Dibazole papaverine for high blood pressure dosage. "Dibazol" and "Papaverine" for high blood pressure. Use of Papaverine in pediatrics

In case of an attack of hypertension or an exacerbation of the crisis, urgent measures are necessary. "Dibazol" and "Papaverine" with high blood pressure will help you quickly stop serious condition and improve your well-being. Combined use enhances the effect of each drug, and for additional effect, with accompanying headache, it is recommended to take it together with analgin.

Composition of drugs


1 ampoule of solution for intramuscular or intravenous injection contains:

  • bendazole hydrochloride 10 mg;
  • ethyl alcohol 0.1 mg;
  • glycerol 108 mg;
  • 1M hydrochloric acid solution 0.001 ml;
  • water no more than 1 ml.


1 ampoule of injection solution with a volume of 2 ml contains:

  • papaverine 40 mg;
  • sodium chloride;
  • methionine;
  • sodium edetate.

The drug is available in suppositories and contains the required dosage active substance.

Properties of medications


Medication based active substance- bedazole hydrochloride, which has the following effects on the body:

  • antispastic;
  • relaxes muscles;
  • moderate hypotensive, enhanced when taken together with phentolamine;
  • promotes dilation of peripheral blood vessels;
  • improves blood flow to the ischemic part of the myocardium;
  • improves the conductivity of spinal cord neurons;
  • promotes the synthesis of endogenous interferons - strengthens the immune system;
  • synergistic interaction with diuretics and antihypertensive medications;


The drug is effective for spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

A medication with the same active ingredient. It is synthesized in the form of a crystalline powder with a bitter taste and characteristic odor. "Papaverine" at high blood pressure affects the body as follows:

  • Inhibits the synthesis of phosphodiesterase, increases adenazinotriphosphate, and therefore reduces the level of calcium and its ions in the blood.
  • “Papaverine” reduces tone and has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, part of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.
  • At high dosages reduces the excitability of ischemic areas in the heart.
  • The drug has a moderate antispasmodic effect and effectively reduces high blood pressure.


"Dibazol" and "Papaverine" for pressure are prescribed together due to a similar effect, which is enhanced by interaction. It consists in dilating blood vessels by relaxing smooth muscles. Even one injection emergency situation can radically change the patient’s well-being. Thus, joint reception medications are prescribed for hypertension, in particular, hypertensive crisis and similar conditions with pronounced attacks of high blood pressure. In this case, medications can be injected together or separately depending on the current condition.

The combined use of Dibazol and Papaverine perfectly lowers blood pressure. However, in old age, large dosages with long-term treatment begin to be accompanied by fever, increased sweating, dizziness and nausea.

Dosage of drugs

The ratio of drugs drawn into the syringe depends on the patient’s blood pressure.

When preparing injections of “Papaverine” and “Dibazol”, they must be mixed in a ratio of approximately 1 to 2. To determine a more accurate ratio of substances, the indicators of upper and lower pressure and their differences are taken into account. In this connection, a person with specialized skills, in particular a doctor, should prescribe the dosage and exact proportion. Pharmacies sell a ready-to-use mixture to reduce blood pressure, but it is not optimal, since it does not take into account the personal characteristics of the patient. As a result, the effectiveness of such solutions is lower, and the chance of side effects higher.

Some of the widely used drugs in the fight against high blood pressure are Dibazol and Papaverine. They are part of the group of myotropic antispasmodics. The action of this group of drugs is aimed at relaxing muscles, relieving spasms and, as a result, relieving pain. To reduce blood pressure and obtain a stronger effect, Dibazol and Papaverine have been used together for a long time. They can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription, but complex application only possible with a doctor's prescription. In order to understand? How do these two drugs act on the human body in combination? Let’s first look at each of them separately.

"Dibazol": properties, indications, contraindications, dosage

"Dibazol" dilates blood vessels, eliminates pain caused by spasms, and lowers high blood pressure. It is very effective for hypertension, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves, increases the production of interferon, which actively fights infections in the body. That is, “Dibazol” also performs the function of stimulating the immune system. Due to expansion venous vessels it reduces blood flow to the heart and reduces the workload on the heart. "Dibazol" is used for:

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  • spasms of blood vessels;
  • smooth muscle spasms internal organs;
  • ulcer;
  • dysfunction of the nervous system;
  • loss of supply to organs and systems with nerves;
  • weakness of the facial muscles;
  • spinal paralysis of children, etc.

There is a fairly extensive list of factors under which this drug should not be prescribed. It is contraindicated in patients with kidney disease ( chronic nephritis, swelling of the kidneys, dysfunction of nitrogen excretion), with bleeding ulcers of organs gastrointestinal tract, with impaired glucose absorption and arterial hypotension (a person’s lower pressure is less than 90 mmHg), convulsive syndromes, epileptic seizures and pregnancy.

"Papaverine": properties, indications, contraindications, dosage

Pharmacological properties of "Papaverine"

An antispasmodic agent has the ability to lower blood pressure.

"Papaverine" is a myotropic antispasmodic. It performs antihypertensive (increasing arterial patency) and antispasmodic (Papaverine reduces the tone of the smooth muscle walls of internal organs of almost all systems) function. Slows down the passage of blood through the heart muscle and has a slight effect on its excitability. Papaverine also has analgesic properties. In case of a significant increase in its amount in the body, it can give a slight sedative effect.

"Papaverine" is indicated for various types of spasms:

  • spasms of peripheral vessels (endarteritis);
  • spasms of blood vessels in the brain and heart (angina pectoris);
  • spasms of the digestive and urinary systems (cystitis, cholecystitis, renal and biliary colic, pylorospasm);

Carefully and cautiously, “Papaverine” should be prescribed to children under 1 year of age and elderly people (over 75 years old). It is contraindicated for glaucoma, AV block, kidney and adrenal diseases. Supragastric tachycardia and prostatic hyperplasia are also contraindications for use.

The combined effect of "Dibazol" with "Papaverine" on blood pressure

These drugs enhance the effectiveness of each other.

"Dibazol" and "Papaverine" have similar pharmacological properties. Together they are a very powerful remedy for high blood pressure. Their joint use has a faster effect on the body. An intramuscular injection of this “cocktail” quickly lowers blood pressure and helps prevent the development of a hypertensive crisis and relieves pain. Thus, symptoms of a hypertensive crisis (high blood pressure, chest pain, dizziness, loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting) are a direct indication for the use of these two drugs together.

Contraindications for use

However, despite the fact that these drugs have virtually no side effects, their prescription and use should be approached very carefully. The doctor must take into account blood pressure readings, the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure, general condition of the patient, his age. After all, there are many contraindications for these medications:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drugs;
  • low diastolic pressure;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • elderly age;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • impaired glucose absorption;
  • stomach ulcer, which is accompanied by bleeding;
  • postpartum period.

As you know, hypertension is characterized by the stable presence of high blood pressure. This phenomenon observed with short-term spasms of arteries and branching arterioles.

Arteries are the main blood vessels that deliver blood to all organs and tissues.

IN initial stage hypertension occurs frequent narrowing blood vessels due to spasms. Gradually, the walls of the vessels thicken and the vessels remain stably narrowed.

This condition provokes an increase in blood flow resistance. To overcome the resulting resistance, the heart begins to work harder. Heart contractions become stronger and more frequent, which gradually leads to the development of hypertension in the form of high blood pressure.

Tablets or injections, whether Diphenhydramine or Analgin, cannot be used independently without the consent of the attending physician. You need to go to the clinic at your place of residence to get full examination, only after this the doctor will select the necessary treatment regimen and determine which drug is required.

The dosage of the drug can be changed during treatment, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. During treatment course for hypertension, injections and other forms of medication can be replaced with similar ones if the medicine turns out to be ineffective or the drug is poorly tolerated.

In order for the therapeutic effect to last throughout the day, it is recommended to take long-acting medications. This will allow the injections or tablets to act more gently on the body.

To reduce the side effects of drugs and achieve a greater hypotensive effect, it is recommended to combine several drugs at the same time, taking them in a lower dosage.

If a jump in high blood pressure is observed for the first time, and the patient’s condition has sharply worsened, an ambulance is required immediately.

Treatment at home

Initially, the doctor, having selected individual scheme treatment, prescribes tablet medications. Meanwhile, sometimes, with undisciplined use of medications and lack of necessary treatment, a hypertensive crisis develops.

When an emergency reduction of high blood pressure is required, an ambulance is called, and doctors give an intramuscular or intravenous injection. Doctors administer Dibazol, Papaverine, magnesia or triad (Diphenhydramine, Analgin and Papaverine). Diphenhydramine and Analgin relieve pain.

The dose of the drug is prescribed depending on the general condition of the patient and what blood pressure indicators are observed. Since Diphenhydramine is a fairly old medicine, before using it you need to make sure there are no contraindications.

For hypertension, the following injections are used to reduce high blood pressure:

  1. To reduce blood pressure, Enalaprilat is often used, which is classified as ACE inhibitors. One injection ampoule contains 1.25 mg of active substance. The effect of lowering blood pressure is achieved by blocking the enzyme angiotensin 2, which has a strong vasodilator effect.
  2. An injection of Clonidine 0.01%, which is contained in a 1 ml ampoule, helps reduce blood pressure and heart rate. Therapeutic effect achieved by stimulating central alpha 2 postsynaptic adrenergic receptors.
  3. Furosemide injections 1%, contained in a 2 ml ampoule, have a diuretic effect. This reduces the amount of blood circulation and reduces cardiac output.
  4. In addition to the diuretic effect, an injection of Magnesium sulfate 25%, which is contained in a 10 ml ampoule, has a calming effect on the body. Due to this, vascular spasms are relieved and blood pressure is reduced in hypertension.

Inpatient treatment

If the patient is in the hospital, the treatment regimen is different from that used at home. In this case, the doctor may prescribe injections and constant medical monitoring of the patient, depending on the diagnosis of the patient.

  • An injection of Nitroglycerin 0.1%, which is contained in a 10 ml ampoule, has a powerful vasodilating effect. The drug is diluted with saline solution and administered using a dropper or dispenser. The medicine reduces blood flow to the heart and has a strong hypotensive effect.
  • A quick effect of reducing high blood pressure is provided by an injection of sodium nitroprusside contained in 0.05 gram ampoules. This medicine should only be used under the supervision of medical personnel, as it can lead to a sharp decrease in blood pressure, thereby causing complications.
  • The drug Metaprolol, which is sold in ampoules of 5 ml, helps reduce the frequency and force of heart contraction in hypertension.
  • By blocking the nodes of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, high blood pressure is reduced with the help of Pentamine 1%, contained in a 1 ml ampoule.

What universal means are used to reduce blood pressure?

Most often, emergency care for a patient with a hypertensive crisis consists of intramuscular injection of the so-called triad. Part this drug includes Papaverine 2% in the amount of 2 ml, Diphenhydramine 1% - 1 ml and Analgin 50% - 2 ml. to get a C, they take necessary substances one ampoule each.

Papaverine, in combination with other medications, gently relaxes muscle arteries and lowers blood pressure. The drug improves blood flow in peripheral tissue without disrupting the functioning of the heart muscles, brain and kidneys. Analgin and Diphenhydramine, in turn, relieve pain.

Among the side effects that Diphenhydramine causes are drowsiness, headaches, and dizziness. Diphenhydramine can also provoke irritability, insomnia, euphoria, and excitement.

What combination drugs treat hypertension?

To lower blood pressure, use a combination of 2 ml of Papaverine with 4 ml of Dibazol. If you administer an intramuscular injection in a timely manner, taking into account the upper and lower pressure limits, you can prevent the development of hypertension. However, it is necessary to take into account exactly what pathologies led to the disease.

Such combined composition effective if pressure rises due to severe spasticity of arterial vessels. Dibazol and Papaverine are administered slowly, and pressure readings must be monitored.

In the case where the patient experiences stabbing and sharp pain in the temporal region, the solution is combined with Analgin to achieve an analgesic effect. Papazole injection, consisting of Papaverine and Dibazole, is administered intramuscularly only after the medicine has been prescribed by a doctor.

When administering medication, it is important to follow the dosage. IN otherwise a sharp decrease in blood pressure can lead to headaches, dizziness, and nausea. The dose of the drug is selected individually, based on the patient’s medical history.

It is important to know that Papazole may cause side effects in some cases. Dibazol should not be used by people who are sick diabetes mellitus, in case of frequent convulsions, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, with frequent decrease in blood pressure in a person.

This medicine should be used with caution when treating people over 60 years of age. Papaverine should not be used if the patient has renal failure or glaucoma.

Administration of hot injections

In case of excessive increase in pressure, the hypertensive crisis is stopped with the help of hot injections. A hot injection is an intravenous injection of a 10% calcium chloride solution, which is administered slowly over five minutes.

Hot injection also includes magnesia, consisting of magnesium sulfate; they are often provided with emergency assistance. Adult dosage the drug is 10 ml of the substance. The injection is given intramuscularly; Novocain is added to reduce pain during injection. This remedy removes excess liquid from the body, expands blood vessels, allows blood to circulate freely.

After the crisis has been stopped, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a cardiologist who will prescribe appropriate treatment. The video in this article will help you understand the basic principles of therapy for high blood pressure.

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Injections against high blood pressure in emergency cases (for example, during a hypertensive crisis) can save lives. What specific type of drugs to administer - triad, magnesia, Clonidine or Dibazol - will depend on the patient’s condition and the tonometer readings.

Types of medications for injections

All injectable drugs used in treatment hypertension, can be divided into 3 categories:

  • Diuretics are prescribed to remove excess fluid in the urine. The reduction in circulating blood reduces blood pressure. Diuretics have prolonged properties and are well tolerated by hypertensive patients.
  • ACE inhibitors. Medicines in this category actively block factors that increase blood pressure. The indicators decrease gradually, the medicine is suitable for most patients, it is often prescribed to mature patients.
  • Peripheral vasodilators reduce the tone of vascular smooth muscles and produce a hypotensive effect. Administered intravenously, suitable for pregnancy.

To stabilize blood pressure for a long time, injections alone are not enough - you need to completely change your lifestyle. If you follow a diet, respond correctly to stress, strengthen your blood vessels and heart, you will definitely get results.

Unfortunately, not all hypertensive patients make their own efforts to recover; many simply dream of quick relief from the symptoms of the disease.

Adequate treatment will help prevent a hypertensive crisis and will positively affect the patient’s quality of life. If blood pressure approaches 200/100 mm Hg. Art., the victim requires emergency medical care.

After reversing the hypertension, you should definitely visit a cardiologist to develop a plan. long-term treatment. Otherwise, it will be more and more difficult to survive exacerbations of hypertension; crises can lead to serious complications to other organs. The result of such a process can be disability and even death, so it is imperative to treat high blood pressure.

Universal injections

A popular remedy for increasing blood pressure for many diseases is triad. It contains:

  • Papaverine (papaverine) – 2 ml solution (2%).
  • Dimedrol (diphenhydramine) – 1 ml solution (1%).
  • Analginum (analgin) – 2 ml solution (50%).

Each ampoule with these drugs contains exactly this dosage of drugs, so for injection they are simply added 1 piece at a time. All drugs are mixed or administered sequentially.

With GC, the triad has a wide range of capabilities:

  1. Papaverine stops an attack, as it is able to immediately relax arteries, improve blood supply to peripheral tissues, without changing blood flow in the kidneys, heart, and brain. An alternative to papaverine can be No-spa, the main active component of which is Drotaverine. It differs from Papaverine in that it relieves the tone of smooth muscles only, without affecting the blood vessels. By relieving spasms, Papaverine also relieves pain.
  2. Analgin is used as a fast-acting anesthetic. The medication also has its limitations, so triad is used as a one-time, rather than regular, measure to lower blood pressure.
  3. Diphenhydramine has sedative properties, restores blood pressure and heart rate. But he also has side effect in the form of drowsiness.

You can’t put the triad on your own, since this popular cocktail does not treat arterial hypertension, it only lowers blood pressure for a certain time.

Combined products

High blood pressure is effectively reduced by papaverine (2 ml) in combination with dibazole (4 ml). A timely intramuscular injection, taking into account the upper and lower blood pressure limits, can prevent further development hypertension.

When choosing injections, it is necessary to study all the prerequisites that led to an increase in blood pressure.

Papaverine with dibazole is relevant for high blood pressure caused by a sharp spasm of the arteries. The drugs are administered slowly and blood pressure is monitored at the same time.

If an increase in blood pressure is accompanied by severe stabbing pain in the temporal region, the combination of analgin-papaverine-dibazole anesthetizes better than the traditional triad.

If the doses of drugs are exceeded, side effects such as dizziness,



Papazole (papaverine + dibazole) in the form of intramuscular injections is used only as prescribed by a doctor, who will determine the dosage taking into account medical history, blood pressure levels and the likelihood of side effects.

Dibazole (bendazole) injections are not prescribed for diabetics, hypotensive patients, with frequent seizures, gastrointestinal bleeding. It is used cautiously to treat people over 60 years of age. The drug is not recommended for glaucoma or kidney problems.

Hot injections

Hot injections are effective for sharp increase Blood pressure with a threat of blood pressure. A hot pressure injection is the injection of a calcium chloride solution (10%) into a vein with a very thin needle. The drug is administered gradually - 3-5 minutes.

Hot injections also include injections with magnesium sulfate ( magnesium sulfate), which is also called magnesia. Adult single dose of magnesium sulfate – 10 ml. Since the procedure for intramuscular administration is quite painful, it is supplemented with novocaine. The emergency physician uses a 25% solution to quickly restore normal blood pressure.

Among the main advantages of hot injection:

  • Ability to remove excess fluid;
  • Vasodilation;
  • Normalization of blood circulation.

This medal has back side: an overdose of magnesia may cause problems heart rate. To properly give a hot injection, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Magnesia can be administered with a syringe with a long (at least 4 cm) and thin needle;
  2. The ampoule is first warmed up in the hands to give it a comfortable body temperature;
  3. The drug is injected smoothly and gradually into the upper half of the buttock.

Because of its quick and pronounced results, magnesia is very popular with us. IN developed countries The statistics of hypertensive crises are more modest, since most sensible hypertensive patients are engaged in prevention.

Sudden changes in blood pressure wear out the heart and blood vessels, so you can’t rely only on injections. With absence adequate treatment a patient with high blood pressure dies after 5-7 years. In a hospital setting, hot injections sometimes relieve the symptoms of a crisis. But the modern version involves the use of other techniques.

Injections in the hospital

With complicated HA, the blood flow to the brain is impaired, and cardiac activity is significantly affected. At chronic diseases these organs, the patient can suffer a heart attack or stroke.

With an increase in blood pressure to 220/120 mm Hg. Art. damage to internal organs is possible. After emergency care, the patient is sent to the department intensive care. Injections used to normalize blood pressure in a hospital:

  • Clonidine, Nifediline reduce blood pressure by 20% in 2 hours. Over the next 6 hours, the pressure equalizes to a working level at which the patient feels normal.
  • Eufilin (2.4% IV solution 5-10 ml) is used to restore normal breathing.
  • Lasix (1% drip 2-4 ml), Captopril 6.25 mg once, 25 mg every half hour. The dose is determined based on the patient's reaction, since the drug can cause attacks of nausea and vomiting.
  • Relanium (0.5% drip 2 ml) relieves muscle spasms. If triplet is used in parallel, the dosage of Relanium is reduced.
  • Sodium Nitroprusside is used drip (50 mg) in the presence of symptoms of heart failure.

A hypertensive crisis is dangerous with the risk of developing cerebral or pulmonary edema, stroke or heart attack. Therefore, such patients are discharged only after stable results of therapy. According to statistics, 40% of them end up back in the hospital within the first 3 months after discharge.

Advantages and disadvantages of injection drugs for hypertension

It is convenient to place the features of the use of the main drugs that are used on the territory of the Russian Federation in the table.

Product name, price and category Dosage for HA reversal Contraindications Side effects
Furosemide from the group of diuretics 10 amp. 2 ml each, cost – 30 rubles. 20-60 mg of 1% solution (1-3 amps of 2 ml) is used for IM or IV slow administration First half of pregnancy serious problems with kidneys, obstruction urinary tract, hypokalemia, hypersensitivity to the drug. Attacks of nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, body flushing, itching, thirst, nephritis, hypotension.
Enap from the category of ACE inhibitors 5 amp. 1 ml each, cost – 490 rubles. 1.25 mg (1 ml, 1 amp.) solution for delayed intravenous injection History of angioedema, porphyria, allergies and high sensitivity to the components. Dry cough, inflammation of the respiratory tract allergic nature, headache, insomnia, nausea and vomiting.
Magnesium sulfate from the group of peripheral vasodilators 10 amp. 10 ml each costing 50 rubles. 5-20 mg 25% solution (0.5-2 amp. 10 ml) IV gradually AV blockade, high sensitivity to vasodilators, lack of calcium in the body, depression of the respiratory system. Airway depression with the possibility of apnea.
Dibazol from the group of peripheral vasodilators 10 amp. 1 ml each, price – 40 rubles. 20-30 mg 1% solution (2-3 amp. 1 ml) intramuscularly Sensitivity to the drug. The drug does not imply long-term use, allergies are possible.

The obvious advantages of injection medications for high blood pressure include:

  • Rapid impact - pressure drops within half an hour after the injection;
  • High efficiency is a guarantee of the expected result.

This group of drugs also has its disadvantages:

  • A significant percentage of side effects;
  • With prolonged and regular use kidneys and liver suffer;
  • At sharp decline Blood pressure is at risk of shock and collapse;
  • Not the best safe method administration of medication: there is a possibility of injury and infection.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy

If blood pressure has decreased by 1/3 compared to the initial values, we can assume that medical care has been provided to the patient. Rapidly lower blood pressure to absolute norm(120/80 mm Hg) is not worth it - the effect of all antihypertensive injections is prolonged; by lowering the pressure over the next 6 hours, you can reduce it to a critical level.

If the hypertension is stopped at home and the patient is not hospitalized, the attending physician is given an asset listing all the medications used.

During the examination, the local physician will prescribe maintenance therapy in the form of antihypertensive tablets. If after the injections the blood pressure could not be reduced to the planned level, or the patient experienced HA for the first time, hospitalization is recommended.

Injections are prescribed to hypertensive patients both in the hospital and on outpatient treatment. The doctor selects the category of medications and doses differentially, taking into account not only the blood pressure level, but also the general condition of the patient.

All contraindications must be taken into account, so the victim must inform the healthcare worker if any chronic illnesses in the intestines, endocrine system, respiratory tract. Sometimes allergic reactions occur; if the victim knows about his intolerance to specific drugs, he is obliged to warn the medical staff.

Thus, experts consider injections as an emergency method in emergency. For daily use in order to lower blood pressure (the norm for hypertensive patients is 140/90), tablets are prescribed that take into account the degree hypertension and risk factors.

Indications for the use of dibazole with papaverine

It has long been known that the combined use of Dibazol with Papaverine significantly reduces the intensity of antispasmodic pain and favors effective treatment hypertension. Although these medications are available without a prescription, their combined use is possible only as prescribed by the attending physician.

Papaverine with Dibazol used in the form of intramuscular injections.

Indications for use

Both Papaverine and Dibazol have almost identical indications for use and these drugs are prescribed in similar conditions to implement vasodilator effect and relaxation of smooth muscles of blood vessels and internal organs.

These two drugs have mutually reinforcing properties and are used in complex therapy in order to multiply the positive therapeutic effect. This complex - Papaverine with Dibazol - is a very powerful tool against high blood pressure and intramuscular injections of a complex of these two drugs make it possible to quite quickly reduce blood pressure and prevent the development hypertensive crisis. These drugs are included in the drug Papazol. Two vasodilator antispasmodics, acting together, show virtually no side effects and exhibit high medicinal activity.

However, the use itself and the proportions and doses of Papaverine with Dibazole should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and based on the therapeutic purpose.

In what proportions should Papaverine and Dibazol be used?

In order to most effectively reduce blood pressure, before injection, you should combine two milliliters of Papaverine and four milliliters of Dibazole in one syringe. However, this is an approximate proportion, and it is very important here that exactly qualified specialist determined both the ratio and dosage. It is necessary that in case of hypertension, not only the value of high blood pressure is taken into account, but also the difference between the upper and lower values. At elevated pain In addition to the complex of Dibazol with Papaverine, Analgin is also prescribed to enhance the analgesic effect.

Release form

Dibazol with Papaverine It is also available in combined dosage form. This is a combined vasodilator and antispasmodic drug Papazol. Its action is almost the same as with separate use these two drugs. The direction of action of such a medicinal formula is to accelerate and enhance the therapeutic effect.

Side effects

Infrequent side effects such as nausea, allergic reactions, increased sweating, dizziness and decreased myocardial contractility.


Blood pressure injection: how to choose the right drug

An injection against high blood pressure will save you in an emergency situation, which is a hypertensive crisis. The advisability of injections (including hot ones), the use of triad, magnesia, dibazole or papaverine, the dosage depend on the patient’s condition, as well as what his blood pressure readings are.

Universal means

Often, a triad is administered intramuscularly, including Papaverine (papaverine) -2 ml of a two percent solution, Dimedrol (diphenhydramine) 1 ml of a one percent solution, Analginum (analgin) -2 ml of a fifty percent solution. This dosage corresponds to ampoules with substances, that is, to obtain a triad, they should be taken one at a time.

Papaverine in this combination has a gentle effect on blood pressure, relaxing the arteries muscular type. Since they are concentrated in the periphery, the use of papaverine improves blood flow in peripheral tissues without interfering with the blood supply to the heart muscle, kidneys, and brain.

Combination drugs

To reduce high blood pressure (BP), it is effective to use papaverine (2 ml) in combination with dibazole (4 ml). Timeliness intramuscular injection– with mandatory consideration of indicators of the top and lower limits pressure - will help prevent hypertension. It is important to know what pathologies led to the disease.

The composition of papaverine with dibazole is effective if the pressure is caused by severe spasticity of arterial vessels. The administration of dibazole with papaverine should be carried out slowly mandatory control pressure. For prickly and acute pain in the temples, the combination of dibazole with analgin and papaverine can provide a higher analgesic effect compared to triad.

If you overdo the dosage of papaverine and dibazole, then due to a sharp drop in pressure you may experience headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Intramuscular injection of Papazole (papaverine and dibazole are included) is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. The dosage is made taking into account the history of the disease and pressure changes.

When using papaverine and dibazole, the side effects of the drugs should be taken into account. Dibazol injection should not be used in patients with high sugar in the blood, with frequent monitoring of a patient with low blood pressure - top indicator below 90 mm Hg. Art. repeated cramps, gastrointestinal bleeding. Bendazole (dibazole) should also be used with caution in patients over 60 years of age. Papaverine is contraindicated in renal failure and glaucoma.

Hot injections

In case of hypertensive crisis - an excessive increase in blood pressure - hot injections are effective. A hot injection means the injection into a vein (always with a thin needle!) of a 10% calcium chloride solution. The hot injection is given slowly - from 3.5 to 5 minutes.

Hot injections also include injections of magnesium sulfate, the so-called. magnesia. The dosage of magnesium sulfate for adults is 10 ml for one injection. Since intramuscular administration of magnesia is a painful procedure, it is combined with novocaine.

Useful information: Indicators of pulse and blood pressure in a child

A hot injection with magnesium allows you to:

  • remove excess liquid
  • dilate blood vessels,
  • ensure free blood circulation.

How to administer magnesium correctly?

Remember that an overdose of magnesium can lead to cardiac depression.

  1. To administer magnesium, you must use a syringe with a long needle (about 4 cm).
  2. The ampoule with magnesium should be heated to body temperature.
  3. Magnesia is introduced into top part buttocks with smooth movements, very slowly.

For hypertension, the doctor will tell you which drugs are most effective in this situation. Take care of your health!

Helpful information

What combination of drugs lowers blood pressure?

I think that you should not use medications on your own, much less combine them without medical education.

You can do quite a lot of harm to your body and create a big problem for yourself for life.

Better call ambulance, and while help is on the way, you can take some kind of sedative for the nervous system, since most often the pressure rises from the stress experienced.

I know that international medical recommendations(The Russian Ministry of Health also adheres to these recommendations) according to combinations of drugs for hypertension they say that the following combinations of medications for high blood pressure are the most effective:

  • ACE inhibitor + diuretic;
  • Alpha blocker + beta blocker;
  • ACE inhibitor + calcium antagonist;
  • Calcium antagonist + diuretic;
  • Dihydropyridine calcium antagonist + beta blocker.

Unfortunately I can't tell based on the proportions. They should be installed by a doctor based on an assessment of the patient’s condition and his medical history.

The following are considered less effective combinations of drugs for high blood pressure :

  • Alpha blocker + other medications for hypertension, excluding beta blockers;
  • Dihydropyridine calcium antagonist + calcium channel blocker; non-dihydropyridine;
  • Beta blocker + ACE inhibitor.

You should not experiment here yourself, because each of these drug combinations has its own contraindications. Some combinations may cause unwanted side effects. For example, there may be tachycardia, bradycardia, hypotension. If you use a diuretic + beta blocker combination, your glucose and negative cholesterol levels may increase.

The use of drugs should always be under the supervision of a doctor!

Magnesia injections are very painful, after them you feel a terrible fever and not everyone tolerates them well precisely because of the pain, although magnesia relieves pressure.

Analgin 250 mg - bendazole 20 mg - papaverine 20 mg = andipal

Clopamide 5 mg - dihydroergocristine mesylate 0.58 mg - reserpine 0.1 mg = cristepine

Dibazole and papaverine are often injected for high blood pressure. more often they are pricked when initial stage I'm getting sick. The combination of dibazol + papaverine quickly relieves high blood pressure and stops a hypertensive crisis.

Ambulances often use a triple combination - papaverine with analgin and diphenhydramine, a universal combination

Usually, when giving injections for pain relief, an ampoule of analgin and an ampoule of papaverine are taken and administered intramuscularly. As a side effect, a drop in pressure is noted.

papaverine 1 ampoule 2 ml

(papaverine hydrochloride 20 g, sodium edetate 0.005 g, methionine 0.1 g, water up to 1 l)

analgin 1 ampoule 2 ml

(analgin 500 g, water - up to 1 l)

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Many people suffer from arterial hypertension, and due to high blood pressure, sometimes critical situations arise when human life is at risk.

In such a situation, you can save a person only by taking emergency measures and using the necessary medications. Sometimes only an injection can save a life.

An effective remedy for combating exacerbation of hypertension is the complex use of drugs such as Papaverine and Dibazol.

However, you should know how to use these medications correctly. How to inject Dibazol and Papaverine, what properties they have, as well as what precautions should be taken when handling these drugs, we will tell you in our article.

Properties and effects of drugs

The indications for use of these two drugs are almost the same. They have vasodilating effect, eliminate spasms and relax the smooth muscle muscles of internal organs and blood vessels. However, the best effect is obtained by combining the drugs Papaverine with Dibazol in one syringe when administered intramuscular injection. First, we will talk about the properties of each drug separately.


Crystalline powder with yellowish or gray tint. Available in the form of tablets, powder or solution for intravenous administration. The solution is sold in ampoules of one, two or five milliliters, packed in cardboard boxes. One package contains ten ampoules.

Solution for injection Dibazol

Dibazol is characterized by the following properties:

  • relaxes muscle tissue;
  • eliminates muscle spasms, muscle spasms of the blood vessels of the circulatory system and internal organs;
  • expands peripheral vessels, which leads to improved blood circulation and reduced stress on the heart;
  • produces a moderate hypotonic effect;
  • has an immunomodulatory effect (increases the body’s immunity), enhances the production of interferon;
  • stimulates interneuronal transmission in spinal cord, which allows the use of Dibazol in the treatment of neurological diseases.

One of the advantages of Dibazol, in addition to its effective and rapid decline pressure, is its good tolerance by the body.


It is a white crystalline powder, practically odorless and bitter in taste. Available in tablets of 0.01 and 0.04 grams, in ampoules as a solution for injection of 2 milliliters. The cardboard package contains ten ampoules.

Solution for injection Papaverine

Papaverine has the following properties:

  • moderately reduces blood pressure;
  • relieves spasm of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminates kidney spasms;
  • eliminates bronchospasms;
  • used for spasms of smooth muscles, peripheral, cerebral and coronary vessels that arose against the background inflammatory processes and other vascular diseases;
  • inhibits the production of phosphodiesterase, thereby lowering calcium levels

It has the property of rapid absorption by the body with any method of use.

Indications and instructions for use

The use of Dibazol with Papaverine in one syringe is recommended for the following diseases, but in strict accordance with medical prescriptions:

  • endarteritis;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • with convulsions;
  • bronchospasm;
  • angina pectoris;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • facial paralysis;
  • hepatic colic;
  • renal colic;
  • with weakened immunity;
  • at the initial stage of arterial hypertension;
  • diseases of internal organs, which are accompanied by contraction of smooth muscles;
  • spasms of cerebral vessels, as well as intestinal spasms;
  • when flu symptoms occur.

When administering Papaverine with Dibazole, the instructions for use indicate the need for their joint use when obvious signs of a hypertensive crisis appear.

Injection administration

The injection becomes a last resort, without which human life will threaten deadly danger. How to give an injection of Dibazol with Papaverine?

In addition, additional use of other cardiological drugs is possible.

However, there is a large degree of convention in this proportion, since many factors must be taken into account: a person’s age, blood pressure level, the difference between the upper and lower pressure readings, the individual characteristics of the human body, etc. It is highly desirable that a qualified doctor prescribe the proportions.

In case of incorrectly selected dosage due to sharp decline Blood pressure may experience a number of side effects:

  • pain and dizziness;
  • double vision;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • decreased contractility of the myocardial muscle.

An injection is necessary if sharp spasm blood vessels, which causes high blood pressure.

  1. you need to take a supine position, smoothly and slowly inject the medicine, while constantly monitoring the pressure level;
  2. the most common area for injection is gluteal muscles, as well as the thigh area;
  3. if it is necessary to administer a new injection, the injection site should be located at least a centimeter from the previous point;
  4. for each new injection a new syringe should be used;
  5. If there is unused medicine left in an open ampoule, then under no circumstances should this remainder be reused. It may be dangerous.

Papaverine and Dibazol in one syringe are not used intravenously, as this causes a greater load on the heart. Emergency doctors give this injection intramuscularly. After the injection, it is recommended not to drive a car due to the likelihood of dizziness, do not be nervous, avoid stressful situations. It is best to just sit or lie quietly.


It is necessary to remember about contraindications and about those to whom these medications should absolutely not be administered. This category of persons includes:

  • small children under six months;
  • people suffering from diabetes;
  • hypotension;
  • elderly people over 60 years of age;
  • pregnant women;
  • women during breastfeeding.

The composition is designed for single use How emergency measure. Please remember that smoking reduces the effectiveness of this drug.

The instructions for use of injections accompanying Dibazol with Papaverine do not recommend giving injections to people suffering from the following diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • broncho-obstructive syndrome;
  • AV conduction disorders;
  • at hypersensitivity the body to some components of these drugs;
  • encephalopathic diseases.

People who do not tolerate injections well should pay attention to a drug containing Dibazol and Papaverine - tablets

In our article, we examined issues related to the properties and combined action of Dibazol and Papaverine, described how to inject these drugs correctly at home, reviewed the indications for use, and also described contraindications.

Finally, it remains to list some recommendations that must be followed during treatment:

  • reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke, or better yet, give up this bad habit altogether;
  • monitor regularly blood pressure and body temperature;
  • reduce alcohol consumption;
  • do not take drugs that have a vasoconstrictor effect;
  • If possible, it is necessary to avoid stressful situations;
  • follow the diet recommended by your doctor;
  • Visit your doctor regularly and follow all his recommendations.

Indications for the use of Indapafon tablets are chronic high blood pressure and a period of hypertensive crisis. Its antihypertensive effect does not appear immediately, but gradually.

Thromboass is used in the treatment cardiovascular diseases, as well as for their prevention. At the same time, it shows good efficiency.

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Tips on how to quickly lower blood pressure at home:

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Dibazole and papaverine for high blood pressure

The use of combined drugs in treatment has been quite successful wide application, especially in situations where we're talking about about the need to receive as soon as possible clinical effect, which is aimed specifically at relieving the headache crisis, and not at long-term therapeutic effects.

The classic option for using a combination regimen for treatment is the combined use of Dibazol and Paraverine, and this combination is implemented not only in the form of an injection, but also in the form of oral administration of tablet drugs.

Properties of drugs

Both Dibazol and are drugs that allow as soon as possible achieve a decrease in blood pressure due to the fact that under their influence vasodilation occurs. It would seem that if both drugs have almost the same effect, then why use them in combination, if you can simply increase the dosage of each separately. In fact, they clinical impact mutually potentiated. In other words, when using both drugs in combination, it is possible to achieve much greater results than when using even double doses agents in monotherapy.


The drug, according to modern pharmaceutical classification, belongs to the group of peripheral vasodilators. It is characterized by a particularly strong vasodilating and antispasmodic effect, which in combination clearly leads to a qualitative and rapid drop in blood pressure. Dibazol is produced in industry in the form of tablets and solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections. The main biochemically active substance of this drug is bendazole.

It is precisely due to the peculiarities of its physiological effect that this drug helps against high blood pressure within 15 minutes with injection and half an hour with orally. When the clinical condition is borderline with hypertension crisis or when there is a serious increase in blood pressure, this drug is used orally in the form of tablets. At the time of a hypertensive crisis, Dibazol is administered as an injection in combination with papaverine. Side effects The drug is the same as for all other vasodilators, so it can only be used on the recommendation of the attending physician, even when used as an emergency treatment. But you can do it this way - the doctor prescribed it to a certain patient once in a certain dosage, which means it will be possible to use it again, but only in strictly the same quantity.

Pay attention to a number of positive effects that Dibazol realizes in the human body:

  1. Significant increase in the intensity of perfusion of myocardial tissue.
  2. LS effectively speeds up transmission nerve impulses in the central nervous system, which makes this drug especially popular for the treatment of various origins of neurological diseases.


Papaverine has been successful in clinical practice used as an effective antispasmodic agent intended for dilatation of muscles and blood vessels. For high blood pressure, it is used in the form of tablets or a ready-made solution for parenteral injection, depending on the patient’s existing condition. Most quick effect characterized by papaverine administered by intravenous jet injection.

The standard dosage has not been determined - the attending physician determines it independently in each case.

A few words regarding physiological mechanisms effects of this drug and features of its use:

  1. The drug acts on the thinnest fibers of the vascular walls for a short period of time, stopping their spasm and reducing high blood pressure even at the moment.
  2. In case of persistent hypertension, Papaverine can be used in combined (complex) treatment of pathology. For example, extreme increased value SBP and DBP are the main indications for the practical use of this drug.
  3. At the time of crisis of essential headache, Papaverine is administered only as a bolus IV and acts very quickly. In such a situation, it is necessary to normalize the patient’s current condition especially quickly.
  4. If a current condition is determined that directly threatens a headache crisis, the drug in question is administered parenterally, but intramuscularly, which allows the pressure to be reduced more gradually. It is logical, because there is no need for the fastest possible effect. But slower absorption in this case will be very important. After the injection, it is definitely necessary to remain at rest for an hour, since otherwise weakness occurs and intense dizziness begins; the clinical effect becomes especially pronounced with a rapid change in body position in space.

Indications for use

If essential hypertension is diagnosed, the doctor begins to select various antihypertensive drugs for a particular patient. It should be noted that Papaverine and Dibazol are recognized as fairly common drugs for high blood pressure. What is important is that very often, with high blood pressure, two medicines– both Papaverine and Dibazol. Their mutual action provides a more pronounced and clinically significant result.

But before taking these medications, you definitely need to read the instructions for their use, and even better, discuss this issue with your doctor. This combination reduces antispasmodic pain by several orders of magnitude, dilates blood vessels and alleviates severe hypertension. The combination of Dibazol with papaverine is a popular remedy among hypertensive patients for relieving high blood pressure and. Use in combination makes it possible to achieve mutual potentiation clinical action both drugs. Moreover, the use of this scheme contributes in the best possible way to prolonging the time of the effect itself (in other words, the clinical effect becomes more pronounced and lasting).

To be appointed medicinal composition can only be done by a doctor, since the exact dosage, down to milligrams, for a particular patient is very important.

It should be noted that the combined use of Dibazol with Papaverine in one syringe or two tablets at once minimizes the risk of side effects.

Moreover, their parenteral combined administration quickly reduces blood pressure and helps prevent hypertension crisis. In other words, joint use is doubly beneficial - both safer and more effective.

In most cases, Dibazol and Papaverine are combined in a 2 to 1 mixture, however, the suggested dosage is approximate. Please note that the selection of the ideal combination requires taking into account not only blood pressure indicators, but also the difference between SBP and DBP, namely: which is abbreviated as PP.

Another important feature is that in situations where the patient’s condition is critical at the time of examination, Papaverine and Dibazol are combined with, which will enhance the analgesic effect by several orders of magnitude. Due to their effectiveness, pharmaceutical companies today produce Papaverine and Dibazol in a combined medicinal form, which not only doubles the antihypertensive effect, but also makes the treatment process itself much more convenient. But the proposed complex treatment causes a manifesto of some adverse reactions:

  • low contractility of myocardial cardiomyocytes;
  • orthostatic dizziness;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • delayed type and immediate allergic reactions.

The effectiveness of Dibazol and Papaverine

Due to its highest efficiency, the clinical hypotonic mixture of Dibazol with Papaverine is the most popular among both hypertensive patients and clinicians for relieving high and extreme high level SBP and DBP. Use in combination provides a real opportunity to achieve mutual potentiation of the action of both drugs, as well as its duration.

Please note - drugs intended for intravenous administration are perfectly combined in one syringe; there is no point in administering them separately, because this does not render them unusable and inactivates other drugs used in combination, so you can safely mix them, because So far, unfortunately, initially ready-made Dibazol with Papaverine is not available for injection.

Medicine in prescription form tablets are used for persistent hypertension as a means for systematic use in order to correct the patient’s condition. In case of high blood pressure, unauthorized use of the combination is not recommended a priori due to the risk of excessive drop in pressure. Accordingly, Dibazol and Papaverine tablets are taken only for medical prescription, and strictly in a dosage of no more than 3 pieces per day, and for adults.

The drug in question is taken intravenously (parenterally) only at very high blood pressure. Once again, it should be emphasized that the pharmaceutical composition Dibazol with Papaverine for intravenous injection is a means intended to provide emergency emergency assistance, but in no case for systematic, regular use.

After normalization of blood pressure, as well as the general condition of the patient, the doctor should prescribe drugs for systematic adjustment of pressure, if its jump is not a one-time, but a stable phenomenon that did not arise against the background of severe stress or particularly violent emotions. There is no uniform instruction regarding the use of the proposed drugs, and all dosages, as well as options for use, are determined for each patient purely individually, depending on his/her current state. Please also note that if the current condition of a hypertensive patient is assessed as critical, Analgin can be added to the mixture in order to potentiate the analgesic effect, because it slightly inhibits the activity of the sympathetic system.

How to inject Dibazol with Papaverine

The speed of its action depends on how correctly the drug is administered during injection. Also, a correctly placed injection minimizes the risk negative consequences for the patient.

If, against the background of a sharp vascular spasm and a surge in pressure in the temples, there is an acute stabbing pain analgin is added to the “cocktail” in a dosage of 2 ml.

It is strictly prohibited to prescribe injections of Dibazol with Papaverine on your own. When especially severe course when the patient often develops a condition that threatens a crisis, the dosage of the injection composition can be selected by the doctor for home use, but only in extreme cases. The “cocktail” is not used for prevention.

It is optimal to give the injection when the patient is in a lying position. However, if necessary, you can administer the drug and standing patient. It is highly not recommended to inject while sitting, since due to impaired blood circulation, the speed of action of the drug will be reduced. For intramuscular injection composition, a syringe with a needle length of 80 mm is used. The medicine is administered slowly, even in severe cases.

It is important to constantly monitor the patient's blood pressure level. If the drug is administered intravenously, then the bend of the elbow is selected. For intramuscular injections medicinal product injected into the thigh or gluteal muscles. In the first case, the patient is in a supine position, and in the second, on his side. When a second injection is required, the site for it is selected at least 1 cm from the previous one. For intravenous administration, if a catheter is installed, then all drugs are administered through it.

If the dosage of the composition Papaverine with Dibazol is exceeded (both in the form of an injection and with oral administration) against the background of a sharp excessive decrease in pressure, the victim develops the following symptoms: intense dizziness; severe headache; visual impairment – ​​blurred vision and double vision; ; sudden intense weakness; hyperhidrosis; reduction in the frequency of myocardial contractions.

Proportions and dosage

There are several options for administering the therapeutic mixture of Papaverine and Dibazol:

  1. Tablet form - usually a person takes either 1 tablet at a time of one and the other drug, or drinks one tablet at a time, but it must contain an equivalent amount of both components.
  2. Parenteral use - intravenous or intramuscular, here everything depends on the need to ensure the maximum speed of clinical effect. If you need to quickly provide help, then you should inject into a vein, and if there is a need for a more prolonged effect, then you should inject into a muscle.
  3. An alternative option, which is practiced by some hypertensive patients, is the oral consumption of a solution of Dibazol and Papaverine.

Side effects

You definitely need to pay attention to high probability the occurrence of side effects that can manifest as a result even ideally correct use combinations of Papaverine and Dibazole:

  • development arterial hypotension- that is, instead of severe hypertension, you will have to deal with a persistent decrease in blood pressure, and this condition, by the way, will be much more difficult to stop than an attack of essential hypertension;
  • clinically significant violation ECG readings;
  • in some situations, usually with general sensitization of the body, allergic skin reactions and orthostatic dizziness are likely;
  • The possibility of short-term pain in the area of ​​injection cannot be ruled out.

Please note the contraindications (absolute and relative) to the use of a pharmacological mixture of these drugs:

  1. Children under 6 years of age.
  2. Bronchoobstruction syndrome.
  3. Inhibition of the physiological activity of the respiratory tract.
  4. Encephalopathies of various origins.
  5. Epilepsy.


Dibazole with Papaverine for blood pressure is a proven remedy that will help relieve high blood pressure in the shortest possible time, however, an incorrectly selected ratio of components may not give the result that you would like to see. Accordingly, hypertensive patients should always keep ampoules with these drugs at home, but determine the possibility of their combined use In this or that situation, only the doctor should decide. The same is true with regard to dosage selection.

Many people suffer from arterial hypertension, and due to high blood pressure, sometimes critical situations arise when human life is at risk.

In such a situation, you can save a person only by taking emergency measures and using the necessary medications. Sometimes only an injection can save a life.

An effective means of combating exacerbation of hypertension is the complex use of drugs such as.

However, you should know how to use these medications correctly. How to inject Dibazol and Papaverine, what properties they have, as well as what precautions should be taken when handling these drugs, we will tell you in our article.

The indications for use of these two drugs are almost the same. They have a vasodilating effect, eliminate spasms and relax the smooth muscle muscles of internal organs and blood vessels. However, the best effect is achieved by the combined use of Papaverine and Dibazol in one syringe when administered intramuscularly. First, we will talk about the properties of each drug separately.


Crystalline powder with a yellowish or gray tint. Available in the form of tablets, powder or solution for intravenous administration. The solution is sold in ampoules of one, two or five milliliters, packed in cardboard boxes. One package contains ten ampoules.

Solution for injection Dibazol

Dibazol is characterized by the following properties:

  • relaxes muscle tissue;
  • eliminates muscle spasms, muscle spasms of the blood vessels of the circulatory system and internal organs;
  • dilates peripheral vessels, which leads to improved blood circulation and reduced stress on the heart;
  • produces a moderate hypotonic effect;
  • has an immunomodulatory effect (increases the body’s immunity), enhances the production of interferon;
  • stimulates interneuronal transmission in the spinal cord, which makes it possible to use Dibazol in the treatment of neurological diseases.

One of the advantages of Dibazol, in addition to effective and rapid reduction in blood pressure, is its good tolerance by the body.


It is a white crystalline powder, practically odorless and bitter in taste. Available in tablets of 0.01 and 0.04 grams, in ampoules as a solution for injection of 2 milliliters. The cardboard package contains ten ampoules.

Solution for injection Papaverine

Papaverine has the following properties:

  • moderately reduces blood pressure;
  • relieves spasm of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminates kidney spasms;
  • eliminates bronchospasms;
  • used for spasms of smooth muscles, peripheral, cerebral and coronary vessels that occur against the background of inflammatory processes and other vascular diseases;
  • inhibits the production of phosphodiesterase, thereby lowering calcium levels

It has the property of rapid absorption by the body with any method of use.

Indications and instructions for use

The use of Dibazol with Papaverine in one syringe is recommended for the following diseases, but in strict accordance with medical prescriptions:

  • endarteritis;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • with convulsions;
  • bronchospasm;
  • angina pectoris;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • facial paralysis;
  • hepatic colic;
  • renal colic;
  • with weakened immunity;
  • diseases of internal organs, which are accompanied by contraction of smooth muscles;
  • spasms of cerebral vessels, as well as intestinal spasms;
  • when flu symptoms occur.

When administering Papaverine with Dibazole, the instructions for use indicate the need for their joint use when obvious signs of a hypertensive crisis appear.

Injection administration

The injection becomes a last resort, without which human life will be in mortal danger. How to give an injection of Dibazol with Papaverine?

In addition, additional use of other cardiological drugs is possible.

However, there is a large degree of convention in this proportion, since many factors must be taken into account: a person’s age, blood pressure level, the difference between the upper and lower pressure readings, the individual characteristics of the human body, etc. It is highly desirable that a qualified doctor prescribe the proportions.

If the dosage is incorrectly chosen, a number of side effects may occur due to a sharp decrease in blood pressure:

  • pain and;
  • double vision;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • decreased contractility of the myocardial muscle.

The injection is necessary in case of a sharp spasm of blood vessels, which causes high blood pressure.

  1. you need to take a supine position, smoothly and slowly inject the medicine, while constantly monitoring the pressure level;
  2. the most common area for injection is the gluteal muscles, as well as the thigh area;
  3. if it is necessary to administer a new injection, the injection site should be located at least a centimeter from the previous point;
  4. a new syringe should be used for each new injection;
  5. If there is unused medicine left in an open ampoule, then under no circumstances should this remainder be reused. It may be dangerous.

Papaverine and Dibazol in one syringe are not used intravenously, as this causes a greater load on the heart. Emergency doctors give this injection intramuscularly. After the injection, it is recommended not to drive a car due to the likelihood of dizziness, not to be nervous, and to avoid stressful situations. It is best to just sit or lie quietly.


It is necessary to remember about contraindications and about those to whom these medications should absolutely not be administered. This category of persons includes:

  • small children under six months;
  • people suffering from diabetes;
  • hypotension;
  • elderly people over 60 years of age;
  • pregnant women;
  • women during breastfeeding.

The composition is designed for one-time use as an emergency measure. Please remember that smoking reduces the effectiveness of this drug.

The instructions for use of injections accompanying Dibazol with Papaverine do not recommend giving injections to people suffering from the following diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • broncho-obstructive syndrome;
  • AV conduction disorders;
  • with increased sensitivity of the body to some components of these drugs;
  • encephalopathic diseases.

In our article, we examined issues related to the properties and combined action of Dibazol and Papaverine, described how to inject these drugs correctly at home, reviewed the indications for use, and also described contraindications.

Finally, it remains to list some recommendations that must be followed during treatment:

  • reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke, or better yet, give up this bad habit altogether;
  • regularly monitor blood pressure and body temperature;
  • reduce alcohol consumption;
  • do not take drugs that have a vasoconstrictor effect;
  • If possible, it is necessary to avoid stressful situations;
  • follow the diet recommended by your doctor;
  • Visit your doctor regularly and follow all his recommendations.

Indications for the use of tablets are chronic high blood pressure and a period of hypertensive crisis. Its antihypertensive effect does not appear immediately, but gradually.

It is used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, as well as for their prevention. At the same time, it shows good efficiency.

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Tips on how to quickly lower blood pressure at home: