I can’t take a deep breath and the cough starts. Causes and methods of treating cough when inhaling. Pain in the lungs when inhaling

Cough may occur due to various reasons. It is not always associated with some serious disease, so many people treat it quite frivolously, waiting for months for it to disappear on its own. Sometimes this happens, but not when deep breath coughing begins. This is already very alarming symptom, especially if it is accompanied by chest pain.

TEST: Why do you have a cough?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

The cough can be described as:

You characterize the cough as:

Can you tell that the cough is deep (to understand this, take more air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing attack, you feel pain in the abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during a cough (it doesn’t matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the center of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do shortness of breath bother you (during physical activity Do you quickly become out of breath and get tired, your breathing becomes faster, followed by a lack of air)?

Main reasons

Attack severe cough When inhaling, there can be different reasons. But all of them, one way or another, are associated with respiratory diseases. That's why self-treatment it is inappropriate here and the first thing to do is to apply for medical assistance. The most likely reasons why a cough may begin when inhaling:

  1. Allergy. A dry, suffocating cough when inhaling provokes exposure to an allergen, which in this way the body tries to “push” out. A few minutes after the onset of the attack begins copious discharge mucus and swelling of the larynx, which prevents you from taking a deep breath.
  2. Neuralgia. Intercostal neuralgia is often disguised as heart attacks and other diseases. After a deep breath, the ribs expand and pinch the roots of the inflamed nerves. This causes a reflex dry cough without sputum production, which is often confused with a heart cough.
  3. Broken ribs. It's hard to breathe and with broken ribs. Especially if their sharp edges or fragments scratch the lungs. As you inhale, the lungs expand, and a broken rib can irritate them, causing a dry cough. Sometimes a small amount of sputum with traces of blood is coughed up.
  4. Acute respiratory infections and their complications: tracheitis, bronchitis. Cough when inhaling is usually observed in acute period of these diseases: paroxysmal, barking, obsessive, the cause of which is severe irritation larynx.
  5. Bronchial asthma. This severe spasm bronchi, which makes it impossible to take a normal breath. Panic arises in the brain: “I’m suffocating!” The person begins to cough violently, trying to provide access to oxygen.
  6. Flu. Coughing when taking a deep breath occurs due to the fact that the virus enters the lungs and bronchi, to which the mucous membranes react with instant irritation. The body begins to intensively produce mucus, which, when inhaled, clogs Airways, causing a wet cough.
  7. Viral croup. A very dangerous infectious disease that causes severe swelling larynx, blocking breathing. The patient begins to choke and cough heavily, reflexively trying to expand the lumen.

As you can see, each of these reasons is quite serious and requires professional diagnosis and treatment. You cannot try to solve the problem yourself using traditional methods of treatment, since some of them can only worsen the situation. You should immediately go to the doctor if your cough causes pain when inhaling.

Cancer symptoms

The most terrible diagnosis, which can be revealed by the results comprehensive survey, is lung cancer. It has many various forms, some respond quite well to treatment with early stage diseases.

The first symptoms oncological diseases are:

  • persistent cough, dry or small highlight sputum;
  • traces or streaks of blood, pink color of sputum;
  • general weakness, dizziness, constant ailments;
  • loss of appetite, frequent nausea, vomit;
  • clearly localized pain in the area chest.

Conventional cough remedies do not work in this case, as do painkillers, which only provide short-term, minor relief.

If you find yourself similar symptoms, there is no need to panic ahead of time. Other diseases, such as tuberculosis, manifest themselves in a similar way.

This is why a comprehensive, professionally performed diagnosis is so important. Only an oncologist can give a conclusion that a neoplasm is malignant after a biopsy (examination of tumor tissue).

Diagnosis and treatment

The doctor must decide what to do in each specific case. Usually he does not prescribe treatment until the tests have been completed. lab tests(blood, urine, sputum) and other necessary tests and studies have been completed:

  • X-ray of the lungs - allows you to identify pathologies not only in this organ, but also cardiac abnormalities or pre-diagnose bronchitis;
  • bronchoscopy - examination of the internal lining of the bronchi using a miniature camera that displays an image on a monitor, allows you to measure the diameter of the lumen, determine the presence of tumors, and take tissue or sputum samples for analysis;
  • spirometry – determines vital important indicators lung function, allows you to diagnose the degree of development of pulmonary diseases;
  • computed tomography – allows you to carefully examine the condition layer by layer internal organs, is prescribed when difficulties arise in establishing accurate diagnosis;
  • electrocardiogram, ultrasound of the heart - are needed in order to exclude, and sometimes the inability to take a deep breath speaks of a heart attack, which studies will show.

Based on the examination results, intensive treatment is prescribed complex therapy, which includes medications(usually several groups), physiotherapeutic procedures, breathing exercises, massage.

Only the attending physician should choose medications and determine their dosage, as he takes into account the specific interactions various means. Traditional methods are sometimes recommended as auxiliary ones in order to quickly eliminate a dry cough or relieve the bronchial spasm that causes it.

Many people ask what to do if, but there is no opportunity to immediately consult a doctor. Most safe way stop him - drink warm water or Herb tea. It’s good if you have antihistamines in your medicine cabinet - they relieve swelling and spasms, significantly making breathing easier.

You can take antitussives yourself only if you are sure that there are no large accumulations of mucus. Otherwise, they can provoke bronchostasis and cause an attack of suffocation. Expectorant syrups sometimes worsen the cough, and if it is accompanied by pain, it will be extremely unpleasant.

A universal way to combat a dry, painful cough of any nature is warm milk. You can add a little honey and ghee to it. A mixture of honey and oil placed under the tongue during an attack will also help.

Preparations with aloe before staging preliminary diagnosis It’s better not to use them - they thin the blood and accelerate the growth of cells, including tumors.

That is why self-medication in this situation can lead to the opposite result. Therefore, if a coughing attack catches you at night, you need to open the window, put the pillow higher, drink warm milk or tea with honey and wait until the morning. And when the day comes, actively take care of your health, first of all going for a diagnostic examination.

Complaints of a dry cough on exhalation are common among people susceptible to seasonal colds and obstructive narrowing of the upper respiratory tract. In fact, this is a symptom of many diseases, ranging from laryngitis and pharyngitis to chronic bronchitis in the acute stage and bronchial asthma. The causes and treatment of these pathologies can differ radically, so if such a symptom occurs, it is necessary to contact a therapist or pediatrician as soon as possible. According to indications, fluorography of the lungs and a number of other laboratory examinations are prescribed.

It is almost impossible to find out without diagnosis why wheezing and whistling occur when exhaling. Based on the collected medical history, the doctor can only make a preliminary diagnosis.

Common causes of dry cough, wheezing and whistling when exhaling

The most common causes of cough when exhaling are colds, affecting the mucous membranes of the larynx and trachea. As a result of the inflammatory reaction, swelling of the mucous membrane and narrowing of the lumen of the respiratory tree occurs. When air escapes under pressure from the intercostal muscles and diaphragm, a whistling and wheezing sensation occurs, which stimulates a dry cough without sputum production.

But you shouldn’t reassure yourself that ARVI, if left untreated, will go away on its own in 7 days. This kind of misconception can be dangerous. The fact is that the signs described above indicate pathological changes bronchial tissues.

These may be diseases such as:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis with an obstructive component (particularly dangerous when developing in children under 5 years of age);
  • developing false croup and swelling of the larynx, including against the background of an allergic reaction;
  • pneumonia with involvement of the basal upper and middle lobes of the lung;
  • heart failure in the chronic phase;
  • developing pulmonary edema against the background of pulmonary hypertension;
  • whooping cough, diphtheria and other dangerous childhood infections.

Distinguish independently the conditions requiring emergency medical care impossible.

Other likely causes include the following:

  • dry and contaminated with small particles of dust air in the room where a person is;
  • thickening of the glottis, including under the influence bad habits(smoking, drinking strong alcoholic drinks);
  • taking hot drinks and food, irritating spices;
  • allergic reactions slow type;
  • residual effects after suffering from influenza or ARVI;
  • irritation of the upper respiratory tract with potent substances, vapors, hot air (in a bath), thermal and chemical burns larynx.

It must be remembered that the best prevention tuberculosis is a regular fluorographic examination. Fluorography must be done once a year upon reaching the age of 15 years.

What should I do and which doctor should I contact?

What to do if a whistling and dry cough occurs when exhaling depends on certain circumstances. Let's try to look at them all and find out which doctor you should contact in a given situation.

First of all, you should pay attention to the severity of the process and the circumstances of its occurrence. characteristic symptoms. If these are residual effects after influenza and ARVI, then you should wait 5-7 days. If nothing changes during this time, you need to contact a therapist (pediatrician) and continue treatment. This may be a developing complication in the form of a bacterial infection (bronchitis, tracheitis, alveolitis, bronchiolitis and other diseases).

If a dry cough on exhalation appears regularly under the same circumstances, it is necessary to suspect allergic obstruction of the respiratory tract. These people are at risk of developing bronchial asthma. Therefore, it would be logical to contact an allergist, immunologist or pulmonologist.

If you have a history of injury, use of certain substances, or inhalation of unknown vapors, you should seek emergency medical attention by calling an ambulance. If there is a suspicion of heart failure, you need to sit comfortably and ensure blood flow fresh air and unfasten the top buttons. And, of course, consult a doctor.

In the diagnostic process, according to the standards of medical care to the population, the doctor must prescribe the following examinations:

  • fluorography, if necessary, radiography in various projections;
  • microscopic and bacterial culture sputum to exclude tuberculosis and determine the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics;
  • expanded general analysis blood (shows inflammatory processes, allergic reactions);
  • bronchoscopy in difficult cases, allows you to take material for histological examination;
  • electrocardiographic examination to exclude cardiac pathology and myocardial failure.

According to indications, ultrasound of the heart, computed tomography of the lungs, consultation with a pulmonologist, immunologist and phthisiatrician may be prescribed.

Treatment for cough on exhalation should be prescribed by a doctor!

Currently sold in pharmacies great amount cough medicines. But you shouldn’t rush out shopping and prescribe therapy for yourself. Prescribe treatment for dry cough on exhalation only experienced doctor based on the survey results obtained.

In most cases, etiotropic therapy with the use of antibiotics, antiviral and sulfa drugs. Deadlines similar treatment are 5-7 days. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Azithromycin 500 mg 2 times a day for 3 days, Ciprofloxacin 500 mg 2 times a day for 5 days, Amoxiclav 500 mg 2 times a day for 7 days. days. All dosages are indicated for an adult.

Expectorants and sputum thinners are prescribed exclusively for dry coughs. This could be “Libexin”, “ACC”, “Ascoril”, “Bromhexin”. In the presence of shortness of breath, the prescription of "Eufillin" 0.15 g 2 times a day is indicated.

Bed rest is recommended in case of elevated body temperature and muscle weakness. If these symptoms occur, long walks in a pine forest or simply in a park, where there is no industrial air pollution, are recommended.

It is worth paying attention to treatment methods allergic cough. In this case, the emphasis is on the selection and dosage regimen antihistamines. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Ketotifen, Ketoprofen, Suprastin, Tavegin, Diazolin, Claritin, Cetrin.

In case of severe obstruction of the upper respiratory tract, which is accompanied by whistling and wheezing during exhalation, it is recommended to temporarily use inhalers containing corticosteroid substances (Salbutamon, Berodual and others).

Inhalations with eucalyptus oil included in their composition help, baking soda, decoction pharmaceutical chamomile, wild rosemary, oregano. If the mucous membranes of the throat and larynx are affected, you can use Lugol's solution, rinse with Rotokan and soda solutions.

For the entire period of treatment, you must stop smoking and drinking hot drinks and food. The room must be ventilated at least 2 times a day. Wet cleaning is carried out daily.

General practitioner Nechaeva G.I.

Many people are familiar with the feeling of coughing when inhaling. This sign may indicate many disorders in the human body.

Most probable reasons are the following pathologies.

  • Neuralgic diseases in which the endings of inflamed spinal nerves become pinched in the ribs.
  • Bronchial asthma, accompanied by spasms and suffocation. Because the carbon dioxide it is difficult to come out of the bronchi, a cough appears when exhaling .
  • Chest injuries, when the shrapnel edges of damaged ribs irritate the alveoli, causing difficulty breathing and coughing up blood clots.
  • Swelling of the larynx - dangerous illness, causing deep .
  • Entry into the body pathogenic microbes, which provoke the production of mucus, which interferes with breathing . This is typical for infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which include influenza, ARVI, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, epiglottitis.
  • If a cough begins with a deep breath, it may indicate the development of tuberculosis or cancer.

The listed diseases are quite serious, so there is no need to ignore the alarming symptom and self-medicate. The main task of people who find themselves in such a situation is to get diagnosed in time and begin to receive proper treatment. To do this, you need to seek help from a specialist.

Types of cough

To understand what disease accompanies a cough, you need to know the nature of its manifestation. The symptom is classified according to the following characteristics.

By duration:

  • Acute - accompanies a cold infectious disease. Often appears in the evening.
  • Protracted - lasts more than two weeks after the infection.
  • Recurrent - periodically repeated in the form of attacks, which is typical for asthma or bronchitis.
  • Chronic - bothers a person for a long time, since the cause of the pathology is permanent factor.

By intensity.

  • Coughing is typical for smokers and people with laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, and tuberculosis.
  • - a sign of whooping cough.
  • Shallow exhalation indicates that the pleura is irritated.
  • Paroxysmal - begins as a result of a hit foreign body into the respiratory organs. These can be allergens, pathogenic bacteria, foreign objects.

When taking a deep breath, a cough in 90% of cases indicates the development of a tumor. It is usually accompanied by the release of odorless sputum, in which blood, resembling jelly, appears over time.

Based on the presence of discharge.

  • Dry, in which there is no secretory fluid, is a sign of a cold, seasonal allergies, pleurisy and residual effects after a long illness. It is difficult for a person to breathe, cough, or carry on a conversation. The symptom is intrusive and is often associated with vocal cord dysfunction.
  • Moist cough clears the airways of irritants. It stops after the sputum leaves and appears after new mucus forms. A wet cough when inhaling causes pain and is accompanied by asthma attacks.

How to recognize the disease

Before you appoint correct treatment, it is important to determine the cause of the disease and make a diagnosis. When examining the nature of a cough, one always takes into account associated symptoms such as runny nose, elevated temperature body, wheezing, difficulty breathing, pain in the throat, in the side. Diagnostics involves blood, urine and sputum tests, fluorography, x-rays and special studies- spirography, bronchoscopy, computed tomography.

Cough treatment methods

In treating the disease it may be necessary professional help several specialists: otolaryngologist, allergist, pulmonologist. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease and alleviating the patient's condition. The regimen for taking medications depends on the type and nature of the disease.

  1. For residual cough, no medication is needed. If there is weakness and chills, it is enough to follow bed rest.
  2. Diseases caused bacterial infection, treated with antibiotics. To eliminate the accompanying dry cough, expectorants are prescribed, for example, Bromhexine or Lazolvan.
  3. If you are worried about colds, bronchitis and other infectious diseases, antiviral medications help.
  4. To get rid of dry painful cough take medications that suppress the cough reflex.
  5. To cure a constantly recurring cough attack, it is recommended to carry out inhalations, in which inhalation of vapors has a healing effect on the bronchi.

Traditional medicine for cough

There are several traditional methods, which help eliminate cough when inhaling.

  1. Mix crushed aloe leaves, fresh lemon, and honey in equal proportions. They insist for a week. The drug is taken before meals, a tablespoon for a month.
  2. Hot milk is mixed with raisins. Leave for 20 minutes. Healing drink drink three times a day.
  3. Inflammatory processes in the bronchi are treated with herbal decoctions of chamomile, coltsfoot, thyme, St. John's wort, nettle and yarrow.
  4. Relieves wheezing vegetable juices carrots and black radish with honey.

First aid during a coughing attack

There are times when a person suddenly becomes ill. He does not have enough air when inhaling, and coughs when exhaling. There is no need to panic in this situation. The following actions will help alleviate the patient's condition.

  • Open the windows wide to provide maximum amount oxygen in the room.
  • Offer the victim something warm drinking plenty of fluids, even if he doesn't feel like drinking. It can be chamomile tea with honey, milk with a small amount soda or mineral water.
  • If you have a nebulizer, you can do inhalation based on mineral water With alkaline composition and saline solution. If you don’t have a device, they will do steam inhalations with boiled potatoes.
  • Do not allow the room where the patient is to be smoky or smell of chemicals.
  • If the cough is allergic, it will help wet cleaning in room. The main thing is to eliminate the allergen.
  • An effective procedure is to rinse the nose with saline solution.
  • If the attack occurs in a dream, the person needs to take a vertical position.

Cough when inhaling in a child

A child, unlike an adult, has weak respiratory organs, so any infection can quickly provoke serious illness. It poses a particular danger to the baby tobacco smoke. If there are smokers in the family, the child unwittingly inhales harmful nakatin, which can cause underdevelopment of the lungs, allergies, and chronic.

Coughing when talking in children may indicate the presence of acute bronchitis. If the attack is accompanied by shortness of breath and wheezing, there are signs of obstructive syndrome. Because obstruction is muscle spasms, causing degradation of the bronchial tree, treatment should be started as soon as possible. The diagnosis is made by a pediatrician. It is he who writes out the complex necessary medications that can relieve the baby from painful symptoms.

If croup is observed when exhaling, it may be viral croup. The disease develops against the background common cold. The virus has penetrated into children's body, causes inflammation of the mucous tissues of the trachea and larynx. As a result, the airways narrow and breathing becomes difficult.

Prevention of diseases with cough while inhaling

In order to prevent the development of the disease and unpleasant symptoms, it is important to adhere preventive measures. A set of useful measures is aimed at strengthening protective forces organisms that help fight pathogenic viruses and bacteria. These include the following.

  • To give up smoking.
  • Walks in the open air.
  • Preventive gymnastics, physical exercises.
  • Avoiding places where there may be allergens.
  • Daily wet cleaning of the premises.
  • Healthy lifestyle, proper diet.
  • In autumn and spring, during the period of exacerbation of infectious diseases, carry out steam inhalations with eucalyptus, chamomile and other medicinal plants.
  • Timely visit to the doctor during illness.
  • Treatment according to the recommendations of a specialist.

Taking good care of your health will help you avoid infectious diseases respiratory system and associated complications.

Coughing when inhaling is a fairly common case. Therefore, most of us do not take this situation seriously, because such an illness occurs quite often. However, this may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Coughing when taking a deep breath can cause lung cancer, this is especially worth considering for experienced smokers. With this diagnosis, the cough is long and dry, manifesting itself most often at night. Patients suffering from chronic bronchitis are also at risk.

In addition, the causes of a coughing attack can be irritation of pleurisy, cardiovascular diseases, asthma attacks or allergic reactions, childhood diseases such as whooping cough or diphtheria.

Cough when taking a deep breath

The cause of cough is to cleanse the body of mucus from the bronchi by contracting muscles and increasing chest pressure. With the rapid opening of the throat gap, the release of air is accompanied by the release of sputum and clearing of the bronchi. An occasional urge to cough should not cause much concern. You should be concerned when systematic cough with a deep breath. This cough is divided into dry and wet:

  • dry cough is characterized by duration and intrusiveness. Occurs with disease of the bronchi and vocal cords;
  • wet cough is characterized by its frequency. Each new attack begins only after the next accumulation of sputum in the bronchi and, as a rule, is a symptom of bronchitis.

Dry cough when inhaling

The causes of a dry cough when inhaling may be swelling of the bronchi or the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. As a rule, it manifests itself reflexively, but the appearance of such a cough can actually be provoked by force. When coughing, infected germs quickly spread throughout the entire room where the patient is located. Therefore, it is recommended that sick people wear a protective mask or completely isolate them from healthy people for a while.

A dry cough when inhaling is a symptom of allergies, colds, flu, and pleurisy. Characterized by a sharp reduction respiratory muscles, and also creates tension and increases pressure in the respiratory tract. It is also worth considering permanent place work of the patient to make a more accurate diagnosis. The presence of harmful and dangerous production factors directly affects respiratory diseases. Also, a dry cough begins with a change in air temperature in the room, and is accompanied by severe pain in the sternum.

Cough treatment

During illness, treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the infection, as well as relieving the patient's symptoms. Residual cough after illness (for example, flu), as a rule, does not require special treatment. In order not to worsen the situation with cough during illness (chills, weakness), it is necessary to observe bed rest. Pneumonia and bronchitis are usually treated with antibiotics. A dry cough is treated with expectorants: ACC, Bromhexine, Ascoril.

For symptoms of chronic bronchitis and uneven breathing with whistling, inhalation is recommended. If the cough manifests itself due to cardiovascular diseases, prescribe oxygen therapy, a specially selected complex gymnastic exercises. In the most advanced cases, surgery is inevitable.

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Questions and answers on: cough when taking a deep breath

2016-06-16 10:55:11

Victoria asks:

Good afternoon The therapist made a diagnosis acute bronchitis, prescribed antibiotics and cough tablets, and gave a referral for fluorography. I received the result today, but the appointment is only on Monday, I would like to know if I should be worried if the result showed that “The pulmonary pattern is enriched in the hilar regions”? I have been taking medications for the sixth day, but the cough remains the same, the wheezing remains, and sometimes I feel pain when I take a deep breath.


Hello, Victoria! The results of fluorography correspond to the diagnosis of acute bronchitis. Given that the condition does not improve with treatment, there is reason for an unplanned return visit to the doctor to review the treatment plan and, possibly, prescribe another therapy. Take care of your health!

2015-07-25 23:25:16

Dmitry asks:

Hello. I’m 18 years old, I’ve been smoking since I was 12. After quitting smoking I started discomfort, pain, tingling in the lungs, mainly in the right. It is felt in short attacks throughout the day. When inhaling/exhaling deeply – (not constantly) the same unpleasant sensations; when turning/moving the body painful sensations No. In addition to this, a cough was added. Overall I feel very good. I went to the therapist, he listened to my lungs - there was no wheezing, and sent me for a urine blood test. I would like to know what this is connected with and listen to the answer to another question: does it smell like cancer here? Thanks for the answer.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello Dmitry! The symptoms you listed are nonspecific and do not allow either making a diagnosis or excluding/confirming cancer. Continue the examination prescribed by your physician, and be sure to discuss with your doctor the possibility of a chest x-ray, since without this examination, diagnosis becomes much more difficult. Take care of your health!

2015-01-23 17:07:48

Anna asks:

Hello, I just got discharged from the hospital. She was treated for right-sided pneumonia. She was given drips with ceftriaxone for 11 days, took Thermopsis tablets, had physiotherapy and lung massage. Upon discharge, they took an x-ray, the doctor said that the pneumonia had resolved, that there was no need for any more antibiotics, just to drink mucaltin. I feel good, although the dry cough still persists. What worries me is that there is still a barely noticeable pain when I take a deep breath. In the morning it is a little more pronounced. Only the first day at home after discharge. Tell me, what do you think, 1) why the pain has not completely gone away and when will it end? 2) Do such symptoms often occur in those who have had pneumonia? 3) Does it mean that having had pneumonia once, it will definitely recur, that the lungs are now mine weakness. Pneumonia may be chronic disease? Thank you in advance.

2014-07-12 18:15:39

Anton asks:

Kind! I have been smoking for over 6 years and decided to quit. Within a week after quitting cigarettes, severe cough, pain in the lungs when taking deep breaths and, apparently, blood in the urine. How serious can a diagnosis be for such symptoms?

Answers Telnov Ivan Sergeevich:

Hello. To determine the presence of blood in your urine, take a urine test. The cough is most likely associated with an exacerbation Chronic bronchitis. Contact a pulmonologist for examination and adequate treatment.

2014-05-28 06:50:39

Alexey asks:

Since February, I have been bothered by a feeling of congestion in the left lung, in the middle and slightly above (along own feeling), approximately 2-3 cm from the “entrance” to the lung from the trachea, so to speak... No cough. But shortness of breath appeared. And if you compare, the left lung inhales slower and harder than the right. This feeling either weakens or returns again (but does not go away). In the morning it feels weak (practically does not bother), but by lunchtime and evening it gets worse.
If we talk about the left side in general, I feel stiffness in the ribs, sometimes I hear a “click” of the rib near the spine when I take a deep breath. There is osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia, wedge-shaped deformation in thoracic region spine. Body temperature is generally within normal limits. The feeling bothers me at rest if I sit, lie on my back or on my right side, but if I lie on my left side it becomes much easier.

Answers Gordeev Nikolay Pavlovich:

Hello, Alexey. From February, if you have shortness of breath, it is time to conduct some kind of examination.
1. X-ray of the chest organs, regardless of when you had it before.
2. General clinical blood and urine tests
3. With the results - to your territorial family doctor. If any pathology is detected
He will refer you for further examination and consultation with specialists if necessary. Good health to you.

2014-02-22 11:02:07

Svetlana asks:

The question is: I’m 30 years old, I can smoke sometimes. The problem is that when I lie on my back, after a while, when I take a deep breath, a feeling of unclean breath appears. It’s not a sound, not a whistle, not a noise, just a feeling that the lungs seem to be expanding. After inhaling, no matter how deeply you breathe, this is no longer the case. Then you lie down for a while - again like this. Besides more symptoms none. There is no temperature, FG is normal, general blood test is normal, there is no shortness of breath, no cough, nothing hurts anywhere, when I lie on my side, on my stomach - there are no such sensations. I also noticed that when I lie in the bathtub, on the water or in the pool on my back, even for a long time, I don’t feel anything like that. I saw a pulmonologist - he says you have nothing, go to a psychotherapist)). I went to the phthisiatrician, I lay there specifically so that I could listen while lying down)) - I don’t hear anything he says. I’m very suspicious, I’ve been feeling this way for a year now, I’m very worried, I have a daughter. Suddenly something terrible happens, but they can’t find it. Help me with an answer, thanks.

Answers Velikanova Anna Lvovna:

Good afternoon, Svetlana!
Do you know that more than half of human diseases are born and die in the head? Your sensations in the lungs can be caused by anything - nerves, hunger, cold, accumulation of mucus (which is natural, even if you smoke 1 cigarette a year), drank some water - this is only a subjective sensation. The doctors, as far as I understand, determined that you are healthy from the respiratory system. So?
And now, with a “clear conscience,” you can come up with any name for your feeling (as many housewives come up with a “housewife”) and live in health with this feeling happily ever after. You just need to “make friends” with him.
No, you, of course, can, of course, come up with some very terrible reason this feeling and live in anticipation of “something terrible that no one can find” sprout and “manifest itself in all its glory.” Or you can continue additional examinations of all organs and systems, you can simply stop lying on your back, you can quit smoking... - there are a lot of options. You know, here only you, for yourself, can once and for the rest of your life stop worrying and start living, as Carnegie wrote.
You write that you are suspicious - suspiciousness is generally treated with a course of psychological or psychotherapeutic sessions, if desired - with the use of hypnosis or other techniques that relieve tension. At the same time, if you want to worry, you will always find why. The psychotherapist will help you get rid of the next cause of anxiety at each session. And you will go to the doctor as if you were going to work. Many people find a certain charm in this, and it’s also fashionable. And some also correct their condition with pills - and here you have a glamorous portrait.
I am for quick release from problems. Clients haven't come to me for years. If you want, please contact us and we will sort it out. Prerequisite only one thing: you really want to get rid of anxiety and suspiciousness.
Let's imagine for a moment that behind your feelings, in fact, lies something “terrible that no one can find.” What then? Your actions? For prevention, cut everything out?
Nonsense, of course.
Faith works miracles. Believe that by rubbing the place where your sensations are concentrated, this “magic rubbing” will heal you. A person’s internal reserves are the true limitless and omnipotent way to heal. You probably know examples when, by the power of Faith (in God, in oneself, in one’s health...) a person drove away from himself the most terrible diseases. And you can do this. You can come up with and perform a “ritual of expelling all diseases and bad feelings from the body.” Let your suspiciousness work for your benefit at least once. If this suspiciousness can sow fear and anxiety in you, then exactly the opposite, it (suspiciousness) will help you get rid of everything unnecessary, harmful and bad that interferes with your happy life.
And one more thing: apparently, you have time to listen to your feelings. Take this time to do something socially useful.
One example: During the war, infantry soldiers did not suffer from influenza and other viral diseases(do you think there was no infection in the trenches?) - they simply had no time. In the face of death and war, there is no place for a runny nose.
There are other examples in medicine of how, after the death of an elderly relative, it became known that he lived with incurable disease and should have died half a century ago. But he didn’t know about his illness, he simply believed that he was absolutely healthy and lived happily into old age.
In general, Svetlana, my advice is this: if you want to worry and worry, that’s your right.
If you want to live a peaceful life in health and happiness, believe that you are healthy and happy. Once and forever accept this for yourself as the truest truth. And leave the sensations to your suspiciousness - let them be only sensations - you are a living person, which means feeling, accumulating and coughing up mucus, experiencing pain, blowing your nose - all this is natural for you.
Be healthy and happy!

2014-02-13 14:26:39

Makeeva asks:

Hello. I have this situation - a year ago I had pneumonia (it all started with a regular cough and fever), and if I myself had not heard wheezing in my left lung when I took a deep breath, I might not have gone to the doctor, because... At that time there was no cough or fever. Now the children are sick and apparently I got the infection from them and also started coughing. The worst thing is that today I heard wheezing again..... Please tell me, can the inflammation return? And what can you do for treatment for now? There is no way to go to the doctor yet, because... I go to doctors with my children. Thank you.

2013-01-18 13:03:40

Julia asks:

Good afternoon A month ago I suffered from acute tracheitis. Treatment was antibiotics plus different syrups. I was sick for 2 weeks, the cough was very strong before taking antibiotics. After recovery, the cough went away, but periodically there is a feeling of slight squeezing in the upper chest area, above the chest, sometimes on the left and sometimes on the right. When I inhale and exhale deeply, I don’t feel anything, this feeling appears unexpectedly and lasts for a second... I started to worry, maybe I need some pass tests, and what could this be?
Best regards, Yulia.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello! This symptom may be due to several reasons: a psychosomatic component ( distinctive feature which is the appearance of symptoms during psycho-emotional arousal), cardiac pathology with an atypical manifestation pain symptom, the consequences of the past inflammatory process. Determining the cause of symptoms requires additional examinations, objective examination. For this purpose, it is better for you to consult a therapist. After establishing the presence somatic pathology, there is a need for treatment. Be healthy!