Stomach hurts a week after giving birth. Pain after childbirth. Pathological causes of pain after childbirth

Childbirth is a very complex process, during and after which significant changes occur in the body. Unfortunately, many women in the early postpartum period are deprived of the opportunity to devote sufficient time to their health, since all their attention is focused on the newborn baby. Therefore, they practically do not pay attention to pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth, considering them to be a normal phenomenon. Usually this is true, but in some cases such pain can become symptoms of a dangerous disease.

Natural Causes of Abdominal Pain

During childbirth, tissue ruptures and ligament sprains often occur. In some cases, doctors have to stitch the woman in labor, which causes discomfort for a long time.

The main reason why a woman experiences pain in her lower abdomen after childbirth is contraction of the uterus. Spastic phenomena intensify when the baby is breastfed, since the oxytocin produced during this process causes intense contraction of the uterine muscles. Therefore, the more often a woman breastfeeds her baby, the faster the uterus will recover. In the first time after the birth of the baby, uterine contractions during feeding are so strong that they resemble labor pains. But their intensity decreases sharply in the interval between latching the newborn to the breast. Such cramping pains continue on average for 1.5–2 weeks after childbirth.

During the period when the uterus contracts, thereby causing pain, do not forget that the internal organs located next to it also affect this process. For example, a full bladder, putting pressure on the uterus, can increase pain in the lower abdomen, which is why doctors recommend going to the toilet at the first urge.

If delivery is carried out by cesarean section, then after it a scar remains on the uterus. Like any postoperative suture, it reminds itself for a long time: it tugs and causes aching pain. Typically, a cesarean section scar heals within a month to a month and a half after the operation. To prevent it from breaking apart and becoming inflamed, the young mother should carefully observe personal hygiene and follow the recommendations of doctors.

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Nagging pain in the abdomen after childbirth can be a consequence of uterine curettage. In the maternity hospital, all women must undergo an ultrasound examination 2–3 days after birth. It allows you to determine whether there are pieces of the placenta, fertilized egg, or dead epithelium left in the uterine cavity.

If the examination shows the presence of any clots in the uterus, the doctor prescribes a drip to the woman with drugs that increase contractions of the uterus and help “cleanse” it. When it turns out that these measures are not enough, a decision is made to perform aspiration. This procedure is quite unpleasant and painful, it is performed under local or general anesthesia (depending on the type of curettage), and for a long time it reminds you of abdominal pain.

An injury to the pubic bone during childbirth can cause abdominal pain. This pain goes away on its own after a certain period of time.

Alarming symptoms

Usually, when a woman has a stomach ache after childbirth, this is a completely natural and harmless process. But it should be understood that all pain should become less noticeable and short-lived over time.

Ideally, a month after giving birth, a woman in labor should not experience abdominal pain. Why does it happen that even after 1.5–2 months a woman is still bothered by unpleasant sensations? Perhaps the cause of the pain lies in the development of a hidden disease or in the exacerbation of a chronic problem. In any case, this symptom requires examination and appropriate medical correction.

  • Often the cause of abdominal pain is caused by disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Stress, lack of sleep, and changes in diet, especially during breastfeeding, cause intestinal problems. First of all, a young mother should adjust her diet, excluding from it foods that are difficult to digest, as well as everything that can cause bloating and indigestion. If there is no relief within a month, you will need to consult your doctor again.
  • A very dangerous symptom is an increase in body temperature and increased pain in the lower abdomen in combination with the appearance of bloody discharge, especially if this occurs a month after childbirth. Around this time, endometritis may develop in the uterine cavity, caused by a bacterial or fungal infection introduced during a cesarean section or cleaning.
  • Gradually increasing abdominal pain may indicate inflammatory processes in the tubes and cervix. Pieces of the placenta and amniotic membrane remaining in the uterus can trigger the process of decay, which will require mandatory hospital treatment under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Sharp pain radiating to the spine can be caused by injuries or pinched vertebrae. In this case, it is necessary to diagnose the spine to identify the cause of the pain. After which the doctor will prescribe a course of procedures and, if necessary, medication.

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A woman should definitely seek help from a doctor if she has the following symptoms:

  1. the duration of pain is more than 1.5–2 weeks;
  2. increase in pain intensity;
  3. increased body temperature;
  4. poor health, weakness.

As practice shows, all women experience pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth.

This is a natural process caused by physiological changes in the mother's body.

However, every mother should be attentive to her health and ensure that, against the background of minor pain, the development of hidden diseases does not begin. After all, a problem identified in time is much easier to cure than an advanced disease.

Abdominal pain after childbirth is a process that every woman goes through. For a long time your muscles were in incredible tension, you were freed from the child. After childbirth, the pain lasts for several days.

Your body returns to normal, your muscles rest. Another reason after childbirth may be an episiotomy, after which the stitches hurt for quite a long time.

Lower abdomen hurts after childbirth

When breastfeeding, the body produces a hormone that causes the uterus to contract. After childbirth, this always causes slight pain. In order to get rid of unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen as quickly as possible, you should put your baby to the breast more often. Most pain is natural, but there are cases when the help of a doctor cannot be avoided. Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus. If during childbirth an infection and microbes - fungi and bacteria - enter the uterus, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and pain begins.

Most often this happens when. The symptomatic picture is as follows: pain in the lower abdomen, fever, bloody discharge with pus. Pain may be caused by the curettage procedure. If, when examining the uterus on the third day after birth, particles of placenta are found there, it is necessary to carry out this procedure to avoid purulent processes.

In some women giving birth, gastrointestinal diseases begin to worsen after childbirth. These pains radiate to the lower abdomen. A common occurrence after childbirth is a change in taste for food, and a new way of eating can also temporarily cause abdominal pain. Changing food can lead to constipation, which causes pain in the intestines.

The most common pain is in the lower abdomen after a caesarean section. And this is not surprising, since the woman had surgically cut the tissue in her peritoneum.

Another cause of pain in the lower abdomen is excessive accumulation of gases. Gases were unable to leave the intestines in time due to surgical intervention. They begin to distend the abdomen and at the same time cause quite painful sensations.

If the pain lasts no more than 2-5 days and is not too severe, there is no cause for concern. Remember that when carrying a child, the uterus increases significantly in size. After the baby is delivered, the muscles of the uterus begin intense contraction to return to its previous shape.

Such muscle work cannot take place without pain. A full bladder can also cause pain. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the woman urinates as quickly as possible after childbirth. If she cannot do this herself, a catheter is inserted into her.

The pain may intensify when sneezing, coughing, or lifting even small weights. The frequency and duration of these abdominal pains depends on how easy or difficult the birth was. The body has come a long way, and its recovery is always accompanied by pain in the body, especially in the abdomen, where the child was and how he came out.

Postpartum inflammation of the appendages - or adnexitis. At first, the pain is slight, nagging, and the woman does not pay any attention to it. But if after a short period of time the pain does not go away, but begins to intensify, you should immediately contact a specialist. Infection during childbirth, both natural and cesarean section, can cause peritonitis. It is characterized by very severe pain in the lower abdomen, an increase in temperature is observed, and touching the places that hurt causes even greater pain.

During pregnancy, the pelvic bones begin to expand to allow the baby to pass through the pelvis successfully. After childbirth, they begin to return to their usual position. This is accompanied by a large flow of blood. This procedure for restoring the body is always accompanied by slight aching pain. Pain can also occur due to injury to the pubic cartilage during childbirth.

If after childbirth a woman experiences a lot of pain that radiates to the spine. This may indicate injury to some vertebrae during childbirth. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

After childbirth, a woman may develop. It occurs when the placenta has not been completely removed. The remains of the placenta settle on the walls of the uterus, provoking the formation of blood clots. The uterus tries in every possible way to get rid of these elements. It begins to contract, and pain occurs that the woman feels in the lower abdomen. The pain intensifies and does not go away over a long period of time. In such cases, urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary to prevent suppuration in the uterus.

Pain after childbirth is natural. But if they still torment you and you don’t want to endure them, it’s worth doing a special set of physical exercises that will help tone your muscles and restore your body as quickly as possible. It is especially important to monitor your diet after childbirth and eat healthy foods. When there is an accumulation of gases, it is useful to massage using circular movements over the abdomen. Then no pain will torment you for a long time.

Pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth can occur in every woman. However, what to do about it, how to correctly assess this symptom, what treatment will help get rid of this postpartum pain in the lower abdomen. This article answers these questions.

Causes of pain after childbirth

What is the reason for stomach pain after childbirth? There may be several reasons:

  1. First of all, pain associated with the release of prostaglandins should be highlighted. Most often they occur in multiparous women. Prostaglandins are special substances that are secreted locally by tissues. Some of them cause pain, others affect microcirculation, others are involved in the processes of uterine contraction, etc. That is why in multiparous women, in whom the need for uterine contractions is higher, prostaglandins are formed in greater quantities than in first-born women. Some of these prostaglandins affect the irritation of pain receptors, which leads to pain that is spastic in nature. Therefore, it is clear how much the stomach hurts after childbirth in this case. This is determined by the time it takes for the uterus to contract completely. For some women, it may last throughout the postpartum period (usually 6 to 8 weeks). At this time, the body returns to its normal state, which was before pregnancy. However, the most intense pain occurs in the first days after childbirth, when the processes of uterine contraction are most intense. Subsequently, the stomach hurts after childbirth, as during menstruation, that is, the pain syndrome is aching in nature and less pronounced.
  2. The second most common reason for pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth is the development of endometritis, which is an inflammatory process of the inner layer of the uterus.

Endometritis as one of the dangerous causes of pain

Endometritis most often develops due to the activation of opportunistic microflora living in the woman’s genital tract. Uncontrolled proliferation of microorganisms occurs as a result of decreased immunity after childbirth. This is a common condition, but in some women immunosuppression (decreased immunity) can be very severe, which leads to the development of endometritis.

In addition to pain, the woman complains of weakness, discharge from the genital tract with an unpleasant odor, increased body temperature, chills, decreased appetite, etc. The diagnosis can be confirmed using vaginal and ultrasound examinations. Also in this case, bacteriological analysis of discharge from the genital tract is indicated.

If your stomach hurts a month after giving birth, the most common cause is endometritis. It can develop at any time throughout the postpartum period.

How to cope with pain after childbirth

Pain after childbirth causes enormous discomfort, so you need to know how to deal with it. Pain therapy depends on the cause of the pain.

What to do if you have pain in the lower abdomen that is associated with inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus?

Of primary importance in this case is the prescription of antibacterial therapy, which can destroy microorganisms that cause the inflammatory process. Most often, preference is given to drugs from the group of penicillins and cephalosporins. In addition, it is necessary to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and immunostimulating drugs. Uterotonic therapy is also prescribed, which improves the contractile activity of the uterus, which is reduced due to inflammation. Pain after childbirth is relieved as soon as the activity of inflammation decreases. The use of antispasmodic drugs in this case is contraindicated.

The pain syndrome that occurs in multiparous women is easily relieved by prescribing drugs that suppress the formation of prostaglandins, which cause irritation of pain receptors. These include drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The most commonly used drugs to relieve postpartum pain are:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Aspirin;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Artokol and others.

Preference should be given to those drugs that are available in the form of rectal suppositories. They are inserted one suppository into the rectum once or twice a day. In the absence of drugs from this group, banal Analgin can be prescribed. It also relieves pain well after childbirth.

In conclusion, it should be noted that for the treatment of pain syndrome developing in the postpartum period, differential diagnosis is indicated. This will help clarify the possible cause of the pain. Only after this will the doctor be able to prescribe treatment that will relieve the pain.

In this article:

The joy of giving birth to a child always negates the excruciating suffering that a woman experiences during childbirth. And it seems that everything terrible is already behind us - all that remains is to enjoy a new life filled with meaning. But the joy that a woman experiences after the birth of her baby is overshadowed by postpartum pain in the perineum, back, tailbone and sacrum. However, most often pain accompanies a woman in labor in the lower abdomen.


The main reason why a woman experiences abdominal pain after childbirth is the active production of the hormone oxytocin in the body, which triggers the process of intense contraction of the uterus. During this period, the muscles of the uterus become toned, it returns to its former size and shape. This process causes pain, which can be either cramping or pulling.

Another cause of abdominal pain is breastfeeding. The thing is that when breastfeeding, the nipple becomes irritated, as a result of which the hormone oxytocin is produced in even greater quantities. And the contraction of the uterus becomes even more intense.

If your lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, you should immediately inform your doctor, as this may indicate the presence of placental remnants in the uterus. What can be fraught with the health of a woman in labor? If the placenta is not completely removed from the uterine cavity immediately after the birth of the baby, its remains adhere to the walls of the uterus, which leads to the formation of blood clots and the process of rotting begins. As a result, severe pain appears in the lower abdomen, which begins to intensify over time.

If the remaining placenta is not removed in time, there is a high risk of postpartum infection. To eliminate this problem, surgical treatment is used (scraping out blood clots and placenta particles from the uterine cavity) followed by antibacterial therapy.

After childbirth, endometritis (inflammation of the uterine lining) may form, which most often occurs in women who have not given birth naturally, that is, a cesarean section was used. During childbirth, infections and microbes can enter the uterus, which leads to inflammation of the uterine mucosa and the formation of nagging pain. The symptoms are as follows: abdominal pain, fever, bloody discharge with purulent formations.

Salpingo-oophoritis or adnexitis is a postpartum inflammation of the appendages, characterized by a mild nagging pain that does not go away over time, but on the contrary, intensifies. Also, infection can cause a disease characterized by severe pain and fever - peritonitis. The presence of these symptoms requires urgent consultation with a specialist.

If after childbirth a woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the spine, this indicates the presence of postpartum trauma (mixing of the vertebrae).

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also cause pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth. Having started breastfeeding, a woman is forced to completely reconsider her diet, including a large amount of fiber and dairy products. Which can serve as the beginning of the process of fermentation and gas formation in the intestines.

After childbirth, the process of urination improves, which can also cause abdominal pain. This is expressed by a burning or raw pain that goes away on its own over time.
During childbirth, the process of divergence of the hip joint occurs, which can also cause pain, as its restoration occurs in the postpartum period.

What is normal and when to see a doctor?

As a rule, pain after childbirth accompanies a woman for 5-7 days. If they are not strong, have a cramping or pulling character, then you should not worry about this. This is the body's natural recovery process.

But if after childbirth the lower abdomen hurts for a long time (more than a week) or the pain is acute and prolonged, and every day the pain only increases, the temperature rises above 38 C, you should urgently consult a doctor.

To smooth out unpleasant sensations, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • if there are seams, they must be treated daily with brilliant green, this will speed up the healing process;
  • For the first 3–4 days, you should urinate while standing, in this position the ureter becomes stronger;
  • Special physical exercises will help eliminate pain and tighten the muscles of the abdomen and uterus;
  • after discharge from the maternity hospital, you should visit an antenatal clinic on days 4–5;
  • follow all doctor's recommendations.

Useful video about postpartum recovery

The birth of a child is always a joy in a new family. And, undoubtedly, as nature decreed, the most important role at first for a new person is played by his mother. For her, in turn, this event is also one of the greatest in life and, of course, brings great happiness and pleasure. But all this also has a downside - a woman’s health is under enormous stress both during pregnancy and after childbirth. Sometimes very serious consequences occur, but in this article we will talk about a fairly common postpartum phenomenon - pain in the lower abdomen, and we will try to assess their significance, methods of prevention and treatment.

Why does the lower abdomen and lower back hurt after cesarean section and childbirth?

If after childbirth a woman experiences pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, there are no fundamental differences in the reasons for their occurrence, depending on how the delivery took place - by caesarean section or naturally. In addition to the usual aching or nagging pain in the lower abdomen, symptoms such as cramping pain, “lumbago” - especially in the lumbar area, and the release of gases (swelling) occur. Usually, the most intense manifestations are observed in the first weeks after the birth of the baby, then - individually, for some, everything ends quickly and happily, and for some new mothers, similar phenomena have been haunting them for quite a long time.

Almost four months have passed since giving birth, and my lower back still hurts. To this was added pain in the lower abdomen, maybe a month ago. I saw a doctor 1.5 months ago, everything was fine. What could it be? I probably need to go to the doctor again. Has anyone had this? During childbirth, I had an epidural.


4 months have passed since giving birth, for 2 weeks I have been feeling pain in the lower abdomen, cramping pain, terrible gases, I can’t eat normally, I’m breastfeeding and I’m afraid to take anything.

Masha Banisova

When I gave birth, my back and lower back hurt a lot (for about a month). My back pain went away, but about three weeks ago I started to feel pain in my lower abdomen. And after giving birth, there was discomfort when having sex. My lower abdomen started to hurt, so I went to the gynecologist. He looked at me, took a smear, everything was ok. And then he asks if my lower back hurts? I say it hurts. The result is that the lower abdomen hurts because of the lower back, the nerve endings that run along the wall of the uterus hurt, and the lower abdomen hurts because of this, and the lower back hurts because the child put pressure on the pelvis or had a cold.


The causes of such pain can be divided into physiological and pathological. The first category includes factors associated with the general stresses a woman endures during pregnancy and after childbirth on the body and health in general - these are:

  • tension in the hip joint and lower back, created when carrying a child for 9 months;
  • breastfeeding is accompanied by the active production of the hormone oxytocin, which affects the contraction of the uterus, resulting in unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • bladder fullness;
  • during a caesarean section, pain in the suture area can provoke or increase discomfort.

  • the development of endometritis (inflammation of the internal mucous membrane of the uterus) is one of the most common postpartum diseases; in addition to pain in the lower abdomen, it is accompanied by an increase in temperature and the appearance of purulent discharge;
  • remnants of the placenta on the walls of the uterus can provoke the formation of blood clots and inflammation, which also causes pain in the lower abdomen;
  • osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia;
  • inflammation of the appendages.

We determine a possible disease by the type of pain

The pain experienced by women after childbirth can be divided into several types, taking into account certain provoking factors and diseases:

  1. Drawing and aching pain in the lower abdomen is characteristic of contractions of the uterus due to the release of oxytocin, similar to menstrual pain.
  2. Periodic pain during feeding is also provoked by the production of oxytocin; such pain, as a rule, subsides within a month, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, when the uterine cavity is restored.
  3. Cutting pain - any sudden sensations should be cause for concern, however, it is worth remembering the consequences of surgery (caesarean section), which is always accompanied by similar discomfort in the suture area, which subsides within 5–7 days.
  4. Cramping pain is similar to pain during feeding due to contraction of the uterus.

Naturally, in order to determine the cause of pain, a woman needs not only to listen to the nature and intensity of pain, but also to take into account other parameters of her health: body temperature, the presence of discharge, the condition of the skin, etc.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Considering the stress suffered during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as postpartum, any new mother should be attentive to her health, but the main criterion and key to success in recovery is peace of mind. Don't panic, the main thing is to listen to your body.

All of the above types of discomfort are absolutely normal (if they are moderate) in the first month after the birth of the child. If a woman continues to experience severe, unremitting pain in the lower abdomen or lower back after a month has passed since the baby was born, it is necessary to seek medical help from a specialist.

The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe an examination, based on the results of which the causes of the pain will be determined. As a rule, a woman undergoes an ultrasound of the uterus, donates blood, and takes smears - all this will allow the specialist to get a complete picture of what is happening, the main thing is not to panic ahead of time.

Prevention of various types of abdominal discomfort

To minimize postpartum consequences, any woman can take preventive measures independently or with the assistance of a qualified specialist.

How can you prevent or at least reduce the intensity of abdominal and lower back pain after childbirth?

  • monitor your general health - proper nutrition, sleep patterns, walks in the fresh air, avoiding any stressful situations;
  • don’t overwork, don’t lift heavy things, take care of yourself, minimize physical activity;
  • wear a postpartum bandage to support your back and lower back;
  • do a light abdominal massage to eliminate gases if necessary;
  • drink herbal teas (chamomile, mint, valerian), but do not overdo it, moderation is important in everything.

Remembering my postpartum period, I can say that it is very important to learn to relax the muscles of the lower abdomen during aching and cramping pain. It’s like during childbirth during marriage - the main thing is not to strain. Of course, this is not easy to implement in practice, but it is worth a try, since the effect is very effective.

Every woman who becomes a mother experiences great joy when her baby is born, but the postpartum consequences for her health can be different and not always pleasant. Pain in the abdomen and lower back in this case is a normal and inevitable phenomenon. The key point in this situation, as in any other situation, remains the woman’s careful and calm observation of her body. Try not to worry and wait it out, taking appropriate preventive measures, but also do not miss the alarming symptoms that may indicate serious illnesses, and seek medical help from specialists in a timely manner.