeting you;
  • the reason may lie in the dog’s desire to play;
  • if the dog is already sexually mature, and you have not yet mated, such behavior may indicate that the animal is expressing its unsatisfied sexual instinct;
  • in any case, when a dog rushes at its owner, it enjoys direct contact with him;
  • in some situations, the dog behaves this way because it wants to show that it is he who is the leader in the house. This behavior may indicate his desire to dominate you;
  • If you have previously rewarded these types of actions, the dog may repeat them in order to earn praise or treats again.

In most cases, the dog attacks the owner because he did not stop such behavior at the time. In fact, we need to fight this. Moreover, it is advisable to make it clear to your four-legged friend as early as possible that such antics will certainly not be encouraged.

On the owner

To stop your dog from rushing at you, try first organizing a minor obstacle for him. Whenever he lunges at you, put your knee forward or cover yourself with your bag (however, this must be done so as not to hit the pet). If a dog constantly bumps into such an obstacle, it will soon develop a negative association with this “game”, and it will simply stop throwing.

Another effective way: if the dog jumps on you, carefully move him away, and then calmly walk past. No dog will tolerate indifference. That is why soon your four-legged friend, trying to earn your favor, will leave this pampering in the past.

On other people

It is also necessary to wean your dog from rushing at strangers, otherwise the consequences may be sad (if you are raising a large dog). Take a small twig with you on your next walk. As soon as the dog tries to rush at a passerby, lightly hit it on the rump, but so that it does not hurt.

When you return home and the dog happily greets you at the door, you need to ignore such antics. In this case, your pet will quickly end this fun. Every person should teach their dog good manners, and this should be done as early as possible. Then you can calmly walk him without fear of an inadequate reaction to passers-by.

Dogs, especially those under one year of age, are very emotional. Jumping on people and outbursts of emotion are common puppy behavior. Many owners wonder how to stop a dog from jumping on people.


Why dogs shouldn't jump on people

Jumping on the owner is an intuitive ritual for a puppy. As dogs are known to be pack animals, it is customary for them to greet the leader by sniffing and sometimes licking the muzzle. This is why animals often jump on their legs, and adults often jump on their shoulders and climb into their faces. The owner, as a rule, does not really like this.

Why can't you do this:

  • you personally do not like this manifestation of feelings;
  • your friend is unlikely to be pleased with such a greeting on the street, which will leave paw marks;
  • children will not always be able to support the weight of a dog on their shoulders;
  • an outsider may even decide that the dog is showing aggression.

Effective methods for retraining your pet

This behavior is considered natural for puppies, so it must be weaned off carefully. The sooner you start re-educating an animal, the calmer and faster the training will be. It is important to be persistent and patient throughout the entire process, while replacing jumping with another acceptable greeting to the owner.

Remember, in such cases there is no point in punishing your pet. He doesn't understand why this can't be done.

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Now let’s look at several methods on how to wean a dog from jumping when met:

The soft way

This method is suitable for small pets up to 3-4 months.

When you come home, you must develop a clear strategy and do this every time:

  1. Don't let your puppy jump. Talk to him.
  2. Praise if he didn't jump. Then sit so that you are level with your pet and let him sniff you.
  3. Next, make a diversionary maneuver. This should be enough time for you to change clothes.
  4. The greeting is over, send your pet to its place.

Low physical impact

There are such stubborn puppies that they still continue to be so hateful for you to rejoice at the arrival.

Then you will have to adjust your behavior and introduce weak physical influence into it:

  1. If you fail to intercept the animal before the jump, then insert your knee in time. Then the pet will bump into an obstacle with its chest. Sometimes trainers advise kicking the dog in the area just below the knee.
  2. In this case, the dog must decide that this happened by accident. The owner should talk as if nothing had happened and continue the greeting ritual.

Correction of behavior using toy weapons

This method is suitable for fairly large puppies, as well as for adults.

The essence of this method:

  1. Prepare a spray bottle, water gun or simple spray bottle.
  2. At the moment of the jump, use the prepared object and splash a stream of water into the face. It's better if you get it in your eyes or nose.
  3. Now continue with the greeting.
  4. When you repeat the jump, you will repeat the water shot.

A tough way to correct behavior

This method is only suitable for already mature dogs, that is, over 2 years of age. And you should only use it if you know how to handle a parforce or a snatch chain.

This method is great for education when guests come to the house:

  1. Put on a chain or parforce with a leash.
  2. When guests arrive, your pet jumps out of habit, and at that moment you make a dash.
  3. The guest continues the greeting and shows how glad he is to meet the animal.
  4. When the jump is repeated, the jerk is repeated.

  1. If the owner decides to wean the puppy from this bad habit, then all family members should support him and follow the chosen greeting ritual.
  2. Intuitive behavior is difficult to retrain, so don’t rely on quick methods. So, to correct the animal’s behavior using the first two methods, you will need at least two weeks.
  3. It is important for your dog to be able to jump, but do not allow him to do this while playing, such as catching a ball. Very often, throwing an object and training like this, the owner does not even notice that the dog is jumping on him. Don't let this happen.
  4. Decide what you want from your pet, and then demand from it. If the owner is inconsistent or sometimes does it this way and sometimes does it differently, then the dog will do as she wants at the moment.

Video “What to do if a dog jumps on you?”

In the video, the trainer explains and shows effective methods for training dogs to jump when encountered.