Why do the limbs of the hands and feet go numb? Causes. If your calves are numb. Contrast foot baths before bed

Toes go numb regardless of age, and the causes of numbness are very diverse - from harmless, easily removable, to serious, requiring medical care. Symptoms associated with numbness are slight tingling, cold extremities, feeling that your feet are constantly freezing.
Why do my toes go numb?
Poor circulation in the legs. May be caused by wearing the wrong (narrow, tight, high heels) shoes, sitting for a long time in a static position, excessive load on your feet. This reason can be easily eliminated by getting rid of uncomfortable shoes and changing your body position.

The toes also become numb due to problems with blood vessels - narrowing of the vascular lumen also impairs blood flow. For this reason, those who suffer the most are thumbs legs
Deficiency of B vitamins, iron and magnesium.
Injuries - broken finger, severe bruise damage nerve endings. This explains the numbness.
Numbness of the toes of a neurological nature has its own medical name- neuroma, peripheral neuropathy. If this reason is left unattended, numbness can spread to the entire foot, accompanied by painful sensations and lead to difficult-to-heal wounds.
Diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis - diagnosing these diseases also helps answer the question: “Why do my toes go numb? “In this case, the problem that has arisen must be resolved together with a doctor.
Is it possible to fight the problem? on our own? You can combat numbness in your toes (if it is not a symptom of a serious illness) on your own.
Approach the choice of shoes wisely - choose convenience and comfort, preferring them to beauty. A wide toe, a low heel, the last should leave a little free space for the foot so that you can move your toes. At home, you can normalize blood flow in the extremities by simply walking barefoot around the apartment. When sitting, try not to cross your legs. Massage - you can try to stretch a numb finger by stretching towards you and twisting from side to side. Foot baths with sea ​​salt, contrast shower. Healthy lifestyle, revaluation eating habits- addiction to alcohol, smoking, excessive coffee consumption cause vasospasm, impairing blood circulation. Traditional medicine recipes
Sometimes folk remedies help completely eliminate the symptoms of numbness or alleviate the condition.
Night wraps with honey. The numb finger is smeared with honey and bandaged. A sock is put on the foot.
Contrast baths coupled with turpentine ointment. Alternately dip your toes in cold and hot water - 5 approaches for 30 seconds. Then lubricate your limbs with turpentine ointment and put on socks at night. This method helps strengthen blood vessels and normalizes blood flow in the extremities.
A warming recipe that promotes blood flow to the extremities. Rub your fingers overnight camphor ointment and put on a sock.
Method Tibetan monks. Pour hot water into the container and press firmly on the bottom with a numb finger. This method quickly returns sensitivity to the fingers.
Therapeutic rubbing. To prepare you will need a liter of water, rock salt (tbsp.), 10% ammonia(5 tbsp.), camphor alcohol (10 g). The ingredients are mixed until the salt is completely dissolved. Directions for use: rub into joints at night.
If you can’t cope with it on your own, or the numbness recurs with enviable frequency, rush to see a doctor to establish the cause and begin its treatment in a timely manner.

Hello dear readers. Legs are a part of the body that is often underestimated. And it’s not just about their most important function—movement. If you delve deeper into physiology, you can find out that the feet, for example, are the place where the nerve endings of almost every internal organs, in them (in the legs) there are many large and small blood vessels. From state lower limbs largely depends physical health and psychological well-being of a person. Why are my feet cold - what to do? This question is often asked by those who periodically, and sometimes constantly, experience this condition. Because they contain a lot of biological active points, hypothermia can have an extremely negative impact on health. But there is another side to the coin: chronically cold extremities may indicate problems in the body. We'll look into this.

Why your feet get cold - possible reasons

Naturally, this state of affairs can bring significant discomfort to life and cause concern for one’s health. Therefore, it is very important to know about the reasons that can provoke this condition when your feet are cold. First, let's look at those that occur even if a person is absolutely healthy:

Strict diets or unbalanced nutrition can provoke the development of this problem. The lack affects nutrients And energy resources in the body, which, in particular, affects the legs.

The body is adapted to temperatures higher than those that affect it this moment. That is, if you are in a room in which the temperature is quite comfortable for most people (about 20 degrees Celsius), but your body is adapted, accustomed, to a temperature of 26 degrees, then your limbs, and lower ones - including may get cold.

Hypothermia resulting from exposure to the legs cool water, damp earth and so on. Naturally, in this case, heat exchange between the body and the external environment acting on it will be very intense and, unfortunately, not in favor of the former.

Impaired blood circulation due to the influence of external mechanical factors on the limbs: legs tightened for a long time, excessively tight shoes and so on. In this case, the legs become numb, cold, and numb.

Frostbite on the feet, even decades ago. And although its external signs may not be observed for a long time, the consequences remain, in many cases, for life. Yes, temperature external environment, in which a “normal” limb will be quite comfortable and warm, for a once frostbitten limb it can be very unpleasant.

Cold feet - physiological disorders:

These reasons should be addressed Special attention, since, if in the above cases, chilliness of the lower extremities, as a rule, goes away very quickly when eliminated external cause which led to it, then given the factors that will be named now, in order to normalize your condition, you may need to correct the body’s functioning, that is, its treatment!

So, the reasons why feet may be chronically cold:

Blood pressure problems

Moreover, not only with increased, but also with decreased. Thus, hypertension is often accompanied by strong spasm vessels, leads to their narrowing in the extremities, which significantly reduces the volume of blood supplied to them. A decrease in their temperature is a natural result. Hypotension has similar consequences, it’s just that the mechanism is slightly different. The lumen of the vessels may not be narrowed, but the blood pressure is not enough for optimal circulation.

Anemia (anemia)

Chronic chilliness of the feet may also indicate this. At a very low level, oxygen is transported very poorly. Because of this, energy production and metabolic processes they pass between the cells very “sluggishly”, which does not allow the feet to warm up.


With this disease, all blood vessels (large and small) become increased fragility, blood clots form in them, and over time, the lumens of these vital “transport arteries” may even close. Naturally, the blood flow is disrupted and the legs suffer. If urgent measures are not taken, “diabetic foot” may occur.

Disruption of the nervous system

Raynaud's syndrome, in which, against the background nervous disorder, spasm blood vessels, and also often leads to cold feet. They become especially sensitive to the effects of water.

Obliterating endarteritis

In the vast majority of cases, it affects heavy smokers, whose constant inhalation of the poison leads to its accumulation in high concentrations in large vessels- arteries. They narrow due to the chronic inflammatory processes present in them. The condition is aggravated by the formation of blood clots. My legs suffer greatly from this, including getting very cold. This also includes phlebitis, as well as thrombophlebitis.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

In this context, it can affect the intensity of blood flow in the lower extremities by the inability of the vessels to quickly respond to changes in environmental conditions.

All these are reasons hidden in pathological disorders peripheral vessels, due to which the blood flow cannot satisfy the needs for it that the body has. To finally make sure that this is the cause of cold feet, read the next section.

Symptoms of poor blood flow:

  • Swelling of the lower extremities.
  • Prominently prominent vessels (veins) that appear to be filled with blood.
  • Chronic leg fatigue, or rapid fatigue during even minimal physical activity.
  • Cramps of the legs and feet, even at rest.
  • Itching, numbness of the limbs.
  • A specific shade of the skin of the legs (dark bluish) and its sagging.

What to do if your feet are cold even when warm

If this is so, then most likely there is really something wrong with the body. But you shouldn’t worry too much about this, much less panic. After all, firstly, it is not yet known for sure that this is exactly the case, and secondly, almost any health problem, with the right approach to it, can be solved, and even without any negative consequences after that!

The first thing you need to do if you do this on your own is to try to eliminate as much as possible any factors that can provoke a feeling of coldness in the lower extremities, or their actual chilliness! These include:

Bad habits, in the first place among which are drinking alcohol (in any dose) and smoking.

Excess weight, mainly due to a large volume of adipose tissue.

Constant physical inactivity, that is, a predominantly “passive” lifestyle.

Poor nutrition and the like.

Thus, minimizing these factors is already a big step forward! Stop smoking and go in for sports, try to eat right, or at least eliminate the most important ones from your diet. harmful products, think about what else could be negatively affecting you in this regard, and you will be able to notice positive changes in your health and the health of your legs.

What else can you do:

Choose the right shoes for yourself; under no circumstances should they be tight.

Do not overuse caffeinated drinks.

Always choose outfits according to weather factors, especially temperature.

Make it a habit to do exercises every morning, and if you start running, this is generally ideal (but this kind of physical exercise may be contraindicated for you: consult your doctor).

Try to remove from your life stressful situations. They, with their long-term influence, main reason the vast majority of illnesses.

Resort to traditional methods of treatment. They are capable of performing miracles.

Constantly cold feet - traditional methods of treatment

There are many effective and, at the same time, simple recipes that will help you cope with this situation. My grandmother used these recipes when her feet were cold. Well, gymnastics, this is an addition to the main procedures, you should also pay attention to this.

Alcohol compress

To prepare it, you can use it as ethanol, and homemade strong moonshine. If they are not available, store-bought vodka and even classic triple cologne will do. Prepare warm water, pour it into a large bowl or basin and place your feet in it. The feet should be completely covered with liquid. Wait five minutes. At the same time, dip clean socks, preferably warm ones (thick and made of natural fabric), into warm alcohol (moonshine, cologne, etc.).

After removing your feet from the water, immediately put on these socks, after wringing them lightly to release excess liquid. On top of them are woolen socks, and under the blanket. Your feet will immediately warm up, because the alcohol will act on the skin accordingly. soft fabrics and dilated blood vessels with the help of a warm bath. You can apply compresses irregularly, depending on the situation.

Baths with pine oil

They need to be prepared as follows: for one and a half to two liters of water - 22 drops of pine needle or eucalyptus oil. The water must first be heated to 38-39 degrees. Essential oils, necessary for the bath, can be purchased without any problems at many pharmacies or specialized retail outlets.

The procedure time (its duration) is up to 10 minutes. Can be used: in medicinal purposes- daily 1 time per day, for 10-14 days, in maintenance and preventive - 1 time every 3-4 days on an ongoing basis.

Foot massage

For constantly freezing feet, it is recommended several times a week, more often if necessary, up to daily practice. It consists of stages: stroking, kneading, squeezing, sharp massage, patting and back - stroking.

All movements should lead to relaxation and pleasant sensations. Discomfort and pain during such a massage may indicate that you are doing something wrong. Therefore, along with self-massage, you should also consider the option of using professional high-quality services of a massage therapist.

Gymnastics - as one of the effective means

It can be performed along with morning exercises, but later in time: during the day.

Shaking legs. You need to lie on the floor, face up. You can raise your legs and possibly your arms up so that they create an angle of approximately 90 degrees with your torso. Start shaking them, creating peculiar vibration movements.

This is very good exercise, which helps eliminate swelling, tonize blood vessels, strengthen muscles and increase skin elasticity. And this alone, if performed regularly, may be enough to completely or partially eliminate the problem of cold feet. And if such gymnastics is not enough, look at another exercise.

Reed in the wind. You need to lie on the floor, but now on your stomach. Bend your legs at the knees, forming an angle of about 90 degrees between your shins and thighs. Next, imagine that your legs are light reeds, smoothly swaying in a refreshing, pleasant wind.

Perform appropriate movements with them. It is also important that your feet, at least sometimes, hit your butt. Exercise time is 1.5-3 minutes, depending on how you feel.

Contrast foot baths before bed

They will help strengthen blood vessels and quickly warm your feet. You need to prepare two bowls. One - with water, the temperature of which is about 39-40 degrees, and natural sea salt (about 2 tablespoons per 2 liters of water). Another - with water, average temperature 30-33 degrees and a teaspoon rosemary oil(per 2 liters of water, approximately).

Dip your feet in the first bowl for 5 minutes, then for 2-3 minutes in the second and again for 4-5 minutes in the first (you need to keep it warm, for this it is better to heat it on the stove).

As has already been noted, but it will not be superfluous to repeat: do not forget about exclusively healthy way life and optimal diet nutrition, including more easily digestible protein foods, fruits and vegetables (minerals and vitamins).

3 ways to get warm very quickly

Sometimes, it's simply necessary. For example, when severe hypothermia. What can help: self-massage, physical exercise (the first and second were already mentioned above), rubbing the feet (including cologne or vodka, followed by obligatory wrapping).

These simple methods really help improve blood circulation and warm up faster.

“Why is my leg going numb?” - this request is quite common on specialized medical forums. Indeed, this feeling is well known to most people. For some, it is accompanied by a feeling of burning, tingling, for others, the limb also gets very cold, becomes “icy”. As a rule, the answer to the question “why does my leg go numb” lies in a pinched nerve. It may be caused long stay V uncomfortable position and goes away within a few minutes after the person gets up and makes a couple of vigorous movements. However, it should be noted that if such a symptom bothers you regularly, and you do not associate it with sedentary life, you definitely need to see a doctor.

Possible reasons

So, according to doctors, most often this sign indicates the presence of osteochondrosis and atherosclerosis. In the first case, the patient experiences degenerative changes in the spine. If no measures are taken, they gradually provoke compression. The disease can be diagnosed in a person at any age; those most susceptible to it are those who lead sedentary lifestyle life - office workers, housewives, etc. On early stages the disease can be neutralized by massage courses and increased physical activity(for example, it is very useful to go jogging or join a swimming pool).


The second most common answer to the question: “Why does my leg go numb?” - atherosclerosis, that is pathological narrowing vessels. You can recognize it by its accompanying symptoms: many patients complain of severe pain in the limbs, constant weakness, fatigue. The prerequisites for the development of atherosclerosis, as a rule, are poor nutrition, excess weight, bad habits. It is natural, therefore, that for a complete cure you will have to completely reconsider your diet and pay more attention to sports.

You go numb every now and then right leg? Perhaps the reason lies in an intervertebral hernia. She's overreacting nerve roots, which causes a reflex spasm of tissues. Be aware of symptoms such as dizziness, discomfort in the spine area. If you have the slightest suspicion, consult a doctor, because an advanced hernia can only be removed by surgical intervention.

When considering the problem of numbness of the extremities, one cannot fail to mention such a disease as rheumatoid arthritis. It is characterized by joint deformation and develops mainly against the background of infections. In addition, one should take into account hereditary predisposition. Therefore, if you are thinking: “Your legs are going numb, what should you do?” - remember if any of your relatives suffer from arthritis.

Raynaud's disease

It is somewhat less common than all of the above diseases and is characterized by impaired blood circulation in the extremities. Such an exotic diagnosis is very dangerous, because over time it can cause complete atrophy Feet. If you notice that a feeling of muteness is accompanied by blue feet, most likely this is your case. You are advised to avoid hypothermia and stressful situations.

Numbness in the legs is not independent disease. Most often, this is a symptom of another disease that affects the nervous or vascular system body. It is impossible to determine from the first time why the leg is going numb; the reasons may lie in other problems. For example, the most common cause is osteochondrosis. Many people face this disease a large number of people of any age.

Why do my legs go numb?

One of the reasons for numbness in the legs may be a vertebral hernia, which is a displacement of the nucleus intervertebral discs. Dizziness and severe pain in the spine, which radiate to the limbs. An intervertebral hernia can be caused by scoliosis, vertebral trauma, or osteochondrosis. IN in rare cases This disease may disappear on its own, but often it requires treatment and sometimes surgery. A special massage can help with this illness.

If a person's right leg is numb, this may indicate neuropathy sciatic nerve. This disease develops due to intervertebral hernia. Symptoms of this disease may worsen while walking or sitting. Also, the pain may intensify when raising the right leg up, and pain may occur in the lower back or under the knee, which has a piercing nature. Many people even wake up because their legs go numb below the knee.

Pain occurs depending on which direction the protrusion of the intervertebral disc is directed. So not only the right leg can go numb, but also the left. It also happens that it goes numb at first left leg, and then the right one. After examination, the doctor most often points to Lassegue's symptom.


Insufficient blood circulation can also cause numbness in the limbs. It can be triggered by ischemia of the lower extremities. basis of this disease is atherosclerosis. During this disease there may be increased weakness and fatigue, as well as pain in the limbs. Therefore, with atherosclerosis, not only does the leg go numb. The causes of this disease can be different. For example, bad habits, unhealthy diet, obesity. In order to prevent the disease, you need to give up alcohol and smoking, include fortified foods in your diet and play sports.


One of the causes of numbness in the legs may be rheumatoid arthritis, which is an inflammation of the joints. With this disease, the leg most often goes numb below the knee; the joints can become deformed, which can cause compression of the nerves and cause numbness. The cause of of this disease may become a severe infection. Rheumatoid arthritis is very difficult to treat complete cure, so most often treatment consists of reducing inflammatory process. IN as a last resort, surgery may be required.

Raynaud's disease

But it is not only with such diseases that the leg goes numb. The reasons may be more unpredictable. For example, not really known disease- Raynaud's disease. Wherein rare disease The leg goes numb, particularly in the feet. The problem is a circulatory disorder in the limb, which can lead to atrophy and gangrene. Numbness in this case has a paroxysmal form and is accompanied by pain and pallor of the limb. The illness may continue long time. To avoid this disease, you need to try not to overcool your lower extremities.

Neuropathy also causes the leg to go numb. The causes of this disease can be quite different, for example multiple sclerosis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and others. When the nerves of the extremities are affected, in addition to numbness, burning and pain may also be observed.

When to go to the doctor?

Everyone understands that you should not go to the doctor if numbness is caused by sitting on your leg for a long time. It should be understood that only a specialist can determine why your legs go numb. But there are people who, even with frequent numbness, do not consider this significance and do not want to see a doctor.

First of all, you need to delve into your memory and determine under what circumstances the numbness was first noticed. It may have been triggered by a certain medication or some kind of injury. After this, it is necessary to determine whether the leg becomes numb for a long time, and whether the sensitivity of the limb is lost. It is advisable to monitor at what time of day the numbness occurs, and what the conditions are. At the first symptoms, you should wear comfortable shoes and stop strenuous exercise. sports training. It is simply necessary to consult a doctor if:

  • numbness has become more frequent and is accompanied by acute, severe pain;
  • for a long time the legs were immobile;
  • feet react to temperature;
  • irritability appeared;
  • vision has deteriorated.

Numb legs: treatment

The specialist must initially perform certain procedures and then make a diagnosis. And only after this it is necessary to prescribe treatment. Numbness in the legs can be treated in several ways, such as physical therapy, laser therapy, therapeutic exercises, reflexology and cryotherapy. Various massages They also help when your legs go numb. Only a doctor after an examination can tell you what to do in a particular case.

The doctor may also prescribe medications that reduce blood viscosity and stimulate blood circulation. Therapy can take from one week to several months, since it all depends on the form of the disease.

Simple rules during treatment

During the treatment prescribed by your doctor, you must follow some rules. First of all, you should go in for sports, this will help reduce attacks of numbness in your legs. Sport should be moderate. This could include walking or cycling, or swimming. Similar sports loads help increase blood circulation in the extremities, and also develop the spine.

In turn, you need to stop drinking strong coffee or tea. This is due to spasm of blood vessels, which can occur when drinking these drinks in large quantities. Due to spasm, not only numbness, but also convulsions can occur. Hot porridges, such as oatmeal or buckwheat, should become the main diet. Patients claim that after improving their diet, their legs become much less numb. Your doctor can advise you on what to do if there is no improvement.

Most often, experts can recommend contrast baths. They need to be carried out in the mornings and evenings. This helps to relieve physical condition. During the procedure, you need to immerse your feet in either cold or hot water for half a minute. This must be repeated at least five times. After completing the procedure, your feet should be lubricated with turpentine ointment and socks should be put on, preferably warm ones. In addition, you need to try not to overcool the body in winter.

Disease prevention

To avoid numbness in your feet, you need to follow simple rules. First of all, you should remove any sharp objects from your pockets. Because this can lead to a pinched nerve. Whenever you work, you need to take periodic breaks. If, due to forced circumstances, you have to sit for a long time, you should try to move during breaks. If your work requires standing, be sure to sit or lie down in a relaxed position during breaks. Walking in the evening just before bed will be very beneficial. It should be remembered that cycling can only be beneficial for a short time; long-term cycling, on the contrary, is harmful. There are also special exercises, which promote blood supply to the extremities.

We can conclude that numbness in the legs is just the tip of the iceberg. There may be several causes, and to treat numbness you need to find out the underlying cause of the disease. Regardless of whether your left leg or right leg goes numb, the consequences can be terrifying, so at first severe symptoms you just need to consult a doctor.

Toes go numb regardless of age, and the causes of numbness are very diverse - from harmless, easily removable, to serious, requiring medical attention. Symptoms associated with numbness include mild tingling, cold extremities, and a feeling that your feet are constantly freezing.

Why do my toes go numb?

Circulatory disorders in the legs. It can be caused by wearing incorrect (narrow, tight, high-heeled) shoes, sitting for a long time in a static position, or excessive stress on the legs. This reason can be easily eliminated by getting rid of uncomfortable shoes and changing your body position.

Toes also become numb due to problems with blood vessels - narrowing of the vascular lumen also disrupts blood flow. For this reason, the big toes are the most affected.

Vitamin deficiency group B, iron and magnesium.

Injuries - a broken finger or severe bruise damages the nerve endings. This explains the numbness.

Numbness of the toes of a neurological nature has its own medical name - neuroma, peripheral neuropathy . If this reason is left unattended, numbness can spread to the entire foot, be accompanied by pain and lead to difficult-to-heal wounds.

Diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis - diagnosing these diseases also helps answer the question: “Why do my toes go numb?” In this case, the problem that has arisen must be solved together with a doctor.

Is it possible to deal with the problem on your own?

You can combat numbness in your toes (if it is not a symptom of a serious illness) on your own.

  • Approach the choice of shoes wisely - choose convenience and comfort, preferring them to beauty. Wide toe, low heel, last should leave a little free space for the foot so you can wiggle your toes.
  • At home, you can normalize blood flow in your limbs by simply walking barefoot around the apartment.
  • When sitting, try not to cross your legs.
  • Massage - you can try to stretch a numb finger by pulling it towards you and twisting it from side to side.
  • Foot baths with sea salt, contrast shower.
  • A healthy lifestyle, revaluation of eating habits - addiction to alcohol, smoking, excessive coffee consumption cause vascular spasm, impairing blood circulation.

Traditional medicine recipes

Sometimes folk remedies help completely eliminate the symptoms of numbness or alleviate the condition.

Wraps at night with honey. The numb finger is smeared with honey and bandaged. A sock is put on the foot.

Contrast baths together with turpentine ointment. Alternately dip your toes in cold and hot water - 5 approaches for 30 seconds. Then lubricate your limbs with turpentine ointment and put on socks at night. This method helps strengthen blood vessels and normalizes blood flow in the extremities.

Warming recipe , promoting blood flow to the extremities. Rub your fingers with camphor ointment overnight and put on a sock.

The method of Tibetan monks. Pour hot water into the container and press firmly on the bottom with a numb finger. This method quickly returns sensitivity to the fingers.

Therapeutic rubbing. To prepare, you will need a liter of water, rock salt (tbsp), 10% ammonia (5 tbsp), camphor alcohol (10 g). The ingredients are mixed until the salt is completely dissolved. Directions for use: rub into joints at night.

If you can’t cope with it on your own, or the numbness recurs with enviable frequency, rush to see a doctor to establish the cause and begin its treatment in a timely manner.