Frequent urination without pain - folk remedies. Frequent urination - how often is it? What is frequent urination

Doctors refer to frequent urge to urinate as “pollakiuria.” Normally, an adult should visit the toilet no more than 10 times a day.

If the number of visits exceeds the norm, this is a signal that it is worth contacting a specialist. But patients often come late, which significantly complicates the treatment process and delays it.

The fact is that most people see the aging of the body as the reason for the appearance of this symptom. In fact, this is a huge misconception.

This unpleasant symptom occurs more often in women than in men. The reason for this is an additional factor (pregnancy and childbirth). But men often suffer from it.

Doctors identify the causes of uncontrolled urination based on the following symptoms:

When sneezing;

Lifting weights.

In this case, frequent urges are usually called stress pollakiuria. They can appear at any time, including at night. Sometimes emptying the bladder is accompanied by pain.

If pain does not occur, this may be due to taking diuretics or the development of the following diseases:

Diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the endocrine system;




Frequent urination accompanied by pain may occur due to:

Excessive fluid intake;


Changes in diet;

Age-related manifestations;

Consumption of foods high in starch;

Sedentary work, which provokes stagnation in the pelvis;

Stressful situations.

But a weak stream during urination can occur for the following reasons:

1. Bladder that is too full.

2. Urethritis. It occurs when an infection enters the urethra. Frequent masturbation may also be a cause.

3. Tumors. They are formed closer to the exit.

4. Prostate adenoma. It can reach large sizes, which becomes an obstacle to normal emptying.

Frequent urination in women

An increase in the frequency of a woman's visits to the toilet occurs due to menopause, namely hormonal changes at this time.

Also during pregnancy, this symptom is considered normal because it occurs due to:

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the hCG hormone is produced in excessive amounts. It provokes frequent urination;

During pregnancy, the uterus increases in size, so it puts pressure on the bladder.

Such trips to the toilet do not harm either the woman or the unborn child. The processes in the body in this case are considered physiological.

Important! Frequent urge to urinate occurs in both ectopic and frozen pregnancies.

If bowel movement is accompanied by pain, this indicates the development of an inflammatory process, as well as infection with sexually transmitted infections:






Urolithiasis disease;



If urination is not accompanied by pain, the reason may be:

Diseases of the cardiovascular system;

Kidney failure;

Advanced form of uterine fibroids;

Age-related changes;



Pelvic muscle dysfunction;

Spinal injuries;

Thrush and other infections;

Taking medications;


Large amounts of fluid consumed.

Treatment of frequent urination with folk remedies at home

For treatment, you can use the following recipes.

Pomegranate is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. This composition helps to normalize bladder metabolism, which results in a reduction in toilet attendance. The pomegranate peel must be dried, then made into a powder (you can use a coffee grinder). The preparation of the medicine is completed. Take a pinch, adding a few drops of water to the powder, three times a day. The course of treatment is five days.

Lentils are rich in calcium, molybdenum, iron, and polyphenol. Is a good antioxidant. To reduce the number of times you visit the toilet, lentils should be consumed fried. A few days of use will help achieve the best results.

Sesame seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals, and are also an excellent antioxidant. This folk remedy will help you safely and effectively fight frequent urination at home. The best effect can be achieved by mixing it with carom seeds and sugar.

Compresses made from fresh onions can relieve unpleasant pain during urination. You will need a paste, which is made by grating the onion. The resulting pulp is spread on gauze and applied to the lower abdomen for several hours. This procedure must be done every day to achieve results.

Treatment of frequent urination at home with folk remedies based on teas and decoctions

Teas and decoctions are a centuries-old, simple and effective folk remedy for combating frequent urination at home. Good results can be achieved in a matter of days using medications prepared according to the following recipes.

To make tea you will need dried corn hair and cherry stalks. The tea must be brewed; to speed up the effect, tea must be consumed throughout the day as often as possible.


Chopped dry mint - 20 g;

Boiling water - 1.5 l.

To prepare a folk remedy for the treatment of frequent urination at home, you need to place mint in a saucepan, pour boiling water, put on fire, boil for ten minutes, leave, cool. Take the decoction three times a day, one glass.

Diet to combat frequent urination

Those who suffer from frequent visits to the toilet should carefully monitor the foods they consume throughout the day.

Red meat;


Fermented foods;

Baked tomatoes and products based on them.

The listed products can irritate the lining of the bladder, which increases the urge to go to the toilet.

Sweet potato;

Brown rice;

When can you start treating frequent urination with folk remedies at home?

If the frequency of urination becomes an irritant, you should consult a doctor. You especially need to pay attention to the frequency of visiting the toilet at night. In this case, it is better to hurry up and visit a urologist.

Frequent urination, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, and a change in the color of urine to a dark brown or reddish color, should not be ignored.

Only a doctor will be able to determine the cause of frequent urge to go to the toilet, and only after that, after consulting with a specialist, can you begin treating frequent urination with folk remedies at home.

Remember: the earlier the fight against it is started, the easier it will be to cure the disease.

Special exercises to help get rid of frequent urination at home

Exercise will help reduce the number of trips to the toilet. They consist of trying to hold urine for a longer period of time than you are used to. Another effective and proven way to reduce the frequency of going to the toilet is Kegel exercises. If you do them periodically, you can achieve good results.

Important! Using this method brings good results for both men and women. Despite the fact that it can be done at home, the result can be felt after a week of training.

Among the main gymnastic techniques, the three most effective ones will be highlighted:

Reception 1. It is necessary to gradually and slowly tense the pelvic muscles, which are used to stop emptying the bladder. The exercise is based on three seconds of alternate tension and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles.

Reception 2. The patient should alternately contract and relax the pelvic floor muscles at maximum speed.

Technique 3. referred to as pushing because the muscles responsible for pushing are involved here. It is necessary to tense and relax these muscles for a certain period of time.

Important! These exercises will only be beneficial if frequent urination is not the cause of another serious illness.

Doctors refer to frequent urge to urinate as “pollakiuria.” Normally, an adult should visit the toilet no more than 10 times a day.

If the number of visits exceeds the norm, this is a signal that it is worth contacting a specialist. But patients often come late, which significantly complicates the treatment process and delays it.

The fact is that most people see the aging of the body as the reason for the appearance of this symptom. In fact, this is a huge misconception.

Causes of frequent urination in men

This unpleasant symptom occurs more often in women than in men. The reason for this is an additional factor (pregnancy and childbirth). But men often suffer from it.

Doctors identify the causes of uncontrolled urination based on the following symptoms:

When sneezing;

Lifting weights.

In this case, frequent urges are usually called stress pollakiuria. They can appear at any time, including at night. Sometimes emptying the bladder is accompanied by pain.

If pain does not occur, this may be due to taking diuretics or the development of the following diseases:

Diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the endocrine system;




Frequent urination accompanied by pain may occur due to:

Excessive fluid intake;


Changes in diet;

Age-related manifestations;

Consumption of foods high in starch;

Sedentary work, which provokes stagnation in the pelvis;

Stressful situations.

But a weak stream during urination can occur for the following reasons:

1. Bladder that is too full.

2. Urethritis. It occurs when an infection enters the urethra. Frequent masturbation may also be a cause.

3. Tumors. They are formed closer to the exit.

4. Prostate adenoma. It can reach large sizes, which becomes an obstacle to normal emptying.

Frequent urination in women

An increase in the frequency of a woman's visits to the toilet occurs due to menopause, namely hormonal changes at this time.

Also during pregnancy, this symptom is considered normal because it occurs due to:

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the hCG hormone is produced in excessive amounts. It provokes frequent urination;

During pregnancy, the uterus increases in size, so it puts pressure on the bladder.

Such trips to the toilet do not harm either the woman or the unborn child. The processes in the body in this case are considered physiological.

Important! Frequent urge to urinate occurs in both ectopic and frozen pregnancies.

If bowel movement is accompanied by pain, this indicates the development of an inflammatory process, as well as infection with sexually transmitted infections:






Urolithiasis disease;



If urination is not accompanied by pain, the reason may be:

Diseases of the cardiovascular system;

Kidney failure;

Advanced form of uterine fibroids;

Age-related changes;



Pelvic muscle dysfunction;

Spinal injuries;

Thrush and other infections;

Taking medications;


Large amounts of fluid consumed.

Treatment of frequent urination with folk remedies at home

For treatment, you can use the following recipes.

Pomegranate peel

Pomegranate is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. This composition helps to normalize bladder metabolism, which results in a reduction in toilet attendance. The pomegranate peel must be dried, then made into a powder (you can use a coffee grinder). The preparation of the medicine is completed. Take a pinch, adding a few drops of water to the powder, three times a day. The course of treatment is five days.


Lentils are rich in calcium, molybdenum, iron, and polyphenol. Is a good antioxidant. To reduce the number of times you visit the toilet, lentils should be consumed fried. A few days of use will help achieve the best results.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals, and are also an excellent antioxidant. This folk remedy will help you safely and effectively fight frequent urination at home. The best effect can be achieved by mixing it with carom seeds and sugar.

Onion compress for pain during urination

Compresses made from fresh onions can relieve unpleasant pain during urination. You will need a paste, which is made by grating the onion. The resulting pulp is spread on gauze and applied to the lower abdomen for several hours. This procedure must be done every day to achieve results.

Treatment of frequent urination at home with folk remedies based on teas and decoctions

Teas and decoctions are a centuries-old, simple and effective folk remedy for combating frequent urination at home. Good results can be achieved in a matter of days using medications prepared according to the following recipes.

Tea made from corn hair and cherry stems

To make tea you will need dried corn hair and cherry stalks. The tea must be brewed; to speed up the effect, tea must be consumed throughout the day as often as possible.

Mint decoction


Chopped dry mint – 20 g;

Boiling water – 1.5 l.

To prepare a folk remedy for the treatment of frequent urination at home, you need to place mint in a saucepan, pour boiling water, put on fire, boil for ten minutes, leave, cool. Take the decoction three times a day, one glass.

Diet to combat frequent urination

Those who suffer from frequent visits to the toilet should carefully monitor the foods they consume throughout the day.

You should avoid the following foods in your diet:

Red meat;


Fermented foods;

Baked tomatoes and products based on them.

The listed products can irritate the lining of the bladder, which increases the urge to go to the toilet.

Good to use:

Sweet potato;

Brown rice;

When can you start treating frequent urination with folk remedies at home?

If the frequency of urination becomes an irritant, you should consult a doctor. You especially need to pay attention to the frequency of visiting the toilet at night. In this case, it is better to hurry up and visit a urologist.

Frequent urination, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, and a change in the color of urine to a dark brown or reddish color, should not be ignored.

Only a doctor will be able to determine the cause of frequent urge to go to the toilet, and only after that, after consulting with a specialist, can you begin treating frequent urination with folk remedies at home.

Remember: the earlier the fight against it is started, the easier it will be to cure the disease.

Special exercises to help get rid of frequent urination at home

Exercise will help reduce the number of trips to the toilet. They consist of trying to hold urine for a longer period of time than you are used to. Another effective and proven way to reduce the frequency of going to the toilet is Kegel exercises. If you do them periodically, you can achieve good results.

Important! Using this method brings good results for both men and women. Despite the fact that it can be done at home, the result can be felt after a week of training.

Among the main gymnastic techniques, the three most effective ones will be highlighted:

Reception 1. It is necessary to gradually and slowly tense the pelvic muscles, which are used to stop emptying the bladder. The exercise is based on three seconds of alternate tension and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles.

Reception 2. The patient should alternately contract and relax the pelvic floor muscles at maximum speed.

Technique 3. referred to as pushing because the muscles responsible for pushing are involved here. It is necessary to tense and relax these muscles for a certain period of time.

Important! These exercises will only be beneficial if frequent urination is not the cause of another serious illness.

Frequent urination in men is not only a constant need to visit the toilet, but also a lack of normal sex life and sleep. If timely treatment is not started, a man can completely lose his normal life and even provoke cancer.

Courses of therapy can be carried out using traditional medicine or medications.

Treatment with folk remedies

To prepare this effective remedy, we need to take real still undiluted alcohol in an amount of 50 ml and mix it with a fresh chicken egg. Stir the mixture thoroughly until smooth. Drink 15 ml of the resulting solution immediately, and after 45-60 minutes another dose. It is necessary to take the medicine on a full stomach, to avoid irritation of the mucous membrane. You can treat with an egg for three days.

Olive oil

It only helps when starting manifestation of symptoms. In the chronic form of the disease, it is worth looking for something else.

For treatment on an empty stomach, drink 15 ml of strictly olive oil 25 minutes before breakfast. Treatment continues within 30-45 days, after which it is important to take a break.

When treating with olive oil, it is important to remove apples, grapes, watermelons and melons from the diet, as they interfere with therapy.

Hot bottle

This remedy can be used with any other method of treating frequent urination in men and even with drug therapy. Despite its apparent simplicity, a hot bottle can really work wonders. Pour boiling water into a bottle and wrap around her terry towel. This is necessary so as not to burn the skin. Place the bottle between your legs and go to bed. Usually relief comes within 3 days. More than three days of treatment it is not advisable to continue.

Take fresh head of cabbage and tear off several thick sheets from it. Place them on the bladder area and press them with your underwear or secure with adhesive tape. Go to bed with cabbage leaves and try to maintain this compress until the morning. After 3-5 procedures, the symptoms of the disease should completely disappear. You can continue treatment with cabbage during one week.

Cabbage and potatoes

For greater effectiveness, you can apply it to a cabbage leaf. potato mass. To do this, you need to take a fresh tuber and rub it through a fine grater. Place the mixture on the sheet and secure the compress in any convenient way. The product is worth keeping at least 5 hours, so it is better to use it at night. Treatment is carried out once a day for 10 days, after which you need to take a break for at least two weeks.

Treatment in men after 35 years

These herbs are considered the most effective with frequent urge to urinate and even urinary incontinence. To obtain the medicine, take five grams of each herb, always dry, and brew it in 250 ml of boiling water. After 10 minutes, strain the grounds and drink the resulting tea instead of regular tea. You can drink a herbal infusion of St. John's wort and centaury within seven days three times a day. After this there is a mandatory break.


Take 50 g herb and brew it in 200 ml of boiling water. Let this infusion sit for about one hour, then strain off the horsetail. Pour the resulting broth into a bath with a water temperature of at least +37 degrees. You need to sit in this bath about 30 minutes, adding hot water as needed to keep the temperature constant. During the course of therapy, at least 10 baths should be taken, after which a break is taken for one month.

Fresh onions

Take the head fresh onions and pass it through a press or grate it on a fine grater. The resulting mass must be placed on a clean cloth and covered with gauze on top. Place this compress on the lower abdomen and secure it in any convenient way. Walk around with the onion compress for about two hours, then remove it and rinse perineum and lower abdomen warm water.


It can also be very effective if you pay enough attention to the procedure.

It is important to use during massage tea tree oil, it helps to sufficiently warm the perineum and bladder and quickly eliminates the symptoms of frequent urination.

Take 20 g of any cream and add five drops of oil to it. Apply this mixture to the bladder and massage the area at least 5-7 minutes. The procedure should be repeated once a day for one week.

Treating Frequent Urination and Candida

The medicine must be prepared as follows. Take fresh greens and bushy parts carrots. Grind the herbs with a blender or chop very finely with a knife. Parsley and carrots should be used two ways. To treat frequent urination, pour 10 g of herb with boiling water and after 15 minutes drink one tablespoon. During the day you need to drink three more doses in 30-40 minutes before the main meal. Taking it internally will also help cure candida in the mouth and stomach. To treat thrush on the genitals, a solution is also prepared and washed with it. genitals.

Just like parsley and carrots, chamomile is taken inside and outside as a rinse aid. To take the dose orally, first brew 10 g of chamomile in 100 ml and let it brew about 45 minutes. After this, drink the resulting infusion 30 minutes before your main meal. This tincture should be taken every 5 hours for 10 days. For external use, brew 25 g field chamomile in one liter of boiling water. Once the water is comfortable enough, rinse your genitals with it.

If you carry out treatment on your own without consulting your doctor, carefully monitor your condition and pay attention to side effects. If the symptoms of the disease intensify and pain in the groin appears, you should definitely contact a urologist to prescribe the right course of treatment.

If the cause of a woman’s frequent urge to urinate is identified at the first symptoms, then treatment does not take much time. In other cases, the pathology can become advanced, causing various complications.

What to do if women have frequent urination?

When faced with a problem such as pollakiuria, many patients let it take its course, hoping that the discomfort will go away on its own. But in most cases, it not only does not go away, but proceeds with additional painful symptoms, which indicate the progression of the pathology. Let's consider what to do if women have frequent urination, how to eliminate the problem and prevent its occurrence.

So, first of all, you should seek medical help, especially if frequent urges occur with the following symptoms:

  • Burning, itching, stinging.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • General weakness of the body.
  • Appetite disorders.
  • Fever.
  • Change in body weight.
  • Bloody discharge or blood in the urine.

Since the causes of dysuric disorder can also be the following physiological factors:

  • A diet enriched with foods with a diuretic effect.
  • Abuse of alcohol and coffee.
  • Stressful situations and emotional overload.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Pregnancy.

To normalize the condition, it is necessary to limit their impact on the body and prevent their occurrence in the future.

Only a professional doctor, after a set of diagnostic measures, will be able to determine what caused the disorder and prescribe treatment. Most often, patients are prescribed:

  • Antibacterial therapy.
  • Antispasmodics.
  • Painkillers and sedatives.
  • Hormonal drugs.
  • Probiotics, prebiotics.

Physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises to strengthen muscle tissue, and herbal medicine may also be prescribed.


Drug therapy is one of the main components of the treatment of pollakiuria. Let's consider popular drugs prescribed to many patients:

  1. Afala

A homeopathic remedy that improves urodynamics, the functional state of the prostate gland, as well as eliminates inflammatory processes of various etiologies, the severity of edema and dysuric disorders. Increases the tone of the smooth muscle layer of the lower urinary tract, reduces the frequency of the urge to urinate.

  • Indications for use: pollakiuria and other urination disorders, various forms of prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia.
  • Directions for use: take 1-2 tablets. 3-4 times a day. The recommended duration of treatment is 4 months.
  • Side effects: various digestive disorders, nausea and vomiting. To eliminate them, the dosage should be adjusted.
  • Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, lactase deficiency, pediatrics, galactosemia. No cases of overdose have been recorded.

The medicine is available in tablet form, 20 pcs. in blister packs.

  1. Betmiga

A drug for the treatment of urological diseases. Contains the active component - mirabegron, which is a powerful selective beta3-adrenergic receptor agonist. Helps relax the smooth muscles of the bladder, improves the reservoir function of the organ.

  • Indications for use: frequent urination, urge urinary incontinence, overactive bladder syndrome.
  • Method of administration and dosage: the medicine is prescribed 50 mg once a day, regardless of meals. The tablets should be taken whole without chewing, as this may affect the prolonged release of the active substance.
  • Contraindications: individual intolerance to active components, pregnancy and lactation, childhood and adolescence of patients.
  • Side effects: tachycardia, high blood pressure, urticaria and other allergic skin reactions, inflammatory lesions of the joints.
  • Overdose: increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat. Treatment is symptomatic.

Tablets are produced in packages of 25 and 50 mg of the active substance.

  1. Canephron

A medicine with anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, used in urology. Contains substances of plant origin that have a complex effect and reduce the inflammatory response. The drug relieves spasms of the urinary tract and has diuretic properties.

  • Indications for use: monotherapy or complex treatment of chronic forms of infectious diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Prevention of the formation of urinary stones.
  • Directions for use: tablets are used orally, without crushing or chewing. Patients over 12 years of age are prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day. The course of treatment is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.
  • Side effects: allergic skin reactions, nausea, vomiting, skin hyperemia, blood in urine. To eliminate them, symptomatic therapy is indicated.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to active components, peptic ulcer, heart or kidney failure, pediatric practice. The medicine is prescribed with extreme caution for diabetes mellitus and during pregnancy.
  • Overdose: development of symptoms of intoxication. To eliminate it, gastric lavage and further supportive therapy are indicated.

Canephron is available in enteric-coated tablet form, 20 and 60 pcs. packaged.

  1. Ovestin

A drug that contains the female hormone estriol, which is a short-acting hormone. This substance does not stimulate proliferative processes in the endometrium. Promotes the regeneration of affected tissues, restores the pH of natural microflora. Increases local immunity and prevents the development of pathogenic flora.

  • Indications for use: pollakiuria, urinary incontinence and pain, inflammatory lesions of the urogenital area. Age-related atrophic changes in the vaginal mucosa due to estrogen deficiency. Infertility caused by cervical factor.
  • The method of application depends on the form of release of the drug. As a rule, patients are prescribed 1-2 tablets per day. Vaginal suppositories are administered once a day until the painful condition improves.
  • Side effects: local allergic reactions when using suppositories or cream. Pain in the mammary glands, nausea and vomiting, headaches, increased blood pressure.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to active components, pregnancy and lactation, oncological lesions of the mammary glands and suspected cancer, vaginal bleeding, liver failure.
  • Overdose: nausea, vomiting, headaches, vaginal bleeding. Treatment is symptomatic, as there is no antidote.

Ovestin is available in the form of oral tablets, vaginal cream and suppositories.

  1. Omnic

The drug with the active component is tamsulosin, a competitive selective blocker of postsynaptic smooth muscle receptors of the bladder neck, prostatic urethra or prostate gland. The therapeutic effect develops 14 days after the start of treatment.

  • Indications for use: dysuric disorders of varying severity, benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  • Directions for use: I take the medicine in the morning after breakfast. The tablet must not be chewed. Patients are prescribed 1 capsule 1 time per day. If minor disturbances in renal or hepatic function occur, no dose adjustment is required.
  • Side effects: headaches and dizziness, high blood pressure, tachycardia, asthenia, allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, severe liver failure, orthostatic hypotension.
  • Overdose: decreased blood pressure, compensatory tachycardia. Treatment is symptomatic, hemodialysis is ineffective.

The medication is available in hard gelatin capsules of 10 pieces. packaged.

  1. Spazmex

An antispasmodic agent that acts on the smooth muscles of the urinary system and digestive tract. Contains trospium chloride, a parasympatholytic and anticholinergic. Reduces the tone of the smooth muscle layer of the bladder.

  • Indications for use: symptomatic, idiopathic, neurological pollakiuria, bladder overactivity.
  • Method of administration: patients are prescribed 10-20 mg of the drug 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is individual for each patient.
  • Side effects: gastrointestinal disorders, tachycardia, shortness of breath, allergic skin reactions, headaches and dizziness, urinary retention and urinary disorders, moderate increase in transaminase levels, muscle and joint soreness.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to active components, urinary retention, heart rhythm disturbances, ulcerative colitis, infectious diseases, prostatic hyperplasia. The medicine is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, for the treatment of pediatric patients.
  • Overdose: anticholinergic reactions, visual disturbances, tachycardia. To normalize the condition, gastric lavage and the use of enterosorbent agents are indicated.

Spazmex is available in the form of tablets in packages of 5, 10 and 30 pieces.

  1. Urinal

A dietary supplement used for diseases of the urinary system and for the prevention of infectious lesions of the urinary tract.

  • Indications for use: pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract, complex treatment and prevention of urethritis, cystitis and other infectious lesions of the urinary system.
  • Directions for use: adults take 1 capsule per day 20-30 minutes after meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks; if necessary, therapy can be repeated after a two-week break.
  • Contraindications: patients under 3 years of age, intolerance to the components of the drug, acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pregnancy and lactation. No adverse reactions were identified.

The medicine is available in the form of soft gelatin capsules with 735 mg of active ingredients each.

  1. Cyston

Anti-inflammatory agent with diuretic properties, contains plant extracts. Antimicrobial activity is manifested against gram-negative microorganisms. Improves urinary function and stabilizes metabolic processes in the body.

  • Indications for use: complex therapy of diseases of the urinary system of infectious origin, pollakiuria in women, phosphate and oxalate stones in the bladder and prevention of their formation, gout, sialolithiasis.
  • The method of administration and dosage are selected by the attending physician individually for each patient and depend on the severity of the pathology.
  • Side effects: reactions of individual intolerance. No cases of overdose have been recorded.

Cyston has a tablet form, the drug is available in a bottle of 100 pieces.

In addition to the above drugs, the following may be prescribed for treatment: Gentos Forte, Duloxetine, Uritrol and others.

Antibiotics for frequent urination in women

If dysuric disorder is caused by pathogenic pathogens, then antibiotics are prescribed for treatment. For frequent urination in women, the following drugs are most often used:

  1. Amoxicillin

Bactericidal antibacterial agent from the group of semisynthetic penicillins. It has a wide spectrum of action, including against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Acid-stable in the intestines, quickly and almost completely absorbed.

  • Indications for use: inflammatory lesions of the urethra, gonorrhea, urethritis, colienteritis, pyelonephritis, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs.
  • Method of administration: adult patients are prescribed 500 mg 2-3 times a day, the course of treatment is individual for each individual case.
  • Side effects: allergic skin reactions, joint pain, anaphylactic shock. In rare cases, superinfection may develop.
  • Contraindications: penicillin intolerance, infectious mononucleosis, pregnancy and lactation, tendency to allergic reactions.

The antibiotic is available in tablet forms of 250 and 500 mg, solution and suspension for oral use, and dry substance for injection.

  1. Ampicillin

Semi-synthetic antibiotic, active against gram-positive and some gram-negative microorganisms. The wide spectrum of action of the drug is effective for diseases caused by mixed infections.

  • Indications for use: urinary tract infections caused by E. coli, mixed infection, Proteus, enterococci. Gonorrhea, pneumonia, pneumonia, cholecystitis, sepsis, intestinal infections, postoperative soft tissue infections and other infectious lesions caused by sensitive microorganisms.
  • Directions for use: single dose for adults 500 mg, maximum daily dose 2-3 g. For children, 10 mg/kg is prescribed. The course of treatment is from 5-10 days to 2-3 weeks.
  • Side effects: allergic skin reactions, anaphylactic shock, development of superinfections. Overdose is manifested by more pronounced side symptoms.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, liver failure, allergic diseases, bronchial asthma.

Ampicillin is available in the form of capsules of 250 mg of active ingredient each, as well as in powder form for the preparation of a suspension.

  1. Nitroxoline

An antibacterial agent that affects a wide range of harmful microorganisms and some fungi of the genus Candida.

  • Indications for use: genitourinary tract infections, inflammation of the bladder and kidney tissue, inflammatory damage to the urethra, inflammation of the prostate gland. Prevention of postoperative infections.
  • Directions for use: daily dosage is 400 mg (3-4 tablets per day), in particularly severe conditions it can be doubled. The duration of treatment takes 2-3 weeks.
  • Side effects: nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives of the drug, pregnancy and lactation.

Available in the form of tablets for oral administration, 50 mg of active substance, 50 pieces per package.

  1. Norbactin

Broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. Contains the active ingredient – ​​norfloxacin (fluoroquinolone with pronounced bactericidal properties against aerobic bacteria). The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the ability to inhibit bacterial DNA gyrase. Active against a wide range of harmful microorganisms.

  • Indications for use: infectious diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug. Infectious lesions of the urinary system, gastrointestinal tract. Effective for uncomplicated gonococcal infections.
  • Directions for use: for chronic and recurrent diseases of the urinary system, 1 tablet is prescribed 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 21 days.
  • Side effects: nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, anorexia, allergic skin reactions, headaches and dizziness, sleep disturbances.
  • Contraindications: individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and medications from the fluoroquinolone group. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, severe renal failure, pregnancy and lactation, pediatric patients.
  • Overdose is manifested by increased severity of adverse reactions. There is no specific antidote. Gastric lavage and further symptomatic therapy are indicated.

The medicine is available in the form of tablets of 10 pieces. packaged.

  1. Furadonin

A drug from the nitrofuran group with antimicrobial properties. It disrupts the permeability of cell membranes and protein synthesis of bacterial cells. Has bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects.

  • Indications for use: infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug. Pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, pyelitis. Prevention after cytoscopy, urological operations and catheterization.
  • Directions for use: 100-150 mg orally 3-4 times a day. The maximum therapeutic dosage should not exceed 600 mg per day. The course of treatment for acute urological infections is 7-10 days.
  • Side effects: allergic skin reactions, nausea, vomiting, headaches and dizziness, shortness of breath, increased drowsiness, fever, pancreatitis, hepatitis. In rare cases, abdominal pain and erythema multiforme occur.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, renal or heart failure, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, porphyria, pregnancy and lactation.
  • Overdose: nausea and vomiting. Treatment is symptomatic, dialysis is effective, and it is also recommended to take large volumes of fluid to accelerate the elimination of active substances.

Furadonin is available in powder form for oral administration and as enteric-coated tablets. Each package contains 30 capsules of the drug.

  1. Ciprofloxacin

An antibacterial agent that is similar in its action to other fluoroquinolones. The drug is effective both when administered internally and parenterally. Penetrates organs and tissues, passes through the blood-brain barrier.

  • Indications for use: infections of the urinary tract, respiratory system, skin and soft tissues, bones and joints, gastrointestinal tract. Gonococcal infections, meningitis, sepsis. Treatment of infections in cancer patients.
  • Directions for use: for pollakiuria, take 125 mg 3-4 times a day. For complicated infections, the dosage may be increased. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
  • Side effects: allergic skin reactions, swelling of the face and vocal cords, anorexia, sleep disturbances and headaches, increased anxiety. Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, changes in smell and taste, increased sensitivity to sunlight.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to quinolones, pregnancy, epilepsy, childhood and adolescence of patients.

Available in the form of tablets of 250, 500 and 750 mg of the active substance, as a 0.2% solution for infusion in 50 and 100 ml bottles, as well as a 1% solution in ampoules.


Treatment and prevention of any diseases of the body, including disorders of the genitourinary system, includes strengthening the immune system. Vitamins are prescribed in combination with the main therapy. Let's consider the most necessary substances for the body that promote recovery from pollakiuria:

  • Vitamin A – supports health at the cellular level. Prevents bacterial invasions. Necessary for normal glycogen deposition in the kidneys. Beta-carotene deficiency leads to disturbances in the body's regenerative abilities and the process of bile secretion.
  • Vitamins of group B – B1 are involved in the formation of proteins, fats, and carbohydrate metabolism. B2 is needed for normal functioning of the kidneys and blood vessels. B6 is part of enzymes and is necessary for the formation of renal transaminases. B12 regulates hematopoietic functions.
  • Vitamin C – takes part in metabolic processes and is necessary to increase the protective properties of the immune system. Suppresses the growth of E. coli, participates in the formation of certain hormones, and regulates the permeability of vascular tissues.
  • Vitamin E – stabilizes and maintains the integrity of kidney membranes. Participates in metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system.
  • Nicotinic acid (niacin, vitamin PP, vitamin B3) is needed for energy exchange in kidney cells.
  • Bromelain is a digestive enzyme, a catalyst for protein and fat metabolic processes. Has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Normalizes intestinal function and the functioning of the urinary tract. Contained in pineapple stems.
  • Zinc – has a disinfectant effect, helps eliminate infectious processes in the body.

It is better to take vitamins as prescribed by a doctor, as some of them have diuretic properties, which will only worsen an already painful condition.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

To speed up recovery from urinary system disorders, many patients are prescribed physiotherapeutic treatment.

The most popular physiotherapy procedures:

  • Electrophoresis is the delivery of medicinal components to a painful area using electric current. Has a relaxing and calming effect, eliminates inflammation and internal swelling.
  • Magnetotherapy – treatment is based on the creation of magnetic fields. The affected organ is cleansed of viruses and toxins. A special device, an inductor, is located in the area of ​​the affected organ, supplying the tissue with blood and restoring the normal state of the genitourinary system.
  • Inductothermy - creates an electromagnetic field that produces mechanical energy that turns into a thermal effect. Dilates blood vessels, activates the urinary tract and improves blood circulation. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, restores affected tissues.
  • Hyperthermia is the effect on damaged areas and inflamed tissues using radiation and chemotherapy devices. Promotes a local increase in the temperature of affected tissues. Thanks to this, viruses and bacteria are destroyed.
  • Magnetophoresis is the introduction of medications into the tissues and mucous membranes of the bladder using a low-frequency magnetic field.
  • Laser and short-pulse electroanalgesia (transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation) - the body is affected by a series of electrical impulses at high speed. The procedure eliminates pain in the lower abdomen and bladder, stimulates the genitourinary system and digestive tract. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces spasms, and promotes the resorption of swelling.
  • EHF therapy – the patient’s body is affected by an electromagnetic field of extremely high frequency. The radiation waves penetrate quite deeply, eliminating germs and harmful microorganisms. The method has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Endovesical phonophoresis – before the procedure, a special medicinal composition is applied to the skin. The doctor runs an ultrasonic electrode over the skin, adjusting the power and depth of penetration of the waves. The procedure has a prolonged effect.

In addition to the above physiotherapeutic procedures, special gymnastics are prescribed to restore women's health. First of all, these are Kegel exercises for the muscles of the pelvic area. They help control the process of urination and increase muscle tone of the genitourinary system. With regular gymnastics, dysuric syndrome goes away in 1-3 months.

Alternative treatment for frequent urination in women

For frequent urination in women, various treatment procedures are carried out and special medications are prescribed. Traditional treatment refers to non-traditional methods. Let's look at the most effective recipes:

  • Therapeutic baths with hay dust, pine twigs and oat straw. All ingredients must be crushed, pour in 3-5 liters of water and boil over medium heat for 25-30 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and added to the bath. The procedures are carried out for 15-20 minutes, after which you should put on warm underwear.
  • To prepare a medicinal compress, take a tablespoon of horsetail and add 500 ml of water. Boil over low heat for 10-20 minutes. Soak a towel in the broth and apply to the lower abdomen. The procedure is best done before bedtime.
  • Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of birch buds and let it brew for 3 hours. The resulting drink is taken 100 ml 3-4 times a day.
  • Pour a tablespoon of corn silk with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. The drink is used like tea, drinking ½ glass 2 times a day. For taste, you can add a couple of spoons of honey.
  • Grind the leaves and stems of mint, pour a couple of tablespoons of the raw material into 1 liter of water, and bring to a boil. Strain and take ½ cup 4-5 times a day.
  • Take a couple of aloe leaves, rinse thoroughly and chop. Distribute the vegetable pulp in the suprapubic area and wrap it in polyethylene. Place a heating pad on top. The compress relieves pain.
  • Chop the fresh parsley and carrot tops thoroughly. Pour a couple of tablespoons of raw material into a liter of water and boil over low heat for 10-20 minutes. After cooling, strain and take 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

Before using the above methods, you should consult your doctor.

Herbal treatment

To eliminate disorders of the urinary system, herbal treatment is often used. Consider popular herbal recipes:

  1. Antibacterial herbs
  • Chamomile is an antibacterial agent with pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Bearberry is a powerful antiseptic that effectively destroys pathogenic microorganisms. Has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • St. John's wort is an antiseptic, destroys pathogenic microflora, relieves spasms.
  1. Anti-inflammatory plants
  • Thyme – relieves inflammation, spasms and pain, contains a complex of vitamins and beneficial microelements.
  • Marshmallow root – has enveloping properties, relieves inflammation, facilitates urination.
  • Rose hip root.
  • Lingonberry leaves.
  1. Plants for the treatment of bladder stones:
  • Watermelon – has a diuretic effect, dissolves and removes stones.
  • Oats - pour a glass of unrefined grains with 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew in a thermos for 10-12 hours. Strain and grind until mushy. Use this remedy for breakfast.
  • Grape shoots – chop the young shoots and tendrils of grapes and add 200 ml of hot water. Boil for 15 minutes and let sit until cool. Take 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

The above herbs are poured with boiling water, infused and taken ½ cup 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the herbalist individually for each patient.

Herbal remedies for frequent urination in women

Herbal remedies are quite effective in treating pollakiuria. For frequent urination in women, the following remedies are effective:

  • Collection No. 1. Mix dry chamomile and horsetail in equal proportions. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture and boil for 15 minutes, strain after cooling. Every day you need to drink at least 3 glasses of medicine.
  • Collection No. 2. Mix 20 g of dried chamomile and poplar buds with 15 g of peppermint leaves. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into 400 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 4 hours, filter. Take ½ cup 3-4 times a day.
  • Collection No. 3. Take St. John's wort and yarrow herb in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over a teaspoon of the mixture and let it brew. Take 2 cups per day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
  • Collection No. 4. Pour two tablespoons of St. John's wort herb and the same amount of berries and lingonberry leaves into 750 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, strain. Take ½ glass before bed.
  • Collection No. 5. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of blackberries and a spoonful of blueberries and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. The product must be infused until it cools. Drink 1 glass 3-4 times a day.
  • Collection No. 6. Take lemon balm leaves, calamus root, flax seeds, St. John's wort, black elderberry flowers, knotweed and fennel fruits in equal proportions. Grind all ingredients thoroughly, pour 500 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of raw materials. After cooling, strain and take ½ glass 3-4 times a day.
  • Collection No. 7. Mix equal amounts of chamomile, celandine, calendula, birch leaves, currants and juniper, as well as burdock root, licorice and madder. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture and let it brew until it cools. Drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day.

Before starting treatment with herbal preparations, you should consult with your doctor and determine the presence of allergic reactions to herbal components.


A rather controversial method of treating dysuric syndrome is homeopathy. If you have a frequent urge to go to the toilet to empty your bladder, the following means are used:

  • Аcidum benzoicum - dark-colored urine with an unpleasant pungent odor, there is stinging and burning.
  • Acidum fluoricum – daytime pollakiuria.
  • Aconitum is a disorder caused by nervous experiences, stress, fear.
  • Aloe – frequent urge, but scanty urine output. The liquid is colored and has an unpleasant odor.
  • Arsenicum album – nocturia.
  • Causticum - pollakiuria in old age, menopause or hypothermia.
  • Сhina – a small urge in combination with constipation, burning and itching.
  • Dulcamara is a pathological condition caused by hypothermia of the body and a sharp change in temperature.
  • Equisetum – chronic pollakiuria without an established cause.
  • Nux vomica - frequent and rapid urge to go to the toilet in combination with colic in the urethra, constipation or involuntary bowel movements.

Homeopathic remedies are used only for medical purposes, with individual dosage selection for each patient. Since the effectiveness of homeopathy has not been proven scientifically and medically, it cannot be used as a monotherapy for a painful condition.


Today, there are many surgical treatment methods that eliminate frequent urination and fluid incontinence. Many of them are designed to restore the anatomically correct position of the urethra and bladder neck, while others increase the capacity of the organ.

The choice of surgical method depends on a number of factors, such as: the general condition of the patient, the presence of chronic diseases, uterine or urinary prolapse, the effect of drug therapy, and more.

Most often, patients undergo the following operations:

  1. A sling is the installation of a synthetic loop. This method is effective for many pathological causes and forms of dysuric syndrome. To place the loop into the body, the surgeon makes small incisions and threads the mesh through them. It is located under the organs in the form of a hammock, preventing their prolapse. The result of this procedure is noticeable within a few hours, has a short recovery period and allows the use of local anesthesia. In addition, the sling is approved for patients with scar tissue changes in the pelvic area.
  2. Colpopexy is the securing of the cervix and vagina in an anatomically correct position that does not interfere with the removal of fluid from the body. This operation is quite traumatic and therefore requires long-term rehabilitation.
  3. Injection methods
  • Introduction of dry matter into tissues, which affects muscles and nerve endings. The result of the treatment is noticeable after a week and lasts for 6-12 months, after which the procedure must be repeated.
  • The introduction of volume-forming gels is most often used for stress pollakiuria and incontinence. During the procedure, temporary volumetric replacement of tissue occurs using an injection into the submucosa.

The advantage of injection methods is their relative safety and minimal invasiveness. The procedures are performed on an outpatient basis and are ideal for both nulliparous patients and those planning a pregnancy. The rehabilitation period takes a couple of hours.

  1. Neuromodulation – eliminates voluntary contraction of the bladder, that is, urge urinary incontinence. The treatment is based on implantation of an electrode into the spinal cord, which regulates the reflexes of the bladder, urethra and pelvic muscles.

Any surgery is contraindicated during pregnancy, kidney failure, bleeding problems or immunodeficiency conditions. After surgery, some patients experience temporary complications, which are most often associated with non-compliance with the rules of the postoperative regimen.

Frequent urination in women is common. It may be associated with any pathology or manifestation of a special physiological condition. Frequent urge to urinate is termed “pollakiuria.”

Quite a lot of women face such a delicate problem in the modern world. The reasons for frequent urination in women without pain can be very different, and therefore there is no need to compare your case with a similar one from a friend. This condition does not cause any particular inconvenience, so women do not always rush to visit the doctor, which is a mistake.

Normally, a woman visits the toilet for minor needs 10-13 times per day. If this figure is much higher, then this is the first signal for concern. You should be especially wary when urination is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

In this article we will look at why women experience frequent urination, the causes of this condition, as well as modern methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Are there standards?

Each female body has its own standards, so it is impossible to say unequivocally how much each person should walk small every day. There are many factors. How much fluid you consume during the day depends on how many trips you take and your urination rate increases or decreases.

As a rule, if frequent urination is pathological, it is accompanied by one or more symptoms:

  • burning, pain or itching in the urethra when emptying the bladder;
  • a small volume of urine released during urination (normally 200-300 ml);
  • if the frequency of urination disrupts the normal rhythm of life (creates discomfort at work or at night).

If you go to the toilet up to 10 times a day and 1-2 times at night, and do not experience other unusual symptoms, then there is nothing to worry too much about.

Causes of frequent urination in women

In women, frequent urination without pain often occurs in situations that are associated with natural processes in the body. In particular, these are the following factors:

  • drinking large amounts of liquid;
  • taking certain medications, such as diuretics;
  • the use of infusions or decoctions of herbs that have a pronounced diuretic effect;
  • bearing a child;
  • hypothermia;
  • stressful situations or extreme anxiety;
  • in older women.

Pathological disorders in a woman’s body can also cause a frequent urge to urinate, which may or may not be accompanied by pain:

  1. . Signs of frequent urination in women without pain can appear in diabetes mellitus, when blood sugar remains elevated for a long time. The thirst that arises in this case leads to the fact that the woman drinks a large amount of liquid, as a result of which she goes to the toilet copiously and often “in small ways.”
  2. . Acute cystitis is characterized by frequent and painful urination, the appearance of blood in the urine, pain in the bladder and perineum. These symptoms are also observed in the chronic form of the disease during periods of exacerbation. The most common pathogen is Escherichia coli. The bacterium enters the bladder through the urethra, attaches to the walls of the bladder and begins to eat away the mucous membrane.
  3. . Frequent urination and prolonged aching pain are symptoms of pyelonephritis. During an exacerbation, weakness, chills, nausea, and a sharp increase in temperature are observed. Pyelonephritis takes a long time to be treated. Painkillers, antispasmodics, and antibacterial therapy are prescribed.
  4. Dysfunction of the pelvic muscles of a neurological nature. With neurological disorders, problems arise with the innervation of the muscles responsible for emptying the bladder, because of this the regularity of urination changes.
  5. . As salt conglomerates increase, painless frequent urination is gradually complicated by increasing pain.
  6. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Frequent urination causes problems with blood vessels and heart failure. The process worsens at night. Vigorous activity during the day can lead to swelling. They go away at night and are expressed in frequent urination. Therapeutic measures are etiological in nature, they must compensate.
  7. Gynecological diseases. One of the common pathologies that causes this symptom after 35 years is advanced uterine fibroids. It is a benign tumor that puts pressure on the bladder. In younger girls, the cause of frequent urination may be STDs, as well as vaginitis of various etiologies, etc. Sometimes the problem becomes a consequence of uterine prolapse.
  8. Chronic renal failure. It can develop due to some chronic ailments of the excretory system. The most common cause is glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, renal amyloidosis, polycystic disease and other defects in the development of this organ. One of the early manifestations of kidney failure is frequent urination at night, as well as increased urge during the day.
  9. Spinal cord injuries. The fact of any mechanical impact on the spine cannot be ignored.
  10. Genital infections. They lead to inflammation of the urethra, and its irritation provokes a frequent urge to urinate. Even simple thrush can lead to the need to visit the toilet more often than usual.

It is important to understand that without proper treatment for frequent urination in women, the symptoms of a possible disease can develop into a chronic form, and in the future negatively affect the reproductive system, or lead to severe consequences for overall health.

How to treat frequent urination in women?

We can talk about treating frequent urination in women only after the disease that caused it has been discovered. After all, the schemes for combating various pathologies differ significantly, and sometimes even radically, from each other.

Therefore, when a frequent urge to urinate begins, you must first exclude physiological causes of this phenomenon:

  • a diet that is enriched with foods or drinks with a diuretic effect, abuse of coffee, alcoholic beverages;
  • stressful situations;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • taking certain medications, such as diuretics.

Main indications for going to the doctor are the following:

  • general weakness in the body;
  • urinary retention or incontinence;
  • discharge (bloody) from the genitals;
  • lack of appetite.

Depending on the identified cause, After undergoing the examination, a woman may be prescribed:

  • antibacterial therapy;
  • pre- and ;
  • antispasmodics;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • uroantiseptics;
  • sedatives;
  • physiotherapy, including UHF, iontophoresis, electrophoresis, inductothermy, etc.;
  • Exercise therapy, including Kegel exercises;
  • herbal medicine.

However, even frequent urination without pain, which bothers you for a long time, should not be ignored. There is no need to neglect your health, because only a timely visit to the doctor will help you find out the real causes of the problem and prescribe effective therapy.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you experience frequent urination, you need to consult a therapist and undergo an initial examination: take blood and urine tests, and undergo an ultrasound of the urinary tract. If you have kidney diseases, you should be treated by a nephrologist, and if you have bladder pathology, you should be treated by a urologist. Diabetes (sugar and non-diabetes) is treated by an endocrinologist.