Birch leaf. The healing properties of birch leaves prevent the aging process of the body. Birch leaves: when to collect, how to prepare

Birch has worked properly for centuries natural healer. Treatment with birch buds and leaves, sap and chaga is even mentioned in Domostroy. Birch sap was used to drink colds and eczema patients, chaga tincture was used to fight tumors, and birch buds were used for rheumatism, gout, and tuberculosis. And the use of the leaves of this tree was far from limited to knitting brooms for bath procedures.

Medicinal properties and chemical composition

Each birch leaf is a real “health bank”, which stores essential oils, vitamins, betulin, alcohol-containing components, flavonoids and saponins, tannins and resins.

Tannins give preparations based on birch leaves anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, essential oils and triterpene alcohols have antiviral and antifungal effects, flavonoids absorb free radicals, betulinic acid destroys the causative agents of tuberculosis and polio, and suppresses the growth of certain tumors, for example, melanoma.

Young birch leaves have the widest “specialization” in folk medicine. They have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic, wound healing, diaphoretic, choleretic and antioxidant effect.

Such a diverse effect on the body brings tangible benefits in gynecology, dermatology, treatment of respiratory diseases, arthritis, gout.

Birch leaves gently relieve swelling of cardiac or renal origin, practically without irritating the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. At the same time, they not only remove excess fluid, but also simultaneously treat organs, destroying pathogenic flora in them.

A decoction of the leaves helps solve many cosmetic skin problems. It normalizes the functioning of sebaceous and sweat glands, tightens pores, eliminates rashes.

Bathing procedures with birch brooms are an excellent remedy for gout, rheumatism and radiculitis. The contact of a birch leaf with steamed skin provides not only cleansing outer covers body, but also effective removal from the body of microbes, toxins, waste. Warm steam in combination with the healing components of birch perfectly relieves pain, spasms and inflammation.

Collection of birch leaves for treatment

The most valuable raw material is young May leaves with a fragrant aroma, covered with a sticky coating. At this time, the trees are decorated with catkins, and the leaf plates have not yet fully opened and have not had time to harden.

For collection, choose a sunny day when there is no dew on the leaves. They are picked straight from the branches and placed in loose piles in a basket.

To dry, the leaves are laid on horizontal floors in a cool, well-ventilated place. To preserve essential oils, it is important to dry slowly. Moisture, sunlight, and dust can significantly deteriorate the life-giving properties of raw materials. The leaves stuck together turn black and become moldy, so the raw materials must be shaken and mixed frequently.

Store dry leaves in cardboard boxes, canvas or paper bags for 2 years.

For external procedures, when a lot of medicinal material is required (for example, in the treatment of rheumatism), the leaves are harvested directly from the branches, which are cut with a knife or pruning shears. Several branches are tied into a thin broom and hung upside down to dry.

Birch leaves are frozen in the same way as other fresh greens (parsley, dill, rosemary): washed, dried, placed in small plastic containers or plastic bags and sent to the freezer.

Birch leaf decoction

Classic birch decoction is prepared in the following way:

  • 2 tbsp. dry or fresh leaves pour 2 glasses hot water.
  • The future broth is boiled in a water bath (20 minutes).
  • Remove from the stove and keep covered for ten minutes.
  • The golden liquid is passed through several layers of gauze.

To neutralize acids, baking soda is often added to birch decoction, and to improve taste qualities– honey or sweet juice.

Birch leaves from Giardia

Dry birch leaves (5 tbsp) and 500 ml of boiling water are heated for 15 minutes over low heat, left for 24 hours, filtered and drunk exclusively on an empty stomach, 100-150 ml three times a day. To enhance the healing effect, after each infusion it is recommended to lie on your right side for 15 minutes.

To neutralize the bitter taste of birch leaves, honey, carrot or beet juice is sometimes added to the infusion.

Birch leaves for hair

Birch leaves, thanks to the unique natural composition, are extremely beneficial for hair. Rinses and masks with birch decoction normalize sebum secretion, accelerate the growth of strands, get rid of dandruff and flaking, and help with severe hair loss, restore structure, give hair softness and healthy shine.

Rinse aid

Add lemon juice or vinegar to the birch decoction and rinse your hair with this solution after each wash.

Hair loss mask

Egg, tsp. mustard powder and a few drops linseed oil mix in a blender with birch decoction (1 glass). The mask is applied to the hair roots with massage movements, the head is covered with film, and then insulated with a towel. After 40 minutes, wash your hair in the usual way.

Birch leaves can dry out the scalp, so those with dry hair should use this folk remedy carefully.

Treatment of joints with birch leaves

In diseased joints, improper mineral metabolism occurs, waste accumulates, and inflammation occurs. Birch leaves have a salt-removing effect and enrich the composition cartilage tissue, help relieve inflammation.

To treat joints, use baths and lotions, drink birch decoction or infusion, and apply fresh leaves to sore spots.

Cleansing tea

Take equal parts of dry birch leaves, white willow bark, young shoots of bearberry and lingonberry, steelberry and dandelion roots. Take 2 tbsp. This mixture is poured with a liter of water and heated in a water bath for 25 minutes. The infused decoction is drunk instead of tea in small sips for 3 months for osteochondrosis, deforming arthrosis, and polyarthritis.

Therapeutic baths

pour 100 g of dry leaves hot water(1 l) and cook for 30 minutes. Strain the mixture and pour into a bath with warm water. This procedure should be taken every other day for a month.

Dry compresses

Green leaves are laid out in a thick layer on a cotton cloth, and then the sore joint is tightly tied. To fix foliage, instead of linen, it is sometimes more convenient to use socks, leggings, or tights. Over time, a feeling of heat arises, and then appears profuse sweating. The bandage is removed when the leaves become limp and wet. The diseased organ is quickly wiped with a dry towel and wrapped in a warm blanket.

It is more convenient to do this procedure at night. It will take about 7-10 sessions with an interval of 3-4 days.

Treatment of hand arthritis with birch leaves

For inflammation of the small joints of the hands, baths with a strong decoction of dry or fresh birch leaves help well. 100 g of leaves are placed in a linen bag, immersed in boiling water (2 liters) for half an hour. When the solution has cooled to a tolerable temperature, add sea ​​salt and give up. The procedure lasts until the bath cools down.

Woolen mittens are stuffed with young leaves, put on your hands and held until heavy sweating. The course of treatment with birch leaves is continued until the desired improvement. Sometimes up to 30 procedures are required. Sometimes, in the absence of fresh birch leaves, oak or pine needles are used, but birch leaves are more effective.

Contraindications for use with birch leaves

Birch medicine can cause a severe allergic reaction in case of individual intolerance. The diuretic effect of birch preparations is dangerous in acute renal failure. They should not be used for seborrheic lichen, 4th degree burns, or diaper dermatitis. Hot compresses with birch infusions are contraindicated for thrombophlebitis, heart disease, high temperature, open form of tuberculosis.

Birch- an incredibly beautiful tree with useful and even healing properties. All parts of this plant are in demand in cooking and folk medicine (read separately about, about, as well as about the miraculous qualities and reviews about it), but it is especially worth noting the birch leaves - natural medicine, which helps to quickly get rid of various ailments. The beneficial properties of leaves have been known since ancient times, but even in modern society healing infusions and decoctions are quite appropriate, as they are an excellent alternative chemicals. Why are birch leaves so useful, what medicinal properties and contraindications do they have, and when is the best time to collect birch leaves?

Beneficial and medicinal properties of birch and young birch leaves

The main reason why leaves have valuable propertiesrich and unique composition this part of the plant. The active action of the components is aimed at antibacterial, wound healing, analgesic and choleretic effects. For the best effect, a decoction is made from this natural raw material - the right remedy from an impressive number of diseases. For example, a fresh infusion is good for pneumonia, bronchitis, vitamin deficiency and liver disease.

The solution is also used for diseases and conditions:

  • heart disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • sweating;
  • toothache;
  • bacterial infection;

The leaves are also used for women's diseases, infusions are especially useful for cystitis. Decoctions are produced diuretic effect, but at the same time, biologically active substances in the leaves kill harmful bacteria in urinary tract, causing discomfort. This action is especially useful for cystitis, edema and kidney disease.

Birch leaves are often recommended for use in for cosmetic purposes. If you apply the infusions externally, this will help get rid of acne, comedones and acne. The active substances in the leaves disinfect the skin, help get rid of excess fat and tighten pores. This natural remedy It is useful if you wipe your face with it at night, after that, without using any other cosmetic products. The effect of this lotion is noticeable after 3-4 applications.

A decoction of birch leaves is suitable as a hair rinse. At the same time, the hair roots are noticeably strengthened, and the hair itself becomes smoother and more manageable. The components of this natural raw material eliminate dandruff, itching and stimulate hair growth.

Finally, hot baths with birch leaves are useful for joint pain, gout and skin diseases. This method also helps to remove waste and toxins from the body, calm the nervous system and relieve stress. Sometimes, instead of a bath, it is recommended to apply hot compresses based on this raw material. The leaves help to quickly heal cuts and burns, get rid of eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis.

Chemical composition

Each part of the birch has its own unique composition of healing ingredients. In particular, the young leaves of this tree are rich in active compounds such as betulin, tannins, flavonoids, phytoncides, saponins, bitterness, and glycoside. Also part of the components are important minerals: , manganese and .

Brings the greatest benefit to the body betulin- a substance that actively helps get rid of such serious illnesses, How respiratory diseases, tuberculosis and polio. Essential oils of birch leaves are added to shampoos, masks, balms and other cosmetic products aimed at creating a flawless appearance.

Benefits and features of using birch leaves for weight loss

If you have symptoms of obesity, birch leaves are perfect as a means to lose weight without compromising your health. This natural raw material can often be found in the composition herbal preparations for weight loss. Also, decoctions, teas and tinctures are suitable for improving metabolism.

Benefits and features of using birch leaves in healthy and medicinal nutrition

Decoctions are prepared mainly from birch leaves using two tablespoons of leaves and 500 ml boiling water The raw material is filled with water, allowed to brew for about an hour and taken orally half a glass 4 times a day before meals.

If there are skin problems(acne, wounds), ready birch mortar omit cotton swab and wipe the desired area with it. Rinse your hair with the same solution if there are problems. Sometimes a paste is made from birch leaves, then applied to the face as a mask, left for 7-10 minutes and then wash it off.

If there are signs of rheumatism, birch leaves are steamed, then applied to sore spots, wrapped and left for an hour. Also, many people know the most effective remedy for all diseases - bathhouse with birch broom, which still has leaves. Contact between the steamed sheet and enlarged skin pores helps improve the functioning of many important functions of our body. Thanks to this method, blood circulation accelerates, the skin is renewed, and the skin is also cleared of acne and boils.

How to choose and when to collect birch leaves for medicinal purposes

You can buy dried birch leaves in pharmacies or collect them yourself. Preparing foliage is quite simple. It is enough to start collecting raw materials immediately after the collection of juice is completed. Usually this period comes late May - early June, when the leaves are sufficiently fragrant and sticky. They are picked straight from the tree and prepared traditional way.

It is worth noting that not every variety of birch has medicinal properties. Of the 120 varieties of this tree, only 4 have leaves with medicinal effect. These include birch warty, downy, flat-leaved and Manchurian.

How to use the product?

Birch leaves are equally useful in fresh and dried form. There are many recipes with which you can prepare medicinal decoctions. If you follow the instructions, all the beneficial substances will be fully preserved. For preventive purposes, you can use tea or decoctions of fresh leaves. This is especially useful in the summer season. Enough small cup drink per day to prevent the occurrence of certain diseases.

During the season of colds and epidemics, as well as if there are problems with a lack of vitamins, then immunomodulatory agent birch leaf juice should be taken twice a day.

Product storage features

Birch leaves retain all healing properties up to two years, but only if they are dried correctly. The fact is that the essential oil contained in the leaves is one of the important components that actively affects the body. This substance remains in the leaves only if they are properly prepared. To do this, you need to lay them in a cool place in a layer of 3 cm, and then stir periodically until completely dry.

The dried leaves are transferred to jars or textile bags, and in this form they are stored for no more than two years in dark, cool places.

Harm and contraindications

Not everyone benefits from the medicinal properties of the leaves of this tree. They should not be used as medicine if there are contraindications such as chronic diseases kidney, acute glomerulonephritis . You should not use decoctions externally if your skin is prone to dryness. Increased concentration resinous substances may be dangerous for pregnant and lactating women. Also, you should not give birch leaves to children under 3 years of age.

The medicinal properties of birch leaves provide saturation with biologically active compounds that have a therapeutic effect on vital important organs. This perennial plant can be a real storehouse of natural components that can influence the functions of the body.

The birch tree has always personified the beauty of Russian open spaces. The Slavs have many legends and beliefs associated with this graceful tree. But birch is famous not only for myths and legends; its medicinal properties have long been used traditional healers. And there is documentary evidence of this fact: ancient Russian herbal books mention birch leaves as effective means from cardiac edema and skin diseases. However, other parts of the tree were also used for medicinal purposes in Rus': bark, buds, young branches.

In the spring, the sap was always collected, and the tree itself was used to prepare charcoal and tar. But still, birch leaves were more widely used, especially in the spring. Young leaves were added to salads and soups. Their spicy aroma and slight bitterness gave the dishes a unique taste. And at the beginning of summer, each owner prepared birch brooms for the Russian bathhouse for the coming winter. Hygiene procedure in combination with intensive beating of a broom, it relieved colds and rheumatism. The tradition of being treated in a bathhouse with a birch broom has survived to this day. Also, folk recipes that cure a variety of diseases are carefully passed down from generation to generation.

Healing ingredients

Official medicine does not deny the healing properties of birch leaves. Often, modern doctors, along with traditional therapy, are prescribed to enhance therapeutic effect decoctions and tinctures from buds or leaves. These two constituents of birch wood are often used in combination. Prepared according to folk recipes dosage forms widely used in almost all areas of medicine. To understand why the birch leaf is so attractive, you need to examine its composition. Of particular value are fresh leaves, which contain a lot of useful elements:

  • bitterness;
  • carotene;
  • saponins;
  • plant polyphenols (flavones);
  • essential oils;
  • tanning, astringent components;
  • The vitamin component is represented by acids: nicotinic, ascorbic.

All of the listed elements are contained in birch leaves in relatively large quantities, which provides positive result when treating the most various pathologies. The popularity of the leaves is also explained by the fact that they act on human body very gentle and have virtually no side effects.

Pharmacological properties

In industrial quantities, mainly birch leaves are produced in the form of prepared raw materials intended for self-cooking medicinal compounds. The pharmacy packaging contains instructions for use, and also indicates the main effect - a diuretic. But in addition to the diuretic effect, birch leaves also have a whole range of useful qualities:
  • antiseptic;
  • regenerating;
  • general strengthening;
  • choleretic;
  • sweatshop;
  • immunostimulating;
  • calming;
  • antioxidant;
  • painkillers.

Prepared from leaves medicinal compounds can be used as the main means or included additionally in the course of therapy to solve some additional problems.

Application area

It is probably difficult to name all the areas of application of birch foliage. Let's focus only on those where he repaired with truly impressive results.

The unique properties of birch leaves are used not only for medicinal purposes. The modern beauty industry uses them to produce a wide range of cosmetic products intended for body skin and hair care.

Restrictions on use

Any medicine, including compositions created according to folk recipes, must be considered in perspective possible complications. The ability to have a gentle effect on the human body has made the birch leaf a very popular remedy for home treatment, but even great benefit does not exclude restrictive measures. You should be extremely careful when using medicinal compositions with birch leaves if:

For severe kidney dysfunction, home treatment options need to be considered thoughtfully. But the smartest approach is to always keep your doctor in the loop.

Important: If there are contraindications for internal use infusions or decoctions, medicinal forms Can be used for outdoor use.

Medicinal compositions and features of their use

Taking into account the experience accumulated by the people, modern traditional medicine actively uses herbal compositions to treat a huge number of diseases. And this practice provides many positive examples. Basically, healing fees are included additionally in the complex therapeutic activities, but in certain cases are considered as an independent type of treatment.

In herbal reference books, where the most popular folk recipes are collected, you can find a description of effective remedies based on birch leaves. Healing infusions, decoctions, and tinctures are prepared from this natural and very useful raw material. But the advisability of taking each drug and its safety should be considered individually in each specific case. Here are some recommended recipes that will help improve your condition and get rid of serious problems.

Cleansing decoction
Since the birch leaf is recognized natural antiseptic, it is recommended to be used for external processing problem areas of the skin and mucous tissues. Preparation of the product consists of several stages:

  • First, the raw material (1 tbsp.) is poured with a glass of plain water.
  • The mixture is placed on the fire and brought to a boil.
  • The solution is infused for an hour.
  • Drink half a glass healing infusion shortly before meals.

Important: The shelf life of this product should not exceed two days.

Composition for therapeutic bath
You can improve your skin health and at the same time strengthen your nervous system with the help of a very useful water procedure. like this medicinal bath It's best to do it before bed. You need to prepare for the procedure, namely, prepare a solution according to the following recipe: pour 1 kg of leaves into a large container (it is better to use fresh raw materials), pour water (10 liters) into the preparation, and boil. After an hour of infusion useful solution completely poured into a bath with a water temperature of 36-39 degrees. Pleasant relaxing sessions can be taken twice a week if your doctor allows it.

Important: Healing baths using this method are contraindicated for people with heart and cancer pathologies.

Health drink
The composition, rich in vitamins, allows the use of birch leaves as an effective prophylactic agent. To prepare a vitamin drink, you need to first grind the leaves. You can use pharmaceutical raw materials or dry it yourself. But best option These are freshly picked leaves. To prepare the health elixir, you will need approximately 10 tablespoons (tablespoons) of green mass and half a liter of cooled, boiled water. After two hours of infusion, the resulting mixture is well filtered. For general strengthening the body needs to drink 100 ml up to 3 times a day.

With your doctor's permission, if you have problems with the urinary system, you can use a simple prescription. To prepare an effective diuretic composition, in addition to leaves, you will also need birch buds.

  • The green mixture is taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons.
  • The raw materials are curled with boiling water (200 ml).
  • The solution should infuse for 3 hours.

After straining, you can drink a warm drink up to 5-6 times. It is recommended to drink half a glass at one time.

Alcohol tincture
Alcohol-based dosage forms always show more pronounced effect, how aqueous solutions. Therefore, you should always consult your doctor about the use of such powerful medicinal tinctures.

To prepare the product according to this recipe, only buds are often taken, which, in fact, are not yet blossomed leaves. Birch buds produce an extract, which is popularly called “beryozovka.” The tincture is intended for external use. Here we offer a combined option, when the composition is based on two components: birch buds and leaves.

Manufacturing process: a tablespoon of the dry mixture is filled with vodka or 70% alcohol. After a week of aging, the solution is carefully filtered. Store the product in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon before meals.

The tincture has a powerful anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.

To eliminate gynecological problems
Although in gynecology birch leaf is not considered as herbal preparation priority choice, its antiseptic and antifungal qualities are highly valued in this area. Doctors usually recommend that women with inflammatory processes in the genital area use a solution low concentration to implement local impact on problem areas by douching method. Carrying out such procedures is effective for candidiasis and erosive manifestations on the cervix. Drinking tinctures and decoctions is useful in postpartum period and before menopause. This type of treatment normalizes menstrual cycle, stabilizes hormonal functions.

Use in pediatrics
Pediatricians do not recommend giving young children any herbal-based healing solutions to drink. Of course, this type of treatment can be prescribed in exceptional situations. But for local application decoctions and infusions are excellent. A healing solution with birch leaves can be used to rinse a child’s nose when he has a cold or gargle when the child has a sore throat. But in any form traditional methods are only an effective element complex treatment. Parents must take this nuance into account.

Children older than 7 years can take orally decoctions with a small concentration of plant components for bronchitis, helminthiasis, and dyspeptic manifestations.

Cosmetic care products

As already noted, the modern beauty industry widely uses the healing properties of birch leaves. Today, this industry produces all kinds of skin care products, medicated creams and lotions, hair strengthening shampoos and other products aimed at maintaining youth and beauty. This category of goods is always in demand and, to one degree or another, proves its effectiveness. But many people prefer homemade cosmetics to industrially produced products. They old recipes Cosmetics are prepared using herbs for their own needs.

A few examples from this “piggy bank” of folk secrets:

  1. A decoction for hair is prepared from birch leaves, sap and buds. This herbal composition strengthens the hair structure and refreshes it after just a few times of use. appearance, gives hair a healthy shine, and most importantly, gets rid of dandruff. Healing composition rinse your hair after washing. The preventive course is about a month.
  2. Product for problem skin. Porous skin persons or acne- to many these unpleasant manifestations cause a lot of trouble. Wanting to get rid of such symptoms of unhealthy skin, people spend fabulous sums on purchasing exclusive cosmetics. And more often than not the costs are not justified. But there is always a way out, even from a situation when the most popular ones do not help cosmetic products. An effective remedy Treatments can be prepared from birch leaves at home in the kitchen. For problem skin, alcohol tincture is more suitable: 1 l. Art. raw materials per 200 ml of liquid containing alcohol. Inflamed areas need to be treated several times with a cotton pad.
  3. Suitable for deeper impact and nutrition healing mask: a teaspoon of green mass prepared from fresh leaves is poured with a small amount (50 ml) of just boiled water. The solution is infused for two hours, then 1 liter is added to it. Art. any nourishing cream, after which the composition is applied evenly to the face. This method is more suitable for healing dry skin.

Birch buds and leaves are natural products created by nature itself. They can provide invaluable assistance to the human body: restore health, cope with illness, strengthen a person’s resistance to negative influences environment. But we must remember that any positive result in treatment is ensured by two conditions - a reasonable approach and strict adherence to the required rules.

Video: medicinal properties of birch leaves

Birch leaves are most widely used in medicinal purposes in folk medicine. Does not deny their medicinal properties official medicine. They are often included in many herbal teas as a diuretic and choleretic agent.

It was not for nothing that the birch was considered in Rus' a tree against which one needed to lean for a while in order to be healed of many ailments. The widespread use of birch bark, buds, leaves and sap in traditional medicine is based on very real observations of the results of treatment, and the centuries-old experience of healers and healers.

It has incredibly diverse and powerful beneficial and healing properties. You don’t have to look far for an example: birch brooms are a traditional sauna attribute, regardless of whether you are just going to take a steam bath or relieve pain from gout. They used a decoction of birch leaves to wash their hair and get rid of sweaty feet. Shampoos, soaps, and gels are still produced on their basis.

The chemical composition of the leaves allows them to be used to solve the most different problems, which you will learn about from this article.

What are the benefits of birch leaves?

The chemical composition of birch leaves makes it possible to wide application as remedy. Pharmacists call the set of substances contained in each part of the tree unique, and believe that it can be used in the treatment of patients as intensively as widely. famous kidneys. Among the components of the deciduous part of the tree, research revealed:

  • Essential oils;
  • Vitamin C and provitamin A;
  • Phytoncides and saponins;
  • A nicotinic acid;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Glycosides;
  • Tannins;
  • Minerals: potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese and zinc;
  • Betulin.

Birch leaves contain a minimum of 3% flavonoids, including hyperoside, quercitrin, myricetin galactoside, kaempferol, myricetin and quercetin glycosides, up to 1% essential oil.

All these components have undoubted beneficial properties, and can be used in the treatment of various pathologies.

Birch leaves have long been known as an integral component of decoctions and infusions for diseases gastrointestinal tract, respiratory diseases, systemic lesions of the musculoskeletal system, vitamin deficiencies, liver lesions.

IN modern world, with the advent of cosmetology and industry producing various cosmetic products for the face, hair, and body, it turned out that birch leaves are their valuable ingredient.

Birch leaves medicinal properties

In medicinal preparations, traditional medicine recipes and products produced by the pharmaceutical industry, birch leaves can serve as both a forming agent and an auxiliary raw material. Compound useful components determines the multiplicity of medicinal properties that are used in the treatment of diseases of almost the entire human body:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Diuretic (diuretic, relieving swelling of soft tissues);
  • Diaphoretic (to remove harmful toxins from the body);
  • Calms the nervous system and improves emotional balance);
  • Immunostimulating, potentiating the vital forces of the body;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Antioxidant;
  • General strengthening;
  • A mild choleretic, in demand for serious pathologies, for example, dyskinesia biliary tract more than chemicals.

Birch leaves have a number of medicinal properties. They are able to have an analgesic and blood purifying effect. In combination with other herbs or herbal ingredients, foliage healing tree can enhance its abilities by interacting.

Birch leaves indications for use

The foliage of the famous tree with white bark can be recommended for various pathological conditions body:

  • Urologists and nephrologists use it as part of a complex treatment of nephritis and nephrosis to remove excess fluid from the body and relieve swelling;
  • They are also used by cardiologists as a decongestant for disorders of the physiological activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastroenterologists prescribe birch leaves as a soft astringent for dysentery, and as a means of normalizing digestion;
  • In dermatology, it is a material for making compresses and applications for traumatic injuries skin, dermatoses, psoriasis, lichen, scabies, boils and acne;
  • Endocrinologists recommend birch leaves for removing waste and toxins from the body, in case of metabolic system failures and disruption of natural metabolism.

The undeniable advantages of birch leaves include a lower tendency to cause an allergic reaction and the absence of a significant number of contraindications that the buds of the same tree have. In any case of use, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor or herbalist, especially if the product based on the leaves of this tree will be taken internally.

Birch leaves and their use in folk medicine

It is believed that a preventive course of decoctions or tinctures from birch leaves, drunk in the spring, stimulates immune system and protects against viral and colds. Traditional medicine is convinced that by using the diaphoretic properties of the leaves, it is possible to help normalize substances and achieve weight loss in case of excess weight. This explains the use of birch brooms in the traditional Russian bathhouse.

Birch leaves are used for:



Kidney and liver diseases;


Prostate disease;

Thyroid diseases.

With a decoction of the leaves you can do inhalations, take baths and baths.

For joint diseases, salt deposition, compresses and lotions are made with birch leaves to relieve pain and remove toxins.

As a diuretic for bacterial and inflammatory diseases genitourinary system, swelling, to remove salts and waste from bones and joints, drink tea, decoction or infusion of leaves. They contain flavonoids, which give such a healing effect.

Herbal remedies based on leaves are also used to cleanse blood vessels, get rid of skin rash, hair loss and dandruff.

Young birch leaves infused with alcohol are useful for washing infected and purulent wounds.

Birch leaves are integral component complex medicinal fees in folk medicine. In complex herbal and plant formulations they are often present along with birch charcoal and buds.

Birch leaves used in gynecology

In gynecology, birch leaves are sometimes used in the form of decoctions or infusions for douching as an antiseptic and antifungal agent. They are prescribed for:

Cervical erosions;



Sexual infections.

Ingestion helps with hormonal disorders, during menopause, after childbirth and cycle disorders.

Birch leaves use for children

For children, preparations from the leaves are used in the form of gargles for colds and viral diseases, for rinsing the sinuses. Most often, a decoction or infusion is used in the form of baths or rubdowns for skin rashes.

The leaves can be included in herbal teas for the treatment of bronchitis, diarrhea, helminthic infestations. Before starting use, be sure to consult with your pediatrician about the advisability of treatment.

Treatment with birch leaves

Birch leaves are used in the most different forms. A decoction, infusion, alcohol or vodka tincture is prepared from them. For compresses and lotions, the leaves are steamed and applied to the affected areas.

Birch leaf decoction

A decoction of birch leaves is also used for oral administration, and for external therapeutic procedures. It has mild diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is prepared as follows:

Pour 1 tablespoon of dry raw material into a glass of water. Place on fire and bring to a boil. Remove and leave for about an hour. The shelf life of the decoction is limited, and under any storage conditions it is suitable for no more than 2 days.

Therefore, it is recommended to brew it little by little, and consume half a glass before each meal.

A decoction for baths is prepared in the proportion of 20 liters of water per 2 kg of raw materials. The prepared raw materials are poured with hot water and brought to a boil, boiled for a couple of minutes. remove and leave for an hour and a half. Pour through a sieve into the bath when filling with water.

Practiced like this water procedures for problems with the condition of the skin and rheumatic pain. Such baths have analgesic and calming properties. Bath time is 20 minutes at a water temperature of 36-39 degrees twice a week, provided there are no contraindications.

Infusion of birch leaves

Birch leaf infusion is used internally and externally. Brewed like dried leaves, and fresh. It's great as a tea prophylactic to boost immune and protective forces.

To prepare the infusion, take 5 tablespoons of crushed leaves and brew 250 ml of boiling water. Cover with a lid and towel and let sit for 2 hours. Strain and drink 100-125 ml 3 times a day. Warm before use.

To prepare an infusion with diuretic properties, mix buds and leaves in equal proportions, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. It can be taken half a glass up to 6 times a day during exacerbation of renal pathology.

Alcohol tincture

The tincture of birch buds is better known. But they can also cook on the leaves. The tincture has pronounced antiseptic properties and is used internally and externally.

Dry raw materials (leaves and buds in equal proportions) are poured with alcohol or vodka and stored in a dark place for a week. As an anti-inflammatory diuretic, it works optimally when taken in 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Compresses for joint pathologies and accompanying pain can be made from both fresh decoctions and tinctures. To do this, soak a napkin or gauze folded in several layers with tincture and apply it to the affected area. Cover the top with film or cellophane.

Birch brooms for baths

According to popular beliefs, birch brooms for the bathhouse begin to be prepared from Trinity. Cut branches with leaves are dried by hanging them in the shade in a ventilated area.

They are steamed in boiling water. In the baths, they use wooden tubs for this, into which they pour hot water and lower a broom into it for 10 minutes. They then rinse with this water.

Birch leaves application recipes

Most often, birch leaves are used in folk medicine as:



Anti-inflammatory agent.

Treatment of joints with birch leaves

One of the simplest recipes for treating joints is as follows:

A canvas bag is filled with young fresh leaves, which can be mashed or cut to release the juice.

Apply it to the affected area.

Insulate the top and leave for an hour or more.

Such a compress will not only help relieve inflammation and pain, but also draw out salts. After several treatments, noticeable relief may occur.

In winter, you can make compresses from steamed dried leaves. To do this, pour boiling water over 2-3 handfuls of leaves, just enough to cover them, and leave for a few minutes. Cool slightly and transfer to a cloth. Apply to the affected area and cover with film. Wrap the top with a warm scarf or handkerchief. Keep for 2-3 hours. The course of treatment is a week.

At the same time, you can drink a decoction, which is prepared as follows. Pour boiling water over several leaves (7-10 pieces) and hold for a couple of minutes. then drain the water and add a glass of hot water. Boil over low heat for 7-10 minutes, cool and strain. Drink 100-120 ml of decoction three times a day.

Decoction for kidney and liver disease

To prepare the decoction, take 10 leaves and a tablespoon. To prevent resin from being felt in the broth, sprinkle with soda (1-2 pinches). Brew 250 ml of boiling water and, covered, leave for an hour.

Strain and drink 50 ml (2 tablespoons) 4 times a day before meals.

This decoction helps with liver disease and stimulates the excretion of bile.

The following decoction is prepared as a diuretic:

Brew a few leaves (taken depending on the strength you want to get the drink) with a glass of boiling water and, after leaving for 3 hours, filter. Drink a glass in the morning and evening.

For cholelithiasis, fresh young leaves are brewed. Take a few leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. After boiling for 1 minute, pour into a thermos and leave for three hours.

Drink 1 glass twice a day in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.

Tincture for cardiovascular diseases

To cleanse blood vessels, prepare a tincture of medical alcohol or vodka. To do this, fill a glass jar 2/3 with dried birch leaves and fill it completely with vodka or 70 percent alcohol.

Leave for 30 days in a dark place, shaking the container periodically. After infusion, filter and store in a dark glass bottle.

Take tincture 1-2 drops to 1 teaspoon before meals (depending on the condition), diluted in a small amount of cold water.

Tincture for stomach ulcers

Take in equal proportion Birch buds and leaves, only 50 grams. Pour in 500 ml of vodka and leave for a month, shaking the jar periodically.

Strain and take 20 drops, which must be diluted with water, three times a day before meals.

Birch leaves from Giardia

The infusion is prepared from 2 tablespoons of fresh young birch leaves. Brew them with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour, covered with a lid and a towel.

Strain and drink 100 ml three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.

The same decoction can be drunk on an empty stomach. After taking it, you need to lie on your right side for 30 minutes, placing a warm heating pad.

A decoction is made by steeping 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves in a glass of hot water. Boil over low heat for 5 minutes and strain. When boiling, add a pinch of baking soda to the broth to remove bitterness and the taste of resin.

Drink half a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

The leaves are collected when they have just blossomed and their size is no more than a 10-kopeck coin. The collected leaves are dried in the shade.

For prostate disease

Brew a tablespoon of leaves with 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. drink 5 to 6 times a day, divided into equal portions.

Birch leaves used in cosmetology

Birch leaves in a linen bag are tied to the location of the lesion, ointments and lotions are prepared from them, and used for diseases of the skin and internal organs. This attracted the attention of cosmetologists to them.

In modern cosmetology, masks, lotions for the face and hair are prepared from the leaves of the tree.

Mask for dry skin

A face mask is prepared from 1 tsp. chopped fresh leaves, which are poured with ¼ tbsp. boiling water and leave for at least 2 hours;

Mix a tablespoon of the prepared broth with a small amount of cream and apply to the face. Leave until it is absorbed and remove excess with a napkin.

Hair Mask

A hair mask is prepared from a decoction of the leaves. prepared in the traditional way, to which castor oil is added, Burr oil and honey

Add 1 teaspoon of honey and the same amount of oil to 5 tablespoons of the prepared broth. Mix well and apply to hair. Put on a shower cap and leave for 15 minutes. then wash your hair in the usual way and rinse with birch decoction.

Make this mask 1-2 times a week for a month.

Facial skin care using birch decoction or infusion helps optimize skin turgor and gives a rejuvenating effect.

Birch leaves collection and drying

Birch leaves are collected in late May - early June, when they have especially healing properties. They are dried in the open air and stored in linen bags made of natural fabric.

Not every variety of birch is suitable for collecting medicine, so you should first consult with herbalists. Only 4 types out of 122 have medicinal properties. The dried product can also be purchased in pharmacies, but collected with your own hands gives certain guarantees. Some herbalists begin collecting leaves immediately after collecting birch sap.

Birch leaves contraindications

There are very few contraindications to treatment with birch leaves: individual intolerance, which can cause allergic reactions and heart failure.

Treatment should be approached with caution during acute exacerbation diseases of the liver and kidneys, so the drugs have diuretic and choleretic properties.

Otherwise, you can safely use medicinal birch leaves and receive the expected benefits even during pregnancy and lactation after consultation with your gynecologist.

About the medicinal properties of birch leaves


Hello dear readers. Spring has already come into its own, warm days have begun, nature is coming to life. Soon green leaves will appear on the trees, the grass in the fields and meadows will turn green, and flowers will bloom. Today I propose to talk about birch leaves. After all, everything in a birch tree can be used for the benefit of humans: from roots to foliage. Young leaves are of particular benefit, which has been practiced in folk medicine since ancient times and is confirmed by official sources.

Range of medicinal qualities of birch leaves

  1. Birch foliage, unlike tree buds containing resins, can be used for kidney failure and diseases Bladder as a diuretic. In the process, the body will not only be freed from excess moisture and toxins, but there will also be an antibacterial effect.
  2. With the help of a decoction from the leaves of this tree, the level of uric acid, which is indispensable for relieving gout.
  3. If you pat your body in the old fashioned way with a broom made of green birch branches in a bathhouse, you can get rid of cellulite, prevent salt deposits and resist colds.
  4. Taking a decoction prepared from young birch leaves stabilizes hormone production and blood pressure, regardless of gender.
  5. Also decoction normalizes activity sebaceous glands, which improves skin condition and reduces hair oiliness.
  6. Foot baths based on decoction help combat sweating.

Rules for harvesting birch leaves

The collection of medicinal raw materials occurs in the spring, when the birch tree blooms and sticky resin appears on its foliage, branches and trunk. During this period, the content in the leaves useful substances reaches the maximum level.

At a later time, the raw materials are suitable for cooking cosmetics, but not for creating drugs for oral consumption.

When preparing raw materials for drying, they need to be finely chopped. You can dry it in a living room; in addition, it is useful because it releases phytoncides into the air. For preservation, it is ideal to use paper bags or glass containers with airtight lids.

Select a dark place without access sun rays, where there is no access to moisture. When dry, the leaves retain their original properties for two years.

Recipes for using birch leaves

Birch tree leaves are rich in essential essential oil, bioflavonoids, tannins, various microelements.

This plant material is a leader in its antimicrobial activity. There are various recipes for use birch leaf for healthy hair and skin:

  1. On the base water infusion Half an hour of compresses are made with fresh leaves on the area around the eyes in order to vitaminize the skin and increase its turgor.
  2. A teaspoon with a heap of finely chopped leaves is poured with 50 ml of boiling water, after which the mixture is infused for two hours, then decanted. The resulting solution relieves irritation after shaving, allergic dermatitis, and is also used as a basis when creating homemade face masks.
  3. Indicated for the prevention of inflammation on problem skin. steam bath, for which birch leaves, chamomile flowers, mint leaves and sage inflorescences are first mixed in equal proportions. Next, for one procedure you will need a tablespoon of the workpiece, which is placed in a small saucepan with water, brought to a boil, and then removed from the heat. It is necessary to cover your head with a towel over the fragrant water vapor emanating from the container for a period of 20 minutes. To consolidate the effect, after the steam bath, a medicinal cream is applied to the skin.
  4. Infusion and decoction of birch leaves, used to rinse hair after washing, strengthens hair along the entire length and resists hair loss.
  5. Rinsing with a decoction of birch leaves promotes a speedy recovery from diseases of the mouth and throat.

Tincture of birch leaves for stomach ulcers

To create a tincture, dry or fresh birch leaves in an amount of 50 g are poured with 500 ml of high-quality vodka. The glass container in which the mixture is placed is kept in the dark for ten days, after which the solution is ready for use.

The medicine is used at a dose of 25 g, diluted in 200 ml of water, three times a day before meals. This treatment regimen works successfully for stomach ulcers and duodenum. In addition, this drug helps increase appetite and vitality.

Getting rid of Giardia

Leaves collected in full bloom are most suitable for creating the product. In the evening, a handful of raw materials are steamed in a liter thermos. In the morning the solution is ready for use.

The infusion is taken each time half an hour before meals: children need to drink 100 ml at a time, adults – 200 ml. This practice is very effective in removing lamblia from the body and has no side effects.

Treatment of joints

Wraps give good results. To do this, you need to lay out the surface of the scarf with fresh leaves, and then carefully wrap it around the area of ​​the sore joint.

The procedure is done at night. Leaves can be reused up to three times. You can practice such sessions often.

Weight loss

The following two recipes are most effective in this direction:

  1. Bath. You need to mix 0.5 kg of young leaves and two liters of water. The mixture is brought to a boil, left for half an hour, filtered and poured into a filled bath. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes.
  2. Infusion. Two tablespoons of leaves are poured into half a liter of boiling water, after which the mixture is added baking soda on the tip of the knife. After infusion for an hour, the liquid part is decanted. The medicine is taken before each meal in the amount of half a glass.

Cough treatment

This method allows you to cure a cough caused by a cold in a short time. Mix one third cup of fresh birch leaves and a tablespoon of ground yarrow, add two cups of water. Keep the mixture on low heat for up to 10 minutes (do not bring to a boil).

After cooling to a comfortable temperature and decanting, a glass of honey is added to the solution. The medicine is taken several times a day. The dosage per dose is 2 tablespoons.

Birch leaves for gastritis

For greater effect, it is advisable to do it daily fresh decoction, for which 10 g of young leaves and a glass of water are used.

Over low heat, the mixture is brought to a boil, after 15 minutes, removed from the heat, cooled, and filtered. You need to take two tablespoons three times a day before meals.


For best result Two methods can be used simultaneously:

  1. Compresses. A glass of finely chopped leaves is poured with a liter of boiling water, a tablespoon of salt is added. After half an hour the solution is ready. Compresses should be done four to six times a day.
  2. Ingestion. Leaves in the amount of 100 g should be poured with two glasses of hot water. After 5-6 hours of infusion, strain, take half a glass before meals three times a day.

Birch leaf tea

This drink, in addition to its pleasant taste and aroma, can boost immunity, remove excess moisture and saturate the body with various beneficial substances.

There are several rules regarding the preparation of this delicacy:

  • after brewing the leaves with boiling water, the drink needs to brew for some time;
  • It is recommended to drink no more than half a liter of this tea per day;
  • the product has a strong diuretic effect, which must be taken into account and not taken at night;

Possible contraindications

    1. Before using birch leaves to get rid of edema, you need to determine their exact cause. Consultation with a specialist is required before taking such drugs during pregnancy, kidney disease and gallstones.
    2. The use of compositions based on birch leaves is suitable for the care of oily, problematic and combination skin. If you are prone to dryness, these products should be used with caution, and after the procedures, apply a moisturizer to the skin.
    3. People with a tendency to allergies should consult their doctor and, if taken, start with reduced dosages.
    4. When taking decongestant therapy and taking infusions of birch leaves internally, the dose must be carefully adjusted to avoid dehydration.

Products based on birch leaves are suitable for treatment and prevention various ailments. The effectiveness of this raw material in home cosmetology is high.

Practicing therapy folk remedies, it is important to remember contraindications and take into account individual characteristics.