Eyelid massage after blepharoplasty. Recommendations from specialists for the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty. Indications for this operation are

Surgeries to change the appearance of the eyelids and rejuvenate this area are considered low-traumatic. With them, damage to living tissue is minimal. However, blepharoplasty after surgery will require some recovery efforts and restrictions. When will the pain stop bothering you, will it be possible to “go out into public”? This largely depends on the patient’s behavior during the rehabilitation period.

Read in this article

How long will it hurt?

The presence of pain after blepharoplasty is natural. The operation involves cutting the skin, damaging the mucous membrane and small vessels. But since the area of ​​the injured areas is small, the sensation can rather be characterized as discomfort. It will be stronger in the first 48 - 72 hours after the intervention. Increased sensitivity of the eyelids can persist for up to 5 - 7 days, while pronounced swelling persists.

But every day the discomfort will weaken. As a rule, you do not need to take pain medications after blepharoplasty. But if the need arises, then analgesics are sufficient.

Removing stitches after blepharoplasty

After blepharoplasty, the doctor removes the sutures after 5 days, if the postoperative period proceeded without problems or complications. During this same period, it is allowed to begin washing, so the wounds can be washed with antiseptic solutions (Chlogexidine, Miramistin). Such care will ensure rapid drying of the wound, reducing the risk of inflammation and the penetration of an infectious agent to zero.

Blepharoplasty: how long does it take for the suture to heal?

The sutures are removed already on the 4th day after blepharoplasty (they can be left for another 2-3 days), but they take a long time to heal. It takes time for the scar to form and for its further resorption, and this may take 4 weeks.

Healing proceeds much faster if physiotherapy and specific medications are used.

Blepharoplasty: how long does it take to heal?

After blepharoplasty, the eyelids take quite a long time to heal, because the sutures are removed only 4-6 days after the operation - the process of complete rehabilitation begins. It has several periods:

  • granulation of the scar occurs within 1-4 weeks after removal of the sutures - new, thin connective tissue grows, by the end of the month a small pink scar remains at the site of the suture;
  • The transformation of the scar into a white thin strip occurs within 30-60 days - it becomes almost invisible and does not protrude above the surface of the skin.

The total recovery time after blepharoplasty is 2-3 months. And this “works” only if the operation went without complications, there were no severe side effects and the patient himself did not violate the rules of the rehabilitation period.

The final result after blepharoplasty

The final result can be assessed only 2 months after blepharoplasty, but even in this case, you need to make a “discount” for the fact that complete rehabilitation takes place within six months. Even in the absence of visible swelling, excess fluid still remains in the soft tissues, and blood circulation and lymph flow have not completely normalized.

Much depends on how successful the operation was, whether there were complications in the early recovery period, and whether the patient followed the doctors’ recommendations during rehabilitation. In some particularly difficult cases, the final result can be seen only after 6-8 months.

Before and after blepharoplasty

First day after blepharoplasty

On the first day after blepharoplasty, the patient must comply with the following doctor’s instructions:

  • peace and rest - it is advisable to observe strict bed rest, do not strain the facial muscles;
  • applying cold compresses to the eyes every 2-3 hours for 10 minutes, they can be replaced with ice;
  • take painkillers if necessary.

The doctor may prescribe eye drops and special exercises for the eyes; an individual scheme for these manipulations will be selected.

Rehabilitation by day after blepharoplasty

The rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty can last 30 days or 60 - it all depends on how well the operation was performed. If we consider a problem-free option, then the doctors’ recommendations will be as follows:

  • The first 4-5 days. Do not go outside, rest and complete calm are prescribed. Typically, hospitalization of the patient is indicated for this period.
  • Day 6 You can take a shower, but the water should be warm, the streams should not be strong, and washing should be done without rubbing the eyelids.
  • Day 7 Often during this period it is allowed to use decorative cosmetics, but it is worth consulting with your doctor about the advisability of such manipulation.
  • Day 14 - physical activity is allowed, although it will still not be possible to fully engage in sports - fast running, jumping, strength and cardio training at full strength are prohibited due to the risk of blood flow to postoperative wounds.
  • Day 15 You are allowed to wear contact lenses again - the swelling and irritation have already passed and the lenses will not act as an additional irritant.
  • Day 20 Staying in direct sunlight is allowed, but visiting a solarium or sunbathing on the beach is only possible with the use of creams containing sunscreen filters.

As for rehabilitation from a medical point of view, doctors give the following schedule for its implementation after bleapharoplasty:

  • 1 day after the operation - the patient takes painkillers, ice is applied to his eyelids;
  • within 3 days - use of eye drops with antiseptic properties, eye exercises may be prescribed;
  • 4-5 days – a doctor is visited, the stitches are removed;
  • Day 6 – even the patches are removed from the eyelids;
  • 7th and 8th days – swelling sharply decreases, bruises partially disappear;
  • 10-11 days – the skin in the area of ​​the operation becomes absolutely healthy and visually attractive: bruises and pinpoint hematomas disappear.

When can I go to work?

No one wants to inform strangers about plastic surgery or appear in public with bruises and swollen eyes. In addition, rehabilitation after eyelid blepharoplasty involves no stress on the eyes and muscles for some time. But not everyone can afford not to work for a long time because of the desire to be beautiful. Therefore, recovery time is extremely important for many.

With a normal recovery period, swelling and bruising practically disappear in 10 - 15 days. Residual visible manifestations at this point can be masked with cosmetics (if the doctor does not object). But even without it, for many by this time, the appearance will no longer let one know about the operation. So an unpresentable appearance, as a reason not to go to work yet, disappears after 2 weeks.

By this time, you can also give the body a load. Of course, you shouldn’t carry heavy loads just yet, but you can already work on a computer, with documents, a cash register, etc.

Sick leave after blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is not a vital operation, so sick leave for the rehabilitation period is not issued. Obtaining such a document is possible only if the recovery occurs with complications that require the patient to stay in a clinic or hospital.

How to speed up rehabilitation

Recovery after blepharoplasty should not consist only of bed rest. Moreover, it is indicated only in the first hours after surgery. There are active measures that will bring the moment of complete external recovery and well-being closer. The timing also depends on your general health and age.

The speed of rehabilitation also depends on what kind of intervention was performed. For example, if it affected only the skin, as with ethnic blepharoplasty, recovery will be completed earlier than after removal of hernias and a circular lift.

General requirements

Since the recovery process depends on many factors, care after blepharoplasty should take into account several aspects:

Use of external products

In the first days after surgery, cool compresses will help reduce swelling and discomfort. Since the seams are usually sealed with adhesive tape, they cannot be touched yet. After it is allowed to be removed, you will need to treat these lines with an antiseptic, which the doctor will recommend (for example, solutions of furatsilin or chlorhexidine).

Do I need to put something on my eyelids after blepharoplasty? You should also ask your doctor about this. Some experts are not in favor of using external remedies unless there are complications. Others consider it necessary to apply Levomekol ointment to the seams to prevent infection or Lyoton to speed up the disappearance of bruises.

To combat dry eyes, artificial tears are prescribed. But they should not be injected without the appointment of a specialist.


You should not touch your face unnecessarily after surgery to avoid infection and stretching of the skin. Therefore, massage of the eyelids after blepharoplasty is allowed only after a week. It is better to entrust it to a specialist. Lymphatic drainage massage is indicated. It will help reduce swelling and accelerate tissue regeneration. Thanks to manipulations they become invisible.

An important consequence of the procedures is the prevention of complications of blepharoplasty such as eyelid asymmetry and ectropion.

You can do acupressure yourself. Very carefully, with clean hands, treat the areas at the outer corners of the eyes, the edges of the lower eyelid, and the eyebrow area.

Eyelid exercises

Gymnastics of the eyelids after blepharoplasty is also an important condition for recovery. It helps resolve bruises, remove excess fluid, and counteract complications. Minimal physical activity tones the muscles of the periocular area, improving the results of plastic surgery. With it, discomfort goes away, the functions of the visual organs are restored faster.

  • Warm-up test. First look forward, move your gaze to the left, then to the right, up and down. You need to do the exercise slowly, 5 times.
  • Raise your face up, look at the ceiling. You need to blink intensely for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • Close your eyelids, count to 3 and open your eyes wide, look into the distance. Then return to the previous position, trying to keep your eyebrows motionless. Do it 5 times.
  • Cover your eyes by placing your fingers on your eyelids. You can't put pressure on them. Try to slowly open your eyes without removing your fingers. Do this 5 times.
  • Move your head back while looking at the tip of your nose. After 5 seconds, you need to straighten up and look in front of you. Close your eyes, placing your index fingers to your temples. Using gentle movements, pull the skin to the side, making a “chinese”. Repeat 5 - 6 times.

To learn what exercises for the eyelids and skin around the eyes are recommended to be done after an eyelid lift to speed up recovery, watch this video:


Eyelid resurfacing after blepharoplasty not only helps to create fresher skin, but also smoothes out scars. Therefore, sometimes the procedure is prescribed after a month or two to allow the tissues to grow together and the scars to form. It involves exposure of the skin to a laser beam for several minutes. It is pre-treated with an anesthetic.

Simultaneously with the effect on the surface of the skin, the deeper layer is heated. This stimulates the division of collagen and elastin cells, that is, the rejuvenation process. Scars, on the contrary, become flatter and less noticeable.

The ideal appearance is not achieved immediately. At first, the skin will be reddish, crusty, and inflamed, but after 2 weeks the color and appearance will return to normal. All this time you need to use ointment and hide from the sun.

Limitations in everyday life

Recovery after blepharoplasty is not only necessary measures, but also prohibitions. What to avoid during the rehabilitation period:

  • Alcohol, coffee and smoking. They disrupt blood circulation, increase swelling and provoke vascular damage, that is, bruising.
  • Wearing contact lenses. They can cause further eyelid injury, pain, and infection.
  • Physical activity. For the first 2 weeks you shouldn’t even put your head down, there is a risk of injury and complications.
  • Eye strain, that is, reading, working on a computer, watching TV. They will make you feel worse and may cause complications.
  • Combing out seams. This is a direct path to infection and worsening the effect of the operation.
  • Taking blood thinning medications. They will slow down the healing process and may cause complications.
  • Heat in all forms. Hot food, sauna, solarium or open sun interfere with tissue regeneration and can cause bleeding.
  • Do not eat salty, spicy, fatty foods. This food stimulates the retention of swelling on the face.
  • Use of cosmetics. The skin of the eyelids after blepharoplasty is more vulnerable than usual, and after traditional surgery, stitches remain on it. Therefore, for at least 2 weeks, creams and serums are not care products, but sources of infection and irritation.

How to coat stitches after blepharoplasty

After blepharoplasty, the seams need to be smeared:

  • Contractubexom is a gel that reduces the growth rate of connective tissue in the incision area. This makes scar formation almost impossible. Apply only after the stitches have been removed.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment – ​​accelerates healing, prevents the development of infectious and inflammatory processes. The drug is made on the basis of hormones, therefore it has many contraindications for use.
  • Levomekol - applied immediately after the end of the operation, the bandage with this ointment is changed daily. It prevents the development of inflammatory processes, corrects metabolism and regeneration processes in the dermis.
  • Cream based on Chinese mushroom (extract) – stimulates healing, has a weak antiseptic effect. The product should be used after the stitches are removed, problem areas are lubricated 2 times a week, the course of therapy is 15 days.

In any case, specific instructions regarding the treatment of sutures after blepharoplasty will be given by the attending physician.

Eye drops after blepharoplasty

Eye drops are prescribed by a doctor, but it is generally accepted to carry out the following therapy after blepharoplasty:

  • Sofradex drops – 2 drops in each eye;
  • Dexamethasone drops - 2 drops in each eye 15 minutes after using the first drug.

Such manipulations should be performed 3-4 times a day. The course of therapy is short, lasting only 5 days until the stitches are removed. The drops reduce inflammation, reduce swelling, accelerate the healing of surgical wounds and have a mild anesthetic effect.

Additionally, Actovegin gel may be present in the regimen; it is placed in each eye 15 minutes after the last drops administered.

What to apply to bruises after blepharoplasty

Bruises after blepharoplasty are considered normal; their resorption can be accelerated with specific medications that should be applied to problem areas 2-3 times a day. These include:

  • BruiseOff– it perfectly masks hematomas (there are components of foundation) and accelerates the process of their disappearance;
  • Traumeel-S– promotes rapid tissue regeneration, accelerates the resorption of hematomas of varying complexity and extent.

Using these drugs, already on the 6th day it is possible to completely get rid of bruises. You can also use a folk remedy - a sour cream and tea mask. You need to mix already brewed tea (namely leaves) and high-fat sour cream in equal proportions, put the mixture on gauze napkins and apply them to your eyes for 5-10 minutes. This procedure should be carried out 2 times a day.

Any anti-bruise remedy can only be used after consulting a doctor.

Microcurrents after blepharoplasty

Microcurrents help to quickly recover after blepharoplasty - a physiotherapy procedure, the essence of which is the effect of low-frequency current on the skin. Manipulation is painless for the patient, the result will be:

  • muscle restoration through maximum relaxation;
  • correction of all physiological processes at the cellular level of the dermis;
  • Darsonval after blepharoplasty

    Darsonval is a procedure during which the nerve endings are exposed to high-frequency currents, and after blepharoplasty this gives concrete results:

    • acceleration of blood circulation;
    • complete saturation of tissues with oxygen;
    • rapid cell regeneration.

    The course of such physiotherapy lasts 15-30 days. Darsonval is contraindicated for:

    • presence of pacemakers;
    • any diseases of the heart and vascular system;
    • previously diagnosed rosacea;
    • oncological pathologies.

    The physiotherapy procedure is prescribed on the 2-3rd day of the postoperative period, when the doctor becomes clear whether there will be complications and how quickly the rehabilitation will proceed.

    Watch this video about how the rehabilitation period proceeds after blepharoplasty:

    Effect of the operation

    Blepharoplasty helps to get rid of excess skin around the eyes, improve their shape, and remove asymmetry. The results are a younger-looking face, elimination of bags under the eyes and drooping upper eyelids. But it is necessary to take into account the tissue trauma that occurs during the operation. So improvements can be clearly seen only after one and a half to two weeks.

    Immediately, the reflection in the mirror will not please you due to swelling of the eyes, hematomas, noticeable stitches from classical intervention or bruises on the whites of transconjunctival surgery.

    When and how can you paint your eyes after blepharoplasty?

    After blepharoplasty, you can wear makeup only after 2 weeks - you need to wait until the wounds heal well. Decorative cosmetics should be selected hypoallergenic and of high quality. It is strictly forbidden to apply cosmetics to scabs or areas of irritation, and the products themselves should have a light, soft structure.

    What you need to consider when using decorative cosmetics after blepharoplasty:

    When can you go to the sauna after blepharoplasty?

    You should avoid any thermal procedures during the rehabilitation period, so you can go to the bathhouse only 2 months after blepharoplasty. This recommendation is related to the specifics of the procedure - when the whole body is heated, blood flow increases, blood pressure rises, and this can provoke a rush of blood to the scars and active growth of connective tissue. The result will be swelling and pinpoint hemorrhages in the surgical sites.

    The same rule applies to solariums, saunas and exposure to the open rays of the sun.

    How long after blepharoplasty can eyelash extensions be done?

    Any manipulations around the eyes, including eyelash extensions, can be done without
    earlier than 2 weeks after blepharoplasty. The master must be warned that eyelid correction surgery has recently been performed.

    The glue for eyelash extensions and the material itself should not cause allergies, because in this case late complications of the rehabilitation period may develop.

    Before eyelash extensions, you need to consult with your doctor - there may be a ban on such manipulations even after 2-3 weeks of recovery. This depends on the speed of regenerative processes in the dermis, the general well-being of the patient, the presence/absence of complications and side effects.

    When can you get Botox after blepharoplasty?

    You can inject Botox to eliminate facial wrinkles only after 2 months. You will definitely need to consult with the doctor who performed the operation about the advisability of such rejuvenation. Often a ban on the administration of botulinum toxin is placed for 6-12 months.

    This does not mean that you should get Botox injections before blepharoplasty - the operation requires complete muscle relaxation, which can be achieved with botulinum toxin present in the tissues.

    Choosing a doctor, preliminary - important conditions for success. But the measures taken for rehabilitation mean no less. To bring your appearance to perfection, you don’t need titanic efforts. Enough of following medical prescriptions and a healthy lifestyle at least during this period.

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Blepharoplasty, with a thoughtful choice of clinic, specialists and proper care, gives truly wonderful results: it will get rid of drooping eyelids, eliminate bags under the eyes, remove asymmetry and congenital skin defects, and help bring your appearance to perfection. It is enough to follow simple rules and a healthy lifestyle.

How long does rehabilitation last after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids?

Rehabilitation after plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids occupies a special place and completely depends on the patient himself.

Eyelid correction is one of the operations that is characterized by low risk, where complications are not foreseen and they occur very rarely. However, in any case, this is an operation that has its own rehabilitation period, and it lasts up to 2 weeks.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids can last a long time; to shorten this period, you must adhere to certain rules

You can reduce the rehabilitation period by following all the surgeon’s instructions to 10 days. There are also circumstances that aggravate the situation.

Factors that can increase the recovery period include:

  • patient age over 45 years;
  • passion for smoking, alcohol;
  • genetic features of skin structure (for example, thick skin);
  • predisposition to edema;
  • personal characteristics due to the individual structure of the skin around the eyes (for example, nearby thin blood vessels).

All this should be discussed with your doctor before surgery.

In general, rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids can last about a month.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty by day

The healing process can be presented in the form of a table:

Time after plastic surgery, in days Patient's condition Allowed actions Recommended Procedures
1 There may be swelling around the eyes. Feeling sore.A trip home accompanied by a relative.Taking painkillers. Applying cold.
2-3 Diplopia (double vision) is possible.Shower, wash your hair (only carefully, do not get water or detergents into your eyes).Antiseptic drops. Exercise for the eyes.
3-5 Reducing swelling and diplopia.You can read (preferably books for a short time).Removal of sutures in the clinic (with the exception of self-absorbable sutures).
5-6 Traces of hematoma (bleeding) and edema in rare cases.Visit to the clinic.The plasters (antiseptic stickers) are removed.
7 Bruises and swelling are almost invisible.Return to normal life. You can go to permanent work.
7-10 Postoperative conditions after edema.Makeup is allowed.
10-14 Visually good.You can use lenses. Gradual physical training is acceptable.
40-60 Scars after surgery are invisible.Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids is completed. The effect is obvious.

Note: The table operates with average statistical indicators, and they may vary depending on individual characteristics and external conditions.

Features of the first days of recovery after blepharoplasty

Eyelid surgery is a non-traumatic type of surgery, therefore, there is no need for a hospital stay and constant medical supervision. After applying a special medical antiseptic patch, you can immediately return home.

Preferably with a relative or friend. Since the eyelids are not fully open after the operation, the gaze is blurred and foggy, and walking on your own will not be very comfortable. An accompanying person will help you get home in the first few hours (or be prudent in calling a taxi).

The pain of the procedure is minor. But if it is present, taking a mild pain reliever will help relieve pain. Applying cold will relieve swelling.

Some actions may negatively affect further recovery, worsen the result of correction, Therefore, in the first days for better recovery, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • in no case Do not touch with your hands or rub the seams;
  • do not strain your eyes reading, give up PC, TV;
  • don't wear lenses;
  • track hygiene of the eye area;
  • dream on a sufficiently high pillow without tilting the head;
  • allowed wash your hair and body hygiene (shower) from the 2nd day after surgery, excluding water from entering the eyelid area;
  • observe water-salt balance – the body needs a moderate amount of salt and water;
  • the next day do special exercises prescribed by your doctor.

After removing the stitches and bandages, the doctor prescribes an antiseptic ointment that accelerates healing.

Features of subsequent rehabilitation after blepharoplasty

In the early postoperative period (the first 2 weeks), swelling gradually subsides and the skin condition returns to normal.

During this period, you should pay attention to caring not only for the eyelid area, but also for the eyes:

Apply antiseptic ointment until wounds and punctures are completely healed.

Be careful: visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool during the rehabilitation period after correction of the upper and lower eyelids is strictly prohibited.

Natural consequences of upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty

Since plastic surgery is an operation that takes place under local anesthesia, The following conditions may occur:

  • moderate swelling;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • small bruises under the lower eyelids;
  • feeling of heaviness of the eyelids;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • or vice versa, dry eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • diplopia (double vision);
  • blurred vision.

Do not panic: such consequences are natural and disappear within 2 weeks. It is very rare for all symptoms to appear at once. Most often, one or two symptoms from the list are identified. These are mainly diplopia and edema, which can remain for a long time. However, with the right approach and skin care, you can reduce the recovery time.

How to reduce swelling after blepharoplasty

Swelling (namely, the accumulation of excess fluid) causes not only cosmetic discomfort, but also turns out to be a medical problem. The procedures offered in beauty salons will help to significantly reduce local swelling: microcurrent, lymphatic drainage massage.

Under the influence of pulsed current (microcurrent), nerve fibers are restored and the movement of blood and lymph improves, the complexion is evened out.

Lymphatic drainage massage helps eliminate toxins and metabolites by improving the functioning of the lymphatic system (a lifting effect is obtained). Such procedures shorten the rehabilitation period.

  • cold herbal compresses with chamomile infusion;
  • maintaining heads during sleep in a slightly elevated position during the entire rehabilitation after plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • refusal from smoking, alcohol;
  • mixing to a minimum of physical and emotional stress.

People prone to swelling (with renal failure, diabetes, vasculitis) need to avoid eating salty, smoked, spicy foods and strictly adhere to the advice of a nutritionist, include vegetables and fruits in the diet.

How to speed up the healing of scars and bruises during the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty

After blepharoplasty, bruising is common due to impaired circulation of the smallest capillaries and accumulation of the corresponding fluid (blood, plasma). This is a natural microphysiological reaction of the body when injured.

However, a prolonged state of swelling complicates blood circulation due to the pressure exerted on the walls of microvessels, preventing the rapid healing of sutures and wounds. You can reduce hematomas with the help of medications, cosmetics and folk remedies.

Scars heal on their own and do not require special intervention. In a month they will turn into an almost imperceptible, light, thin strip. Mesotherapy, which is performed optionally after plastic surgery, will make the scars completely invisible.

Medications: Lokoid, Lyoton are the most prescribed decongestants. The principle of their action is based on restoring skin receptors, reducing permeability and increasing vascular resistance. Prevents the formation of blood clots and eliminates inflammation. Lyoton-gel also has an analgesic effect. Effective even for upper eyelid blepharoplasty.

Cosmetic preparations: (gel with retinol, gel with caffeine, cream with Chinese mushroom extract) - like all dietary supplements, are not medicines. They improve the overall condition of the skin and metabolic processes in the application area.

Folk remedies: decoction of sage, chamomile, linden, juice of parsley leaves - used in the form of compresses and improve the condition due to a mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

It is important to know: the use and use of any means is possible only after prior consultation and discussion with a doctor!

Exercises and massage for eyelids after blepharoplasty

During the entire rehabilitation period, it is necessary to pay attention to special exercises. They are aimed at restoring the functionality of the eyelids and additionally increase blood supply to the skin, returning lost tone to the eye muscles. All techniques are very simple and do not require special training.

Perform eye exercises in the morning and evening:

  • move your gaze up, down, left, right, repeat 5-7 times;
  • blink for half a minute, raising your face up;
  • close your eyelids, open them wide, looking into the distance, repeat 5-7 times;
  • close your eyelids, use your index fingers to pull the skin away from the temple to the sides, do 5-7 times;
  • With your index fingers, fixing the edges of the eyelids from below, lift the eyelids up, while simultaneously rolling up the pupils, 5-7 times.

Acupressure lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids can be performed by lubricating your fingers with cream.

Key points:

  • in the temple area;
  • along the edge of the lower eyelid to the inner part;
  • in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye;
  • along the edge of the upper eyelid in the direction from the inside to the temple.

All movements are performed with light pressure clockwise 10 times.

What not to do during the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty

If you follow the advice of specialists and the above recommendations, rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids goes smoothly, without complications.

The only thing to focus on is not to subject the operated area to mechanical stress and not to disturb the suture line, to prevent the risk of infection, not to remove the bandages yourself and not to use untested skin care products.

The use of decorative cosmetics in the first 2 weeks is contraindicated to avoid allergies and irritation. It is strictly forbidden to expose your face to strong heat and solar (solarium) procedures, wind, or frost.

More and more often, women are using modern methods of rejuvenation, among which plastic correction plays an important role. The effect of blepharoplasty lasts for 10 years, and this is a unique chance to prolong youth and beauty.

Complications after blepharoplasty: what should the patient be afraid of?:

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty 2 years later:


    I have many friends who went through this procedure, mainly because of the impending eyelid. I also think sometimes, because... I really like the result, the look becomes open, the makeup looks more beautiful.

    • I had upper and lower eyelid surgery in October. Now it’s the third month and the result is already visible. I’m very happy and also noticed that my eyebrows have become more symmetrical. Like this...

      • I had blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids 12 days ago. I still don’t really understand what’s what. But the fact that nothing goes away in two weeks is for sure. And there are still bruises and swelling, I think it will last another three weeks, and it’s painful the sensations are present. The skin is recovering very slowly, so far I’m only worried. Although the changes are visible, the gaze is open, and it even seems that the eyes are shining. But the desired result, apparently, really needs to wait three months.

        • Likewise. I had surgery on the upper and lower eyelids on January 11, 2018. The swelling went away, but the bruises remained. Mainly under the eyes. I disguise myself as best I can, plus glasses. Contact lenses are probably still a long way off. Because the lower eyelids are still irritated.

          • Hello! My yellow bruises lasted for more than four months. The cosmetologist said that the pigmentation might not go away at all, but fortunately, everything went away. Seven months have passed since the operation.
            Wrinkles should not go anywhere. To do this, you need to do a circular lift.
            I came to the conclusion that older women need to do everything at once. After blepharoplasty, wrinkles and sagging skin become more noticeable. I am planning a circular procedure in a couple of years.

            Dear girls! I had blepharoplasty on January 16th. I don’t have any swelling, just a small one under my eyebrow. I did the microcurrent procedure from the second day of the operation. It really helps, plus following all the recommendations of the doctor and cosmetologist. It is not reasonable to perform such an expensive operation and waste money on rehabilitation. Get well, and in a couple of days I will be able to walk without makeup

            Girls, tell me, I’m very worried(((! Two weeks ago I had a transconjunctival blepharo - removal of hernias. The bruises are almost gone - a slight yellowish tint, the swelling is also almost gone..., but a small part of the swelling seems to have gone down to the malar area and now I have malar bags, ALTHOUGH THERE WERE NO BEFORE THE SURGERY(((!!! I read the entire forum up and down! As I understand it, many people had this problem, but no one wrote whether it went away and when??? Please write, very much I’m worried whether this zygomatic swelling will go away((

            Hello! I had lower eyelid blepharoplasty 11 days ago. The swelling is almost gone, there are almost no bruises, the stitches are healing. But there is a BUT. The eyes became round, the shape of the eyes changed. Has anyone had this happen? The doctor assures that it is too early to judge the results, but I read that this should not be the case if the operation was performed correctly. Maybe I'm rushing to conclusions...

The recovery period after any operation requires adherence to a certain regime. The surgeon’s recommendations will help you effectively combat swelling after blepharoplasty, make scars less noticeable and quickly get in shape.

Problem #1. Scarring

After any invasive surgery, scarring is inevitable. Of course, the doctor makes the incisions so that they are minimally noticeable to others. But sometimes the patient’s body can react to the operation by forming a rough and thick scar with tension and deformation of the tissue. Sometimes such changes do not cause inconvenience, for example, if they are in the scalp. But if we are talking about the face, and especially the eyes, scar changes will not only be an aesthetic defect, but can also provoke complications (for example, eversion of the eyelid). Contractubex gel will not be able to completely remove scars, but will make them thin and almost invisible and will help prevent the appearance of pathologically altered tissues after blepharoplasty.

Contractubex gel contains anti-inflammatory and antiallergic components and substances that accelerate tissue regeneration.

After blepharoplasty, doctors recommend using Contractubex immediately after removing the stitches. The course of treatment is from 4 weeks to 3 months. The gel should be applied 2-3 times a day, gently rubbing into the skin. You can also use dressings with contractubex.

When applying the product after blepharoplasty, itching and tingling of the skin may be felt. Usually these sensations occur only in the first 2 weeks, and then gradually decrease and disappear. If the patient experiences severe itching, burning, or discomfort, it may be an allergy, and he needs to consult a doctor.

Problem #2. Edema

During the first 2 weeks after surgery, you need to carefully monitor the condition and changes in the eyelid tissue. If the swelling does not decrease at all, and even more so, increases, the development of lymphostasis can be suspected. Lymphostasis can be a complication of blepharoplasty, when lymphatic vessels, compressed by surrounding tissues or damaged during surgery, cannot perform their full function. This is how lymph stagnation is formed. But lymphostasis can also appear much earlier than the operation and, without appropriate treatment, negate the visual result of blepharoplasty.

Lymphostasis is manifested by swelling, decreasing in the evening and especially pronounced in the morning.

To distinguish lymphostasis from a hernial protrusion, you need to lie on your back. In this case, the hernia will disappear, but the swelling will remain. If you press on the swollen tissue, a pronounced mark will remain that will not disappear for a long time.

If lymphostasis has never bothered you before and only appeared after blepharoplasty, you need to limit your salt intake and follow a sleep and rest schedule. Often, swelling after blepharoplasty gets worse if you do not monitor the amount of water you drink. Its intake into the body must be in sufficient quantities. Both excess and deficiency will lead to swelling. You also need to remember about the correct use of night nourishing creams. They should be applied 2 hours before bedtime, and excess should be removed with a napkin.

If lymphostasis has been bothering you for a long time, you need to look for the root cause. Perhaps somewhere there is compression of the lymph nodes or vessels, which interferes with the normal outflow of lymph. In any case, manual or hardware lymphatic drainage massage and laser treatment will help reduce the symptoms of lymphostasis. A massage for the treatment of lymphostasis will relieve not only swelling, but also bruises under the eyes, making the skin more elastic and healthy.

  • in the first 2 days after blepharoplasty, ice compresses should be applied to the eyelids as often as possible;
  • if the doctor has prescribed antibacterial ointment or drops, you need to use them in a timely manner;
  • It is better to sleep in the first days after surgery with your head raised high relative to your body. This will help get rid of swelling faster;
  • In addition, you should not strain your eye muscles. Therefore, you will have to give up watching TV shows, reading books and working on the computer for at least 5 days.

To avoid postoperative bleeding, you should not quickly return to high physical activity and heavy loads. You need to enter the working mode gradually, starting from 2 weeks. When taking a shower or bath, do not allow the seams to get wet.. In addition, you should not swim in too hot water, so as not to provoke an increase in blood pressure.

Even familiar cosmetics can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, you will have to temporarily abandon skin care products and decorative cosmetics for at least 2 weeks.

Remaining for a long time one of the most popular operations, it will allow you to take a fresh look at the world around you. Surgeons have long considered it one of the most effective techniques for rejuvenating the look, eliminating pronounced bags under the eyes, rays and crow's feet in the corners of the eyelids. But like other plastic surgeries, blepharoplasty requires special skin care during the rehabilitation period. The rules are quite simple, but it is important not to forget about them if you have already had eyelid surgery.

Do not forget to coordinate all your actions with your plastic surgeon, as in some individual cases the advice discussed here may not be appropriate.

Making cold compresses for the eyelids

In case of inflammatory processes and swelling in the first days after blepharoplasty, cold will help alleviate the general condition and speed up tissue regeneration processes. You can make cold compresses using sterile cotton wool, pre-moistened in chilled chamomile tincture, wrapped in a sterile bandage. Compresses should only be applied for 1-2 minutes several times a day. If you have to wear a post-operative bandage, it is better to apply compresses after the doctor advises you to remove it.

We don't use cosmetics

The usual facial care products, decorative cosmetics and masks that you used before blepharoplasty should be put aside for a while. Now, when the skin is just beginning to recover after surgery, any means can cause irritation and even infection. You should also not use soap to wash your face.

Wear sunglasses

After such an operation, the eyelids and eyes need protection from external factors. Cold, wind, sun will be unfavorable during this period of time. Therefore, it is recommended to wear sunglasses that will completely cover your eyes and the skin around them. Try not to go outside on sunny days when ultraviolet radiation is especially intense.

We sleep on a high pillow

In the first weeks after eyelid surgery, the patient will need to sleep on his back. In this case, the pillow on which he will rest his head should be high. When lying on your stomach or side, the skin on your face may shift slightly, which is undesirable during rehabilitation.

Avoiding heat exposure

You should postpone going to the sauna, bathhouse, or solarium for the post-rehabilitation period. Now any thermal exposure can provoke complications and intensify inflammatory processes. The pool should also not be used during recovery until the tissues have yet fully healed and recovered.

Let's give up salt for a while

All lovers of salty dishes will have to temporarily forget about them. The fact is that salt can retain fluid in the body, which can also adversely affect the general condition of the skin and post-operative swelling. During the first weeks, the patient will need to make restrictions on the daily diet and adhere to a certain diet.

Eliminate any strain on the eyes

Give your eyes complete rest. The first days of rehabilitation are a difficult time for them, as they often tear and turn red. Do not use a computer, temporarily stop reading, do not use your smartphone or tablet, or watch TV. If you would like to entertain yourself in the first days of rehabilitation, it is better to listen to music or an audiobook, but do not strain your eyes.

Turning out the lights

Light also strains and irritates the eyes after eyelid surgery. Of course, this does not mean that you will have to be in pitch darkness all day. It is enough to avoid prolonged stay near the window during the day, and also reduce the light intensity in the evening (for example, switch to a night light and temporarily turn off the main lighting).

Wash with chamomile tincture

Chamomile is known to have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect, so a tincture based on it will come in handy during the rehabilitation period after eyelid surgery. Instead of chamomile for washing, the surgeon may recommend other remedies. The main thing is to maintain cleanliness, but not to overdo it.

We give up alcohol and cigarettes

After any surgical procedure, alcoholic beverages and cigarettes are strictly prohibited. If you really want to have blepharoplasty and easily endure the first days of recovery, you must be prepared for such restrictions. The surgeon will tell you when you can return to your normal activities again. In the meantime, you need to be patient a little.

ID: 12078 127

Have a nice day everyone!) I know that we already had articles about Darsonval, but I still decided to write about my own experience in this matter and at the request of some of our girls. So how did I come to this? After the microcurrent procedures performed on me as part of the project, I wondered what to do next, since I did not have the opportunity at the moment to pay for additional procedures at SPIC, alas...and this happens ((And everyone saw my swelling, It’s been a month since the blepharoplasty trial and they don’t want to part with me...

Well, as my grandmother, a wise woman, said: * The need for invention is cunning! *))) Well, what to do? And, I remembered from childhood that once my mother took me to a procedure in the middle of nowhere and my auntie stroked my face with a glass thing and I felt pleasant from the tingling sensation and it was all called some kind of magic word - Darsonvalization!)) They treated me for sinusitis.

I open the Internet and search! I re-read everything about Darsonval in a couple of days! And reviews and what models are on our market... I’m looking for one for myself! For the face - against swelling. And, oh...miracle, girls!!! I found HIM!!!))) And now I can recommend HIM to everyone with a clear conscience. First of all, I was captivated by the fact that HE was professional! Secondly, he is Russian! And most importantly, it successfully passed clinical trials at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as at the A.A. Vishnevsky Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. ITS effectiveness has been OFFICIALLY recognized!!! in medical institutes around the world, it is used in clinics, beauty salons, sanatoriums, and physiotherapy rooms. What is HIS name?)))

Darsonval Ultratek SD-199! This is a PROFESSIONAL portable device for darsonvalization. This is a new model in the line of domestic manufacturers, lightweight and comfortable. I was also captivated by the fact that it has a built-in voltage stabilizer, that is, I am sure that if there is a voltage drop, I won’t be electrocuted!)) In general, it has many advantages, I won’t write them all out, but the most important for me are the current strength I can change and adjust myself! For delicate areas of the face and eyelids, reduce, and for the scalp, for example, increase! And, the last thing I read in the annotation - ATTENTION!!!: Ultratek is used after plastic surgery to prevent swelling!!! HERE!!!)

It has five attachments, I use the mushroom one, I’ll show you in the pictures how to use it.

I use the contact method on cleansed facial skin along massage lines for 10 minutes every evening...

Little of! I also had a runny nose at this time, so in this case I should apply the nozzle to the base of my sinuses and breathe in this air, but no more than three minutes! More! If there are pimples or pustules on the skin, then when passing by them, the nozzle is standing and needs to be torn off, as you can spread the infection all over your face! Such pustules are treated with another point attachment.

This is exactly what I did for swollen eyelids... I’ll say, I did it for exactly ten days every evening and the result really showed on my face! The left eye is completely without swelling)) The right one has almost caught up with the left one) Just don’t forget to reduce the current when passing the nozzle over the eyelids! You should also not put pressure on the eyelid, in any case - the procedure should be pleasant!

I also do the lower part of my face, increasing the current, because my cheeks irritate me! I hope to tighten them in this way, while I can’t do other injection procedures.

Immediately after the procedure, I apply a moisturizer, since Darsonval dries out the skin.

Well...OF COURSE I’ll say about the hair. The girls asked me, I answer) The set of attachments includes a special one for the scalp, it’s in the form of a comb. Very convenient, since after general anesthesia many people lose some of their hair(

Let your hair down, as if combing yourself in different directions for ten minutes every day! Hair must be dry! Mine don't FALL OUT! TTT!!! DO NOT use Darsonval in damp rooms, don’t forget!

I’ll say a little about cellulite. How am I going to do it. You are allowed to smear the problem skin with an oil-based cream and run it along the leg, starting from the foot and moving up in a circular motion, as if drawing a chamomile) We do the procedure for 15 minutes for each leg, increasing the strength of the current in the most problematic places!

Well, in conclusion, I want to say that the procedures on such a device are simply very pleasant, the skin after them is smoothed, younger, takes on a radiant and healthy appearance. Which method to choose - contact or not - depends on the condition of your skin and its type.

So, well, in my opinion, my dears)) I wish you health and self-love - especially!))

P.S. Oops)) Of course, I will show the difference BEFORE and AFTER ten daily procedures - judge for yourself, if anyone has the time and finances to go to a cosmetologist for Darsonvalization - you are welcome, so to speak, if not - there is a way out!))