Is it possible to get pregnant after cauterizing erosion with radio waves? Recovery after cauterization of erosion. Pregnancy after laser coagulation

When can you plan a pregnancy if a girl is undergoing gynecological surgery? This question has now begun to concern women who are in the prime of their childbearing years. Diseases of the cervix, which are the most common in the practice of a gynecologist, began to affect younger women. This is facilitated by the lifestyle of expectant mothers, as well as unfavorable factors environment. Residents of large cities have a much higher risk of developing neoplasms, including those of the genital organs.

By cervical erosion, many patients understand something resembling an ulcer. Therefore, the doctor’s arguments that this “defect” should be removed with an electric current – ​​through electroconization – seem illogical to them. But true erosion really is a consequence of inflammation, representing damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix. And this term is usually used by women to refer to a disease that increases the risk of cancer - cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN).

Its identification may require urgent measures, aimed at removing such a site from the cervix. Since this disease is getting younger, it is necessary to ensure the safest and most fast treatment. This is due to the possibility of getting pregnant - many girls postpone this moment, arranging their personal lives. Therefore, removal of erosion by electric current serves as a safe and fast procedure, rarely creating obstacles to subsequent pregnancy.

How is cauterization of erosion carried out?

Normally, the cervix has a uniform pink color, which is given to it by the vaginal mucosa. If any pathological process damage occurs to this tissue. True erosion forms - an area that represents an ulcerative surface. Normally, such areas heal in a maximum of a week, leaving no traces behind.

The situation is different with CIN - pseudo-erosion - an outwardly (upon examination) completely invisible pathology. Its development is provoked by human papillomaviruses, which settle in a woman’s vagina. Forming there chronic inflammation, they gradually disrupt the structure of the tissues of the cervix. Therefore, in such areas, cells begin to grow that differ in shape and size from those around them. When there are still few of them, you can remove them using “cauterization.”

This procedure currently refers to many methods that are aimed at removing a section of cervical tissue. And their implementation is not always associated with exposure to electric current:

  1. Electroconization is the first method that made it possible to excise pseudo-erosions without surgical instruments. Its action is based on cauterization by electric current passing through a wire arc.
  2. Several decades ago, the method of cryoconization appeared - removing erosion using liquid nitrogen. Through a special tube it is applied to the desired area, destroying surface cells.
  3. Nowadays, argon plasma coagulation is widely used - the use of hot inert gas. Its depth of influence is well regulated, which allows you to select the flow strength taking into account changes in the cervix.

Cauterization does not damage the base of the mucous tissue, which allows it to fully recover after some time.

Is it dangerous to get pregnant after cauterization of erosion?

The procedure itself does not create obstacles to fertilization, as it is short-term. But to remove the papilloma virus from the vagina, treatment is used, which may take long time. It allows you to destroy most pathogens, creating good conditions for mucosal regeneration. Therefore, for the entire period of treatment, unfavourable conditions to get pregnant successfully:

  • After cauterization, a deep defect remains on the cervix, which takes a long time to heal.
  • This defect causes significant pain impulses, to which the girl’s body responds by contracting the muscles of the perineum.
  • The process of excretion is also disrupted cervical mucus, which ensures that sperm enter the uterine cavity.
  • Even if we imagine that these processes can be bypassed, it is worth paying attention to the likelihood of sexual intercourse. Sex will arouse a woman severe pain, which is unlikely to allow the matter to be completed to the end.
  • Subsequent treatment antiviral drugs eliminates the possibility of getting pregnant. The effect of these drugs can affect the health of the unborn child.
  • The doctor determines how many months a girl needs to recover and prepare for pregnancy. An individual approach to each case is observed, since the size of pseudo-erosions is different for everyone.

When a woman is diagnosed with this disease, pregnancy is immediately prevented - the risk of a tumor developing at the site of erosion is too high.

What can you do?

Carrying out the cauterization and restoration procedure does not exclude the parallel preparation of the expectant mother for pregnancy. This is especially important for women who decide to become a mother over the age of 35. In such patients, pregnancy itself may be complicated, leading to the development of pathology in the child. Therefore, such patients should be carefully treated future pregnancy starting preparation in advance:

  1. A few months before cauterization, you should take a course antiviral therapy– it will remove the cause of erosion.
  2. At the same time, the sexual partner, who is also a carrier of these viruses, should begin treatment.
  3. To speed up healing you can use vaginal suppositories or tablets with substances that improve tissue healing.
  4. You should take care of your health - visit more often fresh air, eat properly and nutritiously.
  5. When planning a baby, you should be examined several times antenatal clinic. This is especially important after the procedure, when the doctor can evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.
  6. If the erosion has been successfully removed and no residual lesions are observed, the gynecologist can approve conception.
  7. It is also necessary to evaluate your well-being - if you think your body is unprepared for this important event, then it should be postponed for a while.

Pregnancy after cauterization of erosion is not contraindicated, but requires close attention of the mother and the attending physician - intervention on the cervix does not always pass without leaving a trace.

What not to do?

Having gone through such gynecological procedure, many girls immediately begin to consider themselves absolutely healthy. But for a complete recovery, it is important not so much to remove pseudo-erosion as to prevent new lesions. Therefore, you should change your lifestyle a little so as not to deprive yourself of the opportunity to have a child in the future:

  1. You should avoid sexual intercourse for at least a month after cauterization. This allows the cervical mucosa to recover faster.
  2. Sexual rest will also protect the woman from introducing new viruses onto the fresh mucous membrane, causing the return of the disease.
  3. Do not rinse the vagina with aggressive solutions of antiseptics - potassium permanganate, alcohol or iodine. They have a cauterizing effect on young tissue, slowing down its recovery.
  4. When planning a pregnancy, unprotected sex should be avoided - without using condoms. First, it is necessary to undergo all examinations confirming the mother’s readiness to conceive.
  5. You should carefully listen to the doctor’s recommendations - excessive independence will only worsen the prognosis.
  6. Treatment with folk remedies should also be excluded - their effect is not always beneficial for future conception.

How to prepare for pregnancy after cauterization of erosion?

No special techniques have been developed to increase the likelihood of conception, so all actions are aimed at preventing inflammation at the cauterization site. After this procedure, a burn forms on the cervix, through the surface of which microbes can easily penetrate. Therefore, it is important to prevent this process, as it slows down the restoration of normal mucosa.

Caring for a woman with such a disease does not imply constant monitoring, so all responsibility falls on her shoulders. The effectiveness of recovery will depend on how she follows the doctor's recommendations. If the upcoming pregnancy is important to a girl, then she will make every effort to ensure its successful completion.

After cauterization, only a few weeks will the defects on the cervix be visible - then their surface will close. But you shouldn’t let your guard down—the body will take a long time to recover correct location layers of mucous membrane. And this part of the uterus serves as the main barrier that protects the baby in the membranes from the environment. Therefore, her complete readiness for the upcoming conception is required in order to prevent premature birth.


Depending on the size of the erosion, the healing time will vary, which requires doctors individual approach to each patient. Preparation for conception includes several stages:

  • Immediately after the procedure, treatment resembles the management of a surgical wound. Regular examinations of the vagina using a speculum are performed to assess the rate of healing. The cervix is ​​treated with antibacterial solutions that prevent suppuration.
  • After a few days, the surface of the burn is covered with a thin film of tissue, which gradually transforms into the vaginal mucosa. It is important to create normal conditions to complete this process. Otherwise, atypical cells, which are tumor precursors, will reappear.
  • Restoration activities are completed with recommendations for healthy image life. After this, the woman is periodically observed to exclude late relapses of the disease.
  • It will not be possible to get pregnant early after the procedure. Although the cervix has completely healed externally, monitoring the woman’s health is required. If risk factors are excluded, then the gynecologist begins preparing the expectant mother for conception.

The cauterization procedure itself is not dangerous for pregnancy - healing of the mucous membrane is completed within a few weeks. Doctors monitor the course of pseudo-erosion, since this pathology can return again. Therefore, it is important to exclude risk factors to prevent recurrence of the disease during pregnancy.

Preparation time

How long does it take for the expectant mother's body to be fully prepared for the upcoming pregnancy? On average, healing of defects on the cervix and preparation for conception takes about a year. There are no definite numbers, as individual women's capabilities vary:

  1. If the erosion was small, then only a targeted removal of the mucosal area is performed. It heals within a few days, which shortens the recovery time. Therefore, after three months the girl can safely plan a pregnancy - during this time the healing processes have completed.
  2. The situation is more complicated with small erosions, but located close to the hole in the neck. Removing even a small area disrupts its closure, which adversely affects the bearing of the child. Here the recovery time is delayed up to six months.
  3. The most unfavorable are extensive or multiple erosions, which require the removal of large areas of tissue. To be fully ready for pregnancy, you need to wait at least a year.

During the preparation period, the woman is regularly observed by a gynecologist - he takes smears from the mucous membrane monthly to assess the growth of cells at the cauterization site.

The cervix performs several functions in the reproductive system - a barrier that prevents the introduction of infection, ensures the transport of sperm and implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall, and holds the fetus during pregnancy. Therefore, the ability to become pregnant, carry and give birth to a child depends on the condition of the cervix. One of its most common pathologies is erosion, which is treated with cauterization. Women are interested in the question of whether pregnancy is possible after cauterization of cervical erosion, and how such an operation will affect childbirth.

Erosion uterine cervix is a defect of the mucous membrane, in the presence of which:

  • the synthesis and characteristics of mucous secretion are disrupted;
  • the risk of infection entering the uterine cavity increases;
  • injured tissues cannot fully perform the locking function; this process is accompanied by weakening of the cervical muscles, so there is a high risk of premature birth or spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

undesirable combination, since patients may experience problems with conception or pregnancy. The pathology is accompanied by:

  1. Violation of vaginal pH and cervical canal. Normally, this indicator in the vagina averages 4.0-4.2, and in the cervical canal - 6.4-8.0. For true uncomplicated erosion – 5.0. If complicated bacterial infection, then the indicator shifts even more to the sour side. How more acidic environment, the lower the sperm motility.
  2. Hormonal imbalance - it can be the cause or consequence of the formation of erosive foci, which negatively affects the possibility of conception and gestation.
  3. Changes in microflora - each patient with cervical pathologies experiences a change not only in the existing microflora, but also in a high level of penetration of potentially dangerous microorganisms - viruses, fungi, bacteria.
  4. Decreased local and general immunity.

The listed changes are dangerous not only when planning conception, but also during pregnancy, therefore it is recommended to treat erosive lesions in advance, before the couple plans to conceive.

Rationale for various therapy methods

When a pathology is detected in nulliparous women doctors can recommend drug treatment. This method allows you to eliminate the causes, accelerate epithelization, without harming the structure of the cervix. When conducting drug therapy drugs are used not only local action (vaginal tablets, suppositories, ointments), but also systemic. They can negatively affect the development and formation of the fetus. That's why conservative treatment carried out before pregnancy.

Methods of destruction of affected tissues - DETC, cryodestruction, laser vaporization - in nulliparous women are carried out only according to indications:

  • with lesions of significant size and depth;
  • if conservative treatment is ineffective;
  • at risk of developing malignant pathology.

After cauterizing the erosion, you can get scars that reduce the elasticity of the cervix and prevent the free passage of the child through the birth canal. Therefore, experts recommend that nulliparous women cauterize the lesions after childbirth.

Often when congenital erosion wait-and-see tactics are used. If there are no complications, then it can go away on its own as a result of physiological changes in the body during pregnancy.

If erosion was detected in a pregnant woman, then its treatment is postponed until later - the period after childbirth, since manipulations can lead to stimulation of uterine contractions and pregnancy failure. Cauterization of erosion is not carried out during pregnancy; after childbirth, they wait at least six months to carry out destruction.

Possibility of pregnancy after cauterization

Cauterization of erosion before pregnancy is the most preferable option, especially if there are indications for it. But most women are concerned about the question: is it possible to get pregnant after cauterization of erosion? Experts say that in most cases, erosion is not an obstacle to conception, and even more so after it is eliminated.

However, doctors advise postponing pregnancy after erosion, since during the recovery period there is a risk of infection and injury to the mucous membrane during sexual intercourse. After cauterization, a scab is formed, under which the process of tissue regeneration occurs. It protects young tissue from damage and infection. Violating its integrity before the young mucous membrane is fully formed is contraindicated!

After natural removal of the stupa, it takes some time for the formation of mature epithelium and restoration of cervical function. Whether it is possible to cauterize the erosion immediately after childbirth or whether it is necessary to wait a certain time, the specialist decides after conducting the necessary research.

Timing of pregnancy after cauterization

When you can get pregnant after cauterization of erosion, your doctor should answer. The timing is affected by:

  • size and depth of lesions;
  • cauterization method;
  • individual regeneration speed;
  • presence of concomitant diseases;
  • patient's age;
  • number of births and traumatic gynecological manipulations;
  • hormonal status;
  • level of local and general immunity.

The minimum period of sexual abstinence after treatment of cervical erosion is two months.

But each of the methods of destruction has consequences peculiar only to it, and therefore rehabilitation period will be different.


The most “ancient” method of treatment, which is considered obsolete due to serious side effects. Under the influence of current high frequency cell destruction occurs in the pathological focus. Diathermocoagulation does not allow you to regulate the depth of cauterization and accuracy, so healthy tissue can also be affected.

This method of treating uterine pathologies is traumatic, there is a risk of the formation of rough scars that prevent the normal opening of the cervix and the release of the fetus. Therefore, it is not used to treat nulliparous women. It cannot be used for deep erosions, as there is a high risk of relapse.

The rehabilitation period extends to 2-3 months. Safe Conception It is recommended to postpone it for another 3-5 months to evaluate the effectiveness of the cauterization procedure and to allow the organ to fully recover.

Chemical cauterization

The method is based on the ability of some chemical substances(acids) denature cell proteins, destroying them. The drug is applied to the lesion under the control of a colposcope to minimize the capture of healthy tissue. The process of erosion of damaged tissue can lead to the formation of deep defects, so the method is not used to treat large erosions and is not prescribed to patients who do not have children.

Laser coagulation

Most safe method treatment in which a laser beam affects the defect. This method has several advantages:

  • does not require pain relief;
  • you can adjust the depth and targeting of the impact;
  • healing occurs without pronounced scars;
  • the beam disinfects and eliminates inflammation, which reduces the risk of complications.

Due to the low-traumatic nature, the regeneration process occurs faster, and full recovery takes from 4 to 6 weeks. Since the method does not affect the elasticity of cervical tissue, it is suitable for nulliparous women.


The method is not inferior in effectiveness and safety to laser therapy. The effect is provided by liquid nitrogen, which reduces the temperature of the tissues to the freezing point. It is also carried out under the control of video equipment, which reduces the likelihood of damage to healthy tissue. The recovery period is 4-5 weeks; after the examination, the doctor will tell you how long it will take to plan conception.

Radio wave therapy

Treatment of erosion using radio waves began not so long ago, but the method has proven itself to be advanced. It has all the advantages laser vaporization, does not increase the temperature of the tissue, which allows reducing the rehabilitation period to 1-1.5 months.

Argon plasma ablation

The newest method of therapy is based on the process of the formation of a plasma torch in the inert gas argon under the influence of a high-frequency electromagnetic field. The effect of plasma occurs without contact, which eliminates the risk of mechanical injury to the mucous membrane and infection. The doctor can see the entire area of ​​treatment, excluding damage to healthy tissue.

There are no postoperative symptoms of regeneration (pain, discomfort, discharge). Healing occurs without scar formation, so the method can and should be used to eliminate erosion in nulliparous women.

The use of any of the listed methods requires compliance certain rules and restrictions during the recovery period. The extent to which a woman strictly followed the recommendations determines when she can become pregnant after the erosion cauterization procedure, as well as the likelihood of carrying and giving birth without auxiliary methods of delivery.

Many women are convinced that it is impossible to plan for children. Therefore, they will entrust this issue to some higher powers. But there are also those who, before becoming pregnant, carefully and meticulously undergo many examinations. What to do when a potential mother is diagnosed with erosion and doctors strongly recommend treating it? When can you get pregnant after cauterization of erosion and is it possible to give birth to a child after appropriate treatment? About everything in this article.

Pregnancy is possible!

Indeed, no matter how a woman cauterizes the erosion, she will be able to get pregnant after treatment. But it is important that the attending physician is able to foresee all the nuances and perform the process very carefully. This is especially true for a woman who has never given birth. In this case, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of erosion and the patient’s age. Moreover, at the time of conception big influence The time factor also plays a role: it is necessary to wait until the erosion has completely healed, because there is a possibility of getting serious consequences. After cauterization, a woman needs to be monitored by a gynecologist for the first six months so that the healing process is under control.

After cauterization of cervical erosion, you can become pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby! And yet, it would not be a bad idea to be examined by a gynecologist in advance.

What is it?

Before you start planning a pregnancy after cauterization of erosion, you should understand what caused this pathology and what it is all about.

This disease is a situation in which the integrity of the epithelium is disrupted and the mucous membrane of the genital organ is damaged. A small wound or ulcer appears on the mucous membrane of the cervix, similar to bright red spot. This is erosion.

Such a pathology will not cause discomfort and will not affect the woman’s reproductive system. But such benign tumor may well develop into cancer. That's why you shouldn't delay treatment.

What can cause erosion?

And the disease appears due to mechanical damage, failure and irregularity of the menstrual cycle, rough sexual intercourse, weak immune system, early sex life V adolescence, hormonal disorder.

It should be noted that the development of erosion occurs not only due to damage to the uterus (injuries include abortion (even if there was only one), childbirth, non-traditional sexual relations), but also due to sexual diseases such as gonorrhea, genital herpes, ureaplasma, chlamydia, trizomoniasis.

Erosion itself will not manifest itself as anything. Usually a woman learns about her illness only after undergoing gynecological examination. Very rarely she may start sharp pains during sexual intercourse and bloody issues. Is it true, similar symptoms can talk about others serious illnesses.

We are planning the birth of the baby after cauterization

The question of whether pregnancy will occur after cauterization of cervical erosion worries almost every woman who wants to overcome the disease and build a full-fledged family. If a woman is planning her first pregnancy, it is better for her to postpone treatment until the postpartum period. This is because after cauterization there is a possibility of scar formation that impairs the elasticity of the uterus.

Now there are many techniques, after which no scars or adhesions are formed. But only the doctor who is involved in the treatment can determine for each individual case the method by which cauterization will be carried out. Also, only a specialist can determine how to quickly get pregnant after treating erosion. Here everything will depend on the method used surgical intervention.

It happens that doctors strongly advise surgical intervention just before conception, because any hormonal disorder during pregnancy can serve as an impetus for the progression of the disease. Pathology can also develop due to decreased immunity. While waiting for a baby, it is quite difficult to carry out treatment because a large number of drugs negatively affect the development of the baby in the womb.

Erosion and pregnancy

The uterus of any woman is an important organ in which the fetus will remain for nine months. The cervix is ​​capable of secreting special mucus that protects the fetus from various infectious diseases. If the neck is injured, then the degree of protection decreases. The risk of infection, on the contrary, increases.

If you do not treat erosion in the very near future, the result can be very sad - cancer tumor. It is best to carry out treatment before pregnancy. And this must be done because cauterization is not recommended even after childbirth, when a woman is breastfeeding. If you waste time, the situation may worsen.

After therapy, the doctor will decide on an individual basis when it is permissible for a woman to become pregnant again and give birth to an absolutely healthy toddler.

Let's wait a couple of months...

Those women who are preparing for the birth of a healthy toddler are concerned about an important point: how long after cauterization of erosion can one become pregnant? After treatment of changes with pathologies in the female organs has been carried out, only after one and a half to two months can you plan a pregnancy. And then only after consultation with your doctor.

If cauterization was carried out in a qualified manner, a woman may well become pregnant and give birth to an absolutely healthy toddler. You just need to remember that you should not self-medicate during pregnancy; If a pathology is detected on the cervix, then it is permissible to use traditional medicine only after consultation with a doctor. Herbal medicine can have a negative effect on the fetus, especially if it is done early in pregnancy.

How necessary is treatment?

Before you start to figure out when you can get pregnant after cauterization of erosion, you should understand that this disease should be treated in any case. Of course, if a young woman has not yet experienced the happiness of motherhood, but has planned a pregnancy in the near future, doctors, in most cases, will decide to delay cauterization a little. And they will be right for an absolutely objective reason. And all due to the fact that the cervix is ​​a rather delicate matter. After removal of pathology (for example, if electrocoagulation is used), a scar is often formed, which reduces the elasticity of the tissue. But in childbirth, this quality of the uterus is the most important. Her neck should open and stretch as easily as possible. That is why nulliparous women, in whom the disease is not so pronounced, and there is no suspicion of a precancerous condition, are allowed to delay treatment until the birth of their first child.

Modern techniques

Now that there are many new techniques for cauterizing erosion, some gynecologists no longer pay attention to whether a woman has given birth or not. If it is possible to remove the damage from this disease with surgical laser, which leaves almost no traces on the tissues, then this procedure will most likely be prescribed to the woman. Also, cryotherapy (this is when erosion is cauterized with liquid nitrogen) and a radio wave knife are also performed practically without scars. Therefore, when a patient is interested in how long it takes to become pregnant after cauterization of erosion, the doctor can assure her that this is practically possible. next cycle. In this situation, it is better to listen to his opinion.

Second pregnancy

And yet, when can you get pregnant after cauterization of erosion, if a woman wants to become a mother for the second time? In this case, the doctor will definitely recommend treating the erosion in advance, because it will be a hotbed in which infectious process.

Hormonal disruption, which begins during the next pregnancy, can affect the development of erosion in a completely unpredictable way. A woman's immune system may be weakened, and no one can predict how the disease will progress over the next nine months. But it is clear that treating this disease is contraindicated during pregnancy. But if the matter has gone far enough, the treating doctor may prescribe antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs locally.

How to plan a pregnancy after moxibustion?

Any disease must be treated. And in this case, you should not pay attention to the size of the lesion. You should consult a doctor about any cervical abnormality. And you should not resort to self-medication in the form of ointments or tampons. All this will not give a guaranteed result, but this required time may be missed. Yes and similar home treatment can lead to unpredictable reactions in the body. Therefore, in order to avoid the question once again whether it is possible to get pregnant after cauterization of cervical erosion, it would be more correct to use exclusively modern methods.

So, the erosion has been successfully removed. The woman feels well. When can you get pregnant after cauterization of erosion? Theoretically, this is possible after the next menstruation. But it’s still better to take care of your body and see a gynecologist so that he can determine how successful the procedure was. But after a couple of months you can start planning your pregnancy.

How does the disease affect pregnancy?

Many women who want to become mothers are concerned about the question: if they have erosion, is it possible to get pregnant after cauterization? Yes, it really is real. Just don't rush. It would be best to consult with your doctor.

If the erosion is benign, then the woman has a chance to have a good time during all the months of pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby. But the cauterization period is marked by some changes in the functions and structure of the cervix, which can lead to complications in the near future.

What can happen is this: the size of the cervical canal will shorten; muscle function will be disrupted, and some disruptions in closing the uterine outlet will be observed.

TO possible consequences erosion include the following:

  • the birth of a premature baby;
  • the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage in the first twelve weeks;
  • the fetus can be infected in the womb;
  • amniotic fluid they will leave early, which will cause the baby inside to suffocate from lack of oxygen;
  • development may be observed dangerous pathology ICN causing fetal rejection (usually this occurs in the second trimester).

There may also be complications during labor:

  • the opening of the uterus may slow down; the consequence of this will be a caesarean section;
  • the uterus opens quite sharply, which leads to rapid birth(the toddler’s head is injured, which is why it subsequently mental development does not happen as it should);
  • due to the loss of the ability of the uterine muscles to stretch, the woman in labor receives significant injuries and lacerations at the moment the baby passes through the birth canal.

Of course, it is possible to get pregnant quickly after cauterization. But there is also a great risk of carrying and giving birth to a sick child, or not giving birth to one at all. Therefore, it is better not to rush and plan conception for the period determined by the attending physician.

It is believed that in the presence of gynecological pathologies it is impossible to conceive a child. But this is not entirely true. Cervical erosion is a gynecological defect in the mucous membrane of the female reproductive organ in the form of a red area. In medical practice it occurs quite often.

In fact, after treating erosion, you can get pregnant. In order for the gestation period to pass without complications, the expectant mother needs to know some features of the course of pregnancy after the cauterization procedure.

The uterus is the female reproductive organ that contains the fertilized egg. Many people believe that pregnancy after erosion of the uterine cervix is ​​impossible.

Any gynecological disease affects reproductive function, however this pathology is not always a barrier to conception. Surgery to remove erosion is performed on girls different ages, including teenagers. Cauterization of the red area is performed in different ways:

  • electric shock;
  • chemicals;
  • laser.

Modern medicine makes it possible to get rid of this disease with virtually no consequences. Therefore, women suffering from erosion can plan a pregnancy. However, the period of gestation if there is a red spot in the uterine area will not pass without complications.

The fact is that for nine months the cervix produces protective mucus that protects the child from infection. The erosive organ does not fully cope with this protective function. Moreover, the lack of timely treatment of this pathology is fraught with the appearance of a cancerous tumor in the pelvic area.

After cauterization of the erosion, you can count on a normal pregnancy. Don't forget what can cause various complications, so it is better to treat it before planning conception.

An expectant mother who has previously suffered from this disease should be regularly monitored by a doctor, who will also determine the timing of conception after the cauterization procedure.

Is it possible to get pregnant after the procedure?

Removal of damaged cervical tissue is not an obstacle to egg fertilization. If all medical instructions are followed, the development of the fetus after cauterization will occur without complications. During this procedure, all pathological cells are destroyed. Therefore, theoretically, after treatment of cervical erosion, you can become pregnant.

However, not all so simple. Yes, surgery will help restore protective function organ, but in order for the period of gestation to proceed normally, the woman must comply with several conditions.

Firstly, it is impossible to plan conception immediately after the operation, because wounds will appear at the site where the pathological cells were removed. We need to wait for them to heal completely.

Secondly, during the recovery period you will have to abstain from sexual intercourse. The fact is that sex after erosion can lead to infection of the female genital organs. Then the wound healing process will stop.

Getting pregnant after cauterization of cervical erosion can sometimes be difficult. Treatment of the disease leads to disruption of the process of secretion of cervical mucus, which facilitates the entry of sperm into the mature egg.

During the cauterization procedure, the endometrium can be injured. If this uterine layer is damaged, then ovum will not attach to it properly. The result of such a conception will be a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

This method is considered the most dangerous. Doctors do not recommend cauterizing erosion with electric current for nulliparous women.

The danger of electrocoagulation is that during removal of the affected skin healthy epithelium can also be affected. The result of this is the appearance of scars in the uterine area, the healing of which prevents conception and normal course pregnancy.

The condition of the cervix after electrocoagulation leaves much to be desired. The organ tissue is inflamed and damaged. The wounds formed on it take a long time to heal and are painful.


Exposure to a laser beam to remove the damaged part of the cervical canal is the safest. indicated for women of reproductive age.

The risk of scar tissue formation after laser exposure of the uterus is minimized. During such coagulation, only pathological cells are removed. Then the erosion disappears.

The recovery period after such an operation is quite short, so the patient can quickly become pregnant.

By radio waves

Radio wave coagulation and cryodestruction help get rid of erosion without contact. Such treatment methods involve exposing the cervical mucosa to high-frequency radio waves ( radio wave coagulation) or liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction).

As for healthy cells, they are not affected during such operations. The main advantages of radio wave coagulation:

  • recovery period – 2 months. After this time, you can plan a pregnancy;
  • the operation is absolutely painless;
  • the period of gestation will pass without complications.

Using chemical coagulation

This coagulation is carried out using specific chemicals that act on the affected areas of the epithelium. Healthy cells of the cervix are not damaged.

For those who want to get pregnant in the first month after surgical treatment erosion, chemical coagulation is not recommended. The reason lies in the long recovery period– from 4 to 6 months.

Chemical exposure to the female reproductive organ is fraught with the possibility of relapse. Gestation may be more difficult reappearance erosion. It is also possible for bloody discharge to come out of the vagina after cauterization.

Treatment of gynecological pathology in this way is indicated only for nulliparous women.

We found out that it is possible to get pregnant after treating erosion. However, to avoid possible risks You need to plan to conceive at least 1 month later, that is, after the completion of the recovery period.

Doctors strongly do not recommend giving birth if there is a red area in the area of ​​the genital organ.

To avoid problems during pregnancy and childbirth after the body has been restored, you need to listen to these tips:

  1. Do not use tampons in the first days of desquamation. Give preference to gaskets.
  2. Refuse any physical activity. In the first month after coagulation, it is recommended to remain in bed.
  3. You will have to abstain from sexual intercourse.
  4. Avoid visiting the sauna or bathhouse. Accept hot bath also not recommended.
  5. Taking medications that contain aspirin is prohibited.
  6. Follow a therapeutic diet.
  7. Protect yourself from stress and anxiety.

We must not forget that pregnancy after treatment of erosion is possible only after completion of the recovery stage.

How is pregnancy progressing after erosion treatment?

Since tissue restoration occurs slowly after cauterization of the red area, planning pregnancy in the first postoperative month is not recommended.

If the healing of all wounds is not complete, then complications may arise during the pregnancy stage.

After coagulation, a woman can become a mother if her cervix begins to secrete protective mucus again. IN otherwise a child can be infected while in the womb.

Childbirth after cauterization of cervical erosion will take place without complications if the woman followed the advice of her attending physician and did not lift heavy objects. postoperative period, avoided stress. But in order to prevent reproductive dysfunction in the future, it is important to undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist. Before planning motherhood, a woman who has recently had a red area cauterized should definitely visit this specialist.

Pregnancy and early stage of cervical cancer

We found out that if the erosion is not cauterized in time, then an oncological process may develop. The growth of abnormal cells often leads to the formation of a cancerous tumor.

At the initial stage of disease development cancer cells have not yet had time to invade, that is, penetrate into the underlying tissue surface. The tumor develops very slowly.

The prognosis for treatment of cervical cancer at the initial stage is favorable only if timely diagnosis.

According to medical statistics, in 90% of cases this disease can be eliminated without negative consequences.

Girls who believe that at the initial stage of this pathology a child can be conceived without risks are mistaken. In almost 100% of cases, the disease prevents the normal course of pregnancy. It is likely that a woman suffering from breast cancer will have a miscarriage before the second trimester.

The presence of gynecological pathology is not a death sentence. After its relief, the woman resumes reproductive functioning. With timely diagnosis of the disease and its successful elimination, you can count on a normal birth without complications.

Cervical erosion is so common in both women who have given birth and in nulliparous women that such a diagnosis is no longer frightening modern woman. The only question that worries a woman after the doctor announces the diagnosis is whether pregnancy will occur after cauterization of the erosion and how long to wait for it. But not everything is so simple - the answer to this question also depends on general condition women, and on the chosen treatment method.

Pregnancy after cauterization of erosion with electric current

This method is the most traumatic, so it is better not to use it if you are planning a pregnancy in the future. If the doctor insists on this particular method, there may be reasons for this.

With this method, diseased cervical cells are exposed to electric current die off. As a result, quite large scars are formed, which can subsequently cause some complications during childbirth. But even in this case, there is a way out - it’s planned. C-section. Only a gynecologist can say exactly when you can start planning a pregnancy after this procedure. And no earlier than 7 weeks after the procedure.

If pregnancy occurs after treatment of erosion with diathermocoagulation, the pregnant woman should undergo regular and thorough examination throughout the entire pregnancy. During childbirth, the cervical canal, which has decreased in size, can rupture, so the pregnant woman needs to consult a specialist regarding the method of delivery.

Pregnancy after cauterization of erosion with laser coagulation

Laser treatment of erosion is the most effective way to treat the disease. When using this method, only damaged cells are destroyed, healthy cells tissues are not affected. The amount of tissue damage when using this method is minimal, due to the fact that only the necessary minimum layer of epithelium is removed during the procedure. Among other things, this procedure leaves no scars at all, making it possible to plan a pregnancy within a month.

Pregnancy after cauterization of erosion by cryodestruction

This method is not recommended for women planning to become pregnant in as soon as possible. Cryodestruction, although painless and quite effective, requires outpatient treatment. Using liquid nitrogen in this procedure avoids scarring. Before the procedure, the woman must undergo a biopsy, and afterward undergo a course of treatment, the purpose of which is to heal the tissue of the cervix. Although complete recovery is observed after 6 weeks, pregnancy should be planned much later.

There are some other, less common methods. This is cauterization of erosion with chemicals and radio wave method. Only a medical specialist can choose the right method based on the woman’s general condition and the stage of the disease.

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After cauterization of cervical erosion, discharge.

Tatyana asked about 41 minutes. back

Hello. My name is Tatyana, I’m 35 years old, according to test results, I had cervical erosion cauterized on March 24, 2015. I had watery discharge. After that, my period started four days later on March 29, earlier than expected. My period lasted for 5 days as usual, after my period I also had watery discharge. Next month. went on April 22, 26 ended. (My husband and I were not sexually active for a month. 27 and 28, my husband and I had sexual intercourse). Two days later they started again. (29 started), went for 7 days. ended on May 5. after They started having spotting brown discharge. It lasted for 4 days. On May 10, my period started again. I have a question, what is the reason for this? Is this generally normal or not? Do I need to see a gynecologist? Thanks for the answer.

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Cervical erosion during pregnancy and planning

Sometimes, during the first examination by a gynecologist, when a woman just finds out that she is pregnant, the joyful phrase “You are pregnant” is overshadowed by other information about cervical erosion. Why does it appear during pregnancy and how to overcome it?

Cervical erosion is irregularities in the mucous layer that look like redness on the walls of the cervix.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy: symptoms

In most cases, erosion does not manifest itself as any sensation of discomfort, which is why it is diagnosed directly during a visit to the doctor, randomly. But, if the disease occurred before pregnancy, then there is a possibility that it will worsen during pregnancy. hormonal imbalance, which is typical when carrying a child. Then there may be following symptoms disorders of the uterine epithelium:

  • discharge after sexual intercourse in the form of ichor (not associated with menstrual flow);
  • painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • purulent or mucous discharge.

Discharge from erosion during pregnancy may portend a miscarriage or other genital tract disease that is accompanied by infection. In any case, you should consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. If there is an infection, it can negatively affect your health and normal development fetus

Diagnosis of cervical erosion during pregnancy

First of all, cervical erosion during pregnancy is diagnosed clearly visible upon inspection using gynecological mirrors. But an examination by a gynecologist is half the way to an accurate diagnosis. Accurate diagnosis and the causes of the disease are established only after testing.

Basic analysis - for flora, which is done during any examination by a gynecologist, regardless of whether you are pregnant or not. If everything is normal in this analysis, but the doctor clearly saw a violation of the mucous membrane, then experienced specialist will advise not to treat erosion before childbirth, and after the birth of the child an additional examination will be carried out, which will determine the extent of the damage and the method of treating erosion.

But, if the analysis reveals dysplasia, then an additional test is taken for the presence of the papilloma virus and a calposcopy is performed. Calposcopy– this is a slightly painful procedure, as well as an examination by a gynecologist only with the help of a medical “magnifying telescope”. The affected area is examined in an enlarged form to determine the danger from the oncological side of the disease. If calposcopy is negative, then treatment is again postponed until postpartum period.

They also conduct tests for the presence of various infections that can lead to inflammatory processes, due to which erosion during pregnancy bleeds.

If there is a suspicion of cancer, you will be sent to biopsy. A biopsy during pregnancy is carried out only after the consent of the parents, who make the decision thoughtfully, since a pinch from the cervix can lead to bleeding during pregnancy.

Causes of erosion

The true causes of erosion during pregnancy can only be determined by tests. If infections are not detected, then the cause may be stress, hormonal disorders, or trauma to the genital tract. The natural occurrence of cervical erosion during pregnancy in many women occurs as a result of a physiological increase in the diameter of the uterus. Doctors characterize such erosion as inversion of the cervix caused by a physiological reason.

The effect of cervical erosion on pregnancy

Experts believe that cervical erosion during pregnancy is not dangerous for the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy if, as a result of tests performed during an examination by a gynecologist, no pathological infections of the genital tract were detected.

Erosion is dangerous during pregnancy if infections have been detected (herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, human papillomavirus), which can cause pathology of fetal development or even miscarriage.


It was said above that if flora tests and calposcopy gave negative result, then treatment of erosion is postponed until the postpartum period. But the presence of erosion must be noted in the chart, so that the doctors who will deliver the baby will pay attention to this fact.

If the doctor believes that treatment is necessary, then treatment is carried out with the help of medications. drugs, which slow down the process of damage to the walls of the uterus. This treatment is carried out in the form lotions to places affected by erosion. Cauterization erosion during pregnancy by any existing method is not carried out. If, as a result of tests, the cause was determined to be an infection, then after cauterization, the erosion may reopen along with bleeding, which can lead to a miscarriage.

Also with local treatment the true cause of erosion is eliminated. If the cause is eliminated, the erosion may disappear on its own, without drug intervention.

Pregnancy and childbirth after treatment of erosion

It is impossible not to treat erosion at all. The doctor may delay treating it until postpartum, as it sometimes goes away on its own during labor. But erosion can also progress (the affected area will increase) as a result birth injuries. Treatment of erosion is usually carried out after full recovery a woman's body after childbirth.

It is believed that nulliparous women should not treat erosion with cauterization. The methods that were previously used to cauterize erosion resulted in not only recovery, but also the formation of scars. The scars made it difficult to get pregnant, and during childbirth they did not allow the uterus to stretch normally, which caused pain. But today's technologies make it possible to become pregnant, carry a pregnancy and give birth after the procedure of cauterization of erosion.

There are several methods for cauterizing erosion. After each method there is a certain period of recovery of the body and a period of restriction of pregnancy planning. Thus, planning pregnancy after cervical erosion depends on the method of cauterization.

Cervical erosion: treatment

Several types of erosion treatment are practiced today:

  1. Cauterization with electric current. After this method of treatment, sexual rest is required for 4 weeks, and the period for complete recovery of the body is 7 weeks. Often, in case of serious damage to the uterine tissue, a caesarean section is performed after such cauterization, but this is individual;
  2. Cauterization using a laser. Today, it is the most gentle method of treatment, which does not leave scars on the tissues of the uterus and makes it possible to give birth painlessly. Already a month after the procedure, you can plan a pregnancy;
  3. Treatment using liquid nitrogen. After such treatment, rapid pregnancy planning is not recommended;
  4. Radio wave cauterization ensures self-evaporation of unhealthy cells of the uterine mucosa. Full recovery occurs within 4 weeks, and the absence of scars makes it possible to quickly become pregnant and give birth safely;
  5. Exposure to chemicals for 5 sessions. This procedure is possible with a small area of ​​damage, but it does not guarantee complete healing, so there is a possibility of erosion occurring again during pregnancy.

Do not be afraid of the diagnosis of cervical erosion. If you want a baby, then cervical erosion is not an obstacle to planning a pregnancy if it is diagnosed and treated in a timely manner.

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion?

Pregnancy and cervical erosion

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion or does it need to be cured first, and only then plan a child? There are many myths about erosion among Russian women. It is believed that any pathology of the cervix is ​​a precancerous disease, that treatment can only be done after childbirth, and that it will not be possible to conceive with erosion at all. How much of this is true?

Description of the pathology

Most of you know that erosion is usually called any wound. And reasoning logically, we can assume that erosion on the cervix is ​​its trauma resulting from childbirth, sexual intercourse, during masturbation or gynecological examination, etc. However, many Russian gynecologists also call ectopia of the cervix or pseudo-erosion. To understand what it is, let's take a quick look at female anatomy.

The cervix opens into the vagina through the external os. The cervical canal runs inside the cervix. It is covered by single-row columnar epithelium. The external pharynx is covered with stratified columnar epithelium. The border between them can be visible if it runs along the external pharynx. And all girls have this feature from birth and persist at a young age. Gradually, the epithelium transforms into a multilayered one and the border rises inside the cervical canal. So this very border is what our doctors call erosion. Such cervical erosion can also appear during pregnancy and when taking hormonal contraceptives. Some time after childbirth or after stopping taking contraceptives, everything returns to normal on its own.

When is treatment needed?

There is no need to treat ectopia, and when there is erosion of the cervix, you can get pregnant without problems. However, this does not mean that the condition of the cervix does not need to be monitored at all. Every woman should visit a gynecologist once every 6-12 months and have a special smear. With his help laboratory method You can detect atypical cells - precancerous. Dysplasia in the early stages is not visible during a gynecological examination and can only be detected by smear results. Grade 2 and 3 dysplasia requires treatment. Depending on the area of ​​the lesion, the results of the biopsy, the treatment method may be “cauterization” (with radio waves, laser, liquid nitrogen or electricity) or surgical intervention - conization of the cervix. Specifically, ectopia requires treatment only if its area is large or it provokes an inflammatory process.

If this is your situation, a natural question may arise - is it possible to get pregnant after cauterization of cervical erosion. Yes, of course, if an oncological process is excluded. After gentle “cauterization,” there should be no scars left on the neck. However, if the situation persists, a woman planning a child should not cauterize “for prevention.” Since gynecologists answer the question “when can you get pregnant after cauterization of erosion” - in about a year.

Meanwhile, ectopia in most cases does not cause any harm. And it never leads to infertility, miscarriage or premature birth. Cervical erosion during pregnancy cannot be treated if not inflammatory process or suspected cancer.

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When can you get pregnant after cauterization of erosion?

Cervical erosion is a disease that occurs due to hormonal disorders, stress, trauma during childbirth, as well as as a result of infections. A long-standing benign tumor sometimes becomes malignant, so timely diagnosis and treatment should not be neglected. The real reason tests will help detect erosion. According to experts, cervical erosion does not pose a danger during pregnancy. The exception is the presence of infection: in this case, the cauterized areas will bleed, and erosion will resume; moreover, the infection is unsafe for the fetus. Therefore, it is advisable to wait until you have fully recovered from planning a pregnancy. If the cause of the disease is not related to infection, it remains to find out when you can get pregnant after cauterization of erosion without harming the health of the unborn baby, as well as your body.


Diathermocoagulation is a method of cauterizing erosion using electric current: unhealthy cells die under its influence. During diathermocoagulation it is damaged lower section cervical canal. After seven weeks (not earlier), you can visit a specialist to determine the optimal time for conception. After using diathermocoagulation, as a rather traumatic method, the cervical canal is reduced in size, as a result of which natural birth process, and the menstrual cycle is disrupted. For expectant mothers, diathermocoagulation is not the best best treatment, but in the absence of a choice, the patient is prescribed a thorough examination for the entire period of pregnancy. The resulting large scars can adversely affect the development of the fetus, not to mention ruptures and disruptions of the natural birth process.

After diathermocoagulation sex life within four weeks is not recommended. If you are planning to have children, and you are wondering when you can get pregnant after cauterization of erosion, then taking into account the period of complete recovery, which is about seven weeks, this time will still depend on the results of standard tests, and will also be determined based on the results of colposcopy and endoscopy required for a thorough examination of scars from the inside. Cauterized erosion is not a ban on bearing a baby, but you need to seriously prepare for pregnancy - take into account possible weak sides body, forget about bad habits, take vitamins. If there is serious damage to the uterine tissue, you may have to prepare for artificial childbirth(caesarean section), as determined by the doctor.

Laser coagulation method

Laser coagulation is the most effective and gentle method, allowing it to penetrate to different depths to destroy damaged cells. The laser does not affect nearby healthy tissue cells. Using this method, erosion is removed without harm to the body. After treatment with laser coagulation there are no scars, and the minimum layer of epithelium, namely the damaged one, is removed. Therefore, a month after laser coagulation you can already plan a pregnancy.


It's painless and safe treatment in an outpatient setting using liquid nitrogen (at a temperature from -90 to -150), which is used more often for nulliparous women. After cryodestruction, no scarring occurs. Before the procedure, a biopsy is prescribed to identify possible pathologies, and examination for infections, and after that the patient will have to ambulatory treatment, aimed at healing cervical tissue. Recovery occurs within six weeks. Rapid pregnancy planning is not recommended.

Radio wave coagulation

This treatment method is a non-contact effect in which an unhealthy cell is stimulated to self-evaporate. No scars are formed. Full recovery takes four weeks.

Chemical coagulation

This therapy is used for minimal erosion damage. The treatment consists of five chemical treatments. There is no guarantee of complete healing.

If erosion is detected during pregnancy, the patient is prescribed particularly careful monitoring. Surgery, like the cauterization method, it is appropriate to carry out only after childbirth, since after such an intervention complications are possible (the neck will be more difficult to open). If erosion is accompanied by infection, the course of treatment includes antibiotics and topical anti-inflammatory drugs.

Do not delay treatment of erosion: its development can be prevented. Timely treatment will help to avoid undesirable consequences. Good health to you!

Erosion and pregnancy: are they compatible?

Erosive damage to the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​a fairly common pathology in patients of a very young age.

Because of this, many people have a question: how much does this disease affect reproductive function female body? You will read about whether it is possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion in this article.

First of all, you need to understand the definition of this disease. This is the name for a superficial defect in the normal structure of the mucous membrane of the external pharynx of the cervix, which is visually significantly different from the background of healthy tissue.

Can erosion interfere with pregnancy? The epithelial defect itself does not have any negative effect on the reproductive function of the body. His main danger is that against this background it can develop oncological pathology. As for pregnancy, it is possible in almost all women with the described disease. The exception is cases when erosion is caused by rough hormonal imbalance, as well as previous sexually transmitted diseases, due to which not only an epithelial defect was formed, but also connective tissue adhesions developed.

How does this disease manifest itself during pregnancy? The diagnostic difficulty lies in the fact that any symptoms of cervical pathology are often absent. Therefore, the diagnosis of cervical pathology in many women is often made simultaneously with an examination regarding the onset of pregnancy. In some cases, symptoms such as:

  • discomfort or bloody discharge after intimacy;
  • copious mucous leucorrhoea;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

It should be remembered that any spotting, especially if it appears in the early stages of pregnancy, can be a harbinger of spontaneous abortion. Therefore, if they appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

How does pregnancy affect erosion?

The influence of pregnancy on the state of erosion. When a woman carries a fetus, a programmed deficiency in the functioning of the immune system is formed in her body. If erosion occurs before pregnancy, it may progress.

Diagnostic program during pregnancy

It's no secret that a woman should be regularly observed by a gynecologist while carrying a child. However, the list of manipulations performed should be as gentle as possible so as not to cause harm to the fetus. IN diagnostic program The following activities must be included:

  • examination by an obstetrician in the mirrors. This exposes the cervix, on which erosion can be visually distinguished;
  • examination with a vaginal smear for the presence atypical cells. This study involves studying cellular composition cervix under a microscope with mandatory identification of atypical (or cancerous) cells;
  • determination of the level of antibodies to pathogens of sexually transmitted infections, as well as the human papillomavirus. Quite often, a woman undergoes a full examination during pregnancy, and therefore such a program may not be prescribed separately;
  • colposcopy. This procedure can be performed strictly in consultation with the attending physician. It involves studying the condition of the cervix using special video equipment, which is not inserted, but only brought to the genital slit, which reduces to zero any risk of transmitting any infections. Anesthesia is also not required during such a manipulation, which makes it practically safe for both mother and child.

Treatment of erosion during pregnancy

Therapy of the described pathology presents significant difficulties, since it must be taken into account Negative influence any medicinal or surgical interventions for the fruit. Because of this, all medication prescriptions should be carried out only by a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist.

If no pathological cells were found during the examination of smears and colposcopy, then the diagnosis is recorded in the patient’s outpatient record and she is registered at the dispensary. Further tactics therapy is determined in the postpartum period.

In the case where the pathological focus has big sizes or tends to significantly increase, then the pregnant woman is prescribed drugs that stimulate the healing of erosion. It is preferable, of course, to prescribe medications in the form of suppositories or ointments in order to increase their concentration in the pathological focus and reduce it as much as possible in the blood. This will avoid possible harmful effects medicines for the fruit.

It is very important that cauterizing erosion by any of the methods known today is categorically not recommended. This is due to the possible provocation of uterine contractions, which can cause spontaneous abortion and fetal death, especially in the early stages. Even if this does not happen, adhesions may form, which will significantly complicate labor.

What if erosion was treated before pregnancy? In case if pathological formation was detected before pregnancy, and any therapy (surgical or medicinal) was carried out, then you must inform your obstetrician about this. This will help you choose the right delivery tactics and protect you from possible mistakes.

You should also be especially careful for those women who have had venereal diseases and/or took oral contraceptives to treat endocrine pathology that led to the formation of erosion. The above conditions can lead to fetal diseases, so the doctor must be notified.

How long after cauterization can you plan a pregnancy?

When to plan pregnancy after moxibustion?

In each specific case, the deadlines possible pregnancy are negotiated individually, depending on what surgical method was used in the woman.

Most often, gynecologists use cauterization of the pathological focus with laser beams. They do not contribute to the formation of adhesions and scars on organs reproductive system, which allows you to give birth independently. On average, you can plan to conceive within 30-45 days after this manipulation.

Cryotherapy today is also one of the most common treatment methods, due to its low cost. However, planning a pregnancy in the next few months after such therapy is not recommended.

Diathermocoagulation (or cauterization using electric current) is practically not used in young women. However, if such a procedure has been carried out, the patient is recommended to have complete sexual rest for a month. You can plan a pregnancy no earlier than 2 months after diathermocoagulation. It is also necessary to remember that electric current causes the formation of cicatricial deformities of the cervix, which means that with a high degree of probability, delivery will be carried out by cesarean section.

Chemical cauterization of erosion can be used only for very small sizes of the pathological focus. In addition, there is a high probability of relapse of the disease during pregnancy. It is not recommended to plan conception earlier than 3-4 months after the last procedure.

Radio wave vaporization is one of the most optimal methods treatment of erosion, which preserves the normal patency of natural birth canal. Recovery of the female body after this method of treatment occurs in 4-5 weeks.

Can homeopathy be used? Under no circumstances should you self-medicate during pregnancy. Facilities traditional medicine should not be used, if only because their effect on the developing fetus has not been proven. There is also high probability emergence birth defects fetus, when using certain medicinal plants in the early stages of pregnancy.

As for homeopathic medicines, they can only be used after consultation with a gynecologist.

Remember that erosion can be successfully treated if the necessary drug therapy is started on time. Therefore, do not delay your visit to the doctor, but it is best to undergo a mandatory prenatal examination.

There are cases when, after pregnancy, erosion can completely disappear. This is due to suppression high level estrogen in postpartum period. However, this can only happen in cases where the affected area is small in size and there are no signs of active inflammation and atypia of cellular elements.