Kidney hydronephrosis stage 1 what. Hydronephrosis of the right kidney: clinical features. Various degrees of disease

Hydronephrosis of the kidney is specific disease, characterized by a pathological increase internal size pyelocaliceal region of the kidneys due to strong pressure a large volume of fluid (urine excreted by the kidneys) onto its walls. In this article you will learn what signs accompany the pathology, how to treat renal hydronephrosis modern methods, what else can be done.

Hydronephrosis of the kidneys: what is it?

What is kidney disease hydronephrosis? Hydronephrotic transformation of the kidney or renal hydronephrosis is a serious pathology consisting in increased fluid content in both or one kidney. The normal outflow of urine is disrupted, and this leads to inflammation of the renal tissue - parenchyma, followed by its atrophy and deterioration of the filtering and excretory function of the kidney.

As a result of this, partial, and then, as the disease progresses, complete renal failure may occur.

In medical practice, hydronephrosis of the right and left kidneys occurs equally often. As for bilateral hydronephrosis, it is recorded in 5-9% of identified cases. Hydronephrosis can be not only congenital, but also acquired. Moreover, congenital hydronephrosis occurs against the background urinary tract, anomalies in the placement of the renal artery (possibly its branches), which compresses the ureter.

Causes of hydronephrosis

The disease develops due to a violation or absolute cessation of the movement of urine from the kidney to bladder, which occurs due to a number of physiological or anatomical factors. Additional renal vessel, passing to the bottom of the kidney from the aorta. This additional vessel crosses the ureter and puts pressure on it, which leads to narrowing.

The factor that provokes the development of kidney hydronephrosis is an obstacle to the natural outflow of urine from the organ. Anyone can be to blame pathological process, occurring both in the kidney and outside it - in nearby organs and tissues:

  • stricture (narrowing) of the urinary tract,
  • congenital or acquired nature;
  • various stones in the genitourinary system;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • malignant tumors;
  • retroperitoneal fibrosis.

As a result of urinary retention and expansion of the calyces and pelvis of the kidney, the parenchyma and muscle fibers of the organ atrophy. This leads to deterioration of kidney function, up to complete loss of function.

Depending on the causes of the development of the disease, its forms are distinguished:

  1. Congenital – hydronephrosis develops in utero or immediately after birth.
  2. Acquired – hydronephrosis appears as a result of damage to a previously healthy kidney.

The acquired form of hydronephrosis can have both anatomical reasons disturbances in the outflow of urine from the renal pelvis, and physiological (arising against the background of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system).

In total, there are five main groups of pathological conditions that create mechanical obstacles of an anatomical nature in the urinary system:

  • Thickening of the walls of the ureter or pelvis as a result of tumors.
  • The presence of tumors in surrounding organs and tissues that compress the ureter, kidney or urethra.
  • Violation of the normal location of the ureter or kidney (prolapse of the kidney, bending or torsion of the ureter).
  • Blocking of the internal lumen of the ureter and pelvis with formed kidney stones.
  • Compression or damage to the lower organs by urine excretory system as a result of cancer and other diseases or injuries.

Quite often, women experience hydronephrosis during pregnancy. Its cause is mechanical compression of the ureter and other organs of the urinary system by the enlarged uterus.

Degrees of the disease

Doctors distinguish several degrees of development of this disease, which have individual characteristics.

1st degree the first degree of hydronephrosis is characterized by: slight accumulation of urine in the pelvis, slight stretching of the walls of the pelvis, kidney functionality is not impaired;
2nd degree for the second degree of kidney hydronephrosis: due to excessive stretching of the pelvis, the organ tissue becomes thin and the functionality of the kidney suffers. If kidney hydronephrosis is present in only one organ, then the main burden of work falls on the healthy one;
3rd degree in the third degree of hydronephrosis, it is noted: the diseased kidney completely stops functioning, the healthy organ experiences excessive loads, which causes kidney failure. With such symptoms, without proper treatment, renal hydronephrosis can be fatal.

Hydronephrosis is also classified according to the type of development. If the disease is complicated by an associated infection, then it proceeds according to the infected type. If not, such a disease proceeds aseptically, the symptoms in these two cases will be slightly different.

Symptoms of hydronephrosis

Often the development of renal hydronephrosis occurs unnoticed. Specific symptoms does not have a disease. On early stages clinical picture due to the cause that caused the development of hydronephrosis. For example, attacks of renal colic may occur, characterized by severe acute pain along the ureters.

As the pathology progresses, the patient complains of the following problems:

  • dull pain in the lower back,
  • independent of the time of day and body position;
  • painful sensations are most pronounced in the area of ​​the affected kidney: if it hurts left side lower back, then affected left kidney and vice versa;
  • in some cases, pain appears in the right side of the abdomen;
  • often painful sensations are accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

If renal hydronephrosis progresses and there is no treatment, then the following symptoms of hydronephrosis appear:

  • pronounced pain from the problematic kidney;
  • a painful attack is accompanied by nausea, and in some cases, vomiting;
  • blood pressure increases;
  • intensifies, the patient complains of discomfort due to bloating;
  • when infection penetrates the kidney, body temperature rises - the most dangerous sign;
  • there is blood in the urine - this applies to those patients who have been diagnosed with urolithiasis.

Hydronephrosis of the left kidney

Hydronephrosis of the left kidney is one of the most frequent complications urolithiasis, which can also occur on the right. Hydronephrosis of the left kidney increases the internal pressure of the calyces and pelvis. The walls of these organs “fight” high pressure for some time. Unable to withstand the pressure, the pressure gradually acts on the kidney itself, which in turn prevents urine from being released. This process can affect the tissue of the left kidney. The tubules and glomeruli atrophy and shrink. As a result, the layer of the organ in which urine was formed decreases.

The first symptoms of urinary stagnation are: sharp pains in the area of ​​the lateral part of the abdomen, radiating to the leg on the affected side. If hydronephrosis of the left kidney is observed, the pain will radiate to the back area.

Symptoms of hydronephrosis of the left kidney:

  1. pain in the kidneys, intensifying towards the damaged area;
  2. nervous overexcitation, anxiety;
  3. symptoms of intoxication of the body with nitrogenous products - loss of appetite, dizziness, migraines, vomiting and nausea;
  4. back pain that radiates to the groin and under the shoulder blades;
  5. pain in the abdomen (stretching of the walls of the ureter due to the size of the stone);
  6. small amount of urine excreted per day.
  7. It may also appear a large number of mucus and blood when urinating

If the diagnosis is not made in a timely manner, as well as unqualified treatment, the tissue of the left kidney can be severely damaged. This process leads to partial loss of organ functionality or even complete loss of the ability to perform its functions.

Hydronephrosis of the right kidney

Hydronephrosis right kidney needs to be treated. If this is not done, kidney failure may develop. Stopping kidney function can lead to intoxication and result in the death of the patient. Another possible outcome is urolithiasis, which can be made worse by infection. The most common complication in this case is cup rupture.

Depending on the level at which the long-term blockage occurred, hydronephrosis of the right kidney occurs with various symptoms. The most common cause is urolithiasis. Urine stones, exceeding in size the natural pathways of the excretory system, get stuck in places of narrowing, and therefore completely or partially disrupt the outflow of urine.

Symptoms and signs:

  1. On initial stage illness, a person usually complains of renal colic; In the evening, as a rule, there is a dull pain in the lumbar region, which goes away by night.
  2. Attacks can be caused by physical exertion or general fatigue.
  3. The presence of blood in the urine is observed with increased pressure in the calyxes, as well as in the presence of.
  4. Another characteristic feature– kidney enlargement. In people with an asthenic physique, it can even be felt through the anterior wall of the abdomen.

Most cases of hydronephrosis (more than half) are left-sided; in approximately 40% of cases, the pathology affects the right kidney and only 5% of hydronephrotic transformation is bilateral.


A dangerous complication of hydronephrotic transformation is renal failure and atrophy. Due to changes in tissues, the kidney loses its functionality, and death occurs from intoxication with metabolic products.

Due to renal dysfunction, the blood content increases residual nitrogen and other substances normally excreted through the kidneys in the urine.

To avoid fatal intoxication, patients are advised to remove the affected organ, after which patients undergo hemodialysis procedures using a machine with artificial kidney or an organ transplant from a donor.


During the examination, the doctor can preliminarily diagnose hydronephrosis through palpation. There is compaction in the area of ​​the organ. The patient's symptoms and general state his health.

To make an accurate diagnosis, instrumental and laboratory tests are prescribed:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • X-ray examination of the kidneys.
  • If the results of previous examinations are equivocal, the patient may be referred for an MRI or CT scan.

Hardware diagnostic methods help determine and compare on which side kidney damage is present or predominant. Thus, hydronephrosis of the right kidney has a larger size of the pelvic region compared to the healthy left kidney. Or vice versa, hydronephrosis of the left kidney has a larger pelvis compared to the right kidney.

There are also many additional methods, with the help of which pathology is detected. But they are not that common. The appropriateness of using one or another individually or many in combination is determined by the attending physician.

Treatment of kidney hydronephrosis

The course of treatment that the doctor will select has three directions: relieving symptoms, eliminating the cause and reducing the load on the kidneys. The goal of treatment for hydronephrosis is to:

  • remove accumulated urine and reduce the pressure it puts on the kidneys;
  • prevent irreversible deformation;
  • eliminate the cause that caused hydronephrosis.

Drug treatment

Often the use of medications precedes surgery. At this stage, the symptoms of hydronephrosis are eliminated, urination is stimulated, and side pathological processes, for example, foci of infection, are removed.

The doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  1. painkillers - for relief painful sensations in the patient;
  2. antibiotics – if there are signs of infection in the body;
  3. drugs that lower blood pressure; anti-inflammatory drugs;
  4. other medications, depending on the patient's symptoms.


If the condition of the kidney worsens over time, then treatment of hydronephrosis with surgical intervention.

There are two types of operations aimed at improving function in hydronephrosis:

  1. creation of an additional channel for urine output,
  2. narrowing of the dilated pyelocaliceal system of the kidney.

As a rule, radical surgery is preceded by drainage of the kidney. They are also used to treat hydronephrosis during pregnancy, which is caused by compression of the ureter by the growing uterus.

Type of operation

Brief description and features

Anderson-Hines operation Open surgery is performed on adults and children. Effective in narrowing the area of ​​the ureter near the kidney. Carried out under general anesthesia. Complications are observed in 10% of patients.

An endoscopic method of surgical intervention based on the introduction of special rods - bougies - into the ureter. Used to dilate the ureter.

Balloon dilatation

Under X-ray control, a special balloon with markers is inserted into the ureter. The doctor expands the area with the presence of a stricture by applying pressure, while contrast agent enters the ureter. The operation is performed endoscopically.

Modern and most effective method endoscopic surgery with hydronephrosis of the kidneys. It is based on the use of electric current of the required frequency, laser radiation or a “cold knife”.

Laparoscopic surgery

It is performed under general anesthesia. The doctor will make 4-5 punctures (ports) in abdominal wall. Endoscopic equipment is inserted into one, and special surgical instruments are inserted into the others. The operation involves a low degree of tissue trauma and sutures are usually not required.


Held in as a last resort with unilateral hydronephrosis (affecting only the left or right kidney). The indication for kidney removal is complete atrophy its parenchyma.


Not last place Diet plays a part in treatment. The diet is prescribed by a doctor individually. The diet should be such as to help restore the flow of urine and kidneys.

The following foods should be excluded from the daily diet:

  • salty;
  • fat;
  • smoked;
  • sweets;
  • alcohol;
  • fried meat and spicy dishes.

Instead, the diet should include the following:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • proteins.

This diet, combined with proper treatment, gives positive results. By the way, diet can help improve metabolism, which is beneficial for the whole body.

How to treat hydronephrosis with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies involves the use of various herbs and medicinal preparations that improve kidney function and alleviate the condition of patients with hydronephrosis. For this purpose the following is used:

  1. Pumpkin, namely the stalks. To prepare the medicine, the stalks are crushed, 500 ml of boiled water is poured in and infused in a water bath for 20 minutes. After this, the infusion must be removed, wrapped in a warm towel and left for about 2 hours. Take 4 times a day, half a glass per dose.
  2. 150 gr. birch leaves, 50 gr. nettle leaves, 50 gr. Adonis herbs, 50 gr. oat grains, 50 gr. bearberry and 50 gr. horsetail.
  3. In equal proportions take black currant leaves, raspberry leaves, calamus roots, kidney tea, string grass, chamomile flowers.
  4. Herbs for hydronephrosis are used in the form of preparations, which are recommended to be used for no longer than 3-4 months. It is necessary to change fees, after each course, waiting approximately 2 weeks. Plant infusions are taken on an empty stomach, approximately half an hour before meals.
  5. Chopped parsley root, 1 tbsp. l., pour 100 ml of boiling water. The product is infused all night. Carefully drain the liquid in the morning and drink 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach during the same day. If it is not possible to purchase plant roots, you can also use seeds. However, they give a less pronounced positive result. In the same way, you can prepare infusions for hydronephrosis from caraway seeds.


Hydronephrosis of the kidneys, if acquired, occurs only under certain conditions. Doctors recommend adhering to the following preventive measures to avoid its development:

  • empty the bladder in time - frequent artificial retention of urine can lead to some of it spilling back into the pelvis;
  • limit the consumption of salt and water - violation of salt and water balance leads to excessive urine production in the kidneys;
  • avoid hypothermia - this can provoke the development inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

Hydronephrotic transformation or hydronephrosis of the kidney is a disease that results in pathological stretching of the pyelocaliceal system. The pathological process is due to the fact that the process of urine outflow in the kidneys is disrupted. As a rule, the disease affects only one kidney. Young women are most susceptible to the disease.


Initially, it is worth noting that a distinction is made between congenital and acquired hydronephrosis. Congenital hydronephrosis can occur as a result of the following factors:

  • urinary tract obstruction;
  • incorrect channel location.

As for the acquired form of this kidney disease, as a rule, it can develop against the background of the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary tract;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • tumors of the uterus, urinary tract, prostate and ovaries;
  • metastases, malignant processes in the abdominal cavity;
  • injuries spinal cord which lead to disruption of the natural outflow of urine.

In addition, disturbances in the process of natural outflow of urine may be due to anatomical features.

Stages of development

There are three stages of hydronephrosis of the left (right) kidney:

  • compensated stage - at this stage, urine accumulates in the pelvis system in small quantities. Kidney functions are preserved almost completely.
  • hydronephrosis of the 2nd degree - there is a strong thinning of the tissue, which leads to a decrease in the performance of the organ by 40%;
  • third stage - the organ almost completely fails to cope with its functions, chronic renal failure occurs.


At the early stage of the disease, there are practically no symptoms. In some cases, the patient may complain of the following symptoms:

  • colic;
  • more frequent urination which does not bring adequate relief;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the area where the organ is located.

As congenital hydronephrosis or acquired hydronephrosis develops, a dull, It's a dull pain in the lumbar region. The localization of pain depends on which kidney is affected. The following symptoms can be observed:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • weakness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • nausea;
  • attacks of pain in the area where the organs are located;
  • bloating;
  • high blood pressure.

If the patient has an elevated temperature (more than 37 o C), this indicates the beginning of infectious process, especially when hydronephrosis is suspected in children.

In some cases, the patient does not experience the symptoms described above, except for one thing – urine mixed with blood. Such a violation requires immediate examination by a doctor.

Hydronephrosis of the left kidney

Hydronephrosis of the left kidney is one of the most common diseases genitourinary system. The main trigger is a stone, which can block the flow of urine. In this case, if the stone enters the urinary canal, bilateral hydronephrosis is considered.

The first and most common symptom of this disease is pain on the left side, which radiates to the leg. There is also a painful outflow of urine mixed with blood and mucus. In some cases, the patient cannot urinate, although the urge to urinate is present.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and immediate treatment. Surgery is almost always prescribed.

Hydronephrosis of the right kidney

Hydronephrosis of the right kidney is urological disease, which is caused by blockage of the genitourinary tract. The main risk groups are elderly people and those who abuse alcohol.

The symptoms of hydronephrosis of the right kidney are the same as when the pathological process is localized in the area of ​​the left kidney. The only difference is that with hydronephrosis of the right kidney, the pain radiates to the entire lower back.

Hydronephrosis in children

As a rule, hydronephrosis in children is a congenital disease. This pathology can occur in newborns if hydronephrosis was diagnosed during pregnancy. In newborns, pathology often affects both kidneys at the same time.

Using special diagnostics, hydronephrosis can be diagnosed in the fetus. That's why congenital form hydronephrosis in children is diagnosed much more often.

Hydronephrosis in the fetus and the reasons for its development of such a pathology can be determined in the early stages, which makes it possible to begin treatment in a timely manner, which means it will be more effective. This disease in newborns can be caused by the following factors:

  • stenosis of the pelvic system;
  • high ureteral discharge;
  • narrowing of the bladder neck.

Hydronephrosis in children is treated more successfully than in adults, as it is diagnosed in the early stages.

Treatment of hydronephrosis in children

Treatment of hydronephrosis in children and newborns is carried out only after accurate diagnosis and confirmation of the diagnosis. The mandatory diagnostic program includes the following:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;

As a rule, treatment of hydronephrosis in children is carried out only surgically and takes place in two stages:

  • excision of tissue to widen the passage;
  • anastomosis - suturing the ureter to the pelvis.

Such an operation does not pose a threat to life, provided the surgeon is competent. Rehabilitation period does not last long, but during this period a diet is required. This circumstance does not apply to newborns.

Hydronephrosis during pregnancy

Hydronephrosis during pregnancy has the same symptoms as listed above. It is worth noting that hydronephrosis in this position more often develops in the right kidney than in the left. This is due to the fact that the ureter is compressed due to the expansion of the uterus.

It is very important to determine whether this disease developed during pregnancy or was congenital. The fact is that hydronephrosis during pregnancy can cause the development of pathology in the newborn.

Surgical intervention in this situation is impossible. As a rule, it is prescribed conservative treatment with minimal medication consumption. In this case, treatment with folk remedies is appropriate, but only as prescribed by a doctor. It is important to follow a diet, but without harming the child.


During the examination, the doctor can preliminarily diagnose hydronephrosis through palpation. There is compaction in the area of ​​the organ. The patient's symptoms and general health are also taken into account. To make an accurate diagnosis, instrumental and laboratory tests are prescribed:

  • X-ray examination of the kidneys.

Based on the tests, an accurate diagnosis is made and the correct course of treatment is prescribed. If it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on the results of such studies, the doctor may prescribe a CT and MRI scan.


In most cases, surgery is prescribed. Especially if the disease is diagnosed in children.

As for the treatment of the disease in adults, both conservative treatment and surgery are used. It all depends on the degree of development of the disease and the general condition of the patient. It is important to follow a diet during the treatment period.

Conservative treatment is appropriate only at an early stage of the disease. As part of therapy, drugs with the following spectrum of action are prescribed:

  • pain reliever;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • to lower blood pressure;
  • antibacterial (if there is an infection).

However, as practice shows, even at an early stage best results operation gives.


Diet plays an important role in treatment. The diet is prescribed by a doctor individually. The following foods should be excluded from your daily diet:

  • salty;
  • fat;
  • smoked;
  • sweets;
  • alcohol;
  • fried meat and spicy dishes.

Instead, the diet should include the following:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • proteins.

This diet, combined with proper treatment, gives positive results. By the way, diet can help improve metabolism, which is beneficial for the whole body.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies for the treatment of hydronephrosis are often used, but only in tandem with by medicinal method treatment, and after consultation with the doctor.

Folk remedies for the treatment of this disease are presented in the form:

  • herbal decoctions for oral administration;
  • tinctures;
  • compresses;
  • warming lotions.

In tandem with the main course of treatment, such folk remedies will give positive results. Folk remedies help especially well at the initial stage of the disease.

Pay special attention to the fact that treatment with folk remedies can only begin after confirmation of the diagnosis. Otherwise, their use may not only not help, but also aggravate the patient’s general condition. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear that indicate the development of pathology, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Hydronephrosis of the kidney is a complex and dangerous illness. However, if treatment for hydronephrosis is started in a timely manner, the disease is completely cured without complications.

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Hydronephrosis- this is a pathology accompanied by expansion of the renal pyelocaliceal apparatus. With hydronephrosis, urine begins to accumulate in the structures of the kidney due to impaired outflow into the ureter. Gradually accumulating, it leads to atrophy of the renal tissue and the development of renal failure.

Causes of hydronephrosis

In order to understand the symptoms of hydronephrosis, you need to know what the kidneys are. Basic knowledge of the structure of this organ will help to understand the cause of hydronephrosis and its consequences.

Kidney structure

The kidney is a bean-shaped organ that performs the functions of urine formation. The structure of the kidney is divided into two parts - the renal parenchyma and the pyelocaliceal apparatus, which passes into the ureters.

Kidney parenchyma
Parenchyma ( that is, the kidney tissue itself) has a heterogeneous structure and consists of cortical and medulla. The cortex is dark in color and contains the glomeruli. The main function of this part of the kidney is filtration and formation of primary urine. The medulla of the kidney is lighter in color and consists of renal tubules. The function of the medulla is to form secondary ( final) urine and removal of metabolic products from the body.

Calyceal part of the kidney
This part of the kidney is responsible for storing and further excreting urine into the ureter. After the blood passed through the kidney tissue, the liquid part was filtered out and urine was formed. Urine collects in structures called calyxes. In the kidney there are from 6 to 10 small calyces and up to 4 large ones. The large calyces open into the pelvis, which in turn opens into the ureter. The pelvis is a funnel-shaped cavity in which urine accumulates. The pelvis and calyces consist of mucous and muscular membranes. Due to contractions of the muscle layer, urine passes from the pelvis to the ureter, and from there to the bladder. Thus, a continuous accumulation of urine occurs in the cups and pelvis, which subsequently flows into the ureters. If something obstructs the outflow of urine, it begins to accumulate in the pelvis. Most often, the flow of urine from the pelvis is obstructed by stones, tumors, or narrowing of the ureter.

If urine accumulates for a long time, it begins to compress kidney tissue. Being under constant compression, the parenchyma ( textile) kidneys begin to atrophy ( stops functioning).

The causes of hydronephrosis are:

  • tumors;
  • abnormalities of the urinary system.

Urolithiasis disease

With urolithiasis, the formation and deposition of kidney stones is noted ( pelvis or calyces), ureters or bladder. Wherever these stones are formed, sooner or later they lead to disruption of the outflow of urine. The formation of stones in the pyelocaliceal system already in the early stages leads to the development of hydronephrosis. With their volume they close the lumen, thereby preventing the passage of urine into the ureter. Accumulating to a certain size, urine leads to stretching of the cups and pelvis. Next, it begins to compress the parenchyma itself, leading to its atrophy.


Impaired urine outflow can also be a consequence of compression of the kidney or ureter from the outside. This compression may be caused by a growing tumor, cyst, or enlarged lymph node. By compressing the ureter or kidney, the mass formation prevents the normal flow of urine in these structures.

Abnormalities of the urinary system

Filtered urine is collected in the pelvis, from where it then enters the ureters. If urine encounters any obstacles on its way, then its further path is suspended. Such an obstacle may be a congenital anomaly of the ureter or pyelocaliceal system.

Abnormalities of the ureter that can cause hydronephrosis include:

  • Narrowing of the initial part of the ureter– with this anomaly, urine passes further, but not in its entire volume. Due to the narrowed ureter, some urine remains in the pelvis and begins to accumulate over time.
  • Curvature of the ureter– also prevent the complete outflow of urine from the pelvis. Curvatures can be either acquired ( adhesions due to previous infections), and congenital.
  • High ureteral outlet– similarly impedes the flow of urine through the ureter.
  • Ureteral valve defect– this anomaly, as a rule, is detected in the first years of life, because it is accompanied by total urine retention in the pelvis. The valve is a flap of the mucous membrane that closes the lumen of the ureter.
Anomalies of the urogenital system also include congenital atony of the urinary tract. With this anomaly, the muscle layer that makes up the ureters and bladder is not capable of full contraction. Normally, the movement of urine through the urinary tract is ensured by rhythmic contractions of the ureter. However, with atony, the ureter does not contract and, as a result, does not provide urine outflow.

The result of this is stagnation and accumulation of urine, first in the ureter and then in the kidney. At the same time, hydronephrosis can also be a consequence of hypertonicity ( voltage) ureter. This pathology (which is also called dyskinesia) is expressed in frequent and irregular contractions of the ureter.

Hydronephrosis is often a consequence of vesicoureteral reflux. With this pathology, urine is thrown from the bladder into the ureter, and from there, as it accumulates, into the kidney.

Symptoms of hydronephrosis

The main symptom of hydronephrosis is a dull aching pain, the localization of which depends on the location of the pathological process. Sometimes the pain can take on the character of renal colic. Most often this happens if the cause of the pathology is urolithiasis. Also, the clinical picture of hydronephrosis is complemented by symptoms of the underlying disease. If to this disease When an infection occurs, symptoms of general intoxication appear in the clinical picture.

Hydronephrosis on the right
With this type of hydronephrosis, expansion of the pyelocaliceal system occurs in the right kidney. Most often, this anomaly is asymptomatic for a long time. Patients may complain of dull, moderate pain on the right side. Pain syndrome may be accompanied by slight fever, nausea, and weakness. As a rule, hydronephrosis goes silent for a long time, and it can only be detected by laboratory tests.

Symptoms of hydronephrosis are:

  • blood in urine– if the cause of hydronephrosis is kidney stones, then hematuria ( or blood in urine) is a common symptom;
  • elevated temperature– noted when hydronephrosis is accompanied by pyelonephritis ( urinary tract infection);
  • - a symptom that is noted already at late stages hydronephrosis;
  • swelling– also appear in decompensated stages;
  • decrease daily diuresis (or oliguria) - less than 500 milliliters in 24 hours, with a norm of 1.5 liters.
The localization of pain with hydronephrosis on the right can often imitate the picture of appendicitis or hepatic colic. A sharp increase in pain can be caused by total ( full) obstruction ( blockage) renal pelvis or kinked ureter. This condition is an emergency and requires immediate hospitalization of the patient.

Hydronephrosis on the left

Hydronephrosis of the left kidney is characterized by dull, aching pain on the left. The pain can also take on the character of renal colic. The pain syndrome takes on an acute, burning, unbearable character. In this condition, the patient literally rushes about, cannot find a place for himself or hold out in one position for several seconds. A similar picture is typical for the migration of kidney stones ( when a kidney stone travels down the urethra) or with sharp compression of the ureter.

Also, hydronephrosis on the left is accompanied by the development of edema, high blood pressure, and a decrease in daily diuresis ( urine volume). However, all these symptoms develop already in the last stages of hydronephrosis. In addition to dull, unexpressed pain, in the early stages of the disease there may be a symptom such as blood in the urine ( medical term– hematuria). It can be of two types - macroscopic and microscopic. In the first case, the presence of blood in the urine is visible to the naked eye. The patient himself notices that the urine has changed color and acquired a red tint. In the second case, the presence of blood elements in the urine is confirmed only by laboratory methods.

Hydronephrosis is often complicated by the addition of an infection and, as a consequence, a rise in body temperature ( manifestation of an infectious process). This is explained by the fact that with hydronephrosis there is a process of stagnation of urine. Due to impaired outflow from the pelvis, urine is retained in the kidneys. This becomes a breeding ground for bacteria to develop in it ( if there is no movement process, then the bacteria very quickly attach to the substrate, in in this case- to urine). The result of this is rapid infection of the urine and the spread of inflammation to the kidneys. Against the background of hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis also often develops, which is also accompanied elevated temperature body and dull pain in the lower back.

Bilateral hydronephrosis

Bilateral hydronephrosis is usually congenital pathology. But also ( albeit rarely) it can be provoked by urolithiasis, compression of the kidney or ureter from the outside by a tumor, or a lymph node. Since the process affects both kidneys at once, kidney failure develops very quickly.

Symptoms renal failure are:

  • swelling;
  • high blood pressure;
  • presence of protein in urine ( proteinuria);
  • retention of urea and other metabolic products in the body.
Edema is a consequence of massive loss of proteins by the body. In renal failure, the filtration process of primary urine is disrupted. As a result, proteins, namely albumins, are lost in the urine. IN healthy body albumins form oncotic pressure, that is, they retain water in the bloodstream. When there are not enough proteins, water from the bloodstream goes into the tissues and saturates them. This is how renal edema develops. At renal pathology swelling is warm, soft, yellowish color. First of all, they are localized in areas of loose tissue, for example, around the eye socket. The more proteins are lost in the urine, the more pronounced the swelling.

Arterial hypertension is also a persistent and difficult to treat symptom of hydronephrosis ( high blood pressure). It develops due to atrophy and insufficient blood supply kidney As is known, accumulating urine during hydronephrosis compresses the kidney tissue, which leads to its atrophy. This leads to activation of the renin-angiotensin system, which triggers a cascade of reactions, the end result of which is increased secretion of the hormone angiotensin II. In turn, angiotensin II constricts blood vessels and stimulates the secretion of aldosterone. Aldosterone retains water in the body, and water retention plus narrowed blood vessels means high blood pressure.

Together with urine, the kidneys excrete waste products of the body, including such toxic ones as urea and creatinine. These products are very toxic, and, quickly penetrating the brain, can cause encephalopathy ( brain disease). This condition is the final stage of hydronephrosis. A characteristic symptom The disease at this stage is a specific smell of urea from the patient.

Degrees ( stages) hydronephrosis

There are several stages in the development of hydronephrosis. The duration of these stages depends on the severity of the underlying disease and the presence of concomitant diseases. The final or terminal stage of hydronephrosis, as a rule, coincides with renal failure.

The stages of hydronephrosis include:

  • initial stage of hydronephrosis;
  • early stage of hydronephrosis;
  • terminal stage of hydronephrosis.

Stage 1 hydronephrosis

At this stage, the pyelocaliceal apparatus of the kidney is enlarged, but this is not accompanied by an increase in the organ itself. Kidney function is preserved, the clinical picture can be manifested by such symptoms as aching pain in lumbar region. Sometimes hematuria may occur ( blood in urine). In the tests, protein may be slightly increased; with hematuria, red blood cells will also be present.

Stage 2 hydronephrosis

At the second stage, simultaneously with the pelvis, the kidney itself enlarges. On average, it increases by 10 - 20 percent of its original volume. However, it is worth understanding that the enlargement of the kidney does not occur due to an increase in its tissue or function, but due to the stretching of the pelvis and the accumulation of urine in them. The kidney function itself is reduced by 30–40 percent. Protein begins to appear in the urine ( proteinuria), and toxic metabolic products – creatinine and urea – grow in the blood. At this stage, the first signs of renal failure begin to appear - blood pressure rises, and renal edema appears in the morning.

Stage 3 hydronephrosis

Represents renal failure. At this stage, the kidneys almost double in size, while their function decreases by more than 60 to 70 percent. Kidney parenchyma ( her fabric) almost completely atrophies, and large cavities form in its place. The kidney takes on the appearance of a multi-chamber cavity, which, in turn, is filled with urine residues. Arterial hypertension becomes resistant ( doesn't lend itself well) to treatment, blood pressure is constantly elevated. Protein continues to be lost by the body; at the terminal stage, proteinuria reaches 3 grams per liter of urine. Such a massive loss of protein provokes large swelling. Patients at this stage are very swollen, swelling is observed not only in the eye area, but throughout the body.

Diagnosis of hydronephrosis according to ICD

Diagnosis of hydronephrosis is primarily based on laboratory and instrumental data. Objective data ( that is, patient complaints) are not very informative, since in the early stages of the disease the clinical picture of hydronephrosis is very poor. Periodic dull pain and blood in urine ( complaints that a patient brings to a doctor) are insufficient to make a diagnosis. Therefore, the doctor prescribes special tests and analyses. According to the international classification of diseases ( ICD) hydronephrosis is coded N13.6.

Tests for hydronephrosis

To make a diagnosis, a urine test and a blood test are prescribed.

Urinalysis indicators for hydronephrosis

In parallel, the patient experiences severe swelling ( due to protein loss) and persistent arterial hypertension.

Blood test indicators for hydronephrosis

Laboratory sign



Decreased concentration total protein in the blood less than 65 grams per liter.


Decrease mainly in albumin ( proteins with high density ), less than 25 grams per liter.


The diet for hydronephrosis is as follows:

  • limited consumption of animal protein;
  • exclusion of certain products;
  • consumption of the required amount of plant products.
Limited animal protein intake
For hydronephrosis, it is recommended to consume no more than 0.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of the sick person’s weight. So, if a patient weighs 70 kilograms, he can eat 35 grams of protein per day. You should replenish your protein intake with lean fish or meat, and low-fat dairy products. In this case, you need to choose natural ( not frozen, not processed) products.

Products that are allowed for hydronephrosis are:

  • meat ( chicken, turkey, veal);
  • offal ( liver);
  • fish ( cod, pike perch, pike);
  • dairy and fermented milk products ( cottage cheese, kefir, milk, sour cream, yogurt).
Exclusion of certain products
There are some food products whose consumption should be reduced during hydronephrosis. Refusal of these products will have a positive effect on the general condition of the body and will allow you to more effectively resist the disease.

Foods that should be removed from the diet for hydronephrosis are:

  • any types of meat or fish with high fat content;
  • jellied meat and other types of rich broths from meat or fish;
  • dishes prepared by frying, smoking, drying;
  • industrial and home conservation ( salted, pickled, pickled vegetables or fruits);
  • sweets, cakes, pastries and other products with a lot of sugar;
  • food products with increased content salt ( chips, crackers, salty straws);
  • any products that have an unnatural smell, color or taste.
  • carbonated drinks, alcohol.
Consuming the required amount of plant foods
For hydronephrosis, it is recommended to include daily diet at least 600 grams of fruits and vegetables. Use herbal products should be preferably raw.

The most useful cultures for hydronephrosis are:

  • potato;

Folk remedies for the treatment of hydronephrosis

When treating hydronephrosis, it is advisable to use products made according to traditional medicine recipes. Such drugs should be used as an addition to the main method of treatment. Carrying out therapy traditional methods requires compliance with a number of rules. Failure to follow the rules can cause various complications.

Rules for using funds traditional medicine
Before carrying out therapy with traditional methods, you should definitely visit a doctor. The doctor will determine the advisability of such treatment and determine whether there are contraindications. The doctor can also provide recommendations on optimal scheme taking folk remedies. In order for the treatment to be safe and effective, you must follow the rules for the preparation and use of traditional medicine.

The rules for treating hydronephrosis with folk remedies are as follows:

  • Throughout the entire period of taking folk remedies, you should adhere to a special therapeutic diet. Also during treatment you need to limit alcohol consumption to a minimum.
  • Before taking any product, be sure to do an allergy test. To do this, you should use the drug in the minimum dose the first 2–3 times ( less than what is indicated in the recipe by 5 - 7 times).
  • The components from which the drug is prepared must be purchased in specialized places ( pharmacies, shops). It is not recommended to purchase medicinal products from unauthorized retail outlets.
  • All components for the preparation of folk remedies are used in crushed form. For grinding, use a meat grinder, blender or food processor.
  • Herbal infusions should be stored in glass containers or bags made of natural fabric. During storage, contact of raw materials with air should be limited.
  • The shelf life of the prepared product does not exceed 12 hours. Therefore, every day it is necessary to prepare a new portion of the drug.
  • For hydronephrosis, all folk remedies are used in the form of a decoction. To do this you need to fill it with warm water. required amount raw materials ( indicated in the recipe) the required volume of warm water ( also indicated in the recipe). Then the composition must be placed in a water bath and kept for 20 - 30 minutes. After this, the broth should be left for 1–2 hours, filtered and taken orally.
  • The duration of treatment with folk remedies for hydronephrosis is 2–3 months. After each month, you need to pause for 2 weeks and then return to treatment.
Traditional recipes for the treatment of hydronephrosis
Various herbs, vegetables and other natural products are used for hydronephrosis. Traditional medicine preparations can improve kidney function, reduce pain, and reduce intoxication of the body.

Products that are used for hydronephrosis are:

  • pumpkin ( stalks, juice);
  • beans ( doors);
  • parsley ( root, seeds);
  • herbal preparations.
Pumpkin recipe
For hydronephrosis, the pumpkin stalk is used ( the part by which the vegetable is attached to the stem). To prepare one-time ( daily) servings of decoction from the stalk must use 2 tablespoons of raw material and 2 glasses of water. The finished decoction should be consumed during the day.
Fresh water can also be used in the treatment of hydronephrosis. pumpkin juice. You need to prepare the drink yourself, since ready-made juice in bags does not have sufficient medicinal properties. The recommended amount is from 200 to 300 milliliters per day.

Recipe for beans
Dry bean leaves are used to prepare the decoction. Daily norm This product is 750 - 1000 milliliters, which should be drunk in 6 - 7 doses. To prepare one serving of broth, you need to use 4 tablespoons of bean leaves per liter of water.

Parsley recipe
The daily portion of the decoction is prepared from 50 grams fresh root parsley and water, one glass in volume. You need to drink the product 4 times a day, a tablespoon. The optimal time to use the decoction is half an hour before a meal.
For hydronephrosis, parsley seeds are also useful, from which a medicinal drink is prepared. The daily volume of the drink is prepared from a tablespoon of seeds and 250 milliliters of water. Take 50 milliliters 3-4 times a day.

Herbal recipes
For hydronephrosis, various herbal preparations are used, which include several medicinal plants. To prepare the mixture, you need to mix the ingredients in the proportions specified in the recipe, and then pour them into a convenient container for storage. Subsequently, a drink is prepared from the collection, for a daily portion of which a tablespoon of raw material and a glass of water are used. A decoction is being prepared traditional method– first kept in a water bath, then filtered and ingested. The daily portion of the decoction should be divided into 3–4 parts and drunk before meals.

Herbal recipes for hydronephrosis

Consequences of hydronephrosis

The consequences of hydronephrosis appear various pathologies, as a result of which the functionality of the kidneys and the general condition of the body deteriorate. Complications develop in case of untimely detection or inadequate treatment of the disease.

The most common consequences of hydronephrosis are:

  • addition of a bacterial infection;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • the appearance of hard formations in the kidneys;
  • renal failure.

Attachment of a bacterial infection

The development of bacterial infection is a common consequence of hydronephrosis. With this disease, the normal functionality of the urinary system is disrupted, which leads to improper outflow and stagnation of urine. All this creates conditions conducive to the proliferation of bacteria and the development of the bacterial process. The most common form of bacterial infection against the background of hydronephrosis is secondary pyelonephritis ( inflammatory lesion kidney).

Mechanism of development of pyelonephritis
In most cases, pyelonephritis is provoked by Escherichia coli. It can also be Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, Klebsiella. These microorganisms live in the intestines, being part of the normal microflora. But when they enter other organs, an inflammatory process develops. Along the ascending pathways, the infection penetrates into the kidney cavity and pyelonephritis begins. Quite often the disease becomes recurrent ( systematically repeating) or chronic form.

In female patients, due to anatomical features, the complication of pyelonephritis is more common. In women, the urethra ( urinary channel) is larger in width, smaller in length and located closer to anus. These features of the female body increase the likelihood of pathogens entering the kidneys.

Symptoms of secondary pyelonephritis
Secondary pyelonephritis begins with an increase in temperature, which can reach 39 - 40 degrees. The patient is concerned about general signs of infection, which are expressed by headache, chills, aching muscles and joints. Nausea and vomiting may also be present ( periodically), heavy sweating. Heart rate ( pulse) increases, breathing becomes rapid, the tongue is dry. The patient behaves apathetically and sluggishly. After a few days, during the development of the infectious process, common features local symptoms also appear.

Local manifestations of pyelonephritis are:

  • lower back pain ( on the side where the infection develops);
  • increased pain at night, when coughing, taking a deep breath;
  • abdominal muscle tension ( determined by palpation);
  • problems with urination.
The pain that bothers the patient in the lumbar region, as a rule, radiates to the upper abdomen, groin area, and thigh. The feeling of pain is more pronounced when a person lies on his back or on the side opposite to the zone of localization of the infectious process.

As mentioned above, pyelonephritis with hydronephrosis often becomes chronic. Like the acute form, the chronic stage of bacterial kidney infection is accompanied by local and general symptoms. In comparison with primary pyelonephritis, which develops as an independent disease, the manifestations of infection in hydronephrosis are more pronounced. The patient may be bothered by a dull aching pain in the lumbar area, which most often appears when it is damp and cold outside. Pain may spread to other organs and parts of the body ( This rarely happens with primary pyelonephritis.).
General symptoms of chronic kidney inflammation, which develops against the background of hydronephrosis, are divided into early and late.

TO general symptoms pyelonephritis, which appear at the beginning of the disease, include:

  • fast fatiguability ;
  • general weakness that occurs periodically;
  • low-grade fever ( from 37 to 37.5 degrees);
  • increased blood pressure ( in approximately half of patients).
Often in the middle of the day in patients with chronic pyelonephritis there is a desire to take a horizontal position due to fatigue. This is explained by the fact that when long stay on the legs, the outflow of venous blood is hampered in the kidneys.
TO late symptom secondary pyelonephritis in the chronic stage refers to dry mucous tissues oral cavity. At first, dryness appears from time to time, and subsequently becomes permanent. The patient begins to experience heartburn and belching. A person’s appearance changes - the skin becomes pale, the face takes on a puffy outline. People with chronic inflammation kidneys are characterized by passive emotional behavior, which manifests itself in a lack of interest and initiative, inaction, and apathy.

Increased blood pressure

With hydronephrosis, the affected kidney begins to synthesize the hormone renin in an increased volume, which provokes an increase in blood pressure. As a result, nephrogenic hypertension develops, which is difficult to treat with medications.

Mechanism of development of nephrogenic hypertension
With hydronephrosis, blood circulation in the affected kidney is reduced, causing fluid secretion to decrease. As a result, severe swelling develops and the blood vessels narrow. In addition, the walls of blood vessels become more sensitive to the action of certain substances, as a result of which the vessels begin to contract. Poor circulation and vasoconstriction provokes increased synthesis of renin, resulting in the development of nephrogenic hypertension.

Symptoms of nephrogenic hypertension
A distinctive characteristic of nephrogenic hypertension is an increase, mainly in the lower ( diastolic) pressure. This condition is poorly corrected with medications that are intended to lower blood pressure. Patients are also concerned about severe headache in the back of the head or in the forehead area. Painful sensations may be accompanied by dizziness. Against the backdrop of contraction blood vessels the nutrition of the retina is disrupted, which leads to vision problems that progress rapidly.

Other symptoms of nephrogenic hypertension are:

  • strong feeling of thirst;
  • increased urination;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • swelling.
Sometimes nephrogenic hypertension is accompanied by disorders of the nervous system, which causes patients to become excessively whiny and irritable. With absence timely treatment due to narrowing of blood vessels, a disorder may develop brain activity, heart failure .

The appearance of hard formations in the kidneys

The appearance of hard formations in the kidneys ( urolithiasis disease) can be both a cause and a complication of hydronephrosis. If urolithiasis develops as a consequence of hydronephrosis, it is characterized by the formation of struvite stones, which are also called infectious.

Appearance mechanism solid deposits in the kidneys
Impaired urine flow and bacterial infections, which are characteristic of hydronephrosis, form a favorable environment for the formation of struvite stones. Bacteria such as Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella break down the urea in urine, which leads to the formation of sediments, from which stone is formed. Such formations consist of sediments of magnesium, ammonium, and calcium carbonate. Infectious kidney stones increase rapidly in volume and due to specific shape also called coral stones.

Symptoms of the presence of kidney stones
Symptoms characteristic of urolithiasis such as acute stabbing pains in the back or lower abdomen with struvite stones, they appear less pronounced or are completely absent. Patients may complain of a general deterioration in condition, dry mouth, and increased temperature. If left untreated, such stones can cause general purulent infection (sepsis), kidney failure, shrinkage and loss of the kidney.

Kidney failure

Kidney failure is one of the most serious complications hydronephrosis and sometimes leads to irreversible consequences.

Mechanism of development of renal failure
With hydronephrosis, the pressure in the kidney increases, causing the parenchyma ( tissue that covers the kidney) decreases in volume and gradually atrophies. The blood supply to the organ is also disrupted. As a result, the excretory function of the kidneys decreases, and they begin to accumulate in the blood. harmful substances (nitrogenous slags), which are normally excreted from the body along with urine.

Symptoms of kidney failure
The symptoms of renal failure depend on the background of what form of hydronephrosis this complication developed. The acute stage of hydronephrosis leads to acute renal failure. With this complication, the kidneys lose their functions very quickly ( from several weeks to several days). Therefore, if you identify symptoms of a developing complication, you must immediately seek medical help.

Symptoms of acute renal failure are:

  • a sharp decrease in urine volume ( initially up to 400 milliliters per day, then - no more than 50 milliliters per day);
  • increase in body volume ( due to accumulated fluid);
  • widespread itching of the skin;
  • drowsiness, lethargy;
  • nausea, vomiting, loose stools;
  • swelling of the face, ankles;
  • loss of appetite;
In the absence of timely intervention from a doctor, shortness of breath develops because a large amount of fluid accumulates in the lungs. Hemorrhages and bruises appear on the body. Involuntary muscle contractions may occur ( spasms), hallucinations, loss of consciousness.
At chronic hydronephrosis The decline in kidney function occurs gradually and in most cases unnoticeably ( in the initial stages) for the patient. As chronic renal failure progresses, it provokes general weakness, decreased performance, and frequent headaches. The body weight of patients begins to decrease, skin acquire a yellow tint.

Other symptoms of chronic kidney failure include:

  • dry mucous membranes in the mouth, ammonia smell;
  • bleeding gums, bruising on the body;
  • menstrual irregularities ( among women);
  • persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • increased susceptibility to disease ( due to decreased immunity).
Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Translated from the ancient language, hydronephrosis means the accumulation of water in the kidneys. Kidney hydronephrosis is considered very common among infants, but similar pathology can also be found in adults. Kidney hydronephrosis is a pathology in which there is a slow outflow of urine from the organ into the bladder. As a result of this functional impairment urine accumulates in the renal pelvis, which triggers changes in the functions of the organ. When making a diagnosis, another name for the pathology is more common - hydronephrotic transformation of the right or left kidney. What to do if the doctor announced this diagnosis?


To correctly select treatment tactics for this complex pathology, a specialist must know what phase of development of the pathology, what caused its manifestation. To improve the quality of treatment, a classification of types of pathology was created. In urology, the classification of hydronephrosis consists of several parameters: time of development, degree of progression, localization.

By development time

Congenital (primary)

Congenital hydronephrosis progresses due to intrauterine obstruction. Pathological increase renal pelvis has nothing to do with genetics. The congenital condition is considered quite rare anomaly. In only 1% of all newborns born, there is a chance that one kidney will have a pathology. Of all cases of pathology, 15% are bilateral hydronephrosis.

Secondary (acquired)

Secondary hydronephrosis develops due to past illness. Right-sided hydronephrosis or hydronephrosis on the left may occur as a complication of the following conditions:

  • urolithiasis;
  • neoplasms in the kidneys or abdominal organs;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the urinary tract or stress compression;
  • kidney prolapse.

By location

According to the location, it is classified:

  • unilateral;
  • double-sided

Among all pathological cases, hydronephrosis of the right kidney occurs with equal frequency as hydronephrosis of the left kidney. It is extremely rare for both to be affected at the same time. Only 5% of all cases of renal impairment occur in bilateral pathology.

Main degrees of severity

The kidney is able to recover on its own in the first degree of hydronephrosis.

Based on clinical practice, the disease states were divided into 3 degrees. In some sources, the classification includes 4 stages of hydronephrosis. At stage 4, the kidney does not work at all. But in practice, doctors use only three degrees. Each degree takes into account the state and severity of atrophy of the kidney parenchyma. The duration of development of each degree is influenced by the severity of the main disease and additional (attached) ones. Hydroureteronephrosis last stage indicates the development of renal failure.

First degree. With grade 1 hydronephrosis, the kidney is characterized by a slight dilation of the pelvis. This condition is called pyelectasis. The thickness of the walls of the pelvis allows it to resist stretching for some time. A slight functional disorder. This mild degree disorders, sometimes the kidney is able to recover on its own.


Second degree. If the renal pelvis is significantly dilated, grade 2 hydronephrosis or hydrocalycosis is diagnosed. Fluid leaves the organ slowly and the organ increases in size by up to 20%. The kidney tissue becomes thinner and atrophies. There is a significant impairment of functionality, reaching 40%.


Third degree. A hollow, thin-walled organ that resembles a chamber with cells that are filled with weakly concentrated urine. This condition of the kidney is characterized by terminal hydronephrosis. The dysfunction of the organ is clearly expressed (reaches 80%) and its increase is 1.5-2 times. Complete atrophy of the tissue leads to the development of renal failure.

Reasons for the development of kidney hydronephrosis

Urolithiasis disease - common reason hydronephrosis.

If the causes of a congenital disease in children are an abnormal development of the organ, then hydronephrosis in adults occurs due to internal blockage of the urinary tract or any other reasons that provoke a disruption in the functioning of the organ. One of the most common causes is urolithiasis. Blockage of the ureter by a stone - when leaving the kidney, it can block the normal flow of urine in both men and women. Other causes of hydronephrosis in women and men may differ.

Causes of hydronephrotic transformation in men:

  • benign neoplasm of the prostate gland;
  • malignant formation of the prostate gland.

Causes of hydronephrotic transformation in women:

  • pregnancy period;
  • development of neoplasms in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Less common causes of kidney hydronephrosis include:

  • development of embolism as a result of injury to the walls of the urinary tract;
  • abnormal growth of uterine tissue;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pathology nerve endings that control the bladder.


The pathological and anatomical picture of renal hydronephrosis depends on the degree of anatomical damage to the organ and the stage of development. At the first stage, the differences between a diseased kidney and a healthy one are little noticeable. All changes that occur concern the pelvis and calyces. Gradually, intrapelvic pressure leads to an increase in the cups, and the shape of the pelvis changes. The necks of the calyxes become short, wide, and the calyxes themselves acquire round shape. The resulting atrophy of muscle fibers leads to thinning of the walls. Necrosis of nerve endings occurs, and the condition of blood and lymphatic vessels worsens. To the last stage of development of the pathology, the renal pelvis is a sac with thin walls, which are connective tissue.

Symptoms of pathology

A common symptom of the pathology is pain in the kidney area.

Signs of hydronephrosis have varying degrees of severity, which depend on the stage of development and the speed of blocking the urine output. But left-sided hydronephrosis has all the manifestations that right-sided hydronephrosis will have. For example, if a stone passes and blocks the passage of urine in a duct or ureter, symptoms of hydronephrosis develop quickly, within a few hours. If the process develops gradually (weeks or months), there are few or no symptoms. In addition, the strength of the manifestation of symptoms is influenced by the location of the pathology, the duration of the process and the size of the kidney.

Symptoms in adults are not much different from signs of the disease in children. The main symptoms include:

  • pain in the kidney area (on the back);
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • blood in urine;
  • The temperature during hydronephrosis increases if an infection is attached.

Hydronephrotic transformation of both kidneys leads to the appearance of signs of renal failure (impaired urine outflow, increased blood pressure, edema).

Complications and outcome

Timely diagnosis and correct treatment will help prevent the development of kidney failure.

What outcome will happen if the kidney is blocked, whether it is possible to live with hydronephrosis, depends on how timely the diagnosis was made and how correctly the treatment was selected. The most dangerous forecast acute form- development of renal failure. The changes that have occurred in the kidney do not allow it to function normally and it stops working. Due to intoxication of the body when homeostasis is disturbed, death occurs.

The chronic course of the disease leads to the development urolithiasis, inflammatory process in the organ, increased renal pressure. Such outcomes further aggravate existing problem in the kidneys. If infection occurs against the background of hydronephrosis, there is a high probability of developing sepsis.

Are changes in the kidney and heart rate reversible?

At timely diagnosis pathology, the process did not change the size of the kidney over a short period of time, so the dysfunctions that occurred do not cause significant changes, they are reversible. But when chronic process impaired urination, deformation of the kidney occurs and the processes become irreversible. The kidney tubules die, organ cells die, and blood supply is disrupted.

Hydronephrosis can only be cured with surgery.

With such a complex pathology, treatment of hydronephrosis should be aimed at identifying and treating its cause, and, if necessary, helping to reduce the size of the pelvis and preserve the organ. Conservative therapy does not cause hydronephrosis effective result, it can only be used during the inflammatory process. Hydronephrosis can only be treated with surgery.

Hydronephrosis of the kidneys, what is it? This is a pathological process that can lead to disruption of the outflow of urine due to stretching of the collecting system.

The disease leads to damage to the kidney (left or right) or transformation. The outflow of urine is disrupted, compression of blood vessels occurs, atrophy of the renal tissues and deterioration in functionality as a result of excessive pressure in the calyces.

Often only one kidney is affected. The disease happens:

  • congenital with incorrect location of the urinary canal or obstruction;
  • acquired against the background of the development of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, tumor localization in the uterus, urinary tract, and peritoneal cavity.

With congenital hydronephrosis, the natural outflow of urine is impaired due to anatomical features or abnormalities. Hydronephrosis has a three-stage course:

  • during the first stage, the renal pelvis is slightly dilated, but functions stably;
  • at the second stage, an increase in the diameter of the kidneys and thinning of the walls are observed;
  • during the third stage - excessive kidney enlargement by 2 times, when renal failure is already diagnosed.

Why does pathology develop?

Hydronephrotic transformation of the kidney is observed when the passage in one of the segments of the urinary system narrows. There are many reasons for this. Provoking factors include:

  • urolithiasis, when the outflow of urine is disrupted due to the accumulation of stones in the kidneys or urinary tract;
  • lymphoma, lymphadenopathy, prostate adenoma, which can lead to inflammation in urethra, changes in structures;
  • tuberculosis;
  • abdominal trauma when the ureter is involved in the process;
  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the ureter when the diameter deviates from the norm;
  • localization in neighboring organs, leading to compression of the urinary organs and disruption of the outflow of urine.

Timely detection and treatment of pathology is required, since, in otherwise complications are inevitable.

How does it manifest?

Chronic hydronephrosis at the initial stage practically does not manifest itself in any way, and there are no symptoms. At times it is observed:

  • a feeling of heaviness in the ureter, incomplete emptying of the bladder even after urination;
  • tingling;
  • dull aching pain in the lower back;
  • signs of flatulence;

  • nausea is rapid;
  • fatigue;
  • temperature increase;
  • increased blood pressure.

With hydronephrosis or hydrocele of the kidney, the main symptom is pain in the lumbar region, depending on the location of hydronephrosis and the characteristics of the pathology.

Hydronephrosis of the right kidney is more often diagnosed in people who abuse alcohol, as well as in the elderly. With pathology of the left kidney, blockage of the outflow tract is observed due to the accumulation of stones in the urinary canal. Hydronephrosis of the left kidney is more common in childhood.

In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • left lower back pain radiating to the left leg;
  • disturbance of urine outflow;
  • discharge of a cloudy color in case of injury to the mucous membrane.

Hydronephrosis occurs in a special way in pregnant women and children. This is a common occurrence with abnormal development of the urinary tract, when the kidneys begin to work harder during pregnancy and fetal growth. The body begins to compensate for the work of the kidneys, the following symptoms appear in women:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • swelling;
  • an increase in the size of the kidney, which can lead to compression in the uterus with the development of late gestosis;
  • disruption of blood supply and blood flow to the fetus, which can lead to delay intrauterine development, the birth of a child already with a congenital pathology.


Hydronephrotic transformation of the right kidney prevents the development of pyelonephritis. When conducting diagnostics, the level of urea and creatinine in the blood is increased.

The disease poses a threat to the lives of women; sometimes doctors, when diagnosing bilateral hydronephrosis even before conception (when only one kidney is functioning and the disease cannot be treated), suggest an abortion.

In childhood, congenital hydronephrosis is observed in 90% of cases and against the background of a defect in the development of the genitourinary system. If the cause of the pathology is hereditary predisposition When a special antigen appears in the genotype, the symptoms of hydronephrosis in the child appear more pronounced.

If possible, the doctor will definitely try to restore the functionality of the organ. In this case, the following methods are applicable for reconstruction of the affected kidney:

  • ureteropyelectasia;
  • flap surgery;
  • endothermic by cutting strictures;
  • through plastic manipulation.

With hydronephrotic transformation of the left kidney, removal is performed in cases where recovery is no longer possible. To restore the patency of the urinary tract, the doctor will try to normalize the size during the operation. renal pelvis or perform plastic surgery if the walls are excessively widened.

If the cause of hydronephrosis is the development malignant tumor, then the tumor is first removed, then a course of chemotherapy is prescribed. At the third – final stage of hydronephrosis, most likely, the kidney can no longer be restored.

Maintenance therapy is required. Diet for hydronephrosis plays a predetermining role when the renal pelvis is excessively dilated. You need to exclude salt and coffee from your diet and drink less liquid (up to 1.5 liters). It is advisable to steam dishes.


When renal hydronephrosis appears, all patients want to understand what it is. This is dropsy and it is dangerous because excessive disruption of the outflow of urine leads to the accumulation of stones. Their accumulation clogs the ducts, leading to severe poisoning body and kidney rupture often occurs if the contents escape into the retroperitoneal space.

As a result, pyelonephritis and urolithiasis will begin to develop as a complication. In case of stagnation of urine, it will develop.

How is kidney hydronephrosis treated? Only detection and treatment for initial stage gives quite favorable prognoses. Is it worth delaying or refusing treatment at the initial stage or surgery? The outcome of the disease is that if you do not delay, doctors guarantee a complete cure for the disease.