Comprehensive vision diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the visual system. Diagnostics in ophthalmology

Maintaining good vision requires regular examinations by an ophthalmologist. Even if nothing worries you, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive eye examination once a year so that a possible disease is detected at an early stage and its treatment does not cost a significant amount.

Modern high-tech equipment of our ophthalmological center and highly qualified ophthalmologists allow us to identify possible pathological changes eyes already at the earliest stages of the disease.

The Moscow Eye Clinic provides diagnostics for adults and children (after 3 years):

* refractive errors (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism),

* disorders of the oculomotor system (strabismus, amblyopia),

* pathologies of the anterior segment of the eye of various origins (diseases of the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, sclera, iris, lens),

* pathologies of the posterior segment of the eye (vascular and inflammatory diseases of the retina and optic nerve (including hypertension, diabetes, glaucoma)

* traumatic lesions of the organ of vision

In what cases is vision diagnostics needed?

An ophthalmological examination is necessary to evaluate general condition visual functions, prevention of eye diseases, as well as to monitor the progression of the disease. IN the latter case diagnostics helps to select optimal schemes therapy for existing diseases, as well as to avoid serious complications and vision loss. The examination is also necessary in cases of making decisions about the advisability and type of surgical interventions, if patients need them, in order to provide an opinion to other specialists (in antenatal clinic, neurologist, cardiologist, etc.).

Video from our specialist about vision diagnostic methods

How is an ophthalmological examination performed?

Diagnostic procedures can last from thirty minutes to one and a half hours, depending on the nature of the patient’s complaints, objective indications and his age. During the examination, visual acuity, refraction are determined, and intraocular pressure is measured. The doctor examines the eyes using a special microscope (biomicroscopy procedure). The fundus of the eye is also examined, namely the state of the retina and optic nerve with a narrow or dilated pupil (ophthalmoscopy), and the level of tear production can be determined; According to indications, the field of vision (perimetry) is examined in detail, as well as the condition of the anterior corner of the eye (gonioscopy). Additionally, the thickness of the cornea (pachymetry) and the length of the anterior-posterior axis of the eye (PZO or echobiometry) can be measured. Hardware research also includes ultrasound diagnostics eye (B-scan) and computed keratotopography, optical coherence tomography.

Other additional studies are possible, which are carried out according to existing indications.

"Moscow Eye Clinic" has all the necessary equipment to diagnose any eye diseases.

After the examination, the ophthalmologist must talk with the patient, bringing him to the accessible form results. Typically, based on the results diagnostic examination The doctor prescribes treatment, usually consisting of several possible schemes, or preventive recommendations are given.

What is the cost of vision diagnostics?

The cost of the examination consists of the volume diagnostic procedures prescribed by a doctor based on the patient’s objective complaints, a pre-established diagnosis, or an upcoming planned operation.

The price of an initial appointment with an ophthalmologist with tests such as visual acuity testing, biomicroscopy, autorefractometry, pinhole ophthalmoscopy and pneumotonometry is 3 500 rubles

You can see the full list of diagnostic examinations and their costs.

You can ask any questions you are interested in and make an appointment by phone 8 (499) 322-36-36 or

Sign up online on the website!

Remember that timely and high-quality diagnostics will help preserve your vision, and this is a huge value at any age!

Clinic guarantees:

* highly accurate and detailed vision diagnostics, as well as fundus examination, will be carried out within 1-2 hours, without tedious waiting;

* based on the diagnostic results, the patient will receive a detailed statement about the condition of the organ of vision and

* if necessary, each patient has the opportunity to consult an ophthalmologist with an academic degree;

* the clinic is equipped with the most modern and safe equipment, allowing to achieve high accuracy of diagnostic results in the shortest possible time;

* the principle of our work: “attention and individual approach- to every patient!”

22.01.2016 | Viewed by: 4,073 people.

Regular examination is the best prevention eye diseases. Diagnosis of such diseases can only be carried out by an experienced ophthalmologist in a specialized equipped office. It is important that the ophthalmologist identifies the first signs of abnormalities in time. Successful treatment largely depends on the speed of their detection at the stage of reversible changes.

One examination by a doctor and a subsequent conversation with him is not enough. Additional specific methods examinations using modern equipment to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The doctor should tell you in detail about the exact diagnosis and determination of visual acuity, as well as possible deviations and pathologies.

Ultra-modern diagnostic methods help establish a highly accurate diagnosis and allow high efficiency control treatment. Presented before you are the most common methods diagnosis of the most common eye diseases.

A doctor's examination reveals abnormalities using the following painless procedures:

A procedure that allows the ophthalmologist to see parts of the fundus on the surface of the eye. This method remains one of the most significant and popular in diagnosing eye diseases. The non-contact method is performed using a lens or a special ophthalmoscope device.

Allows you to evaluate the main function - distance visual acuity - during preventive examinations. Decreased vision is important signal in diagnosing diseases. The examination is first carried out without correction - the patient, closing one eye at a time, names the letters on the table indicated by the ophthalmologist. If there are violations, the procedure is performed with correction using specialized frames and lenses.

This method determines the optical power of the eye and diagnoses refractive errors and vision defects: myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism. Now the procedure has begun to be carried out using refractometers, which allows the patient not to waste a lot of time and facilitates the eye doctor’s manipulations.

The study is recommended for people over 40 years of age, as they have increased risk development of glaucoma. The procedure measures intraocular pressure, which is carried out in the following ways: by palpation, according to Maklakov (using weights) with a pneumotonometer and others.

An important method for determining the presence of peripheral vision and diagnosing pathological diseases - glaucoma and the process of destruction of the optic nerve. The study is carried out using specialized hemispherical electrical devices on which light spots are displayed.

Vision test for color perception

Widespread and intended to determine violations of color sensitivity thresholds - color blindness. The inspection is carried out using Rabkin's polychromatic tables.

The procedure for microscopic examination of the ocular segment using a special device - a slit lamp. With significant magnification, the ophthalmologist can clearly see the tissues of the eye - the cornea and conjunctiva, as well as the lens, iris, and vitreous body.

Determines the degree of astigmatism of the anterior surface and the refractive power of the cornea. The radius of refraction is measured with an ophthalmometer.

Grishberg's simple method allows you to determine the angle of strabismus using an ophthalmoscope through which the patient is looking. The ophthalmologist determines the problem by observing the reflection of light on the corneal surface.

Performed in case of obstruction tear ducts. IN tear ducts Thin tubes (cannulas) with a syringe and solution are inserted. If the patency is normal, then the liquid from the syringe will penetrate into the nasopharynx. If there is an obstruction, the solution will not pass through and will spill out.

It is usually performed in infants and elderly people for therapeutic purposes, since they may experience stenosis of the lacrimal openings. Bougienage is carried out using expanding probes using local anesthesia.

To determine the diagnosis of common ailments, such as conjunctivitis, myopia, cataracts, such diagnostic methods are usually sufficient. However, if eye doctor doubts the diagnosis, then additional methods of examining diseases using specialized equipment carried out in optometric centers are possible.

Additional methods in eye diagnostics

Ultrasound is a popular research tool due to the receipt of accurate and complete information and the high effectiveness of the procedure. Ultrasound examination is necessary to detect eye abnormalities, tumors, and retinal detachment.

The method determines the central field of vision for colors and is used to detect diseases of the optic nerve, glaucoma and retina. A kampimeter for diagnosis is a special big screen, where the patient looks with each eye alternately through a slit on a black screen.

The electrophysiological research method has found wide application in the study of the cerebral cortex, retina and levels of damage to the optic nerve, and the function of the nervous department of the optical apparatus.

A method that studies the surface of the cornea before laser correction. It is carried out on an automated computer system by scanning to determine the sphericity of the surface.

Study intraocular pressure in dynamics. IOP takes about 5 minutes, in such a short period of time you can get important information about the state of fluid outflow inside the eye.

The method allows you to accurately determine the thickness of the cornea; it is necessarily prescribed for laser operations

Shows the condition of the fundus and retinal vessels. A series of high-precision images are taken after the fluorescent solution is administered intravenously.

The non-contact modern OCT method is used to determine the condition of the optic nerve and retina.

Operational examination under an optical device to detect ticks.

A procedure that determines tear production. The test is performed for symptoms of dry eye. An ophthalmological test is placed on the edge of the patient's lower eyelid, which can be used to determine if it is wet with tears.

A method for accurately detecting glaucoma using a lens. The angle of the anterior chamber is examined.

Used for retinal dystrophy and detachment, as well as to obtain data about its peripheral parts, not detected during classical examination.

High-precision modern instruments and a variety of techniques allow you to accurately and effectively conduct studies of the visual organs on cellular level. Most diagnostics are carried out non-contact and painlessly, without requiring prior preparation of the patient. In the relevant sections you can learn in detail about the methods for diagnosing eye diseases.

About the ophthalmologist

An ophthalmologist is a specialized specialist whose activities are aimed at identifying, diagnosing, treating and preventing various eye diseases. A good ophthalmologist is considered a very sought-after specialist these days., because every 3 residents of the country have different eye diseases(most often this is visual impairment - myopia, farsightedness). There are many factors that negatively affect our eyes. These factors are:

  • Long-term work on computers, tablets, smartphones;
  • Poor or incorrect lighting when reading books;
  • Various types of stress that affect the organ of vision;
  • Insufficiently fortified diet (lack of vitamin A in food contributes to vision impairment);
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions.

Video about the ophthalmology department of our clinic 1:26 min, 15 MB.

If you do not consult an ophthalmologist in time, eye diseases will progress, and then it becomes more and more difficult to cure them. To prevent the development of ophthalmological diseases, doctors recommend systematically undergoing a preventive examination by an ophthalmologist. It is advisable to appear for a medical examination every six months. It is then that the ophthalmologist will be able to notice the disease at an early stage and prescribe effective treatment.

The diseases treated by an ophthalmologist are presented below:

  1. Cataract;
  2. Glaucoma;
  3. Congenital diseases of the organ of vision;
  4. Diseases of the retina and optic nerve;
  5. Visual impairment (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism);
  6. Inflammatory eye diseases (conjunctivitis, uveitis, iridocyclitis, blepharitis);
  7. Viral and infectious eye diseases (herpetic keratitis, gonococcal conjunctivitis and others);
  8. Autoimmune eye diseases (iridocyclitis, chorioretinitis).

It should be noted that An ophthalmologist also treats acute conditions that affect the organ of vision. For example, various kinds injuries, burns of the mucous membrane of the eyes, and so on.

How is an ophthalmologist examined?

An examination by an ophthalmologist usually occurs in a clean, spacious room. First, the ophthalmologist will find out if you have any complaints about the organ of vision and ask you about them in detail. In addition, the ophthalmologist may ask if you have other underlying chronic diseases. After all, there are many diseases that affect the organ of vision. For example, diabetes. A complication of diabetes mellitus is diabetic ophthalmopathy. Therefore, you should not hide existing chronic diseases from your doctor. Knowing about them, the doctor will be able to find a treatment that will be aimed at preventing the development of complications in the organ of vision, or will stop their progression.

After interviewing the patient, the doctor will begin the examination. The ophthalmologist will diagnose visual acuity and determine whether there is blurred vision. If necessary, the doctor will examine the fundus and other structures of the eye to confirm certain eye diseases, or to determine their absence. For more detailed and accurate diagnostics, modern clinics use medical equipment such as an autorefractometer, ophthalmoscope, and slit lamp. At the DeVita clinic you will find the most modern ophthalmological equipment. This allows us to diagnose eye diseases with maximum accuracy and at the highest level.

After a thorough ophthalmological examination, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe the treatment that will be most effective in your particular case.

Examination by an ophthalmologist in our clinic

An examination by an ophthalmologist in our DeVita clinic takes place in a friendly atmosphere and as much as possible. comfortable conditions for the patient. You should contact an ophthalmologist for examination with these and other complaints about the organ of vision:

  • The appearance of pain in the eyes, burning and itching sensations;
  • The appearance of double vision, spots, “floaters”, “fog before the eyes”;
  • Prolonged redness of the eyes;
  • The appearance of photophobia, lacrimation, pathological discharge from the eyes (pus);
  • Rapid eye fatigue;
  • Deterioration of distance or near vision, loss of visual fields;
  • Discomfort when wearing your own glasses.

Examination by an ophthalmologist in our DeVita clinic is carried out highly qualified specialists with extensive experience, and therefore can be confidently trusted. The most modern equipment of our medical center guarantees high-quality diagnostics and timely detection initial stages eye diseases.
Our ophthalmologists have extensive experience, a wealth of knowledge and numerous thanks from our patients.

The goal of the ophthalmologist at our DeVita clinic is the timely detection of diseases of the visual organs, the selection of the optimal treatment method and high-quality prevention, which will prevent the development of other eye diseases and will be aimed at preventing relapses. Remember the most important thing is timely appeal see an ophthalmologist. Do not self-medicate, do not let the disease take its course - turn to professionals and trust them with your health! Timely ophthalmological treatment will preserve your vision for many years!

Video reviews about the treatment of ophthalmological diseases in our clinic

Elena - examination and treatment ophthalmological diseases

Patient - treatment of ophthalmological diseases

Sinitsyn Yuri, 70 years old - treatment of ophthalmological disease

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Ophthalmologists at our clinic

Ophthalmologist, contactologist, ophthalmic surgeon

She graduated from the Russian State Medical University with a degree in general medicine. Regular participant in all-Russian and international conferences on ophthalmology. Diagnoses and treats diseases of the organ of vision: keratoconus, epithelial-endothelial dystrophy of the cornea, erosions and ulcers of the cornea, cataracts.

Work experience in the specialty is 10 years.


Doctor highest category. Member of the Russian Glaucoma Society. Completed a refresher course in contact correction vision. Proficient in modern methods of diagnosing and treating eye diseases in adults and children.

Work experience in the specialty is 27 years.

Cost of ophthalmologist services

CodeName of service Price, rub
17.00 Consultation with an ophthalmologist500
17.01 Complex initial appointment ophthalmologist3 000
17.03 Visometry200
17.04 Ophthalmoscopy with a narrow pupil300
17.05 Ophthalmoscopy with mydriasis (with a wide pupil)500
17.06 Biomicroscopy of the anterior segment of the eye500
17.07 Ophthalmotonometry200
17.09 Autorefractometry500
17.10 Computer perimetry1 000
17.13 Selection spectacle correction(simple lenses)400
17.14 Selection of spectacle correction (complex lenses)600
17.17 Removal of corneal foreign body1 500
17.18 Eyelash epilation200
17.19 Eyelid massage500

Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist

An ophthalmologist answers questions from users on our website

Good afternoon. Since birth, my daughter has had a tear in her left eye. I wash it every day with chamomile. If you stop rinsing, then after a few

days, discharge appears from the eye. And if I wash it with chamomile every day, my eyes are clean. There is no swelling. At 6 months, during a visual examination, they said that the canal was narrow. At 9 months, also during a visual examination, they said that it was dacryocystitis and that probing should be done. If there is no pus, is there a need for probing? Questions: What if this is still a narrowed channel? How to make a Vesta test? There is no collargol anywhere in the shuttles. Is it possible to replace collargol with anything? Thanks in advance.

Doctor's answer:

It would be correct to visit a specialist to examine the child and establish the exact cause of the pathology (diagnosis). Engaging in correspondence consultations, and even more so self-medication, is sometimes extremely fraught. Our clinic has modern ophthalmological equipment and is attended by an excellent pediatric ophthalmologist. In addition, if you visit the pricing policy section of our website, you will be pleasantly surprised. Sincerely, managing director of the clinic Vladimir Igorevich Dunaev.

Hello, dear ophthalmologists, I wanted to contact you about my brother, he cannot see his eyes on the left side, this disease appeared not long ago,

if I can show you the results that our doctors said the operation is already too late and doesn’t help, you can just leave it like that right eye Is it possible to treat every 6 months, my brother is young, only 30 years old, is there anything I can do? Answer my question please.

Doctor's answer:

Narrowing of the visual field is often caused by organic damage organ of vision, such as chorioretinal dystrophy, optic nerve atrophy, glaucoma. Changes in the visual field may occur during inflammatory processes and voluminous formations in the central nervous system. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the cause of the narrowing of the visual field. Therefore it is necessary to go through full examination from an ophthalmologist and neurologist. Indeed, for some conditions there is no radical treatment, only supportive neuroprotective therapy is carried out.

Duration of a patient's stay in the hospital after plastic surgery of partial retinal detachment

Doctor's answer:

Hello. The length of hospital stay after surgical treatment of retinal detachment is determined by the attending physician and depends on the method of surgical treatment and the choice of clinic. They average 5-10 days. In commercial clinics, operations are performed on an outpatient basis. The period of temporary disability after surgical treatment of retinal detachment is 35-60 days.

Doctor's answer:

Hello. Treatment of dacryocystitis in newborns should begin as early as possible. First, massage the lacrimal sac area and instill antibacterial drops. If the desired result is not achieved, it is necessary to probe and rinse the nasolacrimal duct with an antiseptic solution. It is advisable to cure dacryocystitis in newborns up to three months of age. Delayed treatment can lead to the fact that an older child no longer needs probing, but surgical intervention - dacryocystorhinostomy. But if for some reason dacryocystitis was not cured in the early stages, then its treatment begins with probing even in children over a year old. I hope that the probing performed will allow you to completely cure dacryocystitis. Don't delay treatment and stay healthy.

The insidiousness of many eye diseases is that with similar symptoms, pathologies can have significant differences and require different, sometimes radically opposite, approaches to treatment. For example, wearing glasses, which is useful in one case, will cause serious harm in another, and all this with the same reduced visual acuity.

In order to select the correct and truly effective treatment, it is extremely important to conduct a thorough, most objective examination of the visual system and identify the exact cause of the disease!

What does vision diagnostics include at the Excimer Clinic?

Each of our patients undergoes a comprehensive examination of the visual system, which, depending on the indications, may include:

  • Visometry

    The procedure for determining visual acuity using special tables with symbols of different sizes, which the patient views from a certain distance. This is the simplest and most accessible study - and ophthalmologists in minimally equipped optical shops or clinics usually limit themselves to it.
    The disadvantage of visometry is its subjectivity: what the patient said is taken on faith. This is not suitable for testing vision in children or in people who know tables for testing vision by heart, as well as in many other cases - therefore, in such modern high-tech clinics as Excimer, along with visometry, which has long become a classic of ophthalmology, they also use other, much more objective research methods.

  • Refractometry

    The study of the so-called classical refraction, that is, the ability of the optical system of the eye to refract light rays and focus them strictly on the retina. This procedure is carried out using a special device - an autorefractometer. Based on the results of this study, the doctor determines the type of refraction and the degree of visual impairment by measuring the refractive power of the eye in diopters. The diagnosis of “emmetropia” means that the refraction is normal, vision is fine; “hyperopia” (“farsightedness”) - that there are visual impairments at close range, and “myopia” (“myopia”) - on the contrary, at a distance.

  • Tonometry

    A diagnostic procedure necessary to assess the risk of developing glaucoma, which consists of measuring intraocular pressure. Previously, such a study was carried out by installing special weights on the surface of the cornea; this method is still used in ordinary clinics today. At the Excimer clinic, this procedure is carried out using modern equipment, non-contact.
    Non-contact tonometry is performed using a pneumatic tonometer, which produces a directed air flow, which, acting on the cornea at a certain speed, leads to a certain deformation eyeball, recorded by special tonometer sensors. This is a quick and painless method that has proven itself in measuring intraocular pressure even in children.

  • Perimetry

    Visual field examination, one of the methods for diagnosing glaucoma, partial atrophy of the optic nerve and other eye diseases. Based on the nature of changes in the visual field, the doctor can determine the localization of the pathological process - such changes are different with lesions of the retina, optic nerve, visual centers of the brain, etc.
    This diagnostic procedure is carried out using a device called a perimeter. The Förster perimeter can be used, which is a tabletop metal arc with a special graduation, or an automatic computer perimeter, the procedure on which is performed using points alternately displayed in different parts of the screen. For each eye, the visual field study is carried out separately.

  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT)

    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is the most modern method today for studying various structures of the visual system. Using OCT, two- and three-dimensional images of the retina and optic nerve head can be taken; such a study allows one to obtain an optical section of the layers of the eye, which provides expanded opportunities for diagnosing dangerous neoplasms choroid, macular holes and edema, peripheral retinal dystrophy, glaucoma, various inflammatory diseases of the eye, etc.
    This procedure does not require special preparation, but with medicinal dilation of the pupil, the information content of such a study increases.

  • Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT angiography, OCT)

    Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT angiography) is a modern non-invasive method for studying the vessels of the fundus without the introduction of a contrast agent. This procedure allows you to identify the risk of hemorrhages and other problems that can lead to vision impairment. OCT angiography is successfully used in the diagnosis of such dangerous eye diseases as age-related macular degeneration (macular degeneration), diabetic retinopathy, central retinal vein thrombosis, etc.
    This study has no contraindications; it is performed on children, elderly people and patients with allergic reactions. The procedure takes just a few minutes and, due to its harmlessness, can be carried out with any frequency, which allows for high-quality monitoring of the condition circulatory system eyes.

  • Fluorescein angiography (FA)

    Fluorescein angiography (FA) - study various areas eyes with a contrast agent that is used to visualize blood vessels. After intravenous administration of the dye, the doctor monitors the distribution of the contrast through video or photography.
    This study allows you to obtain information about the integrity and patency of the veins, arteries and capillaries of the eye; FA makes it possible to diagnose various eye pathologies at the initial stage.

  • Aberrometry

    During the aberrometry procedure, an eye scan is performed to examine all the features and distortions present in the visual system. The unique capabilities of the diagnostic equipment available in the arsenal of specialists at the Excimer clinic make it possible to record aberrations not only of the cornea, but also of the lens, and vitreous, as well as the condition of the tear film, cameras visual apparatus etc.
    Based on the data obtained from aberrometric analysis, the shape of the cornea can be modeled to fully compensate for the detected distortions - taking this information into account, the laser vision correction procedure is performed with unprecedented accuracy with the highest quality results. If necessary, such an analysis can be carried out as part of a comprehensive examination of the visual system.

  • Electroretinography (ERG)

    Electroretinography is a neurophysiological study that allows not only to diagnose diseases of the retina and optic nerve, but also to predict with high accuracy possible changes visual system. This unique procedure provides invaluable information that allows for both treatment and timely, targeted and effective prevention of dangerous pathologies of the visual organs.
    To conduct such a study, special electrodes are placed on the patient’s eyes and back of the head, recording bioelectric impulses that appear in response to the action of a light stimulus. ERG can be performed both in a darkened room and in the light; this procedure is carried out under local drip anesthesia, which does not have a negative effect on the body of patients of any age.

  • Color vision testing

    Impaired color perception in some cases is one of the symptoms of the development of any dangerous pathology visual system (eg, glaucoma, retinal detachment, pigmentary dystrophy etc.). Underestimation of negative changes in color vision leads to delayed diagnosis, which can reduce the effectiveness of treatment for eye diseases.
    To analyze the characteristics and anomalies of color perception, multicolor pigment tables and various computer tests are used. This diagnostic procedure is mandatory for people whose professional activities involve severe visual stress - pilots, vehicle drivers, railway workers, etc. Research into the capabilities of color vision in these cases is necessary to obtain permission to work.

  • Gonioscopy

    During gonioscopy, an examination of the anterior chamber of the eyeball is carried out; this is done to accurately diagnose glaucoma and other eye diseases - for example, with changes in intraocular pressure that accompany tumor processes affecting the organs of vision. Such a study is also performed when anomalies are detected in the structure of the visual apparatus, when a foreign body enters the anterior chamber of the eye, and in other cases.
    The procedure is performed using special goniolenses (also called gonioscopes) in combination with a slit lamp.

  • Biomicroscopy

    The procedure for examining various areas of the eye using a special ophthalmological microscope - a slit lamp. During biomicroscopy, the conjunctiva, cornea, iris, vitreous body, lens, and central parts of the fundus are examined in detail.
    This procedure allows you to diagnose various pathologies, examine injured areas of the eyeball, determine the location of the smallest foreign bodies in the conjunctiva, cornea, anterior chamber of the eye and lens. Biomicroscopy is performed in dark room, this is done in order to create maximum contrast between the darkened and illuminated areas of the eye.

  • Ophthalmoscopy

    Ophthalmoscopy is an examination of the fundus of the eye using special optical instruments. This procedure makes it possible to assess the condition of the retina and optic nerve head, and examine the blood vessels of the eye.
    Ophthalmoscopy allows you to determine the location and extent of various pathological processes occurring in the eye - for example, examine thinned areas or places of retinal breaks, assess the number of affected areas. Ophthalmoscopy is performed both with a narrow and dilated pupil.

  • Pupillometry

    A diagnostic procedure during which the size of the pupil is measured under lighting of varying intensities. Photographing the pupil is performed using special equipment equipped with an infrared camera. Pupillometry allows you to find out the condition of the muscles of the iris and is used in diagnosis various diseases eye.
    When assessing the results of this diagnostic procedure, changes in the diameter of the pupils are taken into account depending not only on lighting, but also on the direction of gaze, age, and general condition of the patient.

  • Lensmetry (lensmetry)

    A method of optical analysis of glasses used by a patient for vision correction. Such a study is carried out using a special lens meter (dioptrimeter), which makes it possible to examine spectacle lenses of any type, including bifocal and progressive.
    During the procedure, the optical power of the lens is measured, the position of the main meridians of its astigmatic glass is revealed, and the optical center is determined and fixed. These measurements allow for the most personalized, precise selection of glasses.

  • Pachymetry

    Measuring corneal thickness. This diagnostic procedure is mandatory during the examination before refractive surgery, and it is also necessary after surgical treatment. Pachymetry is also part of the examination for diseases such as glaucoma, corneal edema, degenerative processes in the tissues of the eye, keratoconus, etc.
    This diagnostic procedure can be carried out in two ways - using a slit lamp (for pachymetry, additional equipment is additionally installed on it) or through ultrasound, the results of which are more accurate.

  • Keratometry

    A method for analyzing the optical power of the cornea, which consists of studying the radius of curvature of its surface. This procedure is a mandatory part of a comprehensive diagnostic examination for diseases such as keratoconus and keratoglobus, glaucoma, astigmatism, etc. Keratometry is also performed to measure the curvature of the anterior part of the cornea when selecting contact correction and to assess the general condition of the eye in preparation for surgical interventions.
    The examination can be carried out manually, using an ophthalmological ruler, but in modern ophthalmological clinics special keratometer devices are used that scan the cornea literally in seconds.

  • Biometrics

    Study of the parameters of the eyeball, the depth of the anterior chamber of the eye, the size of the vitreous body and cornea, the thickness of the lens, etc. This procedure is carried out when preparing the patient for laser vision correction; it is mandatory when examining for myopia, cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases.
    In terms of information content, biometrics surpasses many other studies. Such a study is performed using contact ultrasound or a more advanced non-contact optical method.

If indicated, additional diagnostic studies may be performed.

Diagnostic equipment of the Excimer Clinic

  • Autorefkeratotonometer is a multifunctional diagnostic device that includes an autorefractometer, an autokeratometer and a non-contact tonometer, and performs several types of studies. Using this device, you can quickly and accurately study the refraction of the eye, measure the distance between the pupils, as well as the radius of curvature of the cornea and the diameter of the pupils (this is necessary to determine the laser exposure zone for excimer laser correction).

  • A multifunctional diagnostic device that includes an autorefractometer, an autokeratometer and a non-contact tonometer, and performs several types of studies. Using this device, you can quickly and accurately study the refraction of the eye, measure the distance between the pupils, as well as the radius of curvature of the cornea and the diameter of the pupils (this is necessary to determine the laser exposure zone for excimer laser correction).

  • It is successfully used to measure refraction in children of any age, starting literally from the first days of life. This device allows you to analyze the corneal reflex (symmetrical or asymmetrical), measure the diameter of the pupils and the distance between them, and build a picture of gaze fixation.

  • Recognized as the “gold standard” of perimetry, this device allows you to obtain highly accurate information about the visual field, violations of which can be diagnosed due to pathology of the neuroreceptor apparatus. Thanks to such diagnostics, it is possible to promptly recognize diseases of the retina and optic nerve (such as glaucoma, macular degeneration) and take curative measures, helping to avoid irreversible vision loss.

  • A combined system, standardly consisting of a phoropter, an SSC-370 screen sign projector, a built-in printer and a memory card. The COS-5100 system is equipped with a microprocessor and has centralized control, allowing the exchange of research data between connected devices and processing of results. Various configuration options are possible.

  • Designed to determine visual acuity, study binocular and color vision, and identify various visual anomalies. The working distance on this sign projector can be set in the range from 3 to 6 meters in 1 cm increments. The device allows you to conduct high-precision tests aimed at studying visual acuity in conditions of reduced image contrast.

  • Allows you to measure intraocular pressure in a non-contact way, without touching the surface of the eye. This is done using a directed stream of air. The patient feels only a slight whiff of warm air, which excludes any discomfort and infection. The device has functions of automatic focusing, automatic shooting, as well as a function of minimizing the pressure of the air stream during measurement (APS).

  • Designed for computer topography of the anterior and posterior surfaces of the cornea and comprehensive research anterior segment of the eye. Non-contact measurement takes only 1-2 seconds; in total, up to 25,000 real elevation points are analyzed to build a 3D model of the anterior segment of the eye. Using an automatic measurement guidance control system, important parameters such as the curvature of the anterior and posterior surface of the cornea, the total optical power of the cornea, the depth of the anterior chamber and its 360° angle, etc. are calculated.

  • Allows you to measure intraocular pressure in a non-contact way, without touching the surface of the eye. This is done using a directed stream of air. The patient feels only a slight whiff of warm air, which eliminates any discomfort and infection. The device has functions of automatic focusing, automatic shooting, as well as a function of minimizing the pressure of the air stream during measurement (APS).

  • A combined biometric device for obtaining human eye data necessary for calculating an implantable intraocular lens. Using this device, the length of the eye axis, the radius of curvature of the cornea, the depth of the anterior chamber of the eye, and much more are measured during one session. Such equipment allows for high-precision selection of an artificial lens in just 1 minute!

  • Studies using this diagnostic device make it possible to determine distortions (aberrations) of the visual system of both lower (myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism) and higher orders (coma, distortion, spherical aberrations). High-precision data obtained from an aberrometer study is used to carry out personalized laser vision correction using the Custom Vue method.

  • Designed to obtain two- and three-dimensional images of the retina and optic nerve head, as well as structures of the anterior segment of the eye. Ultra-high scanning speed, increased resolution, and advanced diagnostic protocols allow RTVue-100 to assess the condition of fundus structures with the highest accuracy. The device has such exclusive capabilities as EnFace analysis of detachments of the pigment epithelium and neurosensory retina, retinoschisis, and epiretinal membranes. RTVue-100 is highly informative for the early diagnosis of glaucomatous optic neuropathy, multiple sclerosis and other neurodegerative diseases.

  • Using this device, quantitative and high-quality composition corneal endothelium. The layer of endothelial cells ensures the transparency of the cornea; analysis of its condition is necessary before deciding to perform microsurgical operations for patients with corneal pathologies, as well as for those who use contact lenses.

  • This slit lamp is easy to handle, easily moved in all directions, and has built-in microscopes with high resolution, depth of field and ideal stereo imaging. Using this device, a detailed ophthalmological examination is carried out, and biomicroscopy of the eye is performed. The device is equipped with a set of special filters that allow you to examine the blood vessels of the eye, the cornea and other eye structures with maximum accuracy.

  • Automatic dioptrimeter (lensmeter) is used to measure the optical characteristics of spectacle lenses different types, reducing the time of this operation to a minimum. Using this device, the optical power of the lens, expressed in diopters, can be measured, the positions of the main meridians of the astigmatic glass of the lens can be identified in order to determine and fix its optical center. The software on which the dioptrimeter operates ensures the highest accuracy of all measurements.

  • A computer tonograph accurately measures fluctuations in intraocular pressure, the rate of production and outflow of intraocular fluid. A CT scan is very important for those diagnosed with glaucoma (with glaucoma, the circulation of fluid in the eye is usually impaired). Studying the hydrodynamics of the eye using this device significantly expands the possibilities of early diagnosis of glaucoma.

The quality of a diagnostic examination directly depends on the level of technical equipment of the clinic. Modern computerized diagnostic devices that our doctors have at their disposal are capable of recording any deviations from the norm, which ensures an accurate diagnosis even on the most early stages development of the disease.

How to properly prepare for a diagnostic examination?

  • Some types of studies in complex vision diagnostics are carried out using drops that dilate the pupil. Considering this factor, you should not plan visual work for the next few hours after undergoing diagnostic procedures. Also, you should not come for diagnostics while driving; driving a car with a dilated pupil is dangerous.
  • In order for studies such as measuring corneal thickness, etc. to be as accurate as possible, it is recommended not to use hard contact lenses 2 weeks before diagnosis. It is advisable to remove soft contact lenses in the morning on the day of diagnosis, but this can also be done in the clinic, half an hour before the examination.
  • On the day of vision diagnostics, it is recommended to refrain from using decorative eye cosmetics.

Who should get tested first?

Regular monitoring of the state of the visual system is necessary for those who have suffered any injuries or inflammatory eye diseases, people with a family history, those suffering from high degrees of myopia and farsightedness, and anyone undergoing a long course of hormonal therapy.

It is also worth visiting eye specialists more often:

  • For those who have crossed the 45-year mark. Age-related changes affecting the eyes, increase the risk of developing diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma, and problems with the retina are also possible. Almost all patients of this age begin to develop presbyopia (age-related farsightedness).
  • Pregnant women. Pregnancy affects a woman’s entire body and the visual system is no exception. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the retina, since during natural childbirth there is a risk of its ruptures and detachments.
  • Suffering from diabetes mellitus, heart and vascular diseases, etc. For diseases that can have a negative impact on the state of the visual system, regular examinations are necessary in order to take timely measures to maintain eye health.
  • For everyone who uses contact lenses, even the most modern lenses are a foreign body to the eyes, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the cornea, which is regularly exposed to traumatic effects.

Do I need to be examined if there are no vision problems?

Some visual pathologies in the early stages may be asymptomatic. For example, a disease such as glaucoma may not initially manifest itself, but if appropriate measures are not taken in time, glaucoma leads to irreversible loss of vision. The same applies to retinal pathology. Certain disturbances in its functioning can only be identified during a detailed examination of the fundus - and without the intervention of a specialist, there is a risk of serious deterioration in visual functions.

Many modern people They spend long hours at the computer, forgetting to take at least minimal breaks. At the same time, the visual system may undergo changes that are not immediately noticeable, similar to ordinary fatigue, and without urgent treatment can lead to serious problems.

If we talk about children, then we can’t do without professional attention ophthalmologist - it is not uncommon for objective, competent diagnostics possible deviations in the development of the child’s visual system and timely treatment help prevent the development of dangerous ailments.

For pregnant women, ophthalmological examinations are required with a thorough examination of the condition of the fundus at 6, 10 - 14 and 32 - 36 weeks of pregnancy.

Diagnostic examinations of the visual system are mandatory before microsurgical interventions for the patient. This allows you to identify possible contraindications, determine the individual parameters of the operation as accurately as possible and predict its result.

advantages of diagnostics at the excimer clinic

  • In our clinic, consultations are conducted only by highly qualified specialists who have extensive experience in conducting all types of modern diagnostic procedures.
  • Modern equipment available in the arsenal of doctors at the Excimer clinic makes it possible to analyze the state of the visual system with the highest accuracy, which, in case of detection of any abnormalities in the functioning of the eyes, is extremely important for the diagnosis correct diagnosis and choice effective methodology treatment.
  • All studies are carried out in a short time.

Question answer

Cost of basic services

Service Price, rub.) By map

Comprehensive examination of the visual organ and consultation with an ophthalmologist ? Determination of individual parameters of the patient’s visual system using the complex diagnostic equipment with consultation with an ophthalmologist.

2900 ₽

2600 ₽

Comprehensive examination of the organ of vision and consultation with an ophthalmologist upon re-application (at the end of 3 months after the provision of the service) ? Determination of individual parameters of the patient’s visual system using a set of diagnostic equipment with consultation with an ophthalmologist during dynamic monitoring of the state of the visual system

2450 ₽

2200 ₽

Consultation with an ophthalmologist upon re-application ? Examination and consultation with an ophthalmologist during dynamic monitoring of the state of the visual system

1600 ₽

1500 ₽

Consultation with professor, doctor of medical sciences, leading surgeon of the clinic ? Examination and consultation with professor, MD. Pershin Kirill Borisovich

9000 ₽

8500 ₽

Consultation with the Chief Physician of the Excimer Clinic, MD, Professor ? Examination and consultation with professor, MD. Pashinova Nadezhda Fedorovna

5000 ₽

Thank you

Make an appointment with an Ophthalmologist

What happens at an appointment with an ophthalmologist?

During the examination of the patient ophthalmologist assesses the condition of various structures of the eyeball and eyelids, and also checks visual acuity and other parameters that give him information about the functioning of the visual analyzer.

Where does the ophthalmologist see?

Visit an ophthalmologist ( ophthalmologist ) can be done at the clinic ( in the ophthalmologist's office) or in a hospital where the doctor sees in a specialized ophthalmology department. In both cases, the doctor will be able to conduct a full examination of the person’s visual system and make a diagnosis. At the same time, in a hospital setting, more modern equipment may be available, which allows, in doubtful cases, to conduct a more complete diagnosis. Moreover, if, when examining a patient in a hospital, the doctor identifies a disease or injury that requires urgent surgical intervention ( for example, with retinal detachment), he can hospitalize the patient and perform the necessary operation within the shortest possible period of time, thereby reducing the risk of complications and vision loss.

Examination by an ophthalmologist

As mentioned earlier, when examining a patient, an ophthalmologist examines the condition and functioning of various structures of the visual analyzer. If during a standard examination the doctor discovers any abnormalities, he may conduct additional tests.

An examination by an ophthalmologist includes:

  • Checking visual acuity. Allows you to evaluate the eye's ability to clearly see two various points, located at a certain distance from each other. Primary impairment of visual acuity can occur with myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism and other pathologies.
  • Study of the refractive structures of the eye. Allows you to determine functional state the refractive system of the eye, that is, the ability of the cornea and lens to focus the image directly on the retina.
  • Visual field examination. Allows you to examine peripheral vision, which may be impaired due to glaucoma and other pathologies.
  • Fundus examination. Allows you to study the vessels of the fundus and the retina, damage to which may cause decreased visual acuity, narrowing of the visual fields and other defects of the visual analyzer.
  • Measuring intraocular pressure. It is the main test in the diagnosis of glaucoma.
  • Checking color perception. Allows you to determine whether a person can distinguish different colors from each other. This function of the visual analyzer may be impaired in some people suffering from color blindness.

Ophthalmologist's chart for checking visual acuity

The first thing an ophthalmologist checks when examining a patient is visual acuity. As mentioned earlier, this term refers to the ability of the human eye to distinguish between two points located at a certain distance from each other. To conduct the study, the doctor uses special tables on which rows with letters or figures are printed ( for examining the deaf and dumb, children, etc.) of various sizes.

The essence of the study is as follows. The patient sits on a chair located at a distance of 5 meters from a well-lit table mounted on the wall. The doctor gives the patient a special flap and asks him to cover one eye with it, but not to close it completely ( that is, do not close your eyelids). The patient should look at the table with his other eye. Next, the doctor begins to point to the letters in various rows of the table ( first to larger ones, then to smaller ones), and the patient must name them. The result is considered satisfactory when the patient easily ( without squinting) will be able to read letters from 10 ( above) table row. IN in this case we're talking about about one hundred percent vision, which the ophthalmologist writes in the patient’s chart. Next, he asks to cover the other eye with a shutter and repeats the procedure in the same way.

When examining children younger age (who can't read yet) tables with images of animals, plants and other objects are used. At the same time, for the examination of deaf and mute patients, instead of letters, the tables depict circles with a cutout on one side ( right, left, top or bottom). During the examination, the patient must indicate to the doctor which side the notch is located on.

An ophthalmologist's device for examining the fundus of the eye

The fundus of the eye is the posterior inner surface of the eyeball. The procedure for examining the fundus itself is called ophthalmoscopy, and the device used to perform it is called an ophthalmoscope.

The essence of the procedure is as follows. The bright lights in the room are turned off, and the patient sits on a chair opposite the doctor. The doctor brings an ophthalmoscope to the patient's eye ( a device consisting of a light source and a magnifying lens) and directs light through the pupil into the eye being examined. Light rays hit the fundus of the eye and are reflected from it, as a result of which the doctor, through a magnifying glass, can observe various structures in this area - the retina, fundus vessels, optic nerve head ( the place in the fundus of the eye where nerve fibers of photosensitive cells leave the eyeball and travel to the brain).

Fundus examination helps in diagnosing:

  • Glaucoma. Characteristic of this pathology is the so-called excavation of the optic nerve head, which is “squeezed out” as a result of increased pressure inside the eyeball.
  • Retinal angiopathy. During ophthalmoscopy, the doctor identifies modified, irregular shape and size of blood vessels in the fundus.
  • Retinal detachments. IN normal conditions the retina is attached to the wall of the eyeball very weakly, supported mainly by intraocular pressure. At different pathological conditions (for eye injuries, wounds) the retina may become detached from the wall of the eye, which may cause deterioration or complete loss vision. During ophthalmoscopy, the doctor can determine the location and severity of the detachment, which will allow planning further treatment tactics.

What does an ophthalmologist put in your eyes to dilate your pupils?

As mentioned earlier, during ophthalmoscopy, the doctor directs a beam of light into the patient's eye through the pupil, and then examines the fundus using magnifying glass. However, under normal conditions, light entering the retina causes a reflex constriction of the pupil. This physiological reaction is designed to protect photosensitive nerve cells from being damaged too much. bright light. However, during the examination, this reaction may prevent the doctor from examining parts of the retina located on the lateral parts of the eyeball. It is to eliminate this effect that before the examination, the ophthalmologist instills drops into the patient’s eyes, which dilate the pupil and fix it in this position for a certain time, allowing a full examination of the fundus of the eye.

It is worth noting that these drugs cannot be used if you have glaucoma, since pupil dilation can lead to blockage of the outflow tract of intraocular fluid and provoke an increase in intraocular pressure. The doctor must also inform the patient that for a certain time after the procedure the patient may experience pain or burning in the eyes when exposed to bright light, and will also not be able to read books or work at the computer. The fact is that the drugs used to dilate the pupil also temporarily paralyze the ciliary muscle, which is responsible for changing the shape of the lens when viewing closely spaced objects. As a result of this, the lens is flattened as much as possible and fixed in this position, that is, a person will not be able to focus vision on a nearby object until the effect of the drug wears off.

Ophthalmologist instruments for measuring IOP

IOP ( intraocular pressure) is a relatively constant value and normally ranges from 9 to 20 millimeters of mercury. Marked increase in IOP ( for example, with glaucoma) can lead to irreversible changes in the retina. That is why measuring this indicator is one of the important diagnostic measures in ophthalmology.

For measuring IOP ophthalmologist uses a special tonometer - a cylindrical weight weighing 10 grams. The essence of the study is as follows. After instilling the solution into the patient's eyes local anesthetic (a drug that temporarily “turns off” the sensitivity of the eyes, as a result of which they will not respond to touch foreign objects to the cornea) the patient lies down on the couch face up, directing his gaze strictly vertically and fixing it on some point. Next, the doctor tells the patient not to blink, after which he places the surface of the cylinder on his cornea ( tonometer), which was previously coated with special paint. Upon contact with wet ( moisturized) the surface of the cornea washes off some of the paint from the tonometer. After a few seconds, the doctor removes the cylinder from the patient’s eye and presses its surface onto special paper, on which a characteristic imprint in the form of a circle remains. At the end of the study, the doctor uses a ruler to measure the diameter of the resulting circle-imprint, based on which he establishes the exact intraocular pressure.

Checking color perception ( pictures of an ophthalmologist for drivers)

Purpose this study is to determine whether the patient is able to distinguish colors from each other. This function of the visual analyzer is especially important for drivers who constantly need to navigate the colors of traffic lights on the road. For example, if a person cannot distinguish the color red from green, he may be prohibited from driving a vehicle.

To check color perception, the ophthalmologist uses special tables. Each of them depicts numerous circles of various sizes, colors ( mostly green and red) and shades, but similar in brightness. Using these circles, a certain image is “masked” in the picture ( number or letter), and the person with normal vision can easily see it. At the same time, for a person who does not distinguish colors, recognizing and naming an “encrypted” letter will be an impossible task.

How else does an ophthalmologist check vision?

In addition to the standard procedures described above, the ophthalmologist has other studies in his arsenal that allow a more accurate assessment of the condition and functions of various structures of the eye.

If necessary, the ophthalmologist may prescribe:

  • Biomicroscopy of the eye. The essence of this study is that, using a special slit lamp, a narrow strip of light is directed into the patient’s eye, illuminating the cornea, lens and other transparent structures of the eyeball. This method allows you to identify various deformations and damage to the structures under study with high accuracy.
  • Study of corneal sensitivity. To assess this parameter, ophthalmologists usually use a thin hair or several threads from a bandage, which they touch the cornea of ​​the eye being examined ( first in the center and then along the edges). This makes it possible to identify a decrease in the sensitivity of the organ, which can be observed in various pathological processes.
  • Study of binocular vision. Binocular vision is the ability of a person to clearly see a specific image with both eyes at the same time, ignoring the fact that each eye is looking at an object from a slightly different angle. To test binocular vision, ophthalmologists use several methods, the simplest of which is the so-called Sokolov experiment. To carry out this experiment, you should take a sheet of paper, roll it into a tube and bring it to one eye ( both eyes must remain open during the entire examination). Next, you need to place your open palm on the side of the paper tube ( its edge should be in contact with the tube). If the patient has normal binocular vision, the moment you bring your hand to the paper, the effect of the so-called “hole in the palm” will appear, through which you will see what is visible through the paper tube.

What tests can an ophthalmologist prescribe?

Laboratory diagnostics is not the main one diagnostic method in ophthalmology. However, in preparation for surgical intervention on the eyes, as well as when certain infectious pathologies are detected, the doctor may prescribe certain tests to the patient.

An ophthalmologist may prescribe:

  • General blood analysis- for determining cellular composition blood and detecting signs of infection in the body.
  • Microscopic studies– to identify microorganisms that cause infectious and inflammatory damage to the eye, eyelids or other tissues.
  • Microbiological examination– to identify and identify the pathogen eye infection, as well as to determine the sensitivity of an infectious agent to various antibiotics.
  • Biochemical research blood– to determine glucose levels ( Sahara) in the blood if diabetic retinal angiopathy is suspected.

Selection of glasses and lenses from an ophthalmologist

The main and most available methods Correction of diseases of the refractive system of the eye is the use of glasses or contact lenses ( which are installed directly on outer surface cornea). The advantages of spectacle correction include ease of use and low cost, while contact lenses provide more precise vision correction and are also not so noticeable to others, which is important cosmetic point vision.

Using glasses or contact lenses you can correct:

  • Myopia ( myopia). As mentioned earlier, with this pathology, light rays passing through the cornea and lens are refracted too strongly, as a result of which they are focused in front of the retina. For correction of this disease the doctor selects a diverging lens, which “shifts” the focal length somewhat posteriorly, that is, directly to the retina, as a result of which the person begins to clearly see distant objects.
  • Hypermetropia ( farsightedness). With this pathology, light rays are focused behind the retina. To correct the defect, the ophthalmologist selects a converging lens that shifts the focal length anteriorly, thereby eliminating the existing defect.
  • Astigmatism. With this pathology, the surface of the cornea or lens has an uneven shape, as a result of which light rays passing through them hit different areas in front of and behind the retina. To correct the defect, special lenses are made that correct existing irregularities in the refractive structures of the eye and ensure that the rays are focused directly on the retina.
The procedure for selecting lenses for all of these pathologies is similar. The patient sits in front of a table with letters, after which the doctor performs a standard procedure to determine visual acuity. Next, the doctor puts a special frame on the patient’s eyes, into which he places refractive or divergent lenses of varying strengths. Lens selection is carried out until the patient can easily read row 10 in the table. Next, the doctor writes out a prescription for glasses, which indicates the refractive power of the lenses necessary for vision correction ( for each eye separately).

Does an ophthalmologist prescribe computer glasses?

When working at a computer for a long time, the load on the eyes increases significantly, which is caused not only by overstrain of the accommodation apparatus, but also by the radiation from the monitor to the retina. To eliminate the influence of this negative effect, an ophthalmologist may recommend that patients whose activities involve working at a computer use special safety glasses. The lenses of such glasses do not have any refractive power, but they are covered with a special protective film. This eliminates the negative impact of glare ( bright dots) from the monitor, and also reduces the amount light radiation into the eyes without affecting image quality. As a result, the load on the organ of vision is significantly reduced, which helps prevent ( or slow down) the development of symptoms such as visual fatigue, lacrimation, redness of the eyes, and so on.

Medical examination and certificate from an ophthalmologist

A consultation with an ophthalmologist is a mandatory part of the medical examination that workers of many professions must undergo ( drivers, pilots, doctors, police officers, teachers and so on). During routine medical examination (which is usually performed once a year) the ophthalmologist evaluates the patient's visual acuity, and ( if necessary) conducts other studies - measures visual fields and intraocular pressure ( if glaucoma is suspected), examines the fundus ( if the patient has diabetes or high blood pressure) and so on.

It is also worth noting that a certificate from an ophthalmologist may be needed in some other circumstances ( for example, to obtain a permit to carry a firearm, to obtain a driver's license, etc.). In this case, an examination by an ophthalmologist does not differ from that during a regular medical examination ( the doctor evaluates visual acuity, visual fields and other parameters). If during the examination the specialist does not identify any abnormalities in the patient’s organ of vision, he will issue an appropriate conclusion ( certificate). If the patient is diagnosed with a decrease in visual acuity, a narrowing of the visual fields, or any other deviation, the doctor may prescribe appropriate treatment, but in the conclusion he will indicate that to this person It is not recommended to engage in activities that require 100% vision.

Are ophthalmologist services paid or free?

All insured ( having a compulsory health insurance policy) residents of Russia have the right to free consultations ophthalmologist, as well as free diagnostic and therapeutic measures. To receive the listed services, they need to contact family doctor and state the essence of your vision problem, after which the doctor ( if necessary) will issue a referral to an ophthalmologist.

It is worth noting that free ophthalmologist services compulsory medical insurance policy (compulsory health insurance) appear only in state medical institutions (clinics and hospitals). All ophthalmologist consultations and visual analyzer examinations performed in private medical centers, are paid.

When is a follow-up appointment with an ophthalmologist indicated?

Dispensary registration is a special form of monitoring a patient, in which the doctor conducts a full diagnosis and prescribes treatment for the patient’s chronic disease of the visual analyzer, and then regularly ( at certain intervals) examines him. During such an examination, the doctor assesses the state of vision and monitors the effectiveness of the treatment, and, if necessary, makes certain changes to the treatment regimen. Also, an important task of dispensary registration of patients with chronic eye diseases is the timely identification and elimination of possible complications.

The reason for a medical check-up with an ophthalmologist may be:

  • Cataract– clouding of the lens, for which it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist 2 times a year.
  • Glaucoma– increased intraocular pressure, which requires visiting a doctor at least 4 times a year.
  • Retinal detachment and other lesions– consultation with an ophthalmologist is required at least 2 times a year ( if complications occur, an unscheduled consultation is indicated).
  • Damage to the refractive system of the eye ( myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism) – examination by an ophthalmologist 2 times a year ( provided that before this a full diagnosis was carried out and corrective glasses or contact lenses were selected).
  • Eye injury– regular ( weekly or monthly) examination by an ophthalmologist until complete recovery.
  • Retinal angiopathy– you need to visit a doctor at least 1–2 times a year ( depending on the cause of the disease and the severity of retinal vascular damage).

When can an ophthalmologist admit you to the hospital?

The reason for hospitalization of ophthalmic patients is most often preparation for performing various surgical interventions on the structures of the eyeball ( on the cornea, iris, lens, retina and so on). It is worth noting that today most operations are performed using modern technologies, as a result of which they are low-traumatic and do not require a long stay for the patient in the hospital.

The reason for hospitalization may be the severe course of the patient’s disease ( for example, retinal detachment in several places) or development of complications of the underlying disease ( for example, retinal hemorrhage, penetrating injury to the eyeball with damage to adjacent tissues, and so on). In this case, the patient is placed in a hospital, where he will be under constant medical supervision throughout the entire period of treatment. Before the operation, all studies necessary for precise setting diagnosis and determination of the surgical plan. After surgical treatment, the patient also remains under the supervision of doctors for several days, which allows timely identification and elimination of possible complications ( for example, bleeding).

After discharge from the hospital, the doctor gives the patient recommendations regarding further treatment and rehabilitation, and also sets dates for follow-up consultations, which will allow monitoring the recovery process and identifying possible late complications.

How to get a sick leave certificate from an ophthalmologist?

A sick leave certificate is a document confirming that for a certain time the patient was unable to perform his job duties due to health problems. To receive a sick leave certificate from an ophthalmologist, first of all, you need to make an appointment with him and undergo a full examination. If the doctor determines that the patient is unable to carry out his or her professional activity due to his illness ( for example, a programmer after performing eye surgery is prohibited from being at the computer for a long time), he will issue him the corresponding document. IN sick leave the reason for temporary disability will be indicated ( that is, the patient's diagnosis), as well as the time period ( with dates), during which he is released from the work he performs for medical reasons.

Is it possible to call an ophthalmologist at home?

Today, many paid clinics offer such a service as calling an ophthalmologist at home. This may be necessary in cases where the patient, for one reason or another, cannot visit a doctor at the clinic ( for example in the case of older people with limited mobility). In this case, the doctor can visit the patient at home, conducting a consultation and some vision tests. However, it is immediately worth noting that a full examination of the visual analyzer requires special equipment, which is available only in the ophthalmologist’s office, therefore, in doubtful cases, the doctor may insist on a second consultation at the clinic.

At home, an ophthalmologist can perform:

  • external examination of the eye;
  • assessment of visual acuity;
  • visual field examination ( approximately);
  • fundus examination;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure.

When an ophthalmologist refers you to other specialists for consultation ( oncologist, endocrinologist, ENT specialist, allergist, neurologist, cardiologist)?

During an examination of the visual analyzer, the ophthalmologist can determine that the patient’s vision problems are caused by a disease of some other organ or other system of the body. In this case, he can refer the patient for a consultation with an appropriate specialist to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment for the underlying disease that caused the vision problems.

The ophthalmologist may refer the patient for consultation:

  • To an oncologist- if you suspect tumor diseases eyes or adjacent tissues.
  • See an endocrinologist– when detecting diabetic retinal angiopathy.
  • To the ENT ( otorhinolaryngologist) – when identifying diseases of the nose or paranasal sinuses that could be complicated by eye damage.
  • See an allergist– in case of allergic conjunctivitis ( lesions of the mucous membrane of the eye).
  • To a neurologist– if there is suspected damage to the optic nerve or brain ( visual center) and so on.
  • See a cardiologist– with retinal angiopathy caused by hypertension ( steady increase blood pressure ).

What treatment can an ophthalmologist prescribe?

After making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes to the patient various methods of correction and treatment of his existing disease. These methods include both conservative and surgical measures.

Vitamins for eyes

Vitamins are special substances that enter the body with food and regulate the activity of almost all organs and tissues, including the organ of vision. An ophthalmologist can prescribe vitamins for chronic eye diseases, as this helps improve metabolism in the affected tissues and increases their resistance to damaging factors.

An ophthalmologist may prescribe:
  • Vitamin A– to improve the condition of the retina.
  • Vitamin B1– improves metabolism in nervous tissue, including the retina and nerve fibers of the optic nerve.
  • Vitamin B2– improves metabolism at the cellular level.
  • Vitamin E– prevents tissue damage during various inflammatory processes.
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin– prevent damage to the retina when exposed to light rays.

Eye drops

Eye drops are the most effective method of prescribing medications for eye diseases. When the medicine is instilled into the eyes, it immediately reaches the site of its action, and is practically not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, that is, it does not cause systemic adverse reactions.

WITH therapeutic purpose An ophthalmologist may prescribe:

Eye surgeries

For some diseases, a full surgical intervention, allowing you to eliminate defects in the visual analyzer.

Surgical treatment in ophthalmology may be required:

  • for diseases of the cornea;
  • for lens transplantation;
  • for the treatment of strabismus;
  • with retinal detachment;
  • at traumatic injury eyes;
  • to correct the shape of the eyelids;
  • with damage to the iris of the eye;
  • for vision correction ( myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism);
  • for installation of phakic lenses ( these lenses are installed on the inner surface of the cornea and act in the same way as regular contact lenses) and so on.
If the operation is complex and the risk of developing postoperative complications is too great, the doctor may hospitalize the patient for preoperative preparation and postoperative monitoring. However, quite often low-traumatic operations are performed within one day, after which the patient can go home.

Laser vision correction

Laser vision correction is a modern method of treating myopia, farsightedness or astigmatism. The essence of the method is that the shape of the cornea is corrected using a special laser, which allows you to change ( increase or decrease) its refractive ability, that is, to eliminate the patient’s disease. To the benefits this method can be attributed to low trauma to tissues and short recovery period, and also the fact that the patient can go home a few hours after the procedure.

Jokes about an ophthalmologist

At an appointment with an ophthalmologist:
-What letter is this?
-Don't know.
-And this?
-Don't know.
-And this???
-Don't know.
-Yes, you have severe myopia!
-Damn, not only am I illiterate, but I also happen to be blind...

At an appointment with an ophthalmologist, the doctor asks the patient:
-Do you see what letter I’m pointing to now?
-Doctor, where are you anyway???


One-eyed pirate at an ophthalmologist's appointment:
-Now let’s check your visual acuity. Close one eye and look at the table...


The ophthalmologist teaches the patient:
-Remember, dear, every person with myopia should have at least two pairs of glasses. Some glasses are for reading, and the second are for finding the first.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.