Fennel: benefits and harm, medicinal properties and methods of use. Medicinal properties of fennel fruits and seeds

Hi all! How to brew fennel tea correctly? Recipes and 14 beneficial properties of fennel tea in our material. Fennel is a popular aromatic plant that is successfully used both in cooking and in folk medicine. The plant belongs to the Umbrella family, and its homeland is the Mediterranean.

Nevertheless, in our latitudes, fennel is successfully grown and the seeds are harvested as medicinal raw materials. The medicinal properties of fennel have made it popular in Eastern medicine - in some countries it is included in pharmaceutical preparations.

The benefits of fennel are a scientifically proven fact; it is a pharmacopoeial plant, widely used for recovery and treatment.

What you will learn from this material:

Uses of fennel

Even in ancient times, people paid attention to the fragrant herb and tried to use it in various fields. Fennel seed oil has been used as a cosmetic for skin and hair care.

Raw seeds were part of the diet of ancient athletes and warriors - they increased endurance and helped build muscle mass. Today, fennel is mainly used in pediatrics as an anti-colic remedy that does not give side effects and does not harm the health of newborns.

In addition, the seeds of the plant are popular in cooking due to their spicy aroma.

But this plant also has other medicinal properties of fennel, and besides this, it is very easy to prepare medicines from it - you just need to pour boiling water over a small amount of grains and let it stand.

Fennel tea can be useful for absolutely everyone, because it has virtually no contraindications. Below we will look at 14 more medicinal properties of fennel tea.

How to brew fennel

Medicinal properties of fennel

Fennel is useful not only as a food supplement, but also as a medicine. Let's look at the medicinal properties of tea made from the seeds of this plant.

Improves digestion and gastrointestinal activity

Fennel seeds are known to relieve smooth muscle tension and stimulate the flow of bile, which reduces pain in gallbladder diseases and improves digestion. Fennel seeds also help get rid of gas accumulation in the intestines and relieve symptoms of flatulence.

Drinking fennel tea helps improve blood circulation and nutrition of the organs responsible for digesting food, thereby improving this process and preventing the development of various diseases.

Fennel seeds are a rich source of fiber, which helps maintain intestinal health and improve peristalsis. Research results also prove that fennel seeds can also relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Fennel helps you lose weight

Fennel improves digestion, allowing the body to better absorb the nutrients it receives from food. This feature allows you to quickly feel full and is a preventive measure against overeating.

Ultimately, this will help in losing weight, since the number of calories consumed is reduced, and all food supplied to the body will be absorbed 100%, and not stored as fatty tissue. In addition, fennel can effectively reduce glucose levels.

The seeds of the plant suppress appetite and also help remove excess fluid from the body, due to which it is cleansed and weight loss is a natural consequence of these effects.

Fennel promotes heart health

Scientists have discovered that there is a connection between liver and heart health that most of us are not even aware of. The liver is an important organ, the body’s natural filter, in which the process of breaking down fats and cholesterol occurs.

If everything is in order with the liver, it independently regulates the level of cholesterol in the body, and breaks down the excess into simpler substances and removes it from the body. But, if the liver cannot cope with excess fat for any reason, the cardiovascular system suffers first of all.

Excess cholesterol is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, clogging them, increasing the risk of developing various diseases and worsening the functioning of the heart.

Fennel allows you to improve the filtration functions of the liver, due to which it indirectly improves the activity of the cardiovascular system, protecting its health and improving blood supply to all organs and systems.

This plant is also an excellent source of fiber, and if the seeds are eaten, the fiber prevents the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines and protects against cardiovascular disease.

Fennel, among other things, is the richest source of potassium. Helps control blood pressure and counteract the adverse effects of sodium salts on the body. This prevents hypertension and ultimately other heart diseases.

Fennel strengthens the immune system

For children and the elderly, as well as those who are often sick, fennel can be an excellent solution to the problem. Thanks to the content of organic acids and vitamin C, fennel improves the functioning of the immune system, protecting the body from many diseases.

Fennel contains antioxidants that restore immunity and improve the condition of the body as a whole. Tea from the plant contains selenium, which promotes the formation of T-lymphocytes.

In addition, it has antiviral and antimicrobial properties, which help improve immunity as the burden on the body is reduced.

Fennel is good for eyes and vision

Scientists have discovered that fennel extract is potentially useful in the treatment of glaucoma and myopia, as it improves the regeneration of eye tissue and prevents the spread of pathological processes.

Fennel tea is good because it affects not only eye health, but also activates areas of the brain that are responsible for visual function, protects them from pathological processes, improves blood supply and nutrition.

You can use fennel infusion as an eye tonic or drops. Ophthalmological studies by US scientists have shown that the eyes are exposed to high loads every day, due to which metabolic processes occur much faster there. The antioxidant properties of fennel help prevent premature muscle wear, thereby stopping the development of problems with the lens of the eye.

Improves hormonal balance

Fennel is one of many plant foods that contain phytoestrogens, which are plant analogues of human hormones. The benefits of plant hormones in restoring hormonal balance and maintaining the health of the reproductive system is a scientifically proven fact.

This principle is used in traditional medicine - for various hormonal disorders and minor disorders, doctors prescribe herbal preparations to safely bring the body's activities back to normal.

Fennel seeds contain phytohormones in the highest concentration compared to other parts of this plant. These herbal substances help regulate hormonal levels in the body to prevent imbalances.

Fennel is used alone or in combination with other plants, for example, cones and seeds. Due to the safety of the plant, it can be used by both women and men, which cannot be said about other herbs containing phytohormones.

For example, the same flax seeds are dangerous for men in excess quantities, as they inhibit testosterone production and can lead to estrogen dominance, which will lead to disturbances in the reproductive system and external changes.

Fennel treats arthritis

In one study, scientists discovered fennel has significant anti-inflammatory properties, as well as the ability to eliminate pain. Therefore, fennel in folk medicine is effectively used in the treatment of arthritis.

Fennel tea should be consumed for a long time, and this should be done at least 3-4 times a day. Since herbal remedies are gentle on the body, you should not expect results with the first use. However, in the long term, fennel can eliminate inflammation and restore affected joints.

Fennel is good for women's health

Fennel, due to its antispasmodic properties and the content of phytohormones, helps eliminate PMS, normalizes the menstrual cycle and restores the reproductive functions of the female body.

In addition, with regular consumption of fennel tea, women of reproductive age can delay the onset of menopause and prolong the youth of their body, again, by normalizing hormonal levels and maintaining health with an antioxidant effect.

Fennel for babies

The use of fennel in pediatrics is widespread throughout the world - it is one of the few plants that does not have a negative effect on the health of newborns, and also rarely causes an allergic reaction.

According to statistical medical studies, cases of fennel allergy in newborns are very rare, approximately 1 in a million children. Therefore, the pharmaceutical industry has long been using the extract of this plant to produce drugs designed to eliminate discomfort during the formation and development of the digestive system.

Fennel tea has the same effect as pharmaceutical preparations based on it, so many mothers prefer to prepare a medicinal drink at home.

Most children are allowed to use fennel from the first days of life. If there are any developmental abnormalities or congenital pathologies, it is important to consult a pediatrician and not use tea from the plant for up to 1-3 months.

As a rule, even one tablespoon of fennel seed decoction is enough to prevent the child from suffering from abdominal cramps. Thanks to the use of fennel, digestion is normalized, gas formation is reduced, and the nervous system is calmed.

Indian scientists have discovered the invaluable benefits of fennel for people suffering from type 2 diabetes. In addition to the fact that fennel tea normalizes blood glucose levels and improves the functioning of internal organs, it also blocks the development of the negative consequences of this disease and dangerous complications.

Fennel protects the body from the effects of diabetes, improves the immune system, and normalizes blood composition. In addition, fennel restores the sensitivity of insulin receptors, although this discovery has not yet been fully studied, but doctors and scientists are studying fennel seeds, predicting in the future the creation of effective herbal medicines that will completely cure type 2 diabetes, which is impossible for medicine today day.

Fennel is the best product for the prevention of cancer

American scientists have been conducting a series of studies for the fourth decade to find products and plants that can have a positive effect on the health of cancer patients and cure cancerous tumors.

Among the plants under consideration, scientists drew attention to the ability of fennel, if not to cure, but to prevent the development of cancer.

Fennel heals skin

Fennel contains essential oils that have an antihistamine effect, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Thanks to this, fennel can be used to treat skin diseases.

Both local application and oral infusion helps eliminate rashes, inflammatory processes, and also starts the process of skin cell renewal.

An important rule for using fennel to treat skin is to protect yourself from sunlight, as the essential oils from the seeds of the plant make the skin sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

Treatment with fennel has few contraindications, however, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is recommended in order to get only benefits from the plant!

We wish everyone health and beauty!

Where to buy seeds and seedlings with delivery

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Fennel roots, leaves, stems and seeds are widely used in cooking in many countries, as well as in folk medicine. Having examined in more detail the beneficial properties of fennel herb, you can successfully use it for your own purposes. The culture contains fatty oils, organic acids, vitamins, and carotene. The listed components in combination have an antispasmodic, diuretic and disinfectant effect.

Fennel herb was known back in the time of Hippocrates, who repeatedly mentioned it in scientific works. The ancient Greeks successfully treated stomach, flatulence, cough and asthma with the help of healing decoctions and infusions.

General information about fennel

This perennial plant belongs to the Celery family. The culture includes 2 types: vegetable and ordinary. A spindle-shaped fruit with a fleshy structure resembles. At the same time, the graceful sprigs of unusual dill are distinguished by a sweet anise aroma.

In July-August, the tall bush is decorated with luxurious umbrellas. By September, fennel seeds ripen.
Their use in medicine is so in demand that many pharmaceutical companies specialize in producing drugs with the culture extract.

Only ripe seeds are distinguished by a high concentration of beneficial microelements and medicinal compounds.

The chemical composition of fennel or the most important thing

“Pharmaceutical dill” has a beneficial effect on the human genitourinary, nervous and respiratory systems. At the same time, certain components restore the digestion process and also relieve various types of inflammation. The latter function is performed by a chemical compound such as anethole (50-60%).

However, an overdose of fennel in most cases causes seizures. In addition, the composition of the plant includes many useful substances:

  1. B vitamins (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 9). It also contains ascorbic acid (150 mg%) and vitamin A, as well as PP.
  2. Saturated fatty acids. These include oleic, linoleic, petroselinic and palmitic.
  3. Powerful antioxidants. Among them are flavonoids and vitamin B3.
  4. Fats (0.2), carbohydrates (7.29) and proteins (1.24). Thanks to this chemical composition, fennel is considered a low-calorie product.
  5. Microelements. In addition to dietary fiber and ash (10-20%), the plant is rich in sodium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, chromium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, calcium and iron.
  6. Essential oils. In fruits - 5-6%, and in seeds - up to 18%.
  7. Glycosides. Carbohydrate-containing compounds, which are abundant in the leaves.

After such a scientific review, it’s time to find out how fennel is useful in practice. Below we will discuss contract diseases, as well as the pharmacological features of the crop.

Useful properties of fennel herb to help families

Fungi, bacteria, viruses, and microbes attack the human body every day. They weaken the immune system and become causative agents of many diseases. Therefore, “pharmacy dill” is often used as a disinfectant and antiseptic.

Concentrated fennel extract is used to disinfect premises. An oily substance is dripped into a small amphora or aroma lamp at the rate of 4 drops per 10 m².

However, these are all the possibilities of such a gift of nature. Here are four uses of the perennial plant:

As already noted, fennel is very useful for bronchitis. To prepare an expectorant, you need to brew 2 tbsp. l. seeds in 200 ml of boiling water. After 20 minutes, strain. Take the mixture 3-4 times a day, 1/3 cup before meals.

Recently an amazing discovery was made. Famous universities around the world have been conducting research on the beneficial properties of fennel herb for a long time.

The high content of anethole in it makes the plant an indispensable tool in the fight against cancer:

  • stomach;
  • mammary gland;
  • rectum.

Based on the experiments conducted, scientists concluded that the use of fennel herb is an excellent prevention of cancer. Still, there is no need to expect a miraculous result, since each medical history is unique in its own way, like an individual organism.

Uses of fennel in the treatment of common ailments

In most cases, “pharmacy dill” is used in the form of infusions, decoctions and teas. However, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technologies for preparing and taking such drugs. Then the patient will be able to receive maximum benefit from such therapy.

In folk medicine, several simple recipes are used:

Despite the excellent indications of the herbaceous plant, the use of fennel during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. Certain elements affect a woman's hormonal levels, and this can harm the child.

Carefully! Fennel contraindications

The perennial plant's unique chemical compounds can calm the nervous system. However, patients with epilepsy should not use it, otherwise attacks may become more frequent or result in death. Since teas and infusions from “pharmacy dill” are used as a laxative, it should not be used for diarrhea.

As you can see, the beneficial properties and contraindications of fennel are closely related. For this reason, it is important to recognize signs of overdose or intolerance in time. If a person begins to feel dizzy, nauseous and has intestinal upset, then it is better to stop taking medications based on this product.

The natural world is rich in plants that save people's lives and maintain their health. An amazing example of such “cooperation” is the fennel herb, the beneficial properties of which were known to the ancient healers of Greece.

Video about the properties of fennel

Fennel is a perennial herbaceous plant of the celery family, up to 90-200 cm in height. In appearance it resembles dill, in taste and aroma it is closer to anise, but with a sweeter and more pleasant taste.

Fennel can be either ordinary or vegetable, the latter having a fleshy trunk. It should be identified very carefully: it can be confused with other poisonous umbellifers! Fennel root is spindle-shaped, fleshy, wrinkled.

Stem with a bluish coating, straight, branched. The leaves are three- and four-pinnate, with long thread-like lobes. Small yellow flowers are located at the tops of the stems in the form of flat complex umbrellas. The fennel fruit is an oblong two-seed, sweet in taste.

Fennel blooms in July-August and bears fruit in September. Fennel is cultivated as a medicinal plant.

Common fennel belongs to ancient medicines. It was widely used by Hippocrates, Dioscorides, Pliny and Avicenna.

Useful properties of fennel

Fennel fruit contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, chromium and aluminum.

Fennel preparations have antispasmodic and carminative effects, increase the secretory activity of the digestive glands, promoting digestion; act as a weak diuretic and expectorant.

Typically, fennel preparations are prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by spasms, flatulence, and pain in the intestines (spastic colitis and intestinal colic). “Dill water” is especially effective for children. Fennel is also used for gallstone and kidney stone diseases, bronchitis and whooping cough, scanty menstruation and sexual infantilism. Internal use of fruit infusion in combination with external washing is useful for mycoses (fungal infections of the skin). The fruits of the plant are included in many carminative, laxative teas and sedative teas.

Fennel has an expectorant and disinfectant effect. In folk medicine, a decoction of fennel seeds is used to wash the eyes for conjunctivitis, the skin for pustular diseases, it is also drunk for flatulence, abdominal pain, cough, insomnia, and also to improve milk production in nursing mothers.

Biological effects of fennel: carminative, relieves spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, antimicrobial, expectorant, etc.

The seeds are a good remedy for colds and coughs. Many people know “dill water”, which is given to children with bloating and gas accumulation. But not everyone knows that this water has nothing in common with dill and is prepared from fennel. The fact is that fennel is popularly called pharmaceutical dill for its similarity to a garden plant and high medicinal properties.

In Indian medicine, the fruits are used as a stimulant and the roots as a laxative.

Fennel essential oil perfectly cleanses the body, removes waste and toxins, especially for those who are addicted to heavy food and alcohol. Has a diuretic and mild laxative effect. By affecting the digestive system, it eliminates constipation, flatulence, and nausea.

During menopause, fennel oil is very effective as it stimulates the production of your own estrogen. Helps increase lactation. Along with this, fennel has high antifungal activity. When sanitizing premises, it reduces the content of fungi in the atmosphere by 4-5 times.

Fennel oil has a hepatoprotective effect against toxic liver damage. Increases appetite, secretion of digestive and bronchial glands. Has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Rinsing the mouth with fennel decoction eliminates sore throat and hoarseness. To use the medicinal properties of fennel, it is ground into powder and in the morning, noon and evening, each time half a teaspoon is brewed in a small cup of boiling water and, after sweetening, is eaten. This composition helps with flatulence and facilitates digestion.

Fennel leaves are added fresh to salads, fish and meat dishes when stewing. The seeds are placed in spicy soups and marinades, and various pickles. Fennel sauce goes well with cold fish. This plant is most widely used in French and Italian cuisines.

Dangerous properties of fennel

Fennel, like many medicinal herbs, has both beneficial properties and contraindications. First of all, it is worth noting that individual intolerance to the herb is possible. If a person feels nausea or dizziness after eating fennel, they should avoid this plant.

Also, despite its ability to increase milk flow, fennel is recommended for nursing mothers and pregnant women only if the benefit outweighs the potential harm. A similar approach is noted when prescribing drugs to people who have

The plant is used for food and treatment

Fennel is dill. Is it so?

You may now be wondering what is unusual about the plant, since it is a simple and traditional dill for us. Indeed, many people think so and are mistaken. Some people, in general, don’t know anything about fennel fruits and its herbs. But this plant is very useful; it can be used in cooking to prepare various dishes and for the treatment of diseases. Even for small children, fennel sometimes becomes a salvation from painful abdominal pain.

Yes, the plant has external similarities with dill in the above-ground part. Actually, that's all, since there are many more differences - the taste is different, the root system, the height of the plant, the aroma and beneficial properties too. Dill has a common root, like fennel, a kind of onion that is eaten raw and processed. The aroma of the plant is similar to anise, and the size can reach more than two meters. In addition, dill is an unpretentious herb; it can grow on its own even in the most unfavorable regions, when, like fennel, it requires attention and care. This plant has been grown on our planet for thousands of years, and, of course, there are many legends about it.

Many centuries ago, in old Italy staged battles were staged to save the harvest from disasters, drought and others. Those who considered themselves fighters for good fought against the forces of evil. And the fight was carried out with weapons that were made from fennel stalks. This is such a legend, but she is not alone. During the same Middle Ages, when everyone was afraid of witches and the Inquisition was raging, residents of France and Italy made amulets from fennel. The twigs were collected in bunches and hung in the doorway so that the evil spirit and people could not enter the home.

There is another myth that can often be heard in Greece, that Prometheus, having decided to give people fire, hid it in fennel stems, which are porous inside. Even now, some peoples of the world have similar customs. And another legend about the machinations of evil forces and fennel says: if a person has this plant growing in his yard, but he never picks it, does not eat it, does not treat it, then it is evil itself, the demon or the devil, who fears fennel like fire, because and doesn't touch.
Such beliefs are already relics of the past, because many modern people do not know anything about the plants that surround them, about the same fennel fruits and their beneficial properties, and it would be strange to look at them with suspicion. But you still need to be friends with the world of herbs and plants, because you can use them for treatment, saturate the body with vitamins, minerals, the risks of many diseases recede when a person lives in harmony with nature and uses its gifts.

This is interesting! Another belief says that if you eat fennel while the sun makes its way from the constellation Aries until the moment when the luminary leaves Cancer, then you can not be afraid of illnesses all year. You need to eat a plant with sugar.

Where fennel grows

You can’t judge people harshly if they don’t know about the plant, because you can’t call it our native, native Russian one. No, in our country they learned about fennel only in the 17th century, imagine when the countries of the Mediterranean, by the way, this is where the grass grows, it was valued for hundreds and thousands of years. Now you can find fennel in the southern regions, in the Crimea, and the Caucasus.

The plant is rarely found in temperate climates, although it can grow in many areas. You can grow it both in personal plots and in greenhouses, and get a good harvest that you can eat and use for treatment. The plant loves sunny areas, it needs to be watered regularly, loosen the soil so that there is no stagnation of moisture, since all crops that have onions instead of roots can rot if there is excess water. But it is worth noting that fennel, thanks to just such a root system, can grow for more than one season on your site, when, like dill, it produces its greens only one summer. Further, if the seeds fall off, the crop will sprout, otherwise you need to sow it every year. They are usually collected in August.

For information! Fennel has different types, there are more than ten of them. The plant can have decorative functions, be used as a vegetable, as a medicine, and grow as a simple herb. The stems, roots, and seeds are used for food as a spice.

Plant composition

As we have already said, fennel is a valuable, healing plant, that is, very useful. You need to know about it, but it’s delicious. But the power of any herb or fruit is always in its composition. And fennel pleases with its unique components, which are important and irreplaceable for our health. Contains:

  • vitamins. This is a whole treasure trove - here is group B, A, D, E, K;
  • minerals – namely micro- and macroelements. The composition contains manganese, calcium, copper, iron;
  • valuable essential oil;
  • phytosterols;
  • polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids: petroselinic, palmitonic, oleic, linoleic;
  • essential amino acids – threonine, lysine, arginine, histidine;
  • flavonoids.

Each of them has its own purpose, but together they have a beneficial effect on our health, strengthening the immune system, which resists the attack of the pathogenic environment. We do not get sick or get better if there are some ailments in the body.

For information! To collect the above-ground part of the fennel, it is cut and hung to dry outdoors under a roof or in an attic; in urban environments, dryers can be used. Spicy sprigs serve as an excellent, aromatic seasoning.

Fennel fruits: what are their beneficial properties and are there any contraindications?

Benefits of consuming the plant

We can talk about the beneficial properties of the plant for a very long time, and then you will understand why. Fennel has long been valued as a medicinal plant and even as a remedy that can neutralize poison. You will be amazed at how unique the plant is and how many discoveries have been made by scientists.

Attention! You should not think that fennel is a panacea; only regular consumption of the plant and its fruits in the diet, medication therapy for diseases, if any, and a healthy lifestyle can help solve health problems.

Disadvantages of consuming the plant

You have already learned about the indications for the use of fennel fruits, and they are amazing, but now we need to talk about contraindications. Without this, the information will not be reliable, because there is always the other side of the coin. The plant has contraindications, for example, it can cause diarrhea, then use should be discontinued immediately. Due to its pronounced antispasmodic effect, fennel should not be consumed by women who are pregnant. There are people who may have allergies and intolerance to the plant, and epileptics should not eat the fruit.

If you want to treat colic in an infant, then only with the permission of the pediatrician. Fennel oil can also be harmful; it is toxic if the dosage is not followed. All manipulations that you decide to carry out with your health must be agreed with your doctor, and even more so, traditional therapy does not cancel out medication, if any. Well, let's summarize and talk again about fennel fruits and their uses.

Fennel and its benefits. Use of the plant


All components of the plant can be used to treat various ailments and for their prevention. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from the aerial part; you can also make homemade lotions that will help solve skin problems. It is very good to wash your face with infusions for acne, ulcers, and boils. The bulbous root is eaten fresh or processed to reduce the risk of disease and saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

Traditional medicine

Not only traditional healers value the plant, but doctors have also recognized the power of fennel for a long time. Now in pharmacies there are many different drugs that contain parts of plants in varying quantities. Indications for use may vary, as you have seen the range of capabilities of the plant. Always choose medications according to your doctor's prescription.

In cosmetology

We have already talked about the rejuvenating effect of fennel. It has a beneficial effect on tissues; there are various cosmetics based on it that help the skin and hair. Due to the antioxidant effect, the body is cleansed of toxins, which also affects our appearance. The oil helps fight cellulite, scars, and helps with faster regeneration.

In cooking

This is a whole piggy bank of opportunities for housewives. Fennel serves as the basis for many dishes; it is served with meat, prepared in salads, baked, pickled, and eaten fresh. The seeds are used as a seasoning, the leaves are used for decoration and in the form of spices, the bulb and stems, as we have already said, can be eaten either fresh or after various types of heat treatment. The dishes turn out to be very unusual, and few people know the recipes, which can become a woman’s culinary secret.

Fighting weight

Yes, fennel fruits are also helpful for weight loss. The plant is a source of coarse fibers that cleanse our body of excess food, fill us up, and help metabolism, which has a positive effect on weight loss. Also, the strength of fennel is its diuretic property, which helps remove excess fluid from the body and also affects weight loss. The plant in the diet on a regular basis speeds up metabolism and improves carbohydrate metabolism. Due to its calming effect on the body, you will not experience stress while losing weight.

Fennel root– dense, fleshy vegetable fennel bulbs, they have a pleasant sweetish taste.

Fennel is a member of the Apiaceae family. Scientists consider the Mediterranean to be the plant’s homeland; it is also found in Asia. Fennel is grown as a vegetable plant in Western Europe and Canada. Externally, fennel resembles dill, but its leaves are larger and juicier. The plant has a distinct anise smell and sweet taste. The fennel root is thick, spindle-shaped (see photo).

Our ancestors used fennel not only as a food and medicinal plant, but also as a magical one.

Bunches of this plant were hung in the house in order to ward off bad people and sorcerers. People believed that the plant protected against the evil eye and damage. In the Middle Ages, fennel was believed to restore visual acuity. This is due to the belief that snakes allegedly rubbed themselves against fennel stalks to improve their eyesight. The Saxons considered the plant sacred.

How to choose?

When choosing fennel root, you need to pay attention to its appearance. It is recommended to buy firm, pale green roots. The stems should be elastic and rich green in color. The roots should give off a grown anise scent.

Collection and storage

Fennel leaves, seeds and roots are harvested. The leaves can be harvested during the summer; they are carefully sorted and washed. Store raw materials in glass jars. The seeds are collected after they ripen, they should turn brown. Dry them in a dark place, constantly ventilating the room. Store the seeds in a tightly sealed container.

The roots are dug up in the fall, they are cleared of soil and cut into small pieces. Fennel roots can be prepared in two ways: they can be frozen or dried. The root can also be stored like other root vegetables.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of fennel root are due to its valuable chemical composition. The product is rich in essential oil, vitamins C, B, E, PP.

In medicine, aromatherapy and cosmetology, fennel is considered one of the most useful plants.

It began to be used in Ancient Rome and Greece. Fennel essential oil is a liquid with a characteristic odor. It helps to neutralize poisons after insect and snake bites, relieve hangovers, and remove toxins that were formed when drinking alcohol. It can also be used to cleanse the lymphatic system.

Fennel root contains sodium, chromium, ash, calcium, potassium, and iron. It is recommended for people to use after a serious illness, with loss of strength, to increase immunity. The plant is used to treat the genitourinary system of men and women, normalizing metabolic processes in the body. Fennel root is considered a good helper in the fight against excess weight. The low calorie content of the plant makes it a valuable dietary product. The diuretic properties of the root will help get rid of excess fluid, eliminating swelling. In addition, fennel root helps improve digestion, absorb fatty foods and get rid of colic. The plant improves intestinal motility and acts as a laxative. It is indicated for use for flatulence, nausea, and vomiting. Fennel root perfectly cleanses the body, has hepatoprotective properties, and helps protect the liver.

Fennel root is also widely used in cosmetology. At home, you can prepare a bath for aging skin. The root is thoroughly crushed, some leaves are added and the decoction is prepared for 15 minutes over low heat. Then bend over the broth for 15 minutes, covering your head with a towel. The steam bath should be done for 15 minutes. Fennel can also be included in products for the care of problematic teenage skin.

Essential oil is recommended to be used to care for the bust and hips. Small doses of oil help to beautifully outline the line of the hips and buttocks, get rid of cellulite, and reduce volume. This oil is often used in procedures aimed at contouring. Fennel has proven itself well as a massage remedy. Essential oil also promotes breast enlargement by improving trophism. At a higher dosage, the oil promotes weight loss because it reduces the accumulation of fat in tissues.

Fennel is a well-known remedy for stimulating lactation. It ensures an easy start to feeding, prevents the occurrence of congestion, as well as inflammatory processes in the breast.

Use in cooking

All parts of the plant, including fennel root, are widely used in cooking. It is recommended to add the leaves to salads: this will make them even healthier. The seeds are often used as a seasoning. They have a licorice smell and anise flavor. Fennel goes well with ginger root.

Fennel roots are often prepared with vegetables: they are cut in half, fried in olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, and olives are added, then the dish is poured with white wine, sprinkled with a little fennel grains and simmered for an hour. Stewed root will perfectly highlight the taste of fish and meat.

The fruits are added when baking some types of bread. Greens are added to meat dishes, also to salads, and soups. This spice will highlight the taste of fish dishes. The tubers of the plant are baked and eaten as an independent dish, the stems are cooked like asparagus. Fennel root is cut into small pieces, placed in jars, poured with hot marinade and the pickled roots are stored in a cold place.

Fennel root benefits and treatment

The benefits of the plant have long been known in folk medicine. Fennel infusion was used to treat conjunctivitis, sleep problems, and to relieve stomach pain. The seeds are very often used as a mild laxative. It is generally accepted that this plant lowers blood pressure and helps with arrhythmia.

Essential oil can be used to cleanse rooms and also as a powerful antiseptic. It is 13 times more effective than phenol. In pharmaceuticals, the oil is used as part of expectorants and laxatives. When using this essential oil, you need to follow the dosage as it can be toxic. Volumes of 1-5 ml can cause convulsions and pulmonary edema.

In India, fennel root is used as a laxative. It contains a large amount of fiber, which improves intestinal motility. The root also helps lower blood pressure, minimizes the risk of heart attack, and is effective against intestinal cancer.

Harm to fennel root and contraindications

Fennel root can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance. It is not recommended to use this plant for pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding. In large quantities, fennel root can be harmful to those suffering from epilepsy and the elderly. Large amounts of fennel may cause bleeding.