Inflamed gums in a cat. Gingivitis or inflammation of the gums in cats. Getting used to brushing your teeth

Starting a furry little friend- a mischievous kitten, we expect a lot of pleasant emotions from this event. And we get them, of course. But everything will happen - there will be a lot of joy, and sometimes you will have to be upset. A cheerful but defenseless creature with an independent character, and at the same time dependent on the owners, settled in the house. One day you may discover that gum disease occurs in cats too. The cat will not be able to tell you about the trouble, but its appearance and behavior will help you guess that you need to identify the cause of the changes. Gingivitis in cats is not difficult to detect on your own, but leave it to your doctor to treat. Instruct your veterinarian to at least prescribe medications and procedures; you can handle the rest on your own.

Gum diseases in cats

Whatever the disease is called, in any case, redness is a sign of an inflammatory process. The pain in the mouth is excruciating, but all felines are stoic, they don’t try to complain. Notice how your pet behaves, how it eats, whether it is happy or sad. No matter how patient the animal is, if gingivitis occurs in a cat, then treatment is necessary. This is a very painful illness that cannot be overcome with patience alone.

Gum disease has an unconditional connection with the condition of the teeth. This is easily explained by their anatomical proximity. If there are problems with the tooth, the adjacent tissue, that is, the gums, becomes infected. The process spreads quickly, but an attentive owner will be able to notice the onset of the disease. If the pet lives according to the cat principle “on its own”, and signs of pathology are detected late, then the therapeutic process will take longer and more difficult.

Gingivitis: symptoms and treatment in cats and kittens

  1. Smell from the mouth. This sign does not appear immediately; it indicates the neglect of the disease or even its chronic form. Inflamed tissue At first it does not give off a smell, if it appears, it means that suppuration has already formed. IN difficult cases Abscesses form at the roots and in the dental tissue, which requires immediate assistance from a veterinary dentist.
  2. Salivation ( increased salivation). Swollen gums make it difficult to swallow saliva, causing drooling. It is important not to make a mistake, since the symptom is characteristic of various health disorders. The specialist knows the differences and can easily make a diagnosis.
  3. Redness, swelling in the mouth. This gum disease in cats is characterized by intense swelling. So strong that the gum tissue sometimes rises almost level with the tips of the teeth. The red color is bright, but sometimes the gums darken and become almost crimson.
  4. Refusal to eat. It is clear that all of the above will kill the animal’s appetite almost immediately. Inflammation, intoxication, bad feeling– in such a situation, natural defenses are triggered, all the body’s forces are mobilized to restore and fight the disease. And it hurts to eat food, even drink water furry pet difficult.
  5. The situation may worsen to such an extent that ulceration of the mucous membranes occurs. The likelihood of complications increases, immunity decreases, and the body weakens. Any additional infection(calcivirosis, feline AIDS and others) can “catch on” easily. Don’t let this happen; gingivitis in cats can be treated at home; a knowledgeable veterinarian will tell you how to proceed.
  6. Lethargy, depression. The slightest wound in the mouth can greatly disturb a family member, a person knows this from his own experience. Gingivitis is not just a wound. It is rarely localized (focused on a small area of ​​gum tissue). More often pathological process spreads to the entire oral mucosa, it is clear that there is no time for activity when there is such pain.
  7. Bleeding. The gums are filled with blood, the tissues are inflamed, the vessels are fragile, they are injured even by soft food, and blood is released.
  8. At acute course illness listed symptoms develop very quickly with an almost lightning-fast transition from the beginning to the stage of extreme inflammation. Timely diagnosis important for complete cure. Chronic form progresses gradually, the course is protracted. Insufficient care and poor treatment of gingivitis in cats will lead to relapses.
  9. It is the gingival tissue that is damaged. There are other diseases with inflammation in the mouth, features important to know. With gingivitis, there is no loosening of teeth, as is sometimes thought. This opinion is wrong: loosening causes periodontal disease. The necks of the teeth are not exposed; on the contrary, the gums rise and swell. There is also a difference from stomatitis - with the latter, the entire oral cavity is affected by inflammation, and gingivitis “specializes” in the gums.

Causes of gingivitis:

  1. Tartar. Accumulate at the base of the tooth yellow coating food remains settle on it. The layer gradually grows, and tartar forms. This environment is favorable for pathogens: warmth, moisture, nutrition. The result is gingivitis in cats, which can be difficult to treat. The problem is not so much with the drugs, but with the pet’s reaction to your actions. She is in pain, and the area that is bothering her is touched. How does a sick person know about the need for various manipulations? So you will need patience too.
  2. Vitamin deficiency can often provoke gingivitis. If the menu lacks vitamin C, then loosening and inflammation of the gums appear, various pathologies. The problem can be easily eliminated - just balance your pet’s diet.
  3. The reason may be weakening, exhaustion of the body pet some kind of infection. The cat becomes susceptible to any pathogenic flora during illness. The subsequent recovery period is also difficult due to the fact that immunity is low and poorly resists the aggression of microorganisms.
  4. Gum injury with high probability will develop into inflammation in the cat, requiring treatment.
  5. Insufficient care. Lack of brushing your teeth will certainly result in the formation of stones on them. This applies to both young and old cats; in the latter, such formations are inevitable. In the future, inflammation of the gums is possible; in cats, treating this disease is sometimes difficult, especially in wayward ones. Not all owners know that cats need to brush their teeth. This is done regularly, in principle, infrequently. Adult pets - once a week, kittens are allowed a pause of one and a half months between cleanings.
  6. Self-removal of stones at the root of the tooth. Don't try to defeat them yourself. If this succeeds, then there is a high risk of damaging the gums. And this is a factor that provokes the occurrence of gingivitis. Contacting a veterinarian will be safer and easier. Choose an experienced doctor; not everyone will be able to help you competently, without undesirable consequences for your pet. Removing stone from the neck of a cat’s tooth is almost a jewel-like job.
  7. Feeding soft food. If the food is only soft, plaque forms faster, and so does tartar. In nature, the wild relatives of our pets do not have meat grinders; when they periodically eat solid food, they involuntarily clean possible raid from the teeth. Households don’t have to choose: you will have to organize the abrasive effect for them. Just without fanaticism, stick to moderation.

If you develop the habit of monitoring your pet’s condition, you will not miss the time when she needs help. Source: Flickr (Andreas_Krappweis)

A cat has gingivitis: treatment at home

The diagnosis has been established, we begin treatment. For a veterinarian, it is not difficult to identify pathology or choose prescriptions. We list typical recommendations.

  1. There is such a drug - “Dentavedin”. This is veterinary remedy, a gel based on a complex of plants with anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. It is well tolerated, acts effectively, is also wound-healing, does not accumulate in the body of animals, and is non-toxic. Designed specifically to eliminate infectious inflammation mucous membranes of the mouth. Apply the product with a brush or finger - twice a day.
  2. Another gel similar action with an interesting “thematic” name - “Nibbler”, they even gave it the smell of ham. Gum disease in cats is eliminated in one, maximum two weeks. Additionally, it serves to prevent the formation of tartar. This gel is gently rubbed into the gums of the sick pet three times a day. There are more chemical additives in it than in Dentavedin; observe what the animal’s reaction to the drug is. Start with a test, apply a little, not to the entire painful surface. Wait half an hour or an hour. Everything is fine, no allergies? This means that you can use the medicine in full (according to the instructions).
  3. Sometimes animal owners, trying to help as quickly as possible, treat according to the “what’s at hand” principle. Usually these are “human” remedies, sometimes they help, but there is still a risk of overdose or paradoxical effect. Better inflammation Remove gums from your sick cats using veterinary medications. Of the medications intended for humans, cats can use Metrogyl Denta gel for pain relief as a temporary measure of relief.
  4. At running forms antibiotics are prescribed for the disease. They are either applied to the gums or anti-gingivitis tablets for cats are used.
  5. Weakened immunity is restored by giving interferon.
  6. In especially severe cases that are difficult to treat, even hormonal drugs so that the furry patient can recover faster and more reliably.

Prevention of gum inflammation in cats

To eliminate the reasons, we remember hazardous factors and we try to warn them.

  • You may be surprised by the following fact: sometimes your cat needs to brush her teeth with a special paste for cats. The beauty is unlikely to like this, so get used to this procedure from childhood. The kitten will resist at first. Be patient, don’t scold him, calmness and affection will help the fidget understand that nothing dangerous is happening. Do it gently, without violence. Four-legged friends smart, and the baby will learn everything. He will not be happy, but over time he will stop struggling.
  • Accustom to raw vegetables- Solid foods are important.
  • Avoid vitamin deficiency.
  • Be observant, deviations in health are easier to level out in initial stage without getting sick.
  • Check your pets periodically.

Always follow these simple recommendations, then your cat will not develop gum disease and treatment will not be needed.
Our affectionate darling, even when sick, looks calm. Not every owner will immediately notice deviations in her health. The animal is extremely patient and endures pain stoically, so be observant. Indirect signs(lethargy, depression, apathy, refusal to eat) is a signal for alarm. The habit of believing that animals should not get sick (except symbolically) due to their proximity to nature can become fatal for a pet. In the same way, they suffer from ailments, especially the “civilized” ones - those living in conditions similar to us. Wild people also get sick (we are not talking about homeless people), but in the forest no one looks into their teeth; how long the relatives of our charges live is known only approximately; what happens to them natural selection. Pets living nearby are perceived as family members, and this option will not suit us.

We have discussed the symptoms and treatment of gingivitis in cats in detail here, which can be very useful. After all, you are the one taking care of the furry patient, so you need to understand the details thoroughly. A small household needs high-quality and diligent help, and this must be done as quickly as possible.

Check periodically, when the pupil is relaxed, what is wrong with her teeth and in her mouth in general - is everything normal? The color of the mucous membrane, the type of teeth - all this can be seen without exposing the furry creature to violence. During play, she loves to lightly bite her owner's fingers, imitating a formidable beast. Don’t let the cat loosen up, but have time to see it. If you develop the habit of monitoring your pet’s condition, you will not miss the time when she needs help.

Video on the topic

Animals very often experience various diseases oral cavity. When a cat has red gums, most owners strive to make every effort to find out the main root cause. Red gums in a cat are a sign of many diseases, one of the most common of which is gingivitis.

It is worth noting that this type of disease occurs in several of the most common forms: plasmacytran-lymphocytic and dental. The first type is characterized by the presence of symptoms such as: strong pain in the oral cavity, caused by the formation of ulcers. That is why the animal’s gums are bright red, the cat refuses to eat, may emit a plaintive meow, and its weight decreases to a certain extent. According to most veterinarians, if treatment measures are not taken in time, such more serious problems may arise. serious illnesses like: calcivirus or even plague.

Dental gingivitis occurs as a result of cat owners over long period time did not pay due attention to cleaning teeth from plaque. Due to the fact that it forms near the junction of the tooth and gum, the infection spreads very quickly throughout the body.

Since a cat’s red gums can occur for a number of other reasons, and not just as a consequence of the development of gingivitis, it is important to pay attention to one more feature. The fact is that the disease in question is accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor emanating from the oral cavity. In addition to changes in the color of the gums, a set of other manifestations also occurs. The main ones among them are: excessive secretion saliva, swelling of the gums, which tends to constantly increase, bleeding of the gums, which can intensify even with slight pressure.

In some cases, the animal may lie down and get up only to relieve itself.

Since the gums are not too far from the brain, it is necessary to delay treatment until in this case not worth it. IN otherwise, due to the spread of infection, complications may develop that will lead to the death of the animal.

At the same time, starting an independent treatment process, without consulting a veterinarian and receiving confirmation of the diagnosis from him, is extremely undesirable. If we're talking about about dental gingivitis, a simple examination will be sufficient. Otherwise, a biopsy is necessary.

In addition to gingivitis, the cause of red gums in cats may be improper diet. In the case where the main emphasis is on feed or simply on food that does not differ natural origin(for example, on sausages), the animal may lack vitamins and microelements, which also affects the condition of the gums.

Also, the cause of redness of the gums and the appearance of a strong unpleasant odor from the oral cavity can be an unhealthy tooth. When similar symptoms arise after a cat eats food that is completely new to it, we can talk about irritation or allergic reaction. Moreover, it could be chemical burn, which arose, alternatively, as a result of the consumption of various plant varieties.

In any case, regardless of the root cause of the disease, it is necessary to remember that complete elimination of both inflammation and bad breath can only be achieved with proper treatment. Many owners stop carrying out all necessary procedures immediately after the gums begin to acquire a natural color and the cat’s appetite increases. In fact, this approach is extremely dangerous and it can provoke a relapse within a very short period of time.

In some cases, to achieve as much as possible quick effect, it is necessary to combine treatment with traditional medicines And folk remedies. True, you should initially make sure that the animal is not allergic to them.

Thus, the main cause of red gums and bad breath in cats is gingivitis. Although, in some cases we can talk about unbalanced nutrition and dangerous plants, the use of which caused a chemical burn.

Gingivitis in cats is inflammatory disease gums, which appears due to infection and the formation of tartar. At first, the pet’s well-being does not deteriorate, but over time, the pathology leads to the loss of one or more teeth. If the disease is not cured, it becomes more difficult for the cat to chew food, which is why it enters the stomach in its original form and provokes stagnant processes. The gastrointestinal mucosa often becomes inflamed, and pathogenic microflora develops. Treatment of gingivitis in cats will quickly improve your pet’s well-being and prevent complications.

Reasons for development

In cats, gingivitis appears for various reasons, primarily mechanical and chemical injuries. Gums are easily damaged sharp objects and household chemicals that your pet may accidentally try. Microbes appear in the area of ​​injury, causing inflammation and swelling.

Often the owner himself is to blame for the cat's sore gums. Inexperienced owners give the animal tubular bones, while their sharp fragments cut not only the oral cavity, but also the gastrointestinal tract. Such a treat should not be given to pets, as it is dangerous to health and even life.

Other causes of red gums:

  1. Lack of vitamins C and A, which keep the immune system in good condition.
  2. Caries. If left untreated, it will lead to demineralization of tooth enamel and tooth decay.
  3. Wrong taste. Teeth put pressure on soft fabrics, which causes gums to bleed. Small ulcers may appear on the surface.
  4. Tartar. If plaque is not removed from the teeth in time, it will thicken and turn into stone. It will act as a breeding ground for infection, cause injury to the gums, and also lead to hyperemia (redness).
  5. Infectious and inflammatory pathologies. These include calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis, feline distemper and problems with the digestive system.

Gum hyperplasia in cats requires a visit to the veterinarian. The doctor will examine the animal, make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen. If you stick to it, your pet will quickly recover.

Symptoms and diagnosis

  • You can suspect gum inflammation by characteristic features. If in the early stages they may not be present, then as they progress alarms will definitely appear. The cat's salivation will increase and bad smell from the oral cavity. In this case, you should immediately visit a veterinarian before significant gum damage occurs.
  • During medical examination in cats, the doctor will see bleeding of the mucous membrane, as well as redness. When pressed, there will be painful sensations. If gingivitis is advanced, then the gums will become bluish tint, will swell and hang over the teeth.
  • Pets often lose their appetite and generally become less active. Body temperature often rises, swelling The lymph nodes under the jaw. Specific symptoms depend on the type of pathology.
  • Dental gingivitis caused by plaque is easier to treat and disappears faster. It almost never recurs. More severe form considered plasmacytic-lymphocytic, which is observed in case of damage immune system or with negative viral effects. The pet suffers from acute pain, and numerous ulcers appear on the mucous membrane. The pathology is difficult to treat and often takes a chronic form.
  • The inflammatory process of the gums in a cat is determined by visual examination. In this case, the veterinarian needs to determine the cause of the pathology, since it depends on further treatment. The animal may be sent for a clinical and biochemical blood test, an x-ray of the oral cavity, and a smear test.
  • Given the danger of the pathology, owners should know the symptoms and treatment of gingivitis in cats. Even kittens are susceptible to disease if they are exposed to negative factors. The sooner you start therapy, the easier it is to cure your pet.


On early stage pathology, it is easy to eliminate the inflammatory process of the gums. To do this, it is enough to remove tartar and constantly brush your pet’s teeth. Therapy at home requires the use of anti-inflammatory and disinfectant drugs that must be applied externally. They include herbal ingredients, so cats like the taste of the products. They need to be applied to problem areas 2-3 times a day after meals. If the owner does not know how to treat it, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the list of remedies.

Effective drugs:

  1. Nibbler. A high-quality spray for the treatment of gums, which contains chamomile, oak bark, enzyme complex Amylosubtilin, propolis and calendula.
  2. Dentavedin. Available in gel form, which contains propolis, herbal extracts and chlorhexidine gluconate.
  3. Metrogil-Denta. Sold in a regular pharmacy, but allowed for the treatment of animals. The substance tastes and smells like children's toothpaste.

If there is an obvious inflammatory process, the doctor will definitely prescribe antimicrobial agent Metrogil-Denta, which was already mentioned above. To speed up the healing process, we recommend oil solutions from vitamins A and E, as well as sea buckthorn and rose hip extract. Speaking about what to do if bleeding occurs, we can advise you to deal with the underlying cause. That is, it is necessary to cure the disease, and the symptoms will disappear on their own.

Antibiotics are prescribed for gingivitis of the plasmacytic-lymphocytic type. For example, your doctor may recommend Tylosin or Amoxicillin. Additionally, immunomodulators and anti-inflammatory drugs will be needed. If a sick animal has inflamed gums, then in case of severe pain, the veterinarian will prescribe lidocaine applications to the gums.

At advanced stage It may be necessary to remove dead tissue and grind down sharp edges of the teeth. When there is destruction of a tooth area by periodontal disease, tooth extraction will become a mandatory procedure.

Treatment for gingivitis in cats: good results subject to all doctor's recommendations. Without treatment, the gums will increase significantly in size, which will require surgical intervention.


To prevent the development of lymphocytic-plasmacytic gingivitis, you should regularly brush your pet's teeth. The procedure is carried out at least 2 times a week. You should purchase a special brush for cats, which has soft bristles and is made taking into account anatomical shape herd the pet. It is also necessary to separately purchase toothpaste for animals, since human toothpaste is not suitable and can have a toxic effect.

For prevention purposes, it is recommended to feed food with large particles that will clean the oral cavity. You should not feed your pet bones, or give parts of fish that can injure the mucous surface. It is imperative to support your cat’s immunity with high-quality vitamins.

If the owner gives the pet dry food, you need to choose a premium product. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to purchase medicinal products twice a year that help cleanse the oral cavity.

It is important to promptly recognize infections (periodontal disease), as well as problems with the immune system. If a wound occurs in the oral cavity, it is necessary to promote its healing. Disinfection and control over the development of complications are imperative. For any alarming symptoms The pet should be shown to a doctor and, if necessary, therapy should be started.

How to train a cat to brush its teeth

Many pets may refuse to brush their teeth, so they should be accustomed to the procedure to prevent dental diseases. To begin with, it is recommended to calm the animal and make it clear that cleaning will not cause pain. It is best to choose a moment when the cat is relaxed, for example, has recently woken up. You need to pet your pet, talk to it, and gradually touch the area of ​​your tongue and gums. It may take several weeks for the cat to allow the owner to place fingers in the mouth.

When the pet begins to trust the owner, you can move on to using a toothbrush. The new object should be given to the pet to sniff. If the animal does not show signs of anxiety, you should open your mouth slightly and touch your teeth with a brush. Gradually, you should ensure that the animal does not worry about the presence of foreign object in the mouth.

Now you can move on to brushing your teeth. At first, you can use only a brush, and then medicinal ointments and special pastes. For example, Elgidium, Dentavedin and Hamigake are suitable. Remedies should be asked at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. They will help prevent dental diseases and keep your pet’s oral cavity in good condition.

It's called gingivitis dental disease, in which the gum tissue becomes inflamed. In most cases, this pathology has infectious nature and is common in both humans and animals. Gingivitis is less common in cats than in dogs, but is more difficult to detect because cats are more tolerant of discomfort and pain, and usually try not to show discomfort.

Although gingivitis is not life-threatening, if left untreated, the infection spreads to the tissues of the teeth and jaw bones, which can lead to the development of periodontal disease and tooth loss. By blood vessels pathological microorganisms from the gums can easily enter internal organs, and cause damage to the digestive system, liver or kidneys.

Can lead to the development of gingivitis different reasons. TO external factors These include primarily mechanical or chemical injuries. The gum tissue is not dense, and therefore can be easily damaged by sharp objects or aggressive substances that get into the cat’s mouth, which the animal decides to taste out of curiosity. When the gums are damaged, microbes settle on them, causing inflammation and swelling, which over time spread to nearby tissues.

Attention! Most often, the gums are injured when a cat tries to gnaw on tubular bones that its owner managed to treat it with. The fragments of such bones can hurt no worse than a knife; under no circumstances should they be given to cats!

Gingivitis can also be caused by:

  • Incorrect bite, when teeth constantly put pressure on the gum mucosa, as a result of which ulcers can form on it.
  • Deficiency of vitamins A and C, which are responsible for the state of the immune system.
  • Presence of tartar. Dental plaque, which is not removed from the teeth in time, thickens and forms stone, which serves as a breeding ground for infection and injures the gums.
  • Untreated caries (demineralization of tooth enamel with subsequent destruction of tooth tissue).
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases. These are calcivirosis and rhintoracheitis, affecting the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and oral cavity, panleukopinia (feline distemper), chronic diseases digestive systems.

Symptoms and diagnosis

A characteristic sign of inflammation of the gums in a cat is increased salivation and bad breath. Such phenomena are a reason to seek help from a veterinarian without waiting for the gum damage to become widespread.

When examining a cat, swelling, redness and bleeding of the gums are detected, and they are painful when pressed. With advanced gingivitis, the gums acquire a bluish tint and, swelling, hang over the teeth. Due to pain, the cat loses appetite, decreases activity, and worsens general health, body temperature may rise and the submandibular lymph nodes may swell.

Gingivitis caused by plaque is called dental gingivitis. It is easier, treats faster, and, as a rule, does not cause relapses. A more severe form of gingivitis is plasmacytic-lymphocytic. It can be the result of a hyperreaction of the immune system or develop under the influence of viruses (rinotracheitis, panleukopenia and others). This form of the disease manifests itself acute pain, formation on the gums and soft palate numerous poorly healing ulcers. Plasmacytic-lymphocytic gingivitis is difficult to treat and often becomes chronic.

The diagnosis of gingivitis is usually made in a cat based on visual inspection, since the symptoms of the disease are quite specific. One of the difficult moments may be determining the cause of the disease, since the choice of methods and means of treatment depends on it. For this purpose, the animal may be prescribed clinical and biochemical research blood, analysis of a swab or smear from the oral cavity for calicivirosis and rhinotracheitis, as well as radiography of the jaw. For differential diagnosis gingivitis of the plasmacytic-lymphocytic type is sometimes required microscopic analysis biopsy taken from the gums.


At an early stage of the disease, gingivitis is not difficult to get rid of; its manifestations can often be eliminated if the cat has tartar removed and his teeth brushed regularly. For treatment at home, external disinfectants and anti-inflammatory veterinary preparations are also recommended. They are made on the basis medicinal plants, have an attractive smell and taste for cats. Such products are applied to the cat’s gums 2-3 times a day after she has eaten.

Treatment and prophylactic drugs for cats have good reviews:

  • Gel Dentavedin. It contains propolis, chlorhexidine gluconate and extracts of 2.5 dozen medicinal herbs.
  • Spray Zubastic. Contains propolis, Amylosubtilin enzyme complex, extracts of chamomile, sage, calendula, oak bark.

In case of severe inflammation, the veterinarian may prescribe an antimicrobial and antiseptic Metrogil Denta ( active ingredients metronidazole benzoate and chlorhexidine gluconate). To accelerate gum healing, use oil solutions of vitamins A and E, rosehip or sea buckthorn oils, ointments with actovegin or solcoseryl (these substances activate tissue regeneration processes).

Treatment of plasmacytic-lymphocytic gingivitis requires the use of antibiotics (Tylosin or Amoxicillin), anti-inflammatory drugs and immunomodulators. To remove pain syndrome The cat may be prescribed novocaine or lidocaine applications to the gums. If necessary, necrotic tissue is removed or the sharp edges of the teeth are ground. If a section of the gum is so damaged by periodontal disease that it is no longer able to perform a supporting function, the tooth must be removed.

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To prevent your cat from developing gingivitis, the first step is to maintain good dental hygiene. Cats, like people, need to brush their teeth, albeit not every day, but at least a couple of times a week.

Important! There are special “cat” toothbrushes that have soft bristles and a shape adapted for the animal's mouth, there are designs of brushes that fit on the finger. Toothpaste also purchased separately, “human” is not suitable for cats, as it can have a toxic effect on the cat.

To prevent the formation of plaque on the teeth, you can periodically give your cat special food that contains substances that bind calcium and prevent the formation of dense lime deposits on the teeth. The shape and size of dry kibble helps mechanically clean the cat's teeth from food debris. Popular brands of preventive dry food are Hill’s SP Feline Adult and Royal Canin Oral Care.

Planned care will help detect the first signs of gingivitis in a cat in time. preventive examinations, try not to miss them. This is especially true for breeds with a genetic predisposition to diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. Veterinarians say that gingivitis most often develops in Siberian, Persian and Burmese cats. It is advisable for them to undergo follow-up examinations more often; in addition, they should be fed with vitamins in the winter and introduced into their diet in the summer. healing herbs, stimulating the immune system.

The term "gingivitis" is inflammatory processes gums. The spread can be either in the area of ​​one tooth or in a wide area.

Gingivitis and the onset of periodontal disease in cats

The disease is considered the beginning of periodontal disease.

Gingivitis in cats is the onset of periodontal disease.

The lesion spreads from the gums, affects the ligaments, and “catches” the dental bone. Inadequate or no treatment leads to loss of a tooth or entire dentition , depending on the extent of distribution.

A sore mouth and painful teeth not only lead to the spread of infection, unpleasant smell, but also negatively affects the condition digestive system, because due to pain the animal cannot eat normally, often swallowing food whole. This serves as a signal to diseases gastrointestinal tract , in particular, intestinal blockage and metabolic disorders.


There are two factors for the occurrence of gingivitis: dental factor and plasmacytic-lymphocytic factor.

Due to poor oral sanitation, bacteria begin to multiply and the cat's teeth become yellow.

Dental form of gingivitis appears along with plaque, which occurs as a result of poor oral sanitation, namely: food debris stuck at the base of the gums provokes the growth and reproduction of bacteria. Gradually the deposits become denser and harden.

Cleaning is good preventive measure against gingivitis.

Its presence in the oral cavity provokes. Can also cause illness malocclusion, resulting in injury to the oral mucosa.

The disease can lead to damage by:

  • Digestive system disorder.
  • Lack of vitamins group C and group A.
  • Dangerous products, for example, tubular bones, are also a significant factor in the occurrence of pathology. When such a bone is bitten, small fragments damage the mucous membrane. In the resulting wounds, a pathogenic environment is created that is favorable for the reproduction and growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • External influencing factors also have an impact on the development of the disease.
  • Long stay among household chemicals, inhaling its vapors or licking it, while undergoing radiography, prolonged exposure to radiation.

Tubular bones are dangerous product, when bitten, they can damage the mucous membrane.

Plasmacytic-lymphocytic form of gingivitis

The plasmacytic-lymphocytic form is an order of magnitude more severe than the dental grade.

It is characterized by severe sharp pain, the growth of wounds and ulcers in the soft palate. The animal cannot eat, as a result of which it sharply loses weight, exhaustion and secondary diseases: , plague. Possible serious problems With stomach and intestines .

Main symptoms

The disease is diagnosed by a veterinarian by visual examination of the oral cavity and a biopsy to identify the plasmacytic-lymphocytic flow.

Bad breath from a cat is the most a clear sign gingivitis.

  • hyperemia and swelling at the base of the gums;
  • bleeding when pressing on the palate;
  • pain on palpation;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • nervousness;
  • at severe hunger there is an impossibility.

In more severe cases Bleeding ulcers develop on the soft palate, the animal is unable to close its mouth normally and experiences severe pain.

How and with what to treat gingivitis

It is important not to delay treatment; you need to start it in a timely manner.

In the initial stage of the disease, the problem can be eliminated by regular teeth cleaning .

If, however, tartar is already present, it must be removed. Removal of small deposits is carried out using ultrasound, followed by grinding and treatment with antiseptics. Heavy deposits are removed in two stages. First, mechanical chipping of large pieces, then processing of small particles with an ultrasonic scraper.

Complication of pathology with subsequent development of periodontal disease is an irreversible process. It is important to prevent complications and start treatment in a timely manner.

Human gel is recommended to eliminate pain Metrogil-Denta , which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Acceptable use veterinary drugs Dentavedin And Nibbler .

Plasmacytic-lymphocytic gingivitis

Help for the plasmacytic-lymphocytic form includes the prescription of antibiotics that help relieve inflammation and lead to the death of the infection.

Used both in the form of tablets and in the form of ointments for local treatment. It is permissible to drop the immunomodulator interferon onto the tip of the nose; the cat will lick it off. This medicine is used to improve immunity.

From anti-inflammatory medications Prednisone is recommended. IN special cases removal of the affected tooth or a whole row is undertaken to avoid the spread of the disease.

Disease prevention

Tartar in a cat at the initial stage.

  1. Can be used chew toys . They will simultaneously satisfy the animal’s need to gnaw, and at the same time strengthen it.
  2. Acceptable use special feeds for cleaning and removing plaque.
  3. You can also use mechanical cleaning with a brush using special gels and cat paste. Good recommendations at the gel Tropiclean. It contains mint, glycerin, specially purified water, alcohol, carbopol, chlorophyllin, leaf extract green tea. Can be applied without a brush. Before application, you must thoroughly wash and disinfect your hands. Index finger Gently apply directly to teeth and rub lightly. It is preferable not to allow the animal to eat or drink for thirty minutes after application. Repeat the procedure at intervals of five or seven days.

Video about oral care for cats