Review of remedies for blackheads. The best cosmetics. Does the patch help with blackheads on the face?

To get rid of comedones and unclog pores, you need a good, effective blackhead cream for regular use. Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of this product to choose from, but at the same time it complicates it.

It is very difficult to decide which of all these products will be ideal for your skin type. Our short review will make this task easier for you. By studying general information about the best brands of creams, you can make the right choice.


The pharmaceutical cream for blackheads on the face called “Differin” from Laboratoires GALDERMA (France) is known to many firsthand. It has a pronounced medicinal and cosmetic effect and is often used as a cure for. What are its features?

Additional effects

  • Supports normal metabolism;
  • nourishes and protects the epidermis;
  • eliminates excess stratum corneum of the skin;
  • reduces sebum production, thereby reducing the fat content of the epidermis;
  • unclogs pores, melting fat plugs;
  • prevents the formation of new blackheads, while effectively eliminating old ones;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Excellent treatment for acne vulgaris and acne.

Release forms

  1. Cream-gel. Recommended for eliminating blackheads with oily skin types.
  2. Cream. Suitable for those with dry and sensitive skin. It has a greater moisturizing effect on the skin than gel and does not dry it out.
  3. Lotion.


  • Active ingredient: adapalene (synthetic vitamin A);
  • carbomer 980;
  • poloxamer 182;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • sodium edetate;
  • phenoxyethanol;
  • water;
  • sodium hydrochloride;
  • glycerol;
  • methyl glucose sescistearate;
  • natural perhydrosqualene;
  • sodium edetate;
  • cyclomethicone;
  • sodium hydroxide solution.

Instructions for use

  1. Local application of the cream in a thin layer on blackheads, without rubbing.
  2. Avoid the area around the eyes, lips and parotid area.
  3. Use no more than once a day. It is better to do this in the evening, just before bed.
  4. Before use, clean the skin () and dry it.
  5. Improvement is observed after a month of regular use, but to consolidate the effect, it is recommended to extend the course to 3 months.
  6. After a certain period of time, if necessary, it is not prohibited to undergo treatment for blackheads again.
  7. If irritation appears on the skin, use of the cream should be stopped.
  8. During treatment, it is better to avoid ultraviolet radiation, so the most optimal time for using Differin is late autumn or winter.
  9. In parallel with it, you should not use drying and irritating cosmetics that contain zinc, salicylic acid, sulfur, and ethyl alcohol.
  10. Itching and flaking on the 2nd or 3rd day after the first use is a normal reaction to the medicine.

Pharmacists offer excellent pharmaceutical creams for blackheads, among which one of the best is Differin. However, this barrel of honey also has its own fly in the ointment. When using it, you must always remember that this product thins the skin and increases its sensitivity. But overall, if used correctly, you will probably be satisfied with it. 30 ml of cream will cost you approximately 700 rubles.


Chinese cream-film for face “AFY”

“AFY” is a cream-film for the face against blackheads from Chinese manufacturers. The basis of the product is healing mud. It is considered one of the best developments in modern cosmetology. With it, to eliminate comedones, you do not need to sign up for expensive procedures - you just need to make a therapeutic application of the “AFY” mask-cream.

Efficiency of application

  • Relieves the skin of blackheads, acne, comedones;
  • improves the structure of the epidermis;
  • provides it with adequate nutrition and saturates it with vitamins;
  • increases skin elasticity;
  • regulates water-salt balance;
  • has a soft, very light peeling effect;
  • effective;
  • aimed at combating age-related changes;
  • has a detoxifying, antimicrobial effect.

How does it work

Effective cleansing of the face from blackheads is carried out thanks to the special structure of the cream: the resulting film is sucked into the pores to the impurities embedded in them, and when removed, removes them to the surface.


The main active ingredient is dark clay of Chinese origin, which has a healing effect. To make the cream sticky, auxiliary ingredients are added to it:

  • water;
  • polyvinyl alcohol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • iodopropynyl butylcarbamate;
  • glycol;
  • imidazolidinyl urea;
  • flavorings.

This composition is typical for almost all cream-masks with the formation of a film to pull blackheads out of the pores.

Mode of application

  1. Steam your face using a steam bath or a towel soaked in hot water.
  2. Cleanse the skin with a scrub (you will find how to properly use a facial scrub).
  3. Apply “AFY” in a thick layer to the area where there are blackheads (most often the forehead, nose or chin).
  4. It takes no more than 15 minutes for the cream to dry.
  5. Remove the film by the edge.
  6. Avoid getting the cream in the eyes, eyebrows, hair, or open wounds.
  7. The frequency of procedures is 3 times a week maximum.
  8. The course of treatment is no more than 1 month.

The Chinese cream mask for blackheads “AFY” provides deep cleansing of the skin at home. You can buy the product in many cosmetic stores and pharmacies, paying about 400 rubles for a 60-gram tube.


Foam for washing against blackheads “Propeller”

The Propeller cream for blackheads from the Russian company Narodnye Promysly is available in the form of a pleasant and convenient foam.

Effect on the skin

  • Gentle and gentle cleansing of any skin type;
  • reduces the sensitivity threshold;
  • frees pores from blockages using the vacuum method;
  • eliminates accumulations of sebum from the surface of the epidermis.


  • Plant extracts;
  • essential oils;
  • anti-sebum acids in the form of a cleansing gel.


  1. Apply to the skin immediately before washing.
  2. Massage your face with wet fingertips.
  3. Rinse with water.
  4. Use twice a day - morning and evening.

So if you are looking for a cream for blackheads on the nose, for just 100 rubles you can buy “Propeller” and enjoy comedon-free skin.


Another representative of domestic cosmetology is a cream against blackheads on the face from Faberlic (Russia).

Magic action

  • Full control of the process of keratinization of the epidermis;
  • softening and smoothing rough surfaces;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • regulation of sebaceous gland secretion;
  • emptying pores of contents (their drainage).


  • Japanese rose extract eliminates comedones, preventing the formation of new blackheads;
  • Regu-Seb (patented complex) has antiseborrheic properties;
  • Novaftem-O2™ (oxygen complex) delivers oxygen to cells in the required quantities;
  • eliminates keratinization;
  • softens the epidermis, increases its protective functions, and prevents aging;
  • Bisabolol is an anti-inflammatory substance made from chamomile;
  • D-Panthenol has restorative and soothing properties;
  • Pentavitin is a humectant that reduces dryness and irritation.

How to use

  1. It is recommended to apply the cream twice a day, in the mornings and evenings, to previously cleansed skin.
  2. After a couple of weeks, you will want to throw the product away, as your face will take on an earthy tint and will appear shiny with fat and a greasy sheen. But this is just the “work” of the cream: this is how it pulls debris out of the pores.
  3. Manufacturers do not recommend using this product when using it.
  4. Course - 3 months. Moreover, to completely get rid of blackheads, you will need 2 courses, the interval between which should be at least 2 months.

For a tube of cream (40 ml) for blackheads you will have to pay about 350 rubles, but the money is worth it.


A preparation based on the retinoid "Klenzit"

According to some experts, the best cream for blackheads is Klenzit, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Manufacturer: Indian pharmaceutical company Glenmark. Developed by a practicing dermatologist, it is not just a cosmetic product, but a real medicinal product based on the same adapalene (retinoid).

Pharmacological properties

  • Elimination of open and closed comedones;
  • exfoliation of dead and dead cells;
  • freeing pores from blockage;
  • acne treatment.

Methods of application

  1. External use.
  2. Avoid contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes, oral cavity, and lips.
  3. Apply cream-gel for blackheads to cleansed and dried skin.
  4. It is applied locally: only the blackheads themselves are treated with light massage movements.
  5. Frequency: once a day, before bedtime. In the first two weeks it is better - every other day.
  6. Full course - 3 months.
  7. Do not stop using the cream, even if the blackheads disappear without a trace before the end of the course. If you don't want them to return, finish what you started.


  • Hypersensitivity to a component of the cream;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • abrasions, scratches.

Side effects

  • Redness;
  • peeling;
  • burning;
  • allergy.
  1. At the very beginning of using the Klenzit cream for blackheads, an exacerbation of acne may occur. But this is temporary and normal.
  2. Do not use the product in summer or spring: the retinoid is too sensitive to sunlight.
  3. The product cannot be frozen.

The average pharmacy price at which you can buy gel cream against blackheads “Klenzit” for a package of 15 g is from 600 rubles.

These are the most effective, according to dermatologists, cleansers of this type. But they are far from the only ones. We bring to your attention a rating of several more creams for the hated comedones.

Blackheads are one of those skin defects that seem not so significant when compared with other problems, but still cause moral discomfort and indicate that something is wrong in the body.

Compared with other problems, getting rid of skin rashes in all their manifestations on the cheeks, forehead and nose is relatively simple. There are both medicinal and folk remedies for this defect.

What it is?

First, let's figure out what comedones are. This is a variation of facial acne. Small black (less often yellow) dots that materialize on the surface of the epidermis. Most often they appear in areas where the number of sebaceous glands is maximum.

These rashes differ from ordinary acne in that they do not contain pus. But such points can lead to the development of infection if bacteria for some reason get into the clogged pores. Therefore, it is forbidden to squeeze them out. You need to use an ointment/cream for acne, which will be discussed later.


The key reason that such acne begins to appear is that the glands begin to more actively produce sebum. If it is produced in excess, then the pores begin to clog, and dead pieces of skin get there. As a result, the outer part of the comedone turns black due to oxidation in the air.

Increased secretion begins on the face for a number of reasons. It can be caused by:

  • Incorrectly selected medications, primarily different types of hormonal drugs
  • Possible causes include hormonal changes (for example, puberty)
  • Stress
  • Dermatological diseases
  • Menses
  • Malfunctions of the immune system
  • Another common cause is improper skin care. As a result, lack of hygiene can cause comedones.

Pharmacy drugs

Acne remedies are easy to purchase at the pharmacy. These are proven drugs that allow you to quickly start therapy without wasting time on preparation yourself. You just need to go to the pharmacy and choose the ointment of your choice.

But you need to understand which anti-comedone cream will be effective, and which one will only waste your money. Let's look at popular examples that are used most often.


It is difficult to find a more popular ointment for skin rashes. Optimal price and high efficiency make it an excellent choice. This is a synthetic version of retinoic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps skin regeneration.

What is important: the ointment softens the contents of comedones, this allows dirt and fat to simply come out.

Differin is used by simply applying it once a day to the area that is covered with rashes. Use is not recommended if the skin on the face is too delicate, but for oily skin the use is optimal.

Retinoic ointment

A natural, effective remedy based on the active version of vitamin A and acting through isotretinoin. This ointment actively affects the sebaceous glands on the face, reduces the level of sebum production, reduces inflammation, and helps tighten pores.

The advantage of the drug is its low price. The concentration must be selected depending on what type of skin your skin is. The duration of one course is up to three weeks.

In rare cases, individual intolerance is possible, but other than that there are no contraindications, although the instructions for use should still be studied.

Zinc ointment

Although this drug is not the most effective on the list, its price is definitely the lowest, and its spectrum of action is wide. There are no contraindications; the ointment is acceptable even for use in infancy.

It dries out the skin a little, but it contains petroleum jelly, which prevents the ointment from drying out the skin and promotes its overall regeneration. Zinc ointment is excellent for preventive purposes.


You can buy special anti-rash clay at the pharmacy. White and black clay helps a lot. They are effective for problems in the facial area.

The principle of action is to soften hard pimples and remove dirt from the pores. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, pores narrow, and complexion improves. Clay can be used as a nourishing agent for skin care of different types.

Ichthyol ointment

It can be used to treat almost any inflammatory and non-inflammatory problems with the upper layer of the skin, but it helps best against comedones.

You can mix the ointment with glycerin and apply it at night or twice during the day. In this case, you can get rid of the rashes quickly enough.

The downside is a number of contraindications specified in the instructions. These include:

  • childhood
  • lactation
  • pregnancy
  • oncology
  • allergy

There are no other specific contraindications.

Folk recipes

Another option is to choose a home remedy. And there are several popular options:

  • Ground oatmeal mixed with water, salt and a small amount of boric acid. The result is a mask that has the properties of a scrub, which increases its effectiveness.
  • The egg white is beaten together with sugar. The mask can be applied to the entire face or only to problem areas
  • Sage and calendula are mixed, poured with boiling water and cooled. Wipe your face with this lotion twice a day. An alternative component for lotion is aloe
  • Honey is an excellent ingredient for a mask. For greater effectiveness, add sour cream, kefir or lemon juice. The combination of lactic and citric acid allows you to dissolve the fat that is the basis of acne, restoring the attractiveness of the skin.

You can approach the issue of getting rid of skin defects in different ways. Both traditional and pharmacy options are almost equally effective, and the price is always reasonable. So choose the options at your discretion. If they don't work, just change them to others. Over time, you will find the optimal solution.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the reason why blackheads “occupied” the face. Their appearance can be triggered by incorrectly selected or low-quality cosmetics, which clog pores on the skin for which it is not suitable for a number of parameters. When choosing cosmetics, you need to take a balanced approach to the fat content of day/night cream, the composition of foundations and even blush.

Also, most of the blame lies with the women themselves, who are too lazy to wash off their makeup, particles of which mix with dust during the day and turn into blackheads.

No less provoking factors in the appearance are stress and hormonal imbalance in the body, which occurs in and, as well as in older representatives of the fair sex who are on the verge of menopause. Affects the formation of spots and exacerbation of chronic diseases, which is often characterized by acne. Starting with a cosmetic symptom, women lose sight of the problem with the body.

How to get rid of blackheads on your face

Sebum can only be removed from pores mechanically. In salons, special equipment is used for this, with the help of which cosmetologists literally “suck” out additional preparations from the skin. Women steam problem areas and squeeze dirt out of the pores with clean hands.

In some cases, special charcoal-based nasal cleansing strips, which are sold in the cosmetic departments of supermarkets, have a good effect.

However, professional ultrasonic facial cleansing in a beauty salon is considered the most effective remedy. It is more superficial and less traumatic compared to manual, vacuum or chemical peeling. Ultrasonic cleaning of blackheads can be combined with other similar procedures or used as a preventive measure. Its action is aimed at destroying dead skin cells, eliminating comedones and smoothing out fine wrinkles and rejuvenating the aging epidermis.

However, the best way to combat blackheads is facial hygiene. The skin should be thoroughly cleansed in the evenings, washing off makeup and wiping the face with a toner that tightens the pores. Periodically you need to exfoliate and carefully choose skincare and decorative cosmetics. You should not touch your face with dirty hands, and it is advisable to limit your diet, minimizing the consumption of spicy, fatty and sweet foods.

Hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands leads to the formation of large amounts of sebum, which clogs the pores. Under the influence of external particles of pollution and dust, waste products darken, resulting in the formation of black spots. Before fighting them, you should find out the reason for the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, because if the provoking factor is not eliminated, then even the most best remedies for blackheads will partially or only temporarily eliminate the problem. Today there are quite a few drugs to combat the defect, but not all of them are equally effective. The list includes truly effective remedies to help get rid of the problem.

It is an effective remedy that helps to deeply cleanse pores of sebum and external impurities. In addition, the product effectively removes dead cells from the skin, leaving the skin clean and allowing it to breathe fully. The main active ingredient of the scrub-gel is lactulose, known for its immunomodulatory local effect. The skin care product has small, soft particles that do not injure young epithelium, making the product ideal for daily use. Propeller is not suitable for very sensitive skin prone to irritation.

White clay

White clay is the number one remedy in the fight against blackheads. It has excellent bactericidal and cleansing properties. In addition, clay perfectly whitens, relieves inflammation and eliminates dead epidermis. Regular use of clay-based masks will not only help eliminate excess sebum, but will also improve the overall condition of the skin. However, you should not abuse the product. Only twice the use of clay masks is permissible per week. Bela clay may not be suitable for sensitive skin types, as it can cause irritation.

Tar soap

Tar soap Known for its powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It penetrates deeply into the sebaceous ducts, removing waste products from the sebaceous glands. The product perfectly prevents the appearance of blackheads and comedones due to its cleansing and bactericidal effects. You can either simply wash your face with tar soap or use it as part of various masks and applications. Dermatologists do not recommend overusing this product, as it contains very aggressive components that can dry out the dermis and cause severe irritation.


Zenerite It is considered one of the most effective medications, which is intended specifically for problem skin. Its main therapeutic component, erythromycin, helps the product solve skin defects such as blackheads and rashes. This substance is a powerful antibiotic that prevents inflammation on the skin. In addition to it, Zinerit contains other active substances that effectively cleanse the skin. Taking a course of the drug in most cases allows you to overcome the problem, but after its discontinuation there is no guarantee that the problem will not return again.


PILATEN BLACK MASK It has been recommended among customers as an excellent remedy for combating rashes in the form of inflammation and blackheads. It effectively cleanses the epidermis, eliminating dead cells, excess sebum, and particles of impurities trapped in the skin. Regular use of the mask helps the skin literally transform. The skin tone becomes more even, and the dermis itself looks healthier and more well-groomed. Using the mask once or twice a week is enough to soon notice the amazing results of its therapeutic effect on the epidermis.

Clean & Clear “2 in 1 gel mask for blackheads” It is recognized among consumers as one of the most effective remedies in the fight against skin problems. The gel allows not only to eliminate excess sebum, but also helps to normalize the functioning of the glands that produce it. At the same time, the pores become less noticeable and narrowed, which in turn prevents polluting particles from entering them from the outside. A few weeks after starting to use the gel mask, you can notice good results: blackheads disappear, and inflammatory rashes become much smaller.


Metrogil is a topical antibiotic drug that is used in the treatment of acne, as well as to combat blackheads. The product suppresses the activity of staphylococci, which multiply against the background of excess fat and lead to inflammation. Metrogyl disinfects and effectively cleanses the skin, preventing the appearance of blackheads.


Oxygel is a special medication intended primarily to combat acne, and only then to eliminate problems that provoke acne. It acts as a powerful antiseptic that effectively removes oxidation products from the ducts of the sebaceous glands, formed during the accumulation of sebum, the activity of bacteria and oxygen. After just a week of regular use, the product helps to effectively cleanse the dermis, restoring it to a healthy, attractive appearance. Treatment with Oxygel is quite long and should last at least two months.


Skinoren is far from a cheap, but very effective drug, which is intended for people suffering from excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, leading not only to the appearance of annoying blackheads, but also to numerous acne. The active components of the product primarily have an antiseptic effect. They penetrate deep into the pores and remove impurities from them. The medicine suppresses the active activity of bacteria and eliminates inflammatory processes in the skin. The first positive results of using Skinoren can be seen after two weeks of daily use.

Mulsan Cosmetic Fresh Skin Gel

The winner in our rating is the washing gel from Mulsan Cosmetic. The company has gained incredible popularity recently. The only manufacturer that has completely switched to a natural base. Active components – extracts of fireweed, birch buds, angelica roots, chamomile, almonds, wheat germ. Regular use of gel for washing helps the skin literally regain its original appearance. Recommended by dermatologists. You can purchase products only in the official online store

Cream for blackheads is a product that is necessary not only for those with oily and problematic skin, but also for people with dry and sensitive types of epidermis. Black dots (comedones) found on the face quite often.

We will tell you in this article which anti-comedone cream is effective and most effective. In addition, you can find out the most useful composition of the product to combat problems, and.

What are blackheads?

Our face contains many cells and pores that “breathe” and connect the surface of the skin with the internal glands. The ducts of the sebaceous glands are the name of these points, which can be seen if you come close to the mirror. Through these “tubules,” the sebaceous glands supply sebum to the surface, forming a layer of lipids necessary to protect and nourish the skin.

Girls with oily skin types are most prone to developing this problem, due to the fact that the sebaceous glands work overtime and the pores are too enlarged (we recommend reading about). But even if you have dry skin, this doesn't mean you can't get blackheads.

The appearance of these dots is the result of clogged pores with dirt, dust, and cosmetics. Therefore, this condition is in most cases the result of insufficient cleansing of the skin, or improper care for it. Externally, comedones are easily masked with foundation, but inside the clogged duct of the sebaceous gland, white nodules form - inflammation.

To eliminate this deficiency and give your facial skin a beautiful and flawless appearance, you need to use the right anti-blackhead cream for your face.

Choose a comedone remover that contains the active ingredients listed below. They will help not only open and shrink pores, but also cleanse the entire face of various types of impurities.

What is the secret of the composition?

The effectiveness of the cream against blackheads on the nose and face is ensured using the following components:

  • Zinc– helps exfoliate the skin on the face, softens and eliminates keratinized epithelium;
  • Salicylic acid is one of the beta-hydroxy acids that not only cleanses the skin and pores on the face, but also helps disinfect and restore the skin;
  • Fruit acids– soften the skin and promote its exfoliation;
  • Lactic acid cleanses and brightens;
  • Benzoyl peroxide - effectiveness depends on its concentration in the product. Benzoyl cleanses the surface of the skin, removes blackheads and cleanses the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • Yeast complexes are also very effective in combating clogged pores.

In addition, natural plant extracts and oils, as well as essential oils that cleanse the skin, nourish and moisturize it, are very useful in the anti-comedone cream.

Can be used:

  • Tea tree extracts;
  • Lavender essential oil;
  • Green tea extract;
  • Olive or citrus oils;
  • Thermal or mineral water.

These components act effectively both to cleanse the layer of dead cells and as a gentle facial skin care.

In order to solve the problem and prevent the occurrence of new comedones, it is necessary not only to choose a cream against blackheads, but also to provide the necessary care for your skin type. This will improve its condition and avoid many problems that arise due to improper care.

Choosing a remedy for a teenager

Very often, the problem of clogged and dirty pores occurs in teenagers. There are several reasons why boys and girls develop blackheads on their faces.

Teenagers are at the stage when their body is restructuring absolutely all its functions, including hormonal levels. The sebaceous glands work overtime, causing the facial skin to become oily and the pores to expand. Enlarged pores are the most susceptible to pollution and clogging, and oily sheen on the skin “attracts” dust and dirt floating in the air.

Another reason is insufficient facial skin care. Teenagers do not always choose the right cosmetics for themselves - very often care is aimed only at masking imperfections, and not at treating the problem (more on that). Using inappropriate medications will only aggravate the condition of the skin and cause irritation and inflammation.

A cream for removing blackheads on the face of teenagers should be not only effective, but also safe. On young skin with problems of clogged ducts of the sebaceous glands, they are most effective.

Every teenager should visit a cosmetologist at least once, who will determine their skin type and tell them how to properly care for it in order to avoid the appearance of comedones, blackheads and acne.

Effective creams

Cream Differin for blackheads

This product contains the retinoid adapalene, which has an excellent sebostatic effect. The main property of adapalene is keratinization, due to which comedones are removed and the ducts of the sebaceous glands are cleaned.

Approximate price: 600 rub.

Cream "Propeller" for blackheads

This cream-foam allows you to gently and carefully cleanse any type of facial skin, even sensitive ones. The vacuum effect cleanses pores and eliminates the accumulation of sebum on the surface. Ingredients in the form of plant extracts and essential oils help eliminate even the deepest pore contaminants.

The product does not cause irritation or redness, it is gentle and effective. Suitable for washing morning and evening for all skin types.

Judging by numerous reviews, after using the cream, the skin of the face becomes fresher and its color more natural. Use foam cleanser daily and your face will look more beautiful and healthy.

Approximate price: 100 rub.

Baziron - cream gel for blackheads

The main “asset” of this product is benzoyl peroxide, which acts as a purifier. There are several variants of this remedy, differing only in the concentration of the active substance. A cream with a higher concentration contains a larger amount of the active ingredient. Baziron not only eliminates comedones, but also solves many other problems - regulates sebum production, ensures skin “breathing” and eliminates accumulations of bacteria.

Approximate price: 700 rub.