Postoperative abdominal bandage. Reviews, prices. Postoperative support bandage: how to choose

Hello, Ekaterina.

The need to wear a postoperative gynecological bandage arises after any abdominal surgery, because... it helps prevent rupture of postoperative sutures, prolapse of internal organs, entry of pathogenic microorganisms and subsequent infection. In addition, the bandage minimizes the load on the spine, so for those who have back problems, using a bandage is a real salvation.

Since there are many types of bandages, their functional purpose is different, and the need for use manifests itself in varying degrees, consultation with a specialist is mandatory. The doctor will tell you how to choose and use the bandage correctly. If we talk specifically about postoperative bandages, then there are certain nuances that you need to know and take into account when purchasing.

How to choose the right bandage after surgery?

  • Buying the right bandage is impossible without trying it on. In specialized stores, they allow you to try on bandages without any problems, because what is the use of using it if it is uncomfortable, if it presses or gets in the way. After abdominal surgery (especially as complex as yours), a woman should not experience any discomfort at all. Try on bandages in a horizontal position, i.e. lying down, putting it on over clothes. The correct bandage should fit snugly to the body, as if supporting it. However, the main thing here is not to overdo it with rigidity: the bandage should not slip, but it is also unacceptable to squeeze the stomach too much. To adjust the size of the bandage, some manufacturers use various devices (zippers, hooks, buttons, lacing, etc.). This makes it possible to individually correct stiffness.
  • A gynecological bandage worn after operations must be made of natural fabrics (for example, cotton). Naturally, this increases the cost of the product, but in this case the issue is not price, but efficiency. In addition to natural fabrics, those that will give the product elasticity (for example, lycra, elastane) should also be used. A postoperative gynecological bandage, due to its elasticity, reliably fixes the abdominal cavity, supporting the internal organs and preventing the seam from coming apart.
  • It is worth paying special attention to the width of the bandage. It should cover the postoperative suture by less than 1 - 2 cm; You should not buy a bandage that is too wide: the edges of such a bandage can curl up, causing discomfort and even pain.
  • The bandage should not interfere with blood circulation - this is very important at the stage of postoperative recovery of the female body. Also, the “greenhouse effect” should not be allowed, because this is not a weight loss belt, where the release of fluid from fatty tissue on the abdomen is encouraged. After surgery, the skin must “breathe,” which significantly accelerates its regeneration processes and reduces the risk of irritation.

You should know that you need to put on the bandage while lying down over underwear made of natural fabric. You can wear the product no more than 8 hours a day. High-quality bandages do not lose their compression properties after washing. Drying of the product should be carried out on a horizontal, flat surface in a straightened form.

If we talk about the duration of wearing the bandage, then you need to discuss this issue with your doctor, because everything is very individual and depends on the recovery of the body, the nature of postoperative damage, and the severity of complications that arise. On average, the duration of wearing a bandage after gynecological operations is 1 - 3 months.

Sincerely, Natalia.

This article will talk about what a postoperative abdominal bandage is. You will learn in what cases the use of this accessory is necessary. It is also worth talking about what types of devices called bandages are available, how to choose the size and use them correctly.

How to choose a postoperative bandage

For a speedy recovery after surgery, doctors often prescribe patients to wear a bandage. What functions does a postoperative abdominal band perform? What types of it can be found on sale? How to choose a suitable post-operative abdominal bandage and how long will you have to wear it?

Why do you need a bandage after surgery?

An abdominal bandage after abdominal surgery performs several functions at once:

  • keeps organs in the correct position, preventing them from moving;
  • accelerates scarring of postoperative sutures;
  • reduces the risk of hernias;
  • restores the elasticity of the skin;
  • protects seams from infections;
  • reduces pain:
  • eliminates hematomas and swelling.

In many cases, a post-operative bandage helps maintain mobility. It does not restrict movement excessively, and does not allow the patient to forget or make sudden movements.

Most often, abdominal belts are used during hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), after removal of hernias and gastric resection, as well as after plastic surgery, for example, after pumping out subcutaneous fat.

Not all doctors are in favor of using a postoperative bandage. For example, after removal of appendicitis without complications, you can apply a regular bandage.

It is worth remembering that in the presence of some chronic diseases, in particular those accompanied by swelling, the doctor may prohibit the use of a postoperative bandage. It is also not prescribed if postoperative sutures are in poor condition (if they bleed, fester, etc.).

Types of postoperative abdominal bands

A modern postoperative abdominal bandage is a wide elastic belt that wraps around the waist. Depending on the model, it is used to influence certain internal organs. Multi-stage adjustment of the tension force helps to perfectly fit the bandage to your figure.

If the operation was performed on the intestines, a bandage for ostomy patients may be required. This belt has a special compartment through which waste products of the body are removed.

A separate group is represented by postoperative anti-hernia bandages. They are used both after removal of hernias and as a means to reduce the risk of tumors.

On a note! Many bandages have to be worn for quite a long time after surgery, and the product not only performs fixing and corrective functions, but also supports the spine and relieves the back muscles.

How to choose the right bandage

One of the most important criteria whenchoosing a bandage after surgerythe size becomes bigger on the stomach.

The determining parameter is waist circumference. It is measured with a measuring tape, tightly clasping the body, but not too tight.

Attention! The height of the bandage should be such that the product completely covers the postoperative sutures.

An error with the size will lead to dire consequences. An excessively large bandage will not fulfill its functions (it will not fix the organs or support the abdominal wall), and one that is too small will cause enormous harm to health, causing disruption of blood supply and tissue death.

Materials are another parameter that you should pay close attention to. Abdominal bandages are made from hypoallergenic and well-ventilated natural fabrics that provide the desired microclimate. The skin underneath does not sweat, the seams remain dry. Such materials include rubberized latex, cotton with elastane or lycra.

It is better to pay attention to models with multi-stage adjustment. Such products are easier to adjust to the required dimensions. The first fitting of the postoperative bandage should be carried out under the guidance of the attending physician, who will adjust the tightness of the model. This often happens, because after the operation the patient remains in the hospital room for some time.

When the time comes to buy a postoperative bandage, it makes sense to go to the nearest orthopedic salon or specialized pharmacy. Often such retail outlets are located directly in clinics. They have more choice, but the price for a particular model may be slightly overpriced. You can look for a bandage at the clinic, and then instruct your relatives to purchase a similar option in the city. Russian-made Unga bandages have quite affordable prices.

A huge “plus” of visiting an orthosalon is the presence of a doctor who will help you choose the right bandage based on the doctor’s recommendations.

The ideal option is an abdominal bandage, which is attached with a wide adhesive tape.

The use of hooks, fasteners, and lacing is also allowed, but in this case you need to pay attention to whether these elements cause discomfort.

Be sure to try on the bandage before purchasing. If some of its elements, for example, stitches, wrinkle the skin, it is better to refuse to purchase this product.

A high-quality orthopedic bandage is dense, but not hard. It does not deform during wear, its edges do not bend or bunch up. It evenly supports the abdominal cavity, does not compress internal organs, and does not interfere with blood supply.

How and how long to wear a postoperative bandage

  • Most often, the postoperative belt has to be worn for one to two weeks. This period is often enough for the threat of suture separation to pass and the position of the internal organs to stabilize.
  • It is worth preparing for the fact that after complex operations, as well as in the presence of complications, you will have to wear a bandage for a month or even more. The decision when a patient can refuse to use an accessory is made only by a doctor. Usually, the bandage is not worn for more than 3 months after surgery, because in the future the risk of muscle tissue atrophy increases.
  • Wearing a bandage all the time is not recommended. The average daily time should not exceed 6-8 hours, with half-hour breaks every 2 hours. However, the total time and breaks can be changed taking into account the specific situation of the patient.
  • It is better to put the bandage on cotton clothing (preferably seamless). In some cases, the doctor may recommend wearing it on the naked body, but in this case it is worth considering a spare model in order to maintain the proper level of hygiene.
  • The first time you put on the postoperative bandage, you should lie down. You first need to relax so that the internal organs take the correct anatomical position. At the final stage of using the accessory, you can put it on while standing.
  • The bandage must be removed at night unless otherwise indicated by a doctor.

You should not suddenly stop wearing an orthosis. The time must be reduced gradually so that the body can calmly adapt to the new “rules of the game.”

Surgery is a huge stress for the body. A postoperative bandage can help him recover. However, it will only be effective if its type and size are selected correctly.

How much does a post-operative abdominal band cost?

Not everyone knows where to buy a postoperative bandage that will be of appropriate quality and inexpensive. The purchase of belts for fixation is available in pharmacies, where orthopedic products are available.

A number of patients prefer to buy bandages online because they have a wider selection and lower prices, but caution is advised when purchasing such items online.

Firstly, the bandage needs to be checked for elasticity, see if the composition matches the description in the packaging, and try on the product to understand whether it is suitable in a particular case. The optimal solution is to find a similar model in a regular pharmacy, try it on, and then decide where it would be more profitable to order the product.

Many people are interested in how much a postoperative bandage costs. The price of the product varies, it is influenced by the composition (natural materials are 10 - 20% more expensive), manufacturer, type of fasteners, size. The average cost of a bandage ranges from 1000 to 3000 rubles.

How to wear a bandage correctly?

It is advisable to put on the bandage while lying down.

As a rule, the postoperative bandage is worn over cotton underwear. You should wear it no more than 8 hours a day.

The medical product can be washed without losing its compression properties.

It is advisable to dry the bandage in a straightened form, placing it on a flat, level surface.

Of course, any operation is a great stress for any organism. Physical and moral strength is wasted, all systems are worn out. A postoperative bandage is designed to significantly alleviate the painful condition during rehabilitation.

It significantly shortens the rehabilitation period, reduces pain, forms a reliable scar and prevents postoperative complications from arising.

How to sew a bandage with your own hands?

Ready-made postoperative bandages cannot always be used. In some cases, specific requirements must be met, for example, not all ready-made models take into account the individual characteristics of a person’s physique; in addition, bandages are made mainly from synthetic materials, which can cause an allergic reaction when worn. If you have problems choosing ready-made bandages, you can simply sew one yourself.

You will need

  • - material;
  • - sewing supplies: threads, needles, scissors, centimeter, pins;
  • — fastening elements;
  • - stiffening rib;
  • — sewing machine (seams made on a sewing machine are stronger and more reliable);
  • - pattern;


In order to decide which type of fabric is best suited, determine whether you need an elastic material that directly supports the seam, or whether you need a material for more serious support, for example, fixing internal organs in a certain position (in this case, you can choose a waffle towel folded into several layers).

Select fastening elements. As the most suitable and comfortable elements for fastening and fixing the bandage, ordinary hooks, ties, Velcro fasteners, and elastic bands can be used.

If individually necessary, select supporting stiffeners, such as sewn-in metal plates, regilin or others.

Determine the dimensions and create an approximate pattern. In this case, a comfortable item of clothing, for example, a T-shirt, bodysuit, corset, and so on, can serve as a pattern.

Based on the pattern, it is necessary to cut the material. Here it is necessary to observe the location of the pattern strictly in the direction of the grain thread, in order to avoid unnecessary stretching of the material.

Outlining and first fitting. All seams are swept away except one, which is left for the most convenient fitting process. After which, if there are no comments, you can safely start stitching the seams on a sewing machine.

Attach your chosen fasteners and fasteners.

Postpartum bandages , postoperative

Postoperative bandage is a special product in the form of an elastic belt for medical purposes for fixation and support of the anterior abdominal wall, thoracic region, groin region and internal organs during the postoperative period. Postoperative bandages are intended for rapid recovery after surgical interventions (abdominal operations), cesarean section, preventing divergence of the edges of the surgical suture, stabilizing the surgical site, relieving muscle tension, and preventing the formation of hernias.

What is it needed for postoperative, postpartum bandage

The main purpose of postoperative and postpartum bandages is to promote rapid healing of the postoperative suture. This effect is achieved when wearing a bandage due to the uniform distribution of pressure from the internal organs on the operated abdominal cavity and the postoperative suture. Modern postoperative bandages are made of a special elastic material that provides a certain degree of compression. As a result, the bandage supports the internal organs and distributes the load on the anterior abdominal wall more evenly. This supporting effect is a good prevention of the occurrence of postoperative hernias. Among other things, the postoperative bandage must ensure stability, that is, immobility of the developing scar. Therefore, the use of a postoperative bandage also helps to reduce pain, prevent dehiscence of the postoperative suture, and promote rapid healing of the scar.

Types of postoperative bandages

Postpartum bandage, postoperative abdominal bandage on the abdominal wall (on the stomach). Used after surgery in the abdominal area. Designed for rehabilitation in the postoperative period. Reduces the load on the suture and prevents divergence of the edges of the postoperative suture.

Postoperative bandage for the thoracic region. Designed for fixation and stabilization of the chest after injuries and operations. Can be used for intercostal neuralgia, myalgia, myositis.

Anti-hernia bandage. Used to prevent hernias. The abdominal wall and groin areas are fixed. Prevents the protrusion of internal organs in inguinal and femoral hernias. Mandatory condition: before direct use of the bandage, the hernia must be reduced. The purpose and time of wearing is determined by the attending physician.

Indications for using a postoperative bandage:

Postoperative bandage is usually prescribed in the following cases:

  • in the postoperative period for fixation and stabilization of the postoperative suture.
  • in the postpartum period to maintain the anterior abdominal wall.
  • after liposuction surgery (provides a tightening effect).

When can you start using a postoperative bandage?:

In each individual case, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the attending physician. But, as a rule, a postoperative bandage is prescribed immediately after the operation and is used until the suture is completely healed. The postoperative bandage must be worn continuously, with breaks at night.


Modern postoperative bandages include microfiber, elastane, lycra, viscose and cotton. The use of a combination of these materials makes it possible to achieve the required degree of compression, fixation of postoperative sutures and excellent functional qualities.

How to wear a post-operative bandage correctly:

The correct and safest way to put on a postoperative bandage is in a lying position. This is necessary to relax the abdominal muscles and relieve pressure on the operated area. Next, you need to place the bandage on the operated area and fix it in a state of incomplete exhalation. The bandage should not be fixed too tightly, as this may damage the developing scar tissue. After this, you need to get up and check your feelings. If you feel pain or severe discomfort, this means you need to loosen the fixation a little.

Sometimes you have to use a variety of devices and devices to restore your health and return to normal life. One such useful medical device is a bandage. It is convenient, simple, effective, and affordable.

There are several types of bandages for arms, legs,... However, the most popular is the postoperative abdominal bandage.

A bandage (from the French Bander - to tie) is defined as a remedy for sprains in the abdominal wall, to support internal organs and close the hernial orifice.

Bandages come in different designs, materials, and methods of fastening. Some use a variety of plates, springs, pelotes (metal plates covered with a soft pad).

general information

The bandage was invented relatively recently. Of course, various devices have been used before to support internal organs after surgical interventions. But previous versions, unfortunately, could not be used immediately after the operation. Their shape did not quite match the structure of the body.

The technical result of the invention was precisely the new design, which is still in use today. Currently, a variety of models, materials and colors allows you to choose the most suitable product.

The purpose of any bandage is to maintain organs in the desired position to prevent postoperative complications - hernias, scars and adhesions. Depending on the purpose, bandages are divided into types:

  1. Postoperative. It is used to reduce pain, heal wounds, and prevent complications.
  2. . Helps with prolapse or release of hernia.
  3. Prenatal. Reduces stress, protects the stomach from stretch marks.
  4. . Relieves pain, supports joints during pelvic bone separation or injury.
  5. Postpartum. Helps restore the mother's body.

To choose the optimal model, it is worth considering the anatomical structure of the human body, features of the operation, ease of use, material and purpose.


Postoperative bandages are applied to the abdominal area and are needed for successful rehabilitation (recovery). Although they are used with the same success after operations on the back, arm or leg.

A modern support bandage must have good performance properties:

  • Increased strength.
  • Stability of the supporting effect.
  • Air permeability for good moisture and heat exchange.
  • Surgical suture protection.
  • Improving the outflow of exudate from the wound in the presence of drainage.
  • Reducing pain.
  • Modeling on the body of any person.
  • Antiallergic effect.

The orthopedic belt protects the skin from stretch marks, protects the wound from infections and possible irritations, and helps restore motor activity. In addition, it helps you look decent and move confidently. But the postoperative bandage should not be confused with shapewear (grace, semi-grace, etc.). The belt cannot pull or compress the body.

Any postoperative bandage must meet certain requirements:

  • Treatment of the product with antibacterial agents.
  • The mesh fabric must contain reinforced inserts. This will prevent deformation and twisting when worn.
  • Presence of plastic anti-twist inserts. Allows you to keep its shape.
  • Anatomical shape. It should fit perfectly and be invisible under clothes.
  • Manufacturer's warranty (at least 6 months).

According to the method of application, there are two categories - for the early postoperative period and for the late one. Postoperative bandage can be universal (a wide range of purposes for use) and highly specialized (surgeries on the heart, intestines, stomach, kidney, etc.).


A support belt is indicated for almost all operated patients. The doctor analyzes the condition of the skin, scar, and gives recommendations on which bandage to choose after surgery. A properly selected product will be comfortable, relieve stress and help a quick recovery.

An abdominal belt is needed on the stomach after:

  • Surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity.
  • Caesarean section.
  • Liposuction in the abdomen or back.
  • Other plastic surgeries.

It is worn to prevent postoperative hernias, with a weakened anterior abdominal wall or stoma. It is also used as a postpartum bandage, restoring tone to stretched muscles and abdominal skin.

During operations on the liver, spleen, and stomach, a bandage is chosen that completely supports the abdominal wall.


Despite all the advantages, you need to understand that it is not always possible to wear a bandage after surgery. Only the doctor decides which rehabilitation method to choose. For example, if appendicitis is successfully removed, a bandage will be sufficient, since healing occurs quickly. A bandage is worn for several hours and can slow down the process.

For chronic diseases accompanied by swelling or operations with poor healing of sutures, the bandage is prohibited. Allergy to tissue components or disorders digestive system(ulcers, swelling) are also a contraindication.


A modern postoperative bandage is made as an elastic wide belt. It is wrapped around the waist. The tension force is adjustable. This makes it possible to perfectly fit the product to your figure. After surgery on the intestines, a belt with a special hole for the stoma is used.

Natural fabrics have a lower risk of allergies. The safest are cotton, lycra, elastane. The material should be light and breathable. Panel close to the body with cotton content. Latex is not welcome in the composition - it is allergenic.

A high-quality abdominal bandage should be tight, but not hard.

The packaging must contain a description and confirmation that the product has a medical purpose and is registered accordingly.


The main parameter is waist circumference. It is measured with a measuring tape. The body should be hugged tightly, but not pulled together.

Sizes from different manufacturers are approximately the same and range from S (45–55 cm) to XXL (128–140 cm). Sometimes bandages are divided into women's and men's.

The width must be chosen so that the belt has a margin of at least 1 cm and covers the surgical sutures. A belt that is too wide will be uncomfortable and the edges will curl up. That is why belts with a width of 21–30 cm are mainly produced.

If there are supporting inserts, you need to monitor their position. They should be in the right place and support the stomach, and not shift, squeezing it.

It will be great if the first fitting takes place in the presence of a doctor. He will determine the required fastening force and explain how to fasten the product correctly.


Hooks, buttons, lacing, ties, fasteners are allowed. But it is important to ensure that they do not rub the skin or touch the suture area. Sometimes putting on such belts requires outside help.

A belt with multi-stage fixation is considered quite convenient. It is convenient to adjust to any size. Ideal fixation with a wide, strong adhesive tape (Velcro or Velcro).

Obese patients should choose a bandage with two to three wide fasteners.

How to wear?

In any case, rehabilitation should take place under the supervision of the attending physician. And all recommendations must be followed.

Use up to two weeks. The risk of suture dehiscence becomes irrelevant, internal organs are stabilized. Perhaps, under some circumstances, the period will increase, but not more than three months - so that the muscle tissue does not atrophy.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Wearing a bandage all the time is not recommended. 6–8 hours a day is enough. After 2 hours there is a break.
  2. The belt is worn over cotton and seamless clothing.
  3. At first it is better to put it on while lying down. Internal organs must be in the correct physiological position. In a few days you will be able to put it on while standing.
  4. Before going to bed, the belt must be removed.
  5. It is not advisable to stop wearing the postoperative bandage immediately. It is better to do this by gradually increasing the intervals between wearing, because the body needs to get used to the stress.
  6. After recovery, you should wear it only during periods of physical activity. For example, doing homework or going for a walk.

After successful recovery, the bandage can be replaced with special shapewear.


The elastic waistband certainly requires careful care. It should not lose its properties, change shape or size.

Proper care:

  1. Rubberized models are washed in warm soapy water at a temperature of 30°C.
  2. Cotton is washed only by hand using hypoallergenic products.
  3. The product must be fastened before washing. This keeps the shape.
  4. Do not use bleach or overly scented laundry detergents. This causes discomfort or skin irritation.
  5. It is recommended to rinse and wring out the belt only by hand.
  6. It is dried flat on a soft towel or drying rack away from radiators.

Any surgical intervention is stressful for the body. Postoperative bandage is an excellent means of rehabilitation. You just need to choose the right size, fastening, and fabric.

A properly selected high-quality bandage will prevent the appearance of hernias, significantly reduce the risk of relapse of the disease, and help quickly restore health.

An organ located under the liver that performs the task of accumulating bile at times when the body does not need it. If there are tumors in the organ, acute inflammatory processes, or the patient suffers from cholelithiasis, removal of the organ is recommended. In the period following the operation, a bandage is required after removal of the gallbladder.

In surgical practice, there are two ways to remove the gallbladder: laparoscopic and using a laparotomy incision. The choice of technique is determined by the patient’s general well-being and the severity of changes in the organ. Cholecystectomy can be performed for health reasons (as an emergency), as well as according to a pre-planned plan, during the period of subsidence of acute inflammation.

Laparotomy incision

Convenient for the doctor, it allows you to quickly get to the gallbladder, opening up a maximum view of the organ being operated on. But after such an intervention, a large scar remains in the patient’s abdomen. In this case, the use of a bandage is necessary for the scar to heal completely and reliably.

Laparoscopic surgery

Removal of the gallbladder using laparoscopic surgery is performed through punctures in the abdomen. A tube conducting carbon dioxide is inserted into the holes. It is necessary to inflate the abdominal cavity, which makes the bladder more accessible for surgical intervention. The necessary surgical instruments are inserted through the tube, as well as a video camera to view the actions.

This operation leaves no scars. Wearing a bandage after cholecystectomy is necessary so that each abdominal muscle can restore its tone. The use of a bandage eliminates the discomfort of artificial distention of the abdominal cavity.

What is the purpose of a postoperative bandage?

A medical bandage is a product made of dense material, equipped with a Velcro fastener. The main purpose of the bandage is to fix the ribs and spine.

Wearing the product minimizes the stress on operated or damaged parts of the body. Most often, the use of an elastic bandage is necessary for people who have undergone abdominal surgery.

The bandage is put on in a horizontal position and fixed while inhaling incompletely.

How to choose a bandage

When choosing a postoperative bandage, you should consider the following criteria:

  • Size. When choosing a product, you need to measure your waist circumference with a centimeter tape. This indicator is decisive in the selection of a bandage. The height of the bandage should be sufficient to completely hide the postoperative sutures.
  • Material. It is best to choose models made of rubberized latex, cotton containing lycra or elastane - high-quality hypoallergenic fabrics. The bandage should provide good ventilation, leaving the seams and the skin around them dry.
  • Model. It is better to give preference to models with multi-stage adjustment. This type of bandages allows you to easily adjust the product to the patient’s figure.

The first fitting of the bandage is best done under the guidance of the attending physician, who will indicate the required degree of tightening.

You can purchase the product at an orthopedic salon or at a pharmacy.

How to use a bandage correctly

In order for wearing a bandage to give a positive result, it is recommended to adhere to some rules:

  1. The bandage is put on on the first day after the patient has managed to get to his feet. The very first day after surgery is a very critical moment, it is at this time that it is possible. The use of a support bandage alleviates the patient's condition.
  2. The bandage must be worn correctly and fit properly.
  3. To avoid negative effects on blood circulation in the body, it is recommended to remove the bandage at night and during daytime rest.
  4. The product does not need to be tightened tightly so as not to block the flow of oxygen to the problem area.
  5. If wearing a bandage causes pain or discomfort, it may be chosen or put on incorrectly. The bandage should be loosened or re-fixed, and if necessary, replaced with a new one.

How long to wear a bandage after a laparotomy incision?

After abdominal surgery, you need to wear an elastic bandage for a long time. If after the intervention the belt is not used as intended, there is a high probability that the patient will develop a hernia.

The recovery period after surgery performed using a laparotomy incision directly depends on the age group of the patient and his general health. The time for wearing the bandage is prescribed by the doctor.

Young people who do not have any special health problems usually wear a bandage after gallbladder removal for no more than 2 months. Elderly patients, as well as patients with excess weight, it is recommended to wear the belt for up to six months.

How long to wear a bandage after laparoscopy

The elastic bandage does not need to be worn for long after laparoscopic surgery. Abdominal punctures heal much faster than incisions. In this situation, the bandage is designed to reduce postoperative discomfort and restore muscle tone. Wearing a support bandage is a good prevention of inflammatory processes. The fabric creates a barrier for the penetration of microbes into the wound - for this it is enough to use the bandage for one month.

Important! After laparoscopy of the gallbladder, the use of a fixing bandage is one of the prerequisites. The minimum wearing period is one week.

After the procedure, removal of the gallbladder is impossible without wearing a bandage. The correct choice and compliance with the recommendations for use of the product will make the healing process faster and less painful.