Eucalyptus oil - properties and applications. Mask with eucalyptus for oily, porous skin. Eucalyptus oil for oily hair

Every person has encountered acne at least once in their life and knows that it appears at the most inopportune moment. It is impossible to maintain radiant and perfect skin all the time. From the banal stressful situation the next morning a red pimple may appear on your face, which not only spoils appearance, but also painful to the touch.

According to statistics, 11% of people with acne are looking for effective ways treatment. Eucalyptus tincture for acne is recognized by dermatologists around the world as an effective and natural remedy that can solve the problem at the root.

Eucalyptus oil is clear liquid obtained during the extraction process fresh leaves and shoots of a tree from the myrtle family. This product is widely used in cosmetology, dermatology and aromatherapy. Its worldwide popularity is due to its composition, rich in nutrients.

Australia is the birthplace of the eucalyptus tree and the largest supplier of natural oil. This medicinal plant They are cultivated in many countries, so on sale you can see products from China, India, Spain, Mexico, which are not inferior in quality.

Despite the fact that it grows in nature a large number of species of eucalyptus tree, the composition remains virtually unchanged.

The basic component is (about 80%) cineole.

Exactly this Chemical substance is powerful and natural antiseptic, which is why oil tincture from eucalyptus tree is recommended for the treatment of acne.

The herbal essential oil contains the following additional ingredients:

  • fenchen;
  • camphene;
  • nylon and valeric aldehydes;
  • ethanol;
  • pinene;
  • tannins;
  • resins;
  • flavonoids;
  • wax;
  • Esters of fatty acids.

The drug owes its complex healing effect on the skin to a combination of beneficial substances.

Pharmacological properties

Nature offers various options for skin care and essential oil Eucalyptus is a natural solution to the problem of acne. During numerous clinical trials identified positive results acne therapy using this product.

The healing effect is achieved due to the following properties of the product:

  1. Antibacterial activity against acne.
  2. Inhibition sebaceous glands– with a decrease in sebum production, pores become less clogged, which means the number of acne decreases.
  3. The anti-inflammatory effect of the oil helps prevent acne, which in some cases acts as a reaction to the introduction of a bacterial infection into the body.
  4. Natural antioxidant – against the background of production sebum are created in the pores ideal conditions for bacterial growth after exposure ultraviolet rays. Eucalyptus ester binds like an antioxidant free radicals and protects the dermis from external negative influences.

Eucalyptus oil has many beneficial properties for facial skin.

Methods of use for acne

It should be remembered that as soon as a pimple appears on the face or body, you need to touch it with your hands as little as possible. Such actions only spread foci of inflammation throughout healthy areas of the epidermis, worsening the clinical severity.

Manifested healing properties eucalyptus oil provide bactericidal effect and regulate sebum production.

To make the pimple go away faster, you need to dry it and a plant extract helps with this, reducing irritation and itching. To avoid an allergic reaction, it is necessary to test the product before using it on your face. To do this, apply 2-3 drops of oil to the bend of the elbow. If there is no redness or burning sensation, you can safely use the product for cosmetic purposes.

Before using eucalyptus oil, you need to check whether you are allergic to it.

The use of eucalyptus oil for acne should be subject to basic rules. Although it is a natural plant extract, it pure form It is applied only to spots on acne. This is due to the fact that the medicinal liquid contains too high a concentration of potent substances that can potentially cause irritation. Therefore, dermatologists recommend diluting any ethers with water (when washing or compresses), with base oils(avocado, coconut, olive).

Another option for treating skin defects is the regular use of masks. To do this, mix 2 drops of eucalyptus oil extract with 2 tablespoons of white clay and water. The resulting mixture is applied in a thin layer to the entire face and washed off after complete drying (10-15 minutes). This method helps to cope with acne and pigmentation.

The oil is also added to natural decoctions of chamomile and thyme, used as a homemade tonic for wiping inflamed skin. To inhibit sebum production, 2 drops of the product must be mixed with lotion and applied to the face every evening.

Eucalyptus is an evergreen tree. Differs in variety of species great height and the ability to grow rapidly. Descriptions of eucalyptus trees have been preserved, which were striking in their size - more than 150 meters in height and 25 meters in diameter.

Australia and the island of Tasmania are considered the birthplace of eucalyptus. Nowadays, eucalyptus is cultivated in many countries around the world due to its unique ability to drain swampy areas of land. Eucalyptus is considered one of the the most useful plants. Its wood is extremely strong and almost impossible to rot. Valuable eucalyptus oil is extracted from the leaves and bark of eucalyptus, the composition of which is quite complex and contains up to 40 components. All parts of eucalyptus emit a strong, specific resinous odor.

Interesting fact

Eucalyptus, unlike other trees, does not shed leaves, but bark. The bark can't keep up rapid growth wood, so it cracks and falls off. The discarded bark is used for household needs, cardboard is made from it and tannins are obtained.

Beneficial features

Known since ancient times beneficial features eucalyptus. Our ancestors knew that it is easier to breathe near eucalyptus trees, and their roots successfully drain the soil. In medicine, this plant has also found wide application. Medications from eucalyptus reduce arterial pressure, relieve cough, promote recovery from gastrointestinal diseases. They are used to treat wounds, boils and purulent inflammation. IN medicinal purposes use an infusion of dried leaves, alcohol tinctures, powders and essential oils.

Eucalyptus oil has a pronounced antiseptic effect, which means it resists pathogenic microbes and infections - streptococci, staphylococci, trichomonas, tuberculosis bacteria and fever pathogens. It is also used in gynecological practice. Essential oil can lower blood sugar levels. It is successfully used to treat diseases of the nasopharynx and infectious diseases ears. A decoction of the leaves of this plant helps with stomach pain and gastritis, and eucalyptus tincture is used for treatment respiratory diseases, sore throat, bronchial asthma, chronic runny nose.

Use in cosmetics

Eucalyptus and eucalyptus oil have been known since the time of Cleopatra as effective cosmetic product. Modern cosmetology also does not leave it unattended. Eucalyptus oil has an antiviral, bactericidal and antiseptic effect. It has unique composition, which allows it not only to cleanse the skin and relieve irritation, but also to saturate it with useful substances.

Eucalyptus essential oil is included in hair care products. It perfectly cleanses the scalp, preventing dandruff, and strengthens hair follicles, promoting hair growth. Eucalyptus is an excellent antiseptic. Therefore, it is included in creams, gels, and facial washes designed to care for problem skin prone to the formation of acne and pimples. Eucalyptus successfully fights against acne, herpes, furunculosis, fungus and warts.

Eucalyptus is included in shower gels, anti-sweating foot creams, and deodorants, where it fully exhibits its antiseptic and refreshing properties. Face masks containing eucalyptus oil have a beneficial effect on aging facial skin. They nourish it, cleanse it, soften it, increase its ability to regenerate and tone it well.

Natural esters have been used to treat many diseases since ancient times. One of the most popular remedies is eucalyptus oil, obtained by steam distillation from the leaves of several species of this tree. The properties of the drug have found application in various branches of official and traditional medicine, cosmetology and trichology.

Eucalyptus oil - composition

Main active substance In the product under consideration, cineole is considered. High-quality eucalyptus oil contains up to 80% of this chemical compound. It is a monocyclic terpene that has powerful antiseptic properties. Additionally, cineole gives the presented product a characteristic aroma, tart and resinous, slightly spicy.

Total about 40 healthy ingredients is included in eucalyptus oil - the properties and use of the drug are determined by the following components in its composition:

  • organic acids;
  • pinene;
  • phytoncides;
  • globulol;
  • flavonoids;
  • camphene;
  • tannins;
  • limonene;
  • aldehydes;
  • felladrene and others.

Eucalyptus oil - healing properties

The value of the described product is explained by its versatility and a huge number of therapeutic characteristics. Eucalyptus oil has the following beneficial properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • expectorant;
  • antiviral;
  • insecticidal;
  • anthelmintic;
  • deodorizing;
  • antimycotic;
  • diuretic;
  • balsamic;
  • blood purifying;
  • antirheumatic;
  • wound healing;
  • disinfectant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • tonic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • antipyretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • antidepressant;
  • restorative and others.

Eucalyptus throat oil

The specified plant ester is often prescribed as part of complex treatment. Especially when bacterial inflammation almonds effectively eucalyptus oil properties of cineole in its composition include a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Thanks to this, the mucous membranes are disinfected, the removal of purulent masses is accelerated, and the lacunae are cleaned.

Eucalyptus oil works similarly for coughs. Ether vapors penetrate into respiratory system and contribute to:

  • liquefaction of sputum;
  • facilitating expectoration of mucus;
  • eliminating dry mucous membranes;
  • relief of inflammation;
  • relieving smooth muscle spasms;
  • stopping reproduction pathogenic microorganisms.

The bactericidal abilities of the ester in question are widely used in therapy. Even in advanced cases, eucalyptus oil helps - the properties and use of the drug are determined by the content of monoterpenes with antimicrobial activity(aromadendrene and phellandrene). Inclusion of the described tool in treatment course Provides relief of inflammation, reduction of swelling of the nasal sinuses and easier breathing. Eucalyptus oil for a runny nose can be used for a long time. It effectively cleanses and disinfects mucous membranes and prevents the formation of new mucus.

Eucalyptus oil for hair

The presented product provides antifungal effect, therefore it is recommended for dandruff against the background of seborrhea of ​​the scalp. At regular use Eucalyptus oil for hair produces other positive effects:

  • strengthens roots;
  • normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands;
  • prevents hair loss;
  • activates “dormant” follicles;
  • adds shine;
  • restores the structure of hair shafts;
  • adds volume and fluffiness;
  • prevents cutting.

Eucalyptus oil for face

This herbal ester is ideal for oily skin types. Cosmetologists also recommend eucalyptus oil for acne and acne - properties and uses natural product help fight purulent inflammation, help normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, strengthen local immunity. Thanks to the right systematic application product will disappear closed and open comedones, deep and painful subcutaneous elements.

Included multi-component masks Eucalyptus essential oil shows the following beneficial properties:

  • increased tone and;
  • correction of facial oval;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • elimination of fungal infections;
  • lightening of the epidermis;
  • getting rid of ;
  • healing minor damage skin;
  • relief of irritation;
  • acceleration of cell regeneration.

Eucalyptus oil - application

The most simple option The use of the described product is to enrich the air with its vapor using an aroma lamp. This ensures disinfection of the room, serves as a prevention of viral, fungal and bacterial infections, fills the house with a pleasant and fresh aroma. For specific purposes, eucalyptus oil has different uses:

  • hot baths;
  • face masks;
  • hair balms.

Inhalations with eucalyptus oil

These procedures are prescribed for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Inhalation with eucalyptus essential oil is indicated for the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • acute, chronic sinusitis of any localization;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tracheitis.

Eucalyptus oil for inhalation is not recommended to be heated above 40 degrees; high temperatures some active ingredients of the ether are destroyed and its positive properties are lost. The correct way to use the product is to use it in a nebulizer. Inhalation is carried out using saline solution with eucalyptus oil. For every 200 ml of base, 2 drops of ether are required. Frequency of manipulations – 2 times a day, full course therapy does not exceed 30 days.

Eucalyptus oil bath

Application of the product during water procedures produces several beneficial effects at once:

  • air disinfection;
  • antiseptic treatment of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract (by inhaling ether vapor);
  • increasing the elasticity of the body skin;
  • healing of cuts, abrasions, cracks and small wounds on the epidermis;
  • blood oxygen saturation;
  • recovery acid-base balance in the vagina;
  • prevention of the development of candidiasis;
  • infection control genitourinary system(urethritis, cystitis and others);
  • softening and moisturizing the skin;
  • elimination of bacterial and fungal infections of the epidermis;
  • relief of symptoms of chronic dermatological pathologies (psoriasis, eczema, lichen and similar diseases);
  • gentle exfoliation of dead cells;
  • improvement carbohydrate metabolism in organism;
  • muscle relaxation, relief from spasms;
  • calm nervous system.

Essential eucalyptus oil is not added to water in its pure form. You must first mix it (4-7 drops of the product) with a suitable emulsifier, for example:

  • sea ​​or table salt;
  • full fat milk;
  • serum;
  • oatmeal broth;
  • herbal infusion (chamomile, St. John's wort, linden).

Face masks with eucalyptus oil

The described ether is suitable for high fat content leather and availability acne, purulent inflammation and pigmentation, including post-acne. Eucalyptus oil for the face should not be applied pure, even spot-on. This is a highly concentrated product that may cause severe allergic reaction or call chemical burn epidermal layer. It is important to use eucalyptus oil correctly – properties and correct application This ester will help you quickly cope with skin problems.

Mask for acne, comedones and pigmentation


  • dry yeast – 5 g;
  • blue, White clay(optional) – 10 g;
  • eucalyptus oil – 5 drops;
  • warm green tea– 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation, use

  1. Combine yeast with clay.
  2. Dilute the powder with tea until it becomes thick sour cream.
  3. Add vegetable ether.
  4. Mix the product thoroughly.
  5. Apply the composition in a thick layer without massaging the skin.
  6. After 15 minutes, carefully rinse off the mixture.

Refreshing, toning and rejuvenating universal mask


  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • sour cream – 15 ml;
  • raw egg – 1 pc.;
  • eucalyptus oil – 7 drops.

Preparation, use

  1. Beat the egg a little with a fork.
  2. Mix it with mashed banana and sour cream.
  3. Add essential oil.
  4. Spread the resulting mass over your face in a thick layer.
  5. After half an hour, remove the composition with a soft cloth and wash.

How to use eucalyptus oil for hair?

Main scope of application positive properties of the presented product – fight against dandruff and baldness. The simplest way to use eucalyptus oil is to massage the scalp. Before washing your hair, 2-4 times a week, you need to rub a mixture of base oil into the epidermis. vegetable fat(almond, olive, castor oil or other) with wood ether. Proportions: 2-3 drops for every 50 ml of base.

Universal hair mask


Hello, my dear readers!

Today I saw photographs of a stunningly imaginative eucalyptus tree and decided to tell you a little about it and its wonderfulness.

Eucalyptus oil has earned popularity all over the world for its beneficial properties.

It is used in various branches of medicine, cosmetology and is added to various kinds tools that we encounter every day.

It will not be surprising to anyone to see dishwashing gel with eucalyptus, or shampoo, for example.

There can be many options.

If something contains this plant, it immediately comes to mind. pleasant aroma and softening healing properties, which is why in the production of cosmetics and household chemicals it is used so often.

Eucalyptus oil - beneficial properties and methods of use

Eucalyptus (lat. Eucalýptus) is a large genus of evergreen woody plants (trees and shrubs) of the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae).

Why is eucalyptus so useful?

  • Antibacterial and antiseptic properties

Even in ancient times, people valued eucalyptus and actively used it as a medicine for different types infections. Leaves were used to heal wounds, even very serious ones.

  • Help with stress

In a state of anxiety and psychological instability, eucalyptus oil awakens vital forces in a person, as if taking them out of a secret pocket. Such therapy helps to collect thoughts and awaken a new person within himself who is ready for decisive action.

  • Cold treatment

This property is considered one of the most important and frequently used. The virus simply does not have any chance, the mucous membranes are cleared and the expectorant effect is enhanced.

  • Gynecological diseases

The oil of this plant will help prevent the appearance of thrush, herpes and erosions, which is so important for women. It will also cure various types of inflammation.

  • Defence from
  • Rub mixture

About 3 drops of eucalyptus should be added to 45 ml of base oil, it can be sesame, sunflower, almond or peanut. This mixture will perfectly relieve pain.

  • Solution for inhalation

Eucalyptus inhalations will bring a lot of benefits to the body during colds. Two hundred milliliters hot water and 4 drops of oil should be mixed and inhaled, covered with a towel.

  • Mixture for varicose veins

Mix 5 drops of eucalyptus and lemon balm oils. This mixture should be slowly rubbed into your feet, after which it is recommended not to walk and relax for a while. The longer the better.

  • Addition to cosmetics

Approximately 6 drops per 10 ml of hair shampoo will give strength and relieve dandruff, and 8 drops per 5 ml of cream or face mask will help in the fight against excess oil on the skin and rashes.

It can be added to hand creams in the same proportions; this will give additional softness to the skin and help with minor damage.

Contraindications to the use of eucalyptus oil

The use of eucalyptus oil is prohibited before the 17th week of pregnancy, in children under 2 years of age, in case of individual intolerance, those suffering from asthma and whooping cough, and when taking homeopathic medications.

If there are signs of allergies, the use of eucalyptus oil should be avoided.

Where to buy natural eucalyptus oil?

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Eucalyptus essential oil is a common component in folk remedies and official medicine, cosmetology, in the production of perfumes and household chemicals. This product has been used since ancient times to protect against the spread of malaria and to treat severe combat wounds. Despite great amount positive effects, caution should be exercised with this essential oil, as its use has some contraindications and limitations. Next, we’ll talk about how to use oil for health and beauty so that it brings only benefits.

Chemical composition

To receive a product for processing hydrodistillation method leaves and young shoots of several types of trees are selected: eucalyptus ash, ball and twig-shaped. The yield of the final substance is about 0.3-0.5%, that is, from 3 to 5 liters of oil can be obtained from a ton of raw materials. It is distinguished by a strong, resinous-coniferous, tart and cooling odor, has no color or is painted in a light golden-yellow hue. However, the color and smell of oils from different varieties of eucalyptus will vary.

Did you know?Because of high level terpene substances and hydrocyanic acid, eucalyptus leaves are fatally poisonous to the vast majority of animals. Among the few species that are able to feed on this product are the koala, the ring-tailed glider and the marsupial flying squirrel. Thus, the level of food competition in these species is significantly reduced.

This essential product contains more than 40 substances, including: organic acids, tannins, aldehydes, terpene compounds. One of the key components of eucalyptus essential oil is cineole, a type of terpene substance that has antiseptic and expectorant effects.

Benefits and medicinal properties

Impact of this oil affects the physical, mental and psycho-emotional spheres of a person. Thus, the oil has strong bactericidal, antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. Prevents the proliferation of bacteria, the formation of pus, promotes the growth of new tissues and rapid regeneration. In addition, the product is an excellent antispasmodic, diaphoretic, antipyretic, and analgesic.

The use of oil in aromatherapy is explained by its amazing action on mental activity And emotional background : yes, it improves mood, eliminates depressive states, fatigue, drowsiness and apathy. The essential substance also stimulates concentration and improves brain activity.

  1. Skin diseases: cuts, burns, acne and acne, purulent wounds, herpes, ulcers, increased secretion sebum, pigmentation.
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and neuralgia: sore throat, pinched nerves, muscle and joint pain, swelling, headache.
  3. Colds, accompanied by runny nose, cough, fever.
  4. Diseases oral cavity: gum inflammation, stomatitis, bad smell from mouth.
  5. Viral and bacterial infections: hepatitis, herpes various types, tuberculosis, respiratory infections and diseases of the genitourinary system.
  6. Conditions of immunodeficiency.

Use in aromatherapy

In aromatherapy, eucalyptus oil is recommended for use in any physical and emotional stressful conditions : after serious illnesses and injuries, extreme incidents, overexertion and overwork. It activates hidden reserves body, literally brings a person back to life, relieving him of melancholy, apathy, frequent changes mood and depression. Conducting aromatherapy courses with eucalyptus is recommended for all people involved in active mental labor, working with big amount information.
The main rule when using an aroma lamp: 2-5 drops of the substance per room of 15 square meters. m. If there is no such device, take an ordinary clean cloth folded in several layers, blot it in water, drip required amount oil and place on warm battery. Eucalyptus can be used in its pure form, but also excellent result give combinations with , or .

Did you know?An amazing feature of the leaves of the eucalyptus tree is their constant arrangement with the edge towards the sun's rays, thus saving moisture. Eucalyptus is also a compass plant: the cardinal directions can be determined by the arrangement of the planes and edges of the foliage.

Traditional medicine recipes

Below we will consider the most common ways to use eucalyptus essential product for various diseases.

Wellness baths

To take a bath, you can use one of the following recipes:

  1. Recipe No. 1. You will need 200 g and 5 drops of oil. The salt must be dissolved in a container of water, add eucalyptus and pour into the filled bath; the water temperature should be about +37-39 °C.
  2. Recipe No. 2. You will need 6 drops of eucalyptus and 4 drops, 100 ml of cream. Essential substances must be diluted in cream and added to the filled bath.

The bath should last 10-15 minutes, and it is advisable to maintain a constant initial temperature. The course of treatment is 10 procedures per month.


Massage with eucalyptus ether is especially effective for ailments of the musculoskeletal system: pain in joints and muscles, sprains, injuries, and migraines. To prepare a massage product, you need to mix 15-20 g of base vegetable oil( , ) and add 10 drops of eucalyptus. To reduce the symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism, it is useful to mix rosemary and eucalyptus oils, 5 drops per specified amount of herbal base.


Most often used when thermal skin damage(at the healing stage): oil components actively resist the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, stimulate regeneration, and disinfect the wound. Prepare clean gauze, folded in several layers, dilute 10-15 drops of eucalyptus ether in 150 ml of hot water, moisten the gauze and apply to the affected area, wrap it with a bandage on top.

In addition to burns, eucalyptus compresses are used for joint pain. The preparation method is similar, but after application it is recommended to wrap the area with film and wrap it to keep warm. The application time of the compress is 15-20 minutes. Repeat several times during the day.


Inhalations with eucalyptus will help quickly relieve a runny nose, sore throat, and cough. To prepare inhalation, you need to add 1-2 drops of ether to a glass of hot water, cover with a towel and breathe in the resinous fumes for the specified amount of time.

Important!The duration of inhalation with eucalyptus oil should not exceed 4-7 minutes.

Mouth and throat rinses

Another extremely effective method for diseases of the throat and mouth, rinse. Thanks to its strong antibacterial effect, eucalyptus ester eliminates pathogenic flora, which often causes ulcers, caries, unpleasant odor and inflammatory processes. The rinse solution is prepared in this way: you will need 10-15 drops of essential substance per glass of warm water. You need to gargle or gargle several times a day. You can also carry out preventive rinses in the morning or evening.

How to use in cosmetology

With the help of eucalyptus ether, you can restore beauty and health to the skin of the face and body, and get rid of problems with hair and nails.

To fight dandruff and strengthen hair

Eucalyptus oil strengthens and stimulates the hair follicles, and also nourishes and cleanses the scalp, resulting in thicker, silkier hair that requires washing less often. The most in a simple way the use of oil is its adding to your regular shampoo - just 4-5 drops of essential substance can enrich detergent and improve hair condition. However greatest benefit can be extracted from self-prepared skincare products.

Purpose Ingredients Preparation and use
Fight dandruff and itching One part each of oils: , almond, eucalyptus, . Apply the mixture to the roots and leave for 10-15 minutes, then wash your hair as usual.
Stimulate blood circulation and combat hair loss
  • 1 tsp. oak bark infusion;
  • 1 tsp. infusion;
  • 3 drops of eucalyptus ether;
  • 3 drops of ether;
  • 4 drops of rosemary ether.
Mix all the ingredients and massage your scalp with this mixture for 15 minutes before washing.
Normalization of the sebaceous glands
  • 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • 5 drops of eucalyptus ether;
  • 5 drops of orange essential oil.
Apply the mixture to the scalp 5-6 minutes before washing.

Against fungal nail diseases

Essential extract from eucalyptus leaves is an excellent remedy in the treatment of fungal nail infections and to prevent their occurrence. For this it is useful to do hand and foot baths with oil and sea salt. Sea salt (1 tsp) should be dissolved in a glass of water, add oil, and pour into the bath. You can also rub eucalyptus oil into your nails, previously diluted in plant based(1-2 drops per 1 tsp of base). It is especially useful to carry out such procedures after visiting a nail salon.

Face masks

Homemade masks are prepared using eucalyptus oil for... problem skin, prone to the formation of inflammation, acne and comedones. It is also great for evening out the color of pigmented skin, normalizing the sebaceous glands, rejuvenating and toning.

Important!Eucalyptus essential oil should only be used for the entire face in combination with base oils or other bulk/liquid components. In its pure form, it can be applied pointwise to acne, after which a short-term physiological reaction will follow in the form of tingling and redness.

Purpose Ingredients Preparation and use
Acne, acne, comedones, enlarged pores
  • 1.5 tsp. clay (white, black or other);
  • 1 tsp. ;
  • 10-15 drops of eucalyptus ether;
Mix all ingredients, bring to the consistency of sour cream with green tea. Clean and steam your face, apply the mask in an even layer for 15 minutes and rinse.
Dark spots
  • 1 tbsp. l. rice flour;
  • pinch;
  • 20 drops of ether;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cream.
First clean and steam your face, mix the ingredients, apply for 25-30 minutes and rinse.
  • 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • 1 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 5 berries;
  • 15 drops of ether.
Beat strawberries and yogurt, add the remaining ingredients. Pre-clean and scrub the skin, apply a mask and rinse after 30 minutes. Carry out 8-10 procedures per month.
  • 1 tbsp. l. coffee grounds;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • 1 tsp. dried flowers;
  • 20 drops of ether.
Mix all ingredients, apply to steamed skin, make light massage movements and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse.
For fresh skin
  • 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • 10 drops of ether.
Puree the banana, add beaten egg and sour cream, eucalyptus ether. Apply the mask evenly to cleansed facial skin and rinse after 30-40 minutes.

Compatibility with other aromatic oils

Eucalyptus essential product goes well with citrus varieties (neroli, petitgrain, orange), as well as geranium, vetiver, rosewood,... It has been proven that the most beneficial effect for the functioning of the nervous system is achieved from a combination of eucalyptus and lavender, and for respiratory and musculoskeletal ailments, it is effective to mix eucalyptus with rosemary or pine esters.

Storage conditions

The product can be used for 12 months from the moment of opening, if complied with following conditions storage: cool temperature regime(about +20 °C), absence sun rays and close to the fire.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

During this period, there are certain restrictions on the use of this oil. It is not advisable to use it in any way in the first trimester. Eucalyptus ether can also only be used externally.

The following are considered safe procedures during pregnancy:

  • disinfection and aromatization of the room (it is important for a woman to be in another room for the first 20 minutes);
  • rinsing the mouth and throat;
  • applying compresses;
  • taking non-hot baths.

Important!Only external use of the oil is allowed during pregnancy. Internal use can lead to miscarriage.

Be sure to spend preliminary testing for the possibility of allergies: apply a small amount of oil on the crook of your elbow or wrist. If redness, irritation or rash occurs that does not go away after 1-2 minutes, use of the product is unacceptable! It would also be a good idea to consult a doctor regarding dosages during pregnancy and, in general, the possibility of using the oil in your particular case.

Contraindications and precautions

Absolute contraindications to the use of this product are:

  • epilepsy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • thinning of the nasal mucosa or respiratory tract;
  • children under 6 years of age;
  • simultaneous use with chemotherapy drugs (against cancer).

If the dosage is exceeded, the following reactions may occur: nausea and headache, disorders heart rate and digestion, kidney and liver dysfunction, allergic manifestations varying degrees gravity. Under no circumstances should pure essential substances be allowed to come into contact with mucous membranes.

If you have animals at home, in particular cats, you need to use the oil with extreme caution, do not deodorize the premises with it and do not allow it to come into contact with skin pet, as the consequences can be fatal.

Video: origin and beneficial properties of eucalyptus oil

Use of eucalyptus oil: reviews

In practice, I use it myself and have been using it in the room where the child sleeps since he was 2 years old. You don’t need a whole bath, essential oils evaporate very quickly, and if you take baths, you need to mix them with sea ​​salt. Fir, pine, eucalyptus are good for coughs, tea tree, 5-6 drops in an aroma lamp for an average room. Lavender, in general, is a miraculous oil that does such miracles for burns; it has been really tested on my own skin.


at the first symptoms of a cold, I take hot bath with 5-6 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil. And everything passes... without medicines, and development symptoms...


As a child, I had an allergy to eucalyptus, which caused problems with the treatment of colds - almost all medicines contain eucalyptus. And the allergy manifested itself as an increase in symptoms. Even more cough, even more runny nose. And it looked like the medicine was simply not working. The spray for runny nose and sinusitis doesn’t seem to do anything unpleasant, I don’t use it often, but I’m afraid to put oil in an aroma lamp or bath.

Eucalyptus essential oil is one of the most valuable in medicine and cosmetology. Subject to precautions and no contraindications, this product is safe, effective, inexpensive and absolutely natural remedy, which will help overcome many ailments and preserve beauty.