West Siberian Laika description of the breed character. West Siberian Laika (WSL). How to make your husky's life comfortable

The West Siberian Laika (WSL) is considered a close relative of the wolf in appearance and behavior. Absolutely fearless, with increased intelligence, strong character and wise eyes.

Its aggression is manifested only towards prey, otherwise it is a devoted friend, assistant and the most sought-after hunting breed, incorporating excellent working qualities and wild appearance.

From the history of the breed

The ZSL, unlike other Laikas, for example, the Russian-European Laika, is used for specialized hunting and trained for one type of prey. The breed was developed as a result of crossing several breeds of huskies (Khanty, Mansi and Zyryan), which were bred by the peoples of the Urals and Central Siberia. Dogs working on any animal were excluded from selection. Through natural selection, in the harsh climate of the northwest, the breed was formed.

The strongest dogs that were useful to hunters survived; the rest were discarded or eliminated. It was cruel, but as a result of scrupulous selection, this universal breed was formed, which has won recognition throughout the world for its hunting qualities and sharp mind. The versatility of the ZSL lies in the ability to selectively work on birds, fur-bearing animals, artiodactyls, but it is usually used in animal hunting.

Dog breeders began systematic breeding in the 20s of the twentieth century in the USSR. After the Great Patriotic War, four new breeds of huskies were developed:

  • Russian-European;
  • West Siberian;
  • Karelian-Finnish;
  • East Siberian.

All of them are descendants of dogs selected specifically for breeding in kennels. The standard and description of the West Siberian Laika breed were approved in 1980.

Exterior and color

The dog is compact and has a proportional build. Weight 16-22 kg, height of males from 58 to 65 cm, females from 52 to 60 cm. The breed meets the following standards:

The coat ensures the dog's survival in extreme conditions. The coat is thick, coarse, raised, the undercoat is thick, downy, the neck, head, paws and tail are framed by feathers. The color is white, zoned, piebald, gray, all shades of red. The nose is black, with a white color it is brown.

Character and training

Dogs are confident in their abilities, active, with a balanced psyche. There is no hostility towards a person, unless you make him angry on purpose. The pack feeling is highly developed. The owner is perceived as the leader of the pack and obeys him unconditionally. Child friendly. When meeting with a relative, they can get into a fight, with the help of which they simply find out the level of the hierarchy. They experience loneliness hard and become depressed from lack of communication with people. For all their independence, they are very vulnerable and touchy.

It is necessary to train your husky. To begin with, she undergoes a basic training course (BTC), the remaining stages of training depend on the purpose of acquisition. The dog will be trained to hunt or learn the rules of good manners of a city lady.

Laikas are professional hunters; their ability to detect and drive prey is inherited. Training for hunting begins after the dog is mentally prepared. The pet should not be afraid of loud sounds, darkness, thunderstorms, water, and should be calm about shots from a gun. When the basic commands, including fetching, are carried out clearly and correctly, baiting begins; after baiting, the dog is ready for full work.

Laika is used in the following hunting areas:

  • Singles, doubles, mixed.
  • Trotting is dangerous and often leads to the death of dogs.
  • For bears, wild boars, and elk, huskies work in pairs or in packs.
  • A dog can handle a hare, a badger, a squirrel alone.

The main criterion in the maintenance of the FSL is the provision of free space; it is not recommended to keep it on a leash. The best option is an enclosure, but the dog can live perfectly well in an apartment provided long walks and good physical activity. With a sedentary lifestyle and living in an apartment, the husky may begin to behave inappropriately: try to dig holes, play around, chew things and furniture.

Nutrition. Feed the dog 1-2 times a day with natural or high-quality dry food. The diet must include lean beef and fish, as well as cereals and mineral and vitamin supplements. She won’t refuse vegetables either. It is not recommended to include sweets, flour, and smoked foods in the menu. It calmly tolerates a temporary lack of food, but it should not be abused.

Health. The breed is distinguished by the absence of hereditary diseases. Annual vaccination and prophylaxis against helminths is recommended. There are the following health problems:

  • Injury during a hunt or fight with relatives.
  • Stress and depression associated with the indifferent attitude of the owner.
  • Bites from ticks, bees, wasps.

Wool. To maintain a neat appearance, the dog needs to be thoroughly combed with a furminator 1-2 times a week, especially during shedding. The pet must be completely free of the undercoat, otherwise a greenhouse effect will be created and, as a result, dermatitis or eczema.

Bathing is carried out 2 times a year. While wearing the undercoat, you should not wash your dog unless absolutely necessary, as it does not allow water to pass through. To wet the wool well, you need to try. After using the shampoo, rinse off the foam thoroughly; if this is not done, the skin will dry out, which will lead to dermatitis. After bathing, use a hairdryer to completely dry the coat.

Eyes and ears are cleaned as they become dirty, and tartar is removed in a veterinary clinic under full anesthesia.

Purchasing a puppy

Before buying a dog, you must first familiarize yourself with the description and characteristics of the Laika breed, choose a kennel or private breeder, and also contact the kennel club. There is no need to take risks and buy a baby without a pedigree and a mark. Due to inexperience, it is difficult to discern breed characteristics in a small fur ball. Yard Terriers may also have triangular, erect ears, thick fur, and a curled tail.

Be sure to meet the puppy’s parents and documents confirming the breed data, and consult on issues of care, vaccination, and training. They are interested in the number of litters the bitch has - the sale of puppies from firstborns is cheaper than the market price. A true breeder will tell you about the shortcomings and advantages of his dogs and the breed as a whole.

The cost of a puppy varies depending on the place of purchase and the presence of a pedigree. In nurseries the starting price of a baby is from $250, compared to 2017, the price for ZSL increased by 10%. You can buy a puppy from breeders without documents for $50, but it is unknown whether the future pet will be a real bestial husky.

The West Siberian Laika combines natural beauty and endurance. An indispensable hunting assistant and an exemplary companion. When choosing this breed, it is important to realize that the dog is not a toy, and to provide it with proper care and maintenance.

Attention, TODAY only!

The West Siberian Laika is an amazing breed, whose representatives are excellent, fearless hunters. These dogs have a distinctive appearance, obtained from nature, and a unique character - freedom-loving, but not without affection for home and family. It is not for nothing that the West Siberian husky is considered the beauty of the taiga - its size and richness of fur are not inferior even to the wolf, and in some characteristics it is superior to its wild brother.

Laikas are the oldest representatives of canines; their appearance, unfortunately, is not recorded in the chronicles. But images of similar dogs were found on the frescoes of temples in Ancient Rus', and experts suggest that the breed has existed for at least 1000 years.

According to historical data, huskies have been yard dogs since ancient times; they were also used in hunting various animals, including large ones. Modern representatives of the breed came from the Sverdlovsk Kennel Club. The dogs were obtained through artificial selection and painstaking selection; Khan-Tey and Mansi Laikas were used.

Before specialists became interested in northern dogs, the selection of breed representatives was carried out by the indigenous peoples of the Far North, who are hunters and prospectors. At that time, special attention was paid to the working qualities of animals.

Description of the West Siberian Laika breed

The representative of the breed is a medium-sized dog with a strong, proportional build. It is worth noting that the adjustment to the standard affected the size of the huskies - over time, they lost their previous dimensions, since too large individuals were deprived of the required proportionality and lost their agility.

A modern husky of this species should not be small or large; rather, it is a medium, compact dog, weight which varies between 16–22 kg. Height males do not exceed 65 cm, females – 60 cm.

When judges examine a participant, they pay more attention not to the height and weight of the pet, but to the correct proportionality of the physique. The sacrum in males is located 1–2 cm above the shoulder line, in females it is 1 cm lower. The standard gives the following description of Western European huskies:

Coat quality and possible colors

Like all northern dogs, Western European huskies have a dense, abundant undercoat. Thanks to it, the animals are not afraid of any winds or frosts, and the guard hairs stand almost vertically, giving the coat a lush, elegant look.

The standard allows for a variety of colors of West Siberian huskies. There are individuals with white, piebald fur, as well as zonally colored ones. In addition, huskies can have red or brown fur of any color.

Character traits

When creating the beautiful northern dog, nature did not skimp, rewarding the huskies with excellent appearance, functionality and character. It is easy to notice the similarities between West Siberian huskies and their close relatives - wolves; they are somewhat wild. But their relationship with humans for centuries has developed on a partnership basis, so the dogs are not used to serving.

In essence, the West Siberian Laika is a cheerful, positive dog, but it is not as excitable as other representatives of the northern breeds. This is a cheerful, lively pet who is in a good mood most of the time. With such a dog you can have a great hunt and relax by the fire at a rest stop.

Representatives of the breed have flexible, developed intelligence. As for working skills, they are passed on to them literally at the genetic level. Like other hunting dogs, huskies have a natural anger towards animals, but this does not apply to people. Although they react warily to strangers, due to their lack of territoriality, the husky does not make a good guard or watchman.

Dogs of this breed are “monogamous”; they choose one owner, whom they endlessly love, obey and obey. Because of their cute appearance, husky puppies are often adopted as companions. But experts are against such experiments - this is a working breed that will not be able to show its best qualities while living within four walls.

Education and training

It is important that the owner gains the trust of his four-legged friend, and also becomes a leader and leader for him. In this case, training will not cause difficulties, and the dog will unconditionally obey the owner. You cannot treat your pet with aggression; the behavior of the “teacher” should be even and firm, and his voice confident. If the dog is too playful and does not want to learn skills, you can take obedience courses with him.

The modern West Siberian Laika is a medium-sized dog, but it is quite successful in hunting even bears, so you should not overestimate your pet. It is recommended to use one, maximum two dogs, since they are not pack hunters. Laikas do not like to “play” in public, so strangers can be an obstacle to the manifestation of their working properties.

You can start training your husky as soon as it masters the basic program. It is better to practice basic commands in the forest. First, the dog is trained on the squirrel - most dogs start running after the prey, the owner should not interfere with this. Experienced hunters know how to provoke a pet - they drag the animal’s carcass along the ground, throw it onto the branches of a tree, and then lower the dog and give a command.

When raising a husky, it is worth considering that it has hunting instincts in its blood, and even strict training will not allow them to be suppressed. Such a pet will not notice that its owner is opposed to such an activity; rodents, birds, and yard cats will be at risk.

How to care for a husky

Laikas need basic care procedures that do not require special knowledge and skills from the owner:

It is mandatory to visit a veterinarian for preventive purposes, to carry out timely vaccination and deworming.

Breed diseases

Practice has shown that representatives of this breed do not have any special hereditary pathologies. West Siberian huskies have strong immunity and excellent health. But this does not mean that they do not need timely examination by a veterinarian and treatment as necessary.

How and what to feed the West Siberian Laika

Modern owners of this dog have a choice - to feed their pet natural food or ready-made industrial diets. The second option is suitable for people who do not have the opportunity to cook food for their pet every day.

But experts warn that the food should be premium or super-premium, contain meat as the main ingredient and be suitable for active medium-sized dogs.

If you need to switch your dog to a dry diet, then this should be done gradually, adding granules to your pet’s menu over and over again, replacing the usual food with them.

An adult husky is fed twice a day. With a natural diet, half of the total serving should be meat. On average, dogs of this breed eat 450 grams of this product per day. You can also treat your pet with boiled offal and fish, and raw large bones.

But junk food should not get into the dog’s bowl - sweets, smoked foods, baked goods, pickled, fried foods, etc. Additionally, complexes of minerals and vitamins are introduced.

Features of the content of huskies

On this issue, people's opinions differ - some believe that such a sociable pet needs constant contact with the family, which is partly true, others - the husky should live on the street, as its irrepressible love of freedom and abundant fur require. And indeed, like most northern dogs, they feel better in a spacious enclosure than in the four walls of an apartment.

But even if the dog lives in the local area, it should be regularly taken for walks, visited special training grounds, taken to the forest - for training and just having fun.

Low mobility and a measured life will not benefit such a pet, as well as the interior of the home. For up to two years, the dog will behave like a playful puppy, and it is not difficult to imagine the consequences of such pranks.

Future owners who do not intend to use Laika for work should not indulge themselves in illusions. These dogs have overly developed hunter instincts, and their love of freedom will lead to constant escapes. Therefore, it is worth preparing for frequent, long walks and active activities, but this will not completely eradicate the hunter and rebel in the husky.

Photo of West Siberian Laika

Video about the West Siberian Laika

Buying a husky puppy

If the family is sure that this is the specific four-legged friend they need, then they can begin searching for a suitable seller. Experts warn that it is better to purchase a purebred friend in a nursery or from experienced breeders, whose wards are provided with all the necessary documents and trained in the rules of good manners.

An undocumented West Siberian husky puppy may turn out to be a “dark horse,” which is largely due to the fact that most babies with a cute face and a donut tail look like representatives of this breed. Naturally, “unscrupulous” breeders take full advantage of this.

When purchasing, it is recommended to pay attention to the mother, and, if possible, to both parents. It is desirable that the offspring be obtained from a planned mating. In addition, it is important for yourself to decide whether the dog will only be a working dog or whether it is intended to have a show career. In the latter case, the requirements for the puppy increase significantly.

The price of puppies of this breed varies significantly: you can buy a pet for 3,000–5,000 rubles, while the starting price in a nursery is 15,000 rubles. Of course, in the second case, the pet will be 100% purebred and as healthy as possible.

The West Siberian Laika is one of the best working dogs with excellent physical characteristics. But it is also a pet that becomes attached to its owner and trusts him infinitely. Therefore, it is better to buy a husky for work and friendship, and not for idle time watching TV or keeping your pet in an enclosure all the time.

The pride of Russian cynology, a combination of intelligence and courage. The West Siberian Laika is an unsurpassed hunter and loyal friend of its owners. They have long won the hearts of dog lovers not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

Speaking about the emergence of the breed, two time periods should be considered:

  • several centuries of careful selection by the indigenous inhabitants of Siberia and the Urals of the hardiest dogs that showed outstanding working qualities during the hunt;
  • selection of West Siberian huskies since the beginning of the 20th century by dog ​​handlers in order to bring the breed to the same standard.

The breed is based on populations of dogs bred by representatives of the Mansi, Zyryan and Khanty tribes.

The indigenous population of the Urals and Siberia survived for many centuries in the harsh conditions of the taiga due to traditional crafts for local residents, the main one of which was hunting.

Invaluable assistance in this matter was provided by the so-called “northern wits” - strong and unpretentious dogs, distinguished by an unquenchable passion for hunting.

From generation to generation, fishermen selected the best huskies in terms of endurance and hunting qualities, not allowing weak individuals to produce offspring and even destroying them. They made sure that their dogs did not interbreed with representatives of other breeds. The result of their efforts pleases hunting fans today: Experts unanimously call the West Siberian Laika a universal hunting dog. And for good reason.

With it, they are equally successful in hunting birds and large animals, catching fur and waterfowl.

The formation of the breed was completed by the seventies of the 20th century, and in 1980 it was officially recognized by the International Association of Cynologists.

Breed standard

FCI standard No. 306 dated 03/02/2011 “West-Siberian Laika”.
Group 5 “Spitz and primitive type breeds.”
Section 2 “Northern hunting dogs”.

According to the official description of the breed, the West Siberian Laika is a dog of medium height (about 60 cm at the withers for males and 58 cm for females), with a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles.

Outwardly, the West Siberian Laika resembles a wolf, to which it is genetically very close.

The head is triangular, the skull is wide. The occipital protuberance is clearly visible. The transition from the frontal part to the muzzle is smooth. The muzzle is long, with close-fitting lips (without hanging jowls). The jaws have a scissor bite.

The ears are set high, shaped like an elongated triangle with a pointed apex. They are located parallel to each other (unlike East Siberian huskies, whose ears are set to the side).

The eyes are sometimes oval-shaped, but most often they are almond-shaped, have an oblique eyelid and a deep set. A characteristic feature of real West Siberian huskies: their eyes are exclusively brown.

The dog's chest is wide, the withers are well developed and located a couple of centimeters above the sacrum. The back is straight, with pronounced muscles.

The legs are strong and straight, the shins are slightly longer than the thighs. These features are clearly visible in the photo.

The tail is ring-shaped and is usually curled over the back (or side). A related breed, the East Siberian Laika, has a sickle-shaped tail.

The West Siberian Laika has a short and thick coat with a warm undercoat. On the shoulders and neck it grows thicker, forming a collar. What is the difference from the East Siberian Laika? The latter has wool that is denser and coarser.

Black and white coat color is rare. Combinations of white and gray colors predominate, Reddish, fawn, and piebald shades are often found.

The way dogs of this breed move is a wide trot, sometimes breaking into a gallop.


Under good conditions, West Siberian huskies can survive 16 - 17 years, but if they work hard, they die much earlier.

The lifespan of these dogs is largely determined by how often their lives are put at risk while hunting. It happens that a dog dies in its prime, entering into a fight with a large predator.

Character of the West Siberian Laika

Dogs of this breed have a balanced psyche, at the same time they are very active and energetic, they love to run and play. They have a highly developed pack sense and are therefore very attached to their owner and his family.

The characteristics of the breed are contradictory: they have an easy-going character, but at the same time they are self-confident and ready to show independence (if this does not go against the authority of the owner).

It's amazing how one dog combines such qualities as malice towards game animals and lack of aggression towards humans.

The West Siberian Laika does not attack strangers unless they provoke it and pose a threat to those it cares about. She is tolerant towards small children, does not offend other pets, but strives to dominate dogs of other breeds, if there are any in the house. In a word, is the standard of friendliness (but without softness and familiarity).

One of the main character traits is fearlessness, bordering on contempt for danger.

It is this quality that allows a hunter to go bear hunting with a West Siberian Laika.

They differ favorably from other breeds in their less pronounced excitability and the ability to work silently, barking to notify its owner only if they find prey.

Features of training

Laikas are famous for their keen intelligence and ability to learn, which allows them to be successfully trained. Puppies are taught general skills by early childhood, and from ten months they are ready to accept special hunting commands.

Experts insist that training huskies should be limited to only doing the most basic tasks. According to dog handlers, an overtrained dog relies on a person for everything and will not act without his command. And one of the main advantages of the West Siberian Laika is precisely its pronounced independence.

Dogs of this breed do not need training in tracking game. This skill, like the ability to accurately navigate the terrain, is inherent in them at the genetic level.

Conditions of detention

How to care for a husky? Of great importance movement and the ability to move freely in space, therefore, the conditions of a city apartment are very inconvenient for her.

A booth (imitation of a den) in a village yard is much more suitable, especially if the owner is an avid hunter. This is an ideal option: only having the opportunity to spend a lot of time moving in nature, chasing game, will such a dog be happy.

West Siberian huskies are not picky about feeding; if necessary, they can go without food for a long time. However, it should be remembered that this is the basis for good health and good performance of any dog. That's why the diet must be balanced.

Ideally, it includes meat, fish, crackers, cottage cheese, and bone meal.

Here's what you need to know about nutrition:

  • every day the husky should eat raw or boiled meat(based on the calculation of 20 grams per kilogram of weight), you can mix meat with fish (2/3 meat + 1/3 fish);
  • to maintain health and good physical shape of a dog you need do a fasting day once a week(give only some crackers and water);
  • from time to time it is worth including boiled rice in the diet, to which you need to add a small amount of raw liver and animal fat;
  • It is forbidden to feed smoked meats, boiled bones, spoiled food, as well as feed them with sweets;
  • It is not recommended to give excessively hot or, conversely, frozen food;
  • the puppy is fed with a mixture of milk and egg yolk, pureed boiled vegetables; As it matures, raw meat (in scraped form), bread, boiled rice, bone meal, meat and fat are added to dairy products.

Owners need to ensure that their pet does not overeat - this is very harmful to its digestive system.

Caring for the coat of dogs of this breed is not particularly difficult - comb out with a metal brush only during the molting period.

Advantages and disadvantages

The West Siberian Laika has many more advantages than disadvantages. This is a wonderful watchman and reliable bodyguard. She never tires of proving her love for her owner and is not shy about demonstrating her ardent affection for his family.

Dogs of this breed are wonderful, sharing with them a passion for prey. At the same time, it is this quality that is a big difficulty, a minus for people who want to keep a West Siberian Laika

It would be a mistake to purchase a husky when the owners do not have the time or desire to go hunting with their four-legged friend or at least replace it with long walks. In this situation, the animal experiences great suffering, and its owners suffer significant inconvenience.

If a person needs a companion, then it is better to choose a representative of a different breed. This could be, for example, or.

Additionally, check out a short video about dogs of the West Siberian Laika breed:

Working dogs are always one step ahead of individuals bred for domestic use. The West Siberian Laika belongs to the first type of pet. She is famous for her endurance, activity, high intelligence and unwavering loyalty to her owner. A dog always needs service, otherwise its fighting fire slowly fades away. The dog gets along well both as a pet and as a guard dog, unquestioningly following commands. But enough of the lyrics, let’s look at everything in more detail.

Generally accepted standards

The West Siberian Laika is a moderately large dog with a proportional body constitution.

  1. Height and weight. It is worth highlighting that with breeding work, the growth of animals gradually decreased due to the fact that large individuals lost their former agility and looked disproportionate. Generally speaking, modern representatives of the breed should not be huge or too small. They are rather medium and compact. By weight category, huskies range from 16-22 kg. While their height is 53-60 cm (females), 57-65 cm (males). We will immediately clarify that when assessing animals, body weight and height do not play a special role. The most important thing is how the dog is built.
  2. Head. Wedge-shaped, regular in shape, not large or wide, collected, slightly elongated. The forehead almost does not protrude, it is straight, clearly flowing into the muzzle. The crown and the back of the head are clearly visible. The bridge of the nose is straight, the muzzle is not too narrowed. If you look at the dog from above, you will notice that the muzzle is widened in the area where the fangs are located. Tight cheeks and cheekbones make the dog look serious; the eye sockets are faintly visible. The lip line has a rim that highlights the pet's height.
  3. Eyes. They are oval in shape, slightly slanted, with pigmented eyelids. According to standard features, the iris should be dark in color.
  4. Ears. Pointed triangles of regular shape. Mobile. When the dog is excited, the ears move forward slightly.
  5. Teeth. The canines are large, a full set of teeth. The jaws are strong, have a scissor bite, and there is no protrusion on any of the jaws.
  6. Nose. Regular shape, mobile, lobe does not stand out. Pigmented with a dark shade.
  7. Frame. The dog is famous for its rectangular body shape. A square constitution is considered a serious disadvantage. Without fail, the body is elongated, toned, harmonious. The curved neck does not differ in length; it is moderately thick and muscular. The croup rises, passes into the hips with a certain roll. The chest is downed, wide, dropped to the elbows. The groin does not flow sharply into the chest, but it does not sag either, it is taut.
  8. Tail. It can be positioned like a sickle, the end must be thrown over the lower back. It is also possible to place it in a ring next to the croup or on the back.
  9. Limbs. The joints are visible, the limbs are sinewy, strong, the bones are wide. The front and hind legs are perfectly straight, and the hips are clearly visible on the hind legs. The angles of the joints are harmonious. The fingers have a lot of hair in the septum area. Usually profitable ones are subject to removal, but not necessarily. The dog radiates confidence with its entire stance.
  10. Wool. Due to the fact that the husky must survive in fairly harsh climatic conditions, breeders took care of the appropriate type of coat. It is two-layered, consists of a lush, thick undercoat with an oily impregnation and upper hairs. The coat is coarse and thick in texture and looks erect. The muzzle and paws are covered with medium-length hair. The neck, tail, and side lines of the body boast a fluffy “mane.”
  11. Color. By conventional standards, huskies are more similar to wolves, which is why the main color is wolf. All shades of gray, brown, red, white with brownish or black pigmentation are allowed. The coat has a peculiar piebald or zonal pattern. There should be no contrasting inclusions of a different color on the limbs and face, because this is considered a defect. However, if these points fit harmoniously into the overall tone of the coat, this will not affect the pet’s exhibition career in any way. It is worth remembering forever that West Siberian huskies cannot be black.

Features of dogs

Many people who want to become the happy owners of this breed confuse northern pets with eastern and other classifications. In fact, this is not surprising, because today there are 5-7 breeds that are similar in appearance to the West Siberian Laika.

Very often, the presented individuals can be confused with huskies, as well as their eastern counterparts. In order not to make a mistake in your choice and not to bring an Oriental Laika into your home instead of a Siberian one, carefully study all the criteria.

Firstly, the breed under discussion is smaller in size than its fellow tribesmen. In terms of color, all characteristics are given above, there cannot be any others. However, eastern huskies can be black by their standards, which cannot be said about Western Siberian ones.

Secondly, it is very important to explore the range of skills. Western dogs are much more aggressive towards strangers. Of course, in most cases they don’t care about others. But eastern dogs show complete good nature in this regard. In terms of temperament, Orientals can tolerate other pets and even play with them. While Siberian cats will not tolerate a domestic cat from your own family on their territory.

Thirdly, oriental pets cannot be alone; they immediately become depressed and lose their essence. Siberians, on the contrary, like to be alone, away from people, but not always. Both breeds require an owner with a strong character who can scold them for dirty tricks or warm them with their care and love.

It is also worth paying attention to one important fact. The West Siberian Laika is recognized as an independent breed by the International Canine Federation. While oriental dogs are only a breed group.

Hunting qualities

By their nature, West Siberian huskies are natural hunters who are endowed with appropriate reflexes. The dogs are perfectly adapted to cold environments and can track and hunt down game.

Based on reviews from owners, we can conclude that dogs are famous for their agility and tenacity. They have a thirst for hunting in their blood, so it is advisable to satisfy the needs of the pet.

With a husky they go after bear, sable, lynx, ungulates, etc. Endurance, strength, instant reaction - these are the qualities of a real hunting breed. It is not typical for a dog to be angry towards a person, but it can be trained to act as a guard.

Care and maintenance features

  1. If you keep your pet in an enclosure, care will not present any difficulties. As for the conditions for keeping an animal in an apartment, things are a little different here. The first thing you may encounter is the animal's hyperactivity. Likes need sufficient free space.
  2. The pet should not feel constrained; it needs room to move. In addition, do not forget that the dog sheds a lot. Therefore, a large amount of wool will constantly remain on furniture and carpets. You should not get such an animal if you are used to a regular lifestyle and spend most of your time at work.
  3. Laika needs to throw out all her energy and replace hunting with some kind of activity or training. The dog should be given long walks or active jogging. If the animal cannot “let off steam” on the street, you should not be surprised at spoiled things in the apartment, nothing can be done about it.
  4. Most people strive for fashion and the unusual appearance of a dog. Such owners think that the husky is a formidable guard. You should be immediately disappointed; the presented breed is indifferent to strangers and can even show sympathy and friendliness.
  5. It is worth noting that the Siberian Laika is endowed with excellent health; the breed is not prone to hereditary pathologies. In addition, it digests food better than other relatives. If necessary, the pet will eat in excess. This feature is needed if you go hunting for a few days, otherwise it is not needed.
  6. Your Laika should be fed on a regular schedule. 2 times a day is quite enough for an adult. It should also be noted that dogs are not at all picky about food, so there will be no problems with nutrition.

Training and education

Siberian huskies are active and cheerful dogs. When getting such a pet, be prepared for constant training of the animal and frequent long walks. Don't neglect care. Be sure to follow a balanced diet. The breeder must tell you all the details.

Video: West Siberian Laika dog breed

Laikas belong to primitive dog breeds, the formation of which took place in the natural conditions of the Far North and Siberia. Before the formation of separate breeds, huskies were bred, trying to consolidate the qualities with which the dog was the first assistant to man, performing the functions of a hunter, protector and assistant. That is why the West Siberian husky, whose gene pool contains the best blood of hunting huskies, is considered one of the most hardy and prey animals.

Siberia and the Far North, in the vastness of which it was difficult to survive without a reliable assistant, are considered the homeland of the ancestors of the West Siberian Laika. The Khanty and Mansi, some other indigenous peoples of these harsh places, lived separately from each other: it took several days to travel to the nearest camp.

The dogs that these peoples used in hunting large and fur-bearing animals had similar external characteristics, but were somewhat different in type, since breeding took place in conditions of a limited population.

At the end of the nineteenth century, when the active development of Siberia began, industrialists, merchants and hunters who went to the North in search of furs learned about dogs with unique characteristics. And although local residents carefully hid their best dogs, some of the local Laikas were purchased and successfully used by wealthy hobbyists.

It was in the early years of the twentieth century that several descriptions of aboriginal huskies were made, which served as the basis for the creation of a domestic breed after the Bolsheviks came to power.

The All-Union Exhibition of Hunting Dogs, held in 1928, showed a relatively large but diverse population of Ural Laikas, and to develop a new breed, a section of hunting dogs was formed in 1930 under the leadership of Professor S. Bogolyubsky. Ten years later, about twenty husky nurseries were created in the Union, the main focus of which was breeding dogs for fur-bearing animals.

The official breed standard was adopted in 1957.

The most famous nursery, which produced an excellent population of West Siberian Laika, was the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery. One of the outstanding producers, whose blood and type were taken as desirable in obtaining high-quality livestock, was a dog named Taiga.

Another outstanding sire, the male Dzhubar, was owned by a private owner, but was also widely used for breeding. The selection work was complicated by the fact that the best producers were not only not advertised, but also jealously hidden from the eyes of the general public. Nevertheless, the breeders' efforts were crowned with success, and in 1957 the final breed standard was adopted.

Breed standard, appearance, photographs

General impression: compact, slightly elongated dog, above average height, dry, strong type of constitution. The lightness of the build is emphasized by the lively expression of the eyes and dynamic, fast movements.

Photo. West Siberian Laika

West Siberian Laika in the photo

The West Siberian Laika must meet the following description:
  • Frame. Stretched in length, with strong bones, metacarpus girth up to 12 centimeters. The dry, medium-length neck extends into well-developed withers. The straight, wide back goes into a slightly convex, short loin and ends with a moderately long, sloping croup.
  • Breast wide, deep, with oval, well-developed ribs.
  • Tail long, reaches the hock joint when lowered. Usually thrown over the back in the form of a ring or sickle.
  • Limbs. The forelimbs are dry, parallel, straight, with a moderately oblique shoulder and elbows directed strictly back. Pasterns slightly sloping. The hind limbs are parallel, with a rather short thigh and long lower leg, straight, vertical pasterns. The thighs are muscular, the angles of the articulations are well defined. The paws are strong, oval, with dense pads, arched.
  • Head. Moderately long, wedge-shaped, almost triangular in format, with a wide, elongated skull and a rounded occipital part, with a not sharp transition from the forehead.
  • Muzzle long, strongly tapering towards the nose, lips tightly fitting and dry.
  • Bite scissor-shaped, large, white teeth, complete set.
  • Eyes oval in shape, with a strongly oblique cut, small and deep set, dark brown or brown.
  • Ears standing, triangular, movable.

Coat and color types

The coat of the West Siberian Laika is two-layered, the upper spine is hard and straight. The undercoat is lush, soft, dense, evenly lifts the top coat, making the dog seem well dressed. On the neck, back of the limbs, and tail, the guard hair is somewhat longer, forming a mane and fringes.

The West Siberian Laika standard does not include black or black and white colors.

Colors can be as follows:

  • white;
  • ginger;
  • gray or piebald;
  • zonal.

Black or black and white colors are not acceptable.

Breed characteristics

Like most representatives of primitive breeds, the West Siberian Laika has a highly developed pack sense. This means that the pet imagines the family where it lives as a pack. Laikas in a flock always have a clear distribution of roles in accordance with the hierarchical ladder, but the pet almost never shows a desire to take the place of leader.

West Siberian Laikas are unusually devoted to their family, they are very friendly towards everyone who lives in the same territory with them, get along well with children and do not enter into conflicts with pets. These dogs listen to their owner unquestioningly, carrying out the most ridiculous commands.

IMPORTANT! West Siberian huskies have several unique qualities that make this breed indispensable for hunting. They are absolutely fearless and incredibly resilient.

Usually this breed of dog is used for its intended purpose, as an excellent hunter, and the pet is kept in an enclosure. Harsh weather conditions are not a problem for the West Siberian husky; it can withstand bad weather well, and its thick coat protects it from frost.

The West Siberian Laika tolerates severe frosts well due to its thick coat.

Apartment living as a companion is not very suitable for this breed, since forced sitting indoors with a couple of walks in the nearby park is too difficult for a freedom-loving dog. The owner must provide the dog with a level of physical activity that satisfies its need for movement. Otherwise, the husky turns into a destroyer.

Subtleties of training

Teaching a West Siberian Laika puppy the basics of obedience should begin as early as three months of age. Kids of this breed show their mental abilities early, and in order to fully develop them, the puppy requires daily training and walks in unfamiliar places.

An adult West Siberian husky hones its skills while hunting.

By nature, huskies have an excellent ability to navigate the terrain, and exploring new territories will help the future hunter develop this talent.

Active and restless, husky puppies can perfectly learn commands that require speed and dexterity to execute. Commands for endurance are learned well if you take your pet for a good walk before training so that he can burn off his energy. You should not start classes with your baby if he is tired or has just eaten, as this will make learning difficult.

An adult West Siberian husky, which is used as a hunter, practically does not need training, as it hones its skills in hunting conditions. Interestingly, the strength of this breed is its surprisingly strong nervous system and iron self-control. These qualities in extreme situations allow you to save the life of the owner and the dog.

The West Siberian Laika is valued by hunters as a universal dog that can be used to hunt any small or large animal and even bird. She is distinguished by a broad search, has an upper and lower sense and a ringing, informative voice.

The Laika has no equal in tracking an animal, in its pursuit and recognition, in holding it, and small dogs are also used in burrow hunting. The West Siberian Laika can hunt both individually and participate in hunts.

The West Siberian Laika has a strong nervous system and iron self-control.

Dogs of this breed are excellent for autumn bird hunting, and they search for ducks in the thickets, scare them away, and also bring wounded animals. Owners of dogs of this breed often go hunting without a gun, catching more birds with the help of a dog than shooting hunters.

However, only an experienced hunter with knowledge of the psychology of these wonderful dogs can train a West Siberian husky, bait it correctly and raise a real assistant. Young dogs of this breed often learn from experienced dogs when working in pairs. This method of training and baiting is considered the best.

Features of care and nutrition

Living the life of a hunter, dogs of this breed usually do not require special care. The owner only occasionally examines the pet's ears and regularly checks for ticks, wounds and scratches. All skin damage must be carefully treated with an antiseptic or a special antibacterial aerosol.

Apartment pets that live in families as companions need periodic brushing of their thick coat. Otherwise, if the owner neglects this simple daily procedure, clumps of lost hair will very quickly fill all the corners of the house.

The West Siberian Laika should be brushed periodically.

Under comfortable conditions, the West Siberian Laika loses its lush, thick undercoat, which worsens the appearance of the animal and makes the dog “sleek.”

Many decades of existence from hand to mouth, the husky ate once a day, meagerly and monotonously, made the metabolism of this breed somewhat slow. All a dog needs to eat is a small amount of food, and he will not only feel full, but will also quickly regain his strength, becoming energetic and ready to work again.

Under natural conditions, representatives of the breed ate meat or fish; often the only food was field mice. That is why it must be high in protein.

The dog should receive raw meat daily; the menu can be supplemented with boiled meat or fish, chicken eggs and cottage cheese. Puppy bitches must be given fermented milk products and cereals. Supplements in the form of boiled vegetables and vegetable and animal fat are useful, especially for growing young animals.

The diet of the West Siberian Laika should be high in protein.

Health status

The West Siberian Laika was bred on the basis of the blood of local Siberian Laika breeds, which have been subjected to harsh natural selection for centuries. Sick puppies simply did not survive, weak animals died or were destroyed by breeders. That is why there are no hereditary diseases caused by genetic abnormalities in the breed.

But many years of isolation in the natural environment and the absence of most viral and infectious diseases characteristic of densely populated areas have made huskies extremely susceptible to viruses and infections.

Vaccination of puppies and adult animals

Dogs of this breed die in most cases, contracting plague or enteritis, so all puppies require vaccination and mandatory quarantine. Before the procedure, the baby is dewormed with one of these drugs:,. After this, a puppy or another drug.

Hunting huskies are vaccinated against rabies and Lyme disease.

Vaccinated dogs live quite a long time, more than twelve years, and can only suffer from the consequences of injuries received while hunting. Hunting dogs are vaccinated against rabies and Lyme disease, which are widespread in the wild. For city pets, mandatory annual vaccinations are sufficient.

How to choose a puppy

In large cities there are many West Siberian Laika nurseries, the representatives of which fully comply with the standard and have diplomas in field tests.

But if you want to buy a truly prey dog, then it’s worth traveling beyond central Russia, to Siberia. Where the breed originated, there are dogs unique in their working qualities, but in order to adopt a puppy from them, you need the patronage of a local hunter.

It is advisable to purchase a puppy that is at least seven weeks old, since huskies learn very quickly from their parents, and if the baby stays with the pack for up to two months, he will gain a lot of good things. In addition, at this age the puppy has already received its first vaccination, and it will be protected from diseases.

Photo. Small West Siberian Laika puppies

Two grown-up West Siberian husky puppies in the photo

One must be careful when considering an offer to buy a grown-up husky puppy, since breeders will not sell a good, talented hunter or a teenager with excellent conformation. Usually they sell a teenager who has not met the breeder's expectations.

When the choice of a breeder has been made, you can arrange a meeting, and, taking an experienced breeder with you, you can go choose a puppy. Babies should be absolutely clean, plump, with shiny fur and a pink belly. When trying to turn the baby onto his back, he should not become hysterical and try to escape, this indicates a weak nervous system.

IMPORTANT! If there are doubts that the puppies correspond to the breed, if the breeder says outright nonsense, if at least one of the puppies looks sick, then it is better to start looking for another kennel.

In choosing a West Siberian husky puppy, there is no advantage of large kennels, since often a breeder with two dogs has the best working dogs. Kennels often sell dogs with more conformation, but the dogs of many Siberian kennels often combine working qualities and excellent conformation.

You can buy a truly working dog from hunters in Siberia.

Coordinates of large nurseries:

  • In Moscow: nursery “Vesuvius”, website http://www.vezuviy.veo-romul.ru/purga/purga.htm, cost from 300 dollars.
  • In Krasnoyarsk: nursery “Siberian Hunting”, website http://laika-72.ru, cost from 350 dollars.