Acupuncture for the eyes. Benefits of Shiatsu massage for vision. Basic exercises for the treatment of strabismus

Every year in Ukraine, specialists detect strabismus in an average of 50 thousand children. This is one of the most common eye diseases childhood, in which the eyeball deviates towards the temple (divergent strabismus) or towards the nose (convergent strabismus). How is strabismus in children treated?

Causes of strabismus

To understand the causes of strabismus, you need to imagine how the eyeball “works”. It “floats” in the liquid medium that fills the eye socket. The eyeball is held by six muscles, which not only secure it, but also allow it to move in different directions. If one of the muscles is poorly developed or weakened, the movements of the eye “diverge” from the movements of the other, that is, the diseased eye begins to squint.

In adults, strabismus occurs as a consequence of craniocerebral disorders. Each of motor muscles The eye has its own nerve, which can be affected anywhere, but more often it happens at the source. The aggressor is a virus or a small hemorrhage. In these cases, the patient suddenly begins to see double - a condition called diplopia occurs.

In children, strabismus develops already in the first months of life, and is associated either with improper development one of the muscles (it may be too long or too short) or with a disorder in the synchronization of eye movements at the brain level.

Treatment of strabismus in children

If the baby’s strabismus increases, it is usually recommended surgery, which is carried out even for six-month-old children. In case of stable pathology, surgical intervention can be postponed, but it should be performed no later than six years. Until this age, you need to wear glasses, covering healthy eye(a sticker is placed on the glasses). This will help improve the visual acuity of the squinting eye. Spectacle lenses It is better to make it from plastic: this material is lighter than glass and does not break.

Treatment with special equipment is also recommended, then, if indicated, surgery is performed. After it, one or more courses are prescribed again hardware treatment. It is not always possible to get by with one operation. There are cases when a patient is operated on two or three times.

Acupuncture for strabismus

Acupuncture for strabismus is a useful addition to traditional therapy. For adults, it allows you to get rid of diplopia. In case of childhood strabismus, stimulation of the points helps restore impaired functions and reduces treatment time.

There are two common points for any type of strabismus and two auxiliary points that should be influenced.

Common points

The first is located behind the base of the skull in a small depression in two fingers behind the base auricle. The second is on the back of the hand, at the intersection of the lines that continue the thumb and index fingers.

Auxiliary points for the treatment of convergent strabismus

The point located in the corner of the eye from which tears usually flow.

Point in the middle of the eyebrow.

Auxiliary points for the treatment of external strabismus

A point in the middle of the temple, between the end of the eyebrow and the hairline.

Point on lower limit eye sockets, retreating a third from its outer edge.

For diplopia in adults, stimulate the points for several minutes every half hour, massaging them either with a needle or vigorous finger pressure until it returns normal vision. For children, it is enough to act on the points in the morning and evening for two to three minutes.

Gymnastics for eyes with strabismus

Raise your hand up, stretch it out forefinger and gradually bring it closer to the nose. The eyes should watch this movement carefully. You need to bring your finger closer along the middle axis and from bottom to top.

. “Write” with your figure eight eyes, make circular movements, look up and down, left and right.

Outdoor games with a ball or shuttlecock are good for training muscles. While playing tennis, football, or volleyball, the child’s eyes constantly follow a flying object, which is either moving away or approaching.

Those who sit at the computer or read for a long time are advised to look out the window, look at objects that are far away, and then at those that are close.

It is very important to be persistent and work with your child regularly. Then the result of the operation, if necessary, will be better.

Children with amblyopia do not need a patch all day

Children with a “lazy eye,” or amblyopia, do not necessarily need to wear a corrective patch all day, British scientists say.

One of the common eye diseases in children is amblyopia, or “lazy eye,” which can lead to squinting and further deterioration of vision. With this disease, one eye sees much worse than the other, even despite glasses, and is practically not involved in the vision process.
The standard treatment is to cover the good eye all day to train the lazy eye. In the past, doctors recommended this treatment for years, but experts now suggest that three hours a day for twelve weeks is enough.

Researchers from City University in London studied eighty children with the condition. They were asked to wear the patch for either six or twelve hours a day. They were also monitored for how many hours a day they actually wore the patch. It turned out that wearing a bandage for three hours a day gives the most best effect, reports the Daily Mail.

Hello again, dear readers! According to statistics, from year to year everything more people become carriers of various diseases of the organs of vision. One of the most common eye pathologies is myopia, characterized poor eyesight into the distance.

Today, there are many ways to successfully combat this problem. These include massotherapy, which is a key component complex therapy many diseases. Now I will tell you about the benefits of massage for myopia.

The main advantage of massage for myopia is that it helps not only to stabilize the condition, but also to prevent the progression of vision deterioration. Daily 10-minute sessions provide beneficial influence on the course of the disease in children and adults, helping:

  • strengthen and relax tense eye muscles;
  • improve visual acuity;
  • improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in eye tissues;
  • increase the number nutrients, entering the organs of vision;
  • reduce IOP (this is achieved due to the fact that the nerve endings are irritated during the massaging process).

During massaging there should not be any painful sensations- if they appear, it means you are doing something wrong. As for the duration of the sessions, it is selected by the attending physician individually, taking into account the severity of the illness.

It is important to consider that neck massage for myopia will be ineffective if a person neglects in a healthy way life and proper nutrition.

How to properly massage the cervical spine with myopia?

Massage of the collar area is considered the most effective when. It provides stimulation nerve endings located in cervical spine spine, which are interconnected with the optic nerves. Improving blood circulation and metabolic processes in the tissues and muscles of the eyeballs has a positive effect on the condition visual analyzer, which is very important for such a disease as.

Neck massage for myopia is performed in a sitting position. You must first wash your hands with soap. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Evenly and smoothly stroke the neck with the entire plane of the palm, moving from the chin to the chest.
  2. Knead with fingertips collar area, making pressing, stretching and pinching movements.
  3. At the end of the massage, spiral rubbing is performed using stroking movements.

To collar massage brought maximum benefit, all manipulations from the back of the neck must be performed from top to bottom, and from the front - from top to bottom.

Eye massage according to Zhdanov

Children and adults suffering from myopia are strongly recommended to regularly perform massage according to the professor's method, which involves massaging the entire face. This is very efficient technique, aimed at eliminating various refractive disorders, including myopia. This is evidenced by numerous reviews satisfied patients who managed to partially or completely get rid of myopia with its help.

This is what the sequence of actions looks like (each movement should be performed within 1-2 minutes):

  1. The forehead is massaged with the pads of the fingers (index, middle and ring), after which it is gently stroked.
  2. Eyebrows are massaged in the same way.
  3. The temporal area is massaged with the index and middle fingers.
  4. Upper part The cheekbones under the orbit of the eye are massaged, making stroking movements.
  5. The grooves between the cheek and ear are massaged with stroking movements.
  6. Massage the back of the neck.
  7. The upper eyelid is kneaded with the index and middle fingers, making tapping movements.
  8. Close your eyes and massage the eyeballs with the pads of your middle fingers in the direction from the inner corners to the middle.
  9. Close the eyes and massage the inner corners with pads index fingers.
  10. The eyelids are tightly closed and gently stretched outer corners. Repeat 3 times.

Before you start massaging your face using this method, I suggest you watch the video to avoid mistakes. You can also look for massage techniques for children with pictures.

Eye massage for myopia: how to do it?

Before starting an eye massage, it is important to increase blood circulation in your palms - to do this, you should rub them together for half a minute. Massaging is performed using classic massage techniques involving stroking the eyelids, kneading and rubbing. So, the algorithm of actions looks like this:

  1. Close your eyes and do palming to relax your eyes. Cover them with your palms to prevent light from entering, and try to relax all your facial muscles as much as possible. The duration of the exercise is 2-3 minutes.
  2. Repeat the previous manipulation, increasing the pressure of your palms on your eyes (but do not overdo it!).
  3. Make fists and rub your hands eyeballs without pressing too hard.
  4. Close your eyes and massage them back side 2 phalanges of the thumb, pressing slightly. Move in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Repeat 15 times.

Please note that your eyes should not get tired during the massaging process. Upon completion of simple exercises, perform 5 minutes of palming or blinking for 30 seconds.

How to properly massage your head for myopia

Now let's figure out how to properly massage the head to improve myopia. It has a beneficial effect on the eyes for any refractive error, relieving general tension and improving blood supply to the visual organs. So here it is:

  1. They perform a neck and occipital massage, which I wrote about above. This helps improve blood flow from the head to the eyes.
  2. Tilt your head down, then smoothly lift it up and gently tilt it back. Do 5 reps.
  3. For 3 minutes, massage the skin around the eyes with the pads of your index and middle fingers, moving clockwise and then counterclockwise.

Video on how to properly massage for myopic eyes

The video explains how to massage the eyes and certain points to restore vision. First, you need to warm up your hands so that they are warm. Next, close your eyes and easily begin to massage the area around your eyes with your hands. Then everything happens according to the instructions.

I advise you to start doing light massage on your own at home. Also, you can do such light movements for children to restore visual vision.


By devoting 10-15 minutes to massage daily, after 3-4 weeks you will feel changes in your better side: eyes will begin to get tired much less, disappear discomfort in the form of dryness and pain, which often accompany myopia, visual acuity and clarity will improve.

The most important thing is to set a goal and not be lazy! Also, you can always leave comments with questions to clarify this or that information on this issue. I wish you success in your endeavors! Best regards, Olga Morozova!

Acupuncture for eyes

The eyes, according to the Chinese interpretation, are associated with the liver. The liver is associated with gallbladder, both are in charge of tendons. The key to understanding her condition is her eyes. The eyes are closely related to the liver. The liver opens into the eyes, many pathological changes in the liver can be a reflection of disorders in the eyes. The liver is responsible for storing blood. If you stare for a long time, the blood is easily damaged. Eye strain damages the eyes. And it can worsen your overall health!

In some diseases, relief occurs in the first half of the day and worsening in the second, while in others it is the opposite.

Chinese medicine has constantly taken into account past human experience that the harmful effects of the environment can be avoided through rational behavior.

Chinese medicine considers the causes of diseases to be an imbalance of the basic principles of yin - yang and qi energy.

Eyes are precious to humans. Chinese medicine says that the eyes are the quintessence of the five zang organs and six fu organs, just as the sun and moon belong to the sky, constantly bringing light. Any distortion and damage in daily life, bad habits, contributing to dysfunction internal organs may damage your eyes.

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Staring at snow for too long can cause snow blindness, so you should wear Sunglasses. Also, you should not look at the sun, moon and stars for a long time - this can be one of the reasons for vision loss.

IN Chinese medicine they say that five colors dull vision. These are green, yellow, red, white and black. However, there is also this entry in the ancient book: All five colors damage the eyes, only a black screen can nourish the power of the eyes.

As far as I understand, overly bright colors have a bad effect on vision, while calm natural colors, on the contrary, help.

If you look closely long time to any one color or for a long time straining your eyesight without rest is very harmful to your eyesight (hence, apparently, such vision problems among those who work a lot at the computer). Therefore, there is such a recommendation - you can’t watch for a long time.

Most dangerous reasons Bad habits that damage vision are:

classes at night,
reading books under the moon (poor lighting),
classes after sunset (reading uses up visual power),
playing dice and checkers without rest (eye strain, you can’t look for a long time),
eye strain,
immoderate sex life,
excessive crying

When the liver's blood is full, the eyes can receive hydration and nutrition. Chinese medicine also talks about the relationship between the liver and kidneys. When the Qi of the liver and kidneys is abundant, then there is light in the eyes; with a lack of liver and kidney qi - darkness and dizziness. When the functions of the liver and kidneys are full of strength and energy, then a person’s eyes are bright and clean. Excessive sexual activity can damage the quintessence of kidney Jing. With a lack of liver blood, the eyes become dry and rough, and with heat in the liver blood, they become inflamed and hurt.

Maintaining the health of all internal organs is an important prerequisite for maintaining the eyes.

During grief and crying, the entire body weakens. Tears need to be wiped away, and frequent wiping of the eyes contributes to their damage. Rubbing and other rough movements are unbearable for delicate eyes. In addition, dirty hands or a handkerchief can infect your eyes.

Interesting folk saying: If you don't wipe your eyes, they won't go blind; If you don't pick your ears, they won't go deaf.

In ancient times, eyes were easily damaged during many years of copying books and doing fine engraving. You can name many modern specialties in which the eyesight is very strained.

If this is your profession, then you need to pay Special attention rest, perform preventive exercises for the eyes, provide good lighting, use magnifying glasses if necessary.

Harmful for the eyes long stay in a place with smoke and fire. This causes irritation and redness of the eyes. This applies to living in the city, or working in smoky industries. Very bad for the eyes - sandstorms, dust storms, and other blockages.

Five spicy vegetables, food and drinks with heat properties, excessive consumption of wine, and hot food are unfavorable for the eyes. You can’t eat foods with pungent and hot properties a lot and for a long time. The food should not be scalding, but hot - of course it can be.

Spicy, hot and hot foods damage the eyes. The heat penetrates the blood, the heat qi rises to the eyes.

Sometimes people who love onions, garlic, peppers and alcohol may experience decreased vision, redness, swelling and pain in the eyes.

Night blindness is a lack of vitamin A.

Chinese medicine says: It happens that due to eating lean foods, vision decreases or night blindness occurs. Seasoned food can revive the quintessence of Jing. If there is a lack of it, vision decreases.

The main causes of eye damage that Chinese medicine talks about are:

excessively abrupt change moods,
immoderate sex life,
eye strain,
strong crying
caught in the wind
being under the sun in the summer heat,
smoke and fire,
scalding hot food and drinks.

This information is intended for healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals. Patients should not use this information as medical advice or recommendations.

Acupuncture points for treatment - Ordinary Glaucoma

At the beginning, congestion is characterized by an increase in intraocular pressure, dilation of the eyeballs and fatigue eyes, as the disease progresses, constantly high intraocular blood pressure, headache and decreased vision. There is also hereditary predisposition to glaucoma.

San-yin-jiao (SP-6) (三陰交, sān-yīn-jiāo - meeting point of three yin)

Tian-zhu (UB-10) (天柱, tiān-zhù - heavenly pillar)

Ge-shu (UB-17) (隔俞, gé-shū - aperture point)

Gan-shu (UB-18) (肝俞, gān-shū - liver point)

Shen-shu (UB-23) (腎俞, shèn-shū - kidney point)

Delay the needles for 30 minutes, manipulate the needles 2-4 times.

Acupuncture points for treatment - Senile Cataract

Senile cataract is a clouding of the lens with age, not caused by any pathogenesis process.

As a rule, it affects both eyes, but the extent of damage and the rate of progression differ.

According to the diagnoses of Chinese traditional medicine, this disease is classified as “Yuan and Nei Zhang” +

Gan-shu (UB-18) (肝俞, gān-shū - liver point)

Shen-shu (UB-23) (腎俞, shèn-shū - kidney point)

Tzu-san-li (ST-36) (足三裏, zú-sān-lǐ - three spaces on the leg)

Qing-ming (UB-1) (睛明, jīng-míng - eye shine)

Hae-gu (LI-4)

Pi-shu (UB-20) (脾俞, pí-shū - spleen point)

Delay the needles for 30 minutes, manipulate the needles 2-3 times.

Acupuncture points for treatment - Paralytic Strabismus

Characterized by deviation of the eyeball and double vision.

Strabismus occurs unexpectedly and often affects only one eye. With complete paralysis, not only double vision is noted, but also the eyeball is unable to rotate in the direction of the affected muscle and tends to turn in the opposite direction due to the uncompensated influence of the muscle. The diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine is categorized as: Distortion of vision and double vision.

Tongzi-liao (GB-1) (瞳子髎, tóng-zǐ-líao - pupillary fossa)

Yang-bai (GB-14) (陽白, yáng-bái - yang clarity)

Sy-bai (ST-2) (四白, sì-bái - four whites)

Jia-che (ST-6) (頰車, jiá-chē - chewing machine)

Di-cang (ST-4) (地倉, dì-cāng - earthly storehouse)

Tzu-san-li (ST-36) (足三裏, zú-sān-lǐ - three spaces on the leg)

Qing-ming (UB-1) (睛明, jīng-míng - eye shine)

Hae-gu (LI-4) (合谷, hé-gǔ - valley connection)

Tai-chun (LV-3) (太衝, tài-chōng - great attack)

Xing-jian (LV-2) (行間, xíng-jiān - between the knees)

Delay needles for 20 minutes.

Acupuncture points for treatment - Epidemic Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is viral infection corneas and conjunctiva, transmitted by contact and, as a rule, in the summer-autumn period.

Characterized by burning pain or sensation foreign body in the eye, swelling of the eyelid, redness of the conjunctiva, watery discharge.

If the cornea is affected, photophobia, lacrimation, and hypopsia may occur.

Tai-yang (EX-HN5)

Hae-gu (LI-4) (合谷, hé-gǔ - valley connection)

Bi-nao (LI-14) (臂臑, bì-nào - medial side of the upper arm)

Feng-chi (GB-20) (風池, fēng-chí - wind pond)

Qing-ming (UB-1) (睛明, jīng-míng - eye shine)

Tsuan-chu (UB-2) (攢竹, cuán-zhú - eyebrow passage)

Si-zhu-kun (TH-23) (絲竹空, sī-zhú-kōng - narrow hole)

Shao-shan (LU-11) (少商, shào-shāng - young merchant)

Delay the needles for 20 minutes, moderate stimulation in the eye area.

Acupuncture points for treatment - Stye

Depending on the location, there are external and internal stye on the century.

External is called acute purulent inflammation of the ciliary glands, swollen painful eyelids, scleroma and the formation of pustules after a few days.

In severe cases, redness and swelling of the conjunctiva of the eyeball are noted.

Internal stye is an acute purulent inflammation of the glands of the cartilage of the eyelids; the manifestations are similar to those of external stye, but are more severe.

Hae-gu (LI-4) (合谷, hé-gǔ - valley connection)

Qu-chi (LI-11) (曲池, qū-chí - meandering pond)

Cheng-qi (ST-1) (承泣, chéng-qì - receiver of tears)

To say that an acupuncture technique is correct or that it is incorrect means that correct technique determined by diagnosis. The injection technique should be appropriate to the disease and general condition patient consistent with diagnostic findings. No dots recipe in itself is the ultimate answer to medical problem. In order for acupuncture points to provide the desired healing effect, the correct needling technique must be used.

The structure of the eye - general information

The human eye is unique and complex paired organ senses, thanks to which we receive up to 90% of information about the world around us. Each person's eye has individual characteristics that are unique to him. But common features structures are important for understanding what an eye is like from the inside and how it works. During evolution, the eye has achieved a complex structure and structures of different tissue origins are closely interconnected in it. Blood vessels and nerves, pigment cells and elements connective tissue– all of them provide the main function of the eye – vision.

The structure of the main structures of the eye

The eye has the shape of a sphere or ball, so the allegory of the apple began to be applied to it. The eyeball is a very delicate structure, therefore it is located in the bony cavity of the skull - the orbit, where it is partially hidden from possible damage. In front, the eyeball is protected by the upper and lower eyelids. Free movements of the eyeball are ensured by the external oculomotor muscles, the precise and coordinated work of which allows us to see the world two eyes, i.e. binocularly.

Constant hydration of the entire surface of the eyeball is provided by the lacrimal glands, which ensure adequate production of tears, forming a thin protective tear film, and the outflow of tears occurs through special lacrimal ducts.

The most outer shell eyes - conjunctiva. It is thin and transparent and also lines the inner surface of the eyelids, providing easy gliding when the eyeball moves and the eyelids blink.
The outer “white” layer of the eye, the sclera, is the thickest of the three eye layers and protects internal structures and maintains the tone of the eyeball.

Scleral membrane in the center of the front surface of the eyeball it becomes transparent and has the appearance of a convex watch glass. This transparent part of the sclera is called the cornea, which is very sensitive due to the presence of many nerve endings in it. The transparency of the cornea allows light to penetrate into the eye, and its sphericity ensures the refraction of light rays. The transition zone between the sclera and the cornea is called the limbus. This zone contains stem cells that ensure constant regeneration of cells in the outer layers of the cornea.

The next layer is the choroid. It lines the sclera from the inside. From its name it is clear that it provides blood supply and nutrition to intraocular structures, and also maintains the tone of the eyeball. The choroid consists of the choroid itself, which is in close contact with the sclera and retina, and structures such as the ciliary body and iris, which are located in the anterior part of the eyeball. They contain a lot blood vessels and nerves.

The ciliary body is part of the choroid and a complex neuro-endocrine-muscular organ that plays an important role in the production of intraocular fluid and in the process of accommodation.

The color of the iris determines the color of a person's eye. Depending on the amount of pigment in its outer layer, it ranges in color from pale blue or greenish to dark brown. In the center of the iris there is a hole - the pupil, through which light enters the eye. It is important to note that the blood supply and innervation of the choroid and iris with the ciliary body are different, which is reflected in the clinical picture of diseases of such a generally unified structure as the choroid.

The space between the cornea and the iris is the anterior chamber of the eye, and the angle formed by the periphery of the cornea and the iris is called the anterior chamber angle. Through this angle, the outflow of intraocular fluid occurs through a special complex drainage system V ophthalmic veins. Behind the iris is the lens, which is located in front of the vitreous body. It has the shape of a biconvex lens and is well fixed by many thin ligaments to the processes of the ciliary body.

The space between the posterior surface of the iris, the ciliary body and the anterior surface of the lens and vitreous body is called the posterior chamber of the eye. The anterior and posterior chambers are filled with colorless intraocular fluid or aqueous humor, which constantly circulates in the eye and washes the cornea and lens, while nourishing them, since these eye structures do not have their own vessels.

The innermost, thinnest and most important membrane for the act of vision is the retina. It is a highly differentiated multilayer nerve tissue which lines choroid in her posterior section. Fibers originate from the retina optic nerve. It carries all the information received by the eye in the form nerve impulses through a complex visual pathway into our brain, where it is transformed, analyzed and perceived as an objective reality. It is the retina that ultimately receives or does not receive the image, and depending on this, we see objects clearly or not very clearly. The most sensitive and thin part of the retina is central region– macula. It is the macula that provides our central vision.

The cavity of the eyeball is filled with a transparent, somewhat jelly-like substance - the vitreous body. It maintains the density of the eyeball and fits into the inner shell - the retina, fixing it.

Optical system of the eye

In its essence and purpose, human eye is a complex optical system. In this system there are several most important structures. These are the cornea, lens and retina. Basically, the quality of our vision depends on the state of these structures that transmit, refract and perceive light, and the degree of their transparency.
  • The cornea refracts more than any other structure light rays, then passing through the pupil, which acts as a diaphragm. Figuratively speaking, just as in a good camera the diaphragm regulates the flow of light rays and, depending on the focal length, allows you to obtain a high-quality image, so the pupil functions in our eye.
  • The lens also refracts and transmits light rays further to the light-receiving structure - the retina, a kind of photographic film.
  • The fluid of the eye chambers and the vitreous body also have light-refracting properties, but not as significant. However, the state of the vitreous body, the degree of transparency aqueous humor eye chambers, the presence of blood or other floaters in them can also affect the quality of our vision.
  • Normally, light rays, having passed through all transparent optical media, are refracted so that when they hit the retina, they form a reduced, inverted, but real image.
The final analysis and perception of the information received by the eye occurs in our brain, in the cortex of its occipital lobes.

Shiatsu massage is a Japanese technique of acupuncture on certain points of the face and body for the purpose of rejuvenation and general health improvement. It is based on the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain through pressure on specific areas with hands or special instruments. Helps get rid of various diseases internal organs and musculoskeletal system, restore hormonal and psychological levels. In cosmetology, it helps maintain youthful skin and can even enlarge breasts. In Japan, this technology is licensed and approved by official medicine.

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    The Japanese Shiatsu massage technique is based on the principle of activating vital energy flows due to consistent pressure on specific points located on the face, back, limbs, and head.

    "Shiatsu" translates to "finger pressure." The technology is actively used not only in cosmetology, but also for the treatment of certain diseases: nervous, endocrine, digestive and cardiovascular systems.

    Modern medicine explains the uniqueness of the technique by a complex effect that occurs as a result of the activation of several body functions: reflex, neurohumoral and neuroendocrine.

    Due to simple manipulations with hands and special improvised means, it is possible without financial costs and in short time achieve visible result in terms of prolonging youth and health. After just a few procedures, a clear rejuvenation and tissue tightening is observed on the face.

    Technology acupressure is selected individually for each person depending on the desired effect and personal characteristics.

    Methods of influence

    The technique involves a combination of two techniques:

    • light stroking;
    • rhythmic pressure on biological active points fingertips or palm.

    The first option takes up a smaller part of the procedure, the emphasis is on the second method.

    The main working finger is the thumb, the rest are selected depending on the area of ​​influence:

    • back - thumb, index and middle;
    • face - middle, index and ring.

    You can massage any part of the body with your palms, making vibration movements.

    The intensity of the massage varies from light touches to strong pressure, with a sharp separation of the fingertips. Up to 5–10 such pressures are performed per minute, lasting about 4–5 seconds. If you use your palms, put them together. This approach is called “weighted”, since the degree of impact is more powerful. Typically used on large muscles and joints.

    When performing a massage, you should not move your fingers from the place of pressure or move them over the skin. Such manipulations will only harm the patient and quickly tire the massage therapist.

    Pressure is applied in a direction perpendicular to the body. The strength is calculated by a specialist depending on the disease and the patient’s well-being. Correct when minor issues arise painful sensations, not causing much discomfort. Sharp blows and rough pokes leading to bruises are unacceptable.

    In the treatment of certain pathologies, the points responsible for the problem organ are selected. So, on the feet there are areas responsible for the functioning of the kidneys, and on the left hand - for the heart.

    The course includes no more than 10 sessions, then a month's rest.


    Healing facial massage using the Shiatsu method makes it possible to preserve beauty and youth skin. Cosmetologists recommend that women devote 20 minutes to it daily. The procedure has the following effects:

    • promotes accelerated regeneration of the epidermis;
    • gives tone to the face and corrects the oval;
    • restores natural skin color;
    • improves blood circulation;
    • eliminates wrinkles, even deep ones.

    The positive effect extends not only to the skin, but also to the functioning of the digestive and endocrine system. Headaches and insomnia go away, the psycho-emotional background improves.

    The basic points on the face are located:

    • around eyes;
    • just above the wings of the nose, in the depressions;
    • in the fold, at the junction of the cheeks and wings of the nose;
    • on the bridge of the nose, chin and forehead;
    • in the center and along the edges of the eyebrows;
    • along the edges of the cheekbones and lips.

    Each point has a symmetrically located pair on the other side. Therefore, massage with both hands at the same time.

    The techniques used in the Shiatsu technique are presented in the table:

    Getting rid of wrinkles on the foreheadApply small circular movements to the skin in the center of the forehead. After this, massage the point between the eyebrows with three working fingers.
    Eyelid rejuvenationPress into the middle of each eyebrow with fingers folded together. The movement is made from bottom to top to raise the tips of the eyebrows
    Eliminating crow's feet around the eyesPress on a point located a centimeter from the outer edge of the eye. In this case, the movements are directed towards the temples
    Removing bags under the eyesPress on the inner corner of the eyeball
    Cheek liftAffect the edge points along the upper cheekbones
    Puffiness of lipsRhythmic vibrating manipulations act on a point located in the hollow above the lip
    Removing folds on the sidesThe corners of the lips are treated with the pads of the index fingers.
    Correction of facial oval (from jowls)The thumb is placed under the jaw and pressed, the remaining two are distributed on both sides of the chin. From these points they slowly move upward, towards the temporal region. Repeat 4–5 times
    Restoring neck elasticityPoints on the neck located 5 cm below the earlobe are stimulated in 2 passes

    Shiatsu massage for facial rejuvenation

    It is effective to use “royal points” to tighten the facial contour. The result is the same as the action plastic surgeon.There are only three such points:

    1. 1. Tenyo - just below the lobe, under the jaw bone. Stimulation helps relieve puffiness, enhances tone and evens out the complexion.
    2. 2. Sokkoku - under the hair, above the ear. Massage removes sagging cheeks and wrinkles.
    3. 3. Coreo - at the level of the wings of the nose. As a result of the effect, the effect of “bulldog cheeks” is eliminated and the appearance of wrinkles is prevented.

    Royal dots on the face

    The duration of one massage session should not exceed 20 minutes. It is better to carry it out in the evening, since tired epidermis is more prone to relaxation.

    It is believed that the use breathing exercises together with a facial massage gives the best effect. To implement it you need:

    1. 1. Inhale sharply through your nose.
    2. 2. Count to four.
    3. 3. Exhale smoothly through your mouth.
    4. 4. Perform all pressing while exhaling.

    Strabismus Correction

    The Japanese method includes a number of exercises to restore and correct visual functions. There are about ten biologically active points around the eyes. When exposed to them, it is possible to achieve the following results:

    • improve vision;
    • relieve fatigue;
    • correct squint;
    • reduce intraocular pressure.

    All movements are carried out gently, without excessive pressure.

    Massage technology for strabismus and other problems:

    1. 1. Three working fingers, gathered together, are placed on the upper edge of the eye socket. Press lightly for 6–7 seconds without touching the apple itself.
    2. 2. Similar steps are repeated on the bottom edge.
    3. 3. The thumb and middle finger are placed on the outer tips of the eyebrows, the index finger is in the center.
    4. 4. Massage the inner and outer corners of the eyes with pads at the same time.
    5. 5. Easy to press thumb for eyelids, about 10 seconds.
    6. 6. Press with a bunch of fingers on the temples and go down a little lower - on the cheekbones.

    Before using Shiatsu massage for the eyes, it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist. The wrong approach can cause vision deterioration, even loss.


    Massaging the body at certain points allows you to cope with the following problems:

    • consequences of injuries;
    • pain as a result of muscle strain;
    • fractures;
    • stress, depression, nervousness;
    • malfunction of internal organs.

    The specialist must find active points that will help the body fully relax and get rid of negative energy. Most are located on spinal column, legs and feet, elbow bends, external and inside hips

    The procedure itself is carried out in several stages:

    1. 1. The patient lies on his stomach and the massage therapist works with points on the back, neck, arms, legs and feet.
    2. 2. Then the client turns over and the action is transferred to symmetrical zones.
    3. 3. After applying the fingers, use special tools for relaxation: wooden or metal balls, rubber sticks.

    The duration of the procedure is 20–30 minutes.


    It is more convenient to perform shiatsu massage on the neck and collar area with the patient in a sitting position. The masseur is located behind. Sequence of pressure:

    1. 1. The pads of the thumbs act on occipital region. Duration - no more than 7 seconds. The point is located at the level of the hairline, midway from the center line of the head-neck to the mastoid process.
    2. 2. Press on the upper scapular points for about 6–7 seconds.
    3. 3. Treat the interscapular areas with slow rotational movements.
    4. 4. Place two thumbs between the shoulder blades, and the rest are distributed over the collarbones. Pressure is applied simultaneously.
    5. 5. Squeeze the muscles under the shoulder blades and pull upward for 3 seconds. Repeat the technique 3 times and do light stroking along the entire back.

    As a result, muscle tension is relieved and sharp pain caused by prolonged exposure to uncomfortable position or osteochondrosis.

    If you are bothered by pain in the back of your head, the following manipulations will be effective:

    1. 1. Press on the occipital area simultaneously with the thumb, middle, and index fingers.
    2. 2. Rearrange them to pain points and act for 4 minutes.
    3. 3. Next, move to the crown, followed by stroking the forehead and temples (2-3 minutes).
    4. 4. Move in a transverse plane on the back of the neck, using four fingers.

    Such actions improve blood circulation.

    Legs and feet

    Prolonged immobility in a standing or sitting position leads to stagnation of blood in the legs. Using the Japanese shiatsu technique, you can quickly restore blood flow.

    Take a warm relaxing bath first lower limbs, wipe dry and begin the session on the feet:

    1. 1. Consistently press on the points located outside the fingers. There are 3 of them on each.
    2. 2. Apply the pads of the thumb to the area of ​​the instep of the foot (3–4 times).
    3. 3. Next, switch to the sole, where four points are massaged.
    4. 4. Massage with internal and outside ankles.

    Points on the feet and legs

    • in the center of the instep - the heart;
    • thumb pad - brain;
    • middle of the thumb, bottom - hormonal system;
    • the articular bases of each toe - the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, lungs, heart, brain.

    Use the thumbs of both hands. The duration of pressure on each zone is 3–5 seconds.

    The next stage is processing the back of the shin. First you need to warm up the muscles and skin by rubbing with your palms.

    You should definitely go through all the reflex points located vertically (start with Sanri).

    Then they work on the thighs and buttocks in the direction femur(inside and outside).

    At the end of the procedure, knead the entire area of ​​treatment with your hand and apply a moisturizer.


    Each finger on the hand is responsible for the functioning of a specific internal organ:

    • little finger - heart;
    • unnamed - liver;
    • middle - intestines;
    • index - stomach;
    • big - brain.

    Pressing the index finger also helps normalize blood pressure.

    There are reflex groups of points on the fingers that need to be stimulated during the massage with light movements. On thumb there are three of them, the rest have four. The very first is located at the base of the finger, the second - under the phalanx, the third - at the base of the nail on the thumb and in the phalangeal zone in the middle for others. The fourth group is located near the nail plates.

    The impact involves simultaneous grasping of the area with the index finger and thumb, followed by squeezing. They move sequentially from one group to the next.

    Points on fingers

    After the fingers they move on to the palms. There are three on them bioactive points: in the supporting part, in the center and at the beginning of the middle finger. Press for 3 seconds on each.

    Dots on the palm

    Bust enlargement

    The Shiatsu acupressure technique helps to enlarge the bust if the impact is on the areas responsible for synthesis female hormone estrogen. In this way, it is possible to improve blood flow and metabolism in the mammary glands.

    Pressing should not cause severe pain. If the discomfort increases, the procedure is stopped.

    You must first perform a set of warm-up exercises to shoulder girdle to disperse blood and lymph.

    The massage is done with warm hands. Exposure time is 2–3 seconds. The interval between passes is 6–7 seconds. Each point is massaged at least five times. Do not stretch the skin. At the end of the procedure, the breasts are lubricated with a nourishing cream.


    There are a number of contraindications to Japanese Shiatsu massage. These include:

    • infectious diseases, including eye infections;
    • skin pathological lesions;
    • oncology and any neoplasms of unknown origin;
    • acute neuroses;
    • increased body temperature;
    • individual increased sensitivity of the skin;
    • high intracranial pressure;
    • vascular network on the face;
    • 2.3 stage of tuberculosis;
    • disorders of the musculoskeletal system and middle ear requiring surgical intervention;
    • hypotension;
    • glaucoma.

    You should not take risks if your skin has abrasions, scratches, cuts or open wounds.

    What is especially important is that such a procedure cannot harm your health. Unlike classical acupuncture, shiatsu massage does not necessarily require hitting the right points.

You will need very little time to with eye massage. If for a month you devote 10 minutes a day to massaging your eyeballs, you will notice that your eyes will become less tired, and dryness and pain in your eyes will appear less often. Even soft but intense movements can activate blood circulation in organs, improve microcirculation in them, and adjust your nervous system for a more attentive perception of information.

During the process of exposure, the eye muscles, which were so tense (but what about the computer and TV in obscene quantities, working with numbers, vibrations, and just a hard stressful day put the eyes under colossal tension), gradually relax, and after them the spasm releases and shoulders, neck.

With them, of course, but now we will pay attention to the eyes. We put so much strain on them throughout the day, we exploit them so mercilessly, that it’s worth giving them a few minutes at least in the evening to help them continue to serve you.

Usually we don’t train our eyes enough, and with age, our eyes become increasingly weaker, some muscles generally refuse to contract and relax systematically by the age of 35-40, develops at an early age, and at a later age. Eye massage able to stop this process.

How to do an eye massage

Let's start the eye massage With general relaxation, it is better to do it while sitting. We rub our hands (clean, of course) vigorously for 30-40 seconds, then close our eyes several times, touching internal part hands with eyes closed. Then we do the same, but increase the pressure.

Having done this 5-7 times, we clench our hands into fists and gently but quite firmly rub the eyeballs directly with our fists, as little children do when they are about to sleep.

Massage around the eyes

We perform the following movements with our fingertips. We probe intensively brow ridge , if they are on it, we pay special attention to them (30-40 seconds each), then move on to lower part of the eye sockets s. And we also press intensely on the edge.

With the next exercise we massage outer corners of the eyes and then we take time internal. We move to the bridge of the nose and move along the nasal arch with a vibrating movement. The nasolacrimal duct is located in this place and vigorously massaging it reduces congestion in the sinuses, improves blood circulation.

After massage directly, they are located under the eyes, on the lower arch of the orbit in the middle, find small depressions... And now mentally go down 1 cm.

This is, they are often massaged to increase overall tone, improve immunity, and activate all the vital forces of the body. So we press them intensely for 1-2 minutes, making pulsating movements.

There is a slightly different sequence for processing points; you can use that too.

Back to the eyeballs again. Strongly, almost to the point of appearance discomfort press on closed eyes. And we let go. Repeat 10-12 times. Then we make circular movements, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. With the next movement, we try to take the eyeball with all five fingers and massage the space between the eye and the skull bone.

We are finishing eye massage that is where we started, soft, increasingly weakened pressure with the palms on the eyeballs 5-7 times.

More one option for eye massage, especially useful in for preventive purposes for cataracts: