Gymnastics for the eyes with preschoolers. We improve a child’s vision with simple but effective gymnastics

Visual gymnastics must be carried out regularly 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes. For gymnastics, you can use small objects and various exercise equipment. Gymnastics can be carried out according to verbal instructions, using poems and nursery rhymes.

When planning, it is recommended to take into account principle of complication, having first practiced simple eye movements: right-left, up-down, circular movements, squinting, blinking, protruding the eyes, and then using them along the lines of a more complex poetic text in various combinations. The poetic text should also be used small at first (up to 4 lines), and then move on to more complex and longer ones.

Types of gymnastics

By using artistic words Gymnastics for the eyes can be divided into those that have poetic accompaniment and those that are performed without it.

By using additional attributes , 4 types can be distinguished:

- with objects (for example, complex 4 or working with cards located on the walls. They have small silhouette images of objects, letters, syllables, numbers, geometric shapes, etc. (the size of the depicted objects is from 1 to 3 cm). At the request of the teacher children get up and perform a series of tasks: look for pictures on the walls that are the answer to the riddle; find images of objects whose names include the right sound etc.

— without attributes (no objects or posters are used);

- using special fields(complex 73,74 or any colored figures are depicted (oval, figure eight, wave, spiral, rhombus, etc.) or intricately crossed lines different colors 1 cm thick. This poster is placed above eye level in any convenient place (above the board, on the side wall and even on the ceiling). At the request of the teacher, children begin to “run” their eyes along a given trajectory. At the same time, it is advisable to give each exercise a playful or creative character. You can attach a butterfly or a character on the topic to the tip of the pointer and go on a journey);

- using ICT. There are specialized programs aimed at relieving tension and correcting vision. As a rule, they are expensive and are little used in preschool educational institutions. But it’s easy to create multimedia gymnastics for the eyes yourself, using the PowerPoint program to create presentations, where any object can be given a specific movement (Animation tools). This is convenient when using direct educational activities based on a presentation, when the teacher selects pictures on the topic and inserts it into the right stage.

The most interesting are the gymnastics for the eyes on which they are used. objects or tasks in poetic form, movement along certain paths, tasks to find objects and pictures in different parts groups.

“Fun week” gymnastics for the eyes

- All week in order,

The eyes are doing exercises.

- On Monday, when they wake up,

The eyes will smile at the sun,

Look down at the grass

And back to heights.

Raise your eyes up; lower them down, head motionless; (relieves eye strain).

- On Tuesday there are hours of eyes,

They look here and there,

They go left, they go right

They will never get tired.

Turn your eyes to right side, and then to the left, the head is motionless; (relieves eye strain).

- On Wednesday we play blind man's buff,

Close our eyes tightly.

One two three four five,

Let's open our eyes.

We close our eyes and open

So we continue the game.

- On Thursdays we look into the distance,

There's no time for this,

What's near and what's far

You should look at your eyes.

Look straight ahead, place your finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from your eyes, turn your gaze to the tip of your finger and look at it, lower your hand. (Strengthens the eye muscles and improves their coordination)

— We didn’t yawn on Friday

The eyes ran around.

Stop, and again

Run in the other direction.

Raise your eyes up, right, down, left and up; and back: left, down, right and up again; (improves complex eye movements)

- At least Saturday is a day off,

We are not lazy with you.

We look for corners,

To make the pupils move.

Look at the upper right corner, then the lower left; move your gaze to the upper left corner and lower right (improves complex eye movements)

- We'll sleep on Sunday

And then we'll go for a walk,

To harden your eyes

You need to breathe air.

Close your eyelids and massage them using circular movements of your fingers: upper eyelid from the nose to the outer edge of the eyes, lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, then vice versa (relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation)

- No gymnastics, friends,

Our eyes cannot live!

Close your eyes, then blink 10 times, repeat 2 times.

Sitting on a chair, hands on knees. Look at left shoulder. Then look straight ahead. Now look at right shoulder. Try to see as far as possible on the right. Look straight ahead.

Curious Barabara

Looks to the left...

Looking to the right...

And then forward again.

Here you can rest a little;

The neck is not tense

And relaxed...

(Movements are repeated twice in each direction).

Now lift your head up. Look at the ceiling. Slowly tilt your head back as far as possible! How tense your neck is! Straighten up! It became easy, I could breathe freely. Listen and do as I do.

And Varvara looks up!

Comes back -

Relaxation is nice!

The neck is not tense

And relaxed-a-ble-na...

Now slowly lower your head down. Stand up straight. The neck is relaxed. Nice. Breathes well. Listen and repeat these words.

Now let's look down -

The neck muscles are tense!

Let's go back -

Relaxation is nice!

The neck is not tense

And relaxed-a-ble-na...

You calmed down and relaxed. You can breathe easily and pleasantly.

Exercise for the eyes

“Your eyes need a rest.”

(Guys close their eyes)

"You need to take a deep breath."

(Deep breath. Eyes still closed)

“The eyes will run around.”

(Eyes are open. Movement of the pupil in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)

“They will blink many, many times.”

(Frequent blinking of eyes)

“My eyes felt good.”

(Lightly touch closed eyes with fingertips)

“Everyone will see my eyes!”

(Eyes wide open. Wide smile on face)


The flower was sleeping

(Close your eyes, relax, massage your eyelids, pressing lightly on them clockwise and counterclockwise.)

And suddenly I woke up

(Blink your eyes.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore

(Raise your hands up (inhale). Look at your hands.)

He perked up, stretched,

(Arms bent to the sides (exhale).

He soared up and flew.

(Shake your brushes, look left and right.)


We close our eyes, these are the miracles

(Close both eyes)

Our eyes are resting, doing exercises

(They continue to stand with eyes closed)

And now we will open them and build a bridge across the river.

(Open their eyes, draw a bridge with their gaze)

Let's draw the letter "O", it turns out easy

(Draw the letter “O” with your eyes)

Let's lift up, look down

(Eyes look up, look down)

Let's turn right, left

(Eyes move left and right)

Let's start practicing again.

(Eyes look up and down)


This is what a dragonfly is like - like pea eyes.

(Make glasses with fingers.)

Left-right, back-forward-

(Eyes look left and right.)

Well, just like a helicopter.

(Circular eye movements)

We're flying high.

(Look up.)

We're flying low.

(Look down.)

We fly far.

(Look ahead.)

We fly close.

(Look down.)


The wind is blowing in our faces.

(They blink their eyelids frequently.)

The tree swayed.

(Without turning their heads, look left and right.)

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter...

(They squat slowly, lowering their eyes down.)

The trees are getting higher and higher!

(They stand up and look up.)


The squirrel was waiting for the woodpecker

(They move their gaze sharply to the right and left.)

She treated the guest deliciously.

Well, look, woodpecker!

(They look up and down.)

Here are the nuts - one, two, three.

A woodpecker had lunch with a squirrel

(They blink their eyes.)

And he went to play burners.

(Close their eyes, stroke their eyelids index finger).


Terem- tower-teremok!

(Move your eyes left and right.)

He is not low, not high,

(Eyes move up and down.)

The rooster sits upstairs

He screams to the crow.

(They blink their eyes.)


Raise the carrot up and look at it.

(Look up.)

Just look with your eyes: up and down, left and right.

(Eyes look up and down, left and right.)

Hey bunny, skillful! Blinks his eyes.

(They blink their eyes.)

Closes his eyes.

(Close eyes.)

The bunnies took the carrots and danced merrily with them.

(We jump like bunnies).


Rain, rain, more rain.

(Look up.)

Drops, drops, don’t be sorry.

(Look down.)

Just don't kill us.

Don't knock on the window in vain.


Now the window has opened,

(Spread their arms to the sides.)

The cat went out onto the ledge.

(Imitate the soft, graceful gait of a cat.)

The cat looked up.

(Look up.)

The cat looked down.

(Look down.)

Here I turned to the left.

(Look to the left.)

She watched the flies.

(The gaze traces the “fly” from the left shoulder to the right.)

Stretched and smiled

And she sat down on the ledge.

(Children crouch.)

She turned her eyes to the right,

I looked at the cat.

(Look straight.)

And she closed them in a purr.

(Close their eyes with their hands.)

The cat sits in the sun

One eye is closed, the other is closed

(close both eyes in turn)

The cat plays "Blind Man's Bluff"

(close your eyes tightly)

-Who are you playing with, Vasenka?

- Meow, happy sunshine!

(open both eyes)


There is a swing in the meadow:

Up and down, up and down

(look up and down with your eyes)

I'll run and swing

Up and down, up and down

(look up, down)


A ray, a mischievous ray,

Come play with me.

(They blink their eyes.)

Come on, little ray, turn around,

Show yourself to me.

(Make circular movements with their eyes.)

I'll look to the left,

I will find a ray of sunshine.

(Look away to the left.)

Now I'll look to the right

I will find the ray again.

(They look away to the right.)


We played, drew (the actions about which we're talking about)

Our eyes are so tired

We'll give them a rest

Let's close them for a little while.

Now let's open them

And we blink a little.


Night. It's dark outside. (Perform the actions in question)

We need to close our eyes.

One two three four five

You can open your eyes.

We count to five again

We close our eyes again.

One two three four five

Let's open them again.

(repeat 3 - 4 times)

"Walk in the Woods"

We went for a walk. Walking in place

Mushrooms - look for berries

How beautiful this forest is.

It is full of different miracles.

The sun is shining above, look up

Here is a fungus growing on a stump, look down

A blackbird sits on a tree, look up

A hedgehog rustles under a bush. look down

On the left there is a spruce growing - an old woman, look to the right

On the right are pine trees - girlfriends. look to the left

Where are you, berries, ah! repeat eye movements

I'll find you anyway! left - right, up - down.

I Complex

1. Make a diagonal movement in one direction and the other, moving your eyes straight to the count of 1-6. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Without turning your head, with your eyes closed, “look” to the right at the count 1-4 and straight at the count 1-6. Raise your eyes up to the count of 1-4, lower your eyes to the count of 1-4 and move your gaze straight to the count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. Look at the index finger, distant from the eyes at a distance of 25-30 cm, and on the count of 1-4 bring it closer to the tip of the nose, then move your gaze into the distance on the count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

II Complex

1. On the count of 1-4, close your eyes, without tension. eye muscles, at 1-6, open your eyes wide, look into the distance. Repeat 4-5 times.

2. Look at the tip of your nose for the count of 1-4, and then look into the distance for the count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. Without turning your head, slowly make circular movements with your eyes up-right-down-left and reverse side. Then look into the distance at the score 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. Keeping your head still, move your gaze, fixing it, to the count of 1-4 up, to the count of 1-6 straight; then similarly down-straight, right-straight, left-straight.

III Complex

Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly for 5 seconds.

Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, open them and look into the distance.

Extend your right arm forward. Follow with your eyes the slow movements of the index finger: left - right, up and down.

While sitting, place your hands on your belt, turn your head to the right and look at the elbow of your left hand, and vice versa.

Using your index fingers, make light point-to-point massaging movements of the upper and lower eyelids.


1. Evseev Yu.I. Physical Culture. Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2002.

2. Anishchenko V.S. Physical culture: Methodological and practical classes for students: Textbook. Benefit. M.: Publishing house RUDN, 1999.

3. Kovalko V.I. School of physical education (grades 1-4): Practical development of physical education, gymnastic complexes, outdoor games for junior schoolchildren. - M.: VAKO, 2007

4. Demirchoglyan G.G. Effective exercises for vision. – M.

teacher of MADOOU No. 27 “Cheburashka”,

Tchaikovsky, Perm region, Russia

Thanks to the development of computer technology, children from the very early age become regular users of tablets, computers, smartphones and many other modern devices.

That is why it is very important to do eye exercises every day. kindergarten, during the period when the body is just developing.

Goals and objectives of visual exercises

In addition to the fact that gymnastics for the eyes with early childhood teaches a child to take care of his vision; regular exercises will help solve many serious problems:

Gymnastics for the eyes from early childhood teaches the child to take care of his vision

protect your eyes from overwork and fatigue by relieving tension from them;

increase efficiency visual system;

stop vision deterioration;

correct violations and;

calm and relax nervous system baby;

improve blood circulation in the visual organs;

prevent the development of many (for example,);

strengthen the eye muscles.

Gymnastics for the eyes in kindergarten is also important for proper development vision in preschool children. Simple daily exercise can determine how well your baby will see in the future.

Gymnastics for the eyes in kindergarten: types

Eye exercises are usually performed for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. At the same time, children’s eyes should not be overtired, so special relaxation exercises are practiced after the training.

Eye exercises are usually performed for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. At the same time, children’s eyes should not be overtired, so special relaxation exercises are practiced after the training.

There are several types of vision exercises:

1. With verbal instructions, without the use of additional items. For greater clarity, the teacher shows himself the sequence and correctness of the movements. The most interesting for children are activities in poetic form, when all movements are accompanied by funny quatrains.

2. Using visual simulators. Posters with multi-colored figures, spirals and labyrinths, which children follow with their eyes, serve as simulators. Such fields should be placed above eye level, in the center of the room.

3. With various items(toys, pictures, cards with letters and numbers of various sizes).

4. In the form of a game(using presentations, musical accompaniment).

All trainings are conducted with the head still, and the classes themselves are selected taking into account the age and state of vision of the children.

Basic set of classes

Gymnastics for the eyes for children 2-3 years old in kindergarten, the catalog of which consists of many trainings, is based on the repetition of the simplest movements that all children can understand.

Over time, the exercises will become more complicated, but it’s better to start gymnastics with the basics:

1. First, it is recommended to do a preparatory warm-up, during which you need to rub your palms together and lean them against your eyes. At this time, move your eyeballs up and down, to the sides, and in a circle. Continue moving your eyes for 30 seconds, then remove your palms and rest a little.

2. After warming up, you can do the same exercise, but with with open eyes, and the execution time is doubled.

4. Close your eyes very, very tightly for 10 seconds. Then, slowly, without straining, open them. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

5. Draw various shapes on the board or poster (circle, square, heart, inverted figure eight) and ask the children to trace them with their eyes. By complicating the task, you can draw more complex shapes (snail, flower, envelope).

6. Place your palm in front of you at a distance of 30 cm from your eyes, concentrating your attention on it for 5 seconds. Then turn your gaze to an object that is far away. Perform the training 5-6 times, alternately stopping on the palm, then on the object.

An example of a set of exercises for eye exercises carried out in kindergarten

For best result It is important to create a calm, beneficial environment so that children are enthusiastic and interested in the proposed exercises.

Visual exercises in verse

All children learn information better if it is presented in rhyming, unobtrusive stories. Therefore, most complexes for preschoolers are composed in the form of poems and nursery rhymes. Some of the most common poems for developing vision:

Watchmaker squinting his eye(covered one eye)
Repairs your watch for you(squint both eyes, then open).

The cat came out onto the ledge,
The cat looked down.
Turned her eyes to the right
I looked at the cat.
Smiled, stretched,
And she turned left.
I looked at the fly,
And she narrowed her eyes.

Such rhymes develop in the child the habit of doing small five-minute periods independently throughout the day. Thus, the baby learns to take care of the health of his eyes.

Developmental exercises for a child 3-4 years old

Gymnastics for the eyes for children 3-4 years old in kindergarten (card file of Naydenov A.A.):

In the photo: color spectrum to reduce eye strain and relaxation

Training No. 1
As a relaxing exercise, hang a poster of the spectrum in the center of the room. Children look at the multi-colored areas of the poster for 1-2 minutes, which relieves tension from the eye muscles.

Training No. 2
1. Without moving your head (counting to 4), look up. After, counting to 6, look straight ahead. By the same analogy, direct your gaze to the right and straight, down and straight, left and straight.
2. Relax your eyelids and close your eyes on the count of 4. Count to 6, look sharply as far as possible. Do this movement 5-7 times.
3. Close your eyes as hard as you can, sharply open your eyes and immediately look into the distance. Do 5 such repetitions.

Training No. 3
1. Place your arms at your sides, with your elbows out. Turning your head left and right, concentrate on the tip of your left and then your right elbow.
2. Extend one hand forward. Without taking your eyes off your index finger, smoothly move your hand up and down and left and right.
3. Blink as quickly as possible for 10-15 seconds.
4. Calmly lower your eyelids, and with the help index fingers, massage the upper and then the lower eyelid with light circular movements.

Training No. 4
1. Give each child a toy (or a card with a picture). Watch carefully for 3-4 seconds. at the toy in your hands, then look at the object in the hands of the teacher (also for 3-4 seconds). Repeat the training 4-5 times.
2. In the form of a game, tell the children how fun the character likes to jump and run in the hands of the teacher (down-up, in a circle, left-right). At the same time, children should carefully monitor all movements of the toy.
3. Ask the kids to close their eyes tightly for 4-5 seconds. At this time, hide the toy in a place accessible to view. Then offer to find the object without getting up from your seat. Repeat the game of hide and seek 4-5 times.

Training No. 5. Drawing with the nose
For such a charge, you need to prepare several geometric shapes or contour drawings. Ask the children to remember the card shown to them and, with their eyes closed, try to draw it in the air.

Training No. 6. Labyrinth
All sorts of colorful spirals, lines and stripes are drawn on a poster or board. Using a pointer, the teacher shows which line and in which direction to follow.

Training No. 7. Color spectrum

1. Close your eyes and slowly, first move them to the right, then straight, then up, and then switch your gaze down. Perform the movements 3-4 more times, the child’s head remains motionless at this time.
2. With a count of 6, move your eyes from corner to corner diagonally for 30 seconds.
3. Extend your index finger to a distance of 30 cm, and slowly, without taking your eyes off it, touch the tip of your nose. Then quickly look far ahead and repeat the lesson 4-5 times.

Regularity of performing sets of exercises for the eyes in preschool institution, their diversity and playful form of implementation provide positive results from the work of teachers.

Exercises for senior groups

In the photo: doing eye exercises in kindergarten

Gymnastics for the eyes for children 4-5 years old in kindergarten, the card index of which is complicated by a certain topic, can train not only visual functions, but also memory, imagination and develop the preschooler’s thinking in general.

Following example various cards with figures, exercises with closed eyes can be complicated by using numbers and letters.

You can suggest counting the multi-colored rings on the pyramid, and then circling only the given colors with your eyes. The most popular are workouts based on the days of the week (“Fun Week”), with clock hands (“Running Hands”) and exercises using fruits and vegetables (“Harvest”).

Regular visual exercises can improve blood circulation, promote rapid movement, and reduce fatigue in the extraocular muscles within a few minutes.

By doing daily, you can avoid many ophthalmological problems at school age, when the load on the eyes will be much higher.

Children receive the main part of information from the outside world through the organ of vision; for this reason, even preschoolers can encounter problems with their eyes. Minimize the risk of developing ophthalmological diseases simple gymnastics will help. To make it interesting for the child, classes should take place in game form. Because forcing a child to do something if he is not interested is almost impossible. Eye gymnastics for children trains the muscles responsible for the movement of the organ of vision and has a positive effect on physical and mental development.

A distinctive feature of exercises for kids is that it takes place in a playful manner and is accompanied by poems, songs, and sayings. This helps to interest the baby, he willingly studies.

Eye exercises for children relieve tension from the organ of vision, relax muscles and train muscles. Gymnastics also eliminates swelling of the eyelids and normalizes the flow of blood to the eyeball. Therefore, adults can also perform it. If you exercise regularly, the results will be noticeable a month after the start of training.

Indications for performing eye exercises for children

To find a suitable set of exercises, visit an ophthalmologist. He will hold necessary diagnostics and based on the results obtained, will select charging. Eye gymnastics for children is recommended in the following cases:

  • Genetic predisposition to myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism;
  • The baby constantly complains of severe visual fatigue, which occurs due to eye strain;
  • The presence of myopia or farsightedness;
  • If the child spends a lot of time on the PC or books;
  • When diagnosing serious pathologies organ of vision.

Gymnastics for the eyes in kindergartens and nurseries

In preschool institutions, caring for the child’s health and preventing ophthalmic diseases falls on the shoulders of the teacher. Gymnastics is performed by all children in the group:

  • The kids sit at the table with their heads in their hands. During the exercise, the head remains motionless, the eyes move vertically and horizontally. For junior group The duration of the exercises is three minutes, for children older classes increase to five minutes. Charging is carried out twice a day;
  • It is important to select a set of exercises in advance. For children aged three years, classes should be accompanied by fun games and poems;
  • In some cases, gymnastics involves moving the head.
When performing exercises, it is important to pay attention to the age category of children.

A two-year-old child does not understand what “rotating his eyes” means, so it is necessary to use various objects. The teacher slowly moves them, and the little one monitors the movement of the object. In some cases, you can perform an entire performance by putting puppets on your fingers.

Gymnastics for preschool children

In this case, simple and fun exercises are used that will help children develop the habit of regularly doing exercises. Gymnastics takes place in three steps:

  • Warm-up;
  • Main part;
  • Conclusion.

At the first stage, children perform simple eye movements in different sides. Then they cover the organ of vision with their palms and count to five. In a preschool institution, gymnastics is carried out by a teacher; parents can do this at home.

The main stage of charging consists of several exercises:

  • Ask the children to look at the tip of the nose, then they should use their imagination and imagine how it increases and then decreases in size. The main condition is that little “Pinocchio” should not make grimaces while performing the technique;
  • One of the most favorite exercises for preschoolers is “Faces”. Children pretend to be animals, make faces, squint, etc.;
  • Invite the kids to draw various geometric shapes in the air with their eyes.

At the end of the gymnastics, the guys draw with their nose. Posters depicting animals, transport and other objects with which children are familiar are fixed on the board. The essence of the technique is to repeat the drawing with the eyes.

Exercises for school-age children

Older children can perform more complex exercises aimed at strengthening the oculomotor muscles. The change in the set of techniques is due to the fact that the load on the organ of vision increases. Children spend a lot of time reading books and the computer, not only at school, but also at home.

  • You must blink for ten seconds intensive mode, this will help relieve tension from the organ of vision;
  • Close your eyes and count to five. Do it three times;
  • Extend your right arm, move it to the left, then to the opposite side, up and down. The head remains motionless. Repeat three times;
  • Move your eyes in a circle, draw a circle in the air. Three times a left side and the same amount to the right.

Gymnastics at home

It is important to identify malfunctions visual apparatus on early stage. It is possible to detect abnormalities in a child in a simple way. Ask him to keep an eye on a specific object. If there are no deviations, he will be able to describe it in detail. Do not ignore visits to the ophthalmologist; the doctor will be able to detect the problem during a regular examination and select the optimal therapy.

At home, gymnastics are performed six times during the day, the duration of the exercise is from two to three minutes. In order for your child to enjoy learning, you need to interest him. Tell him how important it is for his eyes to be healthy and see well.

Do the exercises in the morning, while walking outside, and several times throughout the day. Use cubes, picture cards, etc. in gymnastics. Be sure to monitor the hygiene of the visual apparatus: do not allow you to watch TV for a long time or spend a lot of time at the computer. Activities that require eye strain should be alternated with other activities, such as a walk in the fresh air.

Children's gymnastics for the eyes in verse

Adults can perform these exercises together with children. The exercise is quite simple, kids must repeat the actions that are voiced in the poem.

Eye gymnastics for children according to Avetisov

A Russian doctor has developed several effective techniques to improve visual acuity. According to Eduard Sergeevich, it is necessary to start preventing ophthalmological diseases from a young age. He offers several simple exercises that parents whose children suffer from myopia or spend a lot of time on the PC should pay attention to.

The complex consists of three blocks. Positive dynamics are expected after a few days, the load gradually increases. The first complex includes the following exercises:

  • Close your eyelids for three seconds, then open your eyes wide. Perform six to eight repetitions;
  • Blink for twenty seconds, rest a little. Close your eyelids and gently massage your eyes with your fingertips;
  • Lightly press on eyeball through closed eyelids;
  • Use your index fingers to press down on the area between your eyebrows.

To strengthen the muscles of the organ of vision, use the second set of exercises:

  • The head remains motionless, the gaze moves from the floor to the ceiling. Repeat ten times;
  • Lower your eyes from the ceiling to the floor diagonally;
  • Move your gaze horizontally;
  • Rotate your eyes in a circle, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Try to capture all objects in your field of vision.

The completion of gymnastics is a set of techniques aimed at improving accommodation:

  • Extend your hand and focus your gaze on it. Then turn your gaze to an object located at a distance;
  • Bend your arm and touch your index finger to the tip of your nose. Slowly extend your hand, while carefully watching the movement of your finger;
  • The technique has something in common with the previous exercise. Only when abducted right hand you need to close your left eye and vice versa;
  • Draw a small dot on the window and focus your gaze on it, then move it to an object located on the street.

Articulation gymnastics

In order for the baby to be able to describe the objects located around him without any problems, special attention must be paid to articulation exercises. Since pathologies speech apparatus are no less dangerous than problems with the organ of vision. For a child aged three to four years, gymnastics is accompanied by poetry and fairy tales. The main thing is that the child finds it interesting to study.

Static techniques are highly effective:

  • "Smile." Ask your child to smile without showing his teeth and hold this position for five seconds;
  • "Proboscis". You need to fold your lips into a tube and stretch them forward as much as possible;
  • "Pancake." It is necessary to relax the muscles of the tongue as much as possible, try to place it on the lower lip and stay in this position for ten seconds.

Since young children get tired quickly, it is recommended to do no more than three exercises at a time.

Effective techniques for restoring vision

Ophthalmologists identify a number of exercises aimed at eliminating problems with the organ of vision. IN severe cases It is recommended to perform a number of specific techniques.

"Step gymnastics"

The main purpose of the technique is to normalize the functioning of the accommodative apparatus. The main advantage of the exercises is that they involve all elements of the organ of vision. The essence of gymnastics is to shift your gaze from near to distant objects. You need to focus your gaze on each object for five seconds. This is required to activate accommodation and restore its functions.

If there are serious deviations in the functioning of the eyes, then the exercise must be repeated after severe visual stress.

"Digital gymnastics"

The child covers his eyes with his palms, but does not close them. The main task is to draw the numbers from one to ten with your eye. Then repeat the exercise in reverse order. The technique takes no more than two minutes to complete.

"Acupressure gymnastics"

Exercise restores visual acuity. Take a sheet of blank paper and draw ten dots on it at a distance of five millimeters from each other. If there are deviations in refraction, the distance increases to seven millimeters.

The poster is placed at a distance of thirty-five centimeters from the eyes. The child must not only look at them, but also count them. Gradually move the sheet away, record the distance at which the baby could not see the dots.

"Visual arc"

Used to restore visual acuity in the youngest patients. The technique is also aimed at getting rid of computer syndrome. Place the baby in front of the window, ask him to focus his gaze on his knees. Then the child should focus his gaze on various subjects located around it. The manipulation is repeated two to three times, the eyes move in an arc.


Visual gymnastics for children - this is an excellent method for preventing the development of ophthalmic diseases. The exercises do not take much time, but to achieve maximum results you need to repeat them regularly. Do not force your baby to do exercises under any circumstances! IN similar situation it will not bring results. Try to interest him, conduct the lesson in a playful way. The choice of a set of exercises should be entrusted to an ophthalmologist.

From the video you will learn how to correctly perform the seven most effective techniques to restore vision.

Every person should understand that vision is important to protect and preserve. Eye exercises will help you and your child maintain good vision. The article presents practical material, which can be interesting and useful for visual gymnastics, physical exercises, and dynamic breaks.



Gymnastics for the eyes

In the process of perceiving the world around us, we learn a lot through vision: about the shape, size, color of objects, as well as the degree of their distance from each other and their location in space. Various functions vision helps us obtain rich information about the world around us. Motor functions, visual acuity, field of vision, nature of vision, color discrimination - the main functions of the eye. Change visual perception is a consequence of a violation of any of these functions. Thus, impaired visual acuity makes it difficult to recognize objects and images, and also reduces the eye’s resolution in terms of completeness, accuracy and speed of information perception. A color discrimination disorder leads to a mixture of green and red colors or the inability to distinguish one of the three colors (blue, red and green). Difficulties in spatial orientation result from emerging visual field dysfunction. Distortion of stereoscopic, spatial perception of surrounding objects, decreased ability to see with both eyes at the same time and the ability to perceive the object in question as a whole is a violation of the binocular nature of vision. Strabismus, which is a violation of oculomotor function, leads to deviation from the common point of fixation of one eye.

Number of children with various disorders vision, which are at risk, is growing year by year. Even if minor unfavorable factors Vision problems arise in children at risk for vision, and the number of such children is growing. It has long been known that disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, corrective and preventive work with children appears in preschool educational institutions today as a mandatory component of educational activities. To carry out preventive and corrective work with children, teachers need to increase the level of competence in this type of activity. To prevent eye fatigue and correct visual impairment, visual gymnastics is one of the main forms of work for teachers.

Prevention of visual impairment in children is the main goal of eye gymnastics.

The main objectives are:

Strengthening the eye muscles and preventing their fatigue;

Improving blood supply to eye tissues;

Relieving tension in the visual apparatus;

Strengthening the eyelid muscles;

General improvement of the visual system

The basic principles of eye gymnastics include:

An individual approach that takes into account the health status of children and their age.

Regularity of exercises.

A gradual increase in loads by adjusting the time, speed and complexity of exercises, combined with motor activity children.

Maintaining and developing the child’s interest in this species exercises. No special conditions are required for gymnastics, but the following recommendations should be followed:

Carry out gymnastics several times during the day. In junior preschool age 2-3 minutes, in older people the duration of its implementation increases to 4-5 minutes.

Gymnastics can be carried out in any part of the lesson (at the beginning, middle or end) taking into account the age, visual and motor potential of the children.

Visual gymnastics is carried out according to the verbal instructions of the teacher, using poems and nursery rhymes.

The teacher must know the poetic text used by heart. The poetic text is initially short (up to 4 lines), gradually moving to more complex and longer ones.

The teacher is recommended to take into account the principle of complication when planning, first practicing simple eye movements: squinting, blinking, up-down, right-left, circular movements, protruding eyes, and then use them in a more complex poetic text in various combinations.

Gymnastics complexes are divided by age as follows:

3-4 years – the first exercises are simple exercises;

5-7 years – relaxing gymnastics.

7 years – you can add a complex aimed at strengthening the eye muscles to relaxation exercises.

Here are the most common exercises included in all eye gymnastics complexes:

“The butterfly flaps its wings”, “panicles” - blinking - resting, cleansing and rinsing the eyes occurs.

“Writing with your nose” - reduces tension in the eye area.

“Keen eyes” - an exercise used to prevent visual impairment.

“Shooting with the eyes” - an exercise used to prevent visual impairment.

Palming (from the English “palm” - palms): used to relieve eye strain and fatigue.

Exercise “Far - Close”.

It is very important that when performing the exercisethe head was motionless(unless otherwise stated). Children should not get tired during visual gymnastics.

Do eye exercises regularly with your children, turning it into a daily routine. exciting game. In preschool age, play is the child’s leading activity. As a pedagogical phenomenon, it serves as a means of education and correction as a teaching method, a form of organizing activities. Therefore, the most interesting thing for children is gymnastics, in which

Assignments are given in poetic form.

Tasks of searching for objects and pictures in various places of the group are used. The necessary picture material for creating visual images can be found in a variety of coloring books and on the Internet.

Movements are used along certain paths specified in the task - the eyes do exercises in the “spectacular stadium” (according to the method of V.F. Bazarny).

ICT is used.

Used for eye training - stereo images. This eye gymnastics is most effective and interesting for children. Pictures improve vision and prevent aggravation of many eye diseases. You just need to peer into the colorful image and try to distinguish the picture that appears in three-dimensional space

The task requires you to find differences in identical images. This is very interesting, but the main thing is training attention and vision.

Children's vision is one of their greatest treasures, and once lost, it is very difficult to regain. Therefore, the child’s vision must be protected, and eye gymnastics occupies one of the most important places in prevention and correction work.In our preschool educational institution solve problems related to strengthening, maintaining health and physical development children. Only complex impact on a child can give successful dynamics to his development.

Methodical selection “Gymnastics for the eyes” in verse

(according to Shabanova P., Vygodskaya I.G., Pellinger E., Uspenskaya L.P.)


We played, drew (the actions in question are performed)

Our eyes are so tired

We'll give them a rest

Let's close them for a little while.

Now let's open them

And we blink a little.


Little owl, big head,

Sits on a branch

looks in all directions.

Right, left, up and down,

Animals, birds, oh, hold on!


Tick ​​tock, tick tock

All the clocks go like this: tick-tock, tick-tock,

Left once, right once,

We can do this too

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

We do gymnastics for the eyes

We do it every time.

Right, left, around, down,

Don’t be lazy to repeat.

Strengthening the eye muscles.

We'll see better right away.


This is what a dragonfly is like: Connect your thumb and forefinger,

Like pea eyes. bring them to your eyes

Left - right, Look with your eyes accordingly,

Down - forward. without turning your head.

Well, just like a helicopter!


We fly high, look with our eyes accordingly,

We fly low without turning our heads.

We fly far away

We fly close.


Night. It's dark outside. (Perform the actions in question)

We need to close our eyes.

One two three four five

You can open your eyes.

We count to five again

We close our eyes again.

One two three four five

Let's open them again. (repeat 3 - 4 times)

We are drawing

How much do we need, guys?

For our skillful hands?

Let's draw two squares, draw with the index finger in the air and follow with our eyes

And on them is a huge circle,

And then more circles,

Triangular cap.

So it came out very, very

Cheerful Oddball!


On a straight path - a stick Draw on the text in the air with your finger, follow

On the crooked path there is a jackdaw, with his eyes.

The sleigh goes down the slope,

Along the wavy line - a cat with a mustache.

“My cheerful, ringing ball”

My cheerful, ringing ball,
Where did you run off to?
Red, blue, cyan,
Can't keep up with you.
Look left - right, look down - up, To Circular eye movements: left – up – right – down – right – up – left – down. Close your eyes, then blink 10 times, repeat 2 times.


Autumn spread paint along the edges,

I quietly moved my brush along the leaves.

The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples glowed,

The aspen trees are purple, only the oak is green.

Autumn consoles: do not regret summer,

Look - autumn is dressed in gold!

Circular movements of the eyes: left – up – right – down – right – up – left – down

Look left - right.

Look up and down.

Close your eyes, then blink 10 times. (repeat 2 times)

"Christmas tree".

Here is a big Christmas tree,

That's how tall it is.

It has big branches.

This is the width.

There are even cones on the tree,

And below is the bear’s den.

The clubfoot sleeps there during the winter

And sucks his paw in the den.

Perform eye movements.

Look from bottom to top.

Look from left to right.

Look up.

Look down.


The donkey walks around and chooses to look around the circle.

Doesn't know what to eat first.

There is a ripe plum at the top, look up

And nettles grow below, look down

On the left - beets, on the right - rutabaga, look left - right

On the left is a pumpkin, on the right is a cranberry,

Below is fresh grass, look down

On top there are juicy tops. look up

I couldn't choose anything

And he fell to the ground without strength.

Close your eyes, then blink 10 times, repeat 2 times.

Examples of eye exercises

(Bates method)

General strengthening exercises for the eyes

  1. Close eyes. Blink your eyelids closed.
  2. Close your eyes, look up, left, down, right and back.
  3. Open your eyes and look at one point, without blinking, for 2-3 seconds, then close your eyelids and open them again.
  1. Look at the bridge of your nose with both eyes for 5 seconds.
  2. Look at the tip of the nose with both eyes appearance of mild fatigue.


Take any stable position. Quickly close and unclench your eyelids (blink). Perform the exercise from 30 to 60 s. Then relax your eyes.

This exercise gives good vacation eyes, increases their blood circulation. Can be performed at any time.


  1. Demirchoglyan G.G. Effective exercises for vision. – M.
  2. Nagaeva T.N. Visual impairment in preschool children: development of spatial orientation / T. I. Nagaeva. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008.
  3. Smirnova I. V. Restoration and prevention of vision in children and adults. M., Tsentrpoligraf, 2004

Imagine that you are sitting and doing homework with your offspring, and he is constantly distracted and cannot concentrate on tasks for a long time. Or your baby walks around the house and toils from idleness, not knowing where to put his ebullient youthful energy. These situations are familiar to almost all parents! It is precisely at such moments that eye gymnastics for children will not only be useful, but also interesting, helping them learn to control their own attention and activity.

In the first 10 years of a person’s life, the functionality of the visual organs is fully formed, and how you spend this time with your child will completely affect his vision. It would seem that looking and seeing well is so natural!

And why then are any special exercises needed?

But those parents whose children suffer from myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism or other eye-related diseases know that life without full vision deprives little explorers of the colors of this world! A modern realities are such that, under the influence of computers and televisions, the younger generation is increasingly faced with this problem. Visual gymnastics is suitable both as a preventive measure and as a significant addition to the treatment of an existing problem.

Gymnastics is like a game. Performance and Goals

You can engage your child in eye exercises at any time:

  • when he gets too excited and is already starting to play pranks to calm him down
  • when he is tired of doing his homework and his attention wanders to distract him and refocus on his tasks
  • after watching TV and playing computer games, to relax the eye muscles and give them rest
  • after vigorous sports activity, to switch to a calmer rhythm

The most the main objective- train the muscles of the visual organs. It will depend on such training further fate"little eyes" Moreover, such methods are capable of:

  • calm increased nervous activity
  • slow down or reverse the decline in vision levels in childhood nearsightedness, farsightedness and even astigmatism
  • give your eyes a break and time to recover
  • help in processing information that the children's brain receives in large quantities

Of course, the complexes of children's gymnastics for vision themselves will differ depending on age category. , but what about preschoolers and primary schoolchildren?

You'll find out soon!

For the little ones

You can start exercising from a very early age. From 2-3 years old it is already possible. To begin with, you should sit your baby opposite you and ask him to repeat after you a quick glance to the left and right. Very young children don’t yet know where is left and where is right, so it’s enough to just ask:

“Can you do that?
I can do it!”

As practice shows, after these words the inquisitive offspring is ready to repeat almost anything! Once he is hooked, show him this exercise right away and make sure he does it.

After this, blink and make a second quick movement of your eyes up and down, and at the end blink again to relieve tension. Move your eyes in circles, clap your eyelids with your fingers.

This short warm-up can be done at any time. It is very light and fast.

For a longer lesson, prepare colored geometric shapes in advance: square, triangle, circle. It is advisable to make them large in size and in different colors.

Tell your baby to watch where the finger goes?

With square and triangle: point in turn to different corners of the figure, and let the child follow your finger.

With a circle: Describe them circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise. If you tell your young student that this is a flying saucer and use sounds to represent it, he will be happy to follow the flight path and have a lot of fun!

For those who are a little older

This block of exercises is suitable for both ages 2-3 years and children 3-4 years old. The beauty of it is that it is in verse. You can gradually learn them with your child, which will be very useful for the development of memory and speech. You can start gymnastics with the same warm-up as for the little ones (quick glance up and down and to the sides). And continue in poetry.

Relaxation technique


Words Actions
“The first drop fell: drip-drip
And the second one ran: drip-drip.”
Tap your finger on your palm
“We looked at the sky” Look up
“The droplets began to sing drip-drip” Tap on the head
“Faces got wet,
We wipe them away"
Rub your face and eyes gently
“Shoes - look” Look down at your feet
“They became wet” Point to your feet with your hands
“Let’s move our shoulders together
And we’ll shake off all the droplets”
Shake your shoulders
“We’ll run away from the rain” Run in place
“Let’s sit under a bush” Squat down

For younger students and those preparing for school

Exercises for eyes aged 5 - 6 years and older will be practically no different from the previous options, except for some exercises. For example, you can also prepare figures cut out of cardboard to show them and invite them to trace their contours with your eyes. Then invite him to imagine the geometric shapes one by one in his imagination and also circle them with his eyes. It is not necessary to limit yourself only geometric shapes. You can give tasks to look around real interior items.

During the walk, in addition to physical training, which are also very useful for visual acuity, give your child instructions to carefully examine objects that are near and far - this has a good effect on the ability to adjust focus.

With the same geometric shapes - cut out many different shapes of different colors from cardboard, attach them to the wall. The point is that as you chaotically name the colors, the child quickly glances from one figure to another, but does not turn his head.

In general, there are more than enough ways to improve your vision! It all depends only on your perseverance and imagination!