What kind of discharge occurs during dysbacteriosis? Internal gynecological examination. The main reasons for the development of the disease in adolescents

Dysbacteriosis is a condition caused by a violation of the intestinal microflora associated with a change in the species composition of bacteria. The number of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli is reduced, and the number of pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms increases. Intestinal dysbiosis is not independent disease. Often it turns out to be a consequence of other ailments (sometimes quite formidable). According to statistics, it occurs in 90% of adults.

Learn more about what kind of disease this is, what the first signs and symptoms are, as well as how to properly treat it with diet and medications.

What is dysbiosis?

Gut dysbiosis (also dysbiosis) - This is a state of microbial imbalance on or within the body. With dysbacteriosis, the ratio of beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms is disturbed, for example, in the intestines or in the reproductive organs.

The adult intestine normally contains about 2-3 kg of various microorganisms(about 500 species). 60% of all microorganisms are settled in the gastrointestinal tract.

Microorganisms help digest food, synthesize vitamins, remove toxins and carcinogens, break down everything unnecessary elements. The main representatives of the intestinal flora are aerobic lactobacilli and anaerobic bifidobacteria.

In the human body, three types of bacteria take part in the digestion of food:

  • beneficial (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli). Maintain the ratio of other bacteria in the stomach, prevent the development of allergic diseases, weakened immunity and many others negative influences on human body. They also control the number of harmful bacteria;
  • neutral. They live in a certain place. They do not bring any particular benefit or harm;
  • harmful (candida fungus, staphylococcus, streptococcus). Provoke various diseases and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.


The number of each type of bacteria that live in the intestines is governed by laws natural selection: those that have multiplied greatly do not find food for themselves, and the excess ones die, or other bacteria create unbearable living conditions for them. But there are situations in which normal balance is changing.

The reasons for the suppression of normal intestinal flora during dysbacteriosis may be the following factors:

Sometimes almost completely healthy people can suffer from dysbiosis. In this case, the reason should be sought in the characteristics of the profession, or in seasonal changes in nutrition.


Depending on the cause of intestinal dysbiosis syndrome in modern medicine is divided into several types.

  • Dysbacteriosis that occurs in healthy people:
  • Professional (violations occur due to harmful professional activities)
  • Age-related (flora is disrupted due to aging of the body)
  • Nutritional (associated with poor nutrition)
  • Seasonal (flora changes depending on the time of year, mainly in cold weather).

By severity:

  • light;
  • medium-heavy;
  • heavy.

With the flow:

  • acute (up to 30 days);
  • prolonged (up to 4 months): with clinical manifestations (continuous or recurrent) and without clinical manifestations;
  • chronic (more than 4 months): with clinical manifestations (continuous or recurrent) and without clinical manifestations.

Dysbacteriosis of the small intestine

Dysbacteriosis of the small intestine begins to manifest itself when it is over-contaminated. In this case, the microbial composition changes, which provokes a violation normal operation Gastrointestinal tract. The pain is localized in the navel area.

Dysbacteriosis of the large intestine

Colon dysbiosis is an extremely common pathology that disrupts the microflora simultaneously in the stomach, duodenum, and intestines. The disease may be long-lasting and take more than severe form and violate normal image human life.

Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis

The clinical picture of the development and course of dysbiosis depends on both the stage and the microbiological variant of the disorder.

Characteristic signs of dysbiosis in adults:

  • Stool disorders. Stool disorders due to dysbacteriosis are one of the most common and characteristic symptoms. Most often it manifests itself in the form loose stool(diarrhea). With age-related (in older people) dysbiosis, constipation most often develops, which is caused by a decrease in intestinal motility (due to a lack of normal flora).
  • With pronounced processes of decay and fermentation, which are observed in only 25% of patients, the composition, shape and color of feces are disrupted. It becomes foamy, liquid, acquires a light color and sour smell. You may experience a burning sensation in the anus.
  • change in the smell of feces (it becomes sharply putrid or sour);
  • increased gas formation (gases can be smelly or odorless, sonorous or not);
  • bloating different intensity(it is more pronounced in the evenings, and may worsen after certain foods);
  • Dyspeptic disorders: nausea, vomiting, belching, loss of appetite, are the result of impaired digestion;
  • The intestines do not empty completely.
  • Rotten taste, belching.

Symptoms that appear during dysbacteriosis may not be observed in everyone, this is individual characteristics. About half of those suffering from this disorder experience nothing other than loose stools or constipation.

With dysbacteriosis, digestion suffers the most. Since food in the intestines is first broken down by bacteria, and only then absorbed into the blood. Without the help of microorganisms, the body cannot absorb many nutrients. Therefore, nausea, vomiting, and loose stools appear.

Stages of dysbiosis in adults

There are the following stages of the disease:

Stage 1
  • The first degree of intestinal dysbiosis is characterized by a decrease in the protective endogenous flora by no more than two orders of magnitude. Bifidoflora and lactoflora are not disturbed, there are no clinical signs of the disease. This degree is characteristic of the latent phase of the disease.
  • In this case, the decrease in beneficial microorganisms - lacto- and bifidobacteria - becomes critical. Along with this, the development of pathogenic microflora is growing extremely rapidly. At this stage, the first signs of dysbiosis appear, which indicate a disruption in the functioning of the intestines.
  • The inflammatory process begins to disrupt the intestinal walls, which aggravates chronic disorder digestion. This stage of the disease requires serious treatment not only with a proper diet, but also with medications.
  • develops when there is no treatment for dysbiosis or it is not intensive enough. At this stage, harmful microorganisms practically crowd out beneficial ones, which leads to the development of diseases such as vitamin deficiency, depression, intestinal diseases, which are dangerous not only to the health, but also to the life of the patient.

With intestinal dysbiosis, other symptoms and manifestations are possible, but they will most likely relate to complications of the disease or to an exacerbation of concomitant pathologies. These symptoms are not directly related to a violation of the intestinal microflora. For example, signs of hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency are possible. The lack of vitamin is due to the fact that it is not absorbed normally in the intestines.


With intestinal dysbiosis, symptoms such as enterocolitis, inflammation of the large and small intestines are observed. The doctor’s task is to make a correct diagnosis, excluding the above pathologies of the digestive organs.

It is difficult to diagnose dysbiosis without tests. The symptoms of the disease are very similar to the symptoms of other diseases. To make a diagnosis, the doctor needs to have diagnostic results. After collecting the patient’s complaints and palpation, the specialist prescribes 2-3 necessary procedures.

Put accurate diagnosis will help:

  • Stool analysis. Most specific technique laboratory diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis - analysis and bacterial culture of stool.
  • Clinical blood test - shows the presence of inflammation and possible bleeding in the intestines. With severe dysbacteriosis, a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood is noted.
  • Colonoscopy. Allows you to assess the condition of a section of intestine up to one meter long.
  • Ultrasonography abdominal cavity. It can be used to detect concomitant pathologies.
  • Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy. Consists of examining the mucous membrane of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum which is carried out using an endoscope.
  • X-ray of the intestines. To discover pathological changes, a contrast agent is used during the procedure.

Treatment of dysbiosis in adults

With a mild degree of imbalance in the intestinal microflora, it may be sufficient to eliminate these causes with the help of rational nutrition, taking prebiotics or probiotics. At severe violation simultaneously with a comprehensive antimicrobial therapy Dietary nutrition is also indicated.

How to treat intestinal dysbiosis? Treatment activities consist of:

  • elimination of excessive bacterial contamination of the small intestine;
  • restoration of normal microbial flora of the colon;
  • improvement intestinal digestion and suction;
  • restoration of impaired intestinal motility;
  • stimulating the body's reactivity.


To treat dysbiosis, drugs are used that promote recovery normal flora intestines. Typically, a product from one of the following groups is selected:

  1. Antibacterial drugs are necessary primarily to suppress excess growth microbial flora in small intestine. The most widely used antibiotics are from the group of tetracyclines, penicillins, cephalosporins, quinolones (tarivid, nitroxoline) and metronidazole.
  2. Bacteriophages (intestibacteriophage, staphylococcal bacteriophage, pyobacteriophage, coliproteus bacteriophage, etc.);
  3. Antibiotics (fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, penicillins, macrolides, aminoglycosides, etc.);
  4. Probiotics for dysbacteriosis (sporobacterin, enterol, cereobiogen, bactisubtil, etc.).
  5. Antifungal agents. Prescribed when detected in intestinal contents increased amount yeast fungi.
  6. Enzymes are prescribed in case of severe digestive disorders. Mezim tablets, 1 tablet 3 times a day, before meals. In order to improve the absorption function, Essentiale, Legalon or Karsil are prescribed, since they stabilize the membranes of the intestinal epithelium. Propulsive bowel function is improved by imodium (loperamide) and trimebutine (debridate).
  7. Sorbents are prescribed for severe signs of intoxication. Activated carbon 5-7 tablets are prescribed at a time, for 5 days.

Assign medications against dysbacteriosis, determine their dosage and duration of use only a doctor can. Self-medication risks complications.

At long-term treatment antibiotics, be sure to include in therapy a special diet containing foods rich in beneficial bacteria, antifungal and immunostimulating, as well as antihistamine therapy.

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis is prescribed comprehensively depending on the degree of the disease. Since the disease develops under the influence of many factors, it is important to eliminate the cause of its development, otherwise taking probiotics will not help positive effect. Elimination of foci of infection and chronic diseases is the main task in treatment.

Diet and proper nutrition

There is no special diet for each person, you just need to follow some rules, avoid unwashed fruits, low-quality foods and eat every three hours small portions. It is important to drink hot food every day liquid food: soup, broth.

Basic principles of proper nutrition for dysbiosis:

  • eating regularly at the same time;
  • eating warm food (within 25-40 degrees) and avoiding too cold or hot food;
  • avoiding aggressive and spicy foods;
  • chewing food thoroughly;
  • eating food frequently (every two and a half hours) and in small portions;
  • drink plenty of fluids, but not during meals (so as not to interfere with the digestion of food).

When following a diet, you are allowed to eat the following foods:

  • white or Rye bread– not fresh, but yesterday’s;
  • crackers;
  • soups in low-fat broths with pureed cereals and vegetables;
  • boiled, steamed or stewed meat dishes;
  • lean meats;
  • lean fish, boiled, steamed, stewed or fried without breading;
  • vegetables (excluding cabbage, legumes and mushrooms) boiled, baked or steamed;
  • fruits and berries in jelly, compote, puree or mousse;
  • baked or raw grated apples;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • butter in small quantities;
  • sauces without spices;
  • all drinks except alcoholic, carbonated, kvass and fruit drinks.

Along with the diet, patients may be prescribed probiotics and prebiotics. These drugs improve intestinal function and restore healthy flora.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine, if proven remedies are used correctly, can improve the condition and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. But it can only be used as a supplement to the main treatment prescribed by a doctor.

The following are allowed as folk treatment:

  • plants that give an antiseptic effect: pomegranate and rosehip juice diluted with water, strawberries, raspberries;
  • mint extract, chamomile tea, and St. John's wort infusions provide an analgesic effect;
  • have an astringent effect, anti-inflammatory blueberries, bird cherry, beets.

Traditional methods include the use of the following means:

  1. Oak bark . A decoction of oak bark has astringent action and helps with diarrhea, which often accompanies dysbiosis. A tablespoon of raw material, poured with 250 ml of boiling water, is simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour. The liquid is cooled, filtered and taken half a glass up to 3 times a day.
  2. Garlic . It contains antibacterial compounds that destroy pathogenic microflora and prevent the development putrefactive processes. To prepare the medicine, you need to crush a clove of garlic in a mortar and pour a glass of low-fat kefir over it. Drink 2 glasses of the resulting drink every day.
  3. Useful and delicious medicine against dysbiosis is a mixture of sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and kernels walnuts. Well-dried ingredients must be ground in a coffee grinder and taken 2 tablespoons of the resulting powder daily, washed down with warm water.
  4. Serum. Sold in stores or left over after making homemade cottage cheese. The heated whey is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach for a month, 1 glass.
  5. If digesting food is accompanied by bloating. Pour 4 tablespoons of dill seeds into a glass of hot water, leave for 2 hours, then strain and drink every 2 hours throughout the day.
  6. Based on propolis honey: a teaspoon of this honey should be diluted in a glass warm water or rosehip decoction and take 2 times a day after meals for 1.5 months.
  7. The most simple options herbal decoction – this is eucalyptus and mint. To prepare the first 3 tbsp. dry eucalyptus is poured with 500 ml of boiling water. For the second recipe, use 2 times less boiling water – 250 ml. Eucalyptus decoction is drunk a quarter of a glass 3 times a day, and mint decoction is drunk of 3 quarters of a glass 4 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 14 days.

Treatment exclusively with herbs is possible only in case of lung dysbacteriosis. In other cases, traditional methods are only an addition to the main treatment prescribed by a specialist.


Preventive measures include following recommendations for proper nutrition, hygiene and sanitary processing of products.

Basic preventive measures for adults are as follows:

  • healthy eating;
  • taking antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • timely treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

To get rid of dysbiosis and prevent further relapses, it is most effective to use A complex approach. At the first symptoms, be sure to seek help from a gastroenterologist. Be healthy and always watch your lifestyle!

Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in women can bring a lot of inconvenience and interfere with enjoying life. We need to find out why this condition occurs and how to deal with the disease.

The concept of dysbiosis

The human intestine is populated by certain bacteria - beneficial, helping in the process of digesting food and maintaining immunity, and opportunistic, constantly entering the intestine from the outside, but not present in sufficient quantities to cause disease. An imbalance of these microorganisms in the intestines of women and men leads to a state of dysbiosis. There are significantly more opportunistic microorganisms, and beneficial microflora die and are slowly restored, which prevents the body from defeating the bacteria.

Intestinal dysbiosis is not a pleasant phenomenon, call it a disease this state It’s impossible, but it’s very pathological. Disruption of the microflora leads to side symptoms that affect the condition of many organs and systems.

If this condition is not corrected in time, and the usual balance of microorganisms in the intestines is not restored, then the woman’s health will be at risk, since dysbiosis is dangerous not only due to diarrhea and nausea, there are also other more serious complications.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various medications. To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to do it every day. drink a simple remedy ...

What are the causes?

Intestinal dysbiosis in women occurs for a number of reasons. Some of them are specific only to ladies, while others are common to all people.

Dysbacteriosis can occur due to:

The causes of dysbacteriosis can affect gradually, accumulating, or they can instantly hit the body. Therefore, you should not think that everything is fine if you drink laxatives and go on a diet for a couple of weeks, but bad changes no, everything is still ahead.

If the balance of microflora is disturbed, you need to act quickly, and not wait for a complete deterioration in your health.

Characteristic symptoms

When the intestinal microflora is disturbed, the first signs go unnoticed for a long time, everything is attributed to fatigue, stress, lack of sleep and other everyday excuses.

And dysbiosis continues to actively develop, and over time the number of symptoms will increase.

When a person develops these symptoms in turn, he does not immediately understand what it is, and only an increase in the severity of the disease gives reason to think about dysbiosis.

The more this or that symptom manifests itself, the more advanced the disease is, and it will be more difficult for a woman to treat intestinal dysbiosis.

Female complications of dysbiosis

In women, intestinal dysbiosis often causes complications such as thrush and bacterial vaginosis. These two conditions differ in their manifestations, but may result from an imbalance in the intestinal microflora.

ThrushBacterial vaginosis
Microorganisms that cause pathologyFungi belonging to the genus CandidaMany types of pathogenic bacteria and microbes
How does the disease manifest itself?Unpleasant vaginal odor, burning and severe itching, white curdled discharge a lotA grayish discharge with a characteristic fishy odor comes out of the vagina, and there is also a burning and itching sensation.
How is it transmitted?Sexually, domestically, occurs due to intestinal dysbiosis
How to treatAntifungal drugs (Fluconazole, Flukastat, Pimafucin)Antibacterial drugs (Metronidazole and its synonyms)

Long-term intestinal dysbiosis in women rarely goes away without a trace, which is why vitamin deficiencies, thrush, Iron-deficiency anemia, chronic enterocolitis and many other more severe complications.

Therefore, treatment of intestinal dysbiosis should begin in as soon as possible after diagnosis.

How to make a diagnosis?

To establish a diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis, a woman should undergo examination. A stool test for dysbacteriosis will play a key role. But the doctor will also take into account the patient’s complaints and try to establish the real reason imbalance of intestinal microflora. This may require an instrumental examination of the intestines.

But often dysbiosis is diagnosed very simply, and treatment begins quickly in order to prevent the development of the disease and the occurrence of complications, since the symptoms of the disease are extremely unpleasant.

Therapy for dysbiosis

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis is always comprehensive and is largely aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and restoring normal microflora.

Treatment includes:

  • Use of medications.
  • Compliance with your diet.
  • Using traditional methods to restore the balance of microflora.

Treatment must be balanced in all respects and selected by the attending physician. The doctor will decide what measures a woman will need to take to treat dysbiosis based on the cause of the disease and the degree of neglect of the condition.

Drug treatment

Medicines are different, and each group of drugs is responsible for certain actions in the human intestine. In the table you can see what products can be used for dysbiosis, and how they will help.

Group of medicinesActionDrug names
ProbioticsPopulate a woman’s intestines with beneficial microorganisms to establish microflora balanceBifidumbacterin, Baktisubtil, Leifpak probiotics, Linex, Flonivin.
PrebioticsHelp beneficial bacteria take root and multiply in the intestines more activelyHilak-Forte, Duphalac
AntibioticsThey inhibit pathogenic intestinal microflora, but are used only in combination with probiotics so that beneficial bacteria do not lose in numberCeftriaxone, Cefuraxime, Ampilox, Doxycycline
Digestive enzymesImprove digestion and ease intestinal function, eliminating symptoms of dysbiosisPancreatin, Creon 10000
Vitamin complexesReplenish the lost amount of vitamins and minerals not received by the body due to dysbiosis, help the body resist pathogensSana-sol, Alphabet, Vitamax, Duovit, Vitrum
Antifungal agentsEliminate fungi if they appear due to the development of dysbiosisLevorin
SorbentsHelp eliminate symptoms of dysbiosis and cleanse the intestines of accumulated debrisSmecta, Polyphepan, Enterosgel, Activated carbon


Regime and diet

The diet of a woman suffering from dysbiosis should:

  • Be rationed and constant (without stress in the form of a hunger strike, but in small portions in parts).
  • Contain foods rich in dietary fiber and vitamins.
  • Be built with predominance fermented milk products with the content of beneficial lactobacilli in them.
  • Avoid all heavy meals while your intestines are recovering.

Such a diet will help eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis and begin to nourish the body with the missing elements. Proper nutrition is the key to any illness Get well soon.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods of treating dysbiosis are aimed at replenishing the amount of beneficial microflora in the intestines and improving the general condition of a woman’s body by eliminating pathogenic microflora.

That’s why they often use:

  • Rice water.
  • Homemade fermented milk products.
  • Fresh garlic.
  • Tincture of oak bark.

Intestinal dysbiosis cannot be left untreated, as mild diarrhea can eventually turn into the most dangerous peritonitis.

The intestine is one of the organs of the immune system and it is worth taking care of it, otherwise the entire work of the body will be at risk. Women are often very self-obsessed appearance, and forget that beauty comes from within, in healthy body Everything is beautiful, including your appearance, but with diseased organs you can forget about beauty.

Intestinal dysbiosis is a fairly common pathology characterized by digestive disorders. He causes a lot of trouble. Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in women are many-sided: disturbed stool, periodic pain in the stomach, poor digestion of food and many other signs. The disease is associated with a disorder normal composition microflora, in which the body is “populated” by pathogenic bacteria. What provoked similar condition? And what methods can be used to combat it?

Causes of pathology

Many microorganisms “live” on the surface of the intestine. Basically, these are irreplaceable and very beneficial bacteria for humans. They help the digestive process, the absorption of calcium, iron, provide the synthesis of amino acids, vitamins, suppress the development of putrefactive, pathogenic microbes. This microflora helps strengthen the immune system, protects against the development of allergies, and provides anti-infective and anti-cancer protection.

But if there is an imbalance in the ratio of beneficial ones, then the disease dysbacteriosis develops in the body. Call similar pathology There are many possible reasons.

Often, symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in women, as well as in men, are provoked by the following sources:

The pathology may be based on other causes. They are typical for the fair sex.

Doctors say that most often the symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in women are provoked by the following factors:

  1. Varied diets. Many women often resort to a variety of nutritional plans. And very often their choice is on strict diets, in which the range of products is strictly limited. This has an extremely negative effect on the intestinal microflora. As a result, dysbiosis and sometimes severe ailments of the digestive tract may develop.
  2. Excessive cleansing of the body. It's about about various methods of intestinal cleansing: repeated enemas, the use of sorbents or laxatives, colon hydrotherapy. This process actually helps eliminate intestinal toxins. But, unfortunately, the normal microflora is lost along with them. If a significant portion is washed out of the body beneficial bacteria, dysbiosis begins to develop in the intestines.
  3. Taking antibiotics. Many women consider such drugs to be a panacea for any ailment. These young ladies use antibacterial drugs at the first symptoms of illness. And in order to finally “finish off” the infection, they take this medicine long enough. But, unfortunately, the intestinal microflora turns out to be “killed”.

Characteristic symptoms

It is believed that the initial stages of pathology may not clinical signs do not appear. Unpleasant phenomena occur when the pathology has already progressed.

  1. Broken stool. Diarrhea is observed, provoked by increased formation of bile acids and increased intestinal motility. These processes inhibit the absorption of water in the body. Somewhat later, the stool acquires a putrid, unpleasant odor. They may contain mucus or blood. In some cases (usually typical for older people), constipation develops instead of diarrhea.
  2. Bloating. Due to impaired absorption and removal of gases, they accumulate in the large intestine. A woman feels unpleasant discomfort in the peritoneal cavity, which may be accompanied by rumbling.
  3. Pressure increases in the intestines. As a result, the patient experiences periodic discomfort. Its intensity decreases significantly after passing stool or gas. The pain can be localized in the navel area, if the patient suffers, or on the right, in the lower abdomen, if the pathology has affected the large intestines.
  4. Dyspeptic disorders. They characterize indigestion. These are symptoms such as decreased appetite, belching, painful nausea, and vomiting.
  5. Allergic manifestations. Disruption of microflora leads to failures in many systems. As a result of a weakened antiallergic effect, the patient may develop a rash and itching after taking foods that previously did not cause such reactions.
  6. Signs of intoxication. Since metabolic products accumulate in the body, the patient may develop a fever (up to 38 degrees), general fatigue, headache, sleep disturbance.
  7. Symptoms indicating vitamin deficiency. Of course, with dysbacteriosis the body does not receive necessary nutrition. This situation may be indicated by: dry, pale skin, the appearance of stomatitis, the formation of a jam near the mouth, changes in nails and hair.

Possible complications

It is important to promptly pay attention to any unpleasant symptoms that appear and consult a doctor to prescribe appropriate treatment. Otherwise, chronic dysbiosis may develop.

This condition is extremely dangerous due to its possible consequences:

  1. Deficiency of microelements and vitamins. As a result of constantly impaired digestion and absorption process in the intestines, iron deficiency anemia and hypovitaminosis can develop.
  2. Chronic enterocolitis. Long term exposure pathogenic flora leads to intestinal inflammation.
  3. Peritonitis. The aggressive influence of harmful bacteria causes intestinal destruction. As a result, the contents may enter the abdominal cavity.
  4. Sepsis. The infection is caused by the entry of pathogenic flora into the blood.
  5. Pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis.
  6. The occurrence of other ailments. Immunity decreases. As a result, a variety of diseases can appear.
  7. Weight loss. Digestive disorders lead to a lack of nutrients in the body.

Diagnosis of the disease

To select adequate treatment for intestinal dysbiosis in adults, you need to consult a doctor.

Initially, a diagnosis will be carried out. It consists of the following activities:

  1. Assessment of patient complaints.
  2. A visual examination, including It allows you to determine in which area the problem is localized.
  3. Microbiological analysis of stool. For accurate diagnosis the patient, 3 days before the study, is transferred to a special diet. This diet excludes foods that can increase fermentation in the intestines. This is lactic acid food, alcohol. Do not use at this time antibacterial drugs. To reliably make a diagnosis, doctors recommend conducting such an analysis 2-3 times, every 1-2 days.

Methods of treating the disease

Dysbacteriosis is very often associated with various pathologies: irritable bowel syndrome, changes in motor skills, psycho-emotional disturbances. Therefore, the disease can only be combated using comprehensive methods.

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults depends on the disease that provoked it, as well as on the clinical symptoms.

  • diet;
  • getting rid of excessive development of harmful microflora;
  • colonization of the intestines with beneficial microorganisms;
  • increasing immunity in order to create natural flora.

And remember: no matter what effective remedy you did not use probiotics, dietary supplements, kefir for dysbacteriosis; self-medication rarely leads to complete recovery.

Drug therapy

Treatment consists of the following drugs:

  1. Prebiotics. Provide growth and reproduction beneficial microbes. These are the following drugs: Duphalac, Hilak-Forte.
  2. Probiotics. Medicines contain live bacteria. Such products are: “Lifepack Probiotics”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Flonivin”, “Enterol”, “Baktisubtil”, “Bifikol”, “Linex”, “Biosorb-Bifidum”, “Bifidumbacterin Forte”.
  3. Symbiotics. These are medications that combine a prebiotic and a probiotic. They simultaneously stimulate the development of normal flora and restore the insufficient number of necessary microbes. These include medications: “Bifidobak”, “Maltodofilus”.
  4. Antibiotics. Such tablets against dysbiosis are used in the last stages of the disease. Their goal is to destroy pathogenic flora. The most commonly prescribed drugs are: Doxycycline, Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone, Ampiox, Metronidazole.
  5. They are recommended if detected. The drug Levorin is often prescribed.
  6. Enzymes. These tablets against dysbiosis help normalize digestive process. The following drugs may be recommended: Mezim, Creon, Pancreatin.
  7. Sorbents. In case of severe symptoms of intoxication, be sure to prescribe this remedy from dysbacteriosis. Recommended medications: “Enterosgel”, “Polyphepan”, “Activated carbon”, “Smecta”, “Enterodes”.
  8. Multivitamins. For dysbacteriosis, the drug "Duovit" is useful.

Diet food

Patients are recommended to follow diet number 4. Depending on the patient’s condition, various modifications of this table are prescribed. Nutrition helps normalize the functioning of the intestines and reduces the activity of putrefactive processes.

  • eat foods containing dietary fiber;
  • give preference to live bacterial cultures (yogurt, kefir);
  • monitor your diet;
  • exclude unhealthy foods: fatty, spicy foods, marinades, smoked meats.

Traditional treatment

There are many excellent methods that can combat pathologies such as dysbiosis. Traditional treatment will be beneficial if it is fully agreed with the doctor.

To excellent folk remedies relate:

  • rice water;
  • oak bark tincture;
  • fresh garlic (it is recommended to consume it before eating, 1 hour before).

However, do not forget that only a doctor can recommend the best remedy for dysbiosis, based on the characteristics of the pathology occurring in your body.

If intestinal dysbiosis progresses, the symptoms and signs of disturbed intestinal flora manifest as acute digestive disorders and reduce the quality of life of adults and children. This is an unpleasant condition when there is acute discomfort and digestive system works in abnormal mode. You need to promptly pay attention to alarming symptoms of a violation of the intestinal microflora and consult a gastroenterologist.

What is intestinal dysbiosis

This is an imbalance of intestinal microflora, when the concentration of harmful bacteria exceeds the composition of beneficial flora. This pathological process occurs and develops equally in adults and children, and becomes the main cause of systemic digestive disorders. This imbalance is preceded by a number of pathogenic factors. In any case, the disease requires timely correction. For the productive restoration of intestinal microflora, it is necessary not only to take certain medications, but also to correct nutrition and use alternative medicine.

Symptoms of dysbiosis in adults

Recognize pathogenic microbes on early stage the pathological process is problematic, symptoms are almost completely absent. However, as harmful bacteria multiply and spread in the mucous membranes, the diagnosis of dysbacteriosis becomes much easier. It is necessary to start complex treatment on time, since the natural process of absorption of vitamins slows down, and microorganisms harmful to the intestines contribute to systemic digestive disorders.

Among women

Because the female body more sensitive, in thick and small intestine staphylococcal dysbacteriosis causes early recurrent processes. The health problem begins with intestinal disorders, which are accompanied by flatulence, bloating, and increased gas production. This is the first sign of inflammation, which more often prevails in an organism with a weakened immune system or after prolonged antibacterial therapy. Other signs of dysbiosis in women are presented below:

  • cramps, pain in the abdomen;
  • severe symptoms dyspepsia;
  • disturbance, loose stool;
  • internal discomfort;
  • feeling of a full stomach.

In men

The intestinal tract suffers from dysbiosis, and the natural process of absorption of nutrients into the blood is disrupted. Clinical manifestations The characteristic ailment is similar to a common digestive disorder, so the main goal of treatment is to restore intestinal motility, avoiding prolonged bouts of diarrhea and subsequent complications. Here's how else intestinal dysbiosis can manifest itself:


With acute intestinal infections, body temperature may rise sharply. Sometimes doctors prescribe antipyretic drugs without fully understanding the health problem. Under such circumstances, the temperature can be normalized only temporarily. If the normal microflora is restored, the temperature during dysbacteriosis will quickly normalize without additional medication. In other cases, this indicator is increased slightly, varying between 37.2 - 37.5 degrees.


Dysbacteriosis is accompanied by diarrhea, which starts after eating stale food. With dysbacteriosis, feces become liquid, acquire a greenish tint and a sour smell. Feces may foam, and the presence of undigested pieces of food is possible. The presence of such unpleasant symptoms in women, men and children should become alarm signal, and treatment should follow immediately.

Weight loss

Due to lack of appetite, the patient rapidly loses weight, and to eliminate such symptoms, the first step is to restore the beneficial intestinal microflora with the help of probiotics and nutritional correction. If there is a noticeable decrease in weight due to dysbacteriosis, it is urgent to undergo diagnostics, eliminate the pathogenic factor and begin effective treatment. conservative methods. Otherwise, the disease becomes chronic form, progresses periodically.

Signs of intestinal dysbiosis

In women and men, the symptoms of dysbiosis are identical. It all starts with bloating or unexpected diarrhea with sour smell, and ends unpleasant symptoms at chronic constipation or diarrhea. Signs of disturbances in intestinal microbiocenosis are presented below and should be promptly reported to the gastroenterologist:

  • diarrhea, less often – constipation;
  • cramping abdominal pain;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • bad taste in the mouth;
  • belching;
  • internal discomfort.

How does the disease manifest in children?

Pathogenic microflora is more often detected in children, especially newborns. This is explained by the insufficient number of beneficial bacteria that have not yet had time to populate the digestive organs. For this reason, the child suffers from increased gas formation and intestinal colic. Additional symptoms dysbacteriosis are presented below:


If there is a suspicion of intestinal dysbiosis, the symptoms need to be voiced to a gastroenterologist in a personal meeting. It is better not to delay a visit to such a highly specialized specialist, since the signs of a characteristic illness become more intense and diverse. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to go through a series of laboratory research. Informative biological material in such a clinical picture - feces. Here's what the diagnosis is:

  • scraping examination;
  • sowing feces for dysbacteriosis;
  • aspirate analysis;
  • PCR diagnostics to determine the type of pathogenic flora;
  • examination of a biopsy specimen from the jejunum.

Vaginal dysbiosis is expressed in disruption of the normal vaginal microflora. This disease occurs in most representatives of the fair sex. In most cases, this disease manifests itself to a minor extent, but can cause the development of a number of serious inflammatory diseases of the female genital area of ​​an infectious nature.

It is worth mentioning right away that several terms can be used to refer to vaginal dysbiosis. Vaginal dysbiosis or vaginal dysbiosis is considered the most accurate of the existing terms, since literally translated it means a violation of the vaginal microflora. But despite all this, this term is used extremely rarely. As a rule, this disease is called bacterial vaginosis, which also means a violation of the vaginal microflora. Meanwhile, many doctors define bacterial vaginosis as gardnerellosis, which is a special case of vaginal dysbiosis. As a result, when used this term you can't always be sure what exactly vaginal dysbiosis means.

In addition, quite often any kind of manifestation of a violation of the vaginal microflora is considered “candidiasis” (thrush), which is completely unfounded. Candidiasis, or thrush, is a manifestation of one type of microflora disorder, expressed in an increase in the number of fungi of the genus Candida, which happens extremely rarely. As a rule, women and many doctors call any vaginal discharge thrush, often without understanding the nature of its occurrence.

Causes of vaginal microflora disturbances.
Can provoke the development of vaginal dysbiosis various factors. Let's name the most common of them:

  • The predominance of fungi of the genus Candida in the vagina, and dysbiosis will be called thrush.
  • This can be either a one-time strong or frequent hypothermia of the female body, which reduces the overall and local immunity, which, naturally, cannot but affect the vaginal microflora.
  • Any hormonal changes or disruptions in the body, in particular: puberty, irregular sex life, pregnancy and childbirth, disorders menstrual cycle, abortions, premenopausal period, menopause, etc.
  • Change of climate zone.
  • Constant stress.
  • Promiscuous sexual relations with different partners, neglect of contraceptives.
  • Any diseases of the pelvic organs of an infectious-inflammatory nature.
  • Sexual infections (ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia).
  • Long-term or frequent treatment with antibiotics.
  • Intestinal diseases, constant problems with stool, intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Incorrect use of tampons during menstruation. Not everyone knows that during menstrual bleeding, when using tampons, they should be changed every two hours, even at night. This is not only inconvenient, but contributes to the development of perfect conditions in the vagina for the growth of various infections. Usage sanitary pads will get rid of this problem.
  • It could be Gardnerella. IN in this case the disease will be called gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis). This type of disease most often develops asymptomatically. Only occasionally it can manifest itself as itching and profuse vaginal discharge with an unpleasant fishy odor.
  • Any microorganisms with pathogenic activity.
Of course, these factors may not always immediately cause bacterial vaginosis of the vagina, since the immune system is responsible for maintaining the microflora in a normal state, helping it recover in case of minor violation. But since there are a lot of factors that provoke the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis and they occur quite often, and the immune system cannot always cope with its task, the development of the disease in women still occurs.

Mechanism of disease development.
Violation vaginal microflora occurs due to an imbalance of bacteria that live in the vagina. Normally, a woman’s vagina contains about 90% of beneficial lactobacilli (the so-called Dederlein bacilli), about 10% - bifidobacteria, and less than 1% of the “key cells of the vagina” (leptothrix, gardnerella, fungi of the genus Candida, mobiluncus and some other representatives). It is one of the representatives of the key cells that can become the causative agent of dysbiosis. In addition, they can be one of the sexually transmitted infections or any saprophytic pathogen (streptococci, coli, Proteus, staphylococci, etc.). When the vaginal microflora is disrupted, there is a significant reduction in the number of beneficial bacteria and a predominance of pathogenic microflora.

The microorganisms that inhabit the vagina never behave hostilely towards the walls of the vagina; they do not allow a negative change in the ratio beneficial organisms and pathogens. In this case, the immune system provides active support. It is the immune system that helps restore normal microflora in case of minor disturbances. But this does not always happen, unfortunately.

Any pathogen that leads to dysbacteriosis can provoke serious complication in the form of vaginitis or colpitis (inflammation of the vagina). The occurrence of this complication occurs depending on the number and pathogenicity of the pathogen, as well as on how strong the immunity of the vaginal walls is. Initially, the protection copes with its task and prevents the progression of the disease and its complications. However, if you do not undertake timely and competent treatment, then inflammation in this situation is simply inevitable.

Symptoms of the development of the disease and its main complications.
As already noted, at first the disease is practically asymptomatic. The changes concern the nature of vaginal discharge, but, as a rule, women do not pay much attention to this. Normally, a woman may experience minor transparent discharge without an unpleasant odor, there should not be any other kind of discharge, as there should not be discomfort vaginal dryness during intimacy, pain, itching and burning in the vagina. As a rule, with vaginal dysbiosis, the amount of discharge increases sharply, and it may have a whitish or yellowish tint With unpleasant smell, reminiscent of rotten fish. There are no other symptoms for this disease. Itching and burning, vaginal dryness indicate the duration of the disease and the lack of treatment, as a result of which complications have developed.

In general, this disease is chronic, accompanied by periods of exacerbations and remissions. In the absence of adequate therapy, constant infection of the uterus with bacteria from the vagina can lead to the development of inflammation of the uterine mucosa (endometritis) and its appendages (adnexitis). In addition, long-term non-treatment can contribute to the development of vaginitis or colpitis, in which the discharge becomes purulent, and painful sensations and pain in the genitals, and not rarely an increase in body temperature. Another complication of dysbacteriosis can be cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix, in which pain in the lower abdomen is observed, and intimacy becomes very painful. In addition, with this disease, constant infection of the urethra occurs, which ultimately leads to the development of cystitis, the main symptoms of which are pain and burning when urinating.

Bacterial vaginosis of the vagina during pregnancy.
Quite often, pregnancy causes an exacerbation of bacterial vaginosis. Since during this period the female body undergoes enormous hormonal changes, immunity decreases, nutrition and lifestyle changes, against this background, discharge, itching or burning in the genitals, pain during sexual contact etc.

Since any drug therapy is generally contraindicated during pregnancy, it is not possible to receive full treatment. Any treatment of this disease, even if without the use of antibiotics, is always accompanied by immunocorrection, which is unacceptable during pregnancy. That is why it is appointed local therapy to eliminate the symptoms of this disease.

Taking antibiotics after childbirth can provoke dysbacteriosis, which also manifests itself in increased discharge, dryness, itching and burning, and pain. Treatment of this disease in women during breastfeeding undesirable, therefore local therapy is prescribed, which reduces symptomatic treatment or, in other words, eliminating the manifestations of the disease. This includes vaginal sanitation and antibacterial suppositories. Then, at the end of breastfeeding, if necessary, treatment is repeated using other drugs.

Bacterial vaginosis and sexually transmitted infections.
In any case, sexually transmitted infections are associated with a violation of the vaginal microflora. The appearance of a genital infection in the vagina shifts the pH, contributing to the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction and further progression of the disease.

Sexual infection is always associated with opportunistic microflora, so this must be taken into account when treating STDs, since there may be a situation when antibiotic treatment completely kills the STD pathogen, while the number of opportunistic infections only increases.

The final stage of treatment for STDs in women should be restoration of the vaginal microflora. In case of serious infections or the presence of several STDs, antibacterial therapy should be carried out and only then restore the vaginal microflora. In simple cases, it can be done first comprehensive diagnostics of the entire urogenital microflora, and then begin to restore it while simultaneously eliminating sexually transmitted infections.

Bacterial vaginosis and intestinal diseases.
In the presence of severe intestinal dysbiosis, bacterial vaginosis should also be expected. This is due to the fact that the wall of the rectum is in close contact with the wall of the vagina, as a result of which bacteria can easily pass through it. As a rule, one of the intestinal infections is cultured from the vagina - E. coli, enterococci, etc.

In this case, treatment is complex, since there is high probability relapse. In this case, restoration of normal vaginal microflora is carried out while simultaneously treating intestinal diseases.

Bacterial vaginosis of the vagina in girls.
This disease affects girls who are not yet actively sex life, occurs very often, which is due to many factors: hormonal instability, the formation of the menstrual cycle, anatomical features structure of the hymen.

Bacterial vaginosis in girls only in in rare cases flows with heavy discharge, since the small hole in the hymen prevents them from being completely removed from the vagina. Because of this, stagnation of vaginal discharge occurs, which sharply increases the risk of developing inflammatory diseases. Meanwhile, during the first intimate intimacy, a withdrawal occurs large quantity bacteria from the vagina bladder, which can trigger the so-called “honeymoon cystitis.”

Treatment of this disease in virgin girls is complicated by the structure of the hymen, which does not make it possible to treat the vagina with medicine as much as necessary. Therefore, sometimes doctors are forced to resort to artificial disruption of the integrity of the hymen (hymenectomy) in order to provide optimal treatment.

Bacterial vaginosis and sexual partner.
The disturbed microflora of a woman during intimate intimacy with a man does not affect his health in any way, even without the use of contraceptives. Very rarely, in cases of severe vaginal dysbiosis, a man may experience balanoposthitis and nonspecific urethritis. However, this happens if the man had a clear predisposition to these diseases. Absolutely healthy male body these inflammatory diseases not scary. They will not develop in a completely healthy body.

It is worth noting that no diseases of the partner affect the microflora of a woman’s vagina, except venereal diseases. Treatment of disturbed microflora in women does not require compulsory treatment sexual partner, unless he has a sexually transmitted infection. Therefore, the sexual partner must also undergo examination.

Diagnosis of the disease.
For experienced specialist Diagnosing bacterial vaginosis will not be difficult. Besides visual inspection, diagnosis of this disease includes taking general mask for flora, PCR diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections and culture of vaginal discharge or special study vaginal microflora. A smear shows the state of the microflora of the vagina and vaginal wall, the degree of their disturbance and severity inflammatory process, and the diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections and culture make it possible to identify the pathogens due to which the microflora was disrupted and to identify the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. The correct course of treatment cannot be determined from just one smear.

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis should be comprehensive and include three areas:

Suppression of bacteria.
If a microflora disorder is associated with the presence of a sexually transmitted infection, then first treatment should be aimed at completely eliminating the causative agent of the infection. In this case, treatment consists of taking antibiotics while carrying out other measures. If there are no sexually transmitted infections, then antibiotic therapy is not necessary. In this situation, either a short course of antibacterial therapy is used, about three to five days, or local application antibiotics and antiseptics. Their action simultaneously fulfills all treatment objectives (suppression of pathogenic flora, population of normal inhabitants of the vagina and local immunocorrection). And the use of antiseptics generally eliminates the possibility of bacteria being immune to them. To suppress pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics (Amoxiclav, Sumamed, Doxacycline, Trichopolum, etc.), local antiseptics (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine), and antibacterial suppositories (Terzhinan, Ginopevaril, etc.) are most often prescribed.

Population of normal vaginal microflora.
This point is the main one in the treatment of dysbiosis. The remaining measures are aimed at creating conditions for the engraftment and growth of normal flora. However, in practice, most doctors neglect this stage of treatment. For the population of normal vaginal microflora, massive doses of eubiotics (preparations with live bacteria) of general and local action. But using only eubiotics to restore microflora without suppressing pathogens is simply useless.

Restoring the immunity of the vaginal walls.
Local immunocorrection should also be one of the stages in the treatment of dysbiosis, otherwise other measures taken will not have the expected effect. In simple situations for immunocorrection, as a rule, they are limited to the use of local immunomodulators (Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon, Genferon, Immunal), as well as taking any probiotics with lactobacilli (Lactobacterin, Linex, Narine, Normoflorin-b, etc. In addition, it is recommended to include add as many fermented milk products as possible to your diet.In cases where the disease is advanced, restoring the immunity of the vaginal walls will require the implementation of more complex measures.

According to traditional medicine, douching is effective for treating dysbiosis lemon juice, diluted with water, lactic acid, as well as inserting tampons soaked in kefir into the vagina. All this contributes to the creation of an acidic environment in the vagina, without which there can be no growth and activity of good lactobacilli bacteria.

Prevention of vaginal microflora disorders.
Those who have been treated for this disease should be examined every three months for a year. At the appointment, the patient talks about her condition, is examined and, if necessary, tests are taken. If a tendency to microflora disturbance is detected, a short preventive course of treatment is prescribed. Restoration of microflora on initial stage its violation is very easy.

If no serious problems arise during the year, then you can see a doctor once every six months. This allows you to assess and identify the presence of a tendency to relapse and prevent the disease from developing again.