What is a generic program? Negative birth programs: signs and methods of relief. How to detect parent programs

It is not by chance that we are born into a certain family. We can only be born into a family with which we have the same energy field, which is best suited for learning karmic lessons. As a rule, karmic programs continue according to their nature until someone works them out.

Audiobook for beginners from the section "Psychology" with difficulty of perception: 3

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00:00:18 It is not by chance that we are born into a certain family. We can only be born into a family with which we have the same energy field, which is best suited for learning karmic lessons. As a rule, karmic programs continue according to their nature until someone works them out. For example, a woman has internal aggression towards men and her personal life, therefore, is unhappy - her husbands leave her, and often very ugly. And as a rule, her daughter, granddaughter, etc. the same "picture". And until women in this family learn to forgive, respect and accept men, the picture will repeat itself.

00:00:55 Yesterday I had an 18-year-old girl at my consultation. I advised her grandmother and mother and know the history of her family well. Her grandmother is suppressing her feminine nature, completely outwardly suppressing herself as a woman in front of her husband - for the sake of the children, and simply due to her Eastern upbringing. But all dissatisfaction with life and fate accumulates inside and turns to the husband as the source of all problems. And the woman lives without even really realizing that her internal aggression towards her husband is increasing every year. And which of us was taught to pay attention to what is inside us? The husband begins to show more and more aggression towards his wife and little daughter (who has the same program from a past life), since the woman’s field, thanks to her reserve of piety, is strong, she “breaks through” her husband. He gets sick more and more often and eventually ends his life tragically, leaving his family without a livelihood. This daughter has a similar fate, only she already has two daughters. Her husband showed aggression and violence towards her almost immediately after the wedding. And the woman had no choice but to run away from him. Her already eldest daughter saw almost all the horrors of her mother’s treatment. She sits opposite me, talks about how she dreams of a happy family, three children, and how she was unlucky with her dad.

00:02:19 She considers it impossible to forgive him. In this case, I tell her, her similar scenario may be repeated in her family. She already had a similar story with her first boyfriend. I explain to her that it is no coincidence that all religions say: honor your father and mother, as representatives of the male and female Divine principles. In a person who is offended, aggressive, etc. to your father, you will never have a happy family life. Because every person we meet in life, first of all, father and mother, are our teachers, etc., etc. She understands and accepts all this. And I see how her energy changes. If she maintains this tendency and at the first test - the new “unfair” act of her father - she retains love inside, then this program will go away from her, and her family life will be a source of happiness. And from my experience, the fate of the mother, and even the grandmothers, begins to change. Maybe a loving fan will suddenly appear and propose.

00:03:20 How a person treats his parents is how he will have relationships with other people, primarily with his marriage partner. Therefore, if you are in a romantic relationship and are thinking about marriage, then pay attention to how your partner treats other people, primarily his parents.

00:03:40 If he (she) is an example of politeness, care, etc. with you, but scolds other people, shows rudeness, aggression, etc., then obviously, when the passion in love subsides, this person will behave the same with you.

Scientists say romantic love can last a maximum of three years

00:03:58 Children... Now we live in an age of permissiveness. Eat what you want, sleep with whomever you want and as much as you want, think and do whatever you want, do not limit yourself to any limits. Restrictions allegedly harm the psyche. But imagine what will happen to a person who gets behind the wheel but is not going to follow the traffic rules. How long can he enjoy the ride? As a rule, this trip very soon turns out to be the cause of disability or many problems for him, and very often for other people. It’s the same in life. Want to:
1. Quickly spoil your health - eat whatever you want, whenever and as much as you want.
2. Weaken your psyche, gain someone else’s karma, make your personal life miserable, etc. – use this rule in sex.
3. Close your karma for many incarnations, constantly feel melancholy and dissatisfaction with life, start getting sick a lot - no question - just do what you want, don’t follow your thoughts, don’t try to get rid of negative character traits (greed, envy, resentment and etc.)
But even if you don’t care about yourself, think about your children. After all, they often depend on their parents, on their thoughts and actions, starting from the moment of conception. Every year the number of women experiencing serious problems with childbirth, the number of sick newborns, and the number of childhood diseases are growing. Is this a coincidence?

Letter 1

00:05:33 " My biggest problem is that I do not live in harmony with myself, with my soul and, accordingly, with the world around me. I am a very spiritual, but introverted person; I seem to live in my own separate world and am not adapted to reality. This is the reason for all my difficulties: I don’t know how to join new companies, I have difficulty communicating with others. She is very stingy with emotions and cold, but in her soul she is vulnerable and vulnerable. Outwardly, she’s even rude sometimes. Maybe this is protection? I have a very heightened sense of self-sacrifice, compassion and mercy. But it’s very depressing that I couldn’t find harmony within myself. Maybe it’s because I’m not fulfilled in life, I’m tossing around, I want to try a lot, but where exactly is the path that is destined for me by fate? Please tell me how I can find myself, how to become more open and liberated, more self-confident? How should you work on yourself? I'm in a lot of pain. One more question. My husband and I are not at all suitable for each other: he is a materialistic person, and I am a spiritual person, I lack spirituality. What awaits me in marriage? After all, I feel that he is not the one destined for me by fate. Will I be married a second time? How can I develop my spiritual world, cleanse my karma? How to find yourself? Which profession should I choose?»

00:07:08 Everything you describe is very clearly visible from your chart - both a certain psychological crisis and problems in your personal life. This is shown both by the retrograde owner of the House of Personality and by the Moon, which has just entered the constellation Dhanishtha (it endows a person with such qualities as generosity, compassion, ambition and at the same time suspiciousness and rudeness). And many other provisions that we will not consider now. Everything is greatly enhanced by the ongoing Rahu period. But despite the complexity of internal problems, I am very optimistic about you. Firstly, there is nothing tragic - disability, death of children, etc. Secondly, you cannot ignore your spiritual level and great desire to change. From my experience, in a year or a year and a half, such a person can completely change and begin to live happily. But to do this, first of all, you must get rid of rudeness: it will bring nothing but the loss of friends and a sharp deterioration in your reputation. Watch your speech, don’t make harsh judgments, answer after a deep pause, and if you start being rude to someone, don’t hesitate to apologize. And get used to smiling at people, even if it’s insincere at first.

00:08:28 You can overcome suspiciousness and obsession with your problems if you begin to live according to plan and allow yourself to engage in self-criticism only in the allotted time. For example, in the morning, when you write a plan for the day, in the evening or at the end of the week, when you summarize. You should also treat sideways glances and various bad words addressed to you with humor, without attaching much importance to them. Remember that, by and large, no one is particularly interested in you - to a sick, and therefore very sensitive, ego, it always seems that everyone is looking askance at him, does not respect him, etc. Every ordinary materialistic person is fixated on himself and, perhaps, close relatives . You need to develop internal self-confidence. It is achieved by a correct worldview and self-love, we have talked about this many times. An internally confident person may be afraid of mice and appear indecisive, but if he says “no”, then everyone understands that this will happen.

00:09:29 But your main problem is different: you are too spiritual... I understand the shock for you to hear this, I’ll try to explain. There are people who are too materialistic; for them the meaning of life is money, titles, good food, a house, and the like. For some, the meaning of life is in spiritual things, such as morality, ethics, strict adherence to religious canons, ideals, the future, etc. And this is even more dangerous than being simply a materialist, since the Universe teaches a materialistic person by depriving him of material benefits, either in this life or in the next, thus showing that everything earthly is perishable and impermanent. Spirituality is the other side of the coin, more subtle, but also more dangerous, since at the beginning a person becomes more moral, noble, religious, and then there is improvement in all areas of life. But if spirituality becomes the main meaning of life, then serious problems begin, because at the same time aggression, pride, despondency, the feeling that you are higher than others, that your path is the best, that for the sake of this idea, commandment, you can do whatever you want, grows. the main thing is the future, for the sake of which the present can be neglected. It is not difficult to see this in life - most wars were started by ideological and religious people.

00:10:50 Several years ago I studied religious psychology and for practice I only received those people who had seriously followed some kind of spiritual practice for a long time. And I noticed that such people have more psychological and karmic problems than ordinary people, especially if their path includes elements of mysticism. I have even seen those who ended up in a mental hospital, although according to fate they should not have had anything like this. Just don’t get me wrong: I’m not at all against spirituality, morality, religiosity – I’m all for it! I just want to say that this cannot be the main goal of life.

00:11:30 The main goal can only be love for God. Any other goal is dangerous both for us and for our loved ones, and can only be a means of finding the Divine in the soul. And the Divine is unconditional love. Principles, moral norms, ideals in every religion and society are different and, therefore, relative. Only God and unconditional love can be absolute. The Mahabharata (an ancient Indian epic) and the Puranas pay much attention to this issue.

00:11:58 For example, it tells about one Indian sage, a righteous man who vowed to tell only the truth. And one day a group of women with children ran past him, clearly frightened by something. After some time, a gang of bandits appeared and asked him where the women had run. And the sage, who had vowed to always tell the truth, honestly showed them. It is said that for this he was severely punished in his next life. And the reason is obvious: he lived not by love, but by high principles. You should definitely read books on this topic to understand everything thoroughly. Of the Russian-speaking authors, as far as I know, only S. N. Lazarev writes beautifully about this in his book “Diagnostics of Karma.” The third or fourth books are directly related to this topic, therefore, it is very important for you to read and work through them.

00:12:49 Now about my personal life. You write that your husband is not destined, as it seems to you, by fate. I don't agree with this. Firstly, your husband is very clearly visible in the chart, and secondly, there are no accidents and the House of Partners is the most karmic house in the chart. You were “given” such a spouse to teach you to love and respect your loved ones, regardless of their spiritual level. Try to accept him as he is. And if you change, he will change too. After all, a man’s behavior largely depends on the internal state of his wife. But if you get divorced and you are the one who initiates the divorce, then they will not “give you a better husband.” You don’t need to develop your spiritual world, but fill it with love, then the issue with karma will disappear.

00:13:38 Medicine is the most suitable professional field for you; you can become a nurse; you also have a great ability for languages. On my own behalf, I can add that your son will be like you, with his many opportunities, he will be able to achieve a lot in life. Your second child will also be a boy. In two years you will have a very difficult period in many respects. But since 2007, everything has changed for the better. And after 24 years, you will either head some kind of spiritual, cultural institution, or make a career in politics. But a lot of water will flow under the bridge before that time... I hope that until then you will live based on the feeling of love in your soul, and not on principles and ideals. And you will not be greatly disturbed by the events of this, in a sense, illusory world. Good luck!

Letter 2

00:14:45 " From many of your tips, I began to develop a completely different picture of the world, including my personal one. You see, before it seemed to me that delving into oneself is very harmful (in particular, using the example of Russian classics) and that I should behave more simply and perceive the world as it is. I haven't really seen this world. Of all the philosophical theories, visualization is closest to me. Maybe because I'm a woman and my intuition is better developed. I could talk to different people. With those with whom I was familiar, and even complete strangers. Or maybe it just seemed like it. One thing is clear: my world has changed, and something that can be called God has appeared. And now I want to ask for help. I understand that there are many problems, as many as there are people. And most likely, my problem is that I have changed, but my husband (my loved one) has not. We are now on the verge of breaking off all relations, and I have lost contact with him. It's very difficult for me to understand why. Maybe it's a midlife crisis, or maybe we weren't right for each other from the very beginning because I was fixated on it. Thoughts go in circles all day long. I can't talk to him. I do not know what to do. We have two small children, and they may be left without a father. I beg you, help me figure it out. It is very important for me.»

00:16:19 If a person’s worldview has changed, then both behavior and character involuntarily change. And if the character has changed, then fate also changes. Thought gives birth to action, action to habit, habit to character, character to destiny. And I fully share the opinion that the best help to others is that which helps to get closer to the Divine, clear the mind and develop unconditional love.

00:16:46 Unfortunately, I cannot answer the question about your personal life, since you did not send the time of birth of your husband, and without this it is impossible to draw up a map of your compatibility and look at his karma regarding family life. I had to make cards for your children in order to “get through” to their father. And it turns out that if you don’t get divorced by December of this year, you’re unlikely to get divorced at all. And you don't need to get a divorce, it won't be good for you or your children. Your Mars in your partner's House will always spoil your family life, no matter who you live with. You can greatly weaken its influence by strengthening your all-good Jupiter, which is perfectly located in the House of personality and aspects the House of your partner. To do this, you need to: learn to be always optimistic, become more friendly, take actions for the benefit of other people or taken to raise consciousness throughout the world. The fact that you are fixated on this and your thoughts “go in circles all day long” does not make anyone better, only worse.

00:17:51 At first this is a psychological problem, then it moves to the physical level. We have already repeatedly considered the question that if a person constantly thinks about something with fear, then he experiences losses in all respects, degrades on a spiritual level, since the soul lives either by fear or by love. And if the soul chooses fear, then the person plunges to a lower level of consciousness. As a result, lower forms of existence become inherent in him. Everyone knows how harmful fears, worries and stress are to psychological and physical health. And what’s most offensive is that we attract misfortunes to ourselves, as well as what we are afraid of. Who will achieve better results: the student who calmly and lovingly prepares for exams, or the one who experiences shock at the mere thought of an impending exam?

00:18:45 Or another example: a mother who is in constant fear for her child sends him a huge charge of destructive energy, in contrast to the one who thinks about him with love and thereby sends a huge charge of happiness, support and protection.

00:19:01 To summarize, we can say that you need to strive to save your family. Don't focus on the fact that you and your husband are different. Remember that it is a great and, unfortunately, rare blessing to have a marriage partner who completely shares your views and satisfies you in everything. Therefore, accept your husband for who he is. Pay more attention to your children, work, find a good friend who shares your views, and most importantly, continue to develop unconditional love. And everything will be fine with you! Good luck!

Letter 3

00:19:47 " I'm married to a good man. Our family is dear to him, but he has a child from his first marriage. My husband is very worried about him, he tries to do something for him all the time. So our life depends on this child. In recent years, this has begun to give rise to disputes between me and my husband. I understand him, but it doesn’t make it any easier for me. What to do?»

00:20:16 “What to do?” The advice to “change yourself” applies to you more than to anyone else. It’s clear from your chart that your husband is good, you too, fate is quite favorable, but one nuance can poison your life - this is the position of the Moon, which, in addition to strong intuition, great inner strength, endows you with high sensitivity and jealousy. Believe me, even if your husband gives all his money to this child, neither you nor your children will go hungry. Stop being jealous and you will see your husband's behavior change. This situation arose because getting rid of jealousy is your karmic task. Materially, you are doing well. I strongly advise you to have a common child. Don't worry, I took note of your age and checked everything several times. Everything about children is very beneficial for you (and for them!). Until October, try not to make any serious decisions - this is an unfavorable period for you. I can’t help but say that in 5 years you will begin a multi-year period of the Moon. Just as certain phases of the Moon cause high tides, low tides, or even floods on Earth, during this period you may also experience increased mental activity and resistance to stress without any serious reasons for this. And you need to prepare now by doing auto-training, meditation, developing a philosophical outlook on life, etc. If you direct the inner strength that is given to you to work on yourself, then you can achieve great success! Good luck!

Letter 4

00:22:12 " We have been married for 5 years and have no children. They did everything they could, they went through artificial insemination 5 times, but the embryos did not take root... The doctors don’t know what to do, since by all measures I have no health problems. Now we have given up all attempts and live on our own. But I still really want to have at least one child. I am 40 years old, my husband is 43, late in marriage. What to do? Maybe this is a fee for mistakes? But if this is the case, then the board is very expensive.»

00:22:47 Alas, in our turbulent age, many women suffer from infertility. The ancient sacred books of many nations predict wars and natural disasters for us, and some of them say directly: “Women will not be able to give birth”... Astrological charts indicate an unsatisfactory situation regarding childbirth. The main reasons are that we do not live according to laws based on love, and by and large, modern civilization generally ignores almost all the laws of the Universe.

00:23:19 According to your data, it is clear that you must have children. And if they are not there, then there were abortions, and this is a serious violation of energy laws. Unfortunately, you did not send the exact dates of birth - yours and your husband's, and without this it is impossible to say with certainty whether there will be children and when. But what can be said for sure is that you have highly developed subconscious aggression, you have great claims to the world, and therefore to God. Therefore, it is difficult to expect that a living soul can “take root” in you.

00:23:50 You should repeat the following phrase for 30 minutes every day: “Everything is the will of God,” or even better, “For everything is the love of God.” And learn to see the manifestation of the Higher Will in everything, to accept all life events without offense, irritation and aggression. Any misfortunes that happen to us in the present are usually the result of mistakes that we made in the past, or a person could specifically choose such a birth to work out many karmic tasks.

00:24:19 The main problem is that we do not fully know the basic laws of the Universe. We live according to the laws adopted in society, and we wonder: why are we being punished like that?! If we mentally wished harm on someone, got angry at someone, condemned someone, then all these actions can destroy our field, and, therefore, illness and misfortune are just around the corner. It was a real discovery for me that in Tibet and India no one knew the word “cancer” before, and infertility was considered a rare karmic disease. In the Western world, every third woman has serious problems with childbearing... I am writing to you this in order to convince you of the need to work on yourself, your worldview. All the best!

Letter 5

00:25:15 " For many years now I have been trying to develop spiritually: I study Judaism, read S. N. Lazarev and others. I wanted to ask you a few questions: 1. My husband and I have been wanting children for a long time, but so far nothing has worked out. Perhaps this is hampered by my grievances against my parents, but I try to remove them. 2. I would like to know what my karmic task is in this life.»

00:25:46 You are on the right track! Based on my own practice, I can say: when a person reads the sacred scriptures - the Torah, the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita and at the same time works according to the system of S. N. Lazarev, this gives amazing results. When a person comes to me and I see that he lives much better than fate intended, I immediately ask: “Are you reading S. N. Lazarev? Diagnosis of karma? - and 90% of people answer: “Yes.” He quite scientifically and systematically proved and described in modern language what the sages of different religions spoke about in other words.

00:26:22 Yes, you will have children, and very extraordinary ones. Everything is delayed by the aspect of Saturn, and Ketu can cause complications during pregnancy. You should have a girl first, and you should do everything possible to conceive a girl, then the pregnancy will be more successful. You can “program” the gender of your unborn child in the following ways.
1. Selecting a day in the physiological cycle. For example, the Vedas indicate that on even days of counting in relation to the first day of a woman’s menstrual cycle, boys are mainly conceived, and on odd days, girls are conceived. The sixth, eighth, tenth and twelfth days from the first day of the menstrual cycle are favorable for conceiving boys.
2. A modern effective method for selecting the moment of conception based on the temperature drop during egg maturation.
3. The Ayurvedic method, proven over thousands of years, is as follows: a few days before conception, the woman eats very heavily (grains, legumes, cakes), and the man follows a fruit diet. Sexual intercourse should last as long as possible, and the woman should be very excited. But if the couple wants a boy, then in this case the woman should fast. Sexual intercourse goes quickly, the woman should not be aroused, so the man uses oils and Vaseline.
4. The state of mind before the act and during the process of conception is also very important. We need to spiritualize our mind - with prayers, mantras, turn to God with a request to give an exalted soul of a certain gender, but add that we will accept with love whoever You send, as a manifestation of Your love and will.

00:28:13 Your karmic task is to get rid of deeply rooted egoism and concentration on yourself. It is clear from your natal chart that you are a kind, sublime person. You need to learn to do good and give love without expecting anything in return. Receive pleasure from the process of giving, and not from its fruits. You will be able to achieve the goals that you set for yourself, but you must rely on your own strength; easy luck is not expected. Wear emerald, more green in your clothes and always be happy!

Letter 6

00:29:02 " This is not the first time I am writing to you in the hope of getting an answer. Please, help me, I’m just in despair, and lately I’ve been catching myself thinking that I don’t want to live out of hopelessness. We have a big problem in our family. I am 30 years old, my husband is 32, I have been married for 4 years. I have a wonderful and caring husband - as they say, live and be happy, but we don’t have children. I underwent artificial insemination surgery three times, but to no avail. Rami, please answer, if possible: am I destined to become a mother? I understand that you can’t get hung up on children and that you need to love God first of all. But it’s very difficult for me now, as the years go by, and I’m just in a panic that I might be left without children. I am a primary school teacher by training, I worked in a school for 5 years, in Israel for 3 years, I do not work in my specialty. My husband advised me to change my profession, and now I am at a crossroads - I don’t know in which direction to direct my energy. My husband has two higher educations, but lately he has been working outside of his specialty. We have started the process of preparing documents to move to Canada, but it seems that we are just rushing around, cannot find a use for ourselves and, as a result, are marking time. Will our plans to move come true? Will we ever have our own home, or will we continue to wander around rented apartments? Thank you in advance. Thank you very much for giving faith and knowledge! Love and happiness to you!»

00:30:33 I checked your natal chart several times and the chart showing a person’s karma regarding children (saptamsha), and both clearly show a child - yes, late, after a lot of work, but it exists! So for the next year and a half, it is advisable to concentrate on this issue, and not on moving and changing professions. By the way, being a teacher suits you very well; I don't think it's worth changing it. I see your husband as a very gifted, intellectually developed person with great potential. Unfortunately, unfavorable periods do not allow it to manifest itself yet. Moving to Canada is not very visible on the map, but in any case, I do not recommend doing it in the next two years. You will have a house, but your husband must really want it, he will be able to gradually realize his ambitions. And it is advisable to register the property in his name. Now I would like to consider your phrase “I understand that you can’t get hung up on children and you need to love God first of all” from a philosophical point of view - yes, indeed, you need to love God first of all. And love for God means the following:
1. You love yourself and everyone around you, because God is everything, it is a single whole, and we and everything that surrounds us are particles of a single whole.
2. We approach any situation from a position of unconditional love, understanding that this situation was created by the One All-Good One for our own good and purification. The fact that you understand this is already good. But we also need to take into account that at this time we are souls embodied in material bodies in a certain society, and it is very important for us to realize ourselves. Otherwise, we will not be able to become happy either materially or spiritually, since our mind will not have peace. I have never seen people who achieved success in spiritual life who were not realized socially. In order to realize oneself socially, one must act in accordance with one’s nature, one’s inclinations and one’s karmic task. For some it may be trading, for others it may be training other people, etc. But for a woman to realize herself socially first of all means becoming a wife and mother. All religions and spiritual schools talk about this. You will hardly find a successful example where a woman who became a nun in her youth has achieved a lot in spiritual life. Studies have been conducted, the conclusion of which is that the majority of women who have not become mothers by the age of 30 and do not have a husband develop a number of mental and psychological disorders and diseases, including schizophrenia. Therefore, every woman should strive to get married successfully and have good children - this is quite natural and normal. So your “obsession with children” is quite normal and natural. Don’t have a complex and take this issue seriously. And you can develop Divine love in yourself at the same time, which I highly recommend. In your previous life, you put your ambitions and desires first, and Unconditional love should come first. You probably abandoned children for some purpose (maybe there were even abortions or insufficient attention to this topic). Therefore, in this life you learn a lesson through the absence of children and uncertainty in your career. So Divine love should always be developed, since it is its lack that is the source of all problems. I'm sure you will understand this and deal with it. Otherwise, your card characterizes you as a reasonable and noble person. And from the husband’s card it follows that he will be blessed with a good wife, that is, you, and this is a gift of fate. Therefore, develop Divine love in yourself, make every effort to realize yourself socially (at this stage this means becoming a mother), and this will bring you great happiness, and for those who come into contact with you in life, it will be a gift of fate.

Letter 7

00:34:59 " I noticed that tragic events very often occur in our family: over the course of three generations, one girl and five men died prematurely. 1. Please tell me what violation caused this misfortune - perhaps our whole family is to blame? We have always lived very secluded lives, with great hatred for people. Now we are very happy with our life, I am trying to change, I apologize for the many accumulated grievances and, as best I can, I explain everything to the family. Tell me, do I have a chance to correct our mistakes? 2. My husband wants to name his future children after his spouses - his godparents. This is a childless couple with a very difficult fate. I really don’t like this decision, and even in S.N.’s books. Lazarev I found confirmation of this. But the husband is not going to change his decision, since this is due to the customs of his people. Please tell me, can these pre-selected names influence the fate of future children? Since I never gave birth to a child after several pregnancies, I began to suspect a connection.»

00:36:06 Yes, what you describe is very clearly visible in your natal chart. Four planets are in decline... The Sun and Mars are especially affected, they are in decline and in the second most important chart - navamsha. And these two planets, and first of all the Sun, represent the father and relatives - men. They usually say about this kind that it is cursed. But do not rush to scold the villain - fate: everyone is born into the family and to the parents he deserves. Don't try to remember the person who cursed your family. If there is such a thing, then the curse is only a consequence. You yourself named the reason: “We have always lived in isolation, with great hatred for people.” It’s very good that you understand this and are trying to cleanse yourself! Surely you have a chance. Firstly, because God does not give tests beyond our strength! Secondly, from your map it is clear that you came to save your family. To do this, of course, you need to save yourself first. And getting rid of accumulated grievances is the first step; Well done, you are on the right track!

00:37:10 About your future children. It is not recommended to rigidly plan the gender of children: I, they say, only want a boy! And there is no need to select names until the moment the child is born (Vasya and nothing else!). This of course can affect the course of pregnancy. But besides this, you need to get checked by a doctor and always be attentive to women’s diseases. And since we’re talking about diseases, try to get enough calcium and take vitamins. And do not read in public transport, or in the dark. Your skeletal system and vision are weakened. Regarding your husband’s decision... You know, I respect the customs of all nations. For most of them, it is customary to name children after saints or characters from the sacred scriptures, but in no case after the names of relatives with a difficult fate, even if they were very good people, since part of the karma is transferred with the name. You can tell your children what good people they were, how many good qualities they had. I would not recommend naming children after these people... I think that if you solve this issue, continue to work on yourself, take care of your health, you will have good children. By the way, according to your map, the first one on your map is a boy who will look like you. The position of Saturn slightly delays its appearance, but teaches you patience and gives you time to work on yourself. All the best!

Letter 8

00:38:52 " I am 30 years old, I am married, our daughter will soon be 10 years old. She was born from her third and last pregnancy. All three pregnancies were associated with various depressions and psychotraumas. After giving birth, I became depressed and tried to commit suicide. I underwent psychiatric and drug treatment. But I still don’t know what helped more – the pills or the psychic I turned to for help. Everything else, I think, you will see for yourself. The problem is that I don't want to have children anymore. But my husband wants another child. And I understand that I do not have the moral right to deprive him of such an opportunity. Moreover, according to Kabbalah, having children is a man’s destiny. This means that I do not give him the opportunity to fulfill his destiny. On the other hand, I understand that I am a bad mother and, in principle, not suitable for motherhood. I do not experience the expected tenderness at the sight of small children, moreover, I am afraid of them (I hope they will understand me and will not judge me). What should I do? Give birth despite reluctance and fear? Treat like with like? The second question interests me about my purpose. I wouldn’t want to spend an entire lifetime eating and digesting food. And so I think, maybe my task is connected with children, since I have such difficulties with this? Maybe this is my job? Third: my husband has been wanting to leave Israel for many years. Will we be able to leave, is it worth trying? And if you give birth, then maybe it’s better in another country? Economically simpler.»

00:40:29 The problems that you describe, unfortunately, are karmic and are very clearly visible in the map. Your Moon and House of Personality are very weakened, and the lunar nodes are in a bad position. All this points to major psychological problems, difficulties in childbearing, a large number of fears, suspiciousness and despondency, and your letter confirms all this... Unfortunately, you made everything worse by attempting suicide. All religions claim that suicide is a great sin - such souls suffer for a very long time in the future. Even the thought of suicide has a destructive effect on the psyche. Feelings such as reluctance to live, despondency, dissatisfaction with oneself can greatly spoil karma for several incarnations ahead.

00:41:13 Psychics or specialists in the field of “biofield correction”, “energy support” and others can, at best, “make cosmetic repairs”, driving the problem to an even deeper level. Therefore, it is very important for you to start working on yourself, on your worldview. It is highly advisable to repeat for 10 minutes a day: “ I wish everyone love and peace!» The best time for this is in the evening, when the Moon is visible. At least once a week you need to go to the seashore and just look at the waves for 30 minutes, trying not to think about anything. By the way, try to think less in your life, devote to each problem exactly as much mental energy as it requires, no more. Aerobic exercise (running, walking, swimming) is a must.

00:42:00 When it comes to children, not everything is so simple. On the one hand, the coming year is very favorable for the birth of children, and if you decided, you could have a very good boy. But on the other hand, giving birth under the influence of someone else’s opinion, with reluctance and fear - I cannot advise you to do this... Yes, you may well leave Israel. But if you decide to give birth, it’s better to give birth in the next year.

00:42:25 Your destiny is to independently restore a very weakened mental world, get rid of despondency, dissatisfaction with yourself, envy, rancor, and become a good mother and wife. But the most important thing is to achieve peace of mind. Only by experiencing feelings of peace can a person become happy and achieve a lot in spiritual and material life. It is important for you to understand, accept and implement this. And then your life will become perfect and everyone around you will experience happiness because they are next to you!

00:42:57 Despite the fact that I told you a lot of “difficult” things, I am sure that you will cope. God does not give trials beyond our strength! You have a very strong Mercury, which indicates great intelligence and the ability to cope with any mental problems with its help. You also have a number of other favorable positions in your chart, including several strong Raja Yogis, who will greatly help and protect you in all areas of life. All the best! Love and peace!

Letter 9

00:43:42 " A loving couple is writing to you. We met in Israel, and this sacred land united our hearts and souls. Although this did not happen early - he has a divorce, disappointment and two beloved children behind him, and she has numerous fans and loneliness. But it’s clear that people find love when they are spiritually ready for it... We value each other and would like to create a strong family in the future, and therefore we are concerned about the following questions:
1. Are we compatible? Will our union be a union of spiritual growth for both?
2. We take care of each other’s spiritual development, but we look at some issues from different positions. What is the karmic task for each of us?
3. Will there be problems with childbearing? We really want a child, but our ages are 35 and 37 years old... Will the child be healthy?
4. And two more interesting features. Understanding the need to earn money for housing, we work a lot and... get sick, spend a lot of money on medicine and treatment. Then we work a little, spending more time with each other, and we’re healthy. What is this: “a hook for money”, but what is a family without housing?..
Recently, she has been very attracted to magazines with the design of living spaces (which has never happened before), her mood improves, as if energy is being recharged. How can this be explained, because there is nothing accidental in life, fate prepares it (or prepares it) for something new?

00:45:21 It’s nice that you are a loving couple. When both partners work on themselves, they can achieve impressive results very quickly! You wrote very well that people find love when they are spiritually ready for it. It's true true love is given only to those who can truly love and be loved, give and receive. And from your map it is clear that before you could not find it, you had to go through disappointments, divorce, loneliness.

00:45:50 Now let's try to answer your questions one by one.
1. You have good compatibility. It is only important for the spouse to never outwardly contradict her spouse and show all forms of outward respect. This is important for all couples, but also for YOU. Already now your union serves spiritual growth; If you continue to work on yourself in the future, then I don’t see any problems in this area.
2. A union of two is a union of two mature personalities, not two identical robots, so it is quite natural that each of you has your own point of view. Be respectful of each other's worldviews.
They don’t ask about the karmic task casually; they don’t ask casually - this is the main thing why we come into this world. And this issue requires a special respectful attitude. In short, I will say that for your man this is the development of genuine self-confidence, he should not be too attached to the fulfillment of his desires, he must learn to maintain love and calm. Advice for you is not to be afraid of the future and become a good mother and loving wife.
3. I don’t see any problems with childbirth; I.’s chart shows a late child very clearly, maybe even more than one.
4. It is important for you to understand that a happy family is when spouses love each other, when there is love and harmony in the family. There are many examples when newlyweds received an apartment as a wedding gift, but quickly got divorced or fought all their lives. And on the other hand, there are many couples who live in rented apartments all their lives, but are very happy.
I'm not trying to say that real estate is not important for a family, far from it! In Sanskrit, the family way of life is called “grihastha”, which means house, separate housing, thereby emphasizing the importance of this issue. But, in my opinion, you are making this question too absolute by asking “What kind of family is without housing?” In this matter, what hinders you more is not the “catch for money”, but the excessive attachment to external stability and constancy.

00:47:57 Yes, design suits you very well - it could be a hobby at first. I advise you to study Vastu - the original feng shui (it is also called Indian feng shui). Over time, this may become your profession.

00:48:10 Yes, nothing in life is accidental. And a small event can cause big changes. But you don’t need to go to the other extreme - you pay too much attention to every little detail. In order to understand the will of providence, which manifests itself through various signs sent to us by the Universe, you need to be wise enough and live in the reality of the present moment. Best wishes to you! Good luck in all areas of life!

Letter 10

00:48:47 " I spoke to you on the phone; Maybe you remember, I was 9 months pregnant and told me that my relationship with my husband was very bad, that he wanted to leave me. When I talked to you, Rami, I felt much better. Now after giving birth, I gave birth to a girl (I now have three children). Could you please advise what should I do now?»

00:49:12 Yes, I remember our conversation very well and I’m very glad that it helped you. I told you the main things. I would only like to add that you need to mentally go through all the stages of pregnancy, remember all the insults and humiliations received from your husband, and completely forgive him. Parents are very connected energetically with the child in his first years (it is believed that up to 12 years). But a mother is especially connected to her child when he is in her womb. It is at this time that many karmic tasks are worked out. Various kinds of problems arise, especially with the child’s father. And if the expectant mother does not pass the “exam”, becomes offended, is afraid, and succumbs to despondency, then her karma sharply worsens for her and especially for the child. I also advise you to be patient and stock up on love for the next three years (or better yet, for the rest of your life!), since it follows from your chart and the chart of your children that your husband’s “tricks” can continue. But this is your karma and that of your children. If your marriage survives until 2006, then you will continue to be together. In material terms, no noticeable improvements are expected until 2005. As for employment, your main purpose is to raise and raise wonderful children, no matter what! Venus will create problems in your career. As a rule, people with this position of Venus change their profession throughout their lives. The excellent placement of the planet you depend on most, Jupiter, in the House of Religion and Fortune indicates a penchant for philosophy, charity, and a deep-rooted devotion and faith in God. It also means satisfaction and success when working in religious and charitable organizations, and brings good luck and support from above in difficult times. You should not so much strive to change your destiny as your outlook on life. Our life is what we think about it! Ultimately, only God can change fate. Happiness is a state of mind, not a coincidence of external circumstances. Only by changing our worldview and character can we change something around us.

Letter 11

00:51:38 " To get pregnant, she turned to doctors for help, the pregnancy was going well, but at the 7th month labor suddenly began, and a boy was born weighing 1,460 kg. His life began with great difficulties in the incubator. Two long months in the hospital, head surgery, breathing problems and other difficulties. He has been at home for two months and has already been very ill twice. Our questions: 1. What awaits our child? Will he be healthy and strong? 2. Will I have problems with my second pregnancy and how can they be avoided?»

00:52:13 In your previous life, family happiness was the main meaning of your existence. And the owner of the Rising Sign clearly indicates that in this life you deify the family, and we lose everything earthly that we deify. Your baby (and you) will have to survive another four years, and will likely have another surgery. Then his health will only improve. I would not advise you to remain pregnant for another two years and be prepared for the fact that you will not have more than two children in this life. You can reduce problems in the future if you: wear a red ruby ​​in gold, and so that it is in contact with the body; follow all doctors' instructions.

00:52:55 But the most important thing is to do the following exercise several times. Imagine as realistically as possible that your children are sick and dying, your husband leaves you, your friends betray you, but at the same time you feel no fear, no aggression, no claims to fate and God. You must see in everything a manifestation of the Higher Will and a means for accumulating love for God, a willingness to submit to the Divine will, no matter how cruel and illogical it may seem to you... When you imagine, it is very important to repeat: “I am ready to accept any development of events.” Then mentally imagine , how everything that you imagined gathers into a ball above your head and this ball floats away from you and in the distance breaks into many small pieces, none of which reaches you. In terms of material well-being, everything is very good for you! All the best!

Letter 12

00:54:04 " I am tormented by problems with my son. His behavior at school, his treatment of me, his studies. I feel like I’m losing my health, and I still have a daughter. He's always out of work, jumping from place to place. Because of the children, I have been working as a caregiver for 9 years. What do I need to understand and do?»

00:54:27 As I understand it, you don’t work on yourself and, therefore, you get what you’re entitled to by karma, and even more. A person’s destiny can change if he works on himself spiritually. If he does not do this, then no matter what efforts he makes, he cannot get more than what fate has given him. Only less - if, due to laziness, greed and the like, he manages to ruin his karma already in this life. For example, a person is entitled to a certain financial level. And he will work 12 hours a day at three jobs, but at the same time he will be in need. Of course, he can fraudulently obtain money, which will improve his financial situation for a short time, but there will be a “loss” in other areas: the health of him or his loved ones will deteriorate, relationships with others will deteriorate greatly, the psyche will suffer, etc.

00:55:21 So, your situation is similar to the one described in the ancient treatise on Vedic astrology. If you read the description of a weakened Ketu in the House of Family, a weakened Moon (in the House of Children), Saturn (which in your case is closely connected with the House of your partner), and the House of Career, you can see your life in these positions. And considering that recent years have been difficult periods, we can understand you very well. And sincerely sympathize. Now for the good stuff. The coming year will bring you good changes, and from the second half of 2008 a long period of favorable Venus will begin. This year you should seriously start looking for a new job. This year is also good for conceiving a child, but if it doesn’t work out, then put this idea off until 2009 or even to your next life. The apartment should be changed in the period from July 2005 to June 2006 or from August 2008 to December 2011. You have poor compatibility with your son, his father should raise him first of all, and treat him strictly for at least another three years . Try not to yell at him and generally show less negative emotions in his presence. You write that you work hard “because of the children,” I think that in your case this is wrong. According to statistics, most people who completely sacrificed their lives for the sake of their children were eventually left alone and heard only reproaches from their offspring.

00:56:56 Your first karmic task in this incarnation is you need to understand the difference between true love and blind attachment to children. Other karmic tasks are to learn to live without submitting to feelings, to give up internal greed, to be able to wait, endure and be ready to internally accept any situation sent by Providence. Only working on these shortcomings can bring you and your loved ones real changes for the better. I have no doubt that you will succeed if you wish! This is evidenced by the position of the Moon and birth under the star of success - Divine in nature and bringing good luck. I wish you success!

Letter 13

00:57:49 " I would like to know what my husband and I can do and fix now so that our children do not suffer, what can be improved? I would also like to know about my mother. She has already undergone several difficult operations. Is it possible to correct something in her karma so that I do not repeat her fate? The scary thing is that both she and her mother became widows relatively early.»

00:58:16 First, a philosophical introduction. Everyone works off their karma. The sick child – theirs, the parents – theirs. There are no accidents in this world and no one suffers due to someone else’s mistake. Since a person faces misfortune, illness, betrayal, ruin, it means he deserves it. But on the other hand, the child’s karma can be spoiled or improved by the mother during pregnancy and in the first 13 years of the child’s life, since she is energetically connected with him. And any feelings - resentment, despondency, anger - have a negative impact on the child’s health. Studies have been conducted that have shown that plants next to which people constantly quarrel produce less fruit and get sick more often, and on the contrary, plants that are cared for with love almost never get sick. If plants react this way to others, then it is obvious that the child is even more dependent on his parents, the people closest to him on earth. And, therefore, parents, especially the mother, should radiate love, inner peace and happiness during this period. It happens that in a past life there was a lot of aggression, despondency and resentment, he comes to the mother with a similar program, and double tests fall on the mother, someone offends her, betrays her, robs her, and if the woman passes all these tests, i.e. . forgives and accepts it with love and inner peace, then the energy field is leveled and karma improves significantly for both. However, if your children are already adults and you remember how during pregnancy you were offended and afraid, scroll through this situation many times in your mind, imagining how you will pass all these tests with love, calmness and forgiveness. This exercise is very effective; many people have experienced dramatic positive changes in their lives, thanks to this technique, as a person has cleared his heart and subconscious of old garbage. Thus, the best help for children will be to get rid of anger, resentment, fear, envy, greed and other negative feelings themselves and begin to live with Unconditional love. On an external level, Eastern psychology advises the following: from the moment of conception to 5 years old, a child should be treated like a deity, from 5 to 13 years old (in some sources up to 16) you need to be with them, especially with boys, strict, and starting from 13 – For 15 years, the relationship should be friendly.

01:00:53 As for your mother, she is undoubtedly a good person, but at the same time she has karmic programs, the meaning of which will be difficult for her to understand due to a certain Soviet upbringing, you need to work with her separately. You will help her a lot if you understand yourself, your main task is to become less serious, you are very tense. Understand that caution, responsibility, and the ability to work hard are good. But you don’t need to take this to the extreme, learn to relax, remember that mental stress is one of the main sources of problems in life. Always remember that strong trees are the first to break in a storm; the one who steps softer goes further; and that nothing in this world except God can be taken 100% seriously. I don’t see widowhood in your chart, but I see that you have a lot of love in your soul, and this is the most important thing!
Good luck and happiness to you!

Letter 14

01:02:01 " I was on your site. I find a lot of new and useful information that I can use practically. Thank you. For the first time in my life I can’t make a final decision, perhaps your advice will help me make it. I married for love, but in recent years I have felt tired of family life, due to mutual insults and frequent quarrels. I still suffer over some situations that happened in our family. My wife took me to a family psychologist. He advised me to get a divorce and gave advice on how, among other things, to prepare the children for this. And now we are almost at the end of the divorce process. But strange things happen: we cannot completely break off the relationship, we call each other like good friends, sometimes we meet, although my resentment towards her is strong. What do you see from our data? Second question. You often talk about unconditional love. And from your publications I understand that you are a supporter of altruism and an opponent of selfishness. But is it really possible to live only with the problems of others, trampling on your own personality? Why can't you live for yourself?»

01:03:11 I don’t think at all that you need to divorce your wife, although it’s obvious. That from time to time she will offend you. You, I think, know that it is easier to love the whole world than one specific person, especially a loved one. And the main karmic rewards are given to us through them, and primarily through spouses, children, and parents. And your case is no exception. You have a large layer of grievances against women in your subconscious. And they give you as a lesson the woman you love, who offends you (being offended in return). But you don’t draw any conclusion from this, don’t learn the lesson and follow the path of least resistance - get a divorce. Just know: in this life you will meet such women that your ex-wife will seem like an angel to you. But that's not the main thing that worries me. If you break up, then in two years you will have a very difficult period, it will be especially difficult financially and health-wise. In terms of health, this concerns primarily the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems. I would like to recommend that you read the conclusions of modern scientists regarding the fact that serious illnesses have psychological roots, primarily resentment, anger, and despondency. And one last thing. Taking into account your masculine mentality, I will describe your karmic pattern for this incarnation. You have a sister with whom you have a very bad relationship. Your father died before you came of age, you have talent in the exact sciences, your children are only girls, the first was born in 1990-1991, she is very similar to you, active, smart, but she has had heart problems since childhood. You came to Israel in 1994–1995. In 1999, you lost a lot of money due to a conflict at work. Since 2001, your career has taken off, you have many creative plans, but your relationship with your wife has deteriorated. If you draw the right conclusions from your relationship with your wife (learn this lesson), your career will continue to take off, and in 2007 you will receive a lucrative offer from a country overseas. True, now you are choosing another, worse option.

01:05:24 As for the second question, it is clear that you have not read all of our publications, since we wrote a lot about the importance of self-love and the development of healthy egoism. Everything we do, we ultimately do for ourselves. But there are different levels of “doing for oneself”, it depends on the degree of egoism, and there are two main sources: either we do something out of fear or out of love. And as always, any action depends on the level of our consciousness. For example, a person who lives by gross egoism (he cares only about himself), at some point realizes that without relatives and friends he will not achieve much, and then he tries to do something for them. An even higher development of egoism is when a person takes pleasure in serving his nation or even all of humanity, and participates in various national, environmental, and social movements. If a person does this with an ignorant consciousness, then he himself and everyone around him suffers. A person in passion wants the whole world to know who and how much he helped, and to benefit from it. When the consciousness is blissful, then a person does everything out of a sense of duty, enjoying the process itself. But one way or another, if a person bases his actions on the basis of a false ego, then all his actions are saturated with fear and are easy to manipulate. “They told me: if I don’t fast, I’ll get cancer; I won’t buy this amulet, and nothing will protect me from the evil eye, and if I don’t give soap, then God will completely stop helping me, and it’s scary to imagine what my relatives will think if I don’t give the gift that is customary, etc., and so on."

01:07:05 If a person rises to the spiritual level, then he does everything based on unconditional love. He takes care of himself with love, does not consider himself superior or inferior to anyone, his relationships with others are built on the principle “I win - you win.” He does not seek to take advantage of others and does not allow this to be done to himself. But the main thing is that such a person understands: the more love and happiness he gives, the more love and happiness will enter his life. And what’s the point of being offended, envious, afraid, showing aggression if it brings nothing but misfortunes, illnesses, damaged relationships and a bad mood?!

01:07:42 A person who truly loves himself will never smoke, eat unhealthy foods (white sugar, products made from white flour and (or) containing various chemical additives, especially preservatives, meat, etc. ) On the contrary, such a person will take care of his health, do yoga, physical exercise, and eat right.

01:08:03 Therefore, Eastern psychology, calling for living with unconditional love and reviving the true “I,” thereby educates true “egoists” who are capable of filling their lives and the lives of those around them with love and bliss. So become a real “egoist”, “Egoist” with a capital E. And thereby make your life perfect!

Letter 15

01:08:39 " A few years ago I met a person with whom (as I soon realized) I would like to be with for the rest of my life. For the first time in my life, in a relationship with a man, I felt that giving brings more joy than receiving; For the first time, I myself want to take care of, warm, protect... This is a very bright, extraordinary person, in whom numerous advantages are combined with a heavy, almost completely devoid of flexibility character. Along with his wonderful qualities, there are many grievances, fears, disappointments and bitterness hidden in his soul. He can be gentle, caring, affectionate and at the same time cold, indifferent, aloof, and sometimes even cruel. Recently, alienation in our relationships has begun to appear more and more often. Any step I take towards a meeting is met with even greater coldness and alienation. Trying to explain himself only complicates the situation (he can’t tell me anything definite). Our relationship is very dear to me, and I am ready to do a lot to preserve it, but I cannot constantly break into a closed door, I need to see if there is any point in trying to change something. Please tell me whether it is worth continuing to hold on to this relationship, does it have a future? Will we ever have our own home, children? Maybe we should just accept this situation as it is and give him time to decide on his own desires? I beg you, help me choose the right path and regain my peace of mind.
P.S: I once read that we all come into this world in order to learn to love. Maybe this whole situation is the first lesson for a spoiled, selfish girl who grew up in a large, warm family in an atmosphere of universal love and care, and this lesson should be followed to the end?

01:10:34 You are wrong to think that your problem is not serious. Quite the contrary, a lot depends on how you behave now. And the fact that you feel it intuitively is very good. The fact is that in this situation you have touched love, which, unlike our bustle-filled life, is eternal. And the fact that this is real, unconditional love is immediately obvious - you want to give, and by giving, you get more pleasure. The fact that the beloved has many shortcomings... So what?! Everyone has shortcomings. But just as we must love and accept ourselves as we are, we must love and accept others as they are.

01:11:13 Next: love is giving freedom to the object of love, since your goal is to make him happy. You need to speak openly about your feelings, about the desire to always be there and calmly wait for an answer, living by the very feeling of love, and not by those illusory pictures that our mind creates in abundance. If you give up on this relationship because it has no future, then you will lose both the relationship and the future. If we give up love for something, then we lose both love and what we gave it up for.

01:11:46 According to your natal charts, you have good compatibility, and you can have good children and your own home. But it depends on you, on how you get through this situation. You should speak openly about your feelings (how many happy marriages have failed because of indecision and fear of opening up!) Do not become depressed if you receive a cold refusal or a vague answer. In the course of the “action” you are not humiliated, because true love implies that you also love yourself. If you have been seriously offended or betrayed, you forgive and do not become embittered. Thus, if you go through this internally, then externally you begin to do the right thing, calmly and confidently. And if you can do this, then this means that you are ready for great true love, which the Universe will definitely send you soon. Love and happiness to you!

Letter 16

01:12:48 " I am writing to you for the second time. It's probably good that you didn't respond to the first letter. Many events happened, I read both your journal and esoteric literature, analyzed it, tried to figure it out myself, often went to Jerusalem, where I felt at ease, as if filled with vital energy. And fate gave me a meeting with a person who was spiritually close to me, about whom I had dreamed all my life. We understand, we love each other... but will we be together? The fact is that his ex-wife is very categorical regarding the children (she doesn’t allow him to see them because of me). I beg you, answer me why there are continuous paradoxes in my life: boundless love for children and the feeling of excruciating pain because of the children of a loved one, sociability and a late opportunity to find a loved one, a great desire to have children and a late marriage (I hope). Dear Rami, explain to me why I, having developed intuition and education, cannot realize myself professionally? I like flowers, languages, design, fate seems to give me books on this topic - “learn, it will come in handy,” but is this my path? I beg you to answer, should I really renounce love because of worldly principles, and if God gives us such happiness as finding a strong family, will we have a healthy child?»

01:14:11 What you describe is very clearly visible in your chart - a small parade of planets in the house of children and romantic relationships, a badly damaged partner’s house, etc. All this gives a destiny similar to yours. The card shows that you are a spiritually advanced person, so I will briefly describe what you need to understand and work on. Paradoxes arise because you do not understand the difference between divine and human logic.

01:14:39 Boundless love and unconditional love are not always the same thing. Strong affection is often confused with boundless love. Try to understand the difference between affection and unconditional love. To help you understand this better, I will give an excerpt from my book “10 Steps to Happiness.” How to tell the difference between love and affection? Everyone strives to get rid of loneliness, which causes pain, and find happiness in personal relationships. But if we invest our affection in individuals, it becomes the cause of loneliness and suffering. We are accustomed to classifying ourselves as part of some group or uniting with some person, and considering others as enemies.

01:15:20 Lust is a state of need, a need for love, a state of inner emptiness that we try to fill from the outside. Love is a state of completeness. This is a state of enormous inner strength, complete satisfaction and abundance that goes beyond our relationships with any person. The most important question we should ask ourselves is: “How to give love?”, instead of the question: “Where can I find love?” After all, it is obvious that if we strive to give love, it will definitely come to us, because in such a state we perceive love as something inherent in us. And accordingly, on the contrary, if we are looking for love outside, then it will run away from us, because... we perceive it as something that does not belong to us.

00:16:08 We look for love outside, first of all, sexual partners. But this is also not sexual love for family and friends. We want, and sometimes even demand, to be loved, instead of striving to give the world selfless and impersonal love. Our personal relationships bring us so many problems only because we lack true Selfless Love. We seek in our relationships with our neighbors that feeling that only a relationship with God can bring.

01:16:36 Many people are now trying to find eternal, immortal love, but relationships between people are temporary. They can gain immortality only if they see in another person a manifestation of the Divine, seeing him as a part of God. Without recognizing God, who is in everything and everyone, we cannot find satisfaction in any relationship. We are born and die alone, and we can merge with another person physically or spiritually only for a short moment of fate. We are truly never alone. Our true “I” includes the consciousness of the entire Universe; you just need to turn your gaze inward and find it. True connections are formed when we see the Divine in other people and in all things. To do this, you need to go beyond all bodies and forms and establish a connection with God. But by becoming attached to someone, we spoil both our lives and his. Attachment is when we cling to someone and do not allow either him or ourselves to move naturally.

01:17:36 Your great desire to have children is causing a delay in this regard. In your previous life, you were too attached to children and a regular sexual partner. Professionally, what you describe suits you very well. But in the next year or two you need to concentrate on organizing your personal life; the time has come for the birth of a late child. Good luck!

Letter 17

01:18:11 " Thank you for your response to my last letter - thank you for the recommendations and detailed explanations, for the words of support - I really needed it. And so I decided to turn to you for advice again. The fact is that I met an extraordinary person. We have only been dating for a short time, but we have already decided to link our destinies forever and cannot imagine a future without each other. I know that a life partner is given to us for the purpose of nurturing our soul, which means that we are together for a reason. But how long will we maintain bright feelings for each other and what awaits us ahead? We wanted to get married next year, but I read in one article that 2004 is a leap year, and that if you get married at this time, it will be unlucky. And also that 2005 is the year of the widow, and 2006 is the year of the widower. Should we believe these “predictions” or, in spite of everything, tie up our destinies at the appointed time? I would also like to know this: for some time I was interested in numerology and figured out the date of birth of my boyfriend. From there I learned that he had a huge reserve of energy, but I couldn’t find out where he should direct it and what his karmic task was. And also in what area is it better for him to reveal himself and his talent? He currently works in a printing house, but wants to take a programming course. Will he be able to pull it off? It would also be interesting to know how many lives my friend and I have to live and how many have we already lived?»

01:19:42 Thank you for your kind words, I’m glad I was able to help you! Also glad you met a good life partner, this is a blessing from a past life. He has a good card that characterizes him as a spiritually developed person who is capable of achieving a lot professionally. He has many talents, he will make a programmer, but this is far from the best type of activity for him. The profession of a teacher, psychologist, or designer is more suitable for him. Physically, he needs to take care of his eyesight and spine; spiritually, he needs to learn to live without fear for the future, to accept with love and calm situations when desires are not fulfilled, or vice versa, when they are fulfilled. Marry him in the fall. A good day for this is, for example, September 2. What you write about 2004, 2005, 2006 looks too general from the point of view of Vedic astrology.

01:20:37 Taking into account your high spiritual level and purity of hearts, you can preserve your bright feelings for the rest of your life. Just remember that in relationships there are no trifles. What does the future hold for you? Live in the present, which creates this future, and you will always be happy and peaceful. What difference does it make how many lives you have been and will be together - 3 or 20? Still, from the perspective of eternity, it is like a flash of lightning. The Vedas say that in the material world living beings are like chips in a huge seething river, which are united by the will of the current for some insignificant time, but then the current also throws them in different directions. And the less false egoism in a person, the more clearly he understands this.
Therefore, try to live here and now, and not in illusory thoughts, regretting the past and dreaming about the future. This is what you and your partner need to learn first. This is what will bring you true happiness, and not dubious information about how many more lives you will be together... Good luck!

Parents leave a big imprint on the fate of a newborn. It is from them that the child receives positive or negative emotions through birth programs.

What are birth programs

- this is programming at the energy level, which directly affects a group of people related to each other by blood ties.

As soon as a child is conceived, the fetus receives from its parents an information matrix for future development. This program, as a rule, influences the entire future fate of a person, regardless of whether he realizes it or not.

Stages of formation of negative attitudes

The first negative bookmark occurs at the moment of conception. The couple starts a family and has sex. Vivid experiences write into the subconscious of young people that sex is pleasant and useful. When fertilization occurs, future parents understand that due to the appearance of a child in the family, the number of sexual contacts will have to be reduced. In the mother’s subconscious, 2 programs collide, one is the pleasure of sex, and the other is the conception program. The young people understand that because of the child, sexual relations will be less frequent, and at this moment the first birth conflict occurs. The pregnancy program begins to dominate the “nice” program. The woman becomes irritable, and her condition affects the psychological perception of the fetus. Since the mother and child are connected, all her negative experiences will be absorbed by the unborn child at the cellular level precisely through birth programs.

The period from the 18th day from the moment of conception to 7 weeks stands apart in the formation of generic conflict. If at this time the mother experiences negative emotions, then this undoubtedly affects the fetus. At the cellular level, information is deposited that in the world where he should come, it is very bad, there are many diseases and the baby will suffer. His unconscious psyche concludes that he must leave that world as quickly as possible.
The next stage, when negative programs are laid down, is childbirth. At this time, the mother experiences severe physiological and mental stress. The baby comes out of the womb and comes into contact with light and oxygen, which can cause the following negative program to be introduced into the child’s psyche.
The mother's first feeding can also affect the baby's condition. Along with milk, negative information that the mother has accumulated during pregnancy is transmitted.

Neutralization of negative programs

Skin, muscles and bones are a kind of channel through which you can communicate with the subconscious. Experts use this opportunity to correct negative programs. Prenatal programs can be adjusted - the main thing is to find a good one in this area.

Therapy is a great tool in this area. This is an osteopathic treatment that is performed in an aquatic environment. Warm water and the removal of stress from the human body imitate the womb. The psychophysical effect is achieved by the fact that the human body subconsciously remembers the time when it was protected by the maternal shell from the outside world. This helps him to completely abstract from life’s problems, pain on the physical level and allows the osteopath to correct the psycho-emotional balance by correcting the negative aspects of the birth program.

Sometimes, to achieve the maximum effect from Aqua CST sessions, a specialist prescribes several therapy sessions. The sessions enable the patient to open up on a psychological level, as a result of which aquacraniosacral therapy neutralizes the negative aspects of the program much more quickly.

How are generic programs developed? How to heal your Family?

  • Strengthening individuality and bringing negative emotions and experiences to a conscious level (building cause-and-effect relationships). When we begin to unwind the chain of events, we understand that the patterns or fears do not belong to us, they are alien to our nature. Until the program is transferred to the level of awareness, a person will always rush between extreme emotions, it will be difficult for him to find himself in the world around him, to build contacts, a person is capable of destroying the lives of loved ones and himself. Unprocessed pain will intensify and add even more pain to the common ocean of souls; the transfer of programs will occur until a conscious soul is found that can interrupt the chain of these repeating fragments or emotions. And only that soul that has its own strong individuality can achieve awareness. Only such a soul is capable of transforming ossified structures. If a person does not contribute anything to his family, does not work out the ancestral programs, does not enrich the family with new energy, it means that he himself will not receive the necessary experience and will continue what came to him from birth. At the moment of his birth, a person gets the chance to choose which energies he will live with and which ones he will identify with. Will he solve his problems consciously or vice versa? How much energy he can give so that the race can develop and future generations can be more successful and creative. A person should consider each difficulty as a clash of ancestral energies among themselves, or, conversely: a discrepancy occurs between ancestral energy and his personal aspirations. One way or another, these conflict situations can be seen as the key to personal growth.
    Sometimes we do not change our lives, our destiny because of loyalty to our family. In order not to follow tribal orders, you need to beg yourself for permission to go a different way, and this means coming to an agreement with the tribal system.
  • Acceptance of kind. When working with generic programs, an important tool is to deepen your understanding and empathy for what happened. History cannot be remade, it can only be understood, accepted and processed through mistakes. It is very easy to succumb to the temptation to judge someone in the family and cut them off. But this is not how you heal the race. The family is healed by participation, connection with the roots. It is also a violation to refuse to feed the clan or to refuse the offered help from the clan. Most often, this happens due to the fact that a person does not want to be included in generic programs, and lives by the principle: I am the master of my life, and let the family deal with what it has done. But any program must be completed, and if you come into conflict with the clan and show self-will, then, as a rule, you not only destroy the clan power, but also spoil your destiny.
    To get rid of hostility and accept a relative, it is important for you to understand that the person acted at that moment exactly as he could act, and it was the right, best decision for him at that moment. True healing comes with acceptance and forgiveness of all participants in events and oneself, as part of this generic organism. Sincerely ask for forgiveness from your parents while they are alive, and if they are no longer alive, then you can mentally ask for forgiveness from those who are already in the other world. Forgive your parents who could not give you love and education. The power of forgiveness heals birth wounds caused by insults, bitterness of misunderstanding, indifference and hard-heartedness.
  • You can undergo special energy healing programs to cleanse karmic and ancestral programs. Some of the information is cleared at the subtle - field - causal level. As a result, you will not only free yourself from negative states and scenarios, but you can also change your Destiny.
  • Create and maintain ancestral traditions and rituals.
    These are weddings, weddings, birthdays, Christmas, Easter, etc. These are any family and ordinary events, all events that unite the clan. This also includes remembering loved ones, Remembrance Day, and storing mementos from deceased relatives. Connect the family with rituals, communicate, or at least call periodically. If it is not physically possible to do this (you are far from each other or relatives do not make contact), do it in your imagination. It is important to remember that the essence of traditions is not so much in rituals, but in the inner intention of rapprochement.
  • Honor your loved ones (children and parents).
    Neglect of relatives is a rejection of ancestral power. When you learn to honor and respect, you thereby reconnect with your ancestral power.
  • Do things that claim to be connected to eternity.
    For example, build houses, plant trees, be generous.
  • Communicate with children, pass on the story to them.
    Study history in general and the history of your family in particular.
  • Develop in yourself the concept of shrines that are associated with family foundations. This is the homeland, place of residence, life, mother, father, God, beauty, peace. These are all the forces that feed the race.
  • You cannot humiliate and scold things that are associated with clan and tribal forces.

If you can’t implement everything on this list right now, it doesn’t matter. Do what you can, because it is not so much the outer action that matters, but the inner intention. If you are ready to take responsibility for your destiny and the destiny of your family, you will definitely have the opportunity to heal your ancestral energy. And remember, if you are in your family, it means that it needs you and your help. Help your ancestral system align and strengthen, and then it will be able to fully support you and imbue you and your descendants with strength.
Happiness and prosperity to you and your family!

Birth programs

Our place and time of birth on this earth is not accidental. Moreover, before coming into this world, we ourselves agree with the souls of our loved ones about the situations and programs we are working on. Having incarnated in this world, we are a continuation of our race. And all our ancestors who lived before us continue to live in us. All the achievements and skills of our ancestors are in our genetic code, which is transmitted through blood and is called ancestral memory. We also inherit the imperfections and outright mistakes of our ancestors. They are the genetic burden of our species. All stereotypes of behavior and thinking that we inherited from our ancestors are transmitted to us in the form of generic programs, which, like computer programs, have activation conditions, clearly defined operating parameters and, most importantly, can be deleted, updated or replaced by other programs.

What is the value of this information?

One of my friends does not have children. He is smart, well-mannered, rich, good-looking, and has a high position in society. He could give his children the best in this world. But there is no one to give it to. He cannot prolong his lineage. He also has trouble finding a worthy life partner. With his data!…

A distant relative of mine left her father’s surname when she got married, “so that her father’s line would not end.” There were no boys born in her generation. She died quite young, never having known motherhood.

A couple I know did not have children for 8 years after starting a family. The long-awaited child, laboriously born and born, died at the age of 8 years.

The mother-in-law did not accept her daughter-in-law. She gave birth to a daughter who never had an understanding with her mother, and then with her daughter.

In the family of one of my friends, all the men are revelers. It is clear that their wives (women of this kind) have a hard life.

My friend’s grandmother is divorced, her mother is divorced, and she is now raising her daughter on her own.

What is this? Evil fate? No. These are generic programs.

Diagnosis of birth programs, as a rule, is not at all difficult. You just need to carefully monitor the patterns in your family.

Helps a lot in this matter family tree registration. To do this you will need a large sheet of paper, pens and markers of different colors. On a sheet of paper, on one line, you designate yourself and, leaving spaces, all your brothers and sisters, relatives, cousins ​​and second cousins. For convenience, you can use the “triangle with apex at the top” icon for all women and the “triangle with apex at the bottom” for all men. You can put small circles on top of the triangles to make them look like little people (). Be sure to write people's names next to the icons. Next to your icon, place an icon for your partner(s) and indicate their names. Do the same for relatives of your generation. Next to each person, write what he does and his personal characteristics (for example: unstable psyche, handsome, unfaithful, drunkard, scientist, faithful, rich, teacher, cook, deputy, etc.). Be sure to indicate the shocks that occurred in a person’s life: an accident, a big win in the lottery, divorce, a criminal record, a fatal illness, an early or inharmonious death, etc.

Below, under the icons of yourself and your spouse, register your children and, according to the same principle, the children of your brothers and sisters. Also include dead or aborted children. Above, above your generation line, write down your parents and their entire generation in your family. Next, using the “one line – one generation” principle, write down all your relatives that you can remember or find out about.

Indicate happy couples, for example, with a green dash between the icons of spouses, and divorces with a red cross. The blue line runs from father to son, the red line from mother to daughter. Thus, we will trace the male gender and the female share in the family. Mark conflicts between relatives with red zigzag lines connecting the conflicting parties. Indicate the cause of the conflict if you know it.

Such diagnostics will allow you to determine the programs operating in your family. The marker of the program, as a rule, is thought forms or sayings, which are also passed down through the family. For example, the phrase “getting married is not a disaster, as long as you don’t get married” became the motto-marker of the program of an unhappy female destiny in the family of my friend. Indeed, women of this kind managed to establish relationships very easily; all women of this kind got married, but family life did not work out.

Of course, birth programs are accompanied by other markers. If we take the above example of an unhappy female fate, then in this family women did not know how to choose a life partner correctly, did not know how to build relationships, and in realizing their female destiny they rushed to extremes: either sacrifice contrary to their interests, or selfishness on the verge of cruelty. Part of the ancestral memory responsible for creating a happy family was blocked by the program of an unhappy family life.

And now we come to the most important thing. As we already know, the ancestral memory contains all the programs necessary for a successful and happy life. These necessary programs are sometimes blocked by system viruses - scenarios of unfavorable events that are passed on down the line instead of true generic programs.

Let's look at how this usually happens.

A woman loses her beloved in World War Ihusband The grief and shock of losing a loved one is unbearable. Naturally, she has thoughts about the injustice of life and loses trust in life (in God, the Universe). Against the background of a strong shock (feeding on its energy), the systemic virus of “losing a husband” is prescribed into the generic system. Then her daughter loses her husband in World War II, her granddaughter and great-granddaughter, in the absence of wars, lose their husbands in divorces.

In this case, the situations can be anything. And viruses can manifest themselves in any area of ​​human life. The same principle will apply everywhere:

– shock

– error in perceiving a life lesson (inability to accept the situation)

– registration of the virus

– the inharmonious fate of subsequent generations.

Where shocks come from, who organizes wars and other terrible events in life and why is a topic for another discussion. More about this another time.

Any program causes an outflow of human energy. Every time you remember your former partner/situation/any person/any phenomenon that at one time aroused strong emotions in you (program binding marker), you give your energy. But you yourself need your energy potential to solve your life issues and tasks. When you have a constant outflow of energy, you usually experience negative processes in your life: you cannot find a good job, create a harmonious family (or there is discord in an existing family), you do not have enough strength to implement your plans, you get sick often, etc.

Virus programs that appear in your life become generic programs if you do not “work off” them. I think your children will not be very happy with such an “inheritance”.

So what should we do about it? - you ask.

You can be hysterical about the injustice of life, or you can look for a constructive way out of the current situation. I offer you the second one.

Step 1. Acceptance is the path to awareness

At this stage, we recognize all the inharmonious and terrible events in our family and in our lives. Yes they were. The people who did them They did the best they could at that point in their lives. Believe me, if your grandmother had the strength to do otherwise, she would definitely do it. And if the soldier who killed your great-grandfather during dispossession could not have shot, he would not have shot. No one is to blame for anything! Now is not the time to cover your head with ashes and complain about the injustice of life, the weakness of your ancestors, etc. You and I are also far from ideal. And we don’t always act in the best way. So why should we judge others? They lived in more difficult conditions than us. We ourselves attract certain situations in life to ourselves in order to gain experience and awareness.

Step 2: Forgiveness

Virus programs do not “cling” to all people. In order for the program to gain access to you, you must have made some mistake. But who hasn’t made a mistake in life?!

In order to neutralize the consequences of your mistakes, it is enough to:

- To apologize from those people whom you may have once offended (if you have ever behaved incorrectly with Nature, ask her for forgiveness for this)

- forgive everyone who once offended you (sincerely, from the bottom of my heart)

Wish everyone happiness.

This simple technique works flawlessly. Forgiveness corrects the entire field of events: past, present and future. But in order to sincerely forgive and ask for forgiveness, a person sometimes has to work very hard on himself - it’s not so simple: admit that I, so good, could be wrong. It is also not always possible to ask people for forgiveness in person, and it is not always appropriate. Then we turn to people mentally - thought has no boundaries either in distance or in time.

Step 3. Proper “clearance”

The sapper makes one mistake. Everyone knows this. Neutralizing a virus program yourself is similar to the work of a sapper: one mistake and the consequences can be worse than the work of the program itself.

The situation seemed hopeless, but there is always a way out.

Each program has its own creator. This is the person/entity who, when creating the program, foresaw all the nuances of its action and neutralization. Only the creator of the mine knows how to properly clear it. It's the same here.

As we have already said, the action of virus programs causes an outflow of human energy. Naturally, you did not ask for energy to be “pumped” out of you. Any outflow of energy occurs against your Will, even if the cause of its occurrence was your mistake. One of the laws of the Universe says about integrity of will. Violation of this law by the creators of “viruses” gives us force and right use the “antivirus algorithm” given at the end of the article.

Step 4. “Who did this?”

Traditionally, people look for the cause of their problems in... other people. This feature of human psychology is perfectly used by “magicians and fortune tellers” who offer to “remove the damage” and even tell “who did it.” (And then you will hate this person all your life and lose your energy.)

Unfortunately, the level of culture and consciousness of people in our time is at such a level that people themselves can unconsciously create programs, and then suffer from them. The world today is filled with virus programs that people “catch” onto themselves, making typical mistakes of non-compliance with ethics and the laws of the spiritual and astral worlds.

A person always attracts certain events into his life.. The world we live in is what we are.

The universal “antivirus” is impeccability: the state of a person when he listens to his inner voice, acts according to his conscience, behaves ethically towards other people and nature, lives in love and wishes the best to everyone.

If you take responsibility for your life into your own hands and take the path of impeccability, no virus will be able to “catch on” to you, since you will no longer be accessible to such programs!

Antivirus ALGORITHM:

1. Get into a calm state, relax. Try to find a quiet place and time when you will not be disturbed.

2. Demand that the creators, as well as everyone interested in the work of the program you calculated, appear before you now.

3. Demand that the “creators of the program” who appear before you neutralize it. If any entities from other worlds are connected to the work of the program, they go to their own place and time.

4. Your energy potential withdrawn during the program is returned to you. You use it to solve your life problems.

5. The result of the neutralization of the program is indestructible!

6. Wish yourself and everyone happiness.

To see and understand what is happening influence of birth programs, it is important to clarify what is meant by the concept of generic programs.

Negative ancestral programs are repeated situations, actions of people in the genus that interfere with or block the flow of ancestral force, thus destroying the lives of individual people and the genus as a whole.

These could be situations—generic scenarios—when:

  • Grandma divorced grandpa, mom divorced dad, and daughters got the same program;
  • the grandfather drank, the father drinks and the son also drinks;
  • my great-grandmother and great-grandfather lost their home during the revolution and were forced to leave their ancestral land; since then, their descendants have been constantly moving from place to place and cannot settle anywhere.

Those. There are regularly recurring situations with addictions, divorces, illnesses, moving, infertility, etc.

Generic programs arise when a person becomes very emotionally involved and reacts to any situation. That is, it is not what is happening that is the starting point, but the negative feelings that he or she experiences.

Ancestral programs are transmitted through the thoughts, states and actions of people.

How birth programs are formed

Based on research from the “Through the Eyes of the Soul” school, we have come to the conclusion that the formation of generic programs always begins with a woman: with her thoughts, feelings and actions.

- This is the basis and foundation of life. When a woman loses faith and begins to doubt, admits fear and other similar negative thoughts and feelings, the situation becomes more complicated and events occur in the most unpredictable way, which certainly affects loved ones.

Examples from the past:

Several centuries (or maybe millennia) ago.

1. The husband, a fisherman, went fishing on the open sea, where he was overtaken by a storm.

At this time, his wife, instead of preparing dinner and doing other household chores while waiting for her husband, loses faith that her husband will definitely return, lets in fear, falls into panic and worry. He begins to stress himself out, coming up with various scary pictures of how he is drowning, and she is left alone with the children, how hard and bad it is for her without him.

As a result, the husband actually did not return from fishing; he drowned, and his body was discovered a few days later on the shore.

2. Khazar horsemen were seen on the approaches to the principality. The voivode gathered a small army to go on reconnaissance. For Izyaslav, this was his first serious campaign. He had recently married the beautiful Belyan and was in a state of amorous reverie.

The day after leaving, news came to the city that the detachment had been ambushed and was asking for reinforcements.

Belyana, having learned that her husband is in danger, admits fear, begins to worry and be afraid, overwhelms herself by imagining how he is wounded, killed, and the like.

As a result, Izyaslav returns, but with a serious injury and it takes many weeks to recover. Fortunately, this situation ends well, and Belyana and her husband continue to live in love and harmony.

We can write many similar examples, but they will all come down to one thing: a woman loses faith, allows fear and doubt, which affects her loved ones. This is how the emergence of various generic programs occurs.

Now we propose to look step by step at how the influence of ancestral programs occurs along the ancestral chain in generations.

Impact of birth programs

Circle 1

When a woman loses faith in a man, in his strength, that he can do everything and can handle everything, he will succeed, then the man loses faith in himself and begins to make mistakes that lead to serious consequences.


Condition and thoughts:
I was left alone, there was no one to help and protect, I couldn’t cope, it was hard for me. I am not happy. Everything is bad.

This leads to two possible consequences:

1. Everything is bad. I don't want to live like this anymore. Suicide.
2. Dejection and sadness. Loss of meaning in life and refusal to live. Quiet fading and death.


Condition and thoughts:
I can’t cope, I don’t have enough strength, I won’t succeed, I don’t know what to do. Fear. Panic. A fatal mistake leading to death.

Circle 2

Since the mother or another woman in the closest branch of the family refused to live and died in despondency and melancholy, women in subsequent generations clearly demonstrate their inability to rejoice and enjoy life.

Men of this generation form thoughts that he did not save his mother, sister, close woman and blames himself for what happened.


Life is sad. Receiving joy and finding the meaning of life in external sources, most often from a man. When a man leaves her life, her life collapses, everything is bad.


Condition and thoughts:
I failed, I'm to blame, I'm bad.

Therefore, he tries to prove to himself and others that he can cope, that he is worthy of faith and trust. More often than not, the man goes off to fight.

Which leads to two possible consequences:

1. He managed it and returned with victory. He became a brave warrior. I regained my faith in myself.
2. Dying in battle, with an increased sense of guilt that he failed again.

Circle 3

Since in previous generations women had already lost faith in men and the joy of life, in subsequent generations they will initially expect tricks from men and doubt their strength. In turn, a man without a woman’s faith loses support and faith in himself, spending his whole life proving that he is worth something. In the end, either he succeeds, or he breaks himself even more.


Comparing yourself to other women. The first manifestations of self-pity. A sense of possessiveness: my husband, my children - they belong to me. Cunning and deception. Suspiciousness and hysteria. Expectation of betrayal.


Dissatisfaction and irritation. Relationship fatigue. Ingratiating yourself with a woman and constantly making excuses. Eternal attempts to prove that I am worth something through fights and altercations with others.

Families in these generations begin to experience problems with well-being and spiritual illnesses (drug addiction, alcoholism). Men are easily persuaded to cheat, women to use love spells and lapels, which in the end always leads to misfortunes and divorces.

Circle 4

All manifestations of previous generations lead to the fact that in the next generations the “victim-tyrant” program begins to actively manifest itself.


The woman turns into a tyrant who strives to control the man and children in everything. At the same time, she skillfully portrays the victim and presses for pity: I feel bad, my heart hurts, I’m tired and I can’t do this anymore, and the like.

A woman does everything, causing a man to feel guilty, in order to achieve her goal: she throws hysterics; accuses him of something he did not do; makes constant complaints, etc.


A man, depressed by a woman, goes into addiction: alcoholism, virtual games, drug addiction, or becomes a workaholic. He is tormented by guilt and cannot leave his family, so he runs away from her to work or to another woman.

Most often, such relationships still end in divorce, ultimately leading to suffering for all family members.

All participants, to one degree or another, develop a heightened sense of pride, resentment, a feeling of abandonment and uselessness.

Circle 5

Among women In this circle, 2 patterns of behavior are clearly visible:
1. , which manifests itself through: I can do everything myself, I can handle everything. I have to and I have to conform, to be, to do, and in general I owe everything to everyone.

In its modern version, it develops into: I will achieve everything myself, I will become the best, the desire to lead in everything, to prove something to someone, to compete with men, to act with an eye on other people’s opinions, to compare oneself with others. Instead of developing feelings, complexes of a good girl, an excellent student and a perfectionist appear.

In men in this case, 2 reactions to the woman’s behavior can be traced:

The man will show the state of a tyrant: beating a woman, violence, etc. His task at the energetic level will be to suppress the “man in a skirt.”

Or, as in the previous circle, he will try to escape from the family in any way: work, alcohol, fishing, football and the like. Anything to be at home less often.

In the next stage, women usually turn into ardent feminists and business ladies, who find it very difficult to find a normal man due to high expectations. They come across henpecked men and gigolos, or there will be no man nearby at all.

2. The state of an eternally whining victim: I can’t do anything, I’m worth nothing and I’m not worthy of anything. . A woman turns herself into a gray mouse or moth, and her life into a boring and monotonous existence.

Most likely such a woman will not have a man. Or someone appears who will use and manipulate her, relying on her sense of guilt, sit on her neck and drive her, turning her into a maid to satisfy her whims.

Circle 6

Termination or breaking off of a given branch of the family.

Women clearly show disappointment in men. They decide that it is easier to live on their own, so they avoid any relationships in every possible way and do not get married.

Men do much the same, and if they marry, they marry women similar to them, which leads either to disability, early heart attacks, or alcoholism in both or one of the partners.

Children in this circle are not born at all or are born disabled with genetic abnormalities.


Each circle includes several generations, where each is given a chance to correct the mistakes of the previous one. In this article we describe what happens if none of the generations manages to correct the mistakes of the previous ones. Then the emerging generic programs are confirmed and become more complex from circle to circle.

The programs work and are transmitted not only directly from parents to children, but also through neighboring branches: brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, etc.

Pay attention. No matter how complex the programs may seem, they are all united by one theme: a woman leaves her feminine path, a man leaves his masculine path.

Gradually, women begin to turn into men (women with iron selves), and men weaken and turn into whining nurses.

This is why it is so important for women to learn and use feminine power for the benefit of themselves and the world, and for men to grow their power by becoming mature and developing responsibility and determination.

Relationships in the family

A genus is a single organism in which all generations of the past, present and future, all people are interconnected by common goals, objectives and programs. Everyone influences everyone, there is no mine and yours, the problems are common in the family, if something was manifested in the parents, then it definitely concerns you.

At the same time, everyone is given a chance and opportunity to fix everything. Not even that. Each person always comes to the family and to those parents whom he needs most and where he can be of most use.

From the practice of the school we can also say that most often the knots of ancestral programs are unraveled by those who tied them in one of their past lives. Therefore, there is no need to say that the ancestors messed up, and we are here to take the rap for them. We were all once born into the same family and also strengthened or, on the contrary, corrected negative generic programs.

Connection with other genera

From the numerous practice of working with past lives, we know many cases when a person was born in other clans, peoples and even races.

We propose to consider what happens in such cases. Each clan, people and race has its own goals, tasks and tests. Generic programs are always formed in accordance with them.

Being born into another race or people, a person brings into it the unsolved problems of this and adds to his own race the unsolved problems of this. In theory, he also exchanges talents and abilities, but in practice, most often it does not come to this; problems and negative programs are sucked in.

A person cannot exist outside of his Kin. Rod's program will affect us whether we like it or not. The only thing we can do is change this program by working on ourselves. After all, we are the masters of our lives. Of course, this is not an easy task, but it needs to be solved.

The ancestral program always corresponds to our personal karma. Before appearing in this World, our Dish “chooses” parents, Gender, place and time of birth. Each of us is a link in the chain of generations. And we all rely on the experience of our Ancestors. The ancestral program is the cumulative actions of our Ancestors.

And at the same time, it completely reflects our personal karma. Explore your Family with love, attention and respect. This will help you better understand yourself, your problems, and realize your purpose. Believe me, you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself.

You need to know your roots, you need to study your family tree. Those who do this sometimes discover a certain connection of events that are repeated in the Family from generation to generation. Many of our problems today are in one way or another connected with some events from the past. Where to begin?

For deep work, it is advisable to collect information about three to four generations of your Ancestors. Start by asking your immediate family about key events: birth, school, wedding, death. Information about your occupation, family relationships, financial situation, and what illnesses you had in your family will also be useful. Also collect as much information as possible about your relatives' brothers and sisters, your uncles and aunts. Create a family photo album. Perhaps the family has preserved diaries and letters. After this, restore connections with distant relatives. Send them letters. Explain that you are creating a family history and you need detailed information about loved ones.

So, our Family is, on the one hand, a source of Strength that gives us life, and on the other hand, it is our Karma, our Path. There is our Path and the Path of the Family. One cannot exist without the other. Each of us has our own purpose. And it is closely intertwined with the fate of Rod. We must do something, we must go through something in order to change our personal karma and the karma of our Family.

Our Ancestors knew that a person, achieving perfection, helps his Family for seven generations into the future and seven generations into the past. This is how the Power of Piety of the Family accumulates, which passes from one generation to another. And vice versa, if we “give our Deshu to the dark forces,” then we not only degrade ourselves, but also pump out the energy of our Family for dozens of generations forward and back.

This, by the way, explains why one person has some benefits at birth, while another does not. Why is one born healthy and the other sick? It’s not only about his personal karma, but also about the karma of the Family. How we use this power depends only on us. The power of the Piety of the Family is the basis for the birth of a brilliant child.

The problems we face in life are ways to solve our Ancestral problems. That is, having finally resolved a difficult situation, a person is freed from internal fetters that prevent him from rising to the next step in life and taking the next step towards success. Any obstacle in our way is a sure chance to gain invaluable experience, which is necessary to achieve our own life goals.

Let us remind you that by solving Ancestral problems, you not only correct your own destiny for a qualitatively better side, but also relieve your descendants from this heavy burden. And this is the best legacy you can leave them!

As a rule, after receiving a blessing, the life of not only the person who has undergone this ritual begins to change, but also that of relatives throughout the Family. Favorable relationships are established, connections are established, problems go away, and various tasks are solved more easily.

Birth programs

How often do we, without noticing it ourselves, live according to some kind of scenario: for example, grandmother left grandfather, mother left dad, and daughter left her husband... Or for example, grandfather drank, father drinks and son too... And it seemed It would be natural, because we most often follow the example of our family, and besides, sometimes the scenarios are not so bad, for example, the scenario of strong women is quite common - when she built a career and “raised” children, although she did not get married and she didn’t become happy - but by the standards of modern society, she was quite a “successful” woman, and everyone in her family was like that. At least, as far as we remember.

And everything would be fine, but just once - and a child is born into the family who is not ready to live according to the prepared “scenario”, who has grown up and realized that he wants to live his life differently than five generations before him. A man wants to become strong - a protector and breadwinner, and he is not satisfied with the generic scenario of drunkenness. Or a woman no longer wants to build a career like a mother or grandmother, but wants to become a happy wife and mother.

Of course, this doesn’t happen often; the very realization that you are walking “on a well-trodden path” by someone comes very rarely, and this is already a big progress.

But if you realize - there is no choice, you will have to change the situation - both yours and the whole family. After all, it is believed that we are one with our entire family - both with ancestors and descendants, and by changing our situation for the better, we help both of them: the ancestors receive relief, and the children build their own, happier lives.

It is very important not to start complaining about life and lamenting: why was I born into this particular family, where are the problems, why am I being punished like this...

After all, it is not by chance that we come to one clan or another - it means that it is in this family that it is important for us to solve some of our own tasks that are very important for the entire clan.

Moreover, what is surprising is that often it is the very person who once “laid down” a certain negative program in the family (started drinking or “traded” the children for work) - it is this person, or rather, this soul, who incarnates again in this family after several generations to correct the situation. And, therefore, instead of scolding grandparents for living “wrongly,” you need to think - what if I myself am the reason for their such behavior, what if it was I who did this several generations ago and because Because of this, so many generations were forced to live unhappily? This means that it is you, the person who realized the presence of any kind of ancestral program, it is you who are responsible for its correction and the happy life of not only descendants, but also ancestors - the entire family tree.

I'll tell you a little about myself. The fact is that in our family the program of “strong women” is clearly expressed - both my mother and grandmother were (and are) very successful in their work, had a lot of useful “connections”, and were real strong business women. At the same time, managing (as far as possible) to keep a house and raise children. And they lived like that, in their own way, even happily, and without even thinking that it could be otherwise.

But then I came to the family. And she began to live along the “trodden path”: excellent studies, honors diploma, work already from the 3rd year of college, and by the age of 22 she already had a fairly high salary and a promising career in the field of marketing. What’s interesting is that birth programs operate in such a way that they begin to work faster with each generation - and if the grandmother took her position in adulthood, the mother - after starting a family and giving birth to children, then I - barely finished my studies at the institute. And the results of the negative impact of the program began to fail immediately, without having to wait long. A complete lack of softness and femininity in character, a pronounced categoricalness in thinking and action, a clear division of the world into “black and white,” the ability to clearly set a goal and achieve it. These are quite good qualities for some top manager, but for a young girl who needs to get married and have children, do you think they will be very helpful?? That's right, they didn't help. This is another story, but in short I will say that, despite quite good achievements, there was little happiness in life. And at some point (thanks to yoga, studying Vedic knowledge and psychology) the program was realized by me.

And the first feeling is resentment towards all the women of my kind - “Why did you live like that? Why weren’t they soft and weak (in the good sense of the word) women? After all, now it’s difficult for me to become like that, and I also want my children to be happy, for my daughter to get married...” until at one of the training seminars an insight came to me - or rather, the answer to my question - what, if it was me who laid down this program in a previous incarnation? What if it was thanks to me that all my grandmothers and great-grandmothers lived the same way? And then I wanted to ask for forgiveness from the entire family and correct the situation that had once been created.

There are now quite a few ways to correct generic programs; you need to choose yours and start acting. The main thing is to realize - are you living your life? Are you repeating someone else’s path, are you following the beaten path? Of course, correcting the generic program is not an easy task; it cannot be solved in one day. But what’s very pleasing is that you can start now, today! I can say about myself that my life has changed dramatically - and not so much externally as internally. External changes come only in response to what is happening inside, but inside I felt light, good, calm.

How to correct the ancestral program is a separate huge topic: you can read a special mantra, you can pray for the entire genus in the temple, you can do a family constellation or draw up a family tree and work with it, you can use special physical practices (like yoga or Slavic gymnastics) - there are many ways .

Now I would like you, my dears, to realize what exactly you do not want to repeat after your ancestors, what would you like to change your life, what page of history to “rewrite again”, what do you want to leave as a legacy to your children - what life scenario, how happily and harmoniously do you want them to live their lives?

The problem for many of us is that it is easier for us to live in pain than to change something. But even if you don’t want to try for the sake of happiness for yourself, then think about what you wish for your children?