Turpentine ointment instructions. What herbs can be used to make homemade ointment? Indications for use

Treating joints with turpentine helps relieve pain and improve joint mobility. This product based on pine resin has a number of beneficial properties. For the treatment of various joint diseases turpentine was used back in the 19th century. Compresses, poultices, and lotions were made from this product. Dr. A. S. Zalmanov proved the benefits of turpentine and helped find new ways of using it for the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, muscle pain and etc.

The doctor documented the benefits of the ointment, as well as baths with this remedy. At the same time, not only is it removed muscle tension, condition improves cartilage tissue and bones, but also eliminates inflammation. Turpentine baths also affect the central nervous system.

Application of such effective remedy allows you to relieve a person from pain after 10 days. Immediately after the start of treatment, positive dynamics are noted. Morning stiffness in the joints disappears and your health improves. The ointment can be used at any age; the composition has a minimum of contraindications for use. The product has a slightly yellowish tint and a pleasant pine aroma.

The benefits and harms of using turpentine

Turpentine for joints is used both as an independent therapeutic component and in combination with other medications. Benefits and harms of this product obvious. To begin with, you should highlight positive properties effects that the ointment has on the joints. First of all, it is eliminated inflammatory process in the zone regular use. Unlike other means, turpentine acts faster.

Due to this, more oxygen enters the affected area. This accelerates the regeneration of cartilage tissue and eliminates inflammation.

The most valuable thing is gum turpentine. It is believed to contain maximum useful components. Before use this remedy For treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This is especially true for people with a tendency to allergic reactions. Pregnant and lactating women should use the ointment with caution.

You can only use medical turpentine, which is sold only in pharmacies.

It is prohibited to use the industrial version, otherwise it can only cause harm. For pain, the product has an anesthetic effect. However, applying the ointment too often is not recommended, otherwise it can cause irritation. skin.

This product may be harmful if used on open wounds and cuts. In this case, a burning sensation will occur and sharp pain. Therefore, if the skin over the sore joint is damaged, then before starting treatment, you should wait until the epidermis has completely healed.

The benefits of use can only be obtained if regular use composition. If you do this from case to case, you will not be able to achieve positive dynamics.

Methods of application

Turpentine can be used in many different ways. It helps with various diseases musculoskeletal system. It is even used to relieve symptoms rheumatoid arthritis. In the fight against diseases associated with destructive processes in cartilage tissue, the ointment can be used for rubbing. To begin with, it is enough to use the product once a day so as not to provoke irritation.

  1. Turpentine ointment for treating joints can also be used as a base for compresses. To do this, you need to dilute turpentine in warm water and, moisten gauze in it, apply it to the sore area. To enhance the effect, you can apply a plastic bag on top and secure it with a bandage (if we're talking about about knee and elbow joints). Therapeutic compresses must be left for at least 20 minutes. But it is not recommended to increase the exposure time. Turpentine-based lotions will provide maximum benefit if you additionally use medications to restore cartilage tissue.
  2. Turpentine-based baths provide excellent results. To do this, the concentration of the active substance at first should not exceed 20 ml per 250 ml of water. To enhance the effect, you can add. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 15-20 minutes. This is especially true for people with cardiovascular diseases. It is better to prepare the bath solution in advance in plastic bottle or glass jar. At first, you need to add no more than 10 ml of solution from the total volume. Accept this medicinal bath should be done before bed. It is not recommended to sit down immediately hot water. It is enough that the temperature does not exceed +39°C. If your health does not change and there are no side effects, then you can add a few more degrees. It is advisable to protect your face with a towel from fumes, since the skin in this area is especially delicate. This can be done using a regular towel.

Additional Information

If, while using turpentine, itching and burning suddenly appear, then use of the product must be stopped. The same remark applies to baths. Currently, it is possible to purchase a ready-made turpentine solution for baths. Although you can use the standard recipe.

We should not forget about contraindications:

  1. Pregnant women should not take baths with this medicine.
  2. Heat treatments should also be avoided during menstruation.
  3. If thrombosis is present, ointment and products based on it can be used only after consultation with a specialist.
  4. Renal and hepatic failure is also a contraindication. People with availability malignant tumors or if they are suspected, it is recommended to avoid using turpentine-based ointments and solutions.
  5. It is not recommended to use the product during antibiotic treatment.

It is not recommended to use ointments with turpentine for more than 10 days.

To eliminate joint pain, you can prepare a special warming compress. You will need a turpentine solution (½ cup). You need to add it sunflower oil in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. and 500 ml of vodka. All ingredients need to be shaken, then moistened with gauze, squeezed lightly and applied to problem area. It is better to wrap the joint with a towel on top. Leave the compress on for up to 30 minutes or more.

To prevent joints from being bothered, a mixture of turpentine and is often used. However, before using this composition, it must be infused for a week. The product can be used for rubbing.

Turpentine ointment is considered excellent therapeutic agent which will help cope with many diseases. It is often used incorrectly, without thinking about contraindications. You should check with your doctor about whether turpentine ointment can be used for coughing. Doctors recommend carefully monitoring the condition of patients treated with this drug. It is necessary to understand the basic rules for using the medication and become familiar with the side effects that may occur if the instructions are not followed.


The ointment has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which allows it to be used to treat arthritis, neuralgia, and myositis. Its antiseptic effect is also noted, due to which the remedy is used for colds and infections respiratory tract. When applied to the chest area, the patient's cough softens and expectoration occurs.

Turpentine ointment is best used on initial stages illness, then recovery comes faster. In this case, treatment must be comprehensive. This remedy alone will not cure a cough.


Treatment with ointment is not suitable for women during pregnancy and lactation. Clinical studies regarding whether the drug penetrates the placental barrier and into breast milk, were not carried out. Other contraindications indicated in the instructions are:

  • allergy;
  • liver and kidney pathologies;
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • high body temperature;
  • skin diseases.

It is prohibited to use the medication in the treatment of children under 2 years of age, since at this age any warming procedures are not allowed. Consequence of use similar drugs When treating an infant up to one year old, obstructive bronchitis may develop.

Mechanism of action

The main component of the medicine is turpentine oil. It has the ability to penetrate the skin, irritating the nerve endings. As a result, substances are released that have the following effect:

  • Pain relief is provided by endorphins and enkephalins.
    Vasodilation and redness occur under the influence of histamine.
  • The drug also has a distracting effect, since excitement comes from internal organs and from the place of processing.
  • The instructions note the warming property of the medication, which allows it to be used for bronchial diseases. Under its influence they expand, and sputum is easily expectorated.
  • Herbal remedy thanks to essential oils coniferous trees, has a calming effect on the patient, which speeds up recovery.

How to use correctly

Turpentine ointment can only be used externally. It is applied to clean skin without any damage. Avoid contact of the medication with mucous membranes. It is recommended to use the product before bedtime, the patient should remain in a supine position.

The remedy is strong allergen, and before using it, you must ensure normal tolerance. The appearance of itching, burning and swelling in the area of ​​application indicates that it cannot be treated. If such symptoms are detected, the patient’s skin is washed and given an antihistamine to drink.

You can use turpentine ointment for coughing 2-3 times per day. The duration of therapy should not exceed 7 days. The drug can be reused only after a short break, prescribed by a doctor. Best effect is achieved by placing a warming bandage on top, but it should not be insulating. After applying the product, the patient is well wrapped or dressed in warm clothes.

To cure cough, the medicine is used as a rub. It is rubbed into the back and chest, with the exception of the heart and nipples. It is also recommended to lubricate the feet with the preparation. For those with sensitive skin, the ointment should be mixed with baby cream. It is also not applied to a child in its pure form.

At lingering cough It is allowed to use honey or badger fat together with the herbal remedy. If the patient also suffers from a runny nose, the product is applied to the area under the nose.

During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the dosage, otherwise redness may occur. With excessive use of the ointment, adverse reactions increase, especially in childhood.

Treatment of children with medication can only be carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician. The guidance emphasizes that the effect of the product on child health has not been studied. The drug is prescribed for children under 7 years of age only when necessary.

If the patient has an allergy when rubbing the medication, you can try using it as inhalation. Specified method helps relieve sore throat and helps cough up phlegm. Inhalation of steam and inhalation using a nebulizer are practiced. In the first case, turpentine is dripped into hot water, and in the second, it is mixed with saline solution.

During therapy with turpentine ointment, it is not allowed to ingest it, since the product is very toxic. It is necessary to ensure that children do not have access to the tube with the drug. Inhalation solutions should be disposed of immediately after use.

Adverse reactions

When using the medication, rashes and redness may appear on the skin, severe itching. Such reactions are a manifestation of an allergy to the drug and require discontinuation of the drug. On sensitive skin Even an adult patient may experience a burn as a result of using the medicine.

Doctors have identified cases of decrease blood pressure, shortness of breath, dizziness. The instructions for use also list the following side effects:

  • accelerated heartbeat;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions;
  • hallucinations;
  • loss of consciousness.

In children, rubbing with this drug causes swelling of mucus in the bronchi. This leads to suffocation and obstructive bronchitis, and subsequently to asthma.

From side effects inhalations with ointment are noted severe irritation mucous membrane of the eyes, which causes excessive lacrimation. In addition, with this use of the product there is high risk the appearance of bronchospasm.

If the medication is ingested, the patient begins to vomit and cough up hemoptysis. When such symptoms appear, the patient is given sorbents and an ambulance is called.


Turpentine ointment is quite effective in treating infectious diseases, but is sometimes poorly tolerated by patients. In children, when using the drug, adverse reactions are pronounced. If they are detected, urgent hospitalization is required, since the child may suffocate. Even adults are recommended to consult a doctor before starting therapy, because the effect of this medication on the body is poorly studied. The drug, contrary to popular belief, is not absolutely safe.

The drug is produced in the form of a homogeneous white or almost white ointment in jars or tubes with a capacity of 25, 30, 50 grams. There is one tube and a jar in a cardboard pack.

pharmachologic effect

Antiseptic, local irritant, warming.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The ointment has disinfecting, irritating, warming And distracting action. Active ingredient means - purified turpentine turpentine oil made from trees, mainly pine trees. Alpha-pinene terpene This oil easily and quickly penetrates the upper layers, irritates the nerve endings and ensures flow to the tissues. At the same time, specific inflammatory synthesizers begin to be released, the vessels dilate, and endorphins And enkephalins that eliminate pain. The distracting effect of the ointment develops due to the receipt of an additional impulse along nerve endings, signaling irritation and burning at the site of application.

Due to the ability to enhance microcirculation of blood and lymph, the ability to irritate specific cough centers, the ointment has mucolytic And expectorant action.

Indications for use


The medicine should not be used:

  • at serious illnesses liver or kidneys;
  • if the skin at the site of application is damaged, there are skin diseases;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • when on the components of the product;
  • children under 2 years old.

Side effects

When applying the product to the skin, a tingling and burning sensation occurs, and the ointment also has a specific odor.

Sometimes allergic reactions to the medicine, skin rashes, and redness may develop. Rarely observed: suffocation, convulsions, confusion , low blood pressure, loss of consciousness.

Turpentine ointment, instructions for use (method and dosage)

The drug is used exclusively externally; it is used to gently rub the affected areas of the body.

For diseases associated with joints and muscles, it is recommended to apply the product 2 times a day; after the procedure, the sore spot is covered with a warming bandage. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

For coughs and respiratory diseases, rub the patient’s chest and feet with ointment, best before going to bed. The drug is not recommended to be applied to sensitive areas (nipples) and the heart area. After rubbing, you should not go outside or get too cold. The course of treatment is 2-3 days.

Instructions for turpentine ointment for children

The product should be used with caution in children.

It is best to perform the first few procedures with baby cream mixed with ointment in a 1 to 1 ratio to reduce the likelihood of skin burns. Before the first application, you can do a sensitivity test on a small area of ​​skin.

For treatment of pediculosis The scalp should be treated with the medicine, wrapped in cellophane film and left for 120 minutes. Then comb out the nits and lice with a fine metal comb and wash your hair with shampoo.

Application Turpentine ointment for children should only be done after consulting a doctor.


If the drug is abused, skin may develop chemical burns, allergic rashes, get worse physical state patient, pulse rate increases, decreases. Therapy is symptomatic.

Do not allow the medicine to come into contact with the eyes or mucous membranes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with water and consult a doctor.


Interaction with other agents is not described; probably isn't happening.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

You can store the ointment in a dark place, at a temperature no higher than 20 degrees.

The drug must be well hidden from children.

Best before date

24 months.

special instructions

Do not use the medicine at elevated body temperature.

Turpentine ointment for infants (newborn)

According to official instructions due to insufficient quantity clinical trials The medicine cannot be used for infants.

During pregnancy and lactation

Turpentine ointment - herbal remedy, used to relieve inflammation.

Pharmacological action of turpentine ointment

The drug has anti-inflammatory, distracting, analgesic, irritant and antiseptic effects. The basis of the ointment is purified turpentine oil, thanks to which the medicine easily penetrates the epidermis and irritates the nerve endings.

Turpentine is produced from the resins of coniferous trees, most often from pine trees. Resin - pine resin is treated with steam, after which it acquires antimicrobial properties.

Under the influence of turpentine they are released active substances which have an irritating effect.

Histamine and other mediators cause inflammation, redness and slight swelling of the skin, vasodilation, and enkephalins and endorphins create an analgesic effect.

During the use of turpentine ointment, two streams of excitation appear that enter the nervous system. One of them comes from the internal organs, the second - from the treated area on the skin. This explains the distracting effect of the drug.

Turpentine ointment for coughs has positive effect, as it has expectorant and mucolytic effects.

Release form and composition of turpentine ointment

One hundred grams of the drug contains twenty grams of the active substance - gum turpentine. TO excipients include Vaseline, T-2 emulsifier and purified water. The drug is produced in cans and tubes of twenty-five and fifty grams.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Turpentine ointment is effective for the following diseases: neuritis, myalgia, rheumatism, radiculitis, neuralgia, chronic and acute diseases respiratory organs, arthralgia. In addition, turpentine ointment is used for lice and coughs.

Directions for use and dosage

To treat diseases of muscles and joints, the drug is applied to painful areas twice a day, gently rubbed in and then covered with a warm bandage.

Turpentine ointment is also used for coughs. The drug is rubbed into the skin of the soles and upper body, avoiding its contact with the heart and nipples. After rubbing, the patient should be kept warm. Typically after two or three treatments general state improves significantly. Application medicine helps even with old coughs.

Before using Turpentine ointment for children, it is mixed in equal quantities with baby cream. This helps protect delicate skin child from burns.

In the case of using turpentine ointment for lice, the scalp is treated with the drug and covered with cellophane film. The duration of the procedure is two hours. After which the dead lice and their nits are combed out with a comb fine teeth, and then the scalp and hair are thoroughly washed using regular shampoo.

Side effects of turpentine ointment

If there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug, especially its active ingredient turpentine, the patient may experience allergic reactions in the form of: burning, redness, swelling, rash, itching on the skin. Sometimes the use of turpentine ointment is accompanied by suffocation, low blood pressure, loss or confusion of consciousness, convulsions, and increased heart rate. When side effects the drug needs to be changed.


According to the instructions, turpentine ointment is not recommended for liver and renal pathologies, as well as skin diseases, especially in cases where its integrity is compromised. The ointment is contraindicated for women: pregnant and lactating women. It is prohibited to rub turpentine ointment on children under the age of one and a half to two years, when any type of warming rubbing is contraindicated.

For older children, the use of the drug is prescribed very carefully, since there is not enough information about its effect on children and the safety of use.

Storage period and conditions

Turpentine ointment is stored in a place protected from light. Temperature no more than fifteen degrees Celsius. Compliance with these storage conditions guarantees the shelf life of the drug for two years.

When a child is tormented by a cough, adults try to help the baby in any way possible, resorting not only to taking syrups or mixtures, but also to various procedures. One of these procedures recommended for coughing in a child is rubbing with ointments. Turpentine ointment is often used for this.

Turpentine ointment is called turpentine ointment, the main ingredient of which is gum turpentine. It is a natural plant substance extracted from the resin of coniferous trees. His active substance represented by turpentine oil.

This ointment is produced in glass jars, as well as in aluminum tubes of 25, 30 or 50 g. In addition to turpentine, this 20% ointment contains water and petroleum jelly.

Operating principle

Due to the presence of turpentine, the ointment has an anesthetic, antiseptic, warming and anti-inflammatory effect. It affects skin receptors, has a distracting effect, dilates blood vessels and causes blood flow to the site of application. When coughing, this ointment warms up the bronchi, relieves inflammation and painful sensations. My high efficiency this drug also shown for pain in muscles and joints, neuritis and neuralgia.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

  • Increased sensitivity to its components.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Fever bodies.
  • Damage to the skin at the site of application.

The most common side effect from use turpentine ointment is irritation of the skin at the site of application. The development of allergic reactions is also possible.

The child begins to complain of itching and burning; the skin may turn red, develop a rash, or become swollen. More rare adverse reactions When rubbed with ointment and turpentine, suffocation and convulsions occur. Also, some children may experience a drop in blood pressure after such rubbing.

The use of turpentine ointment has many contraindications and side effects

Instructions for use

  • Turpentine ointment is used only externally, applying a thin layer to the required areas of the skin.
  • When coughing, the back, chest and feet are most often treated with this drug.
  • The ointment is applied in the evening before bedtime.
  • When rubbed chest The heart area should be avoided, and the drug should not be applied to the nipples.
  • After applying the ointment, the child is put on underwear made of natural fabric. If your feet are chafing, you should wear woolen socks on top.
  • The duration of use of the ointment should be no more than 7 days.

If after application the child’s health worsens, immediately wash off the ointment and show the child to the doctor.


Both doctors and parents have very different attitudes towards rubbing with turpentine for coughs. Some people are happy with this drug and use it quite often, but there are parents who, like some doctors, categorically do not accept rubbing with turpentine.

Parents who use turpentine ointment for rubbing most often follow the advice of a pediatrician or older relatives. They note that such procedures can cure colds in the first days of the disease. Literally 2-3 rubbings - and slight cough passes.

Many people use ointment with turpentine not only for procedures on children, but also for own treatment. Among the disadvantages of using turpentine ointment, parents note that the procedure often causes skin irritation or an allergic reaction.

Before using turpentine ointment for coughing, it is important to show your child to a doctor. Typically, the use of such a medicine under the age of 2 years is limited to only treating the feet, and rubbing the chest and back can only be done on children two years old and older. However, doctors do not recommend the use of turpentine in children under 7 years of age unless absolutely necessary.

Since an allergy to turpentine is possible, before the first use it is recommended to do a test for small area skin. If slight redness appears, you can mix turpentine ointment 1 to 1 with any baby cream. This diluted version will be best choice for the first use of turpentine ointment for coughing.

At severe cough effectively using a mixture of turpentine ointment and honey or a mixture of such ointment and badger fat. To enhance the effect of using turpentine ointment, you should give your child hot tea with raspberries or currants before rubbing.

You will learn even more information about turpentine by watching the following video.

Komarovsky's opinion

A popular pediatrician classifies rubbing with turpentine ointment as a group of distracting procedures that he considers ineffective. According to Komarovsky, such procedures only help reassure parents, but do not in any way affect the speed of the child’s recovery.

When coughing famous doctor advises paying attention to sufficient ventilation of the room in which the child is staying, sufficient drinking and walking in the fresh air.

Komarovsky is sure that such available methods much more effective than rubbing or using expectorants.