The baby is teething. Can bad breath occur during teething and what is the reason for this? What are some ways to relieve teething pain?

Some children experience teething very painfully, and teething also occurs with anxiety when fours and fives appear. The teeth, coming out with their sharp edges, cut through the baby’s gum tissue, and therefore the child begins to be capricious and experiences discomfort when the gums begin to swell. Teething itself in a child occurs depending on its genetic parameters and biological age.

It is worth knowing that when the gums swell, a child may experience pain not only in the exact place where the tooth is, but in the entire mouth. A tooth may appear within a month, or maybe after two months it will not even appear on the surface of the gum. These are all individual characteristics of your baby, and you should not be upset if, with constantly inflamed gums and ongoing increased salivation, teeth do not appear.

A child under three years of age should have 20 teeth, and their eruption can occur in different ways, so you should not find out which teeth erupted painfully in other children.

Help with teething

There is only a small group of children who tolerate teething completely painlessly, but still many children in varying degrees suffer from pain that accompanies teething. About two months before the appearance of the first tooth, the child becomes whiny, capricious, his salivation increases, his appetite disappears, and sleep appears. This happens because the teeth are already inside the gums, and in the child’s mouth you may notice a slight swelling in that place, eruption.

At this time, the baby begins to feel pain or severe itching.

Suffering from pain, a child begins to behave restlessly and cry if he cannot be distracted and calmed by games, in which case special pain-relieving gels can help you; they contain anti-inflammatory and antiseptic components. But this gel can be used no more than three times a day, so try to use it very extreme cases. When itching appears, the child will try to chew everything that can be put in his mouth, so do not scold your child for this behavior, but rather give him special teething toys. The surfaces of such toys have different irregularities, and this helps the child relieve the itching that appears.

Teething is a very important event in a baby's life. It usually begins between 3 and 12 months. Each child experiences this period differently. For some it goes unnoticed, but for others it is very painful. Therefore, it is important to know how to help your baby alleviate his suffering.


Currently exists great amount a variety of special teething rings. Before giving such a toy to your baby, keep it in the refrigerator for some time. Cold can relieve swelling and inflammation.

Use an anesthetic gel (Dentinox, Kalgel, Kamistad, Mundizal, Cholisal). Use this drug according to a certain regimen: if it hurts, apply it; if it doesn’t hurt, don’t apply it. But don’t get too carried away, it’s better not to use it more than 3-4 times a day and more than 3 days in a row. In addition, if the baby is on, try not to use anesthetic gels, as this product may get on the tongue, and the baby will have difficulty sucking.

Chamomile infusion is the safest, but no less effective means of relieving painful sensations y at . To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers with 1 glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Lubricate your baby's gums with this decoction. Chamomile, in addition to anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, also has a calming effect.

As you can see, there are several ways to relieve discomfort during. Which method you choose is up to you. But most importantly depressant- this is your love and. Hold him in your arms more often, pay more attention, try to distract and calm him down.

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The appearance of teeth in a child is important and long-lasting. this moment in family life. The first teeth indicate that the baby is physiologically ready for the gradual introduction of solid food. However, the teething process does not always go smoothly and painlessly.


First of all, parents should know the timing and timing of teething. The child's lower central incisors appear around the time. At 8-9 months, the baby becomes the owner of the upper central incisors. Then the upper (10-) and lower (12-13 months) lateral incisors erupt. After a year comes the turn of the upper and lower molars (they appear at approximately 13-15 months), (18-20 months) and second molars or (20-24). Thus, by the age of 2-3 years, the eruption of all twenty teeth ends.

In the sixth year of life, the process of replacing baby teeth with permanent ones begins. As a rule, it takes place in the same sequence and ends by 11-12 years. At the age of 12-14 years, children's second teeth erupt big teeth(molars). The third large molars, or teeth, come out the most. However, not all children have the same timing of teething; deviations in one direction or another occur. The paired appearance of teeth is not always observed.

Late eruption of baby teeth may be a normal option, especially if this feature was noted in the parents. However, you should not leave this situation without medical attention. A common cause of delayed teeth is a lack of calcium in the body, especially if the baby was weaned early. To exclude this factor, it is necessary to do a calcium test in the blood serum. If a deficiency is detected, the doctor will prescribe appropriate calcium supplements suitable for the child’s age.

The very process of teething in children of the first years of life is often accompanied by swelling and redness of the gums, profuse salivation, irritability, disturbing dream and decreased appetite. The child tends to bite something hard to relieve itching in the gums. Silicone teethers, which are large assortment presented in pharmacies. Sometimes the appearance of teeth is accompanied by fever. In such cases, be sure to seek help from your pediatrician. It will help distinguish the symptoms of teething from the signs of an incipient infectious disease.

Any mother of a baby in the first year of life is faced with the problem of erupting the baby’s first teeth. The child becomes capricious, restless, and sometimes the temperature rises. To help your baby, you can use some methods.


First, try rubbing valerian tincture into your baby’s gums to relieve the itching of the gums for a while. Valerian has a very pleasant taste, but sharp and bad smell. Give your child about 6 drops periodically, not on an ongoing basis.

Infusions of products such as burdock root and chickweed will help the tooth come out. You need to rub the mixture of these infusions exactly in the place where the tooth is about to appear.

To numb your child's teeth, let him chew chicory or strawberry roots. Also, the roots of these plants will help scratch the baby’s gums.

Clove oil also helps to reduce teething pain. Just rub it in diluted in a ratio of 1.5:1 along with one of the oils of sunflower, olive or almond.

Will temporarily help reduce toothache chewing wet, chilled gauze or a new toothbrush for a child over 0 years old.

Another way to help teething is to massage the baby’s gums using a mother’s finger wrapped in cloth and dipped in a soda solution in the proportion of 1 teaspoon to 1 glass of water.

Video on the topic

The appearance of a baby's first baby tooth is a real event for parents. It is not only joyful, but also fraught with difficulties and trials, because cutting teeth is very painful. What should parents do, how to alleviate the suffering of the baby, and what should be done after the teeth erupt?

Teething process

You can even find out that your baby will soon become toothy by his behavior. First, the child begins to constantly put everything in his mouth, salivation increases, and behavior becomes more excitable. In some cases, the temperature may even rise to 40 degrees, and bowel movements may be disrupted. Typically, these symptoms appear by six to eight months, although they may well appear earlier.

The first to erupt are the two lower central incisors, then the two upper ones, followed by the lateral incisors, canines and molars (or chewing teeth). In general, the process can last up to 2.5-3 years, when the baby already has about twenty milk teeth.

Features of teething

Most parents expect this period with some apprehension and fear, because not only the baby will suffer, but also mom and dad. True, for some it is completely painless; before the mother even notices, the first baby tooth has already appeared in the child’s mouth. For those who are not so lucky, you can alleviate the child’s suffering by using special cooling gels, and if the temperature rises, even give an antipyretic. In any case, you should consult a pediatrician and strictly follow the instructions for the medications.

The safest option for relieving mild pain is to use a special teething toy, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Taking into account that the toy will always be in the baby’s mouth, you should rinse it from time to time warm water with soap to avoid introducing germs. During this period, children put everything in their mouths, and it is worth paying close attention to the cleanliness of their hands, especially after going outside or when in contact with animals.

Prevention and dental care

And finally, the appearance of teeth, even milk ones, obliges us not to forget about their care. Regular cleaning is required either with a latex brush worn on your finger or with a regular baby brush.

To get used to brushing your teeth, you can first use warm boiled water. The brush is immersed in it and the gums are massaged. This procedure allows you to remove plaque and accustom your baby to holding a brush and oral hygiene. At first, the baby may begin to chew on the brush and play with it, but this is absolutely normal. Over time, he will learn to handle her correctly if he is shown how to do it. Parents are excellent role models for children.

Experts have different opinions regarding toothpaste: some support it, while others consider it inappropriate. However, if parents decide to teach the baby to brush his teeth, then you should choose the children's one. toothpaste, which is semi-edible and therefore will not harm the child if swallowed. Regular oral care will save your baby from bottle caries, allowing the molars to grow healthy and strong.

Children's teeth are temporary, but they also cause a lot of trouble. They erupt painfully, deteriorate, often plaque can be observed on children’s teeth, and pulpitis or caries often develops on baby teeth.

The appearance of dental plaque

As a rule, all dental problems in old age begin with education. If a parent discovers that the child has plaque, this should be a signal that more attention should be paid to carrying out hygiene procedures and the condition of the oral cavity.

Plaque is a collection of bacteria. It is this that often causes the development of caries, inflammatory process in the gums and the formation of tartar. It is worth noting that plaque on children’s teeth does not always appear due to poor or complete lack of oral hygiene. Often it can be a symptom of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases.

Most often in childhood yellowish or white plaque may be observed. It usually consists of particles of epithelium, bacteria and food debris. Such plaque usually forms especially actively at night, when microorganisms that make up the natural microflora oral cavity. Good oral hygiene will be enough to get rid of yellowish or white plaque.

Remember: it is very important to teach children to brush their teeth both in the morning and in the evening.

Additional measures should be taken, the color of plaque is darker, from brown to greenish or black. As a rule, this phenomenon indicates the development of dysbiosis in the child. In this case, a comprehensive and mandatory consultation with a dentist will be required.

Brown, gray or intense yellow plaque on a child’s teeth indicates possible development caries. Often we're talking about specifically about the so-called bottle caries. It develops in infants who at night suck a bottle of juice, sweet milk mixture. If the baby is still too young to have his teeth treated by a dentist, the specialist will recommend enamel coating active calcium or silver.

Such measures are temporary. Full treatment should be carried out as soon as the baby grows up.

Treatment and prevention of dental plaque

In most cases, you can get rid of dental plaque only by seeking help from qualified specialist. The doctor will determine the real reason occurrence of this problem and will advise effective methods to eliminate it.

If plaque forms on your teeth very intensely, then systematic teeth cleaning can help. A similar procedure is currently performed not only for adults, but also for young children.

To prevent the formation of plaque on teeth, children should be taught to brush their teeth as early as possible. To do this, purchase a special toothbrush and pasta appropriate for the child’s age.

Pull out milk tooth It is especially important for a baby to be on time. If this is not done, when it starts to wobble, the next tooth, growing under it, can go to the side and tooth the row will bend. dairy tooth you can in home conditions, but indigenous ones are undesirable. Root system of permanent tooth ov is developed in contrast to dairy. The root can be completely removed only with special forceps. Therefore, if you have a problem with the root tooth oh, see your dentist.

Good afternoon, dear readers - mothers and fathers of small children. Today I will tell you about the symptoms of teething in infants, how to recognize them and how to react correctly. After all, when a baby is capricious, we often don’t know what’s wrong with him or how to help him. The child’s body is developing and very often this is associated with unpleasant, painful sensations.

First teeth. What awaits parents?

The process of the appearance of the baby's first milk teeth is associated with great stress. From the strong physical stress he gets tired quickly, sleeps poorly and eats little.

This cannot but worry parents, who manage to come up with a lot more serious reasons for concern. Children can wake up several times a night, cry, and wake up their parents. It also happens that they completely refuse to fall asleep in the crib.

There is one in this situation important nuance. During this period, children put any objects into their mouths, which are not always clean. This leads to the presence of bacteria in the intestines, leading to infectious manifestations. They are the most difficult to diagnose against the background of general symptoms. Therefore, if you have diarrhea, it is not necessarily a symptom of teething.

The most typical manifestation is inflamed gums. They begin to turn red and swell long before the tooth passes through the bone and then through soft cloth gums.

Cold-like symptoms may also appear. Sometimes it's limited to a runny nose. This usually lasts for several days, and then the child’s body copes and successfully resists.

Remember that at this time the immune system is poorly developed, so they multiply massively in the mouth. harmful bacteria. Let your baby drink more, massage his gums with a soft brush. If an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth, this is also a sign of similar processes in oral cavity. Don't forget the importance of hygiene.

How more salivation, the higher the likelihood that rashes may appear on the baby’s chin. The rash can also be found in other areas. However, you should rule out an allergy to any product.

During the process, the child’s cheeks turn red, and other atypical manifestations may appear. It is also not uncommon - . The reason for it is the same as for intestinal infections - numerous foreign objects ending up in the child's mouth.

Be sure to check for any ulcers in your baby's mouth. If appeared white coating on the tongue or blisters, this is a clear sign that he has. The feeling is very unpleasant. It is very difficult to eat normally. Because of this, children’s appetite becomes much worse.

Baby with pacifier

While teeth are being cut, the child does not eat well, which affects the process of increasing his body weight. But this is not the most a big problem. Much worse is that the already fragile immune system weakens. During this period, the risk of contracting an infection becomes much higher.

The more worried the baby is, the more worried the parents are. It is difficult to calmly respond to the screams and cries of a child. And if high fever or diarrhea is added to all this, moms and dads begin to panic, call the local pediatrician, and sometimes even call ambulance. Of course, I am not calling for ignoring such phenomena, but one should not panic either. If you suspect any serious illness, consult with specialists.

Timing of eruption

To avoid any discrepancies in this matter, let us clarify when what appears. Many parents notice teething symptoms at 3 months. This does not mean that the tooth itself will appear on the surface so early. The first lower incisors appear. This occurs from the sixth to the ninth month. But manifestations in the form of gum inflammation begin much earlier. From the seventh month, the upper incisors begin to emerge. The second upper and lower incisors appear from 9 to 12 months.

Temperature and other "effects"

Remember that the process of teething does not cause a temperature above 38.5 degrees, cramps, complete refusal of food, or breathing problems.

If any similar symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. It is likely that some kind of infection has occurred.

Your baby may actually have a fever. The temperature will rise from 37 to 38-38.5. In most cases, pediatricians and dentists consider the use of antipyretic drugs inappropriate. They are prescribed only when the fever does not subside for several days.

Sometimes it happens that within 3-5 days the temperature changes several times. They may exceed 38.5 and then suddenly drop to 36.8 degrees.

IN different time the child may experience various states. Therefore, you should not be surprised that the symptoms of teething at 4 months are somehow different from those at 6-8 months. Firstly, the closer the tooth is to the gum, the stronger it is felt. May occur severe pain or itching in the gums. This leads to the fact that babies either refuse the breast or may bite it.

Pharmacies sell a lot of products that help reduce discomfort. Also, while teeth are cutting, you can give children pieces of carrots or apples. Just make sure they don't get caught Airways.

Video - Teething in infants

The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract during teething

Very common symptoms of teething in infants are related to diet and work. digestive tract. If problems with appetite, regurgitation, diarrhea and vomiting may still relate to the body’s reaction to the ongoing process, then bloating and “gurgling”, as well as discomfort when pressing, may indicate intestinal infections.

Please note that vomiting is a rare symptom. If it happens to a child a couple of times a day, this is still normal. If more often, it is better to consult a doctor. Vomiting is often accompanied high temperature. There is no need to panic, but it is better to make sure that the baby has not acquired intestinal infection brought from a toy that fell on the floor or dirty hands.

As for diarrhea, it should not be constant either. If such manifestations are regular and occur more than six times a day, there is mucus or blood - most likely this is an infectious disease.

False cold symptoms

When children cut their first milk teeth, a cough, runny nose, etc. may appear. All this resembles an acute respiratory infection, which makes not only mothers, but also pediatricians confused. Differentiating a real cold from symptoms caused by teething can be quite difficult.

Given the massive proliferation of bacteria, children may experience redness of the throat and a number of other symptoms. Keep this in mind so as not to sound the alarm ahead of time. Consult your pediatrician. He will advise you on how to eliminate the possibility of inflammation and respiratory tract infections.

There are numerous remedies and medications that relieve teething symptoms in infants. Reviews about them are different. Because children’s bodies react to the use of drugs in different ways.

The homeopathic drug Dentokind is often used to relieve symptoms. I read the composition, and here is a mixed set of components:

  • Ferrum phosphoricum d6 (iron phosphate);
  • Hepar sulfuris D12 (compound of calcium and sulfur);
  • Belladonna D6 (we know it as Belladonna);
  • Chamomilla D6 (Chamomile);
  • Pulsatilla D6 (a preparation from the herb lumbago).

Helps relieve pain, inflammation, gum sensitivity, and eliminates other symptoms.

To reduce irritation, remove excess saliva from your child's chin, and when he or she is lying down, place a towel or napkins to absorb it. Otherwise, the bed will get wet and will have to be changed.

If you were planning to wean your baby or change your feeding schedule for some reason, postpone this decision. The baby now needs to be given the breast every time he asks for it, because this process is soothing. During teething, even more attention and affection is required.

  1. If you purchased teething rings, do not overcool them. Otherwise, the baby may damage his gums.
  2. Do not use any preparations or rinses containing alcohol. They dry out the mucous membranes and can even cause burns.
  3. To eliminate pain and discomfort, do not use aspirin and analgin. These drugs are completely unsuitable for children.

If your child puts something in his mouth, make sure the item is clean and that the material is non-toxic. In addition, it should not have edges that could cause cuts or pricks.

As you can see, such a seemingly simple process as the eruption of baby teeth in small children is associated with a lot of different nuances, which are simply impossible to predict. But now you know much more and will be able to navigate, knowing when to see a doctor and when you can solve the problem at home on your own.

Video - The first teeth are being cut: how to help your baby?

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Sometimes such a significant event becomes a real test for the baby himself, but also for his immediate environment. The process of dental development begins long before the baby is born, or more precisely, at the 6-8th week of pregnancy. First, 20 rudiments of baby teeth appear, and by approximately the 20th week of pregnancy, the rudiments are already formed permanent teeth, which are located deeper, directly under the dairy ones.

The order of teething in children

Each child has 20 primary teeth erupting during childhood, 10 of which are located on the upper jaw and 10 - on the bottom. As a rule, the appearance of teeth in infants occurs in the following sequence:

  • The lower central incisors appear first (beginning of eruption at approximately 6 months);
  • then the top ones;
  • after a few months - upper lateral incisors;
  • behind them are the lower ones;
  • after this, in about a year and a half, the upper and lower molars (or, as they are usually called, molars) erupt;
  • fangs appear after them;
  • finally, at the age of 2-2.5 years, children develop second molars.

There is a formula which is used to calculate approximately how many teeth a baby should have by a certain age. To do this, you need to subtract four from the number of months, that is, by the year (by 12 months) 8 teeth usually erupt: 12-4 = 8. But it is worth noting that there is no exact sequence or specific timing of teething; for each child this process occurs individually: the teeth on the upper jaw may erupt first, or fangs may erupt instead of incisors. All this is well within the normal range.

Many factors influence teething
  • The main role in this process is played by the genotype (genetic information that is transmitted to the baby from both parents).
  • In second place is the duration of breastfeeding, the mother’s health during pregnancy, namely the presence of toxicosis, which delays teething.
  • A significant role in the formation of a child’s dental system is played by diseases suffered during the first year of life.

For example, delay and disruption of the order of teeth eruption occurs with rickets and diseases thyroid gland, frequent infectious and viral diseases. Early appearance of teeth (at 3-4 months) occurs in children prone to acceleration.

Symptoms of teething in children

  • Swollen, painful gums with pale outlines of teeth indicate that teeth will soon appear.
  • The child's behavior changes - he becomes capricious, fussy, sleeps restlessly at night, and sleep may be interrupted.
  • Excessive drooling accompanied by coughing. Children do not remove their hands from their mouths.
  • Decreased appetite, and in some cases, perhaps even a temporary halt in weight gain.
  • A short-term appearance of a rash on the cheeks, chin or chest. This irritation is caused by prolonged contact of saliva with the skin.
  • In some cases, a slight increase in temperature and loose stools may occur.
  • When the temperature rises, and even more so when there is catarrhal manifestations(runny nose, cough), you need to call a doctor to see your baby to rule out a viral or infectious cause fever.
  • The most important remedy for a baby from any illness is mother’s love and care. Therefore, first of all, in such difficult period In life for a child, it is necessary to show attention, affection and care for him as often as possible.
  • Many babies find temporary relief from gum massage, which must be done very carefully, with well-washed fingers or with a cool terry towel. You can even let your child chew on a frozen terry cloth for a while or wipe his gums with a piece of ice wrapped in a clean piece of cloth.
  • Traditional teethers are quite effective and bring relief. They can be very diverse, for example rubber or filled with water. Even your favorite children's toys will do, as long as they are safe and clean.
  • If you've tried all the remedies and still don't get relief, try applying it to your skin. sore gums baby painkiller gel. It contains an anesthetic (lipocaine), which quickly relieves pain and creates feeling of lightness numbness of the treated area. Anesthetic gels are sold in pharmacies.
  • In particularly painful cases, the use of children's painkillers containing paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is justified. An exception for children is drugs containing analgin and aspirin.
  • Good effect can give homeopathic remedies, lowering temperature and reducing signs of inflammation.
  • From folk remedies in this situation, compresses from a decoction of flowers are recommended pharmaceutical chamomile, which are applied to the inflamed areas of the child’s gums or cheeks.
When to go to the doctor?

It’s rare, but it still happens that a baby is born with a tooth. Of course, this situation may not be comfortable for the baby and mother during breastfeeding. Often an early tooth injures the baby’s tender gums and mother's breast. In this situation, it is best to seek advice and help from a pediatric dentist. The exact opposite situation, but also requiring specialist advice, is complete absence teeth one year old child. The absence of tooth buds (edentia) is extremely rare. For various reasons, a number of deviations may occur in the structure of teeth, their development and location:

  • incorrect position of the tooth axis (horizontal or oblique), which is why it erupts outside the arch of the dentition or grows horizontally - in the thickness of the jaw bone;
  • absence of a tooth germ;
  • some violations of the formation of the tooth itself - size, shape, position, color, defect in the enamel coating, etc.;
  • malocclusion, which occurs due to uneven growth of the jaws, caused by prolonged sucking of the nipple;
  • wide gaps between teeth arise due to rapid growth jaws during the transition period - the change of milk teeth to permanent ones, and this is not considered an anomaly. And the gap between the front incisors, which occurs due to the deep frenulum of the upper jaw, can be corrected by an orthodontist.


The baby's first visit to the dentist should be at six months. At this time, a specialist evaluates the correct structure of the maxillofacial apparatus and the condition of the frenulum of the baby’s tongue, upper and lower lip. This must be checked, since frenulum defects can affect the sucking process, the position of teeth during teething, and in the future even the child’s speech. It is recommended for children to visit the dentist regularly after one year.

When baby teeth appear, it is necessary to carefully care for them: parents of babies should wipe their children’s teeth, and older children should learn to brush them themselves. IN otherwise It is quite difficult to protect yourself from the development of caries, since baby teeth consist of very soft enamel.

physiological process exit of the coronal part of the tooth to the surface of the alveolar process of the jaw and gums. The eruption of baby teeth is accompanied by local signs (redness, swelling and “itching” of the gums, profuse salivation) and general symptoms(anxiety, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance). To facilitate the teething process, you can give the child special “teethers”, massage the gums, use anesthetic gels, make applications with medicinal herbs. When worsening general well-being It is advisable to consult a pediatrician or pediatric dentist.

Timing of teething

The criteria for physiological teething are certain timing, a certain order and pairing (the simultaneous appearance of teeth of the same name in the right and left half of the jaw).

Newborns have no teeth in the oral cavity; the mucous membrane covers the edge of the alveolar process, forming a dense cushion. However, the process of developing teeth begins already at the 6-8th week of embryogenesis. By the time of birth, each child’s jaw already contains 10 temporary and 8 permanent follicles (tooth buds), which are located on different stages development and mineralization. The remaining rudiments of permanent teeth are formed in the jaws after birth.

On average, the eruption of baby teeth in children begins at the age of 6-7 months, when the formation of the tooth crown ends and its root begins to develop. The first to appear in the oral cavity are the lower central incisors, then (at 8-9 months) the upper central incisors. The eruption of the upper lateral incisors occurs in a child at 9-11 months; lower lateral – at 11-13 months. Then, at about 1-1.5 years, the first upper molars (molars) appear, followed by the first lower molars. Then the fangs erupt sequentially on the upper and lower jaw(at 16-20 and 17-22 months, respectively). The eruption of primary teeth ends at the age of 2-2.5 years with the appearance of the second lower and upper molars.

Thus, milk bite children have 20 teeth; There are no premolars in it. In pediatrics, to roughly estimate the number of teeth in a child under one year old, the formula is used: N - 4, where N is age in months. The timing of teething in normally developing children may shift in one direction or another: for example, some have milk teeth at the age of 4 months. – 2 years; for others - from 8-10 months. up to 3.5 years.

Immediately after eruption, baby teeth have porous and rough enamel, which contains few microelements. Therefore, if proper hygiene care dental care, diet, dental prophylaxis (fissure sealing, application of fluoride-containing drugs, deep fluoridation) there is a high risk of developing caries in primary teeth. A consequence of intrauterine underdevelopment of tooth tissue can be enamel hypoplasia.

The timing of the eruption of permanent teeth usually coincides with the timing of the loss of milk teeth. As a rule, already after the loss of a temporary tooth, tubercles or part of the cutting edge of a permanent tooth are visible in the socket. The eruption of permanent teeth begins with the first molars at the age of 5-6 years. Permanent central incisors (lower, then upper) appear at 6-8 years of age; behind them, at 8-10 years, the lateral incisors change. The eruption of canines, first and second premolars (small molars) occurs at the age of 10-12 years. The second molars are the last ones to erupt by the age of 13-14. By the age of 17-25, wisdom teeth appear (sometimes they do not erupt at all).

Children's permanent teeth differ significantly from adult teeth in their anatomical features. In particular, in permanent teeth in children, the volume of the tooth cavity and pulp is much larger, and the amount of hard tissue is smaller, therefore different exogenous factors can easily cause caries and pulpitis. This is why it is so important to ensure from the very beginning proper care, regularly undergo professional hygiene, treatment of teeth with fluoride preparations.

Factors influencing the timing of teething

The timing and characteristics of teething are influenced by hereditary and environmental factors. Among the latter, the leading role is given to a burdened perinatal history: toxicosis of pregnancy, Rh conflict, intracranial birth injury, prematurity, infectious diseases neonatal period, etc.

In such children, the timing of teething may be delayed by approximately 2 times. More late eruption teething is also observed in children born to mothers with heart defects who have had herpetic infection, toxoplasmosis and other diseases.

The correct formation of the dental system largely depends on the development of the child in the first year of life. Thus, it has been noted that the timing of the eruption of primary teeth is disrupted in congenital hypothyroidism, and the timing and order are disrupted in rickets. Disturbances in the processes of teeth eruption and replacement may occur with pathology of the pituitary gland, complete refusal from breastfeeding, sepsis of a newborn, frequent acute respiratory infections, past pneumonia, etc. In turn, impaired teething can lead to the formation of malocclusion in children.

Some scientists note that first-born children erupt teeth earlier than subsequent children; in boys later than in girls, and in children of young parents - later than in children of late births. There are cases of children being born with already erupted teeth (usually the central lower incisors). The reasons for intrauterine teething are unknown, but it can definitely be said that prematurely emerging teeth are defective in their structure and have roots that are not fully formed. Such teeth must be removed soon after eruption. Otherwise, when sucking, they will constantly injure the mother's nipple, which can lead to the development of mastitis. Teeth that erupted in utero are baby teeth, so permanent teeth after their removal will appear only at 6-7 years of age.

Teething symptoms

Despite the strong belief that teething in infants is inevitably accompanied by “dental fever” (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, episodes of seizures), pediatric dentists insist that such ideas are false. Being a physiological process that lasts for 2.5 years, teething cannot and should not be accompanied by any pathological manifestations.

Most of the symptoms noted during this period are not directly related to teething, but serve as a manifestation general infection or eating disorders. This is due to the introduction of complementary foods, excluding the protective effect mother's milk, vitamin deficiency and other factors that increase the child’s susceptibility to various infections. Often, the period of teething chronologically coincides with ARVI, acute intestinal infection, viral stomatitis, sore throat, rhinitis, tonsillitis, otitis, reaction to vaccination, or with the appearance of a new product in the child’s diet.

At the same time, teething in most infants is accompanied by the same type of manifestations, which makes it possible to consider them as symptoms specifically this state, but not background diseases. Typically, harbingers of teething appear 3-5 days before the tip of the tooth emerges from the mucous membrane of the gums and subside immediately after that. Local signs The rapid eruption of the tooth is caused by swelling and redness of the gums. Sometimes, 2-3 weeks before tooth eruption, a hematoma appears on the gum in the form of small tumor bluish color. Usually, the presence of a hematoma does not require intervention, but if it increases in size, an incision is made into the mucous membrane and the contents are evacuated. Sometimes tooth eruption is accompanied by slight bleeding from the gums.

The consequence of mechanical irritation of the sensitive nerves of the gums by teething teeth is the so-called “itching” of the gums, which is expressed in the fact that the child begins to pull various objects into the mouth, gnaw and bite them with the gum ridges. For the same reason, during teething, increased salivation is observed. Excessive drooling is partly explained by the new sitting position for the child, as well as the insignificant depth of the oral cavity and the inability to swallow saliva in time, thereby regulating its amount. Due to salivation, irritation and rash may appear in the mouth, chin, cheeks, and chest.

General symptoms of teething may include an increase in body temperature above 37.5°C, not associated with other reasons; vomiting caused by swallowing saliva; cough caused by saliva entering the respiratory tract. Children may have disturbed sleep, decreased appetite (even to the point of refusing to eat), irritability and tearfulness.

Help with teething

If there are significant deviations in the timing of teething (if the child does not have a single tooth by the age of one year), you should consult a pediatric dentist. In this case, an orthopantomogram will be required to assess the condition of the tooth buds and exclude adentia.

You can alleviate a child’s condition during teething by surrounding the baby with parental care and affection and regularly carrying out simple procedures. To relieve itching and pain, special gels with a local anesthetic effect are used, which can be rubbed into the gums several times a day. You can treat your gums with a solution of soda, a decoction of sage, chamomile or oak bark. With pronounced pain syndrome It is permissible to use painkillers (ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc.). If the child does not tolerate teething well, you can visit a pediatric homeopath in advance, who will recommend individual homeopathic remedies.

During the teething period, it is advisable to use so-called teethers - special toys made of soft plastic that the child can chew without the risk of damaging the gums. Can help the baby special massage gums with a finger wrapped in gauze soaked in cold water.

Caring for your teeth after teething

A child’s preventive visit to the dentist should take place soon after the first teeth erupt or at 1 year of age. During the consultation, a specialist will evaluate the structure of the maxillofacial apparatus, the condition of the frenulum of the tongue and lips, and recommend proper dental care. Further visits pediatric dentist should become regular - 2 times a year to prevent caries.

The first baby teeth should be brushed 2 times a day using a piece of gauze or a silicone finger brush without using toothpaste. From 1 year old you can brush with a dry toothbrush, and from 2 years old you can use children’s toothpaste.

The health of permanent teeth largely depends on the condition of milk teeth. Various lesions temporary teeth can damage the rudiments of permanent teeth, so treatment of caries of primary teeth is mandatory. For the correct course of the enamel mineralization process, it is necessary to enrich the diet with foods rich in phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin C; limiting the consumption of sweets.

Teething in children usually begins at 4-7 months and continues until 2.5-3 years. This is a natural physiological process, and usually it does not worsen the baby’s health, but in some cases a deterioration in well-being may still be observed, especially when the most painful of the teeth, the first incisors, come out. They, as a rule, erupt the most painfully, and their appearance in a child can often be accompanied by anxiety, increased salivation, swelling and soreness of the gums, loss of appetite, and sometimes - bowel dysfunction and an increase in temperature to 37-38, and sometimes up to 39 ° C .

Next we will look at the most effective means and methods with which you can, to one degree or another, numb the gums during teething and not harm the baby. At the same time, we also note the most common mistakes parents, who can only make the situation worse.

Remedies and methods commonly used for painful teething in children

All remedies that are used for painful teething in babies can be divided into medicinal and non-medicinal.

TO medications, with the help of which pain relief is carried out, include the following:

Using only medicines for gum pain relief in children is not always sufficient, therefore, in addition to medications, non-drug medications and methods of pain relief are also used. Here, first of all, it is worth noting the use of various teethers, as well as gum massage.

On a note

In addition, it just so happens that many parents actively use various folk remedies, such as soothing warm tea, cool vegetables and fruits pureed, diluted clove oil, cold gauze lotions and even breast milk. At the right approach Such methods of pain relief for gums in children also have a right to exist - it is only important to understand that in most cases they are relatively ineffective.

Pain-relieving (“cooling”) gels

Among the “cooling” gels for gum pain relief, one of the most popular today are Kalgel and Dentol Baby.

Kalgel contains lidocaine hydrochloride (anesthetic) and cetidylpyridinium hydrochloride (antiseptic). Lidocaine is quite effective in relieving pain in the gums during teething, and sometimes completely eliminates it for a while. Cetidylpyridinium hydrochloride protects gums from bacterial damage.

On a note

Lidocaine injections were previously widely used in dentistry for pain relief during dental treatment (today they have been replaced by even more effective drugs). It should be noted that this substance sometimes causes an allergic reaction, so for the first time it is better to use a gel containing it minimum quantity- for testing.

The advantage of Kalgel is rapid pain relief, which occurs just a few minutes after its application, as well as the ability to be used in infants from 3 months.

Like other pain-relieving gels, Kalgel is used topically: a small amount of it is applied to the inflamed area of ​​the gum (no more than 6 times a day). Applying this drug, you need to take into account that there is a small chance that the baby will develop an allergic reaction to its components - therefore, after using the product, the child should be carefully monitored.

On a note

The lidocaine-based anesthetic gel Kamistad is also popular, but it is important to consider that it is used only for children over 12 years of age (for example, for stomatitis, gingivitis). The fact is that the concentration of anesthetic in it is increased, and in an infant it would cause too much numbness in the mouth and tongue, as well as increased salivation(there may be problems swallowing this saliva).

As for the “cooling” gel Dentol Baby - its main active ingredient Benzocaine is a pain reliever. It provides a quick pain-relieving effect, which appears within a couple of minutes after rubbing into the gums and can last up to 20 minutes.

According to the instructions, Dentol Baby gel can be used in infants starting from 4 months of age (no more than 4 times a day and no longer than 7 days in a row). As with Kalgel, it is worth remembering the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

In general, we can say that a significant advantage of “cooling” gels based on anesthetics is a well-defined and quickly onset analgesic effect (in this regard, many anti-inflammatory and, especially, homeopathic drugs are much inferior). Meanwhile, many parents still avoid using gels with anesthetics, not wanting to “stuff their child with chemicals.”

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Of the anti-inflammatory drugs used to relieve pain during teething, the most used in infants today is Cholisal gel. Its main thing active substance– choline salicylate – has combined action: local analgesic (relieves pain), anti-inflammatory and antipyretic.

Kholisal also includes:

  • Cetalkonium chloride (provides bactericidal, antiviral and antimycotic effects);
  • An ethanol-containing gel base that helps long time keep active on the mucous membrane active ingredients, prolonging the overall effect.

The analgesic effect can last from 2 to 8 hours. Concerning age restrictions– the instructions indicate only the need careful use in children under 1 year of age.

The drug is not used more often three times per day.

On a note

Although the instructions say that pain can be relieved within two to three minutes after applying the gel, in reality things may not be so rosy. The effect does not occur as quickly as when using gels based on lidocaine or benzocaine. In addition, the baby may not like the burning sensation that is felt for some time when Cholisal gets on the oral mucosa (imagine that the baby’s gums will already be painful and inflamed).

Homeopathic remedies - gels, suppositories, tablets, drops and syrups

Among the homeopathic remedies that facilitate teething, children's drops Dantinorm Baby, Baby Doctor "First Teeth" gel, Pansoral "First Teeth" gel, and sometimes also Viburkol suppositories are often used. These drugs are based on herbal ingredients(usually extracts of certain plants).

It should be understood that when assessing the effectiveness homeopathic medicines Often there is no difference at all between the placebo (dummy) and the “medicine” itself. This means that any positive effect from treatment is often caused by natural recovery from illness, and not by the influence of a particular drug on the body.

Simply put, homeopathic remedies cannot be guaranteed to actually relieve teething pain. To some extent, the very fact of using any of these drugs can be considered as a distracting procedure (the child may calm down a little simply by observing his sensations when using these drugs). It is also a way for parents to convince themselves that they are not just sitting on their hands, but are doing something useful - giving their child harmless herbal “medicines.”

How effective and safe are teethers?

Among the non-medicinal means that facilitate teething in infants, so-called teethers are often used. In addition to performing their main function, biting them is a kind of preparation for the child to receive adult food and the chewing process, and also helps in the correct formation of the bite and jaw growth.

Such procedures promote massage of the gums - the teether acts as a massager, due to which the blood flow to the gums increases and, as a result, tooth eruption is facilitated.

On a note

The principle of operation of these devices is that when a child is teething, he constantly tries to bite something with his gums, and at this moment he is given a teether - the baby enthusiastically chews it and thereby massages the gums. At the same time, due to its shape and material, the teether is completely safe, pleasant for the child, stimulates the outflow of blood and lymph from inflamed gums with subsequent relief of pain, and also accelerates the process of teething.

It is clear that it will not be possible to quickly numb the baby’s gums with the help of such means, however, in general, during the teething period they can significantly alleviate the child’s condition.

Teethers vary in shape, size and material used to make them. They can have various modifications: in the form of a toy, rattle, book or a special fingertip with a brush. You can also find cooling teethers filled with water (they are placed in the refrigerator for a while and then given to the baby), and even vibrating ones. There are many varieties and best option in each specific case, it can be selected individually, depending on the child’s age, level of development and preferences.

Like other products, teethers have their advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantage is that when using them, the gums are massaged and, to a certain extent, teething actually becomes easier.

The disadvantage is the inability of teethers to quickly and clearly remove painful sensations at the baby's. It should also be borne in mind that cheap models may contain harmful substances, capable of causing allergic reactions and gum irritation.

Gum massage

Another way to reduce teething pain to some extent is to massage your gums. Its effectiveness is approximately the same as that of teethers, but the advantage is that when correct implementation you can be sure that the force is applied exactly to the area that currently needs it most.

Usually, for the first time, the massage is done before lunch in order to track the baby’s reaction to new procedure. At the same time, the child should feel good and be willing to communicate. If the baby bad feeling, the temperature is elevated or there are problems with stool, then it is better to postpone gum massage.

On a note

Another contraindication for massage is difficult tooth eruption, which is accompanied by bleeding. In this case, it is usually recommended to avoid any additional mechanical impact on the gums.

If the child’s condition is normal, then the massage will be pleasant and useful for him.

Before the procedure it is necessary to prepare:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly (with disinfectant);
  2. Nails are trimmed;
  3. If the massage will be carried out using a special finger massager, then it must first be disinfected (the procedure can also be carried out using a special finger napkin, which is specially designed for such cases).

The massage is carried out from the edges of the areas that bother the child, to the area of ​​tooth eruption, but without affecting it. In this case, the following techniques are used: rubbing the gums, stroking, pressing and a combination of these actions.

At the end of the procedure, oral hygiene is performed (brushing teeth and rinsing the mouth with water). It is recommended to accustom your baby to hygiene from the newborn period, so by the time active teething begins, the child will already get used to it.

Folk remedies to ease teething

As noted above, often parents of babies resort to the use of various folk remedies, supposedly allowing them to reduce pain in a child with difficulty teething. Typically, such pain relief methods are used due to their availability and popularity with older relatives (grandparents), who often act as authoritative consultants.

A classic example is that they often try to numb a child’s gums with diluted clove oil. It is believed that it can relieve inflammation in the gums and has an analgesic effect. There is nothing wrong with this (as with the use of homeopathic medicines), but it is only important to take into account that clove oil pure form never used as it can cause burns to the mucous membrane.

Also widely known is the attributed breast milk"pain-relieving" effect. Thus, it is known that if a child is teething, it is enough to simply give him the breast to calm him down. In reality, of course, there is no actual pain relief here - the child, upon contact with the mother’s breast, calms down reflexively, even if his gums continue to hurt. However, the procedure is really effective and makes it easier for the baby and his parents to get through a difficult period.

On a note

The popular method of relieving toothache by applying garlic to a sore tooth should never be used on a child. IN best case scenario this will lead to chemical burn gums, and in the worst case – to pulp necrosis in an unerupted baby tooth with subsequent development of pulpitis and (or) periodontitis.

Features of nutrition during teething

When baby teeth appear, it becomes very important correct selection complementary foods so that it not only does not increase pain in the baby’s gums, but also helps to calm him down.

It is useful during this period to give the child fibrous purees of fruits and vegetables - apples, pears, carrots - which, when the baby tries to chew, provide gum massage and pain relief. It’s good if such purees are not exactly cold, but at least slightly cool - this will not lead to a cold, but will help ease the pain.

It is advisable to give complementary foods to the child before milk, and if the entire portion of food consists only of complementary foods, then after it, give the child water to wash away any remaining food from the gums - due to large quantity carbohydrates can develop bacteria that can increase inflammation during teething.

Surgical teething diseases

The process of teething (character and timing) is one of the indicators normal development baby. However, sometimes serious disturbances in teething can occur.

For example, retention is difficult eruption, refers to pathologies of tooth development and can be associated with diseases and damage to the teeth and jaws. Depending on whether the child has complete or incomplete retention, different diagnoses are possible, sometimes related to general work the whole body.

Another pathology is dystopia, in which a fully erupted tooth is not located in the place where it should be (sometimes it even goes beyond the dentition).

Supernumerary teeth may also be observed - an example is shown in the photo below:

Pathologies include serious violations of the timing of the appearance of baby teeth. Thus, there are concepts of early, premature or delayed teething. Of these, the early one is quite rare, and the late one is more common.

On a note

There are cases when a child can be born with already erupted milk teeth. Most often these are the central incisors.

Premature teething can be explained individual characteristics child, and such cases are less often than others considered as a pathology.

Delayed eruption can be considered a disease if its timing is very delayed. This can lead to different reasons: violations in mineral metabolism, heredity, diseases of the osteochondral base, digestive disorders, decreased activity of the thyroid gland, etc.

The treatment of these diseases is carried out by children's and surgical dentistry. Depending on the cause of the eruption disorder, treatment methods are selected individually, and these can be means aimed at improving general condition the baby's body, and surgical intervention.

Common mistakes made by parents

Among the most common mistakes parents make during the period when a child is teething are the following:

When to see a doctor

In general, parents need to remember that the most effective and safe remedy their child will be prescribed by the doctor, as a professional who has great experience. Moreover, in this case it is not at all necessary to consult a pediatric dentist - the appointment of a pediatrician who will similar situations I've seen it many times already.

It is necessary to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • If it is obvious that the methods used to relieve pain in the baby are not effective enough (it is possible that the problem may not be related to teething alone);
  • If the baby is in the background painful eruption teeth have a high temperature for a long time;
  • If in the area of ​​eruption on the gums there are bluish color swelling (these could be eruption cysts);
  • With the development of severe side effects from taking medications - rash, itching, redness, swelling.

In all these cases, it is necessary for the doctor to examine the child and give further recommendations - attempts to cope with the problem on your own will be associated with too high a risk of worsening the situation.

if you have personal experience using certain methods to relieve teething pain in your baby - be sure to share the information by leaving your review at the bottom of this page.

First aid for baby teething

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