The shoulder joint hurts after lifting weights. Pain after exercise. Neuritis and plexitis of the shoulder

It is the most mobile, it provides movement in different directions. IN medical concept The shoulder includes not only the joint itself, but also the upper third of the arm. The shoulder girdle is formed by pairs of shoulder blades and clavicles, which provide support and motor activity of the upper limbs.


Its spherical shape gives the joint high mobility. The humerus attaches to a flat area on the side of the shoulder blade called the glenoid cavity. The reliability of this articulation is ensured by the cartilage tissue surrounding the head of the humerus. This prevents the bone from leaving the joint. Ligaments, tendons and muscle structures also help stabilize the shoulder.

The joint capsule is a dense and voluminous formation attached to the connecting bones in the area articular surfaces. Its purpose is to protect the joint from external damage. The capsule of the shoulder joint is significant in size, allowing for various movements.

The fibers of the ligaments and tendons of the muscles located next to the shoulder are woven into the joint capsule. All fabrics shoulder girdle– joint, cartilage, muscles and ligaments - are innervated by nerves that send a signal to the brain when various injuries any structure. You can determine what exactly causes pain by looking at a specific movement. Yes, the pain in shoulder joint when raising the arm indicates damage to the supraspinatus muscle.

The muscles that attach to the humerus go in different directions and form the so-called.

It is a functional group that consists of the following muscles:

  • deltoid, responsible for shoulder abduction;
  • subscapularis, actively involved in rotation;
  • supraspinatus, designed to elevate the shoulder;
  • small round, supinating the shoulder and taking it back;
  • infraspinatus, rotating the shoulder outward.

From spinal column Nerve fibers depart, transmitting motor impulses to the muscles of the upper limb. When these fibers are pinched and compressed, pain also occurs.


All the reasons that can cause shoulder pain when raising your arm can be divided into 2 groups:

  • damage to the joint itself and surrounding tissues - cartilage, ligaments, muscles;
  • damage to other organs, the inflammation of which is reflected by pain in another part of the body - in in this case in the shoulder. These could be diseases gastrointestinal tract, heart, spine, respiratory organs, as well as inflammatory processes of large nerve plexuses.


Tendinitis is inflammation muscle tendon. Because the shoulder joint contains a large number of muscles attached to the bones by tendons, the location of tendinitis can vary. Depending on which muscle tendon is damaged, one or another area of ​​the shoulder will hurt.

Professional activities associated with high workload top part body, can negatively affect joint health

However, the main symptoms are the same for all types of tendinitis:

  • decreased mobility of the upper limb;
  • increased pain at night;
  • sharp pain in the shoulder occurs unexpectedly;
  • the nature of the pain can be aching or dull;
  • At risk are men who engage in sports or heavy physical labor.

Supraspinatus tendinitis

The supraspinatus muscle has triangular shape and is located above the shoulder blade, one of the tendons is attached to the back of the shoulder joint. Contraction of the supraspinatus muscle stretches the capsule, preventing it from pinching.

In most cases, it is the tendon in the shoulder joint that is affected; the cause may be injury or chronic inflammation joint capsule. A characteristic symptom Supraspinatus tendinitis is an intermittent pain in the shoulder joint: when you raise your arm, pain syndrome sharply intensifies.

Additionally, the shoulders hurt when patting, pressing, or pressing on the affected area. Treatment of the disease must begin as quickly as possible, since complications in the form of partial rupture of the tendon are possible.

Biceps tendinitis

The biceps flexor muscle, better known as the biceps, is involved in flexion and extension of the upper arm in the brachialis and the forearm in elbow joint. One of the two heads of the proximal biceps passes through the cavity of the shoulder joint. After the connection of both heads of the muscle, a belly is formed, the terminal tendon of which is attached to the tubercles of the radius.

When the biceps muscle becomes inflamed, the following symptoms occur:

  • the shoulder joint hurts on the outside;
  • if there is no movement, the pain subsides;
  • it hurts to bend or straighten your arm;
  • pain occurs when pressing on the arm below the elbow;
  • a pain point appears at the site of attachment of the humerus, which reacts to pressure with sharp pain.

A complication of biceps tendinitis is subluxation or rupture of the tendon. Subluxation is the release of a tendon from the groove of the corresponding bone, in this case the humerus.

Infraspinatus tendinitis

The flat and triangular infraspinatus muscle is located under the trapezius and deltoid, and is covered below by the latissimus and teres major dorsi muscles. Damage to these muscles is often found in athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor.

Recognizing infraspinatus tendonitis is not always easy, since the symptoms are mild. Pain occurs when lifting a limb or during rotational movements. It should be noted that at the same time there must be physical impact on the shoulder joint - pressure or pressure. The pain is mainly concentrated in the shoulder, but can spread lower, to the hand itself.

In the absence of timely treatment, a complication such as complete rupture of the tendon is possible.

Rotator cuff inflammation

The rotator cuff is involved in almost all movements of the arm - abduction, internal and external rotation, and also serves as a stabilizer of the humerus. If the cuff is damaged, the shoulder hurts when you raise your arm up, and during the rest period the pain subsides. The muscle structures of the rotator cuff become inflamed after a person has actively worked with his hands. Moreover, when performing work, the upper limbs had to be kept raised for a long time - for example, in the process of repairing the ceiling or hanging something.

A characteristic feature of this pathology is the absence visible damage, which will not be noticeable even on an x-ray. Only an experienced traumatologist or sports doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.


Tendobursitis is a disease that combines inflammation bursa and degenerative process in tendons. Occurs as a result of excessive physical activity or in case of malnutrition of soft tissues. The pain syndrome is predominantly dull, aching in nature, the motor functions of the limb are impaired.

The patient cannot raise his arm, and the doctor cannot do this either. That is, with tendobursitis it is impossible to perform either active or passive movements.


Inflammation of the joint capsule and synovium is quite rare, but without proper treatment the disease can lead to complete immobilization of the limb and disability.

Frozen shoulder syndrome, also called capsulitis, occurs most often in women over 40 years of age who have been forced to remain in bed for a long time. The lack of full movements contributes to the development of inflammation, and it becomes increasingly difficult to move the arm. It is impossible to raise your arm, put it behind your back, or simply turn it to the sides.


The name of the disease translates as “ache in the joints” and speaks for itself: the main symptoms of arthritis are pain and limited movement in the joint. The shoulder hurts a lot even at rest, and with any movement the pain intensifies. In addition, the joint swells and deforms, local and general temperature body, raising your arm up becomes an impossible task.

Causes of arthritis:

  • joint injuries;
  • metabolic disease;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hematological pathologies;
  • defects of the immune system.

When arthritis occurs for any reason other than injury, both shoulder joints - left and right - can be affected.


Arthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic process in the joints that occurs due to damage cartilage tissue articular surfaces. The disease is the most common joint disease in the world. According to statistics, almost 80% of the world's population suffers from arthrosis to one degree or another.

With age, the likelihood of developing arthrosis increases many times, so most patients are elderly. The main symptom of arthrosis is severe pain that does not subside at rest and intensifies with any movement of the arm.

In addition to pain, a crunching sound is heard during movements, and as the disease progresses, the range of movements decreases. A characteristic feature are also pain points located under the shoulder blade and in the area of ​​the collarbones.


The joint can be injured by falling on its side, due to too sudden movement of the arm, or as a result of a direct blow. Very heavy objects lifted by an untrained person also pose a risk to the joint.

Pain syndrome in the shoulder area while maintaining motor function may only mean soft tissue damage. If your whole arm hurts and it is difficult to move it, you can assume a rupture muscle fibers or ligaments. Only a qualified specialist can make an accurate diagnosis.

If, as a result of the injury, the deformation of the joint is visually noticeable and it is difficult to move the arm, then this may be a dislocated shoulder. When a fracture occurs, the patient himself cannot move his arm, but the doctor manages to do so. However, the movements will be unnatural and accompanied by a characteristic crunch. In case of fractures, the damaged area is very painful on palpation and swelling develops in it.

If you accidentally fall, you can get away with it slight bruise soft tissue, but landing too hard can cause serious damage to the shoulder joint

Calcific tendonitis

The accumulation of calcium mineral salts occurs in most cases in the shoulder joint, therefore medical term“calcific tendinitis” should be understood as inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons. This pathology is especially common among elderly patients: about 5% of all radiographs show periarticular deposits of calcium salts.

The cause of the disease is traumatic injuries, age-related changes and systemic pathologies of connective tissues. After an injury, calcification may develop in one joint, and then the pain in the right shoulder or the left will be constant, with a tendency to intensify during movement.

Spinal diseases

Shoulder pain may be a symptom of the following spinal problems:

  • dislocations and subluxations of the vertebrae;
  • spondylitis;
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • disc herniation;
  • osteochondrosis.

Shoulder pain is caused by damage to 4-7 vertebrae; with spondylitis, they become inflamed, and with spondylolisthesis, the vertebral bodies are displaced relative to each other. However, the most common cause is osteochondrosis: the cartilage tissue becomes thinner, and the exposed vertebrae are compressed nerve endings 4, 5, 6 spinal nerves. This compression causes pain in the shoulder joint.

Characteristic symptoms of spinal column diseases are the following:

  • pain syndrome spreads to the entire shoulder area, sometimes covering the area from the elbow to the hand;
  • the limb may lose sensitivity and become numb;
  • the pain intensifies with head movements.

Often, osteochondrosis is complicated by glenohumeral periarthritis, in which inflammatory and degenerative changes occur in the tissues surrounding the joint. Aching pain occurs mainly at night and increases when the arm is pulled up or to the side. The main source of pain is localized in the neck and shoulder.

If left untreated, the pain goes away, but the mobility of the joint remains impaired: it is not possible to raise or move the arm to the side.

Diagnosis and treatment

In order to find out the cause of the disease, it is necessary to undergo an examination. First, the patient should be examined by a therapist who, if necessary, will refer him for a consultation with a specialist - a cardiologist, surgeon, etc. If there are indications, the doctor will issue a referral for inpatient treatment.

In the absence of systemic pathologies, the patient undergoes further examination by an orthopedist or traumatologist. These specialists will conduct a physical examination and evaluate the condition of the joint and its ability to move.

Then additional studies are prescribed:

  • X-ray of the cervical and thoracic spine;
  • x-ray of the joint;
  • MRI or CT;
  • Ultrasound of the joint.

During the initial examination and based on the patient’s complaints, the doctor will make a preliminary diagnosis

In the absence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, the patient is referred to an appointment with a neurologist. To clarify the diagnosis, he may recommend the following procedures:

  • electromyography;
  • computed tomography of the cervical and thoracic spine;
  • Ultrasound of vessels of the upper extremities and neck.

The doctor will tell you how to treat the disease based on the diagnosis. It is worth noting that before the initial examination it is not recommended to relieve pain so as not to blur the clinical picture. Regardless of why the shoulder hurts, only the use of topical medications - gel or ointment - is allowed, as well as applying ice in case of injury.

If pain occurs in the shoulder and the motor activity of the upper limb is impaired, you should not use traditional methods and self-medicate. At best, this simply will not help, and at worst, it will lead to increased symptoms. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment after a set of diagnostic measures.

If a patient has shoulder pain when raising his arm, then perhaps this is a symptom of inflammation of the shoulder joint. The shoulder is one of the most unique mechanisms human body. Strong physical exertion, hypothermia and injuries lead to the onset of inflammatory processes in the shoulder joint. Subsequently, swelling, tendon ruptures, and changes in the skin may appear in the affected area of ​​the body.

The shoulder joint is capable of withstanding quite strong loads up to a certain point. Incorrect movements, frequent manipulations, and heavy lifting can cause pain in the shoulder joint and malfunction. Various diseases can develop due to dysfunction of the joint.

Mechanism of pain

If the patient's shoulder begins to hurt when raising his arm, this means that the body goes any inflammatory process. Pain in the upper shoulder and neck may indicate injury intervertebral discs. Such pain is accompanied by numbness of the limbs, limited movement, and these symptoms are a sign of the formation of a vertebral hernia. Destruction of the structure of the spinal discs can cause them to lose their flexibility and begin to enlarge. As a result, the distance between them will decrease significantly. In this case, pain in the shoulder joint is caused by compression of the nerves spinal cord. Swelling appears in the affected area, which contributes to greater pinching of the nerve and the pain intensifies.

When a patient experiences pain in the shoulder joint, it may be caused by capsulitis, a painful tightening of the muscles.

This process occurs involuntarily. This disease is extremely rare and difficult to immediately identify. In most cases, even the patient himself does not notice that his muscles are in a stiff state. With this disease, the patient cannot raise his arm, and it is difficult to place it behind his back. If the disease continues to progress, then in some cases the patient is unable to even perform simple hand manipulations.

Shoulder pain may be a sign of a rotator cuff strain. A similar lesion can occur if you keep your hands in an unnatural position for a long time. Usually pain appears only on day 2-3. In case of such a lesion, you must immediately consult a doctor so that he can determine how tense the shoulder muscles are and prescribe necessary treatment. It is possible to indicate the causes of the disease and make a diagnosis mainly by palpation, because x-rays cannot see such damage.

Shoulder pain can be caused by severe inflammation of the joint capsule. This disease is called tendobursitis. Initially, the root cause of the disease is damage to the muscle tendons. The pain with tendobursitis is acute, sharp and occurs even if the arm is at rest. Swelling may spread throughout the arm and neck.

Diseases that cause pain

When a patient experiences frequent pain in the shoulder joint, it may mean that they are developing bursitis. This condition usually appears along with tendinitis. The cause of such pain is overload of the joint and swelling of the joint capsule. Similar symptoms can occur as a result of tumor formation in the forearm.

Pain in the shoulder joint can be caused by the deposition of calcium salts. As a result, the ligaments of the joint suffer. Similar processes can occur both in tendons and in the joint box. The disease usually affects the shoulder blades and collarbones. Patients experience characteristic shoulder pain and are unable to raise their arm higher than 45°. The onset of pain is not immediate, so treatment can begin before it begins.

When the shoulder joint is injured, the humerus moves and changes its position. This damage can cause long-term pain. The patient cannot raise his arm or move it normally. In some cases, the injury causes damage to the tendons. If you do not consult a doctor with such an injury in time, the dysfunction of the joint will only progress.

Recurrent shoulder dislocation is a cause of pain for many young people and athletes. Such damage may not be immediately noticed and you may not see a doctor. But the pain will not subside, but will only intensify. Subsequently, the joint will fall out of the box even with minor manipulations by hand. In older people, a similar injury can occur as a result of wear and tear on the joint.

Pain in the shoulder joint can be caused by dysfunction internal organs human body. Severe pain in the shoulder can be a sign of angina, heart attack, radiculitis, or a tumor in the chest. A visit to the doctor is necessary if there is prolonged severe pain in the arm and sharp spasms.

Gradual pain that increases every day can be a symptom of glenohumeral periarthrosis. This disease is not provoked by anything, but progresses quickly and prevents the patient from living normal life. Most often the disease worsens at night.

During sleep, the patient may experience severe attacks pain. Over time, painful sensations appear not only in the shoulder, but also in the hand. Periarthrosis can last for several days or even several months.

Relief from shoulder pain

It is advisable to begin the fight against pain in the shoulder joint as early as possible. This will bring a more tangible effect. While the disease has not started, contact a specialist for help. Prolonged pain in the arm occurs when a certain disease is in acute form and demands immediately long-term treatment. Contact your doctor so he can make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of inflammation, displacement and other joint damage is possible with the help of manual therapy. When blood circulation in the shoulder joint is impaired (as a result of a heart attack or surgery), the patient may be prescribed angioprotective medications. They help improve blood circulation. Treatment may include anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling and fight infection. For such pain, treatment involves a special diet for the patient.

The doctor may prescribe to the patient non-steroidal drugs which will remove inflammation. There are enough of them at the initial stage of the disease. In some cases, the patient is prescribed laser therapy and special medicinal compresses. If there is excess fluid in the joints, the doctor may prescribe a course of hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches. If the patient is not allergic to leeches, then this method will bring good results. The arm pain and swelling will go away quickly.

If the patient cannot lift his arm up, then special injections can help him. Most often, in such cases, hormonal drugs are injected. Such an injection is made in the area of ​​the injured tendon, or the injection is injected into the periarticular bursa itself. Absolute recovery after such a procedure is impossible, but similar treatment helps almost all patients. To achieve greater effect, this method of treatment is combined with medication, relaxation and gymnastics. When a patient complains of persistent pain in his arm, he may be prescribed post-isometric relaxation. This procedure can even help people with advanced chronic diseases.

You can combine relaxation with injections, manual or laser therapy. This will significantly speed up the treatment process. Relaxation must be accompanied therapeutic massage. It is advisable to start a course of procedures a few days after hormonal injections.

Gymnastic exercises

Shoulder pain can be eliminated through regular exercise therapy. For the first exercise, sit on a chair, place your hands on your waist and slowly begin to roll your shoulders. Repeat the exercise several times, first with one hand, then with the other, then with both hands together. Return to the starting position. Bring both shoulders forward as far as possible. Hold for 2 seconds. Then repeat the same movement backwards. Do each element 5 times.

Sit on a chair. Place your injured arm behind your back. Bring your other hand back too and tightly grasp the wrist of the sore hand. Gently pull it to the side as far as it will go. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. Feel how your muscles will develop. When your arm starts to hurt, slowly return it to its original position.

Place the palm of the injured arm on the opposite shoulder and place the elbow firmly against your chest. Grab your elbow with your healthy hand and gently begin to lift it up, thereby straightening your arm. The elbow should not come off the chest, but should slide along it. When you raise your arm to its maximum, hold in this position for 20 seconds. Squeeze your injured arm for 5 seconds. After this, relax and slowly return to the starting position.

Lie on the floor, straighten your injured arm and move it to the side. Inhale and lift your hand 3 cm from the floor and hold in this position for 15 seconds. As you exhale, return to the starting position and relax for 10 seconds. After this, inhale again and raise your hand. Repeat the element at least 6 times. Stay on the floor. Bend your injured arm at the elbow and rotate your shoulder 90°. Point your palm upward. Tighten your arm and lift it 3 cm off the floor. Hold it in this position for 20 seconds. When your arm starts to hurt a little, relax it and return to the starting position. Perform the element 6 times. Be sure to let your hand rest for 10-20 seconds.

Exercise therapy can help you combat shoulder pain.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine often effectively helps with any damage to the body. Arm pain can be cured using the simplest traditional methods. To prepare the tincture, take 1 liter of alcohol, 10 tsp. lilac flowers, 2 red peppers and 2 tbsp. l. burdock (root). Mix the ingredients and let the mixture brew for 4 days. The resulting tincture should be rubbed on the sore spot.

For prolonged periods painful sensations will help homemade ointment. Melt 200 g of pork butter and add 6 tsp to the mixture. marsh cinquefoil. Initially, it is better to chop the grass. Add 6 tsp. dry St. John's wort and 2 tsp. chili pepper. Mix all ingredients and apply every evening to the injured shoulder.

Mix 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and 2 tsp. dry mustard. Place the ingredients in a water bath and heat for 5 minutes. Mix the ingredients again and place them on a cloth or thick gauze bandage. Place the resulting compress on your shoulder and hold for 25-40 minutes. Perform the procedure 3 times a week.

Be sure to take medicinal baths for pain in the shoulder joint.

To prepare a bath, take 100 g of pine needles and several cones, fill them with 400 ml of water and put on fire. Boil the broth for half an hour. Pour the prepared infusion into a container, close it tightly and let the mixture brew for 2 days. Add 100 ml of infusion to your bath every day. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

If the patient complains that the arm cannot be raised and the shoulder hurts, a thorough diagnostic examination is required, since such symptoms can indicate not only a classic bruise and minor injuries, but also a number of serious illnesses. In each specific case, individual treatment tactics are used, directly depending on the established diagnosis.

Painful symptoms can occur at any age, and are most often associated with stress on the shoulder throughout the day. Sometimes pain of varying intensity can occur exclusively when raising the arms, while when lowering, abducting to the sides, as well as at rest, there are no pain symptoms.

Causes of painful symptoms

It is important to consider that the more mobile a joint is, the more susceptible it is to various kinds damage and injury, which, in turn, causes pain symptoms. In order to understand why your shoulders may hurt, you should undergo a full diagnostic examination, since an adequate assessment of the accompanying symptoms, the nature and intensity of the pain, the patient’s age, the presence of chronic diseases, etc. is necessary.

It should be borne in mind that the same cause can cause different types of pain. In most cases, if there is pain in the shoulder joint, the problem lies in the dysfunction of the spine, as well as the tissues surrounding the joint.

The most common causes of pain with limited mobility of the shoulder joint can be the following pathological conditions:

1. Periarthritis of the humerus

Symptoms are indicated by a pathological process in the soft tissues of the shoulder. Its development is caused by increased physical activity and joint injuries.

A characteristic symptom of the initial stage is mild pain with moderate loads. As symptoms increase, the patient cannot raise his arms high or place his arm behind his back without pain.

Lack of timely therapy leads to permanent intense pain in the affected arm, worsening at night. Even a slight effort to raise the arm from the side or rotate it in an extended state causes excruciating pain to the patient. On external examination, slight swelling of the shoulder is noted.

2. Spinal diseases

Often the cause of unpleasant sensations, including pain symptoms in the shoulder area, is impaired functionality of the cervical spine. At the same time there is constant pain, increasing even with the slightest turn of the head. In addition, paresthesia (decreased sensitivity) in the arm and shoulder may indicate a hernia.

With a hernia in the cervical spine, compression of the nerve endings occurs, which is accompanied by pain in the arm, neck and shoulder blade

In case of diseases of the spine, it is important to take into account that there is no restriction in arm movements, in other words, the patient can move them quite freely.

3. Arthrosis

With arthrosis, dystrophic changes in articular tissues are noted. As a rule, the risk group includes mature and elderly patients. The main reasons for the development of arthrosis are many years of stress on the shoulder area, a complicated medical history and various types of joint injuries.

The main symptom of arthrosis is constant pain in the shoulders, which at the initial stage of development of the disease is moderate in nature; as the inflammatory process becomes more complicated, the pain gradually intensifies. In this case, there is a limitation in the mobility of the arms, difficulty in lifting them and moving them behind the back. These actions may be accompanied by an unpleasant crunching sound. IN severe cases abduction and raising of the arms becomes impossible.

4. Arthritis

Arthritis can affect one joint or both, accompanied by excruciating aching pain not only in the shoulder, but also in other joints. As it increases motor activity the pain increases. At the peak of arthrosis development, the pain is constant and bothers the patient even at night.

The clinical picture of arthrosis is accompanied, in addition to internal signs, and external, manifested by swelling and hyperemia. As symptoms increase, the overall body temperature may rise to low-grade levels (38 degrees).

Changes in the joint tissue of the shoulder with arthrosis and arthritis

5. Bursitis

The inflammatory process in the synovial bursa of the joint (bursitis) can occur in 2 forms: aseptic and infectious.

Aseptic occurs as a result of increased loads on the shoulder area, which leads to constant traumatization. This form of the disease most often occurs when professional pursuits sports and activities related to strength loads. Aseptic bursitis is characterized by moderate pain in the shoulder area and significant limitation of motor activity, which leads to severe pain when trying to raise the arm. On external examination, the shoulder is hyperemic and edematous.

The infectious form is caused by microbial infection of the synovial bursa and is accompanied by more severe consequences. At infectious form Bursitis, the patient feels debilitating, constant pain in the shoulder, and even a minimal attempt to change the position of the arm is accompanied by pain. The patient is concerned about weakness, hyperthermia, chills, local redness in the area of ​​inflammation, throbbing pain and swelling.

Bursitis leads to increased production synovial fluid into the bursa (bursa), causing its significant increase in size.

6. Shoulder injuries

As a rule, any injury is accompanied by pain. When lifting heavy objects, shoulder ligaments can be sprained and torn, which leads to increasing pain. Movements of the hand are sharply limited; it becomes very difficult to remove the hand behind the back or raise it. There is redness and swelling in the shoulder area.

If you fall or strong impact possible bruise of the joint, characterized by moderate aching pain in the shoulder, which increases as the arm moves

Despite the limited movement of the hand with bruises, they are quite possible, although with a limited amplitude. The bruised area is swollen with obvious bruising present on the skin.

If you have pain in the shoulder or arm, as well as limited movement in the joint, you must contact a traumatologist, surgeon and orthopedist, who will conduct a thorough diagnostic examination to determine the cause of this condition and prescribe adequate therapy in accordance with the symptoms of the disease and the nature of the pain.

The pain may be:

  • strong - provoked by shoulder injuries, pinched nerve roots (with vertebral hernias), as well as acute inflammation of muscle tendons;
  • aching – localization of pain in the left shoulder may indicate serious violations in the work of the heart (ischemia, angina, heart attack, etc.);
  • acute – most often indicates damage to the joint when lifting heavy objects;
  • sharp – is an indicator of development infectious process, occurring in the nerve endings of the joint, as well as due to excessive loads;
  • constant - indicates a serious bruise of the joint, sometimes with damage to the shoulder;
  • pulsating - occurs when muscles are overstrained and have lost their tone as a result of injury;
  • dull – most often occurs with tendinitis;
  • burning – characteristic of inflammatory diseases of the spinal column, for example, osteochondrosis;
  • long-term - may indicate serious damage to the bones of the joint due to an impact or dislocation.

In addition to the above cases, pain in the shoulder and the inability to raise the arm are observed with incorrect position person during sleep (arm under head or body). In this case, compression of the nerve occurs and, as a result, all of the above symptoms occur.


It is extremely important to diagnose pathological signs at the initial stage of their development, which can be done using the following research methods:


Using an x-ray, the degree of damage to the cartilage tissue, damage and bruises of the joint is determined.

Unlike ultrasound examination X-ray printed on a special film rather than displayed on the screen

Magnetic resonance imaging

MRI allows you to see a detailed picture of the lesion in the shoulder area with simultaneous assessment of changes in the periarticular and nearby tissues.

CT scan

CT determines the nature of the inflammatory process (dystrophic or degenerative) with the subsequent prescription of the correct therapy.


With the help of ultrasound it is possible to evaluate pathological changes in the shoulder area, confirming all the doctor’s assumptions.

In addition, if necessary, a number of laboratory tests(general and biochemical analysis blood, urine, feces, etc.).

In some cases, an x-ray does not confirm the presence of an inflammatory process, but the patient complains of severe pain in the arm with the inability to lift it, which may indicate pathological changes in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae.

Most dangerous vascular disorders, accompanied by dystrophic processes in the vessels, caused by metabolic disorders. In this case, the hand of the affected hand swells, acquires a bluish or grayish tint, its size may decrease and muscle weakness. This condition requires immediate action.

Treatment tactics

Treatment activities are divided into several stages:

First aid

In the case when the shoulder suddenly hurts, the patient should take a gentle position in which the pain is minimized as much as possible, fixing the arm in this position. After this, it is recommended to take analgesics (Analgin, Baralgin, etc.) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The most common drugs in this group include Diclogen, Diclofenac, Voltaren, Ortofen, Ibuprofen, etc. For arthritis, myositis, arthrosis and arthritis, an individual treatment regimen is prescribed.

To reduce pain symptoms when providing first aid, you can use a scarf bandage

Before the attending physician arrives, it is necessary to use all means (external and oral) to relieve pain symptoms, however, it is important to take into account allergy history patient.

Important! In case of acute development of symptoms, warming compresses and ointments should not be used, as their effect can intensify painful attacks.

Drug therapy

Purpose drug therapy is to relieve pain and stop the spread of the inflammatory process to the muscular-ligamentous apparatus.

The therapeutic regimen includes:

  • analgesia of pain symptoms with intramuscular and intravenous injections Baralgina, Papaverina, etc.;
  • stopping the development of the inflammatory process with injections and tablets of Nimesil, Movalis, etc.;
  • appointment antihistamines(Tavegil, Loratadine, Erius, Zyrtek, etc.) in order to remove allergic reaction, including unknown etiology;
  • if necessary, novocaine blockade, immunotherapy and muscle relaxants are recommended;
  • To restore damaged cartilage tissue, Chondrolone and Chondroxide are prescribed;
  • To improve the general condition of the body, enhance nerve conduction and nourish tissues, it is recommended to take vitamin preparations (E, B, D, A).

Novocaine blockade requires high professionalism

Drug therapy must necessarily be based on tests and results of diagnostic examination (ultrasound, MRI, arthroscopy, etc.).

Exercise therapy

The main task of physical therapy is to ensure correct A complex approach to alleviate the condition of a sick person.

There are specially designed complexes that cope with all the tasks. These include a number of basic exercises to relieve pain and discomfort in the shoulder:

  • while sitting on a chair, with your hands on your waist, you need to slowly rotate your shoulders back and forth. For greater efficiency, you can perform this exercise first with your left shoulder and then with your right shoulder for at least 10 minutes;
  • starting position - sitting on a chair, clasping your hands. The patient is recommended to stretch his arm down in this position (for 10-15 seconds) until appearance of mild pain, then return to the starting position. This exercise is performed very slowly, without sudden movements, so as not to further injure the joint;
  • the affected arm is placed on the opposite shoulder, palm up, after which the healthy arm is grasped around the elbow and raised until the arm is aligned as much as possible. The exercise is performed smoothly, at an average pace, while it is important to ensure that the elbow does not leave the chest, but glided along it very smoothly. When raising your arm to the maximum, you should hold it in the upper position for 10-15 seconds while simultaneously straining your affected arm. Then the hand returns to its original position, the load decreases and the muscles relax;
  • in a sitting position, the injured arm is moved to the side, after which the elbow bends at a right angle and in this position you need to tilt the shoulder towards the chest and return to its original position. After slight pain appears, you should relax your muscles (at least 10-15 seconds), rest and repeat the exercise. It is extremely important that all muscle groups relax, including otherwise the symptoms of the disease may worsen.

Exercise therapy complex for shoulder development

Exercise therapy, together with massage and physiotherapy, which includes laser therapy, UHF, electrophoresis, mud therapy, paraffin baths and other recovery methods, can strengthen and stabilize ligaments, muscles, blood supply and metabolic processes in the body, which accelerates the restoration of joint mobility.


Painful symptoms can appear for a number of specific reasons, but there are preventive measures, which reduce the risk of developing such a condition.

First of all, you need to evaluate your own physical abilities and reduce physical activity that can lead to bruises, fractures, injuries and ligament tears. Effective prevention in the case when the hand is not raised, it is physiotherapy, which is developed according to an individual scheme.

Aching pain in the hand is familiar to many. In this case, pain symptoms interfere with the patient’s normal life, causing him suffering and discomfort. It is important to take into account that pain can indicate various conditions of the body, however, only after a person consults a doctor will it be possible to safely answer the question of how and with what the diagnosed disease can be treated.

Quite often, the causes of pain in the hand can be arthrosis and arthritis, osteochondrosis and inflammatory processes in the nerve endings innervating the limb. Often, aching pain can be a harbinger of serious diseases such as angina pectoris or myocardial infarction, which requires immediate attention. medical care. Therefore, at the first appearance of pain symptoms, you should contact an osteopath or neurologist, who can quite easily and professionally differentiate the pathology of the nervous system from joint diseases, prescribing the most effective methods of therapy.

Shoulder pain when raising your arm does not occur on its own. Discomfort in the shoulders when lifting the limbs is associated either with injury or with pathology of the muscles and ligaments in this department. The damage that provokes the symptom can be either quite “harmless”, which can be eliminated without much effort (muscle strain or the consequence of strong physical activity), or serious, which requires long-term treatment. For this reason, if you first experience pain in the shoulder joint when you raise your arm, you should visit a doctor.

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    Questions of etiology

    One of the most common causes of pain in the shoulder when moving the arm back and trying to raise the arm is a prolonged load on this section, namely, overload during severe physical work. Injury may also occur - falling on outstretched arm, injury due to a traffic accident or playing sports. If there has been a subluxation, dislocation, fracture, sprain or rupture of ligaments, severe pain in the shoulder joint worries a person not only when he abducts and lifts the limb, but also at rest.

    Most often, shoulder pain occurs when raising the arm up in people who lead a sports lifestyle, namely, in professional athletes who engage in bodybuilding or discus throwing. Also It's a dull pain in the shoulder is often observed in people whose activities involve heavy physical activity on the upper limbs: loaders, builders, etc.

    Unfortunately, pain in the right or left shoulder joint is not always observed only for such “harmless” reasons. No less rarely, discomfort in the shoulder and forearm indicates inflammation of the shoulder joint, which, in turn, occurs in certain diseases.

    So, why does the shoulder joint hurt? The most common pathologies of this department include:

    • rheumatoid arthritis;
    • osteoarthritis;
    • tendinitis;
    • myositis;
    • capsulitis;
    • herniated disc in the cervical spine.

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    Very often, the shoulder joints hurt during the development of a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, which is a consequence of autoimmune diseases. pathological processes in organism. These consist of the body destroying its own tissues, especially synovial membranes, membranes, nerves and blood vessels of the joints. It is impossible to name the exact reasons why rheumatoid arthritis occurs, but some provoking factors can be identified that influence the development of the pathology: hereditary predisposition, hormonal imbalance, development of bacterial or viral infections in the body.

    The most common symptom of the disease is pain in the shoulder joint of the left or right hand, depending on which limb is affected by arthritis. At the beginning of the development of the disease, pain in the left shoulder (or right) occurs only during exercise, and over time it also occurs at rest. With such a disease of the shoulder joint, it is painful to raise your arm up, rotate it and make any other movements. Not only pain in the left shoulder (or right) accompanies the development rheumatoid arthritis. Thus, the mobility of the upper limb is limited.

    To eliminate rheumatoid inflammation of the shoulder joint, as well as associated symptoms(pain in the left or right shoulder, limited mobility), medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, glucocorticosteroids, and chondroprotectors are prescribed. Such medications will help cope with discomfort, as well as eliminate the inflammatory process, and stop the destruction of joint cartilage. In addition to medications, physiotherapeutic procedures and physical therapy are necessary.

    If you suspect the development of rheumatoid arthritis, you should seek the help of an arthrologist, rheumatologist or orthopedist.

    Manifestations of osteoarthritis

    The shoulder joint of the right or left hand also hurts with the development of osteoarthritis - a disease characterized by the destruction of the cartilage of the joint. With such a dystrophic change, the cartilage layer becomes thinner, osteophytes appear, which limit the movement of the joint. The causes of pain in the shoulder joint of the right or left hand with osteoarthritis lie in injury to this section, pathologies of other etiologies, and age-related changes.

    In some cases, osteoarthritis occurs against the background of the development of other diseases, for example, endocrine or autoimmune. In such cases, secondary osteoarthritis occurs. The disease may also have chronic course, aggravation of which can occur with systematic lifting of weights, draft or after injury.

    At the first stage of development of the disease it hurts left shoulder(or right), but not pronounced, resembling mild discomfort, which a person mistakes for fatigue. There is no swelling at this stage. Over time, a characteristic crunch in the shoulder area develops, and discomfort in the shoulder joint begins to occur when raising the arm or other movements. On next stages There is severe pain in the shoulder, its mobility is limited. Further, the ligamentous apparatus noticeably weakens, and the shoulder muscles atrophy.

    If pain in the shoulder joint when raising the arm to the side is caused by osteoarthritis, treatment at stage 1 of the disease consists of taking Paracetamol, which will help reduce the intensity of the symptom. The disease at stages 2 and 3 is treated with more strong drugs: chondroprotectors, ointments Diclofenac, Voltaren. What to do if your shoulder hurts badly due to osteoarthritis, and how to properly treat the disease in this case? In case of severe discomfort, the doctor may prescribe arthroscopy - an operation during which he will remove accumulated fluid from the joint to reduce swelling and reduce the intensity of the syndrome. If inflammation occurs, the doctor will inject corticosteroids into the joint area.

    If you suspect osteoarthritis, you can contact a rheumatologist, arthrologist or orthopedist.

    Why does my arm hurt from shoulder to elbow - possible causes and treatment methods

    Symptoms of tendinitis

    Pain in the shoulder joints can be caused by the development of a disease such as tendonitis, which is an inflammatory process in the tendons and other soft tissues. The reasons that may contribute to the development of tendonitis and, accordingly, pain in the right or left shoulder and forearm are the following:

    • debt injuries professional activity and failure to comply with safety rules, which can cause an inflammatory process in the tendons;
    • age-related changes, with loss of elasticity of soft tissues observed;
    • development of pathologies in the body musculoskeletal system, infectious, autoimmune, endocrine or allergic diseases;
    • development of neck osteochondrosis.

    The main symptom of this disease is pain in the shoulder joint when raising the arm. The intensity of such a symptom in the right or left shoulder joint (depending on which arm is affected by tendinitis) may be different in each specific case of the disease, which is determined taking into account the stage of development of the disease. Pain in the left shoulder and forearm may increase during evening time days and when the hand moves. Extreme pain on the left or right in the area of ​​the glenohumeral joint can cause limited mobility of the limb. Other symptoms of tendinitis are: redness of the skin, swelling, and the formation of fibrous nodules.

    If there is pain in the shoulder joint, the causes of which are associated with inflammatory processes in this area, namely, tendinitis, its treatment is determined taking into account the stage at which the disease develops. What to do if the shoulder joint hurts due to tendinitis, how to relieve the pain? At the initial stage of development, treatment for inflammation of the shoulder joint consists of limiting any load on this section. If tendinitis is caused by any micro-trauma, cold compresses must be applied.

    Physical exercises are no less effective for treating tendinitis if there is pain in the shoulder joint when raising the arm up. They also provide treatment folk remedies. Among the medications, it is worth noting analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and local painkillers.

    If you suspect the development of a disease such as tendinitis, you can consult a general practitioner or surgeon.

    If the muscles are affected by myositis and there is aching pain in the shoulder joint, other symptoms may occur:

    • the muscular system is overly tense;
    • formation of small compactions;
    • the formation of pustules if there was an infection of the body due to injury;
    • elevated temperature;
    • edema;
    • redness of the skin;
    • Headaches may occur.

    Treatment for discomfort in the shoulder joint when the muscles are affected by myositis involves the use of anti-inflammatory and painkillers. local ointments. Such remedies will help not only soothe the muscles, but also cure other symptoms of the disease. The treatment program for myositis includes maintaining complete rest in this area, as well as bed rest. You can treat the shoulder joint with folk remedies and physiotherapeutic procedures.

    Which doctor should I contact if I suspect shoulder myositis? You can seek the help of a general practitioner, rheumatologist or neurologist.


    Inflammatory process in the capsule and synovium The shoulder joint is called capsulitis. By contacting a doctor untimely, at a late stage of development of the pathology, you can cause complete immobility of the limb, up to and including placing the person on disability. The occurrence of the disease is associated with age-related changes in the joint, hypothermia, frequent colds, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, spinal column, congenital features structure of the shoulder joint.

    The main symptom of capsulitis of any location (shoulder, knee, hip joint) is pain. At the first stage of development of the disease, the symptom is mild and occurs only with prolonged stress. Over time, discomfort increases in intensity, and stiffness of movement, inflammation in soft tissues, and an increase in general temperature also occur.

    Treatment of pain due to capsulitis of the shoulder joint is determined taking into account the stage at which the pathology occurs. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the use of painkillers, for example, non-steroidal local ointments and gels, is prescribed. If the pain is severe enough, injections are necessary hormonal drugs and glucorticoids. Massage and physiotherapy for capsulitis are no less effective.

    Herniated disc

    A hernia is a protrusion of part of the structure that connects two vertebrae to each other. It is this protrusion that is considered the cause of compression nerve fibers emanating from the spinal cord, large vessels, which provide nutrition to the brain. The causes and treatment of a hernia in the cervical spine are identical, as in the case of pathology in other parts of the spine. The reasons include: osteochondrosis, spondylosis, trauma, systematic exposure to uncomfortable position according to the duty of professional activity.

    The initial symptom of the pathology is mild discomfort in the neck area, and this area only hurts from time to time, which the person attributes to banal fatigue. The arm, namely the hands and fingers, may also become numb. As the disease develops, you may notice that not only your neck hurts, but your shoulders also hurt, especially when you turn and tilt your head. Other symptoms of a hernia in the cervical spine include the following: dizziness, noise in the ears and head, fainting.

    How to treat the symptoms of the disease and the disease itself as a whole? Treatment of pain in the shoulder and neck when raising the arm up, which is caused by the development of a hernia in the cervical spine, is as follows:

    1. 1. Compliance with the work and rest schedule. The main task of each attending physician is to consult with his patient on the issue of proper distribution of loads during the treatment period. To limit the mobility of the neck and arm, treatment should consist of mandatory wearing of a Schanz collar or similar fixing orthoses.
    2. 2. Treatment of the cause of pain in the neck and shoulder joint when raising the arm to the side with medications: anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors.
    3. 3. The cause of pain in the neck and shoulder joint can be treated with physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, magnetotherapy, paraffin applications, novocaine electrophoresis.
    4. 4. Massage procedures are recommended to be carried out with caution, since if the massage is performed incorrectly, the arteries or the spinal cord itself can be pinched.

    Which doctor should I contact if I suspect the development of a spinal hernia? An orthopedic surgeon deals with such pathologies.

    Prevention measures

    Why does my right or left shoulder hurt? There are many reasons, and the symptoms and treatment will differ in each case. The rules for preventing discomfort in the shoulder region are the same for all people and are as follows:

    1. 1. Limitation of monotonous and monotonous work that requires the involvement of the upper limbs in the process.
    2. 2. Rational physical activity with gradual increase exercise intensity. If pain occurs while performing an exercise, it is recommended to stop and rest, and if it occurs systematically, replace it with something else.
    3. 3. Limitation long stay at the computer, which most often causes pain in the neck and shoulders.
    4. 4. There is no need to be nervous about any reason; it is recommended to avoid stressful situations and worries, to rest and relax more.
    5. 5. Avoidance of injury to the shoulder joint.
    6. 6. Proper nutrition is the key to overall health. It is recommended to limit the consumption of red meat, as well as foods rich in fats. Useful products considered for immunity are: fish products, fruits and vegetables, jellied meat (for the bone system). It is important to comply water balance during the day.
    7. 7. Systematic hardening of the body, which will help improve immunity. The frequent occurrence of inflammatory processes and chronic diseases does not have the best effect on the immune system.
    8. 8. Careful monitoring of posture.
    9. 9. Preventive massage.
    10. 10. Smoking is the main enemy of health, because nicotine promotes narrowing blood vessels, resulting in an increased risk of developing a spinal hernia.

    If there is already a development of a specific disease that causes discomfort in the shoulder, to prevent complications and negative consequences It is recommended not to self-medicate, but to trust an experienced specialist in matters of therapy.

The shoulder joint is such a complex structure musculoskeletal system that a violation in any link leads to the appearance pain.

Traumatology patients often complain of pain in the shoulder with various movements of the arm, especially annoying when raising the arm up.

Accurate and correct identification of the cause is only possible with full examination shoulder joint using instrumental methods.

Unique in its structure and functionality, the shoulder joint can withstand enormous loads during sports or heavy work.

But almost always after several years of working hard, shoulder starts to hurt.

Pain is the body's first signal indicating that it is time to spare the joint.

Any dysfunction ligaments, muscles, vertebrae or intervertebral discs is necessarily accompanied by pain. This occurs due to a reason localized in the shoulder area, large quantity nerve endings and vulnerability of the joint itself.

Main reasons

Incorrect posture

Poor posture or is it rachiocampsis, which is accompanied by excessive muscle tension in the area of ​​abnormally located vertebrae. Admission nutrients slows down as blood vessels are compressed.

Gradually, intervertebral discs that receive insufficient nutrition become flattened, losing their elasticity.

The vertebrae are located too close to each other, pinching the nerve roots leading to the shoulder area. Every movement of the hand is accompanied by sharp, acute pain.

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Rotator cuff injury

Exceptional mobility of the shoulder joint is provided by tendons that form a kind of cuff and cover the head of the joint. The tendons are connected to surrounding muscles, which move the shoulder.

At torn or complete break one of the tendons, the range of motion is impaired, and pain appears.

Pain increases when the arm is abducted, at night, or when trying to raise the arm up. With an incomplete rupture, the range of movements does not suffer much, but if there is a complete rupture, then the person suffers from the inability to perform usual actions.

Frozen Shoulder or Periarthritis Scapulohumeral Syndrome

Many doctors consider the term “humeral periarthritis” to be incorrect, since it characterizes not the disease itself, but set of symptoms, leading to pain in the shoulder area and difficulty moving the arm.

In fact, a gradual and steady limitation in the range of movements of the hand may have various reasons.

In fact, “frozen shoulder” is not an independent disease, but a consequence of refusal timely treatment shoulder joint.

By the way, a joint can be completely healthy, but if the ligaments are torn, the patient experiences such severe pain when moving his arm that he avoids it. Gradually, without movement, the joint capsule shrinks, and atrophy of the surrounding muscles is observed. This leads to the formation of neurogenic contractures and a long recovery period.


Inflammatory processes in tendons humeroscapular region begin after injury or with the formation of calcifications.

Calcifications are formed due to persistent tissue hypoxia. This means that limited joint mobility or vascular pathologies can lead to the formation of calcifications.

In the inflamed area there is severe swelling , which provokes spasm of surrounding tissues and moderate pain.


Inflammation of the bursa shoulder joint almost always begins after severe overexertion or penetration of bacteria.

This is possible due to a joint injury or infection through the bloodstream. In this case, there is a strong tension in the surrounding muscles and, associated with this, swelling of the connective tissue, leading to pain, numbness, and weakness.

Tendon or muscle rupture

The complex structure and participation of many small and large muscles and tendons in the work of the shoulder leads to destabilization shoulder joint in case of rupture of any joint.

If the injury involves a small tendon or small muscle, pain will be felt when moving the arm, but range of motion may be preserved.

Over time, when the acute post-traumatic period ends, the function of the affected tendon or muscle will be taken over by others. But if the injury affects a large tendon or muscle, then arm movements are impossible, and surgical intervention is recommended for the patient.

Disorder of the acromioclavicular joint

The acromioclavicular joint is the most vulnerable joint in the glenohumeral joint. It is this part that is most often damaged by a fall, resulting in dislocations or fractures that disrupt the usual range of movements of the arm and are accompanied by acute pain.

Increased physical activity

Overvoltage shoulder girdle due to sports activities or hard work, leads to swelling muscle tissue. This causes compression of the nerve fibers and the appearance of pain. Constant overload lead to depletion of nutrition of the shoulder joint and degenerative changes.

Joint instability

Ligament dysfunction, habitual shoulder dislocation, or congenital abnormalities of the joint structure (dysplasia) lead to instability of the shoulder joint.

In this case, periodic loss of the head of the joint from the articular cavity is observed, accompanied by minor pain.

Many patients report numbness in the hand or a pins and needles sensation; these symptoms occur due to compression of the nerve fibers.

Arthritis and arthrosis

Inflammation of the joint or destruction of the articular surfaces due to any movement of the arm leads to pain in the shoulder.

In arthritis, the inflammatory process leads to severe swelling, accompanied by pain and cramping.

Arthrosis in a progressive stage leads to thinning of the cartilage tissue and severe pain during friction of the articular surfaces.

Metabolic disorders or age-related changes lead to the appearance inside the shoulder joint salt crystals.

For gout, crystals uric acid have very sharp edges that mechanically injure the delicate cavity of the joint, causing severe inflammation and severe pain.

Salt deposits that have age reasons, is less painful and does not begin acutely, but gradually, but as a result, the range of motion in the shoulder is greatly limited.

Shoulder hurts when raising your arm - what to do?

A patient who feels pain in the shoulder when raising his arm should definitely consult a traumatologist or, especially if this symptom appears after an injury or fall.

Acute condition: a fracture or dislocation, rupture of a tendon or muscle, is always accompanied by acute pain, so the following measures can be taken:

Provide rest to the shoulder joint

This can be done by simply fixing the shoulder, tying the arm to the body. This will help avoid random, habitual hand movements and relieve pain.

Apply a cold compress

Cold reduces the likelihood of large swelling of damaged tissues and helps reduce the intensity internal bleeding. Blood oozing from injured vessels and capillaries can form large hematomas, squeezing surrounding tissue.

Muscle relaxation

Muscle spasms always increase pain, as nerve endings and fibers spasm. Muscle relaxation is achieved by giving the hand a certain position. To do this, use an abduction splint or other device that allows you to relax the shoulder muscles as much as possible.

Possible nature of pain

The pain when raising your arm up can be either aching or sharp: its nature depends on the cause of the pain.

  • Acute pain is typical for injuries accompanied by tissue rupture or displacement of articular surfaces. Sharp, shooting pain can be observed when nerve roots are pinched, when gouty arthritis or arthrosis.
  • Aching, constant pain in the shoulder is most often a symptom of an inflammatory disease of the joint, or progressive salt deposits or arthrosis.

When to see a doctor

Any painful sensation when raising your arm up requires an analysis of the cause of the pain.

The onset of a serious illness, which can lead to surgery or disability, is not always accompanied by clear symptoms.

Minor slight pain at physical exercise or usual work - this is a reason to undergo an examination. It is especially important to visit a doctor after a fall or other injury that is accompanied by severe pain.

What drugs should I use?

Treatment should always be prescribed by a doctor, but in case of acute pain, its intensity can be reduced painkillers or injections. “Baralgin”, “Tempalgin”, “Spazmalgon” cannot be used constantly, since pain is a signal of tissue damage, and if you reduce the intensity of pain with medications, then there is a risk of further damaging the joint.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Diclofenac, Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide help relieve inflammation and pain caused by arthritis or osteochondrosis. These drugs are prescribed for many joint problems, but they will not help gouty arthritis or injuries.


To make a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a mandatory examination of the shoulder area. This could be an x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography.

These studies make it possible to comprehensively examine the joint and soft tissues, detect defects and ruptures of soft tissues, the presence of calcifications inside the joint, and thinning of cartilage tissue.


Depending on the cause of shoulder pain, the doctor prescribes adequate treatment, which can be conservative or surgical.

Conservative treatment includes not only drug therapy, but also a mandatory recovery period. The patient should perform gentle physical therapy exercises daily to avoid the occurrence of frozen shoulder syndrome and contractures.

Physiotherapy, osteopathic techniques, massage, local rubbing and compresses - all this helps to overcome any disease of the shoulder joint.



Shoulder injuries leading to ligament rupture or collarbone fracture are almost impossible to prevent due to accidental circumstances. But an athlete or extreme sports enthusiast can protect the shoulder joint by using special protective equipment during exercise. It is necessary to avoid excessive load, which leads to wear of the joint tissue and the onset of degenerative changes. Pain, even the smallest and mildest, should be an alarm signal and a reason to go to the doctor.