How to restore abdominal muscles after abdominal surgery? How to remove belly fat after surgery: useful tips

Don’t ask any woman who has undergone abdominal surgery associated with childbirth, everyone wants everything to be okay with her child, as well as to recover faster and enjoy life. Looking at her body, mommy notices that an unpleasant-looking fold has formed in the front. Experts say that if measures are taken in time, the belly after a caesarean section can be quickly removed, and there is no need to resort to drastic measures.

Why does a saggy fold appear?

80% of women who give birth artificially face the phenomenon of a sagging belly. To solve this problem, you need to understand its causes, the nature of which varies greatly.

Firstly, this may be due to a shift in the center of gravity. This is something everyone inevitably faces when carrying a child. In fact, it’s not so easy to get out of the habit of your old gait and posture. Remember how you walked while pregnant: hunched shoulders, a half-hunched back, relaxed abs and leaning back while walking. If nothing has changed in you, then it is not surprising that your stomach will stick out a little forward.

Secondly, within 9 months a woman gains weight, which is the norm, because all this is necessary for the normal formation and nutrition of a new body. It often happens that the kilos gained are too many and after abdominal surgery the waist spreads out, and fat deposits are concentrated not only on the sides, but also on the abdomen.

Thirdly, it is not surprising that the skin and muscles of the abdominal cavity are stretched, because the volume of the abdomen increases several times. Of course, from loss of tone, a sagging fold appears, and it is not always formed from fat, often it is just stretched skin. People call it an “apron”.

If you have started studying the question “How to remove belly fat after a caesarean section,” you should know that the tactics of influence are interconnected with the reasons for the formation of a cosmetic defect. If you think that it is impossible to get rid of it on your own, then you are very mistaken.

Features of proper nutrition

If you are dealing with fat deposits on your sides and stomach, then by organizing proper nutrition for yourself, you can get rid of them in a few months. It is worth noting that we are not talking about losing weight through diets; as you know, during breastfeeding this, to put it mildly, is not recommended. The goal is to eat only healthy foods, completely eliminating harmful ones. Thematic information is now quite easy to find, and all of it is freely available. Below are some simple rules. They should be followed by those who do not know how to lose weight after a caesarean section and get rid of their belly fat.

  1. After the operation, solid food is contraindicated for the first three days; all nutrients necessary for the female body are “delivered” to the body using a dropper. The only thing you can do is unsweetened mineral water without carbon.
  2. Not everyone knows that consuming foods rich in iron helps restore muscle tone. We are talking about meat, legumes, and green leafy vegetables. Be extremely careful when eating legumes, as they are known to stimulate flatulence, and bloating can occur not only in the mother, but also in the baby.
  3. Calcium promotes rapid healing of sutures, and its presence in the body in sufficient quantities helps normalize metabolism. Due to this, fats will be actively removed from areas of their large accumulation. To ensure this effect, eat more cheeses and yoghurts.
  4. Supplements in the form of vitamins, developed taking into account the characteristics of a woman’s body after childbirth, will also not be superfluous. Their regular use helps maintain natural biochemical processes in the body. This provides assistance in restoring the attractiveness of the figure.
  5. As for meals, they should not be very frequent, but about 7 times a day. Try to drink more fluids, but you should not indulge in drinks containing caffeine, fast food, fatty, fried, or salty foods.

As soon as the operation is over, and the doctor has allowed you to return to your normal lifestyle, you can begin to think about how to remove the belly after the operation and restore your previous physical shape. If the doctor has allowed you to perform some exercises, you can begin independent exercises at home, but it is important to remember that the muscles have not yet returned to their previous state, so you should not try too hard.

Not knowing how to lose weight after surgery, first of all you need to pay special attention to your diet. In order to solve the problem of a sagging belly as quickly as possible, you need to try to completely get rid of junk food or reduce its consumption to a minimum. You need to focus not only on healthy and nutritious foods, for example, fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats, yoghurts and other dairy products. You need to drink as much plain water as possible, as it helps the body recover and quickly removes all accumulated toxins.

Many people are interested in learning how to gain weight after surgery, but in this case it is best to consult a doctor. So, in order to return to your previous physical shape after surgery, you need to think through a set of exercises. The main thing is to perform them as often as possible - no less than three times a week, and the duration of each session should not exceed half an hour, since the body is still very weak and too much stress can only harm it. Particular attention should be paid to cardio exercises, as well as burning fat deposits. For example, go cycling, walking uphill, running or jumping rope. Thanks to such exercises, the total body fat mass is reduced.

Many people find it difficult to go through the postoperative period, so in order to avoid the question of how to live after surgery, it is worth getting serious about restoring your previous physical shape so that there is no time to worry. In the first few months after surgery, while vigorous physical activity is still prohibited, you can wear a bandage that will reliably support sagging abdominal muscles. And in order to find out how to wear a bandage after surgery, you should consult your doctor.

In order for the recovery process to bring not only benefits, but also pleasure, it is recommended to do a massage, which helps to quickly and easily restore weakened abdominal muscles. Various water procedures are of great benefit, so you can sign up for the pool, but only if your doctor allows it.

Abdominal surgery is often vital. The fears of patients are no longer associated with the danger of surgical intervention, but with the fact of the appearance of an unsightly scar on the abdomen. Restoring shape after surgery is possible only using a number of measures.

What happens to the abdomen after abdominal surgery?

Abdominal surgery is a surgical intervention to treat pathologies of the genitourinary system and digestive tract. An incision is made in the abdominal wall of the cavity and the muscle tissue hiding the internal organs. Depending on the purpose of the treatment, the incision can be vertical or horizontal.

After stitches are placed, the abdomen may sag, bulge, or stick out. Such changes are due to the fact that the inner wall of the peritoneum is quite thick and it has to be sutured in layers.

Ways to restore the previous form

Restoring physical fitness after abdominal surgery is a long and labor-intensive process. Most patients are unable to get rid of a sagging belly with exercise alone.

The approach to solving the problem must be comprehensive. A woman needs to make adjustments to her diet, do massage and cosmetic procedures, and wear a bandage. In particularly difficult cases, plastic surgeons will help you return to your previous shape.

Proper nutrition

Nutrition is an important element of figure correction. After abdominal surgery, a woman needs to completely review her diet, following the recommendations of doctors.

On the first day after surgery, the patient is prohibited from eating; she can only drink clean, still water. Porridge and vegetable soups are gradually introduced. Starting from the 5th day after surgery, a woman’s diet should be complete and balanced.

The basic principles of a proper diet include eating:

  1. Lots of fiber. Products high in fiber help normalize the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal motility. Eating fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and cereals will save a woman from the likelihood of problems with bowel movements.
  2. Complex carbohydrates. They saturate the body and provide it with the necessary energy for the whole day. Cereals, legumes and whole grain bread are preferable for breakfast.
  3. Squirrel. A weakened body more than ever needs an element that participates in all metabolic processes.
  4. Vitamins. If you are unable to diversify your diet, you can use pharmacy vitamin complexes. Their use should be agreed with the attending physician.

During the rehabilitation period after abdominal surgery, it is important to monitor compliance with the drinking regime. You need to drink at least two liters of water per day. However, the amount of fluid required depends on the weight and age of the patient, as well as the presence of concomitant chronic diseases.

Physical exercise

Lack of physical activity after abdominal surgery will inevitably lead to the formation of unsightly folds on the abdomen and excess weight. Light exercise is a mandatory stage of successful recovery after surgery, a method of preventing bedsores, muscle atrophy and the formation of adhesions on the internal organs of the small pelvis.

In the absence of contraindications, simple physical exercises should be started the very next day after the operation. The gymnastics complex, the number of approaches and the duration of classes should be discussed with your doctor.

In the first 2-3 days after a cesarean section or hysterectomy, the patient can do flexion-extension, leg extension, and body turns. All movements are performed while lying on the bed.

A week after surgery, the intensity of physical activity can be slightly increased. It is allowed to draw in the stomach as much as possible, tilt the legs bent at the knees to the sides, raise the upper part of the body, staying in this position for several seconds.

You can begin full physical activity 3-4 months after surgery. Sometimes, on the recommendation of a doctor, sports should be postponed for up to six months. After this period, a woman can bend over, squat, do press exercises, do planks and other complex exercises.

Cosmetical tools

In addition to proper nutrition and exercise, cosmetic procedures can help remove belly fat after abdominal gynecological surgery. The use of such products is allowed only after complete healing of the external scar, in the absence of crusts and ichor discharge.

Effective ways to combat subcutaneous fat and sagging skin:

  • massage of problem areas - massage manipulations help normalize blood circulation, strengthen muscles, restore their elasticity, and get rid of fat deposits;
  • wraps and creams – the warming effect that creams and mixtures for procedures have, stimulate blood flow to the problem area and promote the breakdown of subcutaneous fat;
  • contrast shower - daily use of the procedure helps strengthen the skin, make it more elastic and effectively fights excess weight;
  • peeling - removing dead skin particles with purchased or homemade scrubs allows you to restore elasticity and firmness to the skin.

The effectiveness of procedures directly depends on the regularity of their use. The first results can be seen after 1.5-2 months of use. The effectiveness of cosmetics increases if they are used in combination with exercise and proper nutrition.


Using compression devices after abdominal surgery will help support the abdomen and reduce pain in the area of ​​the suture, preventing it from coming apart. You can start wearing a bandage a week after surgery, when the seam has tightened a little and become stronger.

The duration of use of the bandage is about two months. Do not tighten the belts of the device too much to avoid squeezing the internal organs, which will lead to disruptions in their functioning. You need to remove the bandage at night and every 3-4 hours during the day.

Plastic surgery

Abdominoplasty is a radical method of combating excess weight and figure imperfections. Most often, plastic surgeons are contacted when, after abdominal surgery, the stomach sticks out, and other methods of dealing with the problem do not bring the expected results.

There are several options for performing the operation:

  • endoscopic – is carried out to remove a small layer of fat if the patient’s skin has not lost its firmness and elasticity and does not require tightening;
  • standard - during surgical intervention, subcutaneous fatty tissue is excised and muscle tissue is corrected;
  • mini surgery is a minor surgical procedure during which fat deposits are removed from the lower abdomen.

You can resort to plastic surgery no earlier than six months after abdominal surgery.

Recovery time

How long it will take the body to recover after abdominal surgery depends on the extent of the surgical intervention, the patient’s age, physique, emotional state and the presence of concomitant diseases. On average, the suture heals within one and a half months.

Abdominal surgery is a complex process, after which patients face problems with the appearance of scars and a sagging abdomen. Following the recommendations of your doctor, proper nutrition, physical activity and cosmetics will help restore your previous shape without harm to your health.

Girls! There is no need to panic and try all sorts of bullshit!!! I myself, after abdominal surgery (removed a cyst on the right ovary and appendicitis), had a horizontal suture of 15 cm! Here's my recovery plan:
1st month (active recovery) you can’t lift more than 2 kg and don’t strain yourself either! But you need to move! Walk a lot to avoid adhesions and be sure to take a referral from your doctor for physical therapy, also for adhesions!!! I think everyone knows what adhesions are after abdominal surgery and what they lead to...
2nd month I will include cardio training in the morning on an empty stomach for 40 minutes (exercise bike, elliptical, swimming pool) + exercise “abdominal vacuum” in the morning on an empty stomach immediately after cardio! What kind of exercise this is, you can read on the Internet, there is a lot of information there! This exercise is a must for the girls who wrote above, their belly sticks out because the inner walls of their abdomen are weak! They don't hold organs! And to strengthen them, make a vacuum!
In the 3rd month I will start training with my own weight (without the use of barbells and dumbbells). For example, lunges without weight, squats. You can put a little weight on your back, chest and arms!
From the 4th month I will begin to gradually increase the weights in the exercises and gradually strengthen the core muscles (abs, back extensors) since I plan to plan a pregnancy in half a year! And a strong lower back and abs are so necessary in this matter!!! And besides, it contributes to a speedy recovery after childbirth! The belly will go away faster, there will be no stretch marks, etc.
But the most important thing, girls, that I advise you to pay attention to is your nutrition!!! 80% of the result depends on proper balanced nutrition!!! “Abs are made in the kitchen!”
Here are the basic rules:
1) Drink plenty of water! Not tea, not coffee, but water!!! 1.5-2 liters minimum per day! Thanks to water, all waste and toxins are removed from the body, cellulite goes away, etc. What can I say, we are 80% water!
2) Eat often in small portions (250 g) 5-6 times a day! And so that the break between meals does not exceed 3 hours! Such nutrition is necessary so that there are no sharp spikes in insulin in the blood, which provokes the deposition of fat reserves! It is necessary that insulin enters the blood evenly! Then fat will not be deposited in your problem areas!
3) We eat slow carbohydrates (unpolished rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, whole grain pasta, bread, etc.) before 16.00! After 16.00 the metabolism slows down and these carbohydrates will be stored in fats! That's why after 16.00 we eat vegetables! Give preference to green! We eat fast carbohydrates (fruits and everything sweet) before 12 days! When is your metabolism fastest? You can't eat fruit in the evening! That’s why they are called fast carbohydrates, because they are immediately stored in fats! The exception is in the evening with green apple (greni, semerinka) and grapefruit!
4) You need to eat fats! But give preference to plant-based ones! 70% plant and 30% animal! Fats are responsible for healthy elastic skin and hair and also for the menstrual cycle! So be sure to drink omega 3 fats, add a little olive, pumpkin or sesame oil to salads, eat 20 grams of avocado a day, and 5 grams of butter in your porridge in the morning!
5) We eat protein in every meal! Necessarily! Protein is the builder of all tissues in the human body!
6) And of course, we exclude sugar from the diet (replace with stevia), flour (you can bake with whole grain flour yourself without yeast and starch), fried in oil (it is better to bake, stew and boil), drinks, canned food, sausages, etc. .
7) Also, be sure to take your vitamins!!!
This is what your daily diet should look like:
Oatmeal + 1 tbsp honey + 20 g nuts + 1 whole egg + glass of milk
Cottage cheese + classic yogurt 1 tbsp + 1 fruit
Buckwheat + chicken breast + salad
Scrambled eggs with tomatoes
Steamed or baked fish with broccoli!
In a day you should eat approximately:
Protein 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of weight
Fat 1 g per 1 kg of weight
Carbohydrates 2-4 g per 1 kg of weight.
Products are considered raw or dry!
That's all! There is no need to be clever! I have described everything for you in detail. You can trust me, as I am a certified bodybuilding and fitness trainer!

Laparoscopy is considered the least invasive surgical procedure. With this method, the doctor can examine and study the abdominal cavity as well as the patient's abdomen. To perform a diagnosis or operation during laparoscopy, a special instrument (laparoscope) is used, which is a rough iron tube with a camera that connects to a computer screen. In this way, the entire abdominal cavity can be examined from the inside.

Problems during the rehabilitation phase

At the end of laparoscopy, patients may feel some discomfort, which often disappears after a couple of days. Someone complains that he has flatulence, a swollen and swollen stomach after laparoscopy. Some patients experience nausea and vomiting. The latter reaction can be explained by the effect of anesthesia. All these symptoms will disappear on their own (after a certain time).

It happens that patients experience pain at the incision site. In addition, you may experience a sore throat.

But pain and a “bloated belly” are quite normal and common manifestations after surgery. In addition to the fact that the abdomen may become bloated, there is often discomfort in the shoulder area. Why do all these sensations appear? After surgery, carbon dioxide remains in the body. In many cases, the symptom goes away after a couple of days, but sometimes it can torment the patient for a whole week. With the help of conventional painkillers you can get rid of these sensations.

Also, many who have undergone this operation are interested in when it is possible to sleep on their stomach. Each patient is different. Someone can lie on their stomach on the second night after surgery and sleep peacefully in this position. If the patient still has severe pain from the stitches, then it is better to sleep in a supine position for now.

The rehabilitation period after laparoscopy depends on the method of treatment. After diagnostic laparoscopic intervention, you can return to your normal lifestyle on the fifth day. The wounds will heal completely within a week. On the first day after surgery, there may be slight bleeding from the vagina (if the operation is related to gynecology). This can be explained by the fact that a manipulator was inserted into the uterus (at the beginning of the surgical intervention), which was removed at the end.

How should gas accumulations be removed from the body?

The problem regarding the removal of gases from the body occurs in almost all patients. During the recovery period after surgery, everyone must adhere to a diet. The food consumed should be easily digestible, and the food should also be gentle on the abdominal cavity. Thanks to this, additional gas formation can be avoided, because gases already remain in the body after laparoscopy. Their volume depends on how much gas was administered during the operation. And although at the end of the procedure doctors try to release gas from the abdominal cavity, its complete removal is still impossible. Generally speaking, it takes approximately two weeks to completely remove all accumulated gases from the body of the operated patient. When this happens, the patient will no longer feel discomfort.

To speed up the process of removing gases, follow these rules:

  1. spend your free time actively (but do not overwork your weakened body after surgery);
  2. eat foods that speed up metabolic processes;

Depending on the type of operation, doctors inject different amounts of gas, which spreads throughout the body and can cause pain in different parts of the body. It often hurts in the chest area, collarbone and, naturally, the abdominal cavity. It is because of these symptoms that gas formation needs to be removed.

First, the doctor may prescribe painkillers that can alleviate the patient’s condition. Thanks to medications, a person can calmly wait until the gases come out on their own.

If a patient has a complex case of emphysema, then to get rid of accumulated gases, it is sometimes necessary to perform a second operation or use special drainage and water-jet suction. However, fortunately, this happens very rarely. In other cases, fairly simple methods are used to remove gases. However, any action must be coordinated with your doctor.

Among the medications that a doctor can prescribe, the most common are the following pharmacological drugs: Simethicone, Espumisan or regular activated carbon. The choice of product depends on the strength with which gas-forming processes occur. If gas formation is insignificant, then simple activated carbon will cope with the problem. The most effective of the listed medications is Espumisan. As an alternative, you can use Polysorb.

What exercise can you do to get rid of uncomfortable gas?

If after laparoscopy gases come out very slowly, then light exercise will effectively solve this problem. They will improve intestinal motility. The restriction on physical activity after surgery applies to the first three to four days. And then light sports are not only not prohibited, but even recommended if you suffer from bloating after laparoscopy.

The most effective exercises that remove gases from the abdominal cavity:

  1. slight tilt of the body forward and in different directions;
  2. stand on one leg and bend forward (five on each leg);
  3. do the bicycle exercise (at least 15 spins);
  4. lie on your side and bend your legs under you (five to ten times);
  5. alternately draw in and relax your stomach while lying on your back;
  6. lie on your back, bend your knees and begin to relax and draw in your stomach;
  7. stroke your stomach in the direction in which the clock hand moves, gradually increasing the pressure;
  8. Squeeze your gluteal and anal muscles (about 50 times a day).

Such a simple and harmless selection of exercises will relieve you of pain and discomfort. Accumulations of gases will be completely removed in two to four days. Also, thanks to this complex, stools after laparoscopy are normalized, and the patient will finally feel better. By adhering to a special diet and doing these exercises, you will know for yourself and will tell everyone how to remove a bloated belly after surgery in a short time, only if you yourself do not specifically inflate it!